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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140501 10:00:00

the not so smooth criminal arrived at the san francisco court in a stolen car and was promptly arrested by police once again. >> we appreciate you joining us today. thank you so much. >> have a great day. "fox & friends" starts now. >> bye. good morning everyone. it is thursday, theç first of may, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we begin with a fox news alert. torrential rains soaking the country. one sink hole the size of a city block and more water on the day. we have tips you need to survive a flash flood. >> tension in the white house has the administration scrambeling e-mails linking the white house to a benghazi coverup. >> why did it take a court case for you to release this? >> i can say this again and again, this document was not about tkpwepbgz. >> not about benghazi? >> then why was the e-mail titled benghazi, mr. carney. >> russiaç pushing back on sanctions saying that bear on a trampoline is now your own only ticket to space. wow. >> shepherd must be happy. >> mornings, according to everyone we talk to, are better with friends. >> welcome back to "fox & friends." >> gabe kaplan. i will miss those guys. >> what did they say? put a rubber hose up your nose?ç mr. carter! >> funny what people remember. >> that's horseshack. he passed away. >> anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. she'll be back tomorrow. >> there was epstein, washington and barberino. >> you tune to a news channel for the news, and for that we turn to heather nauert. >> we've got breaking news from the south. parts of it we're talking about could be weather related. we begin with a fox news alert. there was a gas explosion and it hit a florida jail leaving two inmates dead this morning. more than 100 prisoners and corrections officers have been hurt. this happened in pensacola, florida. the explosion inside the jail central booking area caused part of it to collapse. no word on what causedç the blast but that area has been hit with heavy flooding. we'll keep you posted. millions of folks across the east coast are in the grip of a storm that just won't quit. relentless rain in pensacola, florida, causing this road to collapse, swallowing a truck. the driver inside that truck managed to make it out believe. mobile, alabama, an elderly woman was one of those who had to be rescued. fire fighters carried her to safety after her car was stranded on a flooded street. a little girl in a kayak in her family livingç room. her family was trapped in their home in two feet of water. the only way to try to keep that little girl dry. >> in a botched execution of an oklahoma inmate, sparking a lot of outrage this morning and now calls for moratoriums on legal injections. witnesses at the execution report a grizzly scene after one of his veins ruptured when he was injected with an experimental cocktail of lethal drugs. >> he was trying to move his head up from the gurney, trying to move his shoulders from the gurney and moving his legs. this is when they closed the curtain because it became very clear that whatever was happening was too dramatic for the media to see. >> the guy died 45 minutes later of a heart attack. a boat washed ashore in washington state and it could be from that deadly trenami two years ago. boat was covered in vegetation and shells. police say there are some sort of asian symbols on the hull of the boat leading to speculation it was from the tsunami. those are your headlines. i'll be back with more later. >> heather, thank you very much. brian, let's talk little bit about benghazi. at fox, we've been telling you this is a story we personally have talked to people who were there. we have heard stories about what's gone on. now it has started"uz hit the fan. with that e-mail that was released by the white house to judicial watch after they sued them, we now know that the white house had a conspiracy where essentially what they were trying to do was change the story. let's blame that video; right, on what happened over in libya, in benghazi on that night where four brave americans died. well, now we know that there was a coverup as well because they had redacted, they crossed out all the stuff. then finally we got to see it. yesterday the white house press corps had it up to here. they realized they had been lied to for over a year and it even came down to where jay carney, who apparently is not paid enough because he tries to do a good job for the administration, he said that the benghazi memo that they prepared for susan rice before she went out on the sundayç shows, it wasn't about benghazi, even though at the top of it it said "benghazi." here's jonathan carl. >> you knew full well what susan rice primarily was going to be asked about was the attack, terrorist attack on a u.s. consolate. ambassador rice went on those shows and said the attack in benghazi was rooted in protests over an internet video. we now know that was not true. >> i would point you to what mike morrell said repeatedly in testimony about the?x(áqpáion of the talking points. >> morrell said last month, when he heard that he said that is not something our analysts said. it came from the white house; right? >> you're wrong. if you look at that document, that document that we're talking about today was about the overall environment in the muslim world. >> the topic was a prep call, prep with susan, meaning susan rice. it was sent at 4:00 saturday for sunday appearances. what i think is so exasperating, they rolled it in delayed on our channel, i think what is exasperating is you're trying to write a story, trying to follow through and you're trying to wonder if the guy talking to you and explaining it has read into the reality of it. but you've got to go with what he says. jay carney was on that e-mail when itç seems ben rhodes whose goal was to take this incident that blew up and try to find a way to spin it in which the administration doesn't look back and makes it look like they're tough on terror. bin laden is dead and al qaeda is on the run. you can't say that and beat mitt romney if that is not true. if the truth came out about tkpwepbgz on september 14 -- about benghazi on september 14 that in fact would not have been true. how different would that debate have been if they had been able to look at the situation and sayç guys -- >> you mean how would the debate have been if the white house told the truth? >> it looks like they did know the truth and was trying to spin it behind the scenes. >> the mainstream media didn't cover it in prime time, newspapers didn't cover it on the front page, although we did see it in "usa today" but it does appear the mainstream media is having a hard time covering it anymore. are they trying to protect hillary clinton in the next general election? is that it? or do they think this is a fox story that is tired and the american people are sick of hearing it. it proves fnc has been right all along and we should have been covering it. lindsey graham said last night this certainly is a smoking gun. >> this is proof positive that right after the attack, three days after the attack,ç they did not give a damn about the intelligence. they wanted to create a political narrative to protect the president and i think most americans find that offensive and i'm not going to stop until somebody is held accountable for allowing it to be a death trap, somebody be fired for not coming to the aid of these people for at least nine and a half hours and somebody be fired for not protecting the american people. and i don't believe ben rhodes did this by himself. somebody in the white house higher up than this concocted this story because they were worried about the reelection. when susan rice said i have no regrets, i gave the american people theç best evidence available, that is a bald-faced lie. >> i'd like to see jay carney wired up to a lie detector. i'm kidding. jay carney said that particular prep memo was not about benghazi. yet the top line says benghazi. the other part, lindsey graham spoke about this last night, in it it says this, quote, the investigation is ongoing and the u.s. government is working with libyan authorities to bring to justice those responsible for the death of u.s. citizens. jay carney had been suggesting that was about the unrest at all the other embassies on 9/11 because of the video. but this particular thing that was circulated by ben rhodes and he's probably just the messenger, carney suggesting it was general unrest. and yetç specifically in the document it talked about americans who died, only died i. jay carney, if he, if it wasn't about benghazi, it sure looks like it. >> if it was ed henry, he would have taken a shot at fox. instead it was jonathan carl. you saw jay carney's wheels spinning thinking, rather than answering the question, he paused and said i have no answer to your question. >> there were four other guys that asked questions about it. let's go toç gentleman's quarterly magazine. they are the ones who generally tell you how to get rid of that pimple real fast. >> also pull out the cologne and rub it on yourself and prepare tend you bought the bottle. >> yesterday they were talking about who should buy the l.a. clippers. they talked a little bit about donald sterling. what they wound up doing was they said essentially, they insinuated that if you are a conservative you are a racist. >> this tweet went out and said good luck to donald sterling with whatever show he ends up hosting on fox news probably. how does that make us feel as fox news employees? are you kidding me? how does it make you feel as a fox news channel viewer? what do you think about this? e-mail us at fox does that mean if you're a conservative, you're a racist? >> it's interesting. in whatever blog we saw fellow, or gal wrote this, g.q. magazine you continue to insult half of your readers who are conservatives by assuming they are racists. hash tag unprofessional. >> here's another. i'm glad i no longer get you. >> g.q., maybe you ought to stick to the polka dot sox qnd hair gel. >> straight ahead, detroit facing the biggest financial mess in american history and other cities not far behind. the man here with simple advice we cannot ignore. >> college students forced to fork over their dough just to get into their own ceremony. and they can thank nancy pelosi for that. we'll explain. when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and in front of our house again. it's a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? i do! me too! are those king's hawaiian rolls? thanks, carol! people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of king's hawaiian. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. is levy using our clippers? ♪ (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses. the city of detroit is in turmoil as it faces one of the worst financial problems in our history as a country. after filingç for bankruptcy last summer, the city is now more than $18 billion in debt. and last year the budget deficit hit $380 million. but they're not alone. outside of detroit ten other american cities have filed for bankruptcy since 2008. so is this trend sure to continue? and what can other cities do to avoid these fiscal pitfalls? here with us now to weigh in is the author of a brand-new book "so much to do." richard ravage.ç richard, good morning to you. >> pleased to be here. >> we see this all across the country. it's not just detroit. it's a lot of towns and states that borrow way more money than they could possibly pay back. >> that unfortunately is the case. the reason new york city almost went bankrupt in 1975 is for the previous seven or eight years it borrowed to cover its deficits, just as it is perfectly okay to borrow to buy a home. but it doesn't work if you have to keep borrowing to pay for your dinner. that's what got new york into trouble and that's what's getting a lot of other cities into trouble. but the fundamental underlying reason for it is that there's an enormous fiscal squeeze. retirement expenditures and health care expenditures are rising a lot faster than revenues. and federal budget cuts add states face. >> in the last year or so there have been some cities, including detroit -- and i know you can't specifically talk about the detroit situation because you're helping them out. but there have been other states that have suggested we need to turn to the federal government. and they need to bail us out. back in 1975 essentially new york city got kind of a federal bailout. we -- we, the federal government -- lent new york city a whole bunch of dough to dig themselves out of the hole. what about going forward now? you've got to figure in the back of some people's mind, like california, illinois, they're all thinking if things get reallyç bad, we can turn to the feds. >> the feds have turned down california at a point a couple of years ago when they were in the most serious shape. i don't think that's forthcoming. what happened in new york in 1975 was the crisis started in may, at least that's when it became visible. the state of new york stepped forth, did a lot of things to help the city of new york, took over a lot of functions, paid a lot of costs. we had a governor who was brilliant politically and brilliant financially. and as a consequence, even though jerry ford in october said what the daily news characterized as ford to city: drop dead. a very famous line which sort of rattled the white; @&c@ house. and a month later gerry ford agreed to a loan. and that was a loan that never cost the federal government a dime. they charged 100 basis points more than their cost of money and they were paid back immediately. spaeup -- >> that's good. of course the country is in much different financial straits. we have a debt of trillions. check out his book "so much to bear." coming up, a story we've been following. dozens of veteransç died waiting for care at a v.a. hospital. captain pete hegseth is here to talk about denying those deadly secrets. he got a d in biology. his parents say it's the school's fault. now they're suing the school. what? that story is coming up. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. it's progressive pain. first you have that, that feeling of numbness. then you get the hot pins. it got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. the pain was, it was... i just couldn't handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. [ karen ] having less pain, that means everything to me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of karen's story, visit students forced to pay to attendç their own graduation? u.c. berkeley grads have to fork over ten bucks for their commencement address delivered by nancy pelosi. the administration says the money pays for food, flowers, snacks. a maryland family suing their kid's school saying it is their fault he got a "d" because teachers didn't give him enough attention. the family says their son can't get into college now. thanks, teachers. >> it's been more than a week since the disturbing report, 40 veterans may have died while on a secret waiting list for primary care appointments at aç phoenix v.a. now lawmakers are demanding answers, but the hospital director denies knowing anything saying no secret waiting list has been identified internally. we still have not seen the list of the 40 deaths. we have not seen these documents. veterans groups now demanding action. and here to explain is c.e.o. of concerned veterans for america and fox news contributor pete hegseth. good morning, pete. is this just another scandal similar to nose in the obama administration where you investigate yourself and then you of course don't find anything? or are you buying the argument there? >> the good old internal investigation. they dusted that one off again. that is exactly what this is. the folks that have identified this have multiple sources. we've seen e-mails between the directors and others referring to this second list. there is a real investigation,ç i.g. investigation, g.a.o. found similar problems. this is going to come to light. when it does, i don't know if it is going to be exactly 40 veterans that died waiting on a secret list but there are going to be names and it is going to be specific and it will be clear. if we waited for o.j. simpson to cough up the old bloody glove we would have waited forever. this is their example. they are going to block as long as they can and hope we stop paying attention. >> allegations are quite startling involves screen grabs, printing those out, sending that information to washington, the paper copy, shredding documents, not ever hittingç save so appointments were never made. those are the allegations. the physician there, who is retired now, is saying i'm standing by what i said the first go round. so what are we going to see from sharon helman? should she lose her job to this? this is not the first time she's been under fire. >> she should lose her job from it. we've seen fleeing the scene not wanting to talk to reporters. when she did she said there is not an internal investigation. she doesn't want to talk about it. she should be fired. the v.a. secretary should be fired. the problem is within this administration no one is held accountable. even if sharon helman was to be fired they would knee two performance reviews and even then they could probably only demote her. the problem at v.a. is no accountability because no ->> are they banking on groups like yours backing down? >> if they are counting on groups like ours backing down they are counting on the wrong thing. there is legislation in the house of representatives called the v.a. management accountability act which would empower the v.a. secretary to fire poor performers like sharon helman. this is not the first facility that she has been at the helm of where there was a coverup. they covered up the number of suicides in spokane, washington. without legislation where you can fire badç apples, poster children like sharon h*e -- helman, nothing changes. the v.a. secretary has said nothing. like he's awol. we're going to keep demanding accountability. >> thanks for your time today. pete hegseth. 27 minutes after the hour. coming up, russia pushing back on sanctions with this. that bear on the trampoline is your only ticket to space. it's throwback thursday and we're sharing our baby pictures next. first a big happy birthday to tim mcgraw. 47. 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(announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses. you've reached the age where you know how things work. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long- term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. look at me! i'm a baby! >> you find yourself so cute, don't you? >> i'm adorable! >> this is a big throwback. >> it is. that is my mom back in the late 1950's on aunt mimi's farm in southern minnesota. it is throwback thursday, folks. you know what that means. >> that is where? that's in kansas? >> no, that'sç minnesota. >> were you on vacation? >> no. aunt mimi lived on a farm and we lived two towns over. what's interesting is the car on the right which was our family car, my mom accidentally drove over my sister when she was a year and a half old. she turned out fine. she opened up the car door while my mom was backing up, and she rolled under the tire. >> so it was her fault? >> pretty much, yeah. >> oh, my goodness. >> but she was fine. she was in the hospital for aç day. >> imagine what your mom went through. >> i know. brian, take a look at you. >> are you the crying baby? >> i'm the crying baby. that was my older brother, jim. clearly there was a dress code in my childhood. put on your bow tie. you may have to close a deal today. >> maybe you didn't wear one because you couldn't tie it. >> i looked at the size of my neck and bust out crying. i cried through almost every picture. i had a tough youth. i had to do just about all the chores and a lot of the bills. >> brian, that is not you too, is it? >> no. i think we have a brand-new picture. >> i didn't have a baby picture to send from my phone but that was me, tçee ball. >> she's got a bat and a mitt. she comes to play. >> you might as well make the catch. >> since it is throwback thursday, we'd love to see your baby pictures, e-mail them to you can put them on facebook or twist, but the best way is get them to us by e-mail. >> show us what you look like now and what you looked like then. >> when you ask for now, you don't mean standingç there in your pajamas or worse. >> show us what you look like roughly now and what you looked like then. >> do we have one for heather too? >> here it is. that is me. two or three years old there, i think. that was at a marsh in wisconsin. >> that a bebe gun? >> one of those little pop guns. years ago. they used to have a cork in the end. i was with my grandfather. we were actually hunting that day. he used to take me to the marsh with his dog. >> it hraopbdz like -- it kind of looks like your pants are camo. >> flower pants. that's what you do. when you go hunting, you wear pants with flowers on them. >> so much fun to do these. >> i have news to bring you. 35 minutes after the hour.ç toronto's cac smoking mayor back on mayor. new video reportedly showing rob ford smoking crack in his sister's basement. he announced he's heading to rehab. his spokesman said ford is finally ready to deal with his drug problems. he has a heisman troe ni and now a rap sheet. florida police say jamis winston walked out of a store with crab legs and cow fish. heç says he forgot to pay pore it. he has now been suspended. he has to do i 20 hours of community service and repay that money. could new sanctions in russia over the crisis in ukraine scrub awry with the space station. an official statement says i suggest the u.s. delivers its astronauts to the space station with a trampoline. it's not likely russia will suspend the service. nasa pays them more than $60 million a person to get up to space because, you know, we basically don't have our own program. >> in six months we could do it. >> another story, a softball game going to the dogs. it is in the middle of a western oregon university game. a dog runs on to the field, steals a glove out of the player's hand. he drops it and thenç steals another glove. the game is put on hold. how cute is that? finally the dog was cornered, taken away and the dog left the field. hopefully with a bone or something. a little crafty, sneaky dog there. >> i wish he would have eaten my homework. incredible new images out of pensacola, florida. nearly two feet of rain turning this road to a raging river. >> the same storm in maryland where a sink hole the sizeç of a city block opened up sucking up at least ten cars pushing them on to freight tracks. the good news, nobody was hurt much >> here's more good news. she's back. hey, maria. >> good morning. good to be here in new york. the storm system still on the move. i want to show you some of these rainfall totals because they are incredible across parts of alabama and the state of florida, many areas seeing over 17 or even over 18 inches of rain. how much rain fell in just a short amount of time are also incredible. parts of pensacola saw more than five inches of rain in just one hour. that is why we did have such extreme flooding out there and are continuing to see the flood threat in places across florida and georgia and alabama. across parts of the u.s. you could still beç looking at more rain and some of the storms could produce severe weather. the storm is exiting but we have the threat of severe weather. we want to remind everyone what happens if you are caught in your car during a flash flood, an image so common with this storm system we've seen across parts of florida and alabama. they sell window hammers. these window hammers, what they're used for is to break windows of your car so if you happen to get caught in a flash flood this is a tool that could save your life. a window hammer, you canç buy it at many retail stores. that could be a lifesaver across many of these states. make sure to have one of those if you know there is a storm system headed your way that could produce flash flooding or if you live in a flood-prone area. let's head back inside. >> good advice. if you are in a flooded car, you might have to break the window. >> thank you, maria. >> let's talk movies. >> the amazing spider-man is back, action, fantasy and super hero we love swings into theaters this weekend. >> you know what it is i love about being spider-man? everything. >> all right. let's step into the fox light with michael tammero who had a chance to sit down with the cast to talk spider-man. >> summerç officially kicks off with this big budgeted action-packed sequel to the amazing spider man. it stars andrew garfield, emma stone and jamie foxx. we sat down with the cast over the weekend and asked what it was like to be part of the sequel. >> what was it like getting back into the spider suit? >> amazing because i'm not going to get to be spider-man forever, you know, so i'm trying to just enjoy it as much as possible while i get the opportunity to. >> to me, when you're reading the comics, part of what makes spider-man great and ever long lasting was theç emotional domestic part of it. pete and his girlfriend and his relationship with aunt may and these relationships that are really relatable. that's at the heart of spider-man. that is what as a film maker i'm most intrigued by. >> there are so many different elements to the story. an emotional or visual feast for everybody in this movie. i think there's lots of stuff to take away. >> part of the joy of this movie is watching the chemistry between emma stone and garfield who are a real-life couple. you can watch more on and guys you can follow me on twitter. >> thank you. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up on "fox & friends," a warning for anyone who getsç manicures, what you need to know about a connection to cancer. >> remember when the president said this about benghazi. >> the whole issue of talking points, frankly, throughout this process has been a sideshow. >> really? brand-new details telling a different story about talking points. andrew napolitano was just woken up, he put up a suit, he came here. almost like spider-man. ♪ ♪ go long, look lean, in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. before chantix, i tried to quit probably about five times. it was different than the other times i tried to quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix varenicline is proven to help peoe quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. that helped me quit smoking. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking, or mood, hostility, agition, depressed mood, and suicidathoughts or actis while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix, and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental-health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. n't take chant if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away, as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood-vessel problems or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help rightway if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping, and unusual dreams. my quit date was my son's birthday, and that was my gift for him and me. [ male announcer ] ask your door if chantix is right for you. >> we hope you're doing well. a quick look at headlines. a new study shows nail salon dryers that use ultra violet lights emit radiation that could lead to skin damage. those dryers produce the same light used in tanning beds. are you having trouble making your children behave? listen up. a new study in the journal of eating disorders shows kids are more disobedient and aggressive when they eat food with their hands. that chicken leg, maybe swap that out for a chicken tender they can eat with a fork. >> the white house administration scramblesç to explain e-mails linking them to the benghazi coverup. >> this was about the general dynamic in the muslim world at the time. >> this despite the e-mail from ben rhodes which said the goal to underscore the protests are linked to a video and not a broader failure or policy. is it time for the justice department to appoint a special counsel to investigate what really happened and should congress be doing more? joining us is fox news senior judicial analyst andrew napolitano. judge, wh@d is the pweflt way to -- best way to get the facts? >> the answer to both questions you asked, is it time for the justice department to appoint a special counsel and is it time for congress to do more? the answer to both questions is the same. profoundly yes. i'll tell you why. i watched karl rove on o'reilly last night and reread the e-mail and karl said a profound thing. having been there, having worked in the white house, having worked for a president wh build a wall around themselves because the federal law prohibits federal employees except the president and vice president themselves from engaging in politics. hear me out. if the e-mail that ben rhodes sent made its way to the political campaign -- remember, this is at the height of the president's reelection campaign. at this point it looks like mitt romney is at least even with the president soç the president's people are running scared. if that campaign was intended for and sent by mr. rhodes, if that e-mail was intended for and sent by mr. rhodes, that is a felony, a violation of what's called the hatch act which is a federal statute that prohibits all federal employees except two from engaging in politics on the job. those two are the president and vice president. not anybody who works for them. that would be determined by a special counsel. the justice department will never dig deep enough on one of its own for that. >> if you have to appoint a special prosecutor, is that going to happen with theç valerie plame situation when president bush's attorney general said i can't do the investigation. and president bush said this weird thing. he told everybody to cooperate, and they did. now you have a situation, a very similar situation, different incident. how do we get to the bottom of this? >> if attorney general holder will not appoint a special prosecutor, you're not going to like the answer to this. i don't like the answer and people watching this are not going to like the answer, i think. if the attorney general won't do so and the president won't order him, there is no way to compel him. >> what could the house do? >> the house of representatives could stop having politicians ask questions of the people that know about this and hire a serious trial lawyer with great cross-examination experience. i'll suggest a name. mike chertoff. michael chertoff, former secretary of homeland security, former special advisor, form federalç judge, one of the greatest prosecutors in our era, he knows how to ask questions. believe me, brian, hillary clinton is not going to be able to make speeches when mike chertoff is cross-examining her. >> will he have subpoena power to make people come? >> yes. he won't have the power to indict, which a special prosecutor would. but they would have the power to expose, to compel answers. and believe me mike chertoff, there are others, he's the best known, knows how to ask questions. >> are we overstating what has come down the pike and been exposed or do you think this is a major move point in the benghazi case and i was disappointed at jay carney's efforts to hide that yesterday. >> right and he was c.c.'d on that memo. judge, thanks so much. coming up straight ahead, look at this one. one of these people is faking how they feel. who do you think it is? we'll show you how to spot a liar. he dishes out love to anyone trying to make money in the straupt business. business. -- in the restaurant business. >> you guys are wimping out. >> john tapper is here now taking on a brand-new challenge. he'll tell you about it. i do a lot oresearch on angie's list before i do any projects on my home. a a ♪ thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily. tower next guest has kept local watering homes from going under in the hit show "bar rescue." he's been here before. now putting struggling restaurants to the test in his new show to see if they deserve another bite at success. watch. >> this is all about the money and you'll hear him say it like 50 times. >> it's legacy money didn't motivate him! >> john tapper is here with a preview of his new show called "hungry investors." good morning to you. >> hi. >> i noticed some yelling where you're talking about what you're going to do. in the new show, it's a kinder, gentler you, if that's possible. >> that was kinder and gentler. i have two great partners. john besh and another one. we look to apply our resources to diamonds in the rough. unlike "bar rescue" where i'm going in to rescue someone, these are people we want to have a longer term investment relationship with. >> you can't bite their head off. >> no, i can bite a finger or two off, but i want to keep their head intact. >> you want to put them through stress test to see if they're worthy of your capital? >> yes. it's really called an invest test. there are five criteria. market potential and four others. we put them all together. it's quite deliberation between the partners. we go at it. there is two views to every situation. >> we've all been frustratessed at our favorite restaurants closes. but what's the key to having a successful business? it's repeat customers, right? how do you get them? >> it's what i would call in one word a connection. you got it connect with your customers. you connect physically, through music, is one powerful way. you connect through products and most importantly with your staff. if your staff doesn't build relationships with their guests, then the long-term potential of your business is pretty bleak. you go to bars you know, your family has been in the business. you go to the bars where you're known. cheers, where everybody knows your name. >> sure. and you were telling us when you came in about what lousy weather we've had because you're shooting upcoming episodes. you're essentially pitting two different restaurants, a facility out in new jersey against one in williamsburg, new york. at the end of the episode, are you going to invest money in one of them, both of them, maybe none? >> any of the three. >> really? >> we could choose to invest in both. we could choose to invest in just one. we could choose to invest in neither. we really are look at this as independent investment opportunities. if one of the three of us doesn't want to invest, then we don't. getting the tel aviv us to agree, it's not so easy. >> i look at the apprentice, you're the personalities behind this. you know what makes me feel good about this? this is fundamental capitalism. it's entrepreneurs and shows america watches you because they have an interest in this. we're getsing an education while being informed and entertained. >> i agree 100%. bars are great small businesses. i'm an advocate for small at the end of the day, we're and we're fighting for 90% of businesses in america family owned. so that's who we're fighting for. >> it's that family dynamic that a lot of people love. watch the new show on spike tv. thank you very much. >> good to be here. coming up, a massive explosion at a jail overnight. plus, one of the country's biggest music stars. josh turner says he owes his success to his conservative values. he joins us live. ♪ ♪ [male announcer] ortho crime files. disturbing the pantry. a house, under siege. say helto home defense max. kills bugs inside and prevents new ones for up to a year. ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®. he gets a ready for you alert hthe second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? 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[ chainsaw buzzing ] humans. sometimes, life trips us up. sometimes, we trip ourselves up. and although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you, so do the solutions. like multi-policy discounts from liberty mutual insurance. save up to 10% just for combining your auto and home insurance. call liberty mutual insurance at... to speak with an insurance expert and ask about all the personalized savings available for when you get married, move into a new house, or add a car to your policy. personalized coverage and savings -- all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. call... and ask about all the ways you could save. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? good morning. it is thursday, may 1, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. fox news alert. pounding rain causing severe flooding across the country. these pictures showing devastation and mother nature isn't done yet. >> yep. tension in the white house has the administration scrambles to explain the e-mails linking them to the benghazi cover-up. >> why did it take a court case for you to release this? >> john, i can say it again and again and i know you can keep asking again and again, this document was not about benghazi. >> why was it titled benghazi, jay carney? more from that press secretary and that sparring session, verbal, coming up shortly. and one of these people is faking how they feel. who do you think it is? the woman on the left or the person on the right? who is faking it? we're putsing our skills to the test, brian and me, to figure out how to spot a liar. thursday is always better with friends. i'm telling the truth. >> hi, everybody. i'm huey lewis, stand by for the news. >> since it's national honesty day, we're making sure everybody knows how to keep everybody on. >> you're going to test us? >> right. 'cause i cannot tell a lie. >> thank you, martha washington. because of the two women we saw in the video, one was faking it. you're going to -- i couldn't figure it out. it will be good. >> it will. right now we're going to heather nauert. >> we're following a story now that's come out of the south. there is a gas explosion and it rocks a jail in florida, leaving two inmates dead this morning. more than 100 prisoners and correction officers have now been hurt and many taken out of the jail on stretchers. this happened in pensacola, florida. it rattled homes three miles away. we don't know why the what caused that explosion. but there has been a lot of flooding in that area. that brings us to this next story. it is the storm that just will not quit and the pictures we are getting in are simply unbelievable. let's start in florida where that rewill not attention rain caused -- rewill notless rain caused roads to collapse. that truck managed to make it out alive. in mobile, alabama, firefighters had to carry this woman to safety. she became strand in her car in flood waters. then take a look at this. this is a little girl in a kayak in her living room. that house under two feet of water. we'll check in with maria later for the latest on the weather. other news now, today marks three years since we killed osama bin laden. now a new state department report shows that al-qaeda is becoming moremrñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ? aggre. there was more than 40% jump in terrorist attacks between 2012 and 2013. the report also naming iran as a major supporter of terrorism. okay. a nice story. an adore adorable bear cub named boo boo. he wandered into a shopping center. he was taken to a nearby1lñ?ñ?ñl hospital. wildlife officials took some fur and put it in a trap for his mama bear to try to reunite them. in the meantime, he will live at a rehab center where he will be cared for. kind of a nice story. he's looking for his mom. >> unlike honey boo boo. different boo boo, right? >> yeah. >> all right. thank you very much. >> yesterday we told you about judicial watch suing the government to get these documents on what really happened on september 11, 2012. to find out the communications in the white house, to see there was a skewing of the truth, a spinning of the facts as it relates to what we saw susan rice say, which was a flat out falsehood on 9-14 of 2012. so these documents are exposed, at which time it becomes abundantly clear that there was a lot of spinning of the truth and there was a concerted effort to send a certain message through susan rice to get people essentially off the trail that indeed al-qaeda perpetrated the killings of four americans on 9-11. and that, the anger was high. the emotions went through the roof because the press corps in my opinion, was saying for two years, you have not been telling us the truth. and now we're sitting here look at documents we've been asking for that you had to be sued to cough up. >> yeah. they're pressing jay carney on this who was copied on the e-mail, along with david plouffe , and about a dozen of president obama's closest confidantes. so yesterday even the mainstream media, jonathon karl pressing him pretty hard. listen. >> you knew full well it was susan rice primarily was going to be asked about that attack, terrorist attack on a u.s. consulate in benghazi. she witness on the shows and she said that the attack in benghazi was rooted in protests over internet video. we now know that was not true -- >> i would point you to what mike morell has said repeatedly in testimony about the creation of these talking points. >> just last month, when he heard that, he said that's not something our analyst said. now he said it came from the white house. right? >> john, no. you're wrong. if you look at that document, that document that we're talking about today was about the overall environment in the muslim world. >> okay. so there is jay carney talking points memo was not about benghazi. good try, jay, because up at the top of it, it says the topic, benghazi. jonathon karl was not the only person from the mainstream media who asked really hard questions. like we said, for over a year, those people have been lied to, the reporters and whatnot. keep in mind, last year the white house released what they said was a complete set of the documents. and then it turns out there was this. because so many things had been redacted, had been crossed out. so it looks like there was a cover-up because something was unclassified, then they unclassified it. sounds like the white house lawyer who did that. then it was all about ultimately a conspiracy to change the topic, blame the video, not the fact that it was terrorism as well. you know, here at fox, some of our critics have said, why are you covering that? there is no there there. this proves there is some there there. lindsey graham has been criticized as well. and he responded to that last night on "special report". >> my response is that if i am doing something wrong for political reasons, i should have egg on my face and i should be punished by the people in south carolina. if what he is saying is a bold faced lie and that i'm correct that this administration hid the truth from the american people about a coordinated terrorist attack 'cause they were more worried about the president's reelection than telling the truth to the american people about why four people died, they need to be held accountable. when i wanted to get to the bottom of gitmo, i was a hero. when i challenged the torture policies of the bush administration 'cause i had been a military lawyer, i was doing the country a service. you've got americans in harm's way as i speak tonight. many of them in uniform and throughout the foreign service feel like they've been let down by their government and the colleagues that serve their country that their death has been dishonored and what happened was distorted for political reasons. if for no other reason, somebody needs to be held accountable about lying for those who died. >> and why they were never rescued and why no one has ever been brought to justice. can you imagine there is some other communication that reveals why rescue operations were never put into play. >> this story is largely been called something that fox news channel covers, just a fox story. and there are a couple different schools of thought on why the mainstream media hasn't been covering it. have they not been covering it because they don't think it's a story anymore, that there is no scandal there? are they not covering it because the american people aren't interested in it? or are they doing it because they are trying to protect the president or trying to protect hillary clinton should she try to run, which all indications are she will? so are we going to start to see more of this or is this going to continue to be something that we have to press here at fox news channel? >> i think a lot of the mainstream media has to pick up the ball and they did yesterday. let's see if they follow through, if their bosses let them cover the story. meanwhile, speaking of bald face lies, it sounds like the university of california-san diego has figured out some sort of technology or something like that to tell whether or not somebody is in pain and ultimately lying. >> right. so this is a. >> thing to do at work, if your co-worker is trying to say no, i wasn't the one who broke the printser. or if your kid is saying, i'm hurt or i'm sick, i can't go to school and they're grimacing in pain. take a look at this. >> i got to pick out who is lying? >> the guy on the left or right is really not feeling well. >> one of them is faking it. >> one guy is laughing. >> one guy is kind of gritting his teeth. i'm going to go with the guy on the right. >> what's the question? >> who is faking it? >> well, according to the study, the one who is really in pain is this guy. researchers say notice how his mouth is tight and raised. this guy -- >> that was real. i was right! the guy on the right was faking it. >> when someone is faking their pain, they open their mouth at regular intervals. so next time there is like a foul in basketball or something and the player goes oh, oh, now we know. >> there was a problem with people taking diets in soccer. >> i think the nba has other problems -- >> i'm not sure. >> it has to do with open mouths. >> the results in the study are showing 50% of humans are able to tell, but 85% of computers are able to tell. >> wow. we're better off asking the laptop. >> very good. wall street republicans throwing support behind hillary clinton for 2016? charlie gasparino explains what's going on. then, can you guess which very famous person lived here? that house is now up for sale. here is a hint, it's a steal for 888,000 smackers. a steal. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer cre presents: crest 3d white whitestrips vs. a whitening pen. i feel like my lips are going to, like, wash it off. these fit nicely. [ female announcer crest 3d white whitestrips keep the whitening ingredient in place, guaranteeing professional level results. crest whitestrips. the way to whiten. guaranteeing professional level results. we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. ♪ make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrées crafted with care and designed to delight. fancy feast. love served daily. [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. make a my financial priorities appointment today. i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ happiness is a drive-over mower deck. [ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. ♪ all right. if former florida governor jeb bush, pictured there, doesn't run for president and new jersey governor chris christie backs out as well, who would wall street support? how about that woman right there, hillary clinton? according to a new report, gop donors would prevalenten over ted cruz or rand paul in 2016. really? let's talk now to fox business senior correspondent, charlie gasparino. you know how wall street works. is that right, she's number three behind those two? >> yeah. if you had a polling of the top wall street guys, she would be number three behind those two. we should point out, this is politico's thesis. i don't necessarily agree with this. i think if rand paul and ted cruz showed they could beat her f the polls were tight, a lot of wall street guys would support them because they wants less government, less regulation, the type of stuff that they don't like, that hillary, while she was working with barak obama pushed. that's the big thing. is the taint of barak obama enough to force money in big business? i think politico is calling it too early. >> that's what they do, just to generate buzz. we're talking about it right now. but who does wall street like best? >> i think they like jeb or christie. i don't think christie is going to run. i think the traffic jam will hurts him. i ran into jeb the other night. he sounds like he's running. it was at a charity event. i walked up to him and it was funny, before i could get something out, i basically said, what's happening? and he said nothing is happening. nothing is happening. he was all nervous. like it sounds like he didn't want to announce it right there. >> he wants to save it to come over here to "fox & friends." but you just talked a little bit about if hillary runs. i mean, we were just talking about benghazi. forget about the white house. they got a lot of explaining to do. but so does she regarding benghazi and to your points, she's got to explain why she has so whole heartedly embraced the president's policies, which led touts gdp yesterday of .1? >> there is a taints with barak obama right now. not just the business communities. his poll numbers are lousy. i think it was two weeks ago i was saying she has to decide whether she's going to run and she knows her biggest challenge is overcoming the obama economic legacy. the economy could be really -- by the way, economic cycles run in seven years. yes, we've had a lousy recovery, but we still had a recovery. suppose in a year from now, six months, the economy starts going negatively. we had a .1% gdp prints. >> that's as good as it got. >> and she's got to run on that. >> if hillary does not run. some are suggesting elizabeth and wall street loves her. >> they shouldn't be calling it. they don't like her. >> why not? >> she was for all those massive regulations, that new consumer protection agency she pushed. let's face it, she's maybe to the left of the president. >> and that's hard to do. >> our mayor comrade. charlie does join us on thursday and it's #throwbackthursday. charlie, tell us about five-year-old you there. where are you? >> in my mother's apartment in the bronks. you can tell, there is the couch with the plastic on it. >> are you wearing black socks? >> black socks. i'm channeling my inner elliott spitzer rights there. >> let me get this straight. we're putting a picture of you on television in your underwear? >> you put it on. not me. they asked me for a picture. >> you gave us the picture! >> no, i showed you the picture and you chose to put it on. >> you were an adorable baby. >> thank you. not a lot of people say that. >> wearing black socks. that's funny. go to the beach now in your black socks. thank you very much. coming up, college kids forced to pay for their own graduation per head. the speaker, nancy pelosi. we'll explain. and he's a famous country singer, but he still understands the value of a dollar and what hard work is like. josh turner is here this morning. good morning to you, josh. ♪ ♪ chico's effortless shirt. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and (announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. as a police officer, i've helped many people in the last 23 years, but i needed help in quitting smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix varenline is pron to help peop quit smoking. chantix reduced the urge for me to smoke. it actually caught me by surprise. [ male announcer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking, or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after opping chantix. ifou notice any of these, stop chaix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental-health problems, which could get worse whe taking chantix. don't ke chantix if youe d a serious allergi or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away, as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you ha a history of heart or blood-vessel proble or if you develop new worse symptoms. get medicalelp right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. comm side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping, and unusual dreams. i did not know what it was like to be a nonsmoker, but i do now. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. time for news by the numbers. first, 67%. the number of obamacare enrollees who paid the first months' premium. 25% of these people are in the highly sought after 18 to 34 demow that anna is in. the amount of taxpayer dollars the government lost on general motors bailout. the u.s. spent 350 billion to bail out the giant and sold their shares at a massive loss. whose idea was that to sell? 888,000. that's the price of the home legend yogi bera is selling in new jersey. they lived in the house for 40 years and raised three sons there. his baseball number was 8. >> hence the price. 888,000. ♪ ♪ >> he is one of country music's most recognizable hit makers, selling 5 million albums with four number one hits. >> but in his brand-new book, josh turner admits there is something far more important than fame and fortune, faith and family and the country music star joins us right now. he's got a new book out called "man stuff." josh turner, what is "man stuff"? >> you know, first of all, the title came from my second son, colby, the one on my shoulders there. he and i were actually headed to my cabin in south carolina one year and my wife, jennifer, looked at him and said, what are you and daddy going to do at the cabin? and he said, we're going to do man stuff. that's where the title came from. but in spite of the title, this book i think is for anybody and everybody because it's full of life lessons and experiences a lot of auto buy graphcal stuff that i feel i've become a better man from. i tell people all the time that it's easy to be a male, but it's a lot harder to be a man. >> yeah. >> one thing i love about you when i saw you in there in the make-up room, as soon as i heard your voice, it's so recognizable. but what i love is that song, you're talking about being your man to your wife. >> rights. >> how important is that in the world you live in on stage, in the spotlight? >> well, i'm pretty blessed 'cause my wife is actually a member of my band. so we travel the country together. our boys travel with us. >> it's cheaper that way, too. >> yeah. absolutely. i tell her she gets paid pretty well. there is a chapter in the book about encouraging men to not only love your wife, but to learn your wife and to really know her. like i say, there is a wide variety of topics that i cover in this book. there is a lot of humor and a lot of deep stuff that i normally wouldn't share from stage. >> explain how you learn your wife. what does that mean? >> just we opened up with "timeless love" and i talk about how that is about quantities time. when you a good amount of time with somebody that you love and that you care about, you really get to know them. you really know their ins and outs, strengths, weaknesses. that's when you really develop a strong relationship with somebody is when you learn that person. >> as i mentioned before, fame and fortune changed us. we're much more selfish. has it changed you? >> it has. it's been an incredible journey for me. i think like it's given may platform to do things like this and get my voice out there. but yeah. from my very first hit it allowed me to buy my first house and this changed me personally and professionally. >> jays robertson wrote your forward. he's the older brother. everyone thinks he's taking orders from his younger brother. why is he for effect for this forward? >> -- perfect for this forward? >> he's from "duck dynasty." even before i met jayce, i felt we were kindred spirits, then it was like we were brothers and kind of wild. i felt like he would be a great guy to write the forward because he and i spent a little time together before this book thing came about. and he did a great job. he nailed it. >> all right. you're on the book tour right now. what else do you got cooking? >> i've been in the studio for the last i don't know how many months work on a new record. i'm about nine songs in to that. we're all over the country this year. everybody can go to joshturner to see our tour schedule. >> could you guys do a duet, you and anna? >> we could work something up. >> no, i mean right notify -- ♪ baby lock the door and turn the lights down low ♪ ♪ and music on the soft and low ♪ ♪ baby we ain't got no place to go ♪ ♪ . >> she quit on me. >> i don't have all the words there. >> that's the man and woman stuff. check out the book called "man stuff." thank you very much. >> thank you. >> cool jacket. >> thank you. you want it? >> yeah. you mind? >> according to you, you can afford it. you're rich. >> he is selfish. look at that. coming up, we're switching gears. devastating floods sweeping across the country. up next, maria molina is going to show you how to survive a flash flood if you get caught in your car. she did and find out what you should do. >> then he was on our show yesterday talking about future trends like space travel. remember that? wait until you find out what he did once he left our set. it's pretty messed up, shows a lack of character. he didn't think we are on twitter as well. we are. you, my friend are a master of diversification. who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it's a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what's our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. we've got a fox news alert. a gas explosion rocked a florida jail leaving two dead and injured more than 100. massive flooding in the area. as of now, the cause is unknown. jonathan serrie is live on the scene. tell us what's going on there. >> reporter: yeah. absolutely. the atf in florida fire marshal are on scene to determine the cause of this explosion. if you look at the building behind me, the county jail, you can see visible damage there from the massive explosion that central time. again, the cause unknown. however, based on the preliminary investigation, local officials believe that it may be related to extensive flooding in this area. there was water on the ground floor of the jail here from a massive storm system that came through here earlier in the week, dumping heavy amounts of water in this part of florida. two inmates are dead. officials say 100 to 150 other inmates were injured, or 100 to 150 others were injured. that includes both inmates and corrections officers. at the time there were a total of 600 inmates inside the building. about 400 men, 200 women. those who were injured were brought to area hospitals. knows who were not injured have been brought to other detention facilities. authorities went into the building and swept it three times so they believe that all of the inmates and all of the staff are accounted for. but now the question is what caused this explosion in the central booking facility of the county jail. again, the atf and florida fire marshal investigating that at this hour. back to you. >> i bet they are. jonathan with the very latest, thank you. >> a lot of breaking news this morning. incredible new images out of pensacola, florida. nearly two feet of rain turning this roadway into a river, washing away cars and stranding drivers. >> the same storm pounding baltimore, maryland r -- where a sink hole the size of a city block opened up. ten in all cars wound up on a freight line. thankfully, nobody hurt because nobody was inside any of the vehicles. >> get this, more rain on the way. maria molina here right now, who is following these storm, is finally back in new york city. great job. tell us what's happening now. >> we expect several more inches of rain across parts of northern florida, georgia, and parts of alabama. these are areas that were hit hard by flooding. i want to mention that the same storm system that produced the flooding along parts of the gulf coast is the one responsible for the tornado outbreak earlier this week and also over the weekend and that tornado that moved through mayflower, arkansas, has been confirmed as an ef-4, with winds close to 200 miles per hour. so that's why those images that we saw out of that area just so did he have stating and heart breaking. we expect more rain across parts of florida today with the storm system slowly winding down. take a look at some of these rain totals. we have seen more than 18 inches of rain across parts of alabama and also in florida with more rain expected today. we could be seeing that flood threat aggravated because the ground is saturated and farther off toward the north across the northeast, by the way, we saw some rainfall records being set in la guardia. over five inches of rain. we expect some storms with the storm system as well, thunderstorms that could produce some isolated severe weather out there along parts of the east coast. keep that in mind. of course, we also wants to point out, with the flood threat in place, what happens if you're caught in your car during a flash flood and you're forced to break a window? some of the tips that are recommended for people is that you break side windows, not the fronts and rear window. that's because it has smaller surface area so that could really help you possibly save your life if you are caught in that. and we've seen these images out of florida, the florida panhandle of cars being swept away by flash flood. try to break a side window and not the fronts or rear. let's head back inside. >> thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> do you remember that guy? he was on our show yesterday around this time. michael moyer. he is one of the guys, a writer at scientific american. we had him on yesterday to talk about futuristic trends and he talked about gizmos in the future that will make life easier. >> stuff with chromosomes. >> you know what? it was an interesting segment. >> i thought we had a nice chat before the segment aired during the commercial break and afterward and all that. but apparently he didn't quite see it that way bus as soon as he left the couch, he gets out of the building, he starts saying things like this on twitser. went on "fox & friends" this morning. kind of feel like i should take a shower. >> okay. so that was -- >> i believe you could take that as a negative. >> yeah. >> i think that was pretty much a hit. >> so that seemed weird to us. but then he kept tweeting. he also attacked our make-up artist. he wrote, everybody is in a bubble. make-up girl, where you think the plane is? me puzzled, bottom of the ocean. her, no. it's on a military base somewhere. that's a little off. >> here she is trying it make him look better than ever, watch the sleep out of his eyes. now he's commenting and making her look like an idiot on social media or trying to where everybody has crazy theories with where this plane is. we heard them a lot more on other networks. >> we can't find the plane. by the way, should we tweet out if small talk doesn't go in the direction that you want? now you have to mock people that are trying to be friendly to you? so is that the message we should learn here? it didn't end there. it was time for the moyer family to get involved. mrs. moyer, who sounds like a delight, says this: wow. at "fox & friends," that's where you can reach us. a host kilmeade's reply to, i guess that's her husband's handle, mention of new earth-like planets, do they have football? i was kidding! i wondered if they had football! >> apparently -- >> we've got the clip. it was a joke! look at this. >> they're launching a new satellite in 2018 that's designed explicitly to find earth-like planets. >> do they have football? >> we don't know yet. >> they might have water, but certainly have football. >> i really thought you were serious on that one. i think he didn't know how to react and felt like a dummy. >> he even laughed. but what's curious, though, is it looks like he has a problem with fox. we invited him on. so if he had a problem, why did he come on? clearly it was just to promote himself and maybe his magazine as well. but #classy, we put him on. we've nice conversation and then he stabs us in the back. we thought we would give you the back story of what happenedçñ?ñn michael moyer of "scientific american" came on yesterday. >> we should get up to his standard on american scientific is no small talk, if you don't have a good theory about the plane, don't even talk to him. if you have something to say about another planet, don't bring up sports. that's what i learned from it. by the way, if you think that he's right on the money and you give him tremendous thumbs up for courage for tweeting once you left after a million plus people took in and talked about your magazine for the first time since you put it together, then congratulate him. but if you don't like the way he handled his appearance here, start tweeting at him. let him know how you feel because if he feels as though he doesn't like the show, he's insulting the viewers as well as the anchors. >> the bone that he had to pick with fox, he said was that he wanted to come on here and talk all about climate change. our producers decide what we air. >> we talk about climate change all the time. the things he talked about were interesting. robots driving your cars in the future, replacing unhealthy genes with healthy genes so you can cure diseases. things that actually matters. >> we know that some day the earth will be so hot, only row botts will survive. >> okay. >> of course we care about all of it. >> anyway, we just thought we'd give you the back sto happened with that guy from scientific american. all right. now let's turn over to patriotic american who has got the news. >> thanks, steve. >> you bet. good morning. let's talk about some other stuff that's going on. toronto's crack smoking mayor, we vaunts heard from him in a little bit. we've got an update. he's back on crack. there was a new piece of video that surfaced reportedly showing him smoking crack in his sister's basement. he's now announced he's taking a breck from it all and heading back to rehab. his lawyer says that ford is finally ready to deal with his drug problem. we'll keep you posted. listen to this one, students forced to pay in order to attend their own graduation? uc-berkeley grads had to fork over $10 of their own money to go to their own commencement address that was delivered by nancy pelosi. administrators say the money will pay for things like food, flowers and snacks. but students will not have their names read off at that ceremony. what do you think of that? you can call this -- a bill pushes for baby changing tables to be put in the men's bathrooms. there is also a separate bill proposed that would make changing tables in businesses accessible to men and women. lawmakers say it reflects a change in today's family dynamics. those are your headlines. steve and brian, you were both good diaper changers, right? >> i would like that because they have the family bathroom which is i love to find. but now let men change some diapers. >> absolutely. >> when i was a little girl, my mom always said my father never changed a diaper in his life. my husband is the best. >> here is my trick and this mites work for your kid. relaxed my children would be if i introduced the knicks, like the p.a. announcer. patrick ewing. and charles oakley. as i introduced them by the time i got to john starks, he would be calm. >> what a great secret. >> okay. >> true story. tweet that. >> coming up on "fox & friends," teen-ager suffers a seizure on the bus. what does the bus driver do? nothing. his outraged mother here next people join angie's list for all kinds of reasons. i go to angie's list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact i can go onto angie's list and 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for to you talk about. thanks for sharing your story. you say he has diabetes and addison's disease, which can cause very low blood pressure and even a coma. what happened next? >> yes. they arrived to the stop and the driver kept insisting she got him off the bus. another child yelled to him that he's having a seizure. he still didn't do anything. by the time my daughter got him to the fronts of the bus, the driver turned around and looked at him and still told my daughter that they had to get off because it was their stop. >> i understand she tried to get the driver to take the two of them home, thinking that would be a safer location? >> yes. >> what happened is the neighbors came out and started helping. they had to call 911? >> yes. she came out and she brought o.g. to see if he would drink it. my daughter called 911, hand the phone to the neighbors so they could give the correct address to where they were. >> we saw that picture of andrew in the hospital. how is he doing now? is he back at home? >> yes. yes, he is. >> how is he doing? >> he's doing really good now. he's doing really good. >> what is the school saying as you're calling them asking for answers about how on earth this could have happened? >> the school board is not returning any of my calls. i haven't spoke to them since the day that i reported it to them. so i really don't know because they just keep saying it's under investigation. >> they say that they're investigating. what do you think needs to happen to this bus driver in particular and even for other bus drivers? do they need some sort of education on dealing with situations like this? >> i believe they need medical training, you know, so it doesn't happen again and they're aware of situations like this. when you're having a seizure, you don't move the person, you know. and he made my daughter pick him up and get him off the bus. i believe the driver should be fired. >> wow. thank you for being with us and keep us updated on the story. we're so happy that andrew is doing okay this morning. >> thank you. >> good luck. 49 minutes after the hour now. the clippers owner banned for life for exercising his freedom of speech. now some lawsuitants say even more speech should be regulatessed. wait until you hear what they just told our john stossel. first on this date back in 1930, through toe was officially named -- pluto was named officially a planet. in 1976, the bellamy brothers had the number within song in america with "let your love flow." ♪ ♪ ♪ thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily. in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum from philips 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[ male announcer ] troubleshoot, manage appointments, and bill pay from your phone. introducing the xfinity my account app. 53 minutes after the hour. the nba came down on hard on donald sterling for his racist remarks banning him from the league for life and fining him 2 1/2 million dollars. >> the nba has the right to do that. but what about other forms of free speech? >> now some law students say even more speech should be regulated. so here to crack down on us is john stossel. he says he's not thrilled with the answers he's been gets -- getsing and how america is responding, are you? >> no. people should remember that the nba is a private group and fox can fire us if they don't like what they say and the government is different. so i was upset a couple years back when i asked law students at seton hall, what should be banned to protect people? we have the clip. >> there is no value that comes out of hate speech. >> words have a significant impact and when they're used as weapons, it can become problematic. and i don't think that's what the framers of the first amendment intended. >> this students wants to do ban on political speech by corporations. >> that's the only speech you hear. they will own the air waves and own all the advertising venues, so they can afford it. corporate speech is not protected. >> the potential is very large for corporations to improperly influence politicians. >> what about the argument words are like bullets, they wound people? >> that's what they were saying. but i think words are words and bullets are bullets and it's important we keep them apart. by the end of it, these students had basically said the bill of rights should say congress shall make no law bridging freedom of speech except for hate speech, corporate speech, hunting, movies and once i said that, they went, i guess we went too far. the instinct to ban. >> absolutely. the troubling aspect is you're talking to future lawyers in that particular thing. >> they're lawyers now. >> they should know in america, what he said was terrible. in america, you have the right to say stupid stuff. >> the answer is more speech. you can fight words with words. can't fight bullets with bullets as easily without getting hurt. >> how does that play into your theme this weekend? tonight's? >> it's all about speech. what are you allowed to say and what are you not allowed to say? i hope i don't step in the wrong -- >> it's your show, john. you can say whatever you want. >> it's hard to have lou dobbs do the stossel show. >> we'll be watching. thank you. four minutes before the top of the hour. >> coming up, russia not happy with sanctions, so they're telling us take a trampoline to space. we'll explain. >> bounce on this [ male announcer ] v8 v-fusion plus energy. natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. govern. it's thursday, the fist of may, 2014. i'm an mccoyman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. we have seen roads turned into rivers. but how about a living room turned into a swimming pool and a girl in a kayak? more incredible images from across the country. meanwhile, our white house scrambling to explain the e-mail linking the white house to the benghazi cover-up. boy, it got hot yesterday. >> why did it take a court case for you to release this? >> i can say it again and again and i know you can keep asking again and again. this document was not about benghazi. >> mr. carney, if it wasn't about benghazi, then why was it titled benghazi? rret russia not happy about the sanctions on individuals we puts on them. so they're saying a trampoline is your only way to get into space. >> the bear or the trampoline. >> we're going to send bears into space because it is russian. by the way, according to all reports, mornings are better with friends. roll the head shots. >> good morning. this is favio. you're watching "fox & friends." >> mornings are better with friends, aren't they? very often we get photo bombed or video bombed because people know that they can come stand right here and wave at the camera. we just got video bombed during the commercial. >> can we see it? >> watch. >> slow motion. he's on the phone. he's coordinating with somebody. >> i'm making a lot of sense. >> i'm trying to pretend like i'm interested in everything -- there he goes. oh, yeah. work it. >> he's on tv twice. >> wow. now everybody knows. >> come on down to 48th and 6th and you can do a fist pump. >> why not? >> we've got a very busy day. we're going to tell you all about that benghazi cover-up conspiracy thing. it's troubling. right now we turn to heather nauert who has got some really bad news. >> good morning to you. news coming out of florida. this happening overnight. we start with a fox news alert. victimmors are scrambling to try to figure out what caused a gas explosion at a florida jail that left two inmates dead and more than 100 prisoners and corrections officers injured this morning. many had to be taken out of the jail on stretchers. this happened at escambia county jail in pensacola flax fellow. 600 prisoners are being bussed to other jails. this blast rattling homes as far as three miles away. there has been a lots of flooding in the area. that could be to blame for the blast. we will keep you posted as we follow the story. in the meantime, it is the storm that just will not quit. these pictures we're getting in are unbelievable. new video coming from outside philadelphia this morning. people rescued as the water rose as high as six feet around a bus. then all the way down in florida, because this has been affecting the entire east coast, rerentless rain cause causing a road to collapse. in mobile, alabama, firefighters had to carry this elderly woman to safety. she had become stranded in her car that was in the flood water. check this out. a little girl in a kayak in her living room. the house under two feet of water. boy, so much damage for so many families across the country. today is may day. it's also known as international workers day and here is a look at how the world watches this. tho thousands defy protest bans in istanbul. police using waters cannons and tear gas on the crowd and in cambodia, at least five people hurts. protesters demanding a higher minimum wage and in bangladesh, garment workers packed the streets demanding the execution of a factory owner whose building collapsed, killing more than 1,000 laborers last year. and another story, could new sanctions on russia over the crisis in ukraine scrub our ride to the space station? a russian official sounding off saying, quote, after analyzing our sanctions against the space industry, i suggests the u.s. deliver its astronauts to the i.s.s. with a trampoline. it's not likely russia will suspend the service. nasa pays them more than $60 million a person to get up to space. and those are your headlines. you know they're talk being may day, when i was a little kid, we always gave flowers to our mom on may day. >> we don't have flowers in america because the winters lasted too long. the flowers are not coming out. >> they are. >> april showers bring may flowers. >> but not like yesterday. it became cold again. the earth stopped spinning. i don't know what's going on. >> for the guy at scientific america, he's kidding! okay? >> who is heather talking about there? >> the news. >> yeah. >> she was talking about the trampoline. did you want to riff on that? >> yes. for $60 million, we could have taken four trips and built our own rocket. why are we writing checks to them? >> if they need a trampoline, contact jimmy kimmel. >> the big news this morning, we told you yesterday about the smoking gun e-mail, as it's been called. remember the conservative watch group had to sue to get documents about benghazi. apparently in the subject line it does say benghazi and it's basically saying that let's try spin this whole thing that it's not a policy failure, that it's all -- >> the video. >> sparked by this video. the mainstream media is catching on and starting to realize that where there is smoke there is often fire. jonathon karl pressing jay carney yesterday. >> you knew full well what susan rice was primarily going to be asked about was about that attack. terrorist attack on a u.s. consulate in benghazi. she witness on the shows -- went on the shows and said the attack in benghazi was rooted in protests over internet video. we now know that was not true. >> john, i would point you to what mike morell has said repeatedly in testimony about the creation of the talking points. >> just last months, when he heard that, he said that's not something that our analysts would say. that came from the white house. right? >> john, no. you're wrong. if you look at that document, that document that we're talking about today was about the overall environment in the muslim world. >> right. so he's saying that what was going on in the muslim world was about the video. unfortunately for him, as anna said, up at the top it said benghazi. so for him to say it wasn't about benghazi, also at one point in the document it says how we're going to work with the libyan authorities to bring justice to those responsible for the deaths of u.s. citizens. okay. the only time that people died in libya, the americans, were with benghazi. look, it's becoming very, very clear, the white house said last year, we've released a complete set of documents. they didn't do that. there was a cover-up, there were things that were unclassified, then classified by the white house lawyers so we couldn't see them. then now that we see them, it looks like there was a conspiracy to convince the american public seven weeks before an election that it was all about the video. it wasn't about the state department not giving the security they needed. lindsey graham last night on "special report," as passionate as i have ever seen the senator from south carolina, he says clearly when you look at it, a lot of this had to do with actually 100% of it, had to do with getsing barak obama relie elected. >> my response is if i'm doing something wrong for political reasons, i should have egg on my face and i should be punished by the people of south carolina. if what he is saying is a bold faced lie and that i'm correct this administration hid the truth from the american people about a coordinated terrorist attack 'cause they were more worried about the president's reelection than telling the truth to the american people about why four people died, they need to be held accountable. when i wanted to get to the bottom of gitmo, i was a hero. when i challenged the torture policies of the bush administration 'cause i had been a military lawyer, i was doing the country a service. you got americans in harm's way as i speak tonight, many of them in uniform and throughout the they2*qq' let down by their government and the colleagues that serve their country that their death has been dishonored and what happened was distorted for political reasons. if for no other reason, somebody needs to be held accountable about lying about how those who died. >> congressman chaffetz, senator graham, chaffetz is coming up later, have led the way on this. everyone is ridiculing them saying they're spitting in the wind. there is no there there. the president said there is no talking points. what are you talking about? and now it turns outs there were talking points, there were e-mails and they were withholding them and i think that more than just fox is angry. that's what i saw yesterday. meanwhile, two years ago, at that time there were attacks in the area, there were protests throughout other capitals throughout the middle east and north africa, at which time the president thought it would be a good idea to get on line, puts the tape together, leaning with the secretary of state, and have a message to the people of pakistan. don't go crazy. we apologize. here is a little video to show you that that bad movie that's out that ridicules islam has nothing to do with america thinks. it costs us $70,000. now that we know that they don't think that, the riots were because of that. think about what we could have done with that money. >> yeah. $70,000 for this video that was the alleged cover-up of the alleged cover-up, this is how far they were going to do this. not only to protect president obama, but to protect then secretary of state. >> because they were doubling down. they had put that out. yeah, it's all about the video. so what do they do? they -- >> put the guy in jail. >> they hired alt those -- all those television stations. hillary clinton said the u.s. has absolutely nothing to do with this video. excepts use it as an excuse. meanwhile, let's talk a little bit about gq, gentlemen's quartersly magazine. curious, apparently they don't like fox and apparently they don't like conservatives and apparently what they did with one of their columns talking about the guy who soon used to own the l.a. clippers, what they have said is if you are a conservative, you're a racist. >> here is what a tweet said. it said good luck to donald sterling with whatever show he ends up hosting on fox news probably. >> right. that's pretty insulting i would think to not only us, but to you. mickey tweet this, gq magazine, i'm canceling my subscription and his web address at "fox & friends." >> sally says gq has a low i.q. >> and here is a viewer e-mail. g.q. magazine recruited my friend out of high school to model and turned him into a life long drug addict. wow. those are some strong words. really, maybe gq ought to stick to the colorful socks and the pocket squares and hair gel. >> how brilliant is gq? half the country leans to the right. half to the left. for them to anger half of the country who might buy their stupid magazine, that's just not a good business model. >> whoever is managing their social media account, i wonder how long they're going to have that job. >> i don't know how long i can go with this boycott 'cause i have no idea what to wear on the weekends if i don't have that magazine. >> just wear that. >> okay. >> american scientific or scientific american, he's kidding! he's kidding! >> you guys -- >> coming up on "fox & friends," a warning for anyone who gets manicures. what you need to know about a connection to cancer? >> pay attention, joel. but first, are we about to see another housing crisis? bob massi looks like that. ♪ ♪ fighting constipation by eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. if you have a buness idea, we have a personalized legal solution that's right for you. with easy step-by-step guidance, we're here to help you turn your dream into a reali. start your business today with legalzoom. that's why i got a new windows 2 in 1. it has exactly what i need for half of what i thought i'd pay. and i don't need to be online for it to work. it runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. but it's fun, too -- with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, 'cause a good playlist is good for business. i need the boss's signature for this. i'm the boss. ♪ honestly ♪ i wanna see you be brave ♪ honestly golive garden'svorites asignature favorites, just $10 all week long! including everyone's favorite fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. with sauces made from scratch in our kitchens every morning. all served with unlimited homemade soup or fresh garden salad. and your all-time favorite, warm breadsticks. signature favorites now just $10. all day, everyday at olive garden, we're all family here. discover 70 lunch combinations including our chicken parmigiana sandwich starting at $6.99. is as much about getting there... ♪ it is being there. ♪ [ birds chirping ] away is where the days are packed with wonder... ♪ [ wind whistles ] ...and the evenings are filled with familiar comforts. find your away. for a dealer and the rv that's right for you, visit if you own a home or you're thinking about buying, consider yourself warned because some of america's biggest banks need your business and they may be back to some of the old tricks that got us all in trouble. joining us to explain what this means to you and your money, fox news legal analyst, bob massi. he's out in vegas, baby. governing to you. >> good morning. >> you know, after so many people had to declare -- this is in the form of a question -- in the aftermath of excessive bankruptcy, foreclosures and destroyed credit what, is happening in the world of lending for the consumer and the homeowner? >> the lenders are crying. the lenders are saying we're just not getsing enough business. people don't have the credit necessarily to get what they want. so the lenders are crying and what they're doing is they're adapting and they're modifying and they're enticing the homeowner. they're enticing the consumer and buying cars to get back in the game and they're making it easier for them to do it. so once again, we have to be careful as prospective homeowners and consumers to exact plea what they're doing and saying. >> that's a good question. in fact, we've got a graphic to that points. what are the lenders doing now to get the consumer and the homeowner back in the arena to get money from them? >> auto financing, they're doing subprime loans. >> sub prime? are you kidding? >> no. auto financing they're doing. they're basically charging at some points 15, 20% on this money. you have wells fargo and other lenders that are lowering the fico scores down to 600 on fha loans. look, they understand, steve, the emotion -- i talked about this before and unfortunately, human nature never changes. they want to own. so what do they do? they throw it out there again to the homeowner, prospective homeowner, the consumer saying we're going to make it easier for you to get into it. i want to be clear on something, even though fico scores have been lowered by some of the lenders, they still are requiring, steve, a high percentage, 15, 20% money down if you're going to buy a home. so they're wanting more money down in some cases. but what's important for our just understand what -- when you borrow money, alt they're doing is throwing money at you. what is it costing you? and can you meet the obligation? don't fall back and say it's so enticing, the emotional buy, steve, the opportunity to make money, six, seven years, investment properties in america is what got us, many of us, in a position where we lost so much. >> and bob, what you're suggesting is what the banks are doing is giving noun people who can't pay it -- money to people who can't pay it back again and that led to a big bubble and where we are today. >> there is a risk. look, if you and i as a responsible citizen, you have to look at the way the economy is in our country, the way unemployment is still is in our country, can you really meet this payment if you hit a bump in the road? if you hit a bump in the road, guys, then you have to look -- i don't buy unless i know if something goes wrong, i can survive. we have to live that way anymore. if you don't and you miss a payment, you do this, the same domino effect is going to happen again. credit gets hit, bankruptcy gets hit, foreclosure happens, repo something of cars, we got back into the same jackpot we did several years ago. >> we got to look out for ourselves because nobody is look out for us. >> we cannot blame anybody anymore. we're more informed than ever before. >> if you got questions for bob as several people did and we just asked him about it, visit our web site. scroll down and look for that rebuilding dreams section at the bottom of the page. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, president bush gearing up for his annual wounded warriors ride and dr. mark siegle is with them. we'll check in live. and what really happens behind the scenes in washington. >> talk to me. >> what about? >> anything. doesn't quite matter. >> congress, legislature, words like that? >> yeah. exactly. >> one of the stars from beat, mac walsh -- matt walsh is here live some stories make headlines in the medical world. a brand-new report shedding light on a connection between manicures and cancer. researchers visited 16 different salons in the united states and looked at those u.v. lights used for gel manicures. you know them, steve. they found it could take as many as 24 visits to some salons to reach the point where the light triggers cancer-causing dna damage. take that, marcus allen. and here is another reason to make broccoli parts of your diets. getting enough fiber may be a life saver for people who have had a heart attack. researchers at harvard say extra fiber increased long-term survival rates by 25%. so what would washington be like if our politicians and communication directsors acted like this? >> that was the planet. >> we can do this. >> you're a did you go person, right? what kind of dog do you have? >> i have a real dog. >> an open secret in washington. >> do you know who is playing golf with? >> who. >> no, no. who? >> you don't know and you want me to find out. >> yeah. >> so funny. how close is the show "veep" mirror what really happens. matt walsh is an actor on the show, good morning. >> you ready for year three? >> yeah. i don't have to do anything. we made it. >> fictional character. it seems awfully real to me. >> according to people in dc, the show is fairly accurate to the way things happen behind the scenes. >> you work for the vice president. >> i'm the communications director for the fictional vice presidents. >> are you suggesting that this is what it's like working for joe biden? >> no. i think it's more about truthfully the humanity, like you're pushing ideals through a system. so it's human people trying to do their best and inevitably they're flawed human beings. that's my take on it. >> good way to put it. >> americans have a fascination with what happens in politics and washington, d.c we've seen it. but this is funny. how does it keep viewers' attention? why is it season three and hopefully more for you? >> season three, she's running for president. like "west wing" was aspirational and" house of cards" is like conspiracy. i think our show goes for the joke, but it's also a little more realistic. this year the stakes are high because she's bringing in all these consultantses and we're all worried about our jobs. she wants the office so bad, she'll fire anybody. so we're all terrified of losing our position. >> does it scare you that people come up to you and see what it's really like and you have a vice president that's somewhat not ready for the job, so she's going to become president? does that scare you? >> yeah, it's a little disamonthsing when people say your show tackles what's wrong admire -- like i would never be a politician. i think that's the worst job in the world. >> what would happen if selena myer became president? >> terrible things. nuclear holocaust, budget crisis. >> it's 'cause she's just not up for the job. >> she's not -- she has created that character, would not be a good president. no. >> i love the behind the scenes story. you're on hbo, so you can do some ad libbing there. >> there is some filthy talking. >> there is definitely filthy talk on cam remarks off camera. >> we know elaine benes is funny. so what is it like behind the scenes, when off gel together? >> it's great. we do a lot of improv, so there is great chemistry and we all hang out after the show because we spend a lot of time on the show insulting each other. so it's important to sort of mend that friendship after the show and have a drink and play cards and stuff. >> it is hilarious. my wife and i love the episodes and my kids are all hooked on it. it airs sunday at 10:30 p.m. eastern time on hbo for the fresh ones. >> or get your friends hbo go number. >> i use kilmeade. >> thank you for saying that. >> i have no idea what you're talking about. >> matt, thank you very much. straight ahead. >> who is that cry baby? it's throw back thursday and we're sharing our baby pictures next. >> i had a lot on my mind. >> devastating floods sweeping the country. up next, maria will be showing us how to survive a flash flood. check her out. ♪ ♪ when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online and have it shipped at no additional cost straight to your door. viagra home delivery. get started at viagra home delivery. the only thing better than the smell of fresh-cut grass... is the smell of perfectly level, fresh-cut grass. that yellow seat's my favorite chair. you wanna find a john deere dealer? just set your gps to tractor expert. when my grandson grows up, it's his. but it's all mine now. that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. get 600 dollars off all john deere four-wheel steer lawn tractors now at a dealer near you. back with a fox news alert. labor department releasing brand-new weekly jobless numbers. 344,000 first-time unemployment claims were filed last week. that is up a little higher than expected. >> all right. 28 minutes now before the top of the hour. >> we want to show you video out of pensacola, florida, taken by a drone. you can see homes and cars submerged by nearly two feet of water and more rain on the way. maria molina is following these storm and joins us. good morning. >> hi. incredible images out of that florida panhandle due to the heavy rain. look at some of the rainfall totals across parts of florida and also alabama. they have just been incredible. well over a foot of rain across some of these areas. it's not just across parts of the gulf coast that we've been seeing flooding, but also the northeast. we have set rainfall records across portions of the northeast. look at parts of maryland picking up over seven inches of rain from this storm system. the rainfall rates were also incredible, pensacola picked up over five inches of rain in one hour. several more inches still expected across the southeast. so there is that threat for flooding that will continue. in the northeast, most of the rainfall accumulations will be generally light. a few showers. thunderstorms possible on parts of the east coast with an isolatessed risk for severe weather. keep that in mind out there. this is the same storm that is responsible for the tornadoes that were produced across so many states over the last several days. i want to mention in mayflower, arkansas, that tornado was confirmed as an ef-4 with winds close to 200 miles per hour and we've seen so many images of flood waters sweeping away cars. we want to give you some tips here because if the unthinkable does happen and you are caught in your car during a flash flood and you're forced to break a window, you want to try to make sure you strike in the center of the window with as much force as possible. that's where it would be easier to break it and also try to break the window where the water is flowing away from the car. not towards the car because then you're looking at the water rushing into your car and also remember if you broke it, there is glass there as well. so that would be another big issue. let's head back inside. >> we should also point out when you just broke that, in that video, you cut up your hand pretty hard. >> yeah. i used a window breaker. i don't think i could have broken it with my hand by itself. that window hammer really helps people break those windows much easier. so that's something also. throw in your car, keep it in there. >> you were really brave in that segment. thanks. let's turn to heather nauert who joins us now with the very latest on toronto's crack smoking mayor. >> we haven't heard about him as much lately. but we do talk about him when new video emerges. the crack smoking mayor, rob ford, back on crack again. a new video surfaced, reportedly showing him smoking crack in his sister's basement. he's announced he's taking a break and headed to rehab. his lawyer says he's fine low ready to deal with his real drug problem. he has a heisman trophy and national championship and now a rap sheet? a florida state star jameis winston, walked out of a publix grocery store with $32 worth of crab legs and crawfish. he said he forgot to pay for it. he's now been suspended until he completes 20 hours of community service and he has to repay that money. a rash of possible food poisonings at a conference on food safety. more than 100 people now reportedly getting sick at the food safety summit in baltimore, maryland. state officials are trying to figure out what on earth happened. 1300 people were there from food companies, the government agencies, including the f.d.a. a town is trying to tell a guy in florida, see oleates, alligator. larry miller keeps two pet gators in the backyard of his south daytona home. he's been fined $250 for not having the proper permit to keep them there. >> people has dogs and lizards and cats and i have alligators. >> oh, my. well, the two gators will be removed from his yard today and taken to gatorland. that's a place. larry plans to buy two acres of land, he says, so he can get his pets back. good for you, larry. >> don't try this at home. >> that was great! >> you belong at gatorland. if you're a gator, that's as good as it gets. today is throwback thursday. tbt. we've been tweeting out our pictureses and you've been sending us yours as well. we're looking for your baby pictureses. >> let's get started. ben looks like heather nauert's picked. >> which one is heather? >> heather is locked and loaded. then you can see the other fellow right there with green underwear. >> there you go. >> he could get a haynes deal there. >> all right. rick thinks he looks like brian's picture. when you look side by side, you know what? separated at birth. >> that's my brother jim, who clearly had all the clothes in the family. i just got a pullover and i didn't have a neck at that point in my life. i was eating jelly beans with buttser for lunch and dinner. >> and scott in pennsylvania. 33 years later. look at this. we were asking people to send us their pictures when they were kids. then where they are now. that's cool. >> brian, just a moment ago when you said you were -- you didn't have a neck because you were eating jelly beans and buttser, for the guy from that magazine, he was kidding! >> thank you, steve. i appreciate it. he's kidding! >> just keep in mind. we're just trying to lighten your day. meanwhile, look at this. it's our shot of the morning. carvelle ice cream set up shop on the plaza to celebrate free cone day and getting the inside scoop -- i'm kidding, here is maria molina with a special guest. good morning to you. >> good morning. that's right. today is carvel's free cone day and joining me is scott, the president of the company. scott, why is today free cone day? >> carvel likes to kick off the summer with free cone day. we do this every year, so today from 3 to 8:00 p.m., any guest can come in and get our favorite flairs, vanilla and chocolates, and salty carmel. >> and you have more than 400 franchises across the u.s. today you're also sharing your new flavor, which is salted carmel. we have a cone here ready to go so i can try it. >> what do you think? >> delicious. this is great. so that's what you have going on today. it's also your 80th anniversary. so you have this cake that you brought here. we have one with steve, elisabeth and brian. here are their photos. thanks for bringing my cake as well. just kidding. but you also have fudgy the whale. why is your mascot a whale? >> so almost 40 years ago, tom carvel invented fudgy the whale as our father's day flavor. it's a favorites of all children. >> and today you're also doing something special. when people go to your stores, they can buy a $2 coupon book and some of the proceeds go to the red cross? >> we'll raise at least $30,000 and guests can buy, for $2, they buy a coupon book worth $20 of value. >> and the red cross currentsly helping in so many states. let's head back inside. >> you were edging out fudgy the whale. can someone give him a hug or something? >> a great cause. maria, we would like three of the salted carmels in here. just for research purposes. >> in a few minutes. that was some fun. now serious stuff. up next, college students forced to pay to get into their own graduation ceremony. why? the keyneat speaker, nancy pelosi. and president bush gearing up for his annual wounded warriors ride and our very own dr. mark siegle is with him. he was there last year. he's back. we're go live to texas coming up go long, look lean, in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online and have it shipped at no additional cost straight to your door. viagra home delivery. get started at natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. good morning. 44 minutes after the hour. quick headlines.a8-éd7]7q9! edition. pay to attend their own graduation? uc-berkeley graduates have to fork over ten bucks to go to their own commencement address delivered by nancy pelosi. administrators say the money pays for things like food, flowers and snacks. and family in maryland suing their kid's school saying it's their fault he got a d because teachers didn't give him enough attention. the family says their son can't get into college now. >> okay. meanwhile, president george w. bush is welcoming 16 wounded veterans and active duty soldiers to his prairie chapel ranch for the fourth annual w 100 k mountain bike ride. joining us from prairie chapel ranch is our own dr. mark siegle. good morning. you're making a ranch call today. >> exactly, steve. good morning. we're here at the prairie chapel ranch. this is the fourth annual event. we're honoring 16 warriors this year that have been wounded in the iraq and afghanistan campaign. the goal is to honor their resilience, sacrifice, gets them back on the bike, back to regular life. the bush institute now has a military service initiative. i'm joined by christa mars a staff sergeant, wounded in afghanistan by a suicide bomber. actually saw this program a few years ago and it inspired him to join the ride. chris, tell us about this. >> i was laying at walter reed hospital and just turned on fox news and watched you guys riding around and i looked over at my mom and dad and said, i'm going to do this in a couple years. i said next year and they kind of looked at me funny 'cause i was in rough shape. but i'm here now. you are the ones that got me interested in this. >> how prosecute you wounded? >> suicide bomber. motorcycle bomb. broke both my legs, lot of shrapnel, head trauma, some broken facial bones. >> what about posttraumatic stress? we're featuring that this year and trying to get rid of the stigma attached to it. >> yeah. it's there. a lot of guys have head injuries, the tbi, which has a lot of the same symptoms. it compounds it. as their brain kind of comes back from the tbi, some of the ptsd kind of wears down, too. it's always going to be with a lot of the guys for the rest of their lives. >> this is a colonel and the head of the military service institute at the bush foundation. tell us what your goals are here quickly. >> president bush and the military service initiative wants to honor all 2.6 million post-9-11 vets and their families in the one to 1 1/2 million that will come out by facilitating a successful reintegration. so helping great leaders like chris and the 16 men and women out here today l it's through employment, education, housing, families, or health and wellness issues like ending the stigma associated with posttraumatic stress. >> guys, as i tell the riders every year, if you see president bush, you're going too fast. you see dr. siegle, you're going too slow. back to you in new york. >> good advice. very nice. >> all right. thank you very much. >> that's such an honor he was watching us at walter reed and back there today. coming up, remember when the president said this about benghazi? >> the whole issue of talking points frankly throughout this process has been a side show. >> okay. brand-new details telling a different story about that side show. so is it finally time for john boehner to call for a special counsel? jason chaffetz has been investigating this and is here next. first we're going to check in with martha mccallum for what's coming up at the top of the hour. good morning. >> good morning. about a half hour from now, congress is going to hear from a new witness in the benghazi case. sources are telling us that this could be quite interesting news from this hearing. we'll bring you that live. plus, bill o'reilly takes on the relationship between the white house and the press on this story. and leon panetta says the u.s. is in a dangerous world and cannot afford to back down. bill and i will see you at the top of the hour ♪ ♪ (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses. what does that first spoonful taste likok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. we've been talking about it all week. new e-mails blasting a hole in the white house's steer that then ambassador susan rice was just repeating the latest intel when appears on all those sunday shows in the aftermath of the benghazi attacks on 9-11-2012. one e-mail from a former aide outlined the prep work saying, quote, the goal is to underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video and not a broader failure or policy. why weren't these e-mails given to congress when they asked for them last august? joining us now is a member of the house oversight and reform committee who asked for those e-mails, did not get those e-mails, congressman jason chaffetz. congressman, a lot of people watching this say, what's changed? what's changed for you now? >> we have a whole nother set of documents. the oversight committee has roughly 3200 new documents that we've gotten in the last 30 days. despite the white house saying this is a phony scandal. it was done a long time ago. what difference does it make, you ever the white house press secretary in an embarrassing moments, tried to say that the ben rhodes e-mail had nothing to do with benghazi. that's absolutely laughable. today we're going to hear from a general, air force general who was there in germany as this was going down in the room. we're going to hear from him, what was happening in that room? were the facts as we knew them? and the white house just can't keep saying we were dealing with the best intelligence we had. oh, yeah? what was that intelligence? what did the military think was going down? >> so we had talking points ahod mike morell said i had no idea where that word tape came from. but you also have him dealing with offering a his services to help work something outs with the state department. that's also in these documents. >> he said that he was worried it would be embarrassing to the state department. that doesn't sound like somebody who is trying to get out the truth about what's going on in benghazi. you would the station chief himself say it had nothing to do with a video and that that led to some sort of mob that got out of control. >> one thing, you guys got to help gregory hicks 'cause his career is all screwed up because believe. but today, you're going to talk to general lovely -- lovell. what is he going to say about these giocoso have been saved or at least helped? >> we got to hear it from his own lips. but i think generally what happened is they were waiting for hillary clinton and the state department to offer some direction. they were there in a support mission to the state didn't. what did hillary clinton direct? what did she wants? what was her communication with the president? ends up hillary clinton didn't even speak with the president that night. so you have air force -- the pentagon and resources, they tried to come up with this lame story that they couldn't have gotten there in time. i'm worried that they didn't even trio get there. that's what i want to ask the general this morning. >> is it time for the speaker of the house to commission a select committee and get a real prosecutor asking questions consistently with follow-ups and start making some progress on this? >> i think we have been making progress, but it's getting increasingly difficult to deny the fact that we have a major, major scandal. we have lies that are perpetuated by this white house. i don't know how over the course of time we continue to resist the idea of creating a select committee, if we're going to be stove piped. the reality is we're issuing subpoenas that are going out there. but they have got to comply with those. when the white house and the state department don't comply with subpoenas, we got a major, major problem in this country. >> you know what? they're not. judicial watch is having a court order to make them do it is the only thing that do. it makes me wonder if anything is going to change. anyone who passes away, talking points is not going to happen and there is no there there, i think they have a hard case to prove. congressman, you've been there, been to libya, done the research. i look forward to the hearings today. thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. coming up next, "fox & friends" will wrap things up and say something that might change your life. ♪ ♪ when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. ♪ at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. tomorrow we're off to the kentucky derby. right? >> right. >> fun. >> that will be great. and cheerleading a sport, yes or no? >> she says yes. >> see you tomorrow. good morning, everybody, a fox news alert. this will be a significant day as the white house's benghazi story is falling apart. sources telling fox he's expected to reveal new information about what was happening on the ground that night or what was not happening on the ground that night. both critical. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to america's newsroom. martha: it's brigadier general robert lovell. he says he watched the assault in realtime.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140430 10:00:00

