how often biden uses the fight with gravity. now, it s like how many dots, how many dead. it s like doing a weather report , in chicago it means whether you survived the weekend . a little wordplay there. lately it s been nothing, but storms and violence accompanied by a hill of bullets. across major u.s. cities are on track to break their already impressive homicide figures freight kudos go out to la, dc, baltimore, milwaukee, and atlanta where the cost of livin rises with your chance of dying. they gave it all they had to surpass last year s numbers, truly a team effort, the mayors and the thugs pulled together t surpass last year s great season . gavin newsom blends since murders happen and read states. ignoring that most homicides occur in cities run by democrat idiots like themselves. it s amazing what hair gel can do to the brain. i look at newsom and i worry about jesse. at least jessie s hair products come from fox newsom buys his off the street from a guy that robbed
Apart from Apurba, the film also featured Tanjim Saiyara Totini, Intekhab Dinar, Joyraj, and Naresh Bhuiyan, among others. Presented by Vision, the film is produced by Kazi Media Limited.
spoonfed this stuff, why don t they shut it down instead of eating this stuff. why can t the military grow som balls? i can just tell you when i was incoming air server, yes sir , no sir, yes ma am, no man ma am. that was it. i agree with you. we might go ahead and hand trying that they keys to the country. this is done. it so dumb i cannot believe our military has gone down this road , but it s all over. marine drill sergeant the other day, maybe they used to go through but, it s the complete opposite now. you can t hurt somebody s feelings in boot camp. can you maintain that the? we are ill prepared for this world. they are lowering standards that even i could probably enlist.
at that moment take his fist and drive it into george zimmerman s face, do you? no, sir. reporter: the no sir could be interpreted is that she s denying what don west is saying. it went back and forth. her testimony today, there were a lot of questions and clarifying about race. how did that play out? reporter: well, you know, race, of course, has been a key factor in this story ever since the beginning. in fact, many say that s what took it from a local tragedy and propelled it to a national debate. but today what don west was trying to say is look, it s been george zimmerman that s been portrayed as the racist here, but it sounded like he was trying to say the shoe was on the other foot and pointing in the direction of trayvon martin. listen. what did he tell you that made you think it was a racial event? person that was following him, and that was kind of
no, sir. reporter: the no sir could be interpreted is that she s denying what don west is saying. it went back and forth. her testimony today, there were a lot of questions and clarifying about race. how did that play out? reporter: well, you know, race, of course, has been a key factor in this story ever since the beginning. in fact, many say that s what took it from a local tragedy and propelled it to a national debate. but today what don west was trying to say is look, it s been george zimmerman that s been portrayed as the racist here, but it sounded like he was trying to say the shoe was on the other foot and pointing in the direction of trayvon martin. listen. what did he tell you that made you think it was a racial event? person that was following him, and that was kind of strange, and that a person keep watching you and following you. i m sorry? [ indiscernible ]