heavily armed left wing militia group, the guys dressed likeft storm troopers in black masks, you remember them, of course. well, from a summer of 2020, they burned our cities thatcitis year. churches and police stations and courthouses. thw, the point of the violence they committed, the extensive violence and the killings they committed was to defeat donald they cos donald trump, make the country so chaotic thatc voters would want to change. ero they were effective in doing that. so effective.tive t the kamalahat harris herselfjal raised money to bail them out e of jail.nd a the end. antifa played a pivotal role in our presidential election that more so than any other organized bloc of voters. thepresidn the moment joe bin was inaugurated antifa seemed to disappear, nobody asked any questions about where they went, much less about who they were or who was paying them. they d serve their purpose. and then they left. so in retrospect, it s very clear who antifa was and i
candy, mielke way, skittles,m&ms snickers and most famously w, uu eminem s, which they claim melts in your mouth but not in your hand. but over time, churning outchuri delicious and highly lucrative calorie bombs was not enough ngfor mars. not en its executives wanted to be starbucks. sure, product isn t healthy, but we ror. e okay, so please don te notice. so in its ad campaigns, mar s. said about making its m&m characters as unattractive as possible, because when you re intentionally repulsive, it s clear you ve got the right politics. bo the green m&me as monster, boots, the brown m&m, her stiletto heels, the orange m&m. meanwhile,e orange became a posy for the mental health crisis and would henceforth quote, acknowledge and embrace his anxiety because america badly need s more neurotic candy. then late last year, mars went further. the company added obese and distinctly frumpy m&m to promote, quote, feminism body positivity. in other words, explain the mars corporation. oo it s
with the hair. and the hundred foot wall. bring that picture back. i ll tell you something, whenever i get in a bad mood, i picture his big, fat, orange m face. oh, jeb. it s a plot twist that i turned out to be the smart one. [ applause ] of course, i wish you would have asked me about the exclamation point on the end of his name. look, i don t like the taste of broccoli, but it doesn t get any tastier if you call it broccoli! okay. so that was will ferrell, who was mocking donald trump for his touted mexico wall, while jabbing at his fake brother jeb bush for his low energy.