In a groundbreaking initiative, the Gumla administration is addressing the public health challenge of epilepsy by providing medical treatment to underprivileged patients through the project 'Aashaa: Fighting Epilepsy & Superstitions'. Health experts emphasize the importance of medical examination and regular medication for epilepsy patients. Free treatment camps will be organized in remote areas with AIIMS Delhi doctors diagnosing and treating patients.
Vadodara district has been identified as one of the five districts in the country for developing a high-quality patient-centric integrated model for emergency care systems. Read more about the project and its implementation in Vadodara.
Belagavi: Mahantesh Kavatagimath, former member of the legislative council said that four massive free health checkup camps will be organised at four .
Gumla: The district administration has rolled out a comprehensive health project, titled ‘Project Aashaa’, for patients who are fighting epilepsy and .