The latest report on bullion sales from the Royal Canadian Mint didn't contain any surprises and revealed a slight drop in revenue and slight increase in gold sales.
AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin
This afternoon’s cocktail is called Jenna Ellis. It’s sweet but will knock you out. Especially if your name is Liz Cheney:
Ketel One Mint & Cucumber vodka
Diet tonic
lime wedge (squeeze the lime into the drink)
I can’t be the only one who wants to see the Ellis-Cheney bout. Reading Ellis’ tweet challenging Cheney to a debate about voter fraud brought me back to jr. high school, when uncool but cute girl “Monica” challenged “Kathy” the obnoxious jock girl from a large, obnoxious jock family to a schoolyard duel. Kathy was shooting her mouth off about how stupid Monica was, struggling to be popular with her Sears jeans, (not Jordache), braces, and “girly Trapper Keeper.” Kathy may have been a volleyball/basketball star but throwing dukes wasn’t her calling. Monica boxed her like a Little Caesar’s pizza.