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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20150519

for primetime news - starts now. >> pam: breaking news at 8. >> pam: the mountain lion wandering through a busy neighborhood. has been caught. >> pam: we have been following this story all afternoon. >> pam: san mateo police and wildlife officials cornered the animal around 7- tonight. >> pam: good evening everyone, i'm pam moore. de de >> reporter:the big cat was eventually caught right outside an apartment building. kron-4's jeff bush joins us >> pam: live. >> pam: jeff? >> reporter: they had been tracking this cannot run all day long at first bought it at 4:00 a.m.. right around five or 6:00 in the afternoon that is when they corner did and got it up in a tree. taking a special rifle with a tranquilizer. missing the first shot they started again on the second round the cat jumped off or jumped out the tree and went over a wall. the officials were waiting for about 45 minutes before the cat can't completely to sleep. the mountain lion is being safely transported out to a remote location to be set free creek will have more video coming up tonight at 830 anchor it is very fresh bridge will see the mountain lion up close. de did >> pam:tickets to see the warriors take- on. the houston rockets are already sold out. >> pam:so if you want a ticket to game- one of the western conference finals it will cost you. >> pam:we sent kron-4's haaziq madyun to oracle arena to find out just how much it costs to get a seat. and what kind of view you can >> reporter: when du have to be a corporate sponsor or members of the warriors group to get the cs tear. >> reporter: you may recall, when the warriors were taking on the grizzlies and game 5. none other, then the pound for pound fighter floyd may weathered jr. was seated here. this is not even a official seek. however, when you have the money that may weather has become so on. >> reporter: when a bart and some may say is $650 here and dislocation. still a little bit above your budget last move to seek one a little bit farther up known as the nose bleeds patrick for $177. and not a bad deal actually. below but >> reporter: find out what it cost to get you and 15 of your friends in luxury seating creek and this luxury suite creek gold to the web site >> reporter: inside the oracle reno, haazig madyun kron 4 news. --oracle arena >> pam: we have complete coverage of the warriors playoff quest. on our website at kron 4 dot com. >> pam: you can also download our free app for the latest warriors updates. >> pam: new at 8. >> pam: we're tracking neighborhood crime. >> pam: here is a crime tracker in san francisco. police are warning the public to be alert. >> pam: that's after a man. impersonating a city employee, burglarized an elderly woman's home. >> pam: it happened saturday afternoon. in the 15-hundred block of 23-rd avenue in the sunset district. >> pam: police say, a man in his mid- 40s. went to the home and told a the elderly woman. he needed to check on a gas leak. he then quickly went inside and asked the problem. >> pam: when she refused and asked for his i-d. he fled. >> pam: but while he was there, he allegedly stole a wallet, credit cards and other documents from her bedroom. >> pam: police want residents to be on alert. >> pam: cameras will soon be installed on cal-train tracks in palo alto. to combat fatalities. >> pam: the city of palo atlo and cal-train are working together. to test cameras along the meadow avenue crossing. >> pam: if someone is detected. the cameras would alert police. then the notification would be passed on to cal-train. >> pam: according to city officials. the cameras are able to spot track intruders.from about a mile away. >>."human or an animal" >> pam: cal-train is also clearing shrubs, adding fencing, and using crisis intervention transit police. to try and bring down the number of fatalities. >> pam: the cameras are expected to be installed in the next couple of months. >> pam: new details out tonight. about the deaths of two daredevil base jumpers in yosemite over the weekend. >> pam: kron 4's vicki liviakis is here with the latest on what could have caused the terrible accident. >> pam: as well as reaction from the extreme sports community. >> pam: vicki. >> reporter:pam, this is not a sport for the feint of heart. dean potter was a legend. >> reporter:his base jumping partner - graham hunt - a pro. >> reporter:these experienced base jumpers may have known they were cheating death. >> reporter:but what friends can't understand is how it could have happened this time. >> reporter:just like this video of another jump, the two wingsuit fliers leaped off taft point in yosemite park. >> reporter:diving from 35 hundred feet at speeds close to 100 miles per hour. they'd done it more than a dozen times before. >> reporter:but something went wrong. their parachutes never opened. >> reporter:airborne for only about 15 seconds. before they smashed into rock. a gust of wind or minor miscalculation is what some speculate. >> reporter:dean potter - seen in his flying squirrel outfit - often jumped with his dog whisper. >> reporter:whisper wasn't with him on this flight. >> reporter:fans and fellow base-jumpers flooded social media with posts like this - thanks for living so hard. >> reporter:but potter was dropped by clif bar last year saying he took risks that made the company uncomfortable. >> reporter:here's another clip from a