Christopher Robin, fictional character, an English boy whose adventures with Winnie-the-Pooh, Piglet, and other animals are the basis of the stories in the classic children’s books Winnie-the-Pooh (1926) and The House at Pooh Corner (1928) by A.A. Milne. The character was based on the author’s young son. In the stories, Christopher Robin is usually the voice of reason and the character who can be relied on to get the animals out of the predicaments they get themselves into. He is also a character in the verse collections When We Were Very Young (1924) and Now We Are Six (1927).
A.A. Milne, in full Alan Alexander Milne, (born January 18, 1882, London, England died January 31, 1956, Hartfield, Sussex), English humorist, the originator of the immensely popular stories of Christopher Robin and his toy bear, Winnie-the-Pooh. Milne’s father ran a private school, where one of the boy’s teachers was a young H.G. Wells. Milne went on to attend Westminster School, London, and Trinity College, Cambridge, the latter on a mathematics scholarship. While at Cambridge, he edited and wrote for Granta magazine (then called The Granta, for Cambridge’s other river). He took a degree in mathematics in 1903 and thereafter moved to
Guess what s finally entering America s public domain today? Appropriately enough, it s Marcel Proust s 1927 novel Remembrance of Things Past.
Also entering the public domain today are thousands of other books, plus the music and lyrics of hundreds of songs, and even several silent movies.