Not all jobs are forever, and that's okay. Sometimes, you just need a brief or part-time working situation to boost your income, especially when the recession comes knocking like it has this year. These 13 part-time and/or temporary jobs could provide your next leg up in your industry or just give you a little extra cash and experience to improve your chances of applying for your dream role.
Part-time jobs are perfect for students and those who want more flexibility when it comes to scheduling. Thankfully, Montreal has no shortage of available part-time jobs that pay above minimum wage, some of which are even work-from-home or hybrid positions.
Valentine's Day has come and gone, leaving the coupled among us broke as all get out. How else can we fix our financial situations than by getting a part-time job that pays over $20 per hour? Thankfully, Montreal has plenty of those, with requirements as simple as speaking French or as complex as being a student in secretarial studies.
Everyone needs some kind of income to afford that cheeky bagel and coffee, or to justify another takeaway poutine after three nights straight of Uber Eats-ing. But it can be challenging to find a role that fits your pay expectations AND the limited hours in your day.
Working full-time isn't for everyone, and if you're looking for a side hustle, it can be hard to sift through all the low-paying part-time jobs available in Montreal. Thankfully, MTL Blog has compiled a list of 14 of the best-paying part-time jobs available right now across the city and no, you don't need a Master's for all of them, okay?