documentary about his life. and his attraction to danger. >> reporter: >>montage/dean is super dean. like the moth to flame i can't help myself. >> reporter:both potter and hunt are now among the 253 recorded base jumpers who've died since 1989. >> reporter:although it is illegal to base-jump in yosemite. >> reporter:at least five people were killed base- jumping in national parks since last year. >> reporter:doing it in a wing-suit - even more dangerous. >> reporter:pam? >> pam: a massive manhunt continues tonight. for an accused child molestor who escaped from santa clara jail more than two- months ago. he got away during a clinic visit to valley medical center. >> pam: john carter is described as dangerous, resourceful and motivated. all to avoid a trial and jail on the child assault charges. >> pam: police believe the 43-year old carter is still in the tried reaching out to relatives and friends. in a deputy and avoided a huge dragnet while still in shackles. >> pam: police in texas say they had a hunch things would get bad between rival gangs. >> pam: they just didn't know how bad. >> pam: after a sunday brawl and gun battle -- nine people died -- 18 hospitalized -- and 170 people arrested. >> pam: but a preliminary investigation seems to show that nearly half of the people who died may have been killed by police. >> pam: mary moloney has the latest from our partners at c-n-n. >>"someone's been shot." >> reporter:a cell phone captures the aftermath of a bloody biker brawl. bodies on the ground and police on guard. >> reporter:police say a fight in the waco restaurant where rival gangs and police waged war with a variety of weapons. >>: "shell casings knives, clubs.we're talking chains with padlocks on the end of them." >> reporter:after the violence subsided police put nearly 200 people behind bars. >> reporter:these are just some of the faces police say were involved in the fight. >> reporter:the brawl so big police are still booking and processing people into the system. >> reporter:while investigators look for evidence -- cart away motorcycles -- and figure out exactly who was involved. >> reporter:patches on jackets brand the biker. notorious names like the cossacks and bandidos are spotted. >> reporter:jimmy graves is a member of the bandidos and part of a biker association. >> reporter:he says the meeting was meant to be friendly. >>: "we didn't do nothing here. we're fighting for our rights. they're saying lies on tv saying bandidos are after police officers. that's never been." >> reporter:but police fear gang members from across the country may travel to texas for vengeance and may target officers. >>: "we would encourage biker groups to stand down, there's been enough bloodshed, enough death here, we don't need additional death in the waco area." >> reporter:i'm mary moloney reporting. >> pam: plus a drug operation busted at a local airport of the airport workers were able to transport drugs across the country. and next, some forecasters are thinking the return of and manual may be upon us. elmino >> reporter: weather coming up after the break! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> pam: as kelli san drought continues, there is some hope elan no fan in the pacific ocean to bring that needed when this coming winter. this afternoon charles clifford spoke with a bay area and your relatives about exactly what is happening and the conditions. when >> reporter: struck el nino could be the news for bone dry california. >> particularly making more grain than normal. all the way up to the bay area. and we--more rain >> could stay on through the end of this year. amb >> reporter: enough to and the truck creek--it may not be enough to end the drought creek. >> it is certainly hopeful and certainly will help rid --will help. >> pam: kron-4's anny hong joins us now >> reporter: yes we wish we had when marcher and those clouds pam! >> pam:i know! (laughter) >> reporter:a cool weather pattern willthrough most of this week. some isolated showers are possible over the far inland hills but for the most part dry conditions will continue for the bay area and central coast as mostly cloudy mornings give way to partly cloudy afternoons. it looks dry with seasonably cool weather for the memorial day weekend. >> reporter: web >> reporter: here is a look at the weather picture we received out of lake county creek where you can see in a little bit of lightning from yesterday. and we will hold on the chance for scattered showers throughout the bay area tomorrow creek temperatures are cool at 55 degrees in san francisco, 56 in oakland and 50 degrees with the wind speed. fairfield at 23 and 15 in concord with 17 in oakland. over 20 mi. per hour and as a half old trick here is the futurecast showing us what is happening with mostly cloudy conditions overnight. >> reporter: you may see a little bit of trouble for oakland and hayward and ellen spot a little bit of showers patrick overall expecting fairly clout to the day creek by lunchtime a little clearing creek still cloudy at noon. >> reporter: otherwise, and cold day of around here. but the overnight lows in the '50s and highs for the east bay shore look like this at 3:00 p.m. and derrick was 62 in oakland and 65 fremont 67 and danville and low 70's and grant wood. --brett would >> reporter: more on memorial weekend forecast a little bit later! >> reporter:amtrak trains between philadelphia and new york are now back in service. >> reporter:it's been