is when tucker very explicitly embraces, explain queer placement theory to his audience last april. and said that democrats were importing specifically people from south america, central america and mexico. because they were obedient. that was the word that he used. and therefore would reflectively vote for democrats or do what they wanted. and when he got blow back from that, he got a very rare thing from fox news which is that matthew murdoch actually came out defended him. he basically gave him the greenlight to intensify his use of the great replacement theory as opposed to repudiating him and admonishing him for being an advocate for. it what i think is interesting in incredibly worrisome is in a way, tucker carlson is kind of denying that he s putting this out there. and he s instead trying to make it more palatable to his conservative viewing audience by pretending it s not necessarily this replacement theory, and said you look at some of the polling here. from the associated
that donald trump made huge gains in miami-dade in south florida. right, because there are all kinds of people that two conservative messages from all kinds of backgrounds. exactly. i, mean that it was really remarkable. donald trump did better among latino and asian voters in the 2020 elections. and yet they are still talking about these voters in this way. these immigrants, second generation, third generation, first generation communities as though, tucker carson said obedient from the third world. that s extremely racist. these people are no more obedient or less rational than anybody else in this country. and i don t wanna call it a dog whistle, it s far more explicit than that. but the point, as they are implying that these people are less capable of making rational decisions than other people. and ultimately, the sanitized version of this is saying the same thing. but it is expressed in a little
staff writer at the new york times magazine. it s good to have you here. that line there i think is actually key to this whole thing, and the more obedient voters. because that s like actually the ideological tale. but it s not i mean, it is frankly racist, or supremacist, and that these are deficient. these other people, they re just worse, they re more obedient, they are dirtier, etc. right. the teams on that show that repeat over and over again, dirtiness, disease, they are coming for you. and the thing is a very explicit in the sense, and his language is very direct, elite hates you, and want to destroy you. our civilization is at stake. it s very pessimistic. i, mean the reality that america s incredibly good, and craning americans. that s what we do best. i ve been to for georgia plus years. but, in this ideology, as it s always been, the most recent arrivals are the ones who can t trust, you can t make americans,
actually key to this whole thing, and the more obedient voters. because that s like actually the ideological tell. but it s not i mean, it is frankly racist, or supremacist, and that these are deficient. these other people, they re just worse, they re more obedient, they are dirtier, etc. right. the themes on that show that repeat over and over again, dirtiness, disease, they are coming for you. and the thing is a very explicit in the sense, and his language is very direct, elite hates you, and want to destroy you. our civilization is at stake. it s very pessimistic. i mean, the reality that america s incredibly good, and craning americans. that s what we do best. i ve been to for georgia plus years. but, in this ideology, as it s always been, the most recent arrivals are the ones who can t trust, you can t make americans, they re dangerous, they messed all thing. one point in your reporting,
you just said is true. very few exchanges of viruses on planes because they have filters and air flow and the filtration systems on planes. that is number one. now, the issue whether they have the right to impose this or not, you know i will say this. you are the attorney and also author of great spiritual books, by the way and i don t know if the federal judge was right, but i do think it is a bad idea for anybody with the department of justice to be taking this on. it doesn t look right. it is a public health question. and the answer, by the way, more about volunteers at this point. we know it is a rapidly spreading virus. planes not where it spreads. i think people should have a right to wear a mask, but it has to be a good mask. you know why the mandates didn t work? people were wearing cloth masks over their chin just to be obedient, to be compliant. that was not preventing the spread of anything. you need a and 95 or better and maybe they should announce that