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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20181128 01:30:00

first flight. he's got to do it again. >> harness in this time. >> world news with david muir is next. tonight, several developing tonight, breaking news as we come on the air in the west. the scare at wall per reed medical center. authorities racing to the scene, guns drawn. and what the u.s. navy said late today. the terrifying moments as an apartment complex goes up in flames. more than 100 firefighters responding. many going door-to-door to get families out. then the mayday call. firefighters trapped. the president and his new threat against gm. after general motors announces its cutting thousands of jobs in ohio, michigan and maryland, what the president is now warning unless gm changes course. does he have the power to do it? the new and alarming numbers tonight. the faces of the children coming down with what seems like the common cold, but it can lead to partial paralysis. the polio-like illness, and where they're seeing cases now. three american service members killed. an ied blowing up their armored vehicle. the deadliest day in afghanistan this year, and just months after our own team was with troops as they discovered one of those ieds. the video just out tonight, the pit bull attack in a school. several young students injured. the first responders and the teacher who helped stop it from getting worse. and the american, the first time he ever went hang gliding, but the instructor forgot to attach the safety harness. tonight, that american describing hanging on for dear life. good evening. and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. and we have several breaking stories. and we begin with that emergency alert that went out at walter reed medical center in bethesda, maryland. warning of an active shooter scene. it prompted a massive police response. people there running for cover, tweeting loved ones about the ar authorities with their guns drawn. u.s. navy officials then saying it was just a drill, and tonight, the navy saying just moments ago that this active shooter scare was the result of, quote, improper use of a mass notification system. abc's david kerley leading us off. >> reporter: tonight, details of that scare at walter reed medical center. early reports of an active shooter, people sent scrambling. it was a large response of s.w.a.t. teams and police converging on the military hospital. it turns out a unit was preparing for an active shooter drill when someone activated a notification system. an alert going out without declaring that it was only a drill. security then notified local and state police. a member of congress among those inside the hospital, sent into a panic. >> i'm going to check with the defense department and find out who was in charge of this. you know, why did it happen this way? because people could have been hurt. a lot of anxiety that we didn't need to have. >> reporter: the hospital was put on lockdown, patients and staff moved to secure locations. >> it was a tense time. david kerley joins us live from washington. and david, let's go back to that statement they just put out before we came on the air tonight. the navy saying that this was because of improper use of the hospital's emergency alert system? >> reporter: they were preparing to do this exercise, david, and somebody inadvertently started the notification, it's called a mass notification system. the problem is, the text didn't include the word drill or exercise. a major scare from a mistake. >> david kerley leading us off tonight. david, thank you. there was another scare that played out today, this time, in dallas. and it was very real. more than 100 firefighters racing to the scene when a condominium complex went up in flames. those firefighters going door-to-door, pounding on them to get families out. part of the building then collapsing, and a mayday call going out. several firefighters were trapped. abc's marcus moore is on the scene tonight. >> reporter: it started at 9:15 this morning. >> we got a lot of smoke inside. we got a lot of people, we need to start evacuating these buildings. >> reporter: this dallas condos engulfed in an inferno. firefighters going door-to-door, racing to get families to safety. those red hot flames sending residents scrambling. >> things started imploding. and you could see people's stuff going up in smoke. >> reporter: parts of the building collapsing, as more than 100 firefighters worked to douse the flames. there are times when the smoke is building and choking as this fight continues. at one point, the roof collapsed and three firefighters had to be rescued when a floor fell in. >> fourth alarm. we have a mayday at this time. >> reporter: these firefighters were essentially trapped? >> they were trapped inside. it was a floor that was above them that collapsed into the unit that they were in. and it cut off their means of egress. >> reporter: a rapid intervention item finding those firefighters, finally pulling them from the building. >> and marcus moore joins us live tonight from the scene there in dallas. and marcus, those firefighters are all expected to be okay? >> reporter: that's right, david. all three firefighters and a resident were treated for injuries, but they are expected to be okay. and one official told me, if it had not been for that rapid intervention team going in so quickly, david, this would have been far worse. >> just an incredible scene playing out in dallas today. marcus, thank you. we're going to turn next tonight to the president and his threat against general motors today, after gm announced plans to cut thousands of jobs in ohio, michigan and maryland. the news just weeks before christmas. tonight, the president is now threatening to withdraw subsidies if gm doesn't change course. but does he have the power to do that? abc's eva pilgrim is in michigan with the american workers asking, how could this happen? >> reporter: tonight, the president taking aim on gm with a threat, after the largest automaker in the u.s. announced it was shutting down five plants and eliminating nearly 15,000 jobs. the president tweeting, "very disappointed with general motors and their ceo, mary barra, for closing plants in ohio, michigan and maryland. nothing being closed in mexico and china. the u.s. saved general motors, and this is the thanks we get! we are now looking at cutting all gm subsidies, including for electric cars." the threat comes after the president vented his frustration directly at ceo mary barra. >> i spoke to her and i expressed the fact that i am not happy with what she did. >> reporter: tonight, gm responding, saying it needs to "support growth in trucks and suvs." that consumer demand forced them to eliminate low-selling cars. for workers here in detroit, shock and devastation. john sanker is a father of three. >> it's scary, because a lot of jobs are going to be lost and everybody's afraid of what they're going to do for their families. >> reporter: tara gress has worked with gm for 19 years. >> they just -- we're just a number now. >> reporter: this cutback undermining the promise president trump made on the campaign trail. >> let me tell folks in ohio and this area, don't sell your house. we're going to get those values up. we're going to get those jobs coming back, and we're going to fill up