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Transcripts For KNTV Today 20121115

and good morning. welcome to "today" on a thursday morning, i'm savannah gurthrie. >> and i'm matt lauer. we'll talk about major breaking news in a minute. but the review you talked about about guy fieri's restaurant, i have never read a review like this. and a lot of people are wondering, is this fair? the kind of review that should be written? or did this go across some kind of a line? >> yeah, use whatever word you want to use, roasted, fileted, skewered. when the review starts out guy fieri, have you eaten at your new restaurant in time square? we look forward to a response. >> looking forward to what he has to say. also a developing story in israel overnight. three people killed in a rocket attack after the israelis took out the top military commander of hamas in this strike on wednesday. we'll have a live report from tel aviv coming up straight ahead. and one of the most popular energy drinks on the market. these five-hour energy capsules have been cited as a possible factor in 13 deaths. weeks after similar reports tied to monster drinks. we'll have more on that story. and then we'll take a turn, and i know, matt, it's only rock 'n' roll, but you like it. i'm an unabashed lover of the rolling stones and they're celebrating their 50th anniversary. what do they remember as their early days as rock's original bad boys. what would they change if they could do it all again? we'll have an interview coming up. >> you're excited, you're even tweeting about it. we begin with the ever widening scandal that led to the resignation of david petraeus. andrea mitchell is here with the latest. good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. in his first comments on the scandal, president obama says he's withholding judgment for now on the fbi inquiry that exposed david petraeus' personal life and forced him to resign. >> thanks to president obama for the confidence -- >> reporter: david petraeus no longer heads the cia, but he's volunteered to testify this week to congressional benghazi hearings as new details emerge about the e-mails that helped end petraeus' career. >> he's provided this country an extraordinary service. >> reporter: speaking for the first time about the scandal wednesday, president obama praised petraeus for extraordinary service saying he's seen no signs of a national security breach over the course of the investigation. >> i have no evidence at this point from what i've seen that classified information was disclosed that in any way would've had negative impact on our national security. >> reporter: republican senators brushed off that scandal calling the attack on benghazi far more important. >> there's the weird and the strange and the human failings in one camp. and there is a legitimate question about national security being breached in the other camp. >> reporter: meanwhile, paula broadwell remained at her brother's home in washington on wednesday still not talking. but officials a i the investigation was triggered in may when general john allen received an e-mail from an account called kelley patrol. it warned the general to stay away from kelley. general allen forwarded it to her. on the account she shares with her husband scott thinking kelley had sent it as a joke. sources closest to kelley told the general she hadn't sent it but was concerned she was being stalked because the e-mail referred to a meeting that she and general allen scheduled in washington the next week. in june, people close to kelley say she and her husband received as many as four similar e-mails from different accounts telling jill she's up to no good and asking her husband, do you know what your wife is up to when she has dinner with general petraeus? she turned all the e-mails including general allen's over to a veteran fbi agent she knew. eventually investigators say all the anonymous e-mails were tracked back to paula broadwell. meanwhile, the people close to the kelleys say jill kelley never had an affair with general allen. but they say the e-mails had enough inappropriate language to warrant a defense department investigation. >> his nomination has been put on hold as a prudent measure until we determine what the facts are. >> reporter: also on wednesday, the marine corps's chief defense counsel issued a statement saying general allen plans to fully cooperate and allen wants to resolve questions about the e-mails as completely and quickly as possible. >> and on wednesday, federal officials say the fbi continues looking through those documents they took monday night from broadwell's home in north carolina, but so far have found no evidence of anything highly classified. still, the pentagon suspended broadwell's security clearances. the air force base in tampa revoked jill kelley's pass to the base. >> thank you so much. i know you're going to have a lot more on "rock center" tonight with brian williams. matt? >> and that scandal, just one part of the president's news conference on wednesday. he also had a lot to say about governor romney, his rival in the presidential race, and two top republican senators. one of them john mccain. and we'll talk to senator mccain in just a moment. but first, chuck todd is at the white house this morning. chuck, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. president obama thought he was going to be using his first post election press conference to make his case on the fiscal cliff and also to show a new reaching out to republicans. instead, he found himself on the receiving end of criticism from not one, but two former presidential rivals. >> good afternoon, everybody. >> reporter: at his first post election press conference, president obama reiterated his pledge to sit down with mitt romney, even offering him praise. >> there are certain aspects of governor romney's record and his ideas that i think could be very helpful. >> reporter: but while the president was paying him compliments, mitt romney was telling donors on a conference call a different story. romney said he was sorry we didn't win and he blamed his defeat on gifts the president had given to his most loyal voters, including african-americans, young voters, and hispanics. mr. romney said the president followed the old play book and with regards to the young people, for instance, a forgiveness of college loan interest was a big gift, adding free contraceptives were very big with young college-aged women. as for the hispanic voters, romney said free health care was a big plus. another former opponent of the president, john mccain along with lindsey graham made it clear they would not support susan rice to become the new secretary of state. >> we will do whatever is necessary to block the nomination. >> their chief gripe, they believe she disqualified herself several days after the benghazi attack with her explanation of what happened. >> our current assessment is what happened in benghazi was, in fact, initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in cairo, almost a copycat of the demonstrations of our facility in cairo. >> i don't trust her. and the reason i don't trust her is because i think she knew better and if she didn't know better, she shouldn't be the voice of america. >> a visibly angry president obama fired back at both senators and defending his ambassador. >> if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. but for them to p go after the u.n. ambassador who had nothing to do with benghazi and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence she had received and it's outrageous. >> but mccain decided not to let the president have the last word and raced to the senate floor to respond. >> if the president thinks we are picking on people, he really does not have any idea of how serious this issue is. we're not picking on anybody. >> reporter: the president did make some news on the fiscal cliff, matt, while he made an emphatic case for raising taxes on the most wealthy. he said he wasn't drawing a red line on the idea they knew tax rates had to go back to 39%. so he did leave some wiggle room there. >> all right, chuck. thank you very much. republican senator john mccain joins us now. senator, nice to see you, good morning. >> thank you, matt. >> i'll talk about ambassador rice in a moment, let me ask you about general petraeus and his testimony before the house intelligence committee tomorrow. what is the most important question you want the general to answer? >> why we were not prepared for this attack where there was ample evidence that because of previous attacks and overwhelming intelligence information that attacks were very likely on our consulate. there'd been two previously in april and june. on august 15th, they sent back a message that in the case of a concerted attack, they could not defend the consulate. it was an overwhelming amount of evidence that there was great danger. and there was no measures taken to comply with the possibility of an attack. >> we know now it was a terror attack, but the question that still has to be answered is when did we know that? who knew it? and did they respond appropriately? do you feel that in these hearings you will get any concrete evidence that would point to a cover-up? a deliberate cover-up on the part of the administration when it comes to that? >> we need to find out, but already we know that the president of the united states and his second debate with mitt romney claimed that he had called it a terrorist attack in the rose garden. we know now he did not, unfortunately after the election and on 60 minutes that same day he said, quote, it's too early to know exactly how this came about what group was involved. he even talked to the united nations on september 25th saying the crude and disgusting video sparked outrage to the muslim world. we all knew by september 25th, i'd say with respect to the president. by the way, i'm not taking anybody on. the american people have lost four brave americans. we owe it to their families, we owe it to other americans who served. >> well, you are taking someone on, senator. you've come out and said i will do everything in my power to block ambassador rice from being united states secretary of state. she's proven either she doesn't understand or she's not willing to accept evidence on its face. all i'm asking is why make a bold comment like that before these hearings on benghazi had been carried out? might you not learn something over the next day or so that might open your eyes and change your opinion? >> i learned something the day that it happened. i know that people don't come to spontaneous demonstrations with rockets and mortars and rocket-propelled grenades, mortars, and heavy weapons. i knew that at the time. in fact, i was on "face the nation" and said that at the time. and for the president of the united states for two weeks afterwards to deny that was the case is either a cover-up or it is incompetence. either one of the two. >> let me ask your comments on comparisons that liberal advocates were makes. they said in 2005 when you supported the nomination of condoleezza rice for secretary of state, she had made that comment that when it came to iraq's weapons of mass destruction, the smoking gun might be a mushroom cloud. as we now know that iraq did not have stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. but she was commenting based on the information she had at the time. you said opponents of condoleezza rice were expressing sour grapes after an election loss. why is this different? >> because every intelligence agency in the world, including the british believe that iraq had weapons of mass destruction. that was an entirely different situation. look, i've taken on my own administration. whether it be the failure in iraq when i advocated for a surge, whether it be going after torture and saying that we have to stop it against my own administration and my own president from my own party. i take on things because when i believe they're wrong. four americans died that didn't have to die. and for someone to go out and convey something that is absolutely false to all america in my view that is irresponsibility. by the way, i share the president's praise of general petraeus for his service to the country. >> really quickly, if you don't mind, when he sits before the senate and house intelligence committees, this other issue in his life, this affair and possible confidential or classified information, are there any questions that are inappropriate and off limits? >> i don't think so, but i want to know what happened in benghazi. i'm worried about why four americans died. i worry why the president of the united states would say in a debate to 80 million americans that he had said that it was a terrorist attack when he didn't. in fact, that same day he said he didn't know. i think the president of the united states has a lot to answer for. >> we'll hear more about this. senator, nice of you to share your time with us this morning. i always appreciate it. >> thank you very much, matt. let's get to the other top stories of the morning. natalie, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, matt. and good morning, everyone. rocket fire intensified overnight between israel and militants in gaza as casualties on both sides mount. martin, good morning. >> reporter: hi, natalie, good morning. well, this is an area on the brink of war, which no one seems to have really won. but israel is determined to stop the rockets from the palestinians in gaza hitting israeli city. they continue their attacks in gaza knocking out installations that store those rockets, the long-range rocket. they're continuing to try to kill more islamic militant leaders. at the same time, the palestinians are succeeding in sending their rockets into israel. about 150 have been fired by palestinians in gaza against israel today. most went astray or about 50 were brought down by israel's homemade antimissile defense system. one hit the israeli town, it killed three israelis. how long will this go on for? the leaders say the head of the southern command, israeli general in the south said the assassination yesterday of the leader that started all this, he said, is just the beginning. and the defense minister also said this morning that israel will do anything. he repeated, we will do anything, and i repeat anything, to stop those rockets and to make israel's southern cities secure. >> lots of tension in tel aviv, israel. new health concerns this morning as you heard for yet another popular caffeinated drink. 13 reported deaths have been linked to the possible involvement of 5-hour energy according to the fda. some 90 total reports the federal officials date back to 2009. dozens involving life-threatening issues like convulsions, heart attacks, and even a spontaneous abortion. the company that distributes the shot drink says it's unaware that any deaths can be proven to be caused by 5-hour energy and the drink is safe when used as directed. the president heads to the new york area to survey the damage left in the wake of superstorm sandy after taking a strong stance on the looming fiscal cliff telling lawmakers that the economy cannot afford a tax increase on all americans. republican leaders say raising income tax rates on wealthier americans could hurt job creation. after a rough closing on wednesday over those fiscal cliff fears, wall street is once again on edge this morning as new figures show the 17-nation euro zone has officially fallen back into a recession. and workers protest there are sweeping across the continent. kayla tausche is at the new york stock exchange with more. kayla, good morning. >> good morning, natalie. the congressional budget office has warned that failing to fix the $600 billion in tax and spending cuts would drive the u.s. into recession, which has been relatively strong compared to europe with rising unemployment and unrest, as well as china where big questions loom over the direction of the world's second largest economy under new leadership. president obama yesterday called for tax cuts to the middle class immediately. that followed business leaders and a big meeting there, one attendee, a ceo, said his customers are still fragile in their confidence. many of those in the middle class are aspiring to be. we know the stock market has been flagging over fears this fiscal cliff won't be resolved. >> thanks so much. it's 7:18. you're up to date. let's turn it back over to matt and al. >> savannah on the way to guy fieri's restaurant in time square. it's going to be a fascinating segment in our second hour. mr. roker's here. >> we've got soggy stuff to talk about along the carolinas, even some freezing rain in parts of near charlotte. looking at a lot of heavy showers and thunderstorms. some areas going to pick up 1 to 2 inches of rain offshore. the heaviest stuff, of course. and then if you're driving in the pacific northwest or flying, you'll be running into fog. we've got dense fog advisories and even freezing fog advisories. that 7:19 now. enjoy the sunshine while it lasts, this is our last dry day before showers move in tonight and we have a wet pattern that is going to persist well into next week. 70 degrees in livermore, 67 in santa teresa, 67 degrees in san jose. starting tonight into tomorrow we get our first wave of heavy rain. a little break on saturday and more heavy rain sunday into monday. >> and that's your latest weather. after months of mystery, china's communist party has now unveiled its new leadership. ian williams is in beijing. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you, matt. china's communist party today selected the man who will run this country for the next ten years. the process here couldn't be more different than what we've seen in the u.s. >> welcome the standing committee members. >> reporter: this was the high point of china's leadership selection. the seven men set to take over the running of this country paraded out in matching gray suits in order of seniority after a secretive selection process. at the helm, ping, although little is known about what he stands for. >> he's the person who is acceptable to all the factions. he's not a charismatic figure, he doesn't like to take risks. >> reporter: his selection comes at the end of a week long party congress though chosen well before this. he's a son of a prominent revolutionary who has worked his way up through the party. in the public eye, he has been overshadowed by his wife, a popular singer, though she'll now take a backseat. unlike the u.s., active first ladies aren't encouraged here. this whole process is a world away from the u.s. election. there have been widespread public indifference, though the authorities have targeted china's lively social media, slowing internet speeds and blocking searches for the words 18th congress. >> they don't want any surprise happen during the party congress. >> security across beijing has been stepped up. they've even banned carrier pigeons from the city. the communist party taking no chances. the selection is only the second leadership change since the communists took power in 1949, but china faces enormous challenges, a faltering economy and demands for political reform as well as rampant party corruption and public cynicism. today, shi seemed to recognize the challenges he's facing. >> corruption, taking bribes, addressed with great effort. >> reporter: but he gave few clues as to how he'll go about tackling them. no clues either as to how he might approach the u.s. relationship, arguably the world's most important, and which has been under strain, matt. >> ian williams in beijing. just ahead, guy fieri responds to his scathing review of his new york restaurant. have you canceled your subscription to the "new york times"? >> absolutely not. and i'm waiting for savannah. i've got food ready. bring her on. >> i hope that's good news. more from guy in just a moment. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ female announcer ] martinelli's gold medal sparkling cider is the perfect choice for holiday gatherings. martinelli's is non-alcoholic, festive like champagne, and tastes great! martinelli's: since 1868. just ahead, dr. phil on the women or woman involved in the pentagon scandal. into their work, local news. their name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. ♪ it's on. it's on. ♪ black friday's almost here. ♪ we should totally go together. ♪ ♪ ok. can we also bring trevor? ♪ ♪ he's hot. ♪ i think we should get those dvds first. ♪ ♪ duh! they're doorbusters. ♪ missing those would be the worst. ♪ totes. ♪ it's on. it's on, ♪ black friday's almost here. ♪ we should totally shop forever. ♪ ♪ smiley face. don't be late. ♪ or whatever. the time now is 7:26. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley. it was just a wild chase overnight ending with a cyclist in the hospital and a driver under aheft. chp officers say a woman drove her car on a closed on-ramp to get onto 101 in san francisco. officers chased that woman onto city streets where she hit a parked car which then careened off and hit a cyclist. that biker is expected to be okay. the driver right now facing dui charges. also fire crews mopping up after a two-alarm fire in san francisco. that was at an apartment building. they say this one was started by a heating unit in the wall. a total of 12 people living there had to evacuate. only one of those units was seriously damaged. christina loren is along now to tell us about that thursday forecast. and explaining we need to brace for mother nature and rain. >> oh, yes, enjoy these temperatures and the sunshine while it lasts. we are five to eight hours away from our first showers moving into the bay area. they'll be very light tonight and then we'll get a lot of moisture just in time for tomorrow's commute. right around 66 in san francisco. we stop the clock on your futurecast at 7:00 a.m. look at what's headed our way. continue that clock. stop it again for you at 9:00 p.m. and we'll get another heavy wave of moisture as we head into friday night. saturday a little bit of a break. if you want to make your outdoor plans, your best day to do so will be saturday between 11:00 and 6:00. and then we get our next system, a colder system dropping in from the gulf of alaska. this is going to potentially bring snow levels down to 4,000 feet and we continue the shower chances all the way through wednesday. let's check on your drive with mike. >> not looking good for the nimitz. look at it, this is past the coliseum. over on your right that's the northbound direction and it is jammed up after there was an earlier stall right north of here right around 23rd. the southbound side we had an accident also reported at 16th. it's slow but now all lanes in both directions are clear. it's very slow heading through downtown from either direction. south 880 jams up into fremont. pretty typical through hayward. once you reach fremont slow past dakoto. so slout 680 approaching mission boulevard. thanks a lot. another update in one-half hour. the "today" show coming your way. this is the new york restaurant in times square. it's a brand new place that's getting a lot of attention for all the wrong reasons. an absolutely blitzing review in the "new york times." savannah has made her way there to talk to the guy about it all. savannah? >> as you know, restaurant reviews don't normally get this much attention, but this one was so harsh, it was all done in rhetorical questions, 34 of them, i think, questions like, why does your kitchen sabotage its even mora peeling main courses with ruinous sides and sauces? ouch. guy is here, he's going to tell us what he thinks about this review coming up. >> he's not bashful, so i'm looking forward to that. also, one of the greatest bands of all time. our chat with the rolling stones as they celebrate 50 years of making music together. savannah, back to you. >> all right. well, we're talking about that scathing review of guy violetti's new restaurant. some are asking, was it too harsh? we'll ask guy about that in a moment. but here's the rest of the story. >> reporter: savannah, it was a review that would make a grown man shiver in his boots, or in this case, his bleach blond, spiky hair. >> guy saveri, food network star. highest paid food network chef in america. >> i for one go bazerki for turkey. >> and now a seriously bruised restaurant owner. did you try that blue drink, that critic pete wells asks, the one that glows like nuclear wast waste? any reason why it tastes like formaldehyde? the entire interview is questioned, 34 of them, each scathing. why did the toasted marshmallow taste like fish? when we hear the words donkey sauce, which part of the donkey are we supposed to think about? it wasn't just the food. he didn't spare saveri, either. when you drive around, putting out the flashy ohs where americans like to get down and greasy, do you really mean it or is it all an act? the review of guy's kitchen and bar is being called the worst restaurant review in the paper's history. >> i think in this scenario, pete used his skill as a wordsmith to create a more harsh environment in which to describe the restaurant and to create this kind of aura of negativity around the experience he had at guy saveri's restaurant. >> people didn't care for the negativity, taking to his facebook page telling the chef to ignore all those critics of new york. >> just another pompous new yorker. i didn't agree with it. >> what tha last guy said, he really loved the pretzel chicken tenders. he's been here four times, and each time he wanted to celebrate good american food. in the end, it was one word, a sarcastic thanks. savannah? >> all right, katy, thank you to you. guy is here exclusive. you flew on the red eye to be here. what was your reaction when you read this review? it must have felt like a punch in the gut. >> punch in the gut? i just thought it was ridiculous. i mean, i've read reviews. there's good and bad in the restaurant business, but that to me went so overboard, it really seemed like there was another agenda. >> so you have a problem not just with what it said but with its tone? >> the tone, the sarcasm, the question style. i mean, i think we all know what's going on here. he came in with a different agenda. he came in four times to a restaurant that's been open two months. that's tough times. especially this size of a restaurant. >> this viewer said he came not just once or twice but four different times, obviously found the cuisine to be lacking. is there anything in this review that you think strikes a chord where you've acknowledged, okay, maybe it wasn't up to my own standards? >> without question. i've been in the restaurant business for 25 years. this is an ever changing, ever evolving process. you get new guys in, some guys out, you got different timings that go on, and do we do it perfect? no. are we striving to do it perfect? yes. but that's what we're all doing in the business. >> one thing you mentioned to me was why the "new york times" chose to review a restaurant like this. if you go on yelp which is a place where regular folks go on to review restaurants, you get an average 2.5 stars out of 5, 60 average reviews, so it's not exactly knocking people's socks off. >> at this point after two months, don't expect to. we're trying to. we're striving to do the best we can to make it right, do it right. you look at the food here, the cedar plank salmon with the burger, we make mashed potatoes for every service. this is what is taking place. is it perfect right now? no. are we striving for it? yeah. i think those will change. it's two months now. let's see where we are in six months. >> how involved are you in this restaurant? there are a lot of kitchens in the country where the famous chef comes in and lends his name but then is sort of hands off and isn't involved. is this your baby? did you design this menu? >> not only did we design the restaurant, we spent a year and a half doing this. wrote the menu, brought my culinary team that's on the premises all the time. i did the training for the front of the house, i did the training for the back of the house. i was here painstaking hours. this is what i love. people see me as a tv guy. i'm lareally a chef. i have 11 of them. seven in california. this is more than just heart and soul. it's not just a name. >> the editor said he didn't expect a fine dining experience, but he said this is american food that makes everyone happy, and he expects you to do it right. do you think you're falling short? >> am i falling short? by no means. i'm doing the food that america loves. to me it's impossible to come in and have a dining experience and have every single thing wrong unless you come in with a different agenda and you want to sensationalize something and you want to blow it out of the water. it's a great way to make a name for yourself. go after a celebrity chef that's not a new yorker in his second month. good way to hit it. >> if you could say anything to this reviewer right now, what would you say? >> you're welcome? i stand by my food, i stand by my team. we'll continue to do great and i really appreciate you guys coming and giving me a chance to talk about it, because it is the real deal. >> all right, guy saveti, hope you get some rest. >> you' i'll try this. is it donkey sauce? >> you're going to love it. >> we're talking about a restaurant, so it can't be the worst thing in the world. it's chilly in the east, temperatures anywhere from 5 to 10 degrees below normal. you look out west we've got temperatures anywhere from 5 to 15 degrees, including kansas city and on into beautiful downtown minneapolis. we've got 50s there, 80s down in southern florida, 70s in southern texas, 40s in the pacific northwest where we have a lot of fog to deal with and rain along 7:38 on a thursday morning. good morning, i'm meteorologist christina loren. live look over the bay bridge in san francisco. just a few clouds here. take you into san jose where it's mostly cloudy. our system of low pressure that's slated to bring us showers is coming up from the south. as we head throughout the day today, that sunshine out there right now, oh, it's going to be limited come about 1:00, 2:00 p.m. 67 f redwood city and 66 in sfrachbsan francisco. as we head through tomorrow heavy rain on the way. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> all right, al, thanks. up next, the rolling stones on their 50 years together. the band's image and what catapulted them to the top of the charts right after this. my friend told me about a great new way to get deals. it's called bankamerideals, from bank of america. i choose the cash back deals in my mobile or online banking. i just use my bank of america debit or credit card when i pay. put in my account. this is cash back on top of other rewards we already get. and best of all, it's free. friends help friends get deals. pass it on. 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[ male announcer ] at&t. the nation's largest 4g network. covering 3,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. rethink possible. back now, 7:42, and a little music from the rolling stones, it's been half a century since the legendary band first got together. now it's part of their 50th anniversary, they're touring, and hbo is releasing a new documentary called "crossfire hurricane." it follows the journey from music outlaws to popular icons. and that's where we started when we sat down with the band. let us start where the documentary starts, okay. i was fascinated by this. first thing you're asked in the documentary is, okay, we're going back to the '60s and '70s here. how much do you really remember? >> everything. >> yeah? >> especially when you see the film. >> your memories are clear on all this? we're not going to be fudging any of this making any of this up? charlie? let me get a couple of adjectives that have been used to describe this band, neanderthals. >> at the beginning, we were always called neanderthals. >> did you take it as a compliment at the time? >> ultimately fooled. >> sexiest band in rock 'n' roll? they're so ugly, they're appealing. >> there you go. how can you beat that? >> in the mid-'60s, the ugly appeal of the rolling stones was plain to see at their concerts. they were tapping into a youthful rebellion that was close to exploding. >> there was something in the air. and i guess we were the focus of it. i guess we were there at the right time for that. >> one way or other, the trouble did become part of the dna of the band, it seems. we'll do a little bit of a survey. raise your hand if you've been arrested. >> raise your hand. raise your hand -- >> how many times? >> i think we're going to keep an eye out -- >> who holds the record? >> squeaky clean, these guys. >> ronnie and charlie have never been arrested. >> is it safe to say keith probably holds the record for this? >> without a doubt. >> did you like the persona you had developed and created? or at some point did you wish you could be something different? >> well, that's a good question for you. i think it came natural. >> i never took any notice of it. particularly, that's never something i thought about. i just loved playing in a band, i love playing the drums. >> you've got to remember, matt, what brought us together at the beginning was playing music. that was our mission. our mission wasn't to be rebellious and to be socially -- >> to turn people on to the blues and the rhythm and blues and to the wonderful music that america had on its own doorstep but wasn't listening to. >> the heartache and pain that soaked into the blues tradition they loved became a familiar part of the stones' story. >> ronnie, i was reading an interview you did recently, and you said that one of the things that was hard for you in one of the tours recently, when you were struggling with sobriety was in some ways being around keith. >> well, alcohol and drugs is like an old friend, you know, keith's like an old friend. it's hard to say good-bye to another old friend. luckily my old friend in reality -- >> a line out of a rolling stones song. >> did you l realize that, though, keith, it might be hard for ronnie to be around you? >> yeah, you stick around with the stones, you've got to take the rough with the smooth. >> mostly rough. >> yeah, at least i didn't leave in a wooden box, you know. >> oh, it's getting really rough around the middle now. >> watch out. i'm coming over there. >> who said we'd make it out of wood? ♪ >> mick, you talk about how that character that we have all seen is just one part of you, and that you don't want to be that guy all the time. >> well, that'd be unbearable, i think. >> as you get older, is it harder to flip the switch and bring that guy there? >> easy. >> how? >> well, you get more practice. you have more practice at it. >> he just becomes the other one when there's more than eight people in the room. >> a girl comes in. >> and if you're playing behind him, you know, that's it. he's the best at it. >> let me end, you guys have lived it, you in some ways embody it. what does it mean to each one of you? >> when we started off, i think we wanted to be musicians first and famous second, but we knew if we were successful fame would come our way. and we always knew that. and so we, you know, you have to accept that. >> i look at it like an adventure to cherish, you know. it's good fun. to put it out and give back what they try to give us. it's nice. ♪ time is on my side >> got to love the rolling stones. for their 50th anniversary celebration, the stones will play live concerts in london and here in the new york area. you can also catch them on pay per view. as for the documentary "crossfire hurricane" airs tonight on hbo. still ahead, dr. phil on the women involved in the david petraeus scandal. but first, these messages. into their work, their name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. well, with the walmart credit card special financing offer, you can get the sony blu-ray home theater system with wi-fi and the high zoom cyber-shot camera with full hd. look at you, spreading some christmas joy! my cart's kinda full. mind holding these? 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[ kiss ] thank you ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long trying to find a better job can be frustrating. so at university of phoenix we're working with a growing list of almost two thousand corporate partners - companies like microsoft, american red cross and adobe - to create options for you. not only that, we're using what we learn from these partners to shape our curriculum. so that when you find the job you want you'll be a perfect fit. let's get to work. nearly a year ago, lauren scrubs was severely injured when she walked into a plane propeller. >> she sat down for an exclusive interview to talk about that horrible accident. >> you also write about the first time you looked at yourself in the mirror. after the accident. what did you see? >> i think i just saw the reality of what had happened. and i had my eye patch on and i didn't have my hand and half my head was shaved, and i was just thinking, wow. i mean -- again, how life can change in an instant and how that's not the way i have looked in the past. >> natalie will have much more tomorrow night on "dateline," and lauren and her parents will be here for an exclusive interview tomorrow on "today." it's that time of year again. medicare open enrollment. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. but it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. ♪ open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare. but the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down, and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel, because it helps to strengthen the enamel. and i believe it's doing a good job. looks like your bags didn't make it. we'll send them to your hotel. [ sad music playing ] this is fun. [ sad music continues ] [ knock on door ] your bags, sir. thanks. both: finally! one taste, and you'll understand. enjoy delicious dunkin' donuts coffee anytime. best vacation ever! pick some up where you buy groceries. america runs on dunkin'. this just into our newsroom. a systemwide outage for united airlines starting to come back online right now. good morning, everybody. i'm jon kelley, it is 7:56. you are looking live at san francisco airport right now. kind of foggy out there, but we have had reports about 30 minutes ago of a nationwide computer outage causing some major delays at airports all across the country. our assignment desk has just confirmed with united that outage starting to correct itself. right now the airline officials say they don't know exactly what caused it. we also spoke with the tduty manager at sfo who tells us united operations there are running smoothly so no worries on that. we've not heard back from mineta san jose. united no longer flies in and out of oakland. this is at least the third major computer outage for united since june. christina loren is telling us you see all that fog, some rain will soon be following. >> yeah, probably forcing some flight delays the next couple days. today we're looking pretty good. the clouds are thickening up ahead of an area of low pressure, the first of two swinging through the area. 78 in livermore, 69 in gilroy. we're not expecting our first showers until tonight. the winds will pick up ahead of the first system and showers tonight start. heavy rain at times for your friday and a little bit of a break with some on and off light showers on saturday. then a cold storm moves in on sunday and this one is going to bring about another heavy round of rainfall. you want to plan accordingly when it comes to holiday travel. if you're traveling right now, mike is here to help you out. >> we're looking at the san mateo bridge which just started moving again. no incidents but heavy volume. it's just jammed up, 101 both directions and 92 at the interchange. folks can't get off the bridge easily, it's just slow approaching as well. slow 580 and 880 through oakland, all through the maze and approaching the bay bridge. the southbound side jammed hayward into fremont, union city all the way down to mission boulevard, jon. back to you. >> we suggest you stick around. we'll have another local news update in one-half hour from right now. see you then. 8:00 now on this thursday morning. it's the 15th of november, 2012, and it's a chilly one here in new york city. just 36 degrees as we step outside. all the fine folks here at rockefeller plaza. i'm savannah gurthrie alongside matt lauer and al roker. beautiful morning out here today. >> brisk. you know who we have coming up? we have dr. phil in studio right now. we've been reporting about the scandal involving the former cia director david petraeus. dr. phil is going to give us an interesting take on this. he's going to take a look at the women involved in that scandal and give us his thoughts on that. >> all right. we also saw you at guy fieri's restaurant a little while ago. guy fieri has invaded our studio and brought food with him and we're going to put today's professionals, going to put their bibs on and try some of this. >> we'll see what they think about that. and then we had this big political campaign, a lot of debate about what's right and what's wrong with this country. but one thing is definitely true and that is this country's still a beacon of hope for so many people around the world. something special is happening on this plaza on friday. for the first time in morning show history, we're going to have 30 individuals fulfill their dreams of becoming u.s. citizens. it's a live naturalization ceremony right here on the plaza. we'll witness the moment they've worked so hard to get to. >> i think so many people look at protests against this country all around the world and think, wow, you must be terrible. there are a lot of people out there who want to be citizens of this country and will do almost anything to accomplish that. it'll be interesting to see that tomorrow. for now, we want a check of the day's top stories. natalie, good morning again. >> good morning, everyone. president obama says he has seen no evidence at this point that the sex scandal that toppled david petraeus has compromised national security. petraeus has agreed to testify before congress about the deadly september attacks at benghazi, libya. the pentagon has revoked security clearances for the woman he allegedly had an affair with. u.s. army veteran and author paula broadwell. british oil giant bp is facing a record criminal penalty as it nears a federal settlement over the 2010 gulf oil disaster. the plea deal would not cover civil claims. any settlement is likely to dwarf the record $1.2 billion fine leveed on drug maker pfizer in 2009. rock star jon bon jovi's daughter was released on wednesday after being charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana and a controlled substance. some heroin was also recovered at the scene. she and another student were arrested after an ambulance responded to the report of a possible overdose in a dormitory at hamilton college. and now for a look at what's trending today, a quick round-up of what has you talking online. missy franklin is a hot search online after her decision to choose college over cash. franklin revealed wednesday that she'll swim for the university of california golden bears for two years. she'll pass up big money endorsements then go pro in time for the 2016 olympics. a locker room feud over new york jets backup quarterback tim tebow is the talk of the football blog. rex ryan says he's outraged that some of the teammates told the newspaper anonymously that tebow cannot move up to the starting spot because, quote, he's terrible. always a good sport, tebow says he's faced criticism before, but he tries to make it motivate him. and bono has the web laughing with this impression of former president bill clinton. >> i want to thank bono for stepping away from the microphone, i knew he couldn't rhyme, but i'm so glad he can fall back on adding and subtracting. it might be the one thing all of us can agree on. >> the voice is spot on. bono was speaking at clinton's alma mater georgetown university saying clinton is more of a rock star than he'll ever be. let's go back out to al with a check of your weather. >> that is a darn good imitation. bono, who knew. tell us about this shoe box. >> this is actually operation shoe box. well, this week is collection week and we're going to need all of your guys' help. >> we'll put something on our website. one of our camera guys was just working on this, weren't you, tommy? >> they all get sent out to kids all around the country, all around the world, really, and they get christmas gifts and the knowledge of church and what makes life a real gift. >> you guys are focusing on hurricane sandy too, right? we really appreciate that. let's check your weather. maybe i should have tommy hogan do the weather too. news channel 7, clear skies, mild, 65 degrees as you look at satellite and radar. a lot of heavy rains down through the southeast. we're also expecting fog in the pacific northwest. a few clouds here and there around the great lakes with a few snow showers. but for the most part, pretty nice, evening showers move into central and southern california with a beautiful day 8:05 on a thursday morning. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. clouds already thickening up ahead of a system of low pressure. it's going to slide up from the south and spread to the north heading throughout tonight. showers are first expected down in the south bay starting about 5:00 p.m. 69 degrees before the showers arrive. we'll see a pretty warm day. 67 degrees in places like fairfield. throughout the day, rain arrives and we get in this rainy pattern that persists all the way through wednesday of next week. who's here? >> carson daly. >> good morning. >> how are you? >> am i going to be late for one direction? >> just a couple of days. so we've got ten competitors left on "the voice." >> we do. >> and now the audience basically takes over, how do the judges feel about that? >> they love it. they spent time with their teams and now it's up to america to have that full control, and we're down to the top ten. >> don't they want to have the grip on what happens there? >> they do. i asked adam levine, what does it feel like? oh, it hurts. and it's what you have to do and the viewers are there week in and week out and it's their turn. >> you had two singers sent home, from team blake, andrea and louise from team christina. >> it's hard to say what's right because the talent level is so high. people are going to go home. she's 16, and she probably didn't believe she would make it as far as she did. this is how it's going to be until the december 17th finale. it's going to be bittersweet. >> you have someone in this group you look at and think superstar? >> boy, i think so. i think we have that. hey, listen, i love where the show starts, starts from that pure place of the voice, almost like the old days with radio before video star. i do. i think we have a couple in there that are going to have a really, really long career. >> and how is your son jackson dealing with his new sister? >> in fact, we have a little something for you for etta. >> thank you. >> it's all about team christina, team adam, but what about team carson is the question we asked, so we have a little -- my dexterity is not what it should be out here. look, it's a onesie, team carson. >> we have to backup just in case. >> thank you, matt. >> check out "the voice" right here on nbc monday and tuesdays 8:00/7:00 central time. up next, we've got dr. phil in the studio, but first these messages. ♪ i -- i got it, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ [ male announcer ] at subway, you got it made. try a steak, egg white & cheese, tricked out any way you want. subway. eat fresh. try a steak, egg white & cheese, tricked out any way you want. some people put everything intotheir name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. [ female announcer ] the newest seasonal flavors are here. try new sugar free pumpkin spice... and pecan praline. ♪ get your coupon today at [ female announcer ] with depression, simple pleasures can simply hurt. the sadness, anxiety, the loss of interest. the aches and pains and fatigue. depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. simple pleasures shouldn't hurt. talk to your doctor about cymbalta. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. back now at 8:12 with more on the scandal that took down cia director david petraeus. he resigned when it was revealed he had an affair with his biographer paula broadwell. and news makers behaving badly provides dr. phil with stuff to talk about. he says if you're not on the lookout, be prepared to be taken advantage of them. dr. phil, good morning. you're just the guy we need for this story. >> thanks. >> we need a shrink. let's talk about petraeus before we get into the book. when you heard about this, i assume it didn't shock you. maybe about that it was general petraeus, but not the situation. >> it didn't shock me. and, frankly, i'm not sure that it's as much our business as we make it. somehow or another today, there just aren't any boundaries, and people talk about it being national security. i mean, is it really? or do we just have this insatiable interest for what's going on in people's lives? i don't know where those boundaries should be and where they're not. i'm certainly -- i'm definitely certain that mrs. petraeus has an interest in it, but i'm not sure that we should have as much interest in it as we do. >> what do you make of the players in this case? you have general petraeus who is very well-regarded, certainly, in his work and considered such a straight arrow, then you have the two ladies, jill kelley and paula broadwell. what's your take? >> well, that's what i talk about in "life code." i wrote this book because i think we live in a different world than our mamas told us about. and i wrote this book because i want to tell people how the world really works, not how it should work. but how it really works, people have currency. and they look for the things that really light them up. obviously for these women, they didn't choose these guys because they look like james bond. they didn't choose these guys because they look like leo dicaprio, right? because they're powerful, because they represent something, and that's currency to them. they're connected to that. i think that's what motivates them. you have to see what their currency is. >> let's talk about the book, they did talk about the real world. you call them baiters. >> it's an acronyacronym. they're back stabbers, abusers, imposters, takers, exploiters and reckless people. and they're in all of our lives. going to be sitting next to one at home, co-workers, people you deal with in your life that are willing to step up and take what's yours if you don't recognize who they are. and i put in this book a secret playbook of how these people do what they do. then i talked about what you need to do. you need a secret playbook, as well. >> you write in the book about a time you think you were kind of to use a phrase screwed over by an associate. >> i didn't think i was. i got embezzled by someone who came to me knowing my currency because they groom you like a pedophile grooms a child. they came and said -- talked about family values and church and god and all that kind of stuff and got next to me and got next to my money and pretty soon they were out the door with hundreds of thousands of dollars and left my family absolutely in ruins financially. >> but you don't think these people are everywhere? or do you? that's a cynical look of the world. >> they're not everywhere, but they're out there and they're not coming into your life, they're already there. you just need to be able to spot them. and that's why i wrote this book. and i want -- this was a book of passion for me. and i want people to read it. and, by the way, this book doesn't come out in broad distribution until after the first of the year. right now you can buy it at the because i've got it in a special pre-release. it's been out this week and it is moving faster than any book i've ever done, which is exciting for me. it tells me people want to know what's really going on in their life. that's exciting to me. >> and your son is the publisher, right? >> he is. >> well, they may recognize some of the people you describe in the book. >> i hope not. >> all right. once again, dr. phil, thank you, and the book is called "life code." you're going to stick around for today's professionals? >> i am. well, coming up next, jenna bush-hager one-on-one with the first lady of new jersey next. into their work, their name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. and eddy said the toys might not be ready! eddy? the elf! ♪ [ radio announcer ] today's forecast: it's snowing snowballs and snow bricks out there... seven more days and it's snowing snow bricks! oh, well, be careful! [ radio announcer ] only two days to go, and several of the elves were tossed around when they tried to wrap a pony. [ female announcer ] the keepsake countdown ornament. build anticipation every day till christmas. elves tried to wrap a pony! a deep, throbbing, persistent ache. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and for some people, it can work in as early as the first week of treatment. so now i can do more of the things that i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. with less pain, i'm feeling better now that i've found lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural cheese to make it creamier so whatever you make isn't just good, it's amazing. ♪ amazing with the love that i found ♪ ♪ new jersey governor chris christie has made a name for himself on the national political stage. now his wife, new jersey's first lady mary pat christie is stepping in to the spotlight to help people in her state deal with the devastation of superstorm sandy. today jenna bush-hager caught up with her. >> reporter: more than two weeks ago when sandy hit, the coast of new jersey was forever changed. and although the state's first lady mary pat christie has stayed out of the spotlight, the devastation of sandy is personal. >> and our town in particular was really devastated, as well. >> reporter: and has redefined her role. >> you really want to completely focus on the people and there's no guide. i've never done this before, nor has my husband, but i think that we're all kind of inspired by my husband. >> we're on the road to recovery. >> reporter: and we all kind of are ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work. >> reporter: together, they're spearheading the relief fund, a foundation focused on rebuilding the state they love. >> so our goal is really to be there for the long-term. and this takes a long time, but i think their spirits need that support. >> reporter: here in seabright, new jersey, a community washed away by the storm, connor and kara come back to assess the damages of their family-run pizzeria. a comforting embrace. it's empathy that's not hard to come by, even the governor's family lost power. >> i think like most new jersey residents, we played more games than we know to do with. catch phrase and scategories became a highlight of our day. >> reporter: has it been hard to watch your husband go through and watching your state be affected the way this has? >> it definitely has been. i think that after the 16, 18-hour days my husband comes home, not only is he exhausted physically, but it definitely is mentally draining to come and, you know, hug people who have lost their life savings and their world, really. >> reporter: if the storm of the century had a starring character, it'd be the new jersey governor. >> you've obviously known your husband for a long time, 26 years. you've been married, but has the way he's led surprised you at all through this? >> not really. not really because i've seen him in management situations before that are challenging, and he kind of gets a group of people around the table and is very good at listening, but then quickly deciding and delegating. >> is it hard to be back at a place where you brought your kids? i mean, you have such family memories? >> sure. sure. i think people saw the governor at casino pier. >> you know, in august. >> reporter: and casino pier, i mean, that was our big night out with the children. my children are just -- sounds almost small, but that's their childhood. >> reporter: a doting wife, mother of four, and working woman still finding time to visit the front lines providing comfort and long-term support for the citizens she loves. >> we will rebuild. bigger and stronger. >> reporter: for "today," sea bright, new jersey. switching gears now, you probably know them best as olympians of their long legal battle with mark zuckerberg, now the winklevoss twins are investing in a new website called huckster. good morning to all of you. nice to see you. before i get to this new venture, you know i've got to ask you about facebook. about 50% lower than the initial public offering. while some might think that's sweet revenge to you, you've got a lot of stock in that company, don't you? >> we don't really comment on our holdings, but i think they did have a rough road, but it's a real company with real revenues, they've got real prospects. >> bullish or bearish on the future, he's hinted to that, but do you think this company has an economic future? >> i think it does, yeah, definitely. >> you're right, you don't comment much on your holdings. talk about this new deal. you've got a company, you invest money in start-ups that you think are promising, this one's called huckster. before i get the why you invested, tell me about the site. >> it's a platform that tracks products online and lets you know when they're on sale. >> what's the major difference between this one and other ones that find deals for consumers? >> the things that attracted them to the deal is we're not a social site. so this is a personal site where you can shop by yourself and everything's not being shared with everyone else. >> so i want to buy a j. crew sweater, i pop that in and it keeps me posted on the price and the size and the style. how many retailers will be involved in this? >> we have over 400 retailers right now that people have hucks at. >> do you look and you've got -- i hope the number's correct, you invested, i believe $750,000 in this. or do you not comment on that also? >> why this site? >> so one of the things, if anybody's shopped online, they've sort of -- it sends so many untargeted, unwanted deals your way that your inbox gets cluttered. so the main thing about huckster, it pulls the deals that only you want and will only send you an alert on something that you huck as the price goes down. >> when you show up at a meeting to invest or not invest, you come with a reputation, do you think that makes it more exciting for people like them? or do you think maybe some people worry about the baggage you come with, as well? >> i think people see us as strategic investors. i think that's why they took our money and that's how we help companies with it. >> good luck. good to see you guys. ni good luck to you, as well. we're back after your local news. good thursday morning to you. 8:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. this morning, uc berkeley police are trying to find out what killed a man that was found last night. the independent news site reports the man was in his 20s and was reported missing by a friend earlier that day. investigators say the exact cause of his death is unclear but they do not suspect foul play. time now to check that morning commute with mike. >> it's very slow. across the san mateo bridge and on the peninsula side as well. but that's the usual back-up. on the east bay, especially 880, both directions just through san leandro, very slow on both sides. a sigalert now northbound 680 as you approach dun valley roach. heavier out of san ramon. and holding steady for 101, 280 and 85. even 87 is a little better than we typically see but still slow into downtown. >> all right. we'll have another local news update for you in half an hour. have a great morning. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> and we're back with more at 8:30 on a thursday morning. that is just a little preview of the radio city christmas spectacular courtesy of the one and only rockettes. ladies, thank you very, very much. happy holidays. always fun to have them here. >> there's my high kick. all i can manage. >> want to see it again? >> exactly. >> on the plaza, matt lauer along with savannah gurthrie, al roker, and natalie morales. >> we talked to guy fieri about the very harsh review that the "new york times" food critic gave him. >> harsh? >> scathing might be a better word. well, guy's back, he's a good sport, brought some of his food and we're going to have the professionals taste it. they're tasting it right now. >> don't talk with your mouth full. >> you're going to eat and report back during "today's professionals" next hour. >> i didn't know the camera was on. >> enjoy. >> we've got a lot to get to. mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? >> let's look ahead to the weekend. friday, we are going to be looking at showers along the eastern coast, a lot of wet weather along the california coast, windy conditions and mountain snows in the rockies. for saturday, beautiful along the east coast with showers along the southeastern atlantic coast. more wet weather from california up into the pacific northwest. sunday, sunday, sunny and cool in the northeast, rainy and windy along the mid-atlantic states. more wet weather, windy weather in the pacific northwest, down the california coast into the intermountain regions 8:34 now taking a live look at a mostly cloudy sky over san jose. clouds increasing ahead of a front that's going to bring in showers as of tonight. heavy rain expected for tomorrow. 69 in livermore. enjoy the warmth while it lasts. 67 in fremont. and 67 in redwood city. once we get into this wet, windy pattern, it continues all the way through wednesday of next week. shower chances each and every day, friday and sunday looking to be the heaviest. have a fantastic day. >> savannah's been working on it. come on, let's go. >> it doesn't help. doesn't help. >> kick one, everybody, here we go! >> commercial, commercial. >> still to come this morning, kathie lee coming up about her opening night on broadway. back now at 8:37. it is a big day for a certain member of our "today" show family. kathie lee opens on broadway tonight. >> not broadway out in iowa, we're talking about broadway in new york city. she wrote the book and lyrics to this new original musical, made every single costume that you're going to be seeing. and who better to give us a behind-the-scenes look than her partner hoda. >> we are less than ten hours away from curtain. and i can tell you, this has been a labor of love for kathie lee. and she has mentioned her show on our show just a couple of times. >> just a couple? >> couple. ♪ >> we have a little show called "scandalous." >> let's talk about "scandalous." >> kathie lee gifford's musical is going to broadway. >> yeah, baby. >> should we sing the song? >> hooray for hollywood. from shirley temple -- >> everybody knows shirley temple but they don't know amy simple. >> but kathie lee's out to change that with "scandalous," the musical based on amy. >> she was a woman of history who has fallen through the cracks. she went on to become the most scandalous, controversial, yet celebrated woman of her day. >> you're drifting away from the face of your fathers. >> 12 years i've been actually physically writing it and trying to get it produced on broadway. >> everybody agrees she was the best, though, right? >> she was really, really strong, yeah. >> we've had four workshops, i think. two large out of town regional productions, well over 1,000 re-writes. it's all part of the process. >> with every chance i got. >> carol lee carmelo in my mind is the finest working actress in musical theater. there's not another actress ibd think of that could play amy the way carol lee does. >> this is amy's home away from home, it's the theater on broadway. an exciting time, the crew, the cast, the team, have been working around the clock to get this baby ready for opening night. are they ready? come on, let's go backstage and find out. >> hoda woman. >> is it time? >> almost. we're about half an hour from curtain. >> wait, stage time. >> you are center stage, this is the neil simon theater. would you like me to introduce you to some of the folks? >> take me back. >> this way. >> of course. >> we heard rumors that the hottie with the body ed watts is in here. >> one of the highlights for many of the women. >> do you get to see something happening beneath this robe. what could it be? >> he plays adam. >> wait -- >> adam and eve. >> good to see you, bye. >> are you talking? >> hope he makes it for curtain. >> opening night's knocking on the door, are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. >> yeah, sing a little of it. ♪ girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do ♪ ♪ a girl don't gotta do it no more ♪ >> how does it feel being this close to opening, girl? >> i'm scared to death. carmel my wonderful wig master is prepping my hair to be put under two wig caps, and here are my microphones which live on the back of my head. >> in case one goes out. >> that's right. because i never leave the stage, really. >> you've been in this project since the infancy. >> yeah, the early '40s. can you believe it? it's like opening night on broadway. >> you know -- she doesn't know to kiss me or curse me. >> you are going to sit there in the audience and watch that curtain go up on opening night. what will that be like? >> i think that's when it's finally going to hit me. it's my child and i had a lot of help birthing it and i hope it'll live forever and touch people's lives. >> thanks for that lovely, lovely piece. thank you, hoda. >> so excited. >> you're welcome. >> we've got our tickets. >> i am so grateful for the support around here has been unbelievable. what i'll always remember the most is you guys just -- just right there for me and supporting me and understanding what a passion this has been for me. >> look what we have for you. >> oh. >> you should be getting some wine ready for the 10:00 show. >> thank you. congrats, kath. >> and i thought for sure that witch from philadelphia was going to win. >> i thank you, good luck. >> break a leg. >> break two. >> i'll break two chubby ones. coming up next, jane holly on rewriting your life after 50. back now 8:45, and we've got your life calling today. jane has been working with aarp which produced and sponsored our series of reports. this morning, a man trying to help children all around the world. jane, good morning. >> good morning, matt. lauren walters' career has been so varied, health care, government service, but he was looking for something more, more meaningful. well, he got a call from a friend who felt exactly the same way. walters was 57, his friend was 23. lauren walters yearned to put a lifetime of experience to good work. >> i felt frustrated i wasn't having the kind of impact i thought i could. >> the seed of an idea was planted when he visited rwanda. >> going out into a village i saw kids who were hungry. just on an ongoing basis. >> reporter: but he also saw children eating from squeezable pouchs. >> and i knew there was something you could do to treat malnourished kids, which were these nutrition packs, but there was a supply problem. >> reporter: for three years, he thought about it. >> for me, ideas simmer. >> reporter: but he wasn't thinking about starting a business. until 23-year-old will howser called. the son of a good friend, he too was looking for something more. >> i wanted to start a business doing something entrepreneurial but also doing something that gives back in some way. >> reporter: two degrees, a food bar was an idea whose time had come. >> when consumers are given a choice between doing something which has a cause related to it as opposed to just the product, they'll choose something that has a cause. >> reporter: here's how it works. >> for every bar that is sold, we purchase and donate a meal to a hungry child somewhere in the world. >> so i buy the bar -- >> and a nutrition pack is given to a malnourished kid. and it's a dense peanut butter paste. >> and that's exactly how the kid eats it. >> it is. exactly. it tastes pretty good. >> but the food bar has to taste good too. >> sunflower butter. >> i do too. >> reporter: despite lauren's diverse background, the food business was all new. >> hi, how can i help? how do we market, how do we brand? i never created a brand for anything and neither did will. >> a real person on there, a real child, i think is huge, stops you in your tracks. >> he's tapped a 20-something brain trust pumped with ideas. >> we span a generation gap. we think about things differently, we're connected to different networks of people. we see things differently. i think for us, it's been an enormous asset to the company. >> reporter: they recruited an army of sales reps at 75 colleges. and activated lauren's vast network of connections. soon, they were in every whole foods store in the country. >> and this is almond, you can try one of these. you can. right in here. >> reality check. >> i thought it would be easier than it is. it's hard. >> reporter: today the bar is in 1,000 stores, but lauren thinks he'll need 10,000 to succeed. >> i'm really optimistic. and we've donated about 500,000 meals so far. >> that's impressive. >> the other thing i've learned that i've given to the young people is to imagine that anything is possible. >> by the end of this year, lauren expects to have distributed 750,000 meals to nonprofit partners around the world. is you have reimagined your life after 50, let us know. maybe we'll tell your story in 2013. go to >> my favorite part is these people from two different generations are teaming up and sharing their expertise. thanks very much. up next, money-saving holiday meals and wines. but first, this is "today" on nbc. "today's kitchen" is brought to you by kraft. make something amazing. this morning on "today's holiday kitchen," we are pairing money-saving meals with wines that cost under $20 too. and when she's not busy with her food network show, sandra's restaurant, sandra lee is hard at work on her new magazine and the first issue is out now. good morning to you. >> good morning, my dear. >> we've got great recipes going. are these the things we would find in the magazine? >> exactly what you're going to find in the magazine. great wine pairings under $20 combined with fabulous foods. i'm paying attention to my eggs here. >> this is crispy potatoes and cheese eggs. >> i've got grated potatoes, heavy on the salt and pepper, little bit of olive oil in the pan. butter first. >> can't skip the butter. >> what am i thinking? >> key step. >> as the butter goes in, bottom of the pan, it'll melt as you go, that's fine. now, p out it in there, pat it down flat, you have a potato pancake. flip that after five minutes. >> you want me to flip this? >> go ahead. >> you're a brave woman. >> go for it. >> i don't want to mess it up. >> i know you now how to do it. this is some crown royal going into my cheese mixture. now in here was just shallots that i took a little bit of butter and sauteed up until they're soft, flour goes in there, two tablespoons, you want to cook that for two minutes until the flour taste comes out. the milk goes in half and half, and you want to put in your whiskey, bourbon. >> what kind of cheese did you use? >> any kind of soft cheese you like. you know, i like, frankly, i like munster provolone. look at how cheesy that is. >> yum. >> on top of your potato pancake they go. sorry about the bottom of the pan. >> this looks like comfort food to me. >> this is a gorgeous dish. now, on top of there would go -- just some caviar on top of there and a little bit of chives and some cheese sauce. >> great. >> now this is great for a brunch, but also fantastic for breakfast for dinner. let's talk about wine. this is butterfly kiss, hints of pear, mango, and lemon, the price point at $12.99. buy this where they sell wines. where i come from, they sell wine in the grocery store. >> me too. and champagne, would you pair that with it too? >> either/or. that would be beautiful, as well. that bottle is going to be just under $20 at $19.99. >> great. >> and now back here, let's go quickly. if you don't have time for a big turkey dinner, we are going to do game hens. this is what i'm making, no the the big turkey. >> okay. >> this is in the magazine. lemon and garlic paired beautifully. this is $17.99. very full-bodied. >> great. >> lots of spice and it's elegant and smooth. >> you throw them in the oven? >> that's got olive oil, lemon, garlic, that's it. about 20 to 25 minutes per pound. >> what's for dessert? >> and dessert is in the slow cooker. this is a beautiful, hot mocha cake. you take some chocolate cake mix, you want this? >> just a fork, yeah. thank you. >> all right. >> so it's just a cake mix, make it normal, but on top you put the instant pudding and 2 cups of warm milk and marshmallows cook it down. this is $11.99 a bottle. >> the price is right on that. professionals after your local news. good thursday morning to you. 8:56. i'm laura garcia-cannon. major league baseball will be handing out its biggest award today, the mvp. among the national league finalists, san francisco giants buster posey. if he wins, he'll match a feat accomplished by a giants great willie mays back in 1954. a batting title, world series and mvp title all in one year. the winner will be announced at 3:00 p.m. we'll keep tabs on that for you. keeping tabs on the forecast for us, meteorologist christina loren. >> good morning. that forecast will be changing. enjoy the upper 60s for one more day. two rounds of reif rain to get through on friday, another on sunday. spotty showers continue on monday. [ maraca shaking ] ♪ ♪ oh dole-dole-dole ♪ it is a juice for the soul ♪ you can't go wrong with dole ♪ so many flavors ♪ it's hard to control ♪ it's like a carnival ♪ in your mouthhole ♪ dole -- it is a juice for the soul ♪ [ male announcer ] dole. never dull. 100% new. ♪ 100% greek. 100% mmm... ♪ oh wow, that is mmm... ♪ in fact it's so mmm you might not believe it's a hundred calories. well ok then, new yoplait greek 100. it is so good. ♪ and we're back now with and we're back now with more of "today" on a thursday morning. it's the 15th day of november, 2012. let's recap, shall we? >> okay. >> we've got the christmas tree. which has arrived in rockefeller center. >> right. >> we have a read through this morning for the macy's thanksgiving day parade. >> right. >> which can only mean one thing. it's holiday time here. we are ready. >> thanksgiving? >> we had the rockettes earlier. >> it's holiday season, we have a nice crowd gathered on our plaza this morning, we're happy to be out here with them. i'm matt lauer along with savannah gurthrie, mr. al roker, and mr. willie geist. and coming up with the professionals. >> yes, and we got a special guest, dr. phil sticking around to join us. he'll be in for dr. nancy, no shortage of opinions. he's going to join donny and star as we look at the guy fieri review. we'll get their takes on it and also donny here special just for flirting, to flirt or not to flirt. >> i think we know donny's answer. >> is donny breathing? this weekend, of course, we've got another edition of "saturday night live." and you know given the news of the week, it is going to be very interesting show. well, we're going to talk to "snl" star fred armisen about all the news they'll probably be talking about and what it's like to not play president obama. and later, we're going to help you get motivated to get active with new games and gadgets that are supposed to get you moving during these cold months when you just want to curl under the covers and do nothing. >> okay. >> people still do that. >> yeah. exactly. natalie's standing by at the news desk to get a check of the headlines. good morning, everyone. former cia director general david petraeus has volunteered to testify in front of congress on friday about the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya, this as the scandal widens surrounding his acknowledged extramarital affair and subsequent resignation. meanwhile, the special agent who investigated the e-mails sent from petraeus biographer to a florida socialite has been revealed. humphries ii played a key role helping thwart a planned terrorist attack. on wednesday, the president addressed the fallout from petraeus' resignation, saying he has seen no evidence that the general's indiscretion led to a national security breach. rocket fire intensified overnight between israel and militants in gaza. this morning, at least three israelis were killed when their apartment building was struck by a gazan rocket marking the jewish state's first casualty since it launched into action on wednesday killing hamas' military commander. more than 100 have been wounded. the president heads to the new york area today to survey the damage left in the wake of superstorm sandy. this after taking a strong stance on the looming fiscal cliff, telling lawmakers that the economy cannot afford a tax increase on all americans. republican leaders say raising income tax rates on wealthier americans would hurt job creation. new health concerns this morning for yet another popular caffeinated drink, 13 reported deaths have now been linked to the possible involvement of 5-hour energy. according to the fda, some 90 reports date back to 2009, dozens involving life-threatening issues like convulsions, heart attacks, and even a spontaneous abortion. the company that distributes the energy shot drink says it is unaware that any deaths can be proven to be caused by 5-hour energy and that the drink is safe when used as directed. nbc news has confirmed this morning, british oil giant bp has agreed to pay a record criminal penalty as it nears a federal settlement over the 2010 gulf oil disaster. the settlement also includes criminal charges in connection with the deadly oil rig explosion. u.s. women's soccer team goalie hope solo and former nfl player jerramy stevens were married tuesday, the same day they appeared in court in a domestic violence case. police had detained stevens monday for a suspected assault at solo's suburban home. he was released when the judge ruled there was insufficient evidence. the couple had been dating for about two months. and you may be getting excited for thanksgiving, but these turkeys have declared all out war. one commuter in connecticut caught these wild turkeys bringing traffic to a halt, gobbling, even pecking at his car. the turkeys have been turning up every morning for the last few weeks, and with the thanksgiving feast coming, they're not backing down. turkeys win in this case. it is 9:04 right now. let's go back to al with a check of the weather. hey, al. >> you want a piece of me? let's take a look, see what you got for you as far as your weather's concerned. for today, we've got wet weather down along the southeastern atlantic coast, the carolinas looking at some wet stuff. basically a beautiful day here in the northeast, though going to be a little on the chilly side. some fog in the pacific northwest and even freezing fog in southern idaho. look for afternoon showers in central california, gulf coast looking pretty good, plenty of sunshine, but it is going to be chilly in the nort 9:05 on a thursday morning. clouds increasing ahead of an area of low pressure that's going to bring showers heading through tonight. today looks pretty good. temperatures into the upper 60s in livermore. 67 in fremont. first storm system arrives tonight. expecting heavy rainfall on friday. then we get a 1-2 punch, a secondary system comes through on sunday. the two combined could provide about 1.5 inches of rain. we're expecting quite a bit of moisture to pass through the bay area heading through the next seven days. getting a little bit of a break on saturday. >> and that's your latest weather. willie? >> and that's your latest weather. willie? all right, al, thank you very much. time now for "today's professionals." star jones, donny deutsch and in for dr. nancy snyderman today, our great pleasure to welcome dr. phil. author of "life code," the new rules for winning in the real world. good morning. >> and a special guest down at the end, lingering in our studio, guy fieri. >> he's here to do my hair. he's going to -- >> i told you what we can do with it. >> that'd be a good look. >> we're going to read a piece of this "new york times" review of guy's new restaurant in times square. the "new york times" writes in part, guy fieri, have you eaten at your new restaurants? have you pulled up one of the seats and ordered a meal? did you eat the food? did it live up to your expectation? did you try the blue drink? the one that glows like nuclear waste and the watermelon margarita and it goes on and on from there. i'll spare you the rest of it. donny, let me start with you, some people saying this is self-indulgent by the writer, a guy with an agenda. others say he was assigned the job to review the restaurant and gave his honest opinion. >> well, i think this is the best thing that happened. hey, these food critics, they eat up here places, this is real food for real people. enough with the critics, make it the populous movement. this will turn into gold for you, my friend. walk right into it, say we're not for critics, we're for you and me. this is a bonanza for you. i thought it was very good. >> it was very sarcastic. >> it was mean-spirited. it was almost if the critic didn't want to go to the restaurant. like his boss made him go to the restaurant and then in criticizing the food, it was like, so since i have to be here and be in this place, i'm going to take you down. it was mean and unnecessary. >> guy brought enough food to feed our entire "today" crew. they're downstairs trying the food. dr. phil, you star, and donny all had a bite. what did you think? >> well, first off, i did have some of it, and everything i tasted was really good. and i've got to say, i've got a problem with these critics and the language in this article tells me that it was more about him trying to find ways that he could flourish and embellish and lift himself up than it was about telling people about the restaurant. i mean, come on. this was way across the line. and you know what really bothers me? two things, there are 250 people working at this restaurant. he's entertaining himself and inflating his ego at the expense of 250 hardworking people that are down there trying to do a good job. that bothers me a lot. >> next dr. phil, restaurant critic. >> but donny, isn't that critic doing his job? >> but look, let's not get too warm and fuzzy here. if we can be rude to politicians, i have no problem with the guy taking out knives. it is what it is. if he's self-motivated, a lot of journalists are self-motivated. my point is, it's just food, relax a little bit. >> if you're going to take out knives, and i understand, you know, you go to the big fancy smancy restaurants, okay, but this is real food in times square, what did you expect? >> this wasn't about the food. it was about the critic. and by the way, last night, they host -- the "new york times" hosted 160-person party at that restaurant. >> dr. phil, haven't we trained our culture that angry sells? that the more -- whether it's political talk shows, whether it's our candidates. so we're training whether it's food critics or everybody -- or housewives to throw things at each other. this is more example of bad behavior getting more attention. >> the last time guy was here, he -- we fought each other to get over to it. >> we're going to do therapy over this scathing review. >> guy, it would be one thing if it just appeared in the "new york times" and a small audience of people who read that saw it. but this has gone viral. it's rocketed around the web. are you worried what it might do to your business? >> well, i came back to new york. i live in california, i was just here for a few days working at the restaurant, flew home for a parent/teacher conference, flew right back to come here and face this. the restaurant business is not exact. we're trying every day to be as good as we can be. we know there's critics. and i listen to my critics, that's my guests that come in the restaurant, that's my fans that come in the restaurant. visitors and new yorkers. am i worried about it? yeah. anything bad. especially when there was this, i think another agenda. but the reality, and i'm glad to hear the comments and support. we'll prevail, we'll keep going. i've got a great team, great chefs, this will move on. >> guy, run with it. put a sign, no critics -- this is gold. >> donny, i'm going to put you out there. >> it's a great opportunity. >> costs a lot of money to get this advice from him, yes, indeed, i'd take it. >> we appreciate you coming in. >> thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> next topic, flirting with trouble. new piece in the "wall street journal" talks about the pros and cons of flirting coming off this scandal in the united states military if you want to call it that. general allen e-mailing with the woman, ms. kelley in tampa, senior department official -- >> you're looking at me. >> well, these e-mails were flirtatious in nature. so can flirting be a good thing in the workplace? >> i actually -- >> i can't believe i'm asking you. >> i, actually, this is going to be controversial. i never had a problem with people having relationships in the workplace as long as it wasn't a direct subordinate. it's an natural ecosystem for people to meet. they spend all their waking hours, and flirting in and of itself can give good energy. there's different degrees of flirting. and i think every time people from the opposite sex usually interact or the same sex, there's some granular thing going on and it's okay. >> donny, i have to take the -- i have to put my legal hat on today because there's innately going to be a problem in your workplace even if you're not subordinate and boss. you're going to make an uncomfortable work environment for the other employees, and that is in violation also. >> very, very -- quickly, when leno went off the air, the most beautiful moment he said, here's my tribute and they opened up the curtain to all the families that met on his show and children were born out of it. so there's something wonderful. >> what's the line between flirting and going to sexual harassment? >> well, it depends on what your intention is. if you flirt enough, you can get a rabbit to hug a hen. the question is, what are you trying to do? if you're doing it for a purpose to come together, then okay, you get what you go after. but don't pretend you're doing one thing if you're doing something else. if you're going after a relationship with that person, then you're flirting with a purpose, okay. but own it. don't pretend you're not. and if somebody says, no, that's the harassment part, somebody says no, it's no. >> or if it makes the person who sits across from the person uncomfortable. >> none of their business. >> i'm supposed to work in an environment where my colleague's not getting special favors because -- >> leave it there. >> i think hooching it up should be the last word in this debate. thank you so much for being with us. up next, one of the stars of "snl" right after this. ♪ one for you. ♪ and one for me. ♪ you, you, you, you, you... ♪ and one for me. ♪ check out the price of this new flat screen. ♪ ♪ i'll buy it for bill but it's also for me. ♪ ♪ xbox for jack. ♪ sweaters for nancy. ♪ i'm blown away... i'm freaking out... ♪ ♪ deals, deals, deals! breathe. ♪ one for you and one for guess who. ♪ ♪ it's on, it's on, it's on, ♪ it's black friday. ♪ i'm so super pumped for target black friday! ♪ [ slurp! ] [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. here's a little something you'll find irresistible. cinnamon toast crunch, with a delicious cinnamon and sugar taste that's amazing. crave those crazy squares.™ ♪ ooh baby, can i do for you today? ♪ [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis, a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive system. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. want to wave to daddy ? ♪ you are exactlyne) one of a kind ♪ we're going to win. woah, that's awesome. ♪ cause we were made for each other for always ♪ score ! mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. chips, chips! [ female announcer ] silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy thick texture helps satisfy you. and at 80 calories it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied. well, the action may be over, but with the petraeus scandal this week, something tells us there's no shortage of material for the folks at "saturday night live." one of their funniest fred armisen has stopped by. >> we're all ready imagining the scenarios. >> it's all surprises, but there'll be good stuff for sure. >> is it fair to say we'll hear from general petraeus on saturday night? >> well, i'll give nothing away, but you'll be happy. >> and jeremy renner hosting. >> he's an actual actor, you know, from a real film. a real movie star and he's really great and i've been a fan of his for a long time anyway, you know. of "hurt locker," it's a cool movie. >> how is he rolling from the idea of how things change so quickly and sketches get dropped or added? >> you don't attach yourself emotionally to anything. because it just changes so much that you go in and do your job and try to be -- >> those of us who have been the rehearsals and see the show, it changes up to the last minute, things will be dropped left and right. makes your job that much harder. >> you memorize a script and it's gone. >> people running up to you, this is out. it's like being a soldier or something. >> i heard jason sudekis in an interview talking about how the crew hates you guys. you know that theme park we were going to do? that's a church. and they have to rebuild it. >> he had that look, like, what? people hate us? >> costumes, everything. wigs. >> meanwhile, we got to know you very well as president obama where you played so brilliantly. jay ferrell has taken on that role. do you miss playing the president? >> no, i like the constant change at "snl" and makes me feel good about the place. jay is so brilliant. and it's kind of nice because as things move along, you know, it's something to embrace. >> why was there a change, fred? a lot of people got uncomfortable, everyone identifies the president -- why the change? >> because of the new, you know, the fact there's like a new presidency, the election and everything. and it's just a good time to do it. the time is right to kind of, you know, let things move on a little bit. and change is always a great thing. >> you've been on the show -- it's hard to believe you've been on ten years. >> how do you think i feel? >> how do you feel? >> because it's incredible. it does feel like a brand new job to me all the time. maybe because every week there's like a new host and everything, but it's always brand new to me. and it went by in a flash. >> meanwhile, you have a new book out, as well. you're also an author, based on your show. >> yeah, that's the one and i wrote it with kari brownstein and a couple other writers from the show. and that's it right there. >> it's a hilarious show, by the way. the premise, kind of hipsters. >> like a fake travel book for portlandia, this fictional place, this fictional city. >> a hipster's bible. >> i'll take it. >> i think we need to go to portlandia. >> we're hipsters. we need to go to get hip. >> exactly. >> thank you. >> all right. i've been -- don't forget, catch "snl" with jeremy renner this saturday 10:30 central here on nbc. >> thanks, fred. great to have you. coming up, gadgets that will keep you moving. i like to drink orange juice or have lemon in my water... eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job. ♪ [ female announcer ] with its rich, silky smooth taste there's magic in every piece of dove® dark chocolate. ♪ that's why i take new trubiotics. it's a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. one helps support digestive health, the other immune health. stay true to your health. new trubiotics. from the makers of one-a-day. how does it brewsuch great cof? well, inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. over the past few weeks, millions of people here in the northeast experience life without power. what would you do if the power went out and never came back on? that's the premise of the new hit nbc drama "revolution." john carlos plays neville. the militia that formed after the blackout. good morning. pleasure to have you here. >> good to be here. >> it's a huge hit for nbc. i should say thank you. we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. >> i imagine when you get a call from j.j. abrams, the opportunity to work on a show he creates, it's got to be amazing. >> it's an amazing thing. we also have eric cripke who does supernatural and brian burke, but it's great to be on a show where people get the fact you have to do characters with action and great actors. >> do you know where everything's going this season? >> it's being revealed even to me. >> as we speak writing scripts. >> exactly right. things change all the time. i think that there's a big cliffhanger coming which will keep our audience really on the edge of their seats on 11/26. and we're celebrating led zeppelin. >> i know, this coming episode. thank you so much, catch all new episodes of "revolution" on nbc. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ girl ] dear santa... ♪ dear santa, i want a ballerina tutu, a pink bike, a unicorn night-light... [ female announcer ] this year, bring their wish list to life. [ girl ] ...princess doll, markers... [ female announcer ] let betty crocker do the measuring and get a head start on delicious homemade cookies. ♪ just pour, good morning to you. it's 9:26. i'm laura garcia-cannon. in antioch, a man is dead after being shot in the head. now the search is on for the person who pulled the trigger. an apartment building is a crime scene on sycamore drive. a 32-year-old man was shot in the head killed at the apartments. when they went inside, they found a suspicious item they say looked like an ied explosive. they called in the bomb squad. it appears the item was not dangerous after all. so far, police have not release a description of the suspect or a possible motive. fire crews now say they know what started an overnight fire in san francisco's castro district. the call came in about 2:00 this morning on a victorian home on noe street. firefighters say it started by a wall heater. flames spread to the entryway of the home which had been converted into six apartments. firefighters kept the flames from spreading. 12 people who lived there had to evacuate. we'll be right back with a look at traffic and weather. welcome back. the time is 9:28. the clouds are really starting to thicken up ahead of our first system. we've got two on the way. a 1-2 punch for the bay area. this is san jose. you can see the same cloud overhead. partly cloudy skies. mostly cloudy later on this afternoon. highs in the 60s and 70s. look at how much rain is headed our way over the next few days. two systems on the way and possibly a third system heading into wednesday of next week. talking about measuring the rain upwards of an inch and three-quarters in parts of the bay area. localized flooding will be a factor. through monday, an-and-off showers. let's talk to mike about your drive. >> a slow drive still for 880. but much better than over the last hour. continuing to improve past the coliseum, northbound is the congested side. southbound clear here. getting toward the bay bridge, slow spots for 580 and 880. better news from walnut creek. the sigalert cleared. all lanes clear but slow in both directions through that stretch. and looking at the south bay as well, driving through fremont, bogging down south of dakota past mission boulevard. >> thank you very much, mike. and thank you for joining us. another local news update is coming up in half an hour. i think i just saw the reality of what had happened. and i had my eye patch on. i didn't have my hand. and half my head was shaved, and i was just thinking, wow. >> that is 24-year-old fashion writer lauren scruggs, the young woman who walked into a spinning airplane propeller nearly a year ago. the accident almost killed her. but her attitude is amazing, and she and her family will be here live tomorrow on "today" for an exclusive interview. and i'll have more with her tomorrow night on "dateline." she's an incredible woman. such a great spirit. her whole family, very spiritual, very christian and really believe that now she has a great story to tell to help others. >> she looks amazing. >> in just a year's time, it's remarkable what the doctors have been able to do in her recovery overall. >> it's amazing to survive to begin with and then look as good as she does. >> it's been very hard, but she's handling it with such grace and dignity. it's beautiful. >> we look forward to seeing her tomorrow. coming up, we're going to test our social cues, how to handle those awkward situations, whether it's a new co-worker who won't leave you alone, willie, or tricky family issues during the holidays. we'll advice. >> i wonder what that restraining order was all about from one al roker. and if the cold weather makes you want to curl under a blanket in front of the tv, we'll get you up on your feet with some new gadgets to keep you active. >> what is that called? >> it's called, hey, i'm squatting in front of the tv. that's fantastic. >> all right. >> now i'm going to squat over here. that's fantastic. >> she's moving, it's good. also, you may be doing a little bit of the squats after you stuff yourself on thanksgiving. what better way to segue our favorite italian cooking family the scottos are whipping up some recipes and squatting. >> mom's wearing leather. >> i know. hot mama, marion. marion and her leather. >> that was natalie for the record. >> first, al, you got a check of the weather. >> again, socially awkward. let's see what we've got for you as we look ahead toward the weekend. for tomorrow, no travel troubles, some wet weather, though, along the west coast into central california. sunny and cold through the plains. as we move into saturday, doing some traveling, look out for rain along the southeastern atlantic coast. again, the west coast, heavy rain in central california into the pacific northwest. and then sunday, sunday, rain and windy along the mid-atlantic coast. we've got more rain and snow in the pacific northwest down in central california. and the mountains good morning to you. the time now, 9:32. taking a live look. beautiful sky for now. this is the last of the sunny days. we have a lot of rain on the way, two separate storm systems. highs today will reach the upper 60s with all that sunshine coming in. but headed towards a major cooldown and a lot of rain. potentially measuring that rain in inches before all is said and done on sunday. throughout the next couple of days, first heavy rain arrives on friday a little bit of a break on saturday. more heavy rain sunday into monday. >> and that's your latest weather. >> and that's your latest t weather. all right, al. thank you very much. up next -- fun gadgets to get you up off that couch and moving. we're going to dance. you're going to dance. >> i am? >> we're not allowed to do that. >> right after this. 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>> yeah, he trains me. i go through a 15 minute body assessment. it's going to see if i'm injured or not, put me through fitness tests. and you can have your own personal trainer. a great game to really get you moving. nike plus for kinect. awesome game. >> these headbands. >> i love a good set of headphones to keep you moving. earbuds fall out. these i've been testing out for a few months, these are called jay birds sport bands, and they stay on, but the best part about them, they're wireless. if you have your smartphone, you have all of your tracks on the sma smartphone, you can control it from the headphones and you can take and make calls, which is a nice little option. but the best part is, they stay on. >> that's great. that's fantastic. >> five awesome colors too. >> i like these goggles. >> you're familiar with these goggles. you have seen the underwater version, there's a scuba and snorkel version. they take pictures, video, now there's a new ski goggle that takes stills, but also coolest part about it, you can actually wirelessly stream the video right to somebody's smartphone. >> so they can see you wipe out. >> i like to hang out in the lobby and eat hot dogs while they're on the slopes, but now they can prove it to me because i can see their feed live. so amazing to have. >> watch out for that cliff -- >> yeah, go down and go anywhere from $100 to $400 depending on what you want. i'm like out of breath from that. >> i don't feel so bad now. you take a breath. you really like this. >> i love this. so there is a very cluttered market when it comes to fitness bands. my favorite is -- this is just relaunched on tuesday. this is jawbone -- >> they took it off the market because it had a lot of problems. >> it is back and better than ever. >> waterproof now? >> waterproof, it's amazing. as you can see, i have a little wristband on. you can take the wristband off and pop it into the headphone jack of your iphone. it tracks your sleep, calories burned, your steps taken. as you can see today i've already taken 1,668 steps, i go for 10,000 steps a day, but the really cool one i like is the sleep. you can see it maps out my sleep, but not just shows me how many hours i've slept, deep sleep, light sleep, how long it took to fall asleep, it really maps it out for you, and i can follow my friend mindy and travis. friends and family, you want to track the data, do that too. >> i want to find out how my family's sleeping. >> it's a nice little option. >> fit bit is another option, if you don't want to have the bracelet like i have, this is more discreet, you can have it on your bra, your pants. >> that's much more discreet. >> well, you don't see it, al. let's get with the program here. >> it's lighting and beeping. >> it's ly $60, tracks your calories burned. steps taken and distance. >> what is this here? >> this is a fraction of the price, $30, called the move band and tracks all your movement and calories burned and your distance. this is for organizations and educational programs. for example, the cleveland public library had a whole program where they're all challenging themselves to lose some weight. >> what about for your bike? >> okay, this is awesome. if you're worried about your safety in the early morning hours, taking that bike ride, these are under $10, spokelets. and as you can imagine, it makes your wheel look awesome. and these are my favorite, monkey lights. i'm going to get this spinning around, from space invaders, hearts, to skulls, they whip around and they will make you stand out. it's an awesome option. we have to talk about this one, because parents perk up, this is hot on the holiday list. this is the wii u. parents need to take advantage of it of all the awesome games out there. this one is just dance 4. and i'm going to hit your little button. you have to follow your character on the screen. al, you're the guy in the black. >> okay. >> we are dancing to jailhouse rock. top 40 songs, 80 songs, al's chosen to sweat to the oldies, take advantage of awesome games. >> thanks so much. up next, how to handle those sticky social situations like this. but later, the first italian family of cooking, the scottos. get down. first these messages. donut. chips, chips! [ female announcer ] silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy thick texture helps satisfy you. and at 80 calories it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied. new light & fit greek. there's a place where the sky is always blue and the kids always eat their vegetables. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. it's the way ranch is supposed to taste. and try italians and vinaigrettes from hidden valley. onof chocolate lovers from the thmelting point of chocolate. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles, it deliciously melts the moment you take a bite. hershey's air delight. it just might make you melt. throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+. oh, did you want it? yea we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half that's not half! guys, i have more! thanks mom [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin whether it's a pushy co-worker or family disagreements around the holidays, how to handle sticky situations, phillip galanos is the author of "social cues." now out in paperback edition. phillip, good morning. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> good to have you. >> just in time for the holidays. >> which always gets sticky and awkward. >> sticky, beyond sticky. but today we have a welcome willie palooza for the situation. >> when new folks make your life a living hell, here we go. >> what? you had to bring in an expert. >> saying the same about us. >> an expert. a new co-worker transferred to our office from another state. i said, let me know if you need any help settling in. since then, it's been three calls a day and nonstop lunch and dinner invitations, how do i make this stop? >> i think you just got to cut him off. i hate to say it. you've done your part, helped him get started and now maybe stop responding to e-mails quickly, don't return the phone calls. you can't go on like this. >> willie's going with the train the puppy. >> i think you say, look, you know, i've been thrilled to help you, but i need to pull back a little bit because i'm kind of slammed at work. >> okay. the lie. >> i feel like the worker is kind of looking for a friend more than anyone. doesn't know anyone, probably trying to find somebody to help guide them, but i think at that point you do, i agree with willie, i think you have to say, listen, i'd love to help you out, you can call me when you really need me, but i've got a whole other life to take care of. >> can i maybe throw in one more thing? >> okay. >> share the load. i think natalie's totally right, this guy is lonely. introduce to other co-workers and friends and maybe you can offload this one on to them. >> share the load. spread the wealth. >> exactly. okay. this one is about thanksgiving. new addition to the family. my brother just married a nice girl who is trying to take over our family thanksgiving. she wants to change all our family traditions to her family's. we want her to feel welcome, but how do we get her to back off? >> does she cook? send her to my place. if she's willing to cook for us. >> i think it's up to you to tell your brother, say, look, you've got to have your new wife back off a little bit because she's going to tick everybody off and end up with a carving knife in her back. >> but life is change and family is change, so you can't ice her out. >> no. >> she gets to bring a pie a this or that too. >> that's what we did when i married my wife. you bring in some of their traditions. she does one thing, and when i go to visit her house, it's all about her. we come with overwhelming force, you get the aunts, uncles, grandmas, resistance is futile. >> so a gesture and i like al's comment a lot about rather than taking the new gal on directly, go to your brother who you've got a relationship with. >> sure. >> i agree. >> brand new receptionist at our office. and i can smell her perfume all the way in the back of the office. >> yeah. >> it is giving me a headache. would it be rude to say something to her? if not, what? >> i think you need to say it. because i bet a lot of people in the office feel the same way. i've had this issue with people and i'm very perfume sensitive and too much is -- >> i would walk up to her and say, look, there's been a problem -- >> people have been talking about it. >> natalie has been complaining. >> exactly. >> natalie has a headache. >> natalie's allergic and it may be -- >> blame it on somebody else is what you're saying. >> i think a lot of times the person wearing all the perfume doesn't realize, perhaps, how much they're wearing. >> did you tell joe scarborough that? >> it was axe body spray. if you say it gently. >> it's a good thing here. >> you're helping them out, actually. >> one more. >> no. >> how do you tell a guest you're out of time. >> you're out of time. >> welcome, willie. >> thank you. >> paperback edition. we've got the hard cover editions. thank you. good job as always. coming up next, thanksgiving recipes from the scotto family. this is "today" on nbc. "today's holiday kitchen" is brought to you by ocean spray. tastes good, good for you. ♪ >> this morning in "today's holiday kitchen," an italian thanksgiving courtesy of the scotto familia. of the new york restaurant. what do you like in the kitchen at the scotto family thanksgiving. >> i brought those aromas to fresco now. our beautiful turkey, our famous stuffing, which is rice and sausage and, oh -- and it's the best. >> wow. >> now we're going to do -- >> like ravioli. >> it is, but it's made in a triangle. what's the stuffing here? >> oh, this stuffing -- would you mix that for me, please? >> absolutely. >> it is pumpkin. and then we're adding some maple syrup. >> oh. >> and some nutmeg. >> why -- why is there -- >> ahh -- >> okay. okay. the syrup makes it a little sweet. so then you hard boil it, the topping here is butter and sage. >> mm-mmm. and that's what we're doing. natalie, give me some nuts because they'll kill me here. they get so vicious with me. >> this family. >> all right. >> during thaifnksgiving we can just do a thanksgiving menu, we have to do something else. we thought of a great salmon dish we could do and use a lobster succotash. we've cubed and quartered and cleaned artichokes. i've sauteed garlic and onion to start with. we have the cubed -- >> lobster. >> we're going to add a little to this, tomato for color. >> that's beautiful. >> little salt, little pepper, and we're going to in a sense stew that down. you want to get it a little soft, lobster's cooked, no big deal. all these textures and flavors just terrific. >> the lobster was salt and pepper, light seasoning. >> yeah, let me get to that. but the lobster was cooked down, we pulled out the lobster so it's not out of the stock. then we're going to take this salmon and cook it skin side down, it's got to be scheming hot. if not, it's going to stick. we take it rare, put it on top of the succotash, the succotash is just going to melt into your mouth. and then you're going to finish it with just -- and this is online for you, the recipe, just a little caper and white wine and lemon sauce. >> beautiful. delicious. all right. all yours. >> okay. so we are doing a maple apple bread pudding. >> nice. >> and i'm going to start here with some eggs and milk. and al, would you get me some sugar. >> brown sugar? >> light brown sugar. vanilla. >> all right. >> cinnamon. and we're going to mix this all together, some maple syrup please. a pinch of salt. >> all right. >> and we mix this all together. and what we like to call this is rustic bread. however it would otherwise be known as stale bread. so take some old bread, throw it in, add some apples. >> all right. >> we're going to mix that all up and here, look how cute, we've taken our pumpkin, cleaned it out, and now we stuff it, and once we do that, we have the oven at 350, and we bake it for about 45 minutes. >> that's beautiful. >> it's great. good morning to you. 9:56. i'm marla tellez. here's a check of the day's top stories. a two-alarm fire at a san francisco apartment building was sparked by a heating unit in the wall. 12 people had to evacuate. only one apartment was seriously damaged. a woman is under arrest after leading the chp on a chase through the streets of san francisco. officers say she hit a parked car which then hit a cyclist. the cyclist is expected to be okay. the driver is now facing dui charges. giants catcher buster posey a finalist for major league baseball's national league mvp award. the winner will be announced at 3:00 this afternoon. right now, let's get a check on the forecast with meteorologist christina loren. >> thank you, marla. good morning to you. we've got two storm systems on the way. the first one is going to creep up in the south heading into this evening into tomorrow. another stronger storm packing a lot more cold air moves in sunday into monday. overall, we're expecting half an inch to 1.5 inches of rain. and we are watching for the potential of flooding in the santa cruz mountains. check ahead on 17 before you head out. 70 degrees in livermore. 67 in santa teresa. saturday, a little bit of a break. more heavy rain on sunday. let's check your drive with mike inouye. >> slow south 880 through fremont. there you see the sign past the auto mall. it's slow down toward the fremont funnel coming out of union city and continuing into the south bay. northbound routes have cleared except the 101. south 101 coming down towards san mateo out of san bruno and the airport is a little slow. the rest of the area, looking pretty good. >> for the latest traffic and news updates, find us on facebook, search nbc bay area. we're back at 10:26. now right off the bat. it is thirsty thursday. you know what that means? it's not any other typical boozy thursday on our show, it is the official broadway opening of "scandalous" tonight. >> how sweet are those people? >> 12 years plus. >> a smart person could have done it in half the time. >> tonight, there is going to be a red carpet. >> i know. >> it's going to be a lot of fun. >> i've been just numb. honestly, i've given birth twice to two children and raising them into fine human beings i always thought would be the hardest job in my life. thank god my son and daughter are a piece of pie compared to bringing a show to broadway. if somebody said the writing is the easy part compared to getting it produced and getting it to broadway. there are so many aspects that have to all come together at the same time. tonight my emotions are very much on the surface. i had to be so gritty, steady eddie. >> it's going to be a fun red carpet before. everyone from the show is coming, matt, savannah, al, natalie. so many people here, regis and joy will be there with bells on. >> absolutely. my hodi woman who got me through this. >> you know who my date is? liza minnelli! >> we are going to have a lot of fun. >> liza knows something about the theater. this woman is a legend in broadway. >> these are great t-shirts that say "scandalous" on them. >> it does feel a lot like giving birth. that's joyful and painful at the same time. i want to thank everybody, thank you all so much for it. our sara is coming, too. >> of course. speaking of joyful and painful, we did anderson cooper yesterday. it's going to air on tuesday. >> the 20th, i think. >> there was a moment that happened before the show starts. usually there is someone who works the audience. they play music and what not. here is the drinking before. here is what happened before the show started. we had a funky dance party. >> here is a video of you guys. >> there was music, by the way. >> let's show the video of you guys. that's fantastic. >> the guy was cranking it. >> spanking added an extra dimension. >> his name was jeff. >> he was one of the fun and raucous anderson cooper audience member. >> the only one i knew was the "360 degrees" anderson cooper. i had no idea what a party animal he can be. he's a very cheap date. we did get him a little tipsy. no, gone. >> he kept saying throughout the show. like blurting stuff out. it was perfect. >> we had a lot of fun with him. we want to thank him for that. apparently there's been an update in the ongoing feud of the century between chelsea handler and hoda and i, yeah. >> anyway, we told you about it. she was supposed to show up and she didn't because -- >> canceled about an hour and half before the show. >> hit her eye on the shower curtain then later had food poisoning. she decided to set the record straight on her own show. this is what she had to say. >> i have to apologize to the "today" show then they saw me on jimmy fallon and i lied. i've been lying to everyone lately about why i didn't show up. i don't have a good reason. to hoda kotb and kathie lee gifford, i'm sorry. i'm really professional, but i couldn't make it. >> i like that apology. >> half-hearted, but she is not lying. >> i liked it. >> apology accepted. all right. we'll welcome her back any time. >> so they come out with the best-dressed women of the year. we'll give you the top three. >> this surprised me. i haven't seen this lady about. from "the good life." she has an exotic look. >> number two on the list was from "the girl with the dragon tattoo." >> she is the granddaughter of anne merer who will be at "scandalous" tonight. and also emma stone. she has a great look and she mixes it up a lot. she doesn't have the same look. she is daring. >> the "wall street journal" came out with an article. there are new rules for flirting, okay? elizabeth bernstein has been here before. >> she writes great articles. >> it opens doors, but sometimes can cause problems. think, some people are flirtation by nature and some people turn it on to get what they want. some flirt to get out of traffic tickets. that's happened many times. >> really? you flirt? >> i found the best way is to be extremely gracious, not flirting because that can -- >> i am so sorry. no, you have to juice it a little. >> oh, hoda. >> you can't go, i was going 60 miles per hour in a 45. >> oh, my gosh, my kid is -- i would tell the truth in a very sincere way. i wouldn't go, gee, what am i in for, officer? >> you can do that. it works better. >> how much time am i going to do in the slammer? i don't know. i don't like to be around women that are just falling over someone. >> there is too much flirting and subtlele, normal flirting. >> hodi is a tactile woman. >> men, if you touch them, men will think you're ready to hop into the sack. >> yeah. >> that's why it bothers frank so much. >> you're tactile, too. >> and a night like tonight with a lot of people wishing me well will be the biggest nightmare in the world for frank. he'll hate it. >> not as much as you're going to hate my ihoda song. i've been dying for this one. this may be one of my favorite ihoda songs ever. you're going to hate it. it's going to take you back to a time when you couldn't sit, you had to dance. it's by digital underground. you're going to love it. ♪ my body is in motion ♪ anyone can play this game ♪ this is my dance y'all you got it down humpty hump. >> do the hump. >> ready? >> no. ♪ do the humpty hump >> i'm speechless. >> how do you do the hump? what does it look like? >> does anybody else think that is strange? >> doesn't that take you back? >> awesome. that song is so great. >> you know what's awesome, okay or not okay? is it okay to have a work/spouse relationship? >> absolutely. i had a work husband for 15 years i still adore. anybody here of regis? >> as long as your real husband is okay with it. cassidy used to say you have the musical taste of a 17-year-old, no, it's 12-year-old. we are now drinking the beaujulais nouveau. happy harvest to george du bouef. >> congratulations to don nash. >> it was bad news we were losing four jim bell whom we adore, but we found out john nash was going to take his post, we were thrilled. >> a toast to don. cheers. >> there are big changes coming to the hit nbc show "the voice." carson daly is going to reveal all. >> two women get the makeover of their lives after these messages. hey sis, it's so great to see you. you, too! oh, cloudy glasses. you didn't have to come over! actually, honey, i think i did... oh? you did? whoa, ladies, easy. hi. cascade kitchen counselor. we can help avoid this with cascade complete pacs. over time, the other premium pac can leave cloudy, hard water deposits, but cascade complete pacs help leave glasses sparkling. shiny! too bad it doesn't work on windows. okay, i'm outta here. more dishwasher brands in north america recommend cascade. one square inch ofrica deliciously smooth chocolate in creamy milk... or rich dark. incredible indulgence. one square inch of bliss. hershey's bliss. ♪ you are exactly one of a kind ♪ yummy. ♪ a-b-c-d want to drive it to daddy ? ♪ for always ( giggles ) sure, bisquick makes delicious pancakes, but that's just the start. unleash the hidden power of bisquick. see what you can make at the final round of nbc's hit singing competition "the voice" brings a little twist and big drama. >> the fate of ten finalists rests solely in the hands of the viewers at home. one of the finalists trevor hunt floored the judges monday night. take a listen. ♪ when a man loves a woman ♪ down deep in his soul ♪ she can bring him such misery ♪ >> sing it! tell everybody what you were telling us. >> good morning. >> what did somebody tell him? >> i said i want some wine. >> no, you didn't. somebody gave him a negative review. >> trevor hunt from here in new york. needed a recommendation from a fellow educator to go on and get this music recommendation. they said you'll never amount to anything. you'll never be anything. look at trevor hunt now. great story. >> about your show, by the way, when i heard the number of votes on the last elimination round exceeded the amount of votes on the finale of last year's "voice" shows how much this show has grown. >> it's unbelievable. it is. we had the super bowl. season one, what is this new show? is there room for another one of these shows? people believed in what we were doing. we have coaches, not judges, authentic, authentic, authentic. season two off the super bowl. season three, people found the show. >> good. >> other things are fading and other things are eclipsing. >> and you're changing it up. you don't keep the same rules. >> we looked at season two. everybody loves the blind auditions, the big red chairs, you play alone at home. hard to beat that. we figured we would introduce the steal. so much great talent was leaving and we can't let these people go. we introduced the steal where the coaches were incentivized to look at the other teams and keep their eye on people. it's the steals have been effective for this season in making the middle part of our format exciting. the shares are back in. look at terri there. team blake. we have great talent this year. >> you're going to mix it up with the judges in the future. >> we are. we all knew from day one they are not reality judges by job trade. they are real artists. they've got to get out on the road. we refer to it as how lucky are we to have shakira and usher pinch-hitting for christina and cee lo next season. it's awesome, and it's still "the voice." >> when something has to be an hour or two-hour long show, it's structured. you have to stop people and move it on and hit a commercial break but it feels free. >> you say loosey-goosey in the morning. we refer to that as drunk. blake shelton, in particular. >> we are in love with him. >> i have to play traffic cop to all the drunk, loosey-gooseyness. that's the idea. we are having fun. i work with the truck, we get the show off the air. >> they have fun. >> their music is going crazy on itunes. that is another way people vote? >> you get extra points for that? >> yes. we have a new thing i was talking about where it's the multiplier. if they chart in the top ten that could count times ten for their final vote. itunes has become now the real litmus test for how america's enjoying and buying music. the fact that "the voice" artists are chartists is crazy. i wish you the best. every time i turn you on, you're drinking and talking about "the voice" which is awesome. thank you. >> have a great finale. you can catch "the voice" next monday night at 8:00/7:00 here on nbc when the top ten sing for your vote. it is a big night for broadway and kathie lee. hoping night for "scandalous." we'll take you behind the scenes. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. i've got to get breakfast ready for my two leading ladies. while managing their schedule with my producing partner. i set up kid's corner so they can learn and play games without deleting my stuff. "working mom" is sometimes a tough role to play, but it's definitely the one i was born for. [ clattering, children laughing ] and...action. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] new windows phone. reinvented around you. ♪ anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. in case you haven't heard, tonight is a big night for my good friend to my left here kathie lee. it's safe to say tonight is right up there after marrying frank and having two amazing children. that's because tonight the lights shine on broadway for "scandalous" the musical. kathie lee has poured her heart and soul in this for a dozen of years writing the book and lyrics. because i have a connection, i got a behind the scenes look before the curtain goes up tonight. take a look. >> we have a little show called "scandalous." >> let's talk about "scandalous." >> kathie lee gifford's musical is going to broadway. yeah, baby! >> should we sing the song? "hooray for hollywood from shirley temple to aimee semple ♪ >> kathie lee is out to change all that with "scandalous" a musical based on the life of evangelist aimee semple mcpherson. how would you describe her in a nutshell? >> a woman in history who has fallen through the cracks. she's gone on to become the most scandalous, controversial celebrated woman of her day. >> stop, you're drifting away from the faith of your fathers. >> 12 years i've been physically writing and trying to get it produced on broadway. >> she was really, really strong. >> we had four workshops, i think. >> two large out of town regional productions, well over 1,000 rewrites. it's all part of the process. i was fighting for every chance i got. >>. ♪ who needs good news >> carolee carmello in my mind is the finest working actress in the musical theater. there is not another actress i can think of who could play aimee the way carolee does. >> this is the neil simon theater. the cast, the crew, the creative team have been working round the clock to get this baby ready for opening night. let's go backstage and find out. >> hoda woman! >> is it time? >> it's almost. we are about a half hour from curtain. >> wait. >> you are center stage. this is the neil simon theater. would you like me to introduce you to some of the folks? what goes into it. this way first. >> of course. >> we heard a rumor the hotty with the body ed "hot" watts is here. one of the highlights for many of the women, you see something that is happening underneath this robe. what could it be? >> he plays adam. >> i lost hoda woman. love you, ed, have a good show. hope he makes it for curtain. opening night's knocking on the door, you ready? >> i'm ready. a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. >> sing a little of it. ♪ girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do ♪ a girl ain't got to do it no more ♪ >> how does it feel being this close to opening? >> i'm scared to death. >> caramel, my lovely wig master here is prepping my hair to be put under two wig caps. here are my microphones which live on the back of my head. in case one goes out there is a backup. i never leave the stage really. >> you've been on this project since its infancy. >> can you believe it? it's like opening night on broadway. >> she doesn't know whether to kiss me or curse me. >> you're going to sit there in the audience and watch that curtain go up on opening night. what will that be like? >> i think that's when it's finally going to hit me. it's my child and i had a lot of help birthing it and i hope it will live forever and touch people's hearts. >> thank you, hoda. so many people have made a big thing about this taking me 12 years. my two composer friends david pomerantz and david friedman have been along with me and they don't get the same attention and that's not. >> going to be a fun opening night. >> this is the best friend in the whole world. supporting me so much. you know i've got great friends. god gave me you, hoda. thank you. >> thank you. next we'll go to our ambush makeover team and they'll put their finishing touches on a couple of beautiful women. >> less than 24 hours to go to hey big guy, i want to get for the big holiday. we like to watch big games. we got a big spread together... so it's gotta be big. how about the 55-inch lg tv. it's led and has incredible picture quality... that's big... but i got a little budget. with the walmart credit card special financing you can go big this year. that's big time! alright! [ male announcer ] get the season's hottest brands, like an lg 55-inch led tv. make an electronics purchase of $429 or more on your walmart credit card and get no interest if paid in full within 18 months. america's gift headquarters. walmart. in full within 18 months. onof chocolate lovers from the thmelting point of chocolate. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles, it deliciously melts the moment you take a bite. hershey's air delight. it just might make you melt. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios good morning to you. it is 10:26. i'm marla tellez. this morning, uc berkeley police are trying to figure out what killed a man whose body was found near a road in the berkeley hills. officers found him late last night. the independent news site berkeley side reports the man is in his 20s and was reported missing by a friend earlier in the day. investigators say the exact cause of death is unclear but they do not suspect foul play. we'll take a look at that forecast and the roads after the break. taking a live look at partly to mostly cloudy conditions. this is representative of the sky over the greater bay area. lots of rain on the way. once we get into it tonight, it's going to continue every day through tuesday. but before it arise, hitting 70 degrees in livermore. 68 in santa teresa. and 69 in santa cruz. our first showers are already starting to move into monterey. we'll time it out to your doorstep at 11:00. let's check on your drive right now. >> partly to mostly park conditions at the bay bridge toll plaza. but you see good movement here. the east shore freeway approaching the area of 880, congested but not so bad coming out of richmond. things loosen up around emeryville. southbound 101 clearing up. we had slowing through those areas. but at the merge, things congested. south 880 getting off at the alame alameda, the off-ramp is scheduled to be closed possibly through saturday. that pump is contingent with the repair work and they have to fix that. >> mike, thanks. more of the day's top stories coming up in just 30 minutes. jon kelley and i will see you at 11:00. "today" on this thirsty thursday. two ladies get swept up with hair and make-up and a head-to-toe new look. >> "today" contributor and stylist to the star louis licari, la la la la la, never gets old. "us weekly" contributor and author jill martin. >> great crowd. we were looking for two scandalous makeovers. >> here we go. lucinda, 47 years old from arizona. this married mother of six has had the same style for as long as she can remember. she has always been tempted to go for a shorter haircut but is scared to chop it herself. she is going to go short. let's listen to her story. >> we had to bully your mother into this. you think that she is ready? >> i think she is ready. she needs hair color and she's had the same look for a few years. so see what happens. >> now that you're inside with us, how are you feeling? s you were shaking outside. >> little nervous, but it will be okay. excited. >> oh, my gosh. >> you're in great hands. >> kaitlin has her blind fold on. please keep it on till i give you the green light. here is lucinda before. let's see the new you. oh, i love it. >> ready to take off your blind fold? take it off, honey. >> oh, my gosh! >> come here. come to me. now turn around and look right here. >> oh, my gosh. >> look how beautiful you are. >> look right at this camera. >> that's still a long-haired look. >> lucinda wanted to hold on to her long hair but wanted style. vanessa shaped it around her face. notice her beautiful jaw line? the first layer starts at the jaw line to emphasize it. i softened her hair color to make it brighter, prettier. >> luxurious. >> can we talk to kaitlin? >> it looks really good. i like the color and looks like a whole new person. >> tell us about the outfit. looks great on her that blue. >> and blue matching yours. she said no at first to this makeover. we did kind of bully her into this. once we got the outfit on, this is andrew marc and kendra scott. >> are you happy you did this? >> yes, yes. >> join your daughter right over there. >> our second lady is renee, 54 from alexandria, illinois. this woman is in town to see "s scandalous." she isn't used to wearing make-up but she was up for a day of broadway beauty. >> all right. renee has the sign, but peg you want this for your dear friend. you're busting. >> i am. i am so excited. she always looks the same. she is so pretty. i want her to look like a hotty or glamorous for whatever. >> what do you think about that, a hotty, is that what you want to look like? >> i just want to look different. i have had the same look for a long time. and i'm a grand match it would be nice to look. >> louis licari will make you the hottest-looking grandma in the country. >> that would be great. >> renee is a wonderful lady. she is here with her dear friend peg. let's take one last look at renee and bring the new renee out all ready for broadway. >> nice. >> beautiful. you want to take it off? take a look. >> oh, my god! you look wonderful. >> turn around. >> i don't recognize myself. >> you look gorgeous. >> i see a little red in that hair. i love it. >> it's more like a chestnut brown. what i tried to do here, look at the before, it's heavy, too dark. the lighter color makes it softer. that makes her hair look twice as full with a great haircut. both ladies have this natural pink glossy sheer lipstick. >> peg is busting. >> i can't believe it. i wouldn't recognize her. you don't look like yourself. >> she knows what you means. tell us about this beautiful dress. >> the attire tonight is festive. we wanted to give her something festive and scandalous with a little lace. this is by maggie london. >> wow, great job. >> great job. >> thank you. "twilight" victim vampire is in the house. she was with us over at and cooper yesterday. i don't spendoney on gasoline. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and it's not just these owners giving the volt high praise. volt received the j.d. power and associates appeal award two years in a row. ♪ ♪ hark how the bells, sweet silver bells ♪ ♪ all seem to say throw care away ♪ ♪ from everywhere, filling the air ♪ [ female announcer ] chex party mix. easy 15-minute homemade recipes you just pop in a microwave. like caramel chocolate drizzles. happier holidays. chex party mix. test. test. test. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. just unroll it, fill, top, bake, and present. that must have taken you forever! it was really tough. [ female announcer ] pillsbury pie crust. let the making begin it is the final countdown for twi-hards. the last film of "twilight saga breaking dawn part two" opens in theaters. >> you can bet there won't be an empty seat. ashley green returns as a vampire with a special gift. take a look. >> what is it, alice? >> they're coming for us. >> every time she says that they do. >> it's true and i'm right. >> we saw you yesterday. it will be on next week on anderson. >> that was a crazy show. >> this is kind of sad in a way. this is the end of this series. i know it's heartbreaking for fans. how is it for you? >> it's a little sad. we've been doing it for so long and i feel like it's become my family this cast and i've become so comfortable with alice. it's sad it's all coming to an end, but the positive side i think we had a really good run. everyone is really going to like this film. bill ended it in such a beautiful way. >> is it a surprise ending? people loved all the books. this is the only time they departed from the actual rendering in the book. >> yes. that was brave of them. you always wonder because there are such avid fans of the books. i think what they did was really cool. i'm excited for people to see it. >> how did it author feel about it? >> stephanie is now producer on the film, as well. anything we do totally goes through her. >> a lot of people know you from this film, but you're just a regular girl who likes to hang out in sweats, you like to bake. >> we appreciate that. >> when did that start? >> probably more recently. probably once i got into this industry. part of it is when my mom comes to visit, that's something we do together. my dad enjoys it because he gets to eat it all. there is something very therapeutic about being in the kitchen and baking. i enjoy et more than cooking. with baking you can't go so wrong. you can experiment a little bit. it's all supposed to taste sweet. >> will you have an opportunity to bake for your family this thanksgiving? will you be home in jacksonville? >> yes. i'm going to go home to jacksonville which i wasn't planning to originally, but my dad is going to go to mexico. couldn't let my mom hang out alone. >> she is here with you in new york. >> that's why she turned out the way she did. >> my parents are top notch. >> tell your whom hi for us. >> she is watching now. >> great to see you. she will be starting a new movie down in the new orleans area. >> you're busy. >> thanks for coming to see us. >> thank you. >> one of your favorite childhood cuties danica mckellar heads back to the small screen. [ female announcer ] nature exists on the grandest scale... ♪ ...and in the tiniest details. ♪ and sometimes both. nature valley granola thins pack the big taste of granola and dark chocolate into one perfect square, under 100 calories. nature valley granola thins. nature at its most delicious. ♪ you are exactly ♪ ♪ one of a kind ♪ who wants a pizza? i'm gonna cut the pizza. what flavor is that? lemon green! ♪ clean up time ♪ ♪ clean up time ♪ throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+. she drove all the young boys crazy, especially kevin arnold. the adorable winnie cooper on "the wonder years." now danica mckellar is a best-selling author. >> now she's gotten back to her acting roots starring in a new holiday romance called "love at the christmas table" on lifetime. >> good to see you. we are so glad it's not about math. we feel like such idiots. math isn't our thing though you say it could be. we'll not talk about that. >> getting your foot back into acting -- does it feel good to get back into the swing of that? >> i love acting. i love writing the math books but i love acting. this movie is such a sweet fun movie. it's very christmassy and a comedy. it shows the characters every year at christmas. they meet at the children's table when they are 5. i play the character from 18 to 32. >> you lock some bangs, baby. >> how did you do that? >> hair changes. that was part of it. attitude, posture. there are the bangs. >> you're not much over that. >> i looked at myself in the mirror and say, oh, my gosh, it's winnie cooper. leah thompson is in the movie from "back to the future." i thought when we were shooting 2004 to 2007 to 1998, i'm going back to the future with leah thompson right now. >> is it like riding a bike? i know you've been doing little projects in between. was it easy to get back into it? >> yes. i love it. dustin my co-star was amazing to work with, too. it was a great experience. >> and you've gone through tough stuff in your own personal life. it's wonderful to get your mind off something like that. you have a beautiful baby boy. >> i know. he's kind of in the movie. there he is. >> kind of in the movie, what does that mean? >> he's in the very last scene. you have to hit pause to see him, but i know he's there. >> what's it like raising a 2-year-old? >> it's joy, pure, pure joy. yes, there's the late nights, et cetera, et cetera, but he is the apple of my eye, the love in my heart, everything. >> do you take him on the set? >> yeah. that's how he ended up on camera. >> if you don't, you won't see them. they love it. they get a lot of attention. they have a good time. they know they are loved. >> i love this picture. what is your next project? >> a sci-fi channel movie coming out next year. i love acting and will get into that. >> you're our favorite math wiz. >> thank you. >> november 26th is when the movie airs. just in time for christmas spirit right after thanksgiving. >> perfect. >> got a problem around the ask you don't know how to handle? ask lou. time for another installment of "ask lou" where viewers send in questions about the pesky household problems they don't know how to fix. >> "today" contributor and host of the show "house smart" lou. >> how do i get a disgusting smell out of my garbage disposal? >> i have a love/hate relationship but people use them as garbage cans. this is what's under the sink you don't see. this part is what you see, the part where the water goes down. i want you to take any cleaner, pine sol, simple green, spray a little down inside. take your poilt brush and go down inside here and scrub. what happens on the side wall, all that gunky smelly stuff. rinse, repeat. you'll be amazed how nice and fresh it smells. that's it. >> does it help to put vinegar in there? >> it would, but you have to scrub. everybody pours it and it's on the side. you've got to do the scrubbing. >> janet has a question about her sump pump. how do we change our sump pump? we had it since the builder installed it in 1996. >> a couple of numbers here. most sump pumps should be replaced every seven years. the switch, this is an example of one should be replaced every three. 1996, you're getting your money's worth out of it. >> people lose track. >> absolutely. it unplugs. this is similar to what it looks like. this is the pipe coming out. take the screwdriver here and remove this from the check valve. then pull this out of the pit. then buy a new one. this pipe right here screws in. that's all it does. screws back in when you put the new one in. taking forever. >> we like to watch you work. >> hold on. you plug it back in, screw everything back together. you're done. a decent sump pump is going to cost you a couple of hundred dollars, but will protect your basement from flooding. >> a lot of people need generators. how do you install these? >> this is a portable generator. it's all about the wattage. this particular one is 3,000 watts. this will do things like a refrigerator, a few lights, maybe a pump. you need to remember the kinds of things you are powering, for instance, a refrigerator uses 600 watts when it runs. but when it first starts, it uses 1200 watts to get going. that get up and go is key. notice i have this plug in wire here. this is a separate breaker and feed off of this generator that nobody ever uses -- >> why? >> because they don't know it. they use these plugs here. by getting a cord like this, plugging it in, and on the end here, i have a splitter, you get the full maximum power that this or other generators can provide. it needs to be 20 feet away from the house. every in an enclosed area, and keep it monitored. they also make them now that run on propane -- >> i was going to say if you don't power, what is that running on? >> gasoline. how to keep woodpeckers away. you take fishing line, and put a few nails, and make a nest. they won't want to get tangled up in it and they don't come to your house. >> who is smarter than lou? >> nobody. >> coming up tomorrow, jackie weaver, animals for thanksgiving, and how to spy on your babysitter. >> and there's an opening tonight on broadway calls "scandalous." i'm bob redell. we're live in san francisco from the state is


