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Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 News At 8 20130828

that wild weekend performance on m-t-v. but they're refusing to quiet down quickly. >> pam: i'm pam moore. a full hour of your prime- time news at eight. starts right now. (male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. homes destroyed lives devastated. and police say it could have been caused by something as small as a cigarette tossed from a passing car. >> my mustang is gone, the washer and dryer are gone now, the lexus is gong. >> pam: what we do know is that it only took minutes for this brushfire to sweep from a freeway shoulder into a fairfield neighborhood. developing at eight. two fairfield homes destroyed. others damaged, when a grass fire burns several acres today. we have team coverage of the blaze. our other big story: a danville teen dies in a horrific crash. the night before school starts. we have reaction from his friends and family. i'm pam moore. we'll see you at eight. now at eight: two homes destroyed. dozens of people in harm's way when a grass fire rips through suburban fairfield. our network of reporters are on the scene covering every angle of the blaze. a teenager's death before school starts brings his closest friends to tears. we're hearing from those friends. and his family the day after his sudden death. thousands of firefighters fight back against those stubborn flames destroying parts of yosemite. tonight - good news for san francisco about the hetch hetchy reservoir. miley cyrus tries to silence the critics after that wild weekend performance on m-t- v. but they're refusing to quiet down quickly. and new details about the new i-phone that may have you lining up early to get yours. i'm pam moore. me ewst irtsprgyour prime- mesdesyed& pol sad he was a very special guy. >> friends and family stopped by the home to share their favorite stories and many remembered that he loved to go fishing with its their parents are besides themselves with grief. >> they are just grief stricken. and devastated, beyond words. >> reporter: a family friend sent me this picture is a list of goals that he had to his bedroom door he wanted to get a 4.0 and go to a uc-davis and he was wanted to live life to the fullest. >> there is nothing that will make the pain go away. >> reporter: when the mother saw the memorial she collapsed to greenshe collapsed and she was grief-stricken she wants to think the community and it looks like the funeral will be next week. justin waldman, kron 4 >> pam: thousands of firefighters tried to knock down the flames through yosemite a progress report from the scene it what it is a court to take to win the battle. >> the bay bridge is going to be a piece of history. and how more mobile and can help you and what muni is going that could land you in court. stanley roberts has a warning. >> jacqueline: temperatures were in the '90s. nine these through antioch. we were in the 80s for the south-bay with nine thes nine the nine the these -- 90's unbelievable. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing live tv from southwest. now you can turn your device into your television. try it for free today, only on southwest airlines. on the air. in the air. with live tv. >> pam: now to a devloping story. the yosemite wildfire. it has now grown to nearly 180-thousand acres.and is *only 20 percent contained. today we have learned the fire has reached the shores of the hetch hetchy reservoir. that is the main drinking water supply for san francisco. at this time water quality is not affected. right now about 38-hundred firefighters are on the scene. working around the clock to get the situation under control. kron 4's grant lodes is here with new and dramatic pictures coming into newsroom. grant? >> this is still growing. one of the issues the firefighters are dealing with are these large trees. they have to be very alert and aware of these dangers. take a look at some of these other images. there is visible damage. from this campground you can see this structure however additional firefighters are being sent to fight the firefighters at the front lines. this is the hetch hetchy dam however, it is not impacting on our water supply. and a reminder, one of the many challenges is the steep terrain. falling - firefighters have something else to worry about. firfighter using a hose to >> pam: continuing our coverage on this story, kron 4's charles clifford is at the fire and has details on what's fire fighters are dealing with right now. continuing our team coverage charles clifford is in the sierra. fighters are focusing their efforts and also how the yosemite national park. >> reporter: it was another busy day for fire fighters working on the rim fire.... they were protecting structures near highway 120 which is where the fire started about 11 days ago. and also, we do not know if they have finished the large sequoia groves they hope however, that it will stop growing in this other area. >> if you go into the yosemite valley it is difficult to tell that there is a fire just 20 mi. away. they are still beautiful areas within the park. >> reporter: in tuolumne county, charles clifford kron 4 news. >> pam: joining us the phone now is daniel berlant from califire. is it still 180,000 a. with 20 percent containment? >> caller: this fire is continuing to grow. with now, when hundred 84,000 a. in still 20 percent containment at a still, 1840.000 acres. >> where is the biggest risk tonight at the 1840,000 acres. >> caller: we have been working very hard to create these parameters to keep these communities to save with 4500 homes are still at danger. >> pam: how about the danger to yosemite danger park and of course those giant sequoia trees. >> caller: the fire has continued to be active on the east side. further and further with in the boundaries of yosemite. many areas are inaccessible. and this fire has not borrowed all the way to the and has not-and burned all the way to the hetch hetchy reservoir. it will be a big priority to maintain the water reservoir. >> pam: what about the sequoia trees? >> that is one of many resources that we are trying to protect her. we have been dropping fire retardant from the air. clearing brush, anything that we can do. it is still an ongoing battle. >> pam: what is the status of the evacuations at this hour? >> caller: the evacuation's still remain in effect. the amount of a 4500 homes. and there were some homes that along highway 120 over the weekend those residents have to go back home. however, there are a lot of people that are displaced. >> pam: daniel, with many of these feeble that are displaced and with the acreage burns and with many of these -- people- displaced. how can you feel like it is keeping up the morale? it almost seems like a losing battle. >> caller: this fire continues to grow, significantly. despite the efforts from firefighters. we have to keep on going. we still of several weeks before can get this fire out. so many of our fire fighters have been already on duty for two-three weeks. not only this fire but this conditions through california continue to promote danger. >> pam: that is the most difficult danger and of coursethanks for joins us daniel. square miles. that's bigger in size than san jose and most of the fire as of this morning. bay. you can see it covers happening now. the bay bridge shut down is now less than 24 hours away. here are the details you need to know. all lanes in both directions will close at 8:00- pm on wednesday night, august 28th. workers will then transition the old roadway. to the new eastern span. if all goes correctly -- the bridge will re-open five days later. on tuesday, september third at 5:00 am -- the day after labor day the closure is going to leave a lot of drivers looking for alternate ways. there is a smart one application for the bay bridge. smart phone application with information designed specifically for the bay bridge closure. this is available on the app store and the google place storglobal pla -- google to transit officials about still to come tonight: be on the brink of militarywhat's happening there that has the president so concerned. our tech reporter - gabe slate - has everything you need to know about the new i-phone. and it may have you trading your old one in faster than you think. [ marco ] i'm a student at devry university. and this is my home team. this is my large lecture hall. this is my professor. and also my coach. this is my booster club. this is the guy who's graduating ready for a