I started thinking, well there’s no memorial for these Afghanistan and these Iraq veterans. I said to myself right then and there, if I do this table thing and pull the trigger on it, I’ll have the ability to make that happen and that’s what I’m going to do," Rick Baker said.
I started thinking, well there’s no memorial for these Afghanistan and these Iraq veterans. I said to myself right then and there, if I do this table thing and pull the trigger on it, I’ll have the ability to make that happen and that’s what I’m going to do," Rick Baker said.
I started thinking, well there’s no memorial for these Afghanistan and these Iraq veterans. I said to myself right then and there, if I do this table thing and pull the trigger on it, I’ll have the ability to make that happen and that’s what I’m going to do," Rick Baker said.
I started thinking, well there’s no memorial for these Afghanistan and these Iraq veterans. I said to myself right then and there, if I do this table thing and pull the trigger on it, I’ll have the ability to make that happen and that’s what I’m going to do," Rick Baker said.
I started thinking, well there’s no memorial for these Afghanistan and these Iraq veterans. I said to myself right then and there, if I do this table thing and pull the trigger on it, I’ll have the ability to make that happen and that’s what I’m going to do," Rick Baker said.