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Transcripts For KGO ABC7 News 400PM 20150101

loudly as a big fireworks display over the river thames lights up the sky. you are looking live at london, england as they ring in 2015 in spectacular style. >> i love it. maybe i won't have to stay up until midnight. i feel like i have seen it now. i can get some rest. it will be unusually cold here in san francisco on this new year's eve tonight. a live look for you at the embarcadero, where hundreds of thousands of people are expected along the waterfront. so definitely bundle up if you are heading out. >> spencer christian is live outside with your fireworks forecast. happy new year spencer. >> happy new year to you. things are looking really great so far. clear skies all over the bay area but it will be pretty cold. let's take a look at current conditions with live doppler 7 hd. sunny skies a few high clouds around and notice the winds have dropped off significantly from those powerful gusts we had yesterday and last night. right now we don't see any gusty conditions at all. let's move along to a live view from mount tam looking down on the bay. these are current temperature readings. 57 in san francisco, oakland 56 55 san carlos, 54 apiece at san jose morgan hill and half moon bay. beautiful view of the western sky from the east bay camera in emeryville. 62 right now 62 in santa rosa. upper 50s at napa novato concord, livermore. 50 in fairfield. here's our midnight -- event planner midnight forecast for new year's eve. our fireworks forecast is what i'm trying to say. it will be cold tonight clear skies, good viewing for the fireworks. at 10:00 p.m. in san francisco, pier 14 is where the fireworks display will occur. it will be 46 degrees. by midnight, down to 44 degrees. i would advise bundling up and i would advise not relying on your beverage of choice to keep you warm. we have freeze warnings i will show you a little bit later. >> my beverage of choice is hot chocolate tonight. >> there you go. >> thanks very much. >> sounds like a good choice to me. the cold snap has people around the bay area taking precautions. >> plants and pipes, of course, the biggest concern when the temperature drops this low. >> abc 7 news reporter laura anthony is live in walnut creek with a look. >> reporter: well you would think people would avoid cold places like this on a day like this but as you can see, this rink is brimming with skaters. it has been all afternoon. in many other places here in contra costa county we found the cold weather is seen as more of a hazard. gardiner bert morningstar has his hands full this new year's eve going from one client's house to the next, spraying their citrus trees and other plants with a protective coating of pine oil just in time for the cold snap. >> it will penetrate the leaves and give you about five degrees difference during the morning frost. of course, it's always a good idea if you cut it even, put a sheet over it and take the sheet off the next morning. it's a nice evergreen but the frost will nip this pretty badly. >> reporter: the oil can also be used to protect gardenias, and ferns, among other vulnerable species. when the temperatures plunge below freezing. across town normally open only during the day the trinity center is open as a warming shelter for overnight stays but there are only 12 spaces and they are already taken. that's why the trinity center is appealing to other facilities, including churches, to help provide space. >> it needs to be an easily accessible location but warm a floor, folks will sleep on the floor in sleeping bags. they don't need much. just a warm place to sleep. >> reporter: for those who must stay outside, county outreach workers are going out at night offering blankets, gift cards and information about available services in the cold weather. laura anthony, abc 7 news. >> sky 7 hd shows you some of the damage caused by the wind at the golf course in alameda. look at these trees. at least five of them fell near the three golf courses. they just came toppling down making a huge mess. giant trees. that's just north of the international airport. another tree damaged vehicles parked along the perimeter of the golf complex. >> it was actually old farmland so nothing really happens out here. this is pretty exciting for this area. every high wind storm that we have, we lose a tree, at least one. the course is so old and these trees are just ready to go, they are so tall. >> despite the damage many golfers do what they often do. they just played on. four homes remain red-tagged or off limits in napa. this comes after part of a large redwoodlanded on one of them. another part of the same tree is in danger of falling on to the other three homes. residents have been displaced from their homes since the tree first fell yesterday afternoon. the red cross is helping them until they are able to get back inside the houses. thousands of people lost power because of the wind and pg & e crews are continuing tonight to work to fix power outages all over the bay area. >> more than 800 people in san jose are waiting for the power to return. abc 7 news reporter elissa harrington looks at the cleanup there. >> the tree come down with the wires, with the flames and the whole nine yards. >> reporter: arshia ali says preschoolers were inside the building yesterday when the gusty winds took down a tree outside