"Jean Shepherd s status continues to grow thanks to social media and the vast amount of work Shep performed in each of the media fields . Jean paved his own immortality.”
Shepherd is honored extensively in the Region. A community center is named after him in Hammond, where the Indiana Welcome Center hosts the annual "A Christmas Story Comes Home" exhibit.
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Even a pandemic couldn’t stop some voters from going to the polls in Scarborough-Agincourt on Friday.
The byelection in Ward 22 was held to replace Jim Karygiannis,the longtime city councillor who was removed last year due to a campaign spending violation in the 2018 municipal election.
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There were 27 candidates running for the spot and in the end, the voters decided between the best-known of that crop, former Karygiannis chief of staff Nick Mantis, who pulled out a razor-tight win with 3261 votes to 3038 votes for Toronto District School Board trustee since 2014 Manna Wong.