Rule for that the hazardous chemicals bill and break for a briefing on the iran missile strike from Top Administration officials. Live coverage of the house here on cspan. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Lord our god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. At the beginning of this new session, surround us with your holy spirit. Lord, these are anxious days for your children on earth. The risks of misunderstanding and failed messaging are great. Help all of us to seek your presence in our midst that peace and goodwill may prevail. We know, o lord, this is a lot to ask. Have mercy on us. May the comings and goings of your people be under the seal of your loving care and may all our work be done for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Purr s
Minister to reagan administrator reagan and collies, welcome to this hearing. I want to welcome the epa chief Financial Officer who is going to be a minister who is joining the administrator. Climate chaos is here. We are seeing the impact everywhere. The longer fire seasons, the more intensity the fires. The increased snowpacks and the impacts they have on the rivers and irrigation waters, the more Severe Weather events of the atmospheric rivers we have heard about on the west coast this year to warmer algae infested lakes across the country to dropped droughts and record shattering heat waves. Every part of the world is experiencing bees impacts and the damages the damage is staggering and is going to increase exponentially unless we act decisively. I believed to meet this moment, we have to accelerate our transition from fossil fuel energy to Renewable Energy and we have to tackle that crisis from the supplyside of fossil fuels as well as the demandside. This is why i adamantly oppo
Minister to reagan administrator reagan and collies, welcome to this hearing. I want to welcome the epa chief Financial Officer who is going to be a minister who is joining the administrator. Climate chaos is here. We are seeing the impact everywhere. The longer fire seasons, the more intensity the fires. The increased snowpacks and the impacts they have on the rivers and irrigation waters, the more Severe Weather events of the atmospheric rivers we have heard about on the west coast this year to warmer algae infested lakes across the country to dropped droughts and record shattering heat waves. Every part of the world is experiencing bees impacts and the damages the damage is staggering and is going to increase exponentially unless we act decisively. I believed to meet this moment, we have to accelerate our transition from fossil fuel energy to Renewable Energy and we have to tackle that crisis from the supplyside of fossil fuels as well as the demandside. This is why i adamantly oppo
Minister to reagan administrator reagan and collies, welcome to this hearing. I want to welcome the epa chief Financial Officer who is going to be a minister who is joining the administrator. Climate chaos is here. We are seeing the impact everywhere. The longer fire seasons, the more intensity the fires. The increased snowpacks and the impacts they have on the rivers and irrigation waters, the more Severe Weather events of the atmospheric rivers we have heard about on the west coast this year to warmer algae infested lakes across the country to dropped droughts and record shattering heat waves. Every part of the world is experiencing bees impacts and the damages the damage is staggering and is going to increase exponentially unless we act decisively. I believed to meet this moment, we have to accelerate our transition from fossil fuel energy to Renewable Energy and we have to tackle that crisis from the supplyside of fossil fuels as well as the demandside. This is why i adamantly oppo
Minister to reagan administrator reagan and collies, welcome to this hearing. I want to welcome the epa chief Financial Officer who is going to be a minister who is joining the administrator. Climate chaos is here. We are seeing the impact everywhere. The longer fire seasons, the more intensity the fires. The increased snowpacks and the impacts they have on the rivers and irrigation waters, the more Severe Weather events of the atmospheric rivers we have heard about on the west coast this year to warmer algae infested lakes across the country to dropped droughts and record shattering heat waves. Every part of the world is experiencing bees impacts and the damages the damage is staggering and is going to increase exponentially unless we act decisively. I believed to meet this moment, we have to accelerate our transition from fossil fuel energy to Renewable Energy and we have to tackle that crisis from the supplyside of fossil fuels as well as the demandside. This is why i adamantly oppo