>> always love those stories. staff sergeant william delay greetingç his five-year-old daughter at school after coming home from afghanistan. the bad, a cleaning truck slamming into the side into a plane in miami. the driver hit the gas stphefd brakes. the ugly. ranger fans and fire fans in a big brawl. >> that's it. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> bye. hey everybody. good morning. it is wednesday, the 30th of april, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. calling it the smoking e-mail. proof this morning on who really told susan rice to say this. >> it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in cairo as a consequence of the video. >> yeah, but that's not true. and talk about a double standard, one democratic hold everyone accountable for their words. but who is policing that guy? >> there's [inaudible] clarence thomas. >> unfortunately for him that is not all he had to say. >> there is a reunion in a galaxy far away. the new star wars has its cast and some of the original faces are making a return. >> all right. >> mornings are better with friends.ç >> it's time for "fox & friends." >> welcome aboard, folks. live from studio e live in midtown manhattan where it is raining. but april showers bring may pneumonia. it's freezing out there. 434 -- 43 degrees. >> i heard tulips decided not to come out of the earth. it is too cold. >> joining us is anna kooiman for elisabeth who has taken the day off. >> that's allowed. we have a live camera with elisabeth. we'll be dipping into her life throughout the day. let's talk about benghazi. judicial watches put in a freedom of information request to find out about memos and e-mails transferred during the time of the benghazi attacks a couple of years ago. it turns out if you ask the right way, if you try hard enough, you eídç up getting those memos and they turn out not redacted. >> the key is you have to sue them. we've done a lot of stories on benghazi but this is the one you've really got to pay attention to. because of this. as it turns out the white house had these documents they turned over to the house oversight committee. >> about 100 pages? >> how would you know because so much stuff was blacked out they were useless. judicial watch sued them under the freedom of information act. they went to court and wound up with these unredacted things. who told susan rice to go on the sunday talk shows and say it was a video. now we've got these unredacted things from ben rhodes, barack obama's assistant and the deputy national security advisor, one of them entitled prep call for susan rice the day before she was on tv. it said the goal was to underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video and not a broader failure of policy. it does not mention, according to sharyl atkissson who has written a blog, does not relate to terrorism. >> the national security council is basically saying the e-mail referring to protests going on around the region in cairo and benghazi, they were talking more about the flavor of theç region. that statement did not address what fox news asked, which is where did you get this information about protesting sparked by the video, the attacks on benghazi on innocent americans, where did you get this information from? snorkelly ayotte was on with grate at that -- senator kelly ayotte was on with greta last night. >> we asked where the video reference came from. now we know it came from the white house. this is a dynamic where the president in the election was claiming he had been a good foreign policy president, had al qaeda on theç run. the other thing in this e-mail here that is very troubling is this reference to make sure you mention that al qaeda has been destroyed. then you saw ambassador rice on every single sunday show saying al qaeda has been decimated. >> blame it on the video, not on the president's strategies. it reads more like a p.r. strategy than it does trying to get the proper intelligence to the american people. >> remember it was seven weeks before the election, and at that point the talking point for the administration was bin laden is dead and al qaeda is on the run, we've got them on the heels. what happened there proved that wasn't true. but sharyl attkisson who worked at cbs -- she resigned because she couldn't do what she wanted to do, specifically benghazi. ben rhodes, the president'sç assistant, his brother is president of cbs news. sharyl noted that in her blog. but jason chafits said the government tried to keep the e-mail secret because they initially had it declassified but then they classified, pwhrabgdz it out and sent -- blacked it out, sent it over and there was nothing there. >> i would say too they are brothers. lindsey graham said this is the smoking gun that points to the whiteç house's efforts to shape the story of what was going on in benghazi. >> asked about whether this call actually happened, we haven't had an answer for that either. the subject line of the e-mail in the 4 p.m. prep call with susan rice and it didn't go out to just one or two people. it went out to a dozen of the president's closest confidantes including white house spokesperson jay carney. >> lindsey graham does say it is the smoking gun. charles krauthammer says it is the smoking document. >> he also went on to say, charles, he does not believe america will pay enough attention. >> because of the mainstream media. >> the main story yesterday has to be what was happening with donald sterling. it was up to the nba commissioner to step up and he did. he banned him for life and will force him to sell the team. then comes out opinions and almost universally people basketball association for taking the proper steps but not everyone was pushing that. one congressman thompson said we've got to give the players more power and owners more power to oust this guy and have more control over what happens in this league because you need a two-thirds vote to get rid of a guy like donald sterling in this case. meanwhile, you have to wonder if congressman thompson is asking for a double standard when it comes to freedom of speech and saying things that are flatout in my mind offensive. >> he was on nation of islam radio. this is a democrat congresseao great state of mississippi. he says that clarence thomas, the african-american justice on the u.s. supreme court, is an uncle tom. he says mitch commonly is a a -- mitch mcconnell is a racist. he says republicans are antiobamacare because he's black. that is not true. any way, here is the congressman from mississippi. >> mitch mcconnell will have the audacity to [inaudible] but the commander in chief that i don't care what you come up with, we're going to be against it. now, if that's not a racist statement, i don't know what is. >> there is uncle tom clarence thomas, this man doesn't even like black people. he doesn't likeç being black because every decision where color has something to do with it, he went against it. >> he also said he worked under three presidents, and they were never treated like this. really? george bush's intellect was slapped around every day. the majority leader called him a loser. bill clinton in particular was impeached. you saw the way bill clinton was treated in many respects. forget the way they're look at now. i don't think any of them had an easy time. >> he went on to say this antigovernment attitude is completely newç just because we have an african-american president. we did reach out to his office and haven't heard back for a comment. >> we've got lots more news to tell you about. once again we turn to heather nauert. >> got news now to bring you at nine minutes after the hour. we break in with breaking news that came in overnight. prison officials try a new drug cocktail to kill an inmate but the execution is botched. the inmate died more than 43 minutes later of a heart attack. now all executions in the state of oklahoma are on hold. the man exploded after the first of three injections and then the execution stopped. some witnesses say the convicted murderer then tried to get up and talk. pretty gruesome description there. witnesses say he looked likeç "rambo." >> a guy with a shotgun came in. he shot the guard in the belly and then he went inside and started shooting. >> police identified the gunman pwho shot up a fedex warehouse in georgia. he is a 19-year-old, a package handler for the company. etches armed with a knife, molotov cocktails and had bullets strapped to his chest. he shot six people before he turned the gun on himself. three are in critical condition. police not releasing a motive yet. amanda knox and her roommate fought over money before knoxç allegedly n knife, her off with a according to italian court documents that were just unsealed in that case. a court informant claimed convicted knox and her former boyfriend of murdering kirchner. knox was first convicted of murder about five years ago but the verdicts were overturned on appeal in 2011. in january a federal appeals court overturned the conviction. knox now in seattle was sentenced to 28 1/2 years in prison. >> it is an all-star reunion in a galaxy far away. star wars episode 7 had its cast and there are plenty of familiar faces. harrison ford is back along with mark hamill, and then there is newcomers to the task. oscar isaac, best known for his role inç inside lou ellen days. adam driver, we hear he'llen -- he'll be playing a villain. the highly anticipated sequel hits december 2015. those are your headlines. maybe brian would actually like a movie. >> i saw one of them, didn't get through it, never saw the rest. >> probably fighting words for a lot of our viewers. you didn't like "gravity" either? >> too few people in theç cast. he loved fred clark. .i also loved "here comes the boom." two award winning movies. coming up straight ahead, for american kids college is more expensive than ever, than ever before. now one lawmaker ruling illegal immigrants can go for free. really? rick perry getting companies wbr id "wbr7440" to move to texas saying it is better for business, but now he's being called a domestic financial terrorist. stuart varney, that man right there in the pink tie. ♪ ♪ ♪ chico's effortless shirt. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and /b this and this. whip up this. munch on that. and dine out on this. that's 7 days a week. no tracking. no counting. no measuring. and you'll start losing weight right away with our 2 week simple start plan. so jumpstart your summer and join for free. hurry, and if you join by may wbr-id "wbr8040" 3rd, get a month free. try meetings, do it online or both. weight watchers. because it works. for $175 dollars a month? so our business can . be on at&t's network yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. new at&t mobile share value plans. our best value plans ever for business. [ banker ] sydney needed some financial guidance so she could take her dream to the next level. so we talked about her options. her valuable assets were staying. and selling her car wouldn't fly. we helped sydney manage her debt and prioritize her goals, so she could really turn up the volume on her dreams today...and tomorrow. so let's see what we can do about that... remodel. motorcycle. [ female announcer ] some questions take more than a bank. they take a banker. make a my financial priorities appointment today. because when people talk, great things happen. it's called truecar. and truecar users... save time and money. so when you're... ready to buy a car, make sure you... never overpay. visit today. toyota announced this week that they are planning to shiftç thousands of jobs to texas after being lured to the lone star state by governor rick perry with promises of less taxes and regulation. now a liberal blogger is attacking the move saying, quote, this represents an utterly stupid and useless case of corporate welfare. rick perry is engaged in domestic financial terrorism. is rick perry probusiness? he sure is. he's probusiness and anti-american. >> strong words there. but is bringing jobs to your state really financial terrorism? here to weigh in is stuart varney. good morning. >> are you kidding me? >> isç there any validity to that argument? do you think tax breaks to steal business from another state, does this hold water at all? >> sheer nonsense. actually it is sour grapes. toyota goes from california to texas lured by less regulation and much lower taxes. that is not financial terrorism. that is a legitimate inducement to get money and jobs out of a high-tax, high-regulation, big-union state like california and bring them to a go-ahead, low-tax, low-regulation state like texas. it is sour grapes from the left. >> isn't the whole idea when you're in business like toyota is -- and we should point out the big three were all in california once upon a time. one of them has gone to tennessee, the other now in texas as well. when you're in business, isn't the idea to make as much money as possible? and if your federal and state bureaucracies are charging you high taxes, figure out a way to payç less. in this case it's move to texas. >> it's good business. toyota wanted to build a brand-new headquarters. you can't build anything in california. they regulate you to death. there's rules and regulations for everything. what do they do? they listened to governor rick perry of texas, and went to texas where they can build a whopping great big new headquarters building just like that. >> you know what they're doing is saving the u.s. what concerns me, even though it is allowed, maximize profit if that is your goal for shareholders and make it more desirable for consumers. bow do you think overall weç are chase -- but do you think overall we are chasing money out of the country and this is a good story because it keeps money in the country? >> nobody is higher with taxes than abu dhabi at 55%. we're keeping $2 trillion of money outside of america. it doesn't come back here because of those high taxes. and we're chasing corporations out like pfizer. pfizer is going to be domiciled overseas because of our high taxes here. it's on the big level, a country level which is exactly the same as the state level within the united states. >> right. and all these energy jobs in texas as well. unemployment rate lower than a lot of others. what can other states learn from governor rick perry? >> low tax, low regulation pulls in the jobs, pulls in the money. high tax, big unions, you're chasing money out of your state.ç that's what you can learn. >> fantastic. >> rick perry wins. >> stuart varney we're going to watch your show today. >> yeah, i'm fired up. >> 11 to 1. >> are you going to be there? >> you take attendance every day. it's like romper room. >> romper room? >> yeah, you don't remember that? >> you hold up a mirror and saeup i see -- and say i see annç and i see steve. stuart didn't grow up in our nation, but welcome. >> 19 minutes after the hour kofplgt -- coming up, a country about to beat us as the number-one economy in the world. >> great. then good news. two guys came up with an idea to save the postal service. bad news? the post office said no thanks. the reason why, it's going to blow your mind. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses. natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. let's get up, let's get moving. quick headlines now. happening today, iraqis head to the polls to elect their first parliament since u.s. forces left the country in 2011. soldiers and police are manning check points. terrorists vowed to disrupt the vote with violence. china could surpass the united states as the number one economy a lot sooner than you think. we've been told it will happen in another decade or so. that's when you compare the total value of each country. but new data from the world bank says if you compare them by purchasing power, china will surpass america this year. brian, over to you. >> thankç you. $38 million is the u.s. postal service total net loss in the past years. considering it only earns services from selling stamps and shipping services, you would think the agency would think of ways to save money and keep up with the times; right? according to our next guest the idea was shot down. here with their story, evan bair and will davis. cofounders of outbox. congratulations, outbox is up and running. and is doing great. describe what your service does. >> it enabled our users to check their postal mail from anywhere so you didn't have to go to your mailbox ever again. you could check it from your ipad and iphone. we were trying to bringç the postal service into the 21st century and had a fabulous following in san francisco and texas. >> you were up and running, doing good. then what happened? >> we got a call from the postmaster general. will and i used to work in washington, d.c. we put on our suits, go to washington, met with the postmaster and its senior team. we go into this intimidating board room and gave a pitch. we said we're just a few guys trying to help build a great technology product that our customers love. we would love to find a way to work together. a few great linesç ensued. the chief digital innovation officer from the post office said no one is going to want it because digital is a fad. that was a doozy but the next one was better. the postmaster said those aren't our customers. he said our customers are a few hundred volume mailers and the product is junk mail on to the tables of america. >> they feel an allegiance to junk mailers who pay nothing to go into the postal system. you were astounded by having said that so your goal was to win them over. as ridiculous as those wrepbts -- comments are, win them over. how did that go? >> we like to think of ourselves as occasionally persuasive peoplo but when you encounter the forces of bureaucracy, we don't think the people at the postal service are foolish. the reality is they have tons of incumbent interests like the unions and congress that make it hard for them to make good decisions about their business. we tried everything we could. we had lobbyists and attorneys and a public interest campaign. it just seemed to be walls too tall to surmount. >> the government has two things that startups don't have which is time and money. we operate on a fleeting time frame with very little money. and the postal service, even if we could take five years to convince them, a startup could never operate duringw; that time frame to create a successful company that consumers love. >> you know what i found amazing is that the post office is on life support. even the biggest advocates of the post office knows it is borrowing loans in order to keep going, keeping people kphroeud. they should be embracing people like you with ideas like yours. >> that was our hope honestly. our passion and real calling is to create a great private business that creates a good or service that delights our customers. and we think when more people like us do that, us and dozens of others, that our society and country will really be on a great path. >> all right. we reached out to the post office, have not heard back. guys, thanks a lot. hopefully you can show stats on how well it was working and make legislators get on your[ @&c @@ side and force the post office into the 21st century. >> we appreciate it. thanks for having us on. >> the creators of outbox. straight ahead, no idea, -- no i.d., no problem, you can vote any way. this honor student forgot she had a pocketknife in her purse and she was expelled. does this make sense? first happy birthday to willie notice. he's 81 and at a moment'sc: notice can wear braids. ♪ ♪ when sends him a ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at rererered and seventy-seven thousand dollars per minute. that's what big oil made last year... now they're spending it to rig the system against you. pushing washington to cut american-made biofuels... bullying gas stations to use more of their oil... all so they get richer...and you pay more. truth is, biofuels are cleaner, better for your engine and less expensive. washington, don't let big oil rig the system any more. protect the renewable fuel standard. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. when my son was born, i remember, you know, picking him up and holding him against me. it wasn't just about me anymore. i had to quit. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chanti is right for you. go keith kruger! something like that. >> what am i supposed to do? >> put a footç on each thigh, one on elisabeth and one on mine. yeah, there we go. and we go like go keith cougars! >> one, two, three whoo! >> you need to do a back flip out of that? >> i was so close to falling on that fake glass coffee table out of there. brian, that's what happens when you leave the show for a couple of minutes. we were talkingç about whether or not cheerleading is a sport. as it turns out, heather nauert was a cheerleader back in the day. she was a cheerleader in -- it was middle school; right, heather? >> yeah. >> and your team was the cougars? >> i'm past 30, already a cougar. >> in your heart. >> i was a tiger. >> i was a chief. >> a what? >> i really can't help the conversation. i'm just trying to share. i was just trying to participate. >> you were not a cheerleader either? >> no but i've never been less accepted in a group in my whole life. >> we have extreme wepher. tornadoes and storms continue to go through the midwest and the south. >> now a new threat of flooding from alabama all the way up to new york state, believe it or not. >> we wonder where maria molina was because so many places have been devastated. we find her in athens, alabama tracking this wild weather. maria, good morning. >> good morning. you're right, we're in a different state today in a different city but the scene is the same. more widespread destruction. in this area the national weather service confirming a tornado touchdown with winds up to 140 miles per hour. that would make it anç es-3. that is here in athens, alabama, where we have widespread destruction. we have a home behind me, as you can see, the roof blown off, walls are gone. and inside of it, it's unrecognizable, just debris littered inside that home. down the road in a trailer park, a mother and her son were killed by the same storm system. making matters worse, today we have the threat for flash flooding. when we got here to athens, alabama, last night we had heavy rain and there was a warning in effect that has been lifted here but across eastern alabama, southern alabama and up to southern new england, you have a number of flash flood watches and several advisories in effect as well. this is a very widespread storm system impacting at least 18 states with those flood advisories. across the florida panhandle in pensacola, anywhereç between 5 to 11 inches have been reported. higher amounts have been possible in localized areas across parts of the florida panhandle. cars have been submerged. we have a number of warnings in effect there as well. at least one person dead in the florida panhandle due to that flooding. all of this flooding is on top of another round yet again of tornadoes. yesterday we had eight reported tornadoes in the state of north carolina where flooding was also a big issue there. take a look at this. >> we had about four and a half feet of water in our driveway. it was ohe hoods of both our cars, probably a good three feet of water in our house. it turned our freezer over, washer, dryer. >> 135 tornadoes have been reported in our multiday severe weather event. we do expect more severe weather possible today across the eastern third of the country. stay safe. let's head over to you in new york. >> maria molina, thank you very much. the key is about the flooding because down along the panhandle i was reading, some spots are going to end up with 25 inches of rain. 24 minutes before the top of the hour. there she is right over there, the retired cougar cheerleader. >> long ago retired. that was a lot of fun yesterday. from flooding to fishing, listen to this one especially if you like tuna. tuna fish caught off the shoreç of oregon is now known to have elevated levels of radioactive particles in it. it is believed it is from the fukashima disaster. researchers studied 26 specific albacore and found a slight increase in the levels there. they say you would have had to consume thousands of pounds of fish for it to raise any eyebrows. illegals are now eligible for in-state tuition in virginia. virginia's attorney general announcing illegal immigrants who came here as children are now eligible forç cheaper in-state tuition. the students qualify under the dream act which was created by the obama administration. in the state of wisconsin, a federal judge striking down the voter identification law. the judge ruling that the requirement that voters show a state-issued photo i.d. at the polls is an unfair burden on poor and minority voters. there are 31 other states with laws requiring voters to show i.d. at the polls. this is a fun story to tell you about in a way, i guess. twerking landing three women behind bars in the state of oregon. it all started when one went to city hall to pay a fine after she and her friends celebrated by twerking outside this building. they then exposed themselves and drove off. police followed them, stopping them at a highway. they found pot, cocaine and prescription pills in the car and they arrested them. sorry we don't have that twitter video -- twerking video to showç you. twerking. i'll get it out. good morning, brian. what have you got over there? you got sports? >> i got to tell you what's happening in the world of sports. the clippers owner donald sterling banned in the afternoon. how would the team play at night? they were greeted with a standing ovation. chris paul said he almost was brought to tears. the clippers played extremely well. they beat the golden state warriorsç 113-103. they take a three game lead in the series. elsewhere, an unbelievable first round, thunder and grizzlies in overtime for the fourth straight game. grizzlies win 100-99, talk about upset, that is exactly what the wizards pulled off. they knocked the chicago bulls out of the playoffs, 75-69. wizards win game five. they advance to the next round. in nascar, we showed you about the fight over the weekend. nascar slapping stiff fines on drivers marcus ambrose and casey meirs for fighting. >> there's a punch, a swing skh-pl this is not ultimate fighting on fox. this is nascar on fox. >>ç amprose and mears were fined. mears said we're a couple of guys and passionate about what we do but we're on probation until may 28. can you run a five minute mile? what about while chucking beers? this man won the record for the beer mile. he finished with an impressive time of 4 minutes and 57 seconds. youç could get yourself a sponsorship. there have to be gas pains. >> he's hydrating. >> you don't hydrate with alcohol. >> no but during the boston marathon, at one stand there was beer, doughnuts and cigarettes. we're on mile 20 and a guy stops to chug a beer with his buddies. i couldn't believe that. >> i have not seen that in any of the runners world magazines. >> 20 minutes before the top of the hour. meet the latest victim of the death of common sense, this honor student expelled for having a tiny pocketknife in her purse. she joins us next. >> where were the air traffic controllers on this one? where a truck slams right into the belly of a plane on the tarmac. >> we're going to see it inç a little while. >> you watch. >> not yet. ♪ ♪ jeff... hey, scott! this is no time for lollygaggin', lad. the chickweed and the dandelions are wreakin' mad havoc! now's the time to send in the scotts turf builder weed & feed, man! it kills weeds while it feeds and strengthens your grass. feed your lawn. feed it! ♪ it kills weeds while it feeds and strengthens your grass. (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses. i've got to show you this video. watch this. it's a cleaning truck slamming into the side of a cargo plane in miami. the driver hit the gas instead of the brakes. the plane carrying flowers for mother's day was repaired and put back in service. that's all i have to say. >> that'sç enough. meanwhile, an honor student is expelled for the balance of the school year after that pocketknife was found inside her bag in her school locker. she admits she made a mistake by accidentally leaving it in the bag but says the punishment does not fit the crime. she and her father join us from the great city of minneapolis. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> alyssa, why did you have a knife in the bag? >> my boyfriend lives on a farm and i help him with chores. the only reason i got the knife was to help him with chores and i only used it a few times because he has like a lot of knives. that's the only reason i even had it in there because i forgot i threw it in my purse. >> you had probably had the knife a number of times, but you forgot to take it out of your purse when you went to schoolç that day; right? >> yes. >> how did they find it? >> on tuesday, april 15, they had a dog search and they smelled perfume in my locker and like tanning lotion and they found it in there. then they called me down to the principal's office and wanted to give me suspension. >> okay. and then you told them that, look, i left it there by accident; right? what else? >> and i told them it was by accident and i told them like the story that had happened, like that i helped my boyfriend with chores on the farm and iç threw it in my purse that weekend, that last weekend. >> rick, you -- go ahead. >> they only thought i should get a three-day suspension because they knew i was a good kid and never got into trouble. >> then the school board took a look at it, rick, and decided your daughter should be kicked out of school for the rest of the year. you've got a problem with this, don't you? >> i do. to take a good honor student and punish them excessively like this, it does no school for the kid, whether it is my kid or some other kid, it does no for . it just teaches bad things. you know, the zero-tolerance policies are clearly not working and this is a clear-cut case of that. >> sure. from the picture we're looking at it looks like the blade might beç two, less than three inches long? >> right. >> what's interesting about this -- and you did talk about this, rick, because you have hired an attorney. you want your daughter to go back to school. she needs to get into a college and you don't want this as a black mark on her record. but tell us about one of the kids of one of the school board members who also took to school something classified as a weapon. >> there was a student that had a lighter that he actually forgot in a bag inside his locker, which is the same situation that whether his parent is a school board member or not should be no different than whether or not he violated the school weapon policy or not. he ended up only getting a three-day suspension for that. >> he got three days for having what was classified as a weapon and your daughter got kicked out for the rest of the year because as it turns out the school board had a little flexibility when it came to the school board member's child. alyssa, how do you feel about going forward knowing that you made a little mistake, you owned up to it, but now they're killing you? >> yeah. i don't know. i think it's an excessive punishment like it's not just about me now. it's about everyone else who's gotten an excessive punishment too. i don't know, i just want to fight for everyone else too. rick, it does seem commonsense wise, she's been out of school already, said she was sorry. it was a simple mistake. where's the common sense? >> there clearly isn't any. for alyssa to make good choices throughout her life and then to make one simple mistake, which it's not really even a mistake. she clearly just forgot that the knife was in her purse, and the whole reason she had it in her purse that day was because she was going to -- she was trying to get ready for[ @&c @@ prom. >> that's why she had -- >> right. now being she's expelled, she can't even go to prom. >> keep us posted on what happened out there. rick and alyssa drescher join us today. what do you think about that? we've got a debate on facebook. you check it out and weigh in as well. hash tag free my sister. coming up, you could be on this rocket space and the travel is going to be cheap or you could be driven around by robots. these are some of the things coming up in the next decade. why the millenials no longer standing by the president they voted for. why? we're going to ask the 20-somethings who are already in office. next. ♪ ♪ç i do a lot oresearch on angie's list before i do any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. anbe a name and not a number?tor scottrade. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready to help. so when i have questions, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. that's why i'm with scottrade. announcer: scottrade- proud to be ranked "best overall client experience." a a ♪ what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. they boosted him to white house victory in 2008 and 2012. now disappointment leaves many of them disillusioned. new study shows their level of trust in president obama has slid to 32% over the last four years. that's 12% drop. only 14% of millenials trust congress and 20% trust the federal government. how does president obama and the government lose the millenial generation? let's ask three of them who all already hold public office. alex morse, the mayor of holly oak, massachusetts. and two other guests. good morning. >> good morning. >> representative garcia, we'll start with you. you say this talk of hope and change is simply empty rhetoric. why? >> well, as you pointsed out, trust in government elected officials dropped among my littlials and the thing is, it's one thing to distrust your elected officials, but this generation and the recent decade, we've seen that -- we have reason to expect that our elected officials, particularly our federal officials personified in the president, actively deceiving us, not just distrust. >> mayor, we've got a full screen to show. in 2008, the youth vote, president obama had 66%. 2012, 60% of the youth vote. but come time now, they're having a tough time finding jobs out of school, disheartened about obamacare and having to subsidize the he saiderly. how do you think this will affect the mid terms. are they disillusioned by the democratic party? >> i don't think it's about a party or a person i have really think it's about a process. the same harvard study that was quoted in the national journal article showed that between the first and second term for both president bush and president obama, there were precipitous drop in perception among millenials. i think what they're reacting to is the fact that the process is not built for progress. in fact, the gridlock is what's turning many of us off. mayor morris, let me ask you, you're an arresteddents obama supporter what about the other issue of student loans that millenials are facing? how is that going to affects midterms? >> i am a big obama supporter, and we're all about getting things done. i think president obama, when first elected in 2008, immediately came in to republican obstructionism in congress and so i think be it stabilizing student interest rates, that's something important to young people. young people wants to get involved not just in politics, but public service. that same article pointed out the volunteerism rate among young people. issues like health care and immigration and gun control, those things need a vote in congress. president obama can't do it alone. >> the polls also show conservatives millenials are motivated to head to the polls. more "fox & friends" coming up in a few minutes. thank you for your time, everyone go long, look lean, in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily. you've reached the age where you know how things work. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long- term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. good morning. it is wednesday, the 30th of april, 2014. aim anna kooiman in for allegation elisabeth. call it the smoking e-mail. proof this morning on who really told susan rice to say this. >> it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in cairo as a consequence of the video. >> meanwhile, the main stream media may not be talking about benghazi, but tim allen is in prime time. how he worked it into his show. >> you're going to want to see that. plus, george clooney surrendering his title as most eligible bachelor and now we know who is taking his place. who would that be? you're going to have to stick around because mornings are better with "fox & friends." looks like the rid ther there -- riddler there. >> hi, this is henry winkler, you're watching "fox & friends". >> the riddler is the only bad guy to wear a unitard. >> what's his name? frank gorshen? >> yep. and that was the only thing he did, right? >> perhaps his best known role. >> how do you know the penguin wasn't wearing one? >> i was just informed superman was wearing one. >> super friends usually do. >> what did frank gorshen do. >> he was an impersonator. >> welcome back to short attention span newscast. anna kooiman is with us today. great to have you. >> great to be here. >> we have a bombshell. we have done stories about benghazi but this is really important because despite what the white house told us over the last year or so, it looks like the white house is who misled the country on those talk points. remember siphon rice went out out susan rice said it was because of the internet video. now we know apparently there was a document from the white house, top advisor to the president who made it clear, let's not call this terrorism. let's divert people over to something else. >> yeah, ben rosen, assistants to the president, deputy national security advisor, he had an e-mail sent out to about a dozen people, including jay carney, but some of the president's closest confidantes, and the subject line said, 4:00 p.m., press call. here were the goals there. one was to underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video and not a broader failure or policy and the other one was essentially to reinforce the president and his administration's strength. so the idea was to try to make this look like it was not a failure of the president's policies, but just, of course, this video. >> so let me get this straight. now you have a direct link between the spinning of the message, the telling of the story and the white house. now this was done because judicial watch sued for it. originally these documents, i understand, were given up, but there were some redacted that makes no sense. but now you have everybody this was cced to. you have in the title saying prep. this is saturday night before the sunday shows. what does this mean? it means their shows are spinning in the message. the c.i.a. said we never said anything about a video. white house, according to sheryl atkissson, she said, can i just get a picture of who was doing anything during the attacks? she can not get a picture from the white house. she's just trying to get a situation room shot like with the bin laden. out of frustration, what does it mean to the american public? charles krauthammer put it in perspective. >> we now have the smoking document which is the white house saying we're pushing the video because we don't want to blame it on the failure of our policies, which is what anybody who has looked at this assumed all along. before an election, obama saying al-qaeda is dead, gm is alive. he's running the foreign policy issue on which the whole campaign is based, is one that says he killed bin laden, al-qaeda is on the run. so this undermines the whole narrative, therefore, they have to invents the video. the fact that it was redacted when the documents were asked for and only revealed by a court order is telling you this is a classic cover-up of a cover-up and that is a serious offense. >> see, he just summed it up so perfectly right there. keep in mind, the house oversight committee asked for these particular e-mail and the white house gave them a bunch of them, but they were -- somebody took sharpie you and couldn't read anything and it wasn't until judicial watch sued them that they got the clean copies. because of it originally an unclassified document. >> that they made classified. >> that anybody could read. when they realized, wait a minute, there is some heat here, let's cross it all out. sheryl atkissson who had been at cbs has a big blog post where she details everything. she said chaffetz tried to keep it secret. lindsey graham said this is clearly a smoking gun. he says this shows political manipulation by the white house after attack. they knew it was a terrorist attack and yet they were pushing the video as we know, to get the president relie detectorred. >> yeah. you see the goal reads more like a pr strategy than getting the correct intelligence to the american people. meanwhile, four innocent americans lost their lives. >> let's change the subject a little bit. tim allen was on the "tonight show" and raised some eyebrows when he talked about the socialist state of california and everyone is like, wow, what is that about? we were talk being that two weeks ago. now in his final episode of his sitcom, he insinuating more unhappiness possibly with the government and its candor. >> he's a conservative and unlike a lot of shows on television, he actually puts that message out there. here is the finale over on abc last friday night from "last man standing," tim allen reminding people. watch. >> what did i do? >> that's the new security system. just punch 62262. it spells obama. >> real funny. having obama protect us from burglars, can't even keep putin out of crimea. >> someone's got a new benghazi. >> benghazi is not over yet. >> he's a conservative. he doesn't just play one on television. >> yeah. and that's pretty rare in hollywood, right? i remember seeing clint eastwood on hannity saying these folks in hollywood, even if they are conservative, they're closet conservatives for fear of losing work or not being able to find work and being blacklisted there. >> sure. one of the reasons we highlighted that was because generally the way hollywood operates, the message is not conservative. it's all to the political left. that's why what tim allen did stands out. >> it's called integrity, something obama doesn't have with this benghazi thing. for that to be in that is interesting. >> look how more and more outspoken, even seeing him on sitter with getting into some conservative war of words as well. >> indeed. so it is a very busy morning. about 8 minutes after the top of the hour and heather joins us with a troubling story out of oklahoma. >> it's really a pretty disturbing story. it's an important one that can affect other states. we begin with this coming in. prison officials try a new cocktail to kill an inmate, but the execution is botched and that inmate died more than 43 minutes later. now all executions in the state of oklahoma are on hold. clayton blocket's vein ruptured after the first of three injections and the execution was stopped. some say he tried to get up and talk before he died of a heart developments. i did it. just arrest me. those words coming from 16-year-old christopher plaksin after he stabbed his classmate to death. the 16-year-old has been charged as an adult. authorities in connecticut are still trying to determine if he did it because she refused to go to the prom with him. he faces 60 years behind bars. a horrible story there. an al-qaeda terrorist backed out of an attack because he was scared? he made this confession while he was testifying in the trial of the hook handed hate preacher. he says he didn't go through with his role in richard reid's shoe bombing plot on a flight back in 2001 because he was too afraid. okay. now that george clooney is headed down the aisle, who is the most eligible bachelor? it is prince harry. the 29-year-old and his girlfriend of two years, have just split. sources say harry pulled the plug on the relationship because he found her to be too needy. the two were introduced by sarah ferguson's youngest daughter. anna, he's free. i know you have somebody in your life. should be a nice wedding there. >> this is why he broke up with her. it was all because he met me at the warrior games in colorado last year. i was just waiting on that. >> you just can't tell the whole story. these are new briefs. the other thing is we know the strategy that george clooney fell into. playing hard to get. so do not return his calls. >> i think it's odd that harry's girlfriend was too needy. apparently she wanted to be treated like a princess. >> what's wrong with that? >> are you a step princess if you marry the second in command of the royal army? >> i think you're still a princess. >> i got to watch shrek again. >> that's the latest on harry. coming up, more on kerry, secretary of state john kerry, making a major gaffe suggesting our biggest ally could turn into an apartheid state. should the secretary of state quit? the guy who voted against him for the position, senator jim imhoff, he's next. then calling it the wheel of misfortune. the wrong answer that cost a contestants a free vacation. ♪ ♪ when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! secretary of state john kerry trying to back pedal after he was caught on tape saying israel risked turning into an apartheid state. >> the israelis are furious at that. but this isn't the first time kerry has stepped in the diplomatic mud, shall we say. should we be surprised? oklahoma senator jim inhofe is a ranking member of the senate armed services committee and a member of the senate foreign relations committee, one of the three senators who voted against kerry's confirmation as secretary of state. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> what do you think about, first of all, kerry saying this apartheid stuff? he didn't know anybody had a recorder, somebody did. now looks bad. >> i'm not surprised. i'm not surprised at all. we made some comments about his lack of, i felt, allegiance at that time to our best friend in the middle east. keep in mind that in israel, the arabs have full citizens' rights. they have 10% of them of the kinneset has full rights and to associates that with apartheid is outrageous. but again, i'm not surprised. >> surely. one of the things that was said during the confirmation hearing was that if mr. kerry was selected as secretary of state, we were going to have trouble with israel because our president and then mr. kerry as well, not israel's biggest fans. >> that's right. they associated -- that has to be a relationship there. the reason that he was chosen by our president. that's something we were aware of at that time. it actually came out in the hearing. so everyone was aware of it. and at that time, we also had some people quietly objecting -- the israelis, not any formal group, but they knew what was coming. >> surely. this shouldn't really surprise anybody. i mean, if you look at john kerry's history, there are a number of insulting gaffes. here is one from 2006 where he insults our troops. >> if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well. if you don't, you get stuck in iraq. >> yeah, we remember that one. >> at the time that took place, i was actually over there and i will never forget the response that we got from our troops over there. look, see, this goes back a long time. i can remember way become during the reagan administration when reagan came up with the great idea on f.b.i. knowing some day we would need it and it was kerry who coined the phrase, star wars, you can't hit a bullet with a bullet. so these things have been there for a long time. my objection, i have to say, has been primarily the fact that he's never thought any good ideas come from anywhere except a multi national organization. i'm talking about the new stark treaty that he was able to push through, the law treaty turning over 70% of the surface to the united nations, international criminal court. the whole arms trade treaty. do you remember that? >> sure. >> that means we would have to call the united nations before we could send a patriot missile to israel. this is the problem i've had for a long periods of time. and it hasn't changed. you read the quote there. that was a shocking quote. but listen to this quote and this is what syrian president assad, after he killed tens of thousands of people. kerry said he is, quote, an essential player in bringing peace and stabilities to the region. then all this stuff on climate change, he said the climate change can now be considered the world's largest weapon of mass destruction. that's pretty scary. >> it's interesting you would talk about assad. so he was for assad before he was against assad, which we've kind of heard that before. now, if people would like more information or read -- >> the web site -- the statement that i made at the time of this confirmation, it's you can get a lot more information. >> senator inhofe, thank you very much. >> thank you. 18 minutes after the top of the hour. next up, who do americans wants in congress? more republicans or democrats? we've got the numbers. stick around. we'll explain them all to you. and will life ever be like the jetsons? well, yes. in fact, it's going to be better. a look at the breakthroughs coming in the next ten years for that boy, elroy. ♪ ♪ woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. need a lift? could've had a v8. you've reached the age where you know how things work. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long- term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. ♪ (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses. now your news by the numbers. $121 million that's the latest price tag for repairing and updating an obamacare web site. >> is that all? >> yep. 45%. favorability rating for democratic minnesota senator al franken. new poll against four republican challengers, not quite 50. 53%. that's how the percentage of -- that's how the percentage of voters who would rather see the republicans in control of congress as a counters balance to president obama's policies. that gave james carvelle heart burn. ♪ meet george jetson ♪ his boy elroy ♪ daughter judy >>y sang along to the theme song? >> will life ever be like the jetsons? you never know. in the past ten years, americans developed facebook, twitter and the iphone. so what do the next ten years hold? michael moyer is an editor. you say by 2016, we'll have new genes to carry disease. they'll replace the bad with the good? >> exactly. if you have a defective gene, this may be causing leukemia. they've cured a little boy who had blindness. they'll put in a new gene into a virus, send it into your body. this kind of gene therapy they hope will cure these terrible diseases. >> that's good 'cause that's just two years away. that's great news. now, four years away, in 2018, you say we're going to discover moorers-like planets? >> we just started discovering them. about two weeks ago we found one in the habitable zone, which means that liquid water and maybe life can exist. they're launching a new satellite in 2018 that's designed explicitly to find earth-like planets. >> do they have football? >> we don't know yet. they might have water, but might have football. >> that will be fantastic. what about ways to get into space? >> we just had the launch of this great new rocket up to the international space station by this company called space x. what's amazing about this rocket is that the booster part that usually goes up and splashes into the ocean, falls to the bottom, never to be seen again, they were able to redirect that, recontrol that booster and land it. they landed it in the ocean because in case anything went wrong, they didn't want to hurt anyone. but the plan is to have that booster come and literally fly back down and land right next to the launch pad so they can reuse it again. >> it will be cheaper for to us do it and more economical. >> they say it may be even 1% of the cost of going to space. >> that's amazing. >> ten years from now, robot transportation. how does this benefit us and what is it? >> well, you look around and you see google self-driving car, the military is working on technology to have short hop self-driving airplanes that will take troops or take equipment from a to b. this sort of technology will go in and get into everyday stuff that we use, our cars to help us avoid accidents. maybe even short hop flights for commuters. >> this all sounds like buck rogers stuff to some. but some of the things you say won't happen any time soon, unfortunately, no time travel despite what we saw on star trek. >> right. i'm sorry to say, time travel into the past is one of these things that might just violate the laws of physics. >> and no teleporters either. >> you hear about teleportation. what they're doing is teleporting these quantum states, actually teleporting a person is a whole different ball of wax. it's something that really, i can't imagine happening not in my lifetime or grandkids' lifetime. >> but somebody is working on it? >> people are working on all sorts of stuff. >> because if you invents it, you get rich. >> tell that to edison. >> he's not available for comment currently. >> good job. editor of scientific america. >> thank you for having me. >> 26 minutes after the hour. coming up, the law is the first of its kind. what will happen to pregnant women who use drugs? 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[ female announcer ] jump-start your summer and start losing weight right away. join for free. hurry. and if you join by may 3rd, get a month free. try meetings, do it online, or both. weight watchers. because it works. try meetings, do it online, or both. play in it. work in it. go wild in it. do everything but wrinkle in it. the perfect fitting no-iron effortless shirt in 4 styles and 31 colors and prints. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and because they're doing so well, the ceo of starbucks just announced plans to open 600 new stores in the united states. is there room for 600 more starbucks in the united states? there are two on every corner already. they're going to have to open new starbucks inside existing starbucks. >> and the big announcement yesterday with oprah, what's his name, howard schultz? >> yes. >> they announced that they're going to start selling tea. it's all about tea because everywhere but the united states, biggest seller is tea. >> right. and what do i drink? chai tea latte. >> when jewish not drinking beer. >> perfect. more barrista jobs for kids coming out of college. >> they've got really good benefits at starbucks, too. it is 29 minutes before the top of the hour. thank you for joining us. >> an extreme weather alert now following a deadly tornado outbreak this morning. the country now facing severe flooding threats from alabama to upstate new york. >> maria molina, who has been all over the country in the past week, is now athens, alabama. down along the panhandle of florida, the big story is the flooding. in some spots you'll wind up with up to two feet of rain. >> how incredible isf punch with tornadoes and now we are seeing flooding across parts of the gulf coast. here in atkins, alabama, this is where an ef-3 tornado tore through the city with winds of up to 140 miles per hour. it did kill two people just down the road from where we're standing and we are looking at more severe weather possible today. like i want to mention, we do wants to talk about that flood threat, which is in place, from parts of alabama and even the florida panhandle, up into parts of southern new england. we have a number of watches in effect. about 18 states under some form of flood advisory or watch early this morning already. that's going to continue as we head into tonight as well as that rain continues to come down. yesterday we did also have eight reported tornadoes in north carolina. that's in addition to already all the other reported tornadoes. right now from the storm system, the multi-day severe events, 135 reported tornadoes. in north carolina and fayetteville, there was a funnel cloud that was spotted on camera and more severe weather is possible today in termination of tornadoes, damaging winds and large hail across parts of the eastern united states. have a we to get those warnings today. let's head back to new york. >> all right. maria molina, that's something. 130 some odd tornadoes in the last couple of days. >> wow. i don't know who is counting. shear heather nauert on an unrelated story. more news breaking. >> that is right. good morning to you. i want to tell but a new law that's the first in the nation. it is about time. starting july 1, pregnant women in the state of tin ten can be charged -- tennessee can be charged with a crime for doing drugs that harm their babies. critics worry the new law will drive women away from drug treatment programs, but the mothers can avoid criminal charges if they get into a state-run rehab program. the law will be reassessed in two years to find out how it's affecting moms and babies and officials in that state have been really struggling with what to do about the growing number of little babies who are born dependent on drugs. last year there were nearly un1,000 children born addicted to drugs in that state. it sounds like something out of a science fiction movie. a dead whale, you can see it right here, washed up on a beach and it's about to explode? this is happening in new fund land. it's bluewhale and it washed up. gasses inside have been building up ever since. the town simply doesn't have the resources to remove the 82-foot whale. they're telling people to stay back. pretty gross. yeah. it's a little gross. it is the one thing that wal-mart didn't sell until now. that's car insurance. the retail giant is now teaming up with auto to help customers compare plans. they're offering car insurance in eight states. the company offering a the insurance inside some wal-mart stores and on line through the wal-mart web site. the company plans to eventually offer insurance to the entire country. big wigs are all participating. a lot of the companies do health insurance, now adding car insurance to the mix. this wheel of fortune contestants could use a drink after this big slip up. listen to this. >> i'd like to solve the puzzle. losing my shore excursion. >> no. >> isn't that when you're supposed to do? well, problem is -- she was wrong. book my shore excursion is what she months to say. you want to have her on, brian? >> we have to have her on. >> that's good idea. now that donald sterling is facing a lifetime ban and banned from the game for now and fined $2.5 million, it was time to get back to basketball. you can imagine the emotion in los angeles as the clippers came out for game five. the crowd gave them the standing ovation. a lot of people holding signs, ripping materialing and a lot of the sponsor high school their signs covered up because he technically still owns the team. they used it as motivation when the game started. the warriors never a shot. they lead the best of seven three games to two. thunder and grizzlies. this might be the best series of them all. grizzlies heading into overtime against oklahoma. grizzlies won by one. they take a three games to two lead. now you talk about a series that's over, let's talk about the washington wizards. they won the series four games to one. they banged up the bulls. they advance to the next round. remember this fight in nascar? now they're slapping fines on ambrose and mears for beating each other up. remember this at richmond. >> there is some actual shoving going on. there is a punch! a swing! is this thank is not ultimate fighting on fox. this is nascar on fox. >> because ultimate fighting is -- don't wants to you pack up like that. ambrose and mears were docked 25 and $15,000 respectively for trading blows following saturday night's race. mears told fox sports, we're couple of guys and passionate about what weigh do and will be on probation until may 28th. >> what about when fights turn up in the stands in hockey? all right. rangers and flyers brawling it out during the game. rangers fans started taunting them. the flyers fans don't think that's good. they started punching back. no one was laughing. they'll both play game 7 'cause the flyers won. that's a quick look at what's happening in sports. people angry in this world. >> they are. although that video was disturbing issues the one guy beating up the other guy needed to pull up his pants. >> might have been some plumbers. >> could have been. brian just detailed how donald sterling, lifetime ban in the nba, also fined $2.5 million. ice going to get squeezed and have to sell the team. >> we think. >> they think. exactly. although he could put up a fight. what's interesting is there are a number of democrat congressmen who say that the league needs to go further and in fact, there are a couple of members of the congressional black caucus including congressman benny thompson who is a electricity from mississippi -- democrat from mississippi. he says the league's response was good, but they should have the power to go further. he wants the league to hold people more accountable. what's interesting is who is holding the congressman accountable for some of the crazy things he said on nation of islam radio. listen to this. >> this man doesn't even like black people. he doesn't like being black because every decision where color had something to do with it, he witness against it. >> how offensive is that? justice thomas? can you imagine? he doesn't even like being black? >> that's a congressman. >> yeah! that's absolutely insane. calling him an uncle tom and calling mitch mcconnell racist. very often the democrats who say it's the republicans who are racist, but, listen to these comments. this is jaw dropping. >> he also said that president obama has been treated a lot worse than bush and clinton that he saw up close and personal when bush was called stupid every day of the week, called loser by the majority loser, it's hard to -- a war monger. bill clinton in particular was impeached. so i don't know, were they treated easily and given a pass? i don't really think so. was nixon given a pass? i think also, he says when states opt out of obamacare, that was racist. >> sure. >> antigovernment sentiment is brand-new because we have an african-american president. >> and republicans, he said, don't like obamacare because the president is black. no, people don't like obamacare because it is more expensive than the old stuff. they got to drive two hours to see a doctor, and a lot of their doctors they didn't get to keep. >> the term racism is a term you shouldn't throw around. >> by the way, we did call the congressman's office, asked him if he would like to come on, we vaunts heard from him. coming up, this fiance is pretty steamed. >> set the date! set the date! >> when your fiance won't set the date, is that normal or nuts? dr. keith ablow has the answer coming up next. he's got a date with us. >> was that a housewife show or a real -- >> that was a video. >> no excuses kids for not doing your chores. now it's against the law in one place. let's put that to bed. >> your aflac trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1926, this rd with eight prime time emmys. who is she? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. >> jay behar. -- joy behar. ♪ ♪ aflac. ♪ aflac, aflac, afc! ♪ [ both sigh ] ♪ ugh! ♪ you told me he was good, dude. yeah he stinks at golf. but he was great at getting my claim paid fast. how fast? mine got paid in 4 days. wow. that's awesome. is that legal? big fat no. [ male announcer ] find out how fast aflac can pay you at nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. because what we all really want... more. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet. and not a "have just a little buffet". that's the idea behind the more everything plan. it's more of everything you want, for less. because, c'mon. no one ever takes the second biggest cookie. get more with our best plans on the best network. for best results, use verizon. ♪ proud to be homegrown. own. ♪ a familiar face ♪ and a name you know. ♪ can you hear it? ♪ fueling the american spirit. ♪ no matter when, no matter where, ♪ ♪ marathon will take you there. ♪ with the marathon visa credit card, you could earn up to 25 cents per gallon off all your marathon purchases. and getting kids to do their chores is a hassle for parents everywhere, but not in spain where a new bill would make it illegal for kids to avoid doing their chores. what? according to the new law, children must also be respectful to their parents and their teachers. that sounds good. and bad news, boys and girls, really are better when it comes to school a. new study finds over the last 100 years, girls have gotten better grades, even in subjects considered to be male subjects, sump as math and science. congratulations, girls. here is one now, anna. >> thanks. baby monitors are supposed to give parents an extra layer of security. but one ohio couple recently made a horrifying discovery and realized a hacker was using their baby monitor's camera to watch their baby sleep inside her own room. >> someone was controlling the camera and look in her room. i woke my husband up and he ran in there immediately and when he walked in, the camera panned up and looked straight at him and started screaming expletives at him and terrifying. >> tormenting him. awful. here was tips how to keep the virtual intruders out of your home. cyber security expert. good morning to you. >> thank you. >> this is not the first time we've seen something like this and it cannot just go through baby monitors, but also web cams, on our laptop computers. how easy is this? >> it's resimple. and you could be done -- it could be continue with a cell upon. get a device that scans for networks. they scan the network here and you can actually see here that it's identified this open network, which means it's not secured with a password. so all of two do is double click on that. says connect to my home. now once we got the network up and running and we're connected to it, we run a little program that is going to scan that network and identify wireless devices. if you look at this one little wireless device down here at the bottom, it's actually web cam. so all we have to do is get another little software program and actually just connect to that web cam and then we'll be able to see what's on that device. >> what's so startling this isn't some super high-tech expensive piece of equipment. >> exactly. once we got that device up and running, which is right here, you can actually see that, now we can actually move that by just moving this device and scanning that to the left. >> are you seeing this at home? this is nuts. >> we can do this from a cell phone outside somebody's house and down the block. incident that to go up, we'll make it go up. >> a lot of people are using more and more cameras in their home, not just for their infant. what can we do to protect ourselves? >> it's not these devices that the weakness is. it's the person configuring this. a lot of times we configure these things without a password which is the encription part of it that actually secures that, prevents people from getsing on. number two, we want to make sure we have a firewall on the outside of our network so nobody can get in from that way also. and use a different password that you use from your encription of your wireless to access your camera. make sure that nobody has access to this. the nice thing about this, it gives you access to do what you want. you got to remember unless you do it the right way, the rest of the world has it also. >> yeah. keeping it locked isn't just for your neighbor's mooching off you. they could be watching you. >> absolutely. there is a lot of other reasons. look at all these perverts that have come out in the last couple years. again, this is nothing new. they're talking to babies through the wireless, which you can do through the cell phone. they've got to lock it down and do the right thing. if you don't know how to do it, get help. >> thank you for the info. >> thank you. >> 48 minutes after the hour. coming up, this fiance is pretty angry. >> set the date! set the date! >> so when your fiance won't set a date, is it normal or is it nuts? dr. keith ablow has the answer next. but first, this day in 1789, george washington took the first oath of office. in 1939, new york's world fair opened with 206,000 people in attendance. and in 1983, michael jackson had the number one song in america, "beat it." ♪eady ♪ so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! ♪ make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrées crafted with care and designed to delight. fancy feast. love served daily. i'm almost done. 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[ male announcer ] introducing xfinity my account. available on any device. answer to the aflac question of the day. arguably the time you look forward to most in your day, cloris leachman. the answer is won by captain savage. you win my book which you can gets for mother's day, which moms love it. >> who is normal and who is nuts? you asked the question, we provide the doctor. dr. keith ablow is here. you ready? >> ready to go, at the edge of my seat. >> we've been teasing the first question all morning. my fiance and itch been engaged since february of 2010. by she wonts set auditor tell me what she's waiting for. am i normal or nuts for sticking around? >> well, okay. so more than four years. you're nuts! so the engagement is stretching on and on. it's not normal to say you want to get married and to be with somebody who says, i'm not getting married. i won't even set the date. so the bottom line is, what has made you addicted, if you will, to lobbying for commitment from somebody who doesn't want to commit to you? so you got to move on and get married, unless you're using this young lady as a way to not get married and blaming it on her. >> which we're going to need a deep session with her. let's move on to number two. my mother gets up early every day to watch casa blanca. she has it record on tv, blu-ray and dvd. normal or nuts? >> she's enchancing, but i have to say nuts because she doesn't love casablanca necessarily. this is an obsessive compulsive phenomenon. this is something you go to therapy to get rid of, maybe some medicine. don't let somebody named rick be your psychiatrist. >> number three, my husband has to have his own everything. he has his own shelf in the kitchen, own side of the table, his own laundry. is this normal or nuts? >> i'm not ready to say it's not normal. okay. because if this is the only territory the guy is insisting upon, it ain't so bad. maybe he didn't have his own room when he was a kid. tq r:ujjut(sjját+ht this woman says the word is she got him because she played hard to get. does hard to get work psychologically? >> hard to get works psychologically. i wish it weren't so, but the truth is, people wants to be parts of clubs that won't have them as members, including women and men. >> so interesting. i think wood i don't allen talked about that. he always said he didn't wants to be part of a club that would have him as a member. dr. keith ablow. >> excepts his stepdaughter or adopted daughter. we got to get him on the coach right away. -- couch right away. >> thanks for talking to us this morning of the coming up, who would give back an adopted child? believe it or not, it happens and for a good reason. details on the dark side of an adoption ahead. plus, kenny rogers doing something he has never done before. he will join us live this hour. ♪ ♪ legs, for crossing. ♪ et...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to manage your ra, now may be the time to ask about xeljanz xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz is an ra medicine that can enter cells and disrupt jak pathways, thought to play a role in the inflammation that comes with ra. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections andancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if youe any kind of infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholestel levels have happened. your doctor hould perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz, and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines y take, and if you are pregnant, or plan to be. taken twice daily, xeljanz can reduce the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. ask if xeljanz is right for you. of moderate to severe ra, even without methotrexate. in this season's most important fashion trend, the long shirt. designed to flatter, with playful hemlines and length for everybody. the new long shirt. visit the shirt boutique, only at chico's and who would have thought masterthree cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it's a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what's our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. good morning. it's wednesday, the 30th of april, 2014. i'm anna kooiman in for elisabeth hasselbeck. call it the smoking e-mail. proof this morning on who really told susan rice to say this. >> it was a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in cairo as a consequence of the video. >> we're going to talk about that. plus, they helped him get into the white house two times. but brand-new polling numbers show the president is losing the young people, thet he's not run. so what do these numbers mean for the upcoming election in november? we've got a pretty good idea. >> it's here, an all star reunion in a galaxy far away. the new star trek has its cast and some of the original faces are making a return. >> what's so funny? >> i don't know. i can't wait to see it. back on earth, more news are better with friends. >> i'm chloris leachman. >> today it's her birthday. congratulations. >> remember when you made her kiss me? >> yes, i do. >> you liked it, don't lie. >> i had to go see dr. keith ablow in boston to get over it. >> she's a tv legend. >> right. >> but it was a fake kiss. it was a fake tv kiss. >> so they say. >> anna kooiman in today for elisabeth hasselbeck who is taking the day off. she'll be back on friday. in the meantime, we've got a big story. we have told you -- how many times have you heard why is fox pushing this benghazi story? there is nothing there. you're looking right there at a document that has been released. judicial watch had to go after it because a copy was sent to the house judiciary committee that was so redacted, so blacked out, you couldn't tell anything. now we know right there, according to those documents, that it looks like when asked who exactly told susan rice to go out on the sunday chat shows and say the benghazi was about the video, now we know after mike morell a couple months ago, who was at the c.i.a., said, we didn't give her that information. now we know the information came from the white house. keep in mind, this was seven weeks before president obama's reelection day. and they were doing everything they could to make sure that he looked like he was in control and that osama bin laden was dead and al-qaeda was on the run. that was the mim. >> that was the narrative they were trying to push. ben rhodes sent an e-mail to a dozen people, some of the president's closest confidantes, jay carney was on the list, and in it, it said prep call, 4:00 p.m. for susan rice. and here is what it said. to underscore this is a goal of what the prep calls a underscore these protests are because of a video and not a broader failure or policy. it was to make it seem like it was nothing that the president was doing wrong in the region. it was all because of this internet video. >> right. think about it. double whammy for the president. he had a military action in libya, would thank would show chaos resulted and show terrorists are acting against and killing americans and he says al-qaeda is on the up and bin laden is done. he also said let's reinforce the president's strength on challenges. this is saturday night, everybody important in the administration is cced on this. senator kelly ayotte, who has been all over it, she said this about what this all means. >> we always said r did the video reference come from? now we know it came from the white house. the president is claiming he had been a good foreign policy president, that he had al-qaeda on the run. the other thing in this set of e-mail here that's very troubling is this reference to make sure you mention that al-qaeda has been destroyed. then you saw ambassador rice on every single sunday show saying al-qaeda has been decimated. >> so that e-mail was from ben rhodes who was the deputy national security advisor and maybe -- if you're going think, if it's not the white house trying to be political, which is it clearly looks like what, could the white house have been doing? maybe they really believe that it was about the video. keep in mind, though, everybody who was talking to them, the people on the ground in libya, the c.i.a., they were all saying it's terrorism. it was an attack. what is curious, though, is the -- and so that is ben rhodes. ben rhodes' brother is david rhodes, the president of cbs where sheryl atkissson used to work. she quit because she said cbs wouldn't let her do stories like on benghazi. she says that congressman chaffetz told her the government tried to keep this classified. they declassified it initially. yeah, you can look at this. then when they reallied the house oversight committee wanted it, they blacked out so much stuff t didn't make any sense. that's why judicial watch sued them. that's why we now know that it leads back to the white house. >> right. mike morell also involved there, saying, he was the deputy c.i.a. direct, i'll volunteer to go meet with hillary clinton to work out a message here because it looks too good for the c.i.a. because the c.i.a. knew this was dangerous and warned ahead of time and that they didn't wants to look basically too good and make the f.b.i. and administration look too bad. i feel bad for this guy, growingry hicks, who stood up and sounded the alarm and was the whistle blower and he's paid in his career. >> fox news has continued to cover this and we'll continue to do to. now a look at what else is making news. >> good morning. talk being a story in oklahoma. it could affect other states. executions in the state of oklahoma are now on a hold after a new drug cocktail failed to kill an inmate immediately. he died 43 minutes later. clayton lockett's vein ruptured after the first much three injections that he was supposed to get. some witnesses say that the convicted murderer then tried to get up off the gurney and said man, before he died of a heart attack. this was the first time the state of oklahoma used the drug in an execution. other states, including ohio an( well. tuna fish cough off the shore of oregon has elevated levels of radioactivity. it's believed it's from the fukushima nuclear disaster. researchers studied 26 specific alba cor and found a slight increase in levels. they say it has to eat 700,000 pounds of that fish with the highest radiation amount in order for it to affect you. brian, listen to this. all star reunion in a galaxy far away. star wars episode 7 is back. carey fisher is princess leah. a few newcomers, oscar isaac, this guy, phone for his role in "inside lieu he willen davis." the whole group already getting together for their script reading. the sequel is set for release next december, 2015. those are your headlines. >> you ever go scuba diving? always remind me of darth vader, that noise. >> or a sleep apnea machine. >> right. >> thank you very much. all right. we know that one of the voter blocs that helped get president obama, the president job were the young people, millenials. harvard has a new poll out that shows that while there was a lot of hope and change back in 2008, a lot of the support that the president had has slid because they just don't like how it's all turned out. >> millenials who are 18 to 29, harvard did this study, so it's got to be right. so the trust factor was high at 44. now dropped to 32. also congress went from 14 to 4. the supreme court to 4. and the federal government down 2% from 20. >> james carvelle was on with greta last night and said this is hurting the democratic party -- hitting them where it hurts rather. >> i saw that poll, my day started out about as good as donald sterling's. wasn't too good. that was one way to ask the question. i think asked another way and it was closer. the poll is not good. i'm not one of these people that says oh, trashed the poll. the poll was not good on a variety of frontses. if i saw -- in an abc, "washington post," generally a highly respected poll. sometimes they can be a little bit off. i'm hoping this is it. i'll wait and see the next one before i get my frustrate razor out. >> one of the things according to this particular harvard study is the millenials say look, mr. obama promised that he was going to change things. washington is a partisan place. i'm gog change all that, he said back in 2008. now fast forward to today, audients do it. and they view him as being part of the system that they promised to change. they're disappointed. >> it's not just the empty rhetoric. it's them graduating from college and not able to find jobs. or the jobs they're finding, they're way overqualified for. they're upset over obamacare and subsidizing the older, unhealthy people. they're upset about students loans. it goes on and on of the and earlier in the show i talked to some millenial politicians who are already in office. take a listen. >> this generation and the recent decade, we've seen that we actually have reason to expect our elected officials, particularly federal officials personified in the president actively deceiving us. >> i think what millenials are reacting to is the fact that the process is not built for progress. in fact, the gridlock is what's turning many of us off. >> we're about getting things done. i think president obama, when first elected in 2008, immediately came into republican obstructionism. >> okay. either that or the number sticks out is 62% say that elected officials are motivated for selfish reasons. so a bitterness and a cynicism. >> plus you got to figure that the millenials, they're disappointed with how it all turned out with obama. he's not running next time. so how will it impact whoever his party's standard bearer is? stay tuned. the one bit of good news i saw in this whole thing, the number one entity that the millenials trust, the u.s. military. the u.s. military above the presidency, above the supreme court, above the federal government. >> that was down 7% from where it was. >> the surge was after 9-11. after 9-11, about 60% supported the president. 70% supported the military. and 54% supported the congress. my, how things have slid. >> the polling is also showing that conservative millenials are more motivated to come out to the polls in the midterm elections and word is now that democrats are concerned about losing the senate and now vetting and processing federal judges to try to leave that for obama's legacy. >> 100% of millenials are concerned about turning 30. >> 30, not that bad. coming up, donald sterling has been fined and banned by the nba. but what are the odds he walks away from the clippers without a fight? peter period of time -- period of time period of time has done some research. >> no i.d.? no problem. you can vote anyway. why a judge thinks that's a way to make things fair? ♪ ♪ [male announcer] ortho crime files. disturbing the pantry. a house, under siege. say helto home defense max. kills bugs inside and prevents new ones for up to a year. ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®. we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. that's why i got a new windows 2 in 1. it has exactly what i need for half of what i thought i'd pay. and i don't need to be online for it to work. it runs office, so i can do schedules and budgets and even menu changes. but it's fun, too -- with touch, and tons of great apps for stuff like music, 'cause a good playlist is good for business. i need the boss's signature for this. i'm the boss. ♪ honestly ♪ i wanna see you be brave i am banning mr. sterling for life from any association with the clippers organization or the nba. >> as for mr. sterling's ownership interest in the clippers, i will urge the board of governors to exercise its authority to force a sale of the team and will do everything in my power to ensure that that happens. >> nba commissioner adam silver sealing the fate of donald sterling for his racist remarks. but will he walk away from the clippers without a fight or give a full court press? fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. joins me now. good morning. >> i don't think the fate is sealed. i think there will be a full court press. >> he's fought before. >> given his twisted statements that we all know about around the world now, do we assume that there is any sanity or common sense, do we assume he's going to step away and say, okay. no mas. i'm done. i'll walk away. that becomes the question. so there is two questions. will he fight the ban and the fine? there is something called arbitrary and capricious in the law. if he says you didn't give me due process, he could bring a courts proceeding. then number two, if the owners vote to expel him and make him sell the team, can he fight that based on antitrust, based again, arbitrary and capricious, based on the contract with the association itself? so there is a lot of questions in spite of what the commissioner has done. >> peters, when he bought it back in 1981, it was for something like $12 million. there are estimates it could be $575 million for now. >> more! more! >> so is it even really an argument for him to say you're making me lose my livelihood? >> absolutely. you can make the legal argument and i think there is a better than 50% chance he will. i think in the end, he will profit from his own despicable conduct. he will receive a price for this team that is more than he ever imagined it would be. but will there be a fight? will there be a negotiation? will he threatsen a lawsuit against the commissioner? will he threaten a lawsuit against the owners? will he say what you did was denude, decrease the value of this team. the real fair market value of the team. in order to do that to get a higher price going forward. lot of people want to buy this. maybe magic johnson. a lot of people across america. but given what he's done in the past, do we expect a fight? yeah, there is a pretty decents chance that we're going to see a fight on this issue. >> what about the small portion of the people -- no doubt the comments were tough listening to these tapes. >> horrible. >> but he is tried in the court of public opinion. people are saying it's a rush to judgment. what's the argument on that? >> in terms of statements that we know about, i can't see that there is a rush to judgment. they're despicable, odious, wrong. they're foul, unamerican. it's not what any of us stand for in this country. but at the same time in terms of the property right, that's a totally different question. this is unchartered territory in and lose money as a result based on private statements? that's a different legal issue. he's entitled to due process on that particular issue. there is no doubt. i see a fight coming. >> and there have been calls for people to boycott the clippers because of these comments. now there are calls for people to come and support the players instead. >> the bigger issue is why is there only one african-american owner in the nba? all the nba owners are making themselves feel good now that they've gone after racism. but why 80% of the players are african-american, but why only one majority owner is african-american in the nba? maybe they should look at that as well. >> good question. thanks, peter. >> good to see you. coming up, the united states about to get its butt kicked. the country about to beat us as the number one economy in the world. then who would give back an adopted child? believe it or not, it happened and for a good reason. we'll palestinian as a mother who -- explain as a mother who has gone through it, talking about the darker side of adoption and how to overcome it. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ thoughtful combinations, artfully prepared. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online and have it shipped at no additional cost straight to your door. viagra home delivery. get started at quick headlines. iraqis heading to the polls to elect their first parliament since the u.s. forces left the country in 2011. soldiers and police are manning checkpoints. terrorists vow to do disrupt the vote with violence. that doesn't sound like terrorists. china sets to surpass the u.s. as the number one economy this year. experts predicted it wouldn't happen for a decade. it's predicted they will just beats us. others like stuart varney says not so fast. steve? >> thank you. she had high hopes of motherhood as she set out to adopt a daughter from russia. but soon thereafter, our next guest discovered her daughter, julia, suffered from rad, reactive attachment disorder. it's a condition that affects thousands of orphans all across the globe due to abeen donement and neglect, among other things. that mom now sharing her story of her family and their ups and downs in the new book "rescuing julia twice." tina joins us live. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> you rescued her twice. the first time was? >> eight months old, siberian orphanage. got her on valentine's day, middle of the winters in siberia. and she was a beautiful baby. >> and you rescued her the second time when you realized something is the matters with my child and i got to figure out what it is. >> that's right. that's right. more importantly was we rescued her from herself. we rescued her from a dark place, a place where she was incapable of bonding and attaching and feeling the benefit of love. >> that's referred to as rad. >> it's a condition that is typically affiliated with children who have been neglected or abused at an early age. it is common among children who have started their lives in orphanages. >> you picked up your daughter in siberia when she was eight months old. >> only eight months old. i had not been schooled in this at all. i had not been prepared for this. and it was confusing because she was such a beautiful baby. she's a beautiful young girl now. however, we had been given all sorts of warnings potentially about physical problems, but physically, she thrived. she was strong. she was powerful. she was healthy. she met milestones. so there was this confusing dichotomy between the physical vancements and what was happening for her emotionally. it was very confusing for a new mother in her 40s in the first child. >> i'm sure you thought i'm doing something wrong. >> that's exactly right. that's exactly the problem. and possibly most of all, why i've written this book. i was so much in the dark. i was so filled with despair. i was so confused and so convinced that i had made haggai grantsic mistake. >> in particular, you were moved to right this book after you heard about a family about three, four years ago that had a child with the same problem, sent him back to russia. >> 2010, tory hanson, a single woman, she literally returned her 7-year-old child on a plane to moscow by himself with a note attached to his sweatshirt saying this child is psychotic and i can't parent him. and while her experience was very different than mine and while the world viewed her as a monster and she didn't make a great decision, i understood what was behind that. i understood how difficult it was to try to parents a child who won't accept love. >> sure. how many times with your daughter were you to the points where, i can't take it anymore? something is the matter, either with me or her or us. >> it never occurred to me to return her. >> of course. >> i was deep in despire. i was scared. in those early days, those first couple of years, i would think a we were never going to be a family, that i was never going to truly be this child's mother that when she said mommy, that it would never be authentic. >> you know what's interesting about your story and you're very brave for telling it, is when you see on tv about these celebrities, they adopt these international children, looks so easy. everything turns out great. >> angelina jolie makes it look like it's an idyllic situation. you have a little troop of orphans, internationally adopted children and it all melds perfectly. that is not reality. >> it's great you are making people aware of rad in circumstances. the book is called "rescuing julia twice." thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> good luck to you. >> thanks. 26 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, should illegal immigrantses be allowed to pay in-state tuition. we'll tell but it. plus, kenny rogers doing something he's never done before. he joins us live coming up. ♪ ♪ what does that first spoonful taste like? ok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! dominique wilkins, are taking charge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza. he said victoza works differently than pills, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza is not insulin. do not take victoza if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include swelling of face, lips, tongue or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck. serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) which may be fatal. stop taking victoza and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need, ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza. it's covered by most health plans. ♪ know when to hold em ♪ know how weather to walk away and know when to run ♪ ♪ you never counts your money when you're sitting at the table ♪ ♪ there will be time enough four counting when the dealing's done ♪ >> yeah, that was the day heather nauert became one of the back up singers to the kenny rogers. that's what happened last time kenny was on our "fox & friends" program. this morning kenny is back. he's about to reveal something that he has never done before. he joins us on the line from the kenny rogers casa. good morning to you. >> good morning. please don't show that selfy. >> wait a minute. that's what we're talking about. the announcement is, you have your first ever selfy and here it is right here. >> it could well be my last. >> tell us the circumstances about it. >> something is back. >> oh, my god. i look like i'm 104. and i'm four years younger than that. it's so funny. everybody said you got to do a selfy. so i said okay. i'll did one. i took that and i went oh, surely i look better than that. i'll do one with full make-up on next time or something. but i really wanted to just show everybody that i have grown my beard back. >> all right! >> it is back! >> is this the first time that anyone has seen you with a beard? >> i had it for 15, 20 years. then my wife is an identical twin. she and her sister were arguing back and forth about should we cut our hair, should we not. i said guys, it's just hair. cut it. it will grow back. and so she said, if that's true, you might as well shave your beard. so i went in and i had a months off and i was shaving it from the side burns down. and i got to the little goatee and i really liked that. so i thought, i'll stay here. for the last year, my boys -- we have identical twins, nine years old. and they've been saying dad, we want to see with you a full beard. they wants sure it was really me, i think. >> so how long are you going to grow it? santa claus style or are you keeping it short? >> i try to keep it cut back as best i can 'cause -- i try keep it manicured. >> listen, the beard is back. it's a hash tag now. you just revealed it. can we get this thing trending? >> i think that's our job today. everybody watching on twitter and facebook and all those other social media sites, go ahead and let's get it trending. it is the beard is back. to commemorate your first selfy with the beard back, we're going to try to put you at the top of the list in the next 15 minutes. okay? >> thanks so much. anna, i don't think you knew before i shaved the beard. i appreciate you guys' help. >> my sweet papa used to listen to your records all the time when i was a little girl. i've been with you for a long time. >> very nice. i appreciate it. thanks for the help. the beard is back. >> #thebeardisback. thanks very much. >> they're even singing harmony there. we have another extreme weather alert to tell you about. we're following this, the deadly tornado outbreaks this morning. millions from alabama to upstate new york facing severe flooding threats. >> maria molina is live in athens, alabama tracking the wild weather and today anna, more severe stuff perhaps on tap. but the major concern, the floods. >> yeah. it is terrible out there across parts of the panhandle of fellow there. they've already picked up more than a foot of rain and those rainfall rates, very heavy as well, between one and try inches per hour. that's very dangerous stuff. but i want to mention, i'm in athens, alabama. this is an area that was hit hard by a tornado. two people were killed here. the national weather service has called this an ef-3 with winds up to 140 miles per hour. that's here in athens, alabama. again, two people were killed here. the storm system continues moving eastward. that flood risk extends from parts of florida and alabama, all the way up to parts of the northeast, including southern parts of new england. states like connecticut, parts of massachusetts and upstate new york could be looking at some flooding for that very same storm system that produced up to 135 reports of tornadoes. there is still a risk today to be seeing more severe weather. yesterday we had eight reported tornadoes in north carolina and flooding there as well. that added to that number, making it 135 reported tornadoes from this multi-day severe weather outbreak and again, like we mentioned, flooding a big issue and severe weather possible yet again in the southeast. isolated tornadoes, and damaging winds possible. let's head over to you. >> all right. we'll be glad when this week is done. thank you very much. >> let's go to heather. >> good morning. other news to bring you now let's start in virginia. illegal in the state of virginia are now eligible for in-state tuition. virginia's torn general announcing that illegal immigrantses who came here as children are now eligible for the cheaper in-state tuition thanks to the dream act. just how much will this save for an out of state student tuition at the university of virginia? it's just over 42 grand. for in-state students, it's $13,000. that's a savings of nearly $30,000 per year. in wisconsin, federal judge striking down the voter identificationeñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ?ñ law. the judge ruling that the requirement that voters show a state-issued photo i.d. at the polls is an unfair burden on poor and minority voters. there are 31 states right now with laws that require voters to show i.d. at the polls. birthday surprises work out really well, at least in movies. ♪ happy birthday >> i hope you're hungry. >> such a cute movie. but in real life, birthday surprises can be a total disaster. case in points, a family lit the candles on their dad's cake and then hid that cake in a closet. yeah. when they opened up the closet door, well, they got hit with a whole bunch of water from the fire sprinklers. no one was hurt, but two apartments are flooded. and the man never got to blow out his candle. oh, boy. if your birthday cake catches on fire action you may wants to call this kid. the youngest firefighter ever. >> today you are an official detroit firefighter. >> how cute is he? he just had a heart transplants. he's three years old. thanks to make a wish, he got to be a firefighter for a at this, he got to ride on a truck and able to spray the hose. he plans to be a firefighter when he grows up, he says. that took place in detroit. what a cutie pie! love it. >> every kid wants to grow up like that. >> another five-year-old related news, you got another story. >> thank you very much. kindergarten concert canceled. the reason? so the kindergarteners can focus on college preparation. meet one parent who is upset, understandably, next. >> but more than seven feet tall, 7' 5, he towers over anna and just about everyone in the studio. most of the competition, the tallest basketball high school player in the country, he's taller than anyone in the nba and he's really good and more importantly, he's here with us to talk about his life from senegal to america when we come back. 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how tall are you? >> 7' 5 and threats. >> is everybody in your family that tall? >> no. my mom and dad are about six foot. my brother might be tall like me. he's only eight years old. >> how hard was it to leave senegal to come here to go to high school, leaving your family behind? >> it was very tough, but i had to do it 'cause i wanted to get a better future for me, for them and for me. >> what kind of pressure do you feel like you're under? everybody sees your height. they see your shoe size, the same as shaq. they think, wow, this guy will be the best player on the team. this is your first year. >> that was strange at first because i was getting on the court not doing what i was supposed to do. but the more i was playing, the more natural it was becoming to me and the better i was getting. >> hakeem olajuwan met you, trained you for a day. what was that like for you? he had a similar story, hailed from africa. >> it was a very big part for me. that was a really special day. i learned to be patient. >> what is your american dream? now that you're here, you're tall enough to be in the nba. what's your game plan at this point? >> just make it and help my family. that's it. >> your dream is into the for the nba? >> oh, yes, i do. >> you want to do that. >> go to college first? >> i do want to go to college. >> he's a biochemist. >> he's got a 4.0 average in school and got an interest from utep, right? >> yeah. i got an offer from utep like day before yesterday. >> you got to check with us first. don't make a move without us. >> speaking of taking a move, not long ago we had shaquille o'neal return and it was sadly, brian thought he could play basketball. would you like to do a little one on one with mr. kilmeade? >> sure. >> i'm going to toss up the ball. >> startingstarting with a jump? >> here we go. who is going to get this one? >> let me check this. >> this time try get it in. >> i got to keep it in bounds. >> you can take out. >> get the ball away from him. >> try to get the ball from us. that's cute. >> not only are you doing a very courageous thing coming to this country after a year at basketball, you can play. and i didn't believe it 'til i played against you 'cause i'm one of the fastest. you could use this video it -- to get a full ride to ucla. i love the fact that you're studying and getting great grades. you say him here first. good luck to you. >> thank you. >> you read this. >> kindergarten concert canceled. the reason? so the kids can focus on college preparation. yes, i said college preparation in kindergarten. what upset parents joins us next. >> let's check in with bill hemmer for a preview of what happens on the channel in 14 minutes. >> you could try and get a selfy with him, but i don't think the angle would be wide enough. >> you're right. >> morning. a verdict in the home invasion trial. we're hearing what the jury heard in court and it's stunning. smoking gun on benghazi. trey buddy reacts. new polling shows a difficult fall for democrats. karl rove analyzes that. watch out for dark matter. seriously. we'll see you in 12 minutes packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. fox news alert. sad news this morning coming out of hollywood. the actor bobs who convince has died. his roles included playing eddie in the movie "who framed roger rabbit." he was nominated for an oscar in 1986 for his role in "mona lisa." he died from pneumonia. he was 71 years old. brian? >> on a different note, the show cannot go on. that's what teachers in new york on long island are tell ago kindergarten class about its end of the year concert. why? school leaders canceled the concert telling parents it will give kids more time to prepare for college. becky is the parents of a kindergartener at that school and can't figure it out. becky, how disappointed was your child? >> to be fair, my child doesn't know one way or another about whether she's having this play. as the parent, i was disappointed because to me, it signals a shift in maybe educational values and priorities. >> how can you seriously, with a straight face, tell the parent of a kindergartener, we have to put him in a college prep situation? >> that's the thing. the thing is when you read the letter that was sent around, which has been acknowledged to be silly, i think by the administration, the wording of it, if you look at some of the statements in it, like college and career ready, that's a real buzz phrase for the common core. every meeting that go to, you will hear college and career ready. harvard ready. rigor, increased rigor. so it's not just silliness, it's like a speaking point for the common core. >> right. and one of the quotes is it's part of the changing face of education. >> yes. and i'm not sure that that changing face is productive if it takes away creative learning from kids that are five and six years old in kindergarten. >> and obviously the biggest thing can common core is they teach to the test. here is what the school says. our educators believe that the traditional kindergarten performance requires multiple days away from classroom work for preparation and execution and together with the lost instructional time due to poor weather is not the best use of the limited time we have with our youngest learners. so too many snow days. we got to put more curriculum and less to the theser. >> to me, that says then you're devaluing creative forms of education and only valuing seat work as education. last year they held that play, decades and decades they've held that play. our great educators saw central in it for decades and suddenly now that common core is in place, there is no more value in it? >> i sense that teachers -- my informal poll is teachers agree with you. they're not loving this. it's more the administrators that are administrating this. >> i don't know whether they're administrating it out of their minds or whether this is like a trickle down situation from albany, that we are so tied and we need the state funding so badly, are we in a situation where our administrators will take marching orders from al beeny? >> do you have until june for your child to pick a college? >> we've already done early admission. hit first grade and straight to med school. >> what are you thinking? so it's outrageous, but it's important because most people can relate to the story on some way, shape or form because of the changing face of education. becky, thank you for joining us. >> thanks so much. i appreciate it. coming up straight ahead, we're going to say something really profound in j moment. ♪ ♪ ♪ (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. (growls) (man) that's a good look for you. (woman) that was fun. (man) yeah. (man) let me help you out with the.. (woman)...oh no, i got it. (man) you sure? (woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but... i'm sure my subaru will get me there. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. ♪ (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses. ♪ you got it learn to play it right ♪ ♪ you got to know when to hold em ♪ ♪ know when to fold em. ♪ >> we had kenny rogers on the program about a half hour ago. that is the first ever selfy he's ever done and so we wanted you to help kenny go right up the trend as the number one trending hash tag in america. right now take a look. the number one is the beard is back. kenny rogers! congratulations. >> number one again. >> i know. it's big news. >> all right. >> the beard is back. his children said, gout to do -- you got to do a selfy. he doesn't like the way he looks. >> tomorrow, president bush has never been in better shape. we'll find out for sure. dr. mark siegle joins some military members as they do mountsen biking with wounded warriors. president bush and dr. siegle live on our show. >> they've done that a few years now. >> yeah. >> heather, were you watching earlier when brian kilmeade was doing some -- >> trying to give a high schooler a lesson in basketball. >> he wants to be a professional athlete in the basketball league. here is brian in action, if you missed it. you didn't even come close to making a shot. >> the thing is, i thought i saw something in his defense that could be taken advantage of. >> you look like an ant compared to him. >> brian, this reminds me of the time you took on -- was it shaq? >> it was shaq. >> he wants quite as tall. here is a flashback. >> it never gets old. >> they found the ball. it's in dell frisco. >> we need titus now, of course. where is titus? >> we have to end the show like that? >> thank you very much for joining us today on "fox & friends." the news continues right here on the channel with bill and martha. we'll see you back here tomorrow, same time. >> we have a second left. >> let's again with a fox news alert. he was convicted of killing to teenager breaking into his house. you will hear the moments of the phone call that the jury heard. i am bill hemmer. >> i am in for martha maccallum. healther childers. byron smith shot the teenagers nine times and the recording played in court but not released to