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20121116

thank god my son and daughter are a piece of pie compared to bringing a show to broadway. if somebody said the writing is the easy part compared to getting it produced and getting it to broadway. there are so many aspects that have to all come together at the same time. tonight my emotions are very much on the surface. >> i can see. >> i've had to be so gritty, steady eddie. >> it's going to be a fun red carpet before. everyone from the show is coming, matt, savannah, al, natalie. so many people here, regis and joy will be there with bells on. >> absolutely. my hodi woman who got me through this. >> you know who my date is? liza minnelli! >> we are going to have a lot of fun. >> liza knows something about the theater. this woman is a legend in broadway. >> these are great t-shirts that say "scandalous" on them. beautiful. >> we're going to have some fun tonight. >> it does feel a lot like giving birth. that's joyful and painful at the same time. i want to thank everybody, thank you all so much for it. our sara is coming, too. >> of course. speaking of joyful and painful, we did anderson cooper yesterday. it's going to air on tuesday. >> the 20th, i think. >> there was a moment that happened before the show starts. usually to get the audience all lathered up there's someone who works the audience and plays music and what not. here is the drinking before. here is what happened before the show started. we had a funky dance party. >> there was music, by the way. >> here is a video of you guys. >> there was music, by the way. >> let's show the video of you guys. that's fantastic. >> the guy was cranking it. >> spanking added an extra dimension. >> his name was jeff. >> he was one of the fun and raucous anderson cooper audience member. >> the only one i knew was the "360 degrees" anderson cooper. who's a very fine reporter and very serious-minded. i had no idea what a party animal he can be. he's a very cheap date. we did get him a little tipsy. no, gone. >> he kept saying throughout the show. i'm buzzed. like blurting stuff out. it was perfect. >> we had a lot of fun with him. we want to thank him for that. apparently there's been an update in the ongoing feud of the century between chelsea handler and hoda and i, yeah. >> anyway, we told you about it. she was supposed to show up and she didn't because -- >> canceled about an hour and half before the show. >> hit her eye on the shower curtain then later had food poisoning. >> allegedly. >> but anyway, she decided to set the record straight on her own show. this is what she had to say. >> i have to apologize to the today "today" show for an interview and then i didn't show up and i lied. but to hoda kotoba and kathie lee i'm sorry. i really am usually professional but i just couldn't make it. >> half hearted but at least she's not lying. i don't know why. >> apology accepted. >> all right. welcome her back anytime. >> all right. so vogue magazine comes out with its best dressed women of the year. we'll give you the top three. >> this surprised me. i haven't seen this lady about. from "the good life." she has an exotic look. >> number two on the list was from "the girl with the dragon tattoo." ? rooney mera granddaughter of ann mera who will be at "scandalous" tonight. and also emma stone. she has a great look and she mixes it up a lot. she doesn't have the same look. she is daring. she dut does a lot of different things. >> the "wall street journal" came out with an article. there are new rules for flirting, okay? elizabeth bernstein has been here before. >> she writes great articles. >> it opens doors, but sometimes can cause problems. think, some people are flirtatious by nature, and some people turn it on to get what they want. some flirt to get out of traffic tickets. that's happened many times. >> really? you flirt? >> i found the best way is to be extremely gracious, not flirting because that can -- >> i am so sorry. no, you have to juice it a little. >> oh, hoda. >> you can't go, i was going 60 miles per hour in a 45. >> officer, i'm so sorry. how fast was i going? oh, my gosh, my kid is -- i would tell the truth in a very sincere way. i wouldn't go, gee, what am i in for, officer? >> you can do that. it works better. >> how much time am i going to do in the slammer? i don't know. i don't like to be around women that are just falling over someone. >> there is too much flirting and subtle, normal flirting. >> hodi is a very, very tactile woman. >> i am and i think some people read into it in the wrong way. >> men, if you touch them, men will think you're ready to hop into the sack. >> yeah. >> that's why it bothers frank so much. >> you're tactile, too. >> and a night like tonight with a lot of people wishing me well will be the biggest nightmare in the world for frank. he'll hate it. >> not as much as you're going to hate my ihoda song. i've been dying for this one. this may be one of my favorite ihoda songs ever. you're going to hate it. it's going to take you back to a time when you couldn't sit, you had to dance. it is called "the humpty dance" by digital underground. you're going to love it. ♪ my body is in motion anyone can play this game ♪ this is my dance y'all you got it down humpty hump. ♪ shaking and bumping step off i'm doing the hump ♪ >> ready? >> no. ♪ do the humpty hump, do the humpty hump ♪ >> i'm speechless. >> how do you do the hump? what does it look like? >> does anybody else think that is strange? >> come on. >> sara, everybody is holding their nose. >> doesn't that take you back? >> awesome. that song is so great. >> you know what's awesome, okay or not okay? is it okay to have a work/spouse relationship? >> you say -- >> absolutely. i had a work husband for 15 years they still adore. anybody ever heard of r egis? >> as long as your real husband is okay with it. cassidy used to say you have the musical taste of a 17-year-old, no, it's 12-year-old. we are now drinking the beaujolais nouveau. it arrives he year on the third thursday of november to celebrate the first wine of the harvest. so happy harvest to george du bouef. >> congratulations to don nash. >> it was bad news we were losing our jim bell whom we adore, our executive producer, but we found out don nash we equally adore was going to be taking his post. we were thrilled. >> a toast to don. cheers. >> there are big changes coming to the hit nbc show "the voice." carson daly is going to reveal all. >> two women get the makeover of their lives after these messages. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean. with tide pods. a powerful three-in-one detergent that cleans. brightens. and fights stains just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined pop in. stand out. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still "stubbed" up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. no way. [ male announcer ] sorry. alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ sighs ] thanks! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth and save $1 visit alka-seltzer on facebook. [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth ♪ you can help othersink along the way. ♪ ♪ a portion of every bottle that they sell goes to fight ♪ ♪ breast cancer and i think that's swell. ♪ ♪ the more you take, the more they'll pay, ♪ ♪ so make them write a big check today. ♪ ♪ and if you're feeling a little slow, ♪ ♪ then 5-hour energy will help you go. ♪ ♪ so buy a bottle of pink lemonade and ♪ ♪ you can help fight breast cancer today. ♪ the final round of nbc's hit singing competition "the voice" brings a little twist and big drama. >> the fate of ten finalists rests solely in the hands of the viewers at home. one of the finalists, trevin hunt, floored the judges monday night. take a listen. ♪ when a man loves a woman down deep in his soul ♪ ♪ she can bring him such misery ♪ >> sing it! tell everybody what you were telling us. carson daly with us. >> good morning. >> what did somebody tell him? >> i said i want some wine. >> no, you didn't. somebody gave him a negative review. >> trevin hunt from right here in new york. in eighth grade needed a recommendation, a signature from a fellow educator to go on, to get this music recommendation to go to the music school. they said you'll never amount to anything. you'll never be anything. look at him now. great story. >> about your show, by the way, when i heard the number of votes on the last elimination round exceeded the amount of votes on the finale of last year's "voice" shows how much this show has grown. >> it's unbelievable. it is. we had the super bowl. season one, what is this new show? is there room for another one of these shows? people believed in what we were doing. we have coaches, not judges, authentic, authentic, authentic. season two off the super bowl. season three, people found the show. >> good. >> other things are fading and other things are eclipsing. and that's what happens. >> and you're changing it up. you don't keep the same rules. you made it a little different. >> we looked at season two. everybody loves the blind auditions, the big red chairs, you play along at home, hard to beat that. we figured we would introduce the steal. so much great talent was leaving and we can't let these people go. we introduced the steal where the coaches were incentivized to look at the other teams and keep their eye on people. it's the steals have been effective for this season in making the middle part of our format exciting. the chairs are back in. look at terry there, mcdermott. team blake. we have great talent this year. >> you're going to mix it up with the judges in the future. >> we are. we all knew from day one they are not reality judges by job trade. they are real artists. they've got to get out on the road. we refer to it as how lucky are we to have shakira and usher pinch-hitting for christina and cee lo next season. we shot a lot of that, by the way. it's awesome in a whole different way but it's still "the voice." fun, it's great. >> when something has to be an hour or two-hour long show, it's structured. i think it's interesting how you guys have managed to keep it loosy goosy and it feels free. >> you say loosey-goosey in the morning. we refer to that as drunk. blake shelton, in particular. >> we are in love with him. >> i have to play traffic cop to all the drunk, loosey-gooseyness. that's the idea. we are having fun. i wear the ear, i work with the truck, we get the show off the air. they just try to keep it going. >> they have fun. >> their music is going crazy on itunes. that is another way people vote? by downloading the songs? >> you get extra points for that? >> yes. we have a new thing i was talking about where it's the multiplier. if they chart in the top ten that could count times ten for their final vote. itunes has become now the real litmus test for how america's enjoying and buying music. the fact that "the voice" artists are chartists is crazy. i wish you the best. you're the best, by the way. every time i turn you on you're drinking and talking about "the voice" which is awesome. thank you. >> have a great finale. you can catch "the voice" next monday night at 8:00/7:00 here on nbc when the top ten sing for your vote. it is a big night for broadway and kathie lee. opening night for" scandalous" just hours away. we're going to take you behind the scenes right after this. [ male announcer ] this is sheldon, whose long dy setting up the news starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. the tension between them reached a breaking point, literally. so they divided the production between two separate factories. each factory took a vastly different approach. left twix flowed caramel on cookie, while right twix cascaded caramel on cookie. left twix bathed in chocolate, while right twix cloaked in chocolate. both bars as different as the vastly distinct men who invented them. to this day, sharing nothing but a wrapper and an ill-designed driveway. try both and pick a side. in case you haven't heard, tonight is a big night for my good friend to my left here kathie lee. it's safe to say tonight is right up there after marrying frank and having two amazing children. that's because tonight the lights shine on broadway for "scandalous" the musical. kathie lee has poured her heart and soul in this for a dozen of years writing the book and lyrics. because i have a connection, i got a behind the scenes look before the curtain goes up tonight. take a look. ♪ >> we have a little show called "scandalous." >> let's talk about "scandalous." >> kathie lee gifford's musical is going to broadway. yeah, baby! >> should we sing the song? "hooray for hollywood from shirley temple to aimee semple ♪ >> kathie lee is out to change all that with "scandalous" a musical based on the life of evangelist aimee semple mcpherson. how would you describe her in a nutshell? >> a woman in history who has fallen through the cracks. she went on to become the most scandalous, controversial yet celebrated woman of her day. >> stop, you're drifting away from the faith of your fathers. >> 12 years i've been physically writing and trying to get it produced on broadway. >> everybody agrees she was the best, though, right? >> she was really, really strong. >> we had four workshops, i think. >> two large out of town regional productions, well over 1,000 rewrites. it's all part of the process. i was fighting for every chance i got. >> you and emma jo. ♪ who needs good news >> carolee carmello in my mind is the finest working actress in the musical theater. there is not another actress i can think of who could play aimee the way carolee does. >> this is aimee's home away from home, the neil simon theater on broadway. this is such an exciting time. the cast, the crew, the creative team have been working round the clock to get this baby ready for opening night. are they ready? let's go backstage and find out. >> oh, my god! >> hoda woman! >> is it time? >> it's almost. we are about a half hour from curtain. >> wait. >> you are center stage. this is the neil simon theater. would you like me to introduce you to some of the folks? take me back. what goes into it. this way first. >> of course. >> we heard a rumor the hotty with the body ed "hot" watts is here. one of the highlights for many of the women, you see something that is happening underneath this robe. what could it be? >> he plays adam. >> adam and eve. i've lost hoda woman. >> are you talking? >> i hope he makes it for curtain. >> opening night's knocking on the door, are you ready? >> a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. >> sing a little of it. ♪ girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do ♪ a girl ain't got to do it no more ♪ >> how does it feel being this close to opening? >> i'm scared to death. >> caramel, my lovely wig master here is prepping my hair to be put under two wig caps. here are my microphones which live on the back of my head. in case one goes out there is a backup. i never leave the stage really. >> you've been on this project since its infancy. >> yeah, the early 40s. >> can you believe it? it's like opening night on broadway. >> she doesn't know whether to kiss me or curse me. >> you're going to sit there in the audience and watch that curtain go up on opening night. what will that be like? >> i think that's when it's finally going to hit me. it's my child and i had a lot of help birthing it and i hope it will live forever and touch people's hearts. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, hoda. so many people have made a big thing about this taking me 12 years. my two composer friends david pomerantz and david friedman have been along with me and they don't get the same attention and that's not right. they're just amazing. >> going to be a fun opening night. >> this is the best friend in the whole world. supporting me so much. you know i've got great friends. god gave me you, hoda. thank you. >> thank you. next we'll go to our ambush makeover team and they'll put their finishing touches on a couple of beautiful women. right after this. >> less than 24 hours to go to the next "twilight" movie. we are going to chat with a beautiful vampire, ashley green. 2@ we are back with more of "today" on this thirsty thursday. two ladies get swept up with hair and make-up and a head-to-toe new look. >> working their magic as always, >> "today" contributor and stylist to the star louis licari, la la la la la, never gets old. "us weekly" contributor and author jill martin. >> hey, guys. >> how was it today? >> it was good. great crowd. so we were look for two scandalous makeovers. >> here we go. lucinda, 47 years old from arizona. this married mother of six has had the same style for as long as she can remember. she has always been tempted to go for a shorter haircut but is scared to chop it herself. she is going to go short. let's listen to her story. >> we had to bully your mother into this. you think that she is ready? >> i think she is ready. she needs hair color and she's had the same look for a few years. so see what happens. >> now that you're inside with us, how are you feeling? i know you were shaking outside. >> little nervous, but it will be okay. excited. >> oh, my gosh. >> you're in great hands. >> you certainly are. her daughter caitlin is here has her blindfold on. please keep it on till i give you the green light. here is lucinda before. let's see the new you. oh, i love it. >> oh, my gosh. >> yes. >> ready to take off your blind fold? take it off, honey. >> oh, my gosh! >> lucinda, come to me. now turn around and look right here in this mirror. >> oh, my gosh. >> look how beautiful you are. >> look right at this camera. >> that's still a long-haired look. >> i like that. >> lucinda wanted to hold on to her long hair but wanted style. vanessa gave it to her by shaping it around her face. notice her beautiful jaw line? the first layer starts at the jaw line to emphasize it. i softened her hair color to make it brighter, prettier. >> luxurious. >> can we talk to kaitlin? caitlin is busting. tell us about what you think of your mom. >> it looks really good. i like the color and looks like a whole new person. >> tell us about the outfit. looks great on her that blue. >> and blue matching yours. she said no at first to this makeover. we did kind of bully her into this. once we got the outfit on, this is andrew marc and kendra scott. she was set. >> lucinda, are you happy you did this? >> yes, yes. >> a big round of applause. >> join your daughter right over there. >> our second lady is renee, 54 from alexandria, illinois. this woman is in town to see "scandalous." i'm so happy. she isn't used to wearing make-up but she was up for a day of broadway beauty. >> all right. renee has the sign, but peg you want this for your dear friend. you're busting. >> i am. i am so excited. she always looks the same. she is so pretty. i want her to look like a hotty or glamorous or whatever. >> what do you think about that, a hotty, is that what you want to look like? >> i just want to look different. i have had the same look for a long time. and i'm a grandma, so it would be nice to look different. >> louis licari will make you the hottest-looking grandma in the country. . all right. that would be great. >> renee is a wonderful lady. she is here with her dear friend peg. let's take one last look at renee and bring the new renee out all ready for broadway. >> nice. >> beautiful. all right, peg, you want to take it off? take a look. >> oh, my god! you look wonderful. >> turn around. see what you look like. >> oh, my gosh. >> i don't recognize myself. >> you look gorgeous. >> i see a little red in that hair. i love it. >> it's more like a chestnut brown. what i tried to do here, look at the before, it's heavy, too dark. the lighter color makes it softer. that makes her hair look twice as full with a great haircut. both ladies have this natural pink glossy sheer lipstick. >> i love it. >> peg is busting. >> i can't believe it. i wouldn't recognize her. you don't look like yourself. that's what i like about it. >> she knows what you means. tell us about this beautiful dress. >> the attire tonight is festive. we wanted to give her something festive and scandalous with a little lace. this is by maggie london. >> wow, great job. >> great job. great job to vanessa, by the way. >> thank you. "twilight" victim vampire is in the house. she was with us over at anderson cooper yesterday. we're going to talk to her right after this. great job, everybody. oh...there you go. wooohooo....hahaahahaha! i'm gonna stand up to her! no you're not. i know. you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. it is the final countdown for twi-hards. just hours from now, the last film in "twilight saga breaking dawn part two" opens in theaters. >> you can bet there won't be an empty seat. ashley green returns as a vampire with a special gift. take a look. >> what is it, alice? >> they're coming for us. >> every time she says that they do. >> it's true and i'm right. >> so good to see you. we saw you yesterday. it will be on next week on anderson. we had a wild time. >> that was a crazy show. >> this is kind of sad in a way. this is the end of this series. i know it's heartbreaking for fans. how is it for you? >> it's a little sad. we've been doing it for so long and i feel like it's become my family this cast and i've become so comfortable with alice. she's so fun to play. so it's a little sad that it's all coming to an end. but the positive side is i think we had a really good run. everyone is really going to like this film. bill ended it in such a beautiful way. >> is it a surprise ending? people loved all the books. this is the only time they departed from the actual rendering in the book. >> yes. that was brave of them. you always wonder because there are such avid fans of the books. how it's going to translate if we change anything. i think what they did was really cool. i'm excited for people to see it. >> how did it author feel about it? >> stephanie is now producer on the film, as well. anything we do totally goes through her. >> a lot of people know you from this film, but you're just a regular girl who likes to hang out in sweats, you like to bake. >> i do? >> we appreciate that. we like that. >> it suits you. it's interesting. >> when did that start? >> probably more recently. probably once i got into this industry. part of it is when my mom comes to visit, that's something we do together. my dad enjoys it because he gets to eat it all. there is something very therapeutic about being in the kitchen and baking. i actually enjoy it more than cooking. i feel like with baking you can't go so wrong. you can experiment a little bit. it's all supposed to taste sweet. >> will you have an opportunity to bake for your family this thanksgiving? will you be home in jacksonville? what are your plans? >> yes. i'm going to go home to jacksonville which i wasn't planning to originally, but my dad is going to go to mexico. couldn't let my mom hang out alone. >> she is here with you in new york. >> we wish we could have met her. >> that's why she turned out the way she did. >> my parents are top notch. >> tell your mom hi for us. >> she is watching now. >> great to see you. she will be starting a new movie down in the new orleans area. >> you're busy. >> thanks for coming to see us. >> thank you. >> one of your favorite childhood cuties danica mckellar heads back to the small screen. >> she'll tell us all about it right after this. good morning i'm meteorologist crystal egg gr for your forecast. we're expecting the majority of the country to remain quiet today. showers across central and southern florida. it's going to be chilly across the northeast but not looking at any rain at all. in fact around the great lakes upper midwest it's very quiet. a series of storms will be moving into the pacific northwest all the way down into central california. we're talking about rain, wind and mountain snow. you can see the colder air diving in across the rockies here. 41 degrees in minneapolis. that's about it. but warmer air starting to build through the nation's heartland, down across the southern plains. we'll be in the 50s here around new york city. and then by saturday, saturday is still quiet but an area of low pressure will be tracking up the coast off the southeast coast. that will bring large swells, continued swells across the ouncer banks of north carolina where we're already getting some coastal erosion. also impacting rip currents so be aware of that if you're heading out into the water. hopefully not a big time of year for that. rainshowers across northern florida and into central florida. even around orlando. it's still busy in the west. we've got another cold front pushing in for saturday bringing more wet weather with it. 61 in san francisco, 52 in minneapolis. that's your saturday outlook. on sunday, pretty quiet across the area with the ex sense of the outer banks where we're getting more rain on the fringes of that storm. and more wet weather even some high elevation snow. but 6,000 feet. we could pick up a foot of snow in the sierra and the cascades of washington. western lakes looking at more rain on monday. you may run into some problems early next week. you can wake up with al and get the latest weekday forecast mornings at 5:30 a.m. [ female announcer ] today, jason is here to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief. mr. parker! sir... excuse me, excuse me... can i get you to sign off on the johnson case... ♪ we built this city! don't let food hang around. ♪ on rock & roll! [ orbit trumpet plays ] clean it up with orbit! [ ding! ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling... eat. drink. chew orbit. she drove all the young boys crazy, especially kevin arnold. the adorable winnie cooper on "the wonder years." now danica mckellar is a best-selling author. with four books to her name. >> now she's gotten back to her acting roots starring in a new holiday romance called "love at the christmas table" on lifetime. >> good to see you. we are so glad it's not about math. we feel like such idiots. math isn't our thing though you say it could be. if we just put ourselves to it. >> absolutely. >> we'll not talk about that. >> getting your foot back into acting -- does it feel good to get back into the swing of that? >> it does. i love acting. i love writing the math books but i love acting. this movie is such a sweet fun movie. it's very christmassy and a comedy. it shows the characters every year at christmas. you see these two characters who meet at the children's table when they are 5. i play the character from 18 to 32. >> you rock some bangs, baby. >> yes, i do. >> how did you do that? . >> hair changes. that was part of it. attitude, posture. there are the bangs. >> you're not much over that. >> i looked at myself in the mirror and say, oh, my gosh, it's winnie cooper. it was the weirdest thing. >> how cute is that? leah thompson is in the movie from "back to the future." i thought when we were shooting 2004 to 2007 to 1998, i'm going back to the future with leah thompson right now. >> is it like riding a bike? i know you've been doing little projects in between. "the wonder years" and this. was it easy to get back into it? >> yes. i love it. dustin my co-star was amazing to work with, too. it was a great experience. >> and you've gone through tough stuff in your own personal life. it's wonderful to get your mind off something like that. you have a beautiful baby boy. two years old now. >> i know. he's kind of in the movie. there he is. >> kind of in the movie, what does that mean? >> he's in the very last scene. the camera pans by. you have to hit pause to see him, bii know he's there. >> what's it like raising a 2-year-old? >> it's joy, pure, pure joy. yes, there's the late nights, et cetera, et cetera, but he is the apple of my eye, the love in my heart, everything. >> do you take him on the set? >> yeah. that's how he ended up on camera. >> if you don't, you won't see them. somebody else will raise your children. >> i know it. it's unacceptable. they love it. they get a lot of attention. they have a good time. they know they are loved. >> i love this picture. what is your next project? >> a sci-fi channel movie coming out next year. i'm not sure exactly when. but i love acting and i'm going to get more into that. >> you're our favorite math wiz. >> thank you. >> november 26th is when the movie airs. just in time for christmas spirit right after thanksgiving. >> perfect. >> got a problem around the house that you don't know how to handle? ask lou. >> he's got all the answers. ♪ you can help othersink along the way. ♪ ♪ a portion of every bottle that they sell goes to fight ♪ ♪ breast cancer and i think that's swell. ♪ ♪ the more you take, the more they'll pay, ♪ ♪ so make them write a big check today. ♪ ♪ and if you're feeling a little slow, ♪ ♪ then 5-hour energy will help you go. ♪ ♪ so buy a bottle of pink lemonade and ♪ ♪ you can help fight breast cancer today. ♪ but i still have a runny nose. [ male announcer ] dayquil doesn't treat that. huh? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief to all your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ sighs ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. time for another installment of "ask lou" where viewers send in questions about the pesky household problems they don't know how to fix. >> he knows how to fix everything. here with the answers "today" contributor and host of the show "house smart, lou manferdini. >> first question from jennifer. how i do get a disgusting smell out of my garbage disposal? >> i have a love/hate relationship but people use them as garbage cans. this is what's under the sink you don't see. this part is what you see, the part where the water goes down. i want you to take any cleaner, pine sol, simple green, spray a little down inside. take your toilet brush and go down inside here with it off of course and scrub. what happens on the side wall, all that gunky smelly stuff. rinse, repeat. you'll be amazed how nice and fresh it smells. that's it. >> does it help to put vinegar in there? >> it would, but you have to scrub. everybody pours it and it's on the side. you've got to do the scrubbing. >> janet has a question about her sump pump. how do we change our sump pump? we had it since the builder installed it in 1996. it's worked just fine but we feel like it's time for a new one. >> a couple of numbers here. most sump pumps should be replaced every seven years. the switch, this is an example of one should be replaced every three. 1996, you're getting your money's worth out of it. >> people lose track. >> absolutely. you put it on your calendar. it unplugs. this is similar to what it looks like. this is the check valve. this is the pipe coming out. take the screwdriver here and remove this from the check valve. then pull this out of the pit. then buy a new one. this pipe right here screws in. that's all it does. screws back in when you put the new one in. taking forever. >> we like to watch you work. >> hold on. you plug it back in, screw everything back together. you're done. a decent sump pump is going to cost you a couple of hundred dollars, but will protect your basement from flooding. >> this is important because a lot of people needed generators. how do you install these? from a "today" show producer. >> this is a portable generator. it's all about the wattage. this particular one is 3,000 watts. this will do things like a refrigerator, a few lights, maybe a pump. you need to remember the kinds of things you are powering, for instance, a refrigerator uses 600 watts when it runs. when it first starts, it uses 1,200 watts. that get up and go is key. what people the mistake they make, notice i have this plug in wire right here. this is a separate breaker and feed off this generator nobody ever uses. >> why? >> they don't know this. they use these plugs here and like why can't i run more off my generator? getting a cord like this and plugging it in. you notice on the end i have a splitter where you can plug in more cords, you get the full maximum power that this or other generators can provide. keep in mind need to be 20 feet away from the house. it's never in an inclosed area. and you need to keep it monitored. they also make them now that run on propane. >> i was going to say if you don't have power, what is that running on? >> gasoline. in the northeast, gas stations didn't have power. couldn't get gas. they run them on propane. >> how to keep woodpeckers away? >> i learned this in florida. take fishing line, put a few nails on the outside of your cedar siding. you make a net. this fishing line is pretty heavy. if you go with lighter fishing line, you won't see it. the woodpeckers don't want to get tangled up in it. >> w is smarter than lou? >> nobody. >> tomorrow, oscar-nominated actress jackie weaver. >> all american animals for thanksgiving. how to spy on your babysitter. >> there is a little opening tonight called "scandalous". >> see you there tonight. god bless. >> you were sold to another family for $30? jeff: sold into


