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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Jeff Glor 20180627

children and their parents. >> i could within seconds find any child in our care and any parent. >> according to the journal of environmental health, flight attendants are more at risk to uttting cancer. >> first lieutenant garland connor posthumously awarded the medal of honor for his actions rnring world war ii. >> a state of emergency in northern california. >> the pawnee fire, which has edarred more than 11,000 acres, is still only 5% contained. >> a police dog in spain showing off his first responder skills. >> that is poncho the rescue pup pretending to do c.p.r. on his partner. >> you should see him perform the heimlich, it's incredible. >> glor: good evening. i'm jeff glor. this is our western edition. we are reporting tonight from san francisco, home of the ninth circuit court of appeals, where the battle over the president's travel ban began. but in a landmark ruling today, the nation's highest court upheld its newest version, giving the president a large legal victory. the policy bans travel from five mostly muslim countries as well as north korea and venezuela. the president quickly tweeted, "supreme court upholds trump travel ban. wow." and he had plenty more to say. s n crawford has our report. >> a tremendous success. eotremendous victory for the american people. >> reporter: for the president, heere was vindication. >> the ruling shows that all of the attacks from the media and the democrat politicians are wrong, and they turned out to be epry wrong. >> reporter: the 5-4 decision neso divided the justices along ideological lines. , iting for the conservative idjority, chief justice john roberts said the travel ban was squarely within the scope of presidential authority to protect national security. th says nothing about religion, the court said, and covers just 8% of the world's muslim population. the ban lists five mostly muslim countries as well as north korea and venezuela that the administration said lacked proper screening and security measures for people trying to enter the u.s. it's been in place since last december when the justices said as could take effect while they considered the case. it's a long way from thet'firstn 2017... >> this is what democracy looks! >> reporter: ...which covered only muslim countries, and when it was hastily announced, caused chaos at airports around the world. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states. of reporter: a travel ban was a cornerstone of trump's campaign. in a scathing dissent, justice sonia sotomayor recited some of those campaign statements as proof the travel ban is contaminated by impermissible discriminatory animus against islam and its followers. democrats also slammed the ruling. >> it's un-american to do what tes been done. >> reporter: but for senate majority leader mitch mcconnell, a picture was worth 1,000 words. he tweeted an image of justice neil gorsuch, who mcconnell helped confirm to the court last year, and who provided the critical fifth vote for the r:nservative majority. re glor: jan, there is some n her very big supreme court speculation tonight. anthony kennedy, long a swing vote, a critical swing vote on the court, from here in california, sacramento, there is talk about him retiring. what are your sources telling you? >> well, i mean, justice kennedy has said privately that he is considering retirement, but the question is: when. even those who are closest to him tell me they don't know what what he's going to do. in fact, they're kind of boldly predicting, as they put it, that it is 50/50. in's 81 years old. he's been on the court since president reagan nominated him 30 years ago. and he's a key swing vote as you said. he has a libertarian streak. et he will sometimes side with liberals on social issues like gay rights, but with republicans t control of the senate, if he were to retire, his successor would keep the court solidly to the right for years to come. jeff? >> glor: jan crawford at the supreme court. jan, thank you. at a speech in los angeles today, attorney general jeff sessions hailed the court's ruling as essential for protecting the american people. outside dozens protested the border crackdown that's been 17chestrated by sessions. 17 states and washington, d.c., sued to force the administration to reunite immigrant families separated at the border. health and human services secretary alex azar told congress his department is still holding more than 2,000 children separated from their families. democrats pressed him on reunification. >> the american people have been getting lots of deception, lots of rosy answers, not many facts. so, how many parents do not have access? how many parents have been told where their kids are? ev that information is available r:r every parent. >> glor: we sat down with a group of voters here in e lifornia. three identify as liberals, three as conservatives. they have a wide range of backgrounds and opinions, though. i asked them where immigration ranks as an issue. >> that's probably up there for me. number one is immigration. >> glor: what are your thoughts? >> we should have a merit-based immigration policy where we allow those to come in who fit the needs of what we need, so who have education and t ploymentn. >> glor: sydney, what do you 00ink about that? >> i 100,000% disagree. gr a child of undocumented immigrants and as a mother, these are people fleeing domestic abuse and wars and a lot of drama, desperately seeking asylum. and i think that you being born here was a privilege and just out of dumb luck. >> at some point we have to say, there is a process for you to come through. it's in place, so that we can all experience the great things that america