NEXE Innovations Inc. (CVE:NEXE – Get Free Report)’s stock price shot up 2.2% during mid-day trading on Wednesday . The company traded as high as C$0.24 and last traded at C$0.23. 14,201 shares were traded during trading, a decline of 77% from the average session volume of 61,048 shares. The stock had previously closed at […]
NEXE Innovations Inc. (OTCMKTS:NEXNF – Get Free Report) shares rose 4.9% on Wednesday . The stock traded as high as $0.18 and last traded at $0.18. Approximately 2,240 shares were traded during mid-day trading, a decline of 74% from the average daily volume of 8,475 shares. The stock had previously closed at $0.17. NEXE Innovations […]
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