Budget 2021 will be delivered on Thursday 20 May, Finance Minister Grant Robertson announced today. “My focus continues to be on making sure spending is targeted at the areas and people that need it the most. “We will manage the books carefully including ensuring we are getting value for money .
4 days ago
Morena ki a tatau, Tena tatau i nga kaupapa hauora, E tuitui nei i a tatau i tēnei ata, Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou katoa. When we were re-elected with a clear mandate for change, our Government made three promises: To keep New Zealanders safe from COVID-19 To .
Idiot/Savant at No Right Turn wrote on Thursday:
An irrigation company’s decision to relinquish its consent to take extra water from the Rangitata River when in high flow has been hailed as a “gift to New Zealand” by anglers.Rangitata Diversion Race Management Ltd (RDRML) was awarded the consent to take an extra 10 cumecs in water when the river was flowing 110 cumecs or higher by an Environment Canterbury-appointed independent panel in 2018.
However, appeals by Fish and Game, Ngāi Tahu and Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua to the Environment Court had delayed the consent’s implementation.
RDRML chief executive Tony McCormick confirmed on Tuesday it had decided to relinquish the consent, describing it as “positive news” and adding they would make a further statement later.
Written By: mickysavage - Date published: 10:16 am, February 28th, 2021 - 136 comments
Auckland is back into level three lockdown. The check points around the city have again been put in place and big events, including the round the bays run have been cancelled.
The caution is understandable. The latest two cases, a son and his mother, were potentially exposed to the UK variant B117 thorough a family member who was a casual contact of the Papatoetoe student. This shows how dangerous the virus is and why the cautious approach is the right thing to do.
There has been some social media blow back, and pointed words from the Prime Minister, against the young man for going to a gym after having had his covid test. From Jason Walls at the Herald:
Press Release – NZUSA The New Zealand Union of Students’ Associations is calling for increased student support to ensure that students can continue to study amid fluctuating Alert Levels. “With this mornings increase in COVID Alert Levels, students face yet more …
The New Zealand Union of Students’ Associations is calling for increased student support to ensure that students can continue to study amid fluctuating Alert Levels.
“With this morning’s increase in COVID Alert Levels, students face yet more uncertainty and stress at the start of the academic year. They’ve already had their orientations disrupted by COVID; the Government cannot allow this virus to ruin their entire year” says National President Andrew Lessells.