which toppled a power pole and started a small fire. >> we do fire drills and safety drills all the time so you tell the kids stay safe stay with the teachers and listen and follow instructions. >> reporter: today, power is still out. she posted signs at the school letting parents know it's closed. many neighbors spent the night in the cold, like patricia martinez. >> a big house and it gets very cold. i started putting candles on. i didn't know what else to do because i don't have another type of heater to turn on. >> reporter: her power came back on early this morning. she made coffee for one of the workers who spent the night directing traffic in the blistering cold. >> i saw one of the workers standing out there freezing so i opened my window and asked her do you want a cup of coffee. she said yes. >> reporter: crews have been working nonstop. the biggest problem they are seeing toppled trees falling on power lines. durell, who already lost power twice since yesterday, considered canceling his new year's eve plans. >> well, we were going to have a party tonight and then we said oh, the party's off. >> reporter: his power is back on now and so is the party. but he is not confident he will ring in 2015 with electricity. >> we are hoping that the power stays on today. but we can just hope. >> reporter: this project is going to take awhile because pg & e has to replace eight power poles and they expect to have power back on at that preschool by tomorrow morning. they also have out additional crews at work also on standby in case the winds today cause more problems. elissa harrington, abc 7 news. look at this wild scene at the rose bowl in pasadena this afternoon. four people are hurt after strong winds picked up a tent and tossed it around into the air. look at this thing. the national weather service says these winds are more than 60 miles an hour. people ran frantically as the tent landed on some cars. a couple other tents got tossed around as well. a video shows one of the larger tents going nupup in the air from another angle. someone else posted the chaos from farther away on instagram. glad to say as bad as it was, no injuries are serious. >> scary to watch. high winds are believed responsible for the deaths of two men overnight on santa catalina island. officials say a harbor patrol officer was killed after being pinned between a boat and a rock around 11:00 last night. then another man's body was found floating in the water nearby just off green pleasure pier. it's unclear if the two deaths are related. winds topping more than 40 miles an hour hit the island kicking up the water and beaching several boats. the blustery storm dropped snow in lower elevations across southern california stranding dozens of motorists on mountain highways. firefighters rescued more than 140 people whose vehicles got stuck in about a foot of snow along highway 138 in san bernardino county. another 50 people had to be rescued near mount baldy. it's already 2015 in most of the world and millions rang in the new year in spectacular fashion. ♪ >> dazzling fireworks lit up the sky in sydney harbor in australia before a crowd of more than a million people. the celebration went off without a hitch despite terrorism concerns. >> five four three, two, one! happy new year! >> happy new year! >> so fun to watch. a colorful celebration outside in beijing. the chinese government moved the event to olympic park to highlight its bid for the 2022 winter olympics. >> and in taiwan, fireworks exploded from the landmark skyscraper taipei 101 before a crowd of hundreds of thousands of people. that is pretty impressive. >> very. people protesting against police brutality will be along the embarcadero tonight. >> police have increased the number of patrols to keep it as safe as possible. >> abc 7 news reporter lyanne melendez is live along the embarcadero with the story. >> reporter: police say they always have a number of officers or extra officers out here on a night like tonight. now, they have many threats against several police departments around the nation over the internet, atlanta new york, cleveland san jose and san francisco all know about these threats. sfpd says their officers have been told, warned, to be aware of their surroundings. demonstrators have made it a habit to protest on major holidays to bring attention to what they say is widespread police brutality. >> our new year's resolution is to increase and extend these powerful beautiful demonstrations which this country has not seen in decades. >> reporter: today a few of them met in front of san francisco's hall of justice to announce they would be out tonight on market street along the embarcadero. >> we want those people to realize that this is a movement and we are going to continue to fight and they need to join us. >> reporter: but in the past, some of these protesters have not been welcomed like the night after thanksgiving when families and demonstrators collided at union square. tonight, police say they will help facilitate the demonstrations as long as they are peaceful and don't interrupt the celebrations. police are also aware of the threats made against police officers around the nation. officers have been warned and told to remain vigilant. restaurants along the embarcadero say they aren't concerned about the protests. >> no concerns for us. it gets jam-packed down here regardless, so we just try to