against her. rudy giuliani is not handling that situation, but he is here to discuss the latest word on a mueller interview. president trump can t keep omarosa s name out of his mouth and off his twitter feed, calling her a dog. why so much attention and lowlife language about someone who has nothing to back up her talk supposedly? we ll debate. and the latest florida stand your ground case has a twist. the sheriff tried to let the shooter go, but the state is bringing charges. the killer was in court, and the family of markeis mcglockton, the man he killed, is with us tonight. this is a big hour. what do you say? let s get after it. a new claim about what donald trump knew about the hacked clinton e-mails and when he knew it. meanwhile, his team is on the attack. trump and mueller are not talking yet, but will they? one person who knows maybe is here. former new york mayor and
it s okay. from a purely p.r. perspective, why would you give omarosa more oxygen if you re the president? the best thing the president could have done is simply ignore her. that s a good point. symone, david just made a great point. when you don t sweat somebody, when you don t fear what they know or what they can do to you, you know what you do? you ignore them. ignore them. you don t empower them. that s what the mayor just said about the guy who that s what he said about wayne barrett, but trump has never done that, certainly not with omarosa. he s taking legal action against her. the fact of the matter here is there s two things. one, omarosa has a very long history with the president. she knows him very well. that means she knows what can push his buttons. if there s one thing i know omarosa personally. if there s one thing she s skilled in is getting all the way up someone s skin. that s what she s done here with president trump. we know that president trump cann
cannot guarantee that you will never hear the president of the united states use the n-word on tape? that last statement you made just about says it all, that here we are. we re living in a time now where the representative for the president of the united states cannot deny unequivocally, cannot say that this she can t say that the president didn t say the n-word, that there s not a tape out there. i can t when i look at the headline, i cannot believe it. when i looked at her answer, i could not believe it. and to say that what he does, what he s doing with omarosa, listen, omarosa is they both deserve each other. but to say that he s not using some sort of coded language when he calls her a dog, i think that s being disingenuous because he does that to so many people of color and women. and when he does it, here s the difference. he can keep his deniability by not outright calling people
house. this is omarosa is a reflection of who the president puts his trust in. fair point? she didn t have a high position. so clinton went through two people before he got an attorney general. he got two of them and donald trump put pete sessions in there, who was supposedly his best friend, and now it would have been jeff sessions, not pete sessions. pete sessions is a good congressman in texas. if jeff had a nanny problem, probably a lot better. remember the first two clinton people had nanny problems. jeff sessions had to recuse himself from an entire investigation. i don t know why he didn t come to the president with that. i really don t know. i don t know what the hell he s doing now. well, because his main duty was to the administration of justice, and he recused himself because he had to because he was fatally conflicted. okay. if he believed that, he should have told the president beforehand. beforehand before he got confirmed by the senate by
president. she talked to the president. she asked him specifically. he denied it. i take lynne patton s and the president s word in this case over omarosa s word. the problem for the president is he s been a repeat offender as a liar. so we can t take his word, and at this point sarah huckabee sanders word from the white house podium. you know lynne patton. she s as honest as the day is long. i do not know her. you know omarosa. which is why i think if omarosa says she has receipts, she ll provide them. we ll see. we only know what she can show. to both of you, thank you for making the arguments. appreciate it. all right. thanks. be well. stand your ground. that s the controversial self-defense law that often seems to translate into, i can kill you if i want to. it s under close scrutiny again in florida. you remember the killing of an unarmed black man over a parking space last month? i know you haven t heard about it for a while, but please pay attention to this no