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140512 10:00:00

an s.u.v. causing front bumper damage. the ugly. justin bieber booed at the los angeles clippers day celebrating mother's day with his mom. >> wow. thanks for joining us. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. >> good morning. it is monday, may 12. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. democrats continue to play politics with the benghazi investigation claiming republicans are fund-raising on the tragedy. but trey gowdy sees it differently. >> they raise money on iraq and afghanistan. colleagues on the other side of the aisle did not have selective amnesia when it comes to what's appropriate. >> more on the democrats double standard straight ahead. >> they attacked tim tebow for talking about his faith but praised michael sam for being gay. does the media have two different definitions when talking about tolerance? >> together they can take on anything. these twins born hand in hand. they beat the odds and give their mother a miracle on mother's day. good job, guys. mornings are better with friends. >> i'm bobbyç bowden. you're watching "fox & friends." >> legendary florida state tkoefp. we'll have florida state in the talking points as we start the show. first, happy mother's day to you. how did it go? >> i love mother's day because you just have to hang out. you don't expect presents. you just relax. the kids draw cards and say fun things. >> are you telling me you don't expect pictures, drawings, cards and love? you don't expect that? low expectations? >> yeah. i'm telling you the best. they say my mommy blank. how did you guysç do? dawn, kathy have a nice day? >> they did. we'll show a photograph of mrs. doocy with two of her three kids yesterday. >> road trip, i hear? >> big road trip. >> talk about another woman who had a great mother's day, heather nauert. >> i had a fantastic mother's day. the boys were the best and so much fun. i'm with you, elisabeth, amazing holiday. >> i love your photos. >> thank you. i hope you all had a wonderful mother's day. let's start out in arizona where the phoenix veterans affairs hospital is getting a new chief. steve young will shift as over for sharon helman put on leave following reports the hospital had hidden treatment delays that may have led to the death of 40 veterans. this as calls grow for the secretary of the v.a., eric shinseki to step down. the third person who was killed in that hot air balloon tragedy in virginia has now been located. the body of passenger natalie lewis was found north of richmond. she was following with jenny doyle and both worked together at the university of richmond. the pilot on board was identified as daniel kirk. his family says he had more than 20 years experience. that hot air balloon crashed friday night after it hit a power line and caught fire. investigators say they're still working to find most of the wreckage. hundreds of people forced out of their homes this morningç as wildfire puts an entire town in texas at risk. more than 100 homes have been destroyed. 1,200 homes are now in danger of the fire. look at that right there. all those flames. this in the town of frisch, texas. at this hour the fire is 15% contained. nearly 800 people have been evacuated but many more may have to go as this fire continues to spread. take a look at this, moms out there. this is the perfect mother's day gift. twin newborn girls were born. they have a rare medical condition but they are breathing on their own this morning. congratulations to that. but the interesting part ofç this story is they were both born holding hands. a portion of their body was formed together but they were holding hands and the babies are expected to be just fine. what a miracle. what a mother's day gift. can you imagine? having a baby is wonderful. >> hand in hand. thanks heather. if nostradamus was working at the nfl draft, the most publicized draft pick would have been tom brady. everybody had a shot at him six times and only the patriots picked him up. however there is somebody who tied tom brady in projected publicity. >> we're talking about if we go to the instant replay drafted by the rams. there was a bunch on social media. a tweet: omg! people said what are you tweeting about? is this in reaction to michael sam kissing his boyfriend on tv? he said horrible. it had everybody asking can you not say these things? the dolphins said no, you can't. they asked for an apology shortly there after sending a strong message across the league. demarcusç walker said y'all praise michael sam for being gay but y'all mocked tim tebow for being christian. hash tag, society. >> marcus walker still a sophomore in college. >> since we were looking at demarcus walker's comments, kph-ft -- some of the commenters said i don't see why he's praised for being gay while tim tebow was rid called -- ridiculed for his faith. double standards? maybe it's more like, well, religion, that's just not cool. how many times have we talked about how in various venues religion and, in particular christianity,ç mocked? >> i will say this. tim tebow, i think in a way he's become a rock star in life. wherever he goes, he will pack stadiums where he goes. i saw him at the washington correspondents dinner. i argued and tiki barber said i was pwropbg but i argued -- i was wrong but i argued he did so much in college he would be a backup somewhere. if there wasn't so much publicity surrounding him. i think michaelç sam should focus on being the best football player he can be. >> the coach came out and said that was not going to be tolerated on the league certainly on their team after the year they had. when you look at what the nfl is saying, this is a strong message, they are going on the offense. does it offend those with their free speech and their opinions to voice them? will they go after what is said in the huddle on the bottom of a pile? if you have timed mics you will have a lot of comments which will be deemed offensive? there will be messages heard when it comes to social media. >> we're not talking about anything other than the fact that tim tebow mocked and michael sam praised. what do you think about thatç standard? e-mail us. you can send it to or you can tweet us or you can facebook us as well. meanwhile on the sunday shows on fox, the topic was benghazi. trey gowdy assured it wouldn't be a show trial. he talked a little bit about the language he's used in the last week, it's interesting, they had a democrat from california, xavier bezaro on and said if it's not a witch hunt we'll take a part of it. but democrats in the past said we cannot believe republicans are trying to raise money off of benghazi to the point, mr. gowdyç said this yesterday to chris wallace. >> they raised money on sandy hook. they raised money on katrina. they raised money on iraq and afghanistan. for me, i will not raise money on benghazi just like i never raised money using crime victims when i was a prosecutor. and i'll ask my colleagues to follow suit. but it would be helpful, it would be helpful if our colleagues on the other side of the aisle did not have selective amnesia when it comes to what's appropriate to raise money off of and what is not. >> selective amnesia. you're right. >> that was an intelligent conversation. they actually engaged each other instead of yelling. the criteria democrats want is unreasonable for them to participate. i'm sure it is put out there to be -- hopefully they'll back off it. they want to be able to sign off all subpoenas. let's say the republicans want to see hillaryç clinton. i don't think so. there is no way trey gowdy should give them that. sign off on all witnesses, i think that is unreasonable too. to say we should have access to call our own witnesses, that would be reasonable. any democrat should be able to question any witness. and for the g.o.p. to not selectively release testimony, i think that's totally reasonable demand. absolutely you should not say okay, i like what that person said. let's show that to the press as opposed to the other person. the last two i think they can deal with. >> trey gowdy is a fair-minded individual saying politics should not be involved when it comes to getting to the truth.ç remember the glass house you live in when it comes to raised funds. remember this? democrats posted this on their video showing the coffins of american soldiers coming from the iraq war and then asking for a button to be pressed. you remember this after the sandy hook shooting. david axle rod urging supporters to click on a link and that linked with donate buttons above the video asking for $15 to $1,000. >> after the boston marathon bombings, the d.n.c. put the image of the be strong on its website to asking for political information they could use politically as well. what's interesting is just this past thursday theç democrats actually posted a statement blasting the republicans fund-raising off of benghazi but on the democrats' website it had a place where you could contribute. while they say we can't believe that the republicans are doing that, the democrats have done it many, many times in the past and trey gowdy has made it very clear he will not do it. >> i thought he put it very well yesterday when he said flatout i never had a chance to question the secretary of state, never had a chance to question susan rice. we never had everybody because everyone has their own fiefdoms that we're all in our own lane. the oversight committee, special investigative. now it's all going to beç one, everybody together, all the paper work in one pile. then he said i wish we did this a year ago. >> god forbid, heaven forbid your family was one of those who lost the four individuals who died at benghazi. who would you want getting answers? trey gowdy who really just wants information, let's get to the truth? or somebody covering it up. >> one final note. eleanor khreuft -- clift said stevenson died of smoke inhalation. come on. >> a veteran'sç outraged widow wants to know where is the accountability? she will join us next. >> you might make someone laugh, but do they really mean it? >> he's laughing. good for you. laugh it up. enjoy it. >> turns out there's a certain person who knows when you are faking it. >> laughter? >> yeah. ♪ ♪ ♪ (announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. nowchoose one option fromith red lothe wood-fire grill,trios! one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. all on one plate. three delicious choices. all for $15.99 for a limited time only! come sea food differently today! woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. [ chainsaw buzzing ] humans. sometimes, life trips us up. sometimes, we trip ourselves up. and although the mistakes may seem to just keep coming at you, so do the solutions. like multi-policy discounts from liberty mutual insurance. save up to 10% just for combining your auto and home insurance. call liberty mutual insurance at... to speak with an insurance expert and ask about all the personalized savings available for when you get married, move into a new house, or add a car to your policy. personalized coverage and savings -- all the things humans need to make our world a little less imperfect. call... and ask about all the ways you could save. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? today an interim director is expected to take the helm of the embattled phoenix veterans affairs hospital after shocking claims of 40 vets left to die because they were on a secret waiting list. they never got off the list. this comes amid allegations v.a. secretary eric shinseki knew about the problem since last year and families are outraged, including our next guest, the widow of ralph nekastro, vietnam vet and purple heart recipient who died from cancer after waiting months for treatment. and we have returning veteran himself mark victor. they both join us. good morning. sonia, your husband felt a lump in his neck in 2007, went in, saw somebody at theç v.a., tried to make a follow-up appointment and what happened? >> it never came. he could never get reassigned a new primary care doctor who would refer him to the specialist. he finally, we gave up and had to take him to the mayo clinic. >> that's right. i understand he had to keep his job working for the postal service because you needed the benefits even though he was entitled benefits at the v.a. hospital but because nobody was going to help him, he had to go elsewhere? >> that is correct. >> at the time, sonia, did you feel such frustration that, wait a minute, this man, you know, he put his life on the line for his nation andç all he wants is for a doctor to call him, and the call never came? how frustrating was that? >> it was very frustrating and very sad because he had to keep working even undergoing chemo and radiation treatments at the mayo. he had to keep working, sick or well, to keep his health care into effect because he couldn't get the treatment he deserved at the v.a. >> sure. in fact, he died on the waiting list for the v.a. he still was waiting for somebody to call him back? >> correct. >> that's heart breaking. mark, what do you want to do to help this family? >> obviously we're very upset about this situation, and what we want to do is obviously get to the bottom of what happened here. but we don't trust the government toç investigate the government. this needs to be a private investigation. what we'd like to do is try to package as many of these cases as we can together and really investigate them to get to the bottom of what happened here. and if it turns out that things were done wrong at the v.a., which is what it looks like right now, we want to take appropriate action and possibly even bring a class action lawsuit here. >> when you say you want to package as many veterans' claims together, hence the class action, what have you done? put together a website or how would people get in contact with you? >> people can get in touch with me through my website which is attorneyforfreedom. we're just getting started measured response to this. we need to get to the bottom and find out what happened. >> this would be one of the first lawsuits regarding this. are you pretty sure the v.a. was monkeying around with the way they saw people? >> i wouldn't say that we're pretty sure. there were news reports out there. there are allegations. like i said, we want to be very measured. we want to get the facts, get to the bottom of exactly what happened here. if nothing was done wrong, there won't be a lawsuit. if things were done wrong, we'll take appropriate action. >> sonja, you want to go forward with this? >> yes. i want answers, why it happened, how it happened and how is this going to be affecting other vets in the future. our veteransç deserve the health care that they fought for in this country. they deserve better. >> indeed. sonja and marc, we thank you both for joining us this morning early. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> it is exactly now 20 minutes after the top of the hour on this monday. next up on the rundown, playing politics with race. a democrat congressman slams senator tim scott for being black and a republican. is that over the line? a fair and balanced debate next. it's one of the most anticipated movies of the season but what do hugh jackman and patrick stewart really think about getting back into their x men roles? they tell us coming up.ç ♪ can you hear it? ♪ fueling the american spirit. ♪ no matter when, ♪ no matter where, ♪ marathon will take you there. ♪ quick headlines *fplt overnight tensions on a hair trigger in the ukraine. [gunshots] >> cameras capture the moment ukrainian soldiers open fire on a crowd hoping to break away from kiev, i guess, if you're going to believe the votes. votes being held in two regions, results overwhelmingly in favor ofç leaving ukraine. in north and south korea in a war of words after racist and sexist comments made by pyongyang's media, south korea saying north korea must disappear soon. >> playing politics with race coming up again. a democratic congressman slamming senator tim scott for being black and a republican. james clyburn blaming to "the washington post" if you call progress electing a person with the pigmentation he has who votes against the interests andçaspirations against the black people in south carolina, i guess that's progress. republican clyburn in saying this, shouldn't he be more concerned about tim scott representing all people from south carolina? >> i think he is saying that. if you look at his legislation, one measure that pushed forward voter i.d.'s in south carolina, that is what representative clyburn is referringç to. >> it doesn't seem to be about race if he's calling race into the equation. >> these comments are offensive. they have no place in the political dialogue. i think what you're seeing is he's throwing the race card in the game when tim scott works for all south carolinas. to say he has to represent only one race of people is wrong. even president obama said he's the president for all americans, not just african-americans and tim scott from south carolina for all south carolinaç, not just blacks from south carolina. >> isn't it oppressing the way someone would govern or represent? >> i think it would put people in boxes. i think the best part of america is we're a mixing bowl and everyone -- that is a problem we're seeing a lot with some groups that think if you're black you have to think a certain way, you can't be free thinking or have a debate about ideas. >> i mean, richard, isn't he entitled to be able to represent, govern, be a senator the way he believes is best for that state? >> i completely agree with you, elisabeth. i think he has the right to think outside the box and has the right toç be different. but i think senator clyburn, being he's been in congress for so long, he knows the people of south carolina, he has the right to call tim scott's voting record into question. i think that is what he's doing here. >> tim scott has been a public servant for south carolina for the past 20 years. >> clyburn has been a servant for longer than that but that goes beyond the point. he's been in the statehouse, now in the congress. >> this became a matter more -- beyond i will say, voting. this became a matter of race when he said based on his skin color here, he should be voting a different way. i'm paraphrasing there. but when you bring skinç color, and by his philosophy, a white senator should be governing, representing and voting based on what's best for white people? no? >> that's exactly true. i think that's the problem is that he should be focusing on the ideas and debating ideas, not bringing race into it and saying because he's black, he doesn't represent black people. he should say because of x, y, z. make a point. >> the point he made, it doesn't matter if the member is white, black, asian, purple, yellow, green or orange. what you want is a representative that will stand up for the people of south carolina. when 24% of the children in south carolina are in poverty and your voting record is against that, we have a serious problem. that's exactly what congressman clyburn is talking about. >>ç gentlemen, we have had a great debate this morning. we're going to have to leave it there and invite you both back any time to continue. thanks for being with us. coming up, terror group boko haram is currently holding almost 300 girls hostage but will the white house social media blitz be enough to make the terrorists surrender? you want to make someone laugh but do they mean it when they do? >> yeah, laugh it up! enjoy your might! >> turns out a certain person knows when you are faking it.ç first happy birthday to rocker steve winwood. ♪ ♪ i am totally blind. ♪ i began losing my sight to an eye disease when i was 10. but i learned to live with my blindness a long time ago. so i don't let my blindness get in the way of doing the things i love. but sometimes it feels like my body doesn't know the difference between day and night. i struggle to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. i found out this is called non-24, a circadian rhythm disorder that affects up to 70 percent of people who are totally blind. talk to your doctor about your symptoms, and learn about the link between non-24 and blindness by calling 844-824-2424. that's 844-824-2424 or visit today. don't let non-24 get in the way of your pursuit of happiness. was a truly amazing day.ey, without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today at wheyou know what he brings?les rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. any questions? 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>> without the camera, that fruit goes back in that little bowl and goes right to mom any way. >> and eat it any way. >> not if you have a shaggy dog. one bite and you realize the dog's shedding. it's summer. >> you do anything for your kids. >> if you have a kid and he's delivering fruit, wear either goalie gloves or have a rehearsal because you don't want something like that happening. something to get grip. >> good morning. we had some gorgeous weather here in the northeast but other parts of the country, holy cow. wild weather pounding the plain states. tornadoes leaving a trail of destruction across kansas and nebraska. take a look atç this. several twisters ripping off roofs and bringing downpour lines. in missouri, a powerful tornado trampled down a small town destroying everything in its path. a spring storm dropping a foot of snow in colorado and nebraska making for dangerous driving conditions there. overseas, we may be closer to knowing where the boko haram terror group is holding nearly 300 kidnapped girls. the girls have reportedly been spotted by the nigerian military. they are trying to verify these pictures to see if they have in fact been off a real social media movement use the hash tag bring back our girls but many are criticizing the so-called hash tag diplomacy. listen to this. >> these barbarans in the wild of nigeria are supposed to check their twitter account? oh, michelle obama is cross with you. we better change our behavior. this is not intended to have any effect on the real world. >> many countries are in niger helping with that operation. i am not a racist, the first words from donald sterling since his racist remarks were released. he said heç was baited into those comments. his estranged wife shelly, sitting down with abc's barbara walters. listen to this. >> it was horrible when i heard it. i mean, it was just degrading and it made me sick to hear it. but as far as a racist, i don't really think he is racist. >> perhaps this is no surprise. shelly sterling says she plans to file for divorce and will fight to keep her half of the team. are you fake laughing? your friends can absolutely tell. [laughter]ç >> even with your best evil laugh, there is a study that reveals it is not for the reason you think. it is not the fake ha that tips us off. there is the breathing. real laughs are faster. researchers say people can tell when their friends are faking it two-thirds of the time. speaking of faking it, let's send it to brian. >> that's not nice. talk about vladimir putin playing hockey, that's faking it. i want you to meet dana here. she brought the fire dog molly with her. why are you here? >> to participate in paws for style event tomorrow night. molly will be walking the runway. >> molly knows 70 tricks. in a moment we're goingç to see those tricks. in fact, i believe -- is it true we're going to see some tricks now. molly does 70 tricks. can we see a few of them? >> you sure can. molly, do you want to wave at everybody? good girl! can you say good morning? good job! can you hold this smoke alarm for me? hold it. wait. wait. good job. good job. hold it. good girl! we're going to test the smoke alarm. test. test. good job, molly! give meç five. good dog. one of the things we do with kids, is she can show them how to crawl under smoke. molly, down. >> so cool. >> one of the things children want to do is crawl low where the air is cleaner and cooler. >> dana, it's a great thing you're doing. a very impressive dog. molly insists on wearing the hat. she wants to be safe at all times. elisabeth, tell me what's coming up next. i know you and steve have been stacking the show. >> the star shines bright as the premier of the x-men movie premieres. >> this is theç fifth movie in 14 years as part of the franchise. many are calling it the best to date. fans poured into the jacob javits center to get a glimpse of stars. we caught up with them on the red carpet and asked them what is the best part of stepping back into character. >> the best part is playing it. i'm enjoying it playing it more than ever. >> being reunited with the cast. >> every four years they get to come back and revisit the character. as you grow up, you get to bring that to the character. >> i feel like i neverç really dropped out of character. it's been a 14-year process of living with this guy alongside of me. >> did you whack hugh jackman? >> he's wearing a band-aid. >> they work really hard for these stunts. >> in 14 years, we asked them do they get jealous of anyone else's mutant powers? who wouldn't? >> i love flying, but my family all around the world, to be able to see my dad, see my friends, go here, paris, that would be good. >> got jealous of zoe in the first run because she can fly. to get jealous of a mutant that doesn't have to have makeup -- >> seems prettyç cool, especiallily to morph into people like that. >> all about avoiding t.s.a. x-men: days of the future past. >> you say the movie is quite good. >> excellent. >> highly anticipated, michael. thank you. >> coming up on our telecast today, cheerleaders get asked on lots of dates so how did this one respond when a high school senior invited her to his senior prom? they will join us live. we'll find out if she is going. >> the ultimate prom photo. call it energqç inefficient. new white house solar panels producing barely enough energy to power six light bulbs and our next guest says the president's green agenda only gets worse from there. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] grow, it's what we do. ♪ but when we put something in the ground, feed it, and care for it, don't we grow something more? we grow big celebrations, and personal victories. we grow new beginnings, and better endings. grand gestures, and perfect quiet. we grow escape, bragging rights, happier happy hours. so let's gro something greater with miracle-gro. what will you grow? share your story at it's progressive pain. first you have that, that feeling of numbness. then you get the hot pins. it got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. the pain was, it was... i just couldn't handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda-approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight, including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery a a we've got some quick headlines presidential style. the monument of president james a. garfield was broken into. police say a set of commemorative spoons were taken by the thieves who shatterp" one of the windows of the monument to get in. a little more respect for the washington monument. the grand reopening for the national landmark later today after being closed for nearly three years after an earthquake. 555-foot monument badly damaged in that earthquake in 2011, requiring $15 million in repair, and a lot of it came from private sources. >> president obama touting new initiatives to skphapbd skphapbd -- expand solar energy, adding solar panels to the white house roof. >> there are cost-effective ways to tackle climate changeç and create jobs at the same time. so often when we hear about how we're going to deal with this really serious issue, people say we can't afford to do it. it won't be good for the economy. rising sea levels, drought, more wildfires, more severe storms, those are bad for the economy. so we can't afford to wait. climate change is real, and we have to act now. >> my next guest says president obama has it all wrong. robert price is here. also smaller, faster, lighter, cheaper, denser, how invasion -- innovation is proving it wrong. what was wrong with the president's remarks? >> solar panels on the white house? i haveç solar panels on my house in austin, texas. the u.s. is leading the world in reducing co2 emissions but not because i have solar panels on my house or because the white house now does. it is because of natural gas. innovation in the natural gas sector has led to an abundance of natural gas production in the u.s. the u.s. is leading the world in reducing co2 emissions because of the natural gas. >> if you believe co2 emissions are causing eraç erattic weather patterns it will effect yesterday. >> in the last ten years sea -- co2 emissions could have gone to zero. if we're serious about climate change, we need to be pursuing end to end, natural gas to nuclear. and the u.s. is doing that and showing the rest of the world how to do it. >> we are going to build a new nuclear plant. we're also building new wind, windmills. take a look at the pricing. if you look at the cost of energy by 2010, solar will be 130, i believe -- >> per megawatt hour. >> that's what i always use. 96 for nuclear, 96 for coal and 66 for natural gas. due to fracking we are about to become the saudi arabia of naturalç gas. >> we're the saudi arabia of coal. we're the opec of coal. we have an enormous quantity of natural gas which we're just starting to tap. this is one of the points i make in the book that this is the fuel of the future: natural gas. it is lighter than other fuels. it has less carbon. these are the fuels we should be pursuing. the president has been some what favorable to natural gas but this is what we need globally if we're going to be serious. >> it's all come from the private sector, individual innovation because they want to get rich. >> exactly. because we have a vibrant oil and gas and drilling sector in the united states other countries can't match. >> would you believe this is all fueled by politics?ç >> clearly. the president his speech in california at the wal-mart store, great. solar panels at the wal-mart store, that's fine. the reality is he's appealing to voters ahead of the mid term election. this is politics. >> when you talk about expanding on these points, get robert price's book. it is on book shelves tomorrow. smaller, faster, lighter, denser cheaper. that's a lot in the book. thanks for sharing. 11 minutes till the top of the hour. coming up ahead. >> americans are fighting for their lives in benghazi. barack obama did neither. he sent no quick reaction force and didn't say in the situation room to supervise execution of his orders. >> why this man thinks outrageç is fake and cheerleaders get asked on lots of dates so how does this one respond when a high school senior invites her to his prom? they will tell us live next. ♪ ♪ good job! ♪ still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. 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[ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. shear a story for you. a high school senior was joking around when he tweeted an nfl cheerleader a special invite. quote, if i get 10,000 retweets, will you go to prom with me? you will get asked in a cute way. and her response was? fox i will. >> oh, wow. >> 10,000 retweets later, michael had his dream date. joining us now are michael ramirez and texas cheerleader and kaitlyn, they join us. congratulations, michael. you scored there. now this prom happened. did you honestly think kaitlyn, i'm asking, did you get it would get that many retweets and followers? >> i did. i thought it would get 10,000. i just didn't realize it happened so quickly. it kind of all happened within about 24 hours. >> michael, where did you come up with this idea? >> it was just an idea that one of my friends gave me. i thought it was a pretty good idea. i figured why not try it? >> why not? >> here is the dumbest question i'll ever ask, why kaitlyn? >> she's a beautiful cheerleader a good choice. >> yeah. >> no kidding. >> your mom actually started up a twitter account and helped you, correct? >> yeah. she did. >> she tweeted me. >> that's great. so kaitlyn, how was the prom? >> it was a lot of fun. i learned a couple new dances i've never heard of. something called a nay nay. never heard of that before. and then i got to two step a little bit. >> this was blind date. you didn't meet each other 'til you showed up in person. but will there be a second date? >> i don't know about that. we'll see. >> was it great talking football? >> what was that? >> was it great to talk football, michael? >> oh, yeah, we were talking a little bit. we were talking about a couple drafts that they had and we would get j.j. watt as security guard. that would be pretty school. no. >> kaitlyn, is this your first date proposal on twitter? >> that was my first one. but it was not my last. ever since that happened, i think i've been asked to prom at least 150 more times. >> i'd like for 1,000. >> michael, how jealous are you of that? >> not really jealous 'cause she went to my prom. >> no kidding. >> michael, what are you doing next year? >> i'm going to tyler junior college in tyler, texas. >> all right. >> good for you. >> michael ramirez and kaitlyn joining us today from the beautiful city of houston, texas. thanks very much for sharing your story. congratulations. looks like a night to remember. >> so glad you had fun. coming up, critics of michael sam fined by the nfl. where was the outrage when tim tebow was being mocked for his christianity? donald trump sounds off on that next. and could you survive this? >> a young lady to the ground, she's fighting him. >> oh, my -- >> retired navy seal shows ainsley earhart how to escape a carjack. not going to want to miss it. ♪ ♪ announcer: where can an investor be a name and not a number? scottrade. ron: i'm never alone with scottrade. i can always call or stop by my local office. they're nearby and ready to help. so when i have questions, i can talk to someone who knows exactly how i trade. because i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. that's why i'm with scottrade. announcer: scottrade- proud to be ranked "best overall client experience." nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. because what we all really want... more. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet. and not a "have just a little buffet". that's the idea behind the more everything plan. it's more of everything you want. for less. plus, get the droid maxx by motorola for 0 down. get more with our best plans on the best network. for best results, use verizon. ya know what salesman alanim a ready foames becomes?he second his room is ready, i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ don't miss a beat... ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ good morning. today is monday, may 12. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. changes taking place today at the v.a. after 40 veterans died waiting to see a doctor. this as their families learn the problem still hasn't been fixed. >> our veterans deserve the health care that they fought for this country. they deserve better. >> so where is the president on this one? critics of the first gay football player fined for speaking out. where was the crack down when tim tebow was attacked for his faith? does the media have a double standard when it comes to tolerance? donald trump weighs in. was it luck or divine intervention? >> missed it by one foot. >> look at that, a church just less than a foot away from destruction from that giant boulder. the pastor who watched it all unfold live here this hour because, ladies and gentlemen, how often do we say mornings are better with friends. >> this is jimmie johnson, you're watching "fox & friends". >> hello, everybody. welcome to the "fox & friends," the day after mother's day. elisabeth, we saw on twitter, you had your crowd with you. >> they did. we had a tackling moment there, we call it the cuddle huddle. they had their helmets on and woke me up. it was the best day, the best morning. >> is that what you look like when you wake up? look how good you look! incredible! >> i do not get out of my bed without first applying concealer. >> so that is not true. >> most times i grab my glasses. i did put on some contact lenses. >> that's beautiful. lovely shot. the best gift for any mother is to spend time with her kids and mrs. doocy and i drove down to washington, d.c. with mary, my law school girl, screen right. there you can see the guy on the far left is actually wearing his company i.d we caught him yesterday between live appearances on the fox news channel so that he could have breakfast with his mom on mother's day. >> so sweet. sally? >> sally is still in texas. she's coming home at the end of this week. >> i didn't know we were supposed to take pictures of our family. >> no selfies? >> for the kilmeade family archives. >> right. i'm going to have to talk to donald trump instead. he's joining us from a very special place in ireland. mr. trump, where are you today? >> i'm in doonbeg, ireland. it's 500 acres on the atlantic and it's amazing. i was going to cancel my 7:00 o'clock with you folks and i said no, we can't do that. it's your highest rated 15 minutes. you'll be angry at me. you guys will never treat me the same. >> give you the cold shoulder. >> i'm doing it in honor of elisabeth. it's 12:00 o'clock here and beautiful. the ocean is crashing up on the shores. it's incredible out here. >> 40 shades of green in ireland. >> very good. >> i'll tell you what, i back up the purchase. i'm half irish and i would say we're happy to have you there. >> thank you. >> we want you to weigh in on this. michael sam on thursday night here in new york city was the first openly gay nfl player drafted. he was number 249. what's interesting, though -- there has been some outcry about how could espn run that video. we're not talking about that regarding him kissing his boyfriend. we're talking about the double standard. because demarcus tweeted out y'all praise michael sam for being gay, but mocked tim tebow for being a christian. smh, #society. is there a double standard? >> i guess there must be because tim tebow went through hell. they went after him like crazy. i didn't really get to see him much because i was leaving new york, but i was watching as he got -- i think it was great he got chosen and he'll be in the nfl. hopefully he'll make the team and be in the nfl and he'll do well. but i did see his reaction with the birthday cake or the cake. you know. i don't know if everyone thinks that's a wonderful thing. i guess that's fine with me. but it looked pretty out there to me. >> donald trump, let me ask you this. the player that was actually fined from the dolphins for tweeting comments about this, at first it was omg and then quote, horrific on twitter. he was fined and the coach of the dolphins spoke out as well and he's suspended until he goes through some training in regard to ethical comments on twitter and social media. do you think that's a reasonable reaction to his reaction? >> well, i think it's a pretty tough reaction and frankly, a lot worse things -- we've become so politically correct in this country that the country is going to hell. we can't do anything anymore. people are afraid to talk. they're afraid to express their own thoughts. you know, that's their view. i will tell you, i've heard many people -- i'm not even speak for myself, but i've heard many people that thought the display after he was chosen was inappropriate. and whether or not it was, i don't know. but it was certainly out there a little bit. and i'm very happy that he got chosen. i'm all for it. i think it's great that he got chosen. i hope he does so well. but i thought when he -- when he was really going at it, i mean mean -- i haven't seen anything like that in a while. he was really going at it. yet when tebow did his thing which people thought was totally fine, he was criticized so badly. i guess you could say there is a double standard. it's sad. >> the president over the weekend -- switching gears -- is in los angeles and giving a speech at an event marking the decades since the holocaust took place, among the celebrities were steven spielberg. he was just talking about how he as president of the united states, he'd like to be able to do something when it comes to the carnage in syria and the kidnapping in nigeria. you think he should do more. why? >> certainly with the kidnappings, it's something you could do and you could do it relatively easily and when you look at what's going on with the girls just snatched up like that, they have no government over there. the country is a total disgrace and sham. certainly it would be great if somebody could go in there, find out where they are and go after them. but that is a terrible thing. syria, he sort of missed his moment. he had a moment where if he wanted to, he could have done that. but he missed his home. he drew the line in the sand and the line in the sand turned out to be a false line. >> so the hash tag isn't enough for you? >> that was incredible. incredible. we're a different place, we're a different country. we're not respected. i don't want to use the word feared, but we're certainly not feared. we're a much different place than we used to be. but certainly he should be able to go in there easily -- and i'm not a big one for intervention. when i look at what's going on, we should run our own country. but when a thing like that happens, we can do that. we take some of our elites. we can go in there and do that very easily and that's something we should be doing, in my opinion. you have to do something to save those girls. >> let's see what happens. donald trump joining us from ireland where it's seven minutes after noon. is there a pub at the place you bought? >> there is. i'm not a big drinker. a lot of people are drinking now. >> it's ireland! you got to go to the pub! >> i know. i own it. >> that's better. let them drink and pay you. >> safe travel. >> thank you very much. >> 100% believe this is a moment that you have to have intervention. 276 girls remain in captivity. you've got to go in there. >> the first lady is showing us the hash tag. shouldn't she show her husband? >> these kidnappers don't hang out wondering if they're trending on twitter. >> i don't think they have smart phones. 8 minutes after the top of the hour. we turn now to heather nauert who is joining us with news. but it starts with weather. >> we're talking about weather. it was a crazy weekend of weather this weekend all across the country. spring storms wall lopping the central part of the united states. tornadoes ripping through kansas and nebraska, leaving a trail of torn up buildings and downed trees. then heading to missouri, a small town there slowly picking up the pieces after a powerful ef-2 tornado destroyed nearly everything in its path. and then colorado and nebraska. i talked to my mom yesterday. she told me about this. plunging temperatures and lots of snow heading that way, causing ice to form and it made for dangerous driving conditions. in other news, today the veterans affairs hospital in phoenix accused of letting veterans die while on a waiting list to get care gets a new leader. steve young, who once headed the salt lake city v.a. will take over after sharon hellman was put on leave. hellman was the one who was in charge at the hospital in phoenix, which has been accused of delaying treatment for up to 40 veterans who later died. veterans groups not happy with that news still. they say that they want the secretary of the v.a., eric shinseki to step down. some are even suggesting a class action lawsuit. that is a really difficultask. the widow of a purple heart recipient who died while waiting for treatment in arizona joined us earlier on "fox & friends." listen to this. >> yes, i want answers, why it happened, how it happened, and how is this going to affect other vets in the future? it needs to be stopped. our veterans deserve the health care that they fought for this country. they deserve better. >> in the meantime, john boehner is pushing for new legislation to give shinseki more power to fire officials who have been deemed incompetent. we'll keep you posted. the third person killed in the hot air balloon tragedy in virginia has been located. the body of one of the passengers, natalie lewis, was found 25 miles north of richmond, virginia. she was traveling with ginny doyle, both worked together at the university of richmond. the pilot on board has now been identified as daniel kirk, you can see him there. his family says that he had more than 20 years experience ballooning. the hot air balloon crashed on friday night after it hit a power line and caught fire. investigators are still working to find most of that wreckage. then listen to this. you think they would have learned by now. a michigan teen-ager says he was hungry and embarrassed after he was denied a school lunch due to just five dollars owed on his balance. amanda says her son, dominic, even offered to pay half the bill and pay the rest the next day, but that school said no. >> i was appalled that he was denied lunch and the lunch taken out of his hands over five bucks. >> so amanda took matters into her own hands and paid off every student's outstanding account. it was 19 students all together. they had past due balances that totaled about $200. school officials say dominic should not have been sent home hungry. they literally dumped it in the trash. that poor young man. those are your headlines. we've covered so much of this. you would think the schools wouldn't do this. >> they waste the food. that's awful. >> waste the food and came home hungry. >> speak of kids, you had some with you yesterday on mother's day. >> i sure did. >> me with my two boys on mother's day. my husband was taking the picture. >> is that a picnic? >> it was a picnic. we went on a beautiful picnic outside. it was gorgeous. 80 degrees in new york. they had their juice and i had my mommy juice. >> mommy, you really like juice. >> that's right. >> wait 'til you kids can drive! >> looking forward to seeing all your pictures, too. >> thank you. dozen minutes after the top of the hour on this monday. did you see this? it took this congressman just two minutes to school democrats on benghazi. tom cotton here next with the tape you have to see. then you've seen him in the shirtless picture riding a horse. now vladimir putin throwing on the pads and hitting the ice. can you guess how many times he scored? here is a clue. no one wanted to stop him. ♪ ♪ ♪ (announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. 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[ dog barks ] ♪ [ male announcer ] imagine the cars we drive... being able to see so clearly... to respond so intelligently and so quickly, they can help protect us from a world of unseen danger. it's the stuff of science fiction... minus the fiction. and it is mercedes-benz... today. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. couple lessons i learned in the army were you move to the sound of gun fire. the most important step in the troop leading procedure is supervised execution of your orders. when americans were fighting for their lives in benghazi, barak obama did neither. he sent no quick reaction force and he didn't even stay in the situation room to supervise the execution of his orders. >> that was congressman tom cotton blasting democrats for expressing what he says is fake outrage and claiming republicans are politicizing benghazi. arkansas congressman tom cotton joining us live. congressman, a lot of people are saying that there is no more questions. this is done. we have all these investigations. you still have questions, especially when it comes to saving those in the middle of a fire fight that lasted eight hours. >> great to be on with you. there is still a lot of questions. that's why we need this select committee. we learned two weeks ago that the white house continues to stonewall. they produced new e mails that should have been produced up to 18 months ago. that's why we created this select committee to get to the bottom of this, both what happened before and after the attacks. as a form soldier myself, i particularly want to know what happened during the attacks. why didn't the president send reinforcements from tripoli from our fleet in the mediterranean or even from italy? we know perhaps they might not have reached benghazi in time, but i on several occasions in iraq took my men out as a quick reaction force 'cause you just don't know how long a fire fight is going to last whenever you're sending reinforcements to begin with. >> we have a general said we should have tried. republican mckeon saying yeah, we looked at everything, we couldn't have done anything. where do you stand? >> well, brian, that's a question in retrospect for where our assets were positioned and whether they should have been positioned in those places. that's why -- one reason we need to have the select committee to ensure our assets are in the right places. the military has been very forth coming over the last 20 months. the military and the pentagon have answered all the questions of congressional committees and produced documents. it's the state department and the white house that have continued to stonewall. that's why the select committee was necessary. >> does it bother you president didn't seemingly did not get to the situation room? >> very troubling, brian. he had a preplanned meeting with the secretary of defense. he had a call that night with prime minister netanyahu of israel about a potential campaign issue. he spoke again with hillary clinton. why was he not in the situation room supervising the execution of his orders? he has stated he ordered this chain of command to provide all necessary resources needed. that's a very vague and general order. he needs to be there asking questions about where those assets are and are they enroute and getting updates. not just worried about political campaign issues or sitting in the residence. >> right. congressman, you're in a virtual dead heat with the sitting senator prior. what will be the difference down the stretch? >> brian, in arkansas, i think most people are ready to elect a conservative senator who is not just going to be a rubber stamp for the obama agenda, voting with barak obama 93% of the time and casting the decisive vote for obamacare. >> all right. congressman tom cotton, a veteran of the armed forces speaking out about what bothers him about benghazi. thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. straight ahead, if you disagree with common core, you're a right wing extremist. does caring about your child's education make awe bigot? a former school board member weighs in. and think this could ever happen to you? >> i've been carjacked, abducted and now i'm trapped in the back of this trunk. how do i get out? >> wow. retired navy seal helps our own ainsley earhart survive a carjacking. maybe you can, too. ♪ ♪ so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online and have it shipped at no additional cost straight to your door. viagra home delivery. get started at time for monday morning news by the numbers. first, six. that's how many light bulbs can be powered by the new white house solar panels. six. this as the administration touts the panels for their energy efficiency. no word on how much they cost, but they're giant and they fire up six light bulbs. next, 30. that's how many years it's been since democratic senator chuck schumer made his bed, 30 years since according to his roommate, outgoing congressman george miller, who adds someone is hired to keep things tidy in their town house. far from capitol hill. $51 million. that's how much seth rogen's comedy "neighbors" earned this weekend. "spiderman 2" slipping to second place. >> that one weekend? >> yeah. >> wow. >> we always think it won't happen to me, right? more than 700,000 people a year are carjacked in america. they come face-to-face with a gun or knife. >> what would you do if that happened to you? there is only one person that i can ask that can answer me, ainsley earhart, now knows what she would do if it happened to her. why would you know that? >> because i got a chance to work with a navy seal. he's an expert at this. it's not me. i learned from him. i learned there are some simple things you can do to avoid being carjacked and how to get out alive if you are carjacked and if it becomes a kidnapping and you end up trapped in the trunk of a car. >> high-speed chase apparently somebody took a car. >> we can't live in that day and age where it's never going to happen to me. it's going to be if it happens, what am i going to do? >> former navy seal sniper walks us through carjacking scenarios. it all starts in the parking lot. >> park your car in a place where you know there will be light. if that doesn't happen, find somebody to escort you. >> if you're alone, use the panic button on your key. and even use your phone. >> say hey, i'm walk to go my car by myself and even better, put it on face time if you have that feature. >> be aware. >> situation awareness. like that guy by the tree, that doesn't make sense. >> right. there are common ways carjackers attack. they fake accidents to go to your car. carjackers pretend to need your help. be careful of being the good samaritan. and then there is the surprise attack. >> you're coming up on an intersection and someone forces their way into your vehicle. >> dragging a young lady to the ground. she's fighting him. >> they either want you out or they're going to abduct you. the rule is, take care of yourself before property. give them the car. >> if the carjacker gets in your car and forces you to drive, head for a populated area and draw attention to your car. >> turn your high beams on, turning signal on. if you can lay on the horn, even if you can roll through a stop sign like this, if a cop sees that, they'll pull you over. drift across the center line a little bit. so somebody sees that, they're like this person is drunk and call the cops and they'll pull you over. >> if off chance, jump out. a woman says a stranger drove off with her kids. >> now you're fighting for your life and your kids' life and you do whatever you need to. >> trapped in the trunk. the scariest of all scenarios. >> in addition to this being the worst day of your life, there is a couple things you need to think about as far as chances to escape from the trunk. >> if you are trapped in the back of the trunk, most cars these days have these glow in the dark latches. if you pull it, it will open the trunk, let's try it. it works. now you get out of the car. quickly as you can and you run for the hills. if you're trapped in an older car, remove the tail light. >> get that open. get an arm out there and it's trying to get somebody's attention. >> use the tools inside the trunk. >> this tool here, try and get in there, use it as a crowbar and try that. those are two other options. >> or when the guy who kidnaps you opens the trunk -- >> yeah. now you're ready to go weapon style. >> you can also kick out the back seat. >> swift kick like that. then i get in the back seat with the guy who kidnaps me. >> true. but if you get in the back seat with this, then guess who is having a bad day. >> you have to be prepared for the worst. >> that emergency, that trunk latch that you saw, those are in all cars made after 2001. for more information, you can go to if you watch that piece and you learn something, hopefully you're never in that situation, but if you are, maybe it will save your life. >> because i think natural reaction would just be to jump out, but you might get hurt. so you got a whole bunch of other stuff. >> right. you don't want to jump out of a moving car going 50, 60 miles per hour. >> bad idea. >> great action items. >> thank you. >> thanks for going down to texas to do that. >> sure. >> i'm so glad you survived. >> we all were. >> thanks for a better story. >> because we had the keys and people did not know at home. >> anything for the story, trapped in the trunk of a car, not fun. next up, the real life wolf of wall street flips out on a reporter during an interview, walks off the set. so what questions got him so steamed? we'll tell you about it. >> and it doesn't get any closer than this. a church just inches away from destruction by that boulder. call it divine intervention. that pastor who watched it all unfold is here next. it starts with little things. tiny changes in the brain. little things, anyone can do. it steals your memories. your independence. insures support. a breakthrough. and sooner than you'd like... ...sooner than you think. die from alzheimer's disease. ...we cure alzheimer's disease. every little click, call, or donation adds up to something big. alzheimer's association. the brains behind saving yours. humans. we are beautifully imperfect creatures living in an imperfect world. that's why liberty mutual insurance has your back, offering exclusive products like optional better car replacement, where if your car is totaled, we give you the money to buy one a model year newer. call... and ask an insurance expert about all our benefits today, like our 24/7 support and service, because at liberty mutual insurance, we believe our customers do their best out there in the world, so we do everything we can to be there for them when they need us. plus, you could save hundreds when you switch, up to $423. call... today. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? ♪ it's your shot of the morning. a cruise ship blasting its famous white stripe song seven nation, the captain holding an impromptu performance for his passengers as they arrived in hamburg on friday to celebrate the port's 825th anniversary. that's quite -- that's talent right there. >> i had no idea they could do that. usually it's a big loud honk, a sipple one. >> i didn't know they had different sounds there. >> who knew? >> we have a big hour coming your way. we're very privileged to have -- i don't even want to give it away. >> we've been showing you the video of that giant boulder stopping that far away from a church, divine interinvestigation? the pastor feels so and he'll join us in a moment. but first we turn to heather nauert. >> we got news about the pentagon and once again in the news, focused on social issues. secretary of defense chuck hagel is now considering a possible change to the military's ban on transgendered service members. those service members are not specifically protected under the 2010 law that allowed gay and lesbian service members to serve openly. hagel suggested a possible change. he did not officially propose one. he called the conversation complicated. we'll keep you posted. the head of the fcc may finally be caving to pressure from critics over u.s. plans to cede control of the internet. we talked about this a whole lot. the chairman tom wheeler will draft up new rules. the original idea would allow broad band providers to strike deals with companies like comcast or at & t and pay them to deliver their content faster. critics say that the plan would have caused u.s. companies to give up control and divide internet into slow and fast lanes. wheeler is going with that idea anyway. but content won't slow down for companies that don't pay. it was a blockbuster film this season, but just how close to reality is the wolf of wall street? >> look what i found in my pocket! look! a year's salary right here! you know what i call them? fun coupons! a fun coupon! >> in an interview with 60 minutes in australia, the real wolf of wall street kind of flipped out when he was asked about allegedly hiding his income. listen to this. >> next question. i think you can say what you want here. you got a lot of nerve, boy. i'll tell you. >> you got a lot of nerve, he said. he then left the building, claiming no one ever treated him like that except, of course, the f.b.i. and this story, an interesting one. one valet worker can forget about getting a tip after this happened. take a look. you know what kind of car that is? $340,000 lambourghini. damaging the front bumper. you know how much it costs to replace that. no word on how much it will cost to fix. that happened in monaco. those are your headlines. let's head over to brian for sports. >> they have a lot of lambourghinis there. 25 minutes before the top of the hour. nba playoffs, game 4 between the pacers and wizards. they scored 6 with george hill. george had 39 with 12 rebounds, pacers win again 95-92. the thunder and clippers, game 4. clippers had to win to make it even. they would do that with two minutes left to play. great move there. you'll see that was the last play. clippers hold on to win 101-99. that was a huge comeback. donald sterling was banned by the nba and said he was baited into make those comments and called them a terrible mistake. his ex-wife, shelly, also defending him during an interview with barbara walters. she says his comments made her sick, but she doesn't think he's a racist and wants to still own the team. history being made in russia. yes, vladimir putin in the net, yes. i'm talking about scoring. he put on the skates. he had an exhibition game against nhl players. he dazzled the crowd. this man in his 50s now, was able to score six goals in a single game. unbelievable performance. final score was 21-4. just in terms of history, take a look at all-time record for hockey goals in a game. he is second overall. seven is joe malone. vladimir putin almost tied that. can you imagine the tension in that arena because everyone is trying so hard against him. he had six goals. now putin, this is really going to be a big boost for him. >> sure. in addition to being a great scorer, he is a leader of a nation. >> right. he was doing the same thing at the same time. >> double threat. >> they know better to stop the leader when he had the puck in open ice. he skates very poorly. >> like golfing with your boss. he always wins. >> right. >> 23 minutes before the top of the hour. take a look at this. is this divine intervention? >> missed it by one foot. >> amazing. during nearby demolition, that massive 20-ton bolder started rolling toward the grace ministries church and came to a stop less than a foot away from destroying the building. >> truly amazing. was it luck or was it a greater power at play here? joining us now, pastor rick leclair who watched it all unfold. thanks for being with us here. you're seeing this near 20-ton boulder coming at you. what's going through your mind? >> well, thanks for having me, first of all. i would just say this, i don't believe in luck. i don't believe in coincidence. if you were there, i know the video is good, but to be there, it looked as if the rock was virtually shot out of a cannon. i guess in a sense it was. and it was so heavy, so big and it had so much momentum behind it, i heard one reporter say that there was a steel, small pipe railing there and that maybe is what stopped it. but that railing was like a tooth pick compared to the size of this boulder. the boulder was as tall, up to to the eave of the roof of the church. i was across the street watching it and i said, well, there goes the church. and the interesting thing is if that boulder had gone just a little bit further and went through the wall of the church, it would have dropped down into our food pantry, which we use to feed thousands of people every month. for me, i mean, the invisible world is a world that exists to me. as a christian, we see the invisible by faith. to me, it was an angel, if you would, just kind of put his hand on that stone and said, that's far enough. >> divine intervention. i understand you said it was like a catcher catching a baseball. >> yeah. it was. the rock is so big, i had 100,000-pound excavator on site and it could barely roll the rock away from the building. i've got a hydraulic hammer and an excavator now and we're just working on chipping it down to size so we can move it around the site. >> what were they doing? >> blasting company is widening the driveway for some additional parking. >> you didn't know that great big boulder was there, did you? >> absolutely not. absolutely not. it was a surprise to everybody. sometimes we ask for miracles and then sometimes we don't, but god does them anyway. >> pastor rick, we're so thankful that food pantry is okay and everybody is safe and you joined us this morning on this rock. you'll keep your church. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me and fox, you do a great job. >> thank you very much, pastor. >> thank you. coming up straight ahead on a different note. the devil comes to harvard. a satanic mass planned at the university tonight. wait until you hear how the catholic church is fighting back next. >> governor rick perry offering a incentives such as lower taxes to other states to bring their business to texas now. the "new york times" calling this illegal. stuart varney walking in to discuss. first, the question of the day. born on this day in 1962, this breakfast club actor was married to paula abdul for two years. who is he? be the first to e-mail us with the correct e-mail [ female announcer ] there's a gap out there. that's keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. but if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler... if frustration and paperwork decrease... if grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home... the gap begins to close. so let's simplify things. let's close the gap between people and care. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in. with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. let me tell you what's happening in the world. the mayor of carterette, new jersey says officials stopped their citizenship when they try to start with prayer. this came days after the u.s. supreme court ruled local government meetings can include prayers. town officials ended up moving to the nearby town of newark. and harvard wants to invite you to spend a night with satan. he's with me every day. by holding a black mass. tonight the catholic church is protesting by holding a positive worship service to counter the event. take that, satan. >> amen. governor rick perry convinced toyota to shift thousands of jobs from california to texas with a promise of fewer taxes and regulations. >> now in a new op ed in the "new york times," they're slamming the strategy, saying, quote, each year, state and local governments in the united states spend more than $80 billion on tax breaks and subsidies to attract investment. from a national perspective, this is as dumb as it gets. >> is it a dumb move? stuart varney? >> no. it's a very smart move. it exposes the high tax, oppressive regulation of some states like california. it exposes that and says come on over here. we can do better. we'll spend a little money to get you here, but it's money well spent. it's a smart investment. >> i think he's ironic that the "new york times" is lambasting texas about it because if you live here no income city, you see all these commercials on television about talking to big businesses. hey, wherever you are, come to new york state. we got a whole bunch of breaks for you. >> they don't look at the other side of the coin, which is how some of these high tax, big regulation states are forcing businesses out of the state. case in point is california. they offered $2 million in subsidies to get a chinese electric car company to locate in los angeles. then turn around and slap them with all kinds of regulation, including $100,000 fine because this chinese electric car company offered their workers one, 20-minute work break instead of two ten-minute work breaks. that's the kind of regulation that tick -- kicks people out of the state. a fine for that? >> why the fear or sort of why make the enemy out of competition when the beneficiary of great competition in business often times is the consumer and those looking for jobs. >> precisely. texas got by investing $40 million in toyota. they got 4,000 jobs, a whopping great big new headquarters building for toyota in the state of texas. that's with they got for their $40 million. i'd call that a smart investment. essentially the left wants you to stay put, stay where you are. hey, you business, you're bad. you stay put. you face that regulation. you pay those taxes and don't you dare move. >> a study was done that says our economy is less entrepreneurial than any point in the last 30 years. >> heaven forbid you get out there and compete and go to a low tax, low regulation state. which states are doing best? low tax, low regulation. more jobs, more economy. more expansion. >> florida and texas. >> yep. >> ultimately if you're in business, the idea is to make money for your company or your shareholders and that's all they're trying to do. >> radical thing for you to say. >> i'm a capitalist! >> and a lot of companies choose to go move out of the country because our tax overall is too high. >> witness pfizer going to britain. case closed. >> would you ever move back over there? >> it's all my fault. >> we'll be watching stuart varney between 11 and 1:00 o'clock over on fox business. >> thank you very much. >> thanks. coming up, if you don't like common core, you're a right wing extremist. why does caring about your child's education make awe bigot? a parent and former school board member weighs in. >> first on this date in history in 1989, "i'll be there for you" by bon jovi. let's listen again, bring it up. ♪ ♪ when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. time for the answer to your aflac trivia question. born on this date in 1962, this breakfast club actor was married to paula abdul for two years in the 1990s. the answer, emilio estev. he's 52 today. our winner will get a copy of brian's book "george washington's secret six." meanwhile, common core critics span the entire political spectrum and include parents and teachers as well. but a new southern poverty law center report is labeling those opposing common core standards as far right extremists. stating, quote, the disininformation campaign is being driven by the likes of fox news, john birch society, tea party factions and the christian right. they're wrong about that. cynthia, a parent and former texas school board member of education says the report is a desperate attempt to marginalize common core critics. she joins us from lynchburg, virginia. they say that those are the ohm critics, when, in fact, it's bipartisan. there are teachers unions in chicago and here in new york state and they hate it, too. >> absolutely. this is a bipartisan outcry of concern, legitimate concerns that are being expressed. when you look at the facts, 35 states in the last legislative session that were promoting some type of legislative effort to either delay implementation or prevent implementation of common core and the mandatory park assessments. this is not just a fringe little group that is expressing concern. this is a national voice that is being expressed and it's definitely bipartisan. >> sure. it sounds like some of the political talking points that have been circulated on the left where whoever criticizes you, they're an extremist. you're going to hear extremist, koch brothers regarding politics, not common core. what is it in particular you don't like about common core? >> well, the thing about common core is one, it makes me nervous whenever anything is being pushed quickly, just kind of like the statement of we have to pass it before we know what's in it. when you don't know what's in it, when there is a statement that it's being brought up through grassroots and through the association of governors and now in the back end we're finding that most comfortable with it, then when you have 35 states doing legislation and you add in with those that never wanted to implement it, that leaves only ten states that are not having some kind of pushback from saying, we don't like common core. it's a federal power grab. it's an unconstitutional mandate from the federal government. it invades the privacy of the parents and the teachers and the individual students in it. takes away the states' autonomy over education. and not only that, it's being done in such a way where they're pushing it forward quickly to where it's making it really difficult on the educatorrors. they have excessive assessments being done and it really is a vehicle for viewpoint discrimination when you have viewpoint belief being pushed through the federal government. >> you know what this southern poverty law center is trying to do. they're trying -- they realize there are critics out there, so they're trying to make people, oh, if you're against it, you're a radical, you're an extremist. you're as bad as fox news! >> then i would claim that title. i just think that what they're doing is very, very helpful to the cause of those dissenters to common core. what i like to call observe observe core because it ex -- obama core because it exposes the desperation taking place. now they're resorting to, instead of any kind of substantive basis to support obama core, they're basically resorting to name calling, marginalization, trying to say that there is not a legitimate concern when there clearly is. i think karen lewis, the president of the chicago teachers union, said it very well as far as agreeing with the parents and educators that this is a federal power grab. >> first time i heard it called obama core. i think that will stick. cynthia, a parent and a former member of the texas school board, thank you very much for joining us live. >> my pleasure. what do you think about that? e-mail us regarding obama core. straight ahead, new developments after veterans are left to die at a v.a. hospital in phoenix. the hospital is under new leadership starting today. is that going to change the culture of corruption? bret baier live at the top of the hour. stay with us ng with chantix. before chantix, i tried to quit... probably about five times. it was different than the other times i tried to quit. along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven to help people quit smoking. it's a non-nicotine pill. chantix reduced my urge to smoke. that helped me quit smoking. some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. if you notice any of these, stop chantix and call your doctor right away. tell your doctor about any history of mental health problems, which could get worse while taking chantix. don't take chantix if you've had a serious allergic or skin reaction to it. if you develop these, stop chantix and see your doctor right away as some can be life-threatening. tell your doctor if you have a history of heart or blood vessel problems, or if you develop new or worse symptoms. get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack or stroke. use caution when driving or operating machinery. common side effects include nausea, trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. my quit date was my son's birthday. and that was my gift for him and me. ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours i wasn't sure what to expect at the meetings. but i really love going. i do! it reminds me we don't have to do this alone. it's so much better to have some backup and to do it together because we all face similar challenges. the meetings keep me focused and motivated. and i have a newfound determination that i'm really proud of. i've never been happier. [ female announcer ] jumpstart your summer and start losing weight right away. join for free. try meetings, do it online or both. weight watchers. because it works. good morning. today is monday, may 12. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. changes taking place today at the v.a. after 40 veterans died waiting to see a doctor. this as their families learn that the problem still has not been fixed. >> our veterans deserve the health care that they fought for this country. they deserve better. >> where is the president on this? critics of the first gay football player fined for speaking out for openly gay player drafted. where was the crackdown when tim tebow was attacked for his faith? does the media have a double standard on tolerance? we're going to report and you will decide. plus, together they can take on anything. these twins born hand in hand. they beat the odds and give their mom a fantastic mother's day miracle. meanwhile, according to all sources that they have on the ground and in the air, mornings are better with friends. >> hi, this is kathy ireland. you're watching "fox & friends". >> by the way, is she irish? >> why wouldn't she be? she's got ireland in her name. >> right. >> makes sense. there is two irish stories in the news. you have donald trump at his irish resort golf course and kathy ireland on our show. >> just like that, we just put things in the news. of course, today is the post game show for mother's day yesterday. earlier we showed photographs of elisabeth and my family celebrating. now brian, apparently we've located a picture of you and your family. >> that was good. we have great verticals. we had to quit jumping because we had no idea it was that hot. we do this tradition every year. we'll grab any kids and we'll run to the beach with them. >> actually, that is not your family because we felt so bad that you didn't have a picture, we just paid $60 for a stock photo of a happy family 'cause you forgot! >> i did not know that we were supposed to give pictures of our family for mother's day. >> tonight you want to take pictures of your wife celebrating mother's day with her children so she can remember when she looks back years from now? remember that year? >> if you don't say anything, i could bring that picture home and tell her it was us. >> how about you recreate that and bring it back in? >> why don't i pretend -- why don't i say, i forgot. i have pictures, i just don't have them with me. >> joining us right now is somebody who did not forget. we're talking about bret baier who joins us from our nation's capitol. bret, we've got a photograph from yesterday. your wife with your beautiful boys. >> yes. >> i've got a feeling you probably took the picture. >> i did. the kids cooked breakfast for mom and had a good day. mom got a massage. it was a nice day. you know what? i knew that wasn't brian 'cause he doesn't have that leap. i don't have the vertical. >> you saw my combine from the '80s. definitely didn't do quite as well. >> your 40-yard dash is okay, right, bret? >> that's right. pretty fast. >> beautiful family pic. >> good morning to you. we're glad you're here. love that picture. want to talk about what's going on at the v.a., phoenix has a new quarterback. we call him steve young stepping in to take over and make some changes here. we have sharon hellman, she was placed on administrative leave. will this be a difference maker as we wait for the affairs secretary there to testify this week? >> it may change the situation on the ground. but the bottom line is they have not had significant changes as of yet, even after this thing came out. you have the v.a. secretary saying that he wants to get to the bottom of it. this is not why he came to washington. in a couple of interviews he did last week. but you're right, this testimony could be interesting because it's not just phoenix. there are other places around the country now that are reporting similar things. it's something that obviously every state is looking into. >> one of the bad things is it sounds like the secretary, general shinseki, knew about it in december, never did anything 'til it hit the fan. suddenly we've got these stories coming out. earlier in the 6:00 o'clock hour, bret, we had sonia nicastro. her husband, ralph, in 2011, went into the v.a. hospital in phoenix. he had a lump on his neck. and they said yep. you got a lump on your neck, you need to see another doctor. he waited for years until he died. he never was seen there. he wound up using benefits from his job at the postal service to go to the mayo clinic because it had gotten so out of happened, they couldn't fix it. she was on with her attorney earlier today and she just wants to make sure this doesn't happen to anybody else. listen. >> he had to keep work, sick or well, to keep his health care in effect because he cooperate get the treatment he deserved at the v.a. i want answers why it happened, how it happened, and how is this going to be affecting other vets in the future? it needs to be stopped. our veterans deserve the health care that they fought for this country. they deserve better. >> you just wonder what's happening with the first lady and the president on this. >> well, this is just amazingly emotional issue and obviously people across both sides of the aisle believe veterans should get the health care they need and it is explosive issue up on capitol hill. so you will see a hearing when this all comes to head where politicians will really be searching for answers. the president has come out and said he is launching a full investigation and wants to get to the bottom of it as well. but it is such an emotionally charged issue when you have veterans who are not getting what they need and possibly the allegations here, that they are dying in line. >> bret, do we have any idea how many years this goes back? >> we don't. and we don't know how extensive it is. it may be that this investigation unearths a whole bunch of new info. >> big story over the weekend was about the ukraine and the referendum that vladimir putin may be with a wink and a nod says, i don't think should take place. in another portion of eastern ukraine, they vote. the turn out, according to reports, was large. and was overwhelmingly, two other sections of ukraine want autonomy. where do we stand right now? >> this is not getting recognized by anyone outside of these two regions and this is in eastern ukraine. but the people there on the ground are saying that the turnout was some 89% voting in favor of this referendum to pull out and have autonomy from the ukrainian government. you're right, vladimir putin said don't go ahead with this referendum. but you wonder, these pro-russian separatist groups are essentially answering to russia and this sends another signal that there is this breakup in ukraine. violence is continuing. this is not a good sign for the may 25 election in ukraine which the u.s. and international allies -- the u.s. allies want to see go forward. if that does not go forward, this is going to get even messier. >> surely. >> you look at it, how do you come down with further sanctions on russia when vladimir putin said, i told them not to do it. so now he's got denyability. he's playing it very coyly. >> yeah. and also he said he was pulling troops back from the border and there is no indication from nato or the u.s. that that happened. >> he was playing hockey yesterday. he scored six goals. what a performance. even gretzky is in awe. get ready for your show coming up soon. >> okay. just a little ways away. >> you got ten hours. >> just telling you, it sneaks up on you. >> i'll work on you. >> thank you. >> at 6:00 o'clock today. let's turn to heather nauert who has the news. >> hi. we've been following that story very closely about this. images of some of those kidnapped school girls. this is brand-new video that has apparently just been released by the terror group boko haram. it claims to show 100 of the kidnapped girls in this video. it's 27 minutes long. the group's terror leader on this video declares the girls have been converted from christianity to islam. the leader also saying that he will exchange these school girls for boko haram prisoners. this is the first possible sighting since nearly 300 girls were kidnapped last month. security experts in the u.s., u.k. and france are in nigeria providing assistance with that rescue operation. we will keep you posted on that. wild weather pounding the plains over the weekend. tornadoes leaving a trail of destruction across kansas, nebraska. several twisters ripping roofs off buildings and bringing down power lines. then look at this. this in the state of missouri. clean-up is underway after a powerful ef-2 tornado trampled a small town destroying nearly everything in its path. then out west, a spring storm dropping a foot of snow in colorado, nebraska, making for dangerous driving conditions there. another story right now, caught on camera, it was a dramatic rescue from a cliff in new jersey. two nypd search and rescue helicopters were called in to save a hike who are had slipped on a rock and then stumbled off a trail that overlooked the hudson river near alpine, new jersey. the hiker was left clinging to the side of a 200-foot cliff for five hours until she was finally pulled to safety. she's now being treated for a broken ankle. oh, boy. those are your headlines. you know that area well. >> when you're driving across the george washington bridge, it's over there. it's just a shear face. >> five hours clinging to a rock. but they got her. >> thank you very much. exactly ten minutes after the top of the hour. democrats continue to call the search for justice in benghazi political. >> the fact is this is a stunt. this is a political stunt. >> oh, really? congressman mike pompeo of kansas is on the select committee. he joins us live to explain why madam pelosi, dead wrong. >> and look out, miley cyrus. we've got new competition. this cat can twerk. ♪ ♪ how did we do it last time? i don't know... i forget. feeding your lawn need not be so difficult neighbors. get a load of this bad boy. whoa. this snap spreader system from scotts is snap-crackin' simple -- just snap, lock, and go. 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>> look, they know better. they know that the speaker has appointed seven serious people. i hope that they will appoint five very serious people. i've seen this in the intelligence committee working in a bipartisan way to get facts. my charge is very clear, to get to the bottom of the facts that surrounded this enormous foreign policy failure and the death of four americans. we're going to go work hard every day to do it. i've got no axes to griped or political favors to pay. we're going to get to the bottom of this. >> was it the ben rhodes e-mail made public just about two weeks ago where it was very clear -- judicial watch wound up with it. you guys in congress didn't get it. it made it very clear that it was coordination with the white house on what susan rice should say on the five morning chat shows on a sunday and it was to push the video, which was a lie. was that the impetus for finally getting select committee? >> steve, it's the case for a long time. a lot of folks have been calling for a special committee and the speaker was reluctant. we had four committees looking at this, trying to figure out precisely what happened on september 11, 2012. then a series of things culminating in the fact that we now know the president didn't turn over all the documents in response to a congressional subpoena. and that's unacceptable. so we're going to go get all the documents. we're going to get all the witnesses. we're going to find out precisely what happened and share just as much of it as we can with the american people just as quickly as we can. >> it would be great to hear from some of the people because some of the people who we've wanted to hear from for the last 20 months have been -- the stories are that they were told by their bosses whether it's the c.i.a. or state department, if you want to keep your pension, if you want to get paid, if you don't want to get sued, you got to clam up. >> we've got to get to the bottom of those stories as well. we need to make sure that everyone who was involved in this has the opportunity to speak with us, to share their testimony, their ideas, their thoughts about what really happened that night so we can get that. we need to make sure that this administration doesn't cover up, doesn't deny and doesn't withhold. if we can do those things, we'll get the answers for the american people and then this committee will have done its job. >> you just mentioned cover-up. we did a fox news poll and we asked, is the administration covering up or being open and honest about benghazi? 61% said it's a cover-up. they're trying to cover-up. only a quarter of americans said they're open and transparent. so the people of the united states would like to know whether or not it is a cover-up. >> that's part of our task as well. look, i'm going to keep an open mind. but we know that there were political actors participating in the announcements post event that if they were trying to figure out precisely how to describe it, we know what the intelligence community said. we know they knew almost instantly this was an al-qaeda attack, with al-shariah being part of it. the evidence is already there and we have to figure out why it is the case that this administration for so long didn't disclose that to the american people and share what was going on there, that this was an al-qaeda attack that killed four americans. >> we don't like the answers. good luck on your journey to try to figure it out. >> thank you. >> thank you. all right. it's now 18 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, you're invited to the dark side. a satanic mass planned at harvard tonight, of course. but wait until you hear how one student is fighting back. he joins us live next. and it doesn't get any closer than this. a church just inches away from destruction -- look at this great big boulder rolling up toward the back, stopped by divine intervention? that's what the pastor says. you'll hear him coming up. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] it's simple physics... a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions, or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. 1200 homes now in danger of being destroyed by a wildfire in texas. 100 homes have been lost so far. next, 74%. that's the number of obamacare enrollees who had insurance before they enrolled in a plan under the affordable care act. that was a big help. finally, two. that's the number of babies born holding hands right out of the womb. the twin girls born with a rare medical condition, but are now breathing on their own and the perfect mother's day gift, twin girls born holding hands. that's fantastic. as you see with a rare medical condition on friday. now they're breathing on their open without the assistance of a ventilator. i was able to give you a story, then expand on the story in the same breath. >> we're glad you did. what a blessing on mother's day. here we are, harvard university's cultural studies club wants to invite you to spend a night with satan. tonight they're hole ago black mass reenactment. the mass set to be an inversion of the traditional catholic mass that use has stolen consecrated piece of communion. this has the catholic community in boston very upset. so why would the university be okay with this happening right on their campus? joining me now is the junior at harvard university and began a petition to oppose the satanic mass that is set to be starting this evening. thanks for being with "fox & friends." this upset you enough to start a petition. why? >> well, i first heard about this mass that was going on earlier this week, saw a flyer on campus. the more we learned about t the more a group of students, myself, a couple other catholics, christians, nonchristians, thought it was something people needed to know about and we want to do try to rally opposition to it because it's really offensive and a mockery of the christian faith and all people of faith. >> how many signatures do you have on the petition to date? >> a couple are flows around, total is around 50,000. >> wow. and then the school said they're not happy with it. they find this disturbing and offensive to those who live at the harvard community. but they really paraphrasing here, they want you guys to be able to do this in a sensitive way. they want people to be sensitive to one another, but they haven't been outright in terms of saying they don't want this taking place. and then the harvard extension culture studies club says this is just about history. it's not about religion. you say? >> i say freedom of speech is what it is. i think this has nothing to do with it in this case. in the university community, freedom of speech has a purpose and that purpose is to get after the truth, to build a civil community, to build friendships across disagreements. this is more obscenity than speech, if anything. and if this were a reenactment of a kkk rally or some sort of desecration of the koran, i think no one would have trouble seeing that. >> so you believe this is an attack then on catholics or christians there. do you want the school to step up and cancel it before it starts tonight ideally? >> ideally the club that's hosting it would see sense and cancel it. but i would definitely support the university stepping in. again, i don't think it's a question of freedom of expression. i think this is basically an obscenity that offends a huge segment of the community. >> do you think there will be some sort of protest outside of where this is happening in the basement of the building? >> i don't know. on a i'll be -- i'll be in prayer with the catholic community at the local catholic church a few blocks away. that's where there is going to be a big gathering and other parishes and churches all across boston, greater boston area, and even further away will joining together in solidarity. >> okay. so prayer over protest. we want to thank you for being with us this morning. >> thank you so much for having me. >> sure thing. this mom, she saved her 18 month old son from a burning building by jumping out of a third story building with him in her arms. there is a big update on their condition this morning. we're going to bring you that. and then critics of the first gay football player fined for speaking out. where was the crack down when tim tebow was attacked for his faith and beliefs? does the media have a double standard on tolerance here? we're reading your e-mails. they're pouring in along with twitter. ♪ ♪ the only thing better than the smell of fresh-cut grass... is the smell of perfectly level, fresh-cut grass. that yellow seat's my favorite chair. you wanna find a john deere dealer? 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[ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ ♪ ♪ ladies night. it's your shot of the morning. cats may not be able to dance, but can they twerk? >> looks like it can. check out this kitty showing off its moves, shaking its tail to the beat of the music. >> and some people say it's fake. there is a person moving the table. you're seeing it. we report. you decide on that. >> looks real to me. >> does it look real? >> i thought it did. >> looks like a real cat. just shaky. >> you could have a string on the tail. >> how would you be shaking the -- the cat seems -- i don't know how you would fake that. >> maybe it's brushing something away. looks real to me. >> 29 minutes before the top of the hour on this monday. it is one of the mostnday ums i, opening later today an nearly three years. the washington monument has a new lease on life after sustaining major damage from the earthquake in 2011. remember? >> doug luzader is there live with a sneak peek at that. a great site to see, doug. >> reporter: good morning. yeah. it looks beautiful this morning. especially because you can actually see it now. remember for a long time, this thing was covered in scaffolding and people had to keep a fair distance away because of all of the work that was being done both inside and outside. for the better part of three years, this is about as close as you could get to the washington monument. a lengthy fence encircled one of the nation's real treasures, keeping everyone at arm's length and then some. >> this is pretty close. >> reporter: a 555 feet high, thank you very much. it's those last few feet that at least initially caused all of the concern back in august of 2011. >> this is a fox news alert. we are just getting reports from our dc bureau that an earthquake was felt in washington, d.c. >> reporter: that earthquake would rattle a part of the country that rarely experiences them. the monument it turns out didn't make it through unscathed. a climbing crew would eventually scale the heights and survey the damage. >> directly above me, this is the large crack op the west elevation. >> the greatest damage was in what we call the point from 500 feet to the top where the sides angle in. >> reporter: the crack was just the most visible damage. but there were other issues as well. shoring up the monument would be a massive project. it was shrouded in scaffolding for much of the time as architects, historic preservationists and stone may have beens did their work. -- masons did their work. the cost? a staggering $15 million. eventually they fixed 150 cracks. for those long years, just like these folks, you could take in all of the grandeur you wanted, but only from a distance. >> this is the closest i've ever been to it and regardless of how many days i come here, i still see it as a beautiful sight. >> i miss going in. so i'm excited for it. >> reporter: as we come back out live, you see all the people there waiting in line for tickets. the ticket office has just opened. they'll be able to get back inside this afternoon when the thing actually reopens officially to the public. prior to that there is going to be a big ceremony this morning. by the way, we did the math. those cracks cost about $100,000 apiece to fix. back to you guys. >> it's washington, d.c they've got an unlimited funds, why not a million dollars a crack? >> reporter: don't make that suggestion. they'll spend it. >> that's right. i drove by it yesterday. it was beautiful. >> doug was part of the climbing crew that evaluated the side of the building. he actually said no rope. i'll just do it myself. >> like spiderman. >> have you been in the washington monument? >> many times. >> is it enjoyable? >> yeah. great. >> you never talk about it. >> it was back in the day. >> doug, thank you very much. let's talk football. let's talk football because this sixth round draft pick michael sam made history. >> after becoming the first openly gay player drafted by the nfl, the rams took him on, social media is asking why he's being praised when tebow was being ridiculed for his faith. a lot of people came out with support or coming out against it. they were fines given to players coming out against the idea of the kiss. one player came out of fsu, a linebacker there, demarcus walker, who tweeted this. he said y'all praised him for being gay, but mocked tim tebow for being a christian. throwing the flag on what seems to be a double standard when it comes to media. >> it does kind of look like a double standard. i don't care if he's gay and the many things that have been said over the last couple of days. but it does look like there is a double standard. it's like remember when tim tebow was out and he was very vocal and visible about his religion? and there was some things that were tweeted about him that were so bad, nobody got fined, like that guy got fined from miami. for instance, here is a tweet from philadelphia eagles guard evan matthias. he said, don't die a virgin. terrorists are waiting up there for you at tim tebow. thinking about you, big guy. he didn't get in trouble for that. there just does seem to be a double standard. >> sure. especially remember back demarcus' tweet, it was retweeted over 9,000 times as of last night. there were people thinking this same thing. we asked you what you thought. bill e-mailed us and said to know someone's religion or sexual orientation is fine. continual displays of either is not. tebow wouldn't make that -- would make that display that every time. >> in today's world, one says it's great to be gay. wrong to pray. a little don kingish. >> keep the e-mail coming and we will collect them and tweet them out ourselves as well. it's now 24 minutes before the top of the hour. heather nauert joins us live with the very latest on what's going on in afghanistan. >> good morning. breaking news coming in overnight from afghanistan. kabul, militants carry out a deadly attack on a government building there. the armed group of taliban insurgents storming a justice department building, clashing with security forces and also firing rockets. by the time the fighting ended, seven people, including three insurgents were dead. this marks the beginning of the taliban's annual spring offensive. back here at home, the third person killed in that hot air balloon tragedy in virginia has now been located. the body of one of the passengers, natalie lewis, was found 25 miles north of richmond, virginia. she was traveling with a colleague, ginny doyle, both of them worked together at the university of richmond. the pilot on board has been identified as mike daniel kirk, you can see his picture there. his family said he had more than 20 years experience ballooning. that hot air balloon crashed friday night after it hit a power line and then caught on fire. investigators say they're still working to find most of the wreckage of the we'll keep you posted. she could be paralyzed for the rest of her life, but a massachusetts mom says it was well worth it. she jumped out of a third story building that was burning in order to save her young son's life. a fire had broken out at her apartment complex in massachusetts. the flames and smoke started spreading so fast that christina grabbed her 19- 18-month-old boy and jumped from a window he was not hurt, but she broke her back. >> she jumped out of a house and said, well, he's all right. so that's it. >> after a sixan hour surgery, doctors say she may not walk again. but her son is okay thanks to his brave mom. is this divine intervention? look at this video here. missed it by one foot. >> that is a boulder right there. this happened outside of a church in boston. there was a demolition nearby and a massive 20-ton boulder started rolling in the direction of the church and came to a stop just a few inches from that building. unbelievable. the pastor saw the entire thing. he joined us early your on the show to talk about it. listen to this. >> the invisible world is a world that exists to me. as a christian, we see the invisible by faith. to me, it was an angel, if you would, just kind of put his hand on that stone and said, that's far enough. >> wow. if that boulder had crashed the church, it would have taken out a food pantry that feeds thousands of people. amazing. those are your headlines. nba playoffs got everybody excited. game 4 between the pacers and wizards. let's pick it up in the fourth quarter. down by six. george hill, three and the foul. george hit 39 points, 12 rebounds. pacers win 95-92 and lead the best of seven three games to one now. and thunder and clippers. it's evened up. clippers go on to win and tie the series and came back from a double digit deficit late to do it. and these are the words from clippers owner donald sterling. i am not a racist. the first words from clippers owner since the racial remarks became public. and they were leaked. sterling, banned from the nba for life and fined $2.5 million, says he was baited into making those comments and called them a terrible mistake. he said some other stuff that are ridiculous. his estranged wife defending him during an interview with barbara walters and said if he can't own the team, can i? most people in the league think she should not own the team. and talk about an unbelievable spectacle, college lacrosse. the fastest sport on two feet. now this crazy lacrosse highlight, drexel taking on the university of pennsylvania, scoring three goals in 11 seconds. start the clock. >> 20 seconds. a new goal scorer. he shoots! scored two goals and tie it up. can he do it again? schaefer win it is! he shoots and does it again! >> wow. if you win the faceoff, that happens. drexel dragons turned a 6-4 deficit into 7-6 lead in the blink of an eye. that's a quick look at what's happening in sports. in 19 minutes, michael goodwin, james rosen, dr. oz, we'll find out if there is anything wrong with james rosen 'cause he's kind of different. and from nine to noon, we'll be on kilmeade and friends. >> on this monday, coming up, the hollywood elite jumping on the band wagon protesting the beverly hills hotel for its links to radical islam. it turns out their outrage may be a little too late. colonel ralph peters reporting for duty. he's next. and finally, great news for men who consider themselves vertically challenged. ♪ ♪ i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. some quick headlines for you. ever wish you were taller? not after you hear this. researchers say shorter men live longer because they have an enhanced form of the longevity gene and lower blood insulin. men shorter than 5' 2 live the longest. so there. and does this sound familiar? >> i want to tell them what a cheap, lying, no good rotten low life, snake licking dirt eating in bred ignorant, blood sucking -- >> turns out going off like that could actually be good for you. a new study shows cursing can alleviate stress and pain by boosting your adrenaline. chevy chase, a very healthy guy. hollywood finally taking a stand against radical islam by boycotting the beverly hills hotel. they're mad because the holings hotel's owner, imposed sharia law in his country, punishing so-called criminals by stoning them to death or severing their limbs. but someone forgot to tell them this isn't an isolated incident. this has been going on for a long time in different places. colonel ralph peters is here. do you think that -- you question why the outrage now and why on this hotel? >> yeah, actually i do, for a variety of reasons. first of all, brian, the american left, and all the feminists, have spent more energy defending a handful of terrorist thugs in gitmo than defending the rights of brutally oppressed women throughout the islamic world. now suddenly it's the beverly hills hotel and the polo lounge. they're protesting that, even though -- for years, the stars have been staying at the fairmont, which is owned by saudis, staying at the four seasons. it's almost half owned by a saudi. how are women's rights doing in saudi arabia right now? my problem essentially is simply this: tell your viewers something, i'm not a republican. i am an independent and on ethical jon stewart middle ground. i am pro-choice. but the notion that the left has created this lie about republican war on women while they are ignoring the brutality, brutal treatment of women, boko haram, obviously. you have women being punished for being raped. you have general mutilation -- genital mutilation. you have stoning to death, but also the slavery, oppression, the lack of freedom and the american left says nothing about it and let me give you a classic example. yesterday in the "new york times" nicholas christof, he wrote a column about the importance of education for women and every example he cited of deprivation was an islamic country. and yet never in that column does he use the word islam or the word muslim. he seemed to have left contorting itself, not to say boko haram is an islamist organization. that doesn't mean all muslims are bad. but it does mean that if you look honestly at the world, only in the islamic world, ohm in the islamic world are women brutally oppressed and do they suffer the deprivation of rights and the american left says nothing. >> and one exception i know is mavis leno. everybody wants us to pull out of afghanistan. the day after we leave, the day that government falls, if they're not ready, all those women get out of the schools, all the girls are not going to be allowed to be educated. they all get their burqas on and hide in the back room. the rights dissipate and no one is even saying that. >> yeah. look at obviously our relations with saudi arabia. but there is a fundamental problem that ultimately we can't fix with our military. and that is the sickness within greater middle east. you have a struggle between some muslims fighting valiantly, struggling to modernize their faith, to it, to adhere to the best values of islam, but by refusing to criticize the radical, the crazies, we undercut the moderates and what we've got right now is american left that defends islam and basically hates christianity and judaism. >> i hear the passion. i think you made your point. very well done. thanks so much. >> thank you. coming up straight ahead in our final block, if you eat a vegetarian diet, you will always be skinny. right? wrong. diet fact and fiction coming your way. first let's check in with a guy who has great abs according to everyone we know. bill hemmer. >> all eight of them. how are you doing? >> real good. >> bombshell from tim geithner. was he told to lie on television? a stunning picture of the young girls held in africa. why have democrats joined the benghazi investigation and will they? and how much for a health care change? keep counting because the numbers are in. they're downright brutal. martha and i will see you on a monday, ten minutes away, top o] the hour why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online and have it shipped at no additional cost straight to your door. viagra home delivery. get started at it's springtime, which means it's crunch time when it comes to shedding the extra pounds. but there is some diet myths that might be sabotaging your weight loss goals. we're going to look into those with dr. smith, the author of the super shred diet. he'll join us now to debunk some of those big lies that are out there when it comes to losing weight. one of which, we'll start with this one -- if i work out, i can eat whatever i want. >> this has been going on for a long time. theoretically, it's about a calorie equation. if you are consuming 3,000 calories and you can burn 3,000-calories in the gym, then you're good. guess what? in order to do that, you have to work out for eight to ten hours. so who is going to work out for that long in the course of a day? so it is logistically infeesable to work out enough for a bad diet. >> mathematically impossible, which brings us to the other three points. one is if i eat a vegetarian diet, i won't get chubby. >> not true because it's not just about the entree, it's about what you're putting around the meal. if you take a nice salad by itself, extremely healthy. a lot of greens, peppers. but if you add salad dressing that is full fat, you can take a salad that's 200-calories and make it 8 or 900 calories just by what you add to it. same thing with the veggie burger. people say, i'm not eating beef. it's healthy. >> so it's a veggie burger's friend. >> we're eating french fries and putting on maybe a lot of ketchup or mayo. there are ways as a vegetarian to increase your calorie count and be unhealthy. >> what about carbs? you say what? >> this bothers me the most. carbs are your friend. they are not your enemy. it's all about the right carbs. carbs are the number one source of fuel for the body and the brain. you can't live without carbs. but what are good carbs? avocados are great. beans, legumes, yogurt. >> but you can't put cream cheese on an avocado. >> you can put a dabble to mix it. but these are bad carbs. but to say carbs are no good for you, that's nonsense and i'm glad people are realizing there are good carbs. >> focus on the quality carbs. we're always worried about not being hydrated enough. you say you can be overhydrated. >> some believe if you drink a lot of water, it will make you healthier. not necessarily. first of all, drinking too much water can be a problem because you dilute your electrolyting, sodium and potassium. that can cause serious problems. the other part is you can overload your system. too much water can -- if you're not eliminating it forly, could lead to you retaining too much water. and the second or third thing, is do not make you healthy necessarily. what if you're still eating bad? eating burgers and fries. they don't offset each other. water is good for you, eight to ten cups a at this is what you need -- a day is what you need. but don't go crazy. >> thank you so much. super shred is his book. check that out. now we know the truth about the diet myths. >> that's right as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. advil. make today yours. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? 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[ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or you are not going to want to miss tomorrow with laura ingraham, kellie pickler. thanks -- for being with us today. >> if you have to run to radio, go do it. i'll see you on "the five" later. bill: thank you, guys on a monday, stunning thank you revelations on a former insider in the obama white house former second of treasury tim geithner says he was asked to go on a sunday talk show saying something he did not agree with, something not entirely true i'm bill hemmer live in "america's newsroom." hope you had a great weekend, awe the moms happy mom's day martha: good morning, everybody good morning, bill i'm martha maccallum here is what is going on tim geithner is speaking out in a new book he says both dan pfeiffer and stephanie cutter, both white house insiders asked him to mislead the american people for political purposes bill: we'll tell you what he said in a moment here first bob cusack, managing editorf