those factories or rip them down and build brand new ones. >> reporter: gm also profiting from the president's tax cut, the company saying they've gotten a benefit of $157 million this year. democrat tim ryan of ohio attacking the president. >> he does nothing but try to divide the country and start culture wars, and behind the scenes, the american worker is getting screwed by a company that got one of his huge tax cuts. >> eva joins us live outside detroit tonight, and eva, we heard the threats from the president there. can the president target these subsidies, take them away, in effect, without congress helping him? >> reporter: david, the president cannot act on this issue without congress, and the idea that congress would pass legislation targeting a specific company is highly unlikely. david? >> eva pilgrim in michigan again tonight. eva, thank you. there is also developing news tonight in the mueller investigation. we learned overnight the plea deal with former trump campaign chairman paul manafort has fallen apart. mueller's team claiming manafort lied several times. so, what now? is manafort signaling he wants a pardon? is mueller using this to prepare his next move? here's abc's chief white house correspondent jonathan karl tonight. >> reporter: with special counsel robert mueller expected to be nearing the end of his investigation, a major development. a cooperation deal with key witness paul manafort has broken down. mueller accusing the former trump campaign chairman of lying repeatedly to the fbi. manafort has already pled guilty to other charges and faces the possibility of spending the rest of his life in prison. could manafort now be hoping for a pardon from the president? hours after the deal broke down, the president offered some of his harsh attacks yet on the special counsel, tweeting, "wait until it comes out how horribly and viciously they are treating people, ruining lives for them refusing to lie. mueller is a conflicted prosecutor gone rogue." given what the president said this morning, that robert mueller is ruining people's lives, is he considering a pardon for paul manafort or for others who were prosecuted and have been prosecuted by mueller? >> i'm not aware of any conversations for anyone's pardon involving this process. >> reporter: but with a new acting attorney general who has also criticized mueller, could the president finally pull the plug on the investigation? and if i can follow up, he also said this morning that mueller is doing tremendous damage to the criminal justice system. if that's true, is he considering picking up the phone, calling his acting attorney general and saying, fire robert mueller? >> look, i think that the president has had robert mueller doing his job for the last two years and he could have taken action at any point and he hasn't. >> reporter: is he ruling it out now? >> so we'll let that speak for itself. he has no intent to do anything. >> all right, so, let's to jonathan karl, with us live tonight from the white house. jon, there's been a lot of talk about the possibility of a government shutdown if the president doesn't get the funding for the border wall that he wants. but if there is a shutdown, tonight, the special counsel is now on the record about what would happen to robert mueller's investigation? >> reporter: in fact, we saw something from the special counsel that we almost never see from them, david, a public statement. in this statement, the office of robert mueller said that their investigation will continue regardless of whether or not there is a government shutdown. >> very rare public statement tonight. jon karl, our thanks to you. we're going to turn next here to the deadliest day this year for american service members fighting in afghanistan. three u.s. troops were killed when an ied exploded. it's the very danger that our team saw first-hand with the troops while reporting from the front lines in afghanistan. witnessing the moment they had to detonate it before moving forward. abc's senior foreign correspondent ian pannell on what was a very deadly day. >> reporter: the americans were traveling in a heavily armored vehicle like this when it hit a roadside bomb. killing three, wounding three more, in the deadliest day for american forces this year. we traveled with the troops in these vehicles in afghanistan this summer.l th u. spial forces, we showed u das ththeye plate? in ome down the valley >> reporter: too big tp eame unh david, america is sitting down ngtrho importans.t ea pat david?onnuing his rtpore back here omro hats.w,noe l be okay.ct sw. this semi jackknifed on i-90, that's in erie, pennsylvania, already arrived. this ferry, you can see, to meteorologist rob marciano, tracking it all live for us again tonight. >> reporter: hi, david. we're still dealing with thi ng oemff n the coast of maine. it's all snow. record snow, as a matter of fact, in burli the ke eect ow machine ingn.s to cranking south of buffalo right now.anh utwe. 80-mile-per-hour wint as l but an even stronger storm will come in tomorrow night, bringing in, yes, beneficial rains and hefty mountain snow. but heavy rains over the areas that got burned by wildfires this month, and we're concerned about mudslides later this week. david? >> all right, we're watching both coasts tonight. rob, thank you. we're going to turn now to a terrifying scene inside a school in oklahoma. a pit bull getting into the school and authorities say attacking children, third and fourth graders. several were taken to the hospital, and now body cam video tonight showing how first responders and a teacher helped stop the dog. here's abc's kayna whitworth. >> is it in the school? >> yes! >> reporter: tonight, this police body cam footage showing the frantic moments -- >> get in the classroom now! >> reporter: -- after a teacher tackled a pit bull at an oklahoma elementary school. it ran into a playground where about 30 students were out for recess a week ago monday. >> this wild put bull got loose and it's like attacking the kids. >> there's like four, maybe five kids that said they were bit. >> reporter: more than a dozen children were injured. five taken to the hospital by ambulance. 8-year-old alexander bit in the leg. >> he was, like, kind for a minute, but then he got, like, rough and he started biting people. >> hold on, hold on. just in case it slips out. >> reporter: officers finally able to leash the pit bull and lead it out of the school. tonight, the dog being held by animal control. police still looking for its owner. david, all of those children are going to be okay. officials think the pit bull got onto school grounds through a gate that had been left open. david? >> all right, kayna whitworth tonight. kayna, thanks. there is an alarming new headline about that mystery outbreak affecting children, now spreading across the country. the cdc tonight confirming 116 cases now in 31 states. they're investigating 170 more cases. as we've reported here, it can start like the common cold, then the rare condition brings on polio-like symptoms, partial paralysis among them. here's abc's erielle reshef tonight. >> reporter: growing concern tonight over that rare but mysterious illness striking mainly children. the number of cases of acute flaccid myelitis, or afm, nearly doubling in just the last month. it can start like the common cold, but lead to polio-like symptoms like paralysis and trouble breathing. 