“If you are investing for the long term, then midcaps and smallcaps are more often than not going to give you better returns. If you are looking for a short-term horizon, then midcaps and small caps can be volatile and can be risky. Sometimes largecaps outperform midcaps and sometimes midcaps outperform smallcaps. But for the long term, the Nifty 500 benchmark can be a better choice where you have all the largecap, midcap and smallcap segments.”
Investors can expect 12-16% returns on mutual fund SIPs in the long run, with a monthly SIP of ₹1 lakh making an individual a crorepati in 5 years and 10 months
There are 18 pharma-healthcare sector funds, including seven passively managed schemes, which manage assets worth Rs 15,240 crore as on June 30, 2023. Some of these schemes invest in healthcare stocks listed overseas. Are they offering good value?