Transcripts For WBAL Today 20121115

radiator fuel, guy fights back in a live interview today, thursday, november 15th, 2012. and good morning. welcome to "today" on a thursday morning, i'm savannah gurthrie. >> and i'm matt lauer. we'll talk about major breaking news in a minute. but the review you talked about about guy fieri's restaurant, i have never read a review like this. and a lot of people are wondering, is this fair? the kind of review that should be written? or did this go across some kind of a line? >> yeah, use whatever word you want to use, roasted, fileted, skewered. when the review starts out guy fieri, have you eaten at your new restaurant in time square? we look forward to a response. >> looking forward to what he has to say. also a developing story in israel overnight. three people killed in a rocket attack after the israelis took out the top military commander of hamas in this strike on wednesday. we'll have a live report from tel aviv coming up straight ahead. and one of the most popular energy drinks on the market. these five-hour energy capsules have been cited as a possible factor in 13 deaths. weeks after similar reports tied to monster drinks. we'll have more on that story. and then we'll take a turn, and i know, matt, it's only rock 'n' roll, but you like it. i'm an unabashed lover of the rolling stones and they're celebrating their 50th anniversary. what do they remember as their early days as rock's original bad boys. what would they change if they could do it all again? we'll have an interview coming up. >> you're excited, you're even tweeting about it. we begin with the ever widening scandal that led to the resignation of david petraeus. andrea mitchell is here with the latest. good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. in his first comments on the scandal, president obama says he's withholding judgment for now on the fbi inquiry that exposed david petraeus' personal life and forced him to resign. >> thanks to president obama for the confidence -- >> reporter: david petraeus no longer heads the cia, but he's volunteered to testify this week to congressional benghazi hearings as new details emerge about the e-mails that helped end petraeus' career. >> he's provided this country an extraordinary service. >> reporter: speaking for the first time about the scandal wednesday, president obama praised petraeus for extraordinary service saying he's seen no signs of a national security breach over the course of the investigation. >> i have no evidence at this point from what i've seen that classified information was disclosed that in any way would've had negative impact on our national security. >> reporter: republican senators brushed off that scandal calling the attack on benghazi far more important. >> there's the weird and the strange and the human failings in one camp. and there is a legitimate question about national security being breached in the other camp. >> reporter: meanwhile, paula broadwell remained at her brother's home in washington on wednesday still not talking. but officials a i the investigation was triggered in may when general john allen received an e-mail from an account called kelley patrol. it warned the general to stay away from kelley. general allen forwarded it to her. on the account she shares with her husband scott thinking kelley had sent it as a joke. sources closest to kelley told the general she hadn't sent it but was concerned she was being stalked because the e-mail referred to a meeting that she and general allen scheduled in washington the next week. in june, people close to kelley say she and her husband received as many as four similar e-mails from different accounts telling jill she's up to no good and asking her husband, do you know what your wife is up to when she has dinner with general petraeus? she turned all the e-mails including general allen's over to a veteran fbi agent she knew. eventually investigators say all the anonymous e-mails were tracked back to paula broadwell. meanwhile, the people close to the kelleys say jill kelley never had an affair with general allen. but they say the e-mails had enough inappropriate language to warrant a defense department investigation. >> his nomination has been put on hold as a prudent measure until we determine what the facts are. >> reporter: also on wednesday, the marine corps's chief defense counsel issued a statement saying general allen plans to fully cooperate and allen wants to resolve questions about the e-mails as completely and quickly as possible. >> and on wednesday, federal officials say the fbi continues looking through those documents they took monday night from broadwell's home in north carolina, but so far have found no evidence of anything highly classified. still, the pentagon suspended broadwell's security clearances. the air force base in tampa revoked jill kelley's pass to the base. >> thank you so much. i know you're going to have a lot more on "rock center" tonight with brian williams. matt? >> and that scandal, just one part of the president's news conference on wednesday. he also had a lot to say about governor romney, his rival in the presidential race, and two top republican senators. one of them john mccain. and we'll talk to senator mccain in just a moment. but first, chuck todd is at the white house this morning. chuck, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. president obama thought he was going to be using his first post election press conference to make his case on the fiscal cliff and also to show a new reaching out to republicans. instead, he found himself on the receiving end of criticism from not one, but two former presidential rivals. >> good afternoon, everybody. >> reporter: at his first post election press conference, president obama reiterated his pledge to sit down with mitt romney, even offering him praise. >> there are certain aspects of governor romney's record and his ideas that i think could be very helpful. >> reporter: but while the president was paying him compliments, mitt romney was telling donors on a conference call a different story. romney said he was sorry we didn't win and he blamed his defeat on gifts the president had given to his most loyal voters, including african-americans, young voters, and hispanics. mr. romney said the president followed the old play book and with regards to the young people, for instance, a forgiveness of college loan interest was a big gift, adding free contraceptives were very big with young college-aged women. as for the hispanic voters, romney said free health care was a big plus. another former opponent of the president, john mccain along with lindsey graham made it clear they would not support susan rice to become the new secretary of state. >> we will do whatever is necessary to block the nomination. >> their chief gripe, they believe she disqualified herself several days after the benghazi attack with her explanation of what happened. >> our current assessment is what happened in benghazi was, in fact, initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in cairo, almost a copycat of the demonstrations of our facility in cairo. >> i don't trust her. and the reason i don't trust her is because i think she knew better and if she didn't know better, she shouldn't be the voice of america. >> a visibly angry president obama fired back at both senators and defending his ambassador. >> if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. but for them to p go after the u.n. ambassador who had nothing to do with benghazi and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence she had received and it's outrageous. >> but mccain decided not to let the president have the last word and raced to the senate floor to respond. >> if the president thinks we are picking on people, he really does not have any idea of how serious this issue is. we're not picking on anybody. >> reporter: the president did make some news on the fiscal cliff, matt, while he made an emphatic case for raising taxes on the most wealthy. he said he wasn't drawing a red line on the idea they knew tax rates had to go back to 39%. so he did leave some wiggle room there. >> all right, chuck. thank you very much. republican senator john mccain joins us now. senator, nice to see you, good morning. >> thank you, matt. >> i'll talk about ambassador rice in a moment, let me ask you about general petraeus and his testimony before the house intelligence committee tomorrow. what is the most important question you want the general to answer? >> why we were not prepared for this attack where there was ample evidence that because of previous attacks and overwhelming intelligence information that attacks were very likely on our consulate. there'd been two previously in april and june. on august 15th, they sent back a message that in the case of a concerted attack, they could not defend the consulate. it was an overwhelming amount of evidence that there was great danger. and there was no measures taken to comply with the possibility of an attack. >> we know now it was a terror attack, but the question that still has to be answered is when did we know that? who knew it? and did they respond appropriately? do you feel that in these hearings you will get any concrete evidence that would point to a cover-up? a deliberate cover-up on the part of the administration when it comes to that? >> we need to find out, but already we know that the president of the united states and his second debate with mitt romney claimed that he had called it a terrorist attack in the rose garden. we know now he did not, unfortunately after the election and on 60 minutes that same day he said, quote, it's too early to know exactly how this came about what group was involved. he even talked to the united nations on september 25th saying the crude and disgusting video sparked outrage to the muslim world. we all knew by september 25th, i'd say with respect to the president. by the way, i'm not taking anybody on. the american people have lost four brave americans. we owe it to their families, we owe it to other americans who served. >> well, you are taking someone on, senator. you've come out and said i will do everything in my power to block ambassador rice from being united states secretary of state. she's proven either she doesn't understand or she's not willing to accept evidence on its face. all i'm asking is why make a bold comment like that before these hearings on benghazi had been carried out? might you not learn something over the next day or so that might open your eyes and change your opinion? >> i learned something the day that it happened. i know that people don't come to spontaneous demonstrations with rockets and mortars and rocket-propelled grenades, mortars, and heavy weapons. i knew that at the time. in fact, i was on "face the nation" and said that at the time. and for the president of the united states for two weeks afterwards to deny that was the case is either a cover-up or it is incompetence. either one of the two. >> let me ask your comments on comparisons that liberal advocates were makes. they said in 2005 when you supported the nomination of condoleezza rice for secretary of state, she had made that comment that when it came to iraq's weapons of mass destruction, the smoking gun might be a mushroom cloud. as we now know that iraq did not have stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. but she was commenting based on the information she had at the time. you said opponents of condoleezza rice were expressing sour grapes after an election loss. why is this different? >> because every intelligence agency in the world, including the british believe that iraq had weapons of mass destruction. that was an entirely different situation. look, i've taken on my own administration. whether it be the failure in iraq when i advocated for a surge, whether it be going after torture and saying that we have to stop it against my own administration and my own president from my own party. i take on things because when i believe they're wrong. four americans died that didn't have to die. and for someone to go out and convey something that is absolutely false to all america in my view that is irresponsibility. by the way, i share the president's praise of general petraeus for his service to the country. >> really quickly, if you don't mind, when he sits before the senate and house intelligence committees, this other issue in his life, this affair and possible confidential or classified information, are there any questions that are inappropriate and off limits? >> i don't think so, but i want to know what happened in benghazi. i'm worried about why four americans died. i worry why the president of the united states would say in a debate to 80 million americans that he had said that it was a terrorist attack when he didn't. in fact, that same day he said he didn't know. i think the president of the united states has a lot to answer for. >> we'll hear more about this. senator, nice of you to share your time with us this morning. i always appreciate it. >> thank you very much, matt. let's get to the other top stories of the morning. natalie, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, matt. and good morning, everyone. rocket fire intensified overnight between israel and militants in gaza as casualties on both sides mount. martin, good morning. >> reporter: hi, natalie, good morning. well, this is an area on the brink of war, which no one seems to have really won. but israel is determined to stop the rockets from the palestinians in gaza hitting israeli city. they continue their attacks in gaza knocking out installations that store those rockets, the long-range rocket. they're continuing to try to kill more islamic militant leaders. at the same time, the palestinians are succeeding in sending their rockets into israel. about 150 have been fired by palestinians in gaza against israel today. most went astray or about 50 were brought down by israel's homemade antimissile defense system. one hit the israeli town, it killed three israelis. how long will this go on for? the leaders say the head of the southern command, israeli general in the south said the assassination yesterday of the leader that started all this, he said, is just the beginning. and the defense minister also said this morning that israel will do anything. he repeated, we will do anything, and i repeat anything, to stop those rockets and to make israel's southern cities secure. >> lots of tension in tel aviv, israel. new health concerns this morning as you heard for yet another popular caffeinated drink. 13 reported deaths have been linked to the possible involvement of 5-hour energy according to the fda. some 90 total reports the federal officials date back to 2009. dozens involving life-threatening issues like convulsions, heart attacks, and even a spontaneous abortion. the company that distributes the shot drink says it's unaware that any deaths can be proven to be caused by 5-hour energy and the drink is safe when used as directed. the president heads to the new york area to survey the damage left in the wake of superstorm sandy after taking a strong stance on the looming fiscal cliff telling lawmakers that the economy cannot afford a tax increase on all americans. republican leaders say raising income tax rates on wealthier americans could hurt job creation. after a rough closing on wednesday over those fiscal cliff fears, wall street is once again on edge this morning as new figures show the 17-nation euro zone has officially fallen back into a recession. and workers protest there are sweeping across the continent. kayla tausche is at the new york stock exchange with more. kayla, good morning. >> good morning, natalie. the congressional budget office has warned that failing to fix the $600 billion in tax and spending cuts would drive the u.s. into recession, which has been relatively strong compared to europe with rising unemployment and unrest, as well as china where big questions loom over the direction of the world's second largest economy under new leadership. president obama yesterday called for tax cuts to the middle class immediately. that followed business leaders and a big meeting there, one attendee, a ceo, said his customers are still fragile in their confidence. many of those in the middle class are aspiring to be. we know the stock market has been flagging over fears this fiscal cliff won't be resolved. >> thanks so much. it's 7:18. you're up to date. let's turn it back over to matt and al. >> savannah on the way to guy fieri's restaurant in time square. it's going to be a fascinating segment in our second hour. mr. roker's here. >> we've got soggy stuff to talk about along the carolinas, even some freezing rain in parts of near charlotte. looking at a lot of heavy showers and thunderstorms. some areas going to pick up 1 to 2 inches of rain offshore. the heaviest stuff, of course. and then if you're driving in the pacific northwest or flying, you'll be running into fog. we've got dense fog advisories and even freezing fog advisories. >> good morning. you'll notice more cloud cover today. there is a slight chance for re sprinkled this evening. >> and that's your latest weather. after months of mystery, china's communist party has now unveiled its new leadership. ian williams is in beijing. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you, matt. china's communist party today selected the man who will run this country for the next ten years. the process here couldn't be more different than what we've seen in the u.s. >> welcome the standing committee members. >> reporter: this was the high point of china's leadership selection. the seven men set to take over the running of this country paraded out in matching gray suits in order of seniority after a secretive selection process. at the helm, ping, although little is known about what he stands for. >> he's the person who is acceptable to all the factions. he's not a charismatic figure, he doesn't like to take risks. >> reporter: his selection comes at the end of a week long party congress though chosen well before this. he's a son of a prominent revolutionary who has worked his way up through the party. in the public eye, he has been overshadowed by his wife, a popular singer, though she'll now take a backseat. unlike the u.s., active first ladies aren't encouraged here. this whole process is a world away from the u.s. election. there have been widespread public indifference, though the authorities have targeted china's lively social media, slowing internet speeds and blocking searches for the words 18th congress. >> they don't want any surprise happen during the party congress. >> security across beijing has been stepped up. they've even banned carrier pigeons from the city. the communist party taking no chances. the selection is only the second leadership change since the communists took power in 1949, but china faces enormous challenges, a faltering economy and demands for political reform as well as rampant party corruption and public cynicism. today, shi seemed to recognize the challenges he's facing. >> corruption, taking bribes, addressed with great effort. >> reporter: but he gave few clues as to how he'll go about tackling them. no clues either as to how he might approach the u.s. relationship, arguably the world's most important, and which has been under strain, matt. >> ian williams in beijing. just ahead, guy fieri responds to his scathing review of his new york restaurant. have you canceled your subscription to the "new york times"? >> absolutely not. and i'm waiting for savannah. i've got food ready. bring her on. >> i hope that's good news. more from guy in just a moment. but first, this is "today" on nbc. just ahead, dr. phil on the women or woman involved in the pentagon scandal. and do the rolling stones still deserve their bad boy reputation? we'll talk to them after your local news. their name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. ♪ it's on. it's on. ♪ black friday's almost here. ♪ we should totally go together. ♪ ♪ ok. can we also bring trevor? ♪ ♪ he's hot. ♪ i think we should get those dvds first. ♪ ♪ duh! they're doorbusters. ♪ missing those would be the worst. ♪ totes. ♪ it's on. it's on, ♪ black friday's almost here. ♪ we should totally shop forever. ♪ ♪ smiley face. don't be late. ♪ or whatever. what if you could shop forever? >> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am stan stovall. trial begins today for a pair of murder suspect. they are charged in the murders of three young relatives, all under the age of 10. they were killed in 2004. the first trial ended in hung jury. they were sentenced to life in prison in a second trial, without ruling was overturned due to a mistake -- but that ruling was overturned due to a mistake by the judge. >> if you're heading out on westbound 100 at oakwood road, it is backing up traffic. watch for delays westbound on of 100. outer loop west side on average, 21 miles per hour. falls road is also close between lafayette and clifford l.. only local traffic and get by until sunday at 3:00. benfield boulevard, a little bit of a southbound delay there. live view of 95 out of the northeast from white marsh down to the split, low-going. >> is a little cloud out there, but no precipitation of for the morning commute. wide-ranging temperatures, though. 39 at the airport. we will only make it to about 50 this afternoon. slight chance for a brief rain shower. most of you will see rain at all. high temperature between 47 and 52 degrees. going into the weekend, increasing clouds as we head toward saturday and sunday. chance for a couple of guy fieri's new york restaurant in time square, it's the brand new place getting a lot of attention for all the wrong reasons. an absolutely blistering review in the "new york times." and savannah has made her way there to talk to guy about it all. savannah? >> hey, matt, well, as you know, restaurant reviews don't normally get this much attention. but this one was so harsh, it was all done in rhetorical questions, 34 of them, i think. questions like, why does your kitchen sabotage even the more appealing main courses with ruinous sides and sauces? ouch. well, guy is here, he's going to fight back and tell us what he thinks about this review coming up. >> he's not bashful. so i'm looking forward to that. also, one of the greatest rock bands of all time. coming up, our chat with the rolling stones as they celebrate 60 years of making music together. savannah, back to you. >> well, we're talking about that scathing review of guy fieri's new restaurant. some people are asking, was it too harsh? we'll ask guy about that in a moment. but first, katie with the rest of the story. good morning. >> reporter: -- in this case a grown man -- guy fieri, food network star. >> you were expecting a flavor reference, i know you were. >> reporter: tenth highest paid chef in america, popular enough for an snl spoof. >> i for one go bizerki for turkey. >> reporter: and a seriously bruised restaurant owner. did you try that blue drink the critic pete wells asks. the one that glows like nuclear waste? the watermelon margarita. the entire restaurant review is questions. 34 of them, each scathing. why did the toasted marshmallow taste like fish? when we hear the words donkey sauce, which part of the donkey are we supposed to think about? but it's not just the food, wells doesn't spare fieri either. when you cruise around the country for your show to the unfancy places where americans like to get down and greasy, do you really mean it? or is it all an act? >> mmm, that's good. >> reporter: the review of guy's american kitchen and bar in time square is being called the worst restaurant review in the paper's history. >> i think in this scenario, pete used his skill as a word smith to create a more harsh environment in which to describe the restaurant and to create this kind of aura of negativity around the experience that he had at guy fieri's restaurant. >> reporter: supporters by the dozens didn't care for the negativity taking to the facebook page telling the chef to ignore all those critics in new york. >> it's just another pompous new yorker, i don't know. i don't know. i didn't agree with it. >> reporter: for what it's worth, that last guy said he really loved the awesome pretzel chicken tenders. the times is defending the review saying he was here four times and each time he wasn't able to celebrate good american food. the only non-question in the review was at the very end, one word, a sarcastic thanks. >> thank you to you. and guy fieri is here with us now exclusively. you flew here all night on the red eye to be here. what was your reaction when you read this review? it must have felt like a punch in the gut. >> i -- punch in the gut. i just thought it was ridiculous. i mean, i read reviews. you know, there's good and bad in the restaurant business, but that to me went so overboard it really seemed like there was another agenda. >> you have a problem with not what it said but with its tone? >> the tone, the sarcasm, the question style. i mean, i think we all know what's going on here. he came in with a different agenda. four times to a restaurant that's been open two months, that's tough times. especially this size of a restaurant. >> this reviewer says he came not just once or twice, but four different times, obviously found the cuisine to be lacking. is there anything in this review that you think strikes a chord where you acknowledge it wasn't up to my own standard? >> without question, i've been in the restaurant business for 25 years. this is an ever changing, ever evolving process. you get new guys in, some guys out, different timings that go on. and do we do it perfect? no? are we striving to do it perfect? yes, but that's what we're all doing in the business. >> one thing you've mentioned to me, why it is the "new york times" chose to review a restaurant like this. if you go on yelp, which is a place where regular folks go on and review restaurants, you get an average of 2 1/2 stars out of 5, 56 reviews, so it's kind of not necessarily knocking people's socks off. >> and at this point in time at two months, not really expecting to. we're trying to. we're trying as hard as we can to make it right, to do it right, we've got a pretty big menu. you look at the food we're doing here, the cedar plank salmon or the burger, we're doing this, forming it by hand. we make the mashed potatoes for ever service. this is what's taking place. is it perfect right now? no. are we striving for it? yeah. i think those will change. it's two months now, let's see where we are at six months. >> there are a lot of kitchens around the country where the famous chef comes in, lends his name but is sort of hands off and isn't involved. is this your baby? did you design this menu? >> not only did we design the restaurant, we spent a year and a half doing this. wrote the menu, brought my culinary team in to work with this team here that's on premise all the time. i did the training for the front of the house, i did the training for the back of the house. i was here pain staking hours. but this is what you do, what you love. people see me as a tv guy, i'm a chef, i'm into restaurants, i have 11 of them, 7 in california. to me, and again, that's what this is. this is more heart and soul. this is not just a name stamp. >> one thing that the reviewer said when asked by the "new york times" public editor saying he didn't expect a fine dining experience. didn't think this was going to be gourmet cuisine. but said, quote, this is important american food that makes a lot of people happy. do you think you fell short of that? >> in his opinion, that's what he's saying. no, do i think i'm falling short? no. by no means. i'm doing the type of foods that america loves and we're doing it the right way. could we make mistakes? absolutely. do we strive to be the best? yes. to me it's impossible to come in and have a dining experience and have every single thing wrong unless you come in with a different agenda and you want to sensationalize something and blow it out of the water. it's a great way to make a name for yourself. go after a celebrity chef who is not a new yorker. >> and if you have -- you could say anything to this reviewer right now, what would you say? >> you're welcome? i mean, it's a great -- like i said, i stand by my food, by my team, who will continue to do great. and i appreciate you giving me a chance to talk about it because it is the real deal. >> all right, guy fieri, thanks for being here. >> eat some of this. >> you're going to love it. >> i'll try it and report back. for now, though, al, back to you. >> thanks so much, savannah. we're talking about the restaurant, so it can't be the worst thing in the world. it's chilly here in the east, temperatures anywhere from 5 to 10 degrees below normal, but you look out west, temperatures anywhere from 5 to 15 degrees above normal including kansas city and on in to beautiful downtown minneapolis. we've got 50s there, 80s down in southern florida, 70s in southern texas, 40s in the pacific northwest where we got a lot of fog to deal with. and rain along the southeastern atlantic coast. >> good morning. things will be pretty quiet on this thursday. temperatures will be seven degrees below average. >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> all right, al, thanks. up next, the rolling stones on their 50 years together. the band's image and what catapulted them to the top of the charts right after this. my friend told me about a great new way to get deals. it's called bankamerideals, from bank of america. i choose the cash back deals in my mobile or online banking. i just use my bank of america debit or credit card when i pay. put in my account. this is cash back on top of other rewards we already get. and best of all, it's free. friends help friends get deals. pass it on. 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[ male announcer ] at&t. the nation's largest 4g network. covering 3,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. rethink possible. back now, 7:42, and a little music from the rolling stones, it's been half a century since the legendary band first got together. now it's part of their 50th anniversary, they're touring, and hbo is releasing a new documentary called "crossfire hurricane." it follows the journey from music outlaws to popular icons. and that's where we started when we sat down with the band. let us start where the documentary starts, okay. was fascinated by this. first thing you're asked in the documentary is, okay, we're going back to the '60s and '70s here. how much do you really remember? >> everything. >> yeah? >> especially when you see the film. >> your memories are clear on all this? we're not going to be fudging any of this making any of this up? charlie? let me get a couple of adjectives that have been used to describe this band, neanderthals. >> at the beginning, we were always called neanderthals. >> did you take it as a compliment at the time? >> ultimately fooled. >> sexiest band in rock 'n' roll? they're so ugly, they're appealing. >> there you go. how can you beat that? >> in the mid-'60s, the ugly appeal of the rolling stones was plain to see at their concerts. they were tapping into a youthful rebellion that was close to exploding. >> there was something in the air. and i guess we were the focus of it. i guess we were there at the right time for that. >> one way or other, the trouble did become part of the dna of the band, it seems. we'll do a little bit of a survey. raise your hand if you've been arrested. >> raise your hand. raise your hand -- >> how many times? >> i think we're going to keep an eye out -- >> who holds the record? >> squeaky clean, these guys. >> ronnie and charlie have never been arrested. >> is it safe to say keith probably holds the record for this? >> without a doubt. >> did you like the persona you had developed and created? or at some point did you wish you could be something different? >> well, that's a good question for you. i think it came natural. >> i never took any notice of it. particularly, that's never something i thought about. i just loved playing in a band, i love playing the drums. >> you've got to remember, matt, what brought us together at the beginning was playing music. that was our mission. our mission wasn't to be rebellious and to be socially -- >> to turn people on to the blues and the rhythm and blues and to the wonderful music that america had on its own doorstep but wasn't listening to. >> the heartache and pain that soaked into the blues tradition they loved became a familiar part of the stones' story. >> ronnie, i was reading an interview you did recently, and you said that one of the things that was hard for you in one of the tours recently, when you were struggling with sobriety was in some ways being around keith. >> well, alcohol and drugs is like an old friend, you know, keith's like an old friend. it's hard to say good-bye to another old friend. luckily my old friend in reality -- >> a line out of a rolling stones song. >> did you l realize that, though, keith, it might be hard for ronnie to be around you? >> yeah, you stick around with the stones, you've got to take the rough with the smooth. >> mostly rough. >> yeah, at least i didn't leave in a wooden box, you know. >> oh, it's getting really rough around the middle now. >> watch out. i'm coming over there. >> who said we'd make it out of wood? ♪ >> mick, you talk about how that character that we have all seen is just one part of you, and that you don't want to be that guy all the time. >> well, that'd be unbearable, i think. >> as you get older, is it harder to flip the switch and bring that guy there? >> easy. >> how? >> well, you get more practice. you have more practice at it. >> he just becomes the other one when there's more than eight people in the room. >> a girl comes in. >> and if you're playing behind him, you know, that's it. he's the best at it. >> let me end, you guys have lived it, you in some ways embody it. what does it mean to each one of you? >> when we started off, i think we wanted to be musicians first and famous second, but we knew if we were successful fame would come our way. and we always knew that. and so we, you know, you have to accept that. >> i look at it like an adventure to cherish, you know. it's good fun. to put it out and give back what they try to give us. it's nice. ♪ time is on my side >> got to love the rolling stones. for their 50th anniversary celebration, the stones will play live concerts in london and here in the new york area. you can also catch them on pay per view. as for the documentary "crossfire hurricane" airs tonight on hbo. still ahead, dr. phil on the women involved in the david petraeus scandal. but first, these messages. into their work, their name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. well, with the walmart credit card special financing offer, you can get the sony blu-ray home theater system with wi-fi and the high zoom cyber-shot camera with full hd. look at you, spreading some christmas joy! my cart's kinda full. mind holding these? 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[ kiss ] thank you ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long trying to find a better job can be frustrating. so at university of phoenix we're working with a growing list of almost two thousand corporate partners - companies like microsoft, american red cross and adobe - to create options for you. not only that, we're using what we learn from these partners to shape our curriculum. so that when you find the job you want you'll be a perfect fit. let's get to work. nearly a year ago, lauren scrubs was severely injured when she walked into a plane propeller. >> she sat down for an exclusive interview to talk about that horrible accident. >> you also write about the first time you looked at yourself in the mirror. after the accident. what did you see? >> i think i just saw the reality of what had happened. and i had my eye patch on and i didn't have my hand and half my head was shaved, and i was just thinking, wow. i mean -- again, how life can change in an instant and how that's not the way i have looked in the past. >> natalie will have much more tomorrow night on "dateline," and lauren and her parents will be here for an exclusive interview tomorrow on "today." it's that time of year again. medicare open enrollment. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. but it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. ♪ open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit or call 1-800-medicare. but the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down, and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel, because it helps to strengthen the enamel. and i believe it's doing a good job. looks like your bags didn't make it. we'll send them to your hotel. [ sad music playing ] this is fun. [ sad music continues ] [ knock on door ] knamerica runs on dunkin'. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news today in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. here is sarah caldwell. >> let's bring you up to date. there is one and the city at edmondson ave. west on 100 and oakwood road, be prepared to sit in traffic. we're dealing with a crash on northbound 95 in the area of 395. closures on madison and guilford and trusted and north ave due to water main break repairs. heavy delays on the north and west side outer loop, picking up in volume on the inner loop from 795 towards the j.f.x. on the j.f.x., 21 miles per hour on average from the beltway downtown. this is what it looks like on the j.f.x. that is the pace of things on ruxton road. live view of traffic at security, the west side delays are in place. that is the latest on traffic pulse 11. >> we are starting with cloud cover but no precipitation. should not be a problem for the morning commute. 41 at the airport, 34 in part, 35 in jarrettsville. most of the rain will miss us to the south. slight chance for a sprinkle this evening and early tonight. other than that, no problem with rain. high temperatures in the upper 40's and low 50s. that is several degrees below average. we will call it a mixture of clouds and sunshine. going into the weekend, not much change. high temperatures are going to be in the lotus 2-mid-50s. slight chance we will see a little bit of rain next week. the% chance for the start of all of the week. 8:00 now on this thursday morning. it's the 15th of november, 2012, and it's a chilly one here in new york city. just 36 degrees as we step outside. all the fine folks here at rockefeller plaza. i'm savannah gurthrie alongside matt lauer and al roker. beautiful morning out here today. >> brisk. you know who we have coming up? we have dr. phil in studio right now. we've been reporting about the scandal involving the former cia director david petraeus. dr. phil is going to give us an interesting take on this. he's going to take a look at the women involved in that scandal and give us his thoughts on that. >> all right. we also saw you at guy fieri's restaurant a little while ago. guy fieri has invaded our studio and brought food with him and we're going to put today's professionals, going to put their bibs on and try some of this. >> we'll see what they think about that. and then we had this big political campaign, a lot of debate about what's right and what's wrong with this country. but one thing is definitely true and that is this country's still a beacon of hope for so many people around the world. something special is happening on this plaza on friday. for the first time in morning show history, we're going to have 30 individuals fulfill their dreams of becoming u.s. citizens. it's a live naturalization ceremony right here on the plaza. we'll witness the moment they've worked so hard to get to. >> i think so many people look at protests against this country all around the world and think, wow, you must be terrible. there are a lot of people out there who want to be citizens of this country and will do almost anything to accomplish that. it'll be interesting to see that tomorrow. for now, we want a check of the day's top stories. natalie, good morning again. >> good morning, everyone. president obama says he has seen no evidence at this point that the sex scandal that toppled david petraeus has compromised national security. petraeus has agreed to testify before congress about the deadly september attacks at benghazi, libya. the pentagon has revoked security clearances for the woman he allegedly had an affair with. u.s. army veteran and author paula broadwell. british oil giant bp is facing a record criminal penalty as it nears a federal settlement over the 2010 gulf oil disaster. the plea deal would not cover civil claims. any settlement is likely to dwarf the record $1.2 billion fine leveed on drug maker pfizer in 2009. rock star jon bon jovi's daughter was released on wednesday after being charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana and a controlled substance. some heroin was also recovered at the scene. she and another student were arrested after an ambulance responded to the report of a possible overdose in a dormitory at hamilton college. and now for a look at what's trending today, a quick round-up of what has you talking online. missy franklin is a hot search online after her decision to choose college over cash. franklin revealed wednesday that she'll swim for the university of california golden bears for two years. she'll pass up big money endorsements then go pro in time for the 2016 olympics. a locker room feud over new york jets backup quarterback tim tebow is the talk of the football blog. rex ryan says he's outraged that some of the teammates told the newspaper anonymously that tebow cannot move up to the starting spot because, quote, he's terrible. always a good sport, tebow says he's faced criticism before, but he tries to make it motivate him. and bono has the web laughing with this impression of former president bill clinton. >> i want to thank bono for stepping away from the microphone, i knew he couldn't rhyme, but i'm so glad he can fall back on adding and subtracting. it might be the one thing all of us can agree on. >> the voice is spot on. bono was speaking at clinton's alma mater georgetown university saying clinton is more of a rock star than he'll ever be. let's go back out to al with a check of your weather. >> that is a darn good imitation. bono, who knew. tell us about this shoe box. >> this is actually operation shoe box. well, this week is collection week and we're going to need all of your guys' help. >> we'll put something on our website. one of our camera guys was just working on this, weren't you, tommy? >> they all get sent out to kids all around the country, all around the world, really, and they get christmas gifts and the knowledge of church and what makes life a real gift. >> you guys are focusing on hurricane sandy too, right? we really appreciate that. let's check your weather. maybe i should have tommy hogan do the weather too. news channel 7, clear skies, mild, 65 degrees as you look at satellite and radar. a lot of heavy rains down through the southeast. we're also expecting fog in the pacific northwest. a few clouds here and there around the great lakes with a few snow showers. but for the most part, pretty nice, evening showers move into central and southern california >> good morning. day through you'll notice more cloud cover today. there is a slight chance for re sprinkled this evening. >> and that's your latest weather. who's here? >> carson daly. >> good morning. >> how are you? >> am i going to be late for one direction? >> just a couple of days. so we've got ten competitors left on "the voice." >> we do. >> and now the audience basically takes over, how do the judges feel about that? >> they love it. they spent time with their teams and now it's up to america to have that full control, and we're down to the top ten. >> don't they want to have the grip on what happens there? >> they do. i asked adam levine, what does it feel like? oh, it hurts. and it's what you have to do and the viewers are there week in and week out and it's their turn. >> you had two singers sent home, from team blake, andrea and louise from team christina. >> it's hard to say what's right because the talent level is so high. people are going to go home. she's 16, and she probably didn't believe she would make it as far as she did. this is how it's going to be until the december 17th finale. it's going to be bittersweet. >> you have someone in this group you look at and think superstar? >> boy, i think so. i think we have that. hey, listen, i love where the show starts, starts from that pure place of the voice, almost like the old days with radio before video star. i do. i think we have a couple in there that are going to have a really, really long career. >> and how is your son jackson dealing with his new sister? >> in fact, we have a little something for you for etta. >> thank you. >> it's all about team christina, team adam, but what about team carson is the question we asked, so we have a little -- my dexterity is not what it should be out here. look, it's a onesie, team carson. >> we have to backup just in case. >> thank you, matt. >> check out "the voice" right here on nbc monday and tuesdays 8:00/7:00 central time. up next, we've got dr. phil in the studio, but first these messages. ♪ i -- i got it, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ [ male announcer ] at subway, you got it made. try a steak, egg white & cheese, tricked out any way you want. subway. eat fresh. try a steak, egg white & cheese, tricked out any way you want. some people put everything intotheir name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. [ female announcer ] the newest seasonal flavors are here. try new sugar free pumpkin spice... and pecan praline. ♪ get your coupon today at [ female announcer ] with depression, simple pleasures can simply hurt. the sadness, anxiety, the loss of interest. the aches and pains and fatigue. depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. simple pleasures shouldn't hurt. talk to your doctor about cymbalta. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. back now at 8:12 with more on the scandal that took down cia director david petraeus. he resigned when it was revealed he had an affair with his biographer paula broadwell. and news makers behaving badly provides dr. phil with stuff to talk about. he says if you're not on the lookout, be prepared to be taken advantage of them. dr. phil, good morning. you're just the guy we need for this story. >> thanks. >> we need a shrink. let's talk about petraeus before we get into the book. when you heard about this, i assume it didn't shock you. maybe about that it was general petraeus, but not the situation. >> it didn't shock me. and, frankly, i'm not sure that it's as much our business as we make it. somehow or another today, there just aren't any boundaries, and people talk about it being national security. i mean, is it really? or do we just have this insatiable interest for what's going on in people's lives? i don't know where those boundaries should be and where they're not. i'm certainly -- i'm definitely certain that mrs. petraeus has an interest in it, but i'm not sure that we should have as much interest in it as we do. >> what do you make of the players in this case? you have general petraeus who is very well-regarded, certainly, in his work and considered such a straight arrow, then you have the two ladies, jill kelley and paula broadwell. what's your take? >> well, that's what i talk about in "life code." i wrote this book because i think we live in a different world than our mamas told us about. and i wrote this book because i want to tell people how the world really works, not how it should work. but how it really works, people have currency. and they look for the things that really light them up. obviously for these women, they didn't choose these guys because they look like james bond. they didn't choose these guys because they look like leo dicaprio, right? because they're powerful, because they represent something, and that's currency to them. they're connected to that. i think that's what motivates them. you have to see what their currency is. >> let's talk about the book, they did talk about the real world. you call them baiters. >> it's an acronyacronym. they're back stabbers, abusers, imposters, takers, exploiters and reckless people. and they're in all of our lives. going to be sitting next to one at home, co-workers, people you deal with in your life that are willing to step up and take what's yours if you don't recognize who they are. and i put in this book a secret playbook of how these people do what they do. then i talked about what you need to do. you need a secret playbook, as well. >> you write in the book about a time you think you were kind of to use a phrase screwed over by an associate. >> i didn't think i was. i got embezzled by someone who came to me knowing my currency because they groom you like a pedophile grooms a child. they came and said -- talked about family values and church and god and all that kind of stuff and got next to me and got next to my money and pretty soon they were out the door with hundreds of thousands of dollars and left my family absolutely in ruins financially. >> but you don't think these people are everywhere? or do you? that's a cynical look of the world. >> they're not everywhere, but they're out there and they're not coming into your life, they're already there. you just need to be able to spot them. and that's why i wrote this book. and i want -- this was a book of passion for me. and i want people to read it. and, by the way, this book doesn't come out in broad distribution until after the first of the year. right now you can buy it at the because i've got it in a special pre-release. it's been out this week and it is moving faster than any book i've ever done, which is exciting for me. it tells me people want to know what's really going on in their life. that's exciting to me. >> and your son is the publisher, right? >> he is. >> well, they may recognize some of the people you describe in the book. >> i hope not. >> all right. once again, dr. phil, thank you, and the book is called "life code." you're going to stick around for today's professionals? >> i am. well, coming up next, jenna bush-hager one-on-one with the first lady of new jersey next. into their work, their name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. and eddy said the toys might not be ready! eddy? the elf! ♪ [ radio announcer ] today's forecast: it's snowing snowballs and snow bricks out there... seven more days and it's snowing snow bricks! oh, well, be careful! [ radio announcer ] only two days to go, and several of the elves were tossed around when they tried to wrap a pony. [ female announcer ] the keepsake countdown ornament. build anticipation every day till christmas. elves tried to wrap a pony! a deep, throbbing, persistent ache. my doctor diagnosed it as fibromyalgia, thought to be the result of overactive nerves that cause chronic widespread pain. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. i learned lyrica can provide significant relief from fibromyalgia pain. and for some people, it can work in as early as the first week of treatment. so now i can do more of the things that i enjoy. lyrica is not for everyone. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior, or any swelling or affected breathing or skin, or changes in eyesight, including blurry vision or muscle pain with fever or tired feeling. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. with less pain, i'm feeling better now that i've found lyrica. ask your doctor if lyrica is right for your fibromyalgia pain. ♪ i woke up to a feeling ♪ every little thing has meaning ♪ ♪ i woke up to a light bulb on ♪ every little thing is possible now ♪ [ female announcer ] we've added a touch of philadelphia cream cheese to our kraft natural cheese to make it creamier so whatever you make isn't just good, it's amazing. ♪ amazing with the love that i found ♪ ♪ new jersey governor chris christie has made a name for himself on the national political stage. now his wife, new jersey's first lady mary pat christie is stepping in to the spotlight to help people in her state deal with the devastation of superstorm sandy. today jenna bush-hager caught up with her. >> reporter: more than two weeks ago when sandy hit, the coast of new jersey was forever changed. and although the state's first lady mary pat christie has stayed out of the spotlight, the devastation of sandy is personal. >> and our town in particular was really devastated, as well. >> reporter: and has redefined her role. >> you really want to completely focus on the people and there's no guide. i've never done this before, nor has my husband, but i think that we're all kind of inspired by my husband. >> we're on the road to recovery. >> reporter: and we all kind of are ready to roll up our sleeves and get to work. >> reporter: together, they're spearheading the relief fund, a foundation focused on rebuilding the state they love. >> so our goal is really to be there for the long-term. and this takes a long time, but i think their spirits need that support. >> reporter: here in seabright, new jersey, a community washed away by the storm, connor and kara come back to assess the damages of their family-run pizzeria. a comforting embrace. it's empathy that's not hard to come by, even the governor's family lost power. >> i think like most new jersey residents, we played more games than we know to do with. catch phrase and scategories became a highlight of our day. >> reporter: has it been hard to watch your husband go through and watching your state be affected the way this has? >> it definitely has been. i think that after the 16, 18-hour days my husband comes home, not only is he exhausted physically, but it definitely is mentally draining to come and, you know, hug people who have lost their life savings and their world, really. >> reporter: if the storm of the century had a starring character, it'd be the new jersey governor. >> you've obviously known your husband for a long time, 26 years. you've been married, but has the way he's led surprised you at all through this? >> not really. not really because i've seen him in management situations before that are challenging, and he kind of gets a group of people around the table and is very good at listening, but then quickly deciding and delegating. >> is it hard to be back at a place where you brought your kids? i mean, you have such family memories? >> sure. sure. i think people saw the governor at casino pier. >> you know, in august. >> reporter: and casino pier, i mean, that was our big night out with the children. my children are just -- sounds almost small, but that's their childhood. >> reporter: a doting wife, mother of four, and working woman still finding time to visit the front lines providing comfort and long-term support for the citizens she loves. >> we will rebuild. bigger and stronger. >> reporter: for "today," sea bright, new jersey. switching gears now, you probably know them best as olympians of their long legal battle with mark zuckerberg, now the winklevoss twins are investing in a new website called huckster. good morning to all of you. nice to see you. before i get to this new venture, you know i've got to ask you about facebook. about 50% lower than the initial public offering. while some might think that's sweet revenge to you, you've got a lot of stock in that company, don't you? >> we don't really comment on our holdings, but i think they did have a rough road, but it's a real company with real revenues, they've got real prospects. >> bullish or bearish on the future, he's hinted to that, but do you think this company has an economic future? >> i think it does, yeah, definitely. >> you're right, you don't comment much on your holdings. talk about this new deal. you've got a company, you invest money in start-ups that you think are promising, this one's called huckster. before i get the why you invested, tell me about the site. >> it's a platform that tracks products online and lets you know when they're on sale. >> what's the major difference between this one and other ones that find deals for consumers? >> the things that attracted them to the deal is we're not a social site. so this is a personal site where you can shop by yourself and everything's not being shared with everyone else. >> so i want to buy a j. crew sweater, i pop that in and it keeps me posted on the price and the size and the style. how many retailers will be involved in this? >> we have over 400 retailers right now that people have hucks at. >> do you look and you've got -- i hope the number's correct, you invested, i believe $750,000 in this. or do you not comment on that also? >> why this site? >> so one of the things, if anybody's shopped online, they've sort of -- it sends so many untargeted, unwanted deals your way that your inbox gets cluttered. so the main thing about huckster, it pulls the deals that only you want and will only send you an alert on something that you huck as the price goes down. >> when you show up at a meeting to invest or not invest, you come with a reputation, do you think that makes it more exciting for people like them? or do you think maybe some people worry about the baggage you come with, as well? >> i think people see us as strategic investors. i think that's why they took our money and that's how we help companies with it. >> good luck. good to see you guys. nice to catch up with you, and good luck to you, as well. we're back after your local news. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news in baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. here is traffic pulse 11 and sarah caldwell. >> still a few problems, but mostly looking at volume-related delays. we have a crash clearing to and from 795. southbound j.f.x. from the beltway to 28 street, expect delays. allendale street, we have an accident wrapping up. madison and charles between north and 21st, a local traffic between lafayette and clippard milk. we will see what is going on and 83 and timonium road. let's switch to a live view of traffic at the westside and security. out of the delays from 795, all the way down to edmondson. john collins joins us with the look of the forecast. >> clots are being pushed our way by this disturbance to the south. we will keep an eye on it during the day. it might get a little closer to us now, some of you got near freezing, but at the airport it is 41 degrees. 62% humidity. pressure, 30, 39. we expect a lot of clouds today. there might be a few sunbreaks. shower in the evening. small chance. most of the day will be fine. 47 to 52 high temperature range now things look a try. next week, we pick up rain chance is. >> back with another update at 8:56. we're here! [ giggling ] these days, nobody has time to get sick. mom, i don't feel good. but minuteclinic makes it easy to get well. our nurse practitioners can diagnose and write prescriptions for everything from strep throat to sinus infections with no appointment necessary, so you can feel better in no time. minuteclinic, the medical clinic in cvs pharmacy, now offering flu shots every day, no appointment necessary. find a clinic near you at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> and we're back with more at 8:30 on a thursday morning. that is just a little preview of the radio city christmas spectacular courtesy of the one and only rockettes. ladies, thank you very, very much. happy holidays. always fun to have them here. >> there's my high kick. all i can manage. >> want to see it again? >> exactly. >> on the plaza, matt lauer along with savannah gurthrie, al roker, and natalie morales. >> we talked to guy fieri about the very harsh review that the "new york times" food critic gave him. >> harsh? >> scathing might be a better word. well, guy's back, he's a good sport, brought some of his food and we're going to have the professionals taste it. they're tasting it right now. >> don't talk with your mouth full. >> you're going to eat and report back during "today's professionals" next hour. >> i didn't know the camera was on. >> enjoy. >> we've got a lot to get to. mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? >> let's look ahead to the weekend. friday, we are going to be looking at showers along the eastern coast, a lot of wet weather along the california coast, windy conditions and mountain snows in the rockies. for saturday, beautiful along the east coast with showers along the southeastern atlantic coast. more wet weather from california up into the pacific northwest. sunday, sunday, sunny and cool in the northeast, rainy and windy along the mid-atlantic states. more wet weather, windy weather in the pacific northwest, down the california coast into the intermountain regions and thent >> good morning. things will be pretty quiet on this thursday. temperatures will be seven degrees below average. >> savannah's been working on it. come on, let's go. >> it doesn't help. doesn't help. >> kick one, everybody, here we go! >> commercial, commercial. >> still to come this morning, kathie lee coming up about her opening night on broadway. back now at 8:37. it is a big day for a certain member of our "today" show family. kathie lee opens on broadway tonight. >> not broadway out in iowa, we're talking about broadway in new york city. she wrote the book and lyrics to this new original musical, made every single costume that you're going to be seeing. and who better to give us a behind-the-scenes look than her partner hoda. >> we are less than ten hours away from curtain. and i can tell you, this has been a labor of love for kathie lee. and she has mentioned her show on our show just a couple of times. >> just a couple? >> couple. ♪ >> we have a little show called "scandalous." >> let's talk about "scandalous." >> kathie lee gifford's musical is going to broadway. >> yeah, baby. >> should we sing the song? >> hooray for hollywood. from shirley temple -- >> everybody knows shirley temple but they don't know amy simple. >> but kathie lee's out to change that with "scandalous," the musical based on amy. >> she was a woman of history who has fallen through the cracks. she went on to become the most scandalous, controversial, yet celebrated woman of her day. >> you're drifting away from the face of your fathers. >> 12 years i've been actually physically writing it and trying to get it produced on broadway. >> everybody agrees she was the best, though, right? >> she was really, really strong, yeah. >> we've had four workshops, i think. two large out of town regional productions, well over 1,000 re-writes. it's all part of the process. >> with every chance i got. >> carol lee carmelo in my mind is the finest working actress in musical theater. there's not another actress ibd think of that could play amy the way carol lee does. >> this is amy's home away from home, it's the theater on broadway. an exciting time, the crew, the cast, the team, have been working around the clock to get this baby ready for opening night. are they ready? come on, let's go backstage and find out. >> hoda woman. >> is it time? >> almost. we're about half an hour from curtain. >> wait, stage time. >> you are center stage, this is the neil simon theater. would you like me to introduce you to some of the folks? >> take me back. >> this way. >> of course. >> we heard rumors that the hottie with the body ed watts is in here. >> one of the highlights for many of the women. >> do you get to see something happening beneath this robe. what could it be? >> he plays adam. >> wait -- >> adam and eve. >> good to see you, bye. >> are you talking? >> hope he makes it for curtain. >> opening night's knocking on the door, are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. >> yeah, sing a little of it. ♪ girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do ♪ ♪ a girl don't gotta do it no more ♪ >> how does it feel being this close to opening, girl? >> i'm scared to death. carmel my wonderful wig master is prepping my hair to be put under two wig caps, and here are my microphones which live on the back of my head. >> in case one goes out. >> that's right. because i never leave the stage, really. >> you've been in this project since the infancy. >> yeah, the early '40s. can you believe it? it's like opening night on broadway. >> you know -- she doesn't know to kiss me or curse me. >> you are going to sit there in the audience and watch that curtain go up on opening night. what will that be like? >> i think that's when it's finally going to hit me. it's my child and i had a lot of help birthing it and i hope it'll live forever and touch people's lives. >> thanks for that lovely, lovely piece. thank you, hoda. >> so excited. >> you're welcome. >> we've got our tickets. >> i am so grateful for the support around here has been unbelievable. what i'll always remember the most is you guys just -- just right there for me and supporting me and understanding what a passion this has been for me. >> look what we have for you. >> oh. >> you should be getting some wine ready for the 10:00 show. >> thank you. congrats, kath. >> and i thought for sure that witch from philadelphia was going to win. >> i thank you, good luck. >> break a leg. >> break two. >> i'll break two chubby ones. coming up next, jane holly on rewriting your life after 50. back now 8:45, and we've got your life calling today. jane has been working with aarp which produced and sponsored our series of reports. this morning, a man trying to help children all around the world. jane, good morning. >> good morning, matt. lauren walters' career has been so varied, health care, government service, but he was looking for something more, more meaningful. well, he got a call from a friend who felt exactly the same way. walters was 57, his friend was 23. lauren walters yearned to put a lifetime of experience to good work. >> i felt frustrated i wasn't having the kind of impact i thought i could. >> the seed of an idea was planted when he visited rwanda. >> going out into a village i saw kids who were hungry. just on an ongoing basis. >> reporter: but he also saw children eating from squeezable pouchs. >> and i knew there was something you could do to treat malnourished kids, which were these nutrition packs, but there was a supply problem. >> reporter: for three years, he thought about it. >> for me, ideas simmer. >> reporter: but he wasn't thinking about starting a business. until 23-year-old will howser called. the son of a good friend, he too was looking for something more. >> i wanted to start a business doing something entrepreneurial but also doing something that gives back in some way. >> reporter: two degrees, a food bar was an idea whose time had come. >> when consumers are given a choice between doing something which has a cause related to it as opposed to just the product, they'll choose something that has a cause. >> reporter: here's how it works. >> for every bar that is sold, we purchase and donate a meal to a hungry child somewhere in the world. >> so i buy the bar -- >> and a nutrition pack is given to a malnourished kid. and it's a dense peanut butter paste. >> and that's exactly how the kid eats it. >> it is. exactly. it tastes pretty good. >> but the food bar has to taste good too. >> sunflower butter. >> i do too. >> reporter: despite lauren's diverse background, the food business was all new. >> hi, how can i help? how do we market, how do we brand? i never created a brand for anything and neither did will. >> a real person on there, a real child, i think is huge, stops you in your tracks. >> he's tapped a 20-something brain trust pumped with ideas. >> we span a generation gap. we think about things differently, we're connected to different networks of people. we see things differently. i think for us, it's been an enormous asset to the company. >> reporter: they recruited an army of sales reps at 75 colleges. and activated lauren's vast network of connections. soon, they were in every whole foods store in the country. >> and this is almond, you can try one of these. you can. right in here. >> reality check. >> i thought it would be easier than it is. it's hard. >> reporter: today the bar is in 1,000 stores, but lauren thinks he'll need 10,000 to succeed. >> i'm really optimistic. and we've donated about 500,000 meals so far. >> that's impressive. >> the other thing i've learned that i've given to the young people is to imagine that anything is possible. >> by the end of this year, lauren expects to have distributed 750,000 meals to nonprofit partners around the world. lauren walters is our 28th story in our series. if you have reimagined your life after 50, let us know. maybe we'll tell your story in 2013. go to >> my favorite part is these people from two different generations are teaming up and sharing their expertise. thanks very much. up next, money-saving holiday meals and wines. but first, this is "today" on nbc. so, if the mint makes this hot chocolate cool, does the mint hot chocolate make me cool? not really. mint hot chocolate from dunkin' donuts. grab the cool sensation of mint today. america runs on dunkin'. "today's kitchen" is brought to you by kraft. make something amazing. this morning on "today's holiday kitchen," we are pairing money-saving meals with wines that cost under $20 too. and when she's not busy with her food network show, sandra's restaurant, sandra lee is hard at work on her new magazine and the first issue is out now. good morning to you. >> good morning, my dear. >> we've got great recipes going. are these the things we would find in the magazine? >> exactly what you're going to find in the magazine. great wine pairings under $20 combined with fabulous foods. i'm paying attention to my eggs here. >> this is crispy potatoes and cheese eggs. >> i've got grated potatoes, heavy on the salt and pepper, little bit of olive oil in the pan. butter first. >> can't skip the butter. >> what am i thinking? >> key step. >> as the butter goes in, bottom of the pan, it'll melt as you go, that's fine. now, p out it in there, pat it down flat, you have a potato pancake. flip that after five minutes. >> you want me to flip this? >> go ahead. >> you're a brave woman. >> go for it. >> i don't want to mess it up. >> i know you now how to do it. this is some crown royal going into my cheese mixture. now in here was just shallots that i took a little bit of butter and sauteed up until they're soft, flour goes in there, two tablespoons, you want to cook that for two minutes until the flour taste comes out. the milk goes in half and half, and you want to put in your whiskey, bourbon. >> what kind of cheese did you use? >> any kind of soft cheese you like. you know, i like, frankly, i like munster provolone. look at how cheesy that is. >> yum. >> on top of your potato pancake they go. sorry about the bottom of the pan. >> this looks like comfort food to me. >> this is a gorgeous dish. now, on top of there would go -- just some caviar on top of there and a little bit of chives and some cheese sauce. >> great. >> now this is great for a brunch, but also fantastic for breakfast for dinner. let's talk about wine. this is butterfly kiss, hints of pear, mango, and lemon, the price point at $12.99. buy this where they sell wines. where i come from, they sell wine in the grocery store. >> me too. and champagne, would you pair that with it too? >> either/or. that would be beautiful, as well. that bottle is going to be just under $20 at $19.99. >> great. >> and now back here, let's go quickly. if you don't have time for a big turkey dinner, we are going to do game hens. this is what i'm making, no the the big turkey. >> okay. >> this is in the magazine. lemon and garlic paired beautifully. this is $17.99. very full-bodied. >> great. >> lots of spice and it's elegant and smooth. >> you throw them in the oven? >> that's got olive oil, lemon, garlic, that's it. about 20 to 25 minutes per pound. >> what's for dessert? >> and dessert is in the slow cooker. this is a beautiful, hot mocha cake. you take some chocolate cake mix, you want this? >> just a fork, yeah. thank you. >> all right. >> so it's just a cake mix, make it normal, but on top you put the instant pudding and 2 cups of warm milk and marshmallows cook it down. this is $11.99 a bottle. >> the price is right on that. professionals after your local news. >> this is wbal-tv 11 news and a baltimore. >> good morning. i am mindy basara. a baltimore city mother is recovering at a hospital following a deadly home invasion. around not o'clock 30 tuesday night, city police responded to west lafayette and west baltimore. officers found two brothers and their mother is suffering multiple gunshot wounds. the brothers died at shock trauma. their 48-year- >> tom butters in some cases were down near freezing. plenty of clouds, disturbance to our south. it will watch for rain chance is later on today.


