challenges in implementing the plan saying once again i m quoting him it s going to require fastidious oversight to make sure there s no waste or fraud. meanwhile the cdc is saying over 100 million covid-19 vaccine doses have been administered in the united states. we re following the growing crisis follow new york governor andrew cuomo. our chief national affairs correspondent jeff ze lechlt ny is on the scene for us. a very cautious victory lap by the president. wolf, president biden is taking a cautious victory lap but a celebratory one as well as the $1.9 trillion spending bill is starting to make its way through the government bureaucracy, with some of those first checks arriving in the bank accounts of americans this weekend. the president also said this is a moment to show the country that government can work. help is here and we will not stop working for you. reporter: president biden celebrating his first success tonight shall hailing the american res
in our tech lead, robo taxi! in san francisco, you can now hail a cab without a driver. california regulars approved 24/7 operated conditions for two robo taxi companies. what could go wrong? it allows users to request a ride similar to uber or lyft, but with one major difference, there is no one in the front seat. tune in sunday to the state of the union, i will be talking to hawaii senator mazie hirono about the deficit wildfires in her home state. i will also talked republican presidential candidate will heard. and dan goldman. it is 9:00 a.m. and noon eastern on sunday, only on cnn, coverage continues now with wolf blitzer and the situation room . i will see one sunday morning .
father s day. speaking of sunday, be sure to join jake for state of the union. he ll be talking with republican congressman mike turner at 9:00 a.m. and noon eastern on sunday. thank you so much for joining me. coverage continues with wolf blitzer. happening now, the gunman in the deadliest anti-semitic attack in u.s. history is convicted on 63 federal charges, including capital offenses that could lead to the death penalty. we ll get reaction from the ceo of the pittsburgh synagogue. also, three years after the police murder of george floyd unleashed widespread protests, the u.s. justice department now says excessive force and racial bias have been routine among minneapolis police officers. we ll discuss the disturbing report with ben crump.
is hitting record-breaking levels, and scientists are scrambling to figure out why. temperatures fell at their peak in april, but are still higher than they ve ever been. an author says one reason could be a regulation that was meant to reduce pollution. that rule lowered the amount of sulfur in chips used, but turns out that sulfur actually served as an artificial sun screen for the ocean, keeping water temperatures down. be sure to join me for the state of the union, a joint interview with the senate and ranking democrat on the house and senate committee. it s at 9:00 a.m. and noon eastern on sunday on cnn on our coverage continues now with wolf blitzer in the situation room. i ll see you sunday morning. happening now, stunning
. she needs to find another obstetrician and then figure out what she can do to avoid giving birth on the long road to the hospital. elizabeth cohen, cnn reporting thanks to elizabeth cohen for that report coming up with this sunday on state of the union, my colleague dana bash will talk to democratic congresswoman alexandria, casio cortez from new york, as well as republican congressman from texas anthony gonzalez. that s at nine a.m. and again at noon eastern on sunday. until then, you can follow me on facebook, instagram and twitter. attic tapper, you can tweet the show. at the lead cnn. if you ever miss an episode of the show, you can listen to the lead once you get your podcasts all two hours sitting there waiting for you to dive in, like a giant stack of delicious peeps. our coverage continues now with one mr alex marquardt in for wolf blitzer right next door in the situation room. see you monday. own a small to medium sized business. you may qualify foror the emplor