Scientists in Japan have investigated the impact of seasonal, metereological factors on solar plant performance and have found the average power generation inefficiency reached significant levels. The findings suggest that optimal site for power plants requires careful consideration of meteorological and geographical data.
To ease wide gender disparities, a growing number of Japan s sciences-oriented national and public universities are scrambling to attract female students by enacting admission quotas.
NOTO, Ishikawa Prefecture Tsunami from the earthquake that struck the Noto Peninsula shocked many residents, including a 41-year-old man celebrating New Year s Day at his parent s home here with relatives.
Eisai Co. Ltd. and Oita University in Oita Prefecture, Japan, developed a first-of-its-kind machine learning model to predict amyloid beta accumulation in the brain using a wristband sensor. The model, which collects biological and lifestyle data from daily life, is expected to enable screening for brain amyloid beta accumulation to identify those at risk for Alzheimer s disease, particularly because amyloid beta begins to accumulate in the brain about 20 years before the onset of the disease.