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for ever. it affects heart disease, dementia, asthma. we want to clean up dementia, asthma. we want to clean up the air in london and that is a human right, not a privilege. nobody puts up with dirty water, why dirty air? we will carry on listening and carry on monitoring the policy and monitoring take up. one of the reasons why have announced a massive scrappage scheme is to support the londoners to make the transition and have widened the eligibility to have even more londoners... of course, i am disappointed that this seat that has never been labour in my lifetime, didn't go labour last night. obviously, iwelcome lifetime, didn't go labour last night. obviously, i welcome the 7% swing to labour in this outer london seat. we are determined to clean up the air in london. iis seat. we are determined to clean up the air in london.— the air in london. is ulez going to cost labour _ the air in london. is ulez going to cost labour in _ the air in london. is ulez going to cost labour in the _ the air in london. is ulez going to cost labour in the mayoral - the air in london. is ulez going to cost labour in the mayoral and i cost labour in the mayoral and general— cost labour in the mayoral and general election and are you at odds with your— general election and are you at odds with your own party on this question might— with your own party on this question might be _ with your own party on this question might be mayoral elections are next may. might be mayoral elections are next may |_ might be mayoral elections are next ma . ., might be mayoral elections are next ma . . ., , , may. i am hoping the ulez will be exanded may. i am hoping the ulez will be expanded by _ may. i am hoping the ulez will be expanded by the _ may. i am hoping the ulez will be expanded by the end _ may. i am hoping the ulez will be expanded by the end of— may. i am hoping the ulez will be expanded by the end of august. i may. i am hoping the ulez will be l expanded by the end of august. we saw in 2021, this was a big issue


mortgages are calculated in a very different way — mortgages are calculated in a very different way from _ mortgages are calculated in a very different way from the _ mortgages are calculated in a very different way from the rates - mortgages are calculated in a very different way from the rates that i different way from the rates that are paid — different way from the rates that are paid on — different way from the rates that are paid on savings _ different way from the rates that are paid on savings accounts. i different way from the rates that are paid on savings accounts. as| are paid on savings accounts. as your— are paid on savings accounts. as your correspondent _ are paid on savings accounts. as your correspondent alluded i are paid on savings accounts. as your correspondent alluded to i are paid on savings accounts. asj your correspondent alluded to at are paid on savings accounts. as- your correspondent alluded to at the beginning _ your correspondent alluded to at the beginning of— your correspondent alluded to at the beginning of this _ your correspondent alluded to at the beginning of this piece, _ your correspondent alluded to at the beginning of this piece, what - your correspondent alluded to at the beginning of this piece, what has i beginning of this piece, what has happened — beginning of this piece, what has happened is— beginning of this piece, what has happened is in— beginning of this piece, what has happened is in light _ beginning of this piece, what has happened is in light of— beginning of this piece, what has happened is in light of the - beginning of this piece, what has i happened is in light of the expected higher— happened is in light of the expected higher rates — happened is in light of the expected higher rates the _ happened is in light of the expected higher rates the bank— happened is in light of the expected higher rates the bank of— happened is in light of the expected higher rates the bank of england i higher rates the bank of england will have — higher rates the bank of england will have to _ higher rates the bank of england will have to put _ higher rates the bank of england will have to put the _ higher rates the bank of england will have to put the base - higher rates the bank of england will have to put the base rate i higher rates the bank of england j will have to put the base rate to, the financial— will have to put the base rate to, the financial markets, _ will have to put the base rate to, the financial markets, which i the financial markets, which fixed-rate _ the financial markets, which fixed—rate mortgages - the financial markets, which fixed—rate mortgages are i the financial markets, which i fixed—rate mortgages are based the financial markets, which - fixed—rate mortgages are based on, have gone _ fixed—rate mortgages are based on, have gone up— fixed—rate mortgages are based on, have gone up significantly— fixed—rate mortgages are based on, have gone up significantly over- fixed—rate mortgages are based on, have gone up significantly over the. have gone up significantly over the course _ have gone up significantly over the course of— have gone up significantly over the course of the — have gone up significantly over the course of the last _ have gone up significantly over the course of the last ten _ have gone up significantly over the course of the last ten days - have gone up significantly over the course of the last ten days or- have gone up significantly over the course of the last ten days or so. i course of the last ten days or so. what _ course of the last ten days or so. what we — course of the last ten days or so. what we have _ course of the last ten days or so. what we have seen _ course of the last ten days or so. what we have seen is— course of the last ten days or so. what we have seen is since - course of the last ten days or so. what we have seen is since the i course of the last ten days or so. . what we have seen is since the 11th of may, _ what we have seen is since the 11th of may, the — what we have seen is since the 11th of may. the cost _ what we have seen is since the 11th of may, the cost of _ what we have seen is since the 11th of may, the cost of rates _ what we have seen is since the 11th of may, the cost of rates have i what we have seen is since the 11thj of may, the cost of rates have gone up of may, the cost of rates have gone up by _ of may, the cost of rates have gone up by i~2%~ — of may, the cost of rates have gone up byi.2%~ it— of may, the cost of rates have gone up byi.2%. it is— of may, the cost of rates have gone up by 1.2%. it is costing _ of may, the cost of rates have gone up by 1.2%. it is costing the - up by 1.2%. it is costing the banks 12%— up by 1.2%. it is costing the banks i~2% more — up by 1.2%. it is costing the banks i~2% more than— up by 1.2%. it is costing the banks 1.2% more than it _ up by 1.2%. it is costing the banks 1.2% more than it was _ up by 1.2%. it is costing the banks 1.2% more than it was in - up by 1.2%. it is costing the banks 1.2% more than it was in may- up by 1.2%. it is costing the banks 1.2% more than it was in may two| up by 1.2%. it is costing the banks i 1.2% more than it was in may two fix mortgages— 1.2% more than it was in may two fix mortgages or — 1.2% more than it was in may two fix mortgages or to _ 1.2% more than it was in may two fix mortgages or to price _ 1.2% more than it was in may two fix mortgages or to price fixed—rate i mortgages or to price fixed—rate mortgages _ mortgages or to price fixed—rate mortgages but— mortgages or to price fixed-rate mortgages-— mortgages or to price fixed-rate mortauaes. �* �* , ., mortgages. but you're still earning billions in profit. _ they are a commercial organisation. i they are a commercial organisation. i understand — they are a commercial organisation. i understand that, _ they are a commercial organisation. i understand that, but _ they are a commercial organisation. i understand that, but it— they are a commercial organisation. i understand that, but it is— they are a commercial organisation. i understand that, but it is how- i understand that, but it is how much profit. should the banks be doing more? i much profit. should the banks be doing more?—


