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Transcripts For KPIX CBS News Sunday Morning 20130210

watts is very much in contention. she talks about it all this morning with our lee cowan. >> reporter: among this year's oscar-nominated performances this is one of the more uncomfortable ones to watch. naomi watts plays a wife and mother swept away by a massive tsunami, a true story. >> they saw the rumblings. birds flying off. she said, okay, this is death. >> reporter: you'll meet naomi watts and the survivor she played later on sunday morning. >> osgood: with valentine's day just four days away, some women who are walking tall may be feeling mighty low. mo rocca has been hearing them out. >> reporter: when it comes to dating, tall women don't always have it so easy. sure, they can date shorter men, but... >> it looks unnatural to me, i think. >> reporter: it looks like what? it looks like he's at my chest. >> reporter: he makes you feel like you're not his girlfriend but you're his... >> his mother. reporter: ahead on sunday morning, tall girls. the long and the short of it. >> osgood: faith salie finds fault. williams has remarkable pictures of a religious pilgrimage in india. steve hartman meets a mailman who is first class. and more. we begin with the headlines for this sunday morning the 10th of february, 2013. the massive snowstorm that swept across the northeast is gone, but not forgotten. tens of thousands are digging out and remain without electricity. terrell brown is in boston. >> reporter: the blizzard that slammed the northeast closed roadways, grounded flights and cut power to more than 600,000 homes and businesses. nearly the entire city of quincy massachusetts -- population 92,000 -- was left in the dark. nancy reed is president of national grid massachusetts. when is the power coming back? >> well, this will be a multi-day event. it could be monday or tuesday. people need to brace themselves. they need to find shelter if they're cold. >> reporter: the storm hid hamden connecticut the hardest with 40 inches of snow. portland maine, 31.9 inches breaking a record set in 1979. and suburbs of boston and new york recorded around two feet. on long island the quickly accumulating snow trapped drivers in their cars overnight. and some parts of the long island expressway are still closed. but new york city mayor michael bloomberg says his city was spared. >> we've gotten through this. it looks like we've dodged a bullet. >> reporter: relief may be temporary. forecasters say another storm is headed this way later this week. today some planes will start taking off and landing at boston's logan airport. and amtrak will resume limited service in parts of the northeast. for sunday morning, i'm terrell brown in boston. >> osgood: in the san bernadino mountains the manhunt continues for christopher dorner. the former los angeles police officer wanted in connection with three killings. officials now say they discovered the weapons in his burned-out pick-up truck which was found thursday near big bear lake and los angeles police have announced they will reopen the disciplinary proceedings from 2007 that led to dorner's firing. violence has marked the start of mardi gras week in new orleans. last night four people were shot in a crowd gathered on burbon street. the victims included two women and two men. the most seriously injured is listed in critical condition. police have made no arrests. hundreds of mourners, including first lady michelle obama attended the funeral for 15-year-old idea pendleton in chicago yesterday. she was shot and killed late last month just days after she participated in president obama's inauguration ceremonies. former vice president dick cheney appears to have a dim view of the white house's new national security team. in a speech before republicans in wyoming last night mr. cheney charged that president obama is putting the nation at risk by appointing unqualified nominees. cheney said the white house is relying on too many, in his words "second rate people." the associated press reports that the board of american airlines' parent company is meeting tomorrow to decide whether to merge with u.s. airways. a merger would create one of the world's largest airlines. today is new year's day in china. fireworks lit up the sky in beijing overnight and singer celine dion performed to mark the start of the year of the snake. now today's weather. sunny and milder along the east and west coasts. but it will be a stormy day for most of the country. in the week to come those storms will bring rain and possibly more snow as they move across the nation. keep those shovels handy. next the fight over drones. ♪ i'm a good man with a good heart ♪ >> osgood: later >> osgood: it looks big to me, but not all drones are as small as this one. the debate over the use of drones isn't small either particularly after the events of this past week. later we'll be hearing from correspondent david martin. but to begin our sunday morning cover story is reported by martha teichner. >> reporter: their names: predator reaper, imply their deadly intent. they are what we've come to understand drones to be. unmanned killing machines armed with hell fire missiles controlled from thousands of miles away as they stall being and then destroy supposed terrorist targets in places like pakistan yemen afghanistan. drones are the controversial weapon of choice in a semisecret war that was dragged into the spotlight this past week. >> mr. brennan, please stand. reporter: during confirmation hearings for john brennan as c.i.a. director. >> the people that were standing up here today, i think they really have a misunderstanding of what we do as a government. >> reporter: currently the obama administration's counterterrorism chief, brennan oversees covert drone strikes. >> we only take such actions as a last resort to save lives when there's no other alternative by taking an action that is going to mitigate that threat. >> reporter: but what exactly that means ethically and even legally troubles critics. and what we don't know. estimates cobbled together by journalists and think tanks of those killed in c.i.a. drone attacks are all over the place. in pakistan since 2004 from under 2,000 at the low end to more than 3400. the c.i.a. isn't saying. so who is being killed? terrorists or civilians? >> the data show that only in relatively small number of high-level targets have been killed. something in the order of 50. estimates vary. >> reporter: out of all the drone strikes. >> out of all the drone strikes which is roughly 2% of those who have been killed which means that 98% of those killed have not been high-level targets. >> these photos were taken by a photographer who has gone to strike sites. >> reporter: james is a law professor at stanford university and coauthor of a paper critical of u.s. drone use. >> these are of shrapnel. reporter: he and his team went to pakistan. >> we don't hear enough about the costs. civilians killed. civilians injured. destruction of communities. growth of anti-americanism. and fomenting recruitment for terrorist groups. all of that is considered there are serious doubts about whether drones are the best option. >> reporter: administration policy makers believe drones often are the best option. for keeping american soldiers out of harm's way. >> the thing that we called war is being changed by this technology. >> reporter: peter singer is a senior fellow at the brookings institution. >> it's allowed us to disconnect two things that used to go hand in hand in war. the destructive side but also the risk of sending people into action. now you're able to separate them. and not have a huge impact. >> reporter: and here's something you may not know. the vast majority of the 8,000 or so drones in use by the u.s. military don't look like this. they're more likely to look like glorified model airplanes equipped not with missiles but cameras. together with high-flying surveillance drones they alert troops when they're in danger. >> in afghanistan, you have soldiers that will write letters back and say you know our patrol was saved today because you were doing overwatch on it. >> reporter: now droans are headed off the battlefield. they're already coming your way. >> a little less than three pounds. >> reporter: the california company that sells the military something like 85% of its fleet is marketing them now to public safety agencies. >> flying behind us is the cube system. it's a small unmanned aircraft that is designed to give first responders an immediate eye in the sky so they can find lost kids. they can investigate accidents. they can support disaster recovery for earthquakes in california, tornadoes in the midwest, hurricanes on the gulf coast. >> reporter: steve gitland is a vice president of the company. >> less than $50,000 which is about what police agencies pay for a fully equipped police cruiser. >> reporter: as opposed to a helicopter which would be... >> they can cost $1-$2 million a piece. >> reporter: suppose you have a dangerous hostage situation, as shown in this simulation. an unmanned aircraft can track the gunman. it can evaluate flooding or help firefighters cheaply and safely without endangering lives the argument goes. >> rodney, will you talk to me. eporter: at this north dakota farm one assisted in safely resolving an armed stand-off over some cattle. >> we were able to tell that there were three adult males at the end of the driveway which appeared to be holding long guns. >> reporter: kelly jankey is sheriff of nelson county. the next morning the three men were arrested. >> that's when we utilized the u.a. vrgs again. we determined that it was safe at the time. so we moved in basically to extract the cattle that we were given a warrant for. >> you guys will do another flight demo here. again, we have we still have the i.r. sensor pod on the aircraft. you're going to see everything in black and white. white is hot. black is dark or cold. >> reporter: last week in grand forks, north dakota, first responders attended a short course in what drones can do for them. >> most of all, call us and tell us that you need us because we want to come out and start utilizing this. >> reporter: the project coordinator alan fraser teaches at the university of north dakota and is a deputy sheriff himself. >> very small. about 36 inches from one arm to the other. >> reporter: the irony here is that a grand forks county sheriff's department, like every other law enforcement agency has to get a special license from the f.a.a. before it can use an unmanned aircraft. but today you or i could go online, order a drone kit for a few hundred colors and fly the thing anywhere. legally. terry killby a smart phone apps designer and his wife belinda, an art teacher, used theirs to take bird's eye view photographs of baltimore. >> we can get something that is totally unique and a fresh perspective. images that you wouldn't ordinarily think that you've already seen before but now it's a completely new take on it. >> reporter: but where there are drones there's controversy. >> no drones. we are on a slippery slope. >> reporter: this was a city council meeting in seattle. on thursday the mayor ordered seattle's police force to end its unmanned aerial vehicle program. at least 11 states have led legislation pending that would restrict or baab drone use including texas. >> the invasion of privacy is the number one issue. >> reporter: state representative lance goodin is one of the bill's sponsors. >> with these drones you can hover over someone's backyard a foot off the ground. you can film into someone's back living room. you can record conversations. >> reporter: but alan fraser of north dakota thinks regulation is premature. >> if at the time the write brothers were experimenting with powered flight if a governmental agency had stepped in and said, you know, we have privacy concerns about this, i wonder whether we would be where we are with air travel. >> we weren't sure if this was even do-able in our lifetime. >> reporter: in its infancy now, drone technology is growing up fast. >> power it up. reporter: look at this. take-off. bring it back in. say hello. >> reporter: matt keen and headed the team at aero environment that developed the humming bird for the department of defense. it weighs less than an ounce. >> the video camera is tucked in about the neck. >> reporter: so here's the question. do you think it's really cool or does it scare you? >> endurance is a few minutes. that's what it does. ♪ oh, my darling, oh, my darling ♪ >> osgood: coming up a golden oldy. the singing telegram. >> you're my darling valentine. with the fidelity guided portfolio summary you choose which accounts to track and use fidelity's analytics to spot trends gain insights, and figure out what you want to do next. all in one place. i'm meredith stoddard and i helped create the fidelity guided portfolio summary. it's one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. stouffer's is proud to make america's favorite lasagna... with hand-layered pasta, tomatoes and real mozzarella cheese. but what makes us even prouder... is what our real dinners can do for your family. stouffer's. let's fix dinner. look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ ♪ that's why right here in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ ♪ osgood: and now a page from our sunday morning almanac. february 10, 1933, 80 years ago today. the day the stodgy old telegram business changed its tune. for that was the day the postal telegraph cable company is said to have delivered the first singing telegram. adopted by the far larger western union company five months later the singing telegram quickly took its place in american folklore making sometimes fanciful appearances on the screen. tap dancer buddy bure used to deliver a singing telegram to band leader charlie barnett in this 1940s musical short. ♪ >> osgood: speaking of bunnies, bette midler dressed up like one to belt out a singing telegram in her 1988 film "beaches." ♪ happy happy birthday buddy boy ♪ we're here to deliver a vocal valentine. >> reporter: and more recently amuseical message particularly appropriate for this week played a role in a tv series "glee." on the other hand, there's this dark humor take on it in the 1985 comic mystery thriller "clue." ♪ i am your singing telegram ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> osgood: in real life however, the singing telegram was increasingly more likely to be delivered over the phone than in person. as the telegram business declined in the face of changing technology. >> quite an honor. this will be the last sing-a-gram that western union will have. >> reporter: western union closed down its singing telegram service in 2006 leaving no singers in snappy uniforms to sing. ♪ happy birthday dear lind today ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ and it's signed david. >> osgood: just ahead how tall is too tall? tell me you love me. tell me i'm beautiful. tell me we'll grow old together. in sickness and in health. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your super hero! tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. that's all i need. [ female announcer ] for everything they need to hear this valentine's day there's a hallmark card. smoke? nah, i'm good. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] every time you say no to a cigarette, you celebrate a little win. nicoderm cq, the patch with time release smart control technology. quit one day at a time with nicoderm cq. [ male announcer ] excedrin excels with migraine sufferers. these heads belong to those who can't put their lives jobs and loved ones on hold because of a migraine. so when a migraine starts, they grab excedrin migraine. they know excedrin provides fast pain relief. plus it relieves sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. no wonder it's #1 neurologist recommended. excedrin specializes in ending headaches and like you we won't be easily stopped. not even by migraines. migraines are where excedrin excels. >> osgood: walking tall has its advantages and its disadvantages. at least so say the women our mo rocca has been talking with. >> reporter: there's plenty of up side to being tall. just ask an nba star. or that guy in the supermarket who helps you reach the top shelf. there's even an economic benefit. >> there's a lot of research that shows that tall people make more money. they make an average of $789 more per inch per year which is an exceedingly large amount of money. >> reporter: but 6'3 "writer also knows for tall heterosexual women finding a mate is no slam dunk. >> tall women will not date down. they refuse to date people shorter than them just because they sort of want that feeling of comfort. so it's a very, very common thing. >> reporter: the average height for american women is 5'4 ," 5'9" for men. what do you do if you're a woman who is 6'2 "without heels? some tall women have famously dated down. remember jill st. john and henry kissinger? susan anton and dudley moore? sonny and cher? mimi rogers and tom cruise? nicole kidman and tom cruise. katie holmes and tom cruise. most men apparently have no problem dating taller women. >> i'd really like to have sex with a tall woman. i mean really tall like a giant. >> reporter: megan is my height, 6'tall. >> i am really only attracted to guys that are taller than me. i don't know if it's a physical thing or a mental thing. but it's definitely there. >> reporter: it's a feeling that may be rooted in biology where taller suggests stronger. >> one of the things that women seem to want in a male partner in particular is someone who displays social dominance because if you partner yourself up with someone who has social dominance, that person is going to be beneficial for you your future and your progeny. >> reporter: professor glen gere has studied the psychology of attraction. the big problem for tall women is they're not attracted to shorter guys not that shorter guys aren't attracted to hem. >> it's not that they can't find guys. it's with this ol gorism of trying to find someone who is relatively tall to yourself that's where their pool becomes shortened, so to speak. >> reporter: when you see a short girl with a tall boyfriend boyfriend, how does that make you feel? >> i get a little, you know hate in my heart because i'm like gosh, one less person for me. >> reporter: whitney lynch stands 62 inches tall. have you ever dated a short guy? >> i have. i have dated a short guy. >> reporter: how short? 5'8 ." actually it's not that bad. >> reporter: not that bad but still, she says, uncomfortable. >> it looks unnatural to me, i think. >> reporter: it looks like what? it looks like he's at my chest. (laughing). >> reporter: and it makes you feel like you're not his girlfriend but his... >> his mother. reporter: it's an image we've all seen in comedies from the marx brothers. .. >> can't you see what i'm trying to tell you? i love you. you're not so bad yourself. >> reporter: ... to 16 candles. nobody has caught me yet. there's something about always being larger than everyone in the crowd. always standing out always just being looked at, or whatever. i would like to have someone be on that same plane with me. >> reporter: claire burns, 6'1 ." and you want a guy who is how tall? >> ideally about 6'3 ," 6'4". reporter: that means claire is limiting herself to 4.2% of the adult male population. you remember that cartoon boris and natasha. >> absolutely. reporter: that relationship worked. >> it did but it's also a cartoon. so that may not work for me. >> reporter: that's a very good point. but in the real world, there are plenty of examples of tall women and shorter men. and not just on the red carpet. >> i just never thought i would wind up with a woman that could physically lift me in the air. >> reporter: mark is a scrappy 5'7 ." his wife christine is 6'1 ." is it ever physically awkward? >> there's been a couple of occasions where we walked into an event and we actually see the height difference in the mirror. we're like, oh, this is what other people see. okay. >> reporter: but no matter. christine still fell hard for mark. >> i felt very taken care of. totally protected by him in a way that nobody had ever made me feel. >> reporter: even really tall guys? >> yeah. reporter: so maybe things will start looking up for single tall women if they just start looking down. >> osgood: still to come... you come to buy stamps when you don't need stamps. >> it just makes your day so much better. >> osgood: first class all the way. >> osgood: does the planned end of saturday postal delivery except for packages mean the first-class postal service is a thing of the past? no, not at all. certainly not in the office that steve hartman visited. >> reporter: typically post office lines breed anger and frustration. but at the head of this cue on the campus of penn state university in state college pennsylvania, you'll find nothing but joy. >> i love coming in here. my mission is to make them have a little bit of levity on the way out. nice nails. >> thank you. reporter: to that end mike lives by a simple motto. if you can't say something nice about someone. >> that is one of the nicest coats. >> reporter: you're just not looking hard enough even if it's only how nicely they filled out their forms. >> natural. reporter: he's been like this with just about every customer everyday for 38 years. >> nice suit. very nice. >> reporter: how do you keep this up for so long? you're stumped by that question. >> this is what i do. i'm just myself. that's all i can do. >> how is your mom doing. reporter: the man really is pure heart which is part of the reason the lines are so long here. >> you come in to buy stamps when you don't need stamps. >> reporter: yes. that's amazing. reporter: nicole logan is a regular. >> because he just makes your day so much better. >> thank you mike. reporter: and because kindness begets kindness mike gets quite a few special deliveries himself. the kids that made him grand marshal of the home coming parade. once in 2000 when the post master told mike he had to take down all the posters and pictures decorating his office office... >> now is the time for action. reporter: ... the kids took to the street. >> mike the mailman is the greatest, most dedicated mail man i've ever met in my entire life. >> reporter: to think mike has earned this much loyalty and devotion just by talking to them at a counter. >> a little package. you really have no idea who you're going to influence and when you're going to influence them. >> reporter: michael akinhead is a high school teacher in connecticut. he got his masters at penn state. although he didn't know mike the mailman very well, here's the latest. when he was awarded teacher of the year in his district, guess who he thanked for his success. >> the one person i'm always going to remember and probably talking the most about life was actually mike the mailman. >> it was honestly his example that kind of taught me it's not what you do in life but it's how you do it. >> reporter: now that's something to write home about. >> you take care, all right, son? >> osgood: still to come oscar-nominated actress naomi watts. and layer, a dispatch from but i'll tell you what impresses me. a talking train. this ge locomotive can tell you exactly where it is, what it's carrying, while using less fuel. delivering whatever the world needs, when it needs it. ♪ ♪ after all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say? ♪ ♪ hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thout you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined. >> miss campbell, how have you felt about being pretty? >> oh, please, i don't think of myself as being that pretty. yes, i was never the pretty girl. >> really? no. i just have to keep up with this gorgeous hottie. >> it's sunday morning on cbs and here again is charles osgood. >> reporter: that's naomi watts along with costars jude law, dustin hoffman and lily tomlin in the 2004 movie "i heart huckabees." now her fans are hoping this is her year to win an academy award. with the oscars just two weeks ago here's lee cowan with the envelope please. >> reporter: it ranks among the deadly natural disasters in world history. >> coming again. coming again. >> reporter: december 26, 2004. a massive tsunami tore across southeast asia killing some 230,000 people. the world sat stunnedded anxious to help but largely helpless from so far away. at least that's how actress naomi watts felt. when you heard about it just over the news? >> yeah, you know just remember turning on the tv and being glued to it. i still felt like there was, you know, it felt like a long way away. >> reporter: a long way away until, that is watts traveled to the once battered coastal island to film a movie about a tsunami. "the impossible." she plays maria. this is a true story of her family vacationing from spain when the tsunami hit. her realistic performance of a real-life event now has her in the running for an oscar. (screaming). >> reporter: miraculously maria, her husband and all three of her children survived. we talked with her from madrid. >> i was there. i was there. i was under the water. i was struggling. at the same time in a very very strong way. >> reporter: at first naomi watts was nervous about playing maria, wondering if it was even appropriate. >> i don't want her to relive any more trauma. you know, she's clearly been thruway too much. >> reporter: maria was nervous too. would hollywood get it right? besides, she admits, she was a bit star struck. >> before this film happened if you asked me which is your favorite actress, i would always answer naomi watts. >> reporter: when you first met her, you almost didn't say anything. you just sort of held hands. >> i walked into the room and we just sort of sat opposite each other like this. it was okay to be silent and look at each other. then her eyes started welling up. mine did too. >> i started to cry. i got emotional just remembering this moment. and i said, you know it's a big risk to have what you have and i have because you're not going to portray maria. you're going to portray all the moms during the tsunami. >> reporter: for six weeks it was shot in a giant water tank. it was challenging for any actor but especially naomi watts. do you look at the water any differently now? >> i think i do yeah. reporter: after moving from her native england to australia when she was just 14 she and her mother nearly drowned in a rip tide. what happened? >> i got to the point where i was getting up. my mom didn't. she found sand. she was able to pull me in. >> reporter: in the film she's pulled in too. brought to a group of thai women who dress her and tend to her wounds. it's an emotional scene that watts said she couldn't play without maria's help. >> i just held her hand. i said maria, i just felt all of her energy and all of her you know pain and troubles. >> thank you. i gave her all my love. all my love i got from these people back to her so she was able to put on the scene. >> reporter: naomi watts wanted to be an actress from an early age. she moved to hollywood with a five-year plan. but it soon turned into ten. you talk about going to these auditions and just rejection over and over and over again. >> yeah. reporter: it does get personal after a while. >> i mean i consider myself very sensitive, but i don't think a strong person could cope with it over and over again and ten years of it. there were moments where i was sure i was done. >> reporter: did you ever think about quitting, giving up? >> yes. but i didn't have a b-plan really. i didn't. >> reporter: one of her best friends from australia is fellow actress nicole kidman. what advice did she give you? >> she kept saying, it's just going to take one thing. one thing, mate. you know if you're in a hit film or you know, then everything changes. >> reporter: that's exactly what happened. >> that's what happened. she was right. >> reporter: the film david lynch's. >> i can't believe it. reporter: did you know that this was going to make the difference? >> no. actually, i thought i was doing a ridiculous performance. everything was (sighing). i'm like who acts like that? >> you can't just walk up to a woman you barely know and tell her that. you can't do that. >> reporter: two years later she was nominatedded for an oscar for 21 grand opposite sean pen. and then came kong. >> i remember calling up david lynch, my mentor. he said to me naomi, anyone who sits in the hand of king congress is a movie star for life." (laughing). >> reporter: at 44 she is indeed a movie star with enough watt ak to have taken on the controversial role of playing princess diana, a film due out later this year. >> i like complicated women. i like women with strength and contradictions and she's... she embodied all of those things. >> naomi. reporter: but this year she plans on coming back a bit to spend more time with her family. she lives with actor liev schreiber and their two children. are you looking forward to taking a year off in theory? >> in theory yeah. i mean get back to me on it. >> reporter: family is important. watts' own parents divorced when she was four. her father a sound engineer for the band pink floyd, died when naomi was just seven. >> it's a very sad thing for a child to have only one parent to have a missing parent. it's not fair. >> reporter: she'll be missing him especially that night in los angeles when she walks down the most famous red carpet in the world. would you think your dad would think? >> he'd be happy. reporter: proud. yeah. reporter: she will have one very special fan and friend cheering her on from afar. >> i'll be crossing my fingers from saying, hoping that justice will be made this time. >> the biggest religious pilgrimage on earth is unfolding this weekend along the banks of the ganges river in india. holy williams has the dispatch from the city. >> today's pilgrims have been gathering from every corner of india and arriving by every conceivable mode of transport. all drawn by their shared devotion to an ancient religion. they come here to purify themselves by bathing in the cold water of the ganges the river that nurtured india's 5,000-year-old civilization. this person is a wheat farmer from central india who told us he walked 300 miles to get here. why did you come from so far away here? he made the journey, he said, because the water has special power. for hindus the ganges is a sacred river. they believe that bathing here during this time will wash away their sins. the pilgrims have set up camp in a sprawling sea of tents that can accommodate tens of millions. it's a place complete with its own police force and traffic jams. leading the crowds are these men who have announced all material possessions to devote themselves to a spiritual life. one of them is a man who helped explain hindu beliefs including reincarnation. most of the pilgrims make due with basic conditions but for a wealthy few there's this luxury tented camp where one of the guests is an indian princess who normally lives in a palace. >> there's something that binds you altogether. in the ganges, in your god. as many as there are. we are one. >> reporter: a ritual that's been celebrated by hindus for thousands of years in a country of stunning contrasts. it still has the power to draw the faithful. >> osgood: up next, it's not just an elevator. gcú÷x÷÷qqcxx÷ab ♪ >> osgood: it happened this week. the biggest news in music this side of the grammies. we learned of the demise of muzak, not the music just the name. in a rebranding by the parent company, muzak has moved. founded nearly 80 years ago it was the music that got no respect. it was known as mere elevator music. in the 1980s film the blues brother, john bleuchy and dan akroyd find brief musical respite from a kay on thetic police pursuit in an office building elevator.