Transcripts For WBAL Today 20121116

>> 12 years plus. >> a smart person could have done it in half the time. >> tonight, there is going to be a red carpet. >> i know. >> it's going to be a lot of fun. >> i've been just numb. honestly, i've given birth twice to two children and raising them into fine human beings i always thought would be the hardest job in my life. thank god my son and daughter are a piece of pie compared to bringing a show to broadway. if somebody said the writing is the easy part compared to getting it produced and getting it to broadway. there are so many aspects that have to all come together at the same time. tonight my emotions are very much on the surface. >> i can see. >> i've had to be so gritty, steady eddie. >> it's going to be a fun red carpet before. everyone from the show is coming, matt, savannah, al, natalie. so many people here, regis and joy will be there with bells on. >> absolutely. my hodi woman who got me through this. >> you know who my date is? liza minnelli! >> we are going to have a lot of fun. >> liza knows something about the theater. this woman is a legend in broadway. >> these are great t-shirts that say "scandalous" on them. beautiful. >> we're going to have some fun tonight. >> it does feel a lot like giving birth. that's joyful and painful at the same time. i want to thank everybody, thank you all so much for it. our sara is coming, too. >> of course. speaking of joyful and painful, we did anderson cooper yesterday. it's going to air on tuesday. >> the 20th, i think. >> there was a moment that happened before the show starts. usually to get the audience all lathered up there's someone who works the audience and plays music and what not. here is the drinking before. here is what happened before the show started. we had a funky dance party. >> there was music, by the way. >> here is a video of you guys. >> there was music, by the way. >> let's show the video of you guys. that's fantastic. >> the guy was cranking it. >> spanking added an extra dimension. >> his name was jeff. >> he was one of the fun and raucous anderson cooper audience member. >> the only one i knew was the "360 degrees" anderson cooper. who's a very fine reporter and very serious-minded. i had no idea what a party animal he can be. he's a very cheap date. we did get him a little tipsy. no, gone. >> he kept saying throughout the show. i'm buzzed. like blurting stuff out. it was perfect. >> we had a lot of fun with him. we want to thank him for that. apparently there's been an update in the ongoing feud of the century between chelsea handler and hoda and i, yeah. >> anyway, we told you about it. she was supposed to show up and she didn't because -- >> canceled about an hour and half before the show. >> hit her eye on the shower curtain then later had food poisoning. >> allegedly. >> but anyway, she decided to set the record straight on her own show. this is what she had to say. >> i have to apologize to the today "today" show for an interview and then i didn't show up and i lied. but to hoda kotoba and kathie lee i'm sorry. i really am usually professional but i just couldn't make it. >> half hearted but at least she's not lying. i don't know why. >> apology accepted. >> all right. welcome her back anytime. >> all right. so vogue magazine comes out with its best dressed women of the year. we'll give you the top three. >> this surprised me. i haven't seen this lady about. from "the good life." she has an exotic look. >> number two on the list was from "the girl with the dragon tattoo." ? rooney mera granddaughter of ann mera who will be at "scandalous" tonight. and also emma stone. she has a great look and she mixes it up a lot. she doesn't have the same look. she is daring. she dut does a lot of different things. >> the "wall street journal" came out with an article. there are new rules for flirting, okay? elizabeth bernstein has been here before. >> she writes great articles. >> it opens doors, but sometimes can cause problems. think, some people are flirtatious by nature, and some people turn it on to get what they want. some flirt to get out of traffic tickets. that's happened many times. >> really? you flirt? >> i found the best way is to be extremely gracious, not flirting because that can -- >> i am so sorry. no, you have to juice it a little. >> oh, hoda. >> you can't go, i was going 60 miles per hour in a 45. >> officer, i'm so sorry. how fast was i going? oh, my gosh, my kid is -- i would tell the truth in a very sincere way. i wouldn't go, gee, what am i in for, officer? >> you can do that. it works better. >> how much time am i going to do in the slammer? i don't know. i don't like to be around women that are just falling over someone. >> there is too much flirting and subtle, normal flirting. >> hodi is a very, very tactile woman. >> i am and i think some people read into it in the wrong way. >> men, if you touch them, men will think you're ready to hop into the sack. >> yeah. >> that's why it bothers frank so much. >> you're tactile, too. >> and a night like tonight with a lot of people wishing me well will be the biggest nightmare in the world for frank. he'll hate it. >> not as much as you're going to hate my ihoda song. i've been dying for this one. this may be one of my favorite ihoda songs ever. you're going to hate it. it's going to take you back to a time when you couldn't sit, you had to dance. it is called "the humpty dance" by digital underground. you're going to love it. ♪ my body is in motion anyone can play this game ♪ this is my dance y'all you got it down humpty hump. ♪ shaking and bumping step off i'm doing the hump ♪ >> ready? >> no. ♪ do the humpty hump, do the humpty hump ♪ >> i'm speechless. >> how do you do the hump? what does it look like? >> does anybody else think that is strange? >> come on. >> sara, everybody is holding their nose. >> doesn't that take you back? >> awesome. that song is so great. >> you know what's awesome, okay or not okay? is it okay to have a work/spouse relationship? >> you say -- >> absolutely. i had a work husband for 15 years they still adore. anybody ever heard of r egis? >> as long as your real husband is okay with it. cassidy used to say you have the musical taste of a 17-year-old, no, it's 12-year-old. we are now drinking the beaujolais nouveau. it arrives he year on the third thursday of november to celebrate the first wine of the harvest. so happy harvest to george du bouef. >> congratulations to don nash. >> it was bad news we were losing our jim bell whom we adore, our executive proder, but we found out don nash we equally adore was going to be taking his post. we were thrilled. >> a toast to don. cheers. >> there are big changes coming to the hit nbc show "the voice." carson daly is going to reveal all. >> two women get the makeover of their lives after these messages. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] pop in a whole new kind of clean. with tide pods. a powerful three-in-one detergent that cleans. brightens. and fights stains just one removes more stains than the 6 next leading pacs combined pop in. stand out. i have a cold, and i took nyquil, but i'm still "stubbed" up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] it doesn't have a decongestant. no way. [ male announcer ] sorry. alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast acting decongestant to relieve your stuffy nose. [ sighs ] thanks! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus. ♪ oh what a relief it is! ♪ [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth and save $1 visit alka-seltzer on facebook. [ male announcer ] to learn more about the cold truth ♪ you can help othersink along the way. ♪ ♪ a portion of every bottle that they sell goes to fight ♪ ♪ breast cancer and i think that's swell. ♪ ♪ the more you take, the more they'll pay, ♪ ♪ so make them write a big check today. ♪ ♪ and if you're feeling a little slow, ♪ ♪ then 5-hour energy will help you go. ♪ ♪ so buy a bottle of pink lemonade and ♪ ♪ you can help fight breast cancer today. ♪ the final round of nbc's hit singing competition "the voice" brings a little twist and big drama. >> the fate of ten finalists rests solely in the hands of the viewers at home. one of the finalists, trevin hunt, floored the judges monday night. take a listen. ♪ when a man loves a woman down deep in his soul ♪ ♪ she can bring him such misery ♪ >> sing it! tell everybody what you were telling us. carson daly with us. >> good morning. >> what did somebody tell him? >> i said i want some wine. >> no, you didn't. somebody gave him a negative review. >> trevin hunt from right here in new york. in eighth grade needed a recommendation, a signature from a fellow educator to go on, to get this music recommendation to go to the music school. they said you'll never amount to anything. you'll never be anything. look at him now. great story. >> about your show, by the way, when i heard the number of votes on the last elimination round exceeded the amount of votes on the finale of last year's "voice" shows how much this show has grown. >> it's unbelievable. it is. we had the super bowl. season one, what is this new show? is there room for another one of these shows? people believed in what we were doing. we have coaches, not judges, authentic, authentic, authentic. season two off the super bowl. season three, people found the show. >> good. >> other things are fading and other things are eclipsing. and that's what happens. >> and you're changing it up. you don't keep the same rules. you made it a little different. >> we looked at season two. everybody loves the blind auditions, the big red chairs, you play along at home, hard to beat that. we figured we would introduce the steal. so much great talent was leaving and we can't let these people go. we introduced the steal where the coaches were incentivized to look at the other teams and keep their eye on people. it's the steals have been effective for this season in making the middle part of our format exciting. the chairs are back in. look at terry there, mcdermott. team blake. we have great talent this year. >> you're going to mix it up with the judges in the future. >> we are. we all knew from day one they are not reality judges by job trade. they are real artists. they've got to get out on the road. we refer to it as how lucky are we to have shakira and usher pinch-hitting for christina and cee lo next season. we shot a lot of that, by the way. it's awesome in a whole different way but it's still "the voice." fun, it's great. >> when something has to be an hour or two-hour long show, it's structured. i think it's interesting how you guys have managed to keep it loosy goosy and it feels free. >> you say loosey-goosey in the morning. we refer to that as drunk. blake shelton, in particular. >> we are in love with him. >> i have to play traffic cop to all the drunk, loosey-gooseyness. that's the idea. we are having fun. i wear the ear, i work with the truck, we get the show off the air. they just try to keep it going. >> they have fun. >> their music is going crazy on itunes. that is another way people vote? by downloading the songs? >> you get extra points for that? >> yes. we have a new thing i was talking about where it's the multiplier. if they chart in the top ten that could count times ten for their final vote. itunes has become now the real litmus test for how america's enjoying and buying music. the fact that "the voice" artists are chartists is crazy. i wish you the best. you're the best, by the way. every time i turn you on you're drinking and talking about "the voice" which is awesome. thank you. >> have a great finale. you can catch "the voice" next monday night at 8:00/7:00 here on nbc when the top ten sing for your vote. it is a big night for broadway and kathie lee. opening night for" scandalous" just hours away. we're going to take you behind the scenes right after this. [ male announcer ] this is sheldon, whose long dy setting up the news starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. the tension between them reached a breaking point, literally. so they divided the production between two separate factories. each factory took a vastly different approach. left twix flowed caramel on cookie, while right twix cascaded caramel on cookie. left twix bathed in chocolate, while right twix cloaked in chocolate. both bars as different as the vastly distinct men who invented them. to this day, sharing nothing but a wrapper and an ill-designed driveway. try both and pick a side. in case you haven't heard, tonight is a big night for my good friend to my left here kathie lee. it's safe to say tonight is right up there after marrying frank and having two amazing children. that's because tonight the lights shine on broadway for "scandalous" the musical. kathie lee has poured her heart and soul in this for a dozen of years writing the book and lyrics. because i have a connection, i got a behind the scenes look before the curtain goes up tonight. take a look. ♪ >> we have a little show called "scandalous." >> let's talk about "scandalous." >> kathie lee gifford's musical is going to broadway. yeah, baby! >> should we sing the song? "hooray for hollywood from shirley temple to aimee semple ♪ >> kathie lee is out to change all that with "scandalous" a musical based on the life of evangelist aimee semple mcpherson. how would you describe her in a nutshell? >> a woman in history who has fallen through the cracks. she went on to become the most scandalous, controversial yet celebrated woman of her day. >> stop, you're drifting away from the faith of your fathers. >> 12 years i've been physically writing and trying to get it produced on broadway. >> everybody agrees she was the best, though, right? >> she was really, really strong. >> we had four workshops, i think. >> two large out of town regional productions, well over 1,000 rewrites. it's all part of the process. i was fighting for every chance i got. >> you and emma jo. ♪ who needs good news >> carolee carmello in my mind is the finest working actress in the musical theater. there is not another actress i can think of who could play aimee the way carolee does. >> this is aimee's home away from home, the neil simon theater on broadway. this is such an exciting time. the cast, the crew, the creative team have been working round the clock to get this baby ready for opening night. are they ready? let's go backstage and find out. >> oh, my god! >> hoda woman! >> is it time? >> it's almost. we are about a half hour from curtain. >> wait. >> you are center stage. this is the neil simon theater. would you like me to introduce you to some of the folks? take me back. what goes into it. this way first. >> of course. >> we heard a rumor the hotty with the body ed "hot" watts is here. one of the highlights for many of the women, you see something that is happening underneath this robe. what could it be? >> he plays adam. >> adam and eve. i've lost hoda woman. >> are you talking? >> i hope he makes it for curtain. >> opening night's knocking on the door, are you ready? >> a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. >> sing a little of it. ♪ girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do ♪ a girl ain't got to do it no more ♪ >> how does it feel being this close to opening? >> i'm scared to death. >> caramel, my lovely wig master here is prepping my hair to be put under two wig caps. here are my microphones which live on the back of my head. in case one goes out there is a backup. i never leave the stage really. >> you've been on this project since its infancy. >> yeah, the early 40s. >> can you believe it? it's like opening night on broadway. >> she doesn't know whether to kiss me or curse me. >> you're going to sit there in the audience and watch that curtain go up on opening night. what will that be like? >> i think that's when it's finally going to hit me. it's my child and i had a lot of help birthing it and i hope it will live forever and touch people's hearts. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, hoda. so many people have made a big thing about this taking me 12 years. my two composer friends david pomerantz and david friedman have been along with me and they don't get the same attention and that's not right. they're just amazing. >> going to be a fun opening night. >> this is the best friend in the whole world. supporting me so much. you know i've got great friends. god gave me you, hoda. thank you. >> thank you. next we'll go to our ambush makeover team and they'll put their finishing touches on a couple of beautiful women. right after this. >> less than 24 hours to go to the next "twilight" movie. we are going to chat with a beautiful vampire, ashley green. @ we are back with more of "today" on this thirsty thursday. two ladies get swept up with hair and make-up and a head-to-toe new look. >> working their magic as always, >> "today" contributor and stylist to the star louis licari, la la la la la, never gets old. "us weekly" contributor and author jill martin. >> hey, guys. >> how was it today? >> it was good. great crowd. so we were look for two scandalous makeovers. >> here we go. lucinda, 47 years old from arizona. this married mother of six has had the same style for as long as she can remember. she has always been tempted to go for a shorter haircut but is scared to chop it herself. she is going to go short. let's listen to her story. >> we had to bully your mother into this. you think that she is ready? >> i think she is ready. she needs hair color and she's had the same look for a few years. so see what happens. >> now that you're inside with us, how are you feeling? i know you were shaking outside. >> little nervous, but it will be okay. excited. >> oh, my gosh. >> you're in great hands. >> you certainly are. her daughter caitlin is here has her blindfold on. please keep it on till i give you the green light. here is lucinda before. let's see the new you. oh, i love it. >> oh, my gosh. >> yes. >> ready to take off your blind fold? take it off, honey. >> oh, my gosh! >> lucinda, come to me. now turn around and look right here in this mirror. >> oh, my gosh. >> look how beautiful you are. >> look right at this camera. >> that's still a long-haired look. >> i like that. >> lucinda wanted to hold on to her long hair but wanted style. vanessa gave it to her by shaping it around her face. notice her beautiful jaw line? the first layer starts at the jaw line to emphasize it. i softened her hair color to make it brighter, prettier. >> luxurious. >> can we talk to kaitlin? caitlin is busting. tell us about what you think of your mom. >> it looks really good. i like the color and looks like a whole new person. >> tell us about the outfit. looks great on her that blue. >> and blue matching yours. she said no at first to this makeover. we did kind of bully her into this. once we got the outfit on, this is andrew marc and kendra scott. she was set. >> lucinda, are you happy you did this? >> yes, yes. >> a big round of applause. >> join your daughter right over there. >> our second lady is renee, 54 from alexandria, illinois. this woman is in town to see "scandalous." i'm so happy. she isn't used to wearing make-up but she was up for a day of broadway beauty. >> all right. renee has the sign, but peg you want this for your dear friend. you're busting. >> i am. i am so excited. she always looks the same. she is so pretty. i want her to look like a hotty or glamorous or whatever. >> what do you think about that, a hotty, is that what you want to look like? >> i just want to look different. i have had the same look for a long time. and i'm a grandma, so it would be nice to look different. >> louis licari will make you the hottest-looking grandma in the country. . all right. that would be great. >> renee is a wonderful lady. she is here with her dear friend peg. let's take one last look at renee and bring the new renee out all ready for broadway. >> nice. >> beautiful. all right, peg, you want to take it off? take a look. >> oh, my god! you look wonderful. >> turn around. see what you look like. >> oh, my gosh. >> i don't recognize myself. >> you look gorgeous. >> i see a little red in that hair. i love it. >> it's more like a chestnut brown. what i tried to do here, look at the before, it's heavy, too dark. the lighter color makes it softer. that makes her hair look twice as full with a great haircut. both ladies have this natural pink glossy sheer lipstick. >> i love it. >> peg is busting. >> i can't believe it. i wouldn't recognize her. you don't look like yourself. that's what i like about it. >> she knows what you means. tell us about this beautiful dress. >> the attire tonight is festive. we wanted to give her something festive and scandalous with a little lace. this is by maggie london. >> wow, great job. >> great job. great job to vanessa, by the way. >> thank you. "twilight" victim vampire is in the house. she was with us over at anderson cooper yesterday. we're going to talk to her right after this. great job, everybody. oh...there you go. wooohooo....hahaahahaha! i'm gonna stand up to her! no you're not. i know. you know ronny folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico sure are happy. how happy are they jimmy? happier than a witch in a broom factory. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. it is the final countdown for twi-hards. just hours from now, the last film in "twilight saga breaking dawn part two" opens in theaters. >> you can bet there won't be an empty seat. ashley green returns as a vampire with a special gift. take a look. >> what is it, alice? >> they're coming for us. >> every time she says that they do. >> it's true and i'm right. >> so good to see you. we saw you yesterday. it will be on next week on anderson. we had a wild time. >> that was a crazy show. >> this is kind of sad in a way. this is the end of this series. i know it's heartbreaking for fans. how is it for you? >> it's a little sad. we've been doing it for so long and i feel like it's become my family this cast and i've become so comfortable with alice. she's so fun to play. so it's a little sad that it's all coming to an end. but the positive side is i think we had a really good run. everyone is really going to like this film. bill ended it in such a beautiful way. >> is it a surprise ending? people loved all the books. this is the only time they departed from the actual rendering in the book. >> yes. that was brave of them. you always wonder because there are such avid fans of the books. how it's going to translate if we change anything. i think what they did was really cool. i'm excited for people to see it. >> how did it author feel about it? >> stephanie is now producer on the film, as well. anything we do totally goes through her. >> a lot of people know you from this film, but you're just a regular girl who likes to hang out in sweats, you like to bake. >> i do? >> we appreciate that. we like that. >> it suits you. it's interesting. >> when did that start? >> probably more recently. probably once i got into this industry. part of it is when my mom comes to visit, that's something we do together. my dad enjoys it because he gets to eat it all. there is something very therapeutic about being in the kitchen and baking. i actually enjoy it more than cooking. i feel like with baking you can't go so wrong. you can experiment a little bit. it's all supposed to taste sweet. >> will you have an opportunity to bake for your family this thanksgiving? will you be home in jacksonville? what are your plans? >> yes. i'm going to go home to jacksonville which i wasn't planning to originally, but my dad is going to go to mexico. couldn't let my mom hang out alone. >> she is here with you in new york. >> we wish we could have met her. >> that's why she turned out the way she did. >> my parents are top notch. >> tell your mom hi for us. >> she is watching now. >> great to see you. she will be starting a new movie down in the new orleans area. >> you're busy. >> thanks for coming to see us. >> thank you. >> one of your favorite childhood cuties danica mckellar heads back to the small screen. >> she'll tell us all about it right after this. good morning i'm meteorologist crystal egg gr for your forecast. we're expecting the majority of the country to remain quiet today. showers across central and southern florida. it's going to be chilly across the northeast but not looking at any rain at all. in fact around the great lakes upper midwest it's very quiet. a series of storms will be moving into the pacific northwest all the way down into central california. we're talking about rain, wind and mountain snow. you can see the colder air diving in across the rockies here. 41 degrees in minneapolis. that's about it. but warmer air starting to build through the nation's heartland, down across the southern plains. we'll be in the 50s here around new york city. and then by saturday, saturday is still quiet but an area of low pressure will be tracking up the coast off the southeast coast. that will bring large swells, continued swells across the ouncer banks of north carolina where we're already getting some coastal erosion. also impacting rip currents so be aware of that if you're heading out into the water. hopefully not a big time of year for that. rainshowers across northern florida and into central florida. even around orlando. it's still busy in the west. we've got another cold front pushing in for saturday bringing more wet weather with it. 61 in san francisco, 52 in minneapolis. that's your saturday outlook. on sunday, pretty quiet across the area with the ex sense of the outer banks where we're getting more rain on the fringes of that storm. and more wet weather even some high elevation snow. but 6,000 feet. we could pick up a foot of snow in the sierra and the cascades of washington. western lakes looking at more rain on monday. you may run into some problems early next week. you can wake up with al and get the latest weekday forecast mornings at 5:30 a.m. [ female announcer ] today, jason is here to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief. mr. parker! sir... excuse me, excuse me... can i get you to sign off on the johnson case... ♪ we built this city! don't let food hang around. ♪ on rock & roll! [ orbit trumpet plays ] clean it up with orbit! [ ding! ] fabulous! for a good clean feeling... eat. drink. chew orbit. she drove all the young boys crazy, especially kevin arnold. the adorable winnie cooper on "the wonder years." now danica mckellar is a best-selling author. with four books to her name. >> now she's gotten back to her acting roots starring in a new holiday romance called "love at the christmas table" on lifetime. >> good to see you. we are so glad it's not about math. we feel like such idiots. math isn't our thing though you say it could be. if we just put ourselves to it. >> absolutely. >> we'll not talk about that. >> getting your foot back into acting -- does it feel good to get back into the swing of that? >> it does. i love acting. i love writing the math books but i love acting. this movie is such a sweet fun movie. it's very christmassy and a comedy. it shows the characters every year at christmas. you see these two characters who meet at the children's table when they are 5. i play the character from 18 to 32. >> you rock some bangs, baby. >> yes, i do. >> how did you do that? . >> hair changes. that was part of it. attitude, posture. there are the bangs. >> you're not much over that. >> i looked at myself in the mirror and say, oh, my gosh, it's winnie cooper. it was the weirdest thing. >> how cute is that? leah thompson is in the movie from "back to the future." i thought when we were shooting 2004 to 2007 to 1998, i'm going back to the future with leah thompson right now. >> is it like riding a bike? i know you've been doing little projects in between. "the wonder years" and this. was it easy to get back into it? >> yes. i love it. dustin my co-star was amazing to work with, too. it was a great experience. >> and you've gone through tough stuff in your own personal life. it's wonderful to get your mind off something like that. you have a beautiful baby boy. two years old now. >> i know. he's kind of in the movie. there he is. >> kind of in the movie, what does that mean? >> he's in the very last scene. the camera pans by. you have to hit pause to see him, bii know he's there. >> what's it like raising a 2-year-old? >> it's joy, pure, pure joy. yes, there's the late nights, et cetera, et cetera, but he is the apple of my eye, the love in my heart, everything. >> do you take him on the set? >> yeah. that's how he ended up on camera. >> if you don't, you won't see them. somebody else will raise your children. >> i know it. it's unacceptable. they love it. they get a lot of attention. they have a good time. they know they are loved. >> i love this picture. what is your next project? >> a sci-fi channel movie coming out next year. i'm not sure exactly when. but i love acting and i'm going to get more into that. >> you're our favorite math wiz. >> thank you. >> november 26th is when the movie airs. just in time for christmas spirit right after thanksgiving. >> perfect. >> got a problem around the house that you don't know how to handle? ask lou. >> he's got all the answers. ♪ you can help othersink along the way. ♪ ♪ a portion of every bottle that they sell goes to fight ♪ ♪ breast cancer and i think that's swell. ♪ ♪ the more you take, the more they'll pay, ♪ ♪ so make them write a big check today. ♪ ♪ and if you're feeling a little slow, ♪ ♪ then 5-hour energy will help you go. ♪ ♪ so buy a bottle of pink lemonade and ♪ ♪ you can help fight breast cancer today. ♪ but i still have a runny nose. [ male announcer ] dayquil doesn't treat that. huh? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus rushes relief to all your worst cold symptoms, plus it relieves your runny nose. [ sighs ] thank you! [ male announcer ] you're welcome. that's the cold truth! throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+. it's time to free ourselves from the smell and harshness of bleach. and free ourselves from worrying about the ones we love. new lysol power & free has more cleaning power than bleach. how? the secret is the hydrogen peroxide formula. it attacks tough stains and kills 99.9% of germs. new lysol power & free. powerful cleaning that's family friendly. another step forward in our mission for health. time for another installment of "ask lou" where viewers send in questions about the pesky household problems they don't know how to fix. >> he knows how to fix everything. here with the answers "today" contributor and host of the show "house smart, lou manferdini. >> first question from jennifer. how i do get a disgusting smell out of my garbage disposal? >> i have a love/hate relationship but people use them as garbage cans. this is what's under the sink you don't see. this part is what you see, the part where the water goes down. i want you to take any cleaner, pine sol, simple green, spray a little down inside. take your toilet brush and go down inside here with it off of course and scrub. what happens on the side wall, all that gunky smelly stuff. rinse, repeat. you'll be amazed how nice and fresh it smells. that's it. >> does it help to put vinegar in there? >> it would, but you have to scrub. everybody pours it and it's on the side. you've got to do the scrubbing. >> janet has a question about her sump pump. how do we change our sump pump? we had it since the builder installed it in 1996. it's worked just fine but we feel like it's time for a new one. >> a couple of numbers here. most sump pumps should be replaced every seven years. the switch, this is an example of one should be replaced every three. 1996, you're getting your money's worth out of it. >> people lose track. >> absolutely. you put it on your calendar. it unplugs. this is similar to what it looks like. this is the check valve. this is the pipe coming out. take the screwdriver here and remove this from the check valve. then pull this out of the pit. then buy a new one. this pipe right here screws in. that's all it does. screws back in when you put the new one in. taking forever. >> we like to watch you work. >> hold on. you plug it back in, screw everything back together. you're done. a decent sump pump is going to cost you a couple of hundred dollars, but will protect your basement from flooding. >> this is important because a lot of people needed generators. how do you install these? from a "today" show producer. >> this is a portable generator. it's all about the wattage. this particular one is 3,000 watts. this will do things like a refrigerator, a few lights, maybe a pump. you need to remember the kinds of things you are powering, for instance, a refrigerator uses 600 watts when it runs. when it first starts, it uses 1,200 watts. that get up and go is key. what people the mistake they make, notice i have this plug in wire right here. this is a separate breaker and feed off this generator nobody ever uses. >> why? >> they don't know this. they use these plugs here and like why can't i run more off my generator? getting a cord like this and plugging it in. you notice on the end i have a splitter where you can plug in more cords, you get the full maximum power that this or other generators can provide. keep in mind need to be 20 feet away from the house. it's never in an inclosed area. and you need to keep it monitored. they also make them now that run on propane. >> i was going to say if you don't have power, what is that running on? >> gasoline. in the northeast, gas stations didn't have power. couldn't get gas. they run them on propane. >> how to keep woodpeckers away? >> i learned this in florida. take fishing line, put a few nails on the outside of your cedar siding. you make a net. this fishing line is pretty heavy. if you go with lighter fishing line, you won't see it. the woodpeckers don't want to get tangled up in it. >> who is smarter than lou? >> nobody. >> tomorrow, oscar-nominated actress jackie weaver. >> all american animfo


