A crucial warningthat nuclear power plants' intensely radioactive waste is puttingcommunities at grave risk. SOS is an urgent call to action. Will we rallyto implement this lifeline in time? Filmed over 12 years, this filmdramatically chronicles how Southern California residents came together toforce the shutdown of an aging nuclear power plant only to be confronted…
Some bits of good news. Largest Dam Removal in History Begins Restoring Salmon and California Tribal Way of Life. The world’s largest offshore wind farm powered up. Global poverty reduction efforts are back on track. TOP STORIES. This Way for the Genocide, Ladies and Gentlemen. Some Israeli actions ‘against international law’ – EU. What is Jericho missile system? Israel’s potential ‘doomsday’ nuclear…
The Swedish government's key coalition partner is ratcheting up pressure onVattenfall AB to expand nuclear power production and says a separatecompany could be formed for that purpose if the state-run utility doesn'tmove fast enough.The strategy of the nationalist Sweden Democrats, whosesupport is crucial to the country's three-party government, stems fromtheir perception that Vattenfall is dragging…
https://www.youtube.com/embed/WsMJVHttAGI?si=YPemPSE1qPJNeUWn There is a video about the outlawing of protests, but it is not the one above. The relevant video now seems to be banned by Youtube. #Israel #Palestine
Skills gap and grid connections key hurdles in UK’s nuclear energyambitions, says Great British Nuclear chair. Simon Bowen, chair of GreatBritish Nuclear, the organisation tasked with delivering the Government’slong-term nuclear programme, has cited the skills gap and grid connectionsas key issues faced by the nuclear energy sector on its road to achievingGovernment targets. Yorkshire Post…