India and everywhere else for. What is it that the british are attempting to do to kind of you know with the Zionist Movement was radical right well the the basic goal the strategic. Israeli Palestinian Conflict is not the product of ancient ethnic hatreds nor is it the tragic clash between 2 peoples with claims to the same land it is rather a manufactured conflict the outcome of a 100 year old colonial occupation by jewish zionists and israel backed by major imperial powers starting with the british and a century later with the United States this project from its inception has always been about the forest and often violent displacement of palestinians from their land the seizure of that land by the colonisers and the rendering of the palestinians as non people as if they never existed. This century long the so 1st by the zionists and later by israel has always been waged against an addiction is people to force them to relinquish their homeland to another people against their will yet