give the people that are here a great night. >> reporter: police are reminding party goers that tonight's celebration along the waterfront is an alcohol-free event. >> we are asking people not to bring alcohol. if they do they need to be asked to pour it out dispose of it and possibly be cited. >> reporter: police have also added patrols in the marina district and in the south of market area. lyanne melendez, abc 7 news. still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, fire guts a well-known san francisco sausage factory. investigators already have a line on how it started. also, the end of the line for a popular chinese food restaurant, closing after nearly 50 years in business. and new at 4:30 authorities on alert nationwide on new year's eve. it's not just a terror threat they are preparing for. 7 on your side's michael finney is taking your questions on twitter and facebook. he will answer them here live a little later. contact him at and on twitter@m finney. >> a live look at the san francisco skyway for all of these people in their cars, it's the final commute of 2014. cars coming at you are trying to get on the bay bridge, little bit slow. female announcer: when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models including the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows and free same-day delivery. are you next? make sleep train your ticket to tempur-pedic. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ you are looking at cell phone video of a fire at a sausage factory in san francisco. a neighbor of evergood fine foods shot these images as flames shot from the roof of the building in the bayview district. firefighters quickly doused the flames but there was extensive damage to the kitchen area, where the sausages are smoked. >> one of the ducts evidently caught fire and it ignited and the top of the roof above where the smokehouse area is went up just like that. >> all the workers escaped the building. no one was hurt. evergood is a family run business that has been making sausages in san francisco since 1932. the owners say they will wait until friday to take a closer look at the damage and determine how their business will be affected. the countdown to midnight is also the countdown until a san francisco institution closes its doors. the empress of china restaurant which opened in 1966 closes its doors for good tonight. the chinatown restaurant is a favorite among locals and celebrities, famous for intricate atwork and rooftop views. the restaurant's problems began when the building's owner put it up for sale and did not offer the empress a long-term lease. >> the traditions are changing. we should keep this place open. this is a san francisco landmark. >> very sad. because it's like an icon of san francisco. to lose this is true memory. >> the building is being marketed to high tech companies and being priced at $25 million. that has chinatown residents worried about the gentrification of their neighborhood. the surf contest will be harder to watch next time. there are reports there will not be a day of festival on the beach. the festival was canceled for liability reasons. several area bars and restaurants will offer live coverage of the event. the surf contest window opens tomorrow and runs through march 31st. got to wait for the waves. >> the surfers are unbelievable. crazy. if you thought only kids enjoyed the first snowfall take a look at how these otters reacted. >> it was nonstop fun rolling on the ice for these three river otters at the aquarium by the bay at pier 39. >> the aquarium puts about 70 pounds of snow in the otter encloseure a few times a year. they love frollicking. >> luckily, their thick skin keeps them from getting cold. >> we needed thick skin. >> it would be nice. >> it is chilly out there again today but not quite as windy. >> spencer christian with today's accuweather forecast. >> it's a cool clear crisp, non-gusty new year's eve. this is how we like it. let's take a look at live doppler 7 hd. sunny skies except for a few thin high clouds across the bay area right now. temperatures are going to drop tonight. it will be very cold tonight. another freeze warning in effect from midnight to 9:00 a.m. for all the bay area except the coastline and the bay shoreline including san francisco, by the way. early morning lows will drop into the mid 20s in some inland locations. freeze damage to sensitive plants is a possibility. stress on outdoor pets and livestock also a possibility. we have a frost advisory in effect from midnight to 9:00 a.m. early morning lows in the low to mid 30s along the shoreline. damage to sensitive plants is also a possibility. on we go to overnight lows. look for temperatures dropping down to 29 degrees in santa rosa. napa, 30. livermore, 31. fairfield and morgan hill, low to mid 30s in many locations right around the bay. here's the live view of the golden gate bridge right now. traffic flowing nicely right now. forecast features are these. freeze warnings for new year's. sunny days will continue into the weekend and we will see a milder pattern beginning on sunday. here's our pacific satellite view. you can see high pressure the dominant feature centered to our north. the circulation around that area of high pressure bringing us a cold dry flow of air down from the great basin. that ridge of high pressure is forming a blocking pattern keeping the jet stream