great career in technology. [ male announcer ] in 2012, 90% of devry university grads actively seeking employment had careers in their field in 6 months. find your career success in the bay area. learn how at >> new tonight at 8-- in most cites you need an actual person to issue you a parking ticket, but not in san francisco.. there are multiple ways as stanley roberts shows us in this edition of people behaing badly. >> stanley: if you are on mission street and you double park you might get a little surprise in the mail. that is because back in 2010 san francisco launched a pilot program fitting muni buses with video cameras. the camera record vehicle license plates and vehicle descriptions while buses are rolling and department of parking officers watch the video and issue tickets. unlike a parking enforcement officer you might see on the street you can't plead your case like this woman is trying to do what are you doing? you see she parked in a commercial loading zone the red top is an indication she told the parking officer her passenger was disabled so she should get a break. nats: it has nothing to do with handicapped. she tried hard to plead her case but it was too late so she took her frustration out on the nearest person who happened to be me. nats: i teach ethics, don't you ever touch my camera and you just get that thing out of my face don't you ever touch my camera. again and you allow him to do that well i cant do anything about it you just wnt to provoke me that all. so the cameras on the bus do have a slight benefit on one is going to attack the bus unless the giants win the world series. the buses can only get you if you are double parked or parking in a bus zone, which by the way is a 271 dollar ticket. the buses can't catch city workers parked illegally and guess what the city worker has to pay the ticket not the city. so a little advice. as the sfmta adds more camera in more buses be mindful where you park so you don't get a parking ticket in you mail box. oh and one final note, the so called ethics teacher apparently wasn't don with me as she roll by blows me a kiss and backs up take another look yea take another look you are blocking traffic in san francisco, stanley roberts-kron 4 news developing tonight at 8- 30-- >> pam: we are going back to fairfield because of tough grass the grass fire, and thousands of firefighters are doing their best to fairfield has burned at marigold drive. near interstate 80. and also, miley cyrus with no apologies (male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: are fast stor our -- top story of the faster burning several structures and cars dozens of homes in that area were evacuated. dan kerman is on the scene. >> you can see there is one is still behind me. >> reporter: you can see also, that there were 50 a little bit earlier, along interstate-80 the wind increased these flames and these homes were threatened. and five homes on fire with over 200 firefighters battling these flames. they were kicking and front doors to get people out. we can report that there are no injuries and that is what is most important port and the houses that had been destroyed the one used are looking at. this one, and the one to the right. we can come back live is what is more interesting is the house is that survived. and just look at the this house. you see is not damaged at all. and another case of houses that were saved by firefighters. however, these homes survived. with no injuries and 50 people evacuated. two of these people were destroyed. they are going to be cleaning up for some time to come. >> pam: now for a look at our top stories at eight- thirty. tragedy in danville. 17-year old robert orlando died the night before his senior year at san ramon high. he and two other classmates were driving just before nine p-m. near the crow canyon country club. police said orlando was a passenger in a car when, for unknown reasons, the driver lost control of the car and hit a tree. the two others were injured. classmates tell us - he worked at a local pizza place - and he played on school sports teams. also tonight. the raging yosemite wildfire has now grown to nearly 180-thousand acres.and is only 20 percent contained. today we have learned the fire has reached the shores of the hetch hetchy reservoir. that is the main drinking water supply for san francisco. at this time water quality is not affected. right now about 38-hundred firefighters are on the scene. working around the clock to get the situation under control. >> coming up apple is a good idea of what you should do with your new iphone and miley cryus...cyrus... with no apologies >> jacqueline: temperatures in antioch, 70's. the fog is expected to return. for over 60,000 california foster children, extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team. getting help with math. going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal, when you can't do the normal things. to help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. the markdeveloping tonight. momentum seems to be building for western military action against syria. president obama is weighing his options.saying the u.s. is in position for a strike. could happen soon. catherine heenan reports. >> catherine: the white house says there's no doubt that president bashar assad's government used chemical weapons outside damascus august 21st. killing and injuring hundreds of people.including children. now a senior defense dept. official tells cnn a strike could be carried out 'within several days.' britain's prime minister is on board and considering options. france's president is promising punishment. syria's foreign minister meantime held a news conference denying everything today. saying syria will defend itself. warships carrying cruise missiles have already moved into the region. the u.s. says there will be no boots on the ground in syria. and insists the military action is not about getting rid of president assad. the use of chemical weapons. >> pam: stay with us. [ male announcer ] at sizzler... it's back for a limited time! fire grilled steak and golden all-you-can-eat shrimp for an incredible $9.99! only at sizzler! >> miley cyrus isn't a bit sorry. even in the face of a massive blow back from her raunchy performance at the mtv video music awards. critics. this is miley essentially smany are wondering how miley disney star in hannah montana. to this. the parents television council is blasting the booty shaking performance. bille ray is a member of the council. tonight he was scheduled to weigh in on his daughter's latest antics with cnn's piers morgan. dad billie ray eventually boasting a pr victory. considering that. we're all still talking about her. i'm vicki liviakis kron 4 news. >> the rolling mill is heating up. gabe slate - the rumor mill is heating up. you have probably heard about the december 10th release date. unfortunately, it is not confirmed and nobody really knows the real debate. and they really do not know any thing about the real--8 and september 20th, creecould be that it could be an iphone in gold however, they have not confirmed if these are real. and also, leaked photographs of what it looks like with a graphite color .. and also a cheaper version of only $100, and plastic and offered in several different covered colors. there are other rumors that there could be fingerprint technology for tighter security. if your used by phone is in a good shape you could get a good deal on a new one. >> jacqueline: the fog has returned already. has to look for tomorrow more widespread however, it is going to decrease on thursday, friday. here is a look at satellite and radar. you can see that it is moving to the north. it will increase the sea breeze that will provide more cloud coverage. we will have fog through the north bay, this livermore valley. and it is going to still hang on through the media to the shore. through the immediate bayshore along the coast, 60s and 70's for the most part. for the east bay shores 60s and 70's in alameda, berkeley. hayward, 75. the inland valleys is where it would be a bit cooler. and largely in the 70's and low 80s through cupertino. and 87 degrees in morgan hill. the four degrees through santa rosa and a look at your extended forecast. a dramatic cool down. >> pam: detroit with the a's and alsoat soggy comerica park. nobody out jason coming up with sports. >> welcome back everyone. detroit at soggy comerica park. top 1st, no score jed lowrie flips one to right off justin verlander coco crisp and josh donaldson score 2 rbi doublebottom 1st, 