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140514 10:00:00

to do it for them. kristen says i think the 9 p.m. curfew in baltimore city is a great idea. however, i think baltimore city needs a lot more than a curfew to handle what's going on there. thank you for responding. we appreciate it. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. good morning. it is wednesday, may 14. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck.ç @&c@ an afternoon of fun turns to horror when a bounce houpbs -- house gets thrown 50 neat in the air, catapulting kids to the ground below. how this happened and the latest on their condition ahead. >> the left slamming karl rove for questioning hillary clinton's health calling him pathetic and scared. but where was the outrage when the same questions were asked of republican candidates? >> a motorcycle slams into an s.u.v. head on and the guy on the motorcycle walks away. that was no stunt. that wasç real. and mornings, as far as we know, are real, and they're better with friends. >> you're watching "fox & friends." that's a great way to begin your day. >> thanks very much, don king. welcome aboard ladies and gentlemen. it is national biscuit day. >> that means a lot. it goes back how many -- is this the first year? >> ever since popeye's louisiana kitchen developed a special one, today you're going to get one. >> i cannot believe they're still working to improve the biscuit. to me, it peaked. >> repeat what's out there already. >>ç bisquick, that was your choice in your house? >> growing up we had biscuits until bisquick came along and that changed everything. >> they have gluten-free biscuits? >> yeah. >> biscuit day, something to talk about around the family table. >> i was watching "fox & friends" this morning. ainsley and heather were on. what does ainsley do after the show? >> i think ainsley does this, fill in for heather nauert. >> were you really watching? >> yes i was. >> let me tell you what happened overnight. bigç developments overnight that will affect the mid term elections. clay aiken won the congressional democratic primary in north carolina. the former singer and actor squeezed out a narrow victory one day after his point chris kisko died. aiken faces an uphill battle against a popular republican incumbent. over in nebraska, key party favorite, ben saff won the republican nomination for an open seat after a heated primary. in west virginia seven-term congresswoman won the republican primary. natalie tenet won the democratic nomination. whoever wins the general electionyu)s& make history. west virginia never elected a female senator. one minute it was staked to the ground. the next it was swept off the ground. a gust of wind lifting an entire inflatable house with three children inside 50 feet into the air. a 10-year-old girl did escape just with scrapes right before it went into the air but the two boys left eup -- inside ages five and six are in the hospital. one broke both arms after the other has a head injury after hitting a parked car. >> i heard him hit the ground and i heard screaming everywhere. >> little tykes is the maker of the bouncey house. this is their statement. we're looking into what happened. our thoughts and prayers are with the children and their families. a major health scare in florida. 22 hospital workers at a hospital in orlando ordered to stay home now for two weeks after their exposure to a saudi patient that is infected with mers. the 44-year-old man reportedly developed symptoms of mers mid flight from saudi arabia to london. he sat in the emergency room for hours before being admitted into the hospital. this is the second confirmed u.s. case of that deadly and rareç virus. a happy update to a story we told you about yesterday. the 21-month-old boy with leukemia who desperately needed a lifesaving drug will get his meds. the company, chimerex, is changing its mind after first refusing to provide the trial medicine to him that would t virus. >> i was very emotional. it's been tough knowing there is a drug out there and we couldn't get it atç first. i hope we don't have to wait as long as us and joshua's parents. >> you might remember the company chimerex that repeatedly denied drugs for josh hardy. they eventually changed course after eup tense public scrutiny. >> ainsley, thank you very much. in both those cases, our own peter johnson jr., america's attorney was key in helping them get it. >> we're going to talk about something that has a little bit of sickness in everybody's belly. talking about health, karl rove kicking off a political firestorm in a war of words with hillary clinton. he's getting slammed for suggesting clinton might have brain damage or some sort of damage after a fall she suffered, as you recall, in 2012. but he says his words are being twisted. elizabeth prann is live in washington to explain. >> reporter: "the new york post" reported that karl rove did make those suggestions last week at a conference, and rove clarified on the channel he was never claiming clinton had brain damage but he did suggest details are not forthcoming on what medical issues then-secretary of state hillary clinton was dealing with. clinton's team is quick to fight back, oneç spokesperson saying -- quote -- "they are scared of what she has achieved and what she has to offer. time for them to move on to their next decks pratt attack." rove said senator john mccain faced similar questions when he ran in 2008 and it's not an uncommon inquiry for such high-profile candidates. >> i didn't say she had brain damage. she had a serious health episode. this was a serious deal. she's in and out of the office starting on the 7th of december after she returns. she returns on a friday from the czech republic but then it begins an over a month-long period where she has a serious illness ending up putting her in the hospital. >> jay carney mocked rove during the briefing yesterdav3 >> you're asking the question based on the assertion of a political consultant which is a kind waive putting -- kind way of putting his job. here's what i would say about cognitive capacity, which dr. rove might have been the last person in america on election night to recognize and acknowledge the president had won reelection including the state of ohio, so we'll leave it at that. >> this incident stemming from a fall clinton took back in 2012 after returning from a european trip where she fainted, fell and did suffer a concussion. we have a lot to seeç on this story. >> elizabeth prann, thank you very much. >> she was supposed to testify in the benghazi situation and they said she was not feeling well. then she shows up with the glasses on. i thought it was one of the most unreported stories. the secretary of state passes out; we don't know why. she comes back and testifies after delay. she wasn't feeling away. karl rove said she was in the hospital for 30 days. not straight. she had to go back and forth for observation. >> i remember working with barbara walters after she suffered a fall in the same season. hillary clinton sent her a letter explaining, saying barbara you know how it goes, throwing a casual comment out there when you fall and hit your head, sort ofç softening a bit primarily to a female audience. this is not something that is unusual to question the president's health. >> absolutely not. >> it is hypocritical for attacking somebody for looking into the records of somebody who may be candidate for president of the united states. >> the way i recall, bill clinton never released his medical records. i think they released a medical summary when he was running because people wanted to try to figure out what was going on with him for a variety of reasons. but there does seem to be hypocrisy between the right and the left. but you know this. president obama talking about john mccain back in the day when obama was still a senator and how mccain lost his bearings. >> for him to toss out comments like that, i think, gives an example of him losing his bearings as he pursues this nomination. >> a little hypocrisy checkup there. >> can you imagine if a candidate said my point lost their bearings. >> can you imagine -- let's go back all the way -- it's not thursday yet but we're going to throw back to the 1980's, 1984 i believe it was when it was the second debate between ronald reagan and mondale. brit hume said let's try to understand what it was like for someone to questionç someone's age when they would be president. >> look back at ronald reagan running for reelection in 1984. he loses his debate to walter mondale and i'll never forget the night richard threlkeld, the question was on the air as to whether reagan was okay. there were questions about his mental acuity at that point which he managed to take care of in the next debate. but all president's health records become public. age sharpens the issue. hillary clinton will be the age ronald reagan wasç when he was running in 1980. >> that's right. essentially i think what we have seen is a preview of perhaps a presidential election. if you pick on hillary for any reason, some will say you're picking on her because of her age, so you're an ageist. if you're picking on her because she's a woman, you're a sexist. >> she knows what it is like to be the target when she ran against obama. i think she is going to get competition. governor o'malley of maryland is going to go at it. let's see if he starts calling out hillary maybe that she's too old or more of the same. later on the show we're going to have a guest who says maybeç the biggest obstacle that hillary clinton has is that people have obama fatigue. >> fatigue is a real condition. >> very good point. >> there are conditions that should have been investigated, so we're going to shift gears to the v.a. debacle. jeff miller, a representative out of florida, wrote a letter to president obama explaining, daily we are hearing about the inaction of the v.a. and how veterans, 40 reportedly, died waiting on a secret list. this is just getting too awful to wait on. we should have a select committee to investigateç here. and eric holder, though, attorney general, says no, we're not going to do that. we're going to hold the offer on looking into why these veterans are being left to die after serving our nation. >> meanwhile you've got bernie sanders out there, and he's figured it all out, what's going on with all these people dying, waiting on these secret lists. you know who you can blame? the koch brothers. >> there is right now as we speak a concerted effort to undermine the v.a. so the point is you have government entity itself, social security enormously popular. medicare enormously popular. postal service popular. v.a. popular. what are theç problems? the problems is that all of these are large governmental institutions, and you have folks out there now, koch brothers and others, who want to radically change the nature of society and even make major cuts in all of these institutions or maybe do away with them entirely. >> amazing too, the guy talked about changing major portions of society. he happens to be a socialist. a lot of people think in his view, we're all on the wrong side of society. but i think it's also important toç understand. this reminds me of, remember when you used to get spelling words and you had to memorize them and to help you do it, you had to use it in a sentence and you couldn't possibly think of a way to use this word on your spelling assignment in a sentence. it is as if he starts the day thinking how do i use the word koch brothers in a sentence? >> then he calls harry reid. >> right. and he says harry, i got my sentence in. >> coming up, he founded the weather underground, but no one complains when he'sç asked to speak. coming up next. >> why did alec baldwin end up in handcuffs? and guess what? he's on twitter again. ♪ ♪it's progressive pain. ♪ first you have that, that feeling of numbness. then you get the hot pins. it got to the point where i felt like, almost like lightning bolts, hot strikes into my feet. the pain was, it was... i just couldn't handle it, so my doctor prescribed lyrica. the pain has been reduced and i feel better than i did before. 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[ male announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of karen's story, visit help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests! all organic, and there's tons of info on our website. that's why you rely on the best for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you're all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america's largest, most reliable 4glte network. activate any 4glte smartphone and get $100 off. for best results, use verizon. the list of canceled graduation speakers is growing this morning. we just learned international monetary fund chief christine le guard is withdrawing from smith college's graduation. she joins secretary of state former condi rice who dropped out as rutgers commencement speaker as well because of protests from a handful of kids. joining us to talk about what's going on, the president of the foundation for individual rights in education. good morning to you. >> thanks for having me. >> what's the matter with these kids? why don't they want to hear somebody else's opinion? >> it's amazing. much so we call it disinvitation season. students get together, and sometimes faculty. i think it's the long term result of students believing they have the right not to be offended or even challenged. >> when you look at the woman who ran the i.m.f., you would think they would want to hear from such a powerful woman who ran the i.f.m. they feel because they discriminate against women or condi rice, because they feel like she had a hand in getting us into some wars we shouldn't have been in, they shouldn't hear that. it's almost likeç the students are trying to figure out who can we have speak to us who sounds just like us. >> that's exactly right. and it's amazing the purity test that students are implying. the chancellor of berkeley just got disinvited, just withdrew from haverford college. it is hard to imagine who is going to be allowed to speak on campuses anymore. >> kermit the frog. they love "sesame street"; not too political. how big a factor, greg, is the fact that on these college campuses you've got all these lefty professors for four years beating into their heads a certain ideology and they want to hear that when they say the big so longç everybody? >> sometimes the professors are right in front. when it comes to condoleezza rice, that wasn't student led. that was faculty led. i think the entire campus environment and the problems of speech code teaches students to think like censors. this is a natural result in some ways of what they're being taught. >> i looked at the list. it looks like more conservatives or right-wing speakers get disinvited than to the left. but there is a number of of lefties as well who are left not speaking. r&c@ what does this say about where we are on college campus stph-s >> it says there is a real intolerance for different points of view. students are not taught to say why don't i hear this person out? >> we send our college for four years for a different opinion, so they can see everything. greg lukianoff, sir, thank you very much. if i ever run a college, you're going to be my speaker. you hear me? >> i might get disinvited. >> you never know. straight ahead it is an olympic sport but the fencing team at one college is now kicked off campus and wait until you hear why. nearlyç 22 million millenials, the young people, still living at home with mom and dad. our next guest made millions of dollars in real estate before he turned 30. why he says moving out is the best thing you can do. ♪ ♪ really... so our business can be on at&t's network for $175 dollars a month? yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. new at&t mobile share value plans. our best value plans ever for business. he gets a ready for you alert hthe second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! quick headlines now. celebrities behaving badly. overnight justin bieber accused of attempted robbery. ♪ ♪ >> this isn't live, by the way. the pop star is accused of trying to take a woman's cell phone at a golf course in california who was taking pictures ofç him. alec baldwin arrested after he allegedly screamed at cops who caught him riding his book in the wrong direction down the street in new york city. he then tweeted this. new york city is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign. his wife tweeted him back, shhhh! all right elisabeth. >> a record number of millenials, more than 30%, admit they're still living at home with their pare%ts. between college loans and cost of living for not taking the initiative to move out. when they do many choose to rent thinking that is a better option. blake sloan is a reality expert, also a millenial who has been recognized by forbes and the "wall street journal" as one of the best in this business. good morning, blake. your story is interesting. by the time you were 27 you were a self-made million. your mom is one of your employees. what was the secret to your success? >> just a lot of hard work in the beginning. a lot of sleepless nights in the beginning. out learning from the best and make sure we're innovative in our real estate business as a whole and work very, veryç hard to do so. >> you talked about your mom moving into your business and you hiring her. many millenials are moving back home with their parents. 13% only say having their own home is a priority according to recent studies here. why do you think it is a better idea for them to get out of the basement and buy a home? >> right now such an unprecedented time regards to opportunity for millenials to buy, the a affordability of the housinghmarket. you can get a mortgage for about 4.25%. let's say you're too busy and you want to wait a year, and now you wait a year later, that same house, maybe about $270,000, with rates going up you're looking at a rate of maybe about 5.7%. now that same mortgage payment is about $1,500. overall it can cost $100,000 more over the life of the loan by waiting one year. >> let's go over cities here. you say charleston, south carolina, is a good place for a millenial on a starting salary to look. >> it's been dubbed silicon harbor, the silicon valley of the eastç coast. it is a startup for tech companies. there are 200 miles of pristine beaches. average commute is 10 to 15 minutes. it has a great restaurant market. you can get a starter home for $145,000 or $700 a month. >> the second place you talk about is austin, texas. >> austin has a cool, young vibe. in the past five years, a big increase in millenials going there. a great music scene. you can get a starter home for about $200,000 or about $1,000 a month to buyç there. >> nashville, tennessee? >> nash vegas is an awesome place. starterups come and thrive. it is an easy-going life. you can get a great starter home for about $150,000. >> orlando, florida? >> everybody loves orlando. everybody loves the weather. it is great in the hospital ity industry. >> we thank you for being with us today. nash vegas. coming up transgenderç national security officer about to get special treatment. have you seen this video? a motorcycle slams into an s.u.v. head on. how did that motorcycle rider walk away? i ys say be thman with the plan but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. i use my citi thankyou card to get two times the points at the coffee shop. which will help me get to miami...and they'll be stuck at the cube farm. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn two times the points on dining out with no annual fee. go to ♪ ♪ >> that looks familiar. >> it does? >> yeah. it's our shot of the morning. >> that's your driveway. >> my driveway. yesterday i posted this on instagram. i came out and my kids said to me, mommy, is it okay if i use all my talk to make -- use all my chalk to make a big american flag, make our american flag? i said oh yeah, it's quite o"uz i hash tagged it raising patriots. it is so good to see that. it is so big. one of them ran over it on a bike and there was a big argument about that. >> and a little trail, red, white and blue. >> i just thought that how great that is what they decided to use all their chalk on. i'm going to buy them more chalk. >> you didn't tell them to do it. you let kids be kids. you let them decide what to do with their time. from 6 p.m. from 6:17, you didn't say make a flag. from 6:17 to 6:26 prepare for dinner. that is not the elisabeth hasselbeck way.ç >> some people refer to them as helicopter parents. others call them the beta parents. >> the beta parents will do anything they can, even when the kids are two years old, to make sure they get into harvard. they'll hire bilingual nannies, make sure they get the right foods. some serve them fish for breakfast? >> beta fish? >> yeah. here's the thing. that's what alpha parents do. jen nesser has written a book. she is saying the way parents areç raising their kids these days is a far cry from how we are raised. >> she says beta parents sometimes leave them alone with a crayon, a piece of string and cardboard box. beta parents let their kids eat processed cheese. beta parents own televisions. they don't make cupcakes out of cantaloupes with frosting. >> they're saying back off, let kids be kids. there is a school of thought with parents that you basically have the kids and then let them get busy. don't bother me unless it's important for ten years. and now you have people, maybe the kids of those parents saying i didn't like being a kid, being ignored so they're overdoing it with theirç kids. they're scheduling their free time. there is no such thing as free time anymore. >> beta parents are the parents like we had growing up. when you look back to the way we were raised, we weren't the centers of the universe like many parents -- >> my mom didn't even like me. >> there you go. >> not at all. >> a couple of days ago -- she loves you. one time i tried to make ice cream out of bananas. it didn't go well. that was an alpha moment. >> as a mom orç kid? >> as a mom. when our first child was born we looked at all those books for alpha parents. we were convinced the child should never have a fried food before the age of six. by the time our third child rolled around, we stopped at the mcdonald's drive-through when sally was born on the way home to get her fries. >> no teeth yet but we're stopping. what's your favorite beta parent moment? and what's your favorite -- the beta parent is somebody who is? >> hands off. >> and what's an example of looking back at what steve just said, maybe you were too -- >> there are two. alpha. beta. meanwhile, let'sç start with the "a" ainsley earhardt in for heather nauert. >> i was the b child. >> you're the a team. >> he screamed "i am god, i am god! " before ramming a stolen landscaping truck into a tv station in baltimore. the 29-year-old then barricaded himself in an editing room for five hours while he was watching himself on the news coverage. police eventually cuffed him while he heldç a golf club. no one was injured. the man who has not yet been identified is being treated now at the hospital. she was charged with attempted murder. and the exact moment she was attacked was caught on camera. this happened off the coast of hawaii. a man trying to rip out the diver's air supply. she was reportedly filming another diver stealing fish under water when the man detached her oxygen. she was able to reattach it without shooting to the surface which can be deadly. the daughter of radio legend casey kasem makingç a desperate plea to get her dad back from her step mother. she last saw her dad on may 6. his health is deteriorating. and the daughter says the trouble with the step mom isn't anything new. >> we told her if it is about the money, take the money, take the house. we won't contest anything. take it all, have it all. give us our dad back. >> the family plans to file a missing person's report this morning. they think their dad might be at an indian reservation in washington state. it's the video we've all been talking about. surveillance video capturing a horrific motorcycle crash in missouri.ç that rider slamming head on into the side of that black s.u.v. amazingly the biker wasn't seriously injured. he% himself up as you can see, and he walks away. brian says what was he looking at? >> he came out of nowhere. >> what's happening in sports. >> thanks for asking. i guess we're on speaking terms again. nba playoff, a controversial call in the final seconds. the clippers against the thunder, game 5, 104-102, clippers. reggie jackson ends up with what appears to be fouled. the ball ruled off the clippers out of bounds. westbrook pulled up for 3, no good.ç he fouled. he goss a handle on 3. he does. the thunder wins. the wizards beat the pacers 102-79 forcing game 6. looks like charles barkley and shaquille o'neal won't meet in the ring for martial arts. last week during their inside the nba show, gave fans a preview of what they can expect. shaq said barkley backed out. i would kill him. i would definitely kickç his "a" because i'm from the streets of newark and he is not. plus he's seven foot and over 300 pounds and barkley is like 6'4" and not. everyone writes me about hockey. hockey will be in the next sportscast. i promise. >> is there a score you want to give? 20 minutes before the top of the hour. transgender national security leaker chelsea manning. >> it gets more than 10,000 criminals a month but what do you know about u.s.ç marshals? next the fascinating details you never knew. ♪ ♪ get all your favorites all day, everyday. ♪ olive garden's signature favorites, just $10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. signature favorites, just $10 all week long, at olive garden. aseball fans cheering] [milk pouring] great things go together. and new sargento tastings are perfectly paired with every day. exceptional cheeses in smaller, snackable sizes that make it easy to explore new flavors and savor every moment. new sargento tastings. one of a kind flavors found right in your dairy section. find your favorite and make your own perfect pairing. new sargento tastings. perfectly paired with every day. the pentagon approving a transfer for private bradley manning to get gender treatment after being convicted of leaking top secret military documents, manning changed his name to chelsea and requested hormone therapy. the treatment is not possible in a military prison, only in civilian prison. okay. convicted killer van der sloot is reportedly set to marry his pregnant girlfriend in prison. there is speculation the baby is not his. a judge sentenced van der sloot to 28 years in prison for theç murder. >> the little bit you know about the u.s. marshals probably comes from a movie. >> i did not do what they said i did. >> if you thought the chase was over, you've got another thing coming. >> what are you going to attempt to do? >> a u.s. marshal is considered the most dangerous job in law enforcement and it's been around since 1789, but there isn't much known about what they do untilç now. this man served 28 years with the u.s. marshals. his book is out, "u.s. marshaled: inside america's most storied law enforcement agency." what you don't know about them and what they do. mike, first off, you write this book, the sheer numbers of people that you capture is staggering. >> we arrest an average of around 23,000 fugitives a year. that's 10,000 a month throughout the united states. these are the most violent of fugitives. they are wanted for murder, rape, homicide, child abductions, sex offenders. you name it, they are the worst of the worst. >> your jurisdiction is anybody, anything in the u.s.; right? >> correct. weç do also international fugitives, fugitives wanted in the u.s. that have gone abroad. we're responsible for finding them abroad. also foreign fugitives that come into the u.s., we're responsible for apprehending them. >> united states of america founded the witness protection program? >> that is true. since about late 1970's we've been in charge of protecting all the witnesses within the program, their families. that can include 24-hour protection while they're in danger. >> this is the ultimate reality show. there's only 4,000 of you guys? >> correct. there's actuallyç less than 4,000. in the fugitive program we have a task force network of about 4,000 also that assist us. >> the bigger names that you've captured, been a part of? >> the u.s. marshals arrested general manuel noriega during the invasion of panama. the d.c. sniper case, we identified two individuals in their vehicle they were in. guzman, most of the drug cartels. it goes on and on. >> just the organization and execution is something every government agency could learn from, don't you think? it seems like your chain of command is very pure. >> we do the most we can with the resources ue have. the marshals are very effective at it. one of the reasons is we get along with all other agencies and our state and local task force officers are such an integral part of what we do. >> you are related to wyatt earp. this is the legend. >> i don't know exact what the relationship is. 30 years i've been called wyatt more than i have mike. >> kevin costner had fun playing that. mike, the book is fascinating. thanks so much for your service to@-ui country. look what i've got. my own patch. i'm going to start speeding as soon as i leave here. coming up, they serve this nation only to be hahn pherd with out-of--- only to be hammered with out-of-control student loans. have you ever heard of a drinking game that uses skee ball as its theme. ♪ ♪ ♪ (announcer) from the company that invented litter, comes litter re-invented. (woman) hey! toss me that litter! (announcer) tidy cats lightweight. all the strength, half the weight. it's built to be as fast as it is strongor advil. and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. advil. make today yours. he gets a ready for you alert hthe second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! a controversy is brewing this morning over america's favorite arcade game. ski ball. there is one calls brewsski ball where people drink alcohol. joining us for a fair and balanced legal debate, arthur aidala. welcome this morning. before we get to some playing of the game here, this is a big deal. it's going to come down to a lot of money. what's the problem? i'll start with you, with brewski ball using the name or is this fine? no trademark infringement? >> the line they're taking in the beer league that did this in the ski ball people should zip their lips. aspirin, yoyo, zipper, are names no longer trademarked. they're genericked. and the idea in this case is that the brewski ball people are saying it's ski ball. we call this game ski ball. they can't trademark it. and brewsski ball doesn't confuse anybody, so go away. >> they say nothing going on. >> and nobody is harmed. >> this is what i say. first of all, it says right here, skiball, u.s. patent office. it's not a trademark, but there is a patent on this design and there is a company that actually owns the name. but the reason why he's correct, why all the names, yoyo and things like that are household names is because nobody went and did this and went to court to challenge it. yoyo never went to court and said this is my did she this is our name. >> what would happen if they did? >> we don't know. so skisexual going to court and -- ski social security ball is going to court saying this is our name. they don't want somebody playing and getting in a wreck and kill somebody. now their good name, all kids love to go and play skiball are ruined. >> so let me ask you this, what's next? beer pong is something for ping-pong. should ping-pong be worried about their name being used -- >> there is no ping-pong name. if that's your example, it's not a good one for ski ball because there is no ping-pong trademark. we play ping-pong, you can call it beer popping, call it anything you want. >> ping-pong is more like football. whereas this is a thing. >> what if it looked completely different? >> it's not the machine. it's the league that -- these people are not manufacturing a machine that looks like a ski ball machine, but isn't. so there is no confusion and when you got a trademark case, the issue is, are you confusing people? are people going to think hey, the ski ball company is running this league? there is no possible way you could think that. >> what happened between 2005 and now, because they the league founder, he gave the blessing in 2005. >> this is the interesting thing. when we ran an investigation into our company, life is lived chronologically. these guys did nothing to defend their name. then they went in to an agreement with the brews ski ball people. >> it was a handshake agreement. >> a week after they start to reveal confidential information. this is what's in the superintendent all of a sudden they say hey, our trademark, our good name and went to court. >> initially it was a publicity stunt for them to get a name and it blew out of proportion. >> we're going to see what happens and how it unfolds and how the game unfolds, who is the winner and the loser. we want to thank aardvark amusement for giving us a nice time to play this morning. >> ladies first. >> i came so close. coming up, veterans being cheated when it comes to student loans. they were charged more than anyone. and speak of our military, he hasn't played football in four years, but that's because he was fighting for our freedom. that's about to change. the army ranger headed to the nfl. we're honored to have him here. ♪ ♪ and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests! all organic, and there's tons of info on our website. that's why you rely on the best for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you're all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america's largest, most reliable 4glte network. activate any 4glte smartphone and get $100 off. for best results, use verizon. you've reached the age where you know how things work. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. good morning. it's wednesday, may 14. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. an afternoon of fun turns to horror when a bounce house is lifted 50 feet off the ground with three children inside. how this could have happened and the latest on the kids' conditions up next. they called karl rove pathetic and scared. what was the outrage when the same questions were asked of republican candidates? we report. you decide. but steve's got to talk first. >> that's right. then from the front lines to the nfl, meet the army ranger who is trading in his fatigues for a helmet and shoulder pads. yep. that's him right there. we got a busy two hours on this wednesday morning because wednesday mornings are better with friends. >> it's time for "fox & friends" one hour ago i revealed it's national biscuit day and i've just been told by the people at popeye's that in addition to biscuits and gravy, they're bringing chicken. we've been up since 2 or 3:00 o'clock in the morning. it's lunch time for us. period of time near supper time. >> i had no idea that popeye's loved chicken. i thought it was all spinach. >> maybe that's a different pop eye. >> i remember something about when popeye was in the blue uniform, he was much more entertaining as opposed to the white uniform. >> you spent a lot of time analyzing cartoons, haven't you? >> how about pink? here is someone in a pink outfit. >> he has a bicep focus. >> good thing mine are covered. let me tell you what's happening in the news. a fox news alert. big developments overnight that will affect the midterm elections. tea party favorite won the republican nomination for an open senate seat in nebraska. in west virginia, seven-term congresswoman shelly moore capito won the republican primary. secretary of state natalie tenet won the democratic nomination. whoever wins the general election will make history because west virginia has never elected a female senator. former "american idol" runner up clay caken won the democratic primary, one day after his opponent died. aiken now faces an uphill battle against the popular republican incumbent, renee elmers. look how high this is. a gust of wind lifting an entire inflatable house with three children inside 50 feet up into the air. a ten-year-old girl did escape with just scrapes just as it was taking off. but two boys, ages five and six, they were inside and now they're in the hospital. one broke both of his arms after hitting the ground. the other has a head injury after falling on to a parked car. >> then he hit his head off the back of my car. then i heard him hit the ground and i heard screaming. >> little tyke the manufacturer said we are looking into what happened. our thoughts and prayers are with the children and their families. a happy update to a story we've been following. the 21-year-old boy -- 21-month-old boy with leukemia who needed the life saving drug will get it. the company changing its mind after first refusing to provide the trial medicine to him that would treat his adeno virus. >> i was very emotional. it's been tough knowing that there is a drug out there and we couldn't get it. it should be easy. i hope the next people don't have to wait as long as us and joshua's parents. >> you might remember the company from the case of josh hardy. it repeatedly denied him the drug as well. eventually that company did reverse course after intense public scrutiny. the 9-11 memorial museum opens up tomorrow, but we have this brand-new video just into "fox & friends" of what it looks like. the museum dedicated to honoring the tragic events of september 11 features more than 20,000 photographs, 500 hours of footage, and thousands of artifacts. >> 25 bucks. >> to get in. >> it should be free. it's five minutes after the top of the hour. >> karl rove kicked off a political fire storm yesterday in a war of words with hillary clinton. so he's getting slammed for people suggesting that he said hillary clinton might have brain damage after a fall she suffered in 2012. but he says his words are being twisted. >> to sort it all out, we fetched elizabeth prann who explains what's going on. >> karl rove came on the channel this week to clarify what the "new york post" is reporting saying he never claimed former secretary of state hillary clinton had brain damage. listen here. >> she had a serious health episode. i mean, this was a serious deal. she basically is out of action from -- she's in and out of the office starting on the 7th of december after she returns. she returns on a friday from the czech republic. but then begins over a month long period where she's got a serious illness, ending up putting her in the hospital. we don't know what the doctor said about what does she have to be concerned about. >> so you see there that rove says details surrounding her medical issues are not forth coming, especially when it comes to the fall she took in december of 2012 after returning from a trip to europe where she fainted, she fell and suffered a concussion. he we want on to say that senator john mccain faced similar health questions when he ran back in 2008, that, in fact, it's not an uncommon inquiry for high profile candidates. clinton's team is quick to fight back, one spokesman saying they're scared of what she has achieved and what she has to offerment time for them to move on to their next desperate attack. the white house even chiming in, jay carney took a jab at rove during the press briefing just yesterday. >> you asked the question based on a political consultant, which is a kind way of -- it is medical evaluation. shear what i would say about cognitive capacity, which is dr. rove might have been the last person in america on election night to recognize and acknowledge that the president won reelection, including the state of ohio, so we'll leave it at that. >> clinton has yet to say if she'll even run in 2016. back to you. >> thank you very much. look, it wasn't karl rove, the first to on the national scale to mention hillary's problems. i think it was two or three months ago, drudge report mentioned is she sick and people were talking behind the scenes about a myriad of intentional health problems for hillary clinton. will she release her medical records? i bet not. think about her husband, bill clinton, when he was running for president. he was asked to repeatedly and to the best of my knowledge, he never did. they did release a general summary about his health. but that was it. >> you want to talk cognitive capacity, which we just saw jay carney refer to, perhaps we need to check on memory because this isn't first time this has been tossed around because of cheap shots. remember when president obama was saying that mccain lost his bears because he was too old. listen to this. >> for him to toss out comments like that, i think it's an example of him losing his bearings as he pursues this nomination. >> i mean, that's important to bring up. the other thing is, i said this last hour, it was one of those underreported stories i can remember because we were just waiting to see if she was going to testify for benghazi. all we heard about is she wasn't up to it. somehow she had a virus. then she turns out, well, she hit her head. whoa, did someone hit her head? did she fall? yeah, she hit her head, fell. then comes back with these glasses. they go, it's just going to be temporary. that's how hard she hit her head. i'm thinking to myself, that's huge. if that was in my family, that would be huge news. all of a sudden you're wearing glasses for months, you can't go to work. you're in and out of the hospital for 30 days. so i think ha as a consultant if you're asking karl rove to give his prognosis and he's on stage next to robert gibbs and other experts and ask him to talk about prospects in 2016, i think her health is only natural to bring up, especially her age. it's an issue. >> especially as it relates to benghazi. is she still not okay? still haven't heard anything as it relates to decisions made prior to, during and after. >> i'm sure she'll be subpoenaed, though. brit hume took us way back here, a little throw back tuesday it was. we're going to bring it to you on wednesday when he said look, this has always been called into question. remember when president reagan was facing mondale in the second debate in 1984? check him out. >> look back at ronald reagan running for reelection in 1984, he loses a debate to walter mondale and i'll never forget the night that richard thrill kill of abc news said on the care, the question was whether reagan was, you know, okay. certainly there were questions about his mental acutity at that point which he managed to take care of in the next debate. but all presidents' health records become public. age raises that and sharpens the issue and hillary clinton will be about the age i guess that ronald reagan was when he was running in 1980. >> surely it will be an issue, her health. and it has been for a while. it's funny how rumors have a way of getting injected into the campaign. remember back in 2008 the suggestion that barak obama was not born in this country. that actually came from supporters of hillary clinton. of course, here we are years later, people are still talking about that. >> just let's change gears and talk about your house. let's talk about your household perhaps. the author of "good night nanny cam" has come out with a fascinating look at overparenting perhaps in today's society, called a beta parenting where you are pretty much a beta parent is somebody that is laid back, kind of like the 1970s parent or the 1960s parent, or every other parent in america. >> alpha parents are the helicopter parents. they want to do everything for their kids so that the kids go to mit by the time they're seven years old. the beta parents, more like the way we were all raised. >> remember this? there is dvd's and videos out for the baby when it's in the womb, to play certain music. >> we had that. >> you did that? >> sure. >> see, that's an example of alpha parenting. >> that's why i was doing a story on it. it didn't work, by the way. >> so this is what she said the beta parent said, they don't try to engage their kids every second of the day. sometimes they leave them alone with a crayon, string and cardboard box. they let their parents eat processed cheese. beta parents don't hide pumpkin puree in the pancakes. >> sometimes you let your kids color the flag on a driveway like you did. >> the way she has written this thing -- she wrote this beta parent manifesto in the huffington post, you really want to be a beta parent when you look at it as opposed to an alpha parent. we asked you what you thought. one said let kids be kids. that's how they learn. give guidance when needed, but let them be themselves. >> doug said when i was a kid, my parents were beta. i'd be jumping off the roof onto the trampoline and then into the pool all day. >> excuse me, i think that's a little bit out of control. do not do that. jerry e-mailed, my older brother and i used to travel by subway from the bronks to brooklyn to watch the dodgers play. we were 11 and seven and it took about two hours each way. i guess we had beta parents. that was the story back then. >> sure. these days that would be regarded as child abuse. anita writes on facebook, building forts in the woods, ice skating on frozen ponds, good lord, how did i ever survive a childhood like that? somehow i remember occasionally going swimming less than a half hour after i ate a meal. >> wow! that is incredible! >> somehow i made it. >> that's akin to joining a gang today. >> being beta may you betta at being a parent? keep them coming. >> i actually think i was definitely too alpha. >> really? >> yeah. i think katy, my youngest, is benefitting from the fact that maybe i was too alpha with brian and in between -- i canned of lost interest with -- kind of lost interest with the last one. >> it's a perception that a lot of parents have. in the beginning they push as much as they can. >> i remember sitting at the table going what's her name again? >> coming up, america, what's hillary's biggest issue heading into 2016? other next guest says it's not benghazi. we'll talk to doctor, professor, genius larry sabato who predicted nearly every presidential race correctly. the brawl between jay-z and beyonce's sister raising eyebrows. we'll break it down for you. ♪ ♪ you, my friend are a master of diversification. who would have thought three cheese lasagna would go with chocolate cake and ceviche? the same guy who thought that small caps and bond funds would go with a merging markets. it's a masterpiece. thanks. clearly you are type e. you made it phil. welcome home. now what's our strategy with the fondue? diversifying your portfolio? e*trade gives you the tools and resources to get it right. are you type e*? he was a matted messiley in a small cage. ng day. so that was our first task, was getting him to wellness. without angie's list, i don't know if we could have found all the services we needed for our riley. from contractors and doctors to dog sitters and landscapers, you can find it all on angie's list. we found riley at the shelter, and found everything he needed at angie's list. join today at we all remember hillary clinton's response to the benghazi terrorist attack. remember? >> what difference at this point does it make? it is our job to figure out what happened and do everything we can to prevent it from ever happening again. >> benghazi may not be her only hurdle for a potential white house bid. could it be her health or just general fatigue with the president's policies? dr. larry sabato is the director of the center of politics at the university of virginia, joins us with a look inside his crystal of people are going to be saying we need a change after barak obama. what do you think? will that hurt hillary? >> here are hillary clinton's real challenges, brian. not benghazi, not monica lewinsky. it's the fact that president obama, at least right now -- has low approval ratings. if those approval ratings continue to be low in 2016, she will be held accountable. people say, well, she ran against barak obama. she has a separate identity. john mccain ran against george w. bush in 2000. didn't help him in 2008. the second factor, brian, is that there is some good research in this field. just a party running for a third consecutive term actually subtracts a point or two from that party's popular vote total. >> why? >> americans are inclined to switch out parties at regular intervals because the truth is, they don't fully trust either one and they want to avoid corruption. >> yeah. bush 41 followed ronald reagan, but did not get a second term. look at this pew poll now. 65% of the country said they would like to see a president who offers different policies and programs from the current president. 30% want to see a president with similar programs and policies. that's right now in 2014. how much do we care about being the election is in 2016? >> we shouldn't care overly. you're right. polls can change. but americans do get tired of the same direction. i always like to compare it to tv series. not talking about morning shows, of course. talking about comedies, sitcoms and cops and robbers shows. how long do they last? very few go eight seasons. most go two, three, four seasons and people are ready for a change. >> right. except for "cheers." i wish that could have gone on. i got to ask you, when karl rove brought up the health of hillary clinton, do you think that's out of bounds or is that up with tradition for a 68-year-old that did pass out in her last few months in office? >> here is something that most people don't know. hillary clinton, by the time of the election in 2016, is going to be exactly the same age, 69, that ronald reagan was in 1980 when he was first running for his first elective term as president. so health questions are always legitimate. we never want to go back to the situation that we've had that i studied in 1960 when john f. kennedy had some very serious health problems that were covered up and even denied, lied about. i know of nothing that would prevent hillary clinton from being president. she seems very vigorous to me. but every presidential nominee should have to have a thorough examination and the results of that examination should be revealed to the public. we ought to require that for presidential detainees. >> it does make sense. the kids are graduated and you can take the rest of the summer off. thanks so much. >> this weekend, brian, is graduation. i'm not free yet. >> sorry. after that. straight ahead, veterans being cheated when it comes to student loans. they were charged more than anyone else. this morning we have a huge update for our military members. her son was left starving and embarrassed by the school because no one told her about her outstanding lunch balance. so what did she have to do? 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he was 45 cents short and didn't know he also owed 4.95 from a meal back in april. school didn't notify them. but his mom wouldn't let the school standard slide. she not only paid his debt, she also paid the balances of 18 other students. that mother, amanda cowan, joins us now. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let me get this straight, your son is 45 cents short and they won't give him the lunch? >> correct. >> why? >> they have a no charge policy, as a lot of other schools do. >> did you know that he owed 4-point -- about five bucks from something he charged in april? >> no, i didn't. it was his last charge was april 15. >> you never got a notice that your son was delinquent, right? >> no, i didn't. >> okay. so he comes home and he tells you that not only was he short, he didn't get the lunch, and not only that, but the lunch person took the lunch out of his hand and threw it in the garbage, right? >> well, he actually called me from the school and told me they weren't allowing him to eat. i asked him what was going on. he said they wouldn't -- he tried paying the $2. they wouldn't accept it. so they took the lunch, threw it in the trash and that's when he called me. >> oh, man. here is what the school says. although we do not encourage the charging of school lunches, the union schools do allow charging many schools across the nation have very strict policies that say if a child does not have the money, they do not eat. we are proud to say we do not have that policy. i can't imagine they're proud of what that lunch person did. i mean, they threw the lunch in the garbage and then your son went hungry. you're being calm right now. but you were really agitated the day this happened. what did you do first? >> first thing i did is i went to the school to talk to the lunch lady. i asked her, why wasn't he allowed to eat? she just basic -- well, he didn't have enough money. >> right. >> i was to the point i didn't even know what to say. >> sure. so you went back on friday and talked to one of the bosses at the school. what did they say? >> i went back on monday and talked to the vice principal. >> and you said? >> she told me -- i needed to understand that at the end of the year, they're stuck with the bill if parents don't charge, pay the charges. >> sure. and so you decided you were going to make good. fair and square, you did owe, although the school never let you know ahead of time that you had an outstanding balance. so you wanted to make sure this did not happen to any of the other kids in the school. so what did you try to do? >> well, what i tried to do is give her $250 to not only pay the bill, but distribute the rest of it in the accounts of the 19 kids on the list. she told me they couldn't do that. >> sure. but they wouldn't take 250 bucks, would they? >> no. she took 60. she paid the $53 tab and put the rest on my son's account. >> well, now he can have lunch for the rest of the year. but the damage is done. i know he was humiliated. but you made it very clear that it was not appropriate, although the school doesn't feel like they did anything wrong, which is crazy. >> well, they said they followed within their guidelines. no disciplinary action will be taken. >> yeah, but he was 45 cents short. just give him the piece of pizza. >> i know. i don't understand throwing it in the trash. >> exactly. >> it's not solving the problem. >> it's crazy. thank you very much. summer is coming. he's not going to have to stand in that lunch line much longer. he's not. bad memory. 29 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, rubio for president. the republican senator said he may still be in for 2016 no matter who else is running. that includes somebody else. jackie kennedy's deepest secrets revealed 14 years of personal letters now made public. the intimate details, including what the first lady feared most about marrying that man, jfk. ♪ ♪ for paul ridley there's no substitute for advil. it's built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. advil. make today yours. he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? 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>> yes, they are. free biscuit today at any popeye's with a purchase all day long. >> you can't beat that. why is it you love the biscuit? i know the guy who started pop eye's worked on it for two years in a culinary lab. >> well, my biscuits are the best tasting in the known universe and my popeye's customers are the best customers in the world. >> you're taking credit for the entire organization? >> the entire organization because i love my biscuits. so come on in today at any popeye's for any purchase, you'll get a free biscuit. >> it's perfect with the chicken. >> of course. >> i grew up on the popeye's spicy chicken. i love that stuff. you got locations across the country. so drop by a popeye's, buy something and you get a free biscuit. >> very nice. >> honey on it. >> we'll have to do that. that's the way i like it. perfect. >> yes. >> amy, annie, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> now to ainsley, time for the news. >> thanks so much. we're going to start with this, a major health scare in florida. 22 hospital workers at an orlando hospital ordered to stay home for two weeks after they were exposed to a patient infected with mers. the 44-year-old man developed symptoms of that virus mid flight from saudi arabia to london. he sat in the emergency room in orlando for hours before being admitted into the hospital. this is the second confirmed u.s. case of the deadly rare virus. rubio for president? the republican florida senator now admits that he would still enter the 2016 race even if it meant running against former florida governor jeb bush. he says the presidential candidate doesn't make decisions based on what someone else does. >> i think when someone contemplates running for president of the united states, you too so based on a criteria that you set for yourself. i don't think they're decisions based with someone else's decisions in mind and i bet if he was here, he would give you the exact same answer. i think that's the way you approach a decision of that magnitude is based on your own criteria. not what someone else might or might not do. >> he admits jeb bush would make a formidable president, a candidate at least, for president. newly discovered letters revealing 14 years of secrets from jackie kennedy bearing her soul to an irish priest that she met only twice, but had written to for years. she opens up about her fears of marrying jfk because he might be like her father, she says. she goes on to say, quote, he loves the chase and he is bored with the conquest and once married, needs proof he's still attractive, so he flirts with other women and resents you. the unpublished letters are up for auction next month. fencing might be an olympic sport, but tell that to the officials at north dakota state university because they have banned it, saying the sword-like equipment known as foils are deemed weapons and as such possession or use on the university campus owned or controlled property is prohibited. the sword, however, has no actual blade and does not have a sharp tip. the team is now forced to move off campus. and those are your headlines, my friends. over to you on the sofa. >> is it arthur? >> it is. >> we got to get ainsley a monitor. she should have seen awe long time ago. >> leave ainsley alone! >> that's for tomorrow's segment. >> i'm with you on that. >> let's talk about this. so we've seen it on television. >> important case. >> surveillance video, it looks like beyonce's sister is beating up jay-z. that's an elevator at the standard hotel in new york. so we have many legal questions. first of all, there is a story out there that tmz paid $250,000 for that video. >> to whom? that's the question. do they pay it -- first of all, let's get this out of the way. it's not jay-z's video. it's not beyonce's video. when you're in a public hallway, on a public street, when you're in a public elevator, you have no expectation of privacy. so it's not your video. you're basically consenting by being there that you could be videoed in today's day and age. >> known a hotel? >> in a public place, yes. this was in their room, in the bathroom or maybe even a phone booth, some expectation of privacy. >> does that mean they can't sue for this video? >> that is correct. >> but wherever they had access so to that video monitor, that would not be a public place. that could have been a private place. >> here is the real thing, who sold the video? or who got their hands on it? is it the hotel who probably owns the video. it's their video. >> what if it is? >> or is it an employee of the hotel who stole the video? if it was an employee who stole the video, they may have some big problems. criminal problems and civil problems 'cause it's not their property. >> but if i'm tmz and i write the check to that shady person who did something that's a fireable offense and despicable, do i have to say who i bought it from? am i responsible to say -- >> you guys are the journalists. you're asking me that question? it depends if they say listen, this is our source. i don't think they would reveal. >> what if the people in the hotel, those individuals, be it jay-z or two other people involved in a domestic issue in an elevator, can that video that was wrongly sold, assuming that it was, be used to then prosecute one of them? >> yes. there would be an evidentiary hearing if it ever went that far about its add -- admissiblity. jay-z could pick up the phone and press charges against her and she would be arrested for assault in the third degree, which it's a no brainer, which is a misdemeanor. all you have to do is cause harm and pain, substantial pain. so it looked like he got a little substantial pain in there. and on the civil side, if he wanted to be a jerk, he could sue her and for his injuries. >> and just for the record, it seems as though the story in the daily news today is solange was mad at him because he was going to rihanna's party after the big event. the undercurrent is he was supposed to help so dlange's career get on track. >> there is one more part. solange brought some of her friends to this party, the met party and they were using jay-z' name to try to get in and he had just found out about it. he said, don't you have your friends using my name to try to get into any parties. that was what started the whole thing. why do you have to go out to riri's party? why can't you go home with your wife? i can't believe we're talking about this on "fox & friends." you were talking about the u.s. marshals doing all this good. >> your rights are not what you think when you're in an elevator. >> or hallway or any public place. >> you're never private. >> anywhere anymore, in my opinion. >> thank you. >> i just know this, this conversation was private, just between us. straight ahead, from the front lines to the nfl, meet the army ranger who is trading in his fatigues for a helmet and shoulder pads and hopes to put an eagle on that helmet. can you pick him out? >> yes, i can. but first the aflac trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1944, the film maker is best known for creating "star wars." who is he? be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. >> i've got it, by george [male announcer] ortho crime files. disturbing the pantry. a house, under siege. say helto home defense max. kills bugs inside and prevents new ones for up to a year. ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®. ♪ aflac, aflac, afc! ♪ [ both sigh ] ♪ ugh! ♪ you told me he was good, dude. yeah he stinks at golf. but he was great at getting my claim paid fast. how fast? mine got paid in 4 days. wow. that's awesome. is that legal? big fat no. [ male announcer ] find out how fast aflac can pay you at there was a boy who traveled hto a faraway placepay you where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours time for the celebrity's behaving badly edition of headlines. first overnight, justin bieber accused of attempted robbery. ♪ ♪ >> okay, it's not like he tried to knock over a bank. he is accused of trying to take a woman's cell phone at a golf course in california who was taking pictures of him. and alec baldwin arrested after he allegedly screamed at police officers who caught him riding his bike in the wrong direction here in new york city. he then tweeted this, new york city is a mismanaged carnival of stupidity that is desperate for revenue and anxious to criminalize behavior once thought benign. >> it looks like 190. now to a great story. >> when the battlefield from the playing fold, our next guest spent the past four years defending his country in the u.s. army. now he will spend this offseason trying to make the philadelphia eagles 53-man roster. joining us in his first tv interview. we are so thankful to have you here. what an exciting time for you, sir. >> thank you. appreciate it. yeah, absolutely. a good opportunity here with the eagles and something i've been waiting for a long time. >> three tours of duty in afghanistan. now it looks as though you will have the time to go ahead and try to make this team. how now after serving overseas are you perhaps better prepared to be successful in the nfl? >> well, that's something that obviously the coaches will have to determine here in the next couple months. i've been in shape as much as i can, it's given me a little maturity and taught me a lot of things i can possibly use here on the football field. bottom line, obviously a lot of this is going off potential. i haven't been working out as a football player should have for the past couple months, just like everybody else has. but it's great opportunity and i'm very excited to see what happens. >> they've got to be excited to have you come there. this is something you've long wanted since you were 16. but you were playing offense. are you going to switch from defending our nation to defending on the football field in terms of preparation, i know june 17 starts the mini camp there. what does this mean for your transition from the battlefield, just coming back to citizenship? >> obviously right now, i can stop dwelling on this and start hitting the weight room. a lot of that stuff, obviously the coach also have to decide where they want me weight wise and how to make this transition a little easier. it's a path that not a lot of players have done. i know there was a couple players who play in the nfl. but it's a little bit of a complicated process. so i'm trying to learn day by day and try to make adjustments as i go. >> you're a wide receiver, outstanding wide receiver in college and now looking to be a defensive lineman. you kind of stood out even with the fatigues. i imagine in afghanistan. but amongst these guys, these eagles, you won't. they have a bit of a history there of taking some risk. look at the size of you in that pick. what about the fact that they did a movie about a guy that was just walking on and made it and called "the invincible requesting," now you're coming in off the battlefield trying o make it with the eagles. what is the key for to you adjust to this level of play in a position that you haven't been at before? >> listen to the coaches obviously and understanding what they want me to do. obvious will he they saw something to make that decision, to move me to defensive end. coaching staff here is unbelievable. i've been very pleased with everything they have to say and listen to their advice and work every day. it's a day by day sort of routine. i improve my technique. i go against the guys here and i try to get better and see where it goes from there. >> we can't wait to follow up with you. we thank you for your great service to this nation and we wish you well in that mini camp. >> thank you so much. >> he won't be like every other rookie. thanks so much. coming up straight ahead, his wife won't throw away any junk mail. she insists on opening it all. is this normal or nuts? dr. keith ablow will examine. >> first this day in history, 1973, sky lab, the united states' first space station launched in 1998. "seinfeld" aired its last episode. in 1979, "reunited" by peaches and herb was the number one song. that's how brian and i felt in this segment. we were reunited. >> we felt like peaches and herb. >> i was two. >> oh. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses. what is this place? where are we? this is where we bring together reliably fast internet and the best in entertainment. we call it the x1 entertainment operating system. it looks like the future! we must have encountered a temporal vortex. further analytics are necessary. beam us up. ♪ that's my phone. hey. [ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. the answer is george lucas and our winner, linda crowle. scottsdale, arizona. she'll get brian's book "george washington's secret six." >> which i will sign, i promise. let's get started. who is normal and ho is nuts? it's a question we ask dr. keith ablow every week and he joins us now with some answers. good morning, dr. keith. >> so we meet again. >> we do. so we have an interesting to st. why is it that young people, especially girls, add so many useless words to their sentences. examples are like, you know. is this normal or nuts? >> well, it sure is annoying, but it isn't nuts. like here is, like, what, like, this is like the problem is, i think, we're so uncertain as a culture about everything now that literally our uncertainty and our sense of having no autonomy is creeping into our language. it's all about, like, this, like, do you know. it's all about doubt. there is nothing certain. we better get our heads screwed on right. >> all right. sounds good. you just don't know when to start correcting that. >> i do now. >> let's go to our secretary e-mail and talk about men and women. my wife won't throw out any junk mail. she insists on opening all of it and we currently have three garbage bags full of unopened mail. she has not had the chance to open yet. is this normal or nuts? >> for this you call a psychiatrist? she's nuts. okay. because you have three bags of garbage that she won't throw out. she either has ocd or those traits. here is the metaphor. she's been searching for something important in junk for a long time. maybe she thinks there is secrets in her family that are worth uncovering when there is really no love there. she's got to get to a therapist and find the truth about her life. not some publisher's clearing house letter she forget to open. >> maybe she forgot to open the big check. finally, here it is, when i'm alone, i start thinking about loved ones and how they will be eulogized. i even think about how i will be remembered, too. that's cheery. thinking about the end. >> normal or nuts? >> it isn't cheery, but it isn't nuts. in fact, i like it because you know what? here is the thing, here is someone who is not running from the ultimate truth that we're all mortal. that can guide your life. if you're thinking about how you'll be eulogized, you might just make good choices. i think probably more of us should do exactly what this viewer has asked about. >> that makes perfect sense. think about the impact you're making right now and ultimately how they will remember you. good advice. very nicely done. >> well, thank you. >> so you applaud the last ones steve. the other two you weren't too happy with. >> just e-mail dr. keith and he will have more advice coming your way. >> he does one of our favorite segments. >> keep that mail coming. >> thank you. still ahead, is senator joe manchin throwing in the towel on politics? he will join us live coming up shortly. russia firing back on the u.s., cutting off access to the international space station. by the way, i thought we owned it. we have brand-new details on this. ♪ ♪ ♪ you've reached the age where you know how things work. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long- term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to you doctor. was a truly amazing day.ey, without angie's 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all adds up to the confidence that you'll get a great deal. that's just another way helps you make a smart new car decision. good morning. it's wednesday, may 14. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. huge developments overnight that will impact the midterm election. we're going to tell you what happened in three big races, one of them will be a showdown for the ages. and just one minute it was staked to the ground. and the next minute it was 50 feet in the air. that is a bouncy house. >> kids are in there. >> three kids inside. so how can that happen? the company that makes the bounce house just spoke out. you'll see it live coming up. then should the health of a presidential hopeful be fair game? not if it's hillary clinton. why the left and some others on the right are hammering karl rove for something that all candidates we thought went through. we'll examine. first let me tell you this, mornings are better with friends. float our pictures. >> it's time for "fox & friends" >> i cannot tell you how many -- that's a commercial on our air all the time. pinocchio would be a terrible -- what kind of speaker? motivational speaker. >> that's right. >> oh, boy. >> how many times have you been in -- a couple of times we've rented those bouncy houses for our kids' parties. those pictures right there, the first thing they do is pound it in the ground. how does that happen? >> they staked it down. >> i know! how does that happen? heather is off today. we've got ainsley earhart in with the breaking news and we do have some. >> yes, we do. let's give you that break news right now. we're going to start with a fox news alert. big developments overnight that will affect the midterm elections. tea party favorite ben sass won the republican nomination for an open senate seat in nebraska. in west virginia, seven-term congresswoman shelly moore capito won the republican primary. secretary of state natalie tenet won the democratic nomination. whoever wins the general election will make history because west virginia has never elected a female senator. and former "american idol" runner up clay aiken won north carolina's democratic congressional primary. this just one day after his opponent, the former state commerce secretary, keith krisco died. aiken faces an uphill battle against the republican incumbent, renee ale meres. and one minute it was staked to the earth. the next swept off the ground. a gust of wind lifting that inflatable house with three children inside 50 feet high. a ten-year-old girl was able to escape with scrapes, but two boys that were trapped inside ages five and six, are now in the hospital. one broke both of his arms after hitting the ground. the other suffered a head injury after falling onto a parked car. >> then he hit his head off the back of my car and then i heard him hit the ground and then i heard screaming. >> little tykes, the manufacturer, released this statement. we're looking into what happened. our thoughts and our prayers are with the children and with their families. we do have a happy update to tell you about to a story that we've been following here on fox. the 21-month-old boy with leukemia who desperately needed the life-saving drugs is finally getting those meds. the company is changing its mind now after first refusing to provide the child medicine to judson shepherd to treat his adeno virus. >> i was very emotional. it's been tough knowing that there is a drug out there and we couldn't get it at first. it should be easy. i hope the next person doesn't have to wait as long as us in joshua's parents. >> you might remember the company from the case of another young boy, josh hardy. the drug was reapedly denied to him and eventually the company did reverse course after intense public scrutiny. the 9-11 memorial museum opens tomorrow. but we have this brand-new video just in to "fox & friends" of what it looks like. inside you'll see piece of history from that day, including a destroyed fire truck from ground zero and personal items, like a teddy bear. the museum also has more than 20,000 photographs and 500 hours of footage. those are your headlines. back to you. >> you walk into it, it takes you right back to that day. >> sure does. >> thank you. karl rove kicked off a political fire storm in the war of words with hillary clinton. he is getting slammed for suggesting clinton might have had brain damage after a fall she suffered in 2012. but he says his words have been twisted by the press. >> elizabeth prann will break it down because that's not what he said. >> good morning. let's start from the beginning. new york post reported that republican strategist and fox news contributor karl rove made the suggestions at a private conference last week. not long after he clarified here on the channel. he says he never claimed clinton had brain damage, you about suggest details are not forth coming about her medical issues back in 2012 and early 2013. take a listen. >> she had a serious health episode. this was a serious deal. she's in and out of the office starting on the 7th of december after she returns. she returns on a friday from the czech republic, but then begins over a month long period where she's got a serious illness, ending up putting her in the hospital. we don't know what the doctors said about what does she have to be concerned about. >> hillary clinton's team has not hesitated when responding. one spokesperson said, quote, they are scared of what she has achieved and what she has to offer. time for them to move on to their next desperate attack. white house spokesman jay carney even took a jab at rove during the briefing yesterday. listen. >> dr. rove might have been the last person in america on election night to recognize and acknowledge that the president won reelection, including the state of ohio. we'll leave it at that. >> he also said senator john mccain faced similar health questions when he ran in 2008 and is not an uncommon inquiry for high profile possible candidates. back to you guys. >> all right. elizabeth prann live in the gray dc bureau today, thank you. >> thank you. karl rove saying it will matter because it has mattered. as elizabeth prann noted, saying we need to take a step back to 2008 when president obama actually kind of took a shot at john mccain, saying he was losing his bearings because he was getting older, in fact. take a listen to this. >> for him to toss out comments like that, i think it was an example of him losing his bearings as he pursues this nomination. >> okay. so where is the press attacking then senator obama for suggesting that john mccain was off his rocker? there wasn't any because there is just a double standard when it comes to the left and the right and the mainstream media. >> is it amnesia or hypocrisy? >> i'm not sure. i will say this, karl rove was at an event. now the next thing you know, he's talking about it here, expanding on his comments. what he brought up was something barely reported. the secretary of state in the final days in office disappeared when she was supposed to be testifying. many people thought she's trying to get out of testifying. later they found out she fell, had a blood clot behind her ear, so there was a legitimate health situation here. so was it the fact that it was fatigue or was it after four years of rigorous tension and stress that she was in bad health? she was worn out by the end. she didn't look like the same person competing for the nomination with barak obama. so i think that was an interesting point to bring up. and the fact that she's going to be that age, is going to be doing this again eight years later, i think health is a legitimate issue. i think when they talked about brain damage and something wrong with her, they're trying to corner karl rove into an explanation of saying you're out of bounds. i know nicole wallace who worked with president bush came out and said i thought that was out of bounds. i actually don't. especially after hearing karl rove explain himself yesterday. >> the biggest statement that was made about it at the time were the glasses she had on that people can use if they have traumatic brain injury, concussion. nothing was truly explained. the most explanation that we're look at them right here, the most explanation that anyone was given, as i recall, was a letter she actually wrote to barbara walters. she read it on air after barbara suffered a serious fall and she said you know how it goes, sort of aligning their two situations, trying to be more casual about it. but there were not explanations. therefore, there were speculation about the spectacles and questioning going into an election is normal. >> so with all that speculation, it would be nice for us to all know what exactly did happen because when people had asked at the time, you got vague answers but nothing specific. bill clinton when he ran for president, he did not release his medical records. they released a summary of his health, but they didn't go deep enough for many into his personal health history. so don't look for hillary to do it either. the funny thing is as dr. larry sabato told brian about an hour ago, questions about a person's health is always legitimate when you're running for president. here he is. >> hillary clinton, by the time of the election in 2016, is going to be exactly the same age, 69, that ronald reagan was in 1980 when he was first running for his first elected term as president. of course, health questions are always legitimate. every presidential nominee should have to have a thorough examination and the results of that examination should be revealed to the public. we ought to require that for presidential candidates. >> you like my input during the interview? got, which ha. it was on the cards. >> but it is an issue. people do need to know about the health of the person running for president. karl rove was really reminding hillary as well, look, you really want ten years of this? the road to the presidency is bumpy. two years running, eight years if you're reelected. do you really want that? that also is something that goes into the equation whether or not to run. >> speak of, is senator joe manchin giving up on politics? the west virginia democrat is here to answer that question next. then russia cutting off america's access to the international space station? what? we got brand-new details that's going to get you going on this wednesday morning. ♪ ♪ what does that first spoonful taste like? ok. honey bunches of oats. ching! mmmm! mmmm! mmmm! wow! it's the oats. honey. yeah. honey bunches of oats. this is a great cereal. i wasn't sure what to expect at the meetings. but i really love going. i do! it reminds me we don't have to do this alone. it's so much better to have some backup and to do it together because we all face similar challenges. the meetings keep me focused and motivated. and i have a newfound determination that i'm really proud 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[ female announcer ] jumpstart your summer and start losing weight right away. join for free. try meetings, do it online or both. weight watchers. because it works. try meetings, do it online or both. at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. after last night's primaries, west virginia is on its way to electing its first female senator. while they campaigned for a shot in the senate, joe manchin says he might be done with politics all together or just changing positions. he joins us now. senator joe manchin known for the man who gives straight answers and doesn't really care what his party thinks. always great to see you. >> hey, brian. how are you? >> first off, the partisan divide, i know you've been on before ask radio and tv talking about how you want to get this xl pipeline done and you also want a fair shot at clean coal because it means a lot to people of west virginia. right now do you believe you have the votes to get the xl pipeline passed through the senate? >> i do. i believe that we can pass it. the bipartisan fashion, brian. that's the way it should be done. the other thing is when i say clean coal for west virginia, clean coal for america. we still depend on coal. we can do it better. we have done it better. cleaned up the atmosphere and the climate more than in the last two decades than ever before. we can do more if the government will work with us. they need what we have. we want to produce and provide what we have. the partisanship is another story. >> listen, in this issue, you have democrats -- i don't care what they think. if it's about the election, doesn't matter. you have democrats lined up to get over 60 votes and make the president do this, to get it back to his desk saying this is the sense of the senate. but your majority leader won't do it. when you looked him in the eye and said harry reid, why don't you do it, what does he say? >> i've said harry, i came here to vote. i can take any tough vote. i can explain myself, i can look every west virginiaian in the eye and said this would help our country and state. i can do that. and i'm asking him to open that process up. there is other reasons behind the scene, maybe we don't know about. but him and mitch need to get together and work and move forward as leaders are supposed to do. we're hoping that will happen. >> you're a straight talking guy. when harry reid -- when you ask him why, what does he say? >> basically he says it's a moving target. he makes one deal and they change to another deal. i guess it would be mitch and the majority on the republican side. i'm not in those conversations, so i have to say okay, harry. sit down and work through it. five bills, five amendments, they're all germane to the bill. that should be something we could vote on. i would hope that we could. let me just say this, i think the keystone pipeline is a very extremely important vote for our country and i think also portman and shaheen's bill is very important for energy importance. if we had to forsake and vote on those bills clean we should do that for the sake of this country. >> i would hope it would get done, but we've been waiting for this for four years now. >> i know. >> let's talk about what's happening with coal. are you like marco rubio very much saying to yourself, i'm not sure about global warming, weather has always been erratic and we should not give up on fossil fuels because maybe the environmentalists are putting pressure on us? >> let me just say this, i believe that 7 billion human beings on mother earth here have affected the environment and we're responsible for that. with that being said, you got to find the balance. i'm not a denier. on the other hand, i asked my friends from really the far left if they will, are you a denier? are you denying that this country can continue to provide affordable reliable energy without using fossil or coal or any of that? it's going to take all of us working together. so deniers on both sides are wrong. you don't get anything accomplished by just pointing fingers and saying this person is wrong. we can go along. if we go through another polar vortex that we won't through this win and they take off the fossil fuel, reliability of 10,000 megawatts of power, we're going to have people that their life is in danger and many people will die. we shouldn't let that happen. reliability is the name of the game. reliability, affordability, what we can provide in this country to keep us competitive. it's going to take everything. i don't want to be relying on foreign oil anymore. we don't need to be. >> senator, when are you going to decide if you're going to stay in that chamber? you're out in 2016. people are talking about -- >> 2018. >> i'm sorry. i know it's been frustrating for a governor. might you run for governor again? might you run for president? >> brian, here is all i've said. basically i don't want my time here to be nonproductive. and it has been a nonproductive time for me. that's frustrating for me. but yet i'm seeing things differently. i'm prepared to do things, i'm prepared to work across. i will not go and campaign against a sitting colleague. i won't raise money against a sitting colleague, whether democrat or republican, whether they're my dearest friend or maybe not. i'm not going to do that 'cause i think it's disingenuine to look them in the face the next week and say, listen, will you work with me? how can you work with me if i was raising money against you and trying to beat you? i'm not going to do that. i'm putting myself in a position that i can work with anybody coming together. i have said this, i want my time to be productive. i have an awful lot of good, productive quality public service to give. i'm going to wait until the 2014 elections are over. i'll see the lay of the land in washington and west virginia and hopefully i'll see where i can be the most productive and where i can be, that's where i'll go. >> very much up in the air. >> very much. >> with the mine disaster on monday. >> it's horrific. i called both of the families last night. i don't know the details on it. we'll get to that. the safety of our miners is the foremost thing and we'll continue to do everything we can to make our mines as safe as possible. >> that's when you were kind enough to join us for the first time after that mine disaster when you were governor. senator joe manchin, thank you for joining us. >> still joe, that's the most important thing. >> that i know for sure. thanks. straight ahead, brand-new calls for a committee to investigate the scandals at the v.a. hospitals. but eric holder says no thanks? then it's not just a problem for the kennedy family. christopher kennedy battled alcoholism and addiction and he's winning. he has firsthand advice for every kid and every parent out there. he's here with his brand-new book [announcer] play close-good and close. help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture,it's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smile food and snacks. so's his serve, and his mandarin [speaking mandarin] xieúxieú, hou chiú but like up to 90% of americans, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. making jim more like us. add one a day multivitamins, rich in key nutrients you may need. ya know what salesman alanim a ready foames becomes?he second his room is ready, i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at we got some headlines for you. the caught on camera insane video edition. first of all, a man screaming, i am god, rams a stolen truck into a baltimore tv station. he locked himself in the building, watching himself on the news before the cops arrested him. he had a golf club. a scuba diver claims this guy tried to kill her while she was diving. you can see him detaching her air supply. luckily she was able to safely reattach it. officials believe he was stealing fish from the reef, which is illegal. video capturing a horrific motorcycle crash in missouri. the rider slams head on into the side of a black suv that was turning to the left. amazingly the biker was not injured, got up, as you can see right there, and walked away. elisabeth, over to you. >> incredible video there. no family in the political spotlight has been there more than the kennedys. drugs and alcohol fueled the family through scandals and tragedy. for john f. kennedy's nephew, getting arrested during his uncle's presidential campaign, led to a moment of clarity that would change his life forever. joining us is the nephew of jfk and the best selling author of what addicts need to know. christopher kennedy lawford joins us now. good morning. >> good morning. good to be here. >> your story, your family story is so well-known. and actually related to you. your story, you started drinking really entering into addiction at what age? >> at 13. my story isn't that unique. even today. most kids begin this process early on, believe it or not. the issue becomes whether parents and society is paying attention. >> why? >> because at that age, between 13 and 18, you can really make a difference in a kid's life in terms of changing trajectory. >> in terms of statistics, one in four young people that use alcohol or drugs before the age of 18 technically becomes addicted. so when you think about right now the big conversation, legalization of marijuana, will that help or hurt addiction? >> i don't think legalization is a good idea. the two most damaging drugs on the planet to the individual and to society are both legal, nicotine and alcohol. so do we really need another legal drug? and big business is definitely going to take this over in terms of the money that's involved. it's huge amounts of money. >> most people when they're walking through adick and running to or from drug, alcohol or nicotine, are doing it privately, but it affects everyone. 'cause it affects their whole family. it really affected everybody when you were arrested during a major election time. how did you get through that and what was your rock bottom? >> right. the -- people have to remember is this is a brain illness and also a genetic piece to this. i was 13 when i began this process. so i had the genetics. i also had what -- we know today that trauma, an adolescent who suffers any kind of trauma in their adolescence is much more susceptible to this illness and culturally it was an entirely different situation back then. we know much more today, we're paying attention and there is good science today. kids have a real opportunity to avoid this issue if it's picked up early. >> it can cost them their life. it almost cost you yours. >> absolutely. >> your rock bottom moment as you describe it is? >> there is a lot of rock bottoms. what we try to do today is elevate the bottom. i hit bottom and bounced along that bottom for six years. addicts have an enormous capability to tolerate the intolerable. but today we're looking to elevate the bottom. we're telling people, you don't have to go there. you don't have to go to the bottom. there is ways out. >> how do you break the cycle and advice for the parents who right knew are looking at these statistics need it? >> i work with great team centers. these people -- treatment centers. they know how to talk to parents. it's important that parents pay attention and don't sweep it under the rug. know your genetic legacy. know where you come from. my kids know their genetic legacy. my kids, if they go down that road, they get talked to and there is boundaries that are set. this is what -- this is really an issue that has to be dealt with in the home. >> sometimes it's dealt with with shame. how do you address that? >> the science addresses it. this is not a shame-based thing. this is not a moral issue. this is a brain illness. american society of addiction medicine calls this a brain illness. it's not a matter of bad choices or bad behavior. >> i would say the first step here that you discuss would be to check out this book for so many parents and people out there who literally have family members suffer from addiction. this will be a life -- >> what addicts know is this book will show people what addicts know and will help normal folks live an enhanced life. >> christopher kennedy law ford, we thank you for inc. bringing -- bringing us this great book. >> thank you, elisabeth. coming up, brand-new calls for a committee to investigate the scandal at v.a. hospitals. but eric holder says no thanks. is it political cover for another scandal? and it's an olympic sport. but the fencing team at one college kicked off campus. wait until you hear why. ♪ ♪ for paul ridley there's no substitute for advil. it's built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. and made for people like paul, who believe nothing should stop you from achieving your goals. not doubt. not fear. and definitely not back and shoulder pain. advil has the strength and speed and make today yours. advil. make today yours. usic♪ go to a park that doesn't have a theme. go climb a tree. go to bass pro shops this weekend for big savings. like an igloo 48-quart cooler for under $20. bass pro shops. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? 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we're not going to investigate this, even though it could be criminal. we're going to go ahead and let the v.a. do it first. then if we need to get involved, we'll get involved. >> so you have jeff miller op one side, wrote a letter to the president saying, hey, this is serious enough. we've got long delays, preventible deaths, botched care when it comes to our veterans. this deserves an independent commission to look into it. then you have eric holder who is saying no, we're just going to monitor it. it's on our radar. no need to jump in. i thought monitoring was for something that actually felt as though it was running smoothly, just in case something is going on. we now know something is going wrong here and our veterans have their lives at risk as they return home under this care system. >> this is the most political justice department that we can remember. having said that, there is nothing political about this. veterans are apolitical. they are wearing these veterans out hoping they would die to keep their percentages die and it continues to grow. every day we come in, there is another state with another problem. the attorney general walks away. so senator bernie sanders starts to speak about it and i'm wondering, what's this socialist who holds caucuses with the democrats have to say and harry's assignment every day is bring up the koch brothers. >> there is right now as we speak a concerted effort to undermine the v.a. so the point is you have government entity itself, social security, enormously popular. medicare enormously popular. postal service popular. v.a. popular. what are the problems? the problem is that all of these are large governmental institutions and you have folks out there now. koch brothers and others, who want to radically change the nature of society and even make major cuts in all of these institutions, or maybe do away with them entirely. >> way to go, bernie. so he's been able to, in his mind, successfully connect the koch brothers with what's going on at the v.a. that is one of the dumbest sound bites i've heard in a while. for him to say that they are undermining the v.a., that's wrong. we need to investigate the v.a. there are dozens of people who perhaps have died because the v.a. in the management was doing something that was not up to snuff and now for him to say that, that's just crazy. >> to put them in the victim seat. he's saying the v.a. is the victim, under attack by the koch brothers. go figure. >> he listed everything that's not working. medicare is buried in red ink, social security is buried in red ink. you have the post office, they invented red ink. and now he's pointing to them as institutions that might be popular. but none of them is effective. they all have to be streamlined and reformed. it's not a matter of getting rid of them. nothing is work! >> next time you see story about what's going ton at the v.a., remember, it's the koch brothers, according to senator sanders. >> right. >> let's turn to something that works quite well, ainsley, she's here. >> thank you. filling in for heather. the pentagon approving a transfer for private bradley manning to get gender treatment. after going to prison convicted of leaking top military documents, manning changed his name to chelsea and requested hormone therapy. the treatment is not possible in a military prison, only in civilian prisons. and new this morning, american astronaut back on earth after a six-month stint on the international space station. but russia says that he might be the last one to go up, at least from america. they're cutting off america's access to the space station. vladimir putin firing back over ukraine sanctions, saying russia will not help the u.s. launch astronauts into space, this despite america paying them $60 million per launch. we just learned international monetary fund chief christine lee guard is withdrawing from speaking at smith college at their graduation. she was derailed by protesters. she joins secretary condoleeza rice who decided not to speak at rutgers for the same reason. >> students get together as among faculty to make sure students who have opinions they don't like get disinvited. >> earlier we said whether underground founder bill heirs spoke at a graduation in 2008, but he was disinvited as well. and take a look at this picture. it will melt your heart. a firefighter saving this kitten, giving the animal oxygen after being rescued from a fire in washington state. thankfully the kitten is going to be okay. the owners also escaped unharmed. what a sweet story. all right. now i am told i'm handing it over to you, brian. >> all right. thank you very much. everyone is writing me for the last month and saying, what about hockey highlights? i'm waiting for them to get deep in the playoffs. rangers, penguins game 7, winner take all. the third period, 2-1 rangers. things getting hairy when the puck rolls close to the penguins' net. it's almost kicked in. but the penguins keep on coming. rangers won a dramatic game 2-1. let's talk basketball. looks like charles barkley at 6' 4, 260, and shaquille o'neal, 7-foot, 300 pounds, won't meet for a mix the martial arts match. they floated the idea last week and even gave fans a preview of the type of fight. is there a script and rundown on that show? the reason they canned it, quote, shaq says, barkley backed out. i'm serious. i would kill him. i would definitely kick his blank because i'm from the street and he's not. you're also seven foot and outweigh him by 100 pounds. fencing may be an olympic sport, but tell that to a north dakota state university. they're banning it, swaying the sword-like equipment, known as foils, are deemed weapons. and as such, possession of use of university owned or controlled property is prohibited. the sword has no actual blade or sharp tip. the team is now forced to move off campus. that's a quick look at the world of sports. i guess the biathlon would be out. >> you don't shoot people. you shoot targets. >> that's a quick look at what's happening in sports. coming up, veterans being cheated when it comes to student loans? they were charged more than anyone else. this morning we have a huge update for our military members. i'm sure bernie sanders would blame the koch brothers. he raised $100 million to push for climate change in the mid terms. liberal activist tom stiner wasn't always so green. he made billions off of coal. that man will talk about it next. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] ortho crime files. reckless seeding... ...failure to disappear. a backyard invasion. homeowner takes matters into his own hands. ♪ ortho weed b gon max. with the one-touch, continuous spray wand... kills weeds without harming innocent lawns. guaranteed. weeds killed. lawn restored. justice served. weed b gon max with the one-touch wand. get order. get ortho®. why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain. it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. if your doctor decides viagra is right for you, you can fill your prescription at your pharmacy. or, check out viagra home delivery, a convenient place to fill your prescription online and have it shipped at no additional cost straight to your door. viagra home delivery. get started at and the award goes to ceramics house. congratulations. thank you. the success of your small business depends on results. go vests! all organic, and there's tons of info on our website. that's why you rely on the best for your business. and verizon delivers the best devices on the best network. you're all big toes to me. so go ahead, stream and download with confidence on america's largest, most reliable 4glte network. activate any 4glte smartphone and get $100 off. for best results, use verizon. welcome back. time for news by the numbers. $100 million. that's how much student lender sally mae will have to pay to settle claims they charged military members excessive loans. 60 million going straight to service members. 90. that's how many people arrested in a medicare fraud scheme. the suspects include 16 doctors accused of making $260 million worth of false billing. and two. that's how many paper applications obamacare contractors in st. louis are tasked with processing per month. a whistle blower coming out to say employees are being paid to basically do nothing. that means zero. >> way to go. they just refresh their screen. tom styer pledged to raise $100 million for democratic candidates to push his anti-keystone pipeline climate change agenda. but where did stier make a lot of his money? fossil fuels. here to explain, charles payne is here. he made his money how? >> a large chunk of it from investing in things like coal. in fact, listen, his fund right now is worth about 19 billion. about 10% of that is still invested in energy. they won't say what exactly. don't necessarily have to. coal projects all around the world. indonesia. there has been this build up for coal demand. the tar sands out of canada. pipeline deals. it runs the gamut. so it's so amazing in this golden age of hypocrisy, this guy climbs rapidly to the top. >> what's that message? just not here? it's okay everywhere else? >> that's an interesting message for all the democrats who is going to back them. maybe they'll tell their friends outside of this country, coal is not good enough for us, but okay for you guys. it's the worst form of hypocrisy because we've had a war on coal in this country that devastated thousands of american families. great paying jobs gone. it's decimated them. coal is the fastest growing form of energy in the world. right now, the fastest form of energy growing in the world. a couple weeks ago, ge wanted to take over a french company that grinds coal because there is never going to be a treaty upon coal. all the stuff we're trying to do to be great global neighbors by crushing people in these great jobs is a farce and it's nuts. >> and for all the lefties who are driving their electric cars, those electric cars are running on electricity generated by coal. >> absolutely. again, for me it's all the jobs that have been lost. the companies that are going bankrupt. for what? and for this guy to talk about this, i guarantee you, if we could follow him for a 24-hour period between a private jet and the mansions, he probably has a global foot print that sucks up more energy in a day than the average person watching this show in a year. give us a break on this. >> seems so disingenuous, sort of crushing these jobs and then also taking a back seat to the rest of the world when it comes to innovation. >> yeah. listen, the environmentalists, i don't know how they did it. they pulled it off. they have the upper hand with respect to the white house right now. they get their way. listen, this guy wa his money, $100 million this way, he should give that to some of these veterans that we're talking about all day long. there is a lot of other things you can do with that. >> in reality, you have enough votes in the senate to pass the keystone pipeline, this guy doesn't want to get it done, he has enough money. >> the energy revolution in this country has been a god send and it really is the only thing that's keeping us out of recession right now. >> all right. charles payne, king of payne from fox business, thanks a lot. >> thank you. he seems nice. >> he sure does. coming up, she turned around the failing school system in dc, so it may surprise to you learn michelle rhee supports the common core. she'll join us to defend that. first, we'll check in with bill hemmer for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> good morning. interesting discussion there with charles payne. leaving a lot of opportunity on the table. tea party comeback. we will analyze these election results. we'll see what they tell us in a moment here. breaking news, mining disaster. seems to get worse by the day on this story. and new information on the virus outbreak, what you need to know now. martha and i see you in ten minutes, top of the hour i make a lot of purchases for my business. and i get a lot in return with ink plus from chase like 60,000 bonus points when i spent $5,000 in the first 3 months after i opened my account. and i earn 5 times the rewards on internet, phone services and at office supply stores. with ink plus i can choose how to redeem my points. travel, gift cards even cash back. and my rewards points won't expire. so you can make owning business even more rewarding. ink from chase. so you can. creators and supporters say it's an educational initiative designed to level the playing field for students all across the country. but not everybody likes common core. >> i feel like the common core is driving a wedge between parents and their children. >> we don't like common core. it's a federal power grab. it's an unconstitutional mandate from the federal government. >> so what does our next guest think about common core? former dc schools chancer, michelle rhee joins us from san francisco with her take on it. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> we've had a number of parents on who were puzzled by -- a couple weeks ago we had on an engineer father who said that he cooperate even help his son with a problem like this. this is an example of a common core math problem. it was jack used the number line below to solve 427 minus 316. find his error. and write a letter to jack telling him what he did right and what he should do to fix the mistake. the father threw up his hands and said i can't figure it out. that's one of the common complaints is the math is so hard for the kids. >> look, i don't think that we should be complaining about having higher standards for kids. the bottom line is that the u.s. is falling behind. we are 17th, 21st and 26th in the globe in reading, science and math respectively. 26 out of 34 developed nations is not a place that we want to be if we want our kids to compete in the global economy. so are we going to have to raise our standards? absolutely. >> no doubt we need standards, but there are some who, for instance yesterday we had governor mike pence of indiana. they were the first state to opt out of common core. now i think there are over three dozen states that have said we just don't like the national standards. we would prefer statewide or local standards. >> i think what people have to remember is this is not a set of national standards that was a federal mandate or anything like this. the common core was actually developed by governors coming together, local states coming together and saying, we want to do something differently. we need higher standards for our kids. and so it was really a locally-driven process. >> but one of the problems is the teachers are having trouble with it. in fact, here in new york state, the teachers union is now against common core. i believe it's illinois, they're against common core in the union as well. that's got a lot of people saying, if the teachers can't even do it, if the big unions are saying no, maybe we ought to start over. >> let's be clear that the vast majority of teachers actually support common core. in fact, by the unions' own admission, 75% of teachers are saying that the common core is a good thing. the reason why union leaders are trying to avoid this is because they don't want accountability now that the common core is actually being tied to teacher performance, the upleaders are saying wait. we don't want any of this. we shouldn't have a situation where we are allowing the union leaders to shirk responsibility. we have to have them accountable for insuring their kids are getting a great education. >> sure. well put. all right. we do need to do that, but none the less, the common core debate continues. it's great to have your opinion, michelle rhee, thank you very much. >> thanks. more on "fox & friends," about two minutes away. ♪ ♪ ♪ (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. 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[ female announcer ] jumpstart your summer and start losing weight right away. join for free. try meetings, do it online or both. weight watchers. because it works. that's it for today. we got a busy show tomorrow. >> how do canine dogs train? she'll be here to show us all of that. bob massi live and also real life models for charity. >> what else is tomorrow? throw back thursday. >> and it's graduation pictures. bill: good morning, everybody. busy show as the tea party making a comeback? that is the question after ben sasse, a tea party-backed candidate, won a key senate primary. watch here from last night. >> you told us that you still believe in the nebraska way and the american creed because it wasn't just a hope and promise of yesterday but it is hope and promise of our kid for tomorrow. you also told us that you wanted to turn the minority leader into the majority leader. [shouting] and it is time to fire harry reid. >> more from that now. good morning, everybody, welcome here to "america's newsroom." we have a busy day. martha: good


Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20140509 10:00:00

snack? >> no. >> did the sponsor consider as the potential state snack, raisins. >> did the sponsor consider perhaps pres els as the official state snack? >> never. >> never! i never did and i never shall! >> what if the pretzel was dipped in yogurt, would that been -- could we consider that would be two in one. >> oh, my god. this guy is batman. what say you, senator hasselhoff? >> yogurt would be the state snack. the pretzel would not. >> the pretzel if so dipped would be the yogurt delivery method for which designation i refer you to the subcommittee on snack transportation. >> good morning. it is friday. can you finally believe it? it's the day before mother's day weekend, you guys. just remember. friday, may 9th. on set donnie deutsch, mark heilemann, mike barnicle, and npr senior analyst coky roberts. and the former director of the cia, retired general michael hayden. so joe, a great group this morning. >> and you have a great weekend mother's day for you. your mother's coming up to spend time with you. i know you're excited. >> worried. >> a little scared, but excited. >> actually we have a piece on her galore of the forest. >> does she bring the chain saw everywhere she goes? >> you will see her with it. it's scary. we have an incredible panel to talk about this. ukraine is voicing concern this morning one day after pro-russian militants defied a crest by vladimir putin. the anniversary today nazi germany's surrender to russia. they intend in crimea a victory lap. he was out in moscow's parade this morning. crimean flags were on display. final preps are underway in eastern ukraine for this weekend's vote on independence. despite putin's calls for dialogue between the countries, there are still strong signs they have a long way to go. oversaw a series of exercises including rocket launches, military vehicles. pro-russian militants are continuing to take over buildings. hundreds of separatists took over government buildings after ukrainian soldiers fled. they're taking over tv stations. joe, it continues. >> it does continue. coky, roberts, obviously it continued irritant for the president of the united states and our allies that care in europe. so what does it mean for the president? what does it mean for this crisis if vladimir putin does take a victory lap and go to a victory parade in crimea? an area that russia basically just annexed. >> it's a continuing problem for the president. and the sense that there's just total weakness here is pervasive now. that we're not doing anything that's making any difference. that putin is saying don't have this referendum, please. he knows perfectly well they're going to do it and they're going to vote to separate. it's going to be a continuing irritant unless the united states and nato really do get their act together. >> general hayden, i'm getting tired of people saying there's little the president can do. i think there's lots the president can do short of firing a shot. we could actually make our strategic alliance with the poles much tougher, much stronger, and actually send a stronger message by putting more american forces in a place where they want us to be. >> no, i think you're right, joe. we had an understanding with the russians we would not deploy in the new states of nato in eastern europe, poland, and the baltic states. frankly what russia has done in crimea and the threat in ukraine, i think that agreement is null and void. we should just put nato forces where they should be to be responsive to current threats. we need to teach putin that actions have consequences. you're right. we put 150 paratroopers in each of the baltic states. i think the commitment that we're willing to get serious there would be an important message to putin. >> we took three divisions out of germany over the past five years. it wouldn't be bad for mr. putin to believe that we might put one of those divisions back in poland. and the defense, the missile defense system that we walked away from and insulted our polish allies, maybe we need to talk about putting that back in there if we're told this is putin flexing his muscles to try to impress the russian people. the consequences of having a lot of american troops, a lot of nato troops in poland will actually undercut it and send a strong message that perhaps this wasn't the best play for him. that actions do have consequences. right now they have no consequences for putin. >> i think you're right, joe. there are things we can do in the whole russian reset. we did an awful lot of things to accommodate russian interest and russian concerns. my personal view, this is hard stuff. my personal view is we overachieved. we don't need to overachieve any longer. our friends in eastern europe wonder where we have gone. now we have an opportunity to go back. and joe, let me give you one other concrete recommendation. we don't have to send american troops to ukraine. lord knows we're not going to do that. what about advisers? look. the ukrainians, the new government in kiev lacks the ability to govern, to mount military or even police activity. i don't think we should be reluctant to send people there who can revise them on how to handle the current situation. >> we'll touch back in on this. obviously a huge developing story. turning to some politics now. governor chris christie's problems in new jersey are more about budgets than bridges these days. as politico notes today, the republicans' latest challenge centers on the state's economic struggles. that was made clear on sunday with a giant front page headline in "the star-ledger." right now the garden state's unemployment is well above the national average. the real estate market is also in tough shape. the administration is facing a $1 billion budget gap. and the state's credit rating has been downgraded. the numbers threaten to undercut the governor's national message of an economic miracle in new jersey. john heilemann, might this be the bigger story if he jumps into the fray? >> it's always been a big issue. that the economy in new jersey was not that strong and it would be hard to sell. it was the one thing people looked at beyond the personal issues, behind temperament issues. the one substantive thing people pointed to back then, it's going tor hard to sell a new jersey miracle. there are things they've gotten done over time, that's why governors have a good chance. but if you don't have a record like that, everything else has to be working. if you don't have the economy and your personal image is dented, it's a difficult sell. >> everyone is trying to figure where this is going to go. >> that's one of the problems with being governor. you're there every day. and affects real people in a state. coky roberts. we remember the massachusetts miracle when he ran for president and it disassembled because of dukakis' campaign was flawed. it was not exactly what he was selling to the country. this, too, in new jersey it looks like. >> it's not miraculous. new jersey has had a lot of trouble recovering from hurricane sandy and that is legit. but chris christie, really, there's no there there. the only thing he's got going for him is he won a lot of voters that most republicans don't win in his re-election bid at a time he was riding high in response to his response to the hurricane. and no hurricane, no economy, bridgegate, and republicans who don't like northeastern moderates in their view anyway. i don't see anything going for christie. >> donnie, branding chris christie, where is he now? >> his whole talk about getting them done. all of a sudden he's not getting it done. when you put that combination as far as john said with bridgegate and this, it's damaged. >> there's the obamacare issue for the midterms that can be a difficult subject for senate democrats locked in tight re-election battles. perhaps no one faces a tougher challenge than that of kay hagan of north carolina. these are the headlines this morning online. "huffington post," endangered dem comes out swinging at obamacare. and "the washington post," vulnerable dem offers a strong case for obamacare. yesterday during the hearing for kathleen sebelius, she offered her support of the affordable care act. >> last year our governor decided against expanding the state's medicaid program. and as a result, about 500,000 people who would have qualified for coverage through medicaid are now not able to do so. >> speaking of the charlotte news and observer, hagan goes further. in the interview she bites off republican interests by asking about the benefits. she explains i voted for it. i think there are common sense fixes that must be made to this bill. but i also talked to people in north carolina who have seen the difference it has made in their lives. joe, we talked about this and whether or not democrats should equivocate or even push away anything to do with obamacare. she's doubling down. it was one of the things we thought they should do. >> no doubt about it. we've been saying it over the past month, been saying if you voted for obamacare you need to campaign on obamacare. because you're not going to be able to run away from it. donnie deutsche as i saw all the time in politics, nobody stops you if you're going 90 miles an hour forward. you do that plus hammer on the component we've been talking about here that democrats should use against republicans if they voted for the bill and they're stuck in this corner. talk about the medicaid expansion. a lot of americans don't understand why people in their state wouldn't support medicaid expansion that other states are getting. and it seems to me you look at the polling, this is one part of obamacare along with the pre-existing conditions issue, along with more portability, along with allowing your children to stay on until they're 26 that actually do connect with individual voters. >> absolutely. you know, it's very interesting. all of a sudden republicans have shifted the megaphone from kill obamacare to benghazi. now they double down. exactly what she did. you have the proof this is working. and to me i don't think you can go at it strong enough. like i said, very quiet on the right. >> hey, donnie. don't you agree with me, donnie? you have to personalize it. if you can get jane johnson in raleigh, her younger son had been bumped off of insurance. he needed this treatment. he didn't have it. they'd been kicked off insurance rolls. but after president obama blah blah blah. and then you tell the story, show the personal story. then suddenly it's not about barack obama. it's not about nancy pelosi saying all the things she said about the bill. it's not all the ugly way the lobbyist got their fingers in the pie. it's about this person in raleigh, north carolina, everybody can urns. suddenly you take it out of washington and bring it to north carolina. it's personalized. that may be more of a winning position. >> voters vote for me. and i'm also going to contrast it back to the benghazi thing which is not me. you may agree, disagree, it may infuriate you. this whether i can pay for my frosted flakes, these are the things that affect me. i think kay hagan is setting the playbook right. >> the fallout is growing in the scandal surrounding the department of veterans affairs. subpoenas have been handed to executives including secretary shinseki. so far shinseki has resisted called by top veterans groups to set aside the department's response has angered congress and family members of the dead. sally says when her father went to the hospital for urgent care, the staff refused to treat him. and told him to see his primary va doctor instead. here's nbc's jim miklaszewski. >> reporter: sally lost her father-in-law to cancer last november. and she blames his death on the va hospital in phoenix. >> i'm sorry i'm shake, but they were dwik to dismiss my pop. >> reporter: she says when they went to the hospital for urgent care, the staff refused to treat him and told him to see his primary doctor. he waited months but died before he could get an appointment. >> all the people that are a part of this, they should be held accountable. because it's a crime. you know, delayed care is denied care. >> secretary shinseki will testify on capitol hill next week. joe? >> you know, general hayden, when people came up to me and asked me about my time in congress, they talk about irs must have been horrible to deal with, you know, social security administration would be horrible to deal with. i said no, ironically, despite the fact i had more veterans in my distract than anybody else, i could call the irs and get things done. the va, they didn't care who i was, where i was from. it was the worst bureaucracy and it was always the slow roll. it was bad then. my god. the stories coming out now, absolutely horrific. why can't we take better care of the men and women who take care of us? >> joe, i know eric shinseki a bit. a good and honorable man. he's got to be appalled by the information that's now coming out. but with regard to the veterans administration, you're right. it's a paper-based bureaucracy. and what eric was trying to do was to move it into the digital age which is a good thing. but at the same time, he had this entire new generation of veterans coming out of iraq and afghanistan that were swelling their rolls. look, if he were ever to turn to me for advice on this crisis, based on my time at cia, get the facts, get them quickly, and get them out. that would be my counsel to him right now. >> cokie roberts, this is -- >> that's awfully good advice for pretty much everything. >> exactly. everything. >> particularly anything that seems to be under investigation. get the facts, get them quickly, and get them out. and with any luck bury your opponents with them. but the va has a legitimate problem which is it's ununderfunded agency with so many veterans coming in. and still veterans from past wars very much to be supported. so we still have, thankfully, world war ii veterans around and their widows and children. and you go on from war after war after that. korea, vietnam, iraq, afghanistan. and a lot of veterans in this country. obviously we have a huge debt to them. but we're not paying it as a country. it's not just the va not doing it. it's the u.s. that's not doing it. >> cokie, you have lived the largest part of your life in washington, d.c. your family is in washington. your father, your mom. you yourself. it strikes me is there is no other issue so fraught with hypocrisy than what is happening now with the va. it's been going on for decades. it's not just now. it's not just general shinseki and yet the members of congress stand up and applaud the troops, they have their bumper stickers, support the troops. and yet they do very little to straighten out the va in at least a three to four to five-decade long issue. >> it is. and one of the reasons for it, mike, you talk about the number of years i've been here. when i was growing up almost every member of congress was a veteran. they came in after world war ii in two huge classes of '46 and '48 and they had tremendous understanding of what veterans' lives were like. now hardly anybody in congress has served in the military. and of course we've lost in the last year the world war ii vets are gone. and so it's a completely different attitude. and so as you say, a lot of lip service, but not a lot of cash. >> no, not at all. mika, just reading a tweet here from @jaycaruso and this is a peek into why we're scared of obamacare. there is a real fear when you have the federal government taking over health care and don't think for a second when people see this happening with our most important men and women who defended us, that they're not afraid it could happen to them. it could happen to their family members. this va scandal exposes a decades of inefficiencies that need to be vixed up. i couldn't agree with the general more. >> there's no question the va needs to be cleaned up. general hayden, thank you much for being on at this early hour. still ahead, mitt romney joins us for an exclusive interview. at 8:00, katie couric is here with her latest on the food industry's secret. and how to find success. bishop t.d. jakes is here. ahead in this hour, first round of the nfl draft. all-time great deion sanders will be here in just a bit. and this weekend, joe and i are going to be participating in a special event with my mother emily brzezinski the sculptor. we will be talking about art and politics and balancing both in the white house years. let's go now, though, to bill kairns for a check on the forecast. bill? mother's day. >> mother's day forecast coming up. you may get a good crowd there on saturday especially if it rains. we are watching rain move through new york city. some heavy down pours. even some lightning with this. as we go throughout the middle of the peak of our rush hour. that's going to cause some delays obviously. and a wider view shows more showers behind it. they're not alone. wet weather there in the middle of the country. as we go throughout the afternoon, look at d.c. it's almost like summertime. much cooler. boston only at 58. big changes as you're traveling through the northeast with temperature and rain. middle of the country, lots of rain today. back up towards chicago through mech memphis. as we go through the afternoon, this is where we focus the severe weather. we didn't have fatalities or injuries from tornadoes yesterday. watch out from indianapolis, st. louis, memphis, little rock to dallas to houston. here's your forecast as we take you through your weekend. we're watching those storms today. southeast all the way up through chicago and around new york city this morning. on saturday, quick-moving down pours possible for many of us. but look how warm it is. it's almost summerlike conditions out there across the nation. and finally for mom, your mother's day forecast, it's not going to rain out all day in the midwest. but we will see a storm bringing rain in the afternoon and evening hours. the northeast, mid-atlantic, ohio valley clears out nicely for your mother's day. but this morning a lot of travel delays expected around new york city. thunderstorms about to move through. ♪ it starts with little things. tiny changes in the brain. little things, anyone can do. it steals your memories. your independence. insures support. a breakthrough. and sooner than you'd like... ...sooner than you think. die from alzheimer's disease. ...we cure alzheimer's disease. every little click, call, or donation adds up to something big. alzheimer's association. the brains behind saving yours. ♪ aflac, aflac, aflac! ♪ [ both sigh ] ♪ ugh! ♪ you told me he was good, dude. yeah he stinks at golf. but he was great at getting my claim paid fast. how fast? mine got paid in 4 days. wow. that's awesome. is that legal? big fat no. [ male announcer ] find out how fast aflac can pay you at [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ ♪ all right. let's take a look at the morning papers. "the miami herald." 243 people are in custody in venezuela after authorities raided protest camps overnight in the capital of caracas. cleared out four opposition camps. they confiscated drugs, weapons, and explosives. more than 40 people have died since anti-government protests began in february with calls for president nicolas madiero's resignation. >> "the new york times." south korea ferry ceo arrested. 273 people were killed in the accident. 31 still missing. >> apple is reportedly in talks to purchase beats clinics for $3.2 billion. the company is known for its popular line of headphones, beats by dre. >> that's the doctor. dr. dre. >> this is the largest acquisition in apple's history. a deal could be announced as early as next week. >> that's interesting. "the seattle time" and snapchat. settling with ftc over concerns. that supposedly disappear in seconds. >> they don't, donnie. >> i know that. the ftc accused the company of misrepresenting its service stating that anything sent could be saved. >> snapchat ought to stop. you can take a picture of snapchat. you can take a picture of a snapchat and aif it forever. >> i do know that. >> then you can post it on facebook. >> you know what? once it's 8:00 at night, i step away from my device. >> he says he doesn't drunk text. >> >> he means when he's hammered. >> this whole thing is for those with those over 40. >> with us now the chief white house correspondent mike allen is here with the playbook. the rnc is planning a big shakeup when it comes to presidential debates. >> first thing's first, happy friday. mother's day weekend. so this is going to be a huge change. there were 20 republican debates last time, and the party really felt they were out of control. the rnc chairman, reince priebus. when he says this time we're going to vom control over the moderators and the panelists, he says it's one of his biggest applause lines. he says people go wild. they thought there were too many got ya questions. they're going to make this official today. they're going to make a change for the republican national committee to control the media partners for the debates and how many there are. we figure that means will be half as many debates this time. maybe 10 instead of 20. the way they'll enforce this, if there's any candidates that aren't part of the rnc system, they won't be able to participate in the official ones. so who will this help? this will help the establishment candidates, the people who are already well known. your equivalent to mitt romney. and it will help the broadcast na networks. it will hurt underdogs, your newt gingrich, your rick santorum. the ones who need the oxygen of 20 debates. and hurt the cable networks. >> mike, what do you think of the contrary point of view put forward by in a store by ron clain that in fact the republicans would end up regretting this. because at lot of debates with unruly process helped mitt romney to rise above less electable candidates. and even though it's a pain in the butt, it helps elect the most stable candidate emerge many the pack. >> there's no question about that. and the thing is people paid attention to these debates. they want to add conservative commentators to the panels. politico is saying the consequence of this is to be easier questions. easier questions is going to be less coverage, less attention. the reason to have 20 debates, to have media partners is they were covered everywhere. it was great for the party. >> i think there's a real chance republicans will look at the end of this and go this is a really good idea that didn't serve our process that well. >> mike allen, happy friday. thank you so much. >> and happy mother's day weekend, mika. >> thank you. still ahead, nothing can keep these apart. after a turn to the worst. >> how are they fighting over the desk? >> what are we doing with this table? let's put it over here. >> that's coming up in news you can't use. coming up, primetime comes to "morning joe." that's primetime right there. deion sanders. here to help break down the 2014 nfl draft class right here in the studio. we'll be right back. ♪ [male announcer] ortho crime files. gross misconduct... ...disturbing the pantry. a house, under siege. homeowner calls in the big guns. say helto home defense max. with the one-touch continuous-spray wand. kills bugs inside... ...and prevents new ones for up to a year. guaranteed. nothing to see here people. ortho home defense max. get order. get ortho®. "hashtag love dad" when you think aarp, then you don't know "aarp". our aarp tek program helps people find better ways to better connect with each other. find more real possibilities at with the draft happening across the streets, the sidewalks were packed with football fans. we sent our writer arthur to get opinions on the draft down there. the only thing was they had to dance the whole time. take a look. >> what is your team strategy going into the draft? >> so the packers always pick the best player available. so this year they'll probably pick defense. >> we need someone like, like ebron if we want to trade up. >> i think really you should draft offensive line. and if that doesn't work -- >> i think this year they were comfortable with 12 picks. >> if they getted a skilled position player, maybe a quarterback. we haven't drafted one in the first round since like 1985. >> that's adorable. >> i said it. >> this is not the time to say that kind of stuff. >> no, it's not. but would you dance like that. >> not like that. >> i wouldn't dance like that. >> you don't watch games. definitely not. >> i'm sorry. that was pathetic. joining us on set, football hall of famer deion sanders. good to have you here. >> good to be here. >> class act. walks in on the set and everyone starts to behave. joe? >> it's unbelievable. hey, deion. it's great to have you here. been a big fan for a long time. you know, there just aren't enough players who come into a playoff game in a helicopter, baby. >> it was a necessity. >> i remember. that was a highlight. so we had jon gruden on yesterday talking about the possibility of manziel going second, third, fourth. that didn't happen. why down to 22? >> people are afraid of the total package, what he brings on the field as well as the baggage off the field. i don't think consider it baggage. i think manziel is a once in a lifetime player. he's electric and good. it's ironic two other plays that played with him we want in the first round consecutively. >> you know, deion, you were flamboyant, but everybody knew when you played for the braves you were the first one out, last one to leave. same thing with football. aurp hard worker. there's a question about this kid, a question about his character. not that he's done anything terrible, but he may not be the best teammate in the world, may not be a team player and work as hard as you did. >> i don't think that's an accurate assessment of this kid. he is a winner. i think the people assessing him that way are insecure people. this kid is a tremendously confident player. and i love him. i love all his attributes and i think he makes everyone else better around him. >> it's a quarterback league, isn't it? >> yeah. >> if you don't have a franchise quarterback, you're in the middle forever. >> when you have a franchise quarterback, ironically you find yourselves in the playoffs. those not in the playoffs don't have a quarterback. the problem with johnny manziel, the reason people criticize because top quarterbacks don't have his personality. he's not a peyton manning. he's not a tom brady. he's much more exciting than that. >> not one run back in the first round. this is a very different nfl than i grew up with where if this is a league, literally not one running back. >> most high schools as well as colleges run in the spread offense. there's not a lot of emphasis on the running back. you feel you can get that guy in the second or third round or catch him on sale in the free agency. >> deion, you were an awesome football play and baseball player. >> thank you. >> wait, wait. he was an amazing football player and pretty good baseball player. >> let's not get crazy. >> that's a great assessment, donny. >> i'd like to see you play as well as him. it always strikes me the baseball draft, you know it happens, it's important. but it's nothing like the show that the football one is. >> it's boring. >> why is that? why is football an event, an extravaganza, and baseball nothing? >> same reason why football game is an extravaganza and baseball game is an eye catcher. they play 162 of them. how can it be a commodity when it's 162 of them? >> but there's only one baseball draft. there's no college baseball stars, we don't follow them like we do college football stars. is the nfl just better as marketing? they've turned this into a show that attracts a lot of attention for itself. >> the nfl is the flee sexiest initials in the world. when you say nfl, you've made a statement. >> i think about it now. major league baseball is associated with mike barnicle and god knows there's nothing sexy about had him. he's very cute. >> i think mike's very handsome. >> the difference between the two drafts is simple. the nfl owns tv. they own tv. baseball doesn't. baseball is a series of regional sports networks. it's a show. >> but ironically playerwise, baseball is the most attractive. they pay players the most. it's the most lucrative and it's guaranteed money. >> yeah. >> ultimate metaphor for the draft was there's a red carpet. i mean, that says it a all. >> so this week we've been talking about one athlete who recognized his mother on the stage. and we had wanda pratt on yesterday. we saw an incredible show of emotion from kevin durant in that moment. you had a similar one when you were inducted into the hall of fame. let's take a look. >> there's something inside, momma, that i never told you, that i never could admit. and i'm going to share it with all of you because now we're family. i played for a team called the ft. myers rebels. everybody on that team their family was the chief of police or doctors. me and one of my friends was the only african-american kids that was on that team. and it was a very affluent team and i was ashamed. of my momma. because my momma worked in the hospital. she cleaned up the hospital. she pushed a cart. and i was ashamed. >> that's hard to watch. that's hard to watch. because it was so true. and you never know what's behind a man and what pushes a man to progress through life, through all the challenges. my whole career people never knew that i was working and playing for my momma. that was it. >> and it's a message that really can resonate with a lot of young people today who want to be just like you. do you take it with you? >> well, the thing about it, your drive has to be bigger than you. if it's all about you, there's something wrong with your dream. your dream has to be bigger than you because we have the propensity to quit on ourselves under severe pressure. it has to be something out there that's bigger than you that keeps you driven. >> i want to know what else drives you and i believe it is a school. that you've started. a charm school. >> i have a charm school. and i'm an advocate for american federation of school children as well as school choice. i truly believe you should have your choice in what school you deserve to go to. it would be like choosing the beauty salons in your area. or only buy suits that's in your area. but that's what we have when we're talking about schools. and often times in the inner city, schools are failing. we should have the opportunity to choose which school to go to as parents. >> it's really wonderful to have you on right before mother's day after talking about that. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> appreciate your being on the show this morning. >> thank you. >> everybody, deion sanders. deion will be with us this afternoon on mojoe for more on the work he's doing all the field. visit and coming up, how would things be different if mitt romney was in the white house right now? the answer will come right from mitt romney himself at the top of the hour when the former republican nominee for president joins us. don't go away. we'll be back with much more "morning joe." ♪ when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. for $175 dollars a month? so our business can be on at&t's network yup. all five of you for $175. our clients need a lot of attention. there's unlimited talk and text. we're working deals all day. you get 10 gigabytes of data to share. what about expansion potential? add a line anytime for 15 bucks a month. low dues... great terms... let's close. new at&t mobile share value plans. our best value plans ever for business. i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there. ♪ time now for the must read opinion pages. with us now the founder of the women of the world summit, tina brown. >> hi, mika. >> you have a doozy today in the daily beast. touching on a conversation we had earlier this week. i'm going to go right into it. monica lewinsky by tina brown. monica lewinsky is right about the lack of empathy shown by the feminist lobby who joined the hyena pack casting judgment on her youthful conduct. other women can often be the worst at cutting any lack towards the love interest in a sex scandal. but she is short of empathy towards the woman whose husband she was romping with. she uses the word troubling as hillary said she blamed herself somewhat for bill's straying. now everyone is leaking and tweeting and posting on everyone else is the acknowledged way to get ahead in the 21st century. the digital age has no idea what has been lost to the freedom of intimacy that has no fear of being recorded. monica's new musings just remind us of how the death of privacy started. and it really did start with that. it exploded across the world. >> it did. the things that shocked us at the time, the absolute violations of privacy, the wholesale dissemination of embarrassing sexual revelations, the no holds barred cast who just leaked and just put it all out there, that's what we live with every day now. as i looked at the horrific cast of the time. all of these grotesques is the truth. we have another one every day whether it's v. stiviano or sidney leathers. these are now the extreme of garbage that flows through our heads. >> having said that, there's two players in this scandal. both have had very different futures after the moment that this broke. cokie roberts, what do you make of all this? >> well, obviously she's coming back into the news wanting to have some sort of limelight again. and i don't -- she says she wants her life back, but i don't think this is exactly the way to do it. you know, you wonder how much of this is aimed at hillary clinton. and what that's all about. i mean, with any luck it's out of the way. >> cokie, you don't buy that she sort of in a way was touching on what tina's talking about, the end of privacy and how many people including the young man who was caught on a web cam in his college dorm and it spread all over the campus and he ended up committing suicide and she remembered what it felt like to be the butt of a national joke. and that her mother stood by her for weeks and weeks and weeks worried about her equilibrium because of what she was going through. that doesn't at all be a way why she wants to speak out? >> if you want your privacy, why do you go to "vanity fair" magazine? if you want privacy, you're private. this is the opposite. >> the problem with that cokie is this happened 18 years ago. bill clinton has become more revered by the day and monica lewinsky has been basically the butt of jokes. she's been a punch line her entire life has been reduced to this miserable existence. if she stays in an apartment in l.a. and doesn't say anything, doesn't come back out and try to define, sort of retake control of her name, of her reputation, then this is how she dies 40 years from now, as a joke. as a punch line. i just -- when she was being attacked by these so-called feminists not only during the scandal but over the past week or two, i just sat there wondering how she stayed quiet as long as she did. >> well, look. i think the vilifying of her was horrendous. and the truth is she was a kid in the white house and regardless of any consensual sex and all of the stuff she's talking about, her boss who was a much more powerful person than anybody but certainly than she took advantage of her in a way that was something that in any workplace in america would get somebody fired. so i think that all of the vilification of her was awful. but i also do think that coming back out into the public is just asking to rehash the whole thing again. and that doesn't get you anywhere. >> i'm not sure what other choice she has. really quick. >> the problem is there's no hiding place now. your reputation. in london when the whole perfumer scandal happened. john perfumer disappeared. you can't do that. because google brings it to everyone's faces every second of the day. >> tina brown, great piece. thank you so much. see you tonight. >> looking forward to entertaining you mum. >> it's going to be incredible. coming up, a new film uncovers the deepest secret of the obesity epidemic. katie couric is here with her new project "fed up." but first news you can't use. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ [ girl ] my mom, she makes underwater fans that are powered by the moon. ♪ she can print amazing things, right from her computer. [ whirring ] [ train whistle blows ] she makes trains that are friends with trees. ♪ my mom works at ge. ♪ my mom works at ge. can you start tomorrow? yes sir. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. (anncr vo) innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. woman: welcome to learning. spanish in the car.c on. passenger: you've got to be kidding me. driver: this is good. woman: vamanos. driver & passenger: vamanos. woman: gracias. driver & passenger: gracias. passenger: trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. driver: mira entra y comprame unas papitas. vo: get up to 795 miles per tank in the tdi clean diesel. the volkswagen passat. recipient of the j.d. power appeal award, two years in a row. all right. so there's one way to have a political a debate. we just had one, but we have a great panel coming up in our next hour. it's going to be amazing. and i think we've got an example of how it should go. this is i think morning television in jordan. [ speaking in foreign language ] >> okay. we'll see if things come to blows in our round table. donny, you take the table. you look big and strong. >> i like when you talk that way, mika. >> oh, god. >> i'm a cynic. i feel like he's upstaged. >> senat >> mitt romney standing by. all that and more when "morning joe" returns. ♪ ♪ ♪ make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrées crafted with care and designed to delight. fancy feast. love served daily. there was a boy who traveled to a faraway place where villages floated on water and castles were houses dragons lurked giants stood tall and the good queen showed the boy it could all be real avo: whatever you can imagine, all in one place expedia, find yours ♪ (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. (growls) (man) that's a good look for you. (woman) that was fun. (man) yeah. (man) let me help you out with the.. (woman)...oh no, i got it. (man) you sure? (woman) just pop the trunk. (man vo) i may not know where the road will lead, but... i'm sure my subaru will get me there. (announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. can help your kids' school get extra stuff. they're the only cereals with box tops for education. you can raise money for your kids' school. look for this logo. only on big g cereals. you can make a difference. every cereal box counts. how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going to have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagine how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 30 years or more. so maybe we need to approach things differently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪ ♪ welcome back to "morning joe." it is nice to see you all at the top of the hour. a nice shot of the white house on this beautiful morning. joe, i think it's fair to say we have a very special guest this hour. kind of an exclusive going on here. >> a very special guest. of course we're talking about governor mitt romney, former governor of massachusetts. and of course in 2012 he was a republican nominee for president. still, governor romney, we showed a picture of mika holding up a mitt sign, mitt 2012. and i'm still trying to figure out what went wrong. well, actually, maybe that's what went wrong. but how are you doing? what are you doing in washington, d.c.? and how's the family? >> the family is great. we're doing well. and i'm in d.c. part for politics and part for media. i'm back in business trying to do our best to help our economy. >> good. how's our economy doing? >> you know, it just continues to bump along. i saw a statistic that came out of brookings last week which was for the first time in history, more businesses closed their door last year than actually opened doors. and that's a very frightening thing. we're an entrepreneurial nation. growth is all dependent on innovation and entrepreneurship. entrepreneurs decided this a bad time to open a business. and that's a problem. >> jeff knows a thing or two about business and economies. jeff likes to say if the economy's growing at 4%, everything's going to take care of itself. and we can have all the debates we want to have, but the economy will be fine. if we're only growing, stumbling along at 2%, 2.5%, there's nothing we can do. there's nothing we can cut. there's no government program we can enact that's going to make a big difference in the life of americans. how do we get that 4% growth every year? >> well, what causes growth is innovation. innovation drives higher wages for our workers. productivity is all driven by what happens in the innovation room, if you will. and unfortunately, over the last several years, we made it less and less attractive for people to innovate to begin brand new businesses, to open doors. and our growth has been slow. you ask yourself has anything been done in the last five years that's made it more likely for an entrepreneur to want to start a business? and the answer is no. when the person who leads papa john's pizza said if he was starting today, he wouldn't open doors because of the tax and burdens placed upon starting a new business. >> governor, i want to look at some of the issues of the day here. democrats, of course, discussing whether or not to participate in another investigation in benghazi. i have no problem with questions being asked and i believe there are some. but i'd like to ask you if you could go on the record because some of your republican counterparts seem uncomfortable with answering the question as to whether or not republicans should be making money, should be fund raising for their political campaigns off the benghazi investigation and disaster in itself. do you think it's wrong to be fund raising off that issue? >> i think what the republicans have every right to say and is appropriate to say is is that if republicans were were not in the congress, there would not be an investigation into benghazi. and i think there are questions that have to be answered that have not yet been answered. the white house has apparently withheld information so congress is going to look into it. there would not be an investigation of benghazi. there would not be an investigation into the irs. were there not a republican house. and so to say, look, elect republicans so we can have these kind of investigations is appropriate. >> governor romney, it's john heilemann here. i'm going to stick with foreign policy for a second. there's a story a couple days ago of boko haram, the militant group responsible for abducting 200 girls in nigeria. secretary clinton branded that an act of terror this week. the story in the daily beast pointed out when she was secretary of state, she had refused to label that group officially a terrorist organization even though the fbi, justice department, cia wanted to have it happen. i want to ask you a two-part question about that. first to address that specific story. and secondly to ask you a broader question whether you think secretary clinton's time as secretary of state would be an asset or liability for her if she runs for president. >> first of all, we'd like to hear whether she believes the failure to label boko haram as a terrorist organization was a mistake on her agency's part or it was not and what's the logic for not identifying this group as a terrorist organization. she hasn't done so yet. i think people would like to hear her answer to that. with regards to her career as secretary of state, i think that's going to be an enormous liability for her. because this is, after all, the -- if you will, the essence of her leadership capacity and the four years she served as secretary of state were not good years for the united states of america abroad. she worked hard and she shook a lot of hands and people said, boy, she's been on the airplane a lot. that's a good thing. but if you look around the world, whether in asia, latin-america, the middle east, north africa, this was not a good time for america. as a matter of fact, it's hard to think of a nation that over the past four, five, six years thinks more of america, respects america more today than when the president and secretary clinton took office. so i think her record there is a very substantial liability for her campaign in 2016. and i think it's going to raise a lot of questions about her capacity to actually accomplish things of significance. particularly on foreign soil. >> governor, i'm not going to ask you to mess up your hair, but i am asking to put an a consultant's cap here. your party seems to have an issue with the changing demographics of this country. and given the changing demographics of this country and your ambitions or past ambitions for the white house, how do you cope with the changing demographics of the country when you have an increasingly conservative bend with regard to issues like immigration, marriage equality, and minimum wage? >> well, different members of my party have different views on those different issues. and for instance as you know a company with many of the conservatives in my party on the issue of minimum wage. i think we ought to raise it. quite frankly our party is all about more jobs and better pay. and i think communicating that is important to us. i also believe the key for our party is to be able to convince the people who were in the working population particularly in the hispanic community that our party will help them get better jobs and wages. that's what our party's beliefs do. the democratic party has shown that over the past five years of their leadership, income inequality has become worse. and the policies over the past five years have not worked for hispanic families or african-american families. minority families have been the most hard hit during these past five years. so we've got to make sure people hear our message. >> we want to go from domestic policy to foreign policy. i want to put you in a time machine and take you back 19 or 20 months. take a look at this clip. >> governor romney, i'm glad that you recognize that al qaeda is a threat. because a few months ago when you were asked what's the biggest threat facing america you said russia. not al qaeda. you said russia. and the 1980s are calling for their policy back. the cold war's been over for 20 years. but governor, when it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the policies of the 1980s just like the social policies of the 1950s and the economic policies of the 1920s. >> and governor romney, here we are almost 20 months later, vladimir putin about to take a victory lap in crimea. questions on whether he's going to continue pushing westward toward kiev. 150,000 dead in syria in large part because of vladimir putin. the refugee crisis across the middle east as spilling out from syria in large part because vladimir putin continues to hold that regime up. iran moves closer and closer to a nuclear weapon in large part because of vladimir putin. it all leads to one question 20 months after the president mocked you. is the world less stable today because president obama miscalculated on putin and russ russia? >> no question on that. >> how does that make you feel looking at that clip seeing that you actually have been proven correct by history and yet you were mocked and ridiculed by the president of the united states on what many say is the biggest issue overseas. >> i don't look back to the debates. i instead look at what's happening in the country and what we need to do to make sure that our interests are promoted around the world. what we've seen over the past five years has been retreat of our interest globally. fewer and fewer nations respect us and bow, if you will, to the demands of their people. and there's no question that vladimir putin and russia in particular are our geopolitical adversary. doesn't mean they're our enemy and i never called them our threat. the greatest threat is a nuclear iran. but i did say they were a geopolitical foe. and frankly you've seen russia consistently over the past several years line up with the world's worst actors. whether it's with assad or kim jong-un or around the world. this is a nation intent on pushing back against the united states in the interest of freedom. >> governor romney, what is your concern if this continues indefinitely with putin's behavior toward ukraine and the oppression there. and what do you suggest happens right now that you think isn't happening? >> well, the key to leadership is identifying the tomb when you can take action that will make a difference. and the key with ukraine, for instance, was to identify at the time there was the revolution in the streets and people jumping up and down with demonstrating in various ways to recognize that russia might take an interest in crimea. that was the time for the president of the united states to make sure we and our friends around the world communicated to russia the sanctions that would follow in response. and the president didn't do that. he sat and watched. in syria, for instance, we don't have good options right now because the president sat and watched at the very beginning of the most critical time in syria. you have to take action when action has the potential to really change events. and the president has not done so. and leading from behind, sitting back and observing affairs in the world is not a way for america's foreign policy interests to be carried out. >> governor, i'm coming back to 2016 because i am who i am. >> obsessive-compulsive. >> correct. your party right now is in an unusual situation in the sense there is no clear front runner for your party's nomination. usually you know by this point in the cycle, the party knows who the front runner is and usually becomes the nominee. i'll ask you to be sure and ask about it here, is there -- are you ready to say for sure that you will not get into the race in 2016 and that we don't have that to look forward to at least as a possibility. >> i'm not running for president in 2016. i'm going to be supporting someone who represents the practical conservatives that i think we need. you know some of my favorites. paul ryan, of course. i love paul. we were a great team together. but chris christie and jeb bush and rob portman. the list is long. scott walker. there are a lot of fellows and hopefully some women as well that are looking at this race and we'll get a chance to see someone new. i think our best prospects of getting back the white house are with someone who has not run twice before as i have. so i'm going to be a supporting our nominee and looking forward to seeing the race come to fruition. >> i bet your wife feels good about that. >> that's right. >> what women are you looking at in the republican party you think could stand out? >> well, susana martinez, governor of new mexico, obviously has great potential and leadership. and i'm sure there are many that we could think of, mika. i'm not going to go through a full list here. but you've seen a number of women take on increasingly responsible positions in the republican party. frankly our party has women, has minority leaders that i think ought to be looking at the national stage. >> so let's move on and get back to the economy. i want to talk about keystone. yesterday we had the ambassador of the united states from canada to come on. and it sounded like he was reading off republican talking points when he talked about 44,000 new jobs that would be created. talking about how it was more environmentally safe to have a pipeline than have this oil shipped in other ways. and then at the end, he held up a document and said all he was doing was quoting a state department report talking about why the keystone pipeline made so much sense. how important is it for us to go ahead and move forward with the keystone pipeline? and why is the president of the united states having such a hard time doing that despite what his own administration reports are showing? >> well, the president is, of course, playing to the base. the extreme wing of the democratic party. there are some, if you will, aggressive environmentalists who were not tied into what's right for the environment or the country in my view. but instead what's right for their fund raising efforts. they're jumping up and down. they'd like to see oil not being used as an energy source in this country. frankly that's not realistic. and as a result the president is doing their bidding. i think it's an enormous mistake. it's a small item compared to the overall economy issues. but frankly it typifies the fact that the president plays politics as opposed to what's doing right for the economy and the american job market certainly having additional energy in this country and holding down energy prices is good for the consumers of america. for people of all classes and it's good for job creators. this is a no brainer. but the president's not willing to do it. because of those extreme groups that are raising money off of stopping the pipeline. >> okay. mitt romney, thank you so much for being on with us this morning. what are your plans for mother's day? >> well, you know, i always get lilacs for my wife on mother's day. i find some place in the neighborhood where i can cut some lilacs. so i'm going to be looking or going to the grocery store and finding some. >> boy, your neighbors must love you. it's mother's day again, romney's in the back yard. call the cops. >> i just found three things in this interview we have in common. number one, we're both in business with marriott. we're in business together. you must be excited about that. more jobs, better pay. minimum wage. and like you, my father goes into the neighbor's house and cuts down their trees to make his view better in maine. so perfect. thank you very much. >> thanks, mika, joe. >> great to have you on the show. >> thank you so much, governor. really appreciate it. >> good to be with you. it's being billed as the movie food industry doesn't want you to see. how sugar is ruining the lives of an entire generation of children. katie couric is here with her latest project. up next, senator pat toomey, chuck todd, david gregory and howard dean. and this weekend joe and i will be in a special event with my mom emily brzezinski to discuss art, politics, and balancing both in the white house years. that's saturday in connecticut. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. ♪ to truck guys, the truck is everything. and when you put them in charge of making an unbeatable truck... ... good things happen. this is the ram 1500. the 2014 motor trend truck of the year and first ever back-to-back champion. guts. glory. ram. i don't want to ever hear about that again, barnicle. joining us now, senator pat toomey. and in washington chief white house correspondent and political director and host of "daily rundown," chuck todd. and the moderator of "meet the press," david gregory. and here on set, former governor of vermont and former chairman of the democratic national committee, howard dean. and joe, thank god you are on location. because, well, he could flip the table. >> oh, i know. >> we could be a table flipping round table. >> it's happened before, mika. i suspect it's going to happen again. let's go to pat toomey. senator, we just had mitt romney on. and the governor and former republican candidate for president said he supported raising the minimum wage because republicans are about good jobs and good wages. this past week rick santorum's come on, former pennsylvania senator, he supports raising the minimum wage. former minnesota governor tim pawlenty also supports raising the minimum wage. where do you stand on those issues? >> i disagree with those folks. agree with a large majority of republicans. joe, i think you understand. we want higher wages. we want better jobs, but we also want more jobs. if the government comes along and issues a fiat and picks an arbitrary number and says you have to pay at least that amount, there's some people at the low end of the skill spectrum, maybe it's a teenager that needs the first opportunity. they won't get the job. this isn't just my theory. the cbo said if we went ahead with the democrat proposed increase, the best estimate is we'd lose half a million jobs in that. >> david gregory? >> senator, i guess a follow-up to that, understanding that you and others may think, look, let's improve our jobs picture before we take a look at the minimum wage. what about the argument that for a lot of the working poor who want to work, who want to provide for their families they're simply not able to make it. if you have real challenges with regard to transportation or for housing that you certainly can't make it on a wage at this particular time. as a conservative do you worry that lower income workers are then draining the resources of government even further because they're frankly not earning what a lot of people would call a livable wage? >> there's no question, david. we have many very extensive programs to help people cope when their income is, you know, at low levels. and if their income were higher, then they'd spend less in these areas. i don't think they get there by issuing an edict from washington. you just price people out of the workforce. that's much worse for those people and for the federal budget. i think the way you do it is you have a vibrant economy that is demanding ever more workers and putting upward pressure on raises. that's the answer. >> chuck todd, i think it's interesting that we have seen governor romney, rick santorum, also tim pau pawlenty and other republicans starting to come out in support of the minimum wage raise. do you think we may end up at $59 an hour minimum wage increase? >> you and i talked about this all week. i've been surprised that isn't there. i find it intriguing that the three most prominent republicans supporting the raise of the minimum wage are three guys who sent a lot of time on the campaign trail, thee guys having to campaign in blue states and purple states on that front. senator toomey, let me ask you this. it doesn't sound like you're for a minimum wage, a national mandated minimum wage. would you -- if there hasn't been one -- i mean, where are you on this? >> the question before us is do we increase from the current level? obviously if you don't increase the minimum wage over long periods of time since we generally have inflation and not deflation, then it becomes irrelevant and it's not something that matters. >> we haven't increased it in years. longest period without an increase. >> that's right. and if we do, we're going to put some people out of work. so i guess the question is who are we to make the decision that we're going to give a raise to some people at the expense of destroying the jobs of other people? i don't think that's a good call for government to make. i think instead we ought to be creating more demand for workers, more jobs. and as i said before the upward pressure on wages. >> so you would get rid of the minimum wage? you wouldn't have -- >> that's an irrelevant discussion. the question before us is do we raise the minimum wage and i think that would do harm. so i'm not going to support that. >> senator toomey, on another issue, we had governor mitt romney on last block and he very carefully and articulately made the case for fund raising off of the benghazi issue. and he said if republicans had questions about this and they want to get elected so they can continue to raise issues, then it is okay. do you think it is okay to raise money off the benghazi probe and the questions surrounding what happened there? >> i don't know, mika. my fund raising, i don't make any reference to benghazi in that. i think we've got to be really careful that that doesn't get politicized. i think the response of the administration was a political response. and that's a real problem. we still haven't gotten to the bottom of what's happened. that's why i think the house's action this week is constructive. i'd be very careful myself, in fact, not sure it's a good idea to fund raise on the basis of those mistakes of the administration. >> okay. >> and of course trey gowdy agrees with you and he came out forcefully and said it yesterday. he was undercut by the nrcc. i suspect that probably is not going to happen again. let me ask you again about obviously keystone is a critical issue right now. the debate continues to rage. we had canada's ambassador of the united states yesterday talking about all the jobs we'd create in the united states. i want to bring it closer to home though. because you can look at what's happened in pennsylvania over the past several years and look what's not happened in new york state over the last couple years because andrew cuomo refuses to allow innovation in energy in new york state. people aren't getting jobs because of it. talk about how fracking in pennsylvania makes a difference to working class people there. >> you're absolutely right. there's a fascinating map that's come out by the census bureau and it shows every county in america that's had an increase in median wages every single county fits into one of two counties. it's either washington, d.c. or an energy-producing county. in pennsylvania, natural gas is changing our economy. it's the direct benefits in the areas and they're localized, but those areas in which the drilling is occurring. but it's the availability of incredibly affordable, low cost, clean natural gas. i've been at ground-breaking ceremonies with manufacturers that are bringing work back from china to pennsylvania in part because the advantage we have with low cost natural gas is just transformative. quite frankly, it's working for us in pennsylvania. >> howard dean, i want to talk to you about this energy issue on a larger scale. democrats obviously have to be very careful. they certainly are concerned about the environment. their base more concerned about the environment than, let's say, the middle of america if you just look at polls. how did democrats balance this moving forward where they want to be part of the energy revolution, they want to help the working class. may be helped like some people in pennsylvania. but also they have to worry about the environment. it seems like actually a pretty fine line they have to tread. >> one of the fastest growing energy installers is solar. i've got an interesting question for senator toomey. you don't want washington interfering in setting a minimum wage, but the republicans in washington don't seem to have any problem giving tax breaks to -- which is our money -- tax breaks to oil companies, tax breaks to wall street. how do you rationalize government intervention to help the largest corporations in the country and the world at our expense but you won't let people making $8.25 to support their family with a little raise in the minimum wage? >> i'm not sure there's anybody in washington that's been more outspoken than i've been about having a tax code that stops picking winners and losers. we've got a tax code that's a total disaster. some of the worst and most egregious offenses are in the area you just mentioned. huge subsidies for solar energy, wind energy. you wouldn't have windmills if it weren't for taxpayer subsidies. in committee i sit on the finance committee over the tax code, i offered an amendment to wipe out those subsidies. it's not good for our economy. i don't support it. >> governor dean, i was watching you during the intense questioning of senator toomey. i felt badly for you because your head seemed to about explode. but you sat there quietly. >> i did. >> you referenced the tax code and minimum wage. the pipeline has been discussed. i would like to ask you about financing, potentially financing one of what i think is the greatest issues confronting this country. the rebuilding of america. we just had a rainstorm last week and roads collapsed. >> this is actually something senator toomey and i may have agreement on. i think most of the infrastructure in this country will be -- there are ways to do this. you can build railroads with public financing if you use real estate to do it. i think you've got to be a lot more imaginative. there are ideas on the left and right that could migrate towards the center. if the sponsors would be willing to give on a few things. >> senator toomey, jump in here. can you agree with him on anything here? >> we might find some agreement here. i've got to be careful. >> i promise not to endorse you, senator. >> thank you, thank you. i would just add one thing. with road construction in particular, it's one example that seems obvious to me. when we create new capacity, it needs to be told. why would you build a new road and not put a toll on it? this is a user fee, a toll is. if it's new capacity that didn't exist before, give people a choice. if they want to ride on that, let them pay a small amount to cover the construction. the technology makes it easier than ever. i think there are ways to be innovative and get the funding we need. >> i want to bring up our political experts now. if we could get john heilemann and chuck todd and david gregory up on the screen. i want to ask them a question. i think it was absolutely fascinating the interview with mitt romney. john heilemann, what i heard mitt romney say in response to your question is not what i've been hearing in new hampshire, not what i've been hearing in south carolina, not what i've been hearing across america. there are people that believe mitt romney is going to run in 2016. i would have to say one of the top republican strategists over the past 20 years told me yesterday he thinks romney's in. what are you hearing, john? >> well, i think the likelihood mitt romney will run is very, very low. although i joked the ann romney thing with him, i don't think she has the stomach for it. there's no doubt there's a group of supporters of mitt romney who are talking it up in a lot of places. because there's such a vacuum right now in terms of there not really being a front runner in the party that usually has one by now, that talk gets more traction than it would ordinarily. chuck, let me follow on from that. let me ask you a question about the same issue. governor romney mentioned a bunch of names of people he liked. and in order i think he mentioned jeb bush -- paul ryan, chris christie, jeb bush, and rob portman. none of those four people -- all four of those people may not run for president. what does it say about the state of the republican party that the last nominee's top four picks are all people who night not get into the race. >> that is exactly the point i was going to make, john. i assume romney's not going to do this. everything you hear about his family and from what i've understood in talking to people indicates what you indicate. there's just not the -- he just doesn't have the family support to do this again. but you look at who he mentioned and walker's the only guy he mentioned that may end up running in this list. the other four you could easily picture scenarios where none of the other four end up running. portman is someone who hasn't been making many moves at all. i think it's interesting he inserted him into the list. don't forget mitt romney's description of what he's looking for. right? the practical conservative. an interesting adjective to put in front of conservative there. i have a feeling that romney is going to be this shadow, sort of the way gore and hillary hovered over the '04 field for awhile. romney may hover over that field for awhile particularly if there isn't a big establishment name sucking up all the oxygen early that you will have these constant rumors. the same way christie sort of hovered over the field for awhile when romney struggled. >> if jeb bush isn't in the race and chris christie isn't in the race, i'm hearing people talk about the fact that romney may be a lot closer. what are you hearing? >> i agree he has the prospect to hover over the race. by staying relevant, by staying critical of the administration. beyond his personal walls he has the ability to raise money. he's got the name recognition. i think the biggest reason against it is not just his family but he's proven to be flawed as a candidate. not once but twice. i don't think you reinvent yourself politically in a way the party rallies around you or the country rallies around you. i think that's a big problem. i also think the party right now is still hanging back. there are some of these key figures, jeb bush principle among them not feeling any need to commit too early to jumping into the fray with all of that entails. so i think there's a number of figures who want to see how things play out. then they're going to -- then they'll move up. but there's no question about this k this, joe. and you've talked about it a lot. there's a certain amount of waiting for superman, waiting for jeb bush. does he have the stomach for it? that practical conservative idea, the one who can bring it together, right now it feels like jeb bush is the one wearing that hat. people worry whether he really wants it. >> all right. our thanks to senator pat toomey. thanks for being on the show this morning. chuck todd, we'll watch you on "the daily rundown" -- >> by the way, breaking news here. i think howard dean is planning to go to pennsylvania to endorse pat toomey. >> come on. come to philadelphia, howard. let's do it. >> just tried to flip the table, but it's nailed into the ground. so we're good. >> team toomey 2016. >> chuck, we'll see you at 9:00 a.m. david gregory, howard dean, thank you so much. donny, thanks to you, too, i guess. an exclusive coming up. how swing voters feel about their jobs, families, and the changing american dream. ♪ we're moving our company to new york state. the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. 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[ female announcer ] the x1 entertainment operating system. only from xfinity. tv and internet together like never before. ♪ the ongoing fight over the proposed keystone pipeline could have a big impact on the 2014 midterm elections. derek hits has more in the mojoe polling place. what are you doing? >> it's no secret republicans and democrats don't agree on many issues and you might think the keystone pipeline would be no exception. or is it? in key battle ground states like arkansas, arkansas, alaska, and louisiana some are breaking with their party and openly supporting the project. in fact, keystone support is not limbed to democratic incumbents alone. in kentucky, challenger allison lundergan grimes is going against mitch mcconnell. but not every democrat up for re-election is quick to embrace the pipeline. mark udall signed a letter calling on president obama to approve the project. the american petroleum institute wants voters to take notice. >> but one jobs plan brings both sides together. it makes so much sense, even a divided congress approved it. tell senators udall and bennett, approve keystone xl. >> keystone could prove to be a deciding issue in colorado. with a recent gallup poll showing half of the economy is the problem, keystone is bound to be a slippery issue come september. back to you. >> thank you. coming up in the 8:00 hour -- just get the shot off, barnicle. katie couric joins us on set then bishop t.d. jakes. but first facing tough choices. balance the budgets or face financial ruin. one city may have cracked the code though. we'll tell you which one next on "morning joe." ♪ when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. woman: everyone in the nicu -- all the nurses wanted to watch him when he was there 118 days. everything that you thought was important to you changes in light of having a child that needs you every moment. i wouldn't trade him for the world. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. if you're caring for a child with special needs, our innovative special care program offers strategies that can help. (agent) i'll walk you guys through every step. there are a lot of buyers for a house like yours. (husband) that's good to know. ♪ all right. here with us now, his wife beautiful. democratic mayor of cincinnati, mayor john cranley. mother's day this weekend? >> we've got big plans. >> are you sure? >> yeah. my 5-year-old and i will be making breakfast in the bed. >> dozen roses. you need any other help? you don't want to lose her. she's adorable. so we want to talk about cracking the code, balancing budgets and trying to break through what all these cities are grappling with. you have some answers? what's worked for cincinnati? >> well, in cincinnati we have, first of all it's great to be here. i love the show. >> oh, thank you. >> what's your favorite thing about the show? >> yeah. >> well, donny -- >> no, no, no. don't do that. >> don't suck up to donny. >> do you want your wife to talk to you again? >> i saw wh where you brought her a pair of shoes. >> that lives on. it's amazing. >> donny, i'm due. >> you are. >> buy the shoes in cincinnati because it's the number two city in the country in. >> reporter: -- let's get back to business. >> for people that haven't been to cincinnati in a long time, we are in the middle of a major urban renaissance. the public and private sector spent $2.5 billion revitalizing our river front park, fountain square, new restaurants, new night life. ge just announced they're bringing 1400 new jobs. >> fantastic. >> yeah. and unemployment is only at 5.8%. >> so that's really interesting. that's a hot city. do you think there's anything you have done differently compared to different politicians in your position around the country? is there a different approach. >> first of all we're leading in a bipartisan effort to focus on the operations of a city police, fire, public services. we're cutting out a lot of promises that were made that we couldn't afford. we're making the tough decisions of balancing our budget. we're going to deliver the first structurally balanced budget in years. but at the same time we're seeing this huge re-urbanism, excitement, vibrancy of our downtown. and cincinnati is on the beginning of a huge wave. and it's really the place p&g, may scy macy's, kroger. if you have the chance to bring your product in investing during the great recession. >> one of the things i find interesting about you is your background. that you go to harvard law school. but harvard divinity school. how do you apply a graduate from harvard divinity school to the day-to-day work of being the mayor of a major city. >> i wanted to ask for forgiveness in advance is my joke. >> that's a good one. 99% of all jokes are true. >> i certainly believe to whom much is given, much is expected. certainly my faith plays a role in my effort to reduce poverty in the city. while the city is growing bigtime, we have disparities between black and white and white and hispanic. we need to make a difference there. that's been a focus of my administration. >> what sent you to -- what within you sent you to divinity school. >> you know, i blame the jesuits. >> real quick, what'd you think of the bengals pick last night? >> i'm excited. i really am. >> this is a political show, right? don't we talk about politics on this show? >> really quick. >> you've got a governors race coming up. just like the overall national -- >> that's not real quick. >> who wins this race against john kasich? >> the police and firefighters are still upset about kasich's efforts to undo their collective bargaining. in addition, he cut local government fund which hurt dramatically. the income tax was originally promised for local government, but he cut the local government money but didn't lower the income tax. so we're still paying the tax. so we're still paying the same money to columbus but we're not getting the return. >> the cutest thing i've ever seen, your wife is still taking pictures. sheep has not stopped. >> she's the cutest thing ever. >> you're now on television. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. >> adorable wife. >> coming up, emily brzezinski can wield an ax and a chain saw like no other mother. that's my mother. don't mess with her. how my mom balanced being an artist and mother of three, a white house wife all at the same time. her story and her incredible body of work coming up in our 8:00 hour. you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. customizable charts, powerful screening tools, and guaranteed one-second trades. and at the center of it all is a surprisingly low price -- just $7.95. in fact, fidelity gives you lower trade commissions than schwab, td ameritrade, and e-trade. i'm monica santiago of fidelity investments, and low fees and commissions are another reason serious investors are choosing fidelity. call or click to open your fidelity account today. i got more advice than i knew what to do with. what i needed was information i could trust on how to take care of me and my baby. luckily, unitedhealthcare has a simple program that helps moms stay on track with their doctors and get the right care and guidance-before and after the baby is born. simple is good right now. 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[ speaking french ] >> for you cat lovers out there, in case you missed it, here's another look and make sure you listen to the sound on impact. >> let's be clear. the cat was not hurt. ouch. >> you don't know that. >> i have people over there. >> first of all -- >> oh, poor kitty. >> is it a cat or is it a squirrel? >> is there a difference? i'm kidding. i love cats, i love cats. >> the best bakery in france. >> coming up top of the hour. we love katie couric. we love her. she'll talk about her new documentary. do not go anywhere. alright. let's share the news tomorrow. today we failrly busy. tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. i want one of these opened up. because tomorow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. when csx trains move forward, so does the rest of the economy. csx. how tomorrow moves. transit fares! as in the 37 billion transit fares we help collect each year. no? oh, right. you're thinking of the 1.6 million daily customer care interactions xerox handles. or the 900 million health insurance claims we process. so, it's no surprise to you that companies depend on today's xerox for services that simplify how work gets done. which is...pretty much what we've always stood for. with xerox, you're ready for real business. you always get the lowest price which is...pretty much what we've always stood for. book any flight or hotel and if you find it for less we'll match it and give you fifty dollars back that's the expedia guarantee i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there. honestly, the off-season isn't i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! welcome back to "morning joe." it's the top of the hour. 8:00 eastern time. joining us on set, host of the daytime talk show "katie" and also, i am not done, boys. >> you never are, are you? >> i know. you getting tired of me, donnie? >> i love katie. i'm so glad she's here. >> try and focus. she's the producer of a new documentary "fed up." we were talking about it at thrive. you had a great panel on it. first a look at some of the big headlines today. ukraine is bracing for more potential violence today as russia marks a national holiday celebrating victory in world war ii. meanwhile, vladimir putin is visiting the contested region of crimea, a day after overseeing massive military exercises. secretary eric shinseki will testify on capitol hill about the growing issues of veterans affairs. and mitt mutt addressed republican attempts to raise money off the attacks of benghazi. >> i think what the republicans have every right to say is if republicans were not in the congress, if republicans did not have a majority in the congress, there would not be an investigation into benghazi, and i think there are questions that have to be answered that have not yet been answered. the white house has apparently withheld certain information and so congress is going to look into it, as i think they should. there would not be an investigation into benghazi, there would not be an investigation into the i.r.s. were there not an elect house. to say elect republicans so we can have these kind of investigations is appropriate. >> he's the first republican i've seen say it makes sense. >> and yet trey gowdy has said it's not a good idea to fund raise off of benghazi off of the death of four americans. >> just take a position. >> i suspect you'll see more deference given to trey gowdy than anybody else. he's going to make sure there isn't a question of impropriety. it's going to be absolutely critical that it doesn't look like there's even a whiff of partisanship. >> well, i'm just fed up, actually -- >> you seem fed up, mika. you're angry. >> i'm angry. the movie, katie couric, we're talking about called "fed up," i take it there was even a controversy over the letters at one point. lori and i were talking online. apparently they were doing advertising and everybody has been jumping and seizing about "fu." >> oh, the posters, yeah. i think that was a very savvy advertising ploy. >> it was. >> anything we can do to get people talk about this movie and talking about this issue is fine with us. because i think it's related to the obesity epidemic, how it started, how we got here and all the different factors that have intersected to make statistics like this is the first generation of children expected to live shorter life spans than their parents. 1980, zero cases of type two diabetes, 20105, 58,000 cases. in two decades, 95% of americans will be overweight or obese. it's clearly such a critical issue that we have take action and take action pretty soon. >> what you're trying to do with the help of laurie david is look at the diet that our children are eating. it becomes the way they're eating for the rest of their lives because these substances are addictive. >> they've shown sugar is incredibly addictive. the fact that there are 600,000 products in the grocery store, 80% of them have added sugar and often times we don't even know it, simple things like spaghetti sauce. what happens when you extract the fact it takes, like robert lester said, card board. so they started pumping in the sugar. the safe threshold of sugar is 6 to 9 teaspoons a day and the average american tax in 22 a day. >> and these products advertised to children have less scrutiny than to adults. >> that's true. advertising and online advertising of junk food to kids increased by 60%. they're inundated. they did a study and showed kids exposed to junk food ads in the course of watching television were given a bowl of goldfish crackers. the ones who watched the food commercials ate 45% more goldfish. all these things are working against us to trigger neuropathways in our brains to make us crave certain foods and it's adding up to this horrible epidemic. >> what do you do about the fact that the cults aadults are doin shopping? >> well, think, mike, they're trying to do the right thing. all these mixed messages they're getting, my profound hope is that families and adults will be armed with the right information they need so they can make educated choices when they're shopping at the grocery store. i used to get low fat everything. yeah. of course i'm going to get low-fat mayonaiss. but all these things are pumped with so much sugar and ingredients we can't even pronounce. >> the federal government subsidizes the corn industry. all that stuff gets pumped into the food. michelle obama has done a lot of great stuff on eating better and let's move and all that stuff, but the policies haven't changed. we still prop up the corn industry. don't we have to get to the root of this and stop subsidizing the industry that makes us sick? >> i think we take a close look at the usda. i think they have a real conflict of interest. they're charged with promoting agriculture. we talk about the advent of skim milk and all this fat is taken away from the milk and the dairy farmers are like what do we do with all this fat? and everybody says cheese, let's make more cheese. remember that commercial ♪ cheese, glorious cheese and they were starting to get people to eat more cheese. which is more fat and more calories. so they're promoting agriculture and also establishing dietary guidelines. so they're telling people to eat less cheese but we'll spend more money telling you to eat more cheese. >> the number of kids, especially at bus stops and in cities eating ring dings at the bus stop. the number of children that go without breakfast that are at the bus stops in the morning. >> there's also real food. we had dr. oz on the show. he says why are you drinking skim milk? your fi your milk needs to be healthy milk. >> i used to put tons of sauce on my pasta. i'm like why do you like this sauce so much? my husband is like sugar. you're eating sugar. >> the point of this is to know what you're eating and then you'll be able to make better choices for yourself and your family. and understand the role of the government has been complacent if not complicit with the food industry. we're talking about huge money with these food lobbies. every time they try to do something on capitol hill, then all the money from the food lobby comes in and voila, minds are changed all of a sudden. i think we have to get smart and get real about food. >> so you talked to bill clinton about food for the movie? >> yes. >> let's look. >> do you think the government is behind when it comes to helping americans reduce the sugar intake? >> yes, i do. >> why aren't they doing more? >> i can't answer that, particularly since corn has been turned into fructose and used for a sweetener, which i don't think is a good use for corn. i think america is still insufficiently alert about the damage we are doing to our long-term health due to sugar intake. >> hand he would know. >> he's become a veganvegan. >> he's probably more healthy than he's ever been but after doing damage to his body. >> he's done incredible work, really trying to focus on getting junk feood out of schools. 50% of school districts in the country by 2012 were serving fast food. i talked to a lovely woman working saying we offer healthy options but out of 300 kids, 25 of them choose healthy food. it affects them academically, it affects their quality of life, if they're destined to a life of obesity and disease. >> and so many schools now have no physical education. >> right, that's true. we do dismantle this mantra of ex exercise, calories in, calories out. we can't exercise out of the epidemic. >> a medium bag of french fries, you have to swim for an hour and 12 minutes. >> a 20 ounce soda would mean cycling for 20 minutes. >> and i'll go a step further but there is no place for some of these foods at all. they're addictive, the smell of them. you're going to get the 350 kids eating the french fries because they are drawn to them because of the substances in them that are addictive. >> they smell so good. >> you just got to start with the parents. >> and you don't need soda. >> it's interesting. my kids have never seen a juice box and they don't want a juice box. >> they're called convenience food for a reason. and i guess, you know, we all think -- we have to realign our priorities, right? some things are worth taking a little extra time to do. there's also the socioeconomic component. we couldn't deal with everything in a 90-minute documentary. but i feel like, you know, we all have to make a commitment to say we're going to spend a little more time or a little more thought or focus a little more because we have to do it. it's part of the responsibility of being a parent. >> we're going to die, die younger every generation if we don't. the government and food industry needs to be more honest and make what's healthy. "fed up" is in theaters today. go see it. katie couric, great work once again as always. >> thank you, mika. >> coming up, t.j. jakes, coming um on how to unleash your inborn drive. and later we'll look at the career of a remarkable woman. yes, that woman, emily brzezinski, my mother and her chain saw. how she thrived as a white house wife and raising three children. she's really good with the chain saw. >> now we get it! >> that was literally coming out of my mouth, i get it now. >> does it make sense now? ? i i'm stuttering right now. how she balanced her life as an artist and being a white house wife. >> how are your chain saw skills? >> she says there's no good chain saw that is blunt. >> verbal chain saw. >> exactly. >> what's the weather? >> let's talk about this wet forecast that continues. areas in new york city, as expected, as soon as it rains the airport delays, laguardia an hour and a half, 30 minutes in philadelphia. that should improve over the next couple hours. also, expect delays in the chicago area. light rain continuing over the region. further to the south the rain goes all the way down into areas of luouisiana. bottom line is we're kind of in a summertime weather pattern now, getting the daily storms. st. louis, little rock, memphis, dallas to houston. i don't think tornadoes will be a problem. how does the weekend forecast shape up? as i mentioned today, numerous downpours out there, a few severe. into saturday, i don't think too many people will get their day washed out but even up the eastern seaboard to new england. finally, your mother's day forecast, apologies to the colorado and denver area, you have a snowstorm coming on sunday. can you believe it, snow in the middle of may. sorry, mom. in dnc.c. it looks like this, kd of foggy this morning. you're watching "morning joe." we're moving our company to new york state. the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. [ male announcer ] see if your business qualifies. i got this. [thinking] is it that time? the son picks up the check? 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>> we do. we become so engrossed in what we're doing, we forget who we are. we haven't organically produced who we are authentically from the center being of your core. >> but don't we get it mixed up also in the day-to-day actions of our lives and what we're doing, to make money, to attain material satisfaction. you get caught up in the moment to moment. how do you separate that? >> so many of us are fliensed by what we need to do, we've never gotten what we're designed to do. reacting, mothers, fathers, sons, i need you to be there, jobs, i need you to be there. the most successful people are those who focus and finalize who they are and do what they were created to do and let everyone else adjust to that. >> so instinct. we think about what instinct is, what our gut tell us to do. you think about that as the opposite of rationality. you think is through and analyze it. do you think that dichotomy exists or is there someplace where instinct and rationality come together? >> after a lot of research, i've come to the conclusion that intelligence loads the gun and instinct pulls the trigger. we want to couple them together. we want the information, the data, the validation of our past temperature are education. ultimately if you are true to your core and instinctive, if you flow in that and invest in that and harness that. fi for instance, with children, we need to put them in an environment of who they are instinctively. >> what do you do with children when growing up that your instinct is somehow thwarted by danger. for instance, deion sanders was in here earlier. i asked him how old he was, what age he was when he first got used to the sound of gunshots. he said he was 8 years of age. his instinct was to stay away from the people he knew sold drugs or what not and yet there was a danger in staying away from them because they want you, they want to co opt you. what do you tell younger people how to combat those two things. you follow your instinct but there's going to be danger here but you got to learn how to get around it? >> the whole center of my book was centered around the safari that i went on in south africa and what you're talking about is surviving in a jungle. when you look at deion sanders, he used to tell me a story about how he used to run because he was afraid of the cemetery and when he got to the cemetery, he would start running and that's where his career began. instinctively he was a runner before we even knew who he was. and that same degree of athleticism has brought him before us to recognition. so many people are trying to produce in life what they are not organically and intrinsically endowed with. we're imitators, we're spectators, we're copies. but when you do what is intensely within you, you're profitable. one of the things we must teach our children is to be honest at your core to be who you are, not necessarily to seek the money but seek fulfillment. if you seek fulfilfulfillment, will be successful in life. >> i have two teen-age daughters. it's very hard. i don't deny struggling teaching my daughters everything they need to know and finding their own way sometimes. i want to ask about yours. she became a mother at a very young age. >> absolutely. >> and sheep has her own book now. she's had certain detours in life. she doing well today. >> absolutely. i don't know how i handled it, i survived it. what you implanted in the early years, it disappears in the teen-age years. >> it does, it does. >> but because it is in there, it comes back to them. i thought, oh, my god, is this ever going to happen? i thought i can't take it anymore. a lot of parents are feeling that way, too. trust what you put in them. even though they deviate from it, they come back to it. >> i need to hear that. can you say that again? it will come back? >> i've raised five children, they're all grown, my wife and i survived, we're all happy. the bible says something funny, raise up a child in the way that he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it. didn't say anything about the middle. trust their instincts, put values in them and watch them. we as parents want to control everything. observe. >> they call me a control freak. they do. >> what did you say, accurate? >> your children are good journalists. >> the book is "good instincts, the power to unleash your inner drive." >> thank you. >> keep it right here on "morning joe." when folks think about what they get from alaska, they think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. when salesman alan ames books his room at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can check in and power up before his big meeting. and when alan gets all powered up, ya know what happens? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! he's a selling machine! put it there. and there, and there, and there. la quinta inns & suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only a! la quinta! ♪ make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrées crafted with care and designed to delight. fancy feast. love served daily. man: we know when parents and teachers work together... woman: our schools get stronger. man: as superintendent of public education, that's been tom torlakson's approach. woman: torlakson has supported legislation to guarantee spending decisions about our education tax dollars are made by parents, teachers and the local community... and not by sacramento politicians. and we need to keep that legislation on track. man: so tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for local control of school funding decisions. joining us now, editor and chief of "parade," maggie murphy. it's their mothers issue of course. and they're revealing a new poll here exclusively on "morning joe," mother knows best. tell us about the poll. >> the poll is walmart mom's research project. republican and democrats. taking the swing voter that john will know well and trying to figure out walmart mom, children under the age of 18 at home and basically shopped at walmart once a month, what are they thinking, how are they doing. right now they're saying 58% still feeling the effects of the recession. >> and they are the ones who spend the money. 35% say not having enough money, making sure their kids get what they need is the top stressor as a parent. and 58% say they're living on the financial edge or making it but worried what the next day will bring. that's our country. >> and here's the thing. the poll itself is a thousand women. we interviewed over 35, we focused on six in the issue. terrific women, great spirit, great can-do attitude but they are still in the midst of this. they have this country on their backs. >> something a mother is supposed to be is optimistic and they are, for the most part. you have 60% feel somewhat very optimistic about their family's personal economy. 65% feel they are likely to achieve the american dream. >> i like that number. that's in direct contradiction to the last poll we had where 63% believed the country was on the wrong track. and 65% of the moms polled feel they're very likely to achieve the american dream. >> i think they're personally optimistic because when you're down this low, there's nowhere to go but up. that's their sort of bedrock foundation. >> you hear their stories but these numbers and questions are good. moms with close-knit families. >> go ahead, read it. go in order. >> 19% live with grown children, 22 live with parents, inlaws or another relative, 78% eat dinner together with their kids most nights. >> 38% consider themselves to be better moms than their on mothers. >> i'm in the remaining. >> do you think that's a high number or a low number? >> i think that's -- that was an interesting number. i really -- i don't know. i think a lot of them feel their moms made some mistakes and they're trying to correct those mistakes and i think there may be some tension. but 80% think it's harder to me a mom today than it was then. >> i think that's a really convoluted issue. i think mothers and daughters and their relationships are so dynamic and intermixed with different, strong feelings. >> don't leave out the sons there, mika. >> it's very hard to judge yourself. >> and women are hard on themselves. >> but we're hard on our mothers. >> we're hard on our mothers. i think the interesting this evening about the entire group, in some ways to mika's points, they understand their value in their family and they understand their need to keep a sun is shining view, even if the world around them is basically giving them every message the other way. >> yeah, you're going to make it. >> you have to do that. >> okay, regrets. >> that's my favorite. >> 33% wish they chose a different spouse. 49% wish they listened more to their parents and 61% -- i think women should listen to this one -- wish they had gotten a higher education degree. >> i'd be interested to know the first question, if thwished the chosen a different spouse, i wonder if you add the word "occasionally." >> and amy burke talks about having not made some great decisions but she's moving forward and she's going back to school and she's really amazing and she's going to need to learn how to ask for a raise. >> we put a blurb, the know your value conference on may 16th. we're going to have such a great group there, gayle king is the keynote. someone is going to win 10 grand right then and there. >> but not you and i. >> not i. >> the mother's day issue of "parade" is out. up next, speaking of mothers, i want to share the story of mine, emily brzezinski, daughter, wife, mother, sculptor. all next on "morning joe." ♪ you're out of luck and the reason that you had to care ♪ can you start tomorrow? 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(gnome) go and smell the roses. welcome back to "morning joe." emily brzezinski, my mother, is an accomplished artist known for her monumental wood sculptures. she has searched the globe for failed trees and breathe news lives into their hollowed knots and cracks. and at 83 years old, she still use as chain saw, an ax and chisel to create her master pieces. ♪ >> emily brzezinski was certainly not like any of the other moms i knew, not even close. >> do you remember us being very embarrassed by you? >> all the time you were embarrassed by me. i think it's very difficult for children to grow up with an artist mother. they really did -- for instance, mark really wanted me in high heels, otherwise i'm not a mother. >> how do you differentiate between playing the role of a wife and a mother and an artist and is there a difference or a priority when it comes to the identity of you as a person? >> well, for me i do what's in front of me, what is most important. i prioritize and usually everything works out just fine. >> really? really? did we ever compete with your desire to do your art? >> no. >> really? >> somehow things don't get into each other's way. >> what about dad? >> that's a different problem. >> that problem was managing the role of a white house wife since my father sfrd as national security visor under president carter. while he didn't always make it easy, he knew he had married an artist, who had then become an artist and mother and she would never leave who are trees behind. >> she always had other things to do. she persisted and she's been very creative. >> he helps, too. for me he's the common man. i ask him what is coming across in this vision? he tells me. sometimes i don't like it but i appreciate it. >> my mom may be her toughest critic. >> i can't say i'm proud of my work. i like some of it mother than the others. i like this lazarus. for me this is an appealing figure. >> she's so passionate about her work she spends most of her time across that kitchen from her home in mclean, virginia into that studio for 40 years. >> i was working in large size and it was too awkward for me to work on these big pieces. >> what drives you to work in that studio? >> first of all what drives me is an idea, a dream. and i just love to be in the studio. i law the sawdust and the smells that come from the wood. it's something which is really very pleasurable. this is a very instinctive process. i don't think too much when i'm cutting. i just go at it. and whatever shape presents itself, i just do what is needed. not much rational thought goes into it. it's exhilarating. yes. actually, when i get going on the work and the work is going well, i do get exhilarated and i enjoy it and it leaves me feeling i guess the word would be a little high. >> while she may consider herself a wife and a mother, it is the artist that brings her to life. >> all the lines and all the striations and the deep cuts were done at the last minute in a very kind of emotional effort. i'm very happy with this sculpture. >> her newest piece entitled "lament" debuted at the huffington conference. >> it's a very powerful statement. >> i think you like standing under the arches and it frames you. >> that's my ego. >> my mother's sculptures line the landscapes of cities around the world. >> i have to tell you that all my life -- i can't say in the beginning i got this. i can't say when she was like climbing trees on my school property i fully understood the scope of this, but as i've become a wife and a mother myself and i saw how she defied, quite frankly, she defied gravity to bible to find her way to thrive, i can't be more impressed with any other person on the face of this earth than my mother, emily brzezinski. >> thank you. >> with what are you trying to do to me? my mother's book "the lure of the forest" is out this month and it's beautiful. it's absolutely stunning. this weekend my mother will be involved in a -- an event discussing art and politics. we'll have more information on those events as they get closer. again "the lure of the forest" and alice and skutro, thank you so much. the week in review. we'll be right back. the numbers are impressive. over 400,000 new private sector jobs... making new york state number two in the nation in new private sector job creation... with 10 regional development strategies to fit your business needs. and now it's even better because they've introduced startup new york... with the state creating dozens of tax-free zones where businesses pay no taxes for ten years. become the next business to discover the new new york. 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[ alert rings ] right across the streets, the sidewalks were packed with football fans with the draft across the street. we sent our writer out to get information about the draft. the only thing is they had to dance the entire they answered. we call it questions & danswers. >> i think really we should draft offensive line. and if offensive line doesn't work, we should go middle linebacker. >> i think this year they'll be comfortable with 12 picks. >> maybe we could get a quarterback. we haven't drafted one in the first round since like 1985. >> time now to talk about what we learned today. john? >> i learned that deion sanders is even more charismatic and compelling in person than he is on tv. >> maggie murphy? >> now i take chain saw lessons from your mother. can you make that happen? >> i suggest you don't do that. >> mike? >> i learned deion sanders is more charismatic. and i learned 78% of the moms polled had dinner with their children and family nearly of night. i was stunned. >> that's great. we just have to work on what they're serving. >> that's it for us. have a great weekend, everyone. i never mess with a woman with a chain saw. i learned that when i was think 8. we'll see you all in new canaan. join us at 4:00 to me my mom if you have the guts. look, i'm stuttering, i'm stuttering. if it's way too early, what time is it? >> ordinarily it's time for "morning joe" but right now it's time for "the daily rundown" with chuck todd. take it away. >> the mayhem has only just become. north carolina is off and running, arkansas, kentucky and georgia are about to put their primaries in the past. but which current colleagues are causing the most concern for the majority leader? we have more from my harry reid interview. and as the outcry over the v.a. hospital horror stories continue and the alleged coverups grow louder on capitol hill, an unusual move to acquire e-mails from a cabinet secretary before he testifies. >> plus, ahead of mother's day, we have a fun new poll question for you. about the feelings on the self-proclaimed mom in chiefs and her immediate predecessors. it might surprise you who the country most admires and where in the country lives depends on who you admire.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW On The Record With Greta Van Susteren 20140729 23:00:00

