Victoria Police has launched an extraordinary manhunt for young lockdown protesters who wielded flares at last weekend s protests. Flare Fools Wanted screamed the front page of Melbourne s Herald Sun newspaper after a force command drop of images detectives wished to capture.
Cue Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius - Victoria Police s firebrand mouth piece his boss rolls out every time their political masters demand a witch hunt.
Victoria Police has published a series of wanted photos, which were splashed across the front of a Melbourne newspaper
How three removalists travelled from a Covid hotspot in Sydney to towns all over Australia despite KNOWING they had the virus
Nevena Spirovska @NevenaSpirovska, co-convenor of the Victorian Pride Lobby@VicPrideLobby talks about the recently released IBAC report into Victoria Police’s handling of the Hares & Hyenas raid which led to Nik Dimopoulos suffering a serious injury.