flowing well to our north. any rain that's moving generally in our direction will hold up for at least another week. let's talk about calendar year rainfall here in san francisco. we end the year on a rainy note. not that it's going to rain today but we had a lot of rain this year compared to last year. almost 25 inches for the calendar year compared to just over 5 1/2 inches last year. you can see that we are above the average for the calendar year. so that's good news for the drought situation. on we go to tomorrow. new year's day following a very, very cold early new year's morning. afternoon will be sunny and cool with highs mainly in the low to mid 50s. we will see 55 to 56 degrees in many locations around the bay and inland and low to mid 50s on the coast. here's a look at our seven-day forecast, taking us into the first week of the new year. don't forget, we will see freezing and frosty conditions the next two mornings, but we will have sunny afternoons and mainly sunny afternoons all the way through the forecast period. milder pattern develops over the weekend with high temperatures moving into the low to mid 60s by sunday. we will see mid 60s monday through wednesday with increasingly cloudy skies on wednesday. no indication yet that rain will fall that early. looks like a dry pattern through next wednesday but at least with the increase in clouds, we have the hope for some rain to arrive soon. dan and katie? >> thanks, spencer. we appreciate it. here's how to get around. public transit is the way to go if you are headed out for new year's eve. cal train is offering free rides as well as muni buses which will run until 5:00 a.m. you will need to pay for b.a.r.t. but trains will be extended until 3:00 a.m. and tipsy toe will be offering complimentary rides for up to seven miles. you do not have to be a aaa member to call and we have a number on our website, if you choose ride share companies, be warned about surge pricing. uber expects the highest fares between 12:30 and 2:30 a.m. where an average ride could be more than $100. we have all this information on our website also on our website, if you are still looking for something to do on new year's eve, maybe you want to make last minute plans, check out we have a list of fireworks shows and other events as well as information on how to get those celebrations safely and back home again. up next the perfect photo shoot for a bride and her bridesmaids. what happens after this is catching a local of attention. then new after 4:30, the story behind former cal quarterback aaron rodgers' good luck c new year's revelers in hong kong's victoria harbor watched a large digital display to count down the seconds to 2015. the celebration continued with a fireworks display and the symphony of lights which takes place every night to symbolize the city's remarkable growth. happy new year! >> a rocking celebration in the philippines. many liken to america's fourth of july. filipinos go big with noise to ring in the new year. the tradition calls for loud fireworks, firecrackers and banging on pots and pans to scare away evil spirits. >> looks loud. a jilted memphis bride-to-be chased her blues away by splashing and trashing her wedding gown. >> 23-year-old shelby's fiance dumped her five days before their november 1st wedding. instead of sobbing on the day of her defunct wedding she scheduled a trash the dress photo shoot with her friends, family and lots of paint. >> good idea. they all made a mess of her dress, mending her broken heart in the process. these non-wedding photos have gone viral empowering others across the globe. a satisfied shelby says when life throws you a mess, make an even bigger mess. >> good for her. just ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00, arson investigators look into two separate fires that burned three cars in san jose. they may have a suspect in mind. also, the conditions today that stopped search and recovery efforts in indonesia where the airasia plane went down. and the good will third annual donate-a-thon is under way. they are getting pretty nice things thanks ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh me san jose police may have solved a string of car arsons. >> they have arrested a man who could be connected. the cars have set off fire in both campbell and san jose along caspian sea drive and willow street. >> abc 7 news reporter chris winn is live in san jose with the story. >> reporter: the most recent fire happened last night right here on willow street alongside the popular creek trail. you know, although san jose police have placed a man under arrest, neighbors here remain on edge. >> i don't even know what's going through my mind. it was like in a split second i knew something bad was going on. >> reporter: sean baron was cooking dinner when his brother rushed in screaming for help. >> it was burning pretty good. we splashed water on it. once we were done with that, i turned around there's another car on fire. that one was totally engulfed in flames. luckily we had a fire extinguisher. >> reporter: two vehicles up in flames just a few feet away from each other. sean's grandmother, who didn't want her face to be shown was also at home. she couldn't believe what happened. >> i thought oh, my gosh if they hadn't reacted as quickly as they did maybe we could have had a larger fire here because it was just two cars that were on fire pretty