report," fair, balanced and unafraid. greta goes "on the record" right now. tomorrow the israeli ambassador to the u.s. right here on "special report." this is a fox news alert. multiple capitol hill sources confirming that the vote tomorrow to allow john boehner to sue president obama. republicans accusing president obama of abusing his executive power with unilateral decision to delay the obamacare employer mandate. while the planned lawsuit is limited to the president's action on obama care. republican is outraged about the threats using pen and phone to bypass congress to take action on his own. only hours away from the vote. house republicans getting ready to take action. karl rove joins us. good evening, karl. >> good evening. karl, is this something you would advise the house republicans to vote for? yes this is not the end all be all. constitutional way to try to get clarity on what many feel is improper use of executive power. president obama has unilaterally decided not to impose the so-called employer mandate contained in the affordable care act nor to have the tax that goes along with it i have read the affordable care act. there is no language the president has the latitude to employer mandate and when that tax begins to be collected. yet the president has. why? because he doesn't want it to fall -- it would be enforced now and cause people to lose their coverage and create a great deal of consternation he wants that to happen after the election and not before the election. that's not a good enough reason for the president to violate a law, take a part of the law that was passed by the house and passed by the senate and that he signed into law and say i'm not going to enforce that law. there is no such privilege to a president under the constitution. the lawsuit as we understand is narrowly written as to obama care. there has been a complaint from the republicans that this is not the president's only time where he has been rather expansive with executive orders, likewise other presidents have done executive orders your boss as well and presidents for decades have. >> right. well, look, this is an executive action that doesn't even take place -- he didn't even issue an executive order. he had the treasury department say they were using authority under the internal revenue service code that gave them authority to help with the transition to changes in rules. they are using that as the authority that they are using not to impose the employer mandate in the affordable care act there is a con stand tension between the executive branch and legislative branch. in this instance the legislative branch is arguing in the house lawsuit that powers as the legislative body in section 1 article 1 of the constitution. so-called vestment section that those powers to be the legislative body are being valted by the president when he takes a law and blatantly ignores it and implementation of that law enforcement the supreme court has held this year that the president has overstepped its bounds did. so when they claimed that he got to decide when congress was out of session and he could make recess appointments on a 9-odecision they slapped him back. my suspicion is that this is going to be a very seriously heard and very seriously considered case. so clear that the president has taken a unilateral action that is not contemplated in the law. >> let me ask you about the impeachment that we have heard that's been discussed a a little bit by some in the past week turns out it looks like it's a great fundraiser for the democratic party. >> you have to take your hat off to the cynic in chief who sits in the oval office of the white house. the president of the united states is cynically suggesting a constitutional crisis in order to fatten the bank accounts of democratic fundraising groups and in order to try and energize democratic turnout for the fall elections. the speaker of the house has said we will not -- we will not consider or take up this issue. there is no serious republican leader who stepped forward and said here is the bill of particulars that justifies his extreme action. yet, the president of the united states sends out his press secretary last week to stir the waters and suggest this is real. how cynic kel, how pa theted thick, this man is playing with the american people by suggesting a constitutional crisis where none exists. shame on him and the people in the administration who participate with him. shame on conservatives and republicans who help him along. the president wants nothing more than congressman yoho of florida to step forward and say we must do it. he wants nothing more than republican and conservative leaders to step forward and say we agree. we ought to try and impeach him. that's what the president's. just like he wanted people to step forward on the birther issue because he knew it undermind the credibility of republicans and conservatives and served his, president obama's purposes. >> karl, as always, thank you, sir. >> thank you, greta. this is a fox news alert. it is escalating. israel bombarding gaza with air strikes hitting hamas control including a power plant and siren wailing across israel as hamas launches response. and with more rocket attacks. fox news correspondent conor powell live in gaza city with the latest. conor? >> well, greta, israeli officials have warned in recent days that they were going to escalate. this comes after failed truce negotiations over the weekend. we have seen both the pace and intensity of israeli air strikes and artillery increase in recent days. we are hearing many more planes flying overhead and we have seen them target some new spots across gaza, including hamas house owned by senior leader and also this power plant that was hit yesterday as well. what we have seen really across all of gaza is an intensive campaign by the israeli military. now the military is also working on the -- there are a lot of cross border tunnels. the israeli military says they have destroyed about 60% of them. they think they will finish up the ones they have discovered in the next three days or so. the real big question though is what happens next? hamas is announcing today that they will not back down until the blockade is lifted around gaza, that they will not stop fighting. israeli officials have even said that this is the chance, this is the chance to push the fight to essentially go after hamas to finish them once and for all. but in order to do that, israel is going to have to expand its military operation here in gaza from the areas they already control. that raises the possibility of even more blood shed, a much longer protracted violence conflict here it really does cause problems for both sides, but most of all for the civilians here already more than 1100 civilians have been killed. most of those, greta, women and children. the danger here, of course, is that we're going to see extended violence here. we are already into week four which, for israeli, hamas conflict is very very long. >> conor, thank you. >> and today president obama refusing a chance to defend his secretary of state as secretary john kerry cease-fire talks crumble. >> what do you think about israel's attempt to discredit secretary kerry? >> you can answer that one. did secretary kerry mess this up? and joining us political panel national journal ron fournier, nina easton and "the weekly standard's" john mccormick. ron, the president didn't want to answer that question about secretary kerry. secretary kerry getting hammered in the "the washington post" op-ed page today. >> that was a damned if you do, damned if you don't question. if the president did defend kerry, he would be undermining our ally israel and he didn't speak up so, therefore, sending kerry out to drive. agree with ignatius dlawm they want to bring the president into it. rushed him into it. can you understand why they want to bring end to this violence. way embolden the hamas and turkey and qatar. it hasn't made the situation any better it might have made it worse. >> nina, it seems like an impossible situation. the president secretary of state have been trying to do this forever. what seems to be profoundly different here and criticism is that secretary kerry by the manner in which he has gone forward, he has now given much more status to hamas. >> yeah, of course though what you don't want to do if you are a top american diplomat, top american officials is to suggest that there is a moral equivalency between israel, which is is a democracy and our ally in the middle east. and hamas, which is a terrorist group, which uses women and children as human shields for an armaments that they are building up and tunnel system they are building up, specifically to attack israel. so what you don't want to do is go down that path. that's what john kerry did. unfortunately, this past weekend, when he turned to hamas supporters, qatar and turkey, and asked for their input on a cease-fire agreement, and, thereby, pretty much turning his back or was perceived as turning his back on our allies like jordan, like saudi arabia and egypt, which is actually a hamas, you know, enemy and is trying to broker a deal that would disharm hamas. that's where he got in trouble this weekend. he has been derided in the israeli press as everything from inept to betraying israel. so they are already in a very difficult situation when it comes to israel. i'm not surprised the president didn't answer that question today. >> john, can he back out of this problem? this is an impossible situation dealing with this. but now, unfortunately, this hamas empowerment by giving him more recognition, is there a way to back out of this? >> i don't think can he undo the damage that he has done. i don't think the president has given any indication that he necessarily opposed what john kerry did. this administration has always put ending wars as something more important than winning wars. that's what happened in iraq where they cared more about getting all the troops out rather than securing the gains that were made. preventing a terrorist takeover of the country. happening in afghanistan right now. and the administration also seems to care more about avoir diring war with iran than keeping iran nuclear weapon. care more about ending wars even if it puts news a dangerous pose position. israel came back and said hey, there is no way that peace can actually happen as long as hamas terrorist tunnels are still intact. rocket kachs are well stocked. i don't see any indication that the president opposes this. >> panel, thank you. sorry it's so short. so much to talk tonight. sorry. post columnist slamming president obama accusing him of abandoning israel. he goes further calling secretary of state john kerry as just noted inept. columnist joins us. good evening, sir. >> good evening. >> let me start first with your head lynn on your column that says obama, meaning president obama is abandoning israel. why do you say that sir? >> i say that because we feel that we would have expected the president of the united states to stand by an ally and not create a situation in which hamas gets a feeling that the united states will somehow rather get them out of trouble. if he would have stood forward, instead of -- he went through the ritual of stating that he understands our need to defend ourselves but then came down very hard on our efforts to defend ourselves and to move into any kind of military activity and now he has been putting enormous pressure on us and calling for unilateral cease-fire. we have accepted a series of unilateral cease-fires. but this unilateral cease-fire, if it suggests that it's going to be based on no change in the present system is, to my mind a betrayal, i think one has to understand we are not two entities facing one another. the state of israel is a democratic country and we are facing a group of people who are dominating a small area but they are effectively the worst terrorist one can imagine. they are sending thousands of rockets on our civilians, they are sending people in to kill women and children. >> lead me ask you about your comments also about secretary kerry. in your article you say the uninvited presence of kerry. meaning our secretary, who many israelis now regard as unguided missile and has been making off the cuff sarcastic avoid palestinian casualties only encourage hamas to main taint missile attack. almost like you are saying he is on the other side and is he deliberately, the way i read this is that you think he is deliberately trying to hurt israel. >> well, if he is deliberately doing it or not deliberately doing it, i don't know. is he certainly hurting us because i agree that there is a tremendous human tragedy involved in the casualties. one has to understand that we are defending our own people and it has to be put in the context. a context in which unilateral -- in which it's unique. you have never had a situation where a win-win situation for our enemies is kill as many israelis as possible. if that doesn't work, kill as many of our own and we will use it for propaganda. that into context. it has to be put into context. they are being used as human shields, these people. the command post, the rocket launchers, they are all in the center of civilian activity and why what are we supposed to do? i just wonder what the united states would do if cuba started reigning a couple thousand missiles upon them and sending terrorists into the united states, how they would respond. and if there is way of responding in which we could respond with less imawcialts, let us know, because i believe that this israeli army has behaved in a manner unprecedented in the history of warfare. no one has taken as many steps as we have taken to try to minimize warfare. we have the fire power if we wanted to, to take the whole country out and we are doing our best to minimize it unfortunately, there are tragedies, and they should be pointed towards hamas, who are responsible. not towards us. >> mr. lieber, thank you very much for joining us, sir. >> my pleasure. let's all go off-the-record for a minute. how weak, at least they could step up and vote. i'm talking about our friends in europe and that midnight vote at the u.n. by its human rights counsel. it was a vote on a heavily unone sided resolution condemning israel in actions against hamas. it said zero about hamas doing anything wrong whatsoever like using civilians as human shields. only one nation voted against it, we did. the united states and good for us. the united states stepped up and voted against condemning israel. we don't forget our friends what is disturbing is the weak and cowardly members not voting instead abstaining sticking their hands in the sand. nine european countries did that. france, ireland, great britain, germany. these countries didn't have the vote to vote and courage to vote no to condemning israel. they hide. says a lot about our country, don't you think? that's my off-the-record comment tonight. developing now, more than 100 border patrol agents are headed to our southern border. a live report from the crisis zone next. also the deadly ebola virus is spreading to american aid workers in lie beer i don't already stricken. can we stop this deadly virus from reaching the u.s.? the latest is coming up. new controversy from the nfl suspension of ray rice of the ravens, one tv host how facing his own suspension and another tv host making show stopping comments. you will hear it all coming up. defiance never grows old. citracal maximum. easily absorbed calcium plus d. beauty is bone deep. ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ don't miss a beat... ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ could help your business didavoid hours of delaynd test caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. go to checkyourspeed if we can't offer faster speeds - or save you money - we'll give you $150. comcast business. built for business. this is a fox news alert. right now 150 more border patrol agents are heading to the south texas border. they are being sent there to deal with the rush of child immigrants. this will double the number of border agents already on the ground. for the very latest we go to k fox reporter josh zuber live at the border. josh? >> yes yes, u.s. border patrol officials tell us 150 more border patrol agents will be sent there to the south texas border. that's in the rio grande valley there as i mentioned on your show before. that's about 12 hours away here from el paso. some of the border patrol agents will in fact be coming from our sector here. their tour of duty will be about 30 to 45 days here. while that won't be costing taxpayers overtime, it will be costing them per diem. we are talking about staying in hotels down there in the south texas border as well as getting meals paid for. >> where are these border agents coming from? they being pulled off other areas? >> he they are being pulled off of areas like el paso as i mentioned as well as throughout all of their sectors here and again they are not going to be getting any overtime which is the good news, they are going to be getting per diem here. they are going to be doing things just like helping, in fact, the south texas border here their agency operations here because they are being so overwhelmed by the amount of central american immigrants here talking about doing the regular border patrols. not just people and manpower costing taxpayers money. it's equipment as well such as boats being sent from the del rio valley area. why only have 10 seconds left but reallocation of resources from one area to the other with added expense like the per diem and maybe some equipment movement, right? absolutely correct and about 30 to 45 days. i asked officials if they planned on having more tours of duty here adding additional people to this operation they said it's not sure they are not clear yet all right, josh. thank you. oklahoma governor mary fallon is fed up. she just wrote a letter directly to president obama demanding that he end the secrecy surrounding the detention of immigrant children in states like her own. and governor fallon joins us. good evening, governor. >> hi, greta. governor what's with the secrecy? what isn't the president 'telling you. >> we just want straightforward answer for the governors of our state. we want to know what the president's end game is and what's he planning on doing? get us the facts and information on secrecy that some of our states were facing. we were told originally that we would have migrant children and youth who would stay in oklahoma about 120 days until october 10th. but we hear through back channels that it could be extended longer than that we have asked where are the children from we're told it's a privacy issue we can't know. we have been asked where are the children going once they leaf oklahoma, we know there has been about 212 teenagers have been released into oklahoma. we don't know where. we don't know if they have been released to legal people or illegal people. we are asking the president to be forth right. give us the information. we have a right to know as citizens of the state of oklahoma. we know it's going to cost us some money in our state even though they say it's not going to cost us some money. i just sent is the president a letter saying tell us what the end game is. tell us what's going on. >> i should add that today governor pence of indiana sent a similar letter to the white house asking for information. i mean, why aren't you getting the information? i mean, the questions you are asking don't seem to be so -- it's not national security. i mean, why aren't they just giving you these answers? >> i think they just don't want us to know, frankly i think the president's policies on the border security has failed. it appears to me that he is for open border. it appears to me that he is for amnesty and, of course, we know that once these children or youth are released into our state, or into any other state, more than likely they are probably not going to show up for a hearing with immigrant attorneys themselves. and so, you know, we know they are going to be in oklahoma. we just want some answers to some questions because it is going to have impact on our schools. it could have impact upon our healthcare facilities if they show up in our emergency rooms. and we just feel like we have a right to know those questions. >> all right. from what i understand you have -- there are more than 1200 of these children have been held at fort sill in oklahoma. what's the plan for them? >> well, that's part of what we don't know also. you know, one of the things i did do. and it was right after it first -- the children first placed at fort sill i wept down there about six weeks ago and took my health department director and toured the facilities because we certainly want to make sure that the children are being well taken care of and make sure they are receiving appropriate care and services. we felt very comfortable with that. but the questions that we have is, you know, where are these children from, where are they going? how much is it going to cost the state of oklahoma? and, just give us those answers. you know, i have been told that there have been some children who have come through oklahoma from india. reports through back channels that migrant children are coming from cuba, costa rica. not only coming from those three countries that we originally heard about. but we just don't know who is coming across our border. we know there are some adults that have been coming across our border. so, i also started online petition to to send to the president basically saying enforce our laws, no amnesty let's get our borders secured, basically. >> governor, thank you. i hope you get your answers soon from the white house. thank you, governor. >> thank you, i appreciate it. >> efforts to fire senate majority leader harry reid a #fire reid campaign is a full fledge protest. you will hear from people who want senate majority leader harry reid fired. that's next. thank ythank you for defendiyour sacrifice. and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. this is a fox news alert. giant water main break in los angeles. splitting l.a. water still gushing can you see big hole in the street and flooding one ucla athletic field and moving close to classrooms on campus. wow, look at that here in washington, the #fire reid campaign going straight to the capital states. the rnc holding a rally protesting what they call senator reid's failed leadership. >> i'm here to support republicans and to fire harry reid. >> i'm here to encourage everybody to vehicle republican this november and fire harry reid. >> the message is under harry reid obstructionists pass bills that have bipartisan support in the house. >> he has approximately how many bills? 300 bills that he has yet to pass on the senate floor. and 43 are jobs bills. that's pretty upy setting if you ask me. >> yeah. >> it doesn't take a rocket scientists to figure out why all these bills haven't been passed. the reason is there is one guy in the u.s. senate named harry reid who is not letting them come up for a vote. we want them up for a vote. >> one of the rally leaders representative marcia blackburn joins us nice to see you. >> good to see you. >> you are in the house and you are rallying to have the senate majority leader fired. >> absolutely. >> why? >> he needs to go because he will not do his job. there are 356 bills as of tonight that we have passed if the house. 98% of those are with bipartisan votes i don't understand. this so why not put the house bills on the floor and beat the republicans. just have them get beaten down, at least have a vote. he won't even -- he puts a pocket veto on these. won't even let them be considered. >> you are exactly right. he won't bring them up. 356. >> we keep saying why? what is he afraid of? >> you know, why won't he clean off his desk? why won't he do what other people do when they're getting ready to leave town or be away from their office for a while? clear it off o. put these things on the floor, call the vote. a 5 of them are bills that are authored by democrats. and he will not call the vote. >> why? >> i guess he is trying to protect the president. these are things that he does not want to have passed. greta. we have got energy bills. here is one. keystone pipeline, three page bill. three page bill. >> what i don't understand is that he put the republican house bill on the floor and obviously that one is controversial. but a lot that aren't quite that controversial and he can can win and that's the end of it instead he doesn't get to incident that to. >> exactly right. as if he is trying to protect his members that he is fearful that they don't have the ability to make a decision. that he doesn't want the american people to have their point of view >> what i don't understand is there was last week they appointed some man to a board who investigates international plane crashes. that's a result of flight 17 going down in ukraine. that had been pending, maybe not so long but since may. well, when they finally brought it up last week, that the plane came down, it was unanimous. i mean, nobody even objected to it. there are are things that he could put on the floor that everybody agrees on. >> right. well, 98% of our bills in the house have bipartisan support. and very few. >> yeah. but you call it bipartisan support if you find one democrat. >> two thirds have been unanimous or two thirds vote. so, look at it like that. we have many bills, suspension gone over on a voice vote. 178 of them. >> so. i that he has great passion about. and then i will see him -- i will watch video on the floor and i'm sure i'm getting selected video where he is complaining about the koch brothers. i have heard that over and over. give it a rest. argue about some the issues. i don't mind if he beats back the republicans. >> you are right. and if he wants to deal with the energy issues, the high prices, well, we have got 16 bills over there waiting on that. looking at taxes, we have seven bills that would rouse the tax burden on hard working taxpayers. we have got 31 bills that deal with government waste, waste, fraud, and abuse, which is one of my big issues, you know, the list goes on and on. red tape four more bills. >> like the number two senator dick durbin out of illinois he would want the job and people nil know might get frustrated. tell senator harry reid to step aside if he doesn't want to do the job. >> the american people are incredibly frustrated. do you know one of the number one things that we hear when we are out doing town halls is people will talk about the border situation, retirement issues, job security, national security, and they will say tell me what you are going to do about this. and, of course, we in the house have been taking these issues up. and moving them over to the senate. and they are just languishing on harry reid's desk. the thing is about to break because it's got so many bills ton. >> i don't get it. it on the floor and beating back the republicans. i don't see the pocket people consider it anyway. congressman, nice to see you. >> good to see you. >> see much more from the #fire reid protest including interview with ryan priebus on greta dangerous world health crisis ebola. hundreds of dying a miserable death, bleeding from their eyes, so ugly. news ebola striking two aids workers in africa. can ebola be stopped from reaching the u.s.? >> a case of ebola is only a plane ride away from coming to this country. >> it's one of the deadliest diseazs on this planet. >> the centers for disease control is closely monitoring what's become the largest ebola outbreak in history. >> the lancasterest ever. >> there is no cure for it the symptoms can be frustratingly vague, fever and headaches, vomiting, weakness and stomach pain. at the end kidney failure and then hemorrhage and death. >> two americans are fighting for their lives. >> the spread of a dangerous illness like ebola is no longer someone else's problem. >> and the "wall street journal" jason be bellini joins us. jason, is there a risk that this deadly virus is going to come here? >> hi, greta. is there a risk? , well, there is a risk because now, we have seen at least one person travel out of this infected area in west africa. who to nigeria. one of the real difficulties here is that you can be without symptoms for many weeks, caring this carrying virus. travel abroad and be symptomatic and present a danger. the top doctor we just learned died of this disease. this comes after liberia's top doctor died of this disease as well. >> all right. and there is incubation period of 2 to 21 days. but you are not contagious, as i understand, during that period. it's not until the person begins showing symptoms. so, at least that is a little helpful in identifying the problem or at least trying to contain it. >> right, it really requires direct contact. one of the reasons why it is spreading so quickly in this part of the world. there is a tradition of family members taking care of those with the disease directly. with that said, the cdc is saying keep an eye out, asking doctors to keep an eye out for americans who travel that part of the world. >> i will tell you i know some people. i know how strict they are and the fact that two of them have it. i know how careful they are shows how contagious this is if the two of them have it because they have the strictest of regiments, thank you. >> thank you. >> deep sadness gripping friends and family and co-workers of two americans just diagnosed with ebola. both measures have been helping to treat other stricken patients in liberia. one is is a doctor for samaritan's purse. the other a missionary. joining us from library beer i can't. the country director for samaritan's purse in monrovia, good evening, sir, can you tell me how your two members of is a mayor tan's purse, how are they doing? >> good evening, greta. yeah. dr. the other missionary is -- they are doing okay. considering the circumstances that they are facing. the likelihood of death with this very dangerous virus, we always heard 90%. we are hearing now 60% with this strain. is there any improvement in the two who have the symptoms? >> at this point, the -- we snare tan's purse are providing every possible care that we can for them and we keep hoping and praying for improvement at this point we see little improvement and then they go down a little bit. so we just, at this point, they are holding on and we keep praying that they have a full recovery. >> do you see this ebola spreading? i know that the liberia government is trying to contain it. closed many of the borders. do you have a sense that there is enough tension on this that it might be contained or still so many things that need to be done trying to contain this epidemic? >> this epidemic is unprecedented. it's now the largest ebola outbreak in the history. and i think the government of liberia is doing all they possibly can do. the truth remains that if there is not a very large international response to this, there be many more liberians that will suffer. >> any sort of wish list tonight in terms it of what could be done to contain it? because you are there on the ground. what do we need first? >> at this point, there is just incredible need for awareness and understanding of the disease. how it is spread. we -- there is desperate need for doctors and nurses. clinicians that have experience in hemorrhageic fever. there is is a need for supplies in order to protect your staff and follow protest the coals to clinically respond just takes a lot of supplies. there is just a number much resources that is needed international response is really what i believe is required at this point. >> ken, thank you, and, of course, snare tans is the web site where you can learn more about it and be kept up to date on the two samaritan purse people who have ebola. ken, thank you. and will russian president vladimir putin stop at nothing? the u.s. now officially accuse russia of violating a landmark arms control treaty. ambassador john bolton is here next.u'yi until your insurance company jacks up your rates. you freak out. what good is having insurance if you get punished for using it? 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i mean if they're violating this? >> well, the president was asked today is there a new cold war between the united states and russia? and he said no, this relates to a specific issue we have with them over ukraine. when he proposed additional sanctions. now, these sanctions and the entire obama administration policy on ukraine have not deterred the russians one iota from using military force to try and change borders in europe. they have already annexed the crimea. you add to the it the violation of the imf treaty and i would add near certain violations of the chemical weapons convention and other treaties. the actions that russia has taken in syria. opens the question whether the syrians adhered fully to their agreement on chemical weapons. iran nuclear weapons. the list goes on and on. it forms a pattern of russian behavior under putin that's very threatening to american interests. >> all right. we only have a short time left. the sanctions they have now been stiffened by the europeans and by us. does that mean anything in recent time? >> basically. no these are marginal increases in the sanction. they have been talked about for weeks. the russians have already tried to mitigate them. i don't think there is any evidence they are gonna slow putin down. in some respects these minimal sanctions are worse than no sanctions at all it reinforces putin's view can he do what he wants in ukraine. >> ambassador, thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> and nfl star ray rice from the ravens suspended and tv host. he is suspended. and now whoopi goldberg is jumping into the mix. you have to hear this now. giant water main break in los angeles raging out of control and now flooding ucla. keep it here on fox news. did you know a ten-second test could help your business avoid hours of delay caused by slow internet from the phone company? that's enough time to record a memo. idea for sales giveaway. return a call. sign a contract. pick a tie. take a break with mr. duck. practice up for the business trip. fly to florida. win an award. close a deal. hire an intern. and still have time to spare. go to checkyourspeed if we can't offer faster speeds - or save you money - we'll give you $150. comcast business. built for business. espn host stephen a. smith under fire for his comments about star ray rice domestic violence suspension will be taken off the air, espn announcing smith will not appear on tv or radio for the next week. troubled star last week smith was talking about the nfl's two game suspension of rice after knox rice knocked his then fiancee unconscious leading to domestic violence it arrest. smith seemed to imply that some women are to blame for domestic violence. >> in ray rice's case he probably deserves more than the two game suspension which we both acknowledge. at the same time, we also have to make sure that we learn as much as we can about elements of provocation. not that there is real provocation but the elements of provocation. you have got to make sure that you address it because what we have got to do is do what we can to try to prevent the situation from happening in any way. and i don't think that's broached enough. >> well, those comments sparking range across the web, smith's espn coworker tweeting i'm thinking about wearing a mini skirt this weekend i would hate to think what i would be asking for by doing. so even whoopi goldberg giving her view on "the view." >> do not live with this idea that the men have the chivalry thing still with them. don't assume that that is still in place. don't be surprised if you hit a man and he hits you back. you don't you hit somebody, they hit you pack. don't be surprised. if you make a choice as a woman 4-foot 3 and decide to hit a guy who is 6-foot tall and you are the last thing that he wants to deal with you that day. and he hits you back, you cannot be surprised. let's not hit anyone yesterday smith delivering this apology before his show. >> good morning. on friday, speaking right here on first take on the subject of domestic violence i made what can only amount to the most egregious of my career, i'm truly, truly sorry. particularly the victims of domestic abuse and female family members and loved ones i have disappointed and who know i know better. you all deserved a better profession and quite frankly a better man last friday sitting on this very set in this very chair. my heart filled apologies to each and every single one of you. >> so, what do you think about smith, rice, and the whole mess? tweet your thoughts to hash tag ray rice. coming up the massive search for a missing oregon mother. police say they have new leads. a live report is next. do not forget to watch hannity tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern. michael oren joins sean. that's tonight at 10:00 p.m. on hannity. an shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you could possibly imagine. say it with me -- everything. one more time, everything! and with that in mind... what's in your wallet? been all fun and games, here at the harrison household. and with that in mind... but one dark, stormy evening... she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her purina cat chow complete. it's great because it has the four cornerstones of nutrition. everything a cat needs for the first step to a healthy, happy life. purina cat chow complete. share your rescue story and join us in building better lives. one rescue at a time. weit's not justt we'd be fabuilding jobs here,. it's helping our community. siemens location here has just received a major order of wind turbines. it puts a huge smile on my face. cause i'm like, 'this is what we do.' the fact that iowa is leading the way in wind energy, i'm so proud, like, it's just amazing. but they have to use special care in keeping the denture clean. dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident is designed to clean dentures daily. its unique micro-clean formula kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains, cleaning in a better way than brushing with toothpaste. that's why i recommend using polident. 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[ male announcer ] polident. nexium®,is now available, without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. because the best moments in life aren't experienced from the sidelines. now there's nothing holding you back. this is nexium level protection™. the #1 prescribed acid-blocking brand. now without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™. this is a fox news alert. police tracking down new clues in a search for a missing oregon mother. the mother of two went down to run errands and vanished. ktpv portland reporter ben joins us. any luck looking for this woman? no luck whatsoever, greta. it still has been a very large community effort looking for this woman. in fact, another gathering will take place right behind me here. this is the hillside fellowship, a church that the family does not even belong to but that is opening its doors tonight so the community has a place to come together and to cope. meantime, another search, a community organized search will take place in about an hour from now tonight this after searches already took place this morning state parks nearby. people on facebook have been coordinating their efforts making lists of where they have searched and what their results have been so far. so we do understand that police have some new leads. they aren't saying exactly what they are. they did release a more specific time line of her whereabouts on thursday night. 5:45 she leaves her home in dundee. she drives will three miles to a community credit union in newburgh where i am right now. 6:10 she to the some gas and 6:25 they say her phone was either shut off or stopped working all together. we know that police have been arrested in surveillance photos. they do have a couple of her at a gas station filling up her green lexus suv. we they were reaching out to additional businesses hoping they would find more photos of her that could lead to a path of which way she was traveling. we also know they are looking at court records to cell phone records will leave them additional clues. >> ben, thank you. an thanks for being with us. see you tomorrow might right here at 7 p.m. eastern. go to and


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140507 10:00:00

time to home school. >> robert was -- said he should have been asked to stop talking and then escorted out. >> thanks to everyone who responded. "fox & friends" starts now. bye. good morning. it's wednesday, may 7. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. breaking election news overnight. big primary results with some races still undecided. what you need to know and how it could change the balance of power in washington. >> how exciting. guess who's back? monica lewinsky. that's her right there speaking out and setting the record straight. but whyç now? could this all be part to help hillary? we're going to report, and you decide. put on your beret, folks. >> m.v.p. tribute to his mom gets a standing ovation. >> you made us believe. you kept us off the streets, put clothes on our back, food on the table. you went to sleep hungry. you sacrificed for us. you're the real m.v.p.ç >> a speech that has everyone talking this morning. more than just the nba. finally good news to come out of the nba. mornings are better with friends. ♪ ♪ >> hi everybody. welcome to the telecast live from studio e here in the heart of midtown manhattan. it is the seventh day of may. ♪ >> that's right. it's a birthday. my son. happy birthday, son. >> is he the one with the car dealership? >> yeah. >> that is funny. whose birthday is it for real? >> pç -- it's brian kilmeade's birthday. >> i am officially 50. elisabeth, when you turn 30, you'll understand what it's like to turn 50. >> the phone keeps ringing. hello. who's there? >> hi. >> it's dawn kilmeade. >> i'm sure she's thrilled to be up this hour. she just made me breakfast at 2:30 and then goes back to sleep. >> you're on the phone with somebody else? >> yes, i am. >> hi,ç dad. >> hello, little brian. you're up 90 minutes early. i'm sure you're thrilled by that. this is brian's official last day of high school. he's up at 6:02 in the morning. >> the nerve of you to have a birthday -- >> it's always about me. >> happy birthday, brian. >> thank you very much. brian, you were studying spanish yesterday. how did it go? >> well, i have it today. >> i know. but it's for today. he went on to skate for a living. he dropped out of school. that's ice ka paid. i guess this is me and brian skating. >> dawn's in the picture there too, i see. >> that's back in the day. >> big family. >> that's elisabeth photo bombing because brian did fou go to the book party that we had. so there you go. >> there's the quirky cousin, me. >> dawn, you're up early. there you guys are, your family out at 1600 pennsylvania avenue. dawn and brian, what sort of plans do you have for the old man today? >> gosh. when he gets home, it's the usual running around. but then tonight we'll have some dinner plans with the family. >> did he make any birthday demands? >> no. brian's pretty easy when it comes to birthdays. noç birthday demands. but we're hoping to have a special family night. it's a big birthday. >> dawn, how long have we known each other? we have pictures from the 1970's. >> these are old, old pictures, some of them. we go way back, back to high school. >> for the folks who have forgotten, it was just a couple of weeks ago that brian and dawn celebrated jointly a birthday out near your home. >> right. i apologize for you having to get up this early. >> i'm up any way. >> good luck with the spanish test, brian, too. >> and then he can celebrate. thanks for getting up. i appreciate the birthday wishes. hope i get a chance to see you in the afternoon. >> happy birthday. we love you, brian. >> love you too. >> you can only shake katie andç kirsten so much before you go. grammar school, they have to be there at 9:30. why don't you just get there at noon? >> any way, happy birthday. >> thank you very much. >> and todd? we'd all like a deal. >> he'd like a hybrid this year. >> you know whose birthday it's not? heather nauert. >> brian, happy birthday to you. i do have news to bring you. you travel around the country and seeç political campaign ads all over the place right now and that begins our first story. while you were sleeping big developments in the political world that will affect mid term elections. let's start in north. republican tom tillis winning the nomination. he will face kay hagan. then to the state of ohio, house speaker john boehner defeating two tea party challengers in his bid for a 13th charm in congress. the u.s. is now joining the manhunt for the leader of a nigerian terror group behind the kidnapping of more than 270 young girls. the u.s. is sending military intelligence and law enforcement support to nigeria to assist in the hunting down of theç leader of boko haram and to help free the girls. this as we just learned that eight more girls have been kidnapped. last year the state department offered a $7 million reward for the warlords who have plans to sell those girls into slavery. an investigation is underway at this hour to try to figure out who is threatening republican congressman trey gowdy from south carolina. gowdy got e-mails after being tapped to lead a select committee to investigate an attack on benghazi. the e-mails threatened to hurt him if he goes forwardç with those hearings. those hearings certainly are going forward this morning. fox news just confirming that the 12-member panel will include seven republicans and five democrats. we'll keep watching this story carefully. oklahoma city thunder superstar kevin durant is now the nba's most valuable player. listen to this moving acceptance speech and his real shout out to his mom. >> you made us believe. you kept us off the streets, put clothes on our back, food on the table. when you didn't eat, you made sure we ate. you went to sleep hungry. you sacrificed for us. you're the real mvp. speech. those are your headlines. a perfect prelude to mother's day this sunday. don't forget. >> that's this sunday? i mean that's this sunday! >> of course you knew that. >> of course i knew it. thank you very much, heather. tomorrow "vanity fair" officially is going to be publishing, after ten years she's broken her silence. monica lewinsky. it will be on "vanity fair's" website tomorrow. "the new york post" has some ofç the excerpts. she writes it is time to burn the beret and burn the blue dress. >> in a preview she talks about being suicidal at times and wanting to reach out to somebody going through something of a similar fashion. she says this about how hillary called her a narcissistic loony tune. "yes, i get it hillary clinton wanted it on record that she was lashing out at her husband's mistress. she may have blamed her husband for being inappropriate but i find her impulse to lash out at me troubling." >> she thinks it's all about timing. she'sç saying it's a lot about timing, let's clear the decks to get ready for 2016. >> take a listen to this great debate. >> i don't think this is actually relevant as we go forward into 2016 because it has no bearing on the ability of hillary clinton to be a national leader and whether she can lead our nation. >> any time monica lewinsky is in the news, it does not help either of the clintons. it brings back all sorts of bad memories, you know, certainly of the president's bad behavior. >> i really wonder if this isn't an effort on the clintons' part to get that story out ofç the way. would "vanity fair" publish anything about monica lewinsky that hillary clinton didn't want in"vanity fair"? >> i haven't seen the whole article but from the excerpt i see, i don't think hillary looks great. she might be saying i've got to say something because i think i've turned a corner of my life. >> she is saying get it out now and america will chew on it for two years and by the time the campaign rolls around, yeah, we've already talked about that. what's curious is she's quite adamant, monica lewinsky stresses this was her, having sex with the president, was consensual. not like he forced her on it. she makes it very clear it was consensual. she says the only time sheç was abused was by his cronies, the people who scapegoated her. >> she does mention she does feel taken advantage of. so if this is indeed on the part of the clintons to get this out of the way, this could be the second time she has been used by the clintons in the white house. let us know what you think about this. who does it help? does it help monica? does it help hillary? does it not help either one? let us know on facebook. >> you should call barbara walters. she got the interview. >> i called her thisç morning. barbara, i know you're up. i spent a lot of time with her, so i'd be curious. >> coming up straight ahead. >> a new rule banning parents from spanking their children in certain areas when they misbehave. we'll tell you where that is. there is a new rule on the books. we're going to explain. >> protesters refuse to let condoleezza rice speak at rutgers university, but something big just came out of that. it's big. it's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ to truck guys, the truck is everything. and when you put them in charge of making an unbeatable truck... ... good things happen. this is the ram 1500. the 2014 motor trend truck of the year and first ever back-to-back champion. guts. glory. ram. ♪ why do results matter so much? it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. 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former secretary of state condoleezza rice decides to not be the commencement speaker at rutgers after a group of students and faculty protested her would-be appearance. but it turns out she is welcome somewhere else. texas tech wrote her a letter immediately saying this, quote, i want to let you know that you are more than welcome to speak at texas tech. if a university attempts to stop their free speech, it is the greatest suggestion for the market of free ideas. we salute you and your dedicated service. joining us is the texas tech university chancellor. chancellor, why was it important for you to write thqá letter? >> i think it's important in that we want to let people know we would love to have condoleezza rice. she's welcome at texas tech and the love of texas. this is a great role model for students. she grew up in the segregated south. she overcame a lot of things. she became provost at stanford, became secretary of state. i think she would be an excellent speaker. >> when you're looking at criteria of a speaker, you look for accomplishment. you don't necessarily need to agree with her policies? >> don't have to agree with their policies or their ideas. we want someone that's been highly successful in some area, and we've had all kinds of speakers. president obama's secretary of the navy, governor ray mabus did an outstanding job. we've had former secretary of state james baker. we've had scott pelly, one%of ym angle, one of our distinguished alums. he's with fox news. and ed whitaker, c.e.o. of at&t. >> does it disturb you when a group of students seemingly led by professors organize a push-back. what does it say about the university system? >> it's not good. here's what's happened. on the left, a lot of people are for free speech as long as they agree with it. they're notd3uju free speech -- they want to stifle it if they don't agree with it. we're in the idea of business. any time you try to stifle free speech, you're going against the liberty and justice and freedom that this kupt was built on -- this country was built on. >> aren't they exercising free speech by speaking out against her experience? >> there are ways they can do that. they can petition the administration and ask someone be allowed to speak at the next commencement that has ideas that are different from condoleezza rice. they could do that. they could show up in front of the building with placards. there are ways that one can do that. but you shouldn't be in a situation where they try to stifle it to keep them away or they threaten to make so much noise and yell that no one can hear the speaker. >> i want toç you hear condoleezza rice, what she posted on facebook. commencement should be a time of joyous celebration for graduates and their families. rutgers invitation for me to speak has become a distraction for the university at a special time. it is not because of the push back she has decideed to speak. it is because of this. universities have become so liberal they stifle people that don't necessarily agree with them. and a professor is so great,ç kids will start agreeing with that to get long. >> you've got to look at free speech any time something comes up. the key is there are those on the left that want to stifle free speech and they want to stop free speech for the people they disagree with. we're in the idea business. if there is anyone that should be in the idea business, it's universities. we should be stressing that we want all people of all persuasions to be able to speak out. and i think it's just -- it's bad. it's happened throughout the country. and some places a person would get up to speak and the students would yell them down so they couldn't speak. there's a lack of civility in that and there's also an element in that that's against free speech of thoseç that they disagree with. >> not at texas tech and that's why you're here this morning. chancellor, condoleezza rice's office got your letter. they thank you and they'll consider it. thanks for talking about it today on this very special time for not only the chancellor, the professor and students in may. kent hance, thanks so much. coming up straight ahead, kids, take a book, any book as long as it's not that bible thing. one kid in serious trouble in his school for reading about religion in class.ñi lawmakers wanting to bring -- let me try that again. she won't talk, but lawmakers want to bring lois lerner back to capitol hill. is this just a waste of your money or can we expect a change of heart? we'll discuss it. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrées crafted with care and designed to delight. fancy feast. love served daily. music♪ go watch your kid catch her first fish. go jump in a lake. go to bass pro shops for great deals on great gear. like ladies gathered v-neck ts and drawstring shorts starting under $10 each. iwas thathe biggest vit gave confidence to buy my very first car... and to walk out of that dealership... and know that i got a good deal. save time, save money, and never overpay. visit welcome back. some quick headlines for you. he served no jail time for his crime but now the family of the so-called affluenza team has to pay up, a $3 million settlement with one of his victims families. that teen was left paralyzed after couch crashed his truck while driving drunk. four others were killed. should the stow away teenager be criminally charged. this video shows the moment a 15-year-old climbed out of the wheel well of a 767, shopping down on to the tarmac. no oneç knows how he survived the five-hour flight where temperatures dropped well below 80 degrees. he has been placed with child services. >> i think that is 80 degrees below zero. a fifth grader admonishes a fifth grader for reading the bible. listen to the message to his parents. >> he has religious books in the classroom. he's not permitted to read those books in my classroom. >> joining us is fifth grader giovani rubeo along with his dad paul. >> i understand,ç paul, in april -- let me back up. giovani, you got the bible as a gift from your church around christmastime? >> yes. >> why did you decide you wanted to read the bible during your free time? >> i love reading the bibl'm ald it. >> apparently the school had given you some trouble in the past. paul, you went in to the principal, talked to the principal, i believe in april, is that right, and got a letter that said he can read it during free time? >> i had spoke to them numerous times. in march they told him to put it away a coupleç of times, and he came home and said dad, they're telling me to put away my bible and i told him they can't do that. >> a couple of days ago, giovani, your teacher says you've got to put that away and you don't. then what did you ask her to do? >> i asked her to call my father. >> and she called your dad and said that you couldn't -- that -- go ahead. why do you think she said you had to put your bible away? >> because she didn't want me reading it. >> paul, why is it that teacher didn't want your son reading his bible during free reading time? >> that, i can't answer. it seemed they were very hostile about the whole thing. i found that the voice message kind of speaks for itself.j4(p&c@ >> well, it does. i understand none of the other students were queried what they were reading at the time. so let's bring in the attorney right now, jeremy dice. jeremy, what's going on here? why do you think the school's got a problem with the bible? >> it's a hard question to answer. but what we do know is that students across america are permitted to read their bible while they're at school especially during free time in free reading periods like this. the bible is not contra band and shouldn't be treated as such. for a teacher to single out a student during free reading time is an egregious violatiof nf the constitution. >> absolutely. we've got a statement from the school board. they say broward county public schools respects and upholds the rights of students to bring personal religious materials to school, including the bible, and to read these before school, after school or during any free reading time during the school day. giovani, one of the things is, i read in the local news stories down there in florida that apparently the school said that that was not a free reading time. you were supposed to be reading some other assigned book. is that right? >> no. that's not right at all. >> it was definitely free reading. paul, you had received word that during free reading time it would be okay for your son to read his bible? >> yes, i have received that. >> okay. so what do you want from the school? >> right now all we want is a written apology. if you made a mistake, be diligent enoughç to admit it, and everybody can move on and just allow my son and all the children in the entire school district to have that freedom to read their bible if they choose to do so during free reading time. >> jeremy, that's fair; right? >> i would think so. for the largest school district in the united states to be able to walk across the street and say we're sorry our teacher tried to remove the bible during a free reading period, i don't think that's a tall order to ask. students in america are permitted to read their bible while they're at school. >> giovani is no longer in that teacher's classroom. he has been moved toç another one as he concludes the year. >> giovani, paul, jeremy, thank you for joining us. what do you think about that? why did that particular teacher crack down on that particular book, the bible? go ahead and send us an e-mail, you can facebook us or tweet us. next up on the rundown, he oversaw the agency accused of leaving our veterans to die on a secret waiting list. should the head of the v.a. step down? not so fast. the white house has a different idea. they want to keep him. parents, how do you punish your children when they're misbehaving? now there is a school on the books in at least one place that says you don't get to decide. first happy birthday to lone survivor actor alexander. he is 22. >>ç i'm a fighter. i'm a navy seal diver. i ys say be thman with the plan but with less ergy, moodiness, i had to do something. i saw mdoctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the onlynderarm low t treaent that can restore t vels to normal in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger than 18 or men with prostate or breast cancer. women, especlly those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoidt where axirons applied as unexpected signs of puberty in children or changes in body hair or incased acne in women may occur. report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctorbout all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased sk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs. common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, common side effects include skin redness headache, diarrhea, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. 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[laughter] >> it's your shot of the morning. these three hot dogs told to wait for their treat. and then they're finally given the go ahead. the smallest one makes off with everybody's food. >> that's how it goes in my house. >> you know what? i thought in the dog world you don't want to cross a pit bull. i'm like, okay, buddy, i'll let you get about five feet and then i'm coming after you. >> got to be fast. >> to the littleç guy, just another dog. >> that's the mind set? >> somebody else with a flea collar. >> i don't know in the dog world how they punish each other but a lot of people throughout time have decideed to discipline their children by spanking. in kansas city, in one hospital in particular, spanking is no go. the point is they actually have a plan if they catch you spanking and it leaves a mark. >> they have pamphlets and banner. the no-hit zone at children's mercy hospital.ç a policy that says you cannot use any sort of spanking. if they see it happening, they will bring in a representative from child services to deal with it, giving alternatives such as bubbles and coloring to make the situation simmer. >> it's not even a ban on spanking. it's a ban on any sort of, let's see, hitting of any kind. and the goal of the hospital is if they see something escalating they're going to try to defuse it because they don't want it to lead anything else. if a staff member sees something escalating, get the kid a coloring book or bubbles. if somebody gives their kid a spafrpg or something like -- a spank or something like that, sounds like they're going to call in a social worker. a lot of people say we're not spankers. there are a lot of people in this world who discipline theirç children with a spank. >> they don't define it as hitting. here they blend the two together. they say no hitting. they're bringing them in together in terms of discipline. on one hand, anybody who has had a kid in the hospital understands it is a stressful time. it is the point where you feel the least amount of control over a situation. for one more access to the ability to control a situation in your family is hard for those parents out there right now and have that taken away. but if things are escalated, it could get tense in a hospital. >> so this kansas city,ç missouri, mercy hospital says we looked at these studies and it said you basically raise bullies if you start spanking kids. are they taking the parent out of parenting? are they going to a place they don't belong? or is this hospital doing something that is necessary on behalf of what they think for the child? >> are they trying to create peace or trying to take your rights away? >> sure. some families do spank. if you've got somebody in the hospital and suddenly you've got to deal with the social worker because you gave your kid a whack on the butt, that doesn't make it any easier. >> they say if it leaves a mark. they're not going to decide if it's over the line unless it leaves a mark. >> they're going to be looking at this. is it a distraction to the overall health and well-being to kids in the hospital? let us know what you think. facebook or twitter. >> it is 24 minutes before the top of theç hour. heather nauert. >> speaking of spanking, there may be a little bit of a political spanking in washington. the house of representatives now inching closer to charging former i.r.s. official lois lerner with contempt. there is a meeting to be held today to consider that as well as a g.o.p. request for a special prosecutor to investigate the targeting scandal. >> the way this looks, you know, it looks so political, a political process, pure and simple, aimed at trying to appeal toç the political base. the facts don't seem to matter. >> nobody can find a scarier organization, at least one without guns, than the i.r.s. >> there could be a full house vote today or tomorrow. an emotional moment caught on camera. the mother of a u.s. marine hears her son's words from inside this prison for the very first time in mexico. sergeant andrew tameri s*eu has been locked up in a mexican jail. he says he took a wrong turn while driving and accidentally went over the border. he had three legal guns in his truck. listen to this. >> i'm a pretty good man, good morals. i believe in god and i put my faith in good that he will take care of me. >> that took me by surprise. i hadn't heard that interview. that was the jail house heard that. >> a local san diego newspaper conducted that interview. tahmooressi faces 21 years in prison if convicted. new calls this morning for v.a. secretary shinseki to step down following that massive scandal at the phoenix v.a. hospital. it is accused of hiding treatment delays that reportedly led to the death of 40 veterans. on monday the american legion called for shinseki to resign. it is the first time since 1941 that the veterans group calledç for the resignation of a cabinet official. shinseki telling the "wall street journal" that he's not going anywhere. from the fields of battle to the fields of the nfl, take a look. this army ranger who hasn't played football since 2009 has just been signed by the philadelphia eagles. 25-year-old lieutenant villanueva weighs 277 pounds. he spent the last four years serving three tours of duty in afghanistan. the eagles signed him after seeing him work out last month. >> at the end of the day the ranger training and the physical fitness they have out there in the rangers and also in the army means a lot from every soldier. there wasn't a huge transition i had to make. >> he says if the nfl doesn'tç work out he'll head back to afghanistan in september for his fourth tour of duty. what a brave young man. we've got a bunch of nfl draft picks coming in later today. >> we have 15 nfl draft picks. it's been a five-year tradition. >> exciting there. >> thanks, heather. maria is standing by. >> hello everybody. i want to take you first to wyoming because in wyoming, we saw a very rare tornado. the state only sees about ten tornadoes per year. this oneç lasted only about two minutes and hit an undeveloped area. again, very rare especially this early in the year to be seeing tornado activity across the state of wyoming. that same disturbance is headed eastbound. today it will be tapping into some very warm and humid air across parts of the center of the country and we are going to be seeing the possibility for severe storms not only today but also as we head into tomorrow and also on friday to wrap up the work week. there is still an elevated fire danger in places across parts of the southern rockies due to dry conditions, gusty winds and temperatures well above average. take a look at those highs in places like dallas and kansas city, 89 degrees for your high temperature. let's head back insides. thank you, maria. >> straight ahead, they have known ties to terror but they can travel freely throughout the united sttls. how does this happen? find out next. they're on a hands off list. >> how to go from nothing to the top of the tph*l. -- top of the nfl. the secret to success the secret to success coming up next. 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will senator charles grassley raise the issue with usda officials? a student terrorist in pakistan paying homage to bin laden, paid the library after the founder of al qaeda. a large sign at the entrance reads we love osama bin laden. >> he's known for nfl stardom but former all star matt burke is telling a different story. it's about health. he describes it in a book allç prowisdom. congratulations on the book. where did this idea come from? you guys were neighbors and they came through fellowship? >> fellowship in the cul-de-sac. we got in the cul-de-sac, corralled our kids and talked about life. i would share my experiences in the tph*fplt rich would share experiences in life and we found there is a lot of overlap. >> i want to talk about being a line man. are the seven steps, is that the best protection moving through life,ç business, family and friends? >> absolutely. i would say there's seven questions any person needs to ask themselves if they want to be a person of positive influence, whether they're a young person getting instruction from a mentor or a business leader. the seven questions are crucial in establishing your foundation. >> it's not only -- we're in a time right now where faith is being questioned, the freedom to express, especially when it comes to christianity. taking a strong stand when our rights are called into question. in 2013 you chose not to attend the white house celebration with the ravens. ñ%y is that? >> it starts with the question who are you? my identity starts with being a christian and it is important to me. i understand that is who i am. because i understand my identity, i have the confidence to beç myself. at that time it just was not consistent with my values and with what i want to try to convey and pass on to my children to visit the white house. >> not an easy decision and one that came under critique. did you have regrets? >> it came under critique but it wasn't difficult for me. it was right after president obama addressed planned parenthood and said god bless planned parenthood and my wife and i are very involved in the pro-life movement. my kids know that we're involved in the pro-life movement. they know what it means. they know what the president standsç for. so i didn't want to confuse my kids. i wanted to send them the right message. >> a strong message indeed there. talk about the seven choices. that being the first step there. what are some others people can take away from this today in the book? >> i think if a person understands his or her identity, the next question is what is your purpose? this has to do with passion, whether it's at work or your vocation. the next person is what kind of person do you want to be? a person of character establishes depend ability. to become a trustworthy person we need to ask what kind of a person do i want to be? it progress s from there. >> coaches, c.e.o.'s, this is reaching a broad audience. one high school golf coach is having the entire team go through it and do a lesson plan about it and write aboutç it. matt birk, well done. rich, you guys are good friends and have done a good job with this. thank you for being with us. coming up, should high schools be handing out homework with graphic references to sex? this father questioned it and guess what? he got arrested. we're serious. what's better than howard stern stopping by our studio? not much. he is surrounded by puppies and naming them all.ç ♪ ♪ just $10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. signature favorites, just $10 all week long, at olive garden. he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. when sales rep steve hatfield books at, so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! look at this. that's really for you. wants to take your dog to the balm game? now you can. the new york mets are teaming up with the north shore animal league for this weekend's annual bark at the park. >> and if all need is a furry fan, then we've got that covered, too. beth stern from north shore animal league joins us now. i mean, how sweet are these? >> ridiculous. >> what great event, to bring your own dog. >> on mother's day, bring your mothers and your dogs to the mets game. we celebrate all of the dogs and they can do a little parade march during the game and sit in the stands and watch the game. >> that is unbelievable. they get on the field and then go sit in the stands with you? >> how fun is that with your dog and your mom. don't forget about your mom on mother's day. we're continuing these all summer long. go to our web site and get tickets. >> this is a no kill shelter. >> the largest in the world. >> so the proceeds will -- >> we get a percentage of the proceeds and our medical staff will thereby. yeah. it's really, really fun day. >> when you began, did you know your love of animals right away? >> we did. he is as big an animal lover as i am. that's why i fell in love with him. >> good move for a guy. by the way, these animal looks at you as now i'm in good hands. describe these dogs. >> this is el bell. she's tearier mixer. between eight to ten weeks old. they're ready to be adopted. spayed and neutered, ready to go home. you have ainsley, she's a collie mix a. big girl. you have lukey. he's going to be a really big boy. so a big yard, great, great, great family dog. >> they're so great with one another. >> yeah. we have lula who is a chihuahua mix. great dog for the city, your apartments. you can put in your purse. carry her around. >> i think that these dogs know that they have to be extra special good. so when you bring them home, they're extraordinary. they know they've been saved. >> they do. i feel every animal that's been rescued -- i feel that way with our cats. they just know. we're actually coming to our final d of our touche for life. we went to 52 cities with four of our mobile units. over 2,000 adoptions with our partnered shelters across the united states. >> what do you have to say to families who are considering not adopt ago did you go from a rescue. what's your message? >> my message is when they buy from a pet store, they're facilitating a horrific cycle of puppy mills. these animals in puppy mills are bred solely for money. most of the time they're in horrible conditions. rescue a did you go. you're saving a life. they know it. >> i heard two things that involve you. between howard stern's party, when i heard about that, which was incredible, and then that big open forum with billy joel across the street. >> can i say billy joel, on his birthday, this friday is donating all of his proceeds from his concert to the foundation that howard and i came up with. >> wow. >> where is that going to be? >> madison square garden. >> i've heard of that! >> on friday in the met stadium on sunday for mother's day. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> great to see you. it's great cause. bark at the park this sunday. meanwhile, she's back. monica lewinsky break her silence and criticized hillary clinton. but is there a chance hillary okay with this? your e-mails and theories at the top of the hour. >> you remember film "beverly hills 90210". jason priestly revealing the secrets from his personal life. was that a bible thumping moment? 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[ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. wbecame your business. passion... at&t can help simplify how you manage it. so you can focus on what you love most. when everyone and everything works together, business just sings. ♪ make every day, her day with a full menu of appetizers and entrées crafted with care and designed to delight. fancy feast. love served daily. good morning. it's wednesday, may 7. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. breaking election news overnight. big primary results with some important races still undecided. what you need to know and how it could change the balance of power in washington. yep. she's back. monica lewinsky break her silence to criticize hillary clinton? why now? one possibility might surprise you. >> i really wonder if this isn't an efforts on the clintons' part to get that story out of the way. >> that's an interesting theory. your theories straight ahead. and forget the royal treatment. guess who was just spotted flying coach. who is behind that great big question mark? thank you for joining us on wednesday. it's a wednesday. >> it is a wednesday. >> right. we got to get a calendar. >> mornings are better with friends. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ >> i should have known today was wednesday 'cause today is the big day. ladies and gentlemen, brian kilmeade is celebrating a birthday that ends with a 0. >> right. this is the longest birthday celebration ever, 'cause i had a surprise party three weeks ago. >> that's right. >> so it's ongoing. i could always say i'm not 50 yet. now i'm officially 50. >> wait a minute. is that the telephone? hello, who is there? is that jim and steve kilmeade, brian's brothers? >> yeah. they just woke us up. >> they're in another location. >> from what i've been able to tell, you're the only member of the kilmeade clan that gets up before noon. >> i think so. they like to sleep in. we're from a long line of bartenders. we've been up late cleaning and sweeping. >> actually we don't know how to sleep very well. we can't s family. doesn't work. >> jim, thanks for -- that's a live shot. that was from last night. yeah. steve and jim, slide over. we've got to get a pictures. >> brian, you are the little one? >> i'm the middle one. evidently we're out of room. >> is that you with the bow tie? >> that is me there without a neck. that's an outfit that i grew out there you go. grow the hair over the eyes. >> jim, tell us something we don't know about your brother, brian. >> what can i tell you? i think you found out everything after the book tour. except for the back that brian cries for every family picture. >> it's true. >> he didn't like having his picture taken. so almost every picture we have except for three we showed, he's in tears. >> did that give him the nickname crying brian? >> a lot of people wouldn't do that. >> i wish you were around back then. we weren't that clever. we couldn't come up with things that rhymed. >> unfortunately, when we were growing up, elisabeth wasn't born. >> you guys threw a beautiful big, fantastic party for brian out in long island. was that it or is he getting a cake today? >> he's getting one more cake on the traditional sunday kilmeade dinners. >> very nice. >> i love that. good brotherly love. >> brian is crying right there. >> how do we have crying shots? thank you. guys, thanks a lot for getting up. that was great parties. >> happy birthday, brian. >> thank you. >> as a special tribute, what better way to have a talking point with monica lewinsky? >> we're going to in about two minutes. >> right. >> you're so desperate to get out of that, you destroyed the talking point. >> i didn't know. >> it's your birthday. >> you get to call the shots here. like calling the shot over to heather. >> hi, heather. >> hi. nothing will make you feel old than monica lewinsky turning 40. >> right. >> good morning to you. i've got news to bring you. politics now, while you were sleeping, there was big developments in the political world that will affect the midterm election. let's start in north carolina. republican tom tillis winning the republican senate nomination. he will face democratic senator kay hagin in november. also in north carolina, the congressional primary race between democrat clay aiken and keith chrisco still too close to call. in ohio, john boehner defeating two tea party challengers in his bid for a 13th term in congress. united states now joining the manhunt for the leader of the terrorist group behind the kidnapping of more than 270 girls there. the u.s. is sending military intelligence and law enforcement support to nigeria to help with the hunt for the leader in an attempt to free the girls. this as we learn eight more girls have been kidnapped in the last 24 hours. the warlord says he plans to sell those girls into slavery. we'll keep you posted. condoleeza rice getting an offer this morning to speak at texas tech university after she turned down rutgers invitation amid all those protests there. the chancellor of that school joined us earlier on the show. he said it shouldn't be about politics, but about the person's credentials. listen to this. >> we're in the idea business. if there is anyone that should be in the idea business, it's universities. we should be stressing that we want all people of all persuasions to be able to speak out. >> rice is said to be considering that offer. we'll let you know what happens. listen to this one, every parent needs to hear this. a father shows up at a school board meeting to express his concerns with a risque novel that's required reading for his 14-year-old daughter and here is what happened. >> what are you charging me with? >> disorderly conduct. >> disorderly conduct. >> taken away in handcuffs. here is what happened. he went over the two minutes of that allowed for him to address the school board in new hampshire and so he was arrested and taken away. the center of the controversy is a book called "19 minutes." it's by jody picall. there is a love scene in it that is too graphic for ninth graders. listen. >> it reads like a transcript for a triple x porno movie. we had no notice about it. >> school officials say they are standing by that book. they say it's been part of the curriculum since 2007. they'll update their policies, but listen to this one, instead of being able to opt out of controversial material, including this one, parents have to be forced to sign off on them. so it's still part of required reading. nothing changed there. >> i got to send something home to the parents. >> you're hearing from people on this, right? >> yeah. a lot of you are weighing in. wayne tweeted us this, he says his fry dom of speech was violated. very sad that parents aren't allowed to voice their concerns about improper books. >> that's right. susan tweeting this: they allotted him two minutes? he could have expressed his outrage in that time. no infringement on free speech. >> sean says, officer, how about arresting the teacher who hands this out and teaches it? check out how helpful to the students. >> yep. keep e-mailing us regarding it. you can fake book us or you could tweet us as well. meanwhile, today you're going to discover that monica lewinsky is back. she's written an article in vanity fair. the whole thing comes out tomorrow. we do have some excerpts, which it's curious, she makes it very, very clear that the times she had sex with then president of the united states, bill clinton, it was consentual. it was between consenting adults. he didn't force himself on her. didn't abuse her. the only people who abused her were his cronies, it sounds like, when she was made the scapegoat and was all to protect the clintons. >> right. that way she felt taken advantage of and also suicidal. she reveals during the height of the scandal, actually prompting her to write and actually get some word out here in the vanity fair article and help others who may be feeling like a victim going through something like this. >> i really feel bad for her. she points out to what happens at rutgers with the 18-year-old who felt humiliation. she said she felt same to that in the same fashion as she turns 40. shear an excerpts from the article which has not been fully released yet. she said my first thought as i was getting up to spied, that's the worst thing she said about me, i should be lucky. yes, i get it. hillary clinton wanted it on the record that she was lashing out at her husband's mistress. she may have faulted her husband for being inappropriate, but i find her impulse to blame the woman and herself troubleing. >> and things that we know from her then friend in the 1990s said hillary referred to monica lewinsky as that narcistic looney toon. what's curious is why is vanity fair publishing this right now? we've got one theory from lynn cheney, you're about to hear, and also we've got a republican strategist and a democratic strategist because the timing is curious, don't you think? we haven't heard of monica lewinsky out of the blue 'til now. why? listen to this. >> i don't think this is actually relevant as we go forward into 2016 because it really has no bearing on the abilities of hillary clinton to be a national leader and whether she can lead our nation. >> any time monica lewinsky is in the news, it does not help either of the clintons. it brings back all sorts of bad memories, certainly of the president's bad behavior. >> i really wonder if this isn't an effort on the clintons' part to get that story out of the way. would vanity fair publish anything about monica lewinsky that hillary clinton didn't want in vanity fair? >> probably not. my question is, is vanity fair going to do something with broderick or gennifer flowers or paula jones? if they're doing, so to speak, monica lewinsky -- if you google mistresses of bill clinton, there is a shocking number of people who come up. >> the timing of this is certainly coming under question. we're going to have the opportunity to talk with lynn cheney in a bit here on the show. we asked you what you thought in the meantime and barbara is saying this: monica may be the only honest person in a sad situation. we know the clintons aren't truthful. >> theresa posted on facebook, hillary stayed with bill for her own agenda to once again occupy the white house. >> and ralph's up and he says what difference does it make? you're funny. >> mark saying it's all good until a republican does it, then all hell breaks loose. >> yeah, there is a little bit of a double standard. continue to e-mail us, tweet us and facebook us. >> she was over -- wasn't she at oxford? she got a degree at oxford in london. >> she did. but she said she had a difficult time finding jobs after. moments of being stressed. >> she says it's time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress. >> okay. >> none of this would have happened if that blue dress disappeared, or she had gone to the cleaners. >> 7:11. >> you're right. >> he's being tapped to lead an investigation into the benghazi attacks. now congressman trey gowdy is getting death throats. is threats. is that just the start of something? and the university of utah's fight song, utah man, under fire for being sexist. should the school have to change it to protect others' feelings? what about utah people? we report. you decide. he scores. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain. it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica the pain started subsiding. 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joining us is congressman devon nunez and members of the house select committee on intelligence who joins us from d.c good morning to you. >> great to be back on with you. >> it's great to have you. a couple of days ago, democrats were saying, no, no, no. nobody should show up. suddenly yesterday, nancy pelosi said, well, we'll show up if it can be half and half. which is funny because when she was running things, it was nine democrats versus six republicans. what sort of recipe are you guys looking at? >> it's going to be seven republicans and five democrats, steve. the point that you make is right. this congress has a long history of these investigative committees. we attempted to do it through the existing structure with the four committees of jurisdiction, but as you know, we've been stonewalled by the administration, so much so that the legislative branch of our government was unable to get the e-mails that you guys in the press were able to get. that's totally unacceptable and i think it broke basically john boehner did the right thing by coming out strongly and putting one of our great new members of congress, trey gowdy, who will do a great job as chairman. >> as we look in, you're in the thick of things in washington, d.c., it does look like stonewalling, in addition to the fact they would send you guys documents that were completely blank because they had been completely redacted where you couldn't even tell where it was about, which is kind of nuts. they've also made it impossible for to you talk to the people who were there. it sounds like -- from what we've heard some of you guys talk about -- these guys have been threatened with their jobs. if you say anything, there goes your pension. we might sue you. will witnesses be able to testify in fronts of your committee? >> yeah. i think that's the important point, too, is we're going to have good witnesses like greg hicks, who was the number one man, after ambassador stevens was murdered in cold blood by al-qaeda terrorists, greg hicks was the man in charge. greg hicks has been put out to pasture by this administration. he's been said that he's not a credible witness. but i think what we're going to find through this investigation is that guys like greg hicks, who were on the ground, the station chief that was there in libya working for the c.i.a., all of those people are going to be extremely credible. if we can ever get the rest of the e-mails out of the administration, we're going to find out -- we're going to get to the bottom of what really happened in benghazi and who made up these most ridiculous stories. >> the white house goes well, we had you, congress, you've had a bunch of investigations, plus there was that arb, accountability review board, they looked at things. but the arb talked to greg hicks, to your point, and he told them that the reason chris stevens was in benghazi was because hillary clinton personally asked him to see whether or not they could establish a permanent post there. that's what he told the arb. but the arb, when they finally released the report, it said chris stevens wound up in benghazi independently, which is crazy. that's a flat out lie! >> yeah. we haven't gotten to the bottom yet of what was chris stevens actually doing there. he did meet with people that day. i think that's something that the committee should look into, who exactly did he meet with. i think the committee should trio meet with those folks, or at least have investigators meet with those folks. there is still a lot of information out here. i don't blame anyone but the white house. the american people should blame no one but the white house. they had an opportunity and they have a responsibility as leaders in this country to provide the legislative branch of government all of the documentation when the legislative branch asks. they did not do it and they get what they deserve on this. >> well, to a lot of people, it looks like there was a conspiracy and a cover-up and a lot of people would like the answers and it's up to you guys now. all right. congressman, thank you for joining us from washington. >> my pleasure. it is now 20 minutes after the top of the hour. she refuses to talk. now democrats say enough's enough when it comes to questioning lois lerner. >> maybe we can get ken star to come out of retirement and do another investigation and waste taxpayers' money. >> should we give her a break or keep paying to watch her plead the fifth? that's coming up next. and you know him as the heart throb from the hit drama " "90210". jason priestly is dishing it all, like his former roommate, br what does he know about him? plenty. and he spills the beans to liz and brian and me as we roll on live from new york city. ♪ ♪ ready for you alert the second his room is ready, ya know what salesman alan ames becomes? i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at ♪ why do results matter so much? it's probably because they are the measurement of everything we do. for a wireless company, results come down to coverage speed and legendary reliability. so go ahead, stream, game or video chat. that's why verizon built americas largest 4g lte network. because the only thing that really matters are the results you get. so for the best devices the best network and for best results, use verizon. we're become now for your consumer news. another general motors recall. this time nearly 60,000 saturn aura cars that affect the 2007 and 2008 model years with four speed transmissions. the problem can cause cars to roll away unexpectedly because the driver thinks it's in park. it led to 28 crashes and four injuries. but no deaths thankfully. office depot looking to scale back in a big way. the company plans to close 400 stores by the year 2016. a move expected to save the company $75 million a year. 150 stores will be closed by the end of 2014. subway testing new menu option. some of the chains started putting thinner slices of deli meat on sandwiches. there are 12 slices on a footlong instead of eight and testing a new topping called hummus. >> really? >> what do you think about that? >> it's too controversial to comments on. he burst onto the hollywood scene as a star of one of the hottest prime time shows ever. >> brandon, i know you were mr. popularity back home. but i'm not going to miss minneapolis. nobody knows me here. i could be anybody. i could be somebody. >> like what, homecoming queen? >> the life for the man best known as brandon walsh on "90210" hasn't always been glitzy and glamorous f. sudden stardom to a life changing car crash, jason priestly reveals his dramatic journey from heart throb to family man in a new book titled" jason priestly, a memoir." and he's parked on our couch. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> why did you write this? >> it kind of felt like time. you talk about my car crash that i had back in 2002, while i was lying in my hospital bed starting my recovery from that car crash, i said a lot of -- set a lot of lofty goals in my recovery. i found myself in 2012 having achieved all those goals, my wife, my family, my career was back to where i wanted it to be. it just felt like time to write this book. >> what was the toughest part to write about? >> the toughest part to write about was the accident and my recovery from that accident. i suffered a lot more catastrophic injuries than i had ever really talked about. >> you were in the hospital for three months? >> three months i was in the hospital. i suffered three skull fractures in the accident. skull fractures, 7, 8, 9 in my lifetime and class 3 concussion. i could barely talk when i was in the hospital. my cognitive thought capabilities had been lost completely. i couldn't remember anything. so i had to relearn how to speak and how to think and how to memorize things. they had to take my eyeball out and rebuild part of my skull here. this whole side of my face wouldn't work for a long time. so there were a lot of things that i had to overcome. physically, my back was broken, my feet were shattered. so i had to do a lot of work to bring myself back to the place where i am today. >> so you said you grew up and you were watching television, you always thought, i want to be part of that, from "the electric company" on down and it happens really quick. is fame hard? the struggle was short. you said you arrived in los angeles in '97. in '98 you're on the top show. is it hard to be famous? >> well, no. i wouldn't say it's hard to be famous. fame has a lot of positive aspects to it. i think it's difficult to manage sometimes. >> sure. >> 'cause there is no self-help book that you can go and just pick up on the shelf and it tells you how to manage it. >> you've known a loft famous people. -- lot of famous people. for instance, brad pitt was your roommate. what sort of dirt can you dish on brad? >> look, i tell a lot of stories in the book about some of the famous people that i've come across in my lifetime. but i really do that just for contextual reasons. there is some funny stories that happened in my life, certainly before i got famous. and those experiences are there because -- those kind of friendships and those experiences are things that kind of make you who you are. >> i like the story where you talked about how he went home, brad pitt did, and came back with a box full of bibles. >> he sure did. >> and gave them away, right? >> yeah. and we were all young actors and it was back in the late '80s and everyone wanted to be a bad boy. so everyone is handing out cartons of cigarettes and bottles of jack daniels and trying to be all cool. brad handed us all bibles that were embossed with our names on it 'cause he had just come back from missouri where he's from. >> did you think it was a joke? >> oh, no. no, no. he's very earnest. >> do you still have it? >> of course i do. >> read it? >> of course i've read it. >> listen to what shannen doherty treated. memoirs are so funny. the truth is rarely told. after all, they're trying o sell a book. >> she actually tweet that had about somebody very inflammatory headlines that have been written and -- priestly lashes out at dougherty. i certainly would never lash out at her. i she shannon and -- shannon and i had four fun years together on the show. >> maybe it's from -- in the book, you talk about how she was yelling at a publicist because, what, you sent me a town car! i should have a limo! >> we've all done that, steve. >> come on. >> a lot in this book. we're so glad you're fully recovered. love to hear about the kids, too. >> yep. >> and the first time i met you, you were racing with paul newman. >> yeah, that's right. >> congratulations. >> thanks, appreciate it. coming up, new video this morning of the kid who flew across the pacific ocean in the wheel well of a plane. now investigators have questions for the teen who just wants to do see his mom. >> and in 24 hours, these guys will be multi-millionaires. the 2014 nfl draft picks. 15 are here to talk about their big night tomorrow night. ♪ ♪ now you can have it all with red lobster's new seafood trios! choose one option from the wood-fire grill, one signature shrimp dish, and a pasta. all on one plate. three delicious choices. all for $15.99 for a limited time only! come sea food differently today! it's built to be as fast as it is strongor advil. and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. advil. make today yours. ♪ (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses. i've got a to-do list and five acres of fresh air. ♪ top three tools -- hammer, screwdriver, front loader. happiness is a drive-over mower deck. a john deere dealer can teach tractors to anybody. [ don ] in the right hands, an imatch quick-hitch could probably cure most of the world's problems. [ male announcer ] that's how we run, and nothing runs like a deere. visit your dealer or we got a fair,. my feeling is and you're like. iyou know, the salesman icomes over..., there's no buyer's remorse, you know. i'm happy with my purchase. it's the truth. when you're ready to buy a car, save time, save money, and never overpay. visit ♪ ♪ >> isn't that -- yes. it's your shot of the morning. he may have blue blood, but there is one way prince william is just like the rest of us. he flies coach. pictures of him sitting in the economy cabin popped up on twitter. he's flying home from a friend's wedding in memphis, tennessee. the reason for all the budget traveling? he may be frugal when it comes to his own money. the wedding was a private affair, so william had to pay his own way there. he wasn't alone. his body guard sat in coach with him. >> wow. >> very nicely done. >> nice to see him travel like that. in about five minutes, we have 15 of the most talented athletes in america outside, top 15 nfl prospects are here. they're on our turf, they refuse to play on the brick. across the street will be radio city where they'll have the big nfl draft starting on thursday. >> the teams will be happy to welcome them. >> we're going to get to that in just a moment. right now we got some news and let's talk about -- >> lois lerner. politics in washington. listen to what's going on today. the house of representatives is now inching closer to charging former irs official lois lerner with contempt. there is a meeting later today to consider that, as well as a gop request for a special prosecutor to investigate the targeting scandal. >> this is a whole week of let's investigate the administration. maybe we can get ken starr to come out of retirement. maybe he can do another investigation and waste taxpayer money. but like any judge in any courtroom, we'd much rather have the witness answer the questions than hold them in contempt. >> there could be a full house vote today or tomorrow. we'll keep watching that one. california congressman duncan huntser calling secretary of state john kerry inept. he says kerry has mishandled the case of a former marine who is currentsly being held on weapons charges near tijuana, mexico, after he drove into mexico with three firearms that are legal in the united states. hunter says this reinforces the major problem that he sees in foreign policy of the u.s. state department. listen to this. >> what this shows me mostly is the impotence and ineptitude of john kerry and the state department. you don't have middle east peace. you can't stop putin from crossing his own borders into free countries and you can't get a former marine out of a mexican jail. >> hunter says he's appealing to the mexican attorney general to expedite the case and get a hearing immediately. is the university of utah's fight song called "utah man," it's under fire for being sexist allegedly. listen to a bit of this. ♪ ♪ >> okay. that's the school fight song. it was written in 1904. there are lyrics to go with it. there have been years of complaints. now the students assembly is asking the school to change a lyric that says, our co-eds are the fairest, each one a shining star. that's the problem with it apparently. but it's not the first school to have this so-called problem. back in 2007, the university of hawaii changed its fight song lyrics from here is to each valiant son to here is to each valiant one. back in 2009, the university of mississippi removed the line, the south will rise again from its fight song. and those are your headlines. all right. we're going outside to brian kilmeade with one of the best interviews of the year. brian? >> yeah. very exciting time for us because it's a time of year where america's top college athletes, football players come to new york city to see where and what teams will be drafting them. before they get picked in less than 24 hours, they've come here before they go across the street to radio city. let's meet some of the soporose effects. give yourselves a round of applause for getting here right now! let's go around the horn. >> where are you from? >> bama. >> where do you hope to go? >> anywhere. >> mike evans, texas a & m. >> mike especially for you, a lot of people really excited about the prospects. you proved yourself in the combines big time. >> i did my best. >> right. you went to one year high school football? >> yes, sir. >> how did that play into this? are you surprised how quick you picked it all up? >> i already knew how to play football. i just didn't decide to do it in high school, but in my last year. one of the best decisions i ever made. >> thanks a lot. and by the way, johnny manziel, that's a guy you play with. >> he's all right. >> we'll see where he goes. some say number within overall. >> morgan moses, university of virginia. >> usc. >> university of minnesota. >> ohio state. >> ohio state. >> indiana university. >> university of north carolina. >> are you having fun this week? >> it's been all right. >> kind of nervous? >> yeah. we just trying to get through it, you know. >> it's not like you're in competition with these guys. >> universities of louisville. >> teddy, you are got the quarterback and wide receivers to throw to. have you been throwing the ball around? >> not yet. nice to be here with these guys. >> they're always open. >> always open. >> okay. >> jordan from vanderbilt. a lot of people looking at you and saying isn't he related to jerry rice? >> that is true. kind of a fun fact. kind of cool. puts a lot of pressure, but i like it. >> you like it. of course, he comes out of nowhere to be the greatest nfl wide receiver ever. that must have been inspirational. is he still running the hill? >> yeah, i'm trying to get throughout and do the same thing he did. >> of course, shine in the colleague get better as a pro, which all you guys do. >> of course. >> just don't drop anything. >> of course. >> louisiana state university. >> odell. >> oregon state. >> brandon, what's the experience been like for you? >> it's been fun. been fun of the been around a lot of good talent. >> compact -- what about the combines? is that nerve racking? >> no. >> i watched a lot. >> tcu. >> what are your thoughts about tomorrow? >> i'm excited to be there. >> have these guys become your friends? >> yeah, dick cheneyly. >> this go -- definitely. >> is this going to be one of the greatest drafts ever? >> yeah. >> congratulations. good luck tomorrow night and don't forget fox friends friends as you grab your jersey with your new team. elisabeth, take it away. >> wishing all of them well tomorrow. thanks. the u.s. jumping into the search for hundreds of girls kidnapped in nigeria. who are the terrorists who are kidnapping them? peter johnson, jr. going to run down their history coming up. first, the aflac question, trivia of the day. born on this date in 1945, this actress is best known for her role as dorian lord on "one life to live." be the first to e-mail us with the correct answer. ♪ ♪ passenger: road trip buddy. let's put some music on. woman: welcome to learning spanish in the car. passenger: you've got to be kidding me. driver: this is good. woman: vamanos. driver & passenger: vamanos. woman: gracias. driver & passenger: gracias. passenger: trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. driver: mira entra y comprame unas papitas. vo: get up to 795 miles per tank in the tdi clean diesel. the volkswagen passat. recipient of the j.d. power appeal award, two years in a row. ♪ aflac, aflac, afc! ♪ [ both sigh ] ♪ ugh! ♪ you told me he was good, dude. yeah he stinks at golf. but he was great at getting my claim paid fast. how fast? 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[ male announcer ] find out how fast aflac can pay you at nbr: scott - we're concerned. you just fed your lawn earlier this spring and now you're at it again. scott: (chuckles) indeed, a crucial late spring feeding helps defend the grass against the summer heat to come. nbr: we knew that - right guys? oh yeah! scott: feed your lawn. feed it! at od, whatever business you're in, that's the business we're in with premium service like one of the best on-time delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. od. helping the world keep promises. distinctions they've earned in life there's a higher standard of home care. brightstar care. from care teams led by registered nurses to unmatched care expertise brightstar care offers home care you can trust, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. your loved one deserves care that's nothing less than extraordinary because they've earned it. for a complimentary in-home assessment, call brightstar care today at 866-621-0228 the calls of the nigerian people to bring back our girls has been heard around the world. now the united states has said it will sean team of u.s. military and law enforcement to the region to assist with negotiations. but who is this terror group? what is it that they believe in exactly? joining us is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. >> 300 young women held captive by these folks. it's important to understand who this terrorist organization is. in 2013, the united states declared it a terror organization. its leader, they espouse hatred for everything modern, secular and western. they especially oppose education for women. so they've become known for these attacks on schools, including burning schools, holding people hostage, suicide bombs, and attacks. >> this is their leader that is pictured right there. >> yeah. and he suspect out a series of videos saying that allah ordered him to do this. that's interesting because they do have ties to al-qaeda, the terrorist organization we know so well. they've received training from al-qaeda and shakal declared his allegiance to al-qaeda in the past. there is no firm evidence that they intend to take their efforts beyond the four countries in africa that they've been involved with. >> who are their targets that we know of? >> their targets are schools, government officials, christians, christian churches, nigerian security and police forces. they're known most famously for december 2011 bombing of a cathedral in nigeria. in fact, last year i met a nigerian bishop who told me that priests were so terrified in that country that they needed to change christmas midnight mass to early in the afternoon to 4:00 o'clock in the afternoon because they were afraid that the parishioners would be kidnapped and murdered in the middle of the night on christmas morning. and it's taken a terrible, terrible toll. 1500 people have died this year alone. thousands have died in the last few years. now america and the world, including great britain, are saying, we need to get involved in this. the hashtag has taken hold and foreign policy is following this saying, what can we do to save these children? it's an absolute heart break. >> the president spoke out as well. he actually called it, quote, heart breaking and outrageous. so what exactly precisely can be done? >> it's interesting. in some ways it's ignored this situation in nigeria for a while. there's a $7 million bounty on the leader's head. now the white house is sending a team of military officials, negotiators, intelligence officials and law enforcement personnel to see what they can do to bring these children back, to return them to their parents. can you imagine at any school in america to have almost 300 children snatched and then parents literally chasing these terrorists with bows and arrows against their ak 47s? they're afraid of reprisals. they don't want their names out there. unfortunately, the nigerian government has been absolutely powerless in reapproximatelying this kind of attack -- repelling this kind of attack. they've been known -- they've not repelled these attacks and they continue. in fact, eight other children abducted yesterday. and bombings continue. >> heart breaking to hear that. glad at least something is being done in this area. peter johnson, jr., we thank you for always keeping us up to date. >> america again the policemen of the world. >> we will follow this story for you. prayers for them. coming up, his career didn't end when he walked away from baseball. nolan ryan now cooking up a storm. his simple recipe for burgs that won't strike out. in 1975, "he don't like you like i love you" by tony orlando and dawn was the number one song in america. ♪ ♪ sfx: car unlock beep. vo: david's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. time for the answer to the aflac trivia question. born on this date in 1945, this actress is known for her role as dorian lord on "one life to live." who is she? it's robin strasser. the win letter get a copy of brian's book "george washington's secret six." >> from one book to another, they couldn't be more different. power pitcher who off the field turned his passion for ranching into a successful meat a business. >> that's why we smell like hamburger right now. nolan ryan right here sharing some of his favorite dishes in his new book "the nolan ryan beef and barbecue cookbook, recipes from a texas kitchen." good morning to you. >> good morning. >> this is great. when was the last time you talked to nolan ryan about a hamburger? you got two kind here. one, the all american. what does it have inside it? >> it has bacon and it has cheese and then it has montreal seasoning. >> it's got an egg in it! >> and you put that in there. bind it together so when you grill it, it stays together. >> the cajun burger. >> is that blue cheese? >> yes. >> and bacon? >> yes. and different cajun flavoring. you have a choice this morning. >> look at the size of these burgers. you can see how great they are. this is not -- these are not small patties you might get at a fast food place. you talk about different things you can do with the meat, from chuck stake to skirt steak. >> this is grilling season in texas. it's a little early in new york. that's what i enjoy. >> you're at the point, you could have a full time guy grilling stuff that you want for breakfast. but you prefer to grill yourself. >> that's just kind of what i enjoy doing and i'm kind of particular how i like my meat. so i want to make sure that i don't blame it if it's not right on someone elimination. >> you've been work for this meat company for a dozen years. you started putting the recipes on line and this is where this was born, right? >> right. we wanted to do this for our customers and give them an opportunity. they would call and want to know, i bought t bone what, do i do with it? how do i prepare it? >> you got the american burger, cajun burger. it's all in this new book. it's weird not seeing with the rangers. you're now with the astros. i remember your relationship with the bushes. you seem really tight. i don't think the president missed a game now that he's retired. >> he came to a lot of games. he's really a baseball fan. he was the owner of the ball club when i was there as a player. so we've been friends for a long time. >> it was hard to wiggle away from him 'cause he was sitting right next to you. >> he kind of liked those seats. >> i bet he did! >> he's president, but you're nolan ryan. nolan, do you ever see yourself fighting ventura again? >> i hope not. >> i hear he's got a cookbook coming out. >> the president said one of the most inspirational said he saw is a 40-year-old guy on the mound, ventura charged the mound, and to see you pound him that, inspired the former president! >> it's just one of the unfortunate things that happened in my career and i think rob feels that way, too. >> once again, the book is called "the nolan ryan beef and barbecue cookbook." will you make me one of the cajun burgers? >> you got your bun? >> i got my bun right here. >> it really comes down to what all do you want on that? >> a lot of bacon. >> bacon is in there. it's already got bacon in there. >> i'll take one protein style here. homeruning with the burgers. loving that with the guys. coming up, timing is everything. why is monica lewinsky speaking out now for the first time in a decade? >> i really wonder if this isn't an effort on the clintons' part to get that story out of the way. >> lynn cheney joining us live in minutes. plus, brian turns 50 years old today and we have a surprise guest for him who brought a very special gift, right after the break. don't miss it. ♪ ♪ get all your favorites all day, everyday. olive garden's signature favorites, just $10 including creamy fettuccine alfredo, and our classic lasagna. plus unlimited soup or salad and warm breadsticks. signature favorites, just $10 all week long, at olive garden. we cannot let the fans down. don't worry! the united states postal service will get it there on time with priority mail flat rate shipping. our priority has always been saving the day. because our priority... amazing! you! the amazing spider-man 2 delivered by the united states postal service. ♪ (vo) oh. my. tongue. finally. (announcer) all-new friskies saucesations. a taste experience like no other. in cheesy, creamy, homestyle, or garden sauce. friskies. feed the senses. good morning. it's wednesday, may 7. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. breaking election news overnight, big primary results with some important races still undecided. how will it shift the balance of power in washington? everything you need to know straight ahead. and monica lewinsky breaking her silence to criticize hillary clinton. but why now? one possibility could actually surprise you. >> i really wonder if this isn't an effort on the clints' part to get that story out of the way. >> excellent theory. lynn cheney is actually here this hour. >> with james madison. he's been tapped to lead the investigation into the benghazi attacks. now someone wants congressman trey gowdy dead. do you believe this? float the pictures. mornings are better with friends. >> of course, we would play that because today is brian's birthday. >> right. tomorrow we will not play it. >> look who we booked for this final hour today because it's your birthday. >> lynn cheney and i grew up together. >> that's right. plus you remember the movie "goonies"? guy fieri and two special mystery guests. >> i think one of the mystery guests is joining us right now behind the blue door. open it up. ladies and gentlemen, happy birthday, brian. ♪ happy birthday brian ♪ happy birthday to brian ♪ happy -- >> what is that? >> it's going to be rogaine, viagra and magazine subscription happy birthday. >> he's the first man who kissed me. >> there you go. >> it's good to see you. >> open that up. >> all right. >> when you continue 50, geraldo rivera -- >> that's right. i show up. >> do you know what he got you? >> he wrapped it in headlines. >> look at this. balls. >> it's a margarita mixer. >> oh! >> wait a minute. last time you had a lot of margaritas, you wound up in a towel. >> he didn't bring the towel. >> that's right. a little later today i'm doing a selfy. no shirt on. i'm doing the geraldo. >> after this, you just might. >> thank you very much. >> happy birthday. you're so youthful. what's hard to believe you're qualified for aarp magazine now. >> i think i'll wait on the subscription. >> feel any differently? >> not at all. i actually do not feel 50. it feels surreal, which is crazy when you start at the same job 17 years ago -- >> 17 years. my goodness. >> in 97, when my son called in, he was one. when you think about high school and college, four years each. now you double that. >> brian, we watched you grow up. it's brian's song. >> i'd like to jog in a football uniform! >> you know what? since you're here, geraldo, we want to ask you about the monica lewinsky story. she now is appearing on the covers of -- >> talking about time flying. >> exactly right. she's 40. she writes in vanity fair for the first tile time ever about her affair with bill clinton. among other things, she talks about how when i had sex with the president of the united states, it was consentual. he didn't force himself on me. the only time i was abused was by his cronies who tried to scapegoat me. >> you know, when i first came to fox, bill o'reilly said that fox audience would never accept me because i was bill clinton's prime defender during my cnbc days. i have a source, the reason i could report with great accuracy about what was happening is that the president's best friend, whom i have sworn never to name, would call me on a nightly basis with the story du jour. >> how many does he have? >> well, if you sort through, you could probably figure it out. there was an amazing shift within the dynamic of the pro-clinton forces during the arc of the story. monica lewinsky is absolutely right, as i recall, as the story was evolving right before my very eyes there, that there was a lot of she's nut job, she's a loose cannon. she's a crazy -- >> it's her faults. >> basically she came on to him. she pursued him. then if you'll recall, i was the one who broke the story that the stain on the blue dress was indeed president clinton's dna. so i was able to report that. the story changed dramatically as that revelation was reported to me and i passed it on to the american people. then it was much more about all men lie about having affairs, oral sex is not real sex. then the story became not monica. monica was now in every way affirmed. now became the minimummization of what the offense was. >> why do you think she's coming out? >> that's good question. i don't necessarily agree with lynn cheney. great to see her again in the green room. i don't necessarily agree that hillary clinton is behind the timing of this. put yourself in monica lewinsky's shoes. i don't know where the hell she has been for these many years. >> why bother? why do it now? >> you know, let's take her at her word. the 18-year-old rutgers student who jumped off the bridge in front of my house, that she was motivated because she similarly -- >> felt humiliation he felt. >> and she wants to do self-destroy as he did. >> will it play in 2016 for hillary? will this matter that she's coming out now? >> i think it meters who the republican nominee is. i think a senator rand paul has made very clear, elisabeth, that he considers the president's character and the actions of his spouse during this traumatic period in american history to be relevant to the 2016 election as it refers to the clark of the family -- character of the family. if it's rand paul, that's one thing. if it's jeb bush or mitt romney again -- >> i actually see a woman that's turning 40 that wants to make sense out of what happened to her. >> i think that's very profound. you just turned 50. i 70. >> can i throw a curve ball in here? could women, could the clintons or hillary clinton maybe assume that there would be a bunch of women who feel like she does and maybe this would relate to them? could this bode well for her if she was on the ticket? >> well, all i know is that she got tremendous support from the women's movement and monica lewinsky points out with great bitterness, if you read even the excerptses, the limited excerpts, how feminists deserted her and blamed it all on her, the intern, after all, and the suffering spouse. >> why were they ever defending her? >> why weren't they? that's an excellent question. i think the woman's movement really has to assess its own performance during that trauma. >> we're going to listen to you on the radio? >> i'm going to radio right now. i got my radio voice on now. >> we're going to be talking to lynn cheney. her take on it. she's coming up in a couple of minutes. geraldo, thanks very much for dropping by. >> didn't expect so. >> thank you very much. >> 52 minutes now. >> right. >> keep the cameras away from the man. heather, what's in the headlines? >> let's start with political news. while you were sleeping, there have been major political developments that will affect the midterm election. let's start in north carolina. republican tom tillis winning the gop senate nomination. he will now face democratic senator kay hagin in november. also north carolina, the congressional primary race between two democrats, clay aiken and keith chrisco is still considered too close to call. we'll let you know what happens as we got it. ohio, john boehner defeating two tea party challengers that we told you about yesterday. he won that in his bid for a 13th term in congress. the united states now taking part joining the manhunt for the leader of the nigerian terror group behind the kidnappings of more than 270 young girls. the u.s. is now sending military intelligence and law enforcement support to nigeria in its hunt for the leader of the group. this as we learn eight more girls have been kidnapped within the last 24 hours. the warlord of that group says he plans to sell the girls into slavery. the republican congressman trey gowdy is now receiving death threats after he's been tapped to lead a select committee to investigate the attack in benghazi. the e-mails threaten to hurt him if he goes forward with the hearings. the hearings will go forward. fox news now confirming that the 12-member panel will include seven republicans and five democrats. but will they got any answers? >> i don't blame anyone but the white house. the american people should blame no one but the white house. they had an opportunity and they have a responsibility as leaders in this country to provide the legislative branch of government all of the documentation when the legislative branch asks. they did not do it and they get what they deserve on this. >> today we expect to learn more about who will be on that committee. a fifth grader in florida says he was simply humiliated by his teacher. he was reading the bible during free time at school, but listen to this voice mail that his teacher left for his parents. >> i noticed that he has books, a religious book in the classroom. he's not permitsed to read those books in my classroom. >> those books. 12-year-old boy says his bible is one of his favorite books. he and his father joined us, along with their attorney, emergency roomier on "fox & friends." listen to what they had to say. >> all we want is a written apology. if you made a mistake, be diligent enough to admit it and everybody can move on and just allow my son and all the children in the entire school district to have that freedom to read their bible if they choose to do so. >> the broward county public school district says it upholds the right of students to bring religious materials to school. what do you think about that? those are your headlines. back to you. >> thank you very much. i'm looking in the e-mail box. many happy birthdays. >> very nice. i appreciate it. it was great to see geraldo again. >> great, with clothes on. 11 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, rutgers university paid $30,000 to bring in snooki from "jersey shore." but let a speech by condoleeza rice slip away because of a few protesters from faculty and students. now the former secretary of state has a new offer. >> and she refuses to talk. now democrats say enough is enough when it comes to questioning lois lerner. >> maybe we can get ken starr starr to come out of retirement. maybe he can come out for another investigation and waste taxpayer money. >> should we give hear break or hold her accountable? >> i'll take the fifth. >> i'll let you take the fifth because it's your birthday. >> he's drinking a fifth? ♪ ♪ ♪ you've reached the age where you know how things work. this is the age of knowing what needs to be done. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? 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>> yep. she's back. monica lewinsky speaking out in a new interview with vanity fair. some are questioning the timing of the article. why now? >> joining us to weigh in on exactly that is the wife of former vice president dick cheney, and the author of "james madison." good morning. >> good morning. >> and i want to give brian a birthday present. >> thank you very much. >> especially signed for you. it is signed. congratulations. >> i'm not in your class, especially after i see this. i'm fascinated by the period in which you examined. first i want to get your comment about what broke in the news. you find the timing of this article interesting. >> well, politics -- i've been lucky enough to have a front row seat for quite a while -- it's never what it seems. there is always an explanation below the surface. it's usually more accurate than what you immediately lead to. in this case, i just can't imagine vanity fair running an article that the clintons wouldn't approve of. it seems so timed to inoculate mrs. clinton's campaign against this kind of thing popping up later. >> sure. put it out now. a couple years in advance, and then by the time people go to vote, they'll be oh, that's old news. vanity fair is going to do this. do you think they're going to do something with paul paula jones or gennifer flowers? >> no. i think that, you know -- i have a great empathy, sympathy for monica lewinsky and i do think she's been suffering. but i'm sure if you were able to sort it all out, vanity fair probably reached out to her and the article came about that way. >> so let's talk about why you're here. not only to see steve and elisabeth on the couch. >> and wish awe happy birthday. >> but talking about james madison. what is underappreciated and what needs to be revisitd about this founding father? >> his accomplishments were such great height and scope and depth, father of the constitution, crucial to the founding of the first government. president when the country went to war for the first time under the constitution. so all of that, plus a really interesting life story. there is one story that occurred to me when you asked me about monica lewinsky. dolly madison was the subject of whispering campaigns. she was just a little too attractive. >> really? >> yeah. >> attracted for him? >> no. but too attractive to not attract this kind of notice. and she at one point was said to be having an affair with x. and y, a friend of the madisons, stood up and defended her in an embarrassing way. so madison, went to x's house, the person rumored to be having an affair with dolly. personally invitessed him to dinner. it was a very clever move because what it said to everyone is the secretary of state had gone over there, invited the fellow to dinner. he came to dinner on f street. he wasn't having an affair with dolly madison. i think it's useful and you know this. even when you're looking at past times, to always be aware that there is another scenario playing out. >> the past is prolog. >> it seems like those -- what would he say today about the president's role? >> well, he'd be appalled by the scope and reach of the federal government. but i think he would also be very troubled that the president seems to decide for himself what the law should be. we won't enforce immigration laws even though they are on the books. they've been passed by the congress. we'll delay mandates and requirements under the affordable care act, even though that's no prerogative of the president. so i think he would be troubled at the constitution having become not the rule of law, but the rule of -- >> it's also important in your book, you chronicle anybody who thinks america is in hard times and never been so bad, how about a president standing, sitting by himself in a horse in the pouring rain while washington burns and he's overlooking it? that's grim in 1812. he was the president then and he brought everybody back. >> dolly goes out and gets all the priceless artwork. before you go, how is your husband, dick cheney? >> he's wonderful. we're so lucky. >> how is liz? >> she's great. i'm hoping she'll run for office again. >> the book is terrific. everything you ever wanted to know about james madison. right there! >> i'll talk to you on radio about it, even more ostensibly. >> you want another copy? >> it's his birthday. >> thank you. coming up on this wednesday, he is oversaw the agency accused of leaving our veterans to die on a secret waiting list reportedly. so should the head of the veterans affairs step down? we have an update on that. and what do you call your in-laws? >> mr. dell dev. >> is it normal or nuts to still call your in-laws mr. or mrs.? dr. ablow has that answer. >> mr. keith ablow. >> doctor. ♪ ♪ when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ got quick headlines for you. new calls for veterans affairs secretary eric shenseki to step down. texas senator john cornyn demanding his resignation following accusations of the phoenix v.a. hospital hid treatment delays that led to the deaths of 40 veterans. several other senators, as well as the american legion, have called for his resignation, telling the "wall street journal" he's not going anywhere. has the epa gone rogue? today the agency's inspector general is expected to tell congress their homeland security office, a unit run by president obama's political staff, is illegally blocking investigations. the office is accused of impeding probes into employee misconduct and computer security as well. who is normal and who is nuts? it's a question we ask dr. keith ablow every week and he joins us now to tackle it once more. good morning. >> good morning, team. >> all right. sir, here is your first e-mail. after four years of marriage and a baby, our daughter-in-law still calls us mister and mrs. i told her it's fine to call us by our first names but she won't. normal or nuts? >> she won't listen and that's not normal. that's nuts. >> are you kidding me? >> four years and a baby. you're lucy and ken. you're not mr. and mrs. anderson. >> she's just being poe lights. >> no, she's not. she can't cozy up. there is something in the way of her and more intimate relationships. this could be a big problem, by the way, social anxiety, some form of asburgers. there is something going on here that could be a major problem. >> okay. so she's not just being extra polite. good to know. >> she's not. unless these people are really stand-offish, but doesn't sound like it. >> we have another question for you. my husband always exaggerates the truth. for example, if a hotel room costs $57, he'll say it costs $77. it makes me crazy. is he normal or nuts? >> well, look, what's that? that's a 25% exaggeration. so i'm going to say normal 'cause it's not quite nuts. he's not saying it's a $700 room. not that you would believe it. but the bottom line is here is somebody who doesn't think he's enough. he thinks he's 25% too little. so you can be kind to him and tell him he is everything you hoped he'd be and he doesn't need to do this 'cause you love him. if that's true. >> wants to know my theory? 'cause i watched bob newhart in the '70s. i think he has to spend his whole life trying to get attention by exaggerating. this is another example of it. >> well, i think we agree. but that sense of needing to exaggerate, listen, he doesn't have to. he's always been good and decents and enough and if he doesn't realize it, his wife has to help him see that. >> and here is another one. i just wrote it to myself. can i get the typing noise at least? today is my 50 birthday. i'm not going to read this. >> come on, you wrote it. >> i'm thinking of quitting all this and becoming a soccer player. am i normal or nuts? >> normal. >> that's normal? >> normal because you at 50 are like another man at 22. why not? hit the field. >> i like this guy. i think i might satisfy your deductible. >> i'd buy my tickets right now to see that. >> go to the revolution to see me weekly. >> i think he was wrong on two of them. >> you think he was wrong? >> dr. keith, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> take care. happy birthday. >> thanks. coming up straight ahead. >> should high school be handing out homework with graphic references to sex? that father questioned it and he got arrested. >> are you kidding me? no. it really happened. what happens when moms take a night off leaving dads in charge? it's the topic of the new movie and it's christian ♪ [ male announc ] your eyes. even at a distance of 10 mis... the length 146 football fields... they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver. multivitamins with lutein and vitamins a, c, and e to support healthy eyes and packed with key nutrients to support your heart and brain, too. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. cen♪rum silver. 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'cause the kids would fall asleep in the car. >> we went to the drive-in and it was the story about sharks who ate people. >> no wonder you were always crying. >> mom, what do you think about elisabeth? >> i love elisabeth. >> okay. don't yell at me. i just asked you a question. >> you raised a great guy here for sure. i think birthdays are sentimental for moms. we get mushy on the birthday of our kids. >> i am very mushy. especially with him. brian has been -- all these years, brian has been an incredible rewarding journey me. he's been wonderful son and a special person as well. i'm not prejudiced. >> now you're going to make jimmy and steven feel bad. so say something nice about them. i don't need to hear oh, he's your favorite. >> she didn't say that. >> i didn't get to the other two yet. >> you got to call back august 3 and august 9. we got to have them on. >> brian, you have a very happy birthday and many happy things. >> thank you. thanks, mom. let's keep in touch. >> okay. i love you. >> i love you, too. and i'll see you a little later. >> okay. >> we all love you, mom. >> i am the son that can't fix anything, so she calls me just -- she knows i feel bad about that. when the light bulbs go out, she calls me. she literally leaves the light bulbs so i can change them so i don't feel bad. that was not my mom. that was an actress, but still, a lovely woman. >> i don't know what to believe coming out of your mouth anymore, kilmeade. >> all right. you should believe this, the news. we turn to heather nauert. >> she's such a lovely lady. good morning to you all. news to bring you. this morning police in california are trying to determine if that teen-ager should be charged with a crime. this comes as newly released surveillance video shows the moment the 15-year-old climbed out of the wheel well of that 767 whether it landed in hawaii. no one still knows how the boy managed to survive that five-hour flight in temperatures 80 degrees below zero. unbelievable. condoleeza rice is getting an offer this morning to speak at texas tech university after she turned down an invitation at rutgers university amid all those protests there. the chancellor of texas tech was on our show earlier and he says it shouldn't be about politics. it should be about the person's credentials. listen. >> we're in the idea business. if there is anyone that should be in the idea business, it's universities. we should be stressing that we want all people of all persuasions to be able to speak out. >> rice is said to be considering that offer. we'll keep watching that story for you. the house of representatives is now inching closer to charging former irs official lois lerner with contempt charges. there is a meeting to consider that today. >> the way this looks, you know, it looks so political. a political process, pure and simple. aimed at trying to appeal to the red meat, throwing red meat to the political base. the facts don't seem to matter. nobody can find a scarier organization, i think, at least one without guns, than the irs. >> there could be a house vote today or tomorrow. we'll watch that story as well. here is a story that we're hearing a lot from you about. a father shows up at a school board meeting to express his concerns about a very risque novel his daughter was required to read, who is 14. watch what happens at the school board meeting. >> what are you charging me with? >> disorderly conduct. >> disorderly conduct. >> okay. so what happened here? you see him there, he went over the two minutes that he was allowed to address the school board in new hampshire and he was arrested. the book in question is called "19 minutes." it has what's described as a, well, pretty rough teen sex scene. >> reads like a transcript for a triple x porno movie. we had no notice of it whatsoever. no written notice, nothing. >> okay. so what happens now? school officials say they plan to update their policies. but instead of allowing parents to opt out of their children reading this controversial material, parents will be forced to sign off on them. so basically no real change. the kids still have to read the stuff. >> more on that, let's bring in sean astin. >> he plays a dad in the movie "moms night out" and in real life you have three children. >> i have try daughters. >> you've done everything. >> everything. >> what about that story, the guy goes past his two minute limit and they arrest him. >> you didn't show what he was like in that room, so i'm not sure about that. but the solution that the school came up with seemed reasonable. >> what would you do if that raiding was forced on your kids? >> i prepare my kid for anything going into it. no matter what they throw at her, i'm there to support her. but i like the idea that parents have to sign off on questionable material. >> how do you feel about, with you, cable, you have young kids, growing up, did you watch anything on line or watch anything you you want? >> we talked a little bit about it. but one thing is the kids are pretty self regulating. if there is something scary, they don't wants to watch it. or political, they don't wants to watch it, or news. that said, my feeling is i'm very liberal about what they watch as long as they know that i'm going to talk to them and we have to communicate for a long time afterward until i'm sure that they put things in the right place. my wife is very protective. she insulates them from a lot of stuff. it's like america. kind of a grab bag. >> your wife in the movie needs a night out. >> yeah. >> i'm thankful for this because it sort of gets into the complexity and funny moments of moms have. they got to get away and the dads left to watch the kids. how did that go? >> you know what? this story is just kind of an unabashed look at life in america with christian families. sarah drew, who plays the mom, is gorgeous. she's in "gray's annot knee." she's having a moment where she needs support. my character, you got to find something to do. you've got to go out with your friends. and then, of course, me and the other dads get left with the awesome responsibilities of finding some ways to keep our children safe and entertain them. which is challenging. >> absolutely. when people see you on the street, you walked in, i said hi, rudy. but a lot of people say hey, goonies. when are they going to make a sequel? >> the director made some comment about how it was happening. if it is happening, it will be nice to know about it. >> this is the first you've heard about it? >> yeah. right here. do you have anything else to tell me? >> i'm ready to negotiate your deal. >> how about this? rudy goes pro and we put you on the vikings. >> why the vikings of all teams? this is mother's day weekend. my wife, we're doing whatever we can to figure out how to give my wife, our mom, something beautiful to do. taking your kids and your family to see "moms night out" is a lovely thing to do. it's a sweet, fun, family film. people are saying we wish there was a film that reflects our values. this does. >> we find it everywhere? >> yeah. 1100 screens. it's big. >> it's wide! america, go see this! >> for kids as well? >> dads will like it. >> it's a ready made thing. dads will like this because they'll see, you see what you're like? moms will see, you don't understand. >> they'll say, that's sean astin, he's great in everything. >> happy birthday. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> we'll be watching. coming up. >> a fox news alert. the u.s. jumping into the search for hundreds of kidnapped girls. we are live from the white house with the brand-new details on that. guy fieri is here. find out what he's cooking up and if sean wants a bite. >> delicious. ♪ ♪ starts with back pain... ...and a choice. take 4 advil in a day which is 2 aleve... ...for all day relief. "start your engines" in front of our house again. it's a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? i do! me too! are those king's hawaiian rolls? thanks, carol! people go pupule for the sweet, fluffy deliciousness of king's hawaiian. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. is levy using our clippers? fox news alert. american military and police are joining an international manhunt for the leader of a nigerian terrorist group behind the kidnapping of more than 270 girls. molly henneberg is live at the white house with the latest. we're in now? >> reporter: we are in. good morning, brian, steve, and allegation. president obama has adequate in media interviews he can only imagine what these parents of the abducted girls are going through. nearly 300 of them taken from their schools, teenage girls taken from their school on april 15 by an islamic extremist group. now that nigeria has agreed to accept help, president obama says the u.s. will do, quote, everything we can. >> we've already sent in a team to nigeria. they've accepted our help, a combination of military, law enforcement, and other agencies who are going in trying to identify where, in fact, these girls might be and to provide them help. >> reporter: haram is the group that says it took the girls and translated, that means, quote, western education is sinful. their leader says allah told him to sell the girls. while the white house says the u.s. has sent military advisors to nigeria, there is no plan to send combat troops. >> we're not considering at this point military resources. we would urge nigeria to insure that any operation to free the girls would protect civilians and human rights. >> reporter: as far as any f.b.i. resources being sent to nigeria, that's still being sorted out. a senior federal law enforcement source says the elite hostage rescue team has not been sent to nigeria at this point. brian? >> i know the british are helping out as well. hopefully we'll find some answers. thanks a lot. we'll talk to you again. on a much lighter note, guess who is here. guy fieri, one of the most famous faces in grill something here. first let's check in with another famous face, martha mccallum for what's going on on her show at the top of the hour. hemmer pretends like he has pull. but you make all the decisions. >> nicely done. happy birthday. >> thank you. >> we're going to hear from john boehner this morning and we expect new details on the make-up of the select committee to investigate benghazi. who and when. those are the big questions there. also we expect he's going to talk about the vote to hold lois lerner in contempt, discussion and vote on that expected shortly on the irs scandal. lot of big news. and which way does the monica lewinsky story really cut these days? bill and i will see you at the top of the hour. fancy feast elegant medleys. inspired dishes like primavera, florentine and tuscany. fancy feast. a medley of love, served daily. he's the ultimate culinary rock star and his new book will get you ready for summer with the best grilling recipes. >> and here he is right now, the guy on fire, the host of "diners, driver-ins and dives." >> it's cold out here! >> you are warming up, guy. >> this is fine for me. i'm from northern california. i know a little bit of chilly. >> grilling time. what is the number one thing people screw up? pork chops. why? they overcook them. and they don't treat them right the first time. let's talk about the first thing which is called a brine. warm waters, sugar, peppercorn, thyme, chile flake. pour it in. this brine. this is a double cut chop. we're good on the sugar. it's equal parts of salt and sugar. we drop these chops in and what we'll let them do is sit in the brine from two to eight hours. just depends on the thickness. >> plan ahead. >> exactly. when they come out of the brine, what's going to happen is we're going to make a little pocket on the inside of this chop. remember the trick with the banana when you were a kid where you put it inside the banana? and then unpeel it and it was cut in half? this is the same thing here. we if in with the knife. we cut inside this chop just with a small incision. >> after you take it out of the brine? >> exactly. now we're ready to stuff. now i got peppers and onions. we're going to mix that in right here with some provolone. give it a little stir. >> brian is having a pork chop birthday. >> we do this osmosis. now we grab this mixture of peppers, onions, proscitto. we got this all stuffed. we take it over to the grill. here is the key. let's make sure that when we take it to the girl -- >> it doesn't spill out. >> look at her go. i can just take off now. you got this. >> this recipe -- here is the idea. we're grilling it on both sides and then what happens, right when we gets done? we'll set it over here, let it rest for a little bit and we're done. >> i know you're the pro. who do we have here? >> you're going to pull me away from this? >> 30 seconds. >> french toast. everybody loves it. the key to great french toast, we have a mixture of eggs and cream and little bit of vanilla and cinnamon. the key is when you get done with the french toast, brown sugar, butter, chopped apple the, calvadose. wait a second. let's do this right. right over the top. top that french toast. we have the recipes. this is inspired by my kids. we have a little whip cream on top. >> go gets his book. >> guy on fire. >> go to his house. he has good food. more "fox & friends" in just a moment. new car! hey! 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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20141030 10:00:00

