‘2,220 patients received treatment under Aarogyasri scheme in Anantapur’
Pvt. hospitals halt new admissions under non-Aarogyasri category for want of oxygen beds
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Pvt. hospitals halt new admissions under non-Aarogyasri category for want of oxygen beds
Private and government hospitals in Anantapur district empanelled under Aarograsri have so far treated 2,220 COVID-19 patients under the scheme in the second wave.
As of Wednesday, over 5,000 patients in total have received treatment in all hospitals in non-oxygen-supported wards, oxygen-supported wards and ICU since the beginning of the the second wave. Out of them, 2,220 patients enrolled for Aarogyasri, the scheme district coordinator Kiran Kumar Reddy told The Hindu.