ñ? while in 1998 will farrell and chris saw muzak's supposedly hypnotic. stereotypes aside, muzak has been breaking the mold programming real songs by real artists and according to customers that richard schlesinger found in an ice cream store in 1997. >> muzak puts you to sleep. osgood: not anymore. a sunday morning visitor muzak south carolina headquarters back in 2010 we found 2,000 young so-called audio architects programming music for every type of store and business. and no muzak at all in muzak's own elevators. will muzak by any other name still sound like muzak? stay tuned. next, john mayer's montana. >> i don't see how the happiness here doesn't make it to records. >> osgood: and later a keys centru concern. n i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. [ male announcer ] when it comes to the financial obstacles military families face we understand. our financial advice is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. [ laughs ] dad! dad! [ applause ] [ male announcer ] life brings obstacles. usaa brings retirement advice. call or visit us online. we're ready to help. learn more with our free usaa retirement guide. call 877-242-usaa. ♪ >> osgood: that 2002 hit song "your body is a wonderland" won john may era grammy for best male pop performance. after an involuntary break from performing, mayer is hoping to be singing again in just a few months. he talks about that and some other changes in his life with anthony mason for the record. >> reporter: why did you come out here? >> well, i came out here about a year-and-a-half ago on my first vocal rest after an operation. >> reporter: big sky country is an ideal escape for a rock star trying to heal. i imagine when you were trying not to use your voice, this is probably a pretty good place to be. >> oh, yeah. watch movies. cook. >> reporter: john mayer recently bought a 15-acre spread here along the yellowstone river in western montana. >> right here. i don't see how the happiness here doesn't make it to records. >> reporter: the 35-year-old singer came here to recover from vocal surgery and from some self-inflicted wounds in the media. i would think the minute you saw a paparazzi photographer you'd want to come back here. >> you know what? they can't get certain things. they don't know what i'm thinking. in a way being forced to stop contributing has been the greatest thing in the world because now i've got three years of capital built up with nobody quite knowing what's on my mind. ♪ >> reporter: one of the most successful singer/songwriters of the past decade john mayer has scored three number-one albums and seven grammy awards. but a succession of celebrity girlfriend --s jessica simpson jennifer aniston, taylor swift and now katie perry -- has made him a leading man in the tabloids too. and at times obscured his talents as a guitarist. do you third your public image ultimately has clouded respect for you as amuse i cannian? >> it's not ideal. i wish that i was only as well known as i was exposed musically. you know? i really do. >> reporter: but mayer lost his best known instrument, his voice, when he developed a granuloma on his vocal cords. surgery removed the growth but it came back. and when we met up with him in october in new york, mayer had just had a botox injection. >> through the neck. reporter: a big needle? it's a small enough needle that you don't go totally berserk when you see it. >> reporter: the treatments meant mayer could not sing. he had to cancel the tour behind his new album. >> first of all, emotionally super fragile in this period of time. >> reporter: because? because it was my job. reporter: he was still anxious a month later. >> it just doesn't work. there's not a clear path. >> reporter: his voice specialist ran a scope down his throat. the picture was encouraging. >> when you look at it there that looks... >> that's really good looking. looks better. reporter: the growth now barely noticeable had almost healed. this is what it originally looked like. >> yeah. this whole big silly ball of tissue that was there. >> reporter: what does the botox actually do? >> it paralyzes the muscles so that by paralyzing the muscles you cannot bring the vocal cords together. that allows them to rest so that area isn't banging. >> reporter: ironically mayer lost his singing voice after he put his foot in his mouth. in two widely quoted interviews. what was more difficult for you, dealing with the sort of the after math of the back lash from the interviews ordealing with not being able to sing? >> the interviews. reporter: really? yes. reporter: in conversations with rolling stone and playboy in 2010 mayer made some off-color remarks about race and his previous relationships including calling former girlfriend jessica simpson sexual napalm. >> i was just a jerk. it's hard to convince people to process that. they'd rather have a quick go-to like he was popping x number of pills a day. no i wasn't. i was just a jerk. >> reporter: how does that happen? >> taking every battle on. not taking a break. not looking at... not being honest. not saying let's admit that we don't know the next step. >> reporter: most of all what's changed? >> it's very liberating when you finally realize that it's impossible to make everyone like you. >> reporter: and you wanted everybody to like you? >> i wanted everybody to like me. i thought i was one shuck and jive away in every direction. >> reporter: why is it that you think you wanted everybody to like you? >> self-consciousness. extreme self-consciousness. it would have been a great rolling stone interview if i had said here's what's going on in my life. i had a plan for myself. i have no idea where i am with it. i never saw it coming where i would be thought of as a infamous lethario. i didn't see any of this coming. i'm hugely uncomfortable with this and i want to cry. >> reporter: is it true? absolutely. reporter: mayer has a quick mind and sometimes he himself can't seem to keep up with it. you talked about overthinking in the past. at one point i think you said overthinking has given me everything in my career. >> given me an audience. it's given me a life. it's given me panic attacks. it's given me friends and it's given me enemies. >> reporter: you can't turn that off? >> i've learned to turn it down. i don't care nearly as much as i used to about it. ♪ i'm a good man with a good heart ♪ ♪ got a rough start ♪ ♪ but i finally learned to let it go ♪ >> reporter: on shadow days the lead single from his newest album, mayer seems to want to put it all behind him. ♪ my shadow takes a road ♪ >> i wish that i grew up a year every year of my life. i didn't. i stopped for a certain period of time. when i was 24 for six years or whatever. and then i... the log jam cleared. i'm dead on for 35. >> reporter: and then there's his new relationship with girlfriend katie perry. a person could look at it and say if he wanted to live a private life, he could... >> move to montana. reporter: ... or pick a girlfriend with a lower profile. >> that's right. now you're talking about being so ruthless about your public image that you're willing to say to somebody i like you a lot but because of who you are, i don't want to get to know you better. >> reporter: come on. you've had a string of extremely high profile girlfriends. >> i know. i don't feel... for first time i don't feel... i really don't. i'm not a high profile it's hard to explain. >> reporter: it doesn't feel like that to me. >> great. i'm glad. i know what you're saying. i'm not denying it. i'm saying for me it feels like something that's very human. >> reporter: do you foresee yourself getting married? >> of course. reporter: you do? of course, yeah. i mean i'm still the kid from connecticut. ♪ hello ♪ ♪ what's your name? ♪ >> reporter: last month at a chairity concert in bozeman, montana, one part of mayer's journey finally ended. >> i went to the doctor about a couple weeks ago. we looked at my throalt. the thing is gone. ( cheers and applause ) >> reporter: that night he did something he hadn't done in nearly two years. he sang. ♪ >> reporter: his voice is still raspy. it will be months before the full effects of the botox wear off. but this summer mayer will tour again. ♪ playing a song that i can sing ♪ >> reporter: his silence ended. john mayer insists from now on he'll only say what he needs to say. do you wish in anyway you could get rid of your public persona? >> i am so much more mainstream amuse i cannian than i am a person that you'd want to get a meal with. i'm always going to be a little weird. i'm always going to be a little weird. how about that? okay. >> osgood: next, number crunching saint valentine's day. this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. >> osgood: now a look at valentine's day by the numbers. almost 60% of us plan to celebrate valentine's day this year according to a national retail federation. we're projected to spend a total of 18.6 billion dollars on cards and gifts this year. and $5 billion of that for our significant other and nearly $3.8 billion for other family members. $815 million on our pets. all in all, the average shopper will spend more than $130. that's up from last year. 1% of us plan to give candy. 36.6% are giving flowers. and even though only 19.7% are giving jewelry that still adds up to $4.4 billion. 54.7 of us are willing to spring for at least a card for our true love. as for where people are buying their valentine gifts, more than 39% of us will be shopping at discount stores. while 26.3% expect to do their gift-giving online. roses are red violets are blue. i'd go shopping if i were you. ahead, faith salie locks horns with lockers. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. 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[ female announcer ] ready to mix things up with lean cuisine? try our entrees, snacks and new salads. wild salmon with basil, garlic chicken spring rolls and now salads, like asian-style chicken. enjoy 100 delicious varieties under 400 calories. lean cuisine. only a few days left to choose in your own way how to show your love for that special someone. just don't pick the method our contributor faith salie used >> reporter: it's almost valentine's day. we're bombarded with symbols of love everywhere. red, pink, hearts flowers, chocolates but there's another symbol. multiplying in clusters creeping towards us. the love padlock. if you've been globe trotting lately maybe you've seen this in prague or this in colon or this in seoul or moscow or paris. love bad locks are a trend in which lovers write their initials on a lock affix it to a picturesque setting and throw away the key forever usually into a river below. now it's spreading like a cancer to north america. coming to a monument near you. here's the brooklyn bridge. it's like carve your initials on the coliseum or spray painting ashley plus jason forever on the bridge. kids, if you have a need to declare your love publicly please do it on your facebook wall not the great wall. not only are these padlocks unsightly and surely bad for the environment what with all those keys in rivers, they're a horrible metaphor for love. real love is more than a one-time seemingly ironclad pledge that we will never be apart. if you're over 20, you've probably figured out that meaningful love isn't constricting. it doesn't chain you to one place or to each other. mature love allows us to stretch, to grow at different rates. we choose to rejoin over and over. ideally with renewed appreciation and gratitude. more over throwing away the key? when you offer your partner the key to your hearties not supposed to fling it away. if you must leave your mark i suggest a return to the centuries old tradition of exchanging another kind of lock hair. it's an apt symbol. if you entwine your hair with your beloved you leave something stronger. a braid is essentially a rope which can be a connector and a life line not a shackle. so tie one on to the bridge. happy valentine's day. now go pick a lock. looking for a better place to put your cash? here's one you may not have thought of -- fidelity. now you don't have to go to a bank to get the things you want from a bank like no-fee atms all over the world. free checkwriting and mobile deposits. now depositing a check is as easy as taking a picture. free online bill payments. a highly acclaimed credit card with 2% cash back into your fidelity account. open a fidelity cash management account today and discover another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. here's a look at the week ahead on our sunday morning calendar. on monday president obama awards the medal of honor to retired staff sergeant clinton for his courageous actions during a battle in afghanistan in 2009. tuesday mr. obama delivers the state of the union address to a joint session of congress. senator marco rubio of florida will have the republican response. on wednesday, the 48th academy of country music nominations will be announced. thursday, of course saint valentine's day. on friday a big asteroid 150 feet wide called 2012da14 is expected to pass some 17,000 miles from earth. they're close as asteroids go but they say there's no chance of a collision. on saturday north korea marks the birthday of its late dictator king jong il who died in december of 2011. earlier martha teichner looked at the public policy debate over the u.s. military's use of drones. for a look at the drones themselves what they can do and what they may be able to do some day we turn to our national security correspondent david martin. >> reporter: richard phillips captain of the container ship was more than a little grateful when seal team 6 rescued him from somali pirates. he could have also thanked a little known unmanned aircraft called scan eagle. while phillips drifted in a life boat at the mercy of three armed pirates, scan eagles kept watch overhead >> they were giving very good information in realtime to the team that ultimately saved captain phillips >> reporter: in the nearly four years since vice admiral park fox the director of navy operations has witnessed a revolution in drone warfare >> we are very much on the cuss i think, of some remarkable changes in the way that we think about fighting. these unmanned systems are part of that. >> reporter: perhaps the most remarkable is the x47b a sleek test plane currently flying out of the naval air station in maryland. humans coax it into position for a catapult launch. but after that it's flown entirely by computer. right now it's loaded only with instruments, but that could change once the navy proves the x47b can land and take off from a carrier at sea. >> it will give you options. maybe we should look at putting ordnance on it as well >> reporter: the x47b could carry 4,000 pounds of weapons and would take the danger out of attacking heavily defended targets >> obviously if you have an unmanned aircraft in a very high threat environment, then you have less risk to the air crewe >> reporter: the navy has been flying drones for several years now but only as surveillance aircraft. two of these $100 million global hawks are currently flying over the persian gulf >> we can cover the entire gulf when we're up at 60,000 spheet >> reporter: captain jim hoke is the program manager for this unmanned aircraft which has a wing span nearly that of a commercial airliner but can stay up much longer >> we burn less than a 10th of what a civil or manned aircraft would burn for fuel so we can stay up for 24 hours on a very little amount of gas. >> reporter: during those 24 hours, it can track every ship in the persian gulf. sending the data to the base for analysis and back to american war ships in the gulf. >> from the time that the picture is taken from the aircraft and getting it back out there is less than seven minutes. >> reporter: this unmanned helicopter doesn't fly nearly so high but, says captain patrick smith, the fire scout can do things airplanes can't. >> we can operate from a small deck of a ship or as we have deployments in afghanistan a very small austere site only requiring a landing pad >> reporter: that's right. afghanistan. and the fire scout is currently flying surveillance missions in a war zone. that camera can send live television pictures of enemy positions to an operator 100 miles away. in fact a fire scout has already given its life for its country. >> we did lose an aircraft in libya over a year ago. that was attributed to an enemy action >> reporter: so it got shot down yes, it did. reporter: soon the fire scout will be able to shoot back. are there plans to put any weapons on here? >> it intended for us to carry up to six rockets. the testing will complete with that later this year >> reporter: we could make you dizzy by listing all the drones currently in operation. predator and reaper drones flying air strikes against suspected terrorists in pakistan and yemen. stealth drones flying spy missions over iran. there's even one hauling cargo in afghanistan. no one wearing a military uniform will admit it. but the day seems to be coming when a drone can do anything a manned aircraft can do better. >> osgood: a report from national security correspondent david martin. now to bob scheiffer in washington for a look at what's ahead on "face the nation." good morning bob >> schieffer: good morning charles. we'll hear from massachusetts governor deval patrick on the storm outside and republican senator lindsey graham on the storm inside over the president's nominees to head the pentagon and the c.i.a. >> osgood: bob scheiffer. thank you. we'll be watching. next week here on sunday morning. game show host wayne brady. the world needs more energy. where's it going 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Transcripts For WJZ CBS News Sunday Morning 20130210

an expanding family of unmanned flying military hardware. the week's revelations further fueled the public debate about the propriety of drone strikes against human targets as we'll hear this morning beginning with martha teichner's report on our sunday morning cover story. >> reporter: so you think you know what a drone is? one of those unmanned aircraft that takes out terrorists. well, think again. this is a drone too. tell me what that is. so is this. and would you believe a humming bird drone? ahead this sunday morning, technology both tantalizing and troubling. >> osgood: the grammy awards are tonight here on cbs. among the nominees you can find the name john mayer. after a period on the performance side lines mayer' is preparing to move back into the spotlight as we'll be hearing from anthony mason. >> reporter: why did you come out here? for nearly two years singer john mayer has been quietly recuperating from vocal problems and from self-inflicted publicity wounds. >> i was just a jerk you know. reporter: most of all what's changed? >> it's very liberating when you finally realize that it's impossible to do. >> reporter: ahead on sunday morning... >> i'm going to sing some songs for you. >> reporter: ... after two years of near silence, john mayer is ready to sing again. >> you just have to wait a few more seconds. >> osgood: we'll be hearing the familiar call for "the envelope please" as the academy awards just two weeks from tonight and a harrowing portrayal by naomi watts is very much in contention. she talks about it all this morning with our lee cowan. >> reporter: among this year's oscar-nominated performances this is one of the more uncomfortable ones to watch. naomi watts plays a wife and mother swept away by a massive tsunami, a true story. >> they saw the rumblings. birds flying off. she said, okay, this is death. >> reporter: you'll meet naomi watts and the survivor she played later on sunday morning. >> osgood: with valentine's day just four days away, some women who are walking tall may be feeling mighty low. mo rocca has been hearing them out. >> reporter: when it comes to dating, tall women don't always have it so easy. sure, they can date shorter men, but... >> it looks unnatural to me, i think. >> reporter: it looks like what? it looks like he's at my chest. >> reporter: he makes you feel like you're not his girlfriend but you're his... >> his mother. reporter: ahead on sunday morning, tall girls. the long and the short of it. >> osgood: faith salie finds fault. williams has remarkable pictures of a religious pilgrimage in india. steve hartman meets a mailman who is first class. and more. we begin with the headlines for this sunday morning the 10th of february, 2013. the massive snowstorm that swept across the northeast is gone, but not forgotten. tens of thousands are digging out and remain without electricity. terrell brown is in boston. >> reporter: the blizzard that slammed the northeast closed roadways, grounded flights and cut power to more than 600,000 homes and businesses. nearly the entire city of quincy massachusetts -- population 92,000 -- was left in the dark. nancy reed is president of national grid massachusetts. when is the power coming back? >> well, this will be a multi-day event. it could be monday or tuesday. people need to brace themselves. they need to find shelter if they're cold. >> reporter: the storm hid hamden connecticut the hardest with 40 inches of snow. portland maine, 31.9 inches breaking a record set in 1979. and suburbs of boston and new york recorded around two feet. on long island the quickly accumulating snow trapped drivers in their cars overnight. and some parts of the long island expressway are still closed. but new york city mayor michael bloomberg says his city was spared. >> we've gotten through this. it looks like we've dodged a bullet. >> reporter: relief may be temporary. forecasters say another storm is headed this way later this week. today some planes will start taking off and landing at boston's logan airport. and amtrak will resume limited service in parts of the northeast. for sunday morning, i'm terrell brown in boston. >> osgood: in the san bernadino mountains the manhunt continues for christopher dorner. the former los angeles police officer wanted in connection with three killings. officials now say they discovered the weapons in his burned-out pick-up truck which was found thursday near big bear lake and los angeles police have announced they will reopen the disciplinary proceedings from 2007 that led to dorner's firing. violence has marked the start of mardi gras week in new orleans. last night four people were shot in a crowd gathered on burbon street. the victims included two women and two men. the most seriously injured is listed in critical condition. police have made no arrests. hundreds of mourners, including first lady michelle obama attended the funeral for 15-year-old idea pendleton in chicago yesterday. she was shot and killed late last month just days after she participated in president obama's inauguration ceremonies. former vice president dick cheney appears to have a dim view of the white house's new national security team. in a speech before republicans in wyoming last night mr. cheney charged that president obama is putting the nation at risk by appointing unqualified nominees. cheney said the white house is relying on too many, in his words "second rate people." the associated press reports that the board of american airlines' parent company is meeting tomorrow to decide whether to merge with u.s. airways. a merger would create one of the world's largest airlines. today is new year's day in china. fireworks lit up the sky in beijing overnight and singer celine dion performed to mark the start of the year of the snake. now today's weather. sunny and milder along the east and west coasts. but it will be a stormy day for most of the country. in the week to come those storms will bring rain and possibly more snow as they move across the nation. keep those shovels handy. next the fight over drones. ♪ i'm a good man with a good heart ♪ >> osgood: later >> osgood: it looks big to me, but not all drones are as small as this one. the debate over the use of drones isn't small either particularly after the events of this past week. later we'll be hearing from correspondent david martin. but to begin our sunday morning cover story is reported by martha teichner. >> reporter: their names: predator reaper, imply their deadly intent. they are what we've come to understand drones to be. unmanned killing machines armed with hell fire missiles controlled from thousands of miles away as they stall being and then destroy supposed terrorist targets in places like pakistan yemen afghanistan. drones are the controversial weapon of choice in a semisecret war that was dragged into the spotlight this past week. >> mr. brennan, please stand. reporter: during confirmation hearings for john brennan as c.i.a. director. >> the people that were standing up here today, i think they really have a misunderstanding of what we do as a government. >> reporter: currently the obama administration's counterterrorism chief, brennan oversees covert drone strikes. >> we only take such actions as a last resort to save lives when there's no other alternative by taking an action that is going to mitigate that threat. >> reporter: but what exactly that means ethically and even legally troubles critics. and what we don't know. estimates cobbled together by journalists and think tanks of those killed in c.i.a. drone attacks are all over the place. in pakistan since 2004 from under 2,000 at the low end to more than 3400. the c.i.a. isn't saying. so who is being killed? terrorists or civilians? >> the data show that only in relatively small number of high-level targets have been killed. something in the order of 50. estimates vary. >> reporter: out of all the drone strikes. >> out of all the drone strikes which is roughly 2% of those who have been killed which means that 98% of those killed have not been high-level targets. >> these photos were taken by a photographer who has gone to strike sites. >> reporter: james is a law professor at stanford university and coauthor of a paper critical of u.s. drone use. >> these are of shrapnel. reporter: he and his team went to pakistan. >> we don't hear enough about the costs. civilians killed. civilians injured. destruction of communities. growth of anti-americanism. and fomenting recruitment for terrorist groups. all of that is considered there are serious doubts about whether drones are the best option. >> reporter: administration policy makers believe drones often are the best option. for keeping american soldiers out of harm's way. >> the thing that we called war is being changed by this technology. >> reporter: peter singer is a senior fellow at the brookings institution. >> it's allowed us to disconnect two things that used to go hand in hand in war. the destructive side but also the risk of sending people into action. now you're able to separate them. and not have a huge impact. >> reporter: and here's something you may not know. the vast majority of the 8,000 or so drones in use by the u.s. military don't look like this. they're more likely to look like glorified model airplanes equipped not with missiles but cameras. together with high-flying surveillance drones they alert troops when they're in danger. >> in afghanistan, you have soldiers that will write letters back and say you know our patrol was saved today because you were doing overwatch on it. >> reporter: now droans are headed off the battlefield. they're already coming your way. >> a little less than three pounds. >> reporter: the california company that sells the military something like 85% of its fleet is marketing them now to public safety agencies. >> flying behind us is the cube system. it's a small unmanned aircraft that is designed to give first responders an immediate eye in the sky so they can find lost kids. they can investigate accidents. they can support disaster recovery for earthquakes in california, tornadoes in the midwest, hurricanes on the gulf coast. >> reporter: steve gitland is a vice president of the company. >> less than $50,000 which is about what police agencies pay for a fully equipped police cruiser. >> reporter: as opposed to a helicopter which would be... >> they can cost $1-$2 million a piece. >> reporter: suppose you have a dangerous hostage situation, as shown in this simulation. an unmanned aircraft can track the gunman. it can evaluate flooding or help firefighters cheaply and safely without endangering lives the argument goes. >> rodney, will you talk to me. eporter: at this north dakota farm one assisted in safely resolving an armed stand-off over some cattle. >> we were able to tell that there were three adult males at the end of the driveway which appeared to be holding long guns. >> reporter: kelly jankey is sheriff of nelson county. the next morning the three men were arrested. >> that's when we utilized the u.a. vrgs again. we determined that it was safe at the time. so we moved in basically to extract the cattle that we were given a warrant for. >> you guys will do another flight demo here. again, we have we still have the i.r. sensor pod on the aircraft. you're going to see everything in black and white. white is hot. black is dark or cold. >> reporter: last week in grand forks, north dakota, first responders attended a short course in what drones can do for them. >> most of all, call us and tell us that you need us because we want to come out and start utilizing this. >> reporter: the project coordinator alan fraser teaches at the university of north dakota and is a deputy sheriff himself. >> very small. about 36 inches from one arm to the other. >> reporter: the irony here is that a grand forks county sheriff's department, like every other law enforcement agency has to get a