8-year-old tahi toya first had a sinus infection, then lost strength in his left arm. >> tahi had a droopy face, he lost his core strength, so he was unable to sit up without assistance. >> reporter: there's no cure for afm, and half of patients don't fully recover. but tahi tonight is getting stronger after a cutting edge surgery that moved healthy nerves from his rib to his arm. >> microsurgically, what we're doing is disconnecting a nerve from one muscle and tunneling it to a new target. >> reporter: and david, the best hope for success of that surgery is within the first 18 months of diagnosis. experts say the chances of getting afm, one in a million, but the cdc is now tracking this closely. david? >> all right, we'll stay on it. erielle, thank you. we're also following a goment development involving that boeing jet that crash eed into the java sea. data now from a black box revealing a fatal tug of war between the indonesian crew and an automatic boeing safety system, with the computer putting the jet nose down while the pilots were trying to pull up, more than two dozen times before the crash. authorities say they should have shut off that system. all 189 onboard were killed. there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this tuesday. the father, eager to reveal the gender of the baby coming, and the disaster that followed. the dad firing at a target to reveal whether it was a boy or a girl. it then ignited a massive wildfire that grew quickly. p the new image coming in tonight. the selfie sent back from mars after nasa scientists stuck the landing. the new images coming in just tonight. and you might have heard about this today. tonight, we hear from the american, the first time he ever went hang gliding, but the instructor forgot to attach the safety harness. tonight, he describes how he tore a bicep and much more. how he held on for dear life. this is incredible. we'll be right back. save up to % when you bundle with esurance. including me, esurance spokesperson dennis quaid. he's a pretty good spokesperson. ehhh. so when i say, "drivers who switched from geico to esurance saved an average of $412," you probably won't believe me. hey, actor lady whose scene was cut. hi. but you can believe this esurance employee, nancy abraham. seriously, send her an email and ask her yourself. no emails... no emails. when insurance is affordable, it's surprisingly painless. but he has plans today.ain. hey dad. so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. i'm missing out on our family outings because i can't find a bladder leakage product that fits. everything was too loose. but depend® fit-flex feels tailored to me. with a range of sizes for all body types. depend® fit-flex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit. tremfya® is for adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. with tremfya®, you can get clearer. and stay clearer. in fact, most patients who saw 90% clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. ask your doctor about tremfya®. tremfya®. because you deserve to stay clearer. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options. next tonight here, we hear from the american who went on his first hang gliding ride, but the instructor forgot to attach the passenger's harness. gio benitez on the man who broke his wrist and tore his bicep while trying to survive. >> three, two, one, go. run, run, run! >> reporter: chris gursky of florida knew his first hang glide in switzerland would be memorable, but not like this. he and his instructor take off, only to realize he is not attached to the glider. he's holding on for dear life. one hand on the bar, the other tightly around that instructor. >> i was in survival mode. i just locked on, held on as hard as i could. >> reporter: the instructor tries to make an emergency landing, but he can't control it. the glider just goes higher and higher. gursky starts losing his grip. the instructor grabs gursky's hand, all while flying the glider with one hand. >> i didn't have much grip left in me at all. my hand was opening, i was slipping. i had his pant leg, that was about it. i thought to myself, "this is it, i'm going to fall to my death, i'm a goner." >> reporter: finally, the instructor gets that glider closer to the ground and gursky lets go, breaking his wrist. and david, gursky also tore his bicep from holding on. the swiss hang gliding association is now investigating. david? >> that is just incredible. all right, gio, thanks. we're glad he's alive and well. and when we come back here tonight, there is breaking news coming in in the search for a missing student abducted from her home as she was waiting to go to school. s. essential for pine trees, but maybe not for people with rheumatoid arthritis. because there are options. like an "unjection™". xeljanz xr. a once-daily pill for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well enough. xeljanz xr can reduce pain, swelling and further joint damage, even without methotrexate. xeljanz xr can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections, lymphoma and other cancers have happened. don't start xeljanz xr if you have an infection. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz xr, and monitor certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you were in a region where fungal infections are common and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. needles. fine for some things. but for you, one pill a day may provide symptom relief. ask your doctor about xeljanz xr. an "unjection™". ♪ ♪ no matter when you retire, your income doesn't have to. see how lincoln can help ensure you still have income every month of your retirement, guaranteed, at you might or joints.hing for your heart... but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. to the index of other news, and that developing headline in the search for a missing teen we have reported on here. the fbi confirming a body has now been found in north carolina, in the search for 13-year-old hania aguilar. missing for three weeks now, after she was abducted in front of her lumberton home. the girl's family has been notified tonight, but authorities have not confirmed the identity. newly released video tonight of a father revealing the gender of their baby on the way in arizona. it went terribly wrong. he's an offduty border agent. he set up a target in the foothills south of tucson. firing at it, you see the blue smoke, but it started the massive sawmill wildfire that burned 45,000 acres. that dad has now pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor, agreeing to pay more than $200,000 in restitution. a passing to report tonight. stephen hillenburg, the creator of "spongebob squarepants," has died after a battle with lou gehrig's disease, or als. the emmy-winning cartoon series launched in 1999, featuring the iconic character and his undersea world. he is survived by a wife and son. hillenburg was 57. and the new selfie in tonight from the surface of mars. nasa releasing this image from the insight lander, taken from a camera mounted to the robotic arm. scientists will now determine the best place to dig into the red planet. stay tuned. when we come back, wouldn't we all love to start our day like this? 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Transcripts for CNN Forensic Files II 20240604 07:10:00