Transcripts For WRC Today 20121115

radiator fuel, guy fights back in a live interview today, thursday, november 15th, 2012. and good morning. welcome to "today" on a thursday morning, i'm savannah gurthrie. >> and i'm matt lauer. we'll talk about major breaking news in a minute. but the review you talked about about guy fieri's restaurant, i have never read a review like this. and a lot of people are wondering, is this fair? the kind of review that should be written? or did this go across some kind of a line? >> yeah, use whatever word you want to use, roasted, fileted, skewered. when the revi starts out guy fieri, have you eaten at your new restaurant in time square? we look forward to a response. >> looking forward to what he has to say. also a developing story in israel overnight. three people killed in a rocket attack after the israelis took out the top military commander of hamas in this strike on wednesday. we'll have a live report from tel aviv coming up straight ahead. and one of the most popular energy drinks on the market. these five-hour energy capsules have been cited as a possible factor in 13 deaths. weeks after similar reports tied to monster drinks. we'll have more on that story. and then we'll take a turn, and i know, matt, it's only rock 'n' roll, but you like it. i'm an unabashed lover of the rolling stones and they're celebrating their 50th anniversary. what do they remember as their early days as rock's original bad boys. what would they change if they could do it all again? we'll have an interview coming up. >> you're excited, you're even tweeting about it. we begin with the ever widening scandal that led to the resignation of david petraeus. andrea mitchell is here with the latest. good morning to you. >> good morning, savannah. in his first comments on the scandal, president obama says he's withholding judgment for now on the fbi inquiry that exposed david petraeus' personal life and forced him to resign. >> thanks to president obama for the confidence -- >> reporter: david petraeus no longer heads the cia, but he's volunteered to testify this week to congressional benghazi hearings as new details emerge about the e-mails that helped end petraeus' career. >> he's provided this country an extraordinary service. >> reporter: speaking for the first time about the scandal wednesday, president obama praised petraeus for extraordinary service saying he's seen no signs of a national security breach over the course of the investigation. >> i have no evidence at this point from what i've seen that classified information was disclosed that in any way would've had negative impact on our national security. >> reporter: republican senators brushed off that scandal calling the attack on benghazi far more important. >> there's the weird and the strange and the human failings in one camp. and there is a legitimate question about national security being breached in the other camp. >> reporter: meanwhile, paula broadwell remained at her brother's home in washington on wednesday still not talking. but officials a i the investigation was triggered in may when general john allen received an e-mail from an account called kelley patrol. it warned the general to stay away from kelley. general allen forwarded it to her. on the account she shares with her husband scott thinking kelley had sent it as a joke. sources closest to kelley told the general she hadn't sent it but was concerned she was being stalked because the e-mail referred to a meeting that she and general allen scheduled in washington the next week. in june, people close to kelley say she and her husband received as many as four similar e-mails from different accounts telling jill she's up to no good and asking her husband, do you know what your wife is up to when she has dinner with general petraeus? she turned all the e-mails including general allen's over to a veteran f agent she knew. eventually investigators say all the anonymous e-mails were tracked back to paula broadwell. meanwhile, the people close to the kelleys say jill kelley never had an affair with general allen. but they say the e-mails had enough inappropriate language to warrant a defense department investigation. >> his nomination has been put on hold as a prudent measure until we determine what the facts are. >> reporter: also on wednesday, the marine corps's chief defense counsel issued a statement saying general allen plans to fully cooperate and allen wants to resolve questions about the e-mails as completely and quickly as possible. >> and on wednesday, federal officials say the fbi continues looking through those documents they took monday night from broadwell's home in north carolina, but so far have found no evidence of anything highly classified. still, the pentagon suspended broadwell's security clearances. the air force base in tampa revoked jill kelley's pass to the base. >> thank you so much. i know you're going to have a lot more on "rock center" tonight with brian williams. matt? >> and that scandal, just one part of the president's news conference on wednesday. he also had a lot to say about governor romney, his rival in the presidential race, and two top republican senators. one of them john mccain. and we'll talk to senator mccain in just a moment. but first, chuck todd is at the white house this morning. chuck, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, matt. president obama thought he was going to be using his first post election press conference to make his case on the fiscal cliff and also to show a new reaching out to republicans. instead, he found himself on the receiving end of criticism from not one, but two former presidential rivals. >> good afternoon, everybody. >> reporter: at his first post election press conference, president obama reiterated his pledge to sit down with mitt romney, even offering him praise. >> there are certain aspects of governor romney's record and his ideas that i think could be very helpful. >> reporter: but while the president was paying him compliments, mitt romney was telling donors on a conference call a different story. romney said he was sorry we didn't win and he blamed his defeat on gifts the president had given to his most loyal voters, including african-americans, young voters, and hispanics. mr. romney said the president followed the old play book and with regards to the young people, for instance, a forgiveness of college loan interest was a big gift, adding free contraceptives were very big with young college-aged women. as for the hispanic voters, romney said free health care was a big plus. another former opponent of the president, john mccain along with lindsey graham made it clear they would not support susan rice to become the new secretary of state. >> we will do whatever is necessary to block the nomination. >> their chief gripe, they believe she disqualified herself several days after the benghazi attack with her explanation of what happened. >> our current assessment is what happened in benghazi was, in fact, initially a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired hours before in cairo, almost a copycat of the demonstrations of our facility in cairo. >> i don't trust her. and the reason i don't trust her is because i think she knew better and if she didn't know better, she shouldn't be the voice of america. >> a visibly angry president obama fired back at both senators and defending his ambassador. >> if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. but for them to p go after the u.n. ambassador who had nothing to do with benghazi and was simply making a presentation based on intelligence she had received and it's outrageous. >> but mccain decided not to let the president have the last word and raced to the senate floor to respond. >> if the president thinks we are picking on people, he really does not have any idea of how serious this issue is. we're not picking on anybody. >> reporter: the president did make some news on the fiscal cliff, matt, while he made an emphatic case for raising taxes on the most wealthy. he said he wasn't drawing a red line on the idea they knew tax rates had to go back to 39%. so he did leave some wiggle room there. >> all right, chuck. thank you very much. republican senator john mccain joins us now. senator, nice to see you, good morning. >> thank you, matt. >> i'll talk about ambassador rice in a moment, let me ask you about general petraeus and his testimony before the house intelligence committee tomorrow. what is the most important question you want the general to answer? >> why we were not prepared for this attack where there was ample evidence that because of previous attacks and overwhelming intelligence information that attacks were very likely on our consulate. there'd been two previously in april and june. on august 15th, they sent back a message that in the case of a concerted attack, they could not defend the consulate. it was an overwhelming amount of evidence that there was great danger. and there was no measures taken to comply with the possibility of an attack. >> we know now it was a terror attack, but the question that still has to be answered is when did we know that? who knew it? and did they respond appropriately? do you feel that in these hearings you will get any concrete evidence that would point to a cover-up? a deliberate cover-up on the part of the administration when it comes to that? >> we need to find out, but already we know that the president of the united states and his second debate with mitt romney claimed that he had called it aerrorist attack in the rose garden. we know now he did not, unfortunately after the election and on 60 minutes that same day he said, quote, it's too early to know exactly how this came about what group was involved. he even talked to the united nations on september 25th saying the crude and disgusting video sparked outrage to the muslim world. we all knew by september 25th, i'd say with respect to the president. by the way, i'm not taking anybody on. the american people have lost four brave americans. we owe it to their families, we owe it to other americans who served. >> well, you are taking someone on, senator. you've come out and said i will do everything in my power to block ambassador rice from being united states secretary of state. she's proven either she doesn't understand or she's not willing to accept evidence on its face. all i'm asking is why make a bold comment like that before these hearings on benghazi had been carried out? might you not learn something over the next day or so that might open your eyes and change your opinion? >> i learned something the day that it happened. i know that people don't come to spontaneous demonstrations with rockets and mortars and rocket-propelled grenades, mortars, and heavy weapons. i knew that at the time. in fact, i was on "face the nation" and said that at the time. and for the president of the united states for two weeks afterwards to deny that was the case is either a cover-up or it is incompetence. either one of the two. >> let me ask your comments on comparisons that liberal advocates were makes. they said in 2005 when you supported the nomination of condoleezza rice for secretary of state, she had made that comment that when it came to iraq's weapons of mass destruction, the smoking gun might be a mushroom cloud. as we now know that iraq did not have stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. but she was commenting based on the information she had at the time. you said opponents of condoleezza rice were expressing sour grapes after an election loss. why is this different? >> because every intelligence agency in the world, including the british believe that iraq had weapons of mass destruction. that was an entirely different situation. look, i've taken on my own administration. whether it be the failure in iraq when i advocated for a surge, whether it be going after torture and saying that we have to stop it against my own administration and my own president from my own party. i take on things because when i believe they're wrong. four americans died that didn't have to die. and for someone to go out and convey something that is absolutely false to all america in my view that is irresponsibility. by the way, i share the president's praise of general petraeus for his service to the country. >> really quickly, if you don't mind, when he sits before the senate and house intelligence committees, this other issue in his life, this affair and possible confidential or classified information, are there any questions that are inappropriate and off limits? >> i don't think so, but i want to know what happened in benghazi. i'm worried about why four americans died. i worry why the president of the united states would say in a debate to 80 million americans that he had said that it was a terrorist attack when he didn't. in fact, that same day he said he didn't know. i think the president of the united states has a lot to answer for. >> we'll hear more about this. senator, nice of you to share your time with us this morning. i always appreciate it. >> thank you very much, matt. let's get to the other top stories of the morning. natalie, good morning to you. >> good morning to you, matt. and good morning, everyone. rocket fire intensified overnight between israel and militants in gaza as casualties on both sides mount. martin, good morning. >> reporter: hi, natalie, good morning. well, this is an area on the brink of war, which no one seems to have really won. but israel is determined to stop the rockets from the palestinians in gaza hitting israeli city. they continue their attacks in gaza knocking out installations that store those rockets, the long-range rocket. they're continuing to try to kill more islamic militant leaders. at the same time, the palestinians are succeeding in sending their rockets into israel. about 150 have been fired by palestinians in gaza against israel today. most went astray or about 50 were brought down by israel's homemade antimissile defense system. one hit the israeli town, it killed three israelis. how long will this go on for? the leaders say the head of the southern command, israeli general in the south said the assassination yesterday of the leader that started all this, he said, is just the beginning. and the defense minister also said this morning that israel will do anything. he repeated, we will do anything, and i repeat anything, to stop those rockets and to make israel's southern cities secure. >> lots of tension in tel aviv, israel. new health concerns this morning as you heard for yet another popular caffeinated drink. 13 reported deaths have been linked to the possible involvement of 5-hour energy according to the fda. some 90 total reports the federal officials date back to 2009. dozens involving life-threatening issues like convulsions, heart attacks, and even a spontaneous abortion. the company that distributes the shot drink says it's unaware that any deaths can be proven to be caused by 5-hour energy and the drink is safe when used as directed. the president heads to the new york area to survey the damage left in the wake of superstorm sandy after taking a strong stance on the looming fiscal cliff telling lawmakers that the economy cannot afford a tax increase on all americans. republican leaders say raising income tax rates on wealthier americans could hurt job creation. after a rough closing on wednesday over those fiscal cliff fears, wall street is once again on edge this morning as new figures show the 17-nation euro zone has officially fallen back into a recession. and workers protest there are sweeping across the continent. kayla tausche is at the new york stock exchange with more. kayla, good morning. >> good morning, natalie. the congressional budget office has warned that failing to fix the $600 billion in tax and spending cuts would drive the u.s. into recession, which has been relatively strong compared to europe with rising unemployment and unrest, as well as china where big questions loom over the direction of the world's second largest economy under new leadership. president obama yesterday called for tax cuts to the middle class immediately. that followed business leaders and a big meeting there, one attendee, a ceo, said his customers are still fragile in their confidence. many of those in the middle class are aspiring to be. we know the stock market has been flagging over fears this fiscal cliff won't be resolved. >> thanks so much. it's 7:18. you're up to date. let's turn it back over to matt and al. >> savannah on the way to guy fieri's restaurant in time square. it's going to be a fascinating segment inmany roker is here wi at the weather. >> we have soggy stuff to talk about along the carolinas. we have freezing rain in parts of charlotte. we are looking at a lot of heavy showers and thunderstorms. some areas pick up one to two inches of rain. then, if you are driving in the pacific northwest or flying, you are going to run into fog. the dense fog advisory and freezing fog advisories. that's what's going on around the country, here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> it is a stone cold thursday morning. good morning, i'm storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein. right now, it's above freezing. it certainly feels cold as we have a bit of a penetrating northeast wind in the mid to upper 40s. much of the region now. a lot of cloudiness. sun breaking out later this afternoon. highs reaching near 50. tomorrow, cloudy. another cold morning. afternoon highs, low to mid-50s. through the weekend, all the way >> and that's your latest weather. after months of mystery, china's communist party has now unveiled its new leadership. ian williams is in beijing. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning to you, matt. china's communist party today selected the man who will run this country for the next ten years. the process here couldn't be more different than what we've seen in the u.s. >> welcome the standing committee members. >> reporter: this was the high point of china's leadership selection. the seven men set to take over the running of this country paraded out in matching gray suits in order of seniority after a secretive selection process. at the helm, ping, although little is known about what he stands for. >> he's the person who is acceptable to all the factions. he's not a charismatic figure, he doesn't like to take risks. >> reporter: his selection comes at the end of a week long party congress though chosen well before this. he's a son of a prominent revolutionary who has worked his way up through the party. in the public eye, he has been overshadowed by his wife, a popular singer, though she'll now take a backseat. unlike the u.s., active first ladies aren't encouraged here. this whole process is a world away from the u.s. election. there have been widespread public indifference, though the authorities have targeted china's lively social media, slowing internet speeds and blocking searches for the words 18th congress. >> they don't want any surprise happen during the party congress. >> security across beijing has been stepped up. they've even banned carrier pigeons from the city. the communist party taking no chances. the selection is only the second leadership change since the communists took power in 1949, but china faces enormous challenges, a faltering economy and demands for political reform as well as rampant party corruption and public cynicism. today, shi seemed to recognize the challenges he's facing. >> corruption, taking bribes, addressed with great effort. >> reporter: but he gave few clues as to how he'll go about tackling them. no clues either as to how he might approach the u.s. relationship, arguably the world's most important, and which has been under strain, matt. >> ian williams in beijing. just ahead, guy fieri responds to his scathing review of his new york restaurant. have you canceled your subscription to the "new york times"? >> absolutely not. and i'm waiting for savannah. i've got food ready. bring her on. >> i hope that's good news. more from guy in just a moment. but first, this is "today" on nbc. [ harry umlaut ] that's one creamy muller. [ sally umlaut ] it's greek-style yogurt. this greek style yogurt has style. you can say that again. why thank you. this greek style yogurt has style. okay. stop saying it now. you're sending me mixed messages. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. just ahead, dr. phil on the women or woman involved in the pentagon scandal. and do the rolling stones still deserve their bad boy reputation? we'll talk to them after your local news. their name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. ♪ it's on. it's on. ♪ black friday's almost here. ♪ we should totally go together. ♪ ♪ ok. can we also bring trevor? ♪ ♪ he's hot. ♪ i think we should get those dvds first. ♪ ♪ duh! they're doorbusters. ♪ missing those would be the worst. ♪ totes. ♪ it's on. it's on, ♪ black friday's almost here. ♪ we should totally shop forever. ♪ ♪ smiley face. don't be late. ♪ or whatever. what if you could shop forever? good morning. 7:26 now on this thursday morning. i'm aaron gilchrist. in the news today, the public will get their first chance to weigh in on a plan to close 20 d.c. schools. th district say the consolidation plan to close underperforming schools. most of them in wards five and seven. mayor gray will decide to approve the consolidation plan. here is danella sealock with the first 4 traction. >> good morning. still seeing delays on the red line. single tracking between glenmont and wheaton. delays on i-95 to georgia avenue. aaron? >> thank you. a look at another winter-like forecast, next. good morning. storm team 4 seven dayout look, cold mornings, chilly afternoons today into next wednesday. it looks dry as well. aaron? >> thank you. another update in 25 mi guy fieri's new york restaurant in time square, it's the brand new place getting a lot of attention for all the wrong reasons. an absolutely blistering review in the "new york times." and savannah has made her way there to talk to guy about it all. savannah? >> hey, matt, well, as you know, restaurant reviews don't normally get this much attention. but this one was so harsh, it was all done in rhetorical questions, 34 of them, i think. questions like, why does your kitchen sabotage even the more appealing main courses with ruinous sides and sauces? ouch. well, guy is here, he's going to fight back and tell us what he thinks about this review coming up. >> he's not bashful. so i'm looking forward to that. also, one of the greatest rock bands of all time. coming up, our chat with the rolling stones as they celebrate 60 years of making music together. savannah, back to you. >> well, we're talking about that scathing review of guy fieri's new restaurant. some people are asking, was it too harsh? we'll ask guy about that in a moment. but first, katie with the rest of the story. good morning. >> reporter: -- in this case a grown man -- guy fieri, food network star. >> you were expecting a flavor reference, i know you were. >> reporter: tenth highest paid chef in america, popular enough for an snl spoof. >> i for one go bizerki for turkey. >> reporter: and a seriously bruised restaurant owner. did you try that blue drink the critic pete wells asks. the one that glows like nuclear waste? the watermelon margarita. the entire restaurant review is questions. 34 of them, each scathing. why did the toasted marshmallow taste like fish? when we hear the words donkey sauce, which part of the donkey are we supposed to think about? but it's not just the food, wells doesn't spare fieri either. when you cruise around the country for your show to the unfancy places where americans like to get down and greasy, do you really mean it? or is it all an act? >> mmm, that's good. >> reporter: the review of guy's american kitchen and bar in time square is being called the worst restaurant review in the paper's history. >> i think in this scenario, pete used his skill as a word smith to create a more harsh environment in which to describe the restaurant and to create this kind of aura of negativity around the experience that he had at guy fieri's restaurant. >> reporter: supporters by the dozens didn't care for the negativity taking to the facebook page telling the chef to ignore all those critics in new york. >> it's just another pompous new yorker, i don't know. i don't know. i didn't agree with it. >> reporter: for what it's worth, that last guy said he really loved the awesome pretzel chicken tenders. the times is defending the review saying he was here four times and each time he wasn't able to celebrate good american food. the only non-question in the review was at the very end, one word, a sarcastic thanks. >> thank you to you. and guy fieri is here with us now exclusively. you flew here all night on the red eye to be here. what was your reaction when you read this review? it must have felt like a punch in the gut. >> i -- punch in the gut. i just thought it was ridiculous. i mean, i read reviews. you know, there's good and bad in the restaurant business, but that to me went so overboard it really seemed like there was another agenda. >> you have a problem with not what it said but with its tone? >> the tone, the sarcasm, the question style. i mean, i think we all know what's going on here. he came in with a different agenda. four times to a restaurant that's been open two months, that's tough times. especially this size of a restaurant. >> this reviewer says he came not just once or twice, but four different times, obviously found the cuisine to be lacking. is there anything in this review that you think strikes a chord where you acknowledge it wasn't up to my own standard? >> without question, i've been in the restaurant business for 25 years. this is an ever changing, ever evolving process. you get new guys in, some guys out, different timings that go on. and do we do it perfect? no? are we striving to do it perfect? yes, but that's what we're all doing in the business. >> one thing you've mentioned to me, why it is the "new york times" chose to review a restaurant like this. if you go on yelp, which is a place where regular folks go on and review restaurants, you get an average of 2 1/2 stars out of 5, 56 reviews, so it's kind of not necessarily knocking people's socks off. >> and at this point in time at two months, not really expecting to. we're trying to. we're trying as hard as we can to make it right, to do it right, we've got a pretty big menu. you look at the food we're doing here, the cedar plank salmon or the burger, we're doing this, forming it by hand. we make the mashed potatoes for ever service. this is what's taking place. is it perfect right now? no. are we striving for it? yeah. i think those will change. it's two months now, let's see where we are at six months. >> there are a lot of kitchens around the country where the famous chef comes in, lends his name but is sort of hands off and isn't involved. is this your baby? did you design this menu? >> not only did we design the restaurant, we spent a year and a half doing this. wrote the menu, brought my culinary team in to work with this team here that's on premise all the time. i did the training for the front of the house, i did the training for the back of the house. i was here pain staking hours. but this is what you do, what you love. people see me as a tv guy, i'm a chef, i'm into restaurants, i have 11 of them, 7 in california. to me, and again, that's what this is. this is more heart and soul. this is not just a name stamp. >> one thing that the reviewer said when asked by the "new york times" public editor saying he didn't expect a fine dining experience. didn't think this was going to be gourmet cuisine. but said, quote, this is important american food that makes a lot of people happy. do you think you fell short of that? >> in his opinion, that's what he's saying. no, do i think i'm falling short? no. by no means. i'm doing the type of foods that america loves and we're doing it the right way. could we make mistakes? absolutely. do we strive to be the best? yes. to me it's impossible to come in and have a dining experience and have every single thing wrong unless you come in with a different agenda and you want to sensationalize something and blow it out of the water. it's a great way to make a name for yourself. go after a celebrity chef who is not a new yorker. >> and if you have -- you could say anything to this reviewer right now, what would you say? >> you're welcome? i mean, it's a great -- like i said, i stand by my food, by my team, who will continue to do great. and i appreciate you giving me a chance to talk about it because it is the real deal. >> all right, guy fieri, thanks for being here. >> eat some of this. >> you're going to love it. >> i'll try it and report back. for now, though, al, back to you. >> thanks so much, savannah. we're talking about the restaurant, so it can't be the worst thing in the world. it's chilly here in the east, temperatur ten degrees below normal. look out west. we have temperatures anywhere from five to 15 degrees above normal, including kansas city and on into beautiful downtown minneapolis. we have 50s there. 80s down in southern florida. 70s in southern texas. 40s in the pacific northwest. we have a lot of fog to deal with and rain along the southeastern atlantic coast. that's what's going on around the country, here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> wintry cold this november morning. good morning, i'm tom kierein. we have a gray sky over the region. cloud cover will be with us much of the day. reagan national at 43 now. elsewhere, we are in the mid and upper 30s. most locations above freezing. later today, up near 50. sun may break out this afternoon. partly cloudy friday. saturday, sunday each day. cold mornings, chilly >> and that's your latest weather. matt? >> all right, al, thanks. up next, the rolling stones on their 50 years together. the band's image and what catapulted them to the top of the charts right after this. my friend told me about a great new way to get deals. it's called bankamerideals, from bank of america. i choose the cash back deals in my mobile or online banking. i just use my bank of america debit or credit card when i pay. put in my account. this is cash back on top of other rewards we already get. and best of all, it's free. friends help friends get deals. pass it on. 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[ male announcer ] at&t. the nation's largest 4g network. covering 3,000 more 4g cities and towns than verizon. rethink possible. back now, 7:42, and a little music from the rolling stones, it's been half a century since the legendary band first got together. now it's part of their 50th anniversary, they're touring, and hbo is releasing a new documentary called "crossfire hurricane." it follows the journey from music outlaws to popular icons. and that's where we started when we sat down with the band. let us start where the documentary starts, okay. i was fascinated by this. first thing you're asked in the documentary is, okay, we're going back to the '60s and '70s here. how much do you really remember? >> everything. >> yeah? >> especially when you see the film. >> your memories are clear on all this? we're not going to be fudging any of this making any of this up? charlie? let me get a couple of adjectives that have been used to describe this band, neanderthals. >> at the beginning, we were always called neanderthals. >> did you take it as a compliment at the time? >> ultimately fooled. >> sexiest band in rock 'n' roll? they're so ugly, they're appealing. >> there you go. how can you beat that? >> in the mid-'60s, the ugly appeal of the rolling stones was plain to see at their concerts. they were tapping into a youthful rebellion that was close to exploding. >> there was something in the air. and i guess we were the focus of it. i guess we were there at the right time for that. >> one way or other, the trouble did become part of the dna of the band, it seems. we'll do a little bit of a survey. raise your hand if you've been arrested. >> raise your hand. raise your hand -- >> how many times? >> i think we're going to keep an eye out -- >> who holds the record? >> squeaky clean, these guys. >> ronnie and charlie have never been arrested. >> is it safe to say keith probably holds the record for this? >> without a doubt. >> did you like the persona you had developed and created? or at some point did you wish you could be something different? >> well, that's a good question for you. i think it came natural. >> i never took any notice of it. particularly, that's never something i thought about. i just loved playing in a band, i love playing the drums. >> you've got to remember, matt, what brought us together at the beginning was playing music. that was our mission. our mission wasn't to be rebellious and to be socially -- >> to turn people on to the blues and the rhythm and blues and to the wonderful music that america had on its own doorstep but wasn't listening to. >> the heartache and pain that soaked into the blues tradition they loved became a familiar part of the stones' story. >> ronnie, i was reading an interview you did recently, and you said that one of the things that was hard for you in one of the tours recently, when you were struggling with sobriety was in some ways being around keith. >> well, alcohol and drugs is like an old friend, you know, keith's like an old friend. it's hard to say good-bye to another old friend. luckily my old friend in reality -- >> a line out of a rolling stones song. >> did you l realize that, though, keith, it might be hard for ronnie to be around you? >> yeah, you stick around with the stones, you've got to take the rough with the smooth. >> mostly rough. >> yeah, at least i didn't leave in a wooden box, you know. >> oh, it's getting really rough around the middle now. >> watch out. i'm coming over there. >> who said we'd make it out of wood? ♪ >> mick, you talk about how that character that we have all seen is just one part of you, and that you don't want to be that guy all the time. >> well, that'd be unbearable, i think. >> as you get older, is it harder to flip the switch and bring that guy there? >> easy. >> how? >> well, you get more practice. you have more practice at it. >> he just becomes the other one when there's more than eight people in the room. >> a girl comes in. >> and if you're playing behind him, you know, that's it. he's the best at it. >> let me end, you guys have lived it, you in some ways embody it. what does it mean to each one of you? >> when we started off, i think we wanted to be musicians first and famous second, but we knew if we were successful fame would come our way. and we always knew that. and so we, you know, you have to accept that. >> i look at it like an adventure to cherish, you know. it's good fun. to put it out and give back what they try to give us. it's nice. ♪ time is on my side >> got to love the rolling stones. for their 50th anniversary celebration, the stones will play live concerts in london and here in the new york area. you can also catch them on pay per view. as for the documentary "crossfire hurricane" airs tonight on hbo. still ahead, dr. phil on the women involved in the david petraeus scandal. but first, these messages. into their work, their name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. so ditch the brown bag for something better. like our bacon ranch quesadillas or big mouth burger bites, served with soup or salad, and fries. starting at just 6 bucks, at chili's. well, with the walmart credit card special financing offer, you can get the sony blu-ray home theater system with wi-fi and the high zoom cyber-shot camera with full hd. look at you, spreading some christmas joy! my cart's kinda full. mind holding these? 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[ kiss ] thank you ♪ [ male announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin. to volunteer to help those in need. when a twinge of back pain surprises him. morning starts in high spirits, but there's a growing pain in his lower back. as lines grow longer, his pain continues to linger. but after a long day of helping others, he gets some helpful advice. just two aleve have the strength to keep back pain away all day. today, jason chose aleve. just two pills for all day pain relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long sinus and headache relief. try aleve d for strong, all day long trying to find a better job can be frustrating. so at university of phoenix we're working with a growing list of almost two thousand corporate partners - companies like microsoft, american red cross and adobe - to create options for you. not only that, we're using what we learn from these partners to shape our curriculum. so that when you find the job you want you'll be a perfect fit. let's get to work. nearly a year ago, lauren scrubs was severely injured when she walked into a plane propeller. >> she sat down for an exclusive interview to talk about that horrible accident. >> you also write about the first time you looked at yourself in the mirror. after the accident. what did you see? >> i think i just saw the reality of what had happened. and i had my eye patch on and i didn't have my hand and half my head was shaved, and i was just thinking, wow. i mean -- again, how life can change in an instant and how that's not the way i have looked in the past. >> natalie will have much more tomorrow night on "dateline," and lauren and her parents will be here for an exclusive interview tomorrow on "today." it's that time of year again. medicare open enrollment. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. but it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. ♪ open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time. visit medicare.gdicare. but the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down, and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel, because it helps to strengthen the enamel. and i believe it's doing a good job. looks like your bags didn't make it. we'll send them to your hotel. [ sad music playing ] this is fun. [ sad music continues ] [ knock on door ] your bags, sir. thanks. both: finally! one taste, and you'll understand. enjoy delicious dunkin' donuts coffee anytime. best vacation ever! pick some up where you buy groceries. america runs on dunkin'. 7:56 is your time now. good morning to you. i'm eun yang. another chilly start to the morning. let's check the forecast with tom kierein. good morning. >> good morning. cold and gray thursday morning around the region. itis above freezing, but feels cold. a penetrating cold. northeast wind gusting to ten to 15 miles per hour. it will be with us the rest of the day. highs near 50. sun breaking out. cloudy tomorrow. a cold start to the morning. colder than average pattern continues through the weekend into midweek next week. that coastal storm you have been talking about is going to be farther out to sea. we'll stay dry. >> thank you. we'll ta ♪ [ male announcer ] from our nation's networks... ♪ our city streets... ♪ skies around the world... ♪ ...northrop grumman's security solutions are invisibly at work, protecting people's lives... [ soldier ] move out! [ male announcer ] ...without their even knowing it. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. still seeing delays on the red line in both directions. single track between glen mont and wheaton. robinson terminal edge makes your way to the dulles toll road. under speed, 33 miles per hour. >> thank you. another news update in 25 minutes. back to the "today" show after this short break. hope you have a great day. 8:00 now on this thursday morning. it's the 15th of november, 2012, and it's a chilly one here in new york city. just 36 degrees as we step outside. all the fine folks here at rockefeller plaza. i'm savannah gurthrie alongside matt lauer and al roker. beautiful morning out here today. >> brisk. you know who we have coming up? we have dr. phil in studio right now. we've been reporting about the scandal involving the former cia director david petraeus. dr. phil is going to give us an interesting take on this. he's going to take a look at the women involved in that scandal and give us his thoughts on that. >> all right. we also saw you at guy fieri's restaurant a little while ago. guy fieri has invaded our studio and brought food with him and we're going to put today's professionals, going to put their bibs on and try some of this. >> we'll see what they think about that. and then we had this big political campaign, a lot of debate about what's right and what's wrong with this country. but one thing is definitely true and that is this country's still a beacon of hope for so many people around the world. something special is happening on this plaza on friday. for the first time in morning show history, we're going to have 30 individuals fulfill their dreams of becoming u.s. citizens. it's a live naturalization ceremony right here on the plaza. we'll witness the moment they've worked so hard to get to. >> i think so many people look at protests against this country all around the world and think, wow, you must be terrible. there are a lot of people out there who want to be citizens of this country and will do almost anything to accomplish that. it'll be interesting to see that tomorrow. for now, we want a check of the day's top stories. natalie, good morning again. >> good morning, everyone. president obama says he has seen no evidence at this point that the sex scandal that toppled david petraeus has compromised national security. petraeus has agreed to testify before congress about the deadly september attacks at benghazi, libya. the pentagon has revoked security clearances for the woman he allegedly had an affair with. u.s. army veteran and author paula broadwell. british oil giant bp is facing a record criminal penalty as it nears a federal settlement over the 2010 gulf oil disaster. the plea deal would not cover civil claims. any settlement is likely to dwarf the record $1.2 billion fine leveed on drug maker pfizer in 2009. rock star jon bon jovi's daughter was released on wednesday after being charged with misdemeanor possession of marijuana and a controlled substance. some heroin was also recovered at the scene. she and another student were arrested after an ambulance responded to the report of a possible overdose in a dormitory at hamilton college. and now for a look at what's trending today, a quick round-up of what has you talking online. missy franklin is a hot search online after her decision to choose college over cash. franklin revealed wednesday that she'll swim for the university of california golden bears for two years. she'll pass up big money endorsements then go pro in time for the 2016 olympics. a locker room feud over new york jets backup quarterback tim tebow is the talk of the football blog. rex ryan says he's outraged that some of the teammates told the newspaper anonymously that tebow cannot move up to the starting spot because, quote, he's terrible. always a good sport, tebow says he's faced criticism before, but he tries to make it motivate him. and bono has the web laughing with this impression of former president bill clinton. >> i want to thank bono for stepping away from the microphone, i knew he couldn't rhyme, but i'm so glad he can fall back on adding and subtracting. it might be the one thing all of us can agree on. >> the voice is spot on. bono was speaking at clinton's alma mater georgetown university saying clinton is more of a rock star than he'll ever be. let's go back out to al with a check of your weather. >> that is a darn good imitation. bono, who knew. tell us about this shoe box. >> this is actually operation shoe box. well, this week is collection week and we're going to need all of your guys' help. >> we'll put something on our website. one of our camera guys was just working on this, weren't you, tommy? >> they all get sent out to kids all around the country, all around the world, really, and they get christmas gifts and the knowledge of church and what makes life a real gift. >> you guys are focusing on hurricane sandy too, right? we really appreciate that. let's check your right? >> yeah. >> maybe i should have tommy do the weather. news channel 7 in panama city, florida. 65 degrees as you look on the satellite radar, heavy rain to the southeast. we are expecting fog in the pacific northwest. a few clouds here and there around the great lakes with a few snow showers. for the most part, pretty nice. evening showers move to the central and southern california with a beautiful day from texas to the gulf that's what's going on around the country, here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. good morning, cloudy and cold this thursday morning and around the region. we have temperatures generally above freezing from the blue ridge east to the bay. west of the blue ridge, many locations at or below freezing. we'll have the cloud cover breaking up later this afternoon with sun breaking out. highs reach near 50. later tonight, into tomorrow morning, partly cloudy. mid-30 starting off friday morning. this chilly pattern continues into midweek nex>> and that's y weather. who's here? >> carson daly. >> good morning. >> how are you? >> am i going to be late for one direction? >> just a couple of days. so we've got ten competitors left on "the voice." >> we do. >> and now the audience basically takes over, how do the judges feel about that? >> they love it. they spent time with their teams and now it's up to america to have that full control, and we're down to the top ten. >> don't they want to have the grip on what happens there? >> they do. i asked adam levine, what does it feel like? oh, it hurts. and it's what you have to do and the viewers are there week in and week out and it's their turn. >> you had two singers sent home, from team blake, andrea and louise from team christina. >> it's hard to say what's right because the talent level is so high. people are going to go home. she's 16, and she probably didn't believe she would make it as far as she did. this is how it's going to be until the december 17th finale. it's going to be bittersweet. >> you have someone in this group you look at and think superstar? >> boy, i think so. i think we have that. hey, listen, i love where the show starts, starts from that pure place of the voice, almost like the old days with radio before video star. i do. i think we have a couple in there that are going to have a really, really long career. >> and how is your son jackson dealing with his new sister? >> in fact, we have a little something for you for etta. >> thank you. >> it's all about team christina, team adam, but what about team carson is the question we asked, so we have a little -- my dexterity is not what it should be out here. look, it's a onesie, team carson. >> we have to backup just in case. >> thank you, matt. >> check out "the voice" right here on nbc monday and tuesdays 8:00/7:00 central time. up next, we've got dr. phil in the studio, but first these messages. ♪ i -- i got it, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made, i got it made ♪ ♪ i got it made fresh at subway ♪ ♪ breakfast made the way i say ♪ [ male announcer ] at subway, you got it made. try a steak, egg white & cheese, tricked out any way you want. subway. eat fresh. try a steak, egg white & cheese, tricked out any way you want. some people put everything intotheir name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. [ female announcer ] the newest seasonal flavors are here. try new sugar free pumpkin spice... and pecan praline. ♪ get your coupon today at [ female announcer ] with depression, simple pleasures can simply hurt. the sadness, anxiety, the loss of interest. the aches and pains and fatigue. depression hurts. cymbalta can help with many symptoms of depression. tell your doctor right away if your depression worsens, you have unusual changes in behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters, peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. simple pleasures shouldn't hurt. talk to your doctor about cymbalta. depression hurts. cymbalta can help. back now at 8:12 with more on the scandal that took down cia director david petraeus. he resigned when it was revealed he had an affair with his biographer paula broadwell. and news makers behaving badly provides dr. phil with stuff to talk about. he says if you're not on the lookout, be prepared to be taken advantage of them. dr. phil, good morning. you're just the guy we need for this story. >> thanks. >> we need a shrink. let's talk about petraeus before we get into the book. when you heard about this, i assume it didn't shock you. maybe about that it was general petraeus, but not the situation. >> it didn't shock me. and, frankly, i'm not sure that it's as much our business as we make it. somehow or another today, there just aren't any boundaries, and people talk about it being national security. i mean, is it really? or do we just have this insatiable interest for what's going on in people's lives? i don't know where those boundaries should be and where they're not. i'm certainly -- i'm definitely certain that mrs. petraeus has an interest in it, but i'm not sure that we should have as much interest in it as we do. >> what do you make of the players in this case? you have general petraeus who is very well-regarded, certainly, in his work and considered such a straight arrow, then you have the two ladies, jill kelley and paula broadwell. what's your take? >> well, that's what i talk about in "life code." i wrote this book because i think we live in a different world than our mamas told us about. and i wrote this book because i want to tell people how the world really works, not how it should work. but how it really works, people have currency. and they look for the things that really light them up. obviously for these women, they didn't choose these guys because they look like james bond. they didn't choose these guys because they look like leo dicaprio, right? because they're powerful, because they represent something, and that's currency to them. they're connected to that. i think that's what motivates them. you have to see what their currency is. >> let's talk about the book, they did talk about the real world. you call them baiters. >> it's an acronyacronym. they're back stabbers, abusers, imposters, takers, exploiters and reckless people. and they're in all of our lives. going to be sitting next to one at home, co-workers, people you deal with in your life that are willing to step up and take what's yours if you don't recognize who they are. and i put in this book a secret playbook of how these people do what they do. then i talked about what you need to do. you need a secret playbook, as well. >> you write in the book about a time you think you were kind of to use a phrase screwed over by an associate. >> i didn't think i was. i got embezzled by someone who came to me knowing my currency because they groom you like a pedophile grooms a child. they came and said -- talked about family values and church and god and all that kind of stuff and got next to me and got next to my money and pretty soon they were out the door with hundreds of thousands of dollars and left my family absolutely in ruins financially. >> but you don't think these people are everywhere? or do you? that's a cynical look of the world. >> they're not everywhere, but they're out there and they're not coming into your life, they're already there. you just need to be able to spot them. and that's why i wrote this book. and i want -- this was a book of passion for me. and i want people to read it. and, by the way, this book doesn't come out in broad distribution until after the first of the year. right now you can buy it at the because i've got it in a special pre-release. it's been out this week and it is moving faster than any book i've ever done, which is exciting for me. it tells me people want to know what's really going on in their life. that's exciting to me. >> and your son is the publisher, right? >> he is. >> well, they may recognize some of the people you describe in the book. >> i hope not. >> all right. once again, dr. phil, thank you, and the book is called "life code." you're going to stick around for today's professionals? >> i am. well, coming up next, jenna bush-hager one-on-one with the first lady of new jersey next. into their work, their name on the door, and their heart into their community. small business saturday is a day to show our support. a day to shop at stores owned by our friends and neighbors. and do our part for the businesses that do so much for us. on november 24th, let's get out and shop small. and eddy said the toys might not be ready! eddy? the elf! ♪ [ radio announcer ] today's forecast: it's snowing snowballs and snow bricks out there... seven more days and it's snowing snow bricks! oh, well, be careful! [ radio announcer ] only two days to go, and several of the elves were tossed around when they tried to wrap a pony. 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>> it definitely has been. i think that after the 16, 18-hour days my husband comes home, not only is he exhausted physically, but it definitely is mentally draining to come and, you know, hug people who have lost their life savings and their world, really. >> reporter: if the storm of the century had a starring character, it'd be the new jersey governor. >> you've obviously known your husband for a long time, 26 years. you've been married, but has the way he's led surprised you at all through this? >> not really. not really because i've seen him in management situations before that are challenging, and he kind of gets a group of people around the table and is very good at listening, but then quickly deciding and delegating. >> is it hard to be back at a place where you brought your kids? i mean, you have such family memories? >> sure. sure. i think people saw the governor at casino pier. >> you know, in august. >> reporter: and casino pier, i mean, that was our big night out with the children. my children are just -- sounds almost small, but that's their childhood. >> reporter: a doting wife, mother of four, and working woman still finding time to visit the front lines providing comfort and long-term support for the citizens she loves. >> we will rebuild. bigger and stronger. >> reporter: for "today," sea bright, new jersey. switching gears now, you probably know them best as olympians of their long legal battle with mark zuckerberg, now the winklevoss twins are investing in a new website called huckster. good morning to all of you. nice to see you. before i get to this new venture, you know i've got to ask you about facebook. about 50% lower than the initial public offering. while some might think that's sweet revenge to you, you've got a lot of stock in that company, don't you? >> we don't really comment on our holdings, but i think they did have a rough road, but it's a real company with real revenues, they've got real prospects. >> bullish or bearish on the future, he's hinted to that, but do you think this company has an economic future? >> i think it does, yeah, definitely. >> you're right, you don't comment much on your holdings. talk about this new deal. you've got a company, you invest money in start-ups that you think are promising, this one's called huckster. before i get the why you invested, tell me about the site. >> it's a platform that tracks products online and lets you know when they're on sale. >> what's the major difference between this one and other ones that find deals for consumers? >> the things that attracted them to the deal is we're not a social site. so this is a personal site where you can shop by yourself and everything's not being shared with everyone else. >> so i want to buy a j. crew sweater, i pop that in and it keeps me posted on the price and the size and the style. how many retailers will be involved in this? >> we have over 400 retailers right now that people have hucks at. >> do you look and you've got -- i hope the number's correct, you invested, i believe $750,000 in this. or do you not comment on that also? >> why this site? >> so one of the things, if anybody's shopped online, they've sort of -- it sends so many untargeted, unwanted deals your way that your inbox gets cluttered. so the main thing about huckster, it pulls the deals that only you want and will only send you an alert on something that you huck as the price goes down. >> when you show up at a meeting to invest or not invest, you come with a reputation, do you think that makes it more exciting for people like them? or do you think maybe some people worry about the baggage you come with, as well? >> i think people see us as strategic investors. i think that's why they took our money and that's how we help companies with it. >> good luck. good to see you guys. nice to catch up with you, and good luck to you, as well. we're back after your local news. good morning. 8:26 now on this thursday, november 15th. i'm aaron gilchrist. breaking news at this hour. at least one person has been shot during an fbi raid in maryland. this happened at a home on kipling park way. a crew is on the scene there. we'll bring more details as we get them into nbc 4 and let's check traffic. danella? >> delays on metro red line. a single track between glen mont and wheaton. the inner loop of the beltway, an earlier crash is cleared out of the roadway. delays from pennsylvania avenue slow to the wilson bridge. >> tom has get used to it. the cold weather is going to be with us into midweek next week. a chilly afternoon. a lot of cloudiness today. we are in the upper 30s. this afternoon, sun breaking out. a coastal storm we were talking about sunday into monday looks to be farther out to sea. the trend is it will be dry. aaron? >> thank you, tom. [ harry umlaut ] i speak european you know. [ sally umlaut ] uh-huh. take this fascinating muller yogurt. frut up. means "fruit up." creamy yogurt down below. delectable, layer of fruity, moussey, uppiness on top. frut up. as the europeans say. in their language. wow. you really are bilingual. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> and we're back with more at 8:30 on a thursday morning. that is just a little preview of the radio city christmas spectacular courtesy of the one and only rockettes. ladies, thank you very, very much. happy holidays. always fun to have them here. >> there's my high kick. all i can manage. >> want to see it again? >> exactly. >> on the plaza, matt lauer along with savannah gurthrie, al roker, and natalie morales. >> we talked to guy fieri about the very harsh review that the "new york times" food critic gave him. >> harsh? >> scathing might be a better word. well, guy's back, he's a good sport, brought some of his food and we're going to have the professionals taste it. they're tasting it right now. >> don't talk with your mouth full. >> you're going to eat and report back during "today's professionals" next hour. >> i didn't know the camera was on. >> enjoy. >> we've got a lot to get to. mr. roker, how about a check of the weather? >> let's look ahead to the weekend. friday, we are going to beweeke. friday, showers along the southeastern atlantic coast. windy conditions. for saturday, beautiful along the east coast with showers along the southeastern atlantic coast. wet weather from california to the pacific northwest. sunday, sunday, sunny and cool in the northeast. rainy and windy. more wet weather, windy weather in the northwest down the california coast into the mountain region and the casca s cascades. that's what's going on around the country, here's what's happening in your neck of the woods.. cloudy and cold around the region. we are generally above freezing. in the mountains at or below freezing. the beltway and washington upper 30s to around 40. rater today, sun breaking out this afternoon with highs in the upper 40s to near 50. tomorrow, partly cloudy. mid-50s. over the weekend, cold mornings and chilly afternoons. dry into wednesday. >> >> savannah's been working on it. come on, let's go. >> it doesn't help. doesn't help. >> kick one, everybody, here we go! >> commercial, commercial. >> still to come this morning, kathie lee coming up about her opening night on broadway. it's my coffee when i want it. you press a button, you have great dunkin' coffee. i got my coffee for the morning, i got my dunkin' k-cup packs for the rest of the day. only available at dunkin' donuts restaurants. america runs on dunkin' coffee. i'm drinkin' a dunkin' latte. i'm in love with my dunkin' latte. it is a treat. they're packed with flavor. it's my kind of latte. try the simply delicious latte everyone can enjoy. america runs on dunkin'! back now at 8:37. it is a big day for a certain member of our "today" show family. kathie lee opens on broadway tonight. >> not broadway out in iowa, we're talking about broadway in new york city. she wrote the book and lyrics to this new original musical, made every single costume that you're going to be seeing. and who better to give us a behind-the-scenes look than her partner hoda. >> we are less than ten hours away from curtain. and i can tell you, this has been a labor of love for kathie lee. and she has mentioned her show on our show just a couple of times. >> just a couple? >> couple. ♪ >> we have a little show called "scandalous." >> let's talk about "scandalous." >> kathie lee gifford's musical is going to broadway. >> yeah, baby. >> should we sing the song? >> hooray for hollywood. from shirley temple -- >> everybody knows shirley temple but they don't know amy simple. >> but kathie lee's out to change that with "scandalous," the musical based on amy. >> she was a woman of history who has fallen through the cracks. she went on to become the most scandalous, controversial, yet celebrated woman of her day. >> you're drifting away from the face of your fathers. >> 12 years i've been actually physically writing it and trying to get it produced on broadway. >> everybody agrees she was the best, though, right? >> she was really, really strong, yeah. >> we've had four workshops, i think. two large out of town regional productions, well over 1,000 re-writes. it's all part of the process. >> with every chance i got. >> carol lee carmelo in my mind is the finest working actress in musical theater. there's not another actress ibd think of that could play amy the way carol lee does. >> this is amy's home away from home, it's the theater on broadway. an exciting time, the crew, the cast, the team, have been working around the clock to get this baby ready for opening night. are they ready? come on, let's go backstage and find out. >> hoda woman. >> is it time? >> almost. we're about half an hour from curtain. >> wait, stage time. >> you are center stage, this is the neil simon theater. would you like me to introduce you to some of the folks? >> take me back. >> this way. >> of course. >> we heard rumors that the hottie with the body ed watts is in here. >> one of the highlights for many of the women. >> do you get to see something happening beneath this robe. what could it be? >> he plays adam. >> wait -- >> adam and eve. >> good to see you, bye. >> are you talking? >> hope he makes it for curtain. >> opening night's knocking on the door, are you ready? >> i'm ready. >> girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. >> yeah, sing a little of it. ♪ girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do ♪ ♪ a girl don't gotta do it no more ♪ >> how does it feel being this close to opening, girl? >> i'm scared to death. carmel my wonderful wig master is prepping my hair to be put under two wig caps, and here are my microphones which live on the back of my head. >> in case one goes out. >> that's right. because i never leave the stage, really. >> you've been in this project since the infancy. >> yeah, the early '40s. can you believe it? it's like opening night on broadway. >> you know -- she doesn't know to kiss me or curse me. >> you are going to sit there in the audience and watch that curtain go up on opening night. what will that be like? >> i think that's when it's finally going to hit me. it's my child and i had a lot of help birthing it and i hope it'll live forever and touch people's lives. >> thanks for that lovely, lovely piece. thank you, hoda. >> so excited. >> you're welcome. >> we've got our tickets. >> i am so grateful for the support around here has been unbelievable. what i'll always remember the most is you guys just -- just right there for me and supporting me and understanding what a passion this has been for me. >> look what we have for you. >> oh. >> you should be getting some wine ready for the 10:00 show. >> thank you. congrats, kath. >> and i thought for sure that witch from philadelphia was going to win. >> i thank you, good luck. >> break a leg. >> break two. >> i'll break two chubby ones. coming up next, jane holly on rewriting your life after 50. back now 8:45, and we've got your life calling today. jane has been working with aarp which produced and sponsored our series of reports. this morning, a man trying to help children all around the world. jane, good morning. >> good morning, matt. lauren walters' career has been so varied, health care, government service, but he was looking for something more, more meaningful. well, he got a call from a friend who felt exactly the same way. walters was 57, his friend was 23. lauren walters yearned to put a lifetime of experience to good work. >> i felt frustrated i wasn't having the kind of impact i thought i could. >> the seed of an idea was planted when he visited rwanda. >> going out into a village i saw kids who were hungry. just on an ongoing basis. >> reporter: but he also saw children eating from squeezable pouchs. >> and i knew there was something you could do to treat malnourished kids, which were these nutrition packs, but there was a supply problem. >> reporter: for three years, he thought about it. >> for me, ideas simmer. >> reporter: but he wasn't thinking about starting a business. until 23-year-old will howser called. the son of a good friend, he too was looking for something more. >> i wanted to start a business doing something entrepreneurial but also doing something that gives back in some way. >> reporter: two degrees, a food bar was an idea whose time had come. >> when consumers are given a choice between doing something which has a cause related to it as opposed to just the product, they'll choose something that has a cause. >> reporter: here's how it works. >> for every bar that is sold, we purchase and donate a meal to a hungry child somewhere in the world. >> so i buy the bar -- >> and a nutrition pack is given to a malnourished kid. and it's a dense peanut butter paste. >> and that's exactly how the kid eats it. >> it is. exactly. it tastes pretty good. >> but the food bar has to taste good too. >> sunflower butter. >> i do too. >> reporter: despite lauren's diverse background, the food business was all new. >> hi, how can i help? how do we market, how do we brand? i never created a brand for anything and neither did will. >> a real person on there, a real child, i think is huge, stops you in your tracks. >> he's tapped a 20-something brain trust pumped with ideas. >> we span a generation gap. we think about things differently, we're connected to different networks of people. we see things differently. i think for us, it's been an enormous asset to the company. >> reporter: they recruited an army of sales reps at 75 colleges. and activated lauren's vast network of connections. soon, they were in every whole foods store in the country. >> and this is almond, you can try one of these. you can. right in here. >> reality check. >> i thought it would be easier than it is. it's hard. >> reporter: today the bar is in 1,000 stores, but lauren thinks he'll need 10,000 to succeed. >> i'm really optimistic. and we've donated about 500,000 meals so far. >> that's impressive. >> the other thing i've learned that i've given to the young people is to imagine that anything is possible. >> by the end of this year, lauren expects to have distributed 750,000 meals to nonprofit partners around the world. lauren walters is our 28th story in our series. if you have reimagined your life after 50, let us know. maybe we'll tell your story in 2013. go to >> my favorite part is these people from two different generations are teaming up and sharing their expertise. thanks very much. up next, money-saving holiday meals and wines. but first, this is "today" on nbc. "today's kitchen" is brought to you by kraft. make something amazing. this morning on "today's holiday kitchen," we are pairing money-saving meals with wines that cost under $20 too. and when she's not busy with her food network show, sandra's restaurant, sandra lee is hard at work on her new magazine and the first issue is out now. good morning to you. >> good morning, my dear. >> we've got great recipes going. are these the things we would find in the magazine? >> exactly what you're going to find in the magazine. great wine pairings under $20 combined with fabulous foods. i'm paying attention to my eggs here. >> this is crispy potatoes and cheese eggs. >> i've got grated potatoes, heavy on the salt and pepper, little bit of olive oil in the pan. butter first. >> can't skip the butter. >> what am i thinking? >> key step. >> as the butter goes in, bottom of the pan, it'll melt as you go, that's fine. now, p out it in there, pat it down flat, you have a potato pancake. flip that after five minutes. >> you want me to flip this? >> go ahead. >> you're a brave woman. >> go for it. >> i don't want to mess it up. >> i know you now how to do it. this is some crown royal going into my cheese mixture. now in here was just shallots that i took a little bit of butter and sauteed up until they're soft, flour goes in there, two tablespoons, you want to cook that for two minutes until the flour taste comes out. the milk goes in half and half, and you want to put in your whiskey, bourbon. >> what kind of cheese did you use? >> any kind of soft cheese you like. you know, i like, frankly, i like munster provolone. look at how cheesy that is. >> yum. >> on top of your potato pancake they go. sorry about the bottom of the pan. >> this looks like comfort food to me. >> this is a gorgeous dish. now, on top of there would go -- just some caviar on top of there and a little bit of chives and some cheese sauce. >> great. >> now this is great for a brunch, but also fantastic for breakfast for dinner. let's talk about wine. this is butterfly kiss, hints of pear, mango, and lemon, the price point at $12.99. buy this where they sell wines. where i come from, they sell wine in the grocery store. >> me too. and champagne, would you pair that with it too? >> either/or. that would be beautiful, as well. that bottle is going to be just under $20 at $19.99. >> great. >> and now back here, let's go quickly. if you don't have time for a big turkey dinner, we are going to do game hens. this is what i'm making, no the the big turkey. >> okay. >> this is in the magazine. lemon and garlic paired beautifully. this is $17.99. very full-bodied. >> great. >> lots of spice and it's elegant and smooth. >> you throw them in the oven? >> that's got olive oil, lemon, garlic, that's it. about 20 to 25 minutes per pound. >> what's for dessert? >> and dessert is in the slow cooker. this is a beautiful, hot mocha cake. you take some chocolate cake mix, you want this? >> just a fork, yeah. thank you. >> all right. >> so it's just a cake mix, make it normal, but on top you put the instant pudding and 2 cups of warm milk and marshmallows cook it down. this is $11.99 a bottle. >> the price is right on that. professionals after your local news. 8:56 is your time now on this thursday, november 15th, 2012. i'm eun yang. we have breaking news out of maryland. at least one person has been shot during an fbi raid. it happened at a home in district heights. we have a crew on the scene. we'll bring more as it comes in and on tom is here with the chilly forecast. tom, good morning. >> it can cloudy and cold. upper 30s around the metro area. by the bay and off to the west, below freezing. later today, sun breaks out with a high near 50. chilly weather continues into the weekend through midweek next week. >> thank you. a look at the traffic when we come back. traveling 395 northbound jammed. two accidents, the first one, washington boulevard. let's go over the 14th street bridge there. that accident is blocking the left central lane. it's now gone. delays remain. 14 miles per hour, 45 minutes to make the trip. back to you. >> thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything. and we're back now with more of "today" on a thursday morning. it's the 15th day of november, 2012. let's recap, shall we? >> okay. >> we've got the christmas tree. which has arrived in rockefeller center. >> right. >> we have a read through this morning for the macy's thanksgiving day parade. >>right. >> which can only mean one thing. holiday time here. we are ready. >> thanksgiving? >> we had the rockettes earlier. >> it's holiday season, we have a nice crowd gathered on our plaza this morning, happy to be out here with them. i'm matt laueralong with savannah gurthrie, mr. al roker, and mr. willie geist. and coming up with the professionals. >> and dr. phil sticking around to join us. he'll be in for dr. nancy, no shortage of opinions. he's going to join donny and star as we look at the guy fieri review. their takes on it and also donny here special just for flirting, to flirt or noto flirt. >> i think we know donny's answer. >> is donny breathing? this weekend, of course, we've got another edition of "saturday night live." and you know given the news of the week, it is going to be very interesting show. well, we're going to talk to snl star fred armisen about all the news they'll be talking about and what it's like to not play president obama. and later, we're going to help you get motivated to get active with new games and gadgets that are supposed to get you moving during the cold months when you want to curl under the covers and do nothing. >> okay. >> people do that. >> yeah. exactly. natalie's standing by at the news desk to get a check of the headlines. good morning, everyone. general david petraeus has volunteered to testify in front of congress on friday about the deadly attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi, libya, this as the scandal widens following his acknowledged extramarital affair and subsequent resignation. meanwhile, the special agent who investigated the e-mails sento a socialite has been revealed. humphries ii played a key role helping athwa ining thwart a pl terrorist attack. he has seen no evidence that the general's indiscretion led to a national security breach. rocket fire intensified overnight tween israel and militants in gaza. this morning, at least three israelis were killed when their apartment building was struck by a gazan rocket marking the jewish state's first casualty since they launched into action on wednesday killing hamas' military commander. more than 100 have been wounded. the president heads to the new york area today to survey the damage left in the wake of superstorm sandy. this after taking a strong stance on the looming fiscal cliff telling lawmakers that the economy cannot afford a tax increase on all americans. republican leaders say raising income tax rates on wealthier americans would hurt job creation. new health concerns this morning for yet another popular caffeinated drink, 13 reported deaths have been linked to the possible involvement of 5-hour energy. according to the fda, reports date back to 2009, dozens involving life-threatening issues like convulsions, heart attacks, and even a spontaneous abortion. the company that distributes the energy shot drink says it is unaware that any deaths can be proven to be caused by 5-hour energy and that the drink is safe when used as directed. nbc news has confirmed this morning, british oil giant bp has agreed to pay a record criminal penalty as it nears a federal settlement over the 2010 gulf oil disaster. the settlement also includes criminal charges in connection with the deadly oil rig explosion. u.s. women's soccer team goalie solo and jeremy stevens were married tuesday, the same day they appeared in court in a domestic violence case. police had detained stevens monday for a suspected assault at solo's suburban home. he was released when the judge ruled there was insufficient evidence. the couple had been dating for about two months. and you may be getting excited for thanksgiving, but these turkeys have declared all out war. one commuter in connecticut caught these wild turkeys bringing traffic to a halt, gobbling, even pecking at his car. the turkeys have been turning up every morning for the last few weeks, and the thanksgiving feast coming, they're not backing down. turkeys win in this case. it is 9:04 right now. let's go back to al with a check of the weather. hey, al. >> you want a piece of me? let's take a look, see what you got for youk and see what we hae as far as your weather is concerned. wet weather in the southeastern atlantic coast. the carolinas looking at wet stuff. a beautiful day here, on the chilly side. fog in the pacific northwest and freezing fog in southern idaho. look for afternoon showers in central california. the gulf coast looking good. plenty of sunshine. it's chilly in the northeast up into new that's what's going around the country, here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> gray and cold this thursday morning. good morning. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein. right now, upper 30s to near 40 in the met troy area. later today, sun may break out. upper 40s to 50. average high this time of year is 58. we'll stay chilly through next week with cold mornings and chilly afternoons. it looks dry. the coastal storm is going to be farther off the coast. we may not get further precipitat >> and that's your latest weather. willie? >> all right, al, thank you very much. time for "today's professionals." in for dr. nancy snyderman today, our great pleasure to welcome dr. phil. author of "life code," the new rules for winning in the real world. good morning. >> and a special guest down at the end, lingering in our studio, guy fieri. >> he's here to do my hair. he's going -- >> i told you what we can do with it. >> that'd be a good look. >> we're going to read a piece of this "new york times" review of guy's new restaurant in time square. the "new york times" writes in part, guy fieri, have you eaten at one of your new restaurants? have you pulled up one of the seats and ordered a meal? did you eat the food? did it live up to your expectation? did you try the blue drink? the watermelon margarita and goes on and on from there. i'll spare you the rest of it. donny, let me start with you, some people saying this is self-indulgent by the writer, a guy with an agenda. others say he s assigned the job and gave his honest opinion. >> well, i think this is the best thing that happened. hey, these food critics, they eat up here places, this is real food for real people. enough with the critics, make it the populous movement. this will turn into gold for you, my friend. say we're not for critics, we're for you and me. this is a bonanza for me. i thought it was very good. >> it was very sarcastic. >> it was mean-spirited. almost if the critic didn't want to go to the restaurant. like his boss made him go to the restaurant and then in criticizing the food, it was like, so since i have to be here and eat in this place, i'm going to take you down. it was mean and unnecessary. >> guy brought enough food to feed our entire "today" crew. they're downstairs trying the food. dr. phil, you star, and donny all had a bite. >> well, first off, i did have some of it, and everything i tasted was really good. and i've got to say. i've got a problem with these critics and the language in this article tells me that it was more about him trying to find ways that he could flourish and embellish and lift himself up than it was about telling people about the restaurant. i mean, come on. this was way across the line. and you know what really bothers me? two things, there are 250 people working at this restaurant. he's entertaining himself and inflating his ego at the expense of 250 hard-working people that are down there trying to do a good job. that bothers me a lot. >> next dr. phil, restaurant critics. >> but donny, isn't that critic doing his job? >> look, let's not get too warm and fuzzy here. if we can be rude to politicians, i have no problem with the guy taking out knives. it is what it is. a lot of journalists are self-motivated. my point is, it's just food, relax a little bit. >> if you're going to tak out knives, and i understand, you know, you go to the big fancy smancy restaurants, but this is real food in time square, what did you expect? >> this wasn't about the food. it was about the critic. and by the way, last night, they host the "new york times" hosted 160-person party at that restaurant. >> dr. phil, haven't we trained our culture that angry sells? that the more -- whether it's political talk shows, our candidate. so we're training whether it's food critics or everybody -- or housewives to throw things at each other. this is more example of bad behavior getting more attention. >> the last time guy was here, he -- we fought each other to get over to it. >> we're going to do therapy over this scathing review. >> guy, it would be one thing if it appeared in the "new york times" and a small audience of people who read that saw it. but this has gone viral. are you worried what it might do to your business? >> well, i came back to new york. i live in california, i was just here for a few days working at the restaurant, flew home for a parent/teacher conference, flew right back to come here and face this. the restaurant business is not exact. we're trying every day to be as good as we can be. we know there's critics. and i listen to my critics, that's my guests that come in the restaurant, my fans that come in the restaurant. visitors and new yorkers. am i worried about it? yeah. anything bad. especially when there was, i think another agenda. but the reality, and i'm glad to hear the comments and support. we'll prevail, keep going. i've got a great team, great chefs, this will move on. >> run with it. put a sign, no critics -- this is gold. >> donny, i'm going to put you out there. >> it's a great opportunity. >> costs a lot of money to get this advice from him, yes, indeed, i'd take it. >> we appreciate you coming in. >> thank you. >> thanks for ving me. >> next topic, flirting with trouble. new piece in the "wall street journal" talks about the pros and cons of flirting coming off this scandal in the united states military if you want to call it that. general allen e-mailing with the woman, ms. kelley in tampa, senior department -- >> looking at me. >> well, these e-mails were flirtatious in nature. so can flirting be a good thing in the workplace? i actually -- >> i can't believe i'm asking you. >> i, actually, this is going to be controversial. i never had a problem with people having relationships in the workplace as long as it wasn't a direct subordinate. it's an natural eco system for people to meet. they spend all their waking hours, and flirting in and of itself can give good energy. there's different degrees of flirting. and i think every time people from the opposite sex usually interact or the same sex, there's some granular thing going on and it's okay. >> i have to take the -- put my legal hat on today because there's innately going to be a problem in your workplace even if you're not subordinate and boss. you're going to make an uncomfortable work environment for the other employees, and that is in violation -- >> very, very -- quickly, when leno went off the air, the most beautiful moment he said, here's my tribute and they opened up the curtain to all the families that met on his show and children were born out of it. so there's something wonderful. >> what's the line between flirting and going to sexual harassment? >> well, depends what your intention is. if you flirt enough, you can get a rabbit to hug a hen. the question is, what are you trying to do? if you're doing it for a purpose to come together, then okay, you get what you go after. but don't pretend you're doing one thing if you're doing something else. if you're going after a relationship with that person, then you're flirting with a purpose, okay. but own it. don't pretend you're not. and if somebody says, no, that's the harassment part, somebody says no, it's no. >> or if it makes the person who sits across from the person uncomfortable. >> none of their business. >> i'm supposed to work in an environment where my colleague's not getting special favors because -- >> leave it there. >> i think hooching it up should be the last word in this debate. thank you so much for being with us. up next, one of the stars of "snl" right after this. ♪ one for you. ♪ and one for me. ♪ you, you, you, you, you... ♪ and one for me. ♪ check out the price of this new flat screen. ♪ ♪ i'll buy it for bill but it's also for me. ♪ ♪ xbox for jack. ♪ sweaters for nancy. ♪ i'm blown away... i'm freaking out... ♪ ♪ deals, deals, deals! breathe. ♪ one for you and one for guess who. ♪ ♪ it's on, it's on, it's on, ♪ it's black friday. ♪ i'm so super pumped for target black friday! ♪ [ slurp! ] [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. here's a little something you'll find irresistible. cinnamon toast crunch, with a delicious cinnamon and sugar taste that's amazing. crave those crazy squares.™ ♪ ooh baby, can i do for you today? ♪ [ female announcer ] need help keeping your digestive balance? align can help. only align has bifantis, a patented probiotic that naturally helps maintain your digestive balance. try align to help retain a balanced digestive system. try the #1 gastroenterologist recommended probiotic. align. want to wave to daddy ? ♪ you are exactlyne) one of a kind ♪ we're going to win. woah, that's awesome. ♪ cause we were made for each other for always ♪ score ! mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. chips, chips! [ female announcer ] silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy thick texture helps satisfy you. and at 80 calories it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied. well, the action may be over, but with the petraeus scandal this week, something tells us there's no shortage of material for the folks at "saturday night live." one of their funniest fred armisen has stopped by. >> we're all ready imagining the scenarios. >> it's all surprises, but there'll be good stuff for sure. >> is it fair to say we'll hear from general petraeus on saturday night? >> well, i'll give nothing away, but you'll be happy. >> and jeremy renner hosting. >> he's an actual actor, you know, from a real film. a real movie star and he's really great and i've been a fan of his for a long time anyway, you know. of "hurt locker," it's a cool movie. >> how is he rolling from the idea of how things change so quickly and sketches get dropped or added? >> you don't attach yourself emotionally to anything. because it just changes so much that you go in and do your job and try to be -- >> those of us who have been the rehearsals and see the show, it changes up to the last minute, things will be dropped left and right. makes your job that much harder. >> you memorize a script and it's gone. >> people running up to you, this is out. it's like being a soldier or something. >> i heard jason sudekis in an interview talking about how the crew hates you guys. you know that theme park we were going to do? that's a and they have to rebuild it. >> he had that look, like, what? people hate us? >> costumes, everything. wigs. got to know you very well as president obama where you played so brilliantly. jay ferrell has taken on that role. do you miss playing the president? >> no, i like the constant change at "snl" and makes me feel good about the place. jay is so brilliant. and it's kind of nice because as things move along, you know, it's something to embrace. >> why was there a change, fred? a lot of people got uncomfortable, everyone identifies theresident -- why the change? >> because of the new, you know, the fact there's like a new presidency, the election and everything. and it's just a good time to do it. the time is right to kind of, you know, let things move on a little bit. and change is always a great thing. >> you've been on the show -- it's hard to believe you've been on ten years. >> how do you think i feel? >> how do you feel? >> because it's incredible. it does feel like a brand new job to me all the time. maybe because every week there's like a new host and everything, but it's always brand new to me. and it went by in a flash. >> meanwhile, you have a new book out, as well. you're also an author, based on your show. >> yeah, that's the one and i wrote it with kari brownstein and a couple other writers from the show. and that's it right there. >> it's a hilarious show, by the way. the premise, kind of hipsters. >> like a fake travel book for portlandia, this fictional place, this fictional city. >> a hipster's bible. >> i'll take it. >> i think we need to go to portlandia. >> we're hipsters. we need to go to get hip. >> exactly. >> thank you. >> all right. i've been -- don't forget, catch "snl" with jeremy renner this saturday 10:30 central here on nbc. >> thanks, fred. great to have you. coming up, gadgets that will keep you moving. i like to drink orange juice or have lemon in my water... eat tomato sauce on my spaghetti. the acidic levels in some foods can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. i was quite surprised, as only few as four exposures a day what that can do to you. it's quite a lesson learned. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel. he recommended that i use it every time i brush. you feel like there is something that you're doing to help safeguard against the acid erosion. and i believe it's doing a good job. ♪ [ female announcer ] with its rich, silky smooth taste there's magic in every piece of dove® dark chocolate. ♪ that's why i take new trubiotics. it's a daily probiotic that helps in two ways. one helps support digestive health, the other immune health. stay true to your health. new trubiotics. from the makers of one-a-day. how does it brew such great coffee? well, inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. over the past few weeks, millions of people here in the northeast experience life without power. what would you do if the power went out and never came back on? that's the premise of the new hit nbc drama "revolution." john carlos plays neville. the militia that formed after the blackout. good morning. pleasure to have you here. >> good to be here. >> it's a huge hit for nbc. i should say thank you. we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. >> i imagine when you get a call from j.j. abrams, the opportunity to work on a show he creates, it's got to be amazing. >> it's an amazing thing. we also have eric cripke who does supernatural and brian burke, but it's great to be on a show where people get the fact you have to do characters with action and great actors. >> do you know where everything's going this season? >> it's being revealed even to me. >> as we speak writing scripts. >> exactly right. things change all the time. i think that there's a big cliffhanger coming which will keep our audience really on the edge of their seats on 11/26. and we're celebrating led zeppelin. >> i know, this coming episode. thank you so much, catch all new episodes of "revolution" on nbc. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ girl ] dear santa... ♪ dear santa, i want a ballerina tutu, a pink bike, a unicorn night-light... [ female announcer ] this year, bring their wish list to life. [ girl ] ...princess doll, markers... [ female announcer ] let betty crocker do the measuring and get a head start on delicious homemade cookies. ♪ just pour, good morning. it's 9:26 on this thursday, november 150th. i'm aaron gilchrist. breaking news at this hour. a shooting during an fbi raid in maryland. it happened at a home in district heights. one person taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound. stay with news 4 and for updates. now, a check on traffic. danella? >> good news on the red line. earlier delays are gone and normal service resumed. let's het to i-270 southbound. here is a live look at montrose road. no accidents. it's a slow trip for you. 395, an earlier accident is gone. back to you, aaron. >> thank you. time to check on your weathe good morning, cloudy, cold around much of the region. a little sun may break out. cold mornings with chilly [ harry umlaut ] that's one creamy muller. [ sally umlaut ] it's greek-style yogurt. this greek style yogurt has style. you can say that again. why thank you. this greek style yogurt has style. okay. stop saying it now. you're sending me mixed messages. [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. i think i just saw the reality of what had happened. and i had my eye patch on. i didn't have my hand. and half my head was shaved, and i was just thinking, wow. >> that is 24-year-old fashion writer lauren scruggs, the young woman who walked into a spinning airplane propeller nearly a year ago. the accident almost killed her. but her attitude is amazing, and she and her family will be here live tomorrow on "today" for an exclusive interview. and i'll have more with her tomorrow night on "dateline." she's an incredible woman. great spirit. her whole family, very spiritual, very christian and really believe that now she has a great story to tell to help others. >> she looks amazing. >> in just a year's time, it's remarkable what the doctors have been able to do in her recovery overall. >> amazing to survive to begin with and then look as good as she does. >> it's been very hard, but she's handling it with such grace and dignity. it's beautiful. >> we look forward to seeing her tomorrow. coming up, we're going to test our social cues, how to handle the awkward situations, whether it's a new co-worker who won't leave you alone, willie, or tricky issues during the holidays. we'll advice. >> i wonder what that restraining order was all about from one al roker. and if the cold weather makes you want to curl under a blanket in front of the tv, we'll get you up on your feet and moving with a new interactive game. >> it's called, hey, i'm squatting in front of the tv. that's fantastic. >> all right. >> now i'm going to squat over here. that's fantastic. >> moving, it's good. also, you may be doing a little bit of the squats after you stuffs yourself on thanksgiving. what better way to segue our favorite italian cooking family the scottos are whipping up recipes and squatting. >> mom's wearing leather. >> i know. hot mama, marion. marion and her leather. >> that was natalie for the record. >> again, socially awkward. let's see what we've got for you as we look ahead for the weekend. for tomorrow, no travel troubles. wet weather along the west coast from the pacific northwest into central california. sunny and cold in the plains. as we move into saturday, doing traveling in the southeastern atlantic coast. heavy rain in central california into the pacific northwest. sunday, sunday, rain and windy along the mid-atlantic coast. more rain and snow in the pacific northwest into central california and the mountains. that's what's going on around the country. here's what's happening in your neck of the woods. >> gray and cold. good morning, i'm storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein. around the region, temperatures are above freezing in much of the area. still in the 30s to around 40s. right in washington and southern maryland where it's in the low to mid-40s. later today, up near 50. maybe sun coming up. still, this unusually chilly pattern continuing into midweek next week. looking dry. the coastal storm looks to be >> and that's your latest weather. >> all right, al. thank you very much. fun gadgets to get you up off that couch and moving. we're going to dance. you're going to dance. >> i am? >> we're not allowed to do that. 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"today's" holiday kitchen is brought to you by ocean spray. tastes good. good for you. ♪ >> this morning on "be healthy, be well." gra gadgets to keep you moving. our technology expert is here to show us how the right gear can make all the difference. this is so exciting. >> this is an exciting segment. let's start it right out. >> all right. >> if anybody has an xbox, there's an awesome new game created at nike camp called nike plus for connect and it has over 100 different drills, puts you in the heart of the action, gives you your own personal trainer. as you can see, this one is called break down the walls. i have to squat. >> does that guide you on the side? >> yeah, he trains me. i go through a 15 minute body assessment. it's going to see if i'm injured or not, put me through fitness tests. and you can have your own personal trainer. a great game to really get you moving. nike plus for kinect. >> i love a good set of headphones to keep you moving. ear buds fall out. these i've been testing out for a few months, called jay birds sport bands, and they stay on, but the best part about them, they're wireless. if you have your smartphone, you can control it from the headphones and you can take and make calls, which is a nice little option. but the best part is, they stay on. >> that's great. that's fantastic. >> five awesome colors too. >> i like these goggles. >> you're familiar with these goggles. you have seen the underwater version, there's a scuba and snorkel version. they take pictures, video, now there's a new ski goggle that takes stills, but also coolest part about it, you can wirelessly stream the video l right to somebody's smartphone. >> so they can see you wipe out. >> i like to hang out in the lobby and eat hot dogs while they're on the slopes, but now they can prove it to me because i can see their feed live. >> watch out for that cliff -- >> yeah, go down and go anywhere from $100 to $400 depending on what you want. i'm out of breath from that. >> i don't feel so bad now. you take a breath. you really like this. >> i love this. so there is a very cluttered market when it comes to fitness bands. my favorite is -- this is just relaunched on tuesday. this is jawbone -- >> they took it off the market because it had a lot of problems. >> it is back and better than ever. >> waterproof now? >> waterproof, amazing. you take the wristband off and pop it into the headphone jack of your iphone. it tracks your sleep, calories burned, your steps taken. as you can see today i've already taken 1,668 steps, i go for 10,000 steps a day, but the cool one i like is the sleep. you can see it maps out my sleep, but not just shows me how many hours i've slept, deep sleep, slight sleep, how long it took to fall asleep, maps it out for you, and i can follow my friend mindy and travis. friends and family, you want to track the data, do that too. >> i want to find out how my family's sleeping. >> nice little option. >> fit bit is another option, if you don't want to have the bracelet i have, this is more discreet, you can have it on your bra, your pants. >> that's much more discreet. >> well, you don't see it, al. let's get with the program here. >> it's lighting and beeping. >> it's only $60, tracks your calories burned. >> what is this here? >> this is a fraction of the price, $30, called the move band and tracks all your movement and calories burned and your distance. this is for organizations and educational programs. for example, the cleveland public library had a whole program where they're all challenging themselves to lose some weight. >> what about for your bike? >> this is awesome. if you're worried about your safety in the early morning hours, taking that bike ride, these are under $10, spokelets. and as you can imagine, it makes your wheel look awesome. and these are my favorite, monkey lights. i'm going to get this spinning around, from space invaders, hearts, to skulls, they whip around and they will make you stand out. it's an awesome option. parents perk up, this is hot on the holiday list. this is the wii u. parents need to take advantage of it of all the awesome games out there. this one is just dance 4. and i'm going to hit your button. you have to follow your character on the screen. al, you're the guy in the black. >> okay. >> we are dancing to jailhouse rock. top 40 songs, 80 songs, al's chosen to sweat to the oldies, take advantage of awesome games. >> thanks so much. up next, how to handle those sticky social situations like this. but later, the first italian family of cooking, the scottos. get down. first these messages. donut. chips, chips! [ female announcer ] silence those tempting thoughts with new light & fit greek. its creamy thick texture helps satisfy you. and at 80 calories it's the lightest greek yogurt with fruit. new light & fit greek. be light and fit and satisfied. new light & fit greek. there's a place where the sky is always blue and the kids always eat their vegetables. because the salad there is always served with the original hidden valley ranch. it's the way ranch is supposed to taste. and try italians and vinaigrettes from hidden valley. onof chocolate lovers from the thmelting point of chocolate. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles, it deliciously melts the moment you take a bite. hershey's air delight. it just might make you melt. throughout our lives. one a day women's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for women's health concerns as we age. it has more of 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day 50+. oh, did you want it? yea we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half that's not half! guys, i have more! thanks mom [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents. let the making begin whether it's a pushy co-worker or family disagreements around the holidays, how to handle sticky situations, phillip galanos is the author of "social cues." now out in paperback edition. phillip, good morning. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> good to have you. >> just in time for the holidays. >> which always gets sticky and awkward. >> sticky, beyond sticky. but today we have a welcome willie palooza for the situation. >> when new folks make your life a living hell, here we go. >> what? you had to bring in an expert. >> saying the same about us. >> an expert. a new co-worker transferred to our office from another state. i said, let me know if you need any help settling in. since then, it's been three calls a day and nonstop lunch and dinner invitations, how do i make this stop? >> i think you just got to cut him off. i hate to say it. you've done your part, helped him get started and now maybe stop responding to e-mails quickly, don't return the phone calls. you can't go on like this. >> willie's going with the train the puppy. >> i think you say, look, you know, i've been thrilled to help you, but i need to pull back a little bit because i'm kind of slammed at work. >> okay. the lie. >> i feel like the worker is kind of looking for a friend more than anyone. doesn't know anyone, probably trying to find somebody to help guide them, but i think at that point you do, i agree with willie, i think you have to say, listen, i'd love to help you out, you can call me when you really need me, but i've got a whole other life to take care of. >> can i maybe throw in one more thing? >> okay. >> share the load. i think natalie's totally right, this guy is lonely. introduce to other co-workers and friends and maybe you can offload this one on to them. >> share the load. spread the wealth. >> exactly. okay. this one is about thanksgiving. new addition to the family. my brother just married a nice girl who is trying to take over our family thanksgiving. she wants to change all our family traditions to her family's. we want her to feel welcome, but how do we get her to back off? >> does she cook? send her to my place. if she's willing to cook for us. >> i think it's up to you to tell your brother, say, look, you've got to have your new wife back off a little bit because she's going to tick everybody off and end up with a carving knife in her back. >> but life is change and family is change, so you can't ice her out. >> no. >> she gets to bring a pie a this or that too. >> that's what we did when i married my wife. you bring in some of their traditions. she does one thing, and when i go to visit her house, it's all about her. we come with overwhelming force, you get the aunts, uncles, grandmas, resistance is futile. >> so a gesture and i like al's comment a lot about rather than taking the new gal on directly, go to your brother who you've got a relationship with. >> sure. >> i agree. >> brand new receptionist at our office. and i can smell her perfume all the way in the back of the office. >> yeah. >> it is giving me a headache. would it be rude to say something to her? if not, what? >> i think you need to say it. because i bet a lot of people in the office feel the same way. i've had this issue with people and i'm very perfume sensitive and too much is -- >> i would walk up to her and say, look, there's been a problem -- >> people have been talking about it. >> natalie has been complaining. >> exactly. >> natalie has a headache. >> natalie's allergic and it may be -- >> blame it on somebody else is what you're saying. >> i think a lot of times the person wearing all the perfume doesn't realize, perhaps, how much they're wearing. >> did you tell joe scarborough that? >> it was axe body spray. if you say it gently. >> it's a good thing here. >> you're helping them out, actually. >> one more. >> no. >> how do you tell a guest you're out of time. >> you're out of time. >> welcome, willie. >> thank you. >> paperback edition. we've got the hard cover editions. thank you. good job as always. coming up next, thanksgiving recipes from the scotto family. this is "today" on nbc. "today's holiday kitchen" is brought to you by ocean spray. tastes good, good for you. ♪ >> this morning in "today's holiday kitchen," an italian thanksgiving courtesy of the scotto familia. of the new york restaurant. what do you like in the kitchen at the scotto family thanksgiving. >> i brought those aromas to fresco now. our beautiful turkey, our famous stuffing, which is rice and sausage and, oh -- and it's the best. >> wow. >> now we're going to do -- >> like ravioli. >> it is, but it's made in a triangle. what's the stuffing here? >> oh, this stuffing -- would you mix that for me, please? >> absolutely. >> it is pumpkin. and then we're adding some maple syrup. oh. >> and some nutmeg. >> why -- why is there -- >> ahh -- >> okay. okay. the syrup makes it a little sweet. so then you hard boil it, the topping here is butter and sage. >> mm-mmm. and that's what we're doing. natalie, give me some nuts because they'll kill me here. they get so vicious with me. >> this family. >> all right. >> during thaifnksgiving we can just do a thanksgiving menu, we have to do something else. we thought of a great salmon dish we could do and use a lobster succotash. we've cubed and quartered and cleaned artichokes. i've sauteed garlic and onion to start with. we have the cubed -- >> lobster. >> we're going to add a little to this, tomato for color. >> that's beautiful. >> little salt, little pepper, and we're going to in a sense stew that down. you want to get it a little soft, lobster's cooked, no big deal. all these textures and flavors just terrific. >> the lobster was salt and pepper, light seasoning. >> yeah, let me get to that. but the lobster was cooked down, we pulled out the lobster so it's not out of the stock. then we're going to take this salmon and cook it skin side down, it's got to be scheming hot. if not, it's going to stick. we take it rare, put it on top of the succotash, the succotash is just going to melt into your mouth. and then you're going to finish it with just -- and this is online for you, the recipe, just a little caper and white wine and lemon sauce. >> beautiful. delicious. all right. all yours. >> okay. so we are doing a maple apple bread pudding. >> nice. >> and i'm going to start here with some eggs and milk. and al, would you get me some sugar. >> brown sugar? >> light brown sugar. vanilla. >> all right. >> cinnamon. and we're going to mix this all together, some maple syrup please. a pinch of salt. >> all right. >> and we mix this all together. and what we like to call this is rustic bread. however it would otherwise be known as stale bread. so take some old bread, throw it in, add some apples. >> all right. >> we're going to mix that all up and here, look how cute, we've taken our pumpkin, cleaned it out, and now we stuff it, and once we do that, we have the oven at 350, and we bake it for about 45 minutes. >> that's beautiful. >> it's great. 9:57 is the time now on this thursday, november 15th, 2012. i'm eun yang. a chilly start to the day. storm team meteorologist tom kierein is here with the forecast. good morning. >> it's above freezing, but it feels cold. low to mid-40s. later today around 50. maybe a little sun breaking out this afternoon. the chill remains all the way into midweek next week with cold mornings. the latest on the coastal storm looks like it's going to be farther out to sea. we will not get precipitation from that. stay tuned, we'll keep you posted. how is traffic? >> a crash that involves a pedestrian at 19th street and m street. avoid the area if possible. delays on 95 to the 14th street bridge because of earlier accidents. they are out of the roadway. outer loop of the beltway, your delays continue to the dulles toll road. >> wedding week heats up. how to throw a summer wedding to remember. that's coming up on news 4 midday at 11:00. see you now right off the bat. it is thirsty thursday. you know what that means? it's not any other typical boozy thursday on our show, it is the official broadway opening of "scandalous" tonight. >> how sweet are those people? >> 12 years plus. >> a smart person could have done it in half the time. >> tonight, there is going to be a red carpet. >> i know. >> it's going to be a lot of fun. >> i've been just numb. honestly, i've given birth twice to two children and raising them into fine human beings i always thought would be the hardest job in my life. thank god my son and daughter are a piece of pie compared to bringing a show to broadway. if somebody said the writing is the easy part compared to getting it produced and getting it to broadway. there are so many aspects that have to all come together at the same time. tonight my emotions are very much on the surface. i had to be so gritty, steady eddie. >> it's going to be a fun red carpet before. everyone from the show is coming, matt, savannah, al, natalie. so many people here, regis and joy will be there with bells on. >> absolutely. my hodi woman who got me through this. >> you know who my date is? liza minnelli! >> we are going to have a lot of fun. >> liza knows something about the theater. this woman is a legend in broadway. >> these are great t-shirts that say "scandalous" on them. >> it does feel a lot like giving birth. that's joyful and painful at the same time. i want to thank everybody, thank you all so much for it. our sara is coming, too. >> of course. speaking of joyful and painful, we did anderson cooper yesterday. it's going to air on tuesday. >> the 20th, i think. >> there was a moment that happened before the show starts. usually there is someone who works the audience. they play music and what not. here is the drinking before. here is what happened before the show started. we had a funky dance party. >> here is a video of you guys. >> there was music, by the way. >> let's show the video of you guys. that's fantastic. >> the guy was cranking it. >> spanking added an extra dimension. >> his name was jeff. >> he was one of the fun and raucous anderson cooper audience member. >> the only one i knew was the "360 degrees" anderson cooper. i had no idea what a party animal he can be. he's a very cheap date. we did get him a little tipsy. no, gone. >> he kept saying throughout the show. like blurting stuff out. it was perfect. >> we had a lot of fun with him. we want to thank him for that. apparently there's been an update in the ongoing feud of the century between chelsea handler and hoda and i, yeah. >> anyway, we told you about it. she was supposed to show up and she didn't because -- >> canceled about an hour and half before the show. >> hit her eye on the shower curtain then later had food poisoning. she decided to set the record straight on her own show. this is what she had to say. >> i have to apologize to the "today" show then they saw me on jimmy fallon and i lied. i've been lying to everyone lately about why i didn't show up. i don't have a good reason. to hoda kotb and kathie lee gifford, i'm sorry. i'm really professional, but i couldn't make it. >> i like that apology. >> half-hearted, but she is not lying. >> i liked it. >> apology accepted. all right. we'll welcome her back any time. >> so they come out with the best-dressed women of the year. we'll give you the top three. >> this surprised me. i haven't seen this lady about. from "the good life." she has an exotic look. >> number two on the list was from "the girl with the dragon tattoo." >> she is the granddaughter of anne merer who will be at "scandalous" tonight. and also emma stone. she has a great look and she mixes it up a lot. she doesn't have the same look. she is daring. >> the "wall street journal" came out with an article. there are new rules for flirting, okay? elizabeth bernstein has been here before. >> she writes great articles. >> it opens doors, but sometimes can cause problems. think, some people are flirtation by nature and some people turn it on to get what they want. some flirt to get out of traffic tickets. that's happened many times. >> really? you flirt? >> i found the best way is to be extremely gracious, not flirting because that can -- >> i am so sorry. no, you have to juice it a little. >> oh, hoda. >> you can't go, i was going 60 miles per hour in a 45. >> oh, my gosh, my kid is -- i would tell the truth in a very sincere way. i wouldn't go, gee, what am i in for, officer? >> you can do that. it works better. >> how much time am i going to do in the slammer? i don't know. i don't like to be around women that are just falling over someone. >> there is too much flirting and subtlele, normal flirting. >> hodi is a tactile woman. >> men, if you touch them, men will think you're ready to hop into the sack. >> yeah. >> that's why it bothers frank so much. >> you're tactile, too. >> and a night like tonight with a lot of people wishing me well will be the biggest nightmare in the world for frank. he'll hate it. >> not as much as you're going to hate my ihoda song. i've been dying for this one. this may be one of my favorite ihoda songs ever. you're going to hate it. it's going to take you back to a time when you couldn't sit, you had to dance. it's by digital underground. you're going to love it. ♪ my body is in motion ♪ anyone can play this game ♪ this is my dance y'all you got it down humpty hump. >> do the hump. >> ready? >> no. ♪ do the humpty hump >> i'm speechless. >> how do you do the hump? what does it look like? >> does anybody else think that is strange? >> doesn't that take you back? >> awesome. that song is so great. >> you know what's awesome, okay or not okay? is it okay to have a work/spouse relationship? >> absolutely. i had a work husband for 15 years i still adore. anybody here of regis? >> as long as your real husband is okay with it. cassidy used to say you have the musical taste of a 17-year-old, no, it's 12-year-old. we are now drinking the beaujulais nouveau. happy harvest to george du bouef. >> congratulations to don nash. >> it was bad news we were losing four jim bell whom we adore, but we found out john nash was going to take his post, we were thrilled. >> a toast to don. cheers. >> there are big changes coming to the hit nbc show "the voice." carson daly is going to reveal all. >> two women get the makeover of their lives after these messages. hey sis, it's so great to see you. you, too! oh, cloudy glasses. you didn't have to come over! actually, honey, i think i did... oh? you did? whoa, ladies, easy. hi. cascade kitchen counselor. we can help avoid this with cascade complete pacs. over time, the other premium pac can leave cloudy, hard water deposits, but cascade complete pacs help leave glasses sparkling. shiny! too bad it doesn't work on windows. okay, i'm outta here. more dishwasher brands in north america recommend cascade. one square inch ofrica deliciously smooth chocolate in creamy milk... or rich dark. incredible indulgence. one square inch of bliss. hershey's bliss. ♪ you are exactly one of a kind ♪ yummy. ♪ a-b-c-d want to drive it to daddy ? ♪ for always ( giggles ) sure, bisquick makes delicious pancakes, but that's just the start. unleash the hidden power of bisquick. see what you can make at the final round of nbc's hit singing competition "the voice" brings a little twist and big drama. >> the fate of ten finalists rests solely in the hands of the viewers at home. one of the finalists trevor hunt floored the judges monday night. take a listen. ♪ when a man loves a woman ♪ down deep in his soul ♪ she can bring him such misery ♪ >> sing it! tell everybody what you were telling us. >> good morning. >> what did somebody tell him? >> i said i want some wine. >> no, you didn't. somebody gave him a negative review. >> trevor hunt from here in new york. needed a recommendation from a fellow educator to go on and get this music recommendation. they said you'll never amount to anything. you'll never be anything. look at trevor hunt now. great story. >> about your show, by the way, when i heard the number of votes on the last elimination round exceeded the amount of votes on the finale of last year's "voice" shows how much this show has grown. >> it's unbelievable. it is. we had the super bowl. season one, what is this new show? is there room for another one of these shows? people believed in what we were doing. we have coaches, not judges, authentic, authentic, authentic. season two off the super bowl. season three, people found the show. >> good. >> other things are fading and other things are eclipsing. >> and you're changing it up. you don't keep the same rules. >> we looked at season two. everybody loves the blind auditions, the big red chairs, you play alone at home. hard to beat that. we figured we would introduce the steal. so much great talent was leaving and we can't let these people go. we introduced the steal where the coaches were incentivized to look at the other teams and keep their eye on people. it's the steals have been effective for this season in making the middle part of our format exciting. the shares are back in. look at terri there. team blake. we have great talent this year. >> you're going to mix it up with the judges in the future. >> we are. we all knew from day one they are not reality judges by job trade. they are real artists. they've got to get out on the road. we refer to it as how lucky are we to have shakira and usher pinch-hitting for christina and cee lo next season. it's awesome, and it's still "the voice." >> when something has to be an hour or two-hour long show, it's structured. you have to stop people and move it on and hit a commercial break but it feels free. >> you say loosey-goosey in the morning. we refer to that as drunk. blake shelton, in particular. >> we are in love with him. >> i have to play traffic cop to all the drunk, loosey-gooseyness. that's the idea. we are having fun. i work with the truck, we get the show off the air. >> they have fun. >> their music is going crazy on itunes. that is another way people vote? >> you get extra points for that? >> yes. we have a new thing i was talking about where it's the multiplier. if they chart in the top ten that could count times ten for their final vote. itunes has become now the real litmus test for how america's enjoying and buying music. the fact that "the voice" artists are chartists is crazy. i wish you the best. every time i turn you on, you're drinking and talking about "the voice" which is awesome. thank you. >> have a great finale. you can catch "the voice" next monday night at 8:00/7:00 here on nbc when the top ten sing for your vote. it is a big night for broadway and kathie lee. hoping night for "scandalous." we'll take you behind the scenes. [ female announcer ] what would you call an ordinary breakfast pastry that's been wrapped in a flaky crust stuffed with a gooey center toasted up all golden brown then given a delicious design? a toaster strudel. pillsbury toaster strudel. so fun. i've got to get breakfast ready for my two leading ladies. while managing their schedule with my producing partner. i set up kid's corner so they can learn and play games without deleting my stuff. "working mom" is sometimes a tough role to play, but it's definitely the one i was born for. [ clattering, children laughing ] and...action. that's me. and this is my windows phone. [ male announcer ] new windows phone. reinvented around you. ♪ anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas, bloating? yeah. one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against these digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. approved! [ phillips' lady ] live the regular life. phillips'. in case you haven't heard, tonight is a big night for my good friend to my left here kathie lee. it's safe to say tonight is right up there after marrying frank and having two amazing children. that's because tonight the lights shine on broadway for "scandalous" the musical. kathie lee has poured her heart and soul in this for a dozen of years writing the book and lyrics. because i have a connection, i got a behind the scenes look before the curtain goes up tonight. take a look. >> we have a little show called "scandalous." >> let's talk about "scandalous." >> kathie lee gifford's musical is going to broadway. yeah, baby! >> should we sing the song? "hooray for hollywood from shirley temple to aimee semple ♪ >> kathie lee is out to change all that with "scandalous" a musical based on the life of evangelist aimee semple mcpherson. how would you describe her in a nutshell? >> a woman in history who has fallen through the cracks. she's gone on to become the most scandalous, controversial celebrated woman of her day. >> stop, you're drifting away from the faith of your fathers. >> 12 years i've been physically writing and trying to get it produced on broadway. >> she was really, really strong. >> we had four workshops, i think. >> two large out of town regional productions, well over 1,000 rewrites. it's all part of the process. i was fighting for every chance i got. >>. ♪ who needs good news >> carolee carmello in my mind is the finest working actress in the musical theater. there is not another actress i can think of who could play aimee the way carolee does. >> this is the neil simon theater. the cast, the crew, the creative team have been working round the clock to get this baby ready for opening night. let's go backstage and find out. >> hoda woman! >> is it time? >> it's almost. we are about a half hour from curtain. >> wait. >> you are center stage. this is the neil simon theater. would you like me to introduce you to some of the folks? what goes into it. this way first. >> of course. >> we heard a rumor the hotty with the body ed "hot" watts is here. one of the highlights for many of the women, you see something that is happening underneath this robe. what could it be? >> he plays adam. >> i lost hoda woman. love you, ed, have a good show. hope he makes it for curtain. opening night's knocking on the door, you ready? >> i'm ready. a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do. >> sing a little of it. ♪ girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do ♪ a girl ain't got to do it no more ♪ >> how does it feel being this close to opening? >> i'm scared to death. >> caramel, my lovely wig master here is prepping my hair to be put under two wig caps. here are my microphones which live on the back of my head. in case one goes out there is a backup. i never leave the stage really. >> you've been on this project since its infancy. >> can you believe it? it's like opening night on broadway. >> she doesn't know whether to kiss me or curse me. >> you're going to sit there in the audience and watch that curtain go up on opening night. what will that be like? >> i think that's when it's finally going to hit me. it's my child and i had a lot of help birthing it and i hope it will live forever and touch people's hearts. >> thank you, hoda. so many people have made a big thing about this taking me 12 years. my two composer friends david pomerantz and david friedman have been along with me and they don't get the same attention and that's not. >> going to be a fun opening night. >> this is the best friend in the whole world. supporting me so much. you know i've got great friends. god gave me you, hoda. thank you. >> thank you. next we'll go to our ambush makeover team and they'll put their finishing touches on a couple of beautiful women. >> less than 24 hours to go to the next "twilight" movie. for the big holiday. , we like to watch big games. we got a big spread together... so it's gotta be big. how about the 55-inch lg tv. it's led and has incredible picture quality... that's big... but i got a little budget. with the walmart credit card special financing you can go big this year. that's big time! alright! [ male announcer ] get the season's hottest brands, like an lg 55-inch led tv. make an electronics purchase of $429 or more on your walmart credit card and get no interest if paid in full within 18 months. america's gift headquarters. walmart. in full within 18 months. onof chocolate lovers from the thmelting point of chocolate. so when you take hershey's chocolate and add bubbles, it deliciously melts the moment you take a bite. hershey's air delight. it just might make you melt. mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey.... where? for life's bleachable moments. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios "today" on this thirsty thursday. two ladies get swept up with hair and make-up and a head-to-toe new look. >> "today" contributor and stylist to the star louis licari, la la la la la, never gets old. "us weekly" contributor and author jill martin. >> great crowd. we were looking for two scandalous makeovers. >> here we go. lucinda, 47 years old from arizona. this married mother of six has had the same style for as long as she can remember. she has always been tempted to go for a shorter haircut but is scared to chop it herself. she is going to go short. let's listen to her story. >> we had to bully your mother into this. you think that she is ready? >> i think she is ready. she needs hair color and she's had the same look for a few years. so see what happens. >> now that you're inside with us, how are you feeling? s you were shaking outside. >> little nervous, but it will be okay. excited. >> oh, my gosh. >> you're in great hands. >> kaitlin has her blind fold on. please keep it on till i give you the green light. here is lucinda before. let's see the new you. oh, i love it. >> ready to take off your blind fold? take it off, honey. >> oh, my gosh! >> come here. come to me. now turn around and look right here. >> oh, my gosh. >> look how beautiful you are. >> look right at this camera. >> that's still a long-haired look. >> lucinda wanted to hold on to her long hair but wanted style. vanessa shaped it around her face. notice her beautiful jaw line? the first layer starts at the jaw line to emphasize it. i softened her hair color to make it brighter, prettier. >> luxurious. >> can we talk to kaitlin? >> it looks really good. i like the color and looks like a whole new person. >> tell us about the outfit. looks great on her that blue. >> and blue matching yours. she said no at first to this makeover. we did kind of bully her into this. once we got the outfit on, this is andrew marc and kendra scott. >> are you happy you did this? >> yes, yes. >> join your daughter right over there. >> our second lady is renee, 54 from alexandria, illinois. this woman is in town to see "s scandalous." she isn't used to wearing make-up but she was up for a day of broadway beauty. >> all right. renee has the sign, but peg you want this for your dear friend. you're busting. >> i am. i am so excited. she always looks the same. she is so pretty. i want her to look like a hotty or glamorous for whatever. >> what do you think about that, a hotty, is that what you want to look like? >> i just want to look different. i have had the same look for a long time. and i'm a grand match it would be nice to look. >> louis licari will make you the hottest-looking grandma in the country. >> that would be great. >> renee is a wonderful lady. she is here with her dear friend peg. let's take one last look at renee and bring the new renee out all ready for broadway. >> nice. >> beautiful. you want to take it off? take a look. >> oh, my god! you look wonderful. >> turn around. >> i don't recognize myself. >> you look gorgeous. >> i see a little red in that hair. i love it. >> it's more like a chestnut brown. what i tried to do here, look at the before, it's heavy, too dark. the lighter color makes it softer. that makes her hair look twice as full with a great haircut. both ladies have this natural pink glossy sheer lipstick. >> peg is busting. >> i can't believe it. i wouldn't recognize her. you don't look like yourself. >> she knows what you means. tell us about this beautiful dress. >> the attire tonight is festive. we wanted to give her something festive and scandalous with a little lace. this is by maggie london. >> wow, great job. >> great job. >> thank you. "twilight" victim vampire is in the house. she was with us over at and cooper yesterday. i don't spend money on gasoline. i am probably going to the gas station about once a month. last time i was at a gas station was about...i would say... two months ago. i very rarely put gas in my chevy volt. i go to the gas station such a small amount that i forget how to put gas in my car. [ male announcer ] and it's not just these owners giving the volt high praise. volt received the j.d. power and associates appeal award two years in a row. ♪ ♪ hark how the bells, sweet silver bells ♪ ♪ all seem to say throw care away ♪ ♪ from everywhere, filling the air ♪ [ female announcer ] chex party mix. easy 15-minute homemade recipes you just pop in a microwave. like caramel chocolate drizzles. happier holidays. chex party mix. happier holidays. you can't argue with nutrition you can see. great grains. great grains cereal starts whole and stays whole. see the seam? more processed flakes look nothing like natural grains. i'm eating what i know is better nutrition. mmmm. great grains. search great grains and see for yourself. just unroll it, fill, top, bake, and present. that must have taken you forever! it was really tough. [ female announcer ] pillsbury pie crust. let the making begin it is the final countdown for twi-hards. the last film of "twilight saga breaking dawn part two" opens in theaters. >> you can bet there won't be an empty seat. ashley green returns as a vampire with a special gift. take a look. >> what is it, alice? >> they're coming for us. >> every time she says that they do. >> it's true and i'm right. >> we saw you yesterday. it will be on next week on anderson. >> that was a crazy show. >> this is kind of sad in a way. this is the end of this series. i know it's heartbreaking for fans. how is it for you? >> it's a little sad. we've been doing it for so long and i feel like it's become my family this cast and i've become so comfortable with alice. it's sad it's all coming to an end, but the positive side i think we had a really good run. everyone is really going to like this film. bill ended it in such a beautiful way. >> is it a surprise ending? people loved all the books. this is the only time they departed from the actual rendering in the book. >> yes. that was brave of them. you always wonder because there are such avid fans of the books. i think what they did was really cool. i'm excited for people to see it. >> how did it author feel about it? >> stephanie is now producer on the film, as well. anything we do totally goes through her. >> a lot of people know you from this film, but you're just a regular girl who likes to hang out in sweats, you like to bake. >> we appreciate that. >> when did that start? >> probably more recently. probably once i got into this industry. part of it is when my mom comes to visit, that's something we do together. my dad enjoys it because he gets to eat it all. there is something very therapeutic about being in the kitchen and baking. i enjoy et more than cooking. with baking you can't go so wrong. you can experiment a little bit. it's all supposed to taste sweet. >> will you have an opportunity to bake for your family this thanksgiving? will you be home in jacksonville? >> yes. i'm going to go home to jacksonville which i wasn't planning to originally, but my dad is going to go to mexico. couldn't let my mom hang out alone. >> she is here with you in new york. >> that's why she turned out the way she did. >> my parents are top notch. >> tell your whom hi for us. >> she is watching now. >> great to see you. she will be starting a new movie down in the new orleans area. >> you're busy. >> thanks for coming to see us. >> thank you. >> one of your favorite childhood cuties danica mckellar heads back to the small screen. 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[ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy. she drove all the young boys crazy, especially kevin arnold. the adorable winnie cooper on "the wonder years." now danica mckellar is a best-selling author. >> now she's gotten back to her acting roots starring in a new holiday romance called "love at the christmas table" on lifetime. >> good to see you. we are so glad it's not about math. we feel like such idiots. math isn't our thing though you say it could be. we'll not talk about that. >> getting your foot back into acting -- does it feel good to get back into the swing of that? >> i love acting. i love writing the math books but i love acting. this movie is such a sweet fun movie. it's very christmassy and a comedy. it shows the characters every year at christmas. they meet at the children's table when they are 5. i play the character from 18 to 32. >> you lock some bangs, baby. >> how did you do that? >> hair changes. that was part of it. attitude, posture. there are the bangs. >> you're not much over that. >> i looked at myself in the mirror and say, oh, my gosh, it's winnie cooper. leah thompson is in the movie from "back to the future." i thought when we were shooting 2004 to 2007 to 1998, i'm going back to the future with leah thompson right now. >> is it like riding a bike? i know you've been doing little projects in between. was it easy to get back into it? >> yes. i love it. dustin my co-star was amazing to work with, too. it was a great experience. >> and you've gone through tough stuff in your own personal life. it's wonderful to get your mind off something like that. you have a beautiful baby boy. >> i know. he's kind of in the movie. there he is. >> kind of in the movie, what does that mean? >> he's in the very last scene. you have to hit pause to see him, but i know he's there. >> what's it like raising a 2-year-old? >> it's joy, pure, pure joy. yes, there's the late nights, et cetera, et cetera, but he is the apple of my eye, the love in my heart, everything. >> do you take him on the set? >> yeah. that's how he ended up on camera. >> if you don't, you won't see them. they love it. they get a lot of attention. they have a good time. they know they are loved. >> i love this picture. what is your next project? >> a sci-fi channel movie coming out next year. i love acting and will get into that. >> you're our favorite math wiz. >> thank you. >> november 26th is when the movie airs. just in time for christmas spirit right after thanksgiving. >> perfect. >> got a problem around the ask you don't know how to handle? ask lou. when we switched to fios, we got better tv, better phone, better internet. it was like somebody like took our computer, shook all the junk out of it. we're actually getting more for our money with fios. 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[ male announcer ] hurry. go to right now. a $5 amazon gift card could be waiting for you. there's no purchase necessary. welcome to life on fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. time for another installment of "ask lou" where viewers send in questions about the pesky household problems they don't know how to fix. >> "today" contributor and host of the show "house smart" lou. >> how do i get a disgusting smell out of my garbage disposal? >> i have a love/hate relationship but people use them as garbage cans. this is what's under the sink you don't see. this part is what you see, the part where the water goes down. i want you to take any cleaner, pine sol, simple green, spray a little down inside. take your poilt brush and go down inside here and scrub. what happens on the side wall, all that gunky smelly stuff. rinse, repeat. you'll be amazed how nice and fresh it smells. that's it. >> does it help to put vinegar in there? >> it would, but you have to scrub. everybody pours it and it's on the side. you've got to do the scrubbing. >> janet has a question about her sump pump. how do we change our sump pump? we had it since the builder installed it in 1996. >> a couple of numbers here. most sump pumps should be replaced every seven years. the switch, this is an example of one should be replaced every three. 1996, you're getting your money's worth out of it. >> people lose track. >> absolutely. it unplugs. this is similar to what it looks like. this is the pipe coming out. take the screwdriver here and remove this from the check valve. then pull this out of the pit. then buy a new one. this pipe right here screws in. that's all it does. screws back in when you put the new one in. taking forever. >> we like to watch you work. >> hold on. you plug it back in, screw everything back together. you're done. a decent sump pump is going to cost you a couple of hundred dollars, but will protect your basement from flooding. >> a lot of people need generators. how do you install these? >> this is a portable generator. it's all about the wattage. this particular one is 3,000 watts. this will do things like a refrigerator, a few lights, maybe a pump. you need to remember the kinds of things you are powering, for instance, a refrigerator uses 600 watts when it runs. when it first starts, it uses 1,200 watts. that get up and go is key. notice i have this plug in wire right here. this is a separate breaker and feed off this generator nobody ever uses. >> why? >> they don't know this. they use these plugs here and like why can't i run more off my generator? getting a cord like this and plugging it in. you notice on the end i have a splitter where you can cut in more cords, you get the full maximum power can provide. needs to be 20 feet away from the house. it's never in an enclosed area. you need to keep it monitored. they also make them now that run on propane. >> i was going to say if you don't have power, what is that running on? >> gasoline. in the northeast, gas stations didn't have power. >> how to keep woodpeckers away? >> i learned this in florida. take fishing line, put a few nails on the outside of your cedar siding. if you go with lighter fishing line, you won't see it. the woodpeckers don't want to get tangled up in it. >> who is smarter than lou? >> nobody. >> tomorrow, oscar-nominated actress jackie weaver. >> all american animals for thanksgiving. how to spy on your babysitter. >> there is a little opening tonight called "scandalous". >> see you there tonight. god bless. 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Transcripts For BLOOMBERG Charlie Rose 20140408

>> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." >> for the first time, i turned the corner onto the street and saw this with my name above the title on a broadway house, it stopped me cold. i couldn't move. i couldn't believe it. to see this whole thing happening -- an emotional moment. you have hopes and aspirations of that something like this could happen but you never actually think it is going to really. then it does -- >> was the one person that you wanted to pick up the phone -- you did? >> it was with my wife and i called my wife and my daughter and i said, i have to show you a little picture. i took a picture of that and i sent it to her. you're kidding me. my wife is screaming and my daughter is laughing. to them, i am just a goofy guy who lives at home. and you were seeing a guy above the marquis -- the marquee. >> bryan cranston makes his broadway debut playing president lyndon b. johnson in all the way. he is best known as walter white in the hit television series of "breaking bad." [police sirens] [gunshot] [honking] >> outside the neil simon theater in new york, we couldn't help but one into some of his fans. way? a good >> in a good way. >> you should come see the play. >> we will come back. >> come today. come on. you.s nice to meet >> we also went backstage. >> here at the entrance and we have going backstage. here we have some props that i want to show you. his favorite drink. that is all he needed. >> people forget that lyndon johnson was the guy who put this stuff in the white house. >> he did. he told nixon, he said, you would need this because you were going to forget what people tell you in private. he considered a recorded phone call private. [laughter] make sure they tell you in person -- and for the memoirs. he planted that seed. maybe he is right. i wanted to show you something. these are my your loads -- my earlobes. this onne is left. i put them on with glue. i can't see what i'm doing. >> that's good. >> it gives me a neck strap -- an extra. >> they just hang there. >> it's like i am wearing heavy hearings -- earrings. would you like to try them on? >> this is the phone. >> remember these? the old rotary dial. andave 20 different actors we have like 38 different characters so people have taken on and off waves all over the place. it is a madhouse back here during the show. >> jack kennedy would never wear a hat and johnson wore a cowboy hat all the time. >> you looked right in a cowboy hat. it is a very dangerous thing for a president to wear any kind of hat -- remember michael dukakis? he lost the election right there. >> it looks like this doesn't belong. >> i remember candidate obama was given a sober arrow -- a sombrero. he hands it off. that's an election killer. >> went to be done cuter before this -- when have you done theater before this? befored two plays "malcolm in the middle" and before "breaking bad." >> you're always anxious to come back. >> if you get a play that resonates within you and make sense and seems challenging, that is what you are looking for. >> we sat down for an extended interview about this role and his career. you finish "breaking bad" and you were on top of the world. why this? why lyndon johnson? on broadway for bryan cranston? lookshink any actor towards doing broadway as the pinnacle of their career and i certainly had it on my death of list -- on my bucket list. to be able to do a broadway show, that was pretty exciting for me if that was possible. the zeitgeist of "breaking bad" created such a fervor that it got a lot of attention and i was caught up in that maelstrom of energy. i thought, i had an opportunity. so i knew after 14 years of doing television, seven would knock him in the middle and six with "breaking bad" that it was time to push away and step away from that ubiquitous nature of television. and hide out, so to speak, in the theater. do a play that was hopefully important and a character that i can sink my teeth into. this was both of those things. >> how much did you know about lyndon johnson other than the fact that during vietnam he was the president? interestinghe concept is that for most people when they think of lyndon johnson they think of the failures of vietnam. that is his legacy. here we are in the 50th anniversary of the first -- of the first year of his presidency -- >> this play is about. >> the first year of his presidency. andink it is credible important to be able to revisit that legacy. not in a store cold -- in a h istorically way, but to say what with the cobbler spends -- what were the accomplishments? >> it is important for kind of balancing of what he accomplished and extraordinary legislative achievements and great society. diminishn't want to the unfortunate condition of the vietnam. in myyndon johnson research, i was listening to the many tapes, phone conversations, he was talking to his mentor and he was saying, i just don't see how we can win this. why are we even there? we don't have any business there. why would i send kids over there to die. for what? he was lamenting the fact that fore was no rightful place america to be involved in that war. the escalation was certainly on his shoulders. he listens to his advisors and generals and robert mcnamara and pushed forward. i think, my theory is that it was his political hubris that did that. >> political hubris. bethat he did not want to known as the first president to lose a war. >> he said that. --he did not want to be a vulnerable to attacks by barry goldwater during the campaign of 1964 that he was weak, soft on military. scared, have the red scare come in and be a factor in that election. >> he was an interesting guy. a lot of people think he was the most interesting president after roosevelt. probably the most interesting guy to have that the office. just the largest of the personality. unbelievable. >> i think it was bill moyers who said lyndon b. johnson is 11 of the most interesting people i have ever met. he is the full spectrum of emotion. to cannot assign anyone lyndon johnson, you have to use all of them. he is mercurial and passionate and interesting and wallowing in self-pity. brazen and funny and embracing and threatening. what partnever know of lyndon johnson you were going to receive when you walked into his office. >> the probably -- and probably depended on what his knees were -- needs were. >> the flipside of that political hubris: was unmatched -- hubris coin was unmatched. he knew everyone. everyone in the house of representatives, the senate. he knew what those senators and congressmen wanted for their own political base and needs. he gave them, he worked hard to give them what they wanted so he could get from them what he needed. >> politics was a transaction. >> it was a beautiful thing. he loved it. he lived for it. >> love the game. >> it was brutal on him. it cost them blood sweat and tears but i think that is the difference. would rip said he your arm off and beat you over the head with it. >> metaphorically and maybe literally, too. -- you talkedgin about before as an actor how you began to get inside a character. by the end of your process, you are him. tell me -- >> in a way, yes. whenever an actor first starts a production, a play, a movie, the character is floating somewhere out there. the more research you do and the more you allow that character to be absorbed into your being, the more secure you feel. it feels like there is a transitional period to where you got it, you are going, and it comes inside. onm that point on, you hold and you let that character live and when you read them -- the source material or comments from the director or writer about the text or your character, and then goes to that filter you created. it either sits well or not. night after night, i am trying something new. absolutely. >> give me an example of that. >> there was a passage in the play where i am manipulating hoover. >> j. edgar hoover. >> played by michael mckean. witht got off the phone the governor from mississippi who is also named johnson. he is not doing anything about looking for these three boys, the three boys who went missing during freedom summer. i convinced the governor that i am going to send the fbi down there. nolo, no, no. better than sending down the federal marshals than u.s. army. the governor wants the fbi to look into these kids. so you're manipulating all the time. hoover says, i would be happy to, but we don't have jurisdictional prowess. i said, no, i talked to bobby about that. it occurred to me that i was probably lying about that, too. last night for the night before i said, i talked to bobby about that and indicate to my -- walter jenkins, i go, i talked to bobby about that indicating i have no idea what i talked to them about. i got a laugh. you are constantly allowing it to stay alive. i don't think i ever really where to set in concrete no matter what happens, no matter what audience you have it at any given time, you're doing the same performance night after night. the same words but a different feeling to it. >> doesn't matter how you felt? talk abouteople actors give a different performance because they are feeling different that night. >> very true. i think it is important to be honest about that and if you are not feeling well, you may have to augment your natural performance and maybe play it under a little bit. hopefully, with the same intensity or same intention as those places but not maybe with the same volume -- >> what does the audience do differently? >> it is wonderful to be able to feel the immediate response, even subtle gasps or push backs and their seating and they are offended by something, you can feel it. sometimes you go in for the jugular, as lindenwood if these -- as lyndon would. >> he would know if you were weak. you knew which are needed and wanted and what you were scared of. with lincoln -- and the great performance we saw daniel day-lewis who won an academy award. photographs and history books. you had robert carol who was live biography. you had people that knew him. you had video of him making speeches. there is not -- so excuse for me to be that. it is that where you are going? >> it is a piece of cake. come on. there was this -- he is my height. 6'3". you are less than that. >> i am just at 60. >> everybody talks about that the don't even sense -- they sent the towering presence of them. how did you come up with the idea of being able to suggest that lyndon johnson physically powered over these people? >> three into lif -- three inch lifts. last night, i had another conversation with the head of wardrobe and i said, i want you wardrobe, everyone's grabbed their shoes, and take the heels of the shoes down another inch. don't even tell them -- i was serious. take them down because the johnson treatment, that was a big part of it. he used his size and his girth to be able to intimidate. he invaded their space. he was right in there any bad people backwards. >> he was leaning back. way or hee in a good could be hoping the chest. >> it is helpful to have all that material. >> it is. ui don't have his girth. he had terrible eating habits. it just wasn't important to them. eating was a subsidence -- eating was a sustenance. i have to into lips -- two inch lifts. i have height and he with you. -- envy with you. >> i wish i had your talent. a trade-off. >> i also have some prosthetic earlobes. i put on these earlobes and they give me a next ranch. -- an iextra inch. >> wouldn't you love to have a conversation with them? what would you ask? >> hmm. thingk the most important -- i would probably ask something that no one else would ask him or that i think no one would ask him. that would be something like a childhood memory. i would want to get into -- what your first pet? was the first thing that you ever really got so excited about? for used to be the producer bill moyers and we did in -- interview with bill -- with jimmy carter. he just got the nomination and the campaign didn't really start. we talked about it and bill asked him about his first memories of growing up. this was almost like the n-candidate carter went back into that time and place and so the emotional charge of the interview was elevated because he had engaged. it wasn't just a political interview. it was, this is where i came from. the thing i would love to explore with them, it is the notion of where his eafear was. where was his former ability -- former ability -- vul nerability. it would show you the balance between insecurity and overconfidence. >> his mother who he admired and loved but was also very strict for the time. she was the disciplinarian and the top one of the family -- the tough one of the family. there were times when he would withhold affection from young lyndon it she was displeased with his behavior or grades for whatever the case may be. be like you will -- would almost be like he wasn't in the room, like he was invisible. to a young boy, that created and an extremess desire to be loved. that is what i found to be the emotional core of lyndon johnson. >> that needed to be loved. absolute,d, the desperate desire to be loved. >> the interesting thing is that people say, i didn't necessarily like him but i love him. i knew beyond all this stuff -- the ends justify the means. d was so- the en valuable and altruistic and important, but the means that he got there were treacherous and unapologetic. he would just take your nose and rub it into your own fecal matter. he would just -- oh, my god. he was an -- unbelievable. >> lbj was charming and winning -- witty. violent and vile, kroll and utterly terrible. is there any link here between walter white and lyndon johnson? the strains of personality, one real and one fictional. >> walter white israel -- no, lyndon johnson was real, too. >> walter white became real and many people's minds. >> he was real to me. i can't play someone unless you make him real. yeah, there are similarities. i think both had created and the incredible drive and ambition to be unleashed. >> the ends justify the means. walter white saving his family so he can do whatever he wants. >> it is for my family and for lyndon johnson it is for the betterment of the country. i am cutting your balls off of the betterment of the country. it was necessary to protect the country. listen to this. talking to ms. taylor -- to his tailor. your father is the one that makes the clothes? >> yes, sir. >> you-all may me some real, that he madeslacks for me about six months ago. it is kind of a light brown and light green, salt green and salt brown and real lightweight. i need about six pairs for summer wear. >> i want to make sure we get them right for you. >> wouldn't you have the measurements of their -- meas urements there? i could send you a pair. inches ofor three stuff left back in there so i could take them back. 2 and ae me at least half inches in the back. make the half inch bigger in the waist. make the pocket at least an inch longer. my money and the knife fall out. knife in the- the money comes out so i need at least another inch in the pockets. wherenother thing, down your nuts hang is always a little too tight. give me an inch so i can let out there because it cuts me. it is like riding a wire fence. these are the best i have had anywhere in the united states. when i gain a little weight, they cut me under there. leave me -- you never have much margin. leave me about an inch about where the zipper ends. under my bunghole. so i cnaan let it out. >> there you go. >> this is the president of the united states talking. >> talking to his tailor. >> you can tell he is eating and drinking. he is doing three, or five things that one time when she always did -- he always did. he got involved in every little detail. the measurements -- you wanted an inch more deeper in his pockets. time -- so my the pocket knife does not fallout. the president of the united states carrying a pocket knife. you never know when i would have to whittle. [laughter] i would have to cut his budget. here is what we are going to do. >> how did you get the voice? >> going down seville country helps a lot -- going down to the hill country helps a lot. ."opping the "ing", >> no "ing" on it. >> you get the hard r of the mid west which is different from the soft r of the south. it was a twang to it. git going. >> do you do this on her own spurs this through someone who understands dialect? >> i do it on my own in that we expert who helps you pick up our words -- cuts a word short. it really helps. just being open to it and listening. >> tell me about the satisfaction of being here, being on stage, having a new audience every day, having a chance to mold it and shape it. >> it is deeply gratifying. this is my joy. i love to act. i love to come to the theater. a day off is great for rest. >> you don't speak on chaos? -- on day offs? >> not on mondays. >> it would be a better view of who had this on monday. i look forward to coming to the theater. >> when do you come? >> i am here in our and a half lly people get here half an hour before. i am the first one here. i take my time. i thought my own makeup on and my years -- ears. >> had he done that are always? >> on this show. on film and television, you have people doing that for you but you are there much or earlier -- much earlier. for walter white, i'm usually in the makeup chair in -- at 6:00 in the morning. >> those are my hours. >> i know. we are simpatico. have good things happening later in life. you were 51 before you started raking that -- "breaking bad." >> i think it helped. i know that this business owes me nothing. this life owes me nothing. everything that you're able to achieve is a gift and i never forget that. careers -- there are acting careers that sometimes go nowhere. i have no idea why this happened to me. i love it. i am always involved in it. there was a tremendous amount of luck that is necessary to have a successful career. >> does painting change things? >> yes. in many good ways and many not so good ways. i don't seek fame. it is a byproduct of what i love to do. the good things -- first of all, financial security. i never have to work another day in my life but i don't work for money anyway. i have people who are incentivized to have me earn a good living. [laughter] i trust them. i don't even know what i am making doing this play. >> you really don't? >> i know the ballpark. contract -- i don't read the contract. i say to my agent, are you happy? if they go, well, i think we can get more then try to get more. i don't want to sound like i need money. money is great. i have had none and having it is much better. it is not what motivates me. >> there was a time in your life in which you like to go out and all and -- go to the m just see how people are. get a sense of things that might be tools to use. >> that is an active job. -- actor's job. if you areg actors, bored ever, you are never doing enough work. what can i do if i'm not acting? work, work, work. you can go to an airport or restaurant or a mall and you observed human behavior. you take it in. at that couple is silently arguing. how fascinating to watch them not say a word but you know -- andifference between men talking to men and women talking to women. man and then and a energy that changes with the flirtation she may be chilling -- you may be showing or not. it is all human behavior and new matter what the condition, you could be working. the interesting thing about fame -- i was talking to david the covhny. -- du once the observer becomes the observed, your cover is blown. their behavior changes. if i am recognized, they changed their behavior and all bets are off. and makes it harder and harder for me to do that. >> somebody told me a great acting coach would ask young actors to walk around. since they were ticked -- thinking about walking, they would think they were being observed. they would have a consciousness . they would ask them to think about something else. once they began thinking about something else, didn't have the sense of being observed. the walk would change. it became more natural. >> that is why you go onstage, you have to have a thought of what is my objective for this? what is just happening? what do i need to do so you are not thinking how am i sitting? how am i --- otherwise become self-conscious and you would not do in your work. ♪ >> what are your dreams now? and that we've seen "breaking bad" and all the success that i was lucky enough to be a part of. >> in the final episode. >> the second to last episode. >> for us it is always been signs first -- science first -- >> would you go back, please? there. >> what this? charityyesterday, your announced a $28 million grant for drug abuse treatment centers throughout the southwest. >> the southwest is our home and we cannot just ignore what is going on in her own backyard. >> there are people who suggest other motives. the new york times wrote a column suggesting that the grant was a kind of publicity maneuver to shore up the start price -- the stock price because of your association with walter white. >> that is not exactly -- >> to cleanse yourself of having a methamphetamine kingpin as cofounder of your company. >> i'm glad you brought that up. i have to believe that the investing public understands we are talking about a person who was there early on but let virtually nothing to do with the creation of the company and growing it to what it is today. >> what was walter white's contribution? >> to be honest -- >> the company name. >> you are. it's -- your parents gave credence. to gay people the sense that this is real. >> this was so huge. i never seen anything like it in terms about people took note of the fact that something you associate with "breaking bad." you understood that. you look back at that experience and obviously it shaped your life. >> i knew when i read that pilot script by vince gilligan at there was something very special. >> that good of a script? >> it was terrific. i related to this man. i knew men like cam who missed -- like him who missed opportunities and or lives -- in their lives and became functioning, still functioning, still loving to their families, still paying their bills but there was something that died in the interior. they are putting one step in front of the other. they are in a deep depression and in doing some of the research, i found in broad strokes, when people are in deep depression, there are two basic ways it manifests -- either externally or internally. that boss, he, screwed me and otherwise my life would be completely different. ready to blame my ex-wife. >> somebody else's fault. >> or it is me and i missed it. i go into a shell. that was walter white. he went into a shell. he didn't care about his looks, his weight, his clothes. he was invisible to himself and the world. this ironic diagnosis of his get outcer was of jail for free card. it exploded his emotion. >> it gave him purpose to live. it was just for a short time. i loved it. it was for me. i was good at it. that was the brilliance of vince's writing to have him confess to that hubris, that ego. full maturation of that character. that he came to completely understand who he was and the evil that he did. >> your father was one of those men, just physically. >> i always thought that walter white was much older than he was chronologically. sloped soo give him -- shoulders and his posture was bad. he was a little overweight. thented to give him weightiness of a man who was 25, 30 years older. my upbringing was a mess to be honest. it was a mess. it was like living two different lives. up until 10 years old, it was a model life. >> they were both there. >> my dad was always one of my coaches in sports. was the team mom and the tupperware lady. always making our costumes for hollow wean. active, active. when they realized they didn't want -- might dad didn't want to be with my mother anymore and split up, it exploded. it wasn't like coming to an understanding. and their emotional damaged the rest of the structure. i didn't see my father for 10 years. >> no phone call, no nothing? >> didn't see him. he had a breakdown. he was 48, late 40's. >> was about success? >> it was about the lack of success. it was about the frustration of not -- he was an actor. it was about his frustration of not being a star. he wanted to be a star. like a lot of people. he didn't handle it well when he was getting to be a certain age. i am sure there are complications that are much deeper than that that i wasn't privy to. he was of a generation where revealing those inner thoughts, men would rather go to the grave than admit what they considered weakness. say, i felte to this and -- nearing 90 --e is >> he has seen everything that happened to you? >> he just seen it all. >> all of us want to say, i did ok, dad. >> and he is extremely proud. extremely proud. he has changed. as men do, tough guys soft and with age -- soften with age. he cries openly now. >> what is interesting about lyndon johnson -- lyndon johnson to went back to the texas hill country after saying he would not run for another term started smoking again. he knew he was mailing -- nailing a nail into his coffin. what was that about? >> he was a great prognosticator. he knew he was going to die of a heart attack. yard he had two heart attacks. he did. 64 years old. which is young. >> absolutely. he knew he was going to die so it was like courting death. >> maybe that is why he thought, to hell with it. it is going to happen anyway. had he run for reelection and won in 1968, he would've died three days after his term would've ended. he died in january of 1973. but, if he were elected to a second term, i think he would've died in office and so did lady bird johnson. wayamount of stress and the vietnam was rolling out, he just was not capable of commanding that war. he was not able to know how to end that war. >> when you think of what that meant to the country, that tore the country apart. because he hated it had his drive -- his drive was to do something about education and poverty and all those things that roosevelt wanted to do, is great political mentor. >> and he did. >> you would hope in a case like that somebody -- if we are on a place -- at a place where we are doing the wrong things whether it is instructive or not -- a destructive or not. >> linden was addicted as well. he didn't read. he never read a book. he didn't go to the theater, concerts, sporting events. >> he went to baseball to court richard russell. >> his arena was politics. the only books he ever read were biographies of presidents that he admired. politics andine of he had true, good, altra stick intentions -- all true mystic -- intentions. his accomplishments domestically are unparalleled from roosevelt. >> is that why the people who loved him loved him? and they knew however despicable he might be in terms of personality, that his heart in the end was in the right place. >> he got things done. >> which brings me to the president obama comparison. if only the president was more like lyndon johnson. , you would be able to do more with the republicans in the congress. >> i think that is unfair to our president. >> so to see. >> i think it is unfair to say that. i think there are two distinct theerences that don't allow system to work as it did in johnson's day. one is our president's own past experience. he did not have the years in the house of representatives and the senate that johnson had. had 12 years in the house, 12 years in the senate, rose to the most powerful position in the senate before taking on the vice presidency. he knew all the players, knew everything about them, knew their lives, would be able to break the ice. we need to get that bill. he would catch them. he just complement my wife and now i have to help him. president obama has the experience. he didn't have all those years. the second thing -- i don't think the temperament, the attitude and the sensibility in johnson's days -- and this is just my opinion -- was this is politics. it is a horse trade. if you want to get something that you really need and want for the betterment of the country, it is going to cost you. >> you do something for me. >> blood, sweat, and tears to get that done. >> now, it is ours folded -- arms folded. we are not even going to complement the other side. >> it is a zero-sum game. >> yes. i think the wrong point of view is applied. i think in johnson's day, the intention was let's do something for the betterment of the country. now, it is let's win. we are doing something to win for our side to win. is that best for the country? many times it is not. i think our president is unfortunate to be in this day and age, to live in that kind of cesspool of attitude. >> he knew the game but also he had majority. he also had the fact that the people wanted to do -- people one of the country to do well after the assassination of president kennedy. the other thing that is fascinating is the idea of bobby kennedy. here is a guy with all that he president ande diminished. >> lyndon johnson hated being vice president. it was compared to the senate majority leader. why did he take it? he got trounced by kennedy in the primary and he saw the handwriting on the wall. he thought, my opportunity to get into become president is limited by age. this, you know, king arthur just came in. oh, my god. he is going to be president. he is going to be president for eight years. whoever his vice president is will have the inside track to be the next president for eight years. so up i am going to get in, i am looking 16 years down the road and i missed my window of opportunity. i think it was a catalytic move on his part. i have to bite the bullet, except as vice presidency, bring the south with me, and bide my time. hopefully, in eight years, get the nod. >> that is why i want you to be the floor manager of this bill. >> i assume the senate majority leader -- >> i need someone more personable. people like you, hubert. even dick rustle like shoe. -- likes you. i am under a lot of pressure to announce my running mate for the election. [laughter] picke tell me i ought to bobby kennedy but i am not so sure of his loyalty. there was a time when he and the rest of his harvard blue bloods would look down their nose at me like i was some -- >> here you are on the stage. where was your ambition after this? what is it that bryan cranston wants to do or need to do? >> i need to rest. i go pretty hard at it. it is so much fun. i am having a great time, but i think when this is over, when i finally leave the stage for the last time. i am going to collapse. your body has a tendency to hold on, hold on. it is a very physically demanding thing. i love putting it all out there. i think i just want to relax for a while and let it rest. see what happens next. >> thank you for doing this. great to see you. after school, dirty, ragged and hungry because most of them did not have any breakfast. they were so on higher to learn -- on fire to learn, it made you feel good. they would come a day for each and every one of them where i would see the light in their eyes die because they discover the world hated them because of the color of their skin. as a southerner, i have had to bite my tongue on this issue my entire life. my mouth was full of blood. not anymore. this ain't about the constitution. wantis about those who more, wanting to hang onto what they want at the expense of those who got nothing and feel good about it. dick could talk about his rights until he is blue at the are thet all i see faces of those little kids. he is right about one thing though. the war has just begun. ♪ . . ♪ >> this is "taking stock" for monday, april 7, 2014. i'm pimm fox. today's theme is doing things with style. last year, more than 5.5 million beauty and wellness appointments were booked on style feed. we will talk to the chief executive and find out how she filled this style void. it is in nearly 15,000 u.s. cities. in the sun bright tv brings electronic style to your home indoors and out. also built for sporting venues as well as your backyard. it is


Transcripts For BLOOMBERG Charlie Rose 20140408

>> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." >> the first time i turned the corner onto this street and saw this with my name above the title on a broadway house, it stopped me cold. i couldn't move. i couldn't believe it. to see this whole thing happening -- >> an emotional moment. >> you have hopes and aspirations that something like this could happen but you never actually think it is going to really. then it does -- >> was there one person that you wanted to pick up the phone -- you did? >> it was with my wife and i called my wife and my daughter and i said, i have to show you a little picture. i took a picture of that and i sent it to her. it was like, you're kidding me. my wife is screaming and my daughter is laughing. to them i am just a goofy guy who lives at home. >> and you are seeing a guy that is above the marquee on broadway. >> bryan cranston makes his broadway debut playing president lyndon b. johnson in "all the way." he is best known as walter white in the hit television series "breaking bad." [police sirens] >> [gasping] [gunshot] [honking] >> outside the neil simon theater in new york, we couldn't help but run into some of his fans. >> in a good way? >> in a good way. >> you should come see the play. >> we are only here a day. we will come back. >> come today. come on. it was nice to meet you. >> we also went backstage. >> here is the entrance that we have going backstage. here we have some props that i want to show you. his favorite drink. that is all he needed. hoover's favorite prop. >> people forget that lyndon johnson was the guy who put this stuff in the white house. that taping. >> he did. he told nixon, he said, you are going to need this because you are going to forget what people tell you in private. he considered a recorded phone call private. [laughter] make sure they tell you in person -- and for the memoirs. he planted that seed. nixon was going, maybe he is right. i wanted to show you something. these are my earlobes. this one is left. i just put them on with a little glue. i can't see what i'm doing. >> that's good. >> it gives me an extra -- >> they just hang there. >> it's like i am wearing heavy earrings. would you like to try them on? >> this is the phone. >> remember these? the old rotary dial. >> these are the hats? >> we have 20 different actors and we have like 38 different characters so people are taking on and off wigs all over the place. it is a madhouse back here during a show. >> jack kennedy would never wear a hat and johnson wore a cowboy hat all the time. >> he looked right in a cowboy hat. it is a very dangerous thing for a president to wear any kind of hat. remember michael dukakis? the helmet. he lost the election right there. >> it looked like this doesn't belong. >> i remember candidate obama was given a sombrero. "put it on, put it on." he hands it off. that's an election killer. >> when have you done theater before this? when was the last time? >> i did two plays a year and a half between the end of "malcolm in the middle" and the beginning of "breaking bad." >> you're always anxious to get back if you can find time. >> if you get a play that resonates within you and makes sense and seems challenging, that is what you are looking for. >> we then sat down for an extended interview about this role and his career. you finished "breaking bad" and you were on top of the world. why this? why lyndon johnson on broadway for bryan cranston? >> i think any actor looks towards doing broadway as the pinnacle of their career and i certainly had it on my bucket list. to be able to do a broadway show, that was pretty exciting for me if that was possible. the zeitgeist of "breaking bad" created such a fervor that it got a lot of attention and i was caught up in that maelstrom of energy. i thought i had an opportunity. so i knew after 14 years of doing television, seven with "malcolm in the middle" and six with "breaking bad," that it was time to push away, time to step away from that ubiquitous nature of television. and hide out, so to speak, in the theater. do a play that was hopefully important and a character that i can sink my teeth into. this was both of those things. >> how much did you know about lyndon johnson other than the fact that during vietnam he was the president? >> i think the interesting concept is that for most people when they think of lyndon johnson they think of the failures of vietnam and that is his legacy. here we are in the 50th anniversary of the first year of his presidency and civil rights act -- >> which this play is about. >> the first year of his presidency. i think it is credible and important to be able to revisit that legacy. not in a historical revisionist sort of way, but to say what were the accomplishments that he took? >> there are people who think vietnam is a kind of a scar, but it is important for a kind of balancing for what he accomplished in extraordinary legislative achievements and the great society. >> i agree. you don't want to diminish the unfortunate condition of the vietnam. even lyndon johnson, in my research, i was listening to the many tapes, phone conversations, he was talking to his mentor dick russell and he was saying, "i just don't see how we can win this. why are we even there? we don't have any business there. why would i send kids over there to die. for what?" he was lamenting the fact that there was no rightful place for america to be involved in that war. the escalation was certainly on his shoulders. he listens to his advisors and generals and robert mcnamara and pushed forward. i think my theory is that it was his political hubris that did that. >> political hubris. >> that he did not want to be known as the first president to lose a war. >> he said that. >> he did not want to be vulnerable to attacks by barry goldwater during the campaign of 1964 that he was weak, soft on military. and scared, have the red scare come in and be a factor in that election. >> he was an interesting guy. a lot of people think he was the most interesting president after roosevelt. probably the most interesting guy to inhabit the office. just the largeness of the personality. unbelievable. >> i think it was bill moyers who said lyndon b. johnson is 11 of the most interesting people i have ever met. he is the full spectrum of emotion. you cannot assign any one adjective to lyndon johnson, you have to use all of them. he is mercurial and passionate and interesting and wallowing in self-pity. brazen and funny and embracing and threatening and ferocious. you would never know what part of lyndon johnson you were going to receive when you walked into his office. >> it probably depended on what his needs were. >> his political acumen, the flipside of that political hubris hubris coin was unmatched since roosevelt. he knew everyone. everyone in the house of representatives, the senate. he knew what those senators and congressmen wanted for their own political base and needs. he gave them, he worked hard to give them what they wanted so he could get from them what he needed. >> politics was a transaction. >> it was a beautiful thing. he loved it. he lived for it. >> loved the game. >> it was brutal on him. it cost him blood, sweat, and tears but i think that is the difference. >> dick russell said he would rip your arm off and beat you over the head with it. >> metaphorically and maybe literally, too. >> when you began to figure out -- you talked about before as an actor how you began to get inside a character. by the end of your process, you are him. tell me -- >> in a way, yes. whenever an actor first starts a production, a play, a movie, the character is floating somewhere out there. the more research you do and the more you allow that character to be absorbed into your being, the more secure you feel. it feels like there is a transitional period to where you got it, you are going, and it comes inside. from that point on, you hold on and you let that character live and when you read the source material or comments from the director or writer about the text or your character, and then goes to that filter you created. it either sits well or not. night after night, i am trying something new. >> really? >> absolutely. >> give me an example of that. >> there is a passage in the play where i am manipulating hoover. >> j. edgar hoover. >> hoover played brilliantly by michael mckean. i just got off the phone with the governor from mississippi who is also named johnson. he is not doing anything about looking for these three boys, the three boys who went missing during freedom summer. i convinced the governor that i am going to send the fbi down there. no, no, no. better than sending down the federal marshals than u.s. army. i tell hoover the governor wants the fbi to look into these kids. so you're manipulating all the time. hoover says, i would be happy to, but we don't have jurisdictional probably. i said, no, i talked to bobby about that. it occurred to me that i was probably lying about that, too. last night or the night before i said, i talked to bobby about that and i indicate to my -- walter jenkins, i go, i talked to bobby about that indicating i have no idea what i talked to them about. it got a laugh. you are constantly allowing it to stay alive. i don't think i ever really wanted to set in concrete where no matter what happens, no matter what audience you have it at any given time, you're doing the same performance night after night. the same words but a different feeling to it. >> doesn't matter how you felt? sometimes people talk about actors give a different performance because they are feeling different that night. >> very true. i think it is important to be honest about that and if you are not feeling well, you may have to augment your natural performance and maybe play it under a little bit. hopefully, with the same intensity or same intention as those places but not maybe with the same volume or energy? >> what does the audience do for you? >> it is wonderful to be able to feel the immediate response, even subtle gasps or push backs in their seating when they are offended by something, you can feel it. sometimes you go in for the jugular, as lyndon would if he sensed blood in the water >> he could sense blood in the water. he would know if you were weak. he knew what you needed and wanted and what you were scared of. there is this -- with lincoln and the great performance we saw by daniel day-lewis who won an academy award. he had photographs and history books. you had robert carol who has a very live biography. you had audio recordings. you had people that knew him. you had video of him making speeches. >> so there is no excuse for me to be bad. it is that where you are going? >> it is a piece of cake. come on. there was this -- he is my height. 6'3". you are less than that. >> that's true i am just at 6. >> everybody talks about how they don't even sense -- they sense the towering presence of him. how did you come up with the idea of being able to suggest that lyndon johnson physically towered over these people? >> three inch lifts. that's how i do it. last night, i had another conversation with the head of wardrobe and i said, i want you to go into everyone's wardrobe, grab their shoes, and take the heels of the shoes down another inch. don't even tell them -- and i was serious. take them down because the johnson treatment, that was a big part of it. he used his size and his girth to be able to intimidate. he invaded their space. he was right in there and he'd bend people backwards. >> there's the famous photo of the senator from rhode island, he was leaning back. >> it could be in a good way or he could be poking the chest. >> it is helpful to have all that material. >> it is. i don't have his girth. he was always battling his weight. he had terrible eating habits. it just wasn't important to them. eating was a sustenance. >> politics was important. >> politics. i have two inch lifts. i have height envy with you. when i saw you i went damn you and your frame. >> i wish i had your talent. a trade-off. >> i also have some prosthetic earlobes. i put on these earlobes and they give me an extra inch. every inch matters. >> wouldn't you love to have a conversation with him? what would you ask? >> hmm. i think the most important thing -- i would probably ask something that no one else would ask him or that i think no one would ask him. that would be something like a childhood memory. i would want to get into -- what was your first pet? was the first thing that you ever really got so excited about? >> that is such a good instinct. i used to be the producer for bill moyers and we did an interview with billwith jimmy carter. he just got the nomination and the campaign didn't really start. we talked about it and bill asked him about his first memories of growing up. this was almost like then-candidate carter went back into that time and place and so the emotional charge of the interview was elevated because he had engaged. it wasn't just a political interview. it was, this is where i came from. the thing i would love to explore with him, it is the notion of where his fear was. where was his fear and was his vulnerability. it would show you the balance between insecurity and overconfidence. >> his mother who he admired and loved but was also very strict for the time. she was the disciplinarian and the tough one of the family. there were times when he would -- she would withhold affection from young lyndon it she was displeased with his behavior or grades for whatever the case may be. would almost be like he wasn't in the room, like he was invisible. to a young boy, that created such an emptiness and an extreme desire to be loved. that is what i found to be the emotional core of lyndon johnson. >> that need to be loved. >> the need, the absolute, desperate desire to be loved. >> the interesting thing is that people say, i didn't necessarily like him but i loved him. i knew beyond all this stuff -- the ends justify the means. >> the end was so valuable and altruistic and important, but the means that he got there were treacherous and unapologetic. he would just take your nose and rub it into your own fecal matter. he would just -- oh, my god. he was unbelievable. >> lbj was charming, witty. violent and vile. cruel and utterly terrible. is there any link here between walter white and lyndon johnson? the strains of personality, one real and one fictional. >> walter white is real -- no, lyndon johnson was real, too. >> walter white became real in many people's minds. >> he was real to me. i can't play someone unless you make him real. yeah, there are similarities. i think both had created and allowed the incredible drive and ambition to be unleashed. >> the ends justify the means. walter white saving his family so he can do whatever he wants. >> it is for my family and for lyndon johnson it is for the betterment of the country. i am cutting your balls off for the betterment of the country. >> it was necessary to protect the country. listen to this. talking to his tailor. >> joe, your father is the one that makes the clothes? >> yes, sir. >> you all made me some real, light weight slacks that he made for me about six months ago. it is kind of a light brown and light green -- rather soft green and soft brown and real lightweight. i need about six pairs for summer wear. >> do you recall the size? i want to make sure we get them right for you. >> wouldn't you have the measurements there? i could send you a pair. i want them a half inch larger in the waist. i want to or three inches of stuff left back in there so i could take them back. so, leave me at least two and a half inches in the back. make it half inch bigger in the waist. make the pocket at least an inch longer. my money and my knife fall out. the pockets when you sit down -- the knife and the money comes out so i need at least another inch in the pockets. now, another thing, the crotch, down where your nuts hang is always a little too tight. give me an inch so i can let out there because it cuts me. it is like riding a wire fence. these are the best i have had anywhere in the united states. when i gain a little weight, they cut me under there. leave me -- you never do have much margin. leave me about an inch from where the zipper ends. under my, back to my bunghole so i can let it out if i need to. >> there you go. >> this is the president of the united states talking. >> talking to his tailor. >> mr. hagar. you can tell he is eating and drinking. he is doing three, or five things that one time when he always did. he got involved in every little detail. the measurements -- he wanted an inch more deeper in his pockets. the telling of the time -- so my pocket knife does not fall out. the president of the united states carrying a pocket knife. you never know when i would have to whittle. [laughter] i gonna have to cut the budget. here is what we are going to do. >> how did you get the voice? >> going down to the hill country helps a lot. dropping the "ing." >> no "ing" on it. >> you get the hard "r" of the midwest which is different from the soft "r" of the south. it was a twang to it. gonna, and git going. >> do you do this on your own or through somebody who understands dialect? >> i do it on my own and we have a dialect expert who helps you pick apart words -- cutting a word short. it really helps. just being open to it and listening. >> tell me about the satisfaction of being here, being on stage, having a new audience every day, having a chance to mold it and shape it. >> it is deeply gratifying. this is my joy. i love to act. i love to come to the theater. a day off is great for rest. >> you don't speak on day offs? >> not on mondays. >> it would be a bad interview if we had this on monday. >> i look forward to coming to the theater. >> when do you come for an evening performance. >> i am here an hour and a half before -- usually people get here half an hour before. i am the first one here. i take my time. i put my own makeup on and my ears, do my hair. >> have you done that for always? >> on this show. on film and television, you have people doing that for you but you are there much earlier. for walter white, i'm usually in the makeup chair at 6:00 in the morning, every morning. >> those are my hours. >> i know. we are simpatico. >> we also have good things happening later in life. you were 51 before you started "breaking bad." >> i think it helped. i know that this business owes me nothing. this life owes me nothing. everything that you're able to achieve is a gift and i never forget that. i know that there are careers -- acting careers that sometimes go nowhere. i have no idea why this happened to me. i love it. i am always involved in it. there was a tremendous amount of luck that is necessary to have a successful career. >> does fame change things? >> yes. in many good ways and many not so good ways. i don't seek fame. it is a byproduct of what i love to do. the good things -- first of all, financial security. i never have to work another day in my life but i don't work for money anyway. i have people who are incentivized to have me earn a good living. [laughter] i trust them. i don't even know what i am making doing this play. >> you really don't? >> i know the ballpark. i don't read the contract. i say to my agent, are you happy? if they go, well, i think we can get more then try to get more. i don't want to sound like i need money. money is great. i have had none and having it is much better. it is not what motivates me. >> there was a time in your life in which you like to go out and observe -- go to the mall and just see how people are. get a sense of things that might be tools to use. >> that is an actor's job. i tell young actors, if you are bored ever, you are never doing enough work. what can i do if i'm not acting? work, work, work. you can go to an airport or restaurant or a mall and you observe human behavior. you take it in. that couple that is silently arguing. how fascinating to watch them not say a word but you know -- >> see the difference between men talking to men and women talking to women. >> or a woman and a man and the energy that changes with the flirtation she may be showing or not. it is all human behavior and no matter what the condition, you could be working. the interesting thing about fame -- i was talking to david duchovny about this. he said a very interesting thing. once the observer becomes the observed, your cover is blown. their behavior changes. if i am recognized, they change their behavior and all bets are off. and makes it harder and harder for me to do that. >> somebody told me a great acting coach would ask young actors to walk around. since they were thinking about walking, they would think they were being observed. they would have a consciousness. they would ask them to think about something else. once they began thinking about something else, didn't have the sense of being observed. the walk would change. it became more natural. >> that is why you go onstage, you have to have a thought of what is my objective for this? what is just happening? what do i need to do so that you are not thinking how am i sitting? how am i -- otherwise you become self-conscious and you are not doing your work.. ♪ ♪ >> what are your dreams now? now that we've seen "breaking bad" have all the success that i was lucky enough to be a part of. >> in the final episode. >> the second to last episode. >> for us, it has always been science first. >> would you go back, please? there. >> what this? >> just yesterday, your charity announced a $28 million grant for drug abuse treatment centers throughout the southwest. >> the southwest is our home and we cannot just ignore what is going on in our own backyard. >> there are people who suggest other motives. the new york times wrote a column suggesting that the grant was a kind of publicity maneuver to shore up the start price -- the stock price because of your association with walter white. >> that is not exactly -- >> to cleanse yourself of having a methamphetamine kingpin as cofounder of your company. >> i'm glad you brought that up. i have to believe that the investing public understands we are talking about a person who was there early on but let virtually nothing to do with the creation of the company and growing it to what it is today. >> what was walter white's contribution? >> to be honest -- honey? >> the company name. >> your appearance gave credence. it gave people the sense that this is real. >> this was so huge. i never seen anything like it in terms about people took note of the fact that something you associate with "breaking bad." you understood that. you look back at that experience and obviously it shaped your life. >> i knew when i read that pilot script by vince gilligan at there was something very special. >> that good of a script? >> it was terrific. i related to this man. i knew men like him who missed opportunities in their lives and became functioning, still functioning, still loving to their families, still paying their bills but there was something that died in the interior. they are putting one step in front of the other. they are in a deep depression and in doing some of the research, i found in broad strokes, when people are in deep depression, there are two basic ways it manifests -- either externally or internally. and externally, "that boss, he screwed me and otherwise my life would be completely different." ready to blame my ex-wife. >> somebody else's fault. >> or it is me and i missed it. i go into a shell. that was walter white. he went into a shell. he didn't care about his looks, his weight, his clothes. he was invisible to himself and the world. this ironic diagnosis of terminal cancer was his get out of jail for free card. it exploded his emotion. >> it gave him purpose to live. >> even if it was just for a short time. i loved it. it was for me. i was good at it. that was the brilliance of vince's writing to have him confess to that hubris, that ego. it was a full maturation of that character. that he came to completely understand who he was and the evil that men do. >> your father was one of those men, just physically. >> i always thought that walter white was much older than he was chronologically. i wanted to give him sloped shoulders and his posture was bad. he was a little overweight. i wanted to give him the weightiness of a man who was 25, 30 years older. my upbringing was a mess to be honest. it was a mess. it was like living two different lives. up until 10 years old, it was a model life. >> they were both there. >> my dad was always one of my coaches in sports. my mom was the team mom and the tupperware lady. always making our costumes for hollow wean. active, active. when they realized they didn't want -- my dad didn't want to be with my mother anymore and split up, it exploded. it wasn't like coming to an understanding. it exploded and their emotional immaturity damaged the rest of the structure. i didn't see my father for 10 years. >> no phone call, no nothing? >> didn't see him. he had a breakdown. he was 48, late 40's. >> was it about success? >> it was about the lack of success. it was about the frustration of not -- he was an actor. it was about his frustration of not being a star. he wanted to be a star like a lot of people. he didn't handle it well when he was getting to be a certain age. i am sure there are complications that are much deeper than that that i wasn't privy to. he was of a generation where revealing those inner thoughts, men would rather go to the grave than admit what they considered weakness. or to be able to say, i felt this and -- to this day, he is nearing 90 -- >> he has seen everything good that happened to you? >> he just seen it all. >> all of us want to say, i did ok, dad. >> and he is extremely proud. extremely proud. he has changed. as men do, tough guys soften with age. he cries openly now. >> what is interesting about lyndon johnson -- lyndon johnson went back to the texas hill country after saying he would not run for another term started smoking again. he knew he was nailing a nail into his coffin. what was that about? >> he was a great prognosticator. he knew he was going to die of a heart attack. he had two heart attacks. he did. 64 years old. which is young. >> absolutely. he knew he was going to die so it was like courting death. >> maybe that is why he thought, to hell with it. it is going to happen anyway. had he run for reelection and won in 1968, he would've died three days after his term would've ended. he died in january of 1973. but, if he were elected to a second term, i think he would've died in office and so did lady bird johnson. the amount of stress and the way vietnam was rolling out, he just was not capable of commanding that war. he was not able to know how to end that war. >> when you think of what that meant to the country, that tore the country apart. how much he hated it because he had his drive -- his drive was to do something about education and poverty and all those things that roosevelt wanted to do, his great political mentor. >> and he did. >> you would hope in a case like that somebody -- if we are at a place where we are doing the wrong things whether it is destructive or not. >> lyndon was addicted as well. he didn't read. he never read a book. he didn't go to the theater, concerts, sporting events. >> he went to baseball to court richard russell. >> his arena was politics. the only books he ever read were biographies of presidents that he admired. he was a machine of politics and he had true, good, altrusitic intentions. he did not care how he got there. his accomplishments domestically are unparalleled from roosevelt. >> is that why the people who loved him loved him? in the and they knew however despicable he might be in terms of personality, that his heart in the end was in the right place. >> he got things done. >> which brings me to the president obama comparison. "if only the president was more like lyndon johnson, he would be able to do more with the republicans in the congress." >> i think that is unfair to our president. >> so do i. >> i think it is unfair to say that. i think there are two distinct differences that don't allow the system to work as it did in johnson's day. one is our president's own past experience. he did not have the years in the house of representatives and the senate that johnson had. johnson had 12 years in the house, 12 years in the senate, rose to the most powerful position in the senate before taking on the vice presidency. he knew all the players, knew everything about them, knew their lives, would be able to break the ice. we need to get that bill. he would catch them. he just complimented my wife and now i have to help him. president obama has the experience. he didn't have all those years. the second thing -- i don't think the temperament, the attitude and the sensibility in johnson's days -- and this is just my opinion -- was this is politics. it is a horse trade. if you want to get something that you really need and want for the betterment of the country, it is going to cost you. >> you do something for me. >> blood, sweat, and tears to get that done. >> now, it is arms folded. we are not even going to compliment the other side. >> it is a zero-sum game. if you succeed,i fail. if i fail, you succeed. >> yes. i think the wrong point of view is applied. i think in johnson's day, the intention was let's do something for the betterment of the country. now, it is let's win. we are doing something to win for our side to win. is that best for the country? many times it is not. i think our president is unfortunate to be in this day and age, to live in that kind of cesspool of attitude. >> he knew the game but also he had majority. he also had the fact that the people wanted the country to do well after the assassination of president kennedy. johnson knew he had that window of opportunity. the other thing that is fascinating is the idea of bobby kennedy. here is a guy with all that he had became vice president and diminished. >> lyndon johnson hated being vice president. it was compared to the senate majority leader. why did he take it? i think that he got trounced by kennedy in the primary and he saw the handwriting on the wall. he thought, "my opportunity to get into become president is limited by age." this, you know, king arthur just came in. oh, my god. he is going to be president. he is going to be president for eight years. whoever his vice president is will have the inside track to be the next president for eight years. so up i am going to get in, i am looking 16 years down the road and i missed my window of opportunity. i think it was a catalytic move on his part. i have to bite the bullet, except as vice presidency, bring the south with me, and bide my time. hopefully, in eight years, get the nod. >> that is why i want you to be the floor manager of this bill. >> i assume the senate majority leader -- >> i need someone more personable. people like you, hubert. even dick russell likes you. i am under a lot of pressure to announce my running mate for the election. [laughter] people tell me i ought to pick bobby kennedy but i am not so sure of his loyalty. there was a time when he and the rest of his harvard blue bloods would look down their nose at me like i was some -- >> here you are on the stage. where was your ambition after this? what is it that bryan cranston wants to do or need to do? >> i need to rest. i go pretty hard at it. it is so much fun. i am having a great time, but i think when this is over, when i finally leave the stage for the last time. i am going to collapse. your body has a tendency to hold on, hold on. it is a very physically demanding thing. i love putting it all out there. i think i just want to relax for a while and let it rest. see what happens next. >> thank you for doing this. great to see you. >> after school, dirty, ragged and hungry because most of them did not have any breakfast. they were so on fire to learn, it made you feel good. they would come a day for each and every one of them where i would see the light in their eyes die because they discover the world hated them because of the color of their skin. as a southerner, i have had to bite my tongue on this issue my entire life. my mouth was full of blood. not anymore. this ain't about the constitution. this is about those who want more, wanting to hang onto what they want at the expense of those who got nothing and feel good about it. uncle dick could talk about his rights until he is blue at the face, but all i see are the faces of those little kids. he is right about one thing though. the war has just begun. ♪ >> live from pier three in san francisco, welcome to bloomberg west where we cover innovation, technology, and the future of business. i'm emily chang. microsoft is the latest to want a piece of the entertainment pie. we take you to santa monica studios were they're working on original shows starring big names. a viral content website with a twist. we will speak with up, where the co-founders are finding content that matters, and their catchy headlines. all of next year's visas for highly skilled workers have been


Transcripts For BLOOMBERG Charlie Rose 20140528

>> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." the first time i turned the corner onto this street and saw this with my name above the title on a broadway house, it stopped me cold. i couldn't move. i couldn't believe it. to see this whole thing happening. an emotional moment, all my god -- oh, my god. you have hopes and aspirations this will happen but it -- you never actually think it is going to. i want to pick up the phone and share this -- i did. i called my wife and daughter and said, i have to show you a picture. i took a picture of that. i sent it to her. it was like, you are kidding. my daughter is laughing. i am just a goofy guy who lives at home. you are seeing a guy who is above the marquis in the hottest play on broadway. >> bryan cranston makes his way."in "all the he is best known for playing walter right -- white in the hit series "breaking bad." [groaning] [gunshot] [sirens] ♪ >> outside the neil simon theater in new york, we could not help but run into some of his fans. >> in a good way? you should come see the play. >> we would like to but we are only here a day. we will come back. >> come today. come on. >> we are such big fans of yours. >> thank you. >> we also went backstage. >> here is the -- the entrances we have going backstage. we have some props over here. i want to show you. >> cutty sark. >> just a little bit of cutty, that is all he needed. linden --forget that lyndon johnson was the person who put the stuff in the white house. >> he did. he said to nixon, you are going to need this. you will forget what people tell you in private. he considered a recorded phone call private. make sure they tell you in person. for the memoirs. he planted that idea in nixon's head. i want to show you something. >> oh my gosh nests. >> -- oh, my goodness. >> these are my your lobes. i put them with a little glue. >> that is good. >> something like that. it gives me an extra -- >> they just hang there. [laughter] >> it is like i am wearing heavy earrings. would you like to try them on? >> this is the phone? >> remember these? rotary dial. >> we have hats. >> 20 different actors. 38 different characters. people have taken on and off. wigs. it is a madhouse during a show. >> johnson wore a cowboy hat only time. cowboyooked right in a hat. but is a dangerous thing for a president to wear a hat. remember michael dukakis? wearing a helmet? he lost the election right there. >> this cup -- this doesn't belong. >> i remember candidate obama was given a somewhere. ombrero. that is an election killer right there. >> have you done theater before this -- when was the last time? >> i did two plays in between the end of malcolm in the middle and the beginning of breaking bad. >> you are always anxious to get back? >> if you get a play that resonates and make sense, seems challenging, that is what you are looking for. >> we sat down for an extended interview about this role and his career. you finished breaking bad. why this? broadwayn johnson on for bryan cranston? or looks atany act broadway as the pinnacle of their career. i had it on my bucket list to do a broadway show. that was going to be very exciting for me if that was possible. of breaking bad created such a fervor that it got a lot of attention. i was caught up in that maelstrom of energy. i thought, i have an opportunity now. i knew after 14 years of doing television, seven with "malcolm in the middle," six with "breaking bad," it was time to step away. hide oout so to speak -- ut, so to speak, in the theater. and to do a character i can sink my teeth into. know about did you lyndon johnson other than the fact he was president during vietnam? >> i think the interesting concept is that for most people, when they think of lyndon johnson, they think of the failures of vietnam. that is his legacy. in the 50th anniversary of the first year of his presidency. the civil rights act -- >> which this play is about. which this about -- play is about, from the first year of his presidency. i think it is credible and important to be able to revisit that legacy. not in a historical revisionist sort of way. were the at congressman's that he actually took? >> there are people that think that vietnam is a scar, but it is important for a kind of balancing of what he accomplished. extraordinary legislative achievements in the great society. >> i agree. you don't want to diminish the unfortunate condition of vietnam. even linden, and my research -- i was listening to some tapes that he had. he is talking with russell, his mentor. he is saying, i don't see how we can win this. why we are even there. we don't have any business there. why would i send kids off to die? for what? he was lamenting the fact that there was no rightful place for america to be involved in that war. the escalation was certainly on his shoulders. to hisened to it is -- advisors and generals and pushed forward. my theory is it was his political hubris that did that. >> political hubris? >> yes. he did not want to be known as the first president to lose a war. >> he said that. >> yeah. vulnerablewant to be to attacks by barry goldwater during the campaign of 1964. that he was weak, soft on military. scared. have the red scare come in and to be a factor in that election. >> he is an interesting guy. i know a lot of people think he is the most interesting president of the last -- after roosevelt. the most interesting guy to inhabit the office. the largeness of the personality. >> unbelievable. i think it was bill moyers who said linden johnson -- lyndon johnson is 11 of the most interesting people i have met. he is the full spectrum of emotion. you cannot assign anyone attitude to him. you have to use all of them. passionaterial and and interesting. wallowing in self-pity. brazen, funny, embracing, threatening, ferocious. you never knew what part of lyndon johnson you were going to receive when you walked into his office. >> is probably dependent on what his needs were. >> absolutely. his political acumen, the flipside of that hubris going -- coin, was unmatched since roosevelt. he knew everyone in the house of representatives. anyone in the senate. he knew what those senators and congressmen wanted for their own political base and needs. he gave them. he worked hard to give them what they wanted so he could get what he needed. >> politics was a transaction. >> it was a beautiful thing in his words. >> he loved it he read -- he loved it. >> it was brutal and it cost him. but that is the difference. would ripssel said he it off and hit two over the head with it. outhen you begin to figure -- you talked about before as an actor, how you begin to get inside a character. by the end of your process, you are him. anyway, yes. when an actor for starts -- first starts, the character is floating somewhere out there. the more research you do and the more you allow the character to be absorbed into your being, the more secure you feel. it feels like there is a transitional. transitional period. it comes inside. from that point on, you hold on and let the character live. when you read source material or comments from the director or writer about the text or your character, it then goes through that filter you have created. either sits well or not. night after night, i am trying to be a new era >> really?? absolutely. there is a passage in the play where i am in the mutilating -- where i am manipulating hoover. >> j edgar hoover. >> i just got off the phone with the governor of mississippi. he is not doing anything about looking for the three boys who went missing during freedom summer. i amvince the governor going to send the fbi down there. oh, no, no/ . ok. then i tell hoover, but governor -- the governor once the fbi to look into the kids. be happyys, i would to, but we don't have jurisdiction. i talked to bobby. i was probably lying about that. last night or the night before, i said, no, i talked to bobby. i indicate to my help, i talked to bobby, indicating i had no idea. it got a laugh. constituting -- you are constantly allowing it to stay alive. i don't want to to set in concrete. no matter what happens or audience you have, you are doing the same performance. the same words -- but there is a different feeling to it. >> doesn't matter how you felt? about how actors might give a different performance because they are feeling different. >> i think it is important to be honest about that. if you are not feeling well, you may have to augment your natural performance and play it under, hopefully with the same intensity or intention, but maybe not with the same volume or energy. >> what does the audience do for you? >> it is wonderful to be able to feel the immediate response. gasps, push backs in their seat. you can feel it. sometimes they go for the jugular, as lindenwood -- as lyndon would. >> he could sense blood in the water. it if you were week, he had you. >> he fed into that. there is this. the greatln, performance we saw by daniel day-lewis, who won an academy andd, he had photographs history books. o's you had robert car autobiography -- biography. you had recordings. people that knew him. video of him making speeches. >> there is no excuse for me to be bad. is that where you are going? >> this is a piece of cake. [laughter] come on. there is this. he is my height, 6'3". you are less than that. >> that is true. i am just at six foot. a little less. >> everybody talks about how they don't sense that. they sent the towering presence of him. how did you come up with the idea of being able to suggest that lyndon johnson powered over people? >> three inch lifts. with lists. i want to tell you a secret. i had a conversation with the head of wardrobe. i said, i want you to go into everyone's wardrobe and grab their shoes. take the heels of their shoes down an inch. i was serious. thatohnson treatment -- was a big part of it. he used his size and girth to be able to intimidate. he invaded their space. he was right in on people. he would then them backwards. >> there is the famous photograph of the senator from rhode island. >> it could be in a good way. he is smiling. or he is poking the chest. it isis hopeful -- helpful to have all that material. >> i don't have his girth. he was always battling his weight. he had terrible eating habits. it was not important to him. it was sustenance. . lifts that get me close. i have height and be with you. i went, dam you. i wish i had that. >> i wish i had your talent. it is a trade-off. >> i have prophetic earlobes. prosthetic earlobes. >> wouldn't you love to have a commerce asian with him now? what would you -- wouldn't you love to have a conversation with him now? what would you ask? >> the most important thing -- i would ask something that no one else would ask him. or i would think no one else would ask. that would be something like, childhood memory. i would want to get in and say, what was your first pet? what was the first thing that you ever really got so excited about? >> that is such a good instinct. i used to be the producer for bill moyers. we went on to do an interview with jimmy carter, when he had just gotten the nomination. bill and i talked about it. bill asked him about first memories of growing up and playing. this was almost like, then candidate carter went back. he was back in that time and place. the emotional charge of the interview was elevated. it wasn't just a political interview. this is where i came from. the thing i would like to explore with him is the notion of where his spear was. -- jhihs fear was. where was his vulnerability? we know of a connection to his mother. that will give you a sense of the balance between insecurity and overconfidence. >> his mother who he admired and loved, but was also very strict for the time. she was the disciplinarian, and tough one. and a there were times when she would withhold affection from young if she was displeased with his behavior or grades. -- almost like he was not in the room. i don't hear him, i don't see him. for a young boy, that created extremeemptiness and desire to be loved. that is what i found the emotional core of lyndon johnson. >> the need to be loved? >> the need to be loved. the need, the desperate desire to be loved. >> the interesting thing is people say, i didn't necessarily like him. but i love him. i knew beyond all this stuff, the ends justify the means. >> his -- the end was so valuable and ultra mystic and altruisitic and and important, but the means were treacherous and unapologetic. he would take your nose and rub it into your own fecal matter. he would just -- he was unbelievable, some of the things he did. >> someone said he was a great rent for two or -- rancatouer. violent and vile. utterly terrible. is there a link between walter white and linda johnson? -- lyndon johnson? >> walter white was real. [laughter] he was real to me. unless youy someone make him real. yeah, there are similarities. i think both had created and allowed the incredible drive it and ambition to be unleashed. >> and the end justifies the means. walter white saving his family so he can do whatever he wants. >> it is for my family. lyndon johnson is for the betterment of the country. i'm cutting your balls off for the betterment of the country. it was necessary to protect the country. i know you know the scene. >> go ahead sir. >> this is joe. >> your father is the one who makes clothes? you made me some real light weight slacks. to me three or four months ago. a light around and a light green. they are real light weight. i need about six pairs for summer wear. >> you recall the size? >> no, i don't know.. what -- once you have the measurements? i can send you a pair. i want them half an inches wider and the waste. but i want to-three inches left so i can take them back up. i very 10-15 pounds a month. make these one half inch bigger than the waste. make the pockets an inch longer. my money and my knife fallout. the pockets, when i sit in the chair, the pockets and knife fallout. another thing, the crotch is a little too tight. when you make them up, give me an inch i can let out. they cut me. it is like a writing a wire fence. best i have had anywhere in the united states. when i gained a little weight, they cut me under there. see if you can't leave me about an inch from where the zipper ends right under the back of my bunghole. so i can let it out if i need to. >> there you go. >> this is the president of the united states. [laughter] talking to his tailor. >> you can tell, he is eating and drinking. he is doing three or four or five things at a time. he got involved in every little detail. the measurement . he wanted an inch more in his pockets. so my pocket knife does not fallout. the president of the united states. and you never know when i'm going to have to whittle. i need to cut this budget. here's what we are going to do. [laughter] >> how did you get the voice? >> going down to hell country country helps a lot. the basic thing is dropping the ing. you got the heart a -- hard r of the midwest which is different than the soft r of the south. it was a hard r, but with a twain. -- twang. git for get. >> do you do this on your own or with somebody that understands dialect? coach thata dialect helps tremendously. pick apart words. cutting it short when it needs to be drawled. just being open to it and listening. >> tell me about the satisfaction of being here, on stage. having people in the audience. having a chance to mold and shape it. >> it is deeply gratifying. this is my joy. i love to act. i love to come to theater. a day off is great for rest. >> you don't speak on a day off? >> idles big on monday. the thing is, is not a monday -- i don't speak on monday. the thing is, it is not a monday. i look forward to coming to the theater. >> when do you come? >> i'm here an hour and a half before the curtain. usually people get here in our -- half an hour before and get into the customs quickly. i am the first one here. i take my time. i put my own makeup on. do my hair. >> you have done this always? >> on the show. with film and television, you have people doing that. for walter white, i am usually in the makeup and hair chair at 5:30 or six clock in the morning. 5:30 or 6:00? those are my hours. >> we are simpatico. i turned 40 when we were doing malcolm in the middle. i turned 50 when doing breaking bad. i know the business and life owes me nothing he everything you are able to achieve is a gift. i never forget that. actingthere are careers, careers, that sometimes go nowhere. i have no idea why this happened to me. i love it. i am always involved. there's a tremendous amount of luck that is necessary to have a successful career. >> the same change things? -- does fame change things? >> it does. in good ways and not so good ways. i don't seek fame. it is a byproduct of what i love to do. the good things -- first of all, financial security. i never have to work another day in my life. but i don't work for money anyway. i have people who are incentivized to have me earn a good living. i trust them. i don't even know what i'm making during the play. >> you really don't? >> i know the ballpark. you don't read your contracts? >> i never read my contracts. i say to my agents, are you happy? if they say, i think we can get more, that i try to get more. i don't need money -- i don't want to sound like i don't need money. it is great. i have had none, and having it is better. but it is not what motivates me. >> there was a time in your life when you liked to observe, go to the mall, and just see how people are. get a sense of rings that might play, might he tools to use any performance. actor's job.e i tell young actors, if you are bored, you are not doing enough for. -- work. what can i do if i'm not acting? work. you can go to an airport or a restaurant or mall. you observe human behavior. you take it in. you say that couple is silently arguing. how fascinating. what is the difference and then talking to men and women talking to women? a mana man and a woman, on the make. the flirtation that she may be showing or not. >> it is all human behavior. >> is all human behavior. no matter what the condition, you can be working. the interesting thing about fame -- i was talking to david to company about this -- he said, once the observer becomes the observed, your cover is blown. their behavior changes. >> you're exactly right. behavior ifge their i am recognized, and all bets are off. >> this is akin to this. there was a great acting coach actors to walk around. because they were thinking about it, they're walking would be affected. ask them to think about some thing else. once they thought about southern else, they did not have a sense of being observed. the walk would change. >> that became more natural. to have ay you have thought of what my objective is when you go onstage. for any given point. what is just happening? what do i need to do? so you're not thinking, how am i sitting? otherwise you become self-conscious. you are not doing your work. ♪ >> what are your dreams? bad"e have seen "breaking have all the success that i was lucky enough to be part of? >> in the final episode. >> they call the penultimate episode, which i like better. >> would you go back, please? there. >> this? just yesterday, your charity announced a $28 million rent ugrd -- grant fioor drago abuse treatment in the southwest. >> the southwest is our home. >> i am sure there are other people who are suggesting other motives. times reporter said it was a publicity mover to short the stock rice because of your association with walter white? >> that is not exactly -- youo clench your self -- kingpin asmphetamine a cofounder of your company. >> i hope you understand this is a person who was there early on but still had nothing to do with the growing of the company. >> what was walter white's contribution? >> to be honest, nothing. >> the company name. >> your appearance gave credence. it gave people a sense that, this is real. >> thank you. the point was, this was so huge. breaking bad. i had never seen anything like it in terms of how people took note of the fact you were associated with "breaking bad.": you look back on that experience and obviously achieved your life. >> i knew when i read the pilot script by vince gilligan that there were something special. there is no way -- >> it was that good of a script. >> it was terrific. i related to this man. i knew men like him. who had missed opportunities in their lives. functioning, still functioning and loving to their butly, paying their bills, there was something that died in the interior. they are putting one step in front of the other. they are in a deep depression. in doing some of the research, i found that in broad strokes, when people are in deep depression, there are two basic externally andts internally. that scum a he's screwed me -- that boss, he screwed me. >> someone else's fault. >> or, it is me. i missed it. i go into a shell. that was walter white. he didn't care about his looks or weight. nothing mattered to him. he was invisible to himself and the world. this ironic diagnosis of terminal cancer was his get out of jail free card. it it exploded his emotion. >> it gave him reason and purpose to live. >> even if it is just for a short. period of time. >> i love it. >> it was for me. i was good at it. that is the brilliance of the vince's writing. confess to the hubris. that was a full actuation of the character. that he came to understand who he was in the evil that men do. >> your father was one of those men. >> physically. walter white that was much older than he was chronologically. i wanted to give him sloped shoulders. his posture was bad. he was a little overweight. i wanted to give him the 25ghtiness of a man who was -30 years older. >> closer to your mom. >> might up reading was a mess. it was a mess. it was like living two different lives. up until 10 years old, it was a model life. they were both there. my dad was one of our coaches and sports. taking us places. my mom was the team mom and tupperware lady. making our costumes for halloween. didn'tey realized they -- my dad did not want to be with my mother and they split up, it exploded. it was not like coming to an understanding. it exploded. immaturityonal damaged the rest of the structure. i didn't see my father for 10 years. >> didn't see him? >> no. nothing. did not see him. he had a breakdown. he was 48. >> was about success? >> it was. the lack of success. his frustration at not being -- he was an actor. his frustration at not being a star. he wanted to be a star. like a lot of people. he didn't handle it well when he was getting to be a certain age -- i am sure there are deeper convocations i was not privy to. he is of a generation where ,evealing those inner thoughts men would rather go to their admit what they consider weakness. >> not being a star is a weakness. >> or to be able to say, i felt this. nearingday, and he is 90 -- >> he is seen everything good that happened to you. relationship,the all of us want to say, i did ok, dad. >> he is extremely proud. extremely proud. and he has changed. as men do three tough him a old guard guys soft and. -- as men do. soften.ld guard guys >> lyndon johnson went back to the texas health country after saying he would not run for another term. he started smoking again. caro.t this from robert nailew he was nailing a into his coffin. what was that about? >> there was a certain amount of -- he was a great prognosticator. he knew he would die of a heart attack. >> he had had two heart attacks already. >> he knew he would die of a heart attack. he did. 64 years old. which is young. [laughter] >> but he knew he was going to die. it was like courting death. >> maybe that is why he thought, the hell with it. it's going to happen anyway. had he run for reelection and won in 1968, he would have died three days after his term would have ended. of 1973.n january if he were elected to a second term of the presidency, i think he would've died in office. so did lady bird. the stress, the amount of stress. in the way vietnam was rolling out. he was not capable of commanding that war. he was not able to know how to end of that war. >> you wonder when you think about what that meant to the country and toward the country tryrt -- and tore the counrt and how much he hated it, cause his drive was to do something about education and poverty. all the things that roosevelt wanted to do. you would hope that in a case like that, somebody, for all of where we are in a place we are doing the wrong things, whether it is district of or think of philip seymour hoffman with a different thing, addiction. >> linden was addicted as well. his addiction was politics. he was not -- he did not read. he didn't go to theater or the concerts. >> he went to baseball to court richard russell. >> his arena was politics. the only books he ever read were biographies of presidents he admired. maybe he could glean something from them. he was a machine of politics. true, good, all twisted contentions -- altruistic intentions. he didn't care how we got there. he just wanted to get the a congressman's. his a, schmitz are unparalleled. >> people who love them said he was larger than life. in the end, they knew however despicable he was, his heart in the end was in the right place. >> he got things done. >> which brings me to the president obama comparison. if only the president were more like lyndon johnson. he would be able to do more with the republicans in the congress. unfair to ourt is president. >> so to see. -- so does he. >> he is his own man. there are two distinct theerences that don't allow system to work as it did in johnson's day. ownident's experience. he did not have the years in the house and senate that johnson did. johnson had 12 years in the house, 12 in the senate. gross to the most powerful position in the senate before taking on the vice presidency. he knew all the players. everything about them. what they wanted. he knew their wives. he could be ice and say, how was margaret. bill.d to get that he would catch them. he just complement and my wife, i have to help them. president obama does not have the same experience. the second thing is, i don't think the temperament or the attitude and sensibility in johnson's days -- this is just my opinion -- was, this is politics. it is a horse trade. if you want to get something you need and want for the betterment of the country, it will cost you. werewolf come from. >> -- where will it come from. >> you have to do something for me. >> blood sweat and tears. now, it is arms folded. theill not even, meant other side. >> it is a zero sum game. if i succeed, you fail. >> the wrong point of view is applied. in johnson's day, the intention was, let's do something for the betterment of the country. now, it is a let's win. we are doing subbing for our side to win. is that best for the country? it is many times not. i think our president is in this dayto be and age and live in that kind of cesspool of attitude. >> he knew the game, but he had the majority. he had the fact that people wanted the country to do well after the tragic assassination of president kennedy. >> johnson knew he had a window of opportunity. >> the other thing that is isser rating -- that fascinating to me is the idea of bobby kennedy. this guy that became vice president and all the sudden was diminished. >> lyndon johnson heated being vice president. it was an impotent role. so why did he take it? trounced byot kennedy in the primaries. he saw the handwriting on the wall. he thought, my opportunity to get in and become president is limited by age. in., king arthur just came he is going to be president. he is to be president for eight years. whoever his vice president is will have the inside track. not necessarily guaranteed. but the inside track to be the next president for eight years. if i'm going to get in, i am looking 16 years down the road. i think it was a calculated move on his part. i have to bite the bullet, except the vice presidency, -- vi presidency, bring the southwes with me, and hopefully get the nomination in the years. >> i need someone more personable. people like you -- even dick russell likes you. >> really? pressurender a lot of to announce my running mat e. are telling me i have to pick bobby kennedy. there was a time when they look down on me like i was some sort of country bunk and -- bumkin. >> where is your ambition? what is it that bryan cranston wants to do or needs to do? >> rest. i need to rest. i go pretty hard at it. it is so much fun. i'm having a great time. but i think, when this is over, when i finally leave the stage for the last time, i'm going to collapse. [laughter] your body has a tendency to hold on, hold on, hold on. it is physically and emotionally demanding. i love putting it all out there. i think i want to relax for a while and let it rest. see what happens next. >> thank you for doing this. >> i so appreciated. -- i so appreciate it. >> they show up at school hungry because most have not had breakfast. but they were so on fire to learn. it made you feel good. but thereould, day -- would come a day when i would see the light in the eyes die, because i discovered the world hated them because of the color of their skin. as a southerner, i have had to bite my tongue on this issue my entire life. until my mouth was full of blood. not anymore. hell is the point of being president if you can't do what you know is right? this is not about the constitution. this is about those who have more wanting to hang on to what they have at the expense of those who have nothing. and feel good about it. dick can talk about his right until he is blue in the face. but all i see are the faces of the little kids. he is right about one thing. the war has just begun. ♪ >> this is "taking stock" for tuesday, may 27th, 2014. i'm pimm fox. the united states has unofficially started summer and it is cooling off. minus5 degrees ice bar in some areas. the founder tells me how this new concept is catching fire in the united states. are you planning a scuba vacation? there is a new business based on creating artificial reefs. we will speak to the owner.