special license from the f.a.a. before it can use an unmanned aircraft. but today you or i could go online, order a drone kit for a few hundred colors and fly the thing anywhere. legally. terry killby a smart phone apps designer and his wife belinda, an art teacher, used theirs to take bird's eye view photographs of baltimore. >> we can get something that is totally unique and a fresh perspective. images that you wouldn't ordinarily think that you've already seen before but now it's a completely new take on it. >> reporter: but where there are drones there's controversy. >> no drones. we are on a slippery slope. >> reporter: this was a city council meeting in seattle. on thursday the mayor ordered seattle's police force to end its unmanned aerial vehicle program. at least 11 states have led legislation pending that would restrict or baab drone use including texas. >> the invasion of privacy is the number one issue. >> reporter: state representative lance goodin is one of the bill's sponsors. >> with these drones you can hover over someone's backyard a foot off the ground. you can film into someone's back living room. you can record conversations. >> reporter: but alan fraser of north dakota thinks regulation is premature. >> if at the time the write brothers were experimenting with powered flight if a governmental agency had stepped in and said, you know, we have privacy concerns about this, i wonder whether we would be where we are with air travel. >> we weren't sure if this was even do-able in our lifetime. >> reporter: in its infancy now, drone technology is growing up fast. >> power it up. reporter: look at this. take-off. bring it back in. say hello. >> reporter: matt keen and headed the team at aero environment that developed the humming bird for the department of defense. it weighs less than an ounce. >> the video camera is tucked in about the neck. >> reporter: so here's the question. do you think it's really cool or does it scare you? >> endurance is a few minutes. that's what it does. ♪ oh, my darling, oh, my darling ♪ >> osgood: coming up a golden oldy. the singing telegram. >> you're my darling valentine. with the fidelity guided portfolio summary you choose which accounts to track and use fidelity's analytics to spot trends gain insights, and figure out what you want to do next. all in one place. i'm meredith stoddard and i helped create the fidelity guided portfolio summary. it's one more innovative reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. now get 200 free trades when you open an account. stouffer's is proud to make america's favorite lasagna... with hand-layered pasta, tomatoes and real mozzarella cheese. but what makes us even prouder... is what our real dinners can do for your family. stouffer's. let's fix dinner. look, every day we're using more and more energy. the world needs more energy. where's it going to come from? ♪ ♪ that's why right here in australia, chevron is building one of the biggest natural gas projects in the world. enough power for a city the size of singapore for 50 years. what's it going to do to the planet? natural gas is the cleanest conventional fuel there is. we've got to be smart about this. it's a smart way to go. ♪ ♪ osgood: and now a page from our sunday morning almanac. february 10, 1933, 80 years ago today. the day the stodgy old telegram business changed its tune. for that was the day the postal telegraph cable company is said to have delivered the first singing telegram. adopted by the far larger western union company five months later the singing telegram quickly took its place in american folklore making sometimes fanciful appearances on the screen. tap dancer buddy bure used to deliver a singing telegram to band leader charlie barnett in this 1940s musical short. ♪ >> osgood: speaking of bunnies, bette midler dressed up like one to belt out a singing telegram in her 1988 film "beaches." ♪ happy happy birthday buddy boy ♪ we're here to deliver a vocal valentine. >> reporter: and more recently amuseical message particularly appropriate for this week played a role in a tv series "glee." on the other hand, there's this dark humor take on it in the 1985 comic mystery thriller "clue." ♪ i am your singing telegram ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> osgood: in real life however, the singing telegram was increasingly more likely to be delivered over the phone than in person. as the telegram business declined in the face of changing technology. >> quite an honor. this will be the last sing-a-gram that western union will have. >> reporter: western union closed down its singing telegram service in 2006 leaving no singers in snappy uniforms to sing. ♪ happy birthday dear lind today ♪ ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ and it's signed david. >> osgood: just ahead how tall is too tall? tell me you love me. tell me i'm beautiful. tell me we'll grow old together. in sickness and in health. tell me that i'm still the one. that you need me. that i'm your super hero! tell me you'll never let me go. tell me you miss me. that's all i need. 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[ male announcer ] excedrin excels with migraine sufferers. these heads belong to those who can't put their lives jobs and loved ones on hold because of a migraine. so when a migraine starts, they grab excedrin migraine. they know excedrin provides fast pain relief. plus it relieves sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. no wonder it's #1 neurologist recommended. excedrin specializes in ending headaches and like you we won't be easily stopped. not even by migraines. migraines are where excedrin excels. >> osgood: walking tall has its advantages and its disadvantages. at least so say the women our mo rocca has been talking with. >> reporter: there's plenty of up side to being tall. just ask an nba star. or that guy in the supermarket who helps you reach the top shelf. there's even an economic benefit. >> there's a lot of research that shows that tall people make more money. they make an average of $789 more per inch per year which is an exceedingly large amount of money. >> reporter: but 6'3 "writer also knows for tall heterosexual women finding a mate is no slam dunk. >> tall women will not date down. they refuse to date people shorter than them just because they sort of want that feeling of comfort. so it's a very, very common thing. >> reporter: the average height for american women is 5'4 ," 5'9" for men. what do you do if you're a woman who is 6'2 "without heels? some tall women have famously dated down. remember jill st. john and henry kissinger? susan anton and dudley moore? sonny and cher? mimi rogers and tom cruise? nicole kidman and tom cruise. katie holmes and tom cruise. most men apparently have no problem dating taller women. >> i'd really like to have sex with a tall woman. i mean really tall like a giant. >> reporter: megan is my height, 6'tall. >> i am really only attracted to guys that are taller than me. i don't know if it's a physical thing or a mental thing. but it's definitely there. >> reporter: it's a feeling that may be rooted in biology where taller suggests stronger. >> one of the things that women seem to want in a male partner in particular is someone who displays social dominance because if you partner yourself up with someone who has social dominance, that person is going to be beneficial for you your future and your progeny. >> reporter: professor glen gere has studied the psychology of attraction. the big problem for tall women is they're not attracted to shorter guys not that shorter guys aren't attracted to hem. >> it's not that they can't find guys. it's with this ol gorism of trying to find someone who is relatively tall to yourself that's where their pool becomes shortened, so to speak. >> reporter: when you see a short girl with a tall boyfriend boyfriend, how does that make you feel? >> i get a little, you know hate in my heart because i'm like gosh, one less person for me. >> reporter: whitney lynch stands 62 inches tall. have you ever dated a short guy? >> i have. i have dated a short guy. >> reporter: how short? 5'8 ." actually it's not that bad. >> reporter: not that bad but still, she says, uncomfortable. >> it looks unnatural to me, i think. >> reporter: it looks like what? it looks like he's at my chest. (laughing). >> reporter: and it makes you feel like you're not his girlfriend but his... >> his mother. reporter: it's an image we've all seen in comedies from the marx brothers. .. >> can't you see what i'm trying to tell you? i love you. you're not so bad yourself. >> reporter: ... to 16 candles. nobody has caught me yet. there's something about always being larger than everyone in the crowd. always standing out always just being looked at, or whatever. i would like to have someone be on that same plane with me. >> reporter: claire burns, 6'1 ." and you want a guy who is how tall? >> ideally about 6'3 ," 6'4". reporter: that means claire is limiting herself to 4.2% of the adult male population. you remember that cartoon boris and natasha. >> absolutely. reporter: that relationship worked. >> it did but it's also a cartoon. so that may not work for me. >> reporter: that's a very good point. but in the real world, there are plenty of examples of tall women and shorter men. and not just on the red carpet. >> i just never thought i would wind up with a woman that could physically lift me in the air. >> reporter: mark is a scrappy 5'7 ." his wife christine is 6'1 ." is it ever physically awkward? >> there's been a couple of occasions where we walked into an event and we actually see the height difference in the mirror. we're like, oh, this is what other people see. okay. >> reporter: but no matter. christine still fell hard for mark. >> i felt very taken care of. totally protected by him in a way that nobody had ever made me feel. >> reporter: even really tall guys? >> yeah. reporter: so maybe things will start looking up for single tall women if they just start looking down. >> osgood: still to come... you come to buy stamps when you don't need stamps. >> it just makes your day so much better. >> osgood: first class all the way. >> osgood: does the planned end of saturday postal delivery except for packages mean the first-class postal service is a thing of the past? no, not at all. certainly not in the office that steve hartman visited. >> reporter: typically post office lines breed anger and frustration. but at the head of this cue on the campus of penn state university in state college pennsylvania, you'll find nothing but joy. >> i love coming in here. my mission is to make them have a little bit of levity on the way out. nice nails. >> thank you. reporter: to that end mike lives by a simple motto. if you can't say something nice about someone. >> that is one of the nicest coats. >> reporter: you're just not looking hard enough even if it's only how nicely they filled out their forms. >> natural. reporter: he's been like this with just about every customer everyday for 38 years. >> nice suit. very nice. >> reporter: how do you keep this up for so long? you're stumped by that question. >> this is what i do. i'm just myself. that's all i can do. >> how is your mom doing. reporter: the man really is pure heart which is part of the reason the lines are so long here. >> you come in to buy stamps when you don't need stamps. >> reporter: yes. that's amazing. reporter: nicole logan is a regular. >> because he just makes your day so much better. >> thank you mike. reporter: and because kindness begets kindness mike gets quite a few special deliveries himself. the kids that made him grand marshal of the home coming parade. once in 2000 when the post master told mike he had to take down all the posters and pictures decorating his office office... >> now is the time for action. reporter: ... the kids took to the street. >> mike the mailman is the greatest, most dedicated mail man i've ever met in my entire life. >> reporter: to think mike has earned this much loyalty and devotion just by talking to them at a counter. >> a little package. you really have no idea who you're going to influence and when you're going to influence them. >> reporter: michael akinhead is a high school teacher in connecticut. he got his masters at penn state. although he didn't know mike the mailman very well, here's the latest. when he was awarded teacher of the year in his district, guess who he thanked for his success. >> the one person i'm always going to remember and probably talking the most about life was actually mike the mailman. >> it was honestly his example that kind of taught me it's not what you do in life but it's how you do it. >> reporter: now that's something to write home about. >> you take care, all right, son? >> osgood: still to come oscar-nominated actress naomi watts. and layer, a dispatch from but i'll tell you what impresses me. a talking train. this ge locomotive can tell you exactly where it is, what it's carrying, while using less fuel. delivering whatever the world needs, when it needs it. ♪ ♪ after all, what's the point of talking if you don't have something important to say? ♪ ♪ hey! hey honey! hey alan. uh, hey.... i'm bob, we talked at the tax store. i did your taxes. i thout you were a tax expert? today, i'm a master plumber. major tax stores advertise for preparers with "no tax experience necessary." at turbotax, you only get answers from cpas, eas or tax attorneys - all real tax experts. ...than h&r block stores and all other major tax stores combined. >> miss campbell, how have you felt about being pretty? >> oh, please, i don't think of myself as being that pretty. yes, i was never the pretty girl. >> really? no. i just have to keep up with this gorgeous hottie. >> it's sunday morning on cbs and here again is charles osgood. >> reporter: that's naomi watts along with costars jude law, dustin hoffman and lily tomlin in the 2004 movie "i heart huckabees." now her fans are hoping this is her year to win an academy award. with the oscars just two weeks ago here's lee cowan with the envelope please. >> reporter: it ranks among the deadly natural disasters in world history. >> coming again. coming again. >> reporter: december 26, 2004. a massive tsunami tore across southeast asia killing some 230,000 people. the world sat stunnedded anxious to help but largely helpless from so far away. at least that's how actress naomi watts felt. when you heard about it just over the news? >> yeah, you know just remember turning on the tv and being glued to it. i still felt like there was, you know, it felt like a long way away. >> reporter: a long way away until, that is watts traveled to the once battered coastal island to film a movie about a tsunami. "the impossible." she plays maria. this is a true story of her family vacationing from spain when the tsunami hit. her realistic performance of a real-life event now has her in the running for an oscar. (screaming). >> reporter: miraculously maria, her husband and all three of her children survived. we talked with her from madrid. >> i was there. i was there. i was under the water. i was struggling. at the same time in a very very strong way. >> reporter: at first naomi watts was nervous about playing maria, wondering if it was even appropriate. >> i don't want her to relive any more trauma. you know, she's clearly been thruway too much. >> reporter: maria was nervous too. would hollywood