2-2 tie omar infante ground one to second off tommy milone and it goes under the glove of albert callaspo miguel cabrera scores tigers take 3-2 lead millone: 5 innings, 3 runs, 3 hits top 5th, 3-3 tie brandon moss crushes a home run to deep left his 22nd of the year a's take the lead 5-3 seth smith added a home run the next inning tarp has come out in the top 6th: 6-3 a's a's have the bases loaded nobody out according to a report in forbes magazine, the astros are the most profitable team in major league baseball history. the same astros who are on pace to finish with the worst record in baseball forthe team projects to have an operating income of $99 million dollars, more than the last 6 world series champions combined. the biggest reasons: lowest payroll in baseball at $21 million, and a new tv deal, which is paying the astros $80 million dollars. rosters down to 75 today order according to a report in forbes magazine, the astros are the most profitable team in major league baseball history. the same astros who are on pace to finish with the worst record in baseball for the 3rd straight season. the team projects to have an operating income of $99 million dollars, more than the last 6 world series champions combined. the biggest reasons: lowest payroll in baseball at $21 million, and a new tv deal, which is paying the astros $80 million dollars. it's cut down time in the nfl. rosters down to 75 today before teams settle on their final 53 man squad at theso today the 49ers said goodbye to defensive end lawrence okoye the british olympian and a freak athlete who garnered interest by several teams after scoring off the charts at one of the regional combines. only thing with okoye - he had never played a down of football in his life also let go was lamar divens - the big defensive tackle who came over from the ravens. divens you may remember was the guy who was allegedly assaulted by his own after givens refused to give a drunk brooks his car keys. divens didn't press charges gotta wonder if he regrets that decision. and coach harbaugh named rookie eric reid as the starting safety today. round draft pick out of lsu.taken to replace the dashon goldson who took more money to sign with the bucs. reid was penciled in to be the starter from the beginning, but now it's official. what's funny is how reid found out the good news. 49ers corner back eric wright finally reported to training camp nearly 3 weeks after they signed him.after dealing with what the niners called, "a personal matter" placed wright on the non- football injury list, meaning he will be forced to miss at least the first six games no specific reason givenbut getting wright up to speed with the season less than two weeks away would have been a tall order college football season kicks off thursday with san jose state hosting sacramento state and the new era of cal football begins saturday. replacment sonny dykes leading the bears against 22nd ranked northwestern - dykes brings his "air raid" offense over from louisiana tech - and is handing the reigns over to a true freshman in quarterback jared goff - out of marin catholic goff was just named the starter over another freshman zach kline - and today was asked if he was nervous heading into his first college game i would say i am more anxious, then it nervous. just ready to go. i am not really worried at this point. >> not since nancy kerrigan- tony harding some 20 years ago have we had an olympic scandal like this. american olympic skater simon cho has been suspended for two years and banned from the winter olympics next year in russia for tampering with the skates of a canadian rival. cho has confessed to bending rival skater olivier jean's skate while alone in a locker room during the 2011 world championships - an event which cho ended up winning. cho says he didn't want to do it but was pressured by a former coach to do sowhich the coach denies >> pam: good night. s is cobra zero six. just entered indian country, approaching way point four. request confirmation to engage target on first approach. [man on radio] roger, cobra zero six. big eye waiting for confirmation as well. we wait any longer, big eye, we're not gonna have any choice in the matter. i can't exactly do a u-turn here. roger that, cobra. hold for confirmation. [lightning cracks]


Transcripts For KRON KRON 4 Evening News 20130828

up in flames. it is also a very densely populated neighborhood. a number of homes are threaten.ed just in the last 45 minutes with a number of homes threatened. catherine has been talking about how quickly this has been jumping. >> catherine: oh my gosh! these people have said that this was starting off as oh my gosh! was a grass fire but then the media to leave, this has gone up so quickly. immediately-as jacqueline mentioned, the wind and those hot embers are fueling this fire. you can see it is fairly densely packed with the evacuations people are going to a safe zone such as the area high school. the smoke has slowed traffic. however, broads were even impacted grant? >> let me show you this map. it looks like there are five homes that have burned. it went from just two homes to now five homes. marigold drive that we have highlighted is for the fire started. and it started as a grass fire. and it quickly started burning structures. as we can see from this live footage the 2800 - 3000 block of marigold drive along interstate-80. also, the commission village shopping center and the fairfield high school is also close. north texas street is also a close area and people are being evacuated along the texas st. there are multiple hotspots in this area. they have are having difficulty. >> pam: absolutely, it is easy to have those hot embers move from one home to another. and also, another breaking news story there has been a motorcycle accident on the lower deck of the bay bridge. this is west of treasure island impacting eastbound traffic. this is the change like. and the traffic is not moving at all this is the change-look the james lick this only happened about 15 minutes ago. the right lane is the only lane opened and there is a massive back up. angela can you tell us what is going on? >> caller: always stopped on the first on ramp and i've been stopped here for a least 10 minutes. . and there was even an ambulance. with fire trucks. >> pam: the lanes are merging? >> caller: i have not even gotten to treasure island. >> >> what we have heard is that this has happened right in treasure island in the backup is going to take quite awhile before these cars are able to get across the bay bridge. and when this happens, particularly during the commute time. the c h p is trying to gather information and also to help things moving. we will keep an eye on this developing story and as well as on this tuesday commute. we want to take you back to the opening story in fairfield. grant are now updating us that 5 homes are up in flames near marigold drive near interstate 80 in fairfield. this has happened very quickly, in less than one hour. and catherine heenan has more information? >> catherine: if you are just joining us this grass fire began on near marigold drive, around 3:40 and it spread, quickly! the ground crews are working quickly you speaking about two, now, five homes have been burned. the police have said that other structures are threatened. again, a densely packed neighborhood and they are saying that many homes are impacted with these flames. they are watching the hot embers, and being blown by the strong winds. >> this started as a grass fire and the speed that has started from these home to home is significant it is a densely populated area. with a shopping center, and fearful high-school is not for. fairfield-high school is not far. again, this is just east of interstate-80. it seems that the fire spread quickly from one house, to the other. note, these temperatures are very warmer. and this is going to be a historic the pad fire season. we can see this right in front of our eyes with a historic fire bad fire season. just a small grass fire. >> fairfield is mainly a bedroom community. he evacuations are underway and eastbound interstate-80 and the second story that we just mentioned a moment ago is in a motorcycle accident on the east bound side. the c h p is trying to open all of the lines with the exception of the left lane. it is going to take a while for them to get the traffic going erected. corrected --. wih two different breaking news stories. and we will be back in just one moment. [ male announcer ] at sizzler... it's back for a limited time! fire