a week since thepolice officials say securing the rail lines is priority number one. >> reporter: binding damage to the when shows was not caused by a fire arm grant and yet regained full service today. a technology called automatic train control is now in place. when >> from the north and south you are coming down to 50 creek above from the south of the maximum speed was 80 and you could get around the corner at 80. >> reporter: the time was quan place to speak on the day of the accident--the train was going twice the speed on the date of the accident. when >> reporter: law enforcement investigators are still focusing on the train engineers performance. they say that the train cannot have picked up speed the way that it did without the engineer pushing the throttle creek no conclusion of personal wronged the winter at the engineer is cooperating with investigators. >> pam: in protocols are in place here at the walden west science camp after an employee at the camp was arrested for allegedly molesting a 10 year old camper and possessing child pornography. >> pam: the superintendent for the county office of education recently released this letter detailing the new protocols they are putting into place at the camp.they've upped the number of overnight workers here so that no individual staffer will be able to be alone with any student at night.and even during they day they say they will follow what they are calling the rule of three.meaning any time a staff member is with a student.there will always be a third person present. >> pam: and from now when kids go to the bathroom or to the office.they'll use the buddy system. berkeley collected 116- thousand dollars in during first month of a sugary drink tax. >> pam: the measure placed a one- cent- per- ounce tax on >> pam: the city now estimates it will collect at least 1 point two million dollars a year from the tax. >> pam: a city council panel which decide where the tax funds go--- >> pam: is considering recommending the city give 250-thousand of the projected revenue to the berkeley unified school district. >> pam: there is a special state senate election in the east bay tomorrow. and the campaign has been nasty and expensive.7-million dollars spent so far. the election pits democratic assemblywoman susan bonilla against political consultant steve glazer. >> pam: it's being described as a high-stakes game between organized labor and big business. >> pam: both candidates are angling to be seen as moderates. >> every attack was made for the baby and not for us. he was tried to kidnap the child. >> pam: still ahead a california family cystic pulled over to correct a tighter and they were attacked. --tire >> reporter: is is safe to fly? state-owned to kron that is next! i feel better on the inside. to help, sleep train is collecting new clothes for kids big and small. bring your gift to any sleep train and help make a foster child's day a little brighter. not everyone can be a foster parent, but anyone can help a foster child. >> pam: a computer security expert hacked into a comerical airplane's in- flight entertainment system and made it briefly fly sideways by telling one of the engines to go into climb mode. >> pam: that's according to a fbi search warrant filed in april. >> pam: our tech reporter gabe slate talked to experts to find possible and if it's safe to fly. >> reporter:this is video of chris roberts giving a presentation in 2011. he is a cyber security consultant based in denver. >> reporter:according to this fbi search the fbi that during a fligt from denver to syracuse new york he hacked into the airplane's flight control system and manipulated the engine. >> reporter:to accomplish this hack he said he plugged his laptop into an electronics box like this under the seat with an ethernet cable. this box and it's networking ports are attached to the in flight entertainment system the video screen on the back of the chairs >> reporter:so basically he is saying he got into the entertainment system and from there he could take over the airplane. >> reporter:he is not talking to media but he sent out this tweet. >> reporter:saying over the last 5 years his only interest was to improve aircraft security and given the current situation he has been advised not to talk >> reporter:the fbi is still investigating as to whether or not he pulled off this hack. >> reporter:the airline involved says this did not happen. >> reporter:the maker of the aircraft said this is not possible because the entertainment system and flight control system are on a different network. >> reporter:i met with agari a silicon valley cyber security type of hack was possible. >> reporter:according to john and the other cyber security experts i spoke with. >> reporter:it is very unlikely that roberts pulled off this hack. >> i travel several times for business. the last thing that i am thinking of is this someone is on the plane that will hack into the system and bring down a plane crowd that is the last thing that is on my mind. >> reporter:and for now you should feel safe to keep flying. gsk4n >> stanley:coming up it wasn't only the participants that were behaving badly at the 2015 bay to breakers >>oh nice >> stanley:i'll explain in the next edition of people behehaving badly >> pam: ahead at eight ♪ (music throughout) ♪ sfx: (smash) sfx: (roar) ♪♪♪ sfx: (roar) sfx: (engine roars) >> pam: j. r. what is the latest on this? >> reporter: the importance staff says they are the ones