actually. on the night at the time of the stop the inspector on duty at westminster control room spoke to the westminster city council local authority liaison officer and asked about the volunteers organisation, unfortunately, the council officer we spoke to could not confirm knowledge of that organisation, though that didn't mean it didn't exist, he was at pains to say, but the person didn't know about it. they met two gold, under spoke to the council gold on the sixth, seventh and 8th of may and also with the chief executive across the days, the chief executive across the days, the met neighbourhood superintendent also spoke with the leader of the council on the 6th of may and the met commanders being in contact with the memos of the council. on the 7th of may... the memos of the council. on the 7th of ma ., . ~ of may... you are telling me the met did not know — of may... you are telling me the met did not know about _ of may... you are telling me the met did not know about this _ of may... you are telling me the met did not know about this organisation | did not know about this organisation within london, that operates within westminster? flat within london, that operates within westminster?— westminster? not the met, the officers that _ westminster? not the met, the officers that were _ westminster? not the met, the officers that were dealing - westminster? not the met, the officers that were dealing with i westminster? not the met, the - officers that were dealing with them at the time didn't, and the local authority liaison officer was called out of hours... he authority liaison officer was called out of hours. . .— authority liaison officer was called l out of hours. . .— he out of hours... he didn't know? he didn't know — out of hours... he didn't know? he didn't know but _ out of hours... he didn't know? he didn't know but that _ out of hours... he didn't know? he didn't know but that didn't - out of hours... he didn't know? he didn't know but that didn't mean i


better pensions, higher living standards, and better prospects, betterjob prospects for the young. nearly 5,000,001st time voters will be casting their votes on sunday, and whom they choose to support may determine the outcome. before we go, let's turn back to the uk. music lovers are counting down to the grand finale of the eurovision song contest in liverpool. it's been a busy week of music, joy — and some tears — with more than 37 countries whittled down to 26 finalists. with final rehearsals complete, they'll take to the stage again on saturday. among them australia — pop metal band voyager continued a strong showing for the aussies, who have been in the competition since 2015. right there in liverpool to cheer them on was co—founder of aussievision, dale roberts, who you see here. i spoke to him a little earlier.


