urged adults to educate youth about the dangers of they. were now to china it has been forty years since china opened up to world markets and to a degree capitalism ultimately turning china into a global economic powerhouse second in g.d.p. only to the united states now forty years ago china was producing goods and services worth around one hundred fifty billion dollars annually by nine hundred ninety seven you see the sharp rise their g.d.p. had hit the trillion dollar mark and by last year its gross domestic product had grown to more than twelve trillion dollars and of course is if you can believe the statistics now in his speech marking the anniversary chinese president xi jinping bounded to press ahead with economic reforms he also made clear that beijing would
an exchange of fires in the future and that you need to there is a should could be blocked for ever if the united states continues on this path of sanctions and so right now united states out pursuing new sanctions regime and with korea apparently not taking more concrete steps on its nuclear weapons and ballistic missile program it does appear that these talks that have been stalled so far will be stalled in the near future as well josh thank you so much for your insights correspondent josh smith there for reuters in seoul. new trial was underway in paris of a german testing organization that certified faulty breast implants as safe from the years nine hundred ninety seven to two thousand and ten hundreds of thousands of women received silicone implants from the french company v.i.p. those implants received a seal of approval from the rhineland testing organization now there are fears that
trying to dreadful the choreography was appalling and they had to put the production away for many years and then it was rethought redone with the same music and through the years it became this legal trial the fairy tale about prince siegfried desperate attempt to save swan princess or dead from the spell cast by an evil sorcerer is a perennial favorite when derek dean first stage swan lake in one nine hundred ninety seven in london princess diana was among his most ardent admirers. she would come true she would turn up unannounced she would come and have a church she would just come and sit with outsiders and she was terribly easy and very comfortable and there was no science to she wasn t performing she was of being the princess of wales she was just being a person and it was wonderful to see that side of it but had connection with that
interview. vancouver canada. we hope to get an answer from dr daniel pauly. is a professor and highly regarded marine biologist who helped found the m.s.c. in one nine hundred ninety seven. back then dr pauly was enthusiastic about the dialogue between industry and conservation. and now he distances himself from the m.s.c. . all these people of the whole complex form that i must see i m a certified nugent s she ended the consultant at work for the certifying is to see they all know that certification brings money to their missy and that. it therefore is an incentive to give a positive think assessment because if you give a negative assessment you might not get
interview. vancouver canada. we hope to get an answer from dr daniel pauly. is a professor and highly regarded marine biologist who helped found the m.s.c. in one nine hundred ninety seven back then dr paul he was enthusiastic about the dialogue between industry and conservation. now he distances himself from the m.s.c. . all these people on the whole complex form but i must see i miss it if i couldn t see a good book consultant at work for the certifying agency they all know that certification brings money. to the embassy and at it. it therefore is an incentive to give a positive think assessment because if you give a negative assessment you might not get another contract but i miss c.