that tipped off authorities as to what was going on for it clear this evening i did speak with a bank teller say that he had not heard about this until now for >> reporter: teen that is chandler's have been charged creek to are in jail and three others still out there. this is how it went down according to the u.s. attorney's office complied partially concealed crypt-- unsealed >> reporter: avoiding taking the banks through peak as a checkpoint creek but they gave the drugs to passengers who transported them into carry on luggage as to other cities creek the drug for the stripped and sold it involved more than a hundred kilograms. >> reporter: leaving the operation started in july of 2012 southwest airlines did release a statement said that they are working with authorities on this case. it does not say what baggage handlers were embodied in this case. however it is partially un sealed. we should receive more details and the next coming days parade or weeks. --the next coming days or weeks. >> pam: just bush joins us live with the latest details in regard to the the neighborhood silly much more at ease tonight. >> reporter: you know pam and a lot of people have been coming by to see if they got him. a lot of people were concerned because of their animals and small children. plus is such a wild animal right here and the middle of san mateo. this takes some video shot by our helicopter partnership with abc seven news. >> reporter: about 2 years old wildcat was near looking for food probably. >> it lies in an animal is a tricky situation. tranquilizer darts are not like bullets patrick they fly all over the place into cash two shots to bring the animal down safely. sleeping away in the bushes. the animal was not hurt. >> reporter: that is the good news. no one got hurt. including the mountain lion. he is in the back truck with this pauls wrapped up and it would take them far far away to a habitat that is suitable for a mountain lion inn. will have more details coming up at 11 creek kron 4 news >> stanley: (male announcer): now, here's stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >> stanley: were flowing with booze at the 2015 bay to breakers and some people believe it's the result of >>elvis: people behaving badly oh yea baby >> stanley:see i'm glad the elvis's said that because some people believe it because of >>nats: stanley, stanley stanley ,stanley >> stanley:which is probably why some people have to put on a diquise to build up courage >>stanley roberts one day i'm going to catch you behaving badly >> >> stanley:dude this isn't about me >> stanley:bay to breakers is the only event i've covered where they have signs that read no public urination >>but yet i'm feeding the trees man you're feeding the trees arnt you suppose to protecting the supreme leader no he fine he got you like this tree huh? this trees the best. >>i guess for a second the supreme leader was one man down >> stanley:they also have a no booze policy but saying no booze in san francisco appears to mean bring as much booze and humanly possible however to get the booze in participants had to bypass >> stanley:not one, but from what i can tell two human booze filters the first was at steiner and hayes where some people had a hard time believing the security was real >> >> stanley:but some people still managed to get booze past the first line of defense but for some they simply hid it in plan sight i asked what were they drinking at first it was >>orange juice, >> stanley:oh i see orange juice that comes in water bottles. but after further questions they were drinking a little screwdriver . >> stanley:which mean she will have to utter the famous words >>i got caught behaving badly >> stanley:then at baker and fell it was yet another booze check point which caught a lot of people by surprise where even san francisco police helped in catching all the open containers >> stanley:you see in theory if you have an open container you were in violation even if your can of wine slightly resembled a power drink >>nats: ambiance >> stanley:however the security guards on fell got just a little over zealous and were confiscating unopened booze and pouring them out . and that behaving badly >> stanley:at the 2015 bay to breakers stanley roberts kron 4 news >> pam: ever wondered what it's like behind the scenes at kron-4. >> pam: we're giving you an inside look. it's part of a new series called the "backstory." >> pam: take a look. >>video >> pam: you just saw a clip of "the backstory" >> pam: you can watch episodes one and two this sunday night at 9-30 right after sports night live. >> pam: much more news ahead. >> pam: call it makeup manure! >> pam: you'll never believe what else we found inside some of your popular cosmetics. >> pam: also: >> pam: a roadside attack that would scare any one of you. >> pam: what one family did when they found themselves up against a mad man. >> pam: and a pet food recall that you need to know about. >> pam: why it could make your dogs seriously ill. >> reporter: we will be that what the weather! my name is fernando gonzalez. i'm the gas service supervisor here in sonoma county. we moved up here 35 years ago and we just love it up here, it's a fantastic place to live. our function is customer support... ...making sure that our customers are safe and that's the most important thing. we know we are part of a huge company but sonoma county is our home. sonoma county is our pg&e. what we're doing really means