grilled steak and golden all-you-can-eat shrimp for an incredible $9.99! only at sizzler! [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. ♪ the 2013 volt. charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. ♪ shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. >> pam: breaking news on kron-4 news with five homes gone up in flames on marigold on the east bound of interstate 80. emergency crews are on the scene it this is happening very quickly turned the 4:00 p.m. hour. it started as a grass fire. and it quickly spread from 2 homes to 5 homes. grant is standing by with additional information. >> it looks like the fire crews have made progress. what just perhaps about 15 minutes ago when this was really reaching. and this entire quarter of this house and also smoke and amber's from this roof. you can get a sense of this smoke and amber amber burnt embers. it was. multi- faceted starting as a grass fire. this is one of the more dramatic images. you can see the roof and at least one-quarter of the house being burned. >> pam: this is just one of two different breaking stories that we are starting to cover on this tuesday evening. as we mentioned a few moments ago there was a major accident on the bay bridge, east bound. there was a motorcycle accident west of treasure island. we have received word that the chp has canceled the sig alert and all lanes have been reopened but we have not seen the impact of that yet because the traffic is still being stopped. with two different breaking news stories that we are following and we will be back with more. >> pam: we have two different breaking news stories. this is a picture from fairfield where 5 homes near marigold drive have gone up with a seven alarm fire. emergency crews and the evacuations are underway in solano county near interstate-80. traffic is being impacted. the smoke is still billowing from the structures and vegetation burning. the right side of your screen is the back up being caused by an accident on the bay bridge. west of treasure island. the traffic is barely moving as they are trying to get across, east bound. we do know that the chp has opened all lanes with the exception of the left lane. again, this is happening during the commute time. there is so much traffic. after being stopped with this traffic investigation, and the clearing of the accident is going to take a while for the traffic to recover. >> jacqueline: it is a nightmare right now. as you mentioned, this was right before treasure island with the eastbound lanes closed at one point. just the fourth lane of the left is blocked. the drive time is 35 minutes. to get from 1.2 the other, not just the 101 but also, the 280 approach to the bay bridge. it is moving a bit better. however, it is still gridlock. the 1 0 1. from the cesar chavez, to the junction is going to take it least 30 minutes to get from those two different areas. again, they have reopened most of the lanes but that fourth lane from a lot remains blocked east bound. just before treasure island. that fourth lane from the left remains blocked. and also what is happening and let us go back to the fire and fairfield. amazingly, five homes have gone up in flames and just last hour or even less than one hour. the crews have been having difficulty because look at that smoke. this started as a grass fire and quickly spread to two homes and on the phone with us is someone that was in this area. can you hear us? >> yes. >> pam: i understand you are with the america's best value in call far away is that? >> we are just about a few moments for a few blocks away. >> pam: we are at pictures these flames and what can you see from your vantage point? >> caller: we are mainly seeing smoke. it has been significantly reduced. >> pam: we are still seeing a very thick smoke from our vantage point how to cover, what is it like from where you are? >> caller: at one point, the visibility was nearly zero. it was very difficult to breed. and the wind was picking up at that point it was difficult to breed mac >> pa have you been able to evacuate or stay? >> caller: we have been able to stay at the moment. however, earlier it was difficult to breather >> pam: for those that are not impacted by this area, can you give us an area vie? >> caller: this is mainly a shopping complex, with housing and a neighborhood. and there are a couple of restaurants, and a gas station. >> pam: could this entire area be impacted through this smoke? >> caller: yes the air quality will be impacted. >> pam: these homes have been burning for nearly one hour. >> caller: it seems that there is a bit of a more handle on this. >> pam: towards marigold however, still difficult. thank you so much for your observations, he is just one block away from sadly, five homes have been impacted from this grass fire. from nearly 4:00 p.m. and it is quickly spread to this community. we can see the fire crews and we have not seen it many residents. they have been asked to leave however, a devastating and fast-moving fire. >> jacqueline: we are talking about the wind right now. it has picked up in fairfield and the surrounding areas. with sustained wind speeds in the 20 m.p.h. range. certainly, it is not help me at this point. with 22 mph wind speeds in the arrows are showing that it is coming from the south-west at this hour. even from where this fire is burning this location, is just to the top-right. again, a big concern with this afternoon as i mentioned is that they are going to be continuing to have strong winds for the next couple of hours. it is really the briefest time of the day. >> pam: will continue -- it is also a breeziest time of day. and not to mention, the yosemite fire, and how about how this happened so close to home. and impact homes right here in the immediate bay community. with a seven- alarm fire in solano county, with 5 5 homes have been burned -5 homes have been burned we will be back. with a seven-alarm fire. in fairfield we will be back. for over 60,000 california foster children, extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team. getting help with math. going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal, when you can't do the normal things. to help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. >> pam: this is a live picture with breaking news in fairfield. this started just before 4:00 p.m. and quickly spread to five different homes that have been impacted with a seven- alarm blaze. we will be back. it's great having at&t u-verse high speed internet. walter likes to download fix-it videos... and watch "boardwalk empire." it helps sam with math... [ beeping ] ...and online gaming. and suze loves her smartphone for "social" studies... like video-chatting with sara. hi, ms. kelly. hi, sara. [ male announcer ] call to get the fastest internet for the price -- $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. on our newly expanded advanced digital network, get more connectivity, reliability and speed options -- now up to 45 megs. we have our own private wi-fi hot spot -- right here. getting connected is no problem -- even all at the same time. it's fast. it's reliable. and it's affordable. [ male announcer ] call to get u-verse high speed internet for $14.95 a month for 12 months with a 1-year price guarantee. with a wireless gateway, connect all your devices and save on tablet and smartphone data usage at home. now i can do the things i want to do, like email my mother-in-law. or check celebrity gossip. [ male announcer ] at&t brings it all together. ♪ (male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now with breaking news. >> pam: breaking news with emergency crews on the scene with a seven-alarm fire. you can see the smoke this started as a grass fire. this was near marigold drive on interstate-80 on the eastbound side. there are still in a number of fire crews that are still trying to get this place under control. however, they have made a lot of progress in the last 30 minutes or so. grant lodes has more. >> yes. you can see this is a densely populated area east of interstate-80. this is near the very popular area of a fairfield, with a mission shopping center, and fairfield high school. the people that have been evacuated have been told to go to fairfield high-school. we have seen that it has jumped from a small patch to several homes. it appears that there is progress but catherine heenan is also following the latest. >> catherine: the good news is that we are still hearing that the people are being evacuated. however, they have not completely have this