get it right? besides, she admits, she was a bit star struck. >> before this film happened if you asked me which is your favorite actress, i would always answer naomi watts. >> reporter: when you first met her, you almost didn't say anything. you just sort of held hands. >> i walked into the room and we just sort of sat opposite each other like this. it was okay to be silent and look at each other. then her eyes started welling up. mine did too. >> i started to cry. i got emotional just remembering this moment. and i said, you know it's a big risk to have what you have and i have because you're not going to portray maria. you're going to portray all the moms during the tsunami. >> reporter: for six weeks it was shot in a giant water tank. it was challenging for any actor but especially naomi watts. do you look at the water any differently now? >> i think i do yeah. reporter: after moving from her native england to australia when she was just 14 she and her mother nearly drowned in a rip tide. what happened? >> i got to the point where i was getting up. my mom didn't. she found sand. she was able to pull me in. >> reporter: in the film she's pulled in too. brought to a group of thai women who dress her and tend to her wounds. it's an emotional scene that watts said she couldn't play without maria's help. >> i just held her hand. i said maria, i just felt all of her energy and all of her you know pain and troubles. >> thank you. i gave her all my love. all my love i got from these people back to her so she was able to put on the scene. >> reporter: naomi watts wanted to be an actress from an early age. she moved to hollywood with a five-year plan. but it soon turned into ten. you talk about going to these auditions and just rejection over and over and over again. >> yeah. reporter: it does get personal after a while. >> i mean i consider myself very sensitive, but i don't think a strong person could cope with it over and over again and ten years of it. there were moments where i was sure i was done. >> reporter: did you ever think about quitting, giving up? >> yes. but i didn't have a b-plan really. i didn't. >> reporter: one of her best friends from australia is fellow actress nicole kidman. what advice did she give you? >> she kept saying, it's just going to take one thing. one thing, mate. you know if you're in a hit film or you know, then everything changes. >> reporter: that's exactly what happened. >> that's what happened. she was right. >> reporter: the film david lynch's. >> i can't believe it. reporter: did you know that this was going to make the difference? >> no. actually, i thought i was doing a ridiculous performance. everything was (sighing). i'm like who acts like that? >> you can't just walk up to a woman you barely know and tell her that. you can't do that. >> reporter: two years later she was nominatedded for an oscar for 21 grand opposite sean pen. and then came kong. >> i remember calling up david lynch, my mentor. he said to me naomi, anyone who sits in the hand of king congress is a movie star for life." (laughing). >> reporter: at 44 she is indeed a movie star with enough watt ak to have taken on the controversial role of playing princess diana, a film due out later this year. >> i like complicated women. i like women with strength and contradictions and she's... she embodied all of those things. >> naomi. reporter: but this year she plans on coming back a bit to spend more time with her family. she lives with actor liev schreiber and their two children. are you looking forward to taking a year off in theory? >> in theory yeah. i mean get back to me on it. >> reporter: family is important. watts' own parents divorced when she was four. her father a sound engineer for the band pink floyd, died when naomi was just seven. >> it's a very sad thing for a child to have only one parent to have a missing parent. it's not fair. >> reporter: she'll be missing him especially that night in los angeles when she walks down the most famous red carpet in the world. would you think your dad would think? >> he'd be happy. reporter: proud. yeah. reporter: she will have one very special fan and friend cheering her on from afar. >> i'll be crossing my fingers from saying, hoping that justice will be made this time. >> osgood: next, on the banks of the this is dylan right here this is dylan, and this is his big brother hayden. dylan's only five, but he's already been through two surgeries for brain tumors. and he just went through his second round of chemo. and this is their mother, dawn who runs this loving and happy home. she too struggled with tumors. but that doesn't slow her down. her love of family comes first. their dad, phil, works two jobs, repairing copiers, and on weekends delivering newspapers. but the bills keep piling up and the heating bill gets pushed off. when you learn about their difficulties it just breaks your heart. when we asked the biggest oil companies to help families in need only citgo, the people of venezuela and president hugo chavez responded. thanks to them, citizens energy is able to deliver millions of gallons of fuel to families just like the berios. i'm joe kennedy. if you need help staying warm, call me at 1-877-joe-4-oil. because no one should be left out in the cold! the biggest religious pilgrimage on earth is unfolding this weekend along the banks of the ganges river in india. holy williams has the dispatch from the city. >> today's pilgrims have been gathering from every corner of india and arriving by every conceivable mode of transport. all drawn by their shared devotion to an ancient religion. they come here to purify themselves by bathing in the cold water of the ganges the river that nurtured india's 5,000-year-old civilization. this person is a wheat farmer from central india who told us he walked 300 miles to get here. why did you come from so far away here? he made the journey, he said, because the water has special power. for hindus the ganges is a sacred river. they believe that bathing here during this time will wash away their sins. the pilgrims have set up camp in a sprawling sea of tents that can accommodate tens of millions. it's a place complete with its own police force and traffic jams. leading the crowds are these men who have announced all material possessions to devote themselves to a spiritual life. one of them is a man who helped explain hindu beliefs including reincarnation. most of the pilgrims make due with basic conditions but for a wealthy few there's this luxury tented camp where one of the guests is an indian princess who normally lives in a palace. >> there's something that binds you altogether. in the ganges, in your god. as many as there are. we are one. >> reporter: a ritual that's been celebrated by hindus for thousands of years in a country of stunning contrasts. it still has the power to draw the faithful. >> osgood: up next, it's not just an elevator. gcú÷x÷÷qqcxx÷ab ♪ >> osgood: it happened this week. the biggest news in music this side of the grammies. we learned of the demise of muzak, not the music just the name. in a rebranding by the parent company, muzak has moved. founded nearly 80 years ago it was the music that got no respect. it was known as mere elevator music. in the 1980s film the blues brother, john bleuchy and dan akroyd find brief musical respite from a kay on thetic police pursuit in an office building elevator.ñ? while in 1998 will farrell and chris saw muzak's supposedly hypnotic. stereotypes aside, muzak has been breaking the mold programming real songs by real artists and according to customers that richard schlesinger found in an ice cream store in 1997. >> muzak puts you to sleep. osgood: not anymore. a sunday morning visitor muzak south carolina headquarters back in 2010 we found 2,000 young so-called audio architects programming music for every type of store and business. and no muzak at all in muzak's own elevators. will muzak by any other name still sound like muzak? stay tuned. next, john mayer's montana. >> i don't see how the happiness here doesn't make it to records. >> osgood: and later a keys centru concern. n i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. [ male announcer ] when it comes to the financial obstacles military families face we understand. our financial advice is geared specifically to current and former military members and their families. [ laughs ] dad! dad! [ applause ] [ male announcer ] life brings obstacles. usaa brings retirement advice. call or visit us online. we're ready to help. learn more with our free usaa retirement guide. call 877-242-usaa. ♪ >> osgood: that 2002 hit song "your body is a wonderland" won john may era grammy for best male pop performance. after an involuntary break from performing, mayer is hoping to be singing again in just a few months. he talks about that and some other changes in his life with anthony mason for the record. >> reporter: why did you come out here? >> well, i came out here about a year-and-a-half ago on my first vocal rest after an operation. >> reporter: big sky country is an ideal escape for a rock star trying to heal. i imagine when you were trying not to use your voice, this is probably a pretty good place to be. >> oh, yeah. watch movies. cook. >> reporter: john mayer recently bought a 15-acre spread here along the yellowstone river in western montana. >> right here. i don't see how the happiness here doesn't make it to records. >> reporter: the 35-year-old singer came here to recover from vocal surgery and from some self-inflicted wounds in the media. i would think the minute you saw a paparazzi photographer you'd want to come back here. >> you know what? they can't get certain things. they don't know what i'm thinking. in a way being forced to stop contributing has been the greatest thing in the world because now i've got three years of capital built up with nobody quite knowing what's on my mind. ♪ >> reporter: one of the most successful singer/songwriters of the past decade john mayer has scored three number-one albums and seven grammy awards. but a succession of celebrity girlfriend --s jessica simpson jennifer aniston, taylor swift and now katie perry -- has made him a leading man in the tabloids too. and at times obscured his talents as a guitarist. do you third your public image ultimately has clouded respect for you as amuse i cannian? >> it's not ideal. i wish that i was only as well known as i was exposed musically. you know? i really do. >> reporter: but mayer lost his best known instrument, his voice, when he developed a granuloma on his vocal cords. surgery removed the growth but it came back. and when we met up with him in october in new york, mayer had just had a botox injection. >> through the neck. reporter: a big needle? it's a small enough needle that you don't go totally berserk when you see it. >> reporter: the treatments meant mayer could not sing. he had to cancel the tour behind his new album. >> first of all, emotionally super fragile in this period of time. >> reporter: because? because it was my job. reporter: he was still anxious a month later. >> it just doesn't work. there's not a clear path. >> reporter: his voice specialist ran a scope down his throat. the picture was encouraging. >> when you look at it there that looks... >> that's really good looking. looks better. reporter: the growth now barely noticeable had almost healed. this is what it originally looked like. >> yeah. this whole big silly ball of tissue that was there. >> reporter: what does the botox actually do? >> it paralyzes the muscles so that by paralyzing the muscles you cannot bring the vocal cords together. that allows them to rest so that area isn't banging. >> reporter: ironically mayer lost his singing voice after he put his foot in his mouth. in two widely quoted interviews. what was more difficult for you, dealing with the sort of the after math of the back lash from the interviews ordealing with not being able to sing? >> the interviews. reporter: really? yes. reporter: in conversations with rolling stone and playboy in 2010 mayer made some off-color remarks about race and his previous relationships including calling former girlfriend jessica simpson sexual napalm. >> i was just a jerk. it's hard to convince people to process that. they'd rather have a quick go-to like he was popping x number of pills a day. no i wasn't. i was just a jerk. >> reporter: how does that happen? >> taking every battle on. not taking a break. not looking at... not being honest. not saying let's admit that we don't know the next step. >> reporter: most of all what's changed? >> it's very liberating when you finally realize that it's impossible to make everyone like you. >> reporter: and you wanted everybody to like you? >> i wanted everybody to like me. i thought i was one shuck and jive away in every direction. >> reporter: why is it that you think you wanted everybody to like you? >> self-consciousness. extreme self-consciousness. it would have been a great rolling stone interview if i had said here's what's going on in my life. i had a plan for myself. i have no idea where i am with it. i never saw it coming where i would be thought of as a infamous lethario. i didn't see any of this coming. i'm hugely uncomfortable with this and i want to cry. >> reporter: is it true? absolutely. reporter: mayer has a quick mind and sometimes he himself can't seem to keep up with it. you talked about overthinking in the past. at one point i think you said overthinking has given me everything in my career. >> given me an audience. it's given me a life. it's given me panic attacks. it's given me friends and it's given me enemies. >> reporter: you can't turn that off? >> i've learned to turn it down. i don't care nearly as much as i used to about it. ♪ i'm a good man with a good heart ♪ ♪ got a rough start ♪ ♪ but i finally learned to let it go ♪ >> reporter: on shadow days the lead single from his newest album, mayer seems to want to put it all behind him. ♪ my shadow takes a road ♪ >> i wish that i grew up a year every year of my life. i didn't. i stopped for a certain period of time. when i was 24 for six years or whatever. and then i... the log jam cleared. i'm dead on for 35. >> reporter: and then there's his new relationship with girlfriend katie perry. a person could look at it and say if he wanted to live a private life, he could... >> move to montana. reporter: ... or pick a girlfriend with a lower profile. >> that's right. now you're talking about being so ruthless about your public image that you're willing to say to somebody i like you a lot but because of who you are, i don't want to get to know you better. >> reporter: come on. you've had a string of extremely high profile girlfriends. >> i know. i don't feel... for first time i don't feel... i really don't. i'm not a high profile it's hard to explain. >> reporter: it doesn't feel like that to me. >> great. i'm glad. i know what you're saying. i'm not denying it. i'm saying for me it feels like something that's very human. >> reporter: do you foresee yourself getting married? >> of course. reporter: you do? of course, yeah. i mean i'm still the kid from connecticut. ♪ hello ♪ ♪ what's your name? ♪ >> reporter: last month at a chairity concert in bozeman, montana, one part of mayer's journey finally ended. >> i went to the doctor about a couple weeks ago. we looked at my throalt. the thing is gone. ( cheers and applause ) >> reporter: that night he did something he hadn't done in nearly two years. he sang. ♪ >> reporter: his voice is still raspy. it will be months before the full effects of the botox wear off. but this summer mayer will tour again. ♪ playing a song that i can sing ♪ >> reporter: his silence ended. john mayer insists from now on he'll only say what he needs to say. do you wish in anyway you could get rid of your public persona? >> i am so much more mainstream amuse i cannian than i am a person that you'd want to get a meal with. i'm always going to be a little weird. i'm always going to be a little weird. how about that? okay. >> osgood: next, number crunching saint valentine's day. this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, you will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles or serious allergic skin reactions like blisters peeling rash, hives, or mouth sores to address possible life-threatening conditions. talk about your alcohol use, liver disease and before you reduce or stop cymbalta. dizziness or fainting may occur upon standing. take the next step. talk to your doctor. cymbalta can help. >> osgood: now a look at valentine's day by the numbers. almost 60% of us plan to celebrate valentine's day this year according to a national retail federation. we're projected to spend a total of 18.6 billion dollars on cards and gifts this year. and $5 billion of that for our significant other and nearly $3.8 billion for other family members. $815 million on our pets. all in all, the average shopper will spend more than $130. that's up from last year. 1% of us plan to give candy. 