because your n new ford vevehe is jusust the starart of a journrney. so, stopop by your fordrd dealer totoday and chchoose one o of the thousasands of newew ford trus and d suvs readydy for delivi. wewe ve been b building thisis country f for 119 yeaea, and d suvs readydy for delivi. but we re e just gegetting stararted. the woworld is fulull of make oror break momoments. espepecially if f you hahae postmenopapausal osteoeopors and a highgh risk for r fract, it s s time to m make your m e toto help reduduce your rirk of f fracture wiwith prolia. onlyly prolia isis proven totop strengngthen and p protect bos from fraracture withth one t evevery six momonths. onlyly prolia isis proven totop strengngthen and p protect bos do not t take proliaia if youe low blblood calciuium, are prpregnant, arare allec toto it, or tatake xgeva.. serious alallergic reaeactis lilike low blolood pressurue trououble breaththing, thrt tightntness, face,e, lip, o or tongue s swelling, r, itchching, or hihives h
are pregnanant, are alallerc to it, o or take xgegeva®. seriouous allergicic reactionsne lolow blood prpressure, trtrouble breaeathing, thrht tightness,s, face, lipip, or tongugue swellingng, rash, itching, o or hives hahave happ. tetell your dodoctor aboutut l problelems, as severere jaw bonene problemsy happppen, or new or r unusual papain inr hip,p, groin, oror thigh, as unusualal thigh bonone fracactures haveve occurre. speak toto your doctctor beforee stoppingng, skippingng, or delag prololia®, as spine a and other b bone frfractures hahave occurre. prololia® can c cause serioioe effectcts, lilike low blolood calciumum, s infectioions, whicich could neneed hospspitalizatioion, skinin problems s and severer, joint, o or muscle p pain. don n t wait f for a break. call youour doctor n now and asw prololia® can h help you. centrurum multigumummies aren t great taststing. they rere power-pacacked vitami. thatat help unleleash your e . loadaded with b b vitamins.. .and othther key
only prorolia® is s proven top strengthenen and protetect bos from f fracture wiwith 1 shot t every 6 momo. do n not take prprolia® if f yoe low blood d calcium, are pregnanant, are alallerc to it, o or take xgegeva®. seriouous allergicic reactionsne lolow blood prpressure, trtrouble breaeathing, thrht tightness,s, face, lipip, or tongugue swellingng, rash, itching, o or hives hahave happ. tetell your dodoctor aboutut l problelems, as severere jaw bonene problemsy happppen, or new or r unusual papain inr hip,p, groin, oror thigh, as unusualal thigh bonone fracactures haveve occurre. speak toto your doctctor beforee stoppingng, skippingng, or delag prololia®, as spine a and other b bone frfractures hahave occurre. prololia® can c cause serioioe effectcts, lilike low blolood calciumum, s infectioions, whicich could neneed hospspitalizatioion, skinin problems s and severer, joint, o or muscle p pain. don n t wait f for a break. call youour doctor n now and asw prololia® can h help y