dozens of plastic zip ties, presumably used to bind both victims, and among the various items of tanya's clothing, one item stood out. scharf: they found tanya's pants, which eventually were found to have semen on the pant leg. narrator: they also took swabs from tanya's body during her autopsy. and so they kept some of the vaginal swabs, and they retained them, frozen, in the laboratory. narrator: but this was 1987, and dna science was in its infancy. in fact, the first-ever conviction using dna evidence happened in england just weeks before jay and tanya's murders. collins: when these murders happened in 1987, we weren't using dna testing. it hadn't been brought into the lab yet. narrator: despite being relatively unfamiliar with dna technology, analysts realized


Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 03:56:00

collapsed down my shoulder. that is not as good as a book. that is not as good as keeping her composure while a puck crossed up your pant leg. what did you have? >> the most obvious one is during the freddy gray coverage. we're covering a purpose and walking along with protesters. they were angry. one or two of them tried to drag the but for me. we had a pulling contests. i hung on to the mic. he and i actually became friends later on. because everyone in the neighborhood saw that, and i did not overreact to the, i become -- loved baltimore. >> thank you guys very much for sharing those. the new scientific discovery about understanding evolution. evidence of a mysterious human species discovered 100,000 years before modern humans. thank you so much for watching tonight. our coverage continues now. ly pay for what you need.