under control and we have talked earlier about the heavy, heavy smoke. we are learning that the fire trucks in those early crucial minutes it was dramatically slowed because of the smoke on interstate- 80. we are talking about the homes. the c h p helicopter but a lot of cars are being burned. near the at&t parking lot. there is a continued threat. with at least five homes still threaten to and an apartment complex. >> pam: we are still looking at video from one of war and at one point a ferocious flame in this tight area from 1-hour at one point. vicki liviakis has also been collecting of your photographs. >> we have people on the ground that are giving as a bird's eye view. they have been sending in pictures from facebook. one of them s is them sophie renee this is on marigold drive a burning car. these flames are just burning right up into the air. this seven-alarm fire. you can see thick, black plumes of smoke. another picture frauenfeld leanne also, please maintain a safe distance if your getting these pictures and you can of course a message to them on facebook and twitter. and e-mail >> pam: of course smoke is a distraction and with emergency crews on the scene. try to make sure that these flames are under control. there have been five homes burned. it is so sad to see this happen so quickly. this is a very difficult situation and jacqueline is going to give us an update on the wind conditions. >> jacqueline: you can see that the wind and fairfield is at 22 m.p.h. that is sustained. those actually last longer than gusting winds and it is coming from the south-west. it is blowing wind away from the interstate. to give you an idea. the fairfield observation. if it is blowing from the upper right-hand corner. again, the firefighters because this is picking up over the last 30-45 minutes. it is going to stay breezy for this evening. it will probably stay like this for at least another 1.5 hours. this is the breeziest time of the day. >> pam: we are looking at live pictures this is aerial footage courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. the emergency crews are on the scene. it took a lot of people to get in that area those homes are very compactly located together. they have gone up so quickly because of the terrain is so dry. we are going to take a quick break and we will be back. and we will be back. some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. right now, get a 2013 chevrolet volt for around $269 per month. 'til labor day to reward yourself! get the queen size sealy gel memory foam mattress for just $497! not to labor the point... but this sale ends monday. ♪ mattress discounters! we're new to town.ells. welcome to monroe. so you can move more effortlessly... we want to open a new account: checking and savings. well we can help with that. we tend to do a lot of banking online. you play? yeah discover a mobile app that lets you bank more freely... and feel at home more quickly. chase. so you can. some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. >> pam: more on our breaking news through fairfield, there have been five burned homes in this neighborhood. in the marigold drive looking at these flames right before 5:00 p.m. it started as a grass fire in a densely populated area. these trees cosc---caught on fire so quickly and we have a fire official on the phone with us. >> caller: ally lived about five minutes away. >> pam: >> caller: when i saw this fire break out i decided to take the back way towards the gymnasium. >> pam: were their concerns that those flames could move towards your direction? >> caller: i am further away from that. >> pam: but you could certainly see flames and smoke. >> caller: i ran in to get a bottle of water and it was especially difficult to shop because there was smoke inside of the store. >> pam: are you familiar with that block of marigold drive? >> caller: correct that is a street where i go to go to the gymnasium. >> pam: can you describe that area? >> caller: it is mainly homes. and there are apartments on the the street. and there is taxes street near there. and where the fire believe there is >> pam: does it appear that the fire is getting to be under control? >> caller: when i left the gymnasium the smoke was clearing up a bit. >> pam: thank you for your observation a fairfield resident. just about five minutes away from this area, this seven-alarm fire started. it quickly began to engulf five homes. it started as a grass fire along the hillside. there are a lot of trees and a great deal of fuel. to try to get this fire under control. east bound is being impacted. neighbors have been evacuate it and we're keeping your eye on this development. >> also the traffic is being impacted to the approach to the bay bridge. there was a motorcycle accident, earlier. the issue is the accident on the bay bridge. they are trying to get to the lower portion of the bay bridge. however, the problem continues to be this motorcycle crash. it is 80 in fairfield and also the east bound direction and in san francisco. we will keep tabs on the traffic. >> pam: thank you, grant and also a fire in fairfield. catherine heenan has new information. >> catherine: the first call came in a around 3:30 not much panic it was just a grass fire. however, it moved so quickly it surprised the fire crews in the residences were in shock and holdfast thimoved. there we- shock and call-fast this moved. and at least one home was this is a mutual aid situation. the smoke actually hampered the response time because it was such a difficult visibility. there are concerns with other homes. with heavy, black plumes of smoke. homes and businesses still in the line of danger. >> pam: school. a danville teen killed in a violent car crash -- two of some bay area high school of their classmates dies ina 17 year old classmate dies on the night before school the danville teen killed in the crash is named robert orlando. kron 4 has just received these pictures of the victim. he would have been a senior today. classmates tell us -- he worked at a local pizza place -- and he played on school sports teams. tonight -- kron4 has team coverage. grant has more information about this teenager. >> this is tragic. this is a picture of the vehicle. you can see that these three teenagers were near this crow canyon country club. this is where the vehicle skidded off of the runway. 8:50 p.m. near the crow canyon country club. police said orlando was a passenger in a car that was heading near claridge drive when, for unknown reasons, the driver lost control of the car and hit a tree. the speech could have been a factor but it was traveling northbound on el capitan drive and this is where it hit that tree. j.r. stone has spent the day with reaction people are devastated! >> reporter: you can see where this car crashed and we're robert orlando this is where-robert orlando has lost his life. he was an avid fisherman and a golf player. these will not forget them. >> whenever he walked into a room >> he lit up a room, he was really nice and he knew a lot of people. there are a lot of sad people. at first he had a name,pork chop. >> we called him chop. and of all of the fishing experiences i am going to have or not going to be the same. >> we would go fishing at 2:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m. it is not going to be the same. >> reporter: you can see the memorial. and spoke with his former football coach coming up at 6:00 p.m. j.r. stone, kron 4 news. >> pam: our breaking news it is a fire in fairfield that started as a seven-alarm fire. it has burned five homes along marigold prague. this is earlier video. this is near marigold drive interstate-80 is being impacted we will be back. unbelievable. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. >> jacqueline: we have seen the temperatures with warmer temperatures inland. '70s and '80s for the bay area. we did reach 90 and fairfield. the satellite and radar showing this table and of this system. we are not going to get any rain however, the fog is going to impact mainly the coast. here is a glimpse at 6:00 a.m. but this. patchy fog. temperatures are going to be a bit cooler. however, for the inland valleys still in the upper 80s and warm. the same in the south-bay. and also for the north-bay. a look at your extended forecast. thursday, friday will be the warmest day of the work week. this will go to the north of us and it will cool, dramatically. >> pam: our breaking story with that fire and fairfield with five homes, burning quickly. it started as a grass fire on a hillside. there were not that many concerned at first. however, it quickly spread to 2 homes and then 5 homes on marigold drive. no injuries have been reported. this is video from earlier. a fire crews are trying to get a handle and it is slow on interstate-80. we will continue to follow developments and be back after the break. it's great having at&t u-verse high speed internet. walter likes to download fix-it videos... and watch "boardwalk empire." it helps sam with his math... [ beeping ] ...and online gaming. and suze loves her smartphone for "social" studies... like video-chatting with sara. hi, ms. kelly. hi, sara. [ male announcer ] call at&t now to get the fastest internet for the price -- just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. on our newly expanded advanced digital network, you get more connectivity, more reliability and more speed options. and with at&t u-verse high speed internet, you can choose the speed you need. getting connected is no problem with our wireless gateway. we have our very own private wi-fi hot spot right here. we do. so we can all be connected at the same time. and even save on our tablet and smartphone data usage. plus it's fast. and reliable. and affordable. it's totally affordable. that's what i said. i know. yep. [ male announcer ] connect all your devices and even save on your tablet and smartphone data usage at home. so call now to get u-verse high speed internet, just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. and for no extra charge, i get access to over 30,000 wi-fi hot spots. so i can stay connected when i'm out... running errands. she's a regular. ♪ [ male announcer ] at&t customers say u-verse high speed internet is more reliable than cable. so call at&t now to get u-verse high speed internet, just $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. now i can do the things i want to do, like e-mail my mother-in-law. or check celebrity gossip. ♪ [ male announcer ] with our newly expanded advanced digital network... thank you, daddy. thanks, dad. [ male announcer ] get more connectivity, reliability, and speed options... you're welcome. [ male announcer ] bring it all together. ♪ >> pam: these five homes have been impacted from this 7 alarm fire. there are no injuries however, traffic is impacted on interstate-80. we will have complete details coming up at 6:00 p.m.. [ male announcer ] at sizzler... it's back for a limited time! fire grilled steak and golden all-you-can-eat shrimp for an incredible $9.99! only at sizzler! (male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now with breaking news. >> pam: happening now this fast-moving grass fire in fairfield. there have been two confirmed burned homes. other reports are saying that there are five homes burned. there have been a number of people evacuate it because of this tightly knit community. and more is grant. >> yes this is a map of where this is happening. you can see that this started near interstate 80. several small homes this law is very close to mission village shopping center. many people have been evacuate to the fairfield high school. this started as a grass fire has started taking down homes. >> pam: this has been a fast-moving fire. the fairfield is confirming that least two homes have been destroyed. with as many as five homes have been impacted along marigold drive. as a grass fire that spread in this crowded community of homes. with very difficult conditions for the firefighting and catherine heenan has more details. >> catherine: you can see this is on the east portion of interstate-80 on marigold drive. it jumped all across a sound wall and even up into trees. and these hot embers have been blown with the strong winds. you can see that this was burned completely to the ground. there was an apartment complex that has been evacuated on nearby street and even cars being burned near at&t park. we are also hearing that it is 70 percent containment. news is that there are no injuries reported. authorities are hoping that clearly there was enough of a warning for people to get out. however,200 firefighters have reported helping from surrounding counties. >> pam: that mutual aid has really helped to try to knock this fire down. with these homes so densely packed together. i am sure that the mutual aid made a difference. with extra trucks and fire fighting efforts. you can see the flames and smoke along yesterday -- major. the smoke-today was it started as a seven-alarm fire. however, many could have been burned perhaps five homes have been burned jacqueline bennett has told us about the conditions that the wind for this time of day could be eight bit of an issue today. the gusting winds are not a factor today. these are sustained winds. still, breezy conditions through vallejo. the wind is coming from the south-west and they are blowing towards the south- quarter of your screen. to give you some perspective slightly to the right is were these fires are burning. and it is carrying to the upper right corner of your screen and it is going to stay breeziest however, they should start dying down around 7:00 p.m. >> pam: the fairfield police department is sergeant can you hear >> caller: uscalle. yes. >> pam: we are hearing that the fire is 70 percent containment. what else can you tell us? >> caller: they are working very hard to get this more contained. there are 200 firefighters from all surrounding areas helping. there have been no injuries. however, there have been2 homes that have been completely lost. >> pam: could you reiterate, the homes have been lost? >> caller: there are two homes that are a total loss and three other homes have been burned. there was reports that this started as a roadside fire. >> pam: a roadside fire along interstate-80. do you think that this could have been from a cigarette? >> caller: it was along interstate-80 we do not know how it started. >> pam: were you surprised on how fast this started and spread? >> caller: the wind was not cooperative. it was extremely fast. >> pam: can you describe to traffic situation in the area, now? >> caller: the traffic is being pretty bad. it is being diverted between 6th and atlantic avenue. >> pam: 70 percent containment to feel confident that this will be able to get the 30% under control before anything else were to happen to cause this to spread? >> caller: we are very hopeful. the wind however, is still pretty strong. >> pam: can you describe for the community that perhaps are not familiar with this area out of fairfield. >> caller: this is primarily residential. >> pam: there are apartments, and single- family homes and not that far away there is a regional district is that correct? >> caller: that is correct. there i some local motel, severl restaurants. >> pam: and how about the evacuation center? >> caller: currently, the evacuation center is set up at the fairfield high school. >> pam: have the home owners being informed of their homes that have been destroyed? >> caller: i do not know. >> pam: is the red cross set up or are there just police officers providing general information. >> caller: general information about the red cross has responded. >> pam: surgeon lankley thank you so much sergeant --. and also, another person on the phone is gale spier is a fairfield communications manager can you hear us gail we will continued to provide audio from mcgill spier's gail-? >> caller: right now, the fire crews have been on the seen since before 4:00 p.m. it appears. we have 70 percent containment right now which is great to hear with the wind. the wind is 10-15 m.p.h. which makes it a bit difficult. we have had 5 homes involved. there are two homes that are a total loss and we are happy to provide shelter for these people at the local high school. >> pam: is the main danger is over at this point. >> caller: with a 70 percent containment that is a good sign and it is hopeful. however, we can not be overly cautious with this wind. >> pam: or any of the firefighters impacted because of the yosemite fire? were the crews the number of people responding to this fire? >> caller: mutual aid kicked and from surrounding counties and they helped protect our community. >> pam: city officials, what is the step of moving beyond? if this is still going? >> caller: we want to make sure that there are no hot spots and they will be on the scene for the entire night tonight. and a. after that making sure that it is a poor residents to go back. >> caller: >> pam: were you surprised? on the speed of the fire spread? >> caller: it was very fast. however, it did not take that long when