steve: i like my feet hot. ainsley: i will turn it toward you. i will turn it toward you, steve. brian: why don t we get an actual fire? ainsley: i would love that. steve: hot weather? brian: what did you say that? steve: when you were in myrtle beach, were you complaining about the hot weather? brian: i wasn t. i couldn t believe how many people relocated. i thought everybody golfed there. nobody golfs there. i learned so much. ainsley: it s a great place. so much night life there. lots to do. broadway by the beach. there s a lot of music. a lot of the artists that we interview have theater there. brian: don t go anywhere where there are no clubs. ainsley: do you know the state dance in south carolina? brian: is it. ainsley: the shag. steve: the shag. we talked about that. all right. brian: i like the waltz.