about it? he bragged about this as one of his policy positions and he did succeed in getting work hours expanded for teenagers who are in high school. who do you think that ultimately benefits? you know, again, this doesn t make any sense. we want students to be engaged, we want them to have family time, we want them to may on their school teams, and we want them to do their homework. staying up even later hours, more work, there s no logic behind it, if you really want to encourage, you know, good behavior on the part of young people. the fact is, it s a way to drive down wages, to pay young people less wages, which doesn t make any sense in a time when we have relatively high unemployment, so we have plenty of people who aren t students, who want to work in those jobs, so it s not as if we re desperate to find more workers. but i think it benefits employers who want to pay lower wages, and so they want to increase the number of young people in the marketplace so they don t have to