Prashanth Neel has shared a post on social media which contains the collage photo of his three projects. 'KGF: Chapter2' and his upcoming movies 'Salaar' with Prabhas and 'NTR-31' with Jr NTR.
The actor is leaving no stones unturned to continue the RRR success further. However, none of the Rajamouli heroes has delivered a blockbuster after his film so it would be interesting to wait and watch.
Jr NTR is celebrating his 39th birthday on Friday, May 20. Here is all you need to know about the RRR star who made his debut as a lead actor with Ninnu Choodalani at the age of 17.
NTR 31 first look: Jr NTR s intense avatar in Prashanth Neel directorial leaves fans in awe - On the occasion of Jr NTR s 39th birthday, much to the excitement of the actor s fans, NTR 31 makers unveiled the first look of the star from the film