of our traditions. >> does president obama owe netanyahu an apology after someone in the administration called him a chicken bleep. head to our facebook page. use #keep talking. >> fox and friends starts right now. >> hi everyone and good morning. today is thursday, 30th of october, 2014. it's a word so bad we can't even say it on television but forget an apology from the white house for insulting our only ally in the middle east. they don't even want to investigate who said it. >> you have gone after reporters again and again in this administration and then when it comes to insulting the prime minister you don't seem to care who leaked it. >> maybe they don't care because they already know. we'll tell you what we know this morning and you can decide. >> what would our attorney general eric holder's biggest regret be? >> i think about the subpoena to the fox reporter, rosen. >> well, this morning the fox reporter rosen responds to that stunning admission by our top law officer. >> can't wait to meet that rosen guy. and the husband of a democratic candidate caught red handed. >> those aren't your signs. >> there's no -- >> there's no what. >> there's no name on this sign. >> yes there are. right here. property of the republican party. >> the rest of that tape and the name on those signs straight ahead because mornings are better with friends. unless you're that guy. >> hey, you're watching fox and friends. bam! boom! >> welcome aboard folks live in studio e. it's fox and friends. we got anna with us. >> good morning everybody. >> glad to have you. we have enough enemies in this world. it's amazing how we're talking about our friends. you would think we would save verbiage like this for our enemies. according to a senior obama administration benjamin netanyahu is chicken blank. you talk about tensions between our best ally maybe on the planet but in the middle east where does that come from? >> it's so extraordinary that that sort of talk goes on at the white house and you have to wonder who exactly said that. the white house couldn't possibly like that unless they feel like that. jen had an exchange at the department of state with a reporter about you are going to apologize aren't you. >> you don't feel a need for an apology because this was said by an anonymous official rather than let's say the vice president saying something about turkey or saudi arabia in which he makes a phone call to apologize for. >> well, obviously every circumstance is different. i have been clear and the secretary will be clear when he speaks to netanyahu next that that doesn't represent our views. >> she says it would be a waste of time to figure out who said this and to apologize. it doesn't make any sense. the other piece that struck me from the piece by goldberg was the biggest frustration and the biggest person the white house is frustrated with is benjamin netanyahu. it's not kim jong un or vladimir putin. how do they spin it? you spat with the people that you love the most. >> i think that it's very clear to everyone that the united states and israel are key allies. they are, you know, bond together in the middle east and so the frustration i think you're sensing steve is why isn't the administration more angry at the north koreans or the russias et cetera, but it's when you have a close friend or a husband or lover that you're frustrated with them that you see this kind of out cry. >> i get it and that's fine if you didn't read the last article but they go into detail about all the problems we have with our loved one. he's a small timer that's the pay your of jerusalem that doesn't have the guts to bomb iran even though we begged him not to a couple of years ago. >> the part about that is the juicy part. we talked netanyahu out of taking out iran. he followed our orders and now he's a chicken bleep? clearly the administration knows who said this. in fact, there's a real good possibility that our president said this about mr. netanyahu. >> i mean, come on if my lover called me a chicken you know what, that would be the last time in the barnyard. i'll tell you that right now. but are we showing our true colors about how we feel about benjamin netanyahu in israel. remember this in 2008. he said i cannot bear netanyahu he's a liar and obama said you're fed up with him but i have to deal with him more often than you. >> there's a lot of ways you can describe benjamin netanyahu but as a guy that's chicken or not aggressive or a coward, did you see what just happened over the last six months. have you seen in the past what he has done? he's cracking down almost too hard. i thought that's why the world was so upset with him. >> they're not going to apologize and the white house does know who said it but what is interesting is if they were upset they would go after the leaker. they would try to figure out who exactly leaked that to the atlantic. we're going to talk a little bit shortly about how eric holder was asked about some regrets but ed henry is also talking about the whole thing of aren't you going to try to get to the bottom of this and he too, not very curious. look. >> why then are you kind of fluffing off this idea that you kind of don't care who leaked that story -- that not might have but insulted the prime minister of israel. you have gone after reporters again and again in this administration to find out who leaked information to them and when it comes to insulting the prime minister you don't seem to care who leaked it. >> again i don't think that's an accurate reflection of the administration's policy. it's not an accurate reflection of our views. >> hasn't this department gone after all series of reporters. >> no, and they have put in measures to ensure that journalists in this country are able to do their job. >> so you don't seem curious because that's not how we feel however one thing is clear the defense minister came to this country to meet with our secretary of state and he was not able to get an appointment. i guess secretary of state kerry was all booked up. >> one of the reporters they're talking about are james rosen. turns out holder regrets that subpoena and here's how james rosen responds to all of this. the attorney general's latest comments about my case like his previous remarks scarcely address the relevant facts of his conduct. >> in this case they don't have to go after the reporter because they know who said it to the reporter probably and they probably feel like that anyway. the thing that eric holder did say though i think i could have been a little more careful looking at the language in the filing regarding james rosen and when you take a look at what was in the language the fbi claimed that rosen had perhaps opened the law. he was either an aider or abettor or coconspiritor and they grabbed his e-mail a couple of years after and suddenly people are saying you can't do that. unfortunately during this administration, not so much. >> we just want journalists to be able to do their jobs. how about when you start going after their parents. remember that? >> james's parents in staten island. >> yeah, they have always been a problem in this country. >> yes eric holder. >> a lot of people have been complaining about his parents. it's good they cracked down on them from the white house. >> it's good he has regrets. >> i don't have regrets tossing it over. >> i have a show down to tell you about taking place in maine this hour. police troopers in front of her house. we're talking about the nurse that treated ebola patients in west africa. she is now thumbing her nose at officials there that want her quarentineed. her civil rights are being violated since she tested negative for the disease. she defied that by stepping outside of her home to speak to officials. state officials are looking to get a court order to force her to stay inside. >> while you were sleeping the husband of a democratic state senator was wide awake at this hour that he was busted stealing republican campaign signs at 4:00 in the morning. police are releasing an arrest warrant. >> those aren't your signs bud. >> there's no -- >> there's no what. >> there is no name on these signs. >> yes they are. look right here. property of the republican party. >> we got you brother. we got your license plate, your face and everything. >> oh my gosh. what is it high school or something? >> well, long faces a year in prison and a $2300 fine despite his denial. >> it may be just a preview of the presidential election. former florida governor jeb bush taking a swipe at hilary clinton that said that businesses don't create jobs. >> this last week i saw something that was breathtaking, a former secretary of state that was campaigning in massachusetts where she said that don't let them tell you that businesses create jobs. >> well bush says economic growth creates companies and that leads to more jobs. >> and the giants winning the third world series in just five seasons. >> popped up. sandoval, in foul territory, giants win. >> wow, the final score, 3-2. >> thousands packing the streets after the game. but before it was the opera singer that stole the show. ♪ and the home of the brave >> she took -- oh, poor thing. but what a graceful recovery. done like a pro. >> but what about the grounds keeper that got the lines just right. just messed up the batter's box. i can't believe it. >> that's why i don't sing opera. it's too dangerous. >> and it's in italian. >> coming up, they're in our country illegally and now new proof they're casting ballots at the polls perhaps. the outrageous voting praud exposed straight ahead. >> how can a fortunate 500 company pay its workers well above minimum wage and save more money. the ceo of the container store with his ways to success. next. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know you that former pro football player ickey woods will celebrate almost anything? unh-uh. number 44... whoooo! forty-four, that's me! get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts... get some cold cuts! whooo! gimme some! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. whoo! forty-four ladies, that's me! whoo...gonna get some cold cuts today! [coughing] dave, i'm sorry to interrupt... i gotta take a sick day tomorrow. dads don't take sick days, dads take nyquil. the nighttime, sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, fever, best sleep with a cold, medicine. [coughing] hey amanda, sorry to bother you, but i gotta take a sick day. moms don't take sick days, moms take dayquil. the non drowsy, coughing, aching, fever, sore throat, stuffy head, power through your day medicine. wouldn't it be great if hiring plumbers, shopping online is as easy as it gets. carpenters and even piano tuners were just as simple? thanks to angie's list, now it is. start shopping online from a list of top-rated providers. visit today. a guy by the name of kip kendall started the container store. they now have more than 6,000 employees and $800 million in revenue. >> his secret, putting more women in charge. author of the new book uncontainable. thanks for being with us. >> good morning glad to be here. >> thanks kip. your point is proved by fox and friends, the two masterminds behind our show are female. what type of attributes do women have that men don't? >> well, i think that guys came back from world war ii and started businesses and adopted a lot of the command top down methodology of leadership and management and the companies that do best have more of a conscious capitalist or servant leadership type of management style. more transparent. more team and nurturing. so i think we're seeing a feminization of american business. we're not there yet because only 23 of the fortune 500 ceos are women. but for basically a houseware store like the container store having a vast majority of our leadership as women is great. we love men too. we have great men leaders as well. >> i love your store. you have things i've never seen before. it's easy to go in there and go down each and every aisle. one of the interesting things is you are like a lot of other businesses able to pay your employees about double the minimum wage. we have a graphic here and you also do something with your employees. that is you really train them how to be in the store. that way you don't just hire somebody and say put on an apron. they know everything about your business. >> nothing worse than working at a retail store trying to help customers when you aren't well trained or you don't know what the products are about. the only reason a corporation exists is to maximize the return of the shareholder. and we're like okay the best way to do that is hire great people, train them well, pay them well and they will take better care of your customers than anybody else and if your employees are exstatic and shareholders will be as well. our philosophy is one great person can easily do the business productive of three people and customers and fellow employees and the company all thrive by having great people well trained and well paid and look forward to coming to work in the morning. >> and they'll stick with you when your making nearly double what the national average is. you guys play your employees on average $50,000 as opposed to the national average of less than $24,000. also something interesting is you and your wife work together. you say it works great for you and it's almost like the way people used to work on farms 200 years ago. >> well it's unusual today. the family business and we're not a family business. we have out grown that phase but it's delightful to do that. i'm a big advocate of it. sharon is in charge of the merchandising and buying. it's thrilling to build a business together. for me to watch her work is like watching monet paint the water lilies. it's a thrill. we get to travel the world to work with our manufacturers. the vast majority of our product is not available anywhere else and that's a lot of fun. that's a great way to spend a career. >> you have a great store with cool gismos. he also has a great book out called uncontainable. thank you for joining us. >> enjoyed it. >> 20 minutes after the top of the hour. already frustrated with obamacare, wait until you hear this, you're paying for it to cover foreign diplomats too. they get the coverage. >> and remember this confrontation? >> so if you think that inciting these people is a good idea i'm going to pull the plug on you. >> when you report the news, when you report the reality the people in charge want to shut you down. >> he didn't let up did he? this morning even more fall out. >> oh, boy. hi everybody. 23 minute afs the hour. stories making headlines at this hour your tax dollars paying for the health care of foreign diplomats. it's legal thanks to an obamacare loophole. according to health and human services if diplomats have the right visa they are eligible and russian jets and bombers spotted where they're not supposed to be across europe. what they're calling unusual incidents. u.s. officials believe it's just a show of power by putin. >> all right, they're responsible for some of the greatest military achievements in our history but overseas they face challenges at home like transitioning to regular civilian life. scott news helped raise more than $1 million for these heros. they face the very same transition for himself. scott, so glad you're up early. i knew that wouldn't be an issue. first off for people outside that associate with green berets the movies, what do you do? >> we specialize in unconventional warfare. we go into places behind the scenes and create stability and defense and diplomacy. >> you go to the eye of the storm. so out of the entire army, 1% get to be green berets and it takes two years to train you guys. >> it does. there's 6500 green berets and we're around the world doing the country's business. >> if you have a job that that's intense and rewarding that shows immediate gratification especially fighting for a country how could you possibly match that in the civilian world. when you're home you're just like everybody else. >> you still have the skills. we were all selected for a reason. we're can do. we're positive thinkers. we can go into situations and sort them out. those are the kind of people that american businesses would love to have. >> i agree with you but do you realize that when you come home? how do we transition you from the face paint world to our world? >> we have a process called the next bridge line. we have green beret and business mentors that take you and repurpose you and make you adapt to the civilian world just like the combat situation. >> so you get google and say get that linked in profile going. get your resume going. start making contacts. this is how you present yourself and this is what you do. living with insurgence might not be what morgan stanley needs. he was honored at the dinner i was privileged to be at. here's what he said about what you guys do. >> when president kennedy helped form the green berets they knew they would be needed. the values and principles that make you go into harm's way willingly are great american traits. the people in this room particularly the green berets have my greatest respect because they're prepared to risk everything for an idea and that idea is called america. >> what do you think? >> it was a great speech. his wife spoke as well. part of behind the green beret is a great wife and family that supports them as well. we want to participate in america too. we want to come home and be great americans. >> and some of you getting pink slips in battle right now aren't you? >> i think so. the draw down in the military. this lust just to come down to a normal size is effecting everybody and we've had several green beret officers get pink slips in the battlefield. >> it's so unacceptable it's beyond words. how can we get involved? >> see us at green beret foundation org. and all the money go to support the green berets and their families. >> thank you so much. great to see you in person. coming up straight ahead they're in the country illegally and casting ballots at the polls. crash test dummies are packing on pounds. can you believe it? first happy birthday to ivanka trump. she's 33 and so much smarter than me. [laughs] when we're having this much fun, why quit? and bounty has no quit in it either. watch how one sheet of bounty keeps working, and bounty has no quit in it either. while their two sheets, just quit. bounty, the no-quit picker-upper. i can face my 3rd grade class trip. tying shoes, fixing pigtails. new tena instadry. 864 tiny funnels zip wetness away. that's fearless protection poise maximum can't match. with tena, i'm not afraid. and you won't be either. do you guys have identity theft protection? [ male voice ] i'm sorry, did you say identity distribution? no. protection. identity theft protection. you have selected identity distribution. your identity will now be shared with everyone. thank you. no, no, no -- [ click, dial tone ] [ female announcer ] not all credit report sites are equal. [ male voice ] we're good in here, howie. yeah, have a good night, brother. members get personalized help plus identity theft protection. join now at with enrollment in experian credit tracker. join now at ♪ (train horn) vo: wherever our trains go, the economy comes to life. norfolk southern. one line, infinite possibilities. yeah it's all about the photograph. it's your shot of the morning. the president of the united states that hates photo ops, addressing the nation about ebola along side health care workers and doctors still in the incubation period. they could still potentially still present ebola symptoms but i would imagine before they went into that room at the white house they probably all got a temperature check. >> you would hope they had some type of screening. i had somebody tweet me the other day, we're asking who should be in charge of the guidelines? the white house, the military, the governors. i had somebody tweet me that said if they're so comfortable let them spend the night at the white house. i don't think they're going to be spending the night. >> it was amazing to see him so angry yesterday. we're just careful. if you have a kid and someone just came back within 20 days of dealing with ebola patients. have my 25-year-old give him a hug. no, wait 21 days. you have to be sure. we all just watched this. it's not being fearful. it's just being smart. and we'll talk about this in more detail in 25 minutes but it's democratic governors and mayors. >> look at the state of california. they instituted a 21 day ebola period. you come back from west africa, you have been in contact with people you have so sit in your house 21 days, three weeks. 27 minutes before the top of the hour. >> have other news to bring you right now. you know the rookie cop you told you about attacked by a terrorist swinging a hatchet in new york city, he's now out of the hospital this morning. he faces weeks of physical therapy before he's able to go back on the beat. he and three other cops were attacked last week by a man with ties to islamic extremist happening at a subway stop in new york city and he was cheered on by so many fellow officers as he got out of the hospital. welcome home. >> well, they are calling it the smoking gun. stunning evidence that illegal immigrants are voting in the state of maryland. four people from frederick county are now suing the state. they want a judge to intervene before tuesday's election. the group says that thousands that stated they were not u.s. citizens tried to get out of jury duty but they went ahead and voted in elections since 2006. >> this is massive voter fraud. ththis is a national story. this is the smoking gun. we have formal documentation never been done before. >> well, republicans says this makes a strong case for a voter i.d. law in that state. he'll push for one in the section session. remember the chaos at the keen pumpkin festival? >> so if you think that inciting these people is a good idea i'm going to pull the plug on you. >> when you report the news. when you report the reality the people in charge want to shut you down. >> oh, well, that reporter nearly getting shutdown by the festival's organizer as drunken college kids spark the violent riots. police just announcing they have now arrested three more teenagers charging them with reckless conduct. more than 80 were arrested in that all together. >> and this is the shot of a lifetime times four. nice, a senior at ryan college in tennessee making four straight shots in 30 seconds winning a $10,000 scholarship. the student says he's never even played basketball. >> no way. >> that's the best part. >> all of them looked like they were about to come out but they went in. >> can you imagine how he would do if he had a lesson. >> all the kids around him are going give me a dollar. give me a dollar. >> i didn't know about brian college. >> meanwhile we've got the streets of new york city and look at her standing in the dark. >> that's right. good morning and i've got my coat on today because it's a lot cooler across part of the northeast and only going to get colder as we head into this weekend. let's start off with today's high temperatures. you're seeing the high temperatures in the 40s and 50s and farther west not bad in texas. highs in the 80s and 70s and across the west coast, california you look good. the high temperature in l.a. forecast to reach 80 degrees. much quiter conditions with a lot of sunshine but we have areas of rain moving in and here's the next storm almost producing areas of rain early this morning. i want to show you your forecast for friday, halloween, we have an area of low pressure exiting the great lakes and moving into the north. with that system we could see area of rain and transitioning over to snow in the areas holding up and that includes the appalachians. otherwise quite conditions expected across the center of the country. >> thank you very much. >> well, it's a thriller perfect for this halloween weekend. >> first, go around. get a shot inside the car. >> hey, back away. >> i've got it. i'm back. i'm back. >> will this be on television? >> morning news. >> if it bleeds it leads. >> are you currently hiring. >> i resent that. >> night crawler hits theaters tomorrow and stars a top notch cast. >> good morning, just in time for halloween is this creepy grizzly movie from screen writer director dan gilroy starring renee russo and jake gyllenhall. he goes from crime scene to crime scene every night in l.a. photographing the most horrific accidents and i think this culture actually exists. >> it does. >> you were telling me about it earlier in the green room and he went all out for this role. he lost about 30 pounds by eating kale. >> geled his hair it looks like. >> jogging every night. about 15 miles a day and eating gum. the critics are raving about his performance. oscar is probably in his future for this role definitely. we caught up with him recently at the red carpet premiere in new york city. to tell us about how he went all out for this role and what his first meal was after he was done dieting. >> there's movie tough and there's life tough. i don't like to merge the two which is why i try to go all out whenever i make movies. whenever you can know what real pain is then when you're working in a fictional world you can push it pretty far. first meal i had when i was finishing the movie was rosco's chicken and waffles. i had fried chicken and waffles and a ton of maple syrup. >> delicious. >> so he's really good. do you like it or no? >> it was fantastic. if you work in this business you'll find it very interesting. >> i got to go to a special screening and i talked to him about it because he has all of these little psychotic things in it so lengthy and he said to this day he'll remember one of them and resite it to himself. >> he's on quite a role. he's in the zone career wise. you can catch all of my interviews and as always find me on twitter for the latest celebrity buzz at fox light michael. >> coming up have you seen the new test dummies, the one on the left the original size. the one on the right, it has about an extra 100 pounds packed on. why are they doing that? they'll tell you straight ahead. >> he has a shirt on. >> the nurse that treated ebola patients says her civil rights are being violated. so is she right? the judge says yes? >> what? >> we'll talk to him. >> okay. there are more reasons than ever why now is the best time to be on verizon. one: verizon's the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in the country. that's right america. with xlte in over 400 markets. two: and here's something for families to get excited about. our best ever pricing with double the data on select plans. and three: you can now get our best ever single line pricing starting at $45. so get all this now, on the network ranked #1 for data performance nationwide. verizon. all around the world the dedicated people of united airlines ♪ are there to support you. ♪ that's got your back friendly. ♪ feet...tiptoeing. better things than the pain, stiffness, and joint damage of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. before you and your rheumatologist decide on a biologic, ask if xeljanz is right for you. xeljanz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. xeljanz can relieve ra symptoms, and help stop further joint damage. xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. don't start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. tears in the stomach or intestines, low blood cell counts and higher liver tests and cholesterol levels have happened. your doctor should perform blood tests before you start and while taking xeljanz and routinely check certain liver tests. tell your doctor if you have been to a region where fungal infections are common, and if you have had tb, hepatitis b or c, or are prone to infections. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take. one pill, twice daily, xeljanz can reduce ra pain and help stop further joint damage, even without methotrexate. ask about xeljanz. quick headlines now. watch your tubby dummy. crash test dummies are packing on an extra 100 pounds. on the right is the new fat dummy with a pancho which a thicker waistline and bigger rear end to resemble today's american. and game stop and nordstrom joining costco closing on thanksgiving this year. all three will reopen on black friday. >> thank you very much. that nurse right there that treated ebola patients in west africa refuses to self-quarentine and now health officials promising swift legal action. >> when it is made clear by an individual in this risk category that they do not intend to voluntarily stay at home for the remaining 21 days, we will immediately seek a court order to ensure that they do not make contact with the public. >> right now a police car is sitting outside her house. so do they have the right, the state, to arrest her if she leaves? let's talk to the judge. judge, the thing about this woman that freaked people out was when she came to newark airport. they did that scanner thing. she had a 101 reading on that device and later tested negative for ebola but was on her radar. >> that's why she was released from a tent in the parking lot in the downtown newark. >> but that's why she was confined to the tent because she had a 101 temperature. >> accept that's an insufficient basis to confine someone under the law. the presumption of liberty. we're all presumed to be free in america. she does not have to prove that she is not contagious. rather the state has to prove that she is contagious. now she may have some professional obligation consistent with maine haw as a licensed health care professional to comply with professional guidelines but as an american citizen she cannot be confined against her will unless and until a judge decides that, in fact, she is contagious. >> under the 10th amendment don't states have the right to protect the welfare and safety and health of the people. >> yes they do. that's the area of the constitution that says all the powers that the states gave the federal government that's all we gave and the rest we retain. traditionally health, safety, wealth or informal ration is retained by the state. >> but they feel it's within the safety of the state to have her confined. >> that's subject to everything in the constitution that says you're presumed free. the burden is on the state to show it. if they want to test her blood to see if she's carrying the disease. they can do that against her will but they would still have to demonstrate to a judge with her lawyers there resisting this demonstration that, in fact, she's contagious. she cannot be quarantinedbecausd in africa. she cannot be quarantined because she has a fever or they think or feel she is contagious. >> the way i remember the 10th amendment, all of that stuff, my daughter the law school student sent me a bunch of stuff regarding this. >> wait a minute, you went to your daughter to double check my research. >> no, i wanted to have the counter argument. >> i'm happy to be challenged. >> my daughter told me if the states want to enforce this they can't be oppressive about it. she is staying in a house so they confine her to that it would be reasonable. >> what would be oppressive and unreasonable is to confine her without any evidence. confine her just on the basis of where she had been. again, the exception to this is if she agreed as a nurse, licensed in maine, to comply with certain maine-generated guidelines for health care workers and if those guidelines say you should self-quarantine they can do that but they have to prove she is in fact contagious. >> this is just going to keep going on and on and on. >> and she's clear. she wants to leave the house today. >> god bless her. >> he is written about the legal fall out of ebola at washington thank you very much. >> thank you. >> what do you think about the nurse? is she being selfish or just defending her rights? e-mail us and send us a message on facebook or twitter and we'll read them in about ten minutes. >> coming up the new breed of terrorists destroying banks, and putting american lives in danger. we're talking about a cyberattack. what you need to know coming up. and this is the real way to get out the vote. >> your vote is your voice. >> usa. >> let's hear it. >> usa. >> where you from. >> cosmo magazine teaming up with one of the nation's biggest colleges to bring these guys to campus on election day to get people to vote. for what? >> a person named osama bin laden. >> the leader of al qaeda. sweet, spicy, savory! red lobster's endless shrimp ends soon! the year's largest variety. like new spicy siriacha shrimp, or parmesan shrimp scampi. as much as you like, any way you like. but it won't last long, so hurry in today. and sea food differently. a new breed of terror could pose the biggest threat the united states has ever seen. it's called cyber terror and an attack would wreak havoc on banks, expose classified government information and put american lives in danger. so are we prepared here at home? here to explain is kurt the cyber guy. good morning. >> good to see you. we're not prepared. and i think this country should be very concerned about the level of cyber security and how firm our borders as it relates to -- i think we talk about isis and the fear that they actually have an attack op u.s. soil, set that aside because the bigger threat is a cyber attack from anywhere in the world back on u.s. soil. let me talk about one example that is already happened. we turned a blind eye to it. but we need o wake up to this. the office of homeland security has a contractor that in august admitted to the fact that they had been hacked. this is the company, the defense contractor that is responsible for vetting every one of the government employees who work for the office of homeland security, especially those officers and border protection, the officers at tsa officers, and 20,000 records of these people, including their home address, their families' names, their past history is out on the open. >> all exposed? >> what do we do? >> we see that and go that's just terrible. but let's do the math here. you're a mexican drug lord making billions of dollars trafficking drugs around the world and your biggest problem has been getting across the border in the southern part of the u.s. across texas. well, what would you pay as a mexican drug lord how many millions of dollars would you pay for access to those agents' personal details? if i were up with of those agents, i would feel betrayed by the u.s. government at this very moment, especially by this contractor and it's just sloppy and must stop. >> the next idea you have for us is hackers wanting to gain control of banks. is this something that is happening -- >> jpmorgan chase is the big one we talked about so far the last couple of months. they've already spent now $3 billion towards security. then they've learned their lesson so far, but they're not remotely there in terms of sealing up the u.s. financial system. so we've talked about our dangers of hacking into banks. well, imagine the fact that now banks -- here is a type of scenario that's absolutely real. hackers are quiet and they have been inside of systems for not just weeks, but many times months. it gives them a chance to understand the systems so that they can get in and do an attack. now, one group of hackers may say, we're just out for money. another group could actually have ill intentions for not just the u.s. economy, but the global economy. let me tell you the scenario, 'cause this is very real. a group of hackers right now could do one attack where they simply go in and control the trading of any one bank, moving billions of dollars in a matter of a few minutes before it triggers and it stops it. you've now caused some serious concern. simultaneously, they do what's called a denial of service attack on the bank's web sites and also at the atm level, they can just have those disabled for a certain period of time before the bank can catch up with that. >> that could create like a run on the bank? >> what it can create is let's say we go down to the atm, it's not working, so we go in to the bank and they're like, our systems are down. we trio log on to the web site and that's down. you go, wait a second. where is my money? >> you've got great information there. just go to the thanks so much. >> thank you. coming up, governor mike huckabee rallied you to stand up to the houston mayor bullying pastors to turn over their sermons. this morning a huge update and the governor is here live to tell you about it. ♪ the ♪ what are you doing? dish issues? ... ... get cascade complete. one pac cleans better than six pacs of the bargain brand combined. cascade. now that's clean. 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we'll tell what you we know. and forget everything you've ever heard. this is the real way to get out the vote. ♪ your vote is your voice ♪ usa ♪ u-s-a ♪ where you from >> i think one of them is tim tebow. cosmo teaming up with one of the nation's biggest colleges to bring these guys to campus on election day. we'll expand on that story because mornings are better with friends. >> i'm ivanka trump and you're watching "fox & friends," the best show on news television. >> thank you very much. today is her birthday. happy birthday. i know she's watching. >> what do you get ivanka trump? a building? >> something gold. >> a gold building. >> yeah. >> with trump on the front. >> happy birthday to her. we got some big news this morning. at this hour, showdown is brewing between the state of maine and that nurse who treated ebola patients in west africa. >> nurse hickox refuse to go self quarantine and health officials in maine are promising legal action. >> you're not going to believe this. doug luzader has got it and he's why hickox is getting a lot of support from the white house. but not a lot of support elsewhere, doug. >> reporter: good morning. a lot of anger in the public about her response to this. casey hickox says she's being bullied by politician, that there is no scientific reason to keep her quarantined. it looks like she may try to violate that quarantine and launch a legal battle in the process. here is what she's now saying: i'm not willing to stand here, she says, and let my civil rights be violated when it's not science based. state officials, though, may now seek a court order to force her to stay inside her home to run out the clock on ebola's 21-day incubation period. >> we have been trying to work cooperatively with her. there are concerns about the lack of reliability and the lack of trustworthiness and the information that has been received. >> reporter: while hickox has received a great deal of criticism for her unwillingness to quarantine, president obama has largely agreed with her sentiment, saying returning healthcare workers should not automatically face a quarantine. >> we need to call them what they are, which is american heros. they deserve our gratitude and they deserve to be treated with dignity and with respect. >> but at the same time, there is a discrepancy here because you have the pentagon and this new policy that requires all service members returning from west africa to observe a 21-day quarantine just in case. the white house, meantime, says that the country's new ebola czar, ron klain, a guy we really haven't heard from up to this point, and he's going to the cdc in atlanta today to talk about the nation's response to ebola. back to you guys. >> thank you very much. the military and also the white house is saying the people in the military, they're not volunteers, so they're going to have to do the quarantine. wait a minute. they are volunteers. we've got a volunteer army for decades. >> we certainly do. when the president said they should be treated like hero, of course they should. they have these huge hearts, amazing healthcare workers going over there. but when they come back, they continue to sacrifice and stay quarantined for three weeks. they've made a big sacrifice. can we extend it a little bit long tore keep the american people safe? >> judge napolitano is here and believe it or not, he thinks she has a case in saying her freedom -- her right to be free has been violated. >> you're presumed free. again, the burden is on the state to show it. look, if they want to test her blood to see if she's carrying this disease, they can do that against her will. but they would still have to demonstrate to a judge with her lawyers there resisting this demonstration that in fact she's contagious. she can not be quarantined just because she's a nurse and worked in western africa. she can not be quarantined because she has a fever. she can not be quarantined because they think or fore she's contagious. she can only be quarantined against her will if she is contagious. >> the doctor in new york that was running all over t when he landed october 12, he was fine. then he got ebola the next week. i hope she's fine and i hope next week she's fine. but what is wrong with showing us the same compassion and interest that she showed the people of africa? why not be responsible? seven out of ten respondents in this abc poll said she should be restricted to home quarantine for 21 days. our own military says and families want that had to happen. our army did it. so why is that good enough for them? they're not complaining. why is the president going to bat for her? >> we've had other lawyers on the channel since the story broke saying the opposite of what the judge is saying, that the state has an obligation to keep its residents safe. >> sure. >> a lot of our viewers on facebook are saying some of the same things. >> sherry was typing a while ago and said she, the nurse, has the right to refuse, but has the responsibility to comply. >> an e-mail, laura says, i applaud the compassion she shows for sick people around the world. i firmly believe she should show that same level of concern for her fellow countrymen and stay home for the remaining 21 days. >> john tweets, why is she better than the family in texas that were under mandated quarantine? >> excellent point. and the judge brought this up. doesn't she have a professional obligation? she could be wrong. the test could be wrong. why not just sit there? there are people in maine who are freaking out about this. there are a bunch of people, i was reading the local people up there -- who said we've given up surgery. we're going to have elective surgery. we're not going to have it because she might have been there. she wasn't there. there is no evidence that there is any ebola up there, but that's one of the reasons why this panic that has set in with some in maine is why the state is saying that if she leaves, we're going to arrest her. >> the president brings up fear. it's not fear, it's being responsible and smart. heather nauert is here and she's going to have more news, including what's going on with gitmo. >> this is quite a story. no surprise here. a fox news alert, former gitmo detainees reportedly back on the battlefield fighting for isis in syria. just moments ago, sources confirming to "fox & friends" that dozens of detainees who were released within the last two to three years may have joined the terror network. sources say of the 620 detainees that have been released from gitmo, 180 of them have returned to the fight all around the globe. in colorado, he was sick of football and wanted to take a walk. that's the missing bronco fan's reason for vanishing from the stadium last week, leaving his son behind and searching for him. police found paul kiterman nearly a week later and 100 miles away. he says he just wanted to go somewhere warmer and started hitchhiking. friends believe he may have some sort of mental breakdown. glad he is safe this morning. the giants win the world series for the third time in just five seasons. >> 2-2. popped up. sandoval! >> wow. the final score 3-2. is that an enormous celebration or what? thousands packing the streets of san francisco to celebrate that win. then while you were sleeping, the husband of the democratic state senator was wide awake and he was caught on camera as he stole republican campaign signs at 4 in the morning. check this out. >> those aren't your sign, bud. >> there is no -- >> there is mo what? >> there is no name on these signs. >> yes, they are. look right here. property of the republican party. >> we got you, brother. we got your license plate, your face and everything. >> what a dopey idea! it's like a high school election or something. happens all the time, okay. strange. police issuing an arrest warrant for dana long, the husband of delaware state senator bethany hall long. he faces a year in prison and a $2,300 fine. unbelievable. >> caught red handed. >> did he think it would make a difference in an election? >> it's the kind of thing where you're so down and out and so emotional about it, i guess you start doing silly things. >> perhaps. >> caught red handed. let's take you out to chicago. democrat there, apparently what leslie did was, they offered followers on facebook -- she that, is to say -- the opportunity, if you go vote and we don't care who you vote for, we'll give you a gift card either for wall green, starbucks or pot belly, stuff like that. that's vote buying. >> free sandwiches sandwiches a. the board of elections said this is not okay. she's since apologized and said it was well-intentioned. >> still illegal. >> i remember in eighth grade the guy running for president was offering a bazooka gum and he was kicked out. he's not president today. in illinois, something else happened that's kind of interesting, too. they're aware -- see this video now of people actually voting for one candidate and the other candidate gets voted for. they're trying to vote for the republican. watch this. and it pops up the other name. people have complained about this in the past and now we're witnessing it. >> this one guy said he voted in moline on october 27 and saw the problems on the news, but then shocked it happened to him. some people who watch this on youtube think his fingernail is accidentally touching it. >> both those stories are in the great state of illinois, which the president reminded people about a couple days ago. >> one week from today you get to choose a new governor. and because early voting runs through this friday you don't have to wait until election day. you can vote all week! i mean, you can only vote once. this isn't chicago now. >> that's funny. >> fantastic. >> also, la raza, the hispanic amnesty group, what they did was on their web site, they linked to a "washington post" story that showed people where you can vote, which of the 50 states you can vote in without an i.d. >> because the courts are struggling with it. evidently you need i.d. to do everything in this country, including to get in this building or to fly on a plane, but the big debate is, are you racist if you demand i.d. from everyone? while that's locked up in the courts, there is directions on where to go to show up without i.d. >> is the "washington post" promoting voter fraud or just doing a public service? >> 20 states don't require i.d. >> they put it out there, but this immigration group tweeted it and then la raza retweeted it and it wasn't just nonpartisan. it had the hash tag to turn out the democrat hash tag. >> on this thursday, you answered governor mike huckabee's rallying cry. you saw it here. >> send her your sermons. and here is another thought, everybody watching the show ought to send her a bible. >> now houston's mayor with her demand to get pastors sermon, but he's not done. >> that groom's grand gesture is about to go really, really wrong. we promise you'll want to see what happened. >> i do. ♪ ♪ when the game's on the line. okay patrick, let's go base, shark, blitz. the nfl trusts duracell quantum to their game day communication. abort! abort! he's keeping it. duracell quantum. lasts up to 35% longer than the competition. big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. (laugh) nice. doing the big things that move an economy. see you tomorrow, mac. see you tomorrow, sam. just another day at norfolk southern. i hait's tough, but severi've managed.ease. but managing my symptoms was all i was doing. so when i finally told my doctor, he said humira is for adults like me who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. and that in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief. and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. if you're still just managing your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. after much contemplation and discussion, i am directing the city legal department to withdraw the subpoenas issued to the five houston pastors. >> the mayor of houston back off her controversial bid to subpoena pastors sermons. >> tear no coincidence that americans answered a call from governor huckabee to send her their sermons and their bibles. and joining us right now from santa rosa beach down in florida is the governor himself. good morning to you, mike. >> good morning. >> we were talking about this case a week or so ago where because she is trying to defend houston's equal rights ordinance, she was asking for all the sermons from all the pastors and anything that regarded her as well. there is this little thing, the separation between church and state we hear about all the time and religious liberty and we talked about it and you were furious. >> i was, steve. i'll tell you why, because government has no business demanding of pastors that they cough up their sermons or their correspondence with church members to satisfy some government official who is unhappy and upset because somebody dared challenge the way that she heavy handedly stopped an election. a lot of people don't seem to understand, this is about the mayor overruling the city clerk who had certified the petitions and said there was going to be an election to overturn this transgender ordinance and the mayor just decided, no, we're not going to have an election. i'll just say that those signatures weren't valid. this is an outrage. it's the kind of thing that ought to scare the daylights out of people all over the country, not just houston. >> part of the equal rights ordinance would have allowed 40-year-old men to share restrooms with a fourth grade girl which didn't make a lot of sense. the pastors stood up for it. you feel like the mayor isn't going far enough. you'd like a personal apology. >> i think she not only needs to issue an apology, but she needs to declare that there will be an election, that the people have a right to vote on it. if they lose the election, that's one thing. but for her to arbitrarily decide that she is going to overrule the city clerk, anna russell, who has been in office for 42 years, and decide that what she certified is not right and the mayor and the city attorney decide arbitrarily that they're going to say there won't be an election? this is really at the very heart of america. we have a right to vote. we have a right to have our views held. i think this mayor is on quicksand, not on solid rock constitutionally. she knows it, but it's not enough for her to say she's withdrawing the subpoenas. that's just a small part of the outrageous behavior that she has done in trampling over the religious liberty and constitutional rights of really all the citizens of houston. not just these pastors. >> governor, we're out of time. but you've already made a difference. let's see if you get that apology. i wouldn't be surprised if you get it before the day is done. thanks for getting up with us and good luck over the weekend. >> great to be with you. next on our show, cosmo magazine using these guys to get college girls to vote, but only if it's a democratic vote. >> we love women, suffrage and amendment 15. ♪ now we got the power to choose ♪ ♪ know what i mean ♪ your vote is your voice ♪ your vote is your voice ♪ u-s-a ♪ u-s-a why do people count on sunsweet amazin prune juice to stay fit on the inside? it's made only from prunes, nothing else. it works, simple as that. it's a natural source of fiber and five essential vitamins. it's the smart choice for me. try sunsweet amazin prune juice. also available in light. (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. when diet and exercise aren't enough, adding crestor lowers bad cholesterol up to 55%. yeah! crestor is not for people with liver disease or women who are nursing, pregnant, or may become pregnant. tell your doctor all medicines you take. call your doctor if you have muscle pain or weakness, feel unusually tired, have loss of appetite, upper belly pain, dark urine, or yellowing of skin or eyes. these could be signs of serious side effects. are you down with crestor? ask your doctor about crestor. time for news by the numbers. 100. that's how many genetic mutations a child can inherit from a parent causing autism. researchers hope this new information can help them treat the disorder more effectively. next, 13. that's a michigan family of 12 boys about to have another and they're betting it will be a boy. mom, who comes from a family of 14 kids, says she thinks she will know if there was a little girl in there. 12,000. that's how many lights will turn back on on the halloween house in california shut down when the neighbors complained about traffic and noise in the area. now they have a permit. good luck. new ad released by the college republican committee is sparking controversy. >> it's a big deal for me now that i just graduated from college. rick scott is perfect. rick scott is becoming a trusted brand. he has new ideas that don't break your budget. >> but mom has other ideas. >> i like the charlie crist. it's expensive and a little outdated, but i know best. >> cosmo magazine saying good morning, thanks for being with us. >> good morning. thanks for having me on. >> first, tell me about this ad that you put out there. you've been parodying different shows and things in pop culture for quite some time. why did you decide to do this? >> first, it comes from a research-based background. all of these ads are the result of our findings in 2013 which say millenials are tuning out politics as usual. typical political ad that you're going to see, millenials won't pay attention to it. so we knew we'd have to regenerate it, the generation that decided the last presidential election. the generation our party needs o reach if we want to win another national election. we started parodying television shows. we've tested this in several elections and settings and it works. it works by having higher engagement rates than your typical commercial. young people i think find it to be creative and a good way to reach them. we found that in our focus groups when we tested say yes to the dress, which is one of the most popular television shows among this demographic. >> you have to know your audience. as you mention, the support for democrats from millenials certainly dwindling. we have a poll for that of people who are definitely going to vote. if we can go ahead and show that 18 to 29-year-olds, they say they will definitely be voting next week. they plan to support republicans by a margin of 51-47%. cosmo, on the other hand, they didn't like what you did. but they think it's a great idea to have a bus taking people they hope are voting for democrats with this. watch. >> we love women suffrage ♪ ♪ and amendment 15 ♪ now we got the power to choose ♪ ♪ know what i mean ♪ your vote is your voice ♪ your vote is your voice ♪ u-s-a ♪ u-s-a >> this condescending? how is it not in say yes to the dress is? >> i am still floored by the hypocrisy of all of this. we take a well-researched product, put it out on line to our generation, written by myself and the other female staffers in our office and cosmo criticizes us for it. but then go ahead and with neustontive messaging behind it, basically parade out half naked males on campus and say that's what's going to drive young women to the polls. it shows how out of touch they are with young voters. i mean, a bunch of half naked males is not going to make north carolina students forget about 18.8% unemployment in their state that's caused by barak obama and kay hagin's policies. it's not going to make them forget about the average $23,000 of student loan debt that they owe as a result of president obama and kay hagin's refusal to pass meaningful higher education reform. >> or where the jobs are going to come from once they graduate. >> absolutely. >> we appreciate your time. thanks so much. >> thank you so much. 28 minutes after the hour. coming up on "fox & friends," this is video of f.b.i. agents tricking their way into a vegas hotel room to bust up an illegal betting ring. but is it legal? plus, she's all grown up and raising a family of her own. actress tia mowery here to talk mother, marriage, and her new hit role. ♪ ♪ you start tomorrow? tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves. i see the levy's parked in fronit's a free country dad. our house. our spot. those are the rules. ok who wants sweet rolls? oh, i do! (whoooosh! smack!) me too! (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) are those king's hawaiian rolls? (whoooosh! smack!) (whoooosh! smack!) thanks carol! (electric hedge trimmer) everybody loves the sweet, fluffy deliciouslness of king's hawaiian bread. find us in the deli or in-store bakery. also try the complete line of king's hawaiian sandwich rolls. time for your shot of the morning. cows moo, dogs bark. but this goat says what? take a listen. >> what, what? >> what, what. >> what, what. >> what, what. >> what, what. >> never gets old. well, maybe it does. mom, please, don't make me go to the petting zoo again and hear that goat say what, what, what. >> if you're a little kid and at the petting zoo and you ask the little goat something and it goes what, what, you think that he's listening to you. >> right. >> or a five-year-old goat, you would say why? why? the number one question about everything. >> that's so true. >> it's a goat with wax build-up in the canal. it's going to be great. >> gross. >> they're eating their breakfast right now. >> not anymore. >> here is heather. >> good morning. it's nice to have a little light news now and then. >> that's the lead story on "red eye" tonight. >> i love it. i have other news to bring you. no word yet if california governor jerry brown will attend the funeral of those deputies who were allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant in california. the suspect had been deported four times, but still managed to get back into the united states. the governor has been very vocal about the rights of illegals. he says he still hasn't decided if he'll personally attend those funerals. this comes as two of the aunts of one of the officers delivers a message to president obama. listen. >> i'm not even sure, i don't even know if i can be kind because i think his words would fall on deaf ears. i don't think i can handle him saying he's sorry. >> memorial services for davis and the other officer killed, deputy danny oliver, will take place next week. it is an unbelievable insult from the department of veterans affairs. marine corporal eli i can't say reyes committed suicide six months ago. but just this week his sister in california received a new benefits card for him from the v.a. renewing his benefits until the year 2024. the v.a. is now issuing new cards to all service members. similar errors have been reported in kansas. the department has now apologized. a new groom really wanted to sweep his bride off her feet. but gravity had other plans. >> that is a hard fall, too. but i love how she gets right up, doesn't seem affected by it in the least. a lot of brides might yell at the groom. he made a quick recovery with his new bride in his arms. best wishes to you both. those are your headlines. >> he had time to turn on to his shoulder. instead, he's like i'm going down and i know exactly the cushion i'll use. usually you -- right away? you got to protect the bride. >> i'm going to stick up for the groom and say it was all the tulle under her dress. >> very kissinger like. >> see you later. >> it's now time for weather with maria molina. >> good morning. at least they went down together, right? >> yeah. >> but only one person felt the pain and it was the woman in white. >> hopefully that cushion did work out well for her. let's look at the weather map. we do have some cooler air moving into portion of the great lakes and the northeast. highs widespread in the 50s and 40s. across the plains, not bad. temperatures in the 80s and 70s across texas and parts of oklahoma. as far as rain goes, a very quiet day across parts of the east coast. we have a system move through. those showers are offshore. so we are expecting a lot of sunshine out there. across the pacific northwest, continuing to see that rain impacting washington state and oregon state as well. otherwise many of you wondering about the weather conditions for tomorrow. halloween, rain forecast across areas in the great lakes interior northeast and down through tennessee and some of those areas could see the rain transition over to snow because of the colder air moving in as well. let's head back inside. >> thank you. you remember watching tia and her twin sister face the struggles of adolescents and sibling rivalry on "sister, sister." >> today tia is married and raising a family of her own and starring in the season of "instant mom." >> i called my teacher miss dufus. >> erin! do you think she knows you got that from me? >> how dumb do you think she is? >> joining us right now is tia. congratulations also as a mom. how are you feeling? >> i am feeling amazing. my son is the joy of my life. he's three years old now. on the picture you saw there, he was only nine weeks. so he's in the best stage. i absolutely love him being three years right now. >> you don't leave him alone at this age and fly to do our show. >> that's the hard part. >> so your son is three. when he gets to be this old, how close do you think your motherhood personality will be to the personality you play on "instant mom"? >> what's really cool is my personality on "instant mom" is very close to my personality in real life. she's fun. she's sassy. she's a mom. but she's also extremely fashionable. but i am learning a lot from playing a mom on television. >> studying the role. >> yeah, i am. >> the idea of instant mom would appeal to some people. you don't have to carry a baby for nine months. >> i don't. >> in your case, instant stepmom. >> exactly. i was a party girl before i ended up marrying the character. >> the guy with the kid. >> yeah. so she was a fish out of water, but now she's learning how to be a mom and she's enjoying every step of the way. it's still new to her, but she's getting better at being a mom. >> all right. and tell us now about moms and dads are worried about halloween coming up, right? >> yeah. halloween right now, it's a time where teachers and parents are talking about child safety. >> of course. think about the concept. hi, stranger, can i have some candy that you may or may not have bought yourself? >> i'm here bringing awareness and visibility to the national center for missing and exploited children and what they're doing about this special program such as kid smart. it's a program that helps just teach kids about child safety. it's a fun, cool way of teaching kids about how to be safe on halloween. >> where do we start? >> you can go to kidsmart and it's a cool tool kit that you can download that teachers can download to help encourage and empower kids about their safety. >> check first, make sure you're trick or treating with a friend and mom. say no and find help. what scenario is that? >> sorry. >> say no and find help. >> yes. there are four safety rules that this organization or this program is teaching the kids how to be safe. >> how to be kid smart. >> yeah. >> tia, thank you very much for stopping by. >> thank you. coming up on this show in the 20s minutes we have left in this hour, this is video of f.b.i. agents pretending to be cable guys. they cut the service to these rooms with suspected criminals inside. is that legal or entrapment? peter johnson, jr. next. then from a mobster in one of the country's most notorious crime families to finding god. ex-colombo captain is going to explain that next happy thursday. stories making headlines at this hour, new tensions are brewing after nato intercepts 19 russian jets where they weren't supposed to be. flying over europe. nato adds they are putting commercial flights at risk. and your tax dollars paying for the health care of foreign diplomats? it's legal thanks to an obamacare loophole. if diplomats have the right visa, they are eligible. steve? >> thank you. it is one of hollywood's most iconic undercover stings. >> keep watching. >> this town, your luck can change just that quick. >> that's such a good movie. this new video, no scene from a movie. watch as f.b.i. agents in las vegas trick their way into three luxury villas at caesar's palace gathering evidence to bust an illegal sports betting republican. was any of that stuff legal? joining us right now is senior judicial analyst, peter johnson, jr. >> i think that's the judge. but i think i'm the senior legal analyst, but good morning. is it legal? that's a huge, huge question and the people who are arrested, part of this international gambleing prostitution ring, says the government broke the law by sneaking in to the caesar's palace villa to get evidence about an illegal gambling ring. what they did was, caesar's palace shut down the internet connection. these folks allegedly said, we need computers. we need equipment. we need one lines, we need the internet. >> if you're in a hotel and ask for that stuff, that's a red flag. >> $25,000 a night villas, so they're entitled to that stuff. so then caesar's palace says gaming commission, hey, f.b.i., we think there is something going on. these people are competing with us at caesar's palace. let's shut this down. so the f.b.i. and the gaming commission go in making believe that they're internet repair people from the hotel and based on that, go get a search warrant. when they got the search warrant, they didn't tell the judge that they had snuck in there in order to allegedly repair it. they need to repair it because they're the folks that broke it. so the federal government is saying no. we had consent to go in. we had consent to go in because it was a ruse. people are saying this is a violation of the fourth amendment. >> what do you think? >> fell the truth to the judge. they should have said to the judge, this is what happened. this is how we found out. this is what we do. but the problem is, the problem is the federal judge said that's all nice and good, but i'm not giving you a search warrant. that's the problem in america. >> that's when they dressed up -- >> illegal ring, we don't want illegal rings. shut them down. but you can do it under the law. >> here is what one of the defense attorneys said, quote, if this court recognizes this due policity, the government will be free to employ schemes to enter the houses of innocent people. they will have no -- >> i think they screwed up. i don't think that's the norm of the f.b.i. or gaming commission. unfortunately we're seeing stuff like this around the country. the seattle times ap, there is an issue there with regard to using malware, or spyware. that's where stuff is sent to your computer when you click on. they can find out what your accounts and what you're doing. apparently they did that to catch a bomb threat suspect in the seattle area. so they sent a fake story that showed that person's name in it and they thought they'd click on and use as malware or spyware to find their location. the f.b.i. says this is a closer call and i think i'm for the f.b.i. in this one. they say in certain cases, if there is a threat and here is a bombing suspect, someone who may be bombing schools, we need to find out where this person was and find them. so there is a narrow exception to the law in terms of an urgent threat. but it's treading the line, too. the press has gone crazy about it and the a.p. has gone crazy. let's look at that one a little bit more. if we can stop a threat, then maybe sometimes, sometimes it's okay to impersonate a reporter. >> so once they got it right, once they got it wrong. >> yeah. close call on the second one. >> peter johnson, jr., traditional analyst. >> legal analyst. i'm not on the bench yet. but i've been on the couch. >> living room. >> thank you. coming up, he made more money for a crime family than anybody since al capone and then suddenly he found god. ex-colombo captain here with his unbelievable story. first on this date in 1964, "baby love" by the supremes, number one. ♪ all do you is treat me bad ♪ break my heart and leave me sad ♪ ♪ roccaaaaaaaaaaaa! [popping & fizzing sounds] support both mental sharpness and physical energy with berocca. proud sponsor of mind and body. the girls and i need... a new activity. [ giggles ] [ snaps finger ] [ wisest kid ] campbell's tomato soup with grilled cheese. perfect together. what should we do next? i'm liking braids. [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good! a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at a single ember that escapes from a wildfire can travel more than a mile. that single ember can ignite and destroy your home or even your community you can't control where that ember will land only what happens when it does get fire adapted now at fortune magazine once named him one of the 50 most wealthy and powerful mafia bosses. even referenced in "good fellows." >> there was pete the killer who was sally ball's brother. and you had nicky eyes. and mikey francese. >> he says he found jesus, so while he was in jail, now he's chronicling his journey to faith and a new movie. >> joining us now is ex-colombo crime family captain and motivational speaker, michael francis. good morning. >> good morning. >> what you went through in jail, you were a bad guy. you were in the mob. you were one of the big guys? >> i was, yeah. almost 20 years. >> your dad was there first. kind of got you into the business. >> my dad was the underboss back in the '60s. >> tell bus the bad stuff you were involved in. >> all the traditional stuff, gambling operations, i get asked this question all the time. but it was a violent life. you're part of the life. you're part of the violence. >> did you kill anybody? >> let's just say i was around it quite a bit. >> so 3 1/2 years, you were in jail for a while. and for 3 1/2 of those years, you were in solitary confinement? >> yeah. >> at which time y said you had a revelation. >> i did. first night i was put in there, i was violated op my parole. i had already done five years. i was home 13 months. they violated me, put me back in and it was a night that first night of my life, the only time i ever experienced hopelessness. so i was laying on the cot in and a prison guard pushed a bible through the door. it fell on the floor. i heard that thump. when i first saw it i was angry. i was mad at god. you're in that situation and you blame everybody but yourself. eventually i picked it up and spent three years really studying my faith and for me, christianity is rock solid. what's happened in my life afterwards has to indicate that there is something to it because i shouldn't be here. >> as people watch this movie, this "god the father" and watch the news clips from the actual time line of when you were doing really bad things and the reenactments and even animations and all that, how do you think they will translate this for their own lives? if he was able to find jesus and be saved, how can i be? >> that's exactly it. for the past 15 years, i've been telling my story in churches and corporate events and colleges. i work with a lot of these gang bangers. i'm going to a high school when i leave here and speak to the kids. but it's encouragement. if i can come back from the situation that i was in, if i believe god has forgiven me for all the things that i did, then it's the same for everybody. >> your dad who got you into it, 97, still in jail. you talk to him. this is all real. you couldn't believe how much footage they shot of new surveillance. >> no. >> so this movie is very unique. >> we didn't have to take any dramatic liberty. it is what it is. it's very real. i never realized -- now i know how much trouble i was in because they had so much stock footage of me. i was in jail when most of it happened. >> how do we find out about the movie? >> it's here on 42nd street. starts tomorrow night. tell everybody on halloween, don't be squared. be blessed. >> thanks a lot. coming up straight ahead, the nurse who treated ebola patients thumbing her nose at officials who want her to stay inside. but the people who live there are thumbing their nose right back. wait until you hear what they're doing. then charles krauthammer is here. he's looking into his crystal ball. don't miss it, 8:30 [ male announcer ] at northrop grumman, we know in the cyber world, threats are always evolving. at first, we were protecting networks. then, we were protecting the transfer of data. and today it's evolved to infrastructure... ♪ and military missions. we're constantly innovating to advance the front line in the cyber bate, wherever it takes us. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. there are more reasons than ever why now is the best time to be on verizon. one: verizon's the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in the country. that's right america. with xlte in over 400 markets. two: and here's something for families to get excited about. our best ever pricing with double the data on select plans. and three: you can now get our best ever single line pricing starting at $45. so get all this now, on the network ranked #1 for data performance nationwide. verizon. yei could come by your place. my place? 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that story straight ahead. the water bottle was definitely there at the right time, unlike marco rubio. mornings are better with friends. >> live from the news crossroads of the world, this is "fox & friends." >> he's back, isn't he? >> he is. >> get off the beach! >> by the way, we should point out that while she's here on thursday, you're going to run the marathon. >> i'm getting nervous. i'm going to run for folds of honor. a military charity we feature all the time with major dan rooney. it helps families of fallen and wounded veterans. >> are you training hard? >> yes, very hard. >> i'm going to be there every step of the way watching on tv. >> yeah, you can track it. >> in fact, a lot of people watch tv to get things like the news and heather nauert. >> anna, congratulations. didn't know you were doing that. >> congratulate me on monday. >> you will make it. that's for sure. good morning to you. some headlines, fox news alert at this hour. the former gitmo detainees reportedly back on the battlefield and this time they're fighting for isis in syria. moments ago sources confirming to "fox & friends" that dozens of detainees released within the last two to three years may have joined that terror network. sources say 620 detainees released from gitmo, 180 of them have returned to the fight all around the globe. while you were sleeping, the husband of a democratic state senator was up and at em, caught on camera stealing republican campaign signs at 4 in the morning, all caught on camera. >> those aren't your signs, bud! >> there is no -- >> there is mo what? >> there is no name on these sign. >> yes there are. right here, right here. property of the republican -- >> we got you, brother. we got your license plate, your face and everything. >> busted. police now issuing an arrest warrant for dana long, the husband of delaware state senator bethany hall long. he faces a year in prison and a $2,300 fine. hillary clinton created quite a stir with these comments. remember? >> don't let anybody -- don't let anybody tell you that, you know it's corporations and businesses that create jobs. >> this may be a preview of the next presidential election. former florida governor, jeb bush, taking a swipe at hillary. here it is. >> this last week i saw something that was breath taking. candidate -- former secretary of state who was campaigning in massachusetts where she said that don't let them tell you that businesses create jobs. >> well, is this a sign he's jumping in? bush says economic growth creates companies and that in turn leads to more jobs. new jersey goff chris christie marking the second anniversary much super storm sandy when a war of words erupted with a guy in the crowd. he's holding up that sign that says, finish the job. he accuses christie of not doing enough to help storm victims who are still suffering. the governor then gives this guy a piece of his mind. >> i'll be more than happy to have a debate with you because something like you doesn't know a damn thing about what you're talking about except to show off when the cameras are here. i've been here when the cameras aren't here, buddy, and done the work! you want to have the conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy. but until that time, sit down and shut up! >> there you have it. the guy he's talking to is james keady, a former democratic councilman from new jersey. he brought out a group called finish the job and that's been critical of the pace of rebuilding taking place in new jersey. isn't that refreshing? whether or not you agree with his politics, it's refresh to go hear from a politician like that. >> you could say refreshing is a good word. unless it's you. can't wait to be in the audience next time. i have a sense he knew who he was. >> i'm sure. >> so i think he knew this guy is trying to make some political hay. >> but then again, he's dealt with people like that before. >> he certainly has. he's called out those hecklers in the past. >> thank you very much. let's talk about this. if you are -- you know jeffrey goldberg wrote an article regarding our relationship between those two men, bb netanyahu and the president of the united states. and according to a top barak obama administration official, there is a quotation and it is this: the thing about bb is he's a chicken something. well, when people heard that, given the fact that israel is one of our closest allies, people were saying, wait. people in the administration can't talk like that about our greatest ally in the middle east. there is going to be an apology, right? >> well, apparently there is not going to be an apology. general -- jen tsaki says they're not investigating it. take a listen to this exchange with a reporter. >> you don't feel the need for an apology because this was said by an anonymous official rather than let's say the vice president saying something about turkey in which -- or saudi arabia, in which he makes a phone call to apologize for? >> well, obviously every circumstance is different. i think i've been clear and the secretary will be clear when he speaks with the prime minister netanyahu next, that doesn't represent our views. >> he said so much more than just that expletive. they say that he is essentially myopic, netanyahu said to people in the past, i am writing off the obama administration and plans to speak directly to congress from here on in. he's scared to death, like many of us, that we're going to sign a terrible deal with iran to allow them to keep nukes. juan williams tried to rationalize last night. i give him an a for effort. >> i think ha it's very clear to everyone that the united states and israel are key allies. they are bound together in the middle east. so the frustration i think you're sensing, steve, is why isn't the administration more angry at the north koreans or the russians, et cetera, but it's when you have a close friend or a husband or a lover and you just are frustrated with them that i think you see this kind of outcry. >> okay. if you are married to somebody and calling them a chicken something like that, you got major problems. but the white house insists, and every spokesperson who was asked about this yesterday said look, you know, yeah, that's an accurate quote, but the relationship between the united states and israel has never been better. and it really sounds like it, doesn't it? >> if my lover called me a chicken you know what, that would be their last time in the barn yard. that is for sure. the other thing that really struck me that i guess didn't make as big a headlines because the words weren't so spicy was that somehow bb is the biggest frustration and it's not kim jong-un and not vladimir putin. with everything we're dealing with right now, come on. >> it looks like they believe we're going to stop protecting them at the united nations because the whole world seems to be against them. this is bad. their secretary of defense came here and our secretary of state wouldn't meet with them. and we've known that they've said very abracesive things about john kerry. he could collect his nobel peace prize and leave us in peace. >> when you think about leaked stories, this is one of the biggest leaks that we've heard out of the white house and given the fact that it is so big, do you remember they went after james rosen, they we want after the a.p. >> rosen had it coming. >> according to the department of justice, maybe not. according to what eric holder said yesterday. but we've gone after the department of justice has -- the leakers before, but why not after this particular one? that's a great question and that's what ed henry asked the white house yesterday. >> why then are you kind of sloughing off this idea that you kind of don't care who leaked that story that not might have, that insulted the prime minister of israel? you've gone after reporters again and again in this administration to find out who leaked information to them. then when it comes to insulting the prime minister, you don't seem to care who leaked it. >> again, i don't think that is an accurate reflection of the administration's policy and certainly isn't an accurate reflection of our views of the prime minister of israel. in fact, they've actually put in place measures under the leadership of the attorney general to insure that journalists in this country are able to do their job. >> remember the associated press? remember our james rosen? attorney general eric holder was just asked about his biggest regret. and the answer may surprise you. >> i think about the subpoena to the fox reporter, rosen. >> here is -- >> he regrets that. >> he regrets the language in the subpoena. to remind you what was in that, what they did was the department of justice was investigating leaks regarding some north korea stuff. in the affidavit, they claim that rosen had broken the law either as an aider and abettor or a co-conspirator and even brought up the espionage act. all to rationalize why they went after james rosen's phone data, which now they say, we really shouldn't have done that. >> they're always up to no good, the rosen couple. so they looked into that. so this is as close as it's going to get to an apology, but not far enough. james rosen responded yesterday in a statement. suffice to say for now that the attorney general's latest comments about my case, like this, previous remarks scarcely address the relevant facts of his conduct and he said nice things about roger ailes and fox news having his back. >> that's james rosen, not eric holder. >> exactly. >> he doesn't say anything nice about fox news. >> let us know what you think about those stories and we'll share some comments. here's is what's coming up, the nurse who treated ebola patients thumbing her nose at officials who want her to stay inside. but the people who live near her are thumbing their noses right back. wait 'til you hear when they're doing next. >> a lot of thumb nosing. and have you seen the new crash test dummy? 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>> for the quarantine time. yes, because we don't want her possibly spreading this disease and endangering the lives of others, not just in our state, but everywhere else. >> she came outside and actually left the house, came out and said i'm healthy. and i'm not going to back down. i'm going to leave the house essentially and i know the state of maine is saying, we're going to go to court to keep you there. what's the reaction been from your neighbors regarding her there? >> i have actually got a lot of support on the web site for the petition. we actually on the actual petition site only asked for 1500 signatures. we exceeded that within 12 hours time. >> sure. >> we are very afraid of her, just spreading the disease. we just want her to know that she is an rn, she should be knowing these things. >> do you feel like she has a professional obligation since she is a nurse to quarantine herself? >> yes. by not doing this, she is setting an example for other practitioners everywhere to just do what they want. >> right. but jamie, right now she says, i don't have a fever. i don't have any of the symptoms. i'm okay. i can't spread it. >> well, say that to the other soldiers that are being quarantined as well. everybody else is being quarantined for the 21 days. they had no symptoms or anything. they should be able to let go, too. what makes her different? >> you know what? there is a real good possibility she is watching this right now because she's there in that house with nothing else to do other than wanting to get out. what would your message be to her? >> our message would be that us mainors, i don't want her to feel like we don't want her here, 'cause we do. it's just that we don't want her putting her wants and needs over the health and the safety of everybody else. we just want her to understand that we only want you to do this as a precaution, just to make sure that you're not spreading it and that everybody else is okay. >> all right. so so far your petition has ove. there is another one out there as well. there is a good possibility she's going to leave that house today. >> well, hopefully the governor will listen to our opinions. >> we'll see. all right. jamie, who started an on line petition to keep the nurse in the house in maine, thank you very much for joining us today. >> thank you. it's 19 minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, is this what happens when we give up on our space program? yeah, that's not good. this morning brand-new details as to why that rocket blew up. then what's the big delay with the keystone pipeline? anna went to find out and her answers from oklahoma, stunning. ♪ ♪ kids will love campbell's soup? well, it's been the number one soup in america for four generations. some things just run in the family campbell's! m'm! m'm! good! for 4 generations. ...the getaway vehicle! for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. it's a fresh approach on education-- superintendent of public instruction tom torlakson's blueprint for great schools. torlakson's blueprint outlines how investing in our schools will reduce class sizes, bring back music and art, and provide a well-rounded education. and torlakson's plan calls for more parental involvement. spending decisions about our education dollars should be made by parents and teachers, not by politicians. tell tom torlakson to keep fighting for a plan that invests in our public schools. you want some headlines? new tensions brewing after nato intercepts 19 russian jets where they were not supposed to be, flying over europe. nato adds the russian planes have turned off their transponders, making them invisible to nearby flights. that's not good. and a season navy pilot is dead after his jet crashed during a training exercise. the plane disintegrating near a naval base outside of los angeles. the jet was getting ready to land at the ventura county naval station when something went horribly wrong. we scrapped our space program and then this happens. that's awful. new details reveal why private space company orbital sciences reportedly used a refurbished soviet era engine on the nasa rocket that exploded six seconds after the launch. the company admitting it is hard to find good rocket hardware for its cargo shipments in the u.s. to the international space station. >> yeah, when something is marked soviet, you know it's a little old. a decision on the keystone xl pipeline has been stalled for six years and thanks to the white house being pushed past this weekend's midterm elections. >> you know what? this gal here went down to cushing, oklahoma, the pipeline crossroads of the world, to see how their portion of the pipeline has created a lot of jobs and to find out why its northern extension, the part we're talking about, still in limbo. >> the southern leg is done. the northern leg held up many times. who are the bigger players in keystone xl's debate and why is that same economic boost being denied to other states? take a look. >> the pipeline crossroads of the world lies right in america's heartland, cushing, oklahoma. >> oklahoma now has the fourth fastest gdp growth in the nation and the energy sector is a big boost to that. >> part of that boost comes from the partially complete keystone pipeline which began carrying oil 487 miles from kush to go refineries on texas' gulf coast in january. >> the southern leg provided some 4,000 american jobs. everything from labor and trades, project managers, specialists and consultants. economic shot in the arm. >> with the stand still of the projects, the creation of more than 42,000 additional temporary jobs was installed. so why is the pipeline northern leg, keystone xl, still awaiting presidential approval? >> we've been waiting for six years for our state department to issue a permit and here we are missing out on this great opportunity for job creation, revenue creation, helping our national security or economic security and producing american made energy. >> in an exhaustive environmental study, the state department determined the pipeline would have a minimal impact on carbon emission. many environmentalists still say it's not worth the risk. >> this pipeline would cross 1400 american rivers, streams and lakes. we don't need to be putting our drinking water at risk. we need to be investing in the clean energy economy of tomorrow. >> but there is another kind of green in the equation. billionaire and anti-pipeline advocate, thomas dyer, is the largest democratic donor of 2014. contributing some $42.9 billion. the super pac producing this 2013 anti-pipeline ad. >> to think that oh, that little old-fashioned. it would be good for the economy. >> but keystone isn't an evenly partisan fight. in fact, 19 democratic congressmen and 16 senators support the construction, as well as democratic governors from missouri and montana. so as witnessed to her state's own pipeline success story, oklahoma's governor is demanding the president's attention. what would you tell him? >> say, mr. president, please allow the state department to approve the keystone pipeline permit and let's get this nation moving. >> so they had thousands of jobs that were created, but many of those were temporary jobs and it has since slowed down since this other portion of the project has houston up. the house voted to approval the pipeline some eight separate times. the white house says it's waiting for a legal battle in nebraska. >> no, no, they're waiting for the election. >> conveniently. it's been postponed 'til after the mid terms. >> the senate would vote for it, but harry reid won't put it up for a vote. there's a majority in the senate, it will be on the president's desk. coming up, they're in this country illegally and now new proof that they are casting ballots at the polls. the outrageous voting fraud exposed coming up. and charles krauthammer is here and looking into his midterm crystal ball next. ♪ ♪ ññ next month joe biden is scheduled to make international stops in turkey, ukraine and morocco to discuss foreign policy issues while his advisors are learning how to say we're sorry in all three languages. >> all right. that was a quick look at what jimmy fallon had to say last night. with us right now, charles krauthammer author of "things that matter," sold over a million copies now. outstanding fox news contributor. congratulations on the book. but because of that, we have to use you often, early and often, to talk about what's happening, especially with the mid terms inside a week. if the white house is so unpopular, if the president so unpopular and his policies are on the line and he says everybody that's up in these red states votes with him, why is this even close? why is this too close to call on election day? >> it shouldn't be close. it should be a run away. it should be obvious right now. there are a lot of knife-edged senate races. the main reason is that the perception is that republicans are the party of no. they've only had control of one house of congress for the last four years. when you only have control of one house, essentially you're a blocking mechanism. and that is the role of the opposition. so it's nothing against the republicans to say that they have been the ones to block i would say the overintrusive liberal agenda of obama. but none the less, it doesn't play well in an election. in 2016, if the gop captures a senate, it can develop an agenda, pass legislation in the house and senate, dare the president to exercise a veto, and then it will have an agenda for the country. >> you don't blame -- you're kind of tough on them a couple days ago. you said essentially you better win this, republicans, you'll never have a better opportunity. just looking at the field. you don't fault them for not having a hard and fast agenda? >> because in our system, you can have it in a british or canadian parliamentary system where you have a shadow prime minister. you have the opposition with a real agenda. here we've got 20 entrepreneurs who are going to run for president. there is no unity in the opposition. if i ask you, what was the democratic agenda in 2002, in the off year elections, there was none. that's not how it's constructed. an agenda will come from the nominee and it will come from the senate and the house if the gop captures the senate. >> to back up your point, in 2006, it was i don't like what's happening in iraq and then the surge happened and all turned around. >> mid terms are referendum on the incumbent. that's the way it is. >> an important poll, the american people were asked, has this administration been competent and effective in managing the government? 40% say yes. almost 60% say no. let's move on and talk about our international relations. editorial in the "washington post," relations with turkey have never been worse. now with israel the same exact thing. according to a high ranking senior obama administration official, personally ripping into benjamin netanyahu, calling him chicken [ bleep ], because they said he's too worried about starting a war, only worried about his own political skin, getting real personal about a guy that's just coming off a war the administration didn't want him to fight. what's behind this? >> look, i think there is animosity between the leadership, the president and prime minister, unlike any in the history of israel. it goes back to 1948. this is unique. however, there is an underlying policy issue here. what the israelis are worried about more than anything else is that obama cuts a bad deal with iran. the deadline is in three weeks. no one is sure what's going to happen. but the way that the administration and the western powers had been making one concession after another in the middle of the negotiations as a way to almost beseech the iranians to go ahead and make a deal, it looks as if if there is a deal, iran will be a threshold nuclear power, meaning it will be three months away, four months away and any time it wants in the future of getting a nuke and that for israel would be an exist essential threat. >> jeffrey goldberg in the atlantic says a lot of things. he goes on to say that the administration official, this anonymous source, high ranking, says netanyahu essentially doesn't have the courage to defy america and bomb two years ago and he missed his opening. is there any doubt that these feelings in your mind are accurate? is it truly the way the administration feels about netanyahu and company? >> there is no doubt that what we saw is an accurate reflection of what they think. that's the reason they won't offer an apology. everybody knows it's how the president thinks about the israeli leadership under likud. you're not supposed to say it. you're supposed to deny it when it becomes published. but this is the tension between them. this is the worst relations between administrations, israeli and american probably in 50 years. >> you know what i would like? i would like this to leak out about vladimir putin. i would like this to leak out about assad. we have so many enemies in this world, why does it have to leak out about our so-called friends? we actually knew what the pres unfamiliar with the open mic con accept. he's had problems with it in the past. remember when he was sitting with sarkozy. he came out and said, how do you think i feel? you're fed up with him, but i have to deal with him even more often than you do. so the bed was made. >> the larger issue is that obama's relation, american relations with all the major powers are at the lowest ebb -- relations with russia, as you mentioned with turkey, with the gulf states. saudi arabia refused to see the security council, first time that has ever happened in the history of the u.n. 'cause it was so angry at the united states over the way it negotiated over its head with iran and has been shutting it up. the gulf states are unbelievably upset with us. egypt has been flirting with russia and china 'cause it is so upset with the u.s. the policy of the u.s., no matter if you're a man of the left or right, however you see this, is that it's lowest ebb with the president who promised to improve relations, they are at their low ebb everywhere. this is a measure of his imcompetence. >> just think that the senate and house had a chance to sign off on the nuclear deal. right now the president doesn't plan on doing that. the russia deal in a lame duck session. >> they would reject it in a flash. >> the american people have not turned on the president when it comes to ebola. it's about 50/50 right now. but when it comes to this quarantine with this nurse in maine, what's your take on this? this morning she's essentially saying you have no right to take away my freedom even though i was treating ebola patients and are still in the gestation period, the 21-day period. what is your take on the way the president is condemning those who condemn her for not going into the quarantine? >> the president is contradicting himself. his own army is going to be quarantining soldiers returning from the region. quarantining them in italy. so how can you on the one hand quarantine your soldiers and then declare that a governor or even a state of maine that wants to quarantine a healthcare worker is doing the wrong thing? it's a complete contradiction and the president has not answered it. >> let's hear what he had to say yesterday as he sat in front of some patients that once had ebola. >> when i hear people talking about american leadership and then are promoting policies that would avoid leadership and have us running in the opposite direction and hiding under the covers, it makes me a little frustrated. so i put those on notice who think that we should hide from these problems. that's not who we are. that's not who i am. that's not who these folks are. this is america. we do things differently. >> long pause threw me off. he answered that three times. hiding what we're doing? >> quarantine is not hiding. quarantining probably is the most ancient of all practices of all states back to antiquity to protect populations from a contagion. the risk is low, but the fatality of this illness is 70%. when you have a low risk and a high fatality rate, i mean, a house quarantine simply stay home for three weeks is -- there are four liberal states, including the northeastern states that have already instituted that. it is perfectly rational. >> the democrats are in charge of those states in those cases. do you believe charles krauthammer, that by general odierno saying that without checking with the white house was a step of defiance? >> well, i don't know what the motive was, but he has to look after the welfare of his soldiers. that's what a commander does. in battle and also in the barracks from disease, which is an ancient problem for all armies going way become in history. more soldiers, more armies have been destroyed by disease and contagion than by rival armies. so this is an elementary practice and he did exactly the right thing. >> he's a doctor, psychiatrist, and a commentator. charles krauthammer, thanks so much. we within right to your areas of expertise. >> except baseball. >> right. by the way the giants were victorious in game 7. >> right. good to see you. >> sorry the nationals weren't in it. he goes to every single game. heather nauert knows that and take away the news. >> hi there. that brings us to politics. they are calling this a smoking gun. there is stunning evidence that illegal immigrants are voting in maryland. four people from frederick county are suing the state. they say they want a judge to intervene before tuesday's election. the group says that thousands who stated that they were not u.s. citizens to get out of jury duty went ahead and then voted in elections since 2006 and that's how officials caught on to it. >> this is massive voter fraud. this is a national story. this is the smoking gun. we have formal documentation, never been done before. >> that republican, pat mcdonough, says it makes a strong case for a voter i.d. law and says he'll push for one in the next legislative session. the rookie cop who was attacked by a terrorist swinging a hatchet in new york city is now out of the hospital. 25-year-old kenneth healy was greeted with applause from fellow officers as he left the hospital. he now faces weeks of physical therapy before he can go back on the job. healy and three other cops were attacked last week by a man with ties to islamic extremism. this happening in the queens part of new york. watch your tummy, dummy? crash test dummies are packing on an extra 100 pounds. on the left is the original dummy. on the right is the new heavier dummy. it has a thicker waistline and bigger butt to resemble today's americans. they say it makes test results more accurate. what do you think of that? those are your headlines. what a story there. >> pound for pound, they're better dummies. >> all right. thank you. we've got a fox news alert. brand-new weekly jobless numbers just out. what do they spell for the state of our economy? nicole petallides live at the new york stock exchange. stand by. you're next time for more quick headlines on this thursday morning. what's your definition of a perfect body? victoria secret thinks it looks like this. the company being slammed over its new perfect body underwear campaign. >> it looks like this. >> apparently so. thank you very much. >> look at that. >> critics saying their particular posture is under realistic and hurts a woman's self-esteem. some day in the future we'll show what you it looks like. a new ad released by college republicans receiving some backlash. >> much is a big deal for me now that i just graduated from college. rick scott is perfect. >> rick scott is becoming a trusted brand. >> well, it's a play on the show "say yes to the dress" called say yes to the candidate. cosmo magazine coming out saying -- against the ad saying, quote, the only female voters who reliably support republicans are those who are married and who don't have a college degree, which explains perhaps this video's wedding theme. with more women going to college and putting off marriage than ever before, the gop may need more than strapless white rick scott gowns to attract female voters. i guess we know which side cosmo is on. >> right. 13 minutes before the top of the hour. your comments are pouring in about this. >> mark says, whatever it takes to get the vote out is fine. as a free nation, our voter turnout knows are deplorable. every man should vote. >> and kim says, the fact that anyone is looking to cosmo for direction speaks volumes. >> because cosmo -- >> especially with magazines like cat fancy out there. they can give them a run for their money. a fox news alert. jobless numbers moments ago in. nicole petallides from fox business has them live from the new york stock exchange. good morning. >> good morning. we get in our weekly jobless claims and so ultimately we're getting some good news. it shows that employers have stopped the layoffs. the demand has returned from our great recession. and what we saw the numbers, exact numbers for the latest week, 287,000 claims versus estimates of 283,000. we are hovering around these 14 years. these are the fewest claims that we've seen in 14 years. ultimately it means we are seeing demand returning. we are seeing consumers back to a certain extent, back to work because it laid the ground work for higher wage growth. that's something that we've watched closely. the gdp numbers which talks about goods and services shows that the economy expanded and so that's good news as well. for the month of october, which sort of felt volatile, we've been on a wild ride, it turns out it's been a decent month. the s & p 500 gained a half a percent. it wasn't a losing month. the dow is slightly low. s & p still holding on to gains and have a happy halloween tomorrow. >> thank you very much. don't miss nicole on the "fox business" network. to find it in your area g to >> nicole's reality show. coming up on "fox & friends," you make sure your kids are safe on halloween. but how about your pets? stick around for that. >> speak of mr. america, there he is. mr. bill hemmer. >> i'm wearing my mask today, guys. i looked a lot like yesterday. it is scary. a warning for a postelection surprise. this is scary. is your insurance about to skyrocket under obamacare? five days now until the big day. we'll talk to joni ernst who wants to be the next senator out of iowa. defiant american nurse, is she practical or is she selfish? a showdown today on ebola. martha and i will see you at the top of the hour. i wanted to hold scooby do. everybody wants to have a good time on halloween and that includes man's best friend. >> how to keep your pet safe? we're joined by the vice president of the american kennel club, our friend gina dinardo and some of her nury friends. good morning to you. what's the number one thing people do wrong with their dogs? >> let them have chocolate. >> it would kill them. >> you need to restrict dogs' access to the treats around the house at halloween time. >> for chocolate, any candy. >> sticky candy can upset their stomach. it's best to keep it away. >> who is this one? >> this is scooby doo, a manchester terrier, dressed up like a shark. >> this next dog is in a movie. >> yes. this is mr. america. he's dressed as henry the viii. important to be mindful of the costumes your dogs are wearing. you don't want them to get caught on things. they may be flammable. keep them away from things like jack-o'-lantern and be aware of dogs with furry coats. they may overheat in a costume. >> our next contestant who looks like a member of the bush clan. >> this is tiza. she's decorated like a pet. it's also important to realize that dogs could get scared of children in costumes. so if you're going to take your dog for a walk, make sure it's during the daylight hours and make sure that you can see what's on the ground in case kids have thrown toys or candy and stuff on the ground. >> and superman doesn't look like he's scared of anybody. >> this is reilly. again, it's just really important to make sure that if you're trick or treating with your dog, that you keep your dog away from the children. they could be scared and if you're opening the door for trick or treaters, maybe put the dogs away so that they don't run out and get scared. >> all right. and give your dog liver treats. not kryptonite. i bet you got a web site? >> got tons of tips there. >> if it's cold, buy your dog a warm costume. >> thank you. >> we've got one for the road coming up next. >> she could jog ♪ there it is... this is where i met your grandpa. right under this tree. ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. they're hugging the tree. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) introducing the all-new subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. one for the road. i'm going to orlando tonight. my book in paperback. at 7:30. you can go to kilmeade and for more. and on friday, northern florida, at 4:00 o'clock, books a million on atlantic avenue. 8:00 o'clock, i'll be on with sean hannity. we'll have some fun in the university of northern florida. we still have seconds left to talk. >> we do. by the way, earlier we showed you my body and i did not have the perfect body. victoria secret says that is the perfect body. however, critics saying the new campaign it's unrealistic and hurts women's self-esteem. that according to victoria secret, the perfect body. thank you. >> brian is like, keep it up there a little longer. i'm enjoying this. coming up tomorrow on "fox & friends," we have geraldo rivera and cyber week continues with day five. deleting your personal information off the internet. we'll show you how. >> because wherever you go, the web sites actually have tracking devices and track you and they know what you buy and then they can sell it to people. >> can i have this? >> absolutely. >> we have the halloween parade tomorrow. join us. >> so long. bill: thank you, guys. they are getting ready for a showdown. a nurse being monitored to ebola says she'll not submit to a quarantine without a legal fight. casey hickox says her legal rights are being violated. martha: this could get very interesting. casey hickox refuses to listen to the state officials she says the science doesn't back up this quarantine decision against her. >> individuals who had direct contact with ebola patients stay in their