Transcripts For BLOOMBERG Charlie Rose 20140528

>> from our studios in new york city, this is "charlie rose." >> the first time i turned the corner onto this street and saw this with my name above the title on a broadway house, it stopped me cold. i couldn't move. i couldn't believe it. to see this whole thing happening. an emotional moment, oh, my god. you have hopes and aspirations this will happen but it -- you never actually think it is going to. i want to pick up the phone and share this -- i did. i called my wife and daughter and said, i have to show you a picture. i took a picture of that. i sent it to her. it was like, you are kidding. my daughter is laughing. i am just a goofy guy who lives at home. you are seeing a guy who is above the marquis in the hottest play on broadway. >> bryan cranston makes his debut in "all the way." he is best known for playing walter white in the hit series "breaking bad." [groaning] [gunshot] [sirens] ♪ >> outside the neil simon theater in new york, we could not help but run into some of his fans. >> in a good way? you should come see the play. >> we would like to but we are only here a day. we will come back. >> come today. come on. >> we are such big fans of yours. >> thank you. >> we also went backstage. >> here is the -- the entrances we have going backstage. we have some props over here. i want to show you. >> cutty sark. >> just a little bit of cutty, that is all he needed. >> people forget that lyndon johnson was the person who put the stuff in the white house. >> he did. he said to nixon, you are going to need this. you will forget what people tell you in private. he considered a recorded phone call private. make sure they tell you in person. for the memoirs. he planted that idea in nixon's head. i want to show you something. >> oh, my goodness. >> these are my your lobes. i put them with a little glue. >> that is good. >> something like that. it gives me an extra -- >> they just hang there. [laughter] >> it is like i am wearing heavy earrings. would you like to try them on? >> this is the phone? >> remember these? rotary dial. >> we have hats. 20 different actors. 38 different characters. people have taken on and off. wigs. it is a madhouse during a show. >> johnson wore a cowboy hat only time. >> he looked right in a cowboy hat. but is a dangerous thing for a president to wear a hat. remember michael dukakis? wearing a helmet? he lost the election right there. >> this cup -- this doesn't belong. >> i remember candidate obama was given a sombrero. that is an election killer right there. >> have you done theater before this -- when was the last time? >> i did two plays in between the end of malcolm in the middle and the beginning of breaking bad. >> you are always anxious to get back? >> if you get a play that resonates and make sense, seems challenging, that is what you are looking for. >> we sat down for an extended interview about this role and his career. you finished breaking bad. why this? why lyndon johnson on broadway for bryan cranston? >> i think any actor looks at broadway as the pinnacle of their career. i had it on my bucket list to do a broadway show. that was going to be very exciting for me if that was possible. the zeitgeist of breaking bad created such a fervor that it got a lot of attention. i was caught up in that maelstrom of energy. i thought, i have an opportunity now. i knew after 14 years of doing television, seven with "malcolm in the middle," six with "breaking bad," it was time to step away. hide out, so to speak, in the theater. and to do a character i can sink my teeth into. >> how much did you know about lyndon johnson other than the fact he was president during vietnam? >> i think the interesting concept is that for most people, when they think of lyndon johnson, they think of the failures of vietnam. that is his legacy. here we are in the 50th anniversary of the first year of his presidency. the civil rights act -- >> which this play is about. >> which this play is about, from the first year of his presidency. i think it is credible and important to be able to revisit that legacy. not in a historical revisionist sort of way. to say, what were the a congressman's that he actually took? >> there are people that think that vietnam is a scar, but it is important for a kind of balancing of what he accomplished. extraordinary legislative achievements in the great society. >> i agree. you don't want to diminish the unfortunate condition of vietnam. even linden, and my research -- i was listening to some tapes that he had. he is talking with russell, his mentor. he is saying, i don't see how we can win this. why we are even there. we don't have any business there. why would i send kids off to die? for what? he was lamenting the fact that there was no rightful place for america to be involved in that war. the escalation was certainly on his shoulders. he listened to his advisors and generals and pushed forward. my theory is it was his political hubris that did that. >> political hubris? >> yes. he did not want to be known as the first president to lose a war. >> he said that. >> yeah. he did not want to be vulnerable to attacks by barry goldwater during the campaign of 1964. that he was weak, soft on military. scared. have the red scare come in and to be a factor in that election. >> he is an interesting guy. i know a lot of people think he is the most interesting president after roosevelt. the most interesting guy to inhabit the office. the largeness of the personality. >> unbelievable. i think it was bill moyers who said lyndon johnson is 11 of the most interesting people i have met. he is the full spectrum of emotion. you cannot assign anyone attitude to him. you have to use all of them. he is mercurial and passionate and interesting. wallowing in self-pity. brazen, funny, embracing, threatening, ferocious. you never knew what part of lyndon johnson you were going to receive when you walked into his office. >> is probably dependent on what his needs were. >> absolutely. his political acumen, the flipside of that hubris coin, was unmatched since roosevelt. he knew everyone in the house of representatives. anyone in the senate. he knew what those senators and congressmen wanted for their own political base and needs. he gave them. he worked hard to give them what they wanted so he could get what he needed. >> politics was a transaction. >> it was a beautiful thing in his words. >> he loved it. >> it was brutal and it cost him. but that is the difference. >> dick russel said he would rip it off and hit two over the head with it. when you begin to figure out -- you talked about before as an actor, how you begin to get inside a character. by the end of your process, you are him. >> in a way, yes. when an actor first starts, the character is floating somewhere out there. the more research you do and the more you allow the character to be absorbed into your being, the more secure you feel. it feels like there is a transitional period. it comes inside. from that point on, you hold on and let the character live. when you read source material or comments from the director or writer about the text or your character, it then goes through that filter you have created. either sits well or not. night after night, i am trying to be a new era. >> really? >> oh yeah, absolutely. there is a passage in the play where i am manipulating hoover. >> j. edgar hoover. >> i just got off the phone with the governor of mississippi. he is not doing anything about looking for the three boys who went missing during freedom summer. i convince the governor i am going to send the fbi down there. oh, no, no. ok. then i tell hoover, the governor once the fbi to look into the kids. hoover says, i would be happy to, but we don't have jurisdiction. he says, no, i talked to bobby. i was probably lying about that. last night or the night before, i said, no, i talked to bobby. i indicate to my help, i talked to bobby, indicating i had no idea. it got a laugh. you are constantly allowing it to stay alive. i don't want to to set in concrete. no matter what happens or audience you have, you are doing the same performance. the same words -- but there is a different feeling to it. >> doesn't matter how you felt? sometimes people talk about how actors might give a different performance because they are feeling different. >> i think it is important to be honest about that. if you are not feeling well, you may have to augment your natural performance and play it under, hopefully with the same intensity or intention, but maybe not with the same volume or energy. >> what does the audience do for you? >> it is wonderful to be able to feel the immediate response. even subtle gasps, push backs in their seat. you can feel it. sometimes they go for the jugular, as lyndon would. >> he could sense blood in the water. if you were weak, he had you. >> he fed into that. there is this. with lincoln, the great performance we saw by daniel day-lewis, who won an academy award, he had photographs and history books. but you had robert caro's biography. you had recordings. people that knew him. video of him making speeches. >> there is no excuse for me to be bad. is that where you are going? >> this is a piece of cake. [laughter] come on. there is this. he is my height, 6'3". you are less than that. >> that is true. i am just at six foot. a little less. >> everybody talks about how they don't sense that. they sent the towering presence of him. how did you come up with the idea of being able to suggest that lyndon johnson powered over people? >> three inch lifts. i have shoes with lists. i want to tell you a secret. i had a conversation with the head of wardrobe. i said, i want you to go into everyone's wardrobe and grab their shoes. take the heels of their shoes down an inch. i was serious. the johnson treatment -- that was a big part of it. he used his size and girth to be able to intimidate. he invaded their space. he was right in on people. he would then them backwards. >> there is the famous photograph of the senator from rhode island. leaning back as johnson leans forward. >> it could be in a good way. he is smiling. or he is poking the chest. >> it is helpful to have all that material. >> i don't have his girth. he was always battling his weight. he had terrible eating habits. it was not important to him. it was sustenance. i have two inch lifts that get me close. i have height and be with you. i went, dam you. i wish i had that. >> i wish i had your talent. it is a trade-off. >> i have prosthetic earlobes. the give me an extra inch. >> wouldn't you love to have a conversation with him now? what would you ask? >> the most important thing -- i would ask something that no one else would ask him. or i would think no one else would ask. that would be something like, childhood memory. i would want to get in and say, what was your first pet? what was the first thing that you ever really got so excited about? >> that is such a good instinct. i used to be the producer for bill moyers. we went on to do an interview with jimmy carter, when he had just gotten the nomination. bill and i talked about it. bill asked him about first memories of growing up and playing. this was almost like, then candidate carter went back. he was back in that time and place. the emotional charge of the interview was elevated. it wasn't just a political interview. this is where i came from. the thing i would like to explore with him is the notion of where his fear was. where was his vulnerability? we know of a connection to his mother. that will give you a sense of the balance between insecurity and overconfidence. >> his mother who he admired and loved, but was also very strict for the time. she was the disciplinarian, and a tough one. there were times when she would withhold affection from young lyndon if she was displeased with his behavior or grades. she would -- almost like he was not in the room. i don't hear him, i don't see him. for a young boy, that created such an emptiness and extreme desire to be loved. that is what i found the emotional core of lyndon johnson. >> the need to be loved? >> the need to be loved. the need, the desperate desire to be loved. >> the interesting thing is people say, i didn't necessarily like him. but i love him. i knew beyond all this stuff, the ends justify the means. >> his -- the end was so valuable and altruisitic and important, but the means were treacherous and unapologetic. he would take your nose and rub it into your own fecal matter. he would just -- he was unbelievable, some of the things he did. >> someone said he was a great rancatouer. violent and vile. utterly terrible. is there a link between walter white and lyndon johnson? >> walter white was real. [laughter] he was real to me. i can't play someone unless you make him real. yeah, there are similarities. i think both had created and allowed the incredible drive it and ambition to be unleashed. >> and the end justifies the means. walter white saving his family so he can do whatever he wants. >> it is for my family. lyndon johnson is for the betterment of the country. i'm cutting your balls off for the betterment of the country. >> it was necessary to protect the country. i know you know the scene. >> go ahead sir. >> this is joe. >> your father is the one who makes clothes? you made me some real light weight slacks. sent to me three or four months ago. a light brown and a light green. they are real light weight. i need about six pairs for summer wear. >> you recall the size? >> no, i don't know. what -- once you have the measurements? i can send you a pair. i want them half an inch wider and the waist. but i want to-three inches left so i can take them back up. i vary 10-15 pounds a month. make these one half inch bigger than the waist. make the pockets an inch longer. my money and my knife fallout. the pockets, when i sit in the chair, the pockets and knife fallout. another thing, the crotch is a little too tight. when you make them up, give me an inch i can let out. they cut me. it is like a writing a wire fence. these are the best i have had anywhere in the united states. when i gained a little weight, they cut me under there. see if you can't leave me about an inch from where the zipper ends right under the back of my bunghole. [laughter] so i can let it out if i need to. >> there you go. >> this is the president of the united states. [laughter] talking to his tailor. >> you can tell, he is eating and drinking. he is doing three or four or five things at a time. he got involved in every little detail. the measurement. he wanted an inch more in his pockets. so my pocket knife does not fallout. the president of the united states. and you never know when i'm going to have to whittle. i need to cut this budget. here's what we are going to do. [laughter] >> how did you get the voice? >> going down to hill country helps a lot. the basic thing is dropping the -ing. you got the hard "r" of the midwest which is different than the soft r of the south. it was a hard r, but with a twang. git for get. >> do you do this on your own or with somebody that understands dialect? >> we have a dialect coach that helps tremendously. pick apart words. cutting it short when it needs to be drawled. just being open to it and listening. >> tell me about the satisfaction of being here, on stage. having people in the audience. having a chance to mold and shape it. >> it is deeply gratifying. this is my joy. i love to act. i love to come to theater. a day off is great for rest. >> you don't speak on a day off? >> the thing is, is not a monday -- i don't speak on monday. i look forward to coming to the theater. >> when do you come? >> i'm here an hour and a half before the curtain. usually people get here in our -- half an hour before and get into the customs quickly. i am the first one here. i take my time. i put my own makeup on. do my hair. >> you have done this always? >> on the show. with film and television, you have people doing that. for walter white, i am usually in the makeup and hair chair at 5:30 or 6:00 in the morning. those are my hours. we are simpatico. >> you were 51 when you started. >> i turned 40 when we were doing malcolm in the middle. i turned 50 when doing breaking bad. i know the business and life owes me nothing he everything you are able to achieve is a gift. i never forget that. i know there are careers, acting careers, that sometimes go nowhere. i have no idea why this happened to me. i love it. i am always involved. there's a tremendous amount of luck that is necessary to have a successful career. >> does fame change things? >> it does. in good ways and not so good ways. i don't seek fame. it is a byproduct of what i love to do. the good things -- first of all, financial security. i never have to work another day in my life. but i don't work for money anyway. i have people who are incentivized to have me earn a good living. i trust them. i don't even know what i'm making during the play. >> you really don't? >> i know the ballpark. >> you don't read your contracts? >> i never read my contracts. i say to my agents, are you happy? if they say, i think we can get more, that i try to get more. i don't need money -- i don't want to sound like i don't need money. it is great. i have had none, and having it is better. but it is not what motivates me. >> there was a time in your life when you liked to observe, go to the mall, and just see how people are. get a sense of rings that might play, might he tools to use any performance. >> that is the actor's job. i tell young actors, if you are bored, you are not doing enough work. what can i do if i'm not acting? work. you can go to an airport or a restaurant or mall. you observe human behavior. you take it in. you say that couple is silently arguing. how fascinating. >> what is the difference and then talking to men and women talking to women? >> or a man and a woman, a man on the make. the flirtation that she may be showing or not. >> it is all human behavior. >> is all human behavior. no matter what the condition, you can be working. the interesting thing about fame -- i was talking to david to company about this -- he said, once the observer becomes the observed, your cover is blown. their behavior changes. >> you're exactly right. >> they change their behavior if i am recognized, and all bets are off. >> this is akin to this. there was a great acting coach who would ask actors to walk around. because they were thinking about it, they're walking would be affected. he would ask them to think about some thing else. once they thought about southern else, they did not have a sense of being observed. the walk would change. >> that became more natural. that is why you have to have a thought of what my objective is when you go onstage. for any given point. what is just happening? what do i need to do? so you're not thinking, how am i sitting? otherwise you become self-conscious. you are not doing your work. ♪ >> what are your dreams? now we have seen "breaking bad" have all the success that i was lucky enough to be part of? >> in the final episode. >> they call the penultimate episode, which i like better. >> would you go back, please? there. >> this? >> just yesterday, your charity announced a $28 million grant for drug abuse treatment in the southwest. >> the southwest is our home. >> i am sure there are other people who are suggesting other motives. a new york times reporter said it was a publicity mover to short the stock rice because of your association with walter white. >> that is not exactly -- >> to clench your self -- you had a methamphetamine kingpin as a cofounder of your company. >> i hope you understand this is a person who was there early on but still had nothing to do with the growing of the company. >> what was walter white's contribution? >> to be honest, nothing. >> the company name. >> your appearance gave credence. it gave people a sense that, this is real. >> thank you. the point was, this was so huge. breaking bad. i had never seen anything like it in terms of how people took note of the fact you were associated with "breaking bad." you look back on that experience and obviously achieved your life. >> i knew when i read the pilot script by vince gilligan that there were something special. there is no way -- >> it was that good of a script. >> it was terrific. i related to this man. i knew men like him. who had missed opportunities in their lives. and became functioning, still functioning and loving to their family, paying their bills, but there was something that died in the interior. they are putting one step in front of the other. they are in a deep depression. in doing some of the research, i found that in broad strokes, when people are in deep depression, there are two basic ways it manifests externally and internally. that boss, he screwed me. >> someone else's fault. >> or, it is me. i missed it. i go into a shell. that was walter white. he didn't care about his looks or weight. nothing mattered to him. he was invisible to himself and the world. this ironic diagnosis of terminal cancer was his get out of jail free card. it it exploded his emotion. >> it gave him reason and purpose to live. >> even if it is just for a short period of time. >> i love it. >> it was for me. i was good at it. that is the brilliance of the vince's writing. to have him confess to the hubris. that was a full actuation of the character. that he came to understand who he was in the evil that men do. >> your father was one of those men. >> physically. i always felt that walter white was much older than he was chronologically. i wanted to give him sloped shoulders. his posture was bad. he was a little overweight. i wanted to give him the weightiness of a man who was 25-30 years older. >> closer to your mom. >> my upbringing was a mess. it was a mess. it was like living two different lives. up until 10 years old, it was a model life. they were both there. my dad was one of our coaches in sports. taking us places. my mom was the team mom and tupperware lady. making our costumes for halloween. when they realized they didn't -- my dad did not want to be with my mother and they split up, it exploded. it was not like coming to an understanding. it exploded. their emotional immaturity damaged the rest of the structure. i didn't see my father for 10 years. >> didn't see him? >> no. nothing. did not see him. he had a breakdown. he was 48. >> was about success? >> it was. the lack of success. his frustration at not being -- he was an actor. it was about his frustration at not being a star. he wanted to be a star. like a lot of people. he didn't handle it well when he was getting to be a certain age -- i am sure there are deeper complications i was not privy to. he is of a generation where revealing those inner thoughts, men would rather go to their grave and then admit what they consider weakness. >> not being a star is a weakness. >> or to be able to say, i felt this. to this day, and he is nearing 90 -- >> he is seen everything good that happened to you. regardless of the relationship, all of us want to say, i did ok, dad. >> he is extremely proud. extremely proud. and he has changed. as men do three tough him a old guard guys soft and. tough, old guard guys soften. >> lyndon johnson went back to the texas health country after saying he would not run for another term. he started smoking again. you get this from robert caro. he knew he was nailing a nail into his coffin. what was that about? >> there was a certain amount of -- he was a great prognosticator. he knew he would die of a heart attack. >> he had had two heart attacks already. >> he knew he would die of a heart attack. he did. 64 years old. which is young. [laughter] >> but he knew he was going to die. it was like courting death. >> maybe that is why he thought, the hell with it. it's going to happen anyway. had he run for reelection and won in 1968, he would have died three days after his term would have ended. he died in january of 1973. if he were elected to a second term of the presidency, i think he would've died in office. so did lady bird. the stress, the amount of stress. in the way vietnam was rolling out. he was not capable of commanding that war. he was not able to know how to end of that war. >> you wonder when you think about what that meant to the country and tore the country apart -- and how much he hated it, cause his drive was to do something about education and poverty. all the things that roosevelt wanted to do. you would hope that in a case like that, somebody, for all of us, if we are in a place where we are doing the wrong things, whether it is district of or not, you think of philip seymour hoffman with a different thing, addiction. >> linden was addicted as well. his addiction was politics. he was not -- he did not read. he didn't go to theater or the concerts. >> he went to baseball to court richard russell. >> his arena was politics. the only books he ever read were biographies of presidents he admired. maybe he could glean something from them. he was a machine of politics. he had true, good, altruistic intentions. he didn't care how we got there. he just wanted to get the a congressman's. his accomplishments are unparalleled. >> people who love them said he was larger than life. in the end, they knew however despicable he was, his heart in the end was in the right place. >> he got things done. >> which brings me to the president obama comparison. if only the president were more like lyndon johnson. he would be able to do more with the republicans in the congress. >> i think that is unfair to our president. >> so does he. >> he is his own man. there are two distinct differences that don't allow the system to work as it did in johnson's day. one is, our president's own experience. he did not have the years in the house and senate that johnson did. johnson had 12 years in the house, 12 in the senate. rose to the most powerful position in the senate before taking on the vice presidency. he knew all the players. everything about them. what they wanted. he knew their wives. he could break ice and say, how was margaret. we need to get that bill. he would catch them. he just complement and my wife, i have to help them. president obama does not have the same experience. the second thing is, i don't think the temperament or the attitude and sensibility in johnson's days -- this is just my opinion -- was, this is politics. it is a horse trade. if you want to get something you need and want for the betterment of the country, it will cost you. where will it come from? >> you have to do something for me. >> blood sweat and tears. now, it is arms folded. we will not even, meant the other side. >> it is a zero sum game. if i succeed, you fail. >> the wrong point of view is applied. in johnson's day, the intention was, let's do something for the betterment of the country. now, it is a let's win. we are doing subbing for our side to win. is that best for the country? it is many times not. i think our president is unfortunate to be in this day and age and live in that kind of cesspool of attitude. >> he knew the game, but he had the majority. he had the fact that people wanted the country to do well after the tragic assassination of president kennedy. >> johnson knew he had a window of opportunity. >> the other thing that is fascinating to me is the idea of bobby kennedy. this guy that became vice president and all the sudden was diminished. >> lyndon johnson heated being vice president. it was an impotent role. so why did he take it? i think he got trounced by kennedy in the primaries. he saw the handwriting on the wall. he thought, my opportunity to get in and become president is limited by age. this, king arthur just came in. he is going to be president. he is to be president for eight years. whoever his vice president is will have the inside track. not necessarily guaranteed. but the inside track to be the next president for eight years. if i'm going to get in, i am looking 16 years down the road. i think it was a calculated move on his part. i have to bite the bullet, accept the vice presidency, bring the south with me, and hopefully get the nomination in eight years. >> i need someone more personable. people like you -- even dick russell likes you. >> really? >> i am under a lot of pressure to announce my running mate. people are telling me i have to pick bobby kennedy. there was a time when they look down on me like i was some sort of country bumpkin. >> where is your ambition? what is it that bryan cranston wants to do or needs to do? >> rest. i need to rest. i go pretty hard at it. it is so much fun. i'm having a great time. but i think, when this is over, when i finally leave the stage for the last time, i'm going to collapse. [laughter] your body has a tendency to hold on, hold on, hold on. it is physically and emotionally demanding. i love putting it all out there. i think i want to relax for a while and let it rest. see what happens next. >> thank you for doing this. >> i so appreciate it. >> they show up at school hungry because most have not had breakfast. but they were so on fire to learn. it made you feel good. but there would come a day when i would see the light in the eyes die, because i discovered the world hated them because of the color of their skin. as a southerner, i have had to bite my tongue on this issue my entire life. until my mouth was full of blood. not anymore. and what the hell is the point of being president if you can't do what you know is right? this is not about the constitution. this is about those who have more wanting to hang on to what they have at the expense of those who have nothing. and feel good about it. uncle dick can talk about his right until he is blue in the face. but all i see are the faces of the little kids. he is right about one thing. the war has just begun. ♪ >> live from pier 3 in san francisco, welcome to "bloomberg west," where we focus on innovation, technology, and the future of business. i'm emily chang. could you soon be turning off the lights with your iphone? that might be an area that apple is looking at. and with millions getting ready for summer, we kick off the special series of how technology is helping improve life in the great outdoors, involving everything from searching, hiking, and camping. let's check on the bloomberg top headlines. qualcomm is hit by hackers. they're asking android users to upgrade over the next few days and re-enter their names and passwords.


