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Multiplan malls are a safe environment and operate according to municipal and state decrees and regulations. MorumbiShopping, ShoppingVilaOlímpia and ShoppingAnáliaFranco, in São Paulo (SP); JundiaíShopping, in Jundiaí (SP); ParkShoppingSãoCaetano, in São Caetano do Sul (SP); RibeirãoShopping and ShoppingSantaÚrsula, in Ribeirão Preto (SP); BarraShopping, NewYorkCityCenter, VillageMall and ParkShoppingCampoGrande in Rio de Janeiro (RJ); BH Shopping, DiamondMall and Pátio Savassi, in Belo Horizonte (MG); ParkShopping, in Brasília (DF); BarraShoppingSul, in Porto Alegre (RS); ParkShopping Canoas, in Canoas (RS); ParkShoppingBarigüi, in Curitiba (PR); and Parque Shopping Maceió, in Maceió (AL), are open to the public according to state and municipal decrees and standards that authorize the opening of commercial establishments in each city.