Transcripts for CNN CNN News Central 20240604 17:54:00

just happened. where the [ bleep ] am i going to land a freaking plane? i'm going to die. that's why i always fly with a parachute. thank you, god, thank you, universe, thank you, higher power for watching over me. i'm going to start walking out of here. >> reporter: one more thing we've got to point out, this was in all the youtube comments, jacob appears to have a fire extinguisher back there tucked into his pant leg. you can see it by his boot. typically not something you would do in a small airplane. so the department of justice says in this plea deal that jacob admitted to essentially trying to cover up that this was an intentional act and he misled investigators, sending them on this goose chase, essentially saying he didn't know where the wreckage was, even though it's clear here he did. jacob lied to investigators that he did not know the wreckage's location, according to the plea agreement. in fact, on december 10th, 2021,


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240604 23:55:00

>> there is a second. >> it is a very specific number. that is the person doing it. he it just seems strange that someone would purchase a ticket for that. >> and work at the theater. >> it's an inside job. to keep they can't be actually p pooping in the aisle they have to be smuggling it in. >> or it falls out of a pant leg . people don't do that intentionally. >> i would smuggle it in under my hat. >> wow, i think poop detective


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Gutfeld 20240604 03:55:00

>> there is a second. >> it is a very specific number. that is the person doing it. he it just seems strange that someone would purchase a ticket for that. >> and work at the theater. >> it's an inside job. to keep they can't be actually p pooping in the aisle they have to be smuggling it in. >> or it falls out of a pant leg . people don't do that intentionally. >> i would smuggle it in under my hat. >> wow, i think poop detective is stuck.


Transcripts for CNN CNN Newsroom 20240604 14:30:00

slippers which had blood on them. on the exterior ana and brian walshe contributed to the dna found on those slippers. the tyvek suit, on the interior cuffs anna and brian walshe contributed to the dna that was left on them. on the exterior partially -- on the exterior left pant leg ana walshe contributed to the dna. on the interior right sleeve ana walshe was a contributor to the dna that was found on the tyvek suit. there was tissues which found that ana walshe contributed to. dna. there was one other earlier google search which you will note on december 27th defendant googled what's the best state to divorce. rather than divorce it is believed that brian walshe dismembered ana walshe and discarded her body. the bags were later discarded in


Transcripts for CNN New Day Weekend 20240604 11:09:00

but a choice between two distinct visions of america. listen to how the vice president framed this last night. >> contraception is on the line, marriage equality is on the line. with republican party leaders in charge, health care is on the line. social security would be on the line. med carry icare would be on the. good jobs and fair wages for working families on the line. >> now, nowhere is this message more res informant than in pennsylvania. this was the president's 19th visit to the state. he, of course was born in pennsylvania, and last night he pulled up a pant leg and showed a phillies sock. of course, they're in the world series. the president is not on the campaign trail this weekend. his wife, dr. jill biden, will be in new hampshire. vice president kamala harris will be in maryland. the president plans to cast his


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:17:00

the next photo, taken at 5:32, shows travis on the floor, bleeding profusely around the neck. in the foreground is what looks like a woman's pant leg. according to the prosecutor, it could only be jodi's. ryan burns testified, telling the court the same story he told us about how jodi visited him in utah one day after killing travis. >> she got on top of me pretty aggressively, and we were kissing. >> martinez then played for the jury powerful video of jodi lying outright to mesa police detective esteban flores just before her arrest. >> why won't you admit to it? >> i just can't. i didn't kill travis. >> you killed him. >> no. >> jodi, you did. >> i did not. >> an accusation that would make many people crumble. but jodi persistently stuck to her


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 08:16:00

after this picture was taken the repeated stabbing of travis alexander began. maricopa county medical examiner kevin horn testified that cuts on travis's hands help explain what happened, as he was stabbed 27 times, nearly decapitated, and shot in the head. >> i believe the wounds to the hands must have occurred before the fatal injuries either of the head or of the throat. >> at 5:31 the camera snaps what seems to be an accidental photo of the bathroom ceiling. the next photo, taken at 5:32, shows travis on the floor, bleeding profusely around the neck. in the foreground is what looks like a woman's pant leg. according to the prosecutor, it could only be jodi's. ryan


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