something in the community and it's just a great, great feeling. together, we're building a better california. >> pam: calif. - a specialty dog food company is voluntarily recalling a frozen product distributed in four states over fears of possible salmonella contamination. >> pam: the food & drug administration said last week that california-based oc raw dog has recalled its turkey & produce raw frozen canine formulation. >> pam: the recalled formulations were packaged into 6½-pound doggie dozen patties and 5-pound bulk bags with sell-by dates of oct. 8. >> pam: the products were distributed in colorado, minnesota, missouri and pennsylvania. the food is sold through independent pet specialty retailers. >> pam: no illnesses have been reported. the fda says pets may be lethargic and have diarrhea, fever and vomiting. >> pam: rat droppings.human urine and cyanide. >> pam: these are some of the products that were found and your make that. but the lead to long-term health problems over a hundred bucks sides have the suspended for selling bogus to items such as fake makeup. >> reporter:a cool weather pattern will continue for the bay area >> reporter:through most of this week. some isolated showers are possible over the far inland hills but for the most part dry conditions will continue for the bay area and central coast as mostly cloudy mornings give way to partly cloudy afternoons. it looks dry with seasonably cool >> reporter:weather for the memorial day >> reporter: for the most part the bay area is then dried but it was pretty great out there today. expecting called the conditions and spot the drizzle. tomorrow giselle possible and temperatures below average. to and does look to the milder, as we head into the memorial holiday weekend. wendt is still busy for some spot right now. 23 and fairfield an occasional guest at higher than that. >> reporter: 58 in san jose 59 in santa rosa and high for the north bay at 3:00 p.m. it will look like district 60 a decrease and temperatures fairly comfortable if you up and napa occurred a little cooler in san rafael creek calling it a jacket weather for the next several days hide elsewhere with 57 in daly city and '60s in san jose. >> reporter: my founder for the holiday and weekend. >> pam: alsoan east bay snack shack that serves young ball players is getting some help thanks to a "my kron 4 story". >> pam: we'll show you how they're tightening up security after some rotten thieves hit them hard. >> pam: tonight the young baseball and softball players of pittsburg are celebrating the generosity of a local foundation that came to their rescue. >> pam: we first told you about this as a my kron 4 story when their snack bar was burglarized and vandalized. >> pam: that story- and this foundation- have now made a bad situation much better. >> pam: emily turner joins us live with tonight's my kron 4 story >> reporter: this is why we do what we do creek helping people every day to make things right. >> reporter: was really what organization that made everything come together. >> name is jerry johnson and this is my story. >> reporter: the snack bar had been broken and vandalized twice in 10 days. thousandthis story was first brought to our attention by a >> reporter: we hear this story a week and a half ago but his bark baseball softshell associations not bar had been broken into 10 days thousands of dollars worth of food and equipment stolen creek you the bay area want to help. we basically make the money back that we spent to the and the food that we lost track but the most valuable 11 so far is the construction company kids at risk >> reporter: tony is in charge of kids and risk after our story aired his foundation did not talk about any thing is that the to the plate. in 80 s day fix the vandalism and the scorekeepers box secured the snack bar with reinforced deal and an alarm system. restore electricity and the whole facility after vandals set it on fire. he wants to restore more than that to this committee of 700 kids. >> this committee did such a bad rap from some people as something like this happens and that everybody else and the bay are just say that's typical of their creek those people that is always fun to happen and dishes such a small percentage of people who create the problems and you have cut the hard working people who just want a better opportunity for their children bridge off and make a little difference creek >> reporter: but if you are the committed if you x the community that little bit is worth a whole heck of a lot. >> we are all volunteers are here trying to help out and a means a lot to have the community come together to get together and make a bad situation better. >> pam: if you have a story you would like us to look website at kron-4 dot com. >> pam: a terrifying attack. on the side of a california freeway. >> pam: a family pulled over to a man appeared and began smashing the family's car. then stabbing the family's 18-month-old baby. >> pam: now, the child's mother is speaking out about the horrific attack. jennifer kastner with our c- n-n partners has the story. >> reporter:18-month old abel now has seven stitches under his ear. >> reporter:his mother-- charlene roberts---has stab wounds and bruises across her back and arm. >> reporter:and the car they were riding is covered with shattered glass. >>: "every attack, every hit was meant for the baby. it wasn't meant for us. he was trying to kidnap the child and who knows what he would have done