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20140728 10:00:00

log on to our facebook to see the solutions. use the hash tag keep talking. good morning. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. it is monday, july 28. a fox news alert, a day at the beach turns deadly. details on a deadly storm straight ahead. >> the federal government dumping illegal kids across the country but they're not telling the governors about it and one governor got the word by logging on to a government website. how convenient. >> remember this video? daredevils jumping off the freedom tower. wait until you hear how their lawyer is going the extra mile, literally, to help their case. are you intrigued? i hope so. that was the whole intention. mornings are better with friends. >> it's time for "fox & friends." >> i don't know about you, but i'm all fox fanned out. >> what do you mean? >> that time at the stadium shaking hands and kissing babies, it was wonderful but i'm exhausted from the weekend. >> the games were wild too. we had a good old time. what a fun weekend. my kids had a blast. they had a blast there with the cousins. >> the kids got a chance to hang out. what we're referring to is saturday and sunday the yankees hosted fox fans weekend with us. we had a chance to get the finest fox fans that we could muster up together to watch the yankees lose two in a row after an extremely hot streak since the all-star break. >> look how much fun it was. this red sox fan actually had fun at a yankees game. that was a blast for us. >> we've got pictures. we'll share them at the bottom of the hour but in the meantime we turn to heather nauert. >> good morning. baseball and heat, and it is a fox news alert. a day at the beach ending in panic when a rare thunderstorm hits southern california, lightning striking venice beach killing a 20-year-old man and injuring more than a dozen other people. at least two victims were in the water during this lightning strike. witnesses recording as life guards pull one of the victims to shore. beach goers say the storm took them completely by surprise. >> all of a sudden there was a big flash of light, a boom and i felt like someone punched me in the back of the head. >> it sounded like a sonic boom. it literally shook the buildings. >> can you imagine that? that same storm hitting catalina island where a golfer was struck by lightning, expected to be okay. two americans helping to combat the outbreak of ebola in liberia have been infectd with that deadly disease. a volunteer from north carolina is the second american to come down with that virus. she works at the same hospital where dr. kent brantley from texas also contracted the highly contagious disease. that ebola outbreak has spread to three african countries killing more than 670 people, roughly 62 pk of those infected with that disease. >> while you were sleeping the u.n. calling for an immediate and unconditional cease-fire between gaza and israel. the security council president calling for israel and hamas to accept this peace deal which doesn't mention israel's right to defend itself or asking hamas to stop firing rockets. this follows a weekend of brief lulls in fighting as violence raged on. more than 1,000 people have been killed in the 20-day war so far. do you remember this when three daredevils jumped off the building in manhattan last fall? that's video of their stupid stunt. now their lawyer is proving he will go the extra mile for his clients literally. the attorney going skydiving with them for case research. he's making a 14,000 foot jump in new jersey saying he hopes it will help their case. the three men are facing several charges including felony dollary. those are your headlines. >> thank you very much. even though today is the first day of the work week, people on capitol hill are already looking towards thursday because that is when their august vacation begins, the summer break officially. you think to yourself, wait a minute, is this really time for them to go on vacation? after all, we've got an invasion on our southern border while both sides have talked about doing something about it, nobody has. >> a lot blame to go around so they say. actually one congressman out of louisiana says i'm not going anywhere until we fix the problem and to double down on the fact this is the president's fault. >> the president has been awol from the beginning. the president has a lot of time on his schedule to secure fund-raisers but no time to secure the border. he has not taken his job seriously in this regard. the house is willing to lead. the president wants to sit back and play politics. he's flying around the country doing fund-raisers, he doesn't have time to sit down with congress. >> they have a highway trust fund. i don't know if anyone is going to extend it. we would like to find out about the export-import bank. there is money for the border. we'll see where it goes from there. speaking of immigration, let's talk about the illegal immigrants, many of which are children, that have come across our borders. where have they gone? where will they go? turns out according to one governor, they have come to his state. he had no idea about it. >> we're talking about bill haslem, the republican governor of the great state of tennessee. they were at a governors meeting a couple of months ago and he specifically asked the secretary of health and human services sylvia burwell, if you're going to put any of these illegals in our state, let us know, will you? then he logs on to the h.h.s. website and discovers 760 of the kids have been released somewhere in tennessee, 30,000 all across the country. as it turns out, he didn't get a heads up even though he apparently was promised one. >> he actually went out to slam the president and those that he met with, with the warning that he requested unfulfilled saying this, quote, not only was our state not informed prior to any of the children being brought here, i still have not been contacted, have no information about these individuals or their sponsors other than what was posted on the h.h.s. website and subsequently reported by media. some of the questions he's looking for answers to are how did the federal government locate these sponsors? what medical screenings were done for the juveniles that have crossed here and been poured into our state? what is the immigration state of the actual sponsors? how long are they going to remain in tennessee? all of this confusion entering chaos as we start a school season here. >> deval patrick had no idea illegals were being poured into massachusetts. we're trying to find out where these kids have gone, i think 30,000 have disappeared into the system. in terms of the actual compassion shown to the children, to the surprise of many, yesterday on fox news sunday chris wallace asked what about the illegals. listen. >> we have 3,141 counties in this country. that would be 20 per coant. the idea that we can't assimilate these eight-year-old criminals with their teddy bears is preposterous. >> what george will is saying, make them americans but spread them around. you know what? i know one mayor of a big town here in the united states who'd love to take 1,000 of the illegals is chicago mayor rahm emanuel. he said over the weekend, go ahead, we will take 100 -- rather, we'll take 1,000 of the illegals and we're going to use the city's legal resources to help them. but, you know, do the kids really want to go to one of the most dangerous, most violent, crazy towns? america? you look at the number of shootings over the last weekend alone, over the weekend there were 23 shootings this weekend alone. 23. when you look at the number of shootings in chicago from mid-june to mid-july, it was 220. so he can say we'll take 1,000 kids, but is it safe in chicago right now? >> not only that but when you take those that are most susceptible to entering into gang violence, chicago is at the helm of this. they asked for federal agents ten days ago. the federal government said they were going to provide additional efforts to deal with the battle violence going on in chicago adding to a total of 52 alcohol, tobacco and firearm agents that have been added to their situation there. why would you take young kids, teens, put them in a situation where they're susceptible to more gang violence or joining gangs particularly when we have a gang taking advantage of the border crisis right now. ms-13. and adding to the complexity here of this? >> and give them free tattoos as they join domestic gangs. here's the thing about rahm emanuel. if you're in chicago, how outraged are you? it is basically a failed state. then mayor emanuel wants to look magnanimous and compassionate by saying give me 500 or 1,000 kids that i will prop up. if i'm a parent or single parent trying to meak -- make things work in chicago and i hear you're going to use state funds for this, i'd be outraged. >> i was reading one blog post from a very prominent blogger out there who said we get all these shootings here in this town, mr. president, and you're talking about spending millions and billions of do texas. come on. >> give every kid some kevlar and send them to school. >> or give them a driver. the president of the united states over the weekend while we've got things going on with gaza, the stuff with the ukraine, the president of the united states spent the weekend with tony cornheiser and the host of espn at a congressional country club in washington, d.c. >> why not? i don't know how many rounds of golf it's been. i'm a person who thinks look, you want to golf, that's fine if it helps you clear your head, if it helps you take action, golf all you want. but it doesn't seem to be the case when it comes to the united states. former secretary of state madeleine albright says the world is a mess. somebody better wake up to it. >> there have been really two huge game changers, and one is putin's behavior vis-a-vis crimea and then now towards ukraine and a completely different kind of behavior by russia. the other is what is happening in the middle, a lot due to the awakening. these are huge game changers. there are an awful lot of things going on that need understanding and explanation. but to put it mildly, the world is a mess. >> she's also being very political. if you watch the whole interview, she said i have no problem with the president not engaged, golfing, going to fund-raisers. he has 81 rounds of golf in 628 since the 2012 election. >> seemingly aloof as those have said. >> looked what happened to libya over the weekend. we had to evacuate our embassy. what happened to that operation? we go in with the arab league and we go into some western allies and we just leave. there was no plan. it's chaos. >> she's right. things are a mess. matt lewis of the daily caller wrote a column in the telegraph overred weekend. he says the president of the united states checked out of his job, phoning it in, sleepwalking through the second term with golf and dinner parties. he's prematurely packing his bags. he's ready for an early departure. while the world is aflame, everything is a mess, to paraphrase what madeleine albright just said, is it time for the president of the united states to pack up the golf bag and put it down and maybe do his job for a couple of days, maybe turn some of this stuff around? or it's the summer. he should be taking it easy. what do you think? e-mail us. you can also twitter. >> james carville says the president doesn't care about the polls, he's already looking at his place in history which is not good for us. >> maybe take a look at the changing global map that's occurring right now. >> meanwhile, straight ahead, a stroll on the beach turns into a deadly nightmare when a plane slams right into the sand out of nowhere. the latest on this freak accident. >> another home-grown american company forced to do business overseas thanks to insane corporate taxes. but some calling walgreens unpatriotic for their stance. stuart varney is here with more on that. 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>> the president, i think, is setting up business, setting up the republicans so that in the election in november he can say look at those people, they're taking their money overseas. they're unpatriotic, they're not doing the right thing, not doing their fair share. it is a setup so the president can look very good come the november elections. there are numerous corporations who want to leave america, put their headquarters, a couple of jobs, overseas so they can take advantage of lower tax rates over there compared to the sky-high rates over here. the president wants to put a fence around america, stop anybody leaving. that's what he wants to do. instead of encouraging them to stay -- >> or going to congress and say lower the corporate taxes. >> he does not negotiate with congress. he doesn't deal with congress. he doesn't have friends on the other side of the aisle with whom he can get together and structure some kind of a deal. but the worst result of all of this is we've got $2.1 trillion of american corporate profits which are going to stay over there because if they come back over here, they lose 35% of the federal government. so he stays there. it doesn't do us any good here. >> let me put up a graphic. let me show you action ladies and gentlemen, where businesses are not putting their money. they're not putting them in the u.a.e. their tax rate is 55%. in the united states we're at 40. japan is 35 with angola and argentina. another graphic with recent big companies that have moved from the united states. bausch & lomb has gone to canada. jim bean has gone to japan. and chiquita banana has gone to ireland. >> they buy a smaller company in order to move headquarters there. >> instead of admitting it is bad, the president is blaming consistent. >> stay here, pay up, pay your fair share. would you allow, for example, a company in illinois to move to texas to take advantage of lower taxes? of course we do. >> the whole thing, what is the goal of the corporation? to maximum profits and revenue. >> for shareholders. absolutely. >> varney and company 11 to 1. >> thank you. i'll be there. >> coming up, effective immediately, police in d.c. cannot arrest anyone for legally carrying a gun. the ruling that just logged a major win for the second amendment. >> this guy arrested for drunk driving on a lawn mower. ♪ i do a lot oresearch on angie's list before i do any projects on my home. i love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angie's list for bringing us together. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. losing your chex mix too easily? deploy the boring potato chip decoy bag. with a variety of tastes and textures, only chex mix has twenty bags of interesting. pick your mix. you are gonna need a wingman. and with my cash back, you are money. forget him. my airline miles will take your game worldwide. what i'm really looking for is -- i got two words for you -- re-wards. ♪ there's got to be better cards than this. [ male announcer ] there's a better way with compare hundreds of cards from all the major banks to find the one that's right for you. it's simple. search, compare, and apply at first round's on me. search, compare, and apply at if energy could come from anything?. or if power could go anywhere? or if light could seek out the dark? what would happen if that happens? anything. 234 -- 24 minutes past the hour. boca har ram attacking a group in africa, kidnapping thee people and killing the wife of a prime minister. the islamist militants stepping up the violence as thousands of troops have been sent in to combat the group. overnight the u.s. releasing satellite images they say prove russia is firing rockets across the border. this as united states officials say the downing of malaysian flight 17 could constitute a war crime. the u.s. charging prorussian rebels of using a missile system supplied by russia. >> it looks like a major victory for second amendment rights advocates. a federal judge striking down washington, d.c.'s total ban on carrying handguns outside your house and effectively -- and effective immediately, d.c. police can no longer arrest anyone for carrying a legal gun. what implications will this have across the country? joining us is the author of "emily gets her gun" emily miller. emily, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> you were shocked that this happened? >> i was shocked. this case has been dragging in courts for five years. for this decision to come out on a saturday after all this time and then last night we get this -- i got from an officer source of mine a teletype from the police chief saying effective immediately you can't arrest nen in d.c. just for carrying a gun as long as the gun is legal. it is a shock wave through the city. >> absolutely. when you look at this narrowly tailored law that they have had on the books in washington -- and i used to live there. they've got a million gun control laws on the books, and yet there's so much gun crime, it is just ridiculous down there. but to look at the fact that they have tailored it so specifically and for the judge to come out and say that is patently unconstitutional, now people across the country are going maybe they're waking up there. >> they actually are. d.c. is the only place in the country that has a -- has now a total ban on the right to bear arms. that's pretty shocking when you talk about the constitution. illinois was the last state and last year they passed a law allowing for conceal carry. d.c. is the last place. now this judge said, judge skullin in the district court said it is unconstitutional. d.c. has to allow people it carry guns, whether open or concealed. they have to be allowed to carry handguns. now he wrote, according to police last night, anyone who is a nond.c. resident can legally carry in d.c. and d.c. residents, if you have a registered gun like i do, i can carry. if you don't have a registered gun you can still be arrested on the unregistered gun law. >> you have a gun because, among other reasons, you were the victim of a home invasion but you couldn't have a gun back then. now you can have it going forward. i want to you react, emily, to what the d.c. council chairman put out a statement and said because of the district's unique national security concerns, the right to carry a firearm in public must be more heavily restricted than anyplace else in the nation. four u.s. presidents have been assassinated by gunfire and at least five others have been shot at including ronald reagan who was seriously wounded by mr. hinckley. your reaction? >> i would say we had this exact gun ban m place when reagan was shot and it didn't stop crazy people. no law will stop a crazy or evil person from shooting. >> you've got all those gun laws on the books right now and the gun violence is out of control. emily miller chief investigative reporter for fox five in d.c., thank you. a fun day at an amusement park takes a nasty turn. get this. why wasn't the driver even charged? to meetstion. some of our biggest fans. a look behind the scenes at our fox fan weekend at yankee stadium next. first happy birthday to actress elizabeth berkeley. she is 42. ♪ ♪ vo: this is the summer. the summer of this. the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. where memories will be forged into the sand. and then hung on a wall for years to come. get out there, with over 50,000 hotels at $150 dollars or less. expedia. find yours. having a perfectly nice day, when out of nowhere a pick-up truck slams into your brand new car. one second it wasn't there and the next second... boom! you've had your first accident. now you have to make your first claim. so you talk to your insurance company and... boom! you're blindsided for a second time. they won't give you enough money to replace your brand new car. don't those people know you're already shaken up? liberty mutual's new car replacement will pay for the entire value of your car plus depreciation. call and for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won't raise your rates due to your first accident. switch to liberty mutual insurance and you could save up to $423 dollars. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. hey! hey! no! >> it is your shot of the morning. fox biting off more than he can chew. the animal spotted a film make's camera on the ground. surprisingly the camera manages to with standing being crushed by the fox's teeth. what does the fox say there? >> 20 minutes before the top of the hour. over the weekend we had the chance to meet some of our most dedicated fans. more than 1,000 of you came out to yankee stadium for fox fan weekend. so nice of the yankees to play for us. here with a behind the scenes look is our own michael tammero who according to reports was there. >> i was there, we had about 1,500 people. >> you threw the party. >> give credit where credit is due. nine years ago roger said i want to give something back to our fans. giving back and providing customer service. nine years later what turned out to be just one night turned into two days. 1,500 people turned out between saturday and sunday. we did the movie marathon and in case you missed it, this is what went on. ♪ ♪ >> fox fan weekend is ridiculously fun. >> it is filled with fox fans who are the best in the whole world. >> absolutely. >> it's really an honor to get a chance to meet people. >> look at the fans behind me. look at these ladies. >> hello ladies! >> it's absolutely wonderful to see everybody. we're such huge fans action so this is really a pleasure. >> i wake up with "fox & friends" and they are watching all the way through sean hannity. >> the most honest news channel there is. >> i think these guys get the award for coming the farthest. madagascar; right? >> fox fan day is a prescription for good health. >> they watch us every day and we couldn't do it without them. it is our chance to say thank you and meet them. it's really cool. >> the connection you get with the fans they've seen over the years and see what makes "fox & friends" the number-one cable show on morning news. >> you want the real news, you better watch fox. >> we're giving them free food and holy cow are they happy! >> the fox news fans are the most energetic, dedicated, wonderful, friendly people. we're grateful to them. i know they're grateful for fox. and it's the best day ever. >> it was the best day ever. >> absolutely. one of the things about the fox fan is they are true enthusiast of the channel. a lot of them if you ask where their remote was, they wouldn't know because they don't ever change the channel. >> we had people come from hawaii, sweden, all over. texas, florida, and they are the nicest people. >> they really are. so kind. >> planning for tenth annual starts today. >> all right. >> you did a great job and megyn did a great job in organizing all of us. >> it's like corralling cats around here. >> thank you. >> 25 minutes before the top of the hour. heather nauert joins us and she's got news of a freak accident. >> i do. thank you to the viewers, by the way, for baby sitting our kids, elisabeth. >> you let total strangers baby-sit our kids? >> they were so nice. we trust them. i have news. it is a tragic story to bring you out of california. actually this one is out of florida. a freak disept on a beach leaves -- freak accident on a beach leaves a father dead and his daughter in critical condition. there was a single engine plane forced to make an emergency landing on the beach in sarasota. that is when a father and his nine-year-old daughter out for a walk on the beach were hit by that airplane. some witnesses immediately calling police. >> nothing you see every day, that is for sure. i was not expecting to come to the beach and see a plane on the ground. they were performing c.p.r. on him. it looked like he wasn't bleeding at all. >> the father was pronounced dead at the scene. his daughter is in intensive care at the hospital and another woman reportedly suffered a heart attack after she witnessed the entire thing. the pilot and that passenger on that plane are both uninjured. the ntsb is investigating the cause of that deadly crash. >> a desperate search is underway in oregon for a missing mother of two. jennifer huston went out to run errands and never came home. her husband says there is no way she would willingly leave her two little boys just two and six years old. >> jennifer, i love you very much. the boys love you and the boys miss you terribly. please, if you can, come home. >> huston was last seen on surveillance video buying gas on thursday night. she was driving a green lexus with the license plate number wxh0-11. anyone with information asked to call police. >> a frustrated driver plowing down a crowd near san diego's popular festival. take a look at this. [screaming] >> a 64-year-old woman was sent to the ground with a broken arm. it was the annual zombie walk. here's apparently what happened. that driver reported -- well, he couldn't cross the street until the crowd was finished. the crowd apparently started pounding on his vehicle. he got a little scared, he put the gas on and went through that crowd. that crowd surrounding it as he waited at an intersection. and that's what happened there. a woman broke her arm after they smashed the windshield. a colorado man arrested on suspicion of d.u.i., that's nothing really out of the ordinary except for the fact that he was driving a lawn mower. police say kenneth welton was on his private bar crawl, driving a lawn mower from one bar to the neck. his license had already been revoked so maybe this was the next best thing for him. he got a d.u.i. >> i wonder if he was driving or towelly mowing. >> that's a good question. >> now to some extreme weather pounding millions in the south. maria molina joins us live. maria, we had thunderstorms here overnight but worse down south. >> some of the hardest hit states were tennessee and also kentucky. where we have many reports of even possible tornadoes, damaging winds. i want to share this video we shot over the weekend. i was in the southeastern part of kentucky where a lot of storms fired up and very ominous looking clouds started coming down. you could see how close they were to the ground. very tough storm chasing terrain. we have a lot vegetation and trees blocking that visibility but you can see right there that storm system packing a punch out h. we-- out there. we have reports up into the interior portions of the northeast. today there is a part for more severe weather in southeastern parts of the united states. also heat advisories in effect. temperatures into the the 0's, heat index values into the triple digits. much cooler in the great lakes. upper 60's in cleveland. that's very cool for the month of july. >> maria, thank you very much. i saw a banner yesterday, this is the coolest summer on record so far. >> i think it's fantastic. >> it's beautiful. >> as bad as the winter was, that's how great the summer has been at least in the northeast. >> a swat team storms a passenger plane. [screaming] >> hands up. >> the latest air scare in a week of plane crashes. are you still safe at 35,000 feet? ow plane safety expert has the information you need to know next. >> this morning doctors say stop shaking hands because bad for your health. ♪ thank you daddy for defending our country. thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. our cheese is going thin in a big way. with our ultra thin slices, you can now enjoy the same natural sargento cheese you love, at just 45 calories a slice. the same cheddar, swiss and provolone. just thinner and just 45 calories a slice. a a doctors have been prescribingdecade, nexium to patients just like you. for many, prescription nexium helps heal acid-related erosions in the lining of the esophagus. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. avoid if you take clopidogrel. nexium 40 mg is only available by prescription. talk to your doctor. for free home delivery, enroll in nexium direct today. quick headlines for you on this monday morning for your health. this is another reason to get a good night's sleep. a new study says sleep deprivation can take a devastating toll on your memory, giving you false memories in fact. sugar might be bad for you. really? doctors now say totally cutting it out of your diet could kill you because fruits and vegetables all contain sugar which would leave you with little other than meat and fat to eat. definitely not very healthy. high fives can sometimes be dangerous. >> very nice! >> what was the point of that? >> but high fives are still better than handshakes because a high five transfers half the germs of a handshake, and even fist bumps they say are cleaner than that, transferring only about 5% of the germs. elisabeth? >> there you go. let's throw it to brian kilmeade. >> 15 minutes before the top of the hour. terrifying moments aboard a flight set for panama city last friday. watch. swat teams storm the plane after an emergency landing when a passenger allegedly made a bomb threat. that is the recent scare we had in the skies. two deadly crashes blamed on severe storms leading us to wonder are the skies still safe to fly. what's the percentage in reality. here to offer tips is aviation expert, sal lingonia. first off, domestically we're perfect. when we see what's happening with this canada situation, algeria situation, malaysian plans what do you think? >> airspaces are not created equal. when i ask when is the last crash of a commercial airline of a commercial aircraft of the united states, it was 2009, that buffalo crash. it's not the same thing when you fly in other countries. africa, for example, much worse. they account for only 3% of the flights and about one-fifth of the air crashes. >> we saw the algeria plane. that was weather-related. weather is bad, you can't control it and sometimes you can't predict it, as we know. if you are a flier and you're about to get on a plane, gukd to flight aware -- you could go tom and gn inside track on the weather? >> that would help you if you want to know what the weather was yesterday and that will problem help today. most airplanes will take extreme weather. they are built under f.a.a. certification, a very strict standard. >> they can take the heavy rain and absorb the lightning strikes? >> correct. if you're in the united states you know where that heavy rain is. you want to stay away from thunderstorms and that is probably what happened in algeria. you know where they are here in the united states because we have radar every place. not so in these other countries. >> i understand when it comes to turbulence, we can only predict turbulence? >> we have turbulence reports that come out of the national weather service every single day. before any pilot flies, whether a short trip or long one, they look at that because that will impact what the comfort of their passengers are. >> a lot of people get upset the plane is going to be late but they're delaying because of a flight. you're saying if you are a passenger, you can decide the weather doesn't feel right, i don't want to take the risk, i'm not getting on. that is something we can decide to do, we all can't get our money back? >> that is true. that is up to the carrier whether they give you your money back or not. for the most part with domestic carriers you're going to fly in safe weather in safe conditions. their standards are higher than the f.a.a. makes them do. >> this is what i've lerpd over the last six months, number one, the flight pattern matters, the weather matters. i don't know if it is possible but i'd like to know what my pilots have been up to. you look at the malaysian pilots, is there any way we can do a background check on the pilot we're going to have? >> no simple way of doing that. we know for the most part the airlines do a pretty good job of weeding out bad eggs in their area. when we fly foreign airlines we don't know for sure we're up to the same standards as the united states. >> just to check out your carrier and know if it's domestic the odds are great that you're going to be fine. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up straight ahead, spiderman unhinged. what caused this costume-clad thug to flip out on police at times square. these guys got to get off the costumes and get out of there. apple doesn't need your permission to help itself to your contacts, photos, any personal data. what you need to know to protect your on-line stuff. ♪ ♪ when la sends sales rep steve hatfield the ready for you alert, the second his room is ready. you know what he brings? any questions? can i get an a, steve? yes! three a's! he brings his a-game! the ready for you alert, only at! ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away it can help your business save money. false. the truth is when you compare our fastest internet to the fastest dsl from the phone company, comcast business gives you more for your money. why pay more for less? 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>> that's not freedom. >> mobil would realize that and say, let's jack up the price for curt and elisabeth when they come in for gas. >> when it comes to phone, that's what people have been dealing with, no competition in termination of prices and your hands are tied. >> less competition, exactly. and now you're going to have the choice. they can no longer tell you you can get gas at one station. you can get phone service with your cell phone anywhere you want. and when we travel abroad, we'll be able to use our phone with other services there that were restricted, and imagine this, tens of thousands of cell phones that would otherwise end up in the landfills are going to be able to stay alive. your phone, perfectly good, should be able to use another service. instead of us having to throw it out, we're going to be able to keep that. >> a new frontier here. >> mainly freedom of phone and saving money. >> apple is extracting information, has the capacity to extract information from your phone and we didn't know this? >> we're talking about a forensic analyst who is really good with how the inside of a iphone works. apple has been keeping a secret. they haven't revealed to us, the 600 million iphone users, that, in fact, they have created a back door or a mechanism that circumvents them to get to your personal data. it doesn't mean they're exploiting it or doesn't mean the phone is not secure. it simply means there is something very suspicious here. >> can you opt out of this? >> you can not opt out of it. the only way out of it is to completely erase your phone, making it useless and you're then going to get it again probably when you plug in your phone to a trusted source. you're going to recreate that pairing to a trusted source which would allow access. what does this mean? no, there is no proof yet. but the nsa has used this back door to get your personal information. but there is actually a process that law enforcement has to follow that apple has provided to them and this potentially could be one of those channels to fulfill a request for the government to look at information on your phone. should they have told us about it? >> i think so. is there more to this? they claim this is simply diagnostic tool mechanisms put in place. it's will for troubleshooting. >> why didn't they let everybody know if it was simply that? >> by the way, it's not just that. it actually has been looked at further and another analyst said no, no. this is not for diagnostics. this is personal data. so apple needs to come clean. >> we're going to stay on this. come back more. thanks. coming up, americans wish they voted for mitt romney. the brand-new poll that shows the state of the country. so now what? donald trump, top of the hour on that. and the gift you should never, ever buy for a wedding. ever. >> what about that? i'll go all day. place setting, crystal tell me ware which they'll probably never use hey pal? you ready? can you pick me up at 6:30? ah... (boy) i'm here! i'm here! (cop) too late. i was gone for five minutes! ugh! move it. you're killing me. you know what, dad? i'm good. (dad) it may be quite a while before he's ready, but our subaru legacy will be waiting for him. (vo) the longest-lasting midsize sedan in its class. introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. good morning. today is monday, july 28. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. fox news alert, beach turns deadly when lightning strikes more than a dozen people, killing one person. how the other victims are doing this morning straight ahead. dozens of fans at a keith urban concert sent to a hospital and more arrested. what the heck happened? we have the music details. plus, it's wedding season and you are probably about to buy the wrong gift. >> what about that? >> i'll go all day. place settings, candle sticks, crystal stemware. >> what not to buy from the country's best etiquette expert because mornings are smarter with friends. like you. >> this is trace adkins. you're watching "fox & friends". i remember when connie chung got married to morrie povich. >> did you go? >> i did, and gave them a crock pit. >> you did? >> i think that's a great gift. >> she told me years later she never used it. >> i would have used it. >> i was talking to clayton morris and his wife. they turn on their crock pot daily via their cell phone. >> wait, cell phone? >> they set it -- they brought a crock pot with wi-fi. isn't that fantastic? >> it is. >> i need that. >> you should talk to them. >> the crock pot could get more heavenly. >> he works here. >> find out the very latest on etiquette and right gifts to buy shortly. >> and heather is here. you're smiling because we know the crock pot is our bff. >> you and i love them. i do have breaking news to bring you and serious news this morning. a fox news alert. a day at the beach ends in panic and chaos when a rare thunderstorm hits southern california. lightning striking venice beach. do you know how crowded that is? that lightning killed a 20-year-old man and injured more than a dozen other people. at least two of the victims were in the water during the lightning strike. witnesses recording this as lifeguards pulled one person to show. beach goers say the storm took them completely by surprise. >> all of a sudden there is a big flash of light and a boom and it felt like someone punched me in the back of the head. >> it sounded like a sonic boom. it literally shook the building, shook us. >> that same storm hit catalina island where a golfer was struck by lightning. he's expected to be okay. two americans were helping combat an outbreak of the deadly ebola virus are now infected with the disease. a volunteer from north carolina is the second american to come down with the virus. she works at the same hospital where dr. brantley from texas also contracted the highly contagious disease. that outbreak has spread to three west african countries, killing more than 670 people so far. it kills about 62% of those who are infected. here at home, real chaos in a keith urban concert. firefighters and security guards spent their night trying to corral some drunken country music fans. ♪ ♪ ambulances taking 22 people to the hospital in mansfield, massachusetts. about 50 others were arrested for intoxication. this happening at the infinity center. a former homeless man is turning to the president for some help with his college tuition. jesse granger is selling this letter he received from president obama in 2011 for $9,500. granger says he left home at 17, but his late adopted mother always said to him that education is the most important thing. the president in the letter also talking about the importance of that. jesse says he hopes to use the money he gets from selling the letter to help him finish his degree at winthrop university. i believe that's in south carolina. those are your headlines. >> thank you very much. by the way, on line you can buy a wi-fi crock pot for $89. >> wow. maybe that's something that donald trump will put in his brand-new washington hotel. >> maybe. >> we could ask him. and i believe it's monday, which means it's donald trump time. welcome, mr. trump. >> good morning. >> let's talk about something that's still festering and that's the problem at our border. what's your take on what mayor rahm emanuel said, give me your illegals. we'll take them. >> there are pockets in chicago that are a cass taas strovey, all of the shootings. there are certain areas of chicago. it's disgraceful. >> 23 over the weekend alone. >> yeah. it's disgraceful. but chicago is a place i happen to love. i think it's great. and they got a lot of problems. this is not the way that you're going to solve the problem. people are coming into the country. they have disease. they have lots of other situations going on and very interestingly, in many cases, they don't speak english and they don't speak spanish. they have indian dialect. we don't have anybody that can speak that language. it's languages that we don't know in this country and we're not equipped to handle. now we're supposed to educate everybody. this is madness. what's going on in this country is madness. >> it sure is. to add to the violence there, 23 shootings over the weekend, 220 reported in the summer there. we just are wondering how this is going to solve the problem and then we're hearing governors across the country are calling on the president to lead while this is happening, now that's being dumped into the states. and these governors don't even know it. we just saw governor from tennessee who wrote a letter to the president saying not only was our state not informed prior to any of the children being brought here, says being contacted and has -- ice is being contacted and they have no information other than what's on the web site. he's saying we didn't even know they were here. 760 illegal minors are here now and we had no idea until we went on the web site for hhs? >> it is very sad. they're being spread all over the country. not only don't the governors know, nobody knows they're there. ultimately, you're never going to be able to get them back to where they're from. our country can't handle it. we can't do it. whether it's the problems of infectious diseases, in some cases, very, very infectious diseases. our country can't handle this. we have no country. we have no borders. we have no anything. so something has to take place. it has to take place fast. they're being spread all over the country and they're never going to be returned. >> you know what? they're not telling anybody for the most part, mr. trump, in the localities because we know the dirty little secret, if you drop 1,000 kids into a state, come september, for example n new jersey, those 1,000 kids will end up going to school. who pays for that? the property owners of the state of new jersey. >> it really does seem like it cannot be this stupid. it just can't be this stupid. it must be a concerted effort to get these kids into the system, add them into the system. later on they'll become citizens and they'll vote democratic. this has to be some kind of a concerted effort by the president to let people come into the country because it's not that tough. somebody asked me, what would i do? i'd call mexico and say if you don't stop this from happening -- mexico is like the highway right into this country. and you can not get into mexico. you can not become a citizen of mexico. you can not come into the country. but in this case, they're letting them walk right through mexico, right into our doorway and they want them out fast, by the way. get out fast. we have such power over mexico, we don't use it. >> we had a productive meeting with them last week, we heard. >> yeah, right. >> we have a marine there who has been in prison for a long, long time now and no power when it comes to getting his release. >> he's the only one from mexico that cannot get into our country. amazing thing. they're treating him badly. they're beating the hell out of him in prison. they're treating him badly. unlike our traitor, when we gave five killers, five real enemies of the state, bergdahl, unlike him, this guy was a very solid citizen as a soldier. so it's really crazy. but what we do is you stop it by telling mexico, we're not doing business with you anymore. we support mexico. we have so many companies in mexico. we give them tax advantages to build companies in mexico. look, our country is getting to a point where tear not going to be able to come back. >> you look at our country. madeline albright said yesterday, you look around the world, things are a mess. you got the ukraine, gaza, the southern invasion. perhaps, mr. trump, that is why in a brand-new poll, americans wish essentially they would have elected mitt romney. brand-new poll out, if the election for two years ago were held today, mitt romney would win in a landslide essentially. of course, it's meaningless because they're not really voting for president again in 2014 for 2012. but it is indicative of the trouble that this president is in. >> the president is doing a terrible job. he's a terrible president. the country is going down. we're a laughing stock all over the world. you look at what's happened to the world under our watch. the whole world is exploding. whether it was the fact that we broke up iraq, which was one of the dumbest things ever. you look at -- you know, whether you like saddam hussein or not, he used to kill terrorists. he would kill terrorists. there were very few of them in iraq. this is now a breeding ground. this is called the harvard of terrorism. go to iraq. you learn all about it. perhaps the fact that that all blew up it showed everyone else they could do the same thing. the world has never, ever been in a position like that. it's a tinderbox. one big tinderbox. the problem we have is weapons are getting more and more dangerous, more and more horrible and we've never had a thing like that before. and a lot of it's the power of the weaponry. >> also giving money to the palestinians to blow themselves up in israel and invading other nations and pretty much a menace of the middle east. but i got to bring something else kind of exciting. next to the white house for you, you broke ground with gold shovels. >> we're doing a fantastic job giving lots of jobs. we're building at the old post office, which is the best location in washington, d.c., right smack in the middle of pennsylvania avenue, between the white house and congress. we have the most magnificent building in washington. truly one of the great buildings in washington. we're going to turn that into one of the great hotels of the world. we start construction on monday of next week. it's going to be very, very exciting. we had a ground breaking there. everybody was there. it's going to be a very exciting development. again, a lot of jobs are going to be used for building and for operating the hotel and it's going to be truly -- because of the infrastructure, because of what we're doing and we will have all of those things that you mentioned, and more. we'll have things they don't even know about. in that world, things are coming along so quickly, the world of the internet, that you don't even know about them now. including the wi-fi crock pot. >> the funny thing, in two years, 18 months when we open that, will be obsolete. they'll have something else. >> 2016 is when it's supposed to open. >> it will open 2016. it will open june of 2016. i've always said sometime prior to november, but we should be able to do that -- november being a very important month. >> if you want, we'll supervise the construction. >> i understand. november being maybe the most important month in this country in many, many years, frankly. we are going to need somebody truly great to come in and run this country because we don't have that now. >> donald trump, who will have at least one address in washington, d.c. in 2016, we thank you for joining us live today on this monday. >> thank you very much. it's dozen minutes after the top of the hour. coming up, just days before a five-week recess, congress attempting a last-ditch effort to take action on our southern border. what's the holdup? the democrat who co-sponsored the bill is going to join us live coming up next. and you won't want to miss this. researchers say they have found the secret to a long-lasting relationship. ♪ ♪ fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? what...? jesse don't go!! i'm sorry daisy, but i'm a loner. and a loner gotta be alone. heee yawww! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. jesse? ♪ [music] jackie's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. nineteen years ago, we thought, "wow, how is there no way to tell the good from the bad?" so we gave people the power of the review. and now angie's list is revolutionizing local service again. you can easily buy and schedule services from top-rated providers. conveniently stay up to date on progress. and effortlessly turn your photos into finished projects with our snapfix app. visit today. ♪ the white house calling out congress for fail to go act on immigration before their five-week recess which begins this week at the end of this week. why isn't there more support for this bipartisan bill that's sitting on capitol hill right now? where is the white house on this crisis? let's ask democratic congressman henry cuellar, co-sponsor of the plan. welcome back. thanks as an american for taking the lead on this. first off, what are some of the things in your plan and then we'll get into why the white house says it doesn't measure up. what's in there? >> first of all, the main thing is we want to have a quicker hearing with all due process, with all legal protection, but instead of waiting two, three, four, five years for a hearing, we want to put this individual before a judge, a judge will make that decision whether that individual stays or goes. they can have an attorney if they want to bring an attorney. >> that's one. change the 2008 law, right, that was meant to stop sexual trafficking, but in turn has been misinterpreted. you want to change that? >> that's correct. if you think about it, why is it that the smugglers -- they have found a loophole in the 2008 law. this law, what we want to do, do a very surgical change. every protection, all the due process is kept, except we eliminate a loophole in the 2008 that the smugglers have found a way to make millions and millions of dollars every month. >> dan pheiffer comes out and he says, the cornyn-cuellar plan does not meet white house standards of deferring might abrasion while protecting asylum. >> first of all, keep in mind that president obama brought this idea back in june 30 when he sent a letter saying i need money and i need a policy change. secretary johnson has been very, very good. he has said we need the resources and we need the policy change of 2008. in fact, when i asked him about this proposal, he said, quote, henry, we're on the same page. so when the white house says it doesn't meet the standards, well, we're using the standards they suggested to us, and if they have a better idea, talk to us. >> exactly. exactly. if he wants to get something done. so you need money to speed up the process to get these kids back home where they belong. critics say it could be a dangerous situation. number two, a lot of democrats don't want to change this 2008 law and that's the main problem. >> you know, it's unfortunate. but i think we'll get more democrats. when the vote comes on the floor, we will get democrats. right now the only ones we have are blue dogs that -- some of the blue dogs have signed on. number two, is keep in mind that even hillary clinton has suggested -- she says she's open to the 2008 law 'cause she understands we have to have not only resources, but we have to change that loophole and take the incentive out that the smugglers have taken advantage of. >> thanks so much. coming up straight ahead, spiderman unhinged. what caused this costume-clad thug to flip out on police in times square? we got to throw out elmo and everybody else. they're all clowns. and the "new york times" going full throttle on legalizing pot. would a move like this make drugs more accessible to our kids? we hear from a former drug czar next on the "new york times"'" controversial article. ♪ she's still the one for you. ♪ and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. do not drink alcohol in excess. side effects may include headache, upset stomach, delayed backache or muscle ache. to avoid long term injury, get medical help right away for an erection lasting more than four hours. if you have any sudden decrease or loss in hearing or vision, or any allergic reactions like rash, hives, swelling of the lips, tongue or throat, or difficulty breathing or swallowing, stop taking cialis and get medical help right away. ask your doctor about cialis for daily use and a free 30-tablet trial. ya know what salesman alanim a ready foames becomes?he second his room is ready, i think the numbers speak for themselves. i'm sold! a "selling machine!" ready for you alert, only at when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. but the energy bp produces up here creates something else as well: jobs all over america. engineering and innovation jobs. advanced safety systems & technology. shipping and manufacturing. across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. when we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. that's not a coincidence. it's one more part of our commitment to america. time for news by the numbers. first, 23. that's the number lebron james will wear on his jersey when he returns to cleveland. he wore 23 all through high school and when he first played in cleveland. but switched to number 6 in miami. next, 44 million. that's how much lucy made in its debut weekend. beating out hercules. and 108. that's the age of the oldest living female world war ii veteran. she received a hero's welcome home in texas after a special trip to washington, d.c. where she toured the white house and the world war ii memorial. incredible there. >> very nice. two lucys in the news. drugs are safer than alcohol? apparently that's what the "new york times" thinks. the newspaper is now going full throttle to legalize pot. according to an editorial. but would a move like this put drugs in the hands of more kids? former drug czar john walter joins us now from our dc bureau. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so the "new york times" on the editorial page yesterday said it's time to repeal it. it's essentially been a prohibition. i'm gog read an excerpt. they write, it's been more than 40 years since congress passed the current ban on marijuana. inflicting great harm on society just to prohibit a substance far less dangerous than alcohol. the federal government should repeal a ban on marijuana. what do you say? >> pretty stupid. they act like they live on another planet. more people are in treatment for marijuana than all other illegal drugs combined. more kids, as teen-agers, are treated for marijuana than alcoholism. we're not keeping it out of the hands of kids and explode ago substance where we have alcohol and tobacco, which is the single biggest cause of illness and death that's preventible, adding a third substance -- this is the way they treat environmental toxins. that's not the way they treat things that treat the health of america. all of the science, you covered it at fox, all the science, monthly, is showing more risk at a time when science is telling us one thing, the "new york times" wants to act like it's time to be ruled by cheech and chong. insane. >> it is insane. you're talking about the science. you have been on this program talking about the science. it is proven that pot makes you dumb. >> yeah. steady use, especially as you start as late teens, now can reduce i.q. by eight points, which is not just eight points. if you had normal i.q., you drop by a whole fifth and your capacity to compete. when we want to be competitive, we want to be good to our children, how do we lower their i.q. on a wide scale? to say you're going to keep this out of the hands of kids, look what's going on in denver. disaster. people cannot keep it out of the hands of kids. it's being marketed to kids, in high potencies. people are scared. we're going to try to help them. but the administration is utterly irresponsible and it's just horrifying to the people who live there. >> regarding the experiment, the legal experiment that's going on out in colorado, during the commercial break we were talking about what's going on out there regarding the legal use of marijuana. you had a jaw-dropping statement regarding kids sending their kids to school are afraid of what? >> well, parents cannot send food or drink with their children. i met with some of the parents in suburban denver because of the concentrates, because of the things that can be put in food, being marketed in fruit juice, brownies, so kids cannot bring any food or drink to school -- a woman i met with, parent, all consumables at school have to be prepared under the supervision of school officials to prevent kids from being poisoned. why would we do this to our children? why to our community? it doesn't stay contained. 40 states have been recipients by law enforcement cases of colorado-made marijuana. when your neighbor does this, you're doing it. so this is not an experiment. this is a wholesale failure to enforce the law by president obama. >> speaking of presidents, the president of our country met with the president of honduras over the last couple of days and the president of hon occur has came out and said, look, i have a very violent country. that's kind of his fault. but he also said, the united states is responsible for this crisis on your southern border because americans use too many of our drugs. what do you think about that? >> well, this is not cooperation. this is a failure to recognize responsibility, as you point out. this is a country that's riddled with corruption. i hope the new president will step up. the united states asked for extradition of key and bad actors there. they haven't done it. we've asked for the ratification of a treaty to help us with interdiction, they haven't done it. we've tried to provide aid -- i do blame president obama for not being more aggressive, but you have to engage with a country that wants to help. we did this in colombia. cocaine is down over 50%. honduras needs help, but you have to have hondurans at the front line. >> john walter used to be the drug czar for george w. bush. thank you for joining us today. >> thanks. coming up, a soldier's kids and pregnant wife were kicked to the curb and their house demolished while he were deployed because of a building code violation? is that legal? a judge just ruled. and this burglar tried to make a grand exit, but failed. we'll tell you more about this crazy video as we roll on live from new york city. ♪ ♪ ♪searching with devotion ♪for a snack that isn't lame ♪but this... ♪takes my breath away the summer that summers from here on will be compared to. so get out there, and get the best price guaranteed. find it for less and we'll match it and give you $50 toward your next trip. expedia. find yours. fancy feast broths. they're irresistabowl... completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information to wreak havoc on your life. this is identity theft. and no one helps stop it better than lifelock. lifelock offers the most comprehensive identity theft protection available. if mary had lifelock's bank account alerts, she may have been notified before it was too late. lifelock's credit notification service is on the job 24/7. as soon as they detect a threat to your identity within their network, they will alert you, protecting you before the damage is done. lifelock has the most comprehensive identity theft protection available, guarding your social security number, your money, your credit, even the equity in your home. my years as a prosecutor taught me that we all need to protect ourselves from crime. in today's world, that includes identity theft. it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪ fox news alert. while you were sleeping, the u.n. calling for an unconditional cease fire between israel and hamas. what's not mentioned, israel's right to defend itself or hamas to stop firing rockets. >> john huddy is live along the border with the latest on this call for peace. good morning, john. >> reporter: good morning to you. there is no formal cease fire as we know at this point. but what we understand is that israeli military commanders have told the troops, don't shoot unless shot at. basically match calm for calm. and while there has been some artillery fire and rocket launches at israel, including one that landed in the city we're standing in, which is just north of the gaza border, didn't cause any damage or injuries, it has remained very calm compared to what we've seen over the last 21 days. possibly representative of this, let me show you something. in the distance, you'll see a group of tanks. those tanks last night were over the ridge right on the israel-gaza border firing into an area which has seen an intense amount of fighting and military activity over the course of the last 21 days. those tanks now have been pulled back several hundred yards and remain in a stand still position at this point. yesterday afternoon and evening we did see activity. we saw air strikes, explosions in the distance. we also saw artillery fire. israel remains committed to destroying hamas' infrastructure and network of cross-border tunnels. israel has stipulated that even with a cease fire, it would continue with this operation which has been a main priority since day one of operation protective edge. we know that president obama did speak with israeli prime minister netanyahu, calling for an immediate cease fire, the u.n. as well. israel has said it would accept an egyptian brokered cease fire to allow more long-term negotiations. right now there has been no agreement on a cease fire. but as i said, it is calm for now along the border, a contrast to what we've seen the past 21 days. back to you. >> you never know when things will change. john huddy, stand by out there for the very latest. the egyptians are blowing up more tunnels they found and they're being rearmed by guess who. north korea, the whole axis of evil still out there. >> we had heard that there was a shortage of building supplies for the palestinians. turns out they were building tunnels. >> right. they were using the concrete -- >> hospitals and schools because we're building tunneling. >> so much for the cease fire. heather nauert has more. >> a mother is missing in oregon. jennifer hudson went out to run errands and never came home. her husband now says there is no way she would willingly leave her little boys who are just two and six years old. >> jennifer, i love you very much. the boys love you, the boys miss you terribly. please, if you can, come home. >> hudson was last seen on surveillance video buying gas last thursday night. driving a dark green lexus with license plate number wxh 011. anyone with information is urged to call police in oregon. they need your help. here in new york, spiderman caught in a web of trouble. take a look as this guy dress as super hero punches a cop, not just once, but twice on the streets of new york city. he had reportedly been demanding $5 from tourists who wanted to pose for pictures. the officer told him to stop harassing people and asked for his i.d. and that's when spiderman got angry. he was arrested and hauled off. the cop suffered a minor injury. federal court slamming miami-dade county for demolishing the home of a soldier while he was fighting for our country and his wife was five months pregnant. he was warned about code violation, including exposed wires and a broken roof. but he requested an extension to get those things fixed. then while he was deployed to the middle east, the city claimed that active duty was not a valid excuse. what did they do? they tore down his house. a federal judge recently ruled that that county violated federal law. a trial is set for september to decide how much that soldier is owed. if you believe this study, it ought to be smart wife, happy life. researchers found that today's husbands are the first generation to find wives with an equal or better education threatening. not only are men less worried about being bread winners, but the rise of a smarter woman is making marriages stronger. what to you think of that? those are your headlines. >> i'm the first to say, my wife is a lot smarter than me. >> she picked you. >> i'll be the second to say your wife is smarter than you. i think elisabeth would make that third. a lot smarter. >> a wise note. >> all right. extreme weather hounded millions in the southern part of the united states. possible twisters ripping through tennessee. entire neighborhoods just like this one in speedwell, reduced to rubble. in lexington, kentucky, tossing trees everywhere. one smashing into the back seat of a car. thousands now waking up in the dark. maria molina has been doing some storm chasing on the weekend and joins us live from 48th and sixth avenue. >> good morning. that's right. i was in kentucky yesterday. we saw several funnel clouds and some strong storms that later went on to produce some possible tornadoes in parts of tennessee and all of that damage that you just saw on your screen. but today that same storm system is on the move and there is a risk for more severe weather stretching from parts of mississippi into the carolinas and the risk out here today is going to be large hail, damaging winds, and isolated tornadoes yet again today. the other concerns are hot temperatures and a lot of humidity. we have a number of heat advisories. it could be as hot as 112 degrees. that storm system responsible, by the way, for more than 350 reports of severe weather stretching from tennessee up into the northeast has produced a big cooldown now across portions of the great lakes. high temperatures well below average. could be setting record lows by early tomorrow morning. tonight it will be a chilly one across parts of the great lakes. take a look at cleveland. the high there forecast to be 67 degrees. low 70s in chicago. let's head back inside. >> thank you very much. time magazine has a great item where they talk about whether it's a sign of the time or health consciousness or for whatever reason, there are things that americans have historically bought a lot of that suddenly we're not buying so much of. for instance, did you realize in the last four-week period, cereal sales are down 7% because a lot of people are starting their day with yogurt or fast food or they want more protein. they don't want cereal. >> in terms of sales, gum is down. it turns out people look like big cows chewing cud and they're tired of it. >> no, it's because they're buying mints and candy. >> that, too. but it's true, they do look terrible when they do it. >> gun sales have also begun down. razors are down right now because -- the beards were back. so razors kind of made a comeback originally. but then the beards came back, razors were down. but marketers now are trying to improve man scaping techniques. >> way to go, "duck dynasty." >> cupcake sales are down. crumbs closed 65 stores last week. the last item, for 86 years, they've been canning pasta. chef boy ardee. sales are down. people are look forother stuff. >> overall, we're cutting down bread, aware of sugar, diet sodas taking a hit. different types of flavored water and energy drinks. >> convertibles kind of taking a hit. >> yeah. since 2004, they've been falling off a cliff. >> i still drive mine because i'm having my mid life crisis. so anyway, what things have you stopped buying and do you agree with that list? please e-mail us or twitter us or you could facebook us as well. >> we will take a look at all of that coming up, fast food workers comparing the minimum wage to the civil rights movement. how does that work exactly? we'll thank the late charles. >> a goat finds himself in a tight spot. but his buddy isn't much help. ♪ ♪ captain obvious: i probably wouldn't stay here tonight. man: thanks, captain obvious. captain obvious: i'd get a deal for tonight with deals for tonight from and you might want to get that pipe fixed. ♪ who's more excited about back to school savthe ladies?ples? these guys? or these guys? when you get guaranteed low prices on everything you buy the most, everybody gets excited! staples. make more happen for less. we've got some headlines for you. this burglar tried to make a grand exit, but it failed. surveillance video shows the store clerk turned his back as a suspect reaches over the counter and rips out the cash register. then as he escapes, he drops the monitor and stumbles out the door. he recovers and runs away, getting away with the cash. cops are still looking for him. and no kidding around here. a brave goat coming to the rescue after his friend gets stuck in a hole. so-called hero not having much luck with his head butting tactic, as you can see. and that's when the nearest human steps in and pulls the stuck goat to safety. thank you. this weekend, more than 1300 fast food workers from across the country gathered in illinois. >> while there, the group voted to use nonviolent civil disobedience in order to get two demands. first, $15 an hour pay and the right to unionize. they are comparing these efforts to the civil rights movement. >> here to tell us more, charles payne from the "fox business" network. to compare to the civil rights movement seems insulting. >> it really is insulting. it's beyond the pale. it insults almost everybody. obviously it would insult anybody involved in a civil rights movement and also the workers because essentially i guess what you're saying to these workers is you were born this way and this position where you can never better yourself, you can never get an education, you can never work otherwise, you can never pool your money and start a business. you are stuck in this because somehow you were born with deficiencies that you'll only have a certain skill set. the minimum skill set. so at the very least, what we can do, because we're so nice and we are the union after all, we'll find a way to at least get you more money because obviously you're stuck because you were born in this situation. >> we're determined to win for our children and ourselves. together we're going to build a better future. we're ready to engage in nonviolent action to make larger corporations hear us. we stand on the shoulders of movements that have transformed america. >> it's again, extraordinarily insulting and what about the small businesses that are out there? most restaurants fail. most restaurants don't work. they go out of business. they work on very thin margins. most people lose money. they have the proceeds pentecost of a 50% chance of not making it. on top of that, we're getting these ideas now, part-time workers should have certain rights. union workers. these restaurant workers and minimum wage workers, somehow their civil rights are being -- >> trampled on. >> yeah. whatever happened to the country that talked about the maximum? like sky is the limit. we are quibbling over things where it's really about creating divisiveness. it's not economic solution to anything. by the way, it still would be the minimum wage. i think people out there want to think about maximum. >> what do those numbers mean? >> here are the states that increased minimum wage, hawaii, maryland, massachusetts, vermont, connecticut, washington, d.c. >> well, you're talking $15. most people watching this show, their haul househead median income is the same as 1989. you're talking about doubling the salary for the lowest skill sets out there. you're talking about really encouraging people or enabling people not to better themselves. hey, why should i go to college at night if i'm going to get a raise from 7 to $15? if this becomes a civil rights issue and i can always go and demand more, what we're really talking about, and i say this all the time. there are people in this country trying to create a utopian welfare society. it's very expensive and they've got to attack corporate balance sheets. watch me 6:00 p.m. every night on the "fox business" network. >> he's making money. thank you. >> we got him up early just for us. straight ahead on this show, stressed about what gift to buy for the next wedding? >> that. >> i'll go all day. place settings, candle sticks, crystal stemware, which they'll probably never use 'cause it's crystal stemware. >> we're revealing the wedding gift don'ts. >> first on this date in history in 1980, "magic" by olivia newton john was the number one song in america. ♪ you have to believe we are magic ♪ ♪ don't let your "hedda -- thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things, the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. 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'wóó♪t i voted for culture... ...with a 'k.' how are you? i voted for plausible deniability. i didn't kill her, david. and i voted for decisive military action. ♪ america, you cast your votes. now, go to xfinity on demand and select the people's hotlist to see this summer's top 100 shows and movies. i voted! we are smack in the middle of wedding season. if you're stressing out over what to get as a gift, we have you covered today. joining us is lizzie post, etiquette expert and the co-author of a wedding etiquette book. welcome. we're going to go through these presents that we should not bring. >> okay. one of the worst things you can ever get for a newcombe is fertility statue and a baby naming book. >> you're probably rushing things. >> not the things you want to be doing. it's really assuming a whole lot. >> what is this? >> okay. marriage for idiots. you do not want to buy a happy couple a new book on relationships and how to make theirs work. i think you really want to think they have it going on. they're ready to do it. >> what about this? >> this is a perfect pancake maker. is that almost useless kitchen gadget. if it's not on their registry, don't go for it. >> don't get creative. >> you can, but maybe not too creative. let's see number four. >> what is that? >> these are coasters and something, maybe a rivet, i believe. -- trivet. these are home made items. it's okay to do them if you're crafty or that's your profession, but not when it looks like it might come from your child. it's got to be good. >> this is another don't. >> big don't here. this is artwork. unless you know that they like a certain artist or they want a specific piece, do not take a guess. leave the decorating to the bride and groom. >> i doubt they decorated for art. >> especially not this art. >> no baby books. >> no baby book, no fertility stuff, no marriage relationship advice, no weird kitchen gadgets. only home made if you're really, really good at it. and stay away from decorating. >> what are the top three things you should bring or get? >> i think you really want to think about what the couple wants. go to their registry. cash is always great. >> cash is okay? >> cash is totally great. >> bring it that day or send it? >> either way. you can do cash or check. >> great advice. it might be easier, too. cash, you put with the envelope. >> i'm a big fan. and people can get what they want. then they have something they really love. >> it's not that you haven't thought of them if you bring cash? >> no, no, i'm pretty happy when people give cash. >> no complaints here. lizzie post, thank you so much for all of your help. >> thank you. hillary clinton taking a shot at president obama, saying george w. bush makes her proud to be an american? that story when bret baier joins us from washington top of the hour. then i bet you didn't know that driving an oscar mayer wiener mobile is one of the sought after jobs in the country. you know why? i'm going to tell you because i'm taking you behind the wheel coming up. ♪ ♪ when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! hi, credit report site andour i have a problem. i need to speak with your fraud resolution department. ugh, we don't have that. what should i tell him? just make that super annoying modem noise... ( ee...dong...shuuuhh...) hello? not all credit report sites are equal. classic. members get personalized help plus fraud resolution support. join now at with enrollment in experian credit tracker. good morning. today is monday, july 28. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. >> a big flash of light and a boom and it felt like someone punched me in the back of the head. >> it sounded like a sonic boom. >> a day at the beach turns deadly when a rare massive lightning bolt strikes more than a dozen people. a shocking confession from hillary. >> i am proud to be an american. when i go to sub saharan africa and people say, i want to thank president bush and the united states for -- >> george w. bush makes hillary proud to be an american? we're going to talk to bret baier about that in about 60 seconds. >> somewhere in texas george bush just collapsed. ever fall asleep with your cell phone? imagine waking up and seeing this? the phone that burned a hole in the pillow. warning, kids. it could happen to you. mornings are better with friends. >> i'm donnie osmond. you're watching "fox & friends". >> welcome aboard to our montel cast -- telecast. we turn to bret baier. 6:00 p.m. tonight, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> the people in that big white round building behind you, they must be exhausted. they got another vacation coming up starting on thursday. i think five weeks of recess. nothing has been done so far regarding this invasion on our southern border. we hear so much about the do nothing congress, but the brand-new whip on the republican side, he says he's not going anywhere. hear this first and then bret baier's take. >> the president's been awol from the very beginning. the president has a lot of time on his schedule to secure fund-raisers. he has no time to secure the border. he has not taken his job seriously in this regard. the house is willing to lead. 89 house laid out -- the house laid out what we'll do to solve this problem. the president wants to sit back and play politics. he's flying around the country doing fund-raisers. he doesn't have time to come and work with congress. >> the house can pass something, but without the senate, nothing. >> yeah. that's true. i think chris wallace pressed congressman scalise whether they would extend and not take their vacation and he wouldn't get there. the hope is that they can come to some deal on this supplemental and it will be much scaled down money wise. but the main thing is change the language as we've talked about of the 2008 law that would enable them to speed up the deportation process for the central american kids. that could happen this week before the end of the week. you're right, five weeks recess. that's not a bad deal. >> they're going to get a v.a. deal, on paper it seems like it's a bipartisan agreement. they also have to come up with some type of funding on the highway bill. when it comes to this 2008 bill, it's democrats who don't want to change it. republicans are in to changing that, which is kind of odd this time. >> yeah, it is. especially since the administration at first came out and said they were open to and wanted to see that law changed, the specific law and the wording. so there is this pushback. the thought is that they can get around it. they can get through it before the end of the week. if they don't, the question then will be to congressman scalise and others, are you going to stick around? are you going to wait until it gets resolved? >> george wills said this when it comes to deportation. >> we have 3141 counties in this country. that would be 20 per county. the idea we can't assimilate these eight-year-old criminals with their teddy bears is preposterous. >> so that's something you don't hear from many conservatives on television, bret. he is suggesting with these kids, don't deport them. make them americans. just spread them around. >> yeah. you do hear that from some. brit hume has said something similar. and others. but i guess there are a lot of people, especially along the border towns, that want to know where the line is drawn. they want to know where the end of that is and they also want to know that the line that's established of people who are in line to get citizenship is respected. >> what about governors aren't even prepared to have this happen. they're finding out on line that 760 in the case of tennessee, the governor there found out that there were 760 of these kids dumped there unbeknownst to him. this is the governor there, not only was our state not informed prior to any of the children being brought there, still not been contacted and have no information about these individuals or their sponsors other than what was posted on the hhs web site and subsequently reported in the media. they're being caught offguard. they don't know if the kids had their immunization, if their sponsors have been legal with paperwork. they have no information and he has 760 kids there. over 30,000 of these children this year alone have been placed into the hands of states from the federal government. what is going to be done? >> this is the most amazing part of this story, that this is not getting more outrage, more coverage. this isn't just republican governors speaking out. there are democratic governors in similar situations finding out that there are kids being transferred to their state and they didn't know about it. and originally when asked about this, the white house press secretary, josh earnest said it was a matter of privacy for those children. >> yeah. >> for the central american kids. >> whoever they are. >> that really was spell binding because -- >> it's not true. >> it's not true and we care about their rights more than the rights of americans. i'm curious to see if the president will wait for vacation and start issuing executive orders addressing it the way he wants. speaking of the president, what did you think of this poll out when americans were asked, who would they vote for if the vote was today. romney gets 53%. the president, 48. president romney hasn't had to make a decision in two years. president obama has made a few. that has a lot to do with it. that surprise you? >> no. the president's approval rating has taken a dive, as you've seen all these things around the world. you've seen a lot of sound bites about how mitt romney said that russia was the number one geopolitical foe in the wake of the russian ukraine situation. you've seen a lot of looking back. you're right. mitt romney is not making decisions day-to-day. but it's still an interesting poll if you look at all the things that have been said about that race since then. >> hillary beats mitt romney head to head in the same poll. >> yeah. not surprising either. despite a little bump in the road with the book launch has managed to hold up her favorability rating. >> but it does show you the voter dissatisfaction with our current president. meanwhile, i want you to listen to -- here is hillary clinton talking about george w. bush and how he made her proud to be an american. >> george w. bush is very popular in sub saharan africa. why? because of the president's emergency program for aids relief. whether you agree or disagree with a lot of what else he did and i disagree with a lot of it, i am proud to be an american when i go to sub saharan africa and people say, i want to thank president bush and the united states for helping us fight hiv aids. >> she makes a good point. george bush did a lot regarding hiv aids in africa. but what's going on there? is she, a, proud to be an american because of george bush, or b, trying to distance herself from her former works barak obama? >> i think it's a combination. you have to take her at her word. there were a lot of democrats who praised the efforts of president bush in africa and what was done there, a lot of people don't even remember. changed the entire perspective of the u.s. in africa. you have bono and others who have spoken out about president bush's efforts throughout that. it often gets overlooked. too, she is on this crusade to say america needs o do a better job around the world of talking about itself and promoting its own values and in essence, criticizing the current administration for not doing that and making the wrong decisions again and again. so it is a subtle dig, but probably warranted praise that she talked about before. >> perhaps a strategic reachout as some describe president obama's methods as retreat from the globe. >> bret, we're going to be watching you ten hours from right now. have a great day. >> we'll see you later. heather nauert is here. you have some headlines. >> good morning. there is wild weather all across the country. particularly california. a day at the beach ending in panic and chaos when a rare thunderstorm hits southern california. lightning striking venice beach, killing a 20-year-old man and injuring more than a dozen others. at least two victims were in the water during this strike. witnesses recording it as lifeguards pull one person to shore. beach goers say the storm took them completely by surprise. >> it was an incredibly loud flash, like a bomb went off. >> people that were just frightened for their lives. people running. people looking up in the air. really scary. >> that same storm hit catalina island where a golfer was struck by lightning and is expected to be okay. a freak accident on a florida beach leaves a father dead and his daughter in critical condition this morning. a single engine plane was forced to make an emergency landing on a beach in sarasota. that's when 36-year-old man and his nine-year-old daughter who were just out for a walk were hit by that airplane, stunned witnesses immediately called police. >> nothing you see every day, that's for sure. i was not expecting to come to the beach and see a plane on the ground. they were performing cpr on him. he had blood on his face. it looked like he wasn't breathing at all. >> he was pronounced dead at the scene. his daughter is hanging on for life at the hospital this morning. another woman reportedly suffered a heart attack after she witnessed that incident. the pilot and passenger on board that plane are both uninjured. the ntsb is investigating the cause of that crash. do you remember when those three daredevils jumped off the new world trade center building in manhattan last fall? okay. now their lawyer has a stunt of his own. he's doing this for his clients. he jumped out of a plane with them. the attorney and them going sky diving for research, making the jump in new jersey, saying he hopes it will help their cause. the suspects face several charges, including felony burglary. and listen to this one, parents and teen-agers, this is exactly why you should never sleep with your cell phone. a texas teen-ager woke up after she smelled something burning. it turns out it was her samsung galaxy s 4. it was on fire and it was underneath her pillow. >> i didn't think much of it. i went back to sleep and then i woke up again, it was more prominent. >> we have a reasonable expectation that the products we buy will be safe. >> the girl's dad says he suspects the phone overheated and that caused the battery to swell and start on fire. a spokesperson for samsung says their products are safe and pointed out that the battery inside that phone was one of those replace ams and not a part of the original unit. by the way, important to read the fine print on these things. apparently samsung says do not cover these with any bedding or heavy -- >> she had it under her pillow! >> now we know. >> i have never read a warning, ever. >> i know. >> now we know not to do that. >> i'm always using electrical devices in the bathtub. never read the warning. think the invasion of illegals coming into our country just hits border states? think again. the sheriff who has been fighting this for years and is even on a cartel's hit list joins us live next. >> that's a list you don't want to be on. and here is what not to do if you ever encounter a crocodile. don't really know what he was thinking. we'll try to find out. >> ♪ ♪ what's in your wallet? padvil pm gives you the healingu at nsleep you need, it. helping you fall asleep and stay asleep so your body can heal as you rest. advil pm. for a healing night's sleep. ohio might be a long way from the mexican border. but the illegal immigration crisis is hitting there, too. one sheriff is calling on the president to do something about it. in a letter to the white house, he writes this: our nation's current immigration crisis is a direct result of our country's inability to secure our border. it will only result in another failed immigration plan. please secure the border now. the man who wrote that letter joins us. the sheriff of butler county in ohio, richard k. jones. sheriff, this is not the first letter you wrote. you also wrote to mexico. >> i have wrote a letter to mexico. i wrote a letter to president bush. this has been a problem, it's been ongoing with both parties, republican and democrat. we can't get any resolve. we're a long way from the border. we border canada by water. but we don't have an issue with canada. we have an issue with the people coming from mexico, bringing their kids, bringing the adults, bringing the drugs, and it's actually killing our communities. >> when you wrote that letter to mexico, somehow the drug cartels got word on it and you got alerted by the f.b.i., you're on their hit list. >> i was told by the f.b.i. i was one of three sheriffs 3200 sheriffs in the united states that i was on a hit list. >> but you're not going to back down 'cause here you are -- that was in 2007. here you are in 2014 saying the same thing. people watching this and saying oh, come on, sheriff. have a heart. these are kids who need a break. what's your reaction? >> it's pretty simple. i have homeless kids with their families here in my own community that were born here and my idea is, hey, send aid back to the country that they're coming from, get them some food. get them to stay in their countries. we've got enough issues here. we've got kids that are born in these hospitals to the illegals that we can't afford to pay for. a third of the hospitals, the births here, just in our community, are born for free. and they're illegals having these children and then the ones that are coming over to our school system -- in ohio we have a school system to where you -- it's a ballot issue. it's a property tax. we can't pass school levees here. if they do pass or fail, it's within a 50 vet or 200 vote radius. >> if you don't get the extra money, but you have the extra kids who are illegal immigrants, illegal alien, then every kid in ohio gets less? >> every kid gets less. imagine being in a school and you have a classroom with 25 or 30 students, then you have an interpreter for each one of these kids that are sitting -- can you imagine the disruption when the teacher, the professor is doing the instruction, the interpreter has to do the interpretation. who pays for that? that comes out of these school systems. i talked to the school people that work in these schools off the record. they said it's a total disruption. it comes out of the money that they don't have and it's killing our system here. >> sheriff, you've been speaking out for a while. hopefully people will begin to listen because we're at a crisis point and from the schools to the gangs, it all comes back on your desk. sheriff richard k. jones, butler county, ohio, thanks so much. >> thank you. coming up straight ahead, we change gears. it was supposed to be a fun zombie walk until a frustrated driver plowed through. so why wasn't the driver charged? we'll explain. it's one of the most sought after jobs, driving the wiener mobile across the country. everybody fantasized about driving it. why do so many people want to do it? i'm going to go behind the wheel to find out, i believe, if they put enough gas in it. ♪ ♪ r studied day and night for her driver's test. secretly inside, you hoped she wouldn't pass. the thought of your baby girl driving around all by herself was... you just weren't ready. but she did pass. 'cause she's your baby girl. and now you're proud. a bundle of nerves proud. but proud. get a discount when you add a newly-licensed teen to your liberty mutual insurance policy. call to learn about our whole range of life event discounts. newlywed discount. new college graduate and retiree discounts. you could even get a discount when you add a car. call liberty mutual for a free quote today at see car insurance in a whole new light. liberty mutual insurance. we got quick headlines for you. the terrorist group boko haram attacking a small town in camaroon, killing three people and kidnapping the wife of the vice prime minister. camaroon sent 1,000 troops to battle the islamist militants after they kidnapped nearly 300 school girls back in april. malaysian airlines planning a name change and new route plans following the shootdown of mh 17 in the disappearance of a plane over the southern indian ocean. this as united nations officials say the missile attack on flight 17 could be considered a war crime. united states accusing pro-russian rebels of using a missile system supplied by russia. that's the news. outside to elisabeth. >> that is right: imagine graduating from college like matt and alex who are sitting next to me and telling your going to be driving the oscar myer mobil. you are going to see why these kids are treated like rock stars almost everywhere they go. take a look. ♪ oh, i'd love to be an oscar mayer wiener ♪ ♪ . >> i think the reaction we get is pure joy. people don't really understand why we're here with the 27-foot long hot dog. but they know it's fun and funny and it's there to make their day. >> when you're driving a 27-foot hot dog on wheels, you're bound to get noticed. >> our first drive from madison, wisconsin, to cleveland, ohio. i switched driving. we were getting on chicago highway and i was scared already, i'm getting over in traffic and someone lays on her horn and i'm terrified. i didn't know what to do. this is my first drive. i look over, and she's just waving, two hands. all she wanted to do was wave at the driver. i was like, this is cool. >> the vehicle changed a lot over the years. in the early days, they were basically sweatboxes with barely enough room for two people. the sleek modern version sleeps six comfortably and equipped with all the modern conveniences. >> it's not something you see every day. we have six traveling the country. even if you've seen it before. when it comes down your neighborhood street, how can you not smile? the wiener mobile is an american icon. and whether you're eight or 80, it seems like everybody can have a connection with the wiener mobile. >> they started making the connections when it hit the roads of chicago in 1936. >> it was sort of the brainchild of carl myer, the nephew of oscar myer. can you imagine that conversation? he walks into uncle oscar and says i have this idea for a giant hot dog on wheels. it may seem old school, but it's more relevant and more effective today than it may have been ever. >> that may be true, with each stop, people record the event on their smart phones. many go on to post the experience on social media sites. oscar myer has taken notice. fans can now track the hot dog's every move with the company's new wiener mobile app. >> technology is awesome. it allows us to connect in so many ways that we couldn't anticipate before. nothing beats that face-to-face, the connection you establish as humans together. no tablet, no smart phone can beat that. >> the big winners in this exchange are the hot doggers. over 1200 candidates apply for only 12 brand ambassador spots. after two weeks at the company's training school, they are ready to drive these big rigs around the country. >> hot dog high, you're going to be kind of a mini celebrity on the road. and i'm sure it's for the wiener mobile. but you feel kind of special when driving it and waving back. >> while the first job may come as a shock to some parents, one look at this thing up close and somehow people get it. >> on my first drive out of hot dog high, it was on father's day. i got to stop home and drive the wiener mobile to my house in the driveway, got to see my dad on father's day. i don't think my dad has ever been more proud of me. >> hot doggers work six months with one partner before switching teams and working another six months with someone else. the experience builds life long connections. >> you learn how to be more patient and not hold grudges. i know my first partner, alex and i became best friends. i might be short with her in the beginning. but by the end, she knew how to judge me. i knew how to judge her. it's a skill i don't know if i'd pick up in a regular job. >> hot doggers build friends for life. these are friends that they've gone through thick and thin with and that they'll be connected to for life. >> people will come up to our events, and tell oscar myer thank you for keeping this around. there are so few things from their youth. people say, do you know what this is? this is the wiener mobile. i go, yeah, i get to drive it. i understand how cool this is. this is when i realize this is like the iconic oscar mayer wiener mobile. >> steve, i told you we would get one of the hottest jobs. we're joined by steven, who you saw in the piece. i know you finished your one-year tour. what's the craziest thing that's ever happened to you while in the wiener mobile? >> we had a competition last summer and one of the challenges was to get someone to get a tattoo of the wiener mobile. we found a 75-year-old lady in wisconsin to get a tattoo of the wiener mobile on her and she got it on her back of her ankle. as much fun as we had, she said it was one of the best things of her life and she bought use steak dinner afterward. >> a pleasure to get to know you. you have a fun group here. >> thank you. >> thank you. next time my america will head to flushing meadows and the u.s. open. we'll give you a behind the scenes look at another interesting job. this time you're going to get on the side line and see what it takes to become a ball person at the u.s. open on the next my america. coming up, dozens of fans at a keith urban concert sent to the hospital. even more arrested. what the heck happened? we have all the details for you and this weekend, we got to meet some of the biggest fox fans out there behind the scenes of fox fan weekend at the ballpark, coming up next. ♪ ♪ >> i'm going to take a ride in this wiener mobile. ♪ ♪ honey, look i got one to land. uh-huh. (vo) there's good more... honey, look at all these smart rewards points verizon just gave me. ooh, you got a buddy. i'm like a statue. i just signed up and, boom, all these points. ...and there's not-so-good more. you're a big guy... ...oh no. get the good more with verizon smart rewards and rack up points to use towards the things you really want. get the lg g3 for $199.99. oh, man. it's your shot of the morning. a reminder why you should never try to jump over a crocodile. this dare devil showing off and getting a little too close. >> sometimes i forget. i see crocodiles and i think, i can probably jump over them. there was no sign that said don't jump over the crocodile. >> i learned that in australia, don't jump over them. >> you did? >> yeah. >> i wonder if it's a crocodile or alligator. anyway, looks like the gator almost got him. >> how many animals did you deal with in australia? >> too many. the humans. >> how many on "the view"? >> turning now to something else. a lot of fun we had indeed this weekend for fox fan weekend. we had a blast. i'm going to show awe behind the scenes look at that. >> fox fan weekend is ridiculously fun. filled with fox fans who are the best in the whole world. absolutely. >> it's really an honor to get a chance to meet people. >> look at the fans behind me. look at these ladies. >> it's absolutely wonderful to see everybody and we're such huge fans. so this is really a pleasure. >> to wake up with "fox & friends" and they're watching all the way through sean hannity. they're die hard. >> the most honest news channel there is. >> i think these guys came the furthest. madagascar, right? >> fox fan day is a prescription for good health. >> they watch us every day and we couldn't do it without them. it's our chance to say thank you and meet them. really cool. >> it's a chance to see what makes "fox & friends" the number one show in morning cable news that we havehis connection. >> we want the real news. you got to watch fox. >> we're giving them free food. holy cow are they happy! >> the fox news fans are the most energetic, dedicated, wonderful, friendly people. we're grateful for them. i know they're grateful for fox. it's the best day ever. >> a good couple of days were had by all. every day at 4:15 in the afternoon, week days, we get the ratings from the nielsen company and we know how many people watch. it's not very often we get to see the faces attached to the people. we got to see 1,000 of you over the weekend. it was great to meet you. >> thank you all for joining us throughout the day here. >> one thing i would love to do is get the romper room mirror and look at the fans because they were able to stare into that mirror and see them. >> she was just pretending, so you could pretend you have a mirror and you could pretend you see them. >> excuse me. she was not pretending. >> my think she was just -- you're talking about miss nancy? >> you know what? i see heather and i see headlines. >> now you're pretending. i know the difference. >> you were great with all the kids yesterday, brian. >> i like kids. especially the fox kids. i was responsible for raising all of them. >> he was cover corralling mine and elisabeth's. i got some news now to bring you. there was chaos over the weekend at a keith urban concert. ♪ ♪ >> that was on stage in massachusetts. but what was happening on the lawn was an entirely different story. 22 people were sent to the hospital in ambulances and 50 others were arrested for drinking. this was at the infinity center in mansfield, massachusetts. keith urban wasn't completely oblivious to the crowd. he tweeted this after the show. >> gosh, out on the lawn, that was nutso. anyway, if you came tonight, thank you very much for giving us all the love and energy. >> concert promoters say the number of problems is small compared to the 18,000 people who were in attendance. it sounds like a country song, doesn't it. a driver plowing into a crowd of people dressed as zombies near san diego's popular comic-con festival. take a look at this. that was the annual zombie walk. there was a driver who was reportedly frustrated that he couldn't cross the street until it was finished. a 64-year-old woman hit the ground. she broke her arm. the driver says that as he tried to pull forward, the crowd started banging on the car, even smashing the windshield. that's when that driver hit the gas. police say the driver and his passengers are all deaf and they were frightened by the crowd of zombies. no charges have been filed at this point. a federal judge striking down washington, d.c.'s ban on carrying hand guns outside the home, calling it unconstitutional and effective immediately. dc police can no longer arrest anyone for legally carrying a gun. fox 5 investigative reporter and author of "emily gets her gun" joined us earlier to talk about this major victory for second amendment rights. >> dc is the only place in the country that has a total -- had now a total ban on the right to bear arms. that's shocking when you talk about constitutional. >> dc's attorney general saying they are trying to decide whether or not to appeal that decision. listen to this story coming out of colorado. a guy there arrested on suspicion of a dui and that's not necessarily out of the ordinary, except for the fact that he was driving a lawn mower. police say he was on his own private bar crawl. he was driving his ride-on lawn mower from one pub to the next. his license had already been revoked once before for multiple dui's. those are your headlines. he told reporters he was just trying to mow some weeds that needed to be mowed. >> remember that movie called "the straight shot" where the guy rode the mower from his house to the house of his family? remember that? >> sounds like a great movie. >> it was a great movie. >> maybe that's where he got the idea. >> maybe. out to the streets, maria joins us. >> good morning. hello, everybody. i want to start out by showing you some video out of southeastern kentucky. i had the opportunity to go chasing out there and these storms were very extreme. they produced all kinds of severe weather. we had funnel clouds coming down across southeastern kentucky. some of these super cells ended up moving into parts of tennessee and out there, there are reports of significant damage to several homes, unfortunately. and also reports of severe weather stretching as far north as interior portions of the northeast. we expect more severe weather across southeastern parts of the united states stretching from parts of mississippi up into the carolinas. you're looking at the potential for large hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes. heat is also a big concern. a number of advisories out here because heat index values could be as high as 112 degrees. your actual high temperatures will be in the 90s out there, from florida, into georgia and the carolinas. behind the storm system, it's going to be a chilly one. highs only in the 60s in cleveland and tonight we could be setting some record lows out there across portions of the great lakes and even into the interior northeast. we'll take a look at how chilly those temperatures get. we could be looking at them in the 50s as we head into tonight. let's head back inside. >> great. >> chilly. >> get your pullover. or have someone come behind you and rub your shoulders. >> while you're sleeping? >> yes. coming up straight ahead, most robbers wear a disguise, but it appears this guy is a rookie -- i don't know what this means. >> he's wearing a plastic bag rather than a paper bag. >> for a mask. and spiderman unhinged. what caused this costume-clad thug to flip out on police. >> they all have to go. rudy guiliani, get rid of them. oh, he's not mayor anymore? ♪ ♪ when sales rep steve hatfield books at, he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can prep for his presentation. and when steve is perfectly prepped, ya know what he brings? and that's how you'll increase market share. any questions? can i get an "a", steve? yes! three a's! amazing sales! he brings his a-game! la quinta inns and suites is ready for you, so you'll be ready for business. the ready for you alert, only at! la quinta! ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ don't miss a beat... ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ ♪ oooh discover the fearless protection of tena. so absorbent even when you twist not a drop escapes. ♪ nothing's missed with tenatwist ♪ celebrate your love of crab with gthis year's largest variety!. 'cause it's crabfest at red lobster! dig into a succulent selection of crab entrées. like new crab lover's trio! with sweet snow crab legs, split king crab, and jumbo lump crab over savory shrimp. crab three ways! all on one plate. or try new jumbo lump crab over wood-grilled salmon. experience crabfest at red lobster today. only for a limited time. come in and sea food differently! some news headlines now. the worst robbery disguise of all time. police say this man in bellville, illinois, robbed a circle k store wearing a plastic bag on his head. the problem is, it's a clear mask. the moment a truck plows onto the sidewalk, nearly hitting a mother and baby in san francisco. the quick thinking mom pulled the stroller out of the way at the very last second. chris chulo surprised. and a curious fox biting off more than he can chew. >> wow. the animal roaming around the island of alaska when it spotted a film maker's go pro camera. the camera manages to withstand being crushed by the huge teeth of the fox. keel keep you up to date. meanwhile, a street performer here in new york city over at times square about a block from where i'm standing now goes out of control. this video going viral, shows a guy dressed as spiderman struggling with a new york city police officer. hit him in the face. it's the latest in a string of sometimes square tussles. our reporter joins us more. these guys may be in costume, but really they are panhandlers. >> reporter: they exactly are panhandlers, good morning, steve and everyone. it's a big problem here in times square. let me set the scene for you. 2:00 o'clock on a saturday afternoon, perhaps one of the busiest times in to be in times square, a tourist tried to take a picture with spiderman, when the parents gave a tip, he said i just take fives, tens and 20s. a local police officer went and intervened and what ensued was an all-out brawl. that's the video you're looking at right now. spiderman punched this cop in the face multiple times before the cop was able to get him under control. spiderman went to jail. the cop went to the hospital to be treated for his injuries. and just to add to this story, when spiderman went to jail, some of his friends went to visit him, like the black naked cowboy. he too was booked on cocaine possession. a huge problem here in the local city council is trying to get some laws in place to regulate these characters. but they don't think there is much that can be done. that's the latest from times square. now back to you. >> thank you very much. still ahead, call this baby a miracle. doctors told her mother she would never survive and a year later, she's honored on capitol hill. the congresswoman and her family join us live with the incredible story coming up next. first let's check in to find out what's coming up in the next hour and we'll do that on the other side of a brief timeout. right back. completely unbelievabowl... totally delectabowl. real silky smooth or creamy broths. everything she's been waiting for. carefully crafted with real seafood, real veggies, and never any by-products or fillers. wow! being a cat just got more enjoyabowl. fancy feast broths. wow served daily. nature valley crunchy granola bars give you energy from 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. energy for making new ocean friends. that's why i always choose the fastest intern.r slow. the fastest printer. the fastest lunch. turkey club. the fastest pencil sharpener. the fastest elevator. the fastest speed dial. the fastest office plant. so why wouldn't i choose the fastest wifi? i would. switch to comcast business internet and get the fastest wifi included. comcast business. built for business. a very special guest made her debut on the house floor this week. >> here is abigail rose butler. >> if you look closely, you can see one-year-old abigail rose in the arms of her mom, congresswoman jamie butler. lawmakers applauding the miracle of that little girl's life because when butler was pregnant, she and her husband were told abigail would not survive. abigail suffering from potter's syndrome. she had no kidneys. she was told to terminate her pregnancy of the unwilling to do that and after prayers and experimental treatment, abigail was born and now she is thriving and she joins us now with her parents, congresswoman jamie butler and dan butler. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> she's starting to talk, sorry about that. >> we don't mind that here at all. that voice is a miracle voice. you can talk any time you would like. we hear your story and it was such a joy to see the applause there on capitol hill for you, your family and your decision. what did the doctors tell you that day in the ultrasound room? >> they told us that with 100% certainty she would not survive. they said 100% fatal. no baby has ever survived this. she will die. and it was terrifying 'cause they said it -- she would either miscarry or if we happened to give birth and she made it that far, she would suffocate because of her lack of lung development, because of the lack of kidneys. as you can see, even well-meaning doctors don't always know. only god knows the end. because now we see abigail. see her smile. she's gorgeous. so remarkable is the sight right here. dan, when you hear that from a physician, that this is 100% not going to work out well for you guys, not going to work out well for abigail, she was going to die. when you hear that, you decided to do what? >> well, it took us kind of 24 hours of reeling and regaining our feet, but we decided -- we felt the lord calling us to be parents right away. not to wait 'til she's born, but to begin fighting for her and advocating for her. so that's what we did. we were really grateful to be put in touch with a doctor who was willing to give her a chance. >> and try something experimental. >> that spermal team, can you -- that experimental treatment, can you explain that? >> it's very basic. it's not a high-tech treatment. it's back of saline water and a needle. >> very long needle. >> it's like a reverse am nio. but basically she would take a needle and put fluid into the womb because that was the problem, without kidney, there is no amniotic fluid. then her lungs won't grow. she put the fluid in once a week and we would watch abigail grow in the ultrasound each week. her feet were originally clubbed. we watched them unclub. her lungs grew and you can see she's happy and healthy. >> she's got a great smile. now is her treatment continuing and how is she today? she looks great. >> she's great. she's a happy, healthy, growing little baby. one of her doctors said she's a happy baby who happens to not have kidneys. she's on dialysis every night. hopefully when she gets bigger, she'll be able to get a kidney transplant and things will be even better. >> dad said that modestly. dodd volunteered to give her one of his kidneys. we're both a match, but dad wants to be the one to do it. >> wow. >> we're just growing her. >> you've got a good mommy and daddy there. congresswoman dan, we thank you for joining us and sharing the miracle that is abigail rose with us. we love you, abigail. so thankful. >> thank you. >> amazing. still ahead, peyton manning takes a tough hit behind the line of scrimmage from his own kids, you see had here and you've got to see this cute video. next, the big tackle ir is perfe. so's his serve. but like up to 90% of us, jim falls short in getting important nutrients from food alone. jim, here's $2 off one a day multivitamins to get key nutrients you may need. go to for savings. scheck it out.? 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ask your doctor if crestor could help you. if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. each time at the end of the show kind of, we try to get one story and give you one story for the road. so peyton manning watt out of football for a year and a half. when he comes to practice for the denver broncos, you're not supposed to hurt him. this time his own kid sacked him in practice. that's a no-no, for the 40-year-old. >> look at this. colts kicker signs a baby girl at training camp. >> he signed the whole girl? >> right on the onesy. >> meanwhile, they did some research. here is a reason you should stop shaking hands. researchers in the u.k. discovered that hand shakes are the germiest way to salute somebody. a little cleaner would be the high five. but the best way to do it, the fist bump. ladies and gentlemen, as we leave today, let's all fist pump. very nice. >> so clean. >> donald donald was ahead of his time. he said that years ago. >> he did. >> thank you for joining us today. we'll see you back here tomorrow. >> watch the zoom out.