close to buildings. >> reporter: not long after, another vehicle fire broke out on willow street. san jose police identified detained and arrested a man overnight for direct contact with that fire. the suspect is also being questioned about seven other vehicle fires in san jose and campbell in the past week. this picture shows the damage done to a van in front of a business complex on south bascomb avenue on monday. with a break in the case, neighbors hope the string of fires will finally stop. >> we just reacted. we wanted to get it out before it got any worse. >> reporter: counting their blessings as the year comes to an end. >> we felt bad because why would anybody do that? it's somebody else's property. but at the same time you're thinking it's a car, you can replace it. but i was glad they were okay. >> reporter: chris winn, abc 7 news. let's go overseas now. rough water has stopped the search and recovery efforts in indonesia, where the airasia plane crashed. forecasters believe conditions will only get worse from today. so far at least seven bodies have been recovered from the java sea. and radar data suggests the flight made an unbelievably steep climb before it crashed possibly pushing it beyond the jet liner's limits. abc 7 news reporter lana has the story. >> reporter: they carried the recovered bodies of passengers from airasia flight 8501. the families still in shock. my son was so excited for his first overseas trip, this mother says, he bought a new belt new clothes. she recalls that his face was shining. in this photo a relative remembers a family of four that were lost. their children just two of the 17 youngsters on board. the process of identifying the victims is slow. recovery teams are fighting strong currents and tall waves. >> we have bodies that need to be recovered on the surface of the ocean but they have been pushed around for days now. what we really need to do is find the wreckage of the aircraft that's on the bottom of the ocean with the black boxes in it. they are really balancing two priorities here. >> reporter: as the search teams continue to work around the clock, they are driven by a mission. to bring closure to the families and to find the black boxes and the answers they hold. here in the u.s. many holiday travelers are wondering at the safety of their own aircraft. however, industry experts agree these new modern planes are safer than ever before. abc news, new york. the federal trial of boston marathon bombing suspect will stay in massachusetts. a judge denied requests by his attorney to move the trial and delay its start. jury selection is scheduled to begin monday. defense lawyers claim it will be impossible to find an impartial jury in massachusetts given the pretrial publicity. tsarnaev is facing the death penalty if convicted. his brother was killed in the police manhunt after the bombing. in shanghai, china's newspaper is reporting that 35 people have been killed in a stampede during the city's new year celebrations. another 42 people were injured. the report says the stampede happened at the city's riverfront area which can be jammed with spectators for major events. as many here in the united states are preparing to celebrate the new year, police across the country are gearing up for anti-police protests. >> we have more from los angeles. >> reporter: an estimated one million people are expected in times square for the new year's celebration. new york's finest were on high alert. >> there is obviously a heightened sense of security during this detail. as we turn the police officers out, we remind them that they have to look out for each other and work together and make sure we all stay safe. >> reporter: activist groups in major cities like l.a. chicago new york and others organizing a series of new year's eve anti-police demonstrations. in st. louis, at least five protesters arrested after storming the doors of police headquarters, handing officers a notice of eviction. in boston, the mayor asking protesters to be mindful of the city's first night celebration an event that draws scores of families and small children. >> hopefully they do it in a respectful manner to allow people the opportunity to enjoy first night. >> reporter: along with thousands of police monitoring times square, the department's joint operations center has another 100 people monitoring the cameras around the festivities. abc news, los angeles. let's go to where there's a lot of fun happening in new york city. center of the universe, right? a live look at times square, packed right now. more than a million people are expected to usher in the new year in new york city. people are braving the cold for a view of that 12000 pound waterford crystal iconic ball drop which happens at midnight in new york. now, abc 7 is inviting you to ring in the new year with us. coverage begins tonight with prime time rockin' eve with ryan seacrest at 8:00. then after abc 7 news at 11:00 see more new year's eve festivities at 11:30. the united states arab emirates put on a spectacular fireworks display to welcome the new year. dubai wanted to break the world record for the largest l.e.d. illuminated facade using its iconic khalifa tower. no word yet if it did. fireworks also lit up the night sky above moscow as the clock struck midnight outside the cathedral. people stood out in 20 degree weather to ring in the new year there. 