Transcripts For KNTV Today 20130815

and savannah guthrie, live from studio 1-a in rockefeller plaza. good morning. welcome to "today" on a thursday morning. i'm savannah guthrie. >> i'm matt lauer alongside natalie morales and al roker. >> we have a lot of news this morning including new information about the abduction of 16-year-old hannah anderson. it's coming from newly released search warrants in the case. we'll get a live report from san diego straight ahead. >> we'll start with that deadly violence in egypt and new fears it is far from over. nbc's chief foreign correspondent richard engel is in cairo once again for us. richard, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. many of the casualties happened here, this burned out area was the heart of the biggest protest camp and now is being controlled by the egyptian security forces. that death toll? around 500, most demonstrators, but nearly 50 from the egyptian army and police. after egypt's military-backed government smashed two protest camps, today it was trying to erase that they ever existed, sweeping away debris, tearing down the stage where demonstrators had been demanding that the ousted, elected president morsi from the muslim brotherhood be reinstated. new pictures overnight showed the scale of what happened here as a pro morsi camp several city blocks wide burned. during the 24-hour crackdown, police torched the camp and opened fire on demonstrators with live ammunition. clashes spread outside cairo and islamic extremists, sympathetic to the muslim brotherhood joined in, burning churches and attacking government buildings. the muslim brotherhood and its allies aren't just victims here. state-run television and newspapers show images of protesters shooting at troops and stockpiling weapons and ammunition. some cairo residents this morning said they're all for what the security forces did. >> i support what they did. >> reporter: egyptian police say they're taking tough action now and want to bring stability like it was under strong man hosni mubarak but there will likely be more violence before that, as protesters say they'd rather die than give up. >> richard, you just talked about the quest for stability. in the last 24 hours the interim vice president of egypt elbaradei resigned in the wake of all of the violence. where are egyptians looking in terms of someone who might bring a sense of stability? >> reporter: the man of the hour, matt, the general who led the take over of the government, ordered this crackdown to the muslim brotherhood. he is public enemy number one. to other egyptians, however, he is a nationalist who is trying to build stability and here in the square we've seen some minor celebrations where people are holding up soldiers, thanking them for what they've done, and calling out the name of the general. >> richard engel live for us in cairo this morning, thank you very much. well, closer to home we are learning more this morning about the deadly crash of a u.p.s. cargo plane in birmingham, alabama. ntsb investigators back at the scene today trying to piece together what happened. nbc's tom costello covers aviation for us and has the latest. tom, good morning to you. >> hi, savannah. the ntsb was unable to retrieve the black boxes yesterday because the plane was still smoldering, but they hope to retrieve them this morning and then fly them back to washington for analysis. in the predawn sky in birmingham, fire and smoke as u.p.s. cargo flight 1354 crashed and burned roughly half a mile short of the runway. the pilot and copilot never made it out alive. seconds before the crash, witnesses thought they heard the engines sputtering or back firing. >> it flew so close to our house until when we heard the bang it shook the house. so it was quite terrifying. >> i seen the sky lighting up orange. i seen the plane on fire and i was like, he's not going to make it. i just heard loud noises. >> reporter: the tower reports no distress calls from the pilots. the fire that consumed the aircraft, intense. >> we have not been able to get in and get the black boxes if you will, the cockpit voice recorder, the flight data recorder. >> reporter: investigators hope those recorders will help them understand what went wrong. the plane involved was an air bus a-300 built in 2003 with just 11,000 flight hours logged over 6800 flights. the a-300 was first built in 1972. while it generally has a good safety record, there have been dozens of incidents and accidents worldwide involving hundreds of fatalities including the crash of american flight 587 in new york in 2001. among the questions for investigators, did the cargo shift on the u.p.s. plane? a cargo shift was blamed on a cargo plane crash in afghanistan earlier this year. and was the crew well rest sned new faa requirements only apply to airline pilots not cargo pilots. >> regardless of what kind of airplane you're flying, fatigue is fatigue, and the same sorts of protections need to be in place. that includes the cargo industry. >> reporter: in a statement, u.p.s. says we place utmost importance on the safety of our employees, our customers, and the communities we serve. investigators will also look closely at the cargo itself being carried. did it contribute to the crash in any way? three years ago a u.p.s. crash in dubai was blamed on a shipment of lithium batteries that overheated and caught fire in flight. there are still many more questions this morning far more than answers and u.p.s. is promising to fully cooperate with the investigation. savannah? >> tom costello in washington, thank you very much. >> natalie is here now with information on a dangerous new wildfire out west. in utah a wildfire has destroyed at least 14 homes and is threatening hundreds of others. winds kicked back up on wednesday helping to fuel the flames. the fire has consumed an estimated 2,000 acres, 300 homes having been evacuated so far. army private bradley manning took the stand wednesday at his sentencing hearing in the wikileaks case and pleaded with the judge for a chance to become a productive citizen. nbc's chief pentagon correspondent jim miklaszewski joins us now with more. jim, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. already convicted in the biggest leak of u.s. secrets in history, bradley manning threw himself at the mercy of the court. after long claiming he was a whistle blower, army private bradley manning did an abrupt about face. standing before a military judge, manning apologized for the first time for leaking hundreds of thousands of u.s. secrets. i am sorry that my actions hurt people, he told the court. i'm sorry that it hurt the united states. manning has been convicted on 20 charges, including espionage, for leaking a treasure trove of secret documents to the wikileaks website and its founder julian assange, including this gun camera video of the u.s. helicopter attack in baghdad that killed two civilians and wounded children. manning testified, he thought he could change the world. the army released a photo wednesday of manning dressed as a woman while serving in the military. during the sentencing hearing his attorney argued, manning suffers from gender identity disorder. but manning told the court that was no excuse for my action. he told the judge he knows he must pay the price for his decisions. but in a plea for mercy, asked for the chance to prove he's a good person and can return to a productive place in society. natalie, that could be a while. the judge expected to sentence manning sometime next week and he could get up to 90 years in a military prison. >> jim miklaszewski at the pentagon, thank you. we are hearing for the first time this morning the frantic 911 calls from last friday's deadly crash of the small plane into a connecticut neighborhood. nbc's kristen dahlgren has more. kristen, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. this is the first time we're hearing panicked neighbors calling in, but we have a warning. these calls may be difficult to listen to. within seconds of the crash, calls flooded the town's lone dispatcher. >> how many people onboard? >> we don't know. i mean, he was inbound and he -- they just fell out of the sky and crashed. >> reporter: sheer panic set in as the scope of the tragedy unfolded. >> 911. what's the address of your emergency? >> god help! oh, god! >> reporter: the twin propeller plane was upside down when it hit a row of homes just blocks from its destination, tweed new haven airport. >> are there people injured? >> the woman is saying that she has two children in the back room where the plane is. >> okay. where did the -- what did the plane crash into? >> into a house. >> reporter: two sisters, ages 13 and 1, were killed inside that house. the two people onboard the plane, a former microsoft executive and his 17-year-old son, were also killed. the father had been flying his son around the east coast on a tour of colleges. >> i pray for them daily. >> reporter: a vigil was held for the victims in east haven, saturday, as federal aviation officials look into the cause of the crash. now, officials should have at least their preliminary report done within the next few weeks and natalie, once the wreckage is cleared, those homes will be demolished so it is unclear when that will happen. >> hard to hear those calls. thanks so much, kristen dahlgren. incredible pictures this morning 45 feet below the ocean surface. they were take nn in the bahama. the diver is known only as tom. gibson says tom picked one of 15 reef sharks and started to hypnotise it by rubbing its nose, a practice called tonic immobility. once the smashing was totally calm he was able to pick it up and balance it vertically in one hand until the shark becomes unhypnotised and you want to get out of there. >> you move your hand and he goes nose first into the sand. then he's not happy. >> that works for al, too. i just rub his nose. >> totally. >> just balances right on my hand like that. >> balancing on your hand all the time. i'm loving savannah's new do. >> lucy, i'm home. >> oh, my. terrifying. yeah. i went red. >> we love it. >> well. >> it'll be fall soon. >> very nice. you should wear that dress, that other dress with that hair. >> that would be crazy. little orphan annie or something. just for fun. a change. >> different. >> i did the same thing. >> no one noticed. >> anyway. let's show you what we've got. things are finally picking up in the tropics. we've got two areas we're watching, one tropical depression number 5 just coming off the coast of africa. one we're most concerned with, though, is investigation area 92-l. right now this is getting ready to come into the gulf and has tons of moisture streaming up. it is going to get caught up in the stationary front across the southeast with 80% tropical development. it is going to bring a lot of rain over the next 72 to 96 hours and as that happens we are talking about anywhere from 3 to 5 inches locally up to 8 inches of rain from new orleans to norfolk and that's going to cause big flooding problems as we get into the weekend. we'll get to your local forecast in the next 30 seconds. problems. good thursday morning to you, friday eve as we like to think about it here on "today in the bay" taking a live look at low clouds spanning inland. this sunol. with the low clouds, running milder than 24 hours ago, about five degrees warmer to kickoff the day in livermore. that means temperatures are going to be just about as warm today in the heat of the day. 93 for livermore, 70 in san francisco and 86 on the way to san jose, getting into the weekend, 90 degrees for saturday, upper 90s return on sunday. battling a almost always deadly illness. >> this is a parasite found in nature. but every once in a while, it can go into the brain and destroy brain tissue. >> a 12-year-old boy is fighting for his life in miami children's hospital, and kaylee harding who is battling over 1,000 miles away. they have primary amebic -- calmed p.a.m. there have only bun 128 confirmed cases in th it's almost 100% fatal. only one person has ever survived. so doctors took notice when within the last month two cases suddenly appeared. >> your stomach just drops. because it, you know, it has an over 99% mortality. >> the organism that causes this illness is commonly found in fresh water lakes, ponds, and rivers. zachary was knee boarding in a water-filled ditch. kaylie was swimming at a water park which has since been shut down. she has been given an experimental antifungal drug and it seems to k working. >> kaylie is doing wonderful. >> after more than two weeks on a ventilator she is breathing on her own and has even been able to write a note to her father. zachary's family remains hopeful. >> he's fighting. he is strong. he's really, really strong. >> reporter: for the doctors this is uncharted territory. >> you're pulling out all the stops and doing everything you can in hopes that you have a chance to save the patient. >> nancy, what is striking about this besides the rarity is how two doctors in two different states are really working together to try to save these children. >> these things happen, savannah, to your point, doctors share information. they want to see who is doing what, what are the tricks they have up their sleeves. when rare cases happen there just isn't much of a protocol to go from. so the fact that kaylie is doing well in arkansas may be because they detected this early and threw this experimental antifungal drug at her and lowered her body temperature very quickly. they are also battling time. hour by hour they'll be in touch with each other and, frankly, they're going to keep swapping information so they can figure this one out. >> all right. nancy snyderman, thank you very much. coming up, new concerns for the clintons. reports of infighting and cash problems with the family's foundation. have explicit texts become the new form of courtship for teenagers? the new harvard study that will have you checking your kids' phones when they get home much closer from now on. but first, this is "today" on nbc. teenagers? 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[ camera shutter snaps ] coming up on trending a story making a lot of headlines. how did president obama spend part of the night osama bin laden was killed? the surprising admission coming from a former aide. and we've got a special thursday morning concert from jimmy buffet out on the plaza. yes, there are some parrot heads out there. i said it before. when i grow up, i want to live the life of jimmy buffet. >> i know. >> this guy's got it figured out. it just spells fun. >> take us to margaritaville. >> we'll have that concert in our 8:30 half hour and more ahead but first we'll take a look at your local news and weather. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] breathe easy in your home, get a two pack of filtrete micro allergen air filters for only 18 dollars at lowe's. to fly home for the big family reunion. you must be garth's father? hello. mother. mother! traveling is easy with the venture card because you can fly any airline anytime. two words. double miles! this guy can act. wanna play dodge rock? oh, you guys! and with double miles you can actually use, you never miss the fun. beard growing contest and go! ♪ i win! what's in your wallet? sthat is why i'm through thed moon to present our latest innovation, tempur choice. it features an adjustable support system that can be personalized with a touch of a button. so both of you can get the best sleep possible...together. goodnight love chickens. ...excuse my english, love birds.. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. yep. how'd that happen? um... 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"taking in the scenery" and "hey, they're taking our stuff," no need to panic. walgreens has over 8,000 stores across the country with all your prescriptions on file and just about anything else you might need along the way. because you never know what the road will bring. so swing by walgreens today for all your summer must-haves like snacks and sunscreen, right here. at the corner of happy and healthy. good morning everyone. it 50e7s:26. i'm jon kelley. the chp reporting an attempted burg ri at the tiffany's store on main street in walnut creek. chp looking for two men driving a white vehicle. no word yet on exactly what they stole or if anybody at the store was hurt. we have a crew heading to the scene right now. we'll bring you more on this one during our next newscast coming up at 11:00. meantime, a 911 call from a young girl about her parents fighting ends with officers shooting and killing her father. late last night hayward police showed up to an apartment complex on tennyson road not too far from hess peerian boulevard. the girl made a desperate 911 call telling police her father had a knife and was threatening to kill her mother. when officers got to the apartment they ordered him to drop the weapon. plifs say he lunged at officers that's when an officer fired, shooting that suspect at least once. he died later at the hospital. we're also keeping our eye on the dow this morning. storks nod good falling sharply in early trading. you can see it by the graph here in the red. the disappointing news this is causing from cisco and walmart. the dow down more than 200 points. wedding in the bay area heading in the opposite direction. christina loren, nice and warm. >> it is. we're starting with a full deck of clouds. this is actually san francisco. you can't make out much here because we have so much low cloud cover. what i can tell you as we head throughout the afternoon, we're starting out so much more mild. it's going to be about as warm. 70 degrees on the way to san francisco. getting into the next couple days, temperatures stay pretty steady. we really climb next week. let's check the drive back to school with mike inouye. >> i see the clouds above. looking at the bay bridge toll plaza where the backup actually is not so bad. we have slowing mostly for the fast-track lanes. cash lanes start after the 880 overcrossing. a little slowing north 880 through oakland. a lot of slowing south 680 from walnut creek. the carp fire i told you about has finally, finally cleared from that 24 interchange. there's your northbound routes through san jose. it's 280 that bogs down around 17. we'll get you back to the "today" show. ♪ 7:30 now on a thursday morning. the 15th day of august, 2013. going to be a fun day on the plaza because the parrot heads are out in force this morning for a live concert on the plaza from their ringleader, mr. jimmy buffett in town. new music, got some old music. going to be a lot of fun. he's going to take to the summer concert stage coming up in our 8:30 half-hour. meanwhile, inside the studio, i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie, the red head. al roker and natalie morales with our normal hairdos. also ahead, a serious story. there have been new developments in that emotional battle over baby veronica. her biological dad fighting an order to turn his daughter over to her adoptive parents. we'll tell you who's now getting involved in that case. then, tearful testimony for michael jackson's ex-wife, debbie row, at the wrongful death trial. what she's revealing about jackson's history with powerful prescription drugs. and are lewd texts and tweets the only way today's teenage boys know how to connect with girls? we've got a closer look at troubling new research from a harvard educator. scary stuff. >> it is. as the father of a 12, soon-to-be 13-year-old, i'm paying close attention. let us begin with new scrutiny of the clinton family's charitable foundation amid reports of in-fighting and mismanagement. nbc's peter alexander's in washington with details on this. peter, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you. with all the 2016 presidential speculation swirling, hillary clinton is now set to turn the family foundation that was of course first established by her husband more than a decade ago into mission control for what's becoming an increasingly jam-packed public life. but that move is fueling new scrutiny. for one of america's most powerful families, it's the family business, the newly renamed bill, hillary, and chelsea clinton foundation. ♪ >> reporter: that since 2001 has directed crucial attention and resources to everything from life-saving medicines in africa to community development here in the u.s. as first reported by "the new york times," a 2011 review of the foundation raised concerns about infighting, bad management, and conflicts of interest. observers say echoing problems in bill clinton's white house and his wife's 2008 campaign. >> they have grand ambitions and get a lot done, but they also have messiness. >> reporter: the "times" reports the foundation run multimillion dollar deficits which the foundation disputes. among its expenses, a first-class ticket for clinton global initiative guest actress natalie portman who brought her pet yorkie, and months worth of international flights for employees working on a climate change proposal that never materialized. >> if there are problems at the foundation, they are now hillary clinton's problems. and that's the big challenge for her in 2016. >> reporter: the clinton foundation directed us to this statement by its board chairman, bruce lindsay, who said, "we're trying to institutionalize the foundation so that it will be here long after the lives of any of us. that's our challenge, and that is what we're trying to address." meanwhile, as talk of 2016 intensifies, new reports that the former secretary of state may go back to school. a return to academia. clinton insiders confirm she's fielding offers from colleges and universities, including harvard, yale, and nyu. the thought being that that could give hillary clinton a nonpartisan platform for future policy speeches. you know, with the former first lady and chelsea clinton who, by the way, is also an nbc news special correspondent, joining the fold at the foundation, a lot of washington observers say the organization is going to be forceded to evolve to really accommodate a former president, a possible future president, and their high-profile daughter. matt and savannah? >> peter alexander, thank you very much. >> hard to imagine they could be more under a microscope. perhaps they will be. let's get outside to al roker, he's on the plaza to check the weather outside. good morning again. [ cheers ] >> you know, when there's a jimmy buffett concert, there will be conservatively dressed people. i love the outfits. you got to love it. let's show what we've got going on right now. we're going to start off, cool morning in the northeast for a beach concert. we're looking at plenty of sunshine. cool conditions. we're looking at -- look at the temperatures, upper 40s in, int the low 50s in northeast. during the day, look at these temperatures -- anywhere from 10 to 18 degrees below normal for this time of day. and as we pull out and show you the rest of the country, we're looking at plenty of warm weather making its way to the western third of the country. in the southwest, some temperatures in the 100 7:34 on a thursday morning. you are so close to the weekend now. good morning. i'm meteorologist christina loren. here is san jose where the sun is trying to break through that thick low cloud deck. it's going to stick around for quite some time right at the immediate coast. 70 degrees on the way to san francisco, headed to 93 degrees. another warm day inland, 90 in gilroy and 84 in santa teresa. temperatures steady for friday and saturday. don't forget you can get that weather any time you need, go to look at all of the parrot heads. savannah? >> thank you. now to a big moment in the trial of michael jackson. his ex-wife debbie rowe was very emotional when she took the stand. >> since her 1997 divorce, debbie rowe has tried to avoid the spotlight. she was forced to testify about the king of pop. she was often in tears. he respected doctors incredibly. his fear of pain was incredible and i think doctors took advantage of him that way. right n rowe was there when he was provided treatments. "these idiots were going back and forth all the time not caring about michael. they would call and say they have a better drug, they were competing." she said jackson used the drug that killed him, propofol, as early as the mid 1990s. rowe said that while he was touring in europe, his hotel room was turned into a surgical suite. jackson's family is suing aeg live saying they were responsible for hiring dr. conrad murray who gave jackson the lethal dose of propofol. >> it was a risky move calling debbie rowe. who knows if they will believe her. if they do, they don't know if there are other doctors behaving badly. on the other hand, he was so vulnerable and gullible, aeg should have been more careful. aeg live who called rowe as a witness hope to convince the jury that it's not their fault. back in court today, jackson's ex-wife is expected to face cross-examination. for "today," nbc news los angeles. when is the last time you read your teen's texts. the troubling way teen boys are trying to connect with girls. ♪ ♪ but when you have a picky eater... won't touch this. it can be a bit of a dance. ♪ won't touch this. ♪ won't touch -- stop. eggo time. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles can win over the pickiest of eaters so everyone can enjoy breakfast...together. can't touch this. ♪ [ girl ] l'eggo my eggo™. with new all natural lean cuisine honestly good. it's frozen like you've never seen. with juicy whole chicken filets, farm selected veggies and whole grain medleys. ♪ and it's undressed. just add the pomegranate sauce yourself. with taste this good, why hide? ♪ why? what were you thinking? new lean cuisine honestly good. au natural, oh so tasty. in the natural frozen meals section. nestle. good food. good life. in the natural frozen meals section. ♪ in the natural frozen meals section. hanes. a perfect fit for every body. now in colorful new styles. ♪ now with blue fig & orange blossom scent. when freshness meets care, your skin will sing. bright, rich. new blue fig & orange blossom. it's fresh at its best. for our so slimming jeans. meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. slim, smooth, flatter. the so slimming collection. only at chico's and vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. welcoming the sunrise with a taste of vanilla biscotti. whether it's one cup or a full carafe, turn any day gourmet with folgers gourmet selections. ♪ ♪ we're back now. it is 7:41. a modern day problem for modern day parents. teen sexting. teenage boys are playing out their lives with suggestive texts and tweets. according to new research in "the big disconnect" boys who engage in this form of sexting feel that even though they may be pushing the envelope, they don't feel it is inappropriate. dr. robin silverman is a child psychologist. i was a kid, and it took me weeks to get the courage to walk up to a young girl and say something like i like you or hand her a note, is this the new norm? >> it is, there are so many mess ans out there that say say this is what's normal. on tv, the internet, the marketing campaigns out there that objectify women. >> i want to present a scenario, and i'm trying to not be too graphic, a teenage boy will be sitting in a classroom, a teenager girl that he has never even talked to, he will pick up the phone and say do you want to hook up, or i want to do this to you, are you willing? >> what happened to do you come around here often? there are no lines like that also, you're seeing the proliferation of pornography, and kids are inundated with this. >> do you draw the connection between the two? do you this the sexualization of society is creating this? >> yes, and kids can't escape from it. >> you're a click away from seeing any sexual image you want to see, and kids are surroundedly this in pop culture, lyrics, film, television, and real thing too. politicians, sports heros, actors that are doing this, and it's not just excused. >> it is reckless like carlos danger. >> how did this start? it must be working for some of these kids, otherwise they wouldn't do it. it reminds me of the beautiful woman walking past a construction site. some guy yells out something vulgar, and i want to say does that ever work for you? does this work for some teenage boys? >> i think they say we'll see if it works, if not i'll say it was just a joke. >> these texts live forever. the kids, today, don't understand the consequences of this type of behavior. if you send a naked picture, it can come back to haunt you in 20 or 30 years. >> what does this type of behavior, this incredibly sexualized communication do to relationships in general. what happens if these two people have a relationship and what do parents need to know about this? >> i don't think it is something that creates a very secure relationship. talking to kids, or presenting to kids, they tell me that the hook up culture makes it so they can get a competitive edge in college, they're not worried about relationships. >> people in general are cheap, disposable, and easily accessible. >> so you're a parent, and your kid comes home, you're checking for certain words in any text that child sends? and they delete them by the way. >> i tell parents you need to look, and listen, explain and engage. look at the texts their sending, what are they saying about and to girls. don't wait for them to come to you. it's not the sex talk any more, it's a series of talks. >> and stay hyper vigilant about every form of social media they're using. any form of social media that the parents -- it's imperative they're on there, meeting their kids where they are, and i'm sorry. you have to be a snoop, a detective. >> you can tell them you're going to be doing it. if your grandmother, mother, and sister saw the tweet, would you be embarrassed? if so, don't end it. >> i have a 12-year-old, and as i said, i'll be paying close attention. we have a more in-depth article on coming up, a tug of war over a 3-year-old girl. ♪ was again, explaining my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasis to another new stylist. it was a total embarrassment. and not the kind of attention i wanted. so i had a serious talk with my dermatologist about my treatment options. this time, she prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make the most of every moment. ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible. we're donating more of our food to shelters in need, keeping more dogs happy, healthy, and ready to go home. ♪ pedigree. see what good food can do. ♪ pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. when the chocolate is hershey's life is delicious. who with almay's eye makeupccoon removers.? 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[ hero mom ] oh, yeah. we're gettin' cereal. 'cause over 40 general mills cereals are 130 calories or less per serving. just look for the g. boom! that's how nutrition is done, people. z. coming up on trending, wait until you hear what will be handed out this weekend. a new approach to dieting. why one of the world's largest weight loss companies is dropping celebrities from their ad. and a live concert from mr. jimmy buffett. the only thing anyone really cares about is that first day. everyone will be stylin' their faves. love that! but i'll be bringing it every day, 'cause i went to jcpenney. i know, right? that's what i'm talking about. they have so much great stuff. oh, sweet! anyway, what's your first day strategy? [ female announcer ] doorbusters friday 3:00 to close, saturday 9:00 to 1:00. come find your first day look at jcpenney. saturday 9:00 to 1:00. hey! totally got it all!m! don't forget your favorites, girls. hey girls! the good ol'days when we could eat as we wanted. yes, but we are not 18 anymore. sometimes if i eat as i used to my digestive system gets out of whack. it's not easy keeping it working as it should. it's easy if you enjoy an activia everyday. mmmm... delicious! with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, activia helps regulate your digestive system. put a smile back in your day! ♪ activia ♪ dannon [ female announcer ] resisting the magical taste of silky smooth dove® chocolate is difficult. but choosing which one is even harder. ♪ ♪ dry hair needs a daily dose of effective moisture. new dove daily moisture has pro moisture complex that goes deep down to hair's cellular level. it moisturizes to give you up to 5 x smoother hair in one wash. dove's most effective conditioner yet. new dove daily moisture. ♪ i tthan probablycare nmoreanyone else.andure. we've had this farm for 30 years. we raise black and red angus cattle. we also produce natural gas. that's how we make our living and that's how we can pass the land and water back to future generations. people should make up their own mind what's best for them. all i can say is it has worked well for us. new jif whips -- whipped peanut butter, ma'am. oooh. [ store manager ] fluffy, dippable, and oh-so-delicious -- people love it. i got one! [ female announcer ] give your day a lift with new jif whips. we can't keep them on the shelves. i got one! [ female announcer ] what if breakfast was set free? ♪ where might it take you? ♪ where might you go? ♪ introducing kellogg's® to go. ♪ the power of protein and fiber all bottled up in a delicious breakfast shake. get up -- and go. kellogg's®. from great starts come great things. get up -- and go. ♪ get up -- and go. over a thousand styles hundreds of fits dozens of washes and one very happy you. sears has the brands you love. so you found a few yeah, a few don't miss the big one day sale this saturday. and at sears, members earn points on every qualifying purchase. this is the jean scene. this is sears. the time 17:56. good morning everybody. i'm jon kelley. sentencing expected today for two men expected of gang raping a teenage girl at a richmond high school. h 22-year-old josep37=9q= facing 33 years to life in prison for that attack just last month the two were found guilty on all counts for their involvement in the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl outside the school's homecoming dance back in 2009. a bike rider who hit and killed a pedestrian in san francisco last year is expected to learn his faetd today. chris buccari pleaded guilty to felony vehicular manslaughter after hitting and killing a 71-year-old man in march of last year. he's expected to receive 1,000 hours of community service and three years probation when he is sentenced sometime this afternoon. right now let's get a check on the thursday weather -- actually friday eve sounds better. christina, what's going on? >> thank you for that. need it right about now. looking at the golden gate bridge, mostly sock in with flight delays at sfo. want to point out your warmer at this hour than 24 hours ago in san francisco, the same for palo alto and that warmer start with lead to temperatures about as hot as yesterday. 95 on the way to livermore, 70 in san francisco and 90 in gilroy today, getting into that all-important weekend, it's going to be a hot one. great beach weather, however. >> maybe i'll do my reports from the beach then. looking toward 880, slowed down past the coliseum. the south bay, on the maps we're showing you an unusual slowdown for north 85. a crash that cleared around deanza boulevard. another crash clearing from third at northbound 101, additional slowing into san mateo out of belmont. on the other side of the bay, typical out of hayward to union city and the build off the castro valley y, south 680 still very bad after the earlier crash. car fire has cleared from walnut creek. ♪ jimmy buffett on the "today" show! ♪ >> we love jimmy buffett. >> we are in buffett country. we love jimmy buffett. >> good morning, matt lauer! >> "today" show. >> 8:00 on a thursday morning. the 15th of august, 2013. maybe a thursday, but we have kind of a friday mind set here because jimmy buffett is going to take our toyota summer concert stage in a few minutes. he's going to perform a lot of his favorites. some of his new songs as well. so we're really looking forward to that. i'm savannah guthrie alongside matt lauer and al roker. do you know what would good with this? a colorful lei. totally working. >> a nice lady here gave it to me. getting ready for the concert. >> that's what don ho would have worn. >> absolutely. when it comes to picking a diet plan would you rather turn on tv and see a celebrity pitch you that diet plan or an average person? >> and send in the videos, we're searching for today's biggest fan as we get set for fan appreciation week all next week. could it be marie from forest city, arkansas? ♪ my favorite morning show, it's got matt lauer and got natalie ♪ ♪ i watch it on tv ♪ ♪ i watch reruns on my phone in the car going home ♪ ♪ this is the show for me >> not bad. >> a "today" show version of cups. >> "today" show viewers are multitalent. thank you. if you want to submit a video, go to remember, you can win a trip to new york and vip passes to the one direction concert. >> we have a guy screaming back here. >> i know. let's get a check of the morning's headlines from natalie. good morning. president obama announced the u.s. is cancelling a joint military exercise with egypt amid the deadly violence there. peter alexander is in washington with more on the president's comments. peter, good morning. >> reporter: natalie, good morning to you. the president breaking away from what is a working vacation in martha's vineyard to make the public statement that took place in the last 30 minutes. he is strongly condemning the crackdown of the egyptian military. more than 500 people already dead. insisting that the tra itiditio cooperation with not continue as usual when civilians are being killed. >> let me say that the egyptian people deserve better than what we have seen over the last several days. and to the egyptian people, let me say the cycle of violence and escalation needs to stop. we call on the egyptian authorities to respect the universal rights of the people. we call on those who are protesting to do so peacefully. >> in canceling the military exercises, he did not make any mention of cutting off about $1.5 billion in military and financial aid, but he dangled the idea of the possibility for further consequences. >> peter alexander in washington, thanks so much. meanwhile in egypt, supports of deposed president mohamed morsi remain defiant. nbc's foreign correspondent richard engel has the very latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, natalie. behind me are some of the protesters who think what happened yesterday here in cairo and nationwide was an absolute massacre. you could see that mosque inside of it are about 200 bodies. and the bodies are just being cooled with blocks of ice. family members are arriving, trying to identify their relatives so that they can take them away for burial. most people here have not heard the president's words, but they do want a stronger stance from washington. they say it should be clear that washington has been supporting democracy in egypt for more than two years an they want to see the words turned into action and don't want any more violence. >> richard engel, thank you. ntsb investigators are back on the scene of the fiery cargo plane crash in birmingham, alabama. officials say the tower did not receive any distress calls from the plane before it went down about half a mile away from the airport runway. the two-member crew did not survive. the stuntman who parachuted into the opening ceremony of the london olympics dressed as a james bond was killed wednesday in a dare devil excellent. mark sutton was wing diving from a helicopter in a special glider suit when he crashed into a mountain ridge. the family member who kidnapped hannah anderson tortured her mother and little brother before killing them and shot the family dogs. investigators a say a crowbar was found next to the body of hannah's mother. she was rescued after a week-long man hunt that ended with james dimaggio shot and killed by fbi. a stunning announcement from marion bartoli. the 28-year-old from france said she's retiring from tennis. she had been defeated in a match in cincinnati and said constant physical pain had taken its physical pain had taken its toll. bartoli said her wimbledon victory of six weeks was the last bit of something she had left. and one burger buff was thinking outside the bun when he concocted the most expensiive burger ever. he ordered 20 beef patties and 20 toppings and the tab -- $38. i would like to see him try to eat that thing. 8:06. back outside to matt and savannah. sounds disgusting. >> with a chaser of lip ater. let's go to al with a check of the weather. >> he would have been 28 if he had lived. there's a disturbing sign back there. that's just not right. wow. all right. let's show you what's going on. first of all, we're watching what's happening. a lot of moisture coming out of the gulf. and it can become a tropical entity later today or tomorrow going to bring a ton of rain into -- from new orleans to norfolk, virginia. anywhere from three to five inches of rain locally. could be up to eight inches of rain. we have a risk of strong storms from nebraska all the way into central texas. damaging winds, hail. could be isolated tornado or two. two. rest of the country you're going to see again sunshine here in the east. perfect weather into the new england. heat continues in the southwest. finally farming up in beautiful downtown burbank with a high of 88 degrees. yeah, i looked like that when i oh, we love you, al. 8:07. taking a live look at what you can make outer hire in the city by the bay. plenty of low cloud cover, but i'm happy to report you're starting out the morning about 63 degrees in san francisco. and that means easily touching on the 70s, a lot of sunshine coming in by 10 a.m. 93 for livermore, 90 on the way to gillroy. pretty warm reading lining the peninsula, 84 for redwood city. getting into the next couple of days, temperatures stay nice and hot and then sunday into monday, the real heat kicks in. that is your latest weather. >> okay, al, thanks. do you have a few hundred thousand dollars to spare? you may need it if you're having kids. and what encourages you to lose weight. why one company may be doing away with celebrity endorsements. victory is seeing him find balance, watching a little girl become a little lady, and finding the courage to let her go. but what about the little victories? a smile... a confident glow... or a "thanks, mom." these are the victories we're famous for. famous brands, famously easy... famous footwear. victory is yours. yep. how'd that happen? um... [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest. rice krispies are easy. because they're made of rice, which is gentle on tummies. it's simple as... ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ rice krispies! ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ ♪ snap! crackle! pop! hanes. a perfect fit for every body. now in colorful new styles. ♪ hi. i'm clarence. are we too late to get my wife a camry? no, there's still time at our once-a-year clearance event. you're so stylish. you've got good taste. oh, cammie. mom? yes, blake. it would look cool in black. so, clarence is at our clearance to get cammie a camry, and blake wants it in black. whoa. [ male announcer ] toyota's nationwide clearance event is on. right now, get a low 0% apr financing on a 2013 camry. get your camry today, before they're gone. toyota. let's go places. ♪ we're back now at 8:10 with what is trending today. the night of the raid on bin laden. we all know this is an iconic photo. of course, that was a tense and nerve racking time. now we're learning just how anxious the president was. he said president obama passed the time on that eventful day. >> most people were down in the situation room, but he was like i can't stay down there and watch, so he and myself we played 15 games of spades. >> the white house is declined to comment on this. we should note that the president was in the situation room during all of the actual raid, and we wonder how they feel about him writing about this. >> don't mention the spades game in a went on. interesting none the less. trending this morning on "associated press." can i just tell you, you're missing out. "hempfest" is where rebelers gather for an open use of marijuana. this is the first hempfest since washington state legalized pot use. and the police there are just going with it. they're handing out bags of doritos. 1,000 bags. first of all i love doritos. i have like a google alert for doritos. >> and for hemp. >> so it's not just to satisfy munchies, but they have new information on the laws. >> jimmy buffett just jumping on a plane. >> we'll have more with him in a moment. trending on "usa today," the bank of mom and dad. you can't put a price on the joy your kids bring you, but they don't come cheap. parents with a baby born last year will spend at least $217,000 until the age of 18. the figure could go as high as half a million dollars. that's an increase of 23% since 1960. what is included in that? housing, food, transportation, clothing, health care, child care, education. what is not included is the cost of college, and that is about $18,000 on top of that. >> but they're worth it. >> i would rather not know how much the total is. >> they're worth every penny. now for a trend worth trying. new york as you know is known for their bagels, but few have had them like this. the bantum, a bite sizes bagel. it is like the donut munchkin. there is one with peanut butter and jelly, and the hot pretzel with dijon and cream cheese. >> this one i just ate, i think was the hemp fest -- >> was it dorito? >> the secret ingredient, made with new york city water. >> it makes the bagels better. >> prince finally joined twitter and he sent out his first tweet. it read prince's first tweet, test, 1, 2 -- then he posted prince's second tweet. then he posted a picture of his salad. in 2010 he declared the internet completely over, but if you're on twitter -- >> if you're on twitter it's not cool any more. i tweeted back. prince on switer and every one of my favorite play lists. >> you know who is a huge twitter fan -- >> who has something like 700,000 followers, jimmy, come on in here, i'm in my work outfit. >> do you like twitter? >> i'm -- i don't twitter, i have someone who does it for me. >> do you dictate it to them. >> i have other things to do, but that is an inspiring tweet from prince. >> you could start every show that way, don't you? >> what are you singing for us today? >> a couple new songs, a couple old songs. >> it must not be a big news day. >> it's been four years since you came and sang for us. we missed you. >> i'm glad to be back. >> thank you. we'll see you in a little bit. concert coming up in our 8:30 half hour, and that is what is trending today. just head, when a celebrity pitches you a weight loss plan, are you inspired or turned off? coming up, new developments in an emotional child custody case. adoptive parents desperate to get their daughter back as the biological father stands his ground. matt, good morning. it is a cross country custody battle that extended all the way to the u.s. supreme court and is raising questions about triable jurisdiction. now the girl's adoptive parents are here to get her back. today baby veronica remains in limbo. her adoptive parents matt and melanie are in oklahoma, pleading for her return. >> it is takes another week, another month, another decade, we're not going anywhere. >> the couple traveled here from south carolina. the latest chapter in a bitter custody battle in 2009. her biological mother asked the father for custody. brown signed the paper work, and then soon off she put the child up for adoption. browne said he never realized that was an option. >> i thought i was just signing for her to have full custody. >> in 2011, a south carolina court decided that brown should have custody of his daughter. so for the last two years, veronica has lived with him and his wife, robin, in oklahoma. but this summer, the supreme court weighed in ruling the federal statute did not apply pap south carolina court ordered browne to veronica, but that has not happened. ? charleston, brown cease attorneys asks the judge to reconsider. >> he has rights, he is a loving father. >> back in oklahoma, they're saying if brown refuses to cooperate, he will be extra dieted back to south carolina. >> i feel like the legal battles are distracting what we're doing here which is what is best for veronica. >> the cherokee nation is standing by mr. browne. gabe, thank you very much. if you apt diet, do you need a celebrity endorsement to buy into a weight loss program. one when is trimming the fat when it comes to all of those famous faces. the diet business is a hefty industry worth about $61 billion. and a lot of celebrities fatten their pockets by doing endorsements. now jenny craig announced they are shifting their focus away from the star spokespeople. >> we have all seen them, they're ever where. celebrities endorsing weight loss companies. >> eat your favorite foods. >> several big names hit the air waves to tout their own weight loss and collect big paychecks in the process. but does an endorsement from a hollywood star really make a difference? >> now jenny craig is rolling out new animated ads that focus on foods, not celebrities. tize -- advertisers say that celebrity pitches are not the best option. >> if it's a celebrity i really like, i usually remember it, and if it's not, i don't sometimes. sometimes, just what celebrity is making the pitch can be a turn on our a turn off. >> the basic problem is they don't appeal to everyone. you think about finding a celebrity, it's really difficult to find one that fits everyone. >> they say they don't plan to get rid of famous endorsers completely. they say their new strategy is about delicious pood, personfoo consultants. >> at any given time, there is about 108 million dieters in the country. more than 80% try to lose on their own, so these companies are appealing to have very big audience. >> so what does it all mean for the weight loss industry? we have donny deutsche and brook albert. do you think this is a smart move on the part of jenny craig? >> yes, if i said to you jennifer hudson lost 40 pounds. if i say your next door neighbor lost 40 pounds, it's more credible. this celebrity wears this watch, soly be cooler. you don't feel more -- >> do you think consumers are getting wiser that even if the celebrity does the diet plan they have so many other advantages that it's not at compelling. >> stars are not like us, they have so many resources. nothing is better for weight loss than seeing their neighbor or friend and what worked for them. >> there is something else also happening with celebrities overall. 20 years ago, you saw a celeb any an ad and you go wow, you see them everywhere every second and they don't pop so much. and we have reality people, real is more relevant to people, and i think we will continue to see a downward slope. >> what does motivate women? we're agreeing it's not really the celebrity endorsement. >> women like a weight loss community and they like dialogue. that's really great about seeing someone they recognize or someone that really is like them because it's a dialogue they can have if can be two girlfriends talking about what works for them in this weight loss program, and it is really important for women. >> what do you think, donny, works when it comes to women? these companies are still pouring millions into the endorsement deals, it must work some time. >> i'm going back to aspiration. michael jordan wears these sneakers, i can jump higher and feel like him. >> when you're talking about weight loss and some of these programs that are usually associated with the big endorsements, do they work? as a nutritionist, do you say all right, this is a recipe for weight loss? >> a lot of them do work for weight loss, but what they're lacking is a recipe for maintenance and how it can work into a lifestyle for the long run, versus an acute weight loss period. >> what do you think is the most effective selling point for these industries? it is a hue industry. >> eat less, exercise more. boom, you got it. eat less. >> brook, you have to have a better answer. >> you need to find what will work for you, what you can maintain in the long run, and what makes you feel good about yourself. >> thank you, i guess. when we come back, we have a treat for our bra zplaza. at 8:26, breaking news that we are following is coming out of walnut creek this morning where officers are on the hunt for two burglars who hit the tiffany's jewelry store this morning. nbc bay area's bob redell live at the scene and he joins us live with the latest. bob? >> reporter: good morning to you, laura. it is clear that these robbers, now four robbers they are looking for, clearly underestimated the strength of tiffany's security. given what they went to get through inside, didn't make out with much. 5:45 they rammed the back of this stolen pickup into the tiffany's at north main and mount diablo boulevard. they went inside. you can see where they tried to smash the glass cases containing the jewelry. most are shattered but doesn't get through. police tell us they did get through one case, they were able to get a small amount of jewelry but nowhere near as much as they thought they were going to take. they did have a blue plastic storage bin they abandoneded on the site. the thought is they thought they might be filling that up and taking off. again, a small amount of jewelry. they are looking for four men in hoodie who took off at 5:45 this morning in ma what is described as white chevy blazer, only in the store for two minutes. police say they were here one minute later. bob redell, nbc bay area news. >> thanks for the latest. another local news update in half an hour. triple again. do you see the 10% back in points, plus another 10%, plus free shipping? yeah. you're good. this is the member triple play deal. this is sears. good thursday morning, the 15th day of august, 2013. we're halfway through the month, and you know what? it's a little chilly for an august morning. we're going to warm things up considerably in a couple minutes when mr. jimmy buffett takes over the toyota concert summer stage. i'm matt lauer along with savannah guthrie, natalie morales, and al roker. >> we have the buzz meter going today, so you can tweet and watch the meter go off the charts. and tomorrow, country super star luke bryan. >> that's right, country girl, rain is a good thing, and matt's favorite "drunk on you." >> they're all favorites. >> lots to get to, in the meantime you have a check of the weather. >> absolutely. starting with today we are looking with wet weather into the weekend. showers in the southeast down into florida, wet weather in the pacific northwest. making it's way to a good portion of the western-central part of the country. the only that will be rough is southeast into the mid-atlantic thank you, al. 8:32. taking a live look. what a pretty start to the day over sinole. temperatures nice and comfortable we head throughout this afternoon, right around the bay. 80, freemont, 86, a little warm in san jose, hot stuff in the east bay, 93, livermore, 91, fairfield. the best of the best, 70 in san francisco, 75 in santa cruz today. into the weekend, temperatures jump up. might get a few mountain thunderstorms on sunday. hey, and we have a little waisted away on formula. what's her name? >> zoey. >> what? >> she is my baby sister. >> that is your baby sister? >> yes. >> really? is she good? >> kind of. >> get that weather any time you need it now, let's go back into matt. >> thanks, now an unexpected craze that is sweeping the nation this summer, today's jenna wolf is here with details on that. >> sometimes accuse me of being excessive with things. i don't think i am, i think i'm right on the money. you have seen these everywhere, colorful rubber band bracelets. they are called rainbow looms. >> coming zoom, rubber band bra bracelets, made on a loom. >> and a design not by the toy industry, but by a mid western family who built a business out of their basement. >> this started as a weekend project with my daughter, and they said dad, this is so cool. >> the family posted how-to videos online. >> i would put rubber bands in the bags. >> they had so many orders to fill, they had to install an elevator to get the boxes up to their garage. >> it's mind blowing. >> when michaels stocked them nationwide, 20 stores sold out immediately. a rare overnight sensation. rainbow looms have had videos pop up all over the state. kids are making bris lets for their friends and parents. and old skill with a modern twist. turning a simple rubber band into all of the rage. >> they told this week, and now the kids are going back to school and they can wear and trade them with classmates. >> you love this, don't you? >> yes. >> why? >> it's fun, and there are so many colors, and portable, and fun to make. >> is it hard to learn? it looks complicated? >> well, what you do is you place them like that, and you have these -- you take your hook, and you flip it, and you hook it up like that. and then when you're ready, you take it off so then it's like that, and you place ablip on it. >> you can make neck laces and bracelets. >> is it a boy and girl thing or a girl thing? >> i think it's both. >> will you make me a hammock, that would be cool. >> and also rainbow underwear. >> 11 years old. >> i'm sorry that was too far. >> coming up next, a slice of margaritaville in concert. [ male announcer ] what is performance? 0 to 60? or 60 to 0? [ tires screech ] how a car performs in a quarter-mile? [ engine revs ] or a quarter-century? is performance about the joy of driving? or the importance... of surviving. to us, performance is not about doing one thing well. it is about doing everything well. because in the end... everything matters. the best or nothing. that is what drives us. . the toyota concert series today brought to you by toyota. >> parrot heads, the time has arrived. here is jimmy buffett and the coral reefer band. ♪ >> hello, new york ♪ nibblin on sponge cake, watching the sun bake, all of those parrot heads covered with oil ♪ ♪ strumming my six-string on my front porch swing ♪ ♪ smell those shrimp they're beginning to boil ♪ ♪ waisting aaway again in margaritaville ♪ ♪ searching for my lost shaker of saltay again in margaritaville ♪ ♪ searching for my lost shaker of say again in margaritaville ♪ ♪ searching for my lost shaker of saltway again in margaritaville ♪ ♪ searching for my lost shaker of salt, some people claim there is a woman to claim ♪ ♪ but i know this is all al roker's fault ♪ ♪ i don't know the reason, i stayed here all season ♪ ♪ knotting to show but this brand new tattoo ♪ ♪ but it's a real beauty, a manhattan cutie, how i got here i haven't a clue ♪ ♪ waististing away again in margaritaville, searching for my lost shaker of salt ♪ ♪ some people say claim that there's a woman to blame, but i know it's all you women's fault ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i blew out my flip-flop, i stepped on a pop-top, proek hi leg twice i had to limp back home ♪ ♪ but there is bood in that blender, and soon it will render that frozen concoction that helps me hang on ♪ ♪ wasting away again in margaritaville, searching for my lost shaker of salt ♪ ♪ some people claim that there's a woman to blame, but i know it's my own damn fault ♪ ♪ some people claim that there's a woman to blame, but i know it's my own damn fault ♪ ♪ we are just getting started. we're back with much more from jimmy buffett in a moment. first, this is "today," on nbc. jimmy buffett has about 50 albums or so to his credit, and he has a new one, "songs from st. somewhere." take me in the deep recesses of your imagination, what does "st. somewhere" look like? >> there's a few palm trees, everybody has their own version of it, we just provide the background. >> there is a new song called "too drunk to karaoke," i can relate, what was the inspiration. >> there was a couple great song writers, and i have been in that position myself, and it was my song. >> when i grow up, i want to the be jimmy buffett because you love to live life, what have you been up to lately? >> we have been on tour, i see you in your boat, so you're doing okay. >> i heard your boat is bigger? >> yeah, we have a tour, and a play coming to broadway, big fish, at the neil simon theater, so that's fun, and getting another book out. >> what are you going to sing for us now? >> this is called "something about a boat." ♪ ♪ something about a boat sitting on the sea out there in the wind, floating on the breeze ♪ ♪ take you around the world, get you back home, something bout a boot gives a man hope ♪ ♪ something about this old g guitar and the way she still rings after all of the bars and the broken strings ♪ ♪ played a million songs, broke a lot of hearts, made some people stars, something about this old guitar ♪ ♪ ain't it crazy how a sunset seems like nothing at all. take this big old world and make it feel so small ♪ ♪ windows where there are walls, takes a whole lot of something, out of nothing at all ♪ ♪ something about my dog sitting by my side, if she's had a bad day, she's not going to run and hide snoets ♪ just wagging her tail ♪ something about a dog makes her my best friend ♪ ♪ ain't it crazy how something seems like nothing at all ♪ ♪ take a big old room, make it feel so small ♪ ♪ when there is windows instead of walls, makes a whole lot of something out of nothing at all ♪ ♪ makes a whole lot of something out of nothing at all ♪ ♪ something about my dog, something about this old guitar, something bout a boat giving a man hope ♪ thank you, jimmy, more music straight ahead. first this is "today" on nbc. they're built alln summer long during the emirates airline us open series. tune in every week as strength is tested and the stars of tennis emerge. follow the action from coast to coast for ten tournaments over five weeks. don't miss your opportunity to watch the greatest story in tennis unfold right before your eyes. for complete tv listings go to jimmy buffett on our toyota summer concert series. here they are again, jimmy buffett and the coral reefer band. ♪ ♪ came down to cincinnati after three days on a train, looking for some peace and quiet ♪ ♪ hope to see the sun again, lives down by the ocean, taking ca care, and they're out there after dark ♪ ♪ can't you feel them circling, can't you feel them moving around, to the left, to the right, the only one in town ♪ ♪ you have fins to the left, fins to the right ♪ ♪ >> ♪ high as -- and a postcard from the road ♪ ♪ can't you feel them closing in, honey ♪ ♪ can't you feel them schooling around ♪ ♪ fins to the left, fins to the right, and you're the only girl in town ♪ ♪ ♪ sailed to antigua, three days on a boat, looking for some peace and quiet, hoping to keep her dreams afloat ♪ ♪ she feels like remora, cause the cool's still close at hand ♪ ♪ but on the reef are the big white teeth of the sharks that can swim on land ♪ ♪ can't you feel them circling, honey, can't you feel them schooling around ♪ ♪ fins to the left, fins to the right, and you're the only bait in town ♪ ♪ you got fins to the left, fins to the right, and you're the only bait in town ♪ ♪ one more song from jimmy buffett coming up, but first, we're back after your local news. [ slurps ] [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® made gluten-free cereals in a bunch of yummy flavors. like cinnamon chex, honey nut chex, and chocolate chex... we're in cereal heaven. so thanks. from the mcgregors, 'cause we love chex. . from nbc news, this is "today's take" with al roker, n natalie morales. >> you're hearing our new theme music on top of jimmy buffett singing. >> we're just showing him playing. >> the concert is going on out there. >> there you go. >> good thursday morning, august 15th, 2013, jimmy is still rocking the plaza. >> he is very fitting, he is doing this song for our fourth hour, "too drunk to karaoke." on the list of people who have life figured out, jimmy buffet is very high. shorts and no shoes, flies around the country. >> you know who else? his band members. they have a good life following him around everywhere he goes. that's who i want to be. >> he is awesome. this is coming up later. >> we have a lot of clutter going on. >> you know what is amazing is what mika did yesterday on "morning joe." >> one of my cohosts across the street tweeted this last night, her weight. she showed her standing at home on her scale. she tweeted my weight, one year ago today, i feel good about this number. about 136 pounds. her book is called "obsessed." >> she feels good about 136, fantastic. >> she got a lot of followers and replies. it doesn't surprise me one bit. she has never been shy. she is not a shrinking violet. she doesn't do the 29th birthday again. >> you have to problem admitting your weight, but for women, it's one of those things that is a carefully guarded secret. >> what is worse, weight or age? >> weight. a lot of women are like i'm between certain sizes. they never feel they're at the size or weight they want to be. >> i think a lot of people it is hard. >> you're not going to get it out of me? >> whyouldn't you. >> i don't think that -- >> that's a good answer. >> should we turn this into a state fair and guess the weight. >> let's not. >> willy, pick her up, see what you think. >> that's the problem, i would bench press natalie. >> look, some people are very happy to say what they weigh, and i think others just -- i don't want young girls to be -- >> i have never seen you like this. >> i don't want young girls to be obsessed with your weight either. you don't obsess about it if you reveal it, you just say what it is, and then it's done. there's no obsession. >> uh-huh, okay. they're going for something here. >> they're not going to break. >> mika did it, i don't want to -- >> it's not like you're copying her. >> it's her thing, would you publicly reveal your weight? we asked our viewers on a poll. so go ahead and weigh in on our poll. >> get it, weigh in. >> so good. >> that is kind of the point of her book, is to be open and hoppest about your body. >> that's your first step in letting it go. >> do you really want to know? >> no. >> i mean -- >> if you say it's fine, i don't care, i actually really don't care. >> you don't care. >> strong is the new skinny according to the "new york post." it's true. i think that is the message we should be sending girls. not about weight, it's about being strong, healthy, and taking on the world. >> weight means nothing. >> if you lifted a 50 pound weight, how much would you weigh. >> the number on the scale means nothing, as long as you're healthiy. >> if that's the case than say it. >> okay, let's leave natalie alone. let's move on to the kitchen. the new new product, it will help a food craving. it has a timed lock. if you have food in your home you can't resist, you put it inside here. so say this is my weakness with the cookies, you put the cookies in there -- >> that's how martha stewart does it. so you put them in here, you lock it, and then you can decide how long you want to lock it. so you turn the dial. i put three hours. okay, now i can't touch that for three hours. >> you can't open that up? >> works like a charm. >> you have to turn it, you push it down and turn it. now you can't get in there. >> i'm sure a child could still figure it out. >> don't break our new table, al. >> it can handle it. >> it's like $40. >> here is a thought, how about not bring the food home, you know? >> al's french fries. >> these will be great in three hours. >> bread and cheese. >> mommy put the wynn in the food safe. >> that's a waste of good wine. >> just don't bring it home. >> that's one approach. >> also if you look into -- >> do you finish a whole jar? >> no, i don't have that big of a problem. and then you put it on a high shelf and stare at it. >> the guy who developed it went to m.i.t. but he also said you can use it for like discipline with your children. if they were bad with a toy, you put it in there and lock it. >> look, i have your nintendo ds. >> that's good, i may try that. i'm taking a food saver home. >> that's a weak dempatitemptat. a baguette. >> dad, mom is drunk again and she won't tell us how much she weighs. >> all right, do you remember that interview -- i'm switching subjects again, remember the young british radio personality, he interviewed mila kunis, and the exchange went viral. it was like the odd esoddest ex ever, he interviewed jennifer aniston. >> did you know that your name is an anagram for finer not in jeans. >> no. >> i didn't know that, it's an anaogram. >> yes. >> that's fantastic. >> there you go. >> what do i do with this guy. >> he starts telling her, there is a scene where she -- >> she a stripper. >> yeah. he says i once went to a strip joint in england where they also serve you steak while you're watching, and she's like oh, that's so interesting. it's like caveman behavior and he gets lost. but she a performance artist, he is not really lost. >> he is a comedian, right? and he made a career out of this, so -- very cool. >> our producers pointed us to, natalie morales is ill at ease roman. this is flattering. who put these together? you clearly had something to do with that. willy geist. agile. >> i like this one. bleak terror. do we have time -- okay, we want to do our sibling rivalries. let's get a check of the weather. right now we're watching a couple of disturbances out in the atlantic that could cause some problems. we have a tropical depression 5. 92l is bringing a lot of moisture. 80% tropical development chance. it looks like it will bring a lot of rain over the next 72 to 96 hours where they already don't need it. they have some 200% of the rainfall they should have. we're now looking at three to eight good thursday morning to you. look at this blue sky breaking out over sinole. we are going to see a warm he day in the east bay we started out so mild but not as warm as where we are headed into the upcoming weekend and also going to increase that humidity. 96 on sunday, isolated thunderstorms sunday into monday. temperatures level off and we heat back up for wednesday. so update on the viewer poll, 54% say they would not. >> 46% say they would. it's not a landslide. >> i think it depends on if you're a man or woman. >> i have five seconds until my safe opens. >> three, two, one -- yes! >> yes! >> coming up next, brothers and sisters are weighing in on our often bleak and terrifying victory is seeing him find balance, watching a little girl become a little lady, and finding the courage to let her go. but what about the little victories? a smile... a confident glow... or a "thanks, mom." these are the victories we're famous for. famous brands, famously easy... famous footwear. victory is yours. made gluten-free cereals in a bunch of yummy flavors. like cinnamon chex, honey nut chex, and chocolate chex... we're in cereal heaven. so thanks. from the mcgregors, 'cause we love chex. ♪ [ male announcer ] breathe easy in your home, get a two pack of filtrete micro allergen air filters for only 18 dollars at lowe's. then you'll love lactose-free lactaid® it's 100% real milk that's easy to digest so you can fully enjoy the dairy you love. lactaid®. for 25 years, easy to digest. easy to love. plus the perfecting color of a bb cream equal? introducing the newest beauty trend. total effects cc cream c for color. c for correction. [ female announcer ] fight 7 signs of aging flawlessly. cc for yourself. yep. how'd that happen? um... [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest. rice krispies are easy. because they're made of rice, which is gentle on tummies. it's simple as... ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ rice krispies! ♪ snap! crackle! pop! with so much competition, finding the right job is never easy. but with the nation's largest alumni network, including those in key hiring positions, university of phoenix can help connect you to a world of opportunity. okay, so a couple of days ago, natalie shocked america when she said her sister tricked her into drinking a bodily fluid, saying it was lemonade. >> here to weigh in is jennifer hartstein. we want to get started with willie, you told us yesterday how much you tortured your little sister libby making her watch scary movies. >> "friday the 13th" when she was five. >> i was less about getting beat up, it was more like long lasting trauma and torture. i was about five and he was ten, he made me watch "friday the 13th where jason murders people in the woods, disgusting and horrible. i went to bed that night, i hear a little knock at the window. to this day, it gives me chills. i thought it was over, jason was outside my room, i was done for. to this day, if i see a trailer or a smallest clip of a chase scream, i scream outloud -- >> i have never felt to terrible. >> have you kicked into for therapy. >> there is family therapy going on. >> how common is that. here you have a brother with his sister, is that a common theme among siblings? >> it is, but with siblings of different sexes there is an issue. you're essentially like only children in your house. there is a difference between you were probably never in school at the same time, but there is a torture piece. and there is a problem -- >> torture. >> -- it does build our belief in the world later. parents need to step in -- >> you need to send her a card. >> this was an isolated incident, i was otherwise loving and caring. >> should we ask her about that? >> i hope george and lucy have a better relationship. >> okay, let's move on now to al, turns out your brother and sister have very different memories of growing up with young al roker. >> ut oh. >> just because of the simple fact of the age difference that we have is 16 years apart, for god sakes, he potty trained me. so i think of him as my big brother, and a second dad. >> not sibling rivalry, he was a trickster. he comes into my room and wants to interview me, ask me a series of wonderful questions, i was very animated, yes, no, absolutely not, of course, yay. he comes back a couple days later, he spliced everything differently. nothing was the same. >> do you curse? absolutely. do you listen to mom and dad? >> never. >> practicing your interviewing skills on your sister. >> but i think on the whole, it balances out. >> it is all about the end result, right? i think you have here a great example of when you're closer in age, you're more friends. where as 16 years difference, you're going to be more like a parental figure. it's a different quality of relationship. >> and a big family brings big dynamic. >> six kids and we know there is new research that says the more siblings, the better you are prepared for other relationships in your life. >> and natalie. >> oh boy. >> okay. natalie, i love you dearly, but you have to understand where i was coming from as a child and why i felt a need to put you in your place. after you were born i lost all of my privacy. i was forced to share a room with you. if we fought, i was always the one to get in trouble because you were smaller and younger regardless of who started the fight. anyway, i hope i did not traumatize you too much. i think you turned out okay, so i will forgive you for bringing national attention to my tactics of getting even with you when i was 10 years old. >> the oldest and the middle child. >> and a middle child with the same sex older sibling. >> that's a lot more rivalry, fighting for attention, and you become a mediator. >> what's the message for parents? >> we're learning how to work out relationships. there will be fighting and that stuff, but when it becomes really problematic that one child is saying this is happening too much, i'm scared of my sibling, parents really need to pay attention. you need to really let them figure out how to work it out because they will need it later in life. >> your sister patricia sent along a little gift because she could not be here. >> jennifer, thank you so much. coming up next, all of the news you need before you head out the door. do you feel like you're always in a rush? do you feel like you're always in a rush? jamie to checkout, please. there are lots of "jamies" out there,... huh? but that doesn't mean we're all the same. just like greek yogurts. that's why i prefer activia greek. you got that right jamie, there's nothing like it! exactly, because activia greek is the only greek with exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, and it helps regulate your digestive system. i love its thick creamy texture! mmm! the greek nonfat yogurt that helps tummies smile! activia greek... like no other greek yogurt. ♪ dannon backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. 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[ female announcer ] tampax pearl protects better. only tampax has a leakguard braid to help stop leaks before they happen. tampax pearl protects better. to help stop leaks before they happen. when you color a lot, you need a color that cares a lot. only excellence crème from l'oreal has triple protection. pre-treatment seals fragile ends. color cream protects. deep conditioning for rich, radiant color. and grays? gone! l'oreal's excellence. is that true? says here that cheerios has whole grain oats that can help remove some cholesterol, and that's heart healthy. ♪ [ dad ] jan? ♪ i dbefore i dosearch any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. looking at the headlines, a we have president obama who disrupted his vacation. he said the u.s. was cancelling the exercises with egypt. he called a state of emergency and said the supporters of morsi to come to a peaceful democracy. >> escalation needs to stop. the way you use child car seats may be about to change. the wall street journal is saying the government is claiming they should be secured by a top and seatbelt. car seats now use a latch system which combines lower anchors and tethers. the anchors are not suitable for heavier children. check this out. the under water photos taken in the bahamas by graham and his wife. this diver is known only as tom. tom picked 1 of 15 reef sharks by hypnotizing it and rubbing its nose and he was able to do that. levitate it. he has been called the shark whisp whisperer. coming up, secrets to making best burgers you will ever eat. >> after your local news. ♪ won't touch this. ♪ won't touch -- stop. eggo time. [ female announcer ] eggo waffles can win over the pickiest of eaters so everyone can enjoy breakfast...together. can't touch this. ♪ [ girl ] l'eggo my eggo™. with new roc® multi correxion® 5 in 1 proven to hydrate dryness, illuminate dullness lift sagging diminish the look of dark spots and smooth the appearance of wrinkles high performance skincare™ only from roc® has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! wow. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. good thursday morning tour 9:26 now, i'm laura garcia-cannon. officers are on the hunt for burglars who used a truck to break into the tiffany's snore walnut creek. it happened about 5:45 this morning at the store on main street in the downtown area. one of the men backed a white pickup truck through the entrance while three others used hammers to breakthrough glass, protecting the jewelry. no one was hurt. 911 call from a young girl about her parents fighting ended with officers shooting and killing her father. late last night, hayward police showed up to an apartment complex on tennyson road. the girl on the 911 call told police her father had a knife and was threatening to kill her mother. when officers got to the apartment they ordered the man to drop the weapon but he reportedly refused and police say he lunged at officers with that knife. that's when one officer fired, shooting the suspect at least once. he died at the hospital. in about a half an hour, we will find out whether the new span of the bay bridge will actually open on labor day weekend. officials have pushed the opening date back to december or later to give crews time to install a fix for dozens of broken bolts. keep you posted on that one as well. a look at weather and traffic after this break. welcome back now the time is 9:28, look at this you can make out the tippy top of the trans america pir mirksd sfo to a tune of an hour and 40 minutes you want to keep checking ahead, we should see those lifted we head through the next hour and a half or so 93 in livermore, 90, kind of warm in gilroy, 86, san jose. temperatures stay above average. as we head throughout the remainder of the week and this weekend, saturday and sunday that humidity increases might see thunderstorms sunday afternoon. check that drive with mike inouye. a tough drive past the coliseum there are two events as well. midday a's game and the circus tonight but right now, we have a very slow drive north past high street, past the exit, reports of a fender-bender blocking that slow lane, you see the jam here, a map slowing up into downtown, southbound side where there was a fender-bender on the other side a slower drive off 580, a stall into castro valley, watch that, slow south toward san mateo bridge. >> another local news update in half an hour. have a great morning. [ female announcer ] with box tops for education and safeway's ten percent back to school program, now there are two ways to earn cash for your kid's school. from august 14 through september 10, look for products marked with the 10% apple tag. and earn even more by signing up for ebox tops at almost tastes like one of jack's cereals. fiber one... ah, forgot jack's cereal! [ son ] what's for breakfast? um... try the...number one. yeah, it's pretty good. [ male announcer ] over a third of a day's fiber. fiber one. welcome back to today on this thursday morning, august 15th. you're listening to "i'm alive." >> we play some games here. hollywood game night is tonight on nbc. they're going to play a game called lil picasso. so willie and i are going to go head to head. i'm the host this time, and we have the "today" show staffers kids to do the art work. we're going to chime in with these, here we go, first one, go ahead, al. >> that is natalie? >> come on. >> taylor swift. >> look at what she is holding, it's two people. >> a baby. >> kate middleton. next one, ready? >> justin bieber? >> wow, very good. by the way, or the work by sarah and very well done. >> very good likeness. okay, ready, third by erin, eight years old. >> lady gaga? >> jolie with the leg on the red carpet? >> nice detail. >> next one, ready? all right, can we guess? do you need a hint? a really good dancer. >> justin timberlake. >> i thought that too. >> does a show, and dancing is part of the show. >> second to none, short hair, a lady -- >> ellen de generis. >> okay. >> ready, next one? willie, pay attention. this one is by let's see -- >> that's clooney. >> how did you know that? >> the beard. >> good job. good job to our artists by the way. >> a talented staff here. >> okay, how about a che thank you, many of us know all too well that getting everyone out the door on time in the morning can be stressful, and every minute counts, so sometimes there is not tyke for breakfast. >> so we graded and rated the best kitchen products. m mandy walker is here with the ones that scored the highest. >> when we test products, we find out what is important to consumers. we look at performance, we look at what features they like, and we test those. and we look at safety that is a big feature. with toasters, we want great features, and toasters that shut off if the break gets stuck, and they all did that. >> this is the high end side, this is for two toasting -- >> this is the top performing in all of the tests. it is about $60. there were some that were $250. it did a great job, a nice range of doneness, so someone that likes it just a little, someone that likes it dark, a great range. >> this is the best buy model. did a great job, also has a bagel feature, and it has extra deep slots. okay, coffee makers, and we're doing the pod coffees here. >> yes, get a cup quickly. >> the coffee is delicious, and it's the top performing. it is $150. there were some that were $450. it brews a very fast cup, a fast second cup as well. it has a great temperature. >> there is a lot of flavors and you have to use their pods, correct? >> yes, and the keurig. it also gave a very hot cup, and it's a great deal. water temperature evenly maintains. >> sandwich maker, this is a breakfast sandwich maker. you can do other things while it is cooking. you put a piece of bred in the bottom, close it, break your eggs, top piece of bread, and it takes about 9:00. and this is a gadget -- >> yes, it is suppose todd -- supposed to separate the eggs. >> and the next one requires taste testing over here, right? >> cereal is so expensive lately. the raisin bran is the walmart bran and the target brand is the sl shredded wheat. >> how did they stack up? >> they were better tasting and much less expensive. they were 25 cents per cup. >> and you might notice, we have a nice tender raisins and a nice toasted oat taste. >> thank you so much. >> coming up next, how to turn your business into a reality. we'll meet some busy moms who discuss that, up next. ♪ over a thousand styles hundreds of fits dozens of washes and one very happy you. sears has the brands you love. so you found a few yeah, a few and only at sears, do shop your way members get an extra 20% back in points. this is the jean scene. this is sears. ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! 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[ female announcer ] dove. this is care. ♪ with venus and olay. olay moisture bars help lock in moisture for less dryness while five blades get venus close. revealing smooth. and goddess skin begins. only from venus and olay. revealing smooth. and goddess skin begins. pure chocolate goodness that brings people together. when the chocolate is hershey's life is delicious. backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. the wait is over. olive garden's never ending pasta bowl is back. unlimited breadsticks. unlimited salad. never ending bowls of pasta for just $9.99. did i mention it's all unlimited? never ending combinations of pasta and sauce. like new asiago garlic alfredo and even unlimited meatballs, sausage or new chicken fritta for $2.99. the never ending pasta bowl is back. it's all unlimited, but not for long. go olive garden! we're all family here. back now with moms that turned a little idea into a big business. they reached out on our website and the social media community, and we found several busy moms that created their own community. >> welcome back. >> hello, my friends. >> we're going to talk about candy and bridal gowns. >> i have a very big announcement. we have a newest edition to the family here. >> congratulations. >> now a new baby to join the family. >> congratulations. >> we're so excited. >> so poa and jagger get a new buddy. >> yes, and i wanted to share it here first so you hear it live from me. >> you're part of our family, we appreciate it. >> i'm already, you know, from having a couple others, my body immediately went like this right away. >> all right, let's turn to our new mompeneurs. >> a single mother of three began making candy in her kitchen shortly after her first baby was born. she started making salty caramels and then marshmellows. 14 years later, she now sells to 100 stores across the country and also opened her own cafe called little flower. >> and christine moore is here. you started with just donating to schools, is that how you got the word out? >> i believe in donating to local schools, it's like free advertising. moms talk about it and it's a great way to get your business out on the forefront. >> so how long until you turned a profit? >> we were pretty quickly. we had some wholesale accounts right away. the cafe i hoped about seven years later. i'm a baker by trade, not a candy maker, and the cafe is busy and we feed people every day. >> you're a single mom, three kids, running a bakery and cafe, how are you managing all of that. >> i would take them to the office and they would sleep and it was 3:00 in the morning. but you just get up early and go to bed late like any other mom. >> what advice do you give to other moms or dads at home that want to start that company from their kitchen or living room. >> i think the number one key to anything like this is passion. you have to be passionate about it and you can never give up. you have to push through the hard times. there is sleepless nights. you'll be working for money for a long time, there's no quick remedy, but you can never give up on your dream. maybe your kids feel like part of the business too. they used to go with me and deliver candy -- >> they're part of everything. >> they could go to jones on third, and they would get treats, it was fun. >> our next mom peneur joins us next, look at her story. >> she worked as a wedding planner and watched in brides struggle to find a sample dress over the size ten. so she opened a store to cater to brides size 12 to 22. >> and she joins us. clearly pregnant as well. >> so so excited i can touch my belly now, i have been hiding it for so long. >> there was a huge need. we're women, we come in awe different shapes and sizes. and out there in the regular bridal stores, there just isn't anything for brides that are size 12 and over. i really wanted to cater to that and that need for the side 12 and up woman. >> how do you find a balance between it all, juggling it all? >> it's a challenge. you take it day by day, and priority for me is always my family. so at the end of the day if i don't get work done, that's okay. it's all about family and business comes second. >> when you find a need and you feel like you can do it, and you do. great job. great job to our ladies and mompeneurs. coming up next, your life is about to exponetially better. whatcha got there, duke? jay and duke talking action figures. my idea. love it! let's see what i say... roll that beautiful bean footage! [ jay ] bush's country style baked beans are slow cooked according to our secret family recipe with specially cured bacon and extra brown sugar for a thicker sauce and richer taste. the secret family recipe starts with beans and... batteries not included. aw, you're no fun. [ jay ] enjoy bush's baked beans... still made from our secret family recipe. yep. how'd that happen? um... [ female announcer ] some things are hard for kids to digest. rice krispies are easy. because they're made of rice, which is gentle on tummies. it's simple as... ♪ snap! crackle! pop! ♪ rice krispies! but do you really? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. can your makeup remover do that? [ female announcer ] neutrogena® makeup remover. [ command center ] this is command center. [ man ] ...3, 2, 1. [ command center ] all systems go. [ female announcer ] introducing swiffer steamboost powered by bissell. steam-activated cleaning pads penetrate deep. [ command center ] we have lift off. [ female announcer ] don't just clean your floor. boost it. it can only be called black silk. from folgers. a taste you can enjoy fresh brewed one cup at a time or on the go. black silk from folgers. ♪ go ahead and call me, call me, call me. ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry 'bout it baby. ♪ ♪ you can wake me up in the dead of the night. ♪ ♪ wreck my plans, baby that's alright. ♪ ♪ this is a drop everything kinda thing. ♪ ♪ swing on by i'll pour you a drink. ♪ ♪ the door's unlocked i'll leave on the lights. ♪ there's only one place to get more luke bryan ♪ i see you made yourself breakfast. how'd you know? ♪ hey! totally got it all!m! don't forget your favorites, girls. hey girls! the good ol'days when we could eat as we wanted. yes, but we are not 18 anymore. sometimes if i eat as i used to my digestive system gets out of whack. it's not easy keeping it working as it should. it's easy if you enjoy an activia everyday. mmmm... delicious! with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, activia helps regulate your digestive system. put a smile back in your day! ♪ activia ♪ dannon [ villain ] well mr. baldwin... it appears our journey has come to a delightful end. then i better use the capital one purchase eraser to redeem my venture miles for this trip. purchase eraser? it's the easy way to erase any recent travel expense. i just pick a charge, like my flight with a few taps, it's taken care of. impressive baldwin. does it work for hotels? absolutely thank goodness. mrs. villain and i are planning our... you scare me. and i like it. let's go what's in your wallet? . in today's kitchen, we're going back to basics. >> david is a chef, and it's good to see you. >> good to see you guys. >> there is a lot of stuff out there, a lot of burgers, and we're back to the basics with the simplicity of a burger. sourcing out your meat, get the 80-20, that means 20% fat. >> you can build a double patty or keep it simple. also, the bun to meet ratio is very important. so we have sirloin and brisket. when we start using salt and mix it in our meat, salt cures. so season is right before. >> it looks like a small burger to me. >> we're going to season it right as it goes on the flat top. >> how hot should it be. >> nice and hot. listen, when you do this, you're talking about more salt than you normally would, it brings out that beefy flavor. we have a couple working right here. the other key to this is we're going to seer and get crusts. >> you like cast iron. >> yeah, i'm all about cooking outside too. if we're talking about bunning, caramelization, and look at the bun to burger ratio, we'll have a little shrinkage there. >> there is so many theories about flipping, i like to flip once. >> and don't push down with a spatula. look at this. >> how do i know when it's ready to come you have, you can do a press, if you go like this, and a four wouns burgeounce burger, take very long. simplicity of ingredients, cheese, pickles, onions, ketchup. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ try new fiber one peanut butter protein bars. coming up, the count down to a birthday. >> don't say how many years old she is. >> 60 -- >> don't give it away. >> luke triple again. do you see the 10% back in points, plus another 10%, plus free shipping? yeah. you're good. this is the member triple play deal. this is sears. [ female announcer ] no other system lets you take your license from state to state. no other system integrates patient care so holistically. places such advanced technology in the hands of practitioners. has the privilege of caring exclusively for our nation's veterans. there's no other system like the veterans health administration. ♪ bring your medical and healthcare skills to va. visit good morning to you, it is 9:56. i'm marla tellez. two men convicted of gang raping a teenaged girl at richmond high school are expected to be sentenced today. 20-year-old marsellus peter around 22-year-old jose montan know face 33 years to life in prison nor this attack. last month, the two were found guilty on all counts for their involvement in the gang rape of a 16-year-old girl outside the school's homecoming dance back in 2009. a bike rider who hit and killed a pedestrian in san francisco last year is expected to learn his fate today. chris boo carry pleading guilty to felony vehicular manslaughter after hitting and killing a 71-year-old man in march of last year. he is expected to receive 1,000 hours of community service and three years probation when he is sentenced this afternoon. go ahead and check that forecast now with meteorologist christina loren. >> hey, thanks, marla. 93 degrees inland today. liverme is going to be a hot one. half moon bay, you want the best of the best, comfortable conditions in pacifica, 68. 71 in half moon bay. the warmest beach city, as per usual. santa cruz, 76, boardwalk is open from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. getting into the all-important weekend, temperatures stay pretty study through saturday, then on sunday, the humidity increases, we might actually get some thunderstorms. monday and tuesday, temperatures level off and a hot day on wednesday, 97 degrees. check that drive with mike. >> oakland, still a little slow, 880 northbound. backup clears, northbound past high street, a nice, smooth drive. the earlier crash, show it on the map, slowing through the area, approaching 16 the southbound side has a as well, why both directions are covering, take a little while to react, southbound 880 slow, past the san mateo bridge and continuing down toward wynton, an earlier crash cleared to the shoulder, quite a distraction there as well. marla, send it back to you. >> mike, thanks. back with our next local news update at 10:26. see you then. ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing good for me around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of craving something that i can't have ♪ ♪ turn around barbara ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ 90-calorie fiber one lemon bar. from nbc news, this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. hi. it's thirsty thursday, august 15th. >> the celebration is growing. >> but how can we have national relaxation day today when there's so much crud all over the place. >> look it is one day until your birthday. >> it's too much -- >> we want to take a look at your countdown calendar. things are droopy. >> what's sad is it's so true. it's so true. >> all right. so this is interesting because one of our producers, amanda avery, decided to take a look at the changing faces of 60 on television. and this is interesting. so she went through and was looking at some old sitcoms and stuff. she found grandma esther from the waltons. take a look at her. >> ellen corby. ed. >> she was only 60 when the pilot was shot. >> she needs her roots done. >> compare her to 62-year-old kirstie alley. >> see what getting your roots done does for you? >> how about irene ryan. she played granny. >> i loved her. >> do you know how old she was? >> 50-something? >> 60. she was 60. >> she doesn't have dr. patricia wexler. >> compare her to bernadette peters at 60 and felicia rashad. 65. they are five years older than her. >> and i don't know about felicia, but i know bernadette will not go in the sun. and she never has. >> never does. >> and she's got some of the most gorgeous skin. >> how about aunt bea from andy griffith. aunt bea, 58. >> oh, my gosh. >> 58 years old. compare her to 59-year-old christine brinkley. >> well, nobody looks like christie brinkley. >> let's just look at that. that is unbelievable when you think there's a one age difference and you try to pick who is older. >> there are things available to women today. there are options available that were not available back then. so what's fascinating to me is look at somebody like a sofia lauren who had nothing done and still looks gorgeous. not everybody can say such a thing. >> bea arthur, betty white and estelle getty were between 62 and 63. rue mcclanahan. >> who was grandma, the mother of the bea arthur character. estelle getty. >> 51 was the young nest the bunch. those were all golden girls. >> look at meryl streep who is 64. >> i don't think meryl has done anything either. she looks so radiant and beautiful but doesn't look unnatural. >> you're right. >> i think she's just very at home in her own skin. and i think she's very smart to realize she wants to be -- she's an actress. she wants to play roles. and she wants to be available for them. and, oh, shoot, i've just had botox, i can't play that. i think she cares about the right things. >> you're right. >> not me who is shallow and says give it to me now. like yesterday i went to get my zen bronze again. >> how was that? >> great. great. >> you go into the booth? >> it's like a little booth. >> and then what happens? >> you are in a -- a lot of people do it naked. i don't because you take all kinds of weird positions so that she makes it look all natural. >> does someone stand in there and spray you? >> diane does. i love her. >> donna. donna. sorry, donna. i'm sorry. i was thinking -- i don't know why i said diane. i was wrong. it happens when you're 59. >> it looks good. some other facebook well wishes. to prove 60 is still great, we've got a facebook post from roseanne gustav that reads, you wanted to hear from all the college students. i'm a college student. i'm 60 years young. i am in my senior year. i'll graduate in november with -- >> she looks like a kid. >> and six concentrations. >> good for her. that's really cute. >> would you go back to college if you could? >> no, i wouldn't. i think there's a lot you can learn but you don't really have to be in college. there are so many ways to learn things. i finishing that was kind of your only option, i would do it, but -- >> i want to go to yoshiba university and become a rabbi. i want to get my orthodox rabbinical degree. i want to understand what words mean and all the context is. i'm fascinated by that stuff. >> you have such a curiosity about so many things. if someone is telling you any story, it doesn't matter, you'll ask 15 questions about where. where is that? what is that? you have a thing like some people, me, listen kind of vaguely. >> zone out. >> sometimes i do that. >> but she zones like an egyptian. >> hey! there's a really cool thing on huffington post. this 87-year-old blogger that decided that this blogger wanted to tell 60-year-olds, give them some words of advice. she's a retired biochemist. often you hear about parents giving their children advice. this woman is giving advice to 60-year-olds because the blog is called what most 60-year-olds don't get. anyway, so some of the advice she gave -- >> in the huffington post. >> she says change happens so choose your change. what does that mean? >> i don't know. i guess when i turn you know what tomorrow, i'll understand it. you may move slower, but that's a good thing. sounds a little like martha stewart. >> mend fences now before it's too late. >> that's true. >> some of those rifts -- >> they go deep. finally, time is a friend, not a foe. as we were saying before, eydie gorme, her birthday would have been tomorrow. >> what age am i going to be? >> 59 plus tax. >> something happened to her shots. they're gone. >> when i was choosing my ihoda for today, instead of being selfish, i decided to pick one of your favorites. i thought you'd like this one. this will make you close your eyes and go, god, i remember those days. >> really? >> yeah. you're going to remember those days, well, when the show first started. crank it up, i can't hear. >> i'm not even going to drink. i'm going to eat. ♪ she hit the floor shorty got low, low, low ♪ ♪ the baggy sweat pants and the reeboks with the straps ♪ ♪ she hit the floor next thing you know shorty got low, low, low ♪ this is the rappy part. ♪ i want to hoda on your kotb in the back of your jalopy ♪ ♪ so walk your pretty big feet i want to get you good and loaded till your great big head's exploded ♪ ♪ i want to swing you in a tizzy until your keratin goes dizzy ♪ >> that actually worked in there. how is that possible? >> because that song stinks! i love flo rida, but i hate that song. >> but the cheeseburger is great. >> this is a delicious drink by tommy bahama. >> thank you. and it's shaved. don't you love shaved ice? >> what is in this? all right. is it okay or not okay to go clubbing with your parents, hoda. >> with your parents? >> i said this and she said that. >> something else. >> not when your children to be in rehab. personally, my kids would drop dead before they'd let me go clubbing with them. their loss. >> sure it's okay. why not take a walk on the wild side. >> hoda. >> get to the clubs with cody and cass immediately. >> that is never going to happen. >> are you excited? it's almost time. >> no. >> i'm learning to embrace. >> i think we went way too far. most of america does, too. >> no, they don't. it's been happening all week. we're not stopping now. two more amazing ambush makeovers. >> when do i get mine? i look like tan mom. all right. and you can crash my party any time. country music hottie luke brian is here. i'm going to have one more bite because it's almost my birthday. hi, i'm karissa. hi, i'm sherri. and i'm going to show sherri how collecting box tops for education earns cash for our school by shopping at walmart. come on. sherri, look at all these products that you can buy for your family with box tops. and look, four box tops in one box. that's awesome! more cash for our school. only at walmart you get 4 box tops on over 100 items. karissa i got it and you only had to tell me four times. find 4 box tops on your family favorites like general mills cereals and nature valley granola bars backed by our low price guarantee. imagine a new level of refined, perfected. at pixel level. new l'oreal texture perfector. refine texture reduce pores diminish lines even close up, skin looks remarkable. new youth code texture perfector. only from l'oreal paris. [ sneezing ] she may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec®. powerful allergy relief for adults and kids six years and older. zyrtec®. love the air. with the vidal sassoon smooth collection, now sleek meets chic. extreme smooth combing crème defies frizz and flyaways for up to 24 hours. vidal sassoon smooth. salon genius. affordable for all. [ ding! ] losing your chex mix too easily? time to deploy the boring-potato chip decoy bag. then no one will want to steal the deliciousness. [ male announcer ] with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix is a bag of interesting. ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. there are lots of jamie"jamies" out there,... huh? but that doesn't mean we're all the same. just like greek yogurts. that's why i prefer activia greek. you got that right jamie, there's nothing like it! exactly, because activia greek is the only greek with exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, and it helps regulate your digestive system. i love its thick creamy texture! mmm! the greek nonfat yogurt that helps tummies smile! activia greek... like no other greek yogurt. ♪ dannon he is country music's fastest rising star. luke bryan is having quite a year. he hosted the academy of country music awards with blake shelton -- >> who? >> blake shelton. and while he was there he happened to snag the entertainer of the year award. >> can you imagine how blake must have been so upset. >> and his first headlining tour his been sold out since the spring. and his latest album called "crash my party" is headed to the number one spot on billboard's 100 chart. >> i'll drink to that. >> a little drink of something. >> let's have a little sip of something to celebrate that. yeah. >> there's more to celebrate. >> what is -- >> actually, big straw. big straw. >> how did it feel to get the entertainer of the year award? that's a big deal. >> it was really the biggest highlight in my life as far as music is concerned. and what was funny about blake is with blake and i hosting, we were backstage when they were, you know -- >> announcing? >> when shania was announcing the nominees, and blake was going, it's you. it's you. it's you. and i was like stop it, stop it. when they announced me, blake just picked me up and squeezed me. >> so he was really happy for you. >> he was really amazing. >> like he needs more awards. >> and a hot wife with miranda. what else does he need? >> he's practically broke i hear. >> yeah. but it -- >> still, there are those people that cannot be happy for you. they are not -- it's not in them. they cannot share your joy. >> blake is truly, and, you know, co-hosting with him, my first really co-hosting gig, he was a pro getting me kind of piggybacking me through that. >> how was that experience? i watched you guys together. >> i was so focused on hosting, getting the hosting job right, that, you know, like i almost forgot about the nominations and the performance. >> how many were you nominated? >> three. and then i had a performance. and my performance was crash my party and i flubbed the words on the front part. i was like -- somehow i kind of -- i was like watermelon, watermelon. >> that's the problem when you have a hit. they know the lyrics. >> but it was the first time, we debuted the song so nobody -- so i just sang something and got through it. >> were your kids there? did they come to watch? >> they don't come to vegas because it gets crazy, but they're here. my wife and my kids are here. >> they'll be on the plaza tomorrow when you rock the plaza. >> just live here for one second. >> tater bug and bobo. >> do they have musical abilities like their daddy? >> beau is the oldest. he has like drum sets and he gets up there and plays on the drums. >> so he's into it. >> and tate just tries not to get beat up by beau, but, yeah, they are here and they are gone to the zoo. my 5-year-old, he is like, all he's talking about is the statue of liberty. i want to see the statue of liberty. in the next few days we'll be on a ferry going out there. >> you'll make a memory he'll never forget. >> sdwhat your wife think of this sort of -- everything that's happened in your career? >> it's fun. we truly have a good time. and we have a good time with our friends and all this. we try to -- the beauty of my career is the progression has been a nice steady deal that we can kind of figure out what makes us freak out and what makes us -- >> how long have you been married now? >> going on 7 years. 6 1/2 years. >> so she was with you before -- >> oh, yeah. we dated in college. i had my college band there so she gets the whole deal. >> she's been a part of it the whole way. >> we dated in college and then broke up for like 5 1/2 years. >> why? >> well, i was graduating college and she had like two years so she wanted to kind of have fun and -- >> it was her? >> well, when we broke up, we were -- i was like, i think we're going to break up. it was never like a -- we never had like a knock down, drag out. >> but you missed each other? >> yeah, we always felt a pulling for -- she and i to get back together. >> is everyone going to be on the plaza tomorrow when you rock this place? >> he's going to be here. >> it's going to be great. you know, when you -- like i said, these moments like this happening -- >> he was saying right beforehand. forgive me because we do have to go. he was saying he can't believe all this stuff is happening to him. >> it's crazy. >> it's a beautiful thing how -- >> like somebody else is living in this. >> gets to live it. >> -- in this form of me. >> we are so happy for you. we'll see you tomorrow on the plaza. we've got all weekend chatter coming up after this. if you 're living with chronic migraine, your life is a game of chance. but what if the odds could be in your favor? botox® is an fda-approved treatment that significantly reduces headache days for adults with chronic migraine, 15 or more headache days a month, each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions, neck and injection site pain, fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. put the odds on your side. visit and talk to a headache specialist. ♪ i see you made yourself breakfast. how'd you know? ♪ how'd you know? mommy! i went potty! that's great, honey... where? for life's bleachable moments. you see the "mini" ion my chest? funny, yes? no. i'm huge. flavor? i'm bursting with it. creamy? i ooze it. rich. creamy. and 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. because of a migraine. so they trust excedrin migraine to relieve pain fast. plus sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. and it's #1 neurologist recommended. migraines are where excedrin excels. and it's #1 neurologist recommended. hey! totally got it all!m! don't forget your favorites, girls. hey girls! the good ol'days when we could eat as we wanted. yes, but we are not 18 anymore. sometimes if i eat as i used to my digestive system gets out of whack. it's not easy keeping it working as it should. it's easy if you enjoy an activia everyday. mmmm... delicious! with the exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, activia helps regulate your digestive system. put a smile back in your day! ♪ activia ♪ dannon ♪ it's thirsty thursday and time for your "weekend chatter." a look at all the movies and celebrity stories you'll want to know about. getting us ready is e news correspondent jason kennedy. >> i haven't seen you guys in months and i've really missed you. >> you are very busy. >> a globetrotter. >> i'm doing great. i'm just glad to be here. >> what's the thing to see this weekend? >> if frank wants to take you to the movies you have "jobs" starring ashton kutcher. a lot of critics had problems with him playing steve jobs. they didn't think he was the right pick. he did an interview on e news the other day saying i'm going to prove these guys wrong. i was the right pick. i'm hoping to prove them wrong. >> have you seen it? >> i haven't seen it. i definitely will go and see this movie and then if i don't see "jobs" "the butler." >> that's what i want to see. i am hearing great stuff about "the butler." forest whitaker, oprah winfrey. >> literally a laundry list of a-list stars in this movie. it has to do with a butler. it's based on a true story. he was a butler in the white house for over 30 years. >> served eight presidents? >> eight presidents. eight sitting presidents and all the amazing stories and events he witnessed. so that is definitely one out there. but if you don't want to go to the theaters. >> what else do you have? >> out on dvd and blu-ray, "olympus has fallen." >> which we enjoyed. >> i think gerard came on the show to talk about it. >> we enjoyed that very much as well. >> he's the secret service agent, the only one that can save aaron eckhart who plays the movie in this. >> ashley judd played his wife. >> morgan freeman is in it. it's a great cast. >> if you are feeling nostalgic, hard to believe it's almost been 35 years but "the muppet movie" is on blu-ray right now. 35 years since we were first introduced to kermit mefrog on the big screen. >> kermie. >> and i love that movie. i thought it was awesome. >> take us down to celebrities. something with cory monteith. >> he's got two movies that are going to screen at the toronto international film festival. that's happening in september. one movie specifically is called "mechanic." he plays a convict addicted to drugs. so it hits very close to home for those that know him and love him. and there's another movie that's going to screen there called "all the wrong reasons." we spoke to the director and he said he really embraced this role. he works at a supermarket. the manager of a supermarket there. i spoke to a lot of the "glee" cast members at the teen choice awards. they still have grief counselors on set and it feels like a piece of them is gone. but each day gets easier. >> have they said how they'll deal with the loss of the fast member finn? >> they'll address it but haven't given a lot of info on how they'll do it. >> lady gaga released a couple of singles. >> cher is upset. everybody is leaking this stuff before they have no control over it. >> gaga might need a plumber. she's got some leaks. >> and don't miss with lady cher. >> she did a duet with cher about a year, year and a half ago. it was never supposed to see the light of day. and someone leaked it. so gaga had her single leaked on monday. then this leaked a day later. and cher took to twitter saying gaga wasn't a fan of this song and she's the boss. >> cher said a lot more than that. >> yes, yes. >> i can only imagine. >> i love cher. >> but it was for cher's album. >> yeah, not good. >> jason, we love you. >> how much do we love our jason kennedy. >> my birthday girl. >> i love you, baby. >> happy birthday. two ladies from the plaza will show off their ambush makeovers. >> and move over real housewives because some new reality stars are some modern dads. >> there they are. at chico's we're famous for our so slimming jeans. ♪ now, meet our instantly slimming, secretly shaping dresses, skirts and pants. ♪ they slim, smooth, and shamelessly flatter, exactly where it matters. the so slimming collection. so fabulous. only at chico's and backflips and cartwheels.mile? love, warmth. here, try this. mmmm, ok! ching! i like the fact that there's lots of different tastes going on. mmmm! breakfast i'm very impressed. this is a great cereal! honey bunches of oats. i hear you crunching. high fructose corn syrup from yoplait original and light, we were like, "sure. no problem!" and you were like, "thanks, but what about thick & creamy and whips!" and we were like, "done and done! now it's out of everything yoplait makes." and you were all, "yum!" and we're like, "is it just us, or has this been a really good conversation?" and you were like, "i would talk, but my mouth is full of yogurt." yoplait. it is so good! it is 10:26 now, good morning. i'm marla tellez. a 911 call from what young girl about her parents fighting ended with officers shooting and killing her father. late last night, hayward police showed up to an apartment complex on tennyson road, not far from he is per yin boulevard r the girl on the call told police her fair had a knife and was threatening to kill her mother. when officers got to the apartment, they ordered the man to drop the weapon but he reportedly refused and police say he lunged at the officers with that knife. that's when one officer fired, shooting the suspect at least once. he died at the hospital. we will have a look at weather and traffic after the break. do you see the 10% back in points, plus another 10%, plus free shipping? yeah. you're good. this is the member triple play deal. this is sears. welcome back now. the time is 10:28. we have a pretty warm day shaping up inland. 94 on the way to livermore, 80, fremont, 80 in oakland. 70s at the coast today with hotter weather just in time for the weekend. we will have your full forecast today at 11:00. let's check your drive first with mike. >> looking here toward the san mateo bridge, traffic nicely, both sides a pretty steady flow of traffic, around the span, peninsula, east bay side, slowing south of the bridge, earlier crash at whipple road, involving four vehicles, sounds like paperwork and other distractions on the side of the road, here toward the san mateo bridge, earlier crash cleared south of san leandro and north past the coliseum heading up into downtown, still a lit bit of slowing as well, marla. back to you. officers are on the hunt for burglars who used a truck to break into the tiffany's snore walnut creek. one of the men backed a white pickup through the entrance while three others used hammers to breakthrough the glass, protecting the jewelry there you can see all that in this video. we will tell you why they weren't able to get away with much jewelry, coming up in 30 minutes at 11:00. jon kelley and i hope to see you then. ♪ we're back with more of "today" on this thirsty thursday. it's time for our plaza ambush makeovers. all week long for two women my age, which is -- >> 59 plus tax. i already told you. in honor of kathie lee's big birthday, we are at it again. with the help of our talented friends who have outdone themselves this week. "today" contributor, luis licari and jill martin. ♪ luis licari la, la, la, la, la ♪ >> how was today different than yesterday? >> it actually was because it was just a great crowd. overwhelming. >> and jimmy buffett fans. >> that's right. >> first up is mary. she's 64 years old from wallpingers falls -- whapingers? anyway, new york. she's never cut her hair. we surprised her with a glam new style. >> one day to klg's birthday and you get the makeover today. >> i am so excited, jill. it's unbelievable. i never expected this. >> i know you're a little shocked. >> i am. most definitely. all i wanted to do was come see jimmy buffett and this is over the top. >> now you get to do both. how do you feel about this? >> oh, this is fantastic. jimmy was her bucket list. makeover is certainly on mine. >> all right. we're going to take care of you. >> thank you, jill. i appreciate that. >> you ready? >> yes, ma'am. ready to go. >> we like him. len, please keep your blindfold on for just a second. here is marianne before. let's see the new you. ♪ she's a lady >> whoa! all right. >> oh, my. >> are you ready? take off your blindfold. it's your moment. >> holy cow! oh, my god! just beautiful. >> are you ready? you want to see yourself? >> i'll keep her. >> oh, my god! oh. >> now do i like me now. >> look in camera 12. >> that is insane. that makeover worked. she loves it already. i can tell. >> that's a great haircut by vanessa. she shortened the hair and made it more up to date. made it look contemporary. and it's her third haircut ever. >> in life? >> in life. >> wow. >> and then i softened the -- >> it's a completely different look. looks great. >> all of a sudden, it softens her features. she came alive and she's vital. she's young. >> you know who else is alive? len. >> what do you think? >> that dress is perfect. >> a lot of information, but look at this body on her that we found on her. maggie london. beautiful. join len. but i'd be careful, if i were you. >> me, too. >> our second lady is rita taylor. how old is she? >> she's 59 and tax. >> she's 60 years old from florida. it's her -- in her 60 years of life she's never once colored her hair. wow. she's dynamite. so she's thrilled for the opportunity to get a brand new look. let's listen. >> i like her. >> you guys corrected me. you aren't cone heads. you are? >> funnel heads. >> funnel heads for margaritas. it's a little bit of a stretch but you did get a makeover out of it. >> i'm tickled. i'm happy about it and can't wait to see what it's going to turn out as. >> and what do you guys think? i can't wait to color this hair. >> i think she's going to look great. >> i begged her to dye her hair. >> she needs it. >> okay. so -- >> i love my friends. >> and we can't wait to make you over. happy birthday, klg. >> thank you very much. good friends are hard to find. she's here with sharon, lynn and rose. let's take one last look before and bring out that margaritaville liz. wow. ladies, all right, now is your time. take them off. >> oh! >> oh, my stars! it is unreal! >> you ready, rita? turn around, sweetheart. >> that means she likes it. >> wow. >> you look great. >> you love it? >> that said it all, right? i love it. >> we just washed away the gray and erased years again. >> wow. >> such an easy trick to do. takes less than an hour, obviously, and -- >> look at the difference! >> makeup. remember, less is best. >> oh, and tell us about the outfit. >> three pieces you can mix from white house, black market. >> what do you think? >> this is great. >> marianne, step out here. a big round of applause. for luis and jill. thank you so much. we're going to have some stay-at-home dads who talk about how to do a fabulous princess party. >> these are state-at-home dads. it's a fun, fun show coming up after this. hey, it's me, progressive insurance. you know, from our 4,000 television commercials. yep, there i am with flo. hoo-hoo! watch it! 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[ dog ] on a walk, walk, walk. yeah, we found that wonderful thing. and you smiled. and threw it. and i decided i would never, ever leave it anywhere. because that wonderful, bouncy, roll-around thing... had made you play. and that... had made you smile. [ announcer ] beneful. play. it's good for you. beneful is awarding a $500,000 dog park makeover... in the 2013 dream dog park contest. enter now. the triple-groove wand combs through for clump-free length. while a potion with strengthening proteins drenches lashes for spellbinding volume. do you believe in magic? dare to be revlon. [ female announcer ] what if breakfast was set free? ♪ where might it take you? ♪ where might you go? ♪ introducing kellogg's® to go. ♪ the power of protein and fiber all bottled up in a delicious breakfast shake. get up -- and go. kellogg's®. from great starts come great things. going to clear everybody from -- yeah, they pull all-nighters. have empty bottles all around the house and share beds with the babes. >> they are modern dads. ae &'s newest reality show about four friends who are stay-at home fathers. they help each other out when it comes to raising children. >> the premier episode follows them around as they plan a princess themed birthday party. and the single dad in the group takes advantage of some of the perks of paternity if you know what i mean. take a look. >> they do kids cakes, but -- >> that's awesome. >> i'll give you her number. i'll give you her number so you can say i sent you there. >> maybe you can give me your number in case there are any problems. >> notice how expertly he use myself baby in this. >> well, they are nathan hill, rick lucas, sean kent and stone slater. >> stone, you are the single dad in the group. >> with the wavy hair. >> the mat men hair. >> do the kids work as a chick magnet? what's going on here? >> it's like a puppy? >> i would never intentionally but my sdaurt so charismatic and outgoing. >> he says not intentionally but does make her wear diamonds when they go out. >> so, nathan, you guys all know one another? >> childhood friends? >> sean and i went to the university of texas together. >> in austin, which is party town. >> yes, of course it was. >> well, we partied 20 years ago. >> we used to chase girls together and then i moved away and i moved back. we reconnected because now we're chasing girls but it's because one of them won't put their pants on to go to school. >> those girls. >> is there a stigma? you guys were at the bus stop picking your kids up. you are stay-at-home dads. how do the moms treat you? >> i've done this for ten years, so i like to say that i've seen it in ten years go from creepy to cool. >> you were the only guy there, you were afraid to get out of the car because -- >> i would wait in my car until another dad came up so i wouldn't walk out in a park by myself. >> and look like a pedophile. >> creepy guys hanging around. >> thanks. >> oh, it's you. >> kathie lee is my publicist now. >> the first time i saw rick i actually did call the cops so that's -- it's a common mistake still. >> but is there a stigma? do you feel with stay-at-home dads? >> not so much anymore. not as much anymore. i mean, there are more stay-at-home dads. more women out -- >> in the workforce. and that's fantastic. >> i leave mine every day. he's not a stay-at home dad, he's a stay in bed. >> your two wives are standing back there. >> they are. >> they are lovely. >> they are so gorgeous. >> that's what my husband also says when i go out the door. good-bye my little cash machine. >> you call them wives. we call them atms. >> you guys are fun. we wish you all the greatest success. catch them next wednesday on a&e. danica mckeller has a million-dollar challenge for you. it's a math test. you. it's a math test. jamie to checkout, please. there are lots of "jamies" out there,... huh? but that doesn't mean we're all the same. just like greek yogurts. that's why i prefer activia greek. you got that right jamie, there's nothing like it! exactly, because activia greek is the only greek with exclusive probiotic bifidus regularis, and it helps regulate your digestive system. i love its thick creamy texture! mmm! the greek nonfat yogurt that helps tummies smile! activia greek... like no other greek yogurt. ♪ dannon ♪ [ female announcer ] nothing gets you going quite like the power of quaker oats. today is going to be epic. quaker up. creates the perfect smoky eye today is going to be epic. l'oreal voluminous smoldering liner super intense pigments smoldering it doesn't get more smokin' than this! bewitching voluminous smoldering liner from l'oreal paris but lately she's been coming in with less gray than usual. what's she up to? the new root touch-up by nice'n easy has the most shade choices, designed to match even salon color in just 10 minutes. with the new root touch-up, all they see is you. ♪ yer always after me lucky charms! whoa. i forgot how good these taste! [ lucky ] ♪ they're magically delicious all right. if you could use a million bucks, and who couldn't, we've got a challenge for you. >> solve one little math problem. that's it. and the money is yours. >> here with the million-dollar question, two math geniuses. actress danica mckeller author of "girls get curves" geometry takes shape. and jordan ellen burke, a professor of mathematics at the university of wisconsin madison. >> danica -- welcome, guys. >> harvard. >> you have been pressing since -- we've had you on several times talking about how girls need to know math. >> i have four books now for girls from prealgebra through high school geommetry just to take the scary out of math. >> but if you are good at it, you are naturally good at it. >> every girl can be good at math. >> every person. we're all doing math all the time. >> what are we doing right now. >> so there's a texan banker andrew beal who has said he thinks this is true. if you can prove it you get a million dollars. >> what is it? >> it has to do with exponents and common factors, which is in "math doesn't suck." it's a little complicated if you aren't familiar with the terms. they are saying it's impossible to fill in these numbers with certain parameters. they have to be 3 or greater and these have to all be whole numbers and a, b and c -- >> it will be on our website. >> and i tweeted it, too. we're going to do a different challenge right now for you guys. all right. so are you ready? >> i have carrie with me. >> i have rosemary with me. >> you are going to honk your horns when we know you have the answer. if you want to use the chalk boards you can. >> he's a neutral coach. >> i'm a math coach on site. >> if you are driving 80 miles an hour, how many minutes will it take you to drive 80 minutes. >> an hour. >> how many minutes? >> 60. >> 60. >> number two -- >> i hate this. >> brenda is 62. susie is 59. if kathie slae two years younger than brenda, how old is -- >> 61. >> 60. all right. number three -- y equals 35, what does x plus y equal. >> what? >> 20. >> yes. >> are the answers -- >> number four, if each -- >> 60! >> we can't hear you. each side of a regular hexagon equals ten centimeters. what is the perimeter? >> 60. >> wait a minute. >> -- a number that divides evenly into -- >> 60! >> yes. >> where are the shots? where are the shots? >> and i think the winner, has someone been keeping score because i haven't. >> we weren't keeping track. >> i do owe you three shots. >> 60 shots. >> i won. >> so what's -- i love this game. >> thank you. >> congratulations. >> all right. we have one segment left which means it must be -- >> jimmy buffett! first, this is "today" on nbc. >> announcer: the toyota concert series on "today" brought to you by toyota. >> i have a hat on and it's not even my party. we want to remind you tomorrow is kathie lee's big birthday celebrate. lots of surprises. we have special guests. >> let it end. >> the fun will never end. here's a great birthday present. jimmy buffett with his song "too drunk to karaoke" off his latest cd, songs from st. somewhere. have an awesome thirsty thursday. we'll see you tomorrow for you know what's inevitable. ♪ too drunk too drunk ♪ ♪ the last night at the bar it was karaoke night ♪ ♪ now everybody down there was feeling all right ♪ ♪ they got big margarita pitchers two for one yum, yum ♪ ♪ i was feeling pretty loose and ready for some fun when i got up i was ready to go ♪ ♪ but they didn't call my name for an hour or so ♪ ♪ if they didn't make me wait too long i was in no kind of shape to sing a jon bon song ♪ ♪ too drunk to karaoke to drunk to karaoke ♪ ♪ if you keep on singing you're going to be too drunk to karaoke just like me ♪ ♪ too drunk to karaoke sing it girls. ♪ too drunk to karaoke ♪ temptation was strong all the pretty girls kept egging me on ♪ ♪ i should have kept my flip-flops glued to the chair but, no, i jump right up and i slick back my hair ♪ ♪ too drunk to karaoke too drunk to karaoke ♪ ♪ you can sing in the shower until you sound real good you can terrorize the whole neighborhood ♪ ♪ when you hit the stage with this mike in your hand you better pace yourself son if you want to have fans ♪ ♪ too drunk to karaoke too drunk to karaoke ♪ i've been there. ♪ ♪ ♪ well, i looked around and i killed that song everybody was gone ♪ ♪ except a couple of bouncers about half my age they grabbed a microphone and threw me off the stage ♪ ♪ you're too drunk to karaoke that's what they told me too drunk to karaoke ♪ ♪ how could i be you don't have to be good don't have to be refined just have to be a legend in your own mind ♪ ♪ you don't have to rehearse or even sing on key just prove that theory ♪ ♪ too drunk to karaoke too drunk to karaoke ♪ ♪ too drunk to karaoke too drunk to karaoke ♪ transportation officials announced the span can open on labor day as planned. the announcement coming from the toll bridge oversight committee happening two days after federal transportation officials signed off on a temporary fix for those bolts. the problem was threatening to delay that opening until december, possibly later. the argument is the new bridge with the temporary fix will still be safer than the current bridge. again, the new span of the bay bridge can open up on labor day as long as all of the retrofit


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