the fire has been so fast with too strong wind. >> pam: i have not been -have you been to the area? >> caller: i have not been to the area there was dark smoke in my area but now, from my vantage point there is no more dark smoke. it is a hopeful sign and also with the to to percent containment that our firefighters are containment. with 70 percent containment. >> pam: people were called and evacuate? >> caller: yes about 50 people were evacuate did. >> pam: gale spiers thank you so much for providing us with an update on your a city. with this seven-alarm fire with 70 percent containment. the wind has been the major problem that they have had to do with. let us check-in with vicki with new pictures. >> we want to show you some of our viewer pictures. you can see these flames these are not the ones from earlier but this was at the peak of the fire. it is the other is from the road this was taken from the road, and certainly, we want to caution people on their safety of obtaining these pictures. and also at the same time, to thank-you for these photos in you can post these on the kron 4 facebook facebook fan page. >> pam: with 70 percent containment the fire crews are on the scene and the ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] introducing live tv from southwest. now you can turn your device into your television. try it for free today, only on southwest airlines. on the air. in the air. with live tv. on the air. in the air. extra curricular activities help provide a sense of identity and a path to success. joining the soccer team. getting help with math. going to prom. i want to learn to swim. it's hard to feel normal, when you can't do the normal things. to help, sleep train is collecting donations for the extra activities that, for most kids, are a normal part of growing up. not everyone can be a foster parent... but anyone can help a foster child. these are the hands a pediatrician. these are pioneering advances in heart surgery. and these are developing groundbreaking treatments for cancer. they're the hands of the nation's top doctors. kaiser permanente doctors. and though they are all different, they work together on a single mission: saving lives. discover how we are advancing medicine at join us, and thrive. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be great if all devices had backup power? the chevrolet volt does. it's ingeniously designed to seamlessly switch from electricity to gas to extend your driving range. no wonder volt is america's best-selling plug-in. that's american ingenuity to find new roads. ♪ the 2013 volt. charge ahead of the rest in the hov lane. ♪ >> pam: this is aerial footage courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. the fairfield firefighters are working hard to get this fire under control this was earlier a seven-alarm blaze. it is still, very difficult, grant lodes. >> we are looking at the fairfield area where the smoke is continuing to be an issue. and also let me keep you updated on the yosemite fire. this is along the forest, and roadside and golfing. it is still giving crews difficulty and it continues to be difficult for firefighters. look at these large trees these are new images. that continue to show that it is challenging for firefighters. there, you can see a structure that was part of a campground. a number of campgrounds have been ruined. these tall flames have been ruined. and these smoke pictures is right near the he water the htch hetchy showing you how difficult the terrain is. that is one of the issues that they have been dealing with. charles clifford is in the area and he spoke with the park service. >> this is the 11th day, with thousands of acres burned. this is inside the yosemite park. it would normally be considered very large but now they are showing that there are two different reasons of the disbursement of resources. . the fire is hoping to burn itself out within the perimeter of the park. there are less people that live within the perimeter of the national park. >> on the southern portion of the water reservoir of the hetch hetchy is not as much of a threat. >> reporter: there are too large giant sequoia trees there are--two different giant sequoia trees groves to try to protect these ancient trees. >> if you go into yosemite valley the smoke is going away from the area. it is still, a bit misleading because you do not see the smoke where the fire but it is very nearby. >> reporter: charles clifford, kron 4 news. >> pam: go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, as well as our facebook and goodnight. thanks, olivia. thank you. so you can make a payment from your cell to almost anyone's phone or email. (speaking french) so you can express your gratitude... in the moment. chase quickpay. so you can. >> pam: this is aerial footage courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. this is and fairfield and look at the backup on interstate-80. this is where this fire fight is continuing. this started before 4:00 p.m. and after two hours. the fire crews are still trying to knock down the last of the hot spots. there have been 2 homes completely at a loss with three other homes impacted. it was a seven- alarm fire. grant lodes gives us the exact location. >> yes this is reflective of what areas are being impacted. this is near marigold drive. north texas street is still closed between atlantic avenue. at least 50 people have been evacuated. this is near the south-east. and into the early evening and part of the reason for that is hi winds. >> jacqueline: the wind is certainly a factor and the temperatures were quite warm. not just in fairfield but also all antioch. 80s in concord, livermore, pleasanton, the south-bay. with rather warm conditions and things are going down in fairfield. 86 in vallejo and even cooler along the upper 50s and 60s but let us talk about the wind. . and let us turn our attention to fairfield. this is showing where the wind is coming from. it is going towards the north-east. it has been fairly persistent. with a 20 m.p.h. and at one point it is subsiding. certainly, this is wind it is starting to die down. for tonight, we will see the fog returning to the bay area. near the golden gate bridge camera and for tomorrow, the fog should clear by noon. as we look for tomorrow, warmer towards friday. the satellite showing that tail end of this system. we're not going to see rain but the fog will be impacting the north bay. and scaling back to the north bay shore by 8:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m. and to the coast by noon. still in the 70's for your afternoon. 78 in cupertino. also a bit cooler through cupertino fairfield, concord, pleasanton, antioch '60s and '70s for the east bayshore. 60s along the coast. and here is a look at your extended forecast. we will be cooler but thursday, friday, another storm of the passing with this weekend and cooling things down, dramatically. sunday, monday, now, let us go back to our live picture this is aerial footage courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. this is the fire fighting efforts that are continuing to knock down these flames. this fire broke out earlier it has destroyed a couple of homes and impacting other is we will be back. . úo úo >> pam: there was a seven alarm fire near fairfield, this is a live picture. they are in the clean up fees cleaning up any hot spots. there have been two homes destroyed. and three other homes, impacted. this started as a road side grass fire that quickly spread and overwhelmed that small, tightly knit community. mutual aid helped helping the fairfie-the fairfield fire department will continue to follow developments and be back. . unbelievable. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? a little. [ male announcer ] connect all your wi-fi-enabled devices with u-verse high speed internet. rethink possible. (male announcer) this is the bay area news station, kron 4 news starts now. >> pam: this live picture from fairfield with one of five homes that have been impacted. there were 2 homes destroyed and 3 others impacting with a seven-alarm fire at one point. the fire crews are on the scene. we will continue to follow this developing story out of fairfield. with a seven- alarm tire that quickly moved to this community along marigold drive. the other is the yosemite fight fire it is the seventh fie largest, it the seventh largest fire in california history. it has burned nearly 180,000 square miles and is nearly five times the size of san francisco and 15,000 a. are burning inside of yosemite national park. 20 percent containment it is up for impacting percent containment just 24 hours ago it has ratreached the hetch hetchy water reservoir. >> reporter: tuesday was the 11th day with over 180,000 square miles burned and they are working on containing the fire to get it under containment and also under hard pressure to get this under control. >> pam: the peninsula couple was robbed at gunpoint as they visited a local post office. rob fladeboe. >> reporter: the palo alto police said this occurred at this parking lot at this post office on east bay shore road shortly before midnight. this couple in their 50s parked and went inside to mail their letters. they were confronted by two different men were there were walking back to their car. the gunman demanded money and they escaped along east bay shore. they did not carry a cellphone and they had to wait to call 9111 they got home. they are working on a police sketch and they are only described as an african-american man is in their 20s/30's. this appears to be random. there is nothing that this could be a targeted effort at post offices however, to be vigilant to be aware of your surroundings late at night. rob fladeboe, kron 4 news. >> pam: this is aerial footage courtesy of our helicopter partnership with abc 7 news. this community on marigold drive were these fight fires have been destroying to homes and impacting three others we will be back. there have been 2 homes destroyed you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. 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yeah discover a mobile app that lets you bank more freely... and feel at home more quickly. chase. so you can. some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof! some things will. >> the yosemite fire burning has not impacted the water quality. there are teams protecting this hetch hetch y water reservoir. we will continue to keep you updated on this story. >> pam: 50 years ago tomorrow, we will keep you updated on the i have a dream march of dr. martin the talking. 50 years ago, -- today dr. martin luther king dr. martin luther king dr. martin luther king's gamal on august 28th, 1963 dr. martin luther king had a dream. 50 years later, michael yaki is joining us and you are also a member of several rights. this new poll from the washinwashington street journal saying that 54 percent there ithis is a country that people are judged on their character based on their color. and we should add that those percentages have declined since barack obama took office. what do think of the country now? >> there is a lot of hope. however, after the campaign we had people that were emotional and people were chanting racial epithats.. which was not appropriate. however, the tone has changed. you can see like issues for voting, they are really targeting and focusing on the progress made. >> we can see that this file footage is 50 years ago. there were people of all colors that filled the national mall. yet, the affirmative action do you think that the tone has changed because we have an african-american president? >> there is a bit of a division between rich and poor. it has grown, with of blast 50 years. the deep segregation has been a byproduct of the people of fluent leaving the city. >> also, what about gay rights? >> we hope that the promise of dr. martin the tricking ' s speecand the dr. martin luth's his speech is hoping that it will continue with his message. you are going to see that in 30 years the largest population is going to be the a emerging latin population of the majority. and that there is an entirely generation of multi-racial and multi- generational. many people are still hopeful. and i think that hope will still prevail. >> pam: thank you, michael. coming up will take a look at the sports in the 49ers. and the top draft pick jason has sports, coming out. up >> welcome back everyone. it's cut down time in the nfl. rosters down to 75 today before teams settle on their final 53 man squad at the end of the month so today the 49ers said goodbye to defensive end lawrence okoye the british olympian and a freak athlete who garnered interest by several teams after scoring off the charts at one of the regional combines. only thing with okoye - he had never played a down of football in his life also let go was lamar divens - the big defensive tackle who came over from the ravens. divens you may remember was the guy who was allegedly assaulted by his own teammate ahmad brooks - after givens refused to give a drunk brooks his car keys. divens didn't press charges obviously with hopes of making the you gotta wonder if he regrets that decision. >> and coach harbaugh named rookie eric reid as the starting safety today. reid was the niners first round draft pick out of lsu.taken to replace the dashon goldson who took more money to sign with the bucs. reid was penciled in to be the starter from the beginning, but now it's official. what's funny is how reid found out the good news. >> when did you find this out? >> just now la just to try to work hard and keep my spot. >> that is eric, the quarterback that was admittedly a personal matter. 49ers corner back eric wright finally reported to training camp nearly 3 weeks after they signed him.after dealing with what the niners called, "a personal matter" the 49ers then promptly placed wright on the non- football injury list, meaning he will be forced to miss at least the first six games no specific reason givenbut getting wright up to speed with the season less than two weeks away would have been a tall order >> college football season kicks off thursday with san jose state hosting sacramento state and the new era of cal football begins saturday. with jeff tedford's replacment sonny dykes leading the bears against 22nd ranked northwestern - dykes brings his "air raid" offense over from louisiana tech - and is handing the reigns over to a true freshman in quarterback jared goff - out of marin catholic goff was just named the starter over another freshman zach kline - and today was asked if he was nervous heading into his first college game but if been a very exciting. not really that worried or nervous. >> now he is playing high- school football and now. the a's still working in detroit at soggy comerica park. top 1st, no score jed lowrie flips one to right off justin verlander coco crisp and josh donaldson score 2 rbi double for lowrie 2-0 a's bottom 1st, 2-2 tie omar infante ground one to second off tommy milone and it goes under the glove of albert callaspo miguel cabrera scores tigers take 3-2 lead millone: 5 innings, 3 runs, 3 hits top 5th, 3-3 tie brandon moss crushes a home run to deep left his 22nd of the year a's take the lead 5-3 seth smith added a home run the next inning tarp has come out in the top 6th: 6-3 a's a's have the bases loaded nobody out the giants showing some rare offense tonight in colorado back to back home runs by hunter pence and pablo sandoval in the first.giants lead rockies 3 to 1 in the bottom of the 4th according to a report in forbes magazine, the astros are the most profitable team in major league baseball history. the same astros who are on pace to finish with the worst record in baseball for the 3rd straight season. the team projects to have an operating income of $99 million dollars, more than the last 6 world series champions combined. the biggest reasons: lowest payroll in baseball at $21 million, and a new tv deal, which is paying the astros $80 million dollars. >> not since nancy kerrigan- tony harding some 20 years ago have we had an olympic scandal like this. american olympic skater simon cho has been suspended for two years and banned from the winter olympics next year in russia for tampering with the skates of a canadian rival. cho has confessed to bending rival skater olivier jean's skate while alone in a locker room during the 2011 world championships - an event which cho ended up winning. cho says he didn't want to do it but was pressured by a former coach to do sowhich the coach denies >> pam: there has been a lot of controversy. jason, thank you will have an update coming up in a just one hour at 8:00 p.m. su, then. . see you, then unbelievable. shhhhh! in our day, we didn't have u-verse high speed internet. yeah, our babysitter didn't have a million ways to serve mom up on a silver platter. we had to count sheep to fall asleep. and i always worried that i was creating an overcrowded sheep farm. in my head... never looked like that farmer took proper care of those sheep. too much? 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