20 degrees. wow. >> they are all gorgeous and cold. coming up on abc 7 news at 4:00 a new baby is drawing a large crowd at a california zoo but he's not used to the public yet. i'm michael finney. today's 7 on your side q & a is just ahead. i'm still taking your questions on twitter and facebook. you can contact me at and on twitter, @mfinney. i will answer your questions live a little later. i'm spencer christian. from the east bay hills camera a clear late new year's eve afternoon. good viewing for fireworks but it's going to be cold. the forecast in just a moment. outside once again, to walnut creek and 680 moving along nicely in both directions. no problems there. we'll be right back. bulldog: the red tags mean save up to 40% on clearance mattresses. get up to 48 months interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. pup: i found a red tag! [laughter] bulldog: mattress discounters' year end clearance sale ends soon! a new arrival is drawing big crowds at the san diego zoo. this is a five day old baby gorilla making his public debut yesterday hanging out with his mom, 34-year-old jessica. he has been bringing the yet to be named male she has, to a heated glassed-in viewing area where visitors can see her cradle the youngster. >> mom has been doing really great. she comes right up to the glass. she's holding her baby. she pats the baby all the time. nursing, if you're lucky you will see nursing. the other troop members have been very curious. they come over and inspect the baby but pretty much stays with mom at this point. >> that's a great picture. >> she's a good mom. of course, she has five other offspring. but this is her first with a male named paul don who is now a four-time father. paul and jessica. the gorillas are in danger in the wild so zoo keepers say every gorilla birth is important. here's something not to try at home. watch this. a german break dancer strapped fireworks to his ankles and set off a wild routine spinning and flipping sending sparks off the streets of frankfurt. spectacular way to ring in the new year on a frigid night. we will enjoy the fireworks from the sky standing on our two feet and leave the stunts to the professionals. don't try that at home. >> he makes it look kind of easy. >> not a big margin for error there. let's go back to the roof and check in with spencer christian, find out our fireworks forecast. >> it will be cold but clear. >> exactly right. clear, great viewing for the fireworks but it will get colder, especially after midnight. temperatures are going to plummet. right now live doppler 7 hd shows clear skies across the bay area. it will remain that way. here's an outlook for new year's day across the 48 contiguous states. sunny in the west, low 40s, highs in seattle and portland tomorrow, cold in the interior northwest, only in the 20s in denver salt lake city great falls. snowing over the great lakes and parts of new england. little bit rainy and stormy in parts of the lower mississippi valley. across the state of california tomorrow sunny skies, high temperatures mainly in the 50s in most locations except cooler over yosemite and tahoe. a high of 33 in tahoe, 46 will be the high in yosemite. here in the bay area after a frosty and frigid early morning start, high temperatures will drop -- low temperatures will drop into the upper 20s in some inland locations. we will see afternoon high temperatures in the low to mid 50s. it will turn out to be a very pleasant but rather cool new year's day. looks like sunny skies all the way through the first weekend of the new year, as a matter of fact. dan and katie? >> thanks very much. still ahead on abc 7 news at 4:00 a snoozy burglar, if you will, caught. but this picture isn't the biggest surprise after the crime. plus, fear the beard in the cheese nation. even former cal quarterback aaron rodgers is getting in on it. i'm 7 on your side's michael finney. we have heard a lot about people paying off a layaway for those who are less fortunate. it happened over the holidays. what happened to all that money? the answer next in my q & a session. ♪ ♪ female announcer: when you see this truck, it means another neighbor is going to sleep better tonight. because they went to sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic event. choose from a huge selection of tempur-pedic models including the new tempur-choice, with head-to-toe customization. plus, get 36 months interest-free financing, two free pillows and free same-day delivery. are you next? make sleep train your ticket to tempur-pedic. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ the apparent suicide of a transgender teenager in ohio is sparking outrage and a lot of sadness. the 17-year-old, leilah elkhorn was killed after being hit by a semi truck. in a blog post she detailed her difficulties growing up trans gender and blasted her parents lack of support. she wrote the only way i will rest in peace if some day transgender people aren't treated the way i was, they are treated like humans with valid feelings and human rights. my death needs to mean something. the suicide left friends heartbroken and the local transgender community offering support for others. >> regardless of how bleak it is and how bleak it looks there is always always a brightness at the end of that long long dark tunnel. >> i really wish that i could have been there for him. more often i wish i could have been -- i feel like a pretty bad friend. >> chris davis says leilah whose given name was josh, did receive support from friends and classmates. her mother refused to comment on the claims made in the blog post. two companies known for selling health and beauty products are accused of fraud right here in california. the fresno district attorney's office accuses johnson & johnson of neutragena of altering packaging to make customers think they were getting more of a product than they really were. the d.a. hired environmentalists to look at ways to reduce waste and found both companies had countless bogus boxes and plastic containers. the two companies have two years to repackage their products. 