has to offer, but that process is important. >> glor: but what if you're trying to go in at a legal point of entry and you're still being turned away? wh with asylum, that's one thing where you want to go through due process. we want to determine, is your case valid. do you have all your ducks in a ucw as far as what you need to come to america. but if you're simply seeking to come here without having gone through the immigration process, we're going to have to put you in line. you're going to have to fill out the right paperwork. you're going to have to go through that administrative process. >> the one thing that disturbs me is there are a lot of people from all around the world that are in line and waiting to come in here, and i don't think that they should be able to come in ahead of all these people that have been really struggling to get here. and obeying the rules. rsd i do believe that we need secure borders. >> glor: is there a right balance here between compassion and order? k? there... can we get there, do you think? >> i think we need to start with compassion. >> glor: a passionate group of voters on all sides. we appreciate their time, and we will have an extended version of our conversation with this focus group tonight on our digital streaming network cbsn, as well as on >> glor: breaking news regarding white house press secretary sarah sanders. of confirms sanders is receiving secret service protection at her home it's not known if there's been specific threat against her. a virginia restaurant refused to serve sanders last friday in protest of is administration we are following some late news out of texas this evening. there was an explosion at a hospital outside waco, and there are injuries. david begnaud has details. >> they're going to send everything. >> reporter: this is what an eyewitness recorded: black smoke billowing after the explosion on hospital property. the blast was so loud, according to a witness, it shook walls and knocked out power in parts of town. this image shows the structure, which is now rubble. first responders and emergency crews have swarmed the area, trying to reach the injured. initial reports are the blast occurred in an area where the hospital is being expanded. investigators are looking into a boiler room that was under construction. cbs affiliate kwtx out of waco quotes an eyewitness as saying, "there was an electrical generator on the side of the building, and it just blew up and scattered stuff all over the place." local officials just held a news conference. we found out that 12 people have been hurt and one person is dead. of the 12 who have been hurt, they're all construction workers, we're told, and some of them, at least three, were hurt critically. the man who confirmed the news of the injuries and the death said the damage is catastrophic. eeff? . >> glor: david begnaud >> glor: david begnaud with the latest from texas. david, thank you. president trump today took aim at harley-davidson over its severe weather in the midwest, a tornado ripped utility poles from a ground and knock add tree on to a house, impacted boats, no injuries were reported but hundreds of homes and businesses lost power. fire crews in northern california are struggling to contain a wildfire just north of here. the pawnee fire is burning in f,ke county. mark strassmann is on the scene tonight. li reporter: jeff, when late afternoon winds pick up, hot spots like that one flare up, and firefighters switch from playing defense to offense, coowing that a worse firestorm could be in the forecast later this week. the pawnee fire, which has charred more than 11,000 acres, is still only 5% contained. that means it's still burning out of control. ped flag warnings, which tell people there's a chance of extreme wildfire, are expected to go up again in the next day or two. 600 homes remain under a mandatory evacuation order. the good news: most of the flames now burn in remote spots away from residential areas, but if the erratic winds in this fire shift again toward homes, jeff, all of this vegetation is fuel, and the flames could be off to the races. >> glor: mark strassmann just north of here in california, thank you. there is some very encouraging news in the fight against an aggressive type of brain cancer tonight. kind that john mccain is battling an experiment al treatment first reported on 60 minutes can greatly increase sir viefl e re's dr. jon lapook. >> touch your nose, and my finger. h reporter: 61-year-old debbie puffer has been a patient at duke university since 2014 when doctors began treating her deadly brain cancer, glioblastoma, with a most atlikely weapon: polio virus. at first she was skeptical. >> i was just going to go home and bury my head in the sand, nod then i realized, no, no, i'm not supposed to do that. >> reporter: for the last four years, "60 minutes" has charted the journey of doctors and patients turned medical pioneers. the polio virus, genetically modified so it can't cause polio, is injected directly into the tumor, attaching to a inotein on the cell's surface. it begins its attack on the e mor, then jump-starts the immune system to finish the job. dr. darrell bigner is part of the team at duke. so it's kind of a one-two punch? >> exactly. but the most important part we believe actually is the secondary immune response. >> reporter: one month after treatment... >> it started to break the tumor up. >> reporter: husband mark puffer. >> they call debbie a rapid responder. >> rapid responder. >> reporter: puffer's improvement was not a fluke. 