Fawlty Towers and the
Monty Python series.
You may share the same road that these significant people took on their journey through life: Oliver Cromwell, Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, Thomas Henry Huxley, John Keats, Vivien Leigh and Abraham Lincoln. The list goes on Michelangelo, Isaac Newton, Edgar Alan Poe, Vincent Van Gogh and Virginia Woolf.
Is it likely you share something with these greats? If you experience depression, you’ll know what they’ve gone through, because they too have experienced that dark and debilitating condition.
Depression has been described as
a pervasive and relentless sense of despair and excessive guilt that brings about a lack of interest in life. It’s often accompanied by weight loss, panic, loss of appetite, feelings of uselessness and sleep disturbance, poor concentration and feelings of suicide. Depression invades every age group.