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX And Friends 20150114 11:00:00

bunch can turn this around fast. the adult taping is irresponsible. thanks to everyone who responded. >> don't forget to keep talking about 2016. who would you like to see run for president? log on to our facebook page right now. >> "fox & friends" starts now. bye. spoim good morning. it is wednesday, january 14. a fox news alert. airports across this nation on edge this morning ramping up security after terrorists reveal a secret bomb-making recipe and even describe how to sneak it through t. sment -- through t.s.a. >> a plot to kill the speaker of the house exposed. a bartender's plan to use a deadly cocktail to kill john boehner. >> canned and ready? one school principal asking parents to arm their kids with nonperishable food items because throwing cans can stun an intruder with a gun. we have a lot to discuss because mornings are better with friends. >> hello. apparently you're watching "fox & friends." >> he's not so weird. he knows the number-one cable morning news show in the world. >> he still has a perm so i think that is important at his age. we begin with this fox news alert. this morning f.b.i. investigating a chilling plot to kill house speaker john boehner. peter doocy live in washington. what do we know about this, peter? >> reporter: we know the plot to poison the man second in line for the presidency was dreamed up by the man who pours his drinks. michael r. hoyt told police during questioning that nobody checks the speaker's drinks and he could have slipped something into the speaker's wineglass already if he wanted to but he didn't. he also told an officer he was going to use his barretta to shoot the speaker. the bartender was recently fired from a country club in wes chester ohio. his bosses say it is because he had a bad attitude and people are complaining but hoyt blamed boehner. quote, hoyt told the officer that he was jesus christ and he was going to kill boehner because boehner was mean to him at the country club and because boehner is responsible for ebola. the complaint is dated october 29. on the 28 the bartender sent a rambling e-mail to boehner's wife. hoyt has a history of mental illness. boehner's office says speaker boehner is aware of the situation and sincerely thanks the f.b.i., capitol political and local authorities in ohio for their efforts. a big driver behind this indictment for boehner's bartender is during his time at the country club this man learned all about where boehner likes to go and what boehner likes to do, information that authorities worry could be used to his advantage if he wanted to carry out a sinister plot against the speaker. >> peter, you were just talking about how supposedly boehner was mean to the guy at the country club. any idea what he did? >> no, there's no idea. when you read through the indictment -- this is one sentence. it says that he told an officer he was jesus christ and that he was going to kill boehner because boehner was mean and because boehner is responsible for ebola. >> okay. i guess that says it all. peter doocy, thank you. >> thank goodness they have him. >> no kidding. >> here we go again. you don't like taking your shoes off? the u.s. is stepping up airport security should cost us more time again from coast to coast after the paris attacks. al qaeda again goes out of their way to brag about a would-be attack and their new so-called weapons. they put out a video that essentially says they have an undetectable bomb that has us now checking everybody's bags. >> in the december issue of "inspire" magazine from al qaeda in the arabian peninsula, it is so specific, it is so sophisticated, it tells the person how to make the bomb, how to get through security and where to sit on the plane. and they write -- and this is critical because we're going to talk about this in just a moment -- how the white house will not talk about islam regarding terrorism. "inspire" magazine writes the recipe is so easy it's something, quote, every determined muslim can prepare. >> certain foreign airports are looking on and looking at carry-on luggage. >> matt olsen to rememberer director of the national terrorism center says the group is determined to carry out an attack on a u.s. airplane explaining this alert. >> they think this would be easier to sneak through on one of the smaller airports that don't have the super body scans. a lot of american airports do. let's talk about who is responsible for last wednesday's attack in france. we heard the attackers in the video release yesterday scream out once they got into the street after killing 12 al qaeda, besides saying we have redeemed the prophet, this is the responsibility of representing al qaeda in yemen. we heard one of the kouachi brothers call in to a tv/radio station and say the same thing. this is al qaeda in yemen. now we have more news. >> why still is the white house administration still tongue tied when it comes to terrorism? just say what it is. >> elisabeth all they've got to do -- and the new news this morning is that there is a youtube video out. they have put out a video posted earlier today and made it very clear, and there you can see nari al ansi say the attack in paris was vengeance, al qaeda organized it, planned it and paid for it. >> josh earnest, the white house press secretary, said it seems a little odd why still at this point you're not referring to this, even though everybody else is including the attackers as being radical islam. why can't you? watch this exchange. it's just unbelievable. >> certainly wouldn't want to be in a position where i'm repeating the justification that they have cited that i think is completely illegitimate that they have invoked islam to try to justify their attacks. i think what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to describe to you what happened and what they did. these are individuals who are terrorists. we have not chosen to use that label because it does not seem to accurately describe what has happened. >> let us review what he just said. he said yes, they are terrorists but there are a lot of people out there who want to kill us. these particular people used a religion to justify their attack. this should not be surprising. just keep in mind a couple of days ago, i think it was "meet the press," eric holder told chuck todd we are at war with terrorists who commit these heinous acts and who use islam. so this has become the talking point, the boilerplate for this administration. they are terrorists who use a religion. they are not islamic terrorists. they are terrorists. >> and they are individuals, which i think is troubling; right? because you're either offended by what radical islamists do or you're offended by the term radical islamists. which one is it? >> i hope we don't find out in a book years later that the reason nobody put out sunday -- by the way charlie hebdo put out a new magazine. they usually put out 60,000. they now publish in multiple languages and what are we up to? three million? >> three million sold out. 300 available here in the united states. we believe they are gone as well. i was looking on-line. if you want a copy you can beit on ebay for 500 pounds in great britain. we showed you the cover. it shows the prophet humid and it says "all is forgiven" with a single teardrop. >> which by the way i need an explanation. who is forgiving who? eight minutes after the hour. it is the first time i've seen heather nauert. it is tradition we don't look at you before the show. >> kind of like a bride. i've got some news that is actually somewhat related to what we were just talking about, those attacks in paris. that's the accused boston bomber is asking for a trial delay because of the terror attacks in france. jury selection is now underway in dzhokhar tsarnaev's case but his lawyers are arguing it should be put on hold for at least a month because of the comparison of the two terror attacks they say could create prejudice. isis now operating in afghanistan at -- and a former gitmo prisoner leading that charge. he was released from gitmo back in 2007. now he's been rallying jihadists to join that violent terror group. news of the former prisoner's recruiting comes as republican senators are trying to slow the gitmo releases. one senator says we need a, quote, time-out. ann curry is leaving nbc after 25 years -- well sort of. there are reports curry has a new kind of development deal with the network and she may still occasionally appear on the air at nbc. curry was forced off the "today" show more than two years because of the host matt lauer. curry is now negotiating how to end her $12 million a year contract. don't forget your favorite furry friends. today is national dress up your pet day. it is the day to unleash the inner diva in your dap per dog or fashionista feline. those are your headlines. brian, you've got a dog, i've got a dog. we've got to come up with costumes today. to get a team of 12 guys to put my dog in something. he's 120 pounds and doesn't like to wear anything. >> he likes to be himself. we can't wait to see your photos. >> let's talk about the note parents got at valley, alabama. the principal at a middle school sent home a letter saying folks, we would like your kids to bring in to school some canned goods. >> you mean for the starving people around the world? >> which is common. >> no. bring in canned goods because if somebody with a gun comes in to a school, as a last resort, we want the kids to throw a tuna can at the guy with a gun. >> we'd love to know what you think about this. about 15 parents showed up to have a meeting about this and there weren't many complaints. they said it would be used as a last resort. they would be stored in the classroom. students wouldn't be carrying them around in the school for fun and wouldn't be using them on one another. this is a last minute defense given to the students to empower them. >> i like that word empower rather than being a victim. i don't know if i can hit a would-be attacker with evaporated milk, if that is going to work to my advantage. >> do you think you could survive a bunch of cans coming at you. >> it would definitely hurt. sounds like a little rascals episode. >> are they going to practice? think about it if you have a tuna can that is kind of hard to throw but a big peach can -- >> clinged peaches, you can't get that off the ground. >> it sound like we're making this up but this is absolutely true. now there is another alternative and that would be if the staff actually had guns you probably wouldn't need to send the kid to school with a can of sweet peas. >> the teachers are taught to barricade bathroom doors and may be considering a training program there. but they're at least doing something. i don't think it is a bad idea necessarily and they will donate the cans if they're not used at the end of the year. >> if you got hit by a can and it changed your behavior, write us. >> can it work? >> if you are the guy who has intruded into a classroom and some kid just hit you with a can -- >> i think you're going to duck. coming up straight ahead, here's what we say. >> president obama couldn't make it to paris for that antiterror unity rally but he will have time to deal with another international matter. a meeting of the castros. >> and the washington rumor mills swirling around a potential run for mitt romney. could the third time be a charm for him? we're going to discuss. ♪ ♪ music ♪ ...the getaway vehicle! for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. the schelp then the spill. now the scrub and the second guess. finally, the rewash. or you can make it easy and do the pop with tide pods. the first 3 in 1 laundry pack. it cleans, brightens, and removes stains in one step. tide pods one step to an amazing clean. despite him saying he would not enter the fray into politics, it is looking more likely mitt romney will make another run for the white house. join us now is the current finance chair for the republican governors association. fred, he's 80% in. do you believe he's 100% in? >> i don't believe he's 100% in. i don't believe he's made up his mind and i don't think anyone who tells you he has can say that with authority. he's clearly looking at it seriously. you wouldn't stir up the country's interest unless you were dead serious on considering this. i think he's 80% likely to do it. >> what did he do wrong last time? what can he do different this time? >> i don't think he did anything wrong last time. i think last time around there was a turnout issue. the obama campaign did a better job in turning out the voters. i think mitt romney ran a strong campaign and he's a good candidate. >> he didn't get people excited enough to come out and that is what is relatively baffling. i want you to hear rand paul when asked this same question. listen. >> i think even with all his assets he wasn't able to attract a big enough constituency to win and there was every opportunity for him to win last time. i think it's time for fresh blood. >> your reaction? >> i think we're going to have a number of very good conservative candidates to choose from for this nomination. it's going to be the strongest field in recent memory. i'm almost giddy at the thought of having five or six people on that stage, including, if governor romney decides and if governor bush decides and if some of our current governors like chris christie perry, if they run. you can envision every one of them being a very solid leader for this country and i think it's a wonderful prospect to have. all of them are conservative enough to get the voters out. >> very interesting. we have some of the other hopefuls you mentioned. as we see that, let me bring up one of the names. governor christie gave a state of the state address, very much a national look at where he's going to set up a super pac. is he somebody who is formidable or was he more formidable two years ago? >> i think if you look at governor christie or any of our sitting governors or former governors bush and romney, they've got records of accomplishment in their state and in their nation. they've shown that they can get things done. they can bring people together and make things happen. that stands in sharp contrast to what people talk about, the do-nothing contrast four years of hillary clinton as secretary of state without a clear record of success. i think they have great records to run on, any one of them. >> you're the finance guy on the republican governors association. $100 million already in jeb's coffers. are you worried that there is not enough money to go around and the best candidate might not emerge because they don't have the contacts? >> a lot is being made of the money race right now and i think money is important but i don't believe money is going to be the determinant on who our nominee is. i think it is going to rest more on who is able to come forth with the most compelling message, who can best demonstrate their track record of executing that compelling message. and i believe that everybody is going to be very, very competitive on financing. i think it is going to be separated by their message, by the quality of the campaign and the quality of their records. >> i agree. it is going to be really exciting. those on the left are also intrigued by what's happening on the right. thanks so much. great to have you this morning. coming up straight ahead, caught on video, the new high-tech way thieves are breaking into cars and the police don't even know about it. how you can protect yourself next. and going viral. this dog loves the park so much, he rides the bus by himself. eclipse and his owner join us just ahead. 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they think by using a high-tech device police are calling a mystery box. how do you protect yourself from a guy in front of your house using the mystery box? the chief communications officer of the national insurance crime bureau joins us. >> good morning. >> explain this device. what is it exactly? >> there is a variety of things out there on the market probably available on the internet for a few dollars, maybe $100 or so. they may be jamming the frequency or mocking the frequency of the remote fob that you use in your car. >> when you're locking your car, if somebody is nearby and they have a code graber they actually get the code out of the air and turn around and open your car when you're gone? >> that's one way to do it or there's devices out there that we think today may be able to simulate it. you don't even have to be around. they act similar to the fob. the important thing is they may be able to open the car. we have no evidence they are able to start the car. so they can get in and maybe steal your property if you live it in visible sight but doesn't mean they're going to be able to take the car. >> or hijack the car if somebody is in there and use their keys. >> when i saw that video, i thought to myself i will never leave -- lock my car with a key fob again like at a truck stop or out on the highway because who knows who is sitting over there waiting. >> you're better off to at least lock your car and take your keys out. that is the important thing. one weekend in nashville, 22 car thefts. 10 of them were from people leaving their keys in the car unlocked. >> what can we do? >> it is a cat and mouse game. we've gone from a 1.7 million car thefts in a year in the 1990's to 700,000 a year now. >> what else can help? >> don't leave your valuables in sight. don't leave your car registration there so they can get your personal information. don't leave your garage door opener in the car. take it with you. park somewhere where it's well let a safe place. if they're going to get it, they're going to get it. these folks are professional and always trying to beat the system. make it as difficult as possible but don't hand it over to them. >> i think in one of my cars there is a thing where you push and a little metal key comes out. if you stick it in the door or lock it that way they can't grab the code? >> there's all kinds of dip systems. all manufacturers use different systems and change them constantly. they say they haven't seen anything that can defeat their systems and we're hoping that's correct. it's scary. we don't want people be able to get into cars like that. >> we want to thank roger morris for being with us. information on how to keep us safe. >> coming up on this wednesday, this iconic photo of world leaders at the rally in paris is missing something but it's not just president obama. what they shopped out or who they shopped out coming up. >> going viral, this dog loves the park so much that he rides the bus there all by himself. eclipse, that's him right there, and his owner joining us live to explain all that next. first we want to wish a happy birthday to rapper ll cool j. he turns 47 years old today. ♪ shrimp? 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that's in the form of a question? >> savagely criticize mr. torn. >> what is to rip. >> name that verb for 800. >> to tire out tv commentator mr. carlson. >> what is tucker? >> that's it. >> our very own "fox & friends" weekend cohost tucker carlson was an answer. the category was naming someone whose first name doubled as a verb. he's the guy who is always tuckered out. >> what an honor. that is fun. let's head over to heather. i don't have a verb for your name. >> heather and feather. >> thank you so much. good morning to you all. news to bring you from overseas. take a look at these two photos. they're almost identical but there is one problem that is difficult to spot but it is there. women are completely removed from it. the original picture was taken at sunday's unity march in paris. it shows world leaders standing arm in arm including chancellor angela merkel. an orthodox israeli newspaper decided to edit out thoseathathathatheo4m".w9 iäéjõ >> somebody stole my car and my baby is in there. >> where was your car last seen? >> [inaudible] i don't know the address. oh my god! my baby is in there! >> well, that was three-year-old aden who was in the back of that car. he ended up saving the day. a woman left her cell phone in the car so ogden police decided to call that phone. instead of the carjacker answering the phone the little boy did. the suspect then abandoned the car leaving aden the little boy alone. police told him to hop into the front seat and start honking the horn. >> he honked the horn until there was an officer there and we were close and we got to him. he was scared; that was for sure but he's okay. >> glad he's back with his mommy there. that suspect is still on the run. aden is now safe. and that is another example. we have these stories all the time when little kids get left in cars. you can never leave a child in a car not even for a minute. >> we had to leave maria molina alone because she wanted to work in the elements. >> the weather, where it's 17 degrees right now and it feels much colder. >> the current wind chill out here is currently 6 degrees. it is a cold start to the day across not only the northeast but also across portions of the midwest and down across portions of the carolinas, you're waking up to wind chills only in the 20's. speaking of the carolinas we have winter weather across those areas. freezing rain and a little snow across the mid-atlantic so winter weather advisories are in effect and also freezing rain advisories. across new mexico we have winter storm warnings because up to a foot of snow is possible across the higher elevations but the temperatures, they have been very cold across the eastern half of the country over the last several days. take a look at the forecast for saturday. 30's in the northeast. 20's for you in boston and it gets better as we head into sunday. you're going to be in the mid 40's in cities like new york city and then across texas highs will be in the 60's. and the same goes for portions of louisiana. let's head back inside. >> thank you very much, maria. it's not something you see every day. look at this. >> the dog gets off at the stop at the dog park and gets off the bus and i just look out the window and i'm like did that just happen? >> he gets on the bus without me. i catch him over at the dog park. >> you heard it right. eclipse, a two-year-old labrador mix loves going to the dog park so much so that she ditched her owner and started riding the bus by herself. eclipse and her owner jeff young join us now. good morning to you jeff young and good morning to you eclipse. >> good morning. >> when was the first time that eclipse went to the park by herself and were you concerned that you would see her again? >> yeah, of course. the first time she jumped on the bus i wasn't sure if she got on the bus or went back in the house. another person at the bus stop with me pointed out that, yeah she got on the bus. and it's a bus that her and i rode to the dog park a million times so i was pretty sure that's where she would be headed. i was on the next bus after her, and she was at the dog park. >> how did she know where to get off? >> that's her stop. it's only five or six stops down the road but there are some turns before you get there. she knows. she knows her stop. >> she's a dog. >> have you had any complaints at all? you know what? the metro transit the agency, they actually love the dog there, it makes everybody happy. but has anybody complained yet? >> yeah. you know there's always a -- it's a rainbow out there. everybody's not the same. there's always a dog hater. >> there's a cat person over there. >> she brings a smile to most people's day. even when we're on the bus, we're together we're not really together. she kind of rolls solo. she's really independent. she's always 30 40 feet away from me and grabs a seat, grabs a window and watches for the dog park. >> if she's not riding with you, that kind of says something. she's trying to be as independent as possible. jeff does the bus driver just let her on free or does have to -- does she bring a token? how does that work? >> she has a pass. it's a rapid ride system. everybody has passes and the doors open. there's multiple doors. there's like three doors open. she usually gets on the middle or the back. >> has she ever gotten off anywhere else besides the dog park? >> no. >> that's amazing. >> that's a very smart dog you've got. >> good dog. >> i'm on the bus right behind her when she does jump by herself but it's gotten so i don't have to worry. she's got friends on the bus. she's made some commuter buddies. >> jeff, i didn't know it was a possibility that you could do this. i didn't know it was allowed. >> any dog with a pass can do it. >> didn't know. >> i didn't know either. it was a fright the first time but it's worked out all right. >> are you going to the park today? >> yeah. >> she is. >> later this morning, you know. >> jeff, has it gotten to the stainl -- stage you feel confident she can get on the bus by herself go the four or five stops go to the dog park, play for a little while and then get back on the bus and come home and you can still be at home watching tv? >> no. no. we haven't come that far yet. >> so when you go to the park, send us some pictures. if you're going to go to the park before our show ends send us pictures because we'd like to see her at the park today. >> yeah she'll be there. >> jeff young and eclipse, the bus-hopping dog out there in seattle. jeff and eclipse, thank you very much. >> good dog eclipse. >> thank you. >> you were good too, jeff. >> very nice. i think you've seen it all now. >> i bet this is a new trend. >> maybe not much everyone is looking at their dog going why can't you do that? what's wrong with you? >> it's 17 degrees outside. why can't you walk yourself. coming up on this wednesday, does the new york police department have the right to spy on mosques if there is a risk of a terror attack? muslims in new jersey are saying no, and now that's headed to court. we're going to take a closer look straight ahead. >> she got fired for not being able to do her job while pregnant. her job was lifting heavy boxes for ups. the lawsuit before the supreme court now. does she have a case? ♪ i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. a a a a a a a a a about 15 minutes till the top of the hour. some quick headlines from the supreme court. the highest court deciding if this man can have a beard while in prison. gregory holt recently converted to islam and want a beard for religious purposes. the arkansas jail says it's against the rules. his case focusing on the right to religious expression in jail. another ruling today expected in the case of a pregnant woman versus the ups. peggy young was placed on unpaid leave after she became pregnant and could no longer lift heavy boxes there. young says that she was discriminated against, but ups says they followed their union agreement and company policy. steve? >> thanks, elisabeth. reverse the ruling that's the outcry from a group of muslims in the state of new jersey who say the new york city police department surveillance program violates their civil rights. but should safety trump privacy? joining us is criminal defense attorney and former morris county new jersey prosecutor robert bianki. in the past the surveillance program which a lot on the left said you can't do that it's been upheld by the court. and now the court of appeals in philly has taken a lookback at whether or not it is legal. you say what about it? >> law enforcement has to use the rule of common sense when they're doing investigations and they're interdicting in the communities where there could be a problem whether it is a gang case or mob case. no constitutional right are being violated unless they go into the areas of the fourth amendment which is search and seizure wiretaps, things of this nature. >> they're not hanging a wiretap on the wall of the mosque. they're just going in and listening. >> when i was a prosecutor i think this confused people. it may from a policy point of view not be something that is good because some people who are innocent will feel feel like they're be targeted but that doesn't mean it's unconstitutional. if they have a specific tailored reason for going in there in order to gain actionable intelligence after they get that intelligence and it leads to criminality they can go to the judiciary and get warrants and try to construct a criminal case. >> let's back up to what you said a moment ago. this is essentially the same thing that prosecutors have done, law enforcement has done in the past with the mob. the way they get in the mob is the same way they have infiltrated these communities. >> when you have a serious criminal risk and obviously it is a cost-benefit analysis terrorism is obviously substantial, you don't do that by sitting behind a desk. you have to gather information, run down leads and then of course it needs to be tailored and speck. if there are groups that are not involved in terrorism, if there are groups and individuals that aren't doing anything wrong, they need to be disregarded. it can't be to the level where it becomes harassment. but what they need to do is get out into the community. you don't do it by waving a magic wand. you've got to get out there. >> here's what the legal director for constitutional rights says, he says this is a blunder abouts suspicionless program where the only criteria is religion. what do you say about that? >> it is not religion. every religious practice has individuals in it that are doing something that is not appropriate. what it is is targeting criminals. if there is a risk that there is a criminal operating within a religious sector or religious group that is where they go. if they're operating in social clubs that's where they go. we know from history and you have to use the rule of common sense that some of the terrorist related activities 9/11 included emanated out of these religious institutions. that is what drove law enforcement to that location. >> if they're not breaking the law you would think they could go in and just listen. >> the italian american community dealt with this and i was on the front enl of this. some of the legitimate claims these people may have is you may be on a list and you may be doing absolutely nothing wrong. that is why law enforcement tailors itself so that those people that are innocent don't get trapped into this thing where it affects their lives but they need to be there in order to get the bad guys. >> there are a lot of bad guys out there. robert, thank you. coming up on this wednesday, a fox news alert, the u.s. section of the international space station just was evacuated a couple of minutes ago. what we're learning from nasa straight ahead. you're going to want to hear what's going on up in space. you want a well-paying job in health care? cheryl casone with the job fair you can attend in your pajamas. why did i put on clothes? 4 in my world, wall isn't a street... return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking forward to. for some every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage. which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. start investing with as little as fifty dollars. it's one of the fastest growing industries with 35 million jobs to be added over the sex seven years. now there is a way to land a job without leading your home. they're launching their first virtual job fair. cheryl casone from fox business has the top companies hiring right now. >> good morning. >> this is exceptional because this is a virtual job fair because you can be home. >> the health care industry is so desperate for employees right now. and several fields not just nurses and doctors. we're talking like if you're in one state moving to another it can be paid for. there is all kinds of opportunities. >> what will we see? when with you go on this web site what, will you see? >> 1 to 4:00 p.m. eastern time. basically you do it from home. you upload your resume and start doing virtual chats with several companies. i want to give you some of the top ones today. >> one is oshner. it's in -- 600 joabs. 13 hospitals. health centers. that they hired 15,000 people. can be all kinds of different things. the u.s. news and world report recognized them as one the top companies in the country. >> 700 jobs available with anthem. >> that i about behavioral health. that's where the openings are for this company in particular. case managers, case coordinators. 700 jobs are open here. one in nine americans has coverage from anthem. you probably know the name as well. >> if you're in the ohio area, nationwide childrens. >> columbus, ohio. it's a pediatric hospital. information services, nurses, management. also into teaching hospital. they have a really good fellowship program as well. it's country critical. >> excellent. so aetna? >> again, they are expanding hiring 962 jobs open. 43% of their employees telecommute. good for a mom that wants to be at home. good for somebody that wants to work from home if you have the right skills. but obviously etna, 960 jobs at least for now. >> if you're in pittsburgh? >> a cowboys fan and i'm still trying to get over what happened. >> i'm sorry. >> university of pittsburgh medical center. this is upnc. 1200 jobs available now. they've got 20 academic community specialty hospitals, outpatient sites, 400 of those. they're really good at rehabilitation retirement. helping people with disabilities. this is somebody that i really wanted to highlight. >> big day today. we're glad you're here. u go on line and check that out and it's listed on our web site. don't miss cheryl on fox business. great to see you. coming up, a fox news alert. u.s. astronauts evacuated from the international space station just moments ago. what we are learning from nasa at the top of the hour. and this guy thought he could get away with robbing a helpless older woman. did he know this guy and two others were watching him. the marines who saved her join us live with their story. it's hero heroic next hour coming up but not everyone can say they're the fastest-growing truck brand... in america. guts. glory. ram. well, a mortgage shouldn't be a problem your credit is in pretty good shape. >>pretty good? 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[ m'm... ] [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® you know, just because your bladder is changing, it doesn't mean you have to. with tena, let yourself go. be the one with the crazy laugh. an with tena's unique super absorbent micro beads that lock in moisture and odor... tena lets you be you. is your high-performance laptop your office bff? then you might be gearcentric. right now, all pc's are on sale, like this hp 15" laptop now only $249.99. office depot & officemax. gear up for great. good morning. it's wednesday, january 14. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert, airports across the country on edge this morning ramping up security after terrorists reveal a secret bomb making recipe and even describe how to sneak through the tsa. the chilling details on that ahead. sounds like something out of a james bond movie. the f.b.i. foiling a plot to kilt speaker of the house. how john boehner's bartender wanted to take him out. >> wow. and a young days ask confused matthew mcconaghey in one of his first auditions on tape now revealed. >> today, man, you guys join me. being alive. >> we're going to take you inside the room from one of his very first auditions on tape. this isn't on tape. it's live from new york. it's "fox & friends." >> what's up? i'm cool j and you're watching "fox & friends." >> my favorite all time feature in the history of my years with "fox & friends" which dates back to 1963 ll cool j. he brome to a party and taught me how to be cool. >> he is a good time. he's fun and a great sport. >> he's aptly named. >> the reason we played that is because today is todd or ll cool j's birthday. he's 46. >> there is a party you're not invited to. >> absolutely. >> we wish him well and thank you for joining us. we're going to get to that fox news alert. murder by poison? the f.b.i. investigating a chilling plot to kill house speaker john boehner. peter doocy is live in washington with what we know. this is bizarre and dangerous. what else can you tell us? >> reporter: i can tell you wine in westchester ohio, could have killed the speaker of the house that if boehner's bartendser followed through on this plot which he said would have been easy because nobody looks at what he's pouring for the speaker. that bartendser, 44-year-old michael r.hoyt. the reason he wanted boehner dead, he told the officer that he was jesus christ and that he was going to kill boehner because boehner was mean to him at the country club and boehner is responsible for ebola. he was caught because back in october he called 911 where he explained to police that he had been fired from the country club where he had been working for five-plus years. then he threatened to shoot john boehner who he blamed for his job loss with a baretta 380 automatic. it's worth noting the bosses at the country club say it was a bad attitude and not boehner that got him fired. before his arrest he even e-mailed mrs. boehner saying they needed to talk. but the note was rambling and she was confused. at that spokesman for barren says, quote, he is aware of this situation and sincerely thanks the f.b.i. and capitol police and local authorities in ohio for their efforts. the accused bartendser has a history of mental illness but from being around boehner for years, he knows a lot about what the speaker likes to do and where he likes to go, which is why authorities want him locked up. back to you in new york. >> probably a good idea. thank you very much. meanwhile, we have another fox news alert for you. today the united states is stepping up airport security on the heels of the fact that inspire magazine, which is a publication of al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula, in their december magazine has given its followers perhaps the most lethal, most sophisticated recipe to cook up a hidden bomb to blow up an airplane ever. tells them exactly how to make the bomb how to get it through the security line like that one there, and where to sit on the plane to blow it up and bring it down. >> these could be especially a problem for smaller airports that don't have that high-tech body images, security devices. that's why baggages being checked with serb care. >> there will be reaction. they're still going through bags at times square. can you imagine that? i'm not going to say what i discovered. >> plus, also, yesterday came out, something that we knew already. if you heard the tape that was released yesterday you saw those brothers after they shot and killed, 12, wounded 11, say this is al-qaeda in yellen. we are doing this in the name of al-qaeda in yemen. vengeance, yes. then yesterday another tape emerges of a guy saying yeah, these guys trained with us. they do this in reference and redemption and revenge for killing allah al-awlaki and kahan. they were killed a couple years ago by a drone strike. >> that photo you saw the yemeni branch of the al-qaeda, their leader supposedly there, claiming responsibility. >> not just responsibility, but we planned it. we told them when to pull the trigger and we financed it. they gave them $20,000 to pull it off. >> by the way t took a while. these guys were looked at after a while and said, i don't think they're up to anything. we're going to pull back. imagine if we got a chance it listen and talk to and fully interrogate the underwear bomber because he was across the hall from one of the older brothers. and you can imagine the information we could have gotten if he had not lawyered up hours after. >> there is a new proposal to put that in a time out in terms of the release of prisoners soon to be looked at by the president. but we want to get to greg palkot. charlie hebdo released its first issue since 12 people were killed. the paper selling out in just minutes. greg palkot joining us live from paris. he's had really the best coverage of these horrific events today with this release. what are people there saying? >> reporter: they're saying they want to buy it elisabeth. if you're looking for the hottest item in paris, it's not a fashion outfit, it's this latest edition of this newspaper. the first edition put out since the slaughter at their newspaper offices. that was one week ago today. it's all sold out at the news stand behind us and all across paris. it features of mohammed muslim leaders have been upset. one called it an act of war. we want to do find out what the people on the street thought. take a listen. >> it looks like a publication, but i'm charlie. >> you are charlie? >> yes, of course. >> i'm not shocked by this. >> you're not? >> no. >> other people could be. >> probably. >> it's just like to remind that it's still possible even if what happened what happened. >> it's still possible to print those? >> yeah. >> reporter: this was put together by the surviving member s of the staff, who showed up by an artist who showed up for a meeting late on wednesday. it's available, you can buy it in the u.s. eventually. we've seen it on ebay. five-dollar paper going for over $1,000. it's a high price to pay, guys. but people who put together this paper over the years in the name of freedom of expression paid an even higher price. >> i hope they still buy it a month from now and two months from now. in one way, they are losing the pr war if they wanted to bring them to their knees. >> i'm looking now, there is a kip of charlie hebdo the latest one on ebay for $117,000. >> wow. >> okay. i'll wait for it to come down a little. meanwhile, there is so much involved in the story regarding charlie hebdo islamic terrorism although the administration refuses to say it's islamic terrorism. now they say they're terrorists who have used a religion to justify it. the president of the united states, since his first day, talked about closing gitmo. here is the problem with closing gitmo and it goes to yemen. remember, both these brothers went to yemen forearms training. the top recruiter for isis right now is a guy who was in gitmo, but he was released. he went back over to yemen. he says, quote, it's my duty to spur the muslims to kill the americans. so far he's recruited something like 3,000 people to fight for isis. >> the former taliban commander when they get out, they're like rock stars so people flock to them. they were let out during the bush years. we have to learn from our empties stakes and stop letting them out whether it's uruguay or some small island nation or back to yemen where they go with shovels and make tunnels. >> that's why. senator in new hampshire along with some others are calling for a time out in terms of these released. when you have a 30% reengagement rate, she says it's the wild, wild west. we need to stop it now. >> detainees that are being released by the administration many were designated high risk. that means high risk for reengagement for terrorism. that's where the focus needs to be. not in the president trying to fulfill a campaign promise. it has to be on protecting the american people and our troops and our allies. >> that's what she's putting forward, would repeal the current law that the administration would transfer and reduce the population at gitmo to 127. >> even if it pass, josh earnest was asked, would the president do this unilaterally. he said we'll consider all our options. he'd do it anyway. >> heather nauert has some headlines and we start in space. >> that's right. a breaking story that we're just getting information about. it is a fox flus alert. evacuation of the u.s. air crew from their section of the international space station. there is apparently been a dangerous ammonia leak on board. right now crews are moving over to the russian section of the space station. they're now sealing off the american section to try to prevent a leak of that ammonia. we'll be following that story and give you the latest as it develops. overnight, officials say they have found the house language of the doomed air asia flight 8051. these are some photos we are just get not guilty from within underwater camera. you can see the company's slogan painted on the side. now everyone can fly. that's what it reads. part of the wing was also discovered alongside the body of the plane. officials say they have finally downloaded the flight data recorder from one of the black boxes and that will give them clues about what caused the crash. hire at home, extreme weather breaking a water main. it sends water shooting 40 feet into the air and that took down the roof of that gas station. wow. watch as it comes crashing down. the damage total is about $65,000. that happening in tulsa oklahoma. then we're getting some incredible images out of detroit. look at this house. it looks more like an icicle. a pipe burst inside that home and caused water to pour through the walls, leaving it frozen solid, including the windows there. wow. temperatures in that area have been well below zero. everyone knows that famous line from dazed and confused. remember this. >> about these high school girls, man? >> i get older. they stay the same age. >> it was delivered perfectly by matthew mcconaghey back then. but even oscar winners had to audition at one point. take a look at this. >> i love high school girls. i keep getting older. they stay the same age. >> it was released for the first time. it was his audition tape from "dazed and confused." you can see he breezes through those lines. it was his first ever film. he sure did a great job. and that's he went on to become an oscar winner. >> i would have hired him. >> like a time capsule. >> he's a nice guy. happy for him. >> still can't figure out interstellar. >> it was a terrible movie. i didn't like it. >> there was a lot of black holes. >> it was about an hour too long. next up huge moves this morning in the race for president in 2016 and potential presidential candidates throwing around slogans. >> there are a lot of folks in washington who argue that the way republicans should win is that we should nominate a candidate from the mushy middle. >> but what words really work on the campaign trail? frank luntz next (son) oh no... can you fix it, dad? yeah, i can fix that. (dad) i wanted a car that could handle anything. i fixed it! (dad) that's why i got a subaru legacy. (vo) symmetrical all-wheel drive plus 36 mpg. i gotta break more toys. (vo) introducing the all-new subaru legacy. it's not just a sedan. it's a subaru. i have a cold with terrible chest congestion. better take something. theraflu severe cold doesn't treat chest congestion. really? new alka-seltzer plus day powder rushes relief to your worst cold symptoms plus chest congestion. oh, what a relief it is. here we go! this morning brand-new information about potential runs from governor chris christie governor mitt romney, senator hillary clinton, and more. >> some potential presidential candidates already throwing around some slogans. but will they work? we're going to ask fox news contributor just that question frank luntz joins us now. good morning to you. we want to start first with kevin mccarthy. watch. >> i will work every single day to make sure this conference has the courage to lead with the wisdom to listen and will turn this country around. >> certainly a leader for the republican side. what are your thoughts on those words? >> brilliant. the courage to lead, the wisdom to listen is about the best single statement i've heard from a member of congress in the last 12 months. i'm going to steal that language because that is exactly what the american people are looking for. they want to know that their opinions are reflected in what members of congress do and they want to know that those members of congress are truly paying attention to the constituents that elected them. kevin mccarthy hit it perfectly with that phrase. >> meaningful line. >> ted cruz asked to comment on the candidacy of jeb bush and governor mitt romney. listen. >> there are a lot of folks in washington who argue that the way republicans should win is that we should nominate a candidate from the mushy middle. what i think that people are going to assess is who is standing up and leading? look at the great issues of the day. look at the great challenges whether it is bringing back jobs and growth and economic opportunity, whether it's defending our constitutional liberties or whether it is restoring america's leadership in the world. >> senator cruz has got that big picture and for republican primary voters, they want to replace the current big picture of barak obama. so cruz has been effective. that language right there articulates the reason why he's so popular among republican primary voters. they don't just want little details. they want to know what your vision is, what your principles are and that's what cruz explains. >> we're going to hop over their political line and take a sound from president obama talking about raising the minimum wage and growing the middle class. watch. >> about three in four americans support raising the minimum wage. that's because we believe that in the wealthiest nation on earth, nobody who works full time should ever have to raise a family in poverty. if everybody does their part, if we all work together, we can make sure that the tide starts lifting all boats again. we can get wages and incomes growing faster. we can make sure the middle class is growing. >> so he focuses there on the middle class. but what americans are really more focused on is hard working taxpayers. i expect that you're going to hear much of that language in state of the union next tuesday. by the way people who are watching this want to participate in our live fox news state of the union focus group they need to go to barak obama is too focused on a specific segment of american society. when the public is saying let's focus on all of us. >> right. frank, ten seconds, are you surprised mitt romney is giving it another shot? >> am i surprised? yes. is he credible? absolutely. does he have a lot of questions he's got to answer? certainly does. >> frank luntz, thank you so much. thank you for joining us. >> always great to have you here. up next, airlines making millions off of your baggage. but are they keeping more of your money than they should be? what we just found out you might not like. >> this guy thought he could get away with rob ago helpless old lady. little did he know some marines were right there. they will join us live. ♪ ♪ 34 minutes past the top of the hour. $8.2 million. that's how much money the airline industry raked in from fees like checked bags and premium seats. that's up 700 million from 2013. next, 46.6 million. that's how many americans are on food stamps. the 38th straight month numbers have topped 46 million. that's more than 14% of the entire population. and finally 100,000. that's how many followers a day victoria secret is getting on instagram. helping them out, these sizzling new swimsuit photos from puerto rico. that's pretty good looking, got to say. steve? >> instagram. thank you very much. don't mess with these three marines. after hearing a woman's calls for hem outside their local recruiting office, they jumped into action by thwarting a robbery and busting one of the bad guys. joining us now from seattle three staff sergeants join us live. gentlemen, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> let's pick up the story. your recruiting office in the seattle area is adjacent to a mall. was it you who first noticed a woman in trouble? >> that's correct. myself and these others were in the office when we started hearing honking. we were the first ones out. >> so you heard some honking and then looked out and you saw that she was running over curbs and stuff like that. when you got to her, what did she say? >> she rolled down her window said she was being robbed by these two guys that they had a gun and for help. >> okay. so you came to her rescue. they said those bad guys have a gun. so what did you do next? >> we chased them down sir. >> but they've got a gun. if somebody says, hey those guys got away. they've got a gun, i don't know that i would chase them. but i think it was staff sergeant shoemaker who said i've been shot at before. it's not as bad as everybody thinks. most people miss. >> that's correct sir. >> well, that's accurate. i guess you would know -- i know all of you guys have been deployed to afghanistan and iraq as well. so at what point did you realize, wait a minute, there is one of the guys who the lady described? >> the minute she said it, she pointed in that direction. they turned and fled. so we assumed that it was them. >> okay. so you gave chase and what happened? >> gave chase, crossed the street. the suspect that we apprehended started to turn and that's when i put him in a wrist lock and sergeant sylvester blocked his path. >> did i read that you put him in the wrist lock because you didn't want to get him down on the ground because you were wearing your dress blues and didn't want to get dirty? >> that's correct. >> that's awesome. as they're detaining, staff sergeant twig, what did you do? >> i was on the phone with 911. there were no police on the scene at that time. >> all right. and you held one of the guys and did he say anything to you guys? >> he just offered his excuse that he was trying to get a ride and said we couldn't touch him because we didn't have badges. >> great. what did you say to him? >> i didn't talk to him much at all. >> i don't blame you. he's in big trouble now. we should point out that the woman who did the honking was a retired police officer and she wasn't going to let those punks rob her. and of course you didn't either because you all were in the right place at the right time. staff sergeants, thank you very much for being in the right place at the right time. >> thank you. >> that's great. job well done. straight ahead parents worst nightmare playing out on 911. >> somebody stole my car and my baby is in there! >> oh, boy. the incredible story of how the three-year-old saved himself from a carjacker. and what happens when the chicken tries to cross the road? we finally figure it out. ♪ ♪ our eyes they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me. hey! and bad for the barkley twins. your brain can send information to the rest of your body at 268 mph. three times the speed of a fastball. take care of your most important parts with centrum. multivitamins expertly designed with nutrients people don't get enough of from food alone. centrum. for the most important parts of you. we come by almost every day to deliver your mail so if you have any packages you want to return you should just give them to us i mean, we're going to be there anyway why don't you just leave it for us to pick up? or you could always get in your car and take it back yourself yeah, us picking it up is probably your easiest option it's kind of a no brainer ok, well, good talk ♪ ♪ >> that dog is looking at me. >> today is national dog dress-up day. we're asking you to dress up your dog, faye a picture and send it in. >> yeah. all pets welcome. greg joined us with this picture. rocky the dog ready for work. look at that. got his tie right. >> and here is trisha's dog maverick, fresh off game day. >> gail sent this one of oliver and jackson looking dapper. >> springtime. >> and dennis sent in this photo of his dog, cocoa. look at that. how cute is that. keep them coming. we'd like to see your dress up your dog day photos. you can e-mail them, facebook or tweet them. >> if your dog dress itself we'll put them first. >> pets are getting independent. we've seen that all day. >> we opened up the show that way. >> we're going to turn to heather nauert. >> who also dresses herself. >> yes, i do. a huge feat. good morning to you. we begin with an update to a story we've been following. it's considered a big win for religious freedom. a virginia school board voting down changes to their policy that would have forced some home schoolers to justify their religious beliefs. the board realizing that parents in the area were so fired up about this that they decided to repeal that rule. doug pruitt is one of those parents. he's a virginia father who has been home schooling his children under the religious exemption. he joined us yesterday with his outrage. >> we've been home schooling our children for over ten years under the religious exemption. we applied for it in 2004. provided all of the information that we requested and so when we had this letter come, it really surprised us. >> there is still one more final vote at the board's next meeting. we'll keep you posted on those results. an incredible rescue caught on camera. it happened after a hiker was stranded overnight in california assize coy i can't national park after falling 35 feet into a river, you can see her being hoisted up into a california highway patrol helicopter. she spent all night near the riverbank until hikers heard her crying for help the next morning. >> she looked like an angel. most beautiful eyes that i've ever seen. i was just so happy and grateful that i was found. i feel like the word thank you is not enough. if there was something bigger, better, i would say it. but thank you, thank you, thank you. they were amazing. >> how kind of that rescuer to have held her hair back to comfort her. she broke her arm and she is pretty scraped up, but otherwise doing just fine. an update to bring you on an amazing story of these climbers at yosemite national park. it's believed they are -- well getting a lot closer to reaching the summit. they've been doing there for 17 days now. they're supposed to reach a crucial point later today. we'll have to watch that story for you. why did the chicken cross the road? no this is not the start of a joke. a chicken really did manage to get across a busy highway. this is in los angeles of all places. road crews used a truck to keep that chicken out of harm's way. the california highway patrol eventually catching the feathered fugitive. what they did with him, who knows? maybe put him in a pot. >> they saved it to kill it? >> why would you do that? why? >> chip showed up. >> thank you very much. you know it's wednesday and that means maria molina joins us from the streets of new york city and she tries to stump us which is not tough w science trivia. >> yeah, that's right. good morning. and today's question has to do with the mid-atlantic ridge on the floor of the atlantic ocean. the question is, it's spreading at what rate? >> you mean breaking apart? >> yeah. it's tech tonic. >> i didn't know what was n it's moving. >> across the atlantic ocean on the floor. you have two plates that are spreading apart. so the question is at what rate are they spreading apart. .025-centimeters per year .25-centimeters per year, b -- >> we were talk being this the other day. >> what was the answer? >> i remember the other day it was c. >> that's right! brian, you're right. it's 2.5-centimeters per year. >> we passed the time talking about techtonic plates. >> who measures that? >> i'm sure that you have a lot of scientists measuring that. there are plates all across the world. in the pacific they cause a lot of earthquakes and unfortunately tsunamis sometimes. in the atlantic, they're kind of spreading. so you don't get as many earthquakes with that. >> now we know how fast. thank you. >> steve has a follow-up question for the host. >> not in the form of a question. thank you very much. >> sounds good. >> it is now 23 minutes before the top of the hour. now that you know about that, a three-year-old boy kidnapped when somebody drove away in his mother's car. he was still inside. >> scary. but it was that three-year-old that saved his own life. >> now i know why anna kooiman is here. she's been following this story and has the details of this saga. >> it is incredible. good morning. what started as a normal day dropping off her infant at daycare quickly turned into the worst nightmare for this woman. listen. >> somebody stole my car and my baby is in there! >> where was your car last seen? >> at the little -- i don't know the address. oh my god. my baby is in there! >> inside the ogden utah daycare for two minutes, a stranger took off in her running car with her three-year-old son aidan, inside. >> i don't know. >> you don't know your cell phone number! >> it's in the car! >> that's when police had the idea to call her cell phone hoping the carjacker would answer. but instead, it was aidan who picked up. >> he was just telling me the guy is going through your purse. he's getting your purse. i'm like it's okay. just stay calm. just sit in your seat. everything will be okay. >> can you imagine? the suspect then abandoned the car, leaving aidan alone. police told aidan to hop into the front seat and then started honking the horn. >> he honked the horn until there was an officer there and we were close and we got to him. he was scared. that's for sure. he's okay. >> happy ending. that suspect still on the run. but aidan is now back home safe with his mother. a few things were taken from the car, but the woman says nothing is more important than having her son in her arms. back to you. >> i got a feeling she's not going to leave him in the car again when she's not in the car. >> thank you. >> he was such a good listener. he did exactly what they told him to. >> smart kid. this coming up this is an actual ad in a teacher's union magazine. take a close look there. it encourages teachers to use a legal loophole to get free plastic surgery on your dime. >> that's how you enhance your natural beauty. and over and over again, jesse watters has proven americans don't know much about history. >> what was george washington's job? >> george washington was one of the presidents? >> which president. >> the second president after lincoln? >> kids. the wife of former speaker newt gingrich calista gingrich is here with a plan to educate the next generation because as we just saw they need help. >> first this trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1969, he was on a funny but canceled fox show which was recently revived on netflix. who is it? be first with the correct answer. you'll get something special. ♪ you get sick you can't breathe through your nose... suddenly... you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone so you can breathe and sleep shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. [container door opening] ♪ what makes it an suv is what you can get into it. ♪ [container door closing] what makes it an nx is what you can get out of it. ♪ introducing the first-ever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. once you go beyond utility there's no going back. quick head leans now. is this little girl a dog whisper other or in danger? >> one two, three. okay. >> wow. those are six pit bulls the little girl is feeding but people online are saying that breed of dog is notorious for being aggressive. others argue they are well behaved. and two teen-agers apparently inspired by captain jack sparrow. they tried stealing a man's waltz in brooklyn with an antique pistol. the firearm so old, they aren't facing charges. they could get seven years in prison for attempted stickup. bottom line don't stick people up with anything. we've seen how bad some americans are when it comes to knowing their history. watch. >> who did america fight in the revolutionary war? >> the french? >> why did the pilgrims come from england? >> i no. it was to ex brother the west? >> how did the first thanksgiving go down? >> i don't even know. >> and you live in plymouth? >> i know. >> they got here on cape cod at some time and thanksgiving popped out. >> who won the civil war? the north or south? >> what was george washington's job? >> george washington was one of the presidents? >> which president? >> he was the second president after lincoln. >> he didn't work with horses did he? >> god bless you. >> thanks, you too. >> our first president abraham lincoln. now there are some children books to help insure the future generations of americans won't be worst when it comes ho history. calista gingrich's latest book is here and she joins us now. good morning to you. >> good morning to you. >> why do we need to know about history, because if there is ever a question, we can just google it. >> it's more important now than ever that our children understand what makes this country so special. and obviously we've just seen an example of that. >> does that horrify you? >> it's distressing. >> we're not just making that up. according to statistics 20% of fourth graders, only 17% of eighth graders and only 12% of 12th graders actually tested at a proficient level. your kids are a treasure in our home. i think kids at at that age are excited to learn about history. they love ellis and they love seeing how history, real people walked through these times. >> i think most kids are eager and enthusiastic to learn. but we do need to give them these tools at an early age so they can begin to appreciate the greatness of this nation. >> tell me about the story line here. >> from sea to shining sea ellis learns about the great expedition of louis and clark. this is one of the most important expeditions in the history of our country. it was a voyage from st. louis to the pacific that inspired many americans to go west. >> i hate to break it to you, but i read the history of lewis and clark. i don't remember an elephant. >> ellis was there. >> who do you blame for the fact that so many americans are in the dark? is it the educators? the family set-up? who do you take responsibility to? >> i think a lot of people dislike america and they don't want to uphold our true history unfortunately. they degrade our history. and unfortunately, kids today are learning revisionist and politically correct history and not the true facts. this is my mission to give our children the real history at an early age. >> i thank you for that. >> unfortunately, i'd like to have everyone smile and say this a great segment and nonpartisan. but we found something about your background that needs some explaining. let's look at this shot. this is ellis the elephant, but he's taking a position on this weekend's game. >> well, he is. >> explain this, calista. >> ellis is a nonpartisan elephant. but does he have a real fondness for the green bay packers. >> oh, really? >> he's a cheese head? i had no idea. >> elephants like cheese, too? there was one on the lewis and clark expedition and he likes cheese? >> absolutely. he's very excited about the game this weekend. >> right. seattle fans, we apologize. >> from sea to shining sea, we thank you for that. it's outstanding for the kids. ours love t. you should get it out there. by the way, newt gingrich, who is just standing off camera, thank you for coming in, mr. speaker. you can say something. >> he's not allowed to say anything. he doesn't want to talk. what's the world coming to? >> coming up on this wednesday this is an actual ad in a teacher's union magazine encouraging teachers to use a legal loophole to get free plastic surgery on your dime. >> first on this date in history in 1951, the first nfl pro bowl all-star game was played in los angeles. in 1999, the impeachment trial of president bill clinton begins in washington. in 1972 "american pie" by don mcclain was the song of the day. >> he sang that on this show. >> it goes on for 45 minutes. ♪ ♪ americans... 57% of us try to exercise regularly. 83% try to eat healthy. yet up to 90% of us fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more, together. add one a day. complete with key nutrients we may need. plus, for women, physical energy support with b vitamins. and for men, it helps support healthy blood pressure with vitamin d and magnesium. take one a day multivitamins. the answer to the trivia question of the day is jason bateman and our winner is snooki from new york city. congress graduals. you're getting a cop of "george washing(-9 talk about trouble with schools a school in upstate new york racking up a $40 million deficit thanks in part to a program that pays for the teachers' plastic surgery. i'm not kidding. face lifts liposuction maybe both. $5 million worth of that work and the school has to cover them thanks to an outdated union contract. joining me is the chief financial operating officer for buffalo schools, barbara smith. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> i noticed and we showed earlier in the program that the union newsletter includes ads from three, not one, not two but three cosmetic service priors asking for teachers to come back for such procedures such as botox, breast enhancement, body contouring hair transplants. i mean this seems to be conclude conclude tag -- talk about hand in the pocket how upsetting is this? >> it's very upsetting and we've got ways to eliminate the cosmetic surgery rider even though it's expired. >> this is on the moms and dads taxpayers' wallet. they're paying for these surgeries to take place. how much money is being spent on these? >> annually, a little over $5 million. >> that's a whopping amount of money. nearly $5 million here. then when you look at -- i'm just thinking there has got to be a better way for that money to be spent. perhaps it would be on the education of the students there because buffalo students' scores right now just 12.2% of buffalo kids rated proficient or better in gush. 13.1% of them, only that number rated proficient or better in math. that 5.4 million could be better spent elsewhere perhaps? >> yes. we totally agree with you. we would certainly like to put those dollars toward additional student support, smaller class sizes, extended learning time. >> this is a common sense issue i think for every american out there who knows that the taxpayer shouldn'ting footing the bill for these type of cosmetic surgeries. but what's stopping the change? $5.4 million spent on that. what's the block? >> the block is essentially an outdated union contract that expired in 2004 that continues based upon new york state law. so absent a new agreement or at least the union leadership agreeing to end the rider, the district has to continue the benefits of that plan. >> it seems as though it's a thick relationship here. if you have advertisement in the union publication for such surgery, a handshake deal perhaps? >> well, i don't know about that. we've offered -- last year we offered every member who had the benefit $500 and a health benefit card to give up the cosmetic surgery rider which still would have saved us $4 million. >> what was the result of that? >> the union leadership did not take it to their members for approval. >> really a shame. barbara smith, we want to thank you for joining us this morning and hope this can be resolved soon for the kids. >> thank you canned and ready. talk about schools. one principal asking parents to arm their kids are nonperrishable food items 'cause throwing cans could stun an intruder with a gun. and bob newark suddenly making huge headlines thanks to his look alike football referee. that ref joins us live to react to all the commotion. we'll see if he throws the flag on us next hour i'm jerry bell the second. and i'm jerry bell the third. i'm like a big bear and he's my little cub. this little guy is non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. you've got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there's no "deep couch sitting." definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don't like right here. (doorbell) what's that? a package! it's a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww! this is deep couch sitting. [jerry bell iii] deep couch sitting! morning. it's wednesday, january 14. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. a fox news alert. airports across the country ramping up security this morning after terrorists reveal a secret bomb making recipe and even describe how to sneak it on to the plane. plus a new message from an al-qaeda in yemen this morning. and it sounds like something straight out of a spy movie. the f.b.i. foiled a plot to kill the speaker of the house with poison. how john boehner's country club bartender wanted to take him out. >> unbelievable. canned and readiment one school principal asking parents to arm their kids with nonperrishable heavy food items because throwing canned goods can stun an intruder with a gun. what do you think about that? you're actually weigh not guilty because mornings are better with friends. >> hi. we're the oak ridge boys. >> you are watching "fox & friends". that guy has quite a voice. i've noticed some e-mail. they're film ago commercial in front of ou building of the there is a coffee cart right there. they got the movie lights. apparently it has something to do with coffee. >> and winter. if you are traveling today, please take special note because we have a fox news alert because airport security is stepping up from coast to coast. it has a lot to do with the paris attacks and the publication of inspire magazine and the threat of a hidden bomb and a lot of people are focusing on carry on baggage and there are special inspections at this hour. >> that's right. and new video just released on youtube as al-qaeda in yemen reiterating responsibility for the charlie hebdo attack in paris. a terrorist attack there one of the leaders claiming they are behind the funding and motivation. >> yeah. so there you've got inspire magazine giving people the recipe to put this super potent bomb on an airplane that according to the magazine quote, the recipe is so easy it's something quote, every determined muslim can prepare. however, whatever you do with the white house don't talk about islamic extremists. sure. they are terrorists, but they're not islamic terrorists. why? because that's not accurate. hold your jaw up and listen to josh earnest. >> i certainly wouldn't want to be in a position where i'm repeating the justification that they have cited that think is completely illegitimate. that they have invoked islam to try to justify their attacks. i think what i'm trying to do is describe to you what happened and what they did. these are individuals who are terrorists. we have not chosen to use that label because it doesn't seem to accurately describe what happened. >> really? times square bomber, same thing. subway bomber, same thing. fort hood, 9-11, what about in spain, what about in britain and paris? >> you know what josh earnest said, he said they are terrorists, but what they did -- sure, they're islamic, but they used islam as an excuse to justify the attack. >> wow. >> reading from the koran. >> reducing and side stepping that. it's like terrorist taboo when it comes to thes who and their administration. a lot happening. we'll move to our other top story. i cannot believe this happened. >> murder by poison of the speaker of the house? well, this morning the f.b.i. investigating a plot to kill the speaker of the house, john boehner. who would do the killing? the bartender with poison or a gun, right peter doocy? >> that's right. this bartender in ohio says nobody watched what went into speaker boehner's wine glass so he says it would be easy to slip something in. the man who allegedly wanted to kill boehner 44-year-old michael hoyt. his motive, according to court documents, quote, he told the officer that he was jesus christ and that he was going to kill boehner because boehner was mean to him at the country club and because boehner is responsible for ebola. the plan never materialized because hoyt called 911 in october and when police responded, he told them that he was going to shoot the speaker with a baretta 380 automatic because he thinks boehner had him fired from the country club in westchester ohio. that gun was later recovered from his home and the bosses at the country club say it was a bad attitude and not boehner that got him the boot. hoyt has a history of mental illness and prescribed medication two years ago but stopped taking it after six months. now a spokesman for the speaker is out with a statement and say, quote, speaker boehner is aware of the situation and sincerely thanks the f.b.i. capitol police and local authorities in ohio for their efforts. it's worth pointing out that court documents say boehner told the capitol police and the f.b.i. he knows this bartender, but can't remember any negative interaction. back to you. >> wow. so bizarre. thanks peter. >> although the guy is a complete nitwit because e-mailed him and his wife and said, by the way, i could poison you any time. >> as crazy as the guy who shot eggen and lennon. >> let's talk about 2016. the horse race has more than started. first off governor christie back in the news. he thinks he's going to form some type of president yam pac, leadership pac sometime this month. he knows he can not wait considering all the news about republicans get not guilty and raising money. >> you have mitt romney calling on political allies and operate actives to get some momentum there again. >> he's calling all his guys. >> will the third time be a charm for him? >> would the third bush be a charm? jeb bush apparently fundraising in california. rand paul hired a campaign manager and hillary clinton hire add chief strategist and media advisor. later today, chris christie is going to be in south carolina. they've got a very very important primary down there. on friday he's going to be in iowa. he sounds like he's running for president. actually he sounded like he was running for president yesterday in a very nationallish speech about the state of new jersey down in trenton the state capitol. >> we are a nation beset by anxiety and it's understandable. economic growth is low by postwar recovery standards. america's leadership in the world is called in question because of a pattern of indecision and inconsistency. >> so funny so see them going at each other. ted cruz using the mushy middle to talk about jeb bush and rand paul says if he runs to the right of jeb bush, that's what governor romney said he'll do, he'll still be to the left of the party. they clearly are different. ted cruz, rand paul jeb bush, as well as mitt romney. >> let us know which one of those names look like a front runner. >> there are a couple of dozen on the right and one or two on the left. >> i know. >> elizabeth warren said yesterday, i absolutely, positively am not running for president. ever. you can print that. >> looks like hillary there. >> i absolutely pledge to toss to heather nauert. if you don't believe me, i'll do it now. heather? >> you're a man of your word. good morning. let's start with a fox news alert. this coming in, a new round of air strikes against isis in syria and also in iraq. u.s. and coalition forces targeting the strongholds with six strikes using bomber and also fighter aircraft and then in iraq, another 12 strikes were carried out using attack and fighter drones. another fox news alert. the crew on board the international space station is now totally safe following some really scary moments earlier this morning. there was an ammonia leak and it forced american crews to quickly evacuate from their side of the space station and head over to the russian side. fortunately, we are told that everyone is now safe. you may remember crews picking a dangerous space walk back in 2013 to fix an actual ammonia leak. >> while you were sleeping, officials finding the fuselage of air asia flight 8501. these are pictures from an underwater camera. you can see the company slogan painted on the side of the fuselage. now everyone can fly. that's what it says. part of the wing was also discovered alongside the body of that aircraft. we may soon learn more about what caused that crash. officials have downloaded the flight data recorder from one of the black boxes. and then an update to bring you on the amazing story of those two climbers who are trying to do what seems to many of us, impossible. this happenings in yosemite national park. they're closing in on their historic feat. the two have been climbing the shear granite face of the wall for the past 17 days. today we are told they may reach their summit finally. they're trying to be the first to free climb a 3,000-foot wall. they're able to just use their hands and feet to climb that. they've got some safety rope. but imagine that using your hands and feet. >> steve will tell you it's not that hard. >> it takes all the strength of your digits (nail themselves into a granite wall. get ready for this. a principal is actually asking middle school students to bring in cans, 8 ounce cans of corn or peas. >> something throwable. >> so they can use that can as a form of self-defense should an attacker get into the school. this is in alabama and is a middle school there. the principal just wants the kids able to defend themselves. >> they say if a bad guy comes in the class, then they'll be able to throw a can of too in a at the person. >> you hit them with chick peas -- >> ouch. >> they also suggest in regular classrooms to use a textbook. this school is taking it one step further. let's have textbooks. let's have cans of cling peaches as well. we asked you if you thought this was a good idea. keep in mind, they would need to resort to canned goods if staff members were armed. taffy on facebook says this, i know it sounds funny, but i believe in fighting back any way i can. this is better than nothing. >> i agree with that. stacy says, i wouldn't want my kid to be that close to a gunman. how about hiring a retired military personnel to protect all our children at school? that is great idea. >> great suggestion there. and faith suggests this, it's called counter measures and empowers students to take action and keeps them from being sitting ducks in hostile situations. you're comments have been pouring in. we love the fact you're responding. this is a drill and what it was like. you see the kids getting their cans prior to this and throwing them. those are textbooks. that would hurt. imagine cans. the school says if they were not used as self-defense, which we hope they would not have to be used, that they will donate them to a local food pantry. >> and where do you get to volunteer to be the intruder? >> yeah. >> did you volunteer yourself? >> not really. >> what do you think? keep the e-mail coming in. we'll share more later online. his decision to protect his fellow soldiers got him nearly two decades in prison. but what if prosecutors got it all wrong? peter johnson, jr. is here next with the new push for that man's freedom. and a young dazed and confused matthew mcconaghey is in one of his first auditions. people cannot stop watching this. >> hey, man, you got a joint. >> not on me why? >> you'd be a lot cooler if you did. ♪ ♪ >> we're going to take you right inside that room in a few minutes coming up. >> all right, all right, all right. () my son has been grieving because even though he did what he felt he had to do and he said if he was in the same situation, he would do it again. he chose to protect his troops. >> here on "fox & friends," a heart broken mother of army lieutenant clint lorance says her son was sent to jail for protecting his troops, which was his duty. men approached his platoon on motorcycles and he gave the order to engage. they opened fire. two of the three men were killed. the army said those men did not have ties to terrorist. so the lieutenant went to prison to serve a 20 year sentence. his attorneys are accusing army lawyers of withholding crucial evidence of the men's terror connections. now thousands of people are petitioning the white house to pardon him and even members of congress are calling for a new trial. joining us now, fox news legal analyst, peter johnson jr. who brought us this story. >> if he and his lawyers are right, this is one of the greatest railroading in the history of an american fighting man. they are now saying in a modification petition to general clark, the commanding officer, that quote, the prosecution arguing and closing that there is no suggestion that the alleged victims were taliban. as it turns out there has good bit suggesting that they were, are associated with terror. this is legal error. the law requires a new trial. that's right. the supreme court precedent that says if you withhold evidence bringing material, that's evidence leading the jury to believe that you're not guilty of the crime, then you get a new trial. what they have done, steve, is expose new evidence that they say the army had, the defense department had and failed to turn over. >> and that's the troubling part. apparently there was evidence and we've got information to put up on the screen -- one man killed was a co-conspirator to a man serving a 20-year sentence for ied attacks in afghanistan. the man lorance was attempted to engage was ied in kandahar and the guy interviewed was incarcerated in afghanistan and linked to four separate ied events. peter, when we last talked about this, we were looking to help this man get clemency. that didn't happen. what's left? >> what's left is a new petition modification to general clark and if that do not work, go to the court of appeals, military court of appeals. also there is a petition that has gone up now to the white house. they have about 80,000 or so signatures at this point petitioning the president to look at this particular issue. obviously this is not a cut and dry issue. there are some soldiers that say that lieutenant lorance was out of control overzealous and that the decision to fire on these afghannies was inappropriate and wrong and resulting in this conviction. the lieutenant's lawyers say the jury never heard. the jury was never told that. the jury was never told about the terror ties and what they've done is put together this impressive dossier showing the terror connections that the defense department knew of five of the seven people involved with this incident. >> peter, it's cut and dry. the government withheld evidence that his lawyers say would have exonerated him. >> the lowest low life. the biggest dirt bag in america is entitled to the constitution. why shouldn't a lieutenant who spent ten years fighting for america be entitled to those same protection as soon as we don't know whether he's innocent or guilty. but give this man a fair trial. >> you just mentioned that somewhere in the neighborhood of 80,000 signed up. if you would like to help this guy, go to white and sign the petition for mr. lorance. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. see what happens. coming up, jimmy carter says the terrorist attacks in france, israel's fault. you're going to want to hear that. he's straight ahead. michael keaton's words of wisdom gone viral. in a household in which i was raised, the themes were pretty simple. he said hard work, don't quit. be appreciative. be respectful. how do you make sure your kids wind up with mr. mom's attitude? dr. keith able has the advice we all need. ♪ ♪ you just got a big bump in miles. so this is a great opportunity for an upgrade. sound good? great. because you're not you you're a whole airline... and it's not a ticket you're upgrading it's your entire operations, from domestic to international... which means you need help from a whole team of advisors. from workforce strategies to tech solutions and a thousand other things. so you call pwc. the right people to get the extraordinary done. ♪ ♪ push your enterprise and you can move the world. ♪ ♪ but to get from the old way to the new you'll need the right it infrastructure. from a partner who knows how to make your enterprise more agile, borderless and secure. hp helps business move on all the possibilities of today. and stay ready for everything that is still to come. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you wouldn't ignore signs of damage in your home. are you sure you're not ignoring them in your body? even if you're treating your crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis an occasional flare may be a sign of damaging inflammation. and if you ignore the signs, the more debilitating your symptoms could become. learn more about the role damaging inflammation may be playing in your symptoms with the expert advice tool at and then speak with your gastroenterologist. female announcer: during sleep train's huge year end clearance sale, get beautyrest, posturepedic even tempur-pedic mattress sets at low clearance prices. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up and removal of your old set. and through monday, get 3 years interest-free financing on selected models. but hurry! this special financing offer ends martin luther king jr. day. don't miss the year end clearance sale at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ my name is bret hembree. i am an electric crew foreman out of the cupertino service center. i was born and raised in the cupertino area. it's a fantastic area to work. the new technology that we are installing out in the field is important for the customers because system reliability i believe is number one. pg&e is always trying to plan for the future and we are always trying to build something stronger and bigger and more reliable. i love living here and i love the community i serve. nobody wants to be without power. i don't want my family to be without power. it's much more personal to me for that reason. i don't think there's any place i really would rather be. time for "fox & friends" headlines from the medical file. a brand-new study reveals vitamin supplements in drinks like vitamin water and other high energy drinks have zero nutritional benefits. the study reveals that the levels in the drinks far exceed your daily requirements. therefore, they do nothing at all. that's interesting. and new research shows that by the year 2050. nobody under the age of 850 will die from cancer -- 80 will die from cancer. time to pop an aspirin. >> wow. incredible. thank you. one of the most emotional moments from this year's grodin globe social security michael katyen and his impassioned acceptance speech saying this, in a household in which i was raised, the themes were simple. work hard. don't quit. be appreciative. be respectful. never whine ever. don't complain and always crying out, keep a sense of humor. my best friend is kind intelligent, funny, talented, considerate, thoughtful. he also happens to be my son sean. i love you with all my heart, buddy. >> then that was his speech. now let's talk about how it can be put into your house. it's important how fatherhood can be. how do we mimic those morals? >> number one, don't think it's easy. you've got to plan to be able to deliver that kind of richness to your kids. you've got to hold yourself responsible to do that. i always try to think of whether i'm getting an a as a dad and it's really the most important thing because, in fact but if you walk through a cemetery and look at the head stones, it doesn't say anywhere what your profession was or what car you drove. it says whether you were or were not and generally people are kind. beloved father and decent husband. that's what goes on your epitaph. >> you mentioned decent husband. so kids have eyes on how fathers are triting their spouses, their wives. how much of an effect do you think that has? >> tremendous effect. someone wiser than i said if you want to do something wonderful for your children love their mother. it's hard, though. listen, so many people fall short. i think that you have to be willing to say listen. we didn't get to the great a today, but let's keep trying. and know that your kids are always watching. children are absorbing so much more than we think they are and they remember single events. remember when you said this dad? so don't be afraid to go back. circle back to your kids and say, listen, this morning i think i disappointed you. i think i said something i didn't mean. don't be afraid to do that. >> you said for every michael and sean keaton, there are fathers who are short tempered, who are not often absent. there's a lot of imperfect people looking at this and even the keatons i'm sure are not perfect. >> nobody is perfect. >> that's right. show up. so that's one thing. unfortunately, we'd have to say that to a lot of dads. be there. don't leave. parent your kids. for the other ones who -- those of white house are at home trying our hardest, i would say this simply be willing to listen to your children. spending time with them is what they remember. they remember those things more than anything else, more than the christmas gifts they got. were you present? >> great message there. thank you. >> you see all kinds in your office. but you can't tell us specifics but you studied this and you have your own case studies to learn from. thanks dr. keith. >> absolutely. coming up straight ahead, a newspaper publishing this now iconic photo of the world leaders at the rally in paris. but it's missing something. who they photo shopped out. >> take a close look there. and actor bob newheart suddenly making headlines thanks to this look alike referee. he's up next to react to all the commotion. >> i'm sure bob newheart loved when think took his elf costume. ♪ ♪ reusel crumble, be from... fiber one. fiber one streusel. nexium® 24hr. it's the purple pill the #1 prescribed acid blocking brand available without a prescription for frequent heartburn. get complete protection. nexium level protection™ [container door opening] ♪ what makes it an suv is what you can get into it. ♪ [container door closing] what makes it an nx is what you can get out of it. ♪ introducing the first-ever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. once you go beyond utility there's no going back. take a look at this. it's your shot of the morning. it's nearly dog gone unbelievable. >> yep. a clip of the black lab riding the seattle bus by herself. nothing stops her from getting to the dog park and the bus is apparently the fastest way. >> eclipse and her owner, jeff, joined us earlier this morning from seattle. jeff talked about the first time eclipse hopped on the bus without him. >> first time she jumped on the bus, i wasn't sure if she got back on the bus or went in the house. another person poe bus stop pointed out that yeah, she got on the bus. it's a bus her and i rode to the dog park a million times. i was pretty sure that's where she would be headed. and i was on the next bus after her and she was at the dog park. >> she got out at the right stop. >> she sure did. jeff says that they're going to be headed to the dog park together later today. fun. hopefully she'll make it there again. >> he said he was going to get to the park and send us a picture. >> plus we should point out the dog is not riding for pre. the dog actually has a monthly pass. >> she sure does. >> right. he holds it right between his webbed feet. >> a token in one paw and a milk bone in the other. >> yeah. i'd like to see footage of that. has anyone seen heather nauert? >> she's there to your left. >> brian, did you hear the story about the dog on long island who used to take the train out there? famous dog in one of the local towns. >> that's a line i'm not allowed on. >> years ago. >> they kicked you off. >> they don't want me on that line. >> okay. got some news now to bring you. take a look at two of those photos from the paris unity march. they're almost identical right? there is one slight problem. the women have been completely removed from the second photo. the original picture was taken at sunday's unity march that shows world leaders standing arm in arm, including the chancellor of german, angela merkel and the mayor of paris. one orthodox israeli newspaper decided to edit out the female leaders as though they were never there. former president jimmy cart service sounding off on radical islam and the recent terrorist attacks in france. the 39th president telling the daily show's jon stewart that the violence in paris was fueled by something else and that something is israel. listen. >> one of the arguments social security the palestinian problem and this aggravates people who are -- what they're doing now is being done to them. i think that's part of it. >> president carter not explaining exactly how he thinks that the israel-palestinian issue should be solved and how it would help the violent conflicts in the rest of the arab world. ann curry signing off from nbc news. she's leaving the network after 25 years. sort of. there are reports that curry has a development deal with the network and may still appear occasionally on nbc. she was forced off the today show more than two years ago because of well issues with the host matt lauer. she and executives negotiating how to end her $12 million a year contract. wow. everybody knows this famous line from "dazed and confused." remember this? >> that's what i love about these high school girls man. i get older and they stay the same age. >> doocy says that all the time around here. i'm just kidding! he doesn't say that. >> are you kidding? >> i'm just teasing. it was delivered perfectly by matthew mcconaghey. but even the oscar winner at one point had to audition in his career. look at this. >> keep getting older. they stay the same age. >> it's now been released for the first time. it's his audition from "dazed and confused." you can see as he breezes through those lines. it was his first ever film. just as cute as ever. >> steve does do a fantastic all right, all right, all right. >> all right, all right, all right. >> and he sounds just like him. >> let me do that again. >> all right, all right, all right. >> i wonder if she's all right, all right, all right out there because it's cold. maria molina how are you? >> so cold out here. current windchill in new york city 8 degrees. even colder in areas farther toward the west. in chicago feels like 4. in marquette, 0 is the current windchill temperature. still cold across parts of the east and because it's cold and we do have a storm system, we do have some snow coming across parts of the mid-atlantic. there are winter weather advisories that have been issued and even freezing rain advisories due to some freezing rain in that area. so watch out for slick roads. snow coming down across portions of new mexico, up to a foot along some of the higher elevations out there. that's great newser in skiers. i have even better news for you guys in there. we're going to be looking at a warm-up, including the northeast, temperatures are going to be climbing as we head into this weekend. by saturday, 65 for the high. in dallas 60s in new orleans. in the 30s in new york city. by sunday, mid 40s. in new york city, and boston. chicago. 50. it's going to start to feel better out there over the next couple of days. let's head back inside. >> all right, all right, all right. >> thank you. ohio state national championship win over oregon is making headlines throughout the week. especially in the aftermath. but not in the way you think. the biggest news maker perhaps outside the final score and the championship, the game's referee. his resemblance to bob newheart. >> without a doubt. social media exploded on monday night. look at this side by side screen with the tweets about how the head referee and his resemblance to the comedy legend. so much so that newheart himself weighed in, tweeting, in regards to my new career as head ref, hey, i don't have a series anymore. i had something to do. that's so funny. >> how does that college ref feel about the comparison? joining us now is greg burks, joining us from colorado springs. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> has anybody ever told you hey, you look like bob newheart? >> once or twice. i was on a rental car bus one time and a lady said she thought i looked like bob newheart. >> he is about 80 years old. i don't know if that's a compliment. >> not so much. i would have loved to get up the next morning and have everybody compare me to george clooney. but i do look in the mirror and i do see the resemblance at times, yeah. >> over 3 million people were watching and probably saw that resemblance. when did it hit you? when did you realize that so many people were drawing those photos as the same? >> after we did the game and got on the bus to go back to the hotel. the umpire said hey, you're trending on twitter. i said what happened? the game went well. he said no no. there is a picture of bob newheart as an elf and they say he looks like you. and i thought oh great. that's special. >> first second did your heart drop? isn't that the biggest nightmare, for the referee to be the story? >> you know, in the sense that we're talking about bob newheart and not a pass interference call or something that we messed up on the field, this is okay. >> overall, how spanish was it to be in the first college championship division 1 ever? >> oh, it was fantastic. it was life long dream and to be affiliated with that game was just fantastic. >> congratulations. you had to be the best to get in there and you certainly did. 33 million people watched. thanks so much. >> my pleasure. >> take care. no throwing the flag on that. coming up, have you seen this? >> don't say another word. >> well, it looks like video of a terror training camp. but it's right in our own backyard. you got to see this and we'll explain it all next. chilling. and nascar's kurt busch says his ex-girlfriend is an assassin. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. great taste. [ m'm... ] [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® i've smoked a lot and quit a lot but ended up nowhere. now...i use this. the nicoderm cq patch with unique extended release technology helps prevent the urge to smoke all day. i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq. welcome back. it's time for quick courtroom headlines. nascar star kurt busch claiming his ex-girlfriend is a trained assassin. in court over her request for a restraining order he says she travels the world on covert missions to kill people. the claim is called, absolutely ludicrous. the supreme court determining if this beard can have a beard while in prison. he converted to islam and wants a beard for religious purposes. also expected is a ruling on the case of a pregnant woman versus ups. she was placed on unpaid leave after she became pregnant and could no longer lift heavy boxes steve. meanwhile, a new report reveals some pretty scary numbers showing new government regulations could cost the taxpayers, all of us, nearly $1.9 trillion this year. >> incredible. so what is it going to mean for the united states economy? >> there is only one person to call. fox news' own you know maria bartiromo. costing atrial? >> it's unbelievable. the fact is these numbers are so extraordinary, this $1.9 trillion number is more than certain gdps of countries around the world. it is such a high number. and as a result of this, you are going to see higher bills. that's the bottom line. i think when you factor in the kind of increases that we're seeing in the cost of regulation, in particular the epa latest regulation has been the most onerus. when i speak to ceos, they say this particular ruling and cost of regulation from the epa is going to mean they will be forced to pass on the price to consumers. so i think what people miss here in terms of increasing and talking about increasing regulation is the fact that at the end of the day, a company is not going to say, oh well. we're just going to swallow this higher cost and we will just make less money. no. that's not what they're going to do. they are going to go forward and say, okay. this is costing us more. so this will cost our customers more. increasingly ceos are telling me that we will see electricity prices in particular go higher. americans should watch their electricity bills. that's what's going to be the result. higher bills there, but as a result of this epa report. and legislation. >> and speaking of ceos i see behind you, a sign that says jpmorgan. i hear you have an exclusive. >> we are at the jpmorgan health care conference. i have an exclusive interview with jamie dimon. this is an interview which is exclusive and his first interview since surviving throat cancer. he has battled a lot bigger issues than regulation and cost of regulation over the last year. he's been balloting throat cancer. he said he has a good bill of health. he told me all about the last year and he also talked about the health of the economy with me and the cost of regulation. jpmorgan reported earnings today. they did report a strong quarter. it was below analyst expectations. the reason? they had to take an almost billion dollars charge for legal expense. having said that. he says as he looks across the country, he thinks things are improving and when he speaks with ceos, his customers, he says that they are wanting to expand. not cut back. >> yeah. the government turned their attention on him and it cost the company a lot of money. in fact, we have a cut. you want to listen? >> absolutely. >> you don't normally see companies ever -- i deal with ceos around the world. particularly in the united states where people say i'm going to shrink next year. i don't have any ambition. i'm not going to invest. no they're look for ways to grow expand, do more. >> everybody is looking to grow, expands, do more. but as we detailed a moment ago there is a lot of regulation. there are a lot of other trap doors for people in business these days. >> there sure are. and that, as well as the issues around the world. weakness in europe and you've got weakness in china. that's going to impact the u.s. all of that we get to that that interview that's running today on the opening bell on the "fox business" network. >> all right. and don't miss on the "fox business" network, you can find it in your area by logging on coming up, have you seen it? the video of terror training camp. watch. >> your land is open to the public. >> oh, no. that's not yemen. it's right here in the united states. if you can believe it. the man who has gone inside of it here next. speaking of the man, the man is going to run the channel here in about 12 minutes. >> on me. my hand on the wheel. >> then you're going to join me on radio. >> we'll see you later, brian. good morning to all three of you. breaking news from the international space station. what we are learning from nasa at this hour. also al-qaeda claims it ordered the terrorist attacks in paris. and was john boehner the target for murder? martha and i will see you in 12 minute, top of the hour have you heard of the new dialing procedure for for the 415 and 628 area codes? no what is it? starting february 21, 2015 if you have a 415 or 628 number you'll need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. okay, but what if i have a 415 number, and i'm calling a 415 number? you'll still need to dial... 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out! we've been telling you about france's no go zone. hundreds of muslim areas that outsiders and cops don't dare to explore. they chose to give it up. we have them here in the united states too. i bet you did not know that. nearly two dozen enclaves popping up across nine different states. and watch what happens when a stranger or outsider tries to step inside. >> but your land is open to the public. >> you'll be arrested if you come down here. >> i'm not being nice. >> leave. leave. period. don't say another word. >> joining us now, the man behind that camera. author of "twilight in america". martin moyer joins us now. what was taking place right there? where were you? >> we were in red house virginia. it's an isolated community as most of these compounds are located in. all areas heavily wooded inside of the mountainous areas. and what we wanted to do was challenge their open invitation to actually come on to these compounds and see whether they were peaceful or not. so we brought our cameras and tried to get on and this is how we got treated. >> quickly, this is the whole thing that we're seeing here. what goes on in these campuses? a lot of people say there are jewish camps in this country jewish camps. why not a muslim camp? >> because these are truly no go zones. unlike the ones in europe, which i visited, you can walk into those no go zones. you can walk in with your cameras. you can talk to people. but in these particular no go zones, you can not get into. they have gates. they have armed guards. they have security forces. and when you go up into them you're specifically told to leave these particular areas. and they're particularly dangerous. >> we're watching now, where are we seeing this footage from? >> this is a video they put out for the people inside of the compounds so that they learn how to do terrorist type training. they teach them how to kidnap people, strangle them. how to kill guards. how to do guerrilla type warfare training. this is what goes on in these isolated no go zones inside the united states. >> in america name some states, name some areas 'cause you also say they're affiliated with a pakinstani militant group. >> yeah. that pakinstani militant group is run by sheik gilani who most people haven't heard of. that is the man daniel pearl was hoping to interview and was arranging to about view when he was kidnapped and later beheaded. >> name some towns and cities and states. >> we have them in texas, sweeney, texas. in york, south carolina. we have them in commerce, georgia. red house, virginia. upstate new york. california. michigan. they're scattered all around the united states. >> so right knew call an officer and say hey, wait a second. you got an enclave here, this is islamic extremists being trained on our ground, what is the law enforcement's reaction? >> the interesting thing about these camps, they're located in very rural areas of america which have very small police departments. they intentionally set them up in these areas where, for instance, the one in new york, they have a total of four police officers. >> i want you to hear what you say is a recruitment, the sound of a recruitment video to fill up the camps. listen. >> you are most welcome to join one of the most advanced training camps in islamic -- michigan or in south carolina or pakistan, wherever we are, you can reach us. >> where did you get that? >> actually it took about four years to locate that video. we knew it existed and we had someone inside of the law enforcement department out of colorado who snuck us the tape and finally we were to make it public. >> f.b.i.'s reaction? >> f.b.i.'s reaction is that look, they have the first amendment and their american rights to operate these in united states, regardless of the type of weaponry and guerrilla warfare training. >> it's not okay with they and does not seem to be okay with you. thank you so much. president and cio of christian action network. >> thank you. >> we'll keep looking at this. more "fox & friends" in just a moment. two of the biggest advertisers in this year's super bowl are going to the dogs. this was budweiser's ad last year featuring an adorable golden retriever running free where the clydesdales. they'll be bringing them back this year, while -- will have this buzzy guy named buddy as the star of their ad. >> that looks like our dog, charlie. by the way today is national dress up your dog day. you guys flooded us with your photos. abbey sent in this picture of her pooch, lex. >> and this adorable yorkie in a tutu comes from emily from ohio. this is heather's dog coming up next. >> yeah. that's my dog, sadie, as spiedman. >> or spiderwoman. >> how did she like the costume? >> she didn't like it very well. >> this is one from florida. great one in a tiara. >> go on and on. thank you for joining us today. we'll see you back here on the couch tomorrow. bill: breaking news from international space station. a possible chemical leak on board. the mayor can side of the lab has been evacuated. there are indications of a possible ammonia leak. we'll bring you the details as we get them here. claiming responsibilities for the massacre in paris. a top commander of al qaeda in yemen says they chose the target, they financed the plan and they gave the green light a week ago


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