LINCOLN, Neb. – It is finished, but far from over.
Cattle and dairy industry reps assembled by Sen. Steve Halloran, chairman of Nebraska’s Agriculture committee, have spent more than 12 hours over four meetings discussing Nebraska’s Brand Act as part of Halloran’s interim study, LR 378, and suggesting changes to make Nebraska’s brand law more user friendly and modern. A report, to be compiled by ag committee research analyst Rick Leonard, is expected before Christmas, however, what the spring legislative session will look like as the pandemic stretches into 2021 is still an unknown variable.
The fourth and final meeting, which was hosted via remote video conference on Monday, Dec. 7, continued discussions from past LR 378 meetings, beginning with a large chunk of time devoted to the contention around a Nebraska Beef Producers Committee proposal that would exempt cattle from inspection when being moved from grow yards or background facilities into a registered feedlot (RFL