Pictured from left Tuesday are Maddox Henry, Bob Triscari of Aadvance Driver Training, and Hayley Clark. Despite limitations at young ages, Henry and Clark both recently passed their driving tests with the help of Triscari.
P-J photo by Eric Tichy
CELORON At a young age, Hayley Clark wasn’t sure if she’d ever be able to get behind the wheel of a car. At 6 years old she suffered a stroke, which limited some of the use of her extremities.
“When I was little I never thought I’d be able to drive at all,” she said. “I was told that I wouldn’t be able to use my right hand at all.”
Waterlogging in Jashore
Our Correspondent
3rd March, 2021 11:29:32
JASHORE: Waterlogging has always remained a permanent problem in south-western region since 1982, according to the district Water Development Board (WDB) sources.
Although more efforts have been given by WDB to remove waterlogging, a permanent solution to the problem is still a far cry.
Thousands of people have been suffering due to tidal water that remains dormant in the area on the country’s south-western part for most of the year.
But the farmers with their own initiative are trying to tackle the odd with boro cultivation. Boro cultivation has started with the construction of embankment with their own funds.