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UPDATE (4-5-21): The D.C. law is “effective” as of March 21, 2021 but will not be “applicable” until the Fall of 2021.
Here are the details: There has been confusion over when compliance with the new D.C. law will be required. The uncertainty is caused by the presence of both the terms “effective date” and “applicability date” in the new law without explaining their meanings. The “effective date” is the date the bill became law under the terms of the District’s home rule law – a process explained in this article. The new Act became “effective” on March 21, 2021. The “applicability date” is different, however. The Act states in Section 302 that it will not become applicable until “the date of inclusion of its fiscal effect in an approved budget and financial plan” for the District – a requirement imposed by another D.C. law. Because the financial impact of the new law was not included