Palm Springs is offering to buy the land originally planned to become COD's West Valley Campus, so long as the college completes the project in its new property.
Only 9% of Black people vaccinated in Riverside County so far, community members aim to improve stats
New numbers from Riverside County show that less than 10 percent of the local Black community has been vaccinated so far.
News Channel 3’s Madison Weil spoke with community members hoping to improve that statistic.
Yvonne Dove is a volunteer at Desert Regional Medical Center. She just received her second dose of the Moderna vaccine on Friday.
“I feel awesome,” said Dove.
Same goes for Larry Jacobs, a Cytotechnology Specialist who works at the center.
“I feel good. No issues,” said Jacobs.
Both shared their own experiences with News Channel 3, hoping to set an example for others.