Gypsy moth spraying to cost over $1 million
May 19, 2021
The Gypsy moth larva will be sprayed, but it won’t be until at least next week. Six Nations Wildlife Management officer Bethany Wakefield confirmed the Gypsy moth infestation is on track to be significant this year. In response Six Nations Elected Council’s General Finance Committee approved a motion authorizing Zimmer Air Services Inc. to work with Six Nations staff to deliver Gypsy moth control by air at a cost of $1,251,855,000 from the Ontario First Nations Limited Partnership (OFNLP) fund. Councillor Kerry Bomberry said he didn’t know when the spray would take place because conditions must not be windy or wet to release the pesticides. He also doesn’t know their route, schedule or if the entire reserve will be covered or only portions. Elected chief Mark Hill said SNEC communications…