sleep-deprived, they are depressed, they have anxiety. if he did take something, it would not have surprised me and it would not have been abnormal but he never was a problem for us when it came to talking to him, getting information from him, telling him what was going on. he was a delightful client to represent. one of the e-mails you alluded to is from aeg live ceo or co-ceo paul gongaware which says we want to remind murray it is aeg, not jackson, who is paying his salary. we wants to remind him what is expected of him. quite explicit in terms of who s responsible. on the flipside, michael jackson was a well known, highly temperamental superstar prone to canceling concerts, having a variety of health issues of various types of severity, unpredictable, all those things, like many pop artists. could that work against the family s claim in the sense aeg may say look, we did try to get him to work but he was a bit flaky? well, if they thought he was
my co-counsel both thought he was one of the nicest clients we ever represented. and i did not see drug use as a problem during the trial. now, the verdict day, he didn t look well, i will say that. he had been through over five months of trial, all the stress and strain, we were in court five days a week, and i do think that he suffered physically and emotionally during the trial. but i never saw him take a prescription drug. it would not have been unusual if he had, because people in situations like that are sleep-deprived, they are depressed, they have anxiety. if he did take something, it would not have surprised me and it would not have been abnormal but he never was a problem for us when it came to talking to him, getting information from him, telling him what was going on. he was a delightful client to represent. one of the e-mails you alluded to is from aeg live ceo or co-ceo paul gongaware which says we want to remind murray it is aeg, not jackson, who is paying his salary.