The North Dakota Growth Fund was created to direct Legacy Fund dollars to investments in North Dakota, with a preference to be given in that process to North Dakota financial management firms. So far we have California-based Callan recommending Chicago-based 50 South Capital which, in turn, has selected as its first investment a St. Louis-based firm with some nebulous connection to North Dakota that nobody involved in the deal is willing to define.
The North Dakota Growth Fund was created to direct Legacy Fund dollars to investments in North Dakota, with a preference to be given in that process to North Dakota financial management firms. So far we have California-based Callan recommending Chicago-based 50 South Capital which, in turn, has selected as its first investment a St. Louis-based firm with some nebulous connection to North Dakota that nobody involved in the deal is willing to define.
The North Dakota Growth Fund was created to direct Legacy Fund dollars to investments in North Dakota, with a preference to be given in that process to North Dakota financial management firms. So far we have California-based Callan recommending Chicago-based 50 South Capital which, in turn, has selected as its first investment a St. Louis-based firm with some nebulous connection to North Dakota that nobody involved in the deal is willing to define.