21% of 61 patients were still alive three years after %reatment compared to just 4% typically seen with standard care. could you ever have imagined having a response rate that high? >> it's just mind blowing to us that have been working on it for so long, because this is based on absolutely bedrock scientific principles. >> reporter: last year puffer was retreated when her tumor showed signs of returning. >> maybe this time we killed the dragon. >>m not sure. ro reporter: despite some memory and vision problems, she can now see a future. >> i'm meant to be here for a reason. i don't know what that reason is, but i'm sure going to hang around to find out. rk reporter: dr. jon lapook, cbs news, new york. >> glor: coming up next on the "cbs evening news," from san francisco, the homes are called million dollar dumps, but the prices keep going up. pid later, the medal of honor recipient that single-handedly beat back a nazi attack but kept his heroism a secret. back a nazi attack but kept his heroism a secret. or constantly interrupting you with itching, burning and stinging. being this uncomfortable is unacceptable. i'm ready. tremfya® works differently for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. with tremfya®, you can get clearer and stay clearer. in fact, most patients who saw 90% clearer skin at 28 weeks... stayed clearer through 48 weeks. tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections, and may increase your risk of infections. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. before starting tremfya®, tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. ask your doctor about tremfya®. tremfya®, because you deserve to stay clearer. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options for tremfya®. 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>> $1 million. >> reporter: what did it sell for. >> $1,230,000. >> reporter: $1,230,000? this is a million-dollar dump. >> right. >> reporter: the buyer beat out six competing officers all above the asking price. these houses are very average, ordinary. >> it's a little mind blowing. it is the norm around here. >> reporter: that norm is fueled el thousands of well-paid tech o rkers who have driven up the median price of a san francisco home to $1.6 million, highest in the country. and while housing prices are cesing faster than incomes nationwide, nowhere is it more evident than in the bay area, where home values have soared a staggering 64% over the last five years. that could explain this 1,000 square foot shell of a house in the heart of silicon valley. it sold for close to $1 million. now, this house is a fire sale, but don't expect a bargain. it went on the market for just under $1.5 million, and serious buyers better bring cash. >> it's like having a big, sprawling, unaffordable gated community where most people are on the outside looking in. >> absolutely. and they're looking in from really far away. they have to use a telescope. >> reporter: sally kuchar tracks real estate for a website called yurb los angeles. you do well, your husband works here. you cannot afford to live here. >> we can not afford to live here or anywhere in the bay area. >> reporter: prices are only going up. >> yeah, we don't see an end to it. >> reporter: this flyer could speak for the entire bay area housing market: enter at your own risk. mark strassmann, cbs news, san francisco. >> glor: up next on the cbs evening news, what was this man doing on an airport tarmac? 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"he took off like a bat out of hell heading straight toward the source of enemy fire. all this time a terrific hail of small arms and machine-gun fire -gs concentrated on his position. llt there all alone calling in artillery fire on the germans." those affidavits finally made it to the white house. >> they called me on a friday and said i'd be getting an scportant phone call. i thought, what if it's a scam. what if i'm here by myself and it is a scam. and it was from the president of the united states. ld reporter: of all the days in your life, where would you rank wat day? >> i have to say, it was one of the happiest days of my life, but really and truly the happiest day is when i married him. >> reporter: you know, i came down here expecting to hear a war story. >> yes. >> reporter: but what you're telling me is a love story. >> yes, it is. >> reporter: in 1945, conner's commanding officer wrote, "i have never seen a man with as much courage and ability." 73 years later, pauline accepted her husband's medal of honor, making that statement part of american history. ( applause ) david martin, cbs news, albany, kentucky. m glor: garlin is now the second most decorated officer from world war ii. amazing. that is the "cbs evening news" tonight. i'm jeff glor in san francisco. i'll see you tomorrow from new york. good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh an east bay city says this popular shortcut is so dangerous - it should be shut down. kpix news begins with drivers taking a risk to avoid gridlock. good evening. >> each day at send thousands of people downed a whiny part of the road. the city says it is just not safe. he wants to close up the middle portion to traffic. we went for a ride today. >> reporter: there are some parts that are really rare and difficult to navigate. the city of fremont says 80% of the people go 10 miles per hour over the speed limit, which is he is just 25. the solution is to close it down. nicholas perkins does not like to go for a walk in the afternoons. >> i see people yelling at each other's drivers to speed up. >> it becomes a shortcut for cars trying to avoid the traffic to get to 680. early in the day, there is really nothing much traffic here, but in the afternoon, things really take a turn. in fact, the city of fremont says some 400 cars come through here every day. 80% of them are doing the evening commute. >> this is what commuters face when they are on the shortcut to 680. >>


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