36.6% are giving flowers. and even though only 19.7% are giving jewelry that still adds up to $4.4 billion. 54.7 of us are willing to spring for at least a card for our true love. as for where people are buying their valentine gifts, more than 39% of us will be shopping at discount stores. while 26.3% expect to do their gift-giving online. roses are red violets are blue. i'd go shopping if i were you. ahead, faith salie locks horns with lockers. i tried weight loss plans... but their shakes aren't always made for people with diabetes. that's why there's glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and they have six grams of sugars. with fifteen grams of protein to help manage hunger... look who's getting smart about her weight. [ male announcer ] glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. [ female announcer ] ready to mix things up with lean cuisine? try our entrees, snacks and new salads. wild salmon with basil, garlic chicken spring rolls and now salads, like asian-style chicken. enjoy 100 delicious varieties under 400 calories. lean cuisine. only a few days left to choose in your own way how to show your love for that special someone. just don't pick the method our contributor faith salie used >> reporter: it's almost valentine's day. we're bombarded with symbols of love everywhere. red, pink, hearts flowers, chocolates but there's another symbol. multiplying in clusters creeping towards us. the love padlock. if you've been globe trotting lately maybe you've seen this in prague or this in colon or this in seoul or moscow or paris. love bad locks are a trend in which lovers write their initials on a lock affix it to a picturesque setting and throw away the key forever usually into a river below. now it's spreading like a cancer to north america. coming to a monument near you. here's the brooklyn bridge. it's like carve your initials on the coliseum or spray painting ashley plus jason forever on the bridge. kids, if you have a need to declare your love publicly please do it on your facebook wall not the great wall. not only are these padlocks unsightly and surely bad for the environment what with all those keys in rivers, they're a horrible metaphor for love. real love is more than a one-time seemingly ironclad pledge that we will never be apart. if you're over 20, you've probably figured out that meaningful love isn't constricting. it doesn't chain you to one place or to each other. mature love allows us to stretch, to grow at different rates. we choose to rejoin over and over. ideally with renewed appreciation and gratitude. more over throwing away the key? when you offer your partner the key to your hearties not supposed to fling it away. if you must leave your mark i suggest a return to the centuries old tradition of exchanging another kind of lock hair. it's an apt symbol. if you entwine your hair with your beloved you leave something stronger. a braid is essentially a rope which can be a connector and a life line not a shackle. so tie one on to the bridge. happy valentine's day. now go pick a lock. looking for a better place to put your cash? here's one you may not have thought of -- fidelity. now you don't have to go to a bank to get the things you want from a bank like no-fee atms all over the world. free checkwriting and mobile deposits. now depositing a check is as easy as taking a picture. free online bill payments. a highly acclaimed credit card with 2% cash back into your fidelity account. open a fidelity cash management account today and discover another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. here's a look at the week ahead on our sunday morning calendar. on monday president obama awards the medal of honor to retired staff sergeant clinton for his courageous actions during a battle in afghanistan in 2009. tuesday mr. obama delivers the state of the union address to a joint session of congress. senator marco rubio of florida will have the republican response. on wednesday, the 48th academy of country music nominations will be announced. thursday, of course saint valentine's day. on friday a big asteroid 150 feet wide called 2012da14 is expected to pass some 17,000 miles from earth. they're close as asteroids go but they say there's no chance of a collision. on saturday north korea marks the birthday of its late dictator king jong il who died in december of 2011. earlier martha teichner looked at the public policy debate over the u.s. military's use of drones. for a look at the drones themselves what they can do and what they may be able to do some day we turn to our national security correspondent david martin. >> reporter: richard phillips captain of the container ship was more than a little grateful when seal team 6 rescued him from somali pirates. he could have also thanked a little known unmanned aircraft called scan eagle. while phillips drifted in a life boat at the mercy of three armed pirates, scan eagles kept watch overhead >> they were giving very good information in realtime to the team that ultimately saved captain phillips >> reporter: in the nearly four years since vice admiral park fox the director of navy operations has witnessed a revolution in drone warfare >> we are very much on the cuss i think, of some remarkable changes in the way that we think about fighting. these unmanned systems are part of that. >> reporter: perhaps the most remarkable is the x47b a sleek test plane currently flying out of the naval air station in maryland. humans coax it into position for a catapult launch. but after that it's flown entirely by computer. right now it's loaded only with instruments, but that could change once the navy proves the x47b can land and take off from a carrier at sea. >> it will give you options. maybe we should look at putting ordnance on it as well >> reporter: the x47b could carry 4,000 pounds of weapons and would take the danger out of attacking heavily defended targets >> obviously if you have an unmanned aircraft in a very high threat environment, then you have less risk to the air crewe >> reporter: the navy has been flying drones for several years now but only as surveillance aircraft. two of these $100 million global hawks are currently flying over the persian gulf >> we can cover the entire gulf when we're up at 60,000 spheet >> reporter: captain jim hoke is the program manager for this unmanned aircraft which has a wing span nearly that of a commercial airliner but can stay up much longer >> we burn less than a 10th of what a civil or manned aircraft would burn for fuel so we can stay up for 24 hours on a very little amount of gas. >> reporter: during those 24 hours, it can track every ship in the persian gulf. sending the data to the base for analysis and back to american war ships in the gulf. >> from the time that the picture is taken from the aircraft and getting it back out there is less than seven minutes. >> reporter: this unmanned helicopter doesn't fly nearly so high but, says captain patrick smith, the fire scout can do things airplanes can't. >> we can operate from a small deck of a ship or as we have deployments in afghanistan a very small austere site only requiring a landing pad >> reporter: that's right. afghanistan. and the fire scout is currently flying surveillance missions in a war zone. that camera can send live television pictures of enemy positions to an operator 100 miles away. in fact a fire scout has already given its life for its country. >> we did lose an aircraft in libya over a year ago. that was attributed to an enemy action >> reporter: so it got shot down yes, it did. reporter: soon the fire scout will be able to shoot back. are there plans to put any weapons on here? >> it intended for us to carry up to six rockets. the testing will complete with that later this year >> reporter: we could make you dizzy by listing all the drones currently in operation. predator and reaper drones flying air strikes against suspected terrorists in pakistan and yemen. stealth drones flying spy missions over iran. there's even one hauling cargo in afghanistan. no one wearing a military uniform will admit it. but the day seems to be coming when a drone can do anything a manned aircraft can do better. >> osgood: a report from national security correspondent david martin. now to bob scheiffer in washington for a look at what's ahead on "face the nation." good morning bob >> schieffer: good morning charles. we'll hear from massachusetts governor deval patrick on the storm outside and republican senator lindsey graham on the storm inside over the president's nominees to head the pentagon and the c.i.a. >> osgood: bob scheiffer. thank you. we'll be watching. next week here on sunday morning. game show host wayne brady. the world needs more energy. where's it going 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[ male announcer ] join the nearly 7 million investors who think like you do. face time and think time make a difference. at edward jones, it's how we make sense of investing. progressive claims. this is flo. i need you. i feel so alone. but you're not alone. i knew you'd come. like i could stay away. you know i can't do this without you. you'll never have to. you're always there for me. shh! i'll get you a rental car. i could also use an umbrella. fall in love with progressive's claims service. yo, give it up, dude! up high! ok. don't you have any usefull apps on that thing? who do you think i am, quicken loans? ♪ ♪ at quicken loans our amazingly useful mortgage calculator app allows you to quickly calculate your mortgage payment based on today's incredibly low interest rates... right from your iphone or android smartphone. one more way quicken loans is engineered to amaze. ♪ ♪ ?;4ñ÷ >> osgood: we leave you on this sunday morning of the grammy awards among the song birds of galveston, texas. >> osgood: i'm charles osgood. please join us again next sunday morning. until then, i'll see you on the radio. captioning made possible by johnson & johnson where quality products for the american family have been a tradition for generations captioned by media access group at wgbh


Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Scott Pelley 20130209

policemen at a stoplight. one died.o dorner's trail has been cold since his pickup was discovered. today u.s. marshals in la palma,marsha california, searched the home of his mother. police remain on high alert inemai los angeles. dorner targeted several officers in a manifesto posted on his facebook page. he also boasted he could outsmart pursuers.mart he wrote, "i will utilize every bit of small arms trainingize e demolition, ordnance, and survival training i've been given." if dorner is somewhere around here, he may need those survival skills, scott. a we're expecting several more inches of snow and the temperatures here are already in the low 20s. >> pelley: ben, thank you. correspondent john miller is a former senior commander in the l.a.p.d. john, why did he go to big bear? >> well, he didn't go there by accident. that's not a road you make a wrong turn on.go the if you're going to go up that a roa mountain, it's because you intend to.'r there's one way in and one way out. i've been there many times.e wa it appears he didn't end whereeen the he wanted to. he broke the axle on that truck. his family had property up there t before. he's familiar with that area from when he was younger. it may be that he intended to break into one of the emptynto vacation homes and hide out, seek refuge. h it's cold and getting colder. or it may be that he wanted to get into one of those houses that find keys and get a car they're not looking for all over five counties. that's why that search was very important and why it unfolded quickly and why they're stillas trying to figure out which way he went, because that tells us about his next move. >> pelley: the hunt continues. john, thanks very much. the director of the national weather service calls it a very dangerous situation. two storm systems-- one from the west, the other from the south-- are colliding right now over the northeast. it is a classic nor'easter carrying three feet of snow and wind gusts as high as 70 miles an hour. major transportation hubs are closing. widespread power outages are expected. story but we have a team of correspondentsd? on this breaking story, but first we'll go to our weather consultant david bernard. david, where's the storm headed? >> reporter: well, let's take a thos look at the radar, scott. when we do that, we can see those two pieces of the storm is that we're referring to, thed main low is here south of long island, but here comes that second piece, and that's getting entrained into the low and that's going to cause the storm to continue to strengthen duringbe in the overnight hour. here's the storm as we go overnight and by saturday 7:00 a.m. the worst of the blizzard will be ino southeast new england, things will begin improving in new b jersey and also the new york metropolitan area, and it looks like by late in the day ha everybody should gradually begin to see some improvement. >> pelley: and how much snow? >> well, our accumulation map has shifted a little bit during the day today but, again, we're targeting southeastern new england where we see the purples and the pink. that's where we can see one to two feet of snow, and it's notstio out of the question an isolated spot may see more than that.t. still, six to 12 inches will be po possible back towards the south and also back toward the west. >> pelley: david, thank you very much. as as you just saw, boston is ground zero. it may get as much as three feet of snow. terrell brown has found thatnd land. travel there is coming to a halt by sea, air, and land. >> reporter: there's no escaping the blizzard in boston. massachusetts governor deval patrick has ordered all cars in this state off the road. >> the rate of snowfall and reduced visibility during the evening rush hour in particular will make safe travel nearly impossible. >> train to boston! >> reporter: amtrak service was shut down between new york and boston this afternoon. >> come on, guys, walk. >> reporter: jacqueline polnick's flight to cleveland was canceled. when we met her, she was desperate to catch a train to get her three kids home. >> it's just been really stressful trying to figure out how to maneuver the transportation system. >> reporter: it could be days until flights resume at boston's logan airport. planes out of new york's airports are grounded, too creating problems that extend beyond the blizzard. edward freni oversees operations at boston's airport. >> other airports are being affected by this. it takes time for the airlines to relink their crews with the aircraft once they start to get their systems back in order.orter: >> reporter: and, scott, the wind is picking up now along with that anyone caught violating thevi state's emergency ban on driving could face a $500 fine or a year in jail.