is going to have a two horse race. the entry from finland is wild and out there and the artist is fantastic. he might win the public vote, while the winner back in 20121 think she might take thejury winner back in 20121 think she might take the jury vote and she has a cracking entry. it will be who does better on the opposite side. i think personally sweden will win it. all right, that is your pick for the potential winner. any other big moments you think we should be watching out for, maybe scoring on our eurovision bingo cards?— bingo cards? you've got to go for the australian _ bingo cards? you've got to go for the australian entrant, - for the australian entrant, obviously, hello. there is a guitar solo, a car on stage as well, it is fantastic. i've got to see the show and is fantastically well with the uk entrant, the host entrant as well. there are some really wonderful moments in the arena. i am going to have to say, some people may say it's a little bit strange that australia is in eurovision.— bit strange that australia is in eurovision. ., , ., in eurovision. look, eurovision is all about— in eurovision. look, eurovision is all about breaking _ in eurovision. look, eurovision is all about breaking the - is all about breaking the rules, look at the performances


now, high pressure is in charge of the weather on saturday. so, we are looking at dry weather conditions. the best of the early morning sunshine is likely to be across west scotland, northern ireland, wales and western england. cloudy elsewhere, but that cloud will get munched away by the may sunshine. eventually, there could be one or two areas that keep the cloud across eastern areas of england, around the east coast. same for eastern scotland. but for the majority it's dry, it's sunny and it's getting warmer. temperatures high teens to low 20s, perhaps reaching 22 in northern ireland. if that happens, it would be the warmest day of the year so far, not that 22 is that impressive. by this stage of the year, more often than not, we've already had warm spells with temperatures into the mid to even high 20s. so, 22 this stage of may. bah! now the second half of the weekend, we do have a cold front that's going to be dropping rain and dropping the temperatures across northwestern areas. so a cooler day for scotland and northern ireland with rain here. and the rain eventually will reach northwest england and across wales as well. to the east of that, well, i can't rule out an odd shower, but there will be hazy spells of sunshine and it could stay quite warm with temperatures again, high teens to low 20s. cooler, though, in the northwest. that's our weather


to even high 20s. so, 22 this stage of may. bah! now the second half of the weekend, we do have a cold front that's going to be dropping rain and dropping the temperatures across northwestern areas. so a cooler day for scotland and northern ireland with rain here. and the rain eventually will reach northwest england and across wales as well. to the east of that, well, i can't rule out an odd shower, but there will be hazy spells of sunshine and it could stay quite warm with temperatures again, high teens to low 20s. cooler, though, in the northwest. that's our weather this weekend. but i want to tell you about a serious cyclone that's heading towards the bangladesh/myanmar border region. this is home to many hundreds of thousands of rohingya refugees. and the weather looks horrendous, damaging winds, huge falls of rain and a storm surge. this could have potentially devastating impacts.


and the artist is fantastic. he might win the public vote, while the winner back in 2012 i think she might take the jury vote and she has a cracking entry. it will be who does better on the opposite side. i think personally sweden will win it. all right, that is your pick for the potential winner. any other big moments you think we should be watching out for, maybe scoring on our eurovision bingo cards? you've got to go for the australian entrant, obviously, hello. there is a guitar solo, a car on stage as well, which is fantastic. i've got to see the show ends fantastically well with the uk entrant, the host entrant as well. there are some really wonderful moments in the arena. i am going to have to say, some people may say it's a little bit strange that australia is in eurovision. look, eurovision is all about breaking the rules, look at the performances we get out there. it is a global phenomenon and australia has been broadcasting it for a0 years. we have loved this contest


will get warmer. before we get there, though, we have this pesky low cloud with us again. most of england, east wales, eastern areas of scotland thick enough for an odd spit of rain. and these are the kind of temperatures, perhaps, if you're up early in the day. now, high pressure is in charge of the weather on saturday. so, we are looking at dry weather conditions. the best of the early morning sunshine is likely to be across west scotland, northern ireland, wales and western england. cloudy elsewhere, but that cloud will get munched away by the may sunshine. eventually, there could be one or two areas that keep the cloud across eastern areas of england, around the east coast. same for eastern scotland. but for the majority it's dry, it's sunny and it's getting warmer. temperatures high teens to low 20s, perhaps reaching 22 in northern ireland. if that happens, it would be the warmest day of the year so far, not that 22 is that impressive. by this stage of the year, more often than not, we've already had warm spells with temperatures into the mid


united states that somehow the united states that somehow the united states that somehow the united states should be involved in tackling the cartels on mexican soil over the fentanyl crisis. that in itself suggests it is a hard sell to suggest mexico is a safe country.— sell to suggest mexico is a safe count . �* . ., , , , safe country. and what happens to those who — safe country. and what happens to those who say, _ safe country. and what happens to those who say, ok, - safe country. and what happens to those who say, ok, i - safe country. and what happens to those who say, ok, i will- to those who say, ok, i will wait in my country, will, until i can apply for a silent with these new centres that have been promised by the biden administration. how long will they have to wait? what kinds could they be waiting in? == could they be waiting in? -- what kinds _ could they be waiting in? -- what kinds of _ could they be waiting in? » what kinds of conditions. we don't know when they will be openedin don't know when they will be opened in colombia and guatemala. there could be two more in costa rica and ecuador. we don't have a timeframe. but if they were such a key part of the northern we wouldn't probably be waiting too long, but we could be waiting months at this stage. but some people are now taking a moment, taking are now taking a moment, taking


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