with him after that." >> reporter:it was last monday when officers say 44- year-old nicholas garcia went after the family while they were trying to change a tire on the shoulder of i- 215, south of newport road. highway patrol says he smashed the driver's side and rear windows with a broken plastic freeway paddle marker. and began stabbing the toddler. >>"the car seat was right here and i'm like this on top of the baby trying to protect him, and there was one point where i was looking at him face to face cuz he was in the car." >> reporter:she says other family him back. as he kept swinging. >> reporter:they still have the car seat with the markings. >>: "charlene says the guy then pulled out a bottle of gasoline and then started dumping it all over the back seat, and then he pulled out some matches." >>: this guy was out of his mind." >> reporter:brother james st. clair says he started to light the car on fire. >>: "he was just frantically not coherent at all." >> reporter:without the spare tire yet on. hopped in. hit the gas and took off arriving officers reportedly tased garcia before arresting him. they believe he was high on drugs. >> reporter:the suspect, 44- year-old nicholas lopez garcia, remains in police custody. >> reporter:he's facing several charges, including attempted murder. the attack is still under investigation hawks >> reporter:, as does the job goes to the fishermen the cable show deadly as ketch. >> reporter: the next most dangerous job that is the one that may really surprise you. the garbage collector. they die four times more than firefighters or security guards after it >> reporter: cabdriver's which is really shocking bridge even more... then go men and women in blue would die through accidents car accidents than violence. >> reporter: empires players and coaches even beat out firefighters creek gold figure gary? >> gary: western conference finals is will be here and the bay area beginning tomorrow night pricked with a 6:00 p.m. tipoff corporate warriors at the template favor and that one and they will be live out there before the game to what your appetite. >> gary: the media was all wrong curry today. ingrain, had their share of audience members and fans wanted to hear what the figures had to say. here it is curry in making it to the conference? >> we have a chance to win four games to reach the finals. this is another good team but we have to show up and be ready to play. >> this is an exciting trip i can i wait for tomorrow. this is really exciting, i really cannot wait separate we still have more to accomplish. >> gary: every gain in the series is 6:00 our time threat of course at the oracle and then they moved over to the houston for three and four. >> gary: the struggling a's are taking on the surprisingly good houston astros right now. all square at a one piece and the fourth inning. and miami marlins general manager dan giants had decided to manage the team a day after firing might read and print--mike redmond. >> gary: welcoming the dodgers tomorrow night at at&t park >> gary: this is strange business. never played or never managed at a professional level or at any level he has been in baseball since 1986 with a super scuppered his résumé he coached three years of the high school team in alabama. obviously, he is good an interview. >> there is going to be cynics or critics and if i was sitting in your chairs, absolutely. >> gary: they can't sing and be conference that they are thinking out of the box. no one thinks that this team is on to work. >> gary: that would be like brian sabean firing bochy and then jumping into the dugout to manage the team. >> gary: ichiro suzuki presented his new manager with a tie in the dugout prior to tonights game. >> gary: even though jennings has been in baseball since 1986, his only prior managerial experience coming for a high school team in alabama >> gary: no surprise here. >> gary: justin smith finally.officially.announced his retirement today smith has been the anchor of the 49ers defensinve line for the past 7 seasons >> gary: the 14-year veteran decided his body would no longer let him perform up to his standards >> is pretty cut and dried. you come in and you go out. >> gary:the 35 year old was a true starting 185 straight games.and missing just three over his 14 year career. >> gary:he's the third defensive starter to retire this offseason. >> pam: we will be right back! [♪♪♪] ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ i'm gettin' out ♪ ♪ gonna have a look around ♪ ♪ now is the time ♪ ♪ i started flyin' ♪ ♪ both feet off of the ground ♪ ♪ head in the sky ♪ ♪ eyes open wide ♪ ♪ happy to look around ♪ >> reporter: cloudy and cool for the next few days and mild for the memorial holiday. >> pam: have a nice evening everyone! (male announcer) in the criminal justice system sexually based offenses are considered especially heinous. in new york city, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit. these are their stories. i'm sorry, but we have to take the urgent care cases first. i wouldn't have come to the er if it wasn't an emergency. we appreciate that mrs. weinman. i have been waiting two hours. it's gotten worse. look! stop scratching. it itches! and burns! i just need a prescription. wait your turn. go kill another coat, lady. please tell me i get to go before her. i understand you won't let any of our doctors examine you. that's right. i'm a social


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