>> p >> pelley: well, terrell, new yorkers are watching with two bad memories in mind: hurricane sandy, which was just 103 days ago, and the last blizzard two years ago that paralyzed the nation's largest city. here's jim axelrod. >> repoter: tonight, new york city is taking no chances. 1,700 snowplows have been deployed, 450 salt spreaders 65 front-end loaders.l mayor michael bloomberg. >> it's certainly not going to be a hurricane sandy, but that doesn't mean you can't get badly hurt or killed if you're not careful. >> reporter: the devastationan from super-storm sandy is a fresh memory, and so is the blizzard two years ago that dumped 20 inches here. the streets took days to clear hindering emergency vehicles and city buses. >> we're just basically stuck on this block, you know? >> reporter: g.p.s. tracking devices on garbage trucks will now allow new yorkers to punch their addresses into a web page and track when their block will be plowed. 6,100 sanitation workers are now mobilized. 400 more than two years ago. union president harry nespoli said they just started to catch their breath after sandy. >> i wouldn't say they're tired.d. they feel it, they extended themselves for sandy-- 12 hour shifts for 60 days. >> reporter: and here we go >> yes, and that's why they call new york's sanitation men new york's strongest.te >> reporter: new york city has roughly 6,300 miles of road. b that's enough to drive from here to los angeles and back. scott, the city has 250,000 tons of salt available to help keep all that roadway >> pelley: jim, thank you. super-storm sandy also knocked down defenses against storm surge all along the coast. tonight, with wind gusts of 70 miles an hour coming in from the atlantic, a lot of folks are casting a wary eye on the sea. seth doane is with them. >> this is supposed to be a high wall. all of this is leveled. where is the ocean going to go? it's going to go right over it. >> the sea berm that used tohood w protect franca costa's neighborhood was damaged by hurricane irene in 2011 and destroyed by super-storm sandy last october. she's anxiously watching the ocean. >> i need to come back in a couple hours and see where it is. >> keep your eye on the water? >> that's the main thing. i have to keep my eye on where the water is. >> reporter: when sandy hit, a wall of water nearly ten feet high washed through costa's w staten island neighborhood. her ho her house was one of a handful left standing.>> my >> my house got destroyed. it drowned. there was eight feet on the outside and six feet on the inside. >> reporter: thanks to neighbors and friends, flood insurance and fema, this 47-year-old legal secretary was able to rebuild. hou >> i just got back in my house in january, and now a couple of weeks later, we're being hit by a blizzard, a nor'easter. a blizzard wouldn't be so bad,. that's just snow, but the nor'easter, you have to worry about the ocean coming over the berm wall again. >> reporter: the storm surge from this blizzard is forecaste na to be just two to five feet, but with little natural protection flooding is a real concern. >> how many of these storms am i going to have to go through in a couple years, that maybe everything may get destroyed again? then that? am i going to have the energy to rebuild again and the financesug and to go through the whole thing again? it's just mind-boggling. >> reporter: there are just three homeowners left living on costa's street where there once were 35. scott, there are no evacuation orders, so they say they'll stay and watch over what they have left. >> pelley: going to be a long night. seth, thank you very much. in the internet age anyone can that were ha be targeted by hackers-- turns out even former presidents. today, a web site posted e-mails that were hacked from the account of dorothy bush cook the daughter of president george h.w. bush. in some of them, her brother ge george w. bush, wrote about their father's recent health issues. the family issued a statement calling this "an outrageous breach of privacy." the secret service is investigating. there is an update on malala the 15-year-old crusader thatan the taliban tried to murder. we've got an answer on what caused the lights to go out at the super bowl. and we'll take you to one of the world's great spectacles. meet 70 million pilgrims when the "cbs evening news" continues. suffer from is bigger than we think ... like the flu. with aches, fever and chills- the flu's a really big deal. so why treat it like it's a little cold? 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[ male announcer ] this is sheldon, whose long day setting up the news starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. i'm lorenzo. i work for 47 different companies. well, technically i work for one. that company, the united states postal service® works for thousands of home businesses. because at® you can pay, print and have your packages picked up for free. i can even drop off free boxes. i wear a lot of hats. well, technically i wear one. the u.s. postal service® no business too small. my wife takes centrum silver. i've been on the fence about it. then i read an article about a study that looked at the long term health benefits of taking multivitamins. they used centrum silver for the study... so i guess my wife was right. [ male announcer ] centrum. always your most complete. >> pelley: malala yousafzai was released from a hospital in england today. h she's the pakistani teenager who was shot in the head for defying the taliban by demanding education for girls. malala recently underwent surgery to rebuild her skull and in a video statement this week she vowed very clearly in english that she will continue her campaign.ll the biggest gathering in human history could take place this weekend in india, during a pilgrimage for one of the world's great religions. it is a feast for the eyes, and millions of pilgrims have already arrived-- a sea of humanity on india's ganges river. we've waited 12 years for this festival to come around again, so we sent holly williams to witness the spectacle. >> reporter: from every corner of india and by every conceivable mode of transport,va rims are making their way toan prayag, the holiest place in the hindu world, for the biggest celebration on the hindu calendar, the maha kumbh mela,le held only once every 12 years. e drawn by their shared faith, they come here to purify themselves by bathing in the ganges, the river that nurtured india's 5 civilization. om kumar is a wheat farmer from's central india who told us he walked 300 miles to get why did you come from so fard away? he made the journey, he said because the water has special m power. for hindus, the ganges is a sacred river, and they believe that bathing here during the kumbh mela will wash away their signs. the pilgrims have set up camp in a sprawling city of tentsa complete with banks, its own police force, and traffic jams. but on sunday, which hindus consider the luckiest day for bathing, they expect the number to have swelled to 40 million people, the size of new york london, and paris combined. leading the crowds are india's colorful holy men. one of them is mahant ravindranand sarswati, who helped explain hindu beliefs including reincarnation. >> reporter: most of the pilgrims make do with basic conditions, but for a wealthy few, there's this luxury tented camp where one of the guests is an indian princess who normally lives in a palace. >> it's something that binds you all together. that faith in the ganges, in your gods-- as many as they are- - we are one. >> reporter: a ritual that's been celebrated by hindus fore thousands of years in a country of stunning contrast that still has power to draw the faithful. holly williams, cbs news, prayag india. >> pelley: well, america's biggest festival, the super bowl was blacked out.l we can tell you why now in just a moment. you why now in just a moment.ay y. until he got his number. right! the machine showed me my pressure points on my feet and it gave me my custom number. my arches needed more support. in two minutes, the dr. scholl's foot mapping center showed me my free foot map and my number. i'm a 440. that matched up to the dr. scholl's custom fit orthotic inserts with the support i needed. now, i play all day long! my feet. my number. my inserts. go to to find your closest walmart with a foot mapping center. i'm a believer! 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[ male announcer ] if you can clear a crowd but not your nasal congestion you may be muddling through allergies. try zyrtec-d®. powerful relief of nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms -- all in one pill. zyrtec-d®. at the pharmacy counter. be-terrorist from blowing up a bay area bank. the bizarre plan aimed at starting a civil war. next weather talent appears at wx center with generic pinpoint filling monitor then we take you don't expect the post office to be the highlight of your day unless you meet mike the mailman. he earned steve hartman's stamp of approval "on the road" in state college, pennsylvania. >> reporter: typically, post office lines breed anger and frustration. but at the head of this queue on the campus of penn state university in state college, pennsylvania, you'll find nothing but joy. >> i love coming in here. >> my mission is to make them have a little bit of levity on the way out and say, hey, it's not so bad after all. nice nails. >> thank you! >> reporter: to that end, mike kerr lives by a simple motto: if you can't say something nice about someone -- >> that is one of the nicest coats. >> reporter: -- you're just not looking hard enough. >> you did a good job. >> reporter: even if it's only how nicely they filled out their forms. >> you're a natural. >> reporter: and he has been like this with just about every customer every day for 38 years. >> nice, too, very nice. >> reporter: how do you keep this up for so long? you're stumped by this question. >> this is what i do. i'm just myself. that's all i can do. how's your mom doing? >> reporter: the man really is pure heart, which is part of the reason the lines are so long here. you come in to buy stamps when you don't need stamps? >> yes. >> reporter: that's amazing. nicole logan is a regular. >> because he just makes your day so much better. >> these are for you, mike. >> thank you very much. >> reporter: and because kindness begets kindness, mike gets quite a few special deliveries himself. the kids have made him grand marshal of the homecoming parade. and once in 2000 when the postmaster told mike he had to take down all the posters and pictures decorating his office -- >> now is the time for action! >> reporter: -- the kids took to the streets. >> mike the mailman is the greatest, most dedicated man i have ever met in my entire life. >> reporter: and to think mike has earned this much loyalty and devotion just by talking to them at a counter. >> very delightful-looking package. >> thank you. >> you really have no idea who you're going to influence and when you're going to influence them. does that make sense? >> reporter: michael aitkenhead is a high school teacher in connecticut. he got his master's at penn state. and although he didn't know mike the mailman very well, years later when he was awarded teacher of the year in his district, guess who he thanked for his success. >> the one person i'm always going to remember and probably taught me the most about life was actually mike the mailman. it was honestly his example that kind of taught me, it's not what you do in life, but it's how you do it. >> reporter: now, that's something to write home about. steve hartman, "on the road" in state college, pennsylvania. >> thanks, hi. >> and that's the "cbs evening news." for all of us at cbs news all around the world, i'm scott pelley. i'm see you sunday on "60 minutes." good night. captions by: caption colorado >> your realtime captioner: linda marie macdonald good evening, i'm elizabeth cook. >> i'm allen martin. the fbi says a would-be bay area bank bomber was trying to trigger' civil war with help from the taliban. his target, a bank of america building in oakland. but kpix reporter linda yee tells us it didn't work because it was actually the feds who helped him build the bomb. >> reporter: the target was this bank of america branch near the oakland airport. domestic terrorist suspect matthew llaneza who lives in san jose told the fbi he wanted to blow it up an act of violent jihad he hope would create a government crackdown leading to civil war. so he met with a man that he thought was connected to the taliban and the mujahideen in afghanistan. it turned out he was an undercover fbi agent. the suspect brought the undercover agent here where they could do a little surveillance. the suspect pointed out some of the support beams where they could possibly park that car bomb and when it detonated, it would bring down this entire bank. and according to the criminal complaint, llaneza told the fbi agent he would dance with joy when the bomb exploded. bank customers today were shocked to hear about the plot. >> yeah. not good. i don't like to hear things like that. that's kind of scary. >> wow. you know? it's as real as you're going to get for something to come that close to home. happily --hopefully -- thankfully it was thwarted. >> reporter: the plan was to get a storage locker in hayward and build the bomb in the back of an suv. the fbi rented a unit and when the agents showed it to him, llaneza laughed and hugged the agent. together, they built the bomb using harmless simulated chemical explosives. the fbi says llaneza loaded 12 five gallon buckets into the back of an suv each containing what he thought was a powerful explosive mixture. he bought two cell phones, one to be used as a detonator, the other as a trigger. so it was just after midnight today when the suspect drove that suv to the bank, parked under the overhang, took one of his two cell phones that he figured would detonate the bomb, and instead federal agents came out of nowhere and arrested him. now, llaneza hatched this plan back in november. he was able to be fooled by that fbi agent all these months up to his arrest today. live in oakland, linda yee kpix 5. >> just glad the fbi is watching guys like this. >> reporter: i wonder about all


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