Palau authorities detain illegal PRC fishing boat, crew
The Guardian, KOROR, PALAU
A Chinese fishing vessel and its 28 crew have been detained in Palau, authorities said, creating a delicate diplomatic situation for the Pacific island nation, which is allied with Taiwan.
The boat, alleged to have been illegally harvesting sea cucumber, was intercepted by a patrol boat at Helen Reef, in Palau’s territorial waters, and escorted to the main island of Koror.
“They did have sea cucumber on there . it’s estimated about 500 pounds [227kg],” Palauan Bureau of Maritime Security and Fish and Wildlife Director Victor Remengesau said.
Sea cucumber known on international markets as beche-de-mer is a lucrative harvest for fishing crews across the Pacific. A Samoan court heard this year the animals fetch up to US$800 per kilogram in Asian markets, citing a Pacific Community report.