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okay eveveryone, ourur missions compmplete balananced nutriti. totogether we e provide nunutrs to suppoport immune,e, musclele, bone, and hearart health.. yayaaay! woo o hoo! ensurere with 25 vitaminsns and minererals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. needles.s. essentiall for fifixing bear-r-bear, but maybybe not for r people with rheheumatoid ararthriti. because ththere are opoption. lilike an “unjection.n.” xeljananz. a pfizezer produc. xeljanz isis a pill fofor adus with mododerate toto severe rheumatotoid arthrititis. it can h help relieveve joint n anand swellingng, stiffnese, and hehelps stop further r joint damamage. some s saw improvevement within twowo weeks. xeljanz helps some feel less ra fatigue. xeljananz can lowewer your abiy to fight i infections.s. befofore and dururing treatmt, your doctotor should c check for infectctions like e tb anand do bloodod tests. tetell your dodoctor if yoyoe hahad hepatititis b or c,, haveve flu-like e symptoms,, or a are