7 on your side's michael finney is here answering questions sent to him by facebook, twitter and e-mail. first up, dale asks when a sweepstakes sends you a free mystery gift that you didn't order, are you obligated to pay shipping and handling? >> it's not really a free gift if they say you got to give me some money. no. you do not have to do that. the law is very clear that if you receive something by the u.s. postal service, then you are just to accept it as a gift. there's nothing more you need to do. the law's a little bit hazy when you get to ups fed ex or any of the other services. here's the way you should handle it. when they call you or contact you or you can even send them a letter if you wish and you tell them how they want you to pay postage and handling, that you have a postage and handling fee and the postage will be whatever the postal service charges but the handling fee will be $500 or $600. >> i love that idea. >> you don't have any obligation. none. >> excellent. another question i secret santa'ed $500 for the payment of random layaways at kmart. now i'm wondering where the money went. >> what a nice person you are. thanks so much for doing that. we did a couple stories on that here at abc 7. as far as we know none of that money has been ripped off. it's all been used properly. there is one charity i forget their name, that does just that. they give away $50,000 this year. they are accounting for all of it. i have no doubt kmart is doing the same thing. who got the money, now that they are reserving because all this is being done anonymously. you are not going to know specifically who got the money. so far i don't think there's any reason to doubt that the money got where you wanted it to go. >> great questions today. martha asks another good question. i made an airline reservation via phone. they didn't tell me this ticket was not refundable or transferrable. i can't go. i tried to change the ticket to my son's name but was told i can't. what can i do? >> nothing. really, i don't see anything happening here. airlines have had this policy for more than 20 years. if you could make the case and it will be tough to do but if you can make the case nobody told you that and it wasn't on the e-mail receipt they sent you or paper ticket if you got it through the mail if you can make that case, you can get your money back. i think it will be impossible to make that case since every single airline that i'm aware of except for southwest has that policy. >> same policy. that's frustrating. thanks, michael. it is not too often that a person can laugh about having his home burglarized but that's the case for a houston texas man. kevin connolly woke up yesterday morning and found someone had broken into his home. he walked through his house to check things out and that's when he was surprised to find the suspected burglar sound asleep on his guest room bed. >> i came around the corner, he was passed out sleeping right there. so passed out i tried to verbally wake him up, nothing. not very bright. probably about the dumbest criminal i have ever come across. >> but there's more. connolly says the thief had run through closets, snatched his ski clothes, ipad laptop and guitar, even his dog's ashes. he called police and they arrested the suspect. that's when he was surprised again, the suspected thief is his neighbor. he lives two blocks away. it gets dumber. cops found some of connolly's stuff on the guy's front porch. he had apparently made several trips before dozing off. >> note to self next time i break into a home, take a nap first. it once worked for the giants. fans of another professional sports team are using the slogan fear the beard. a store in milwaukee is selling tee shirts with the slogan printed on it along with the caption tug for luck. customers are doing just that. the store owner got the idea after seeing green bay packers players like former cal quarterback aaron rodgers pull on jeremy wilcox's beard. he works for the team on game days. >> seems to work. they have won all their home games. so i don't know if it's a lucky beard but i figure if it works, it works. >> the shirts go for $19 and appear to be selling pretty well. they may not help the packers win but they are helping the store owners pad his profits, at least for a little bit. up next an all day give-a-thon making a difference in one bay area city. >> unique items being auctioned off. i'm cheryl jennings in the abc 7 newsroom. new at 5:00 san jose police make an unprecedented move. the new mandate for every patrol starting tonight. and why a decades-old tribute to the civil rights era is coming to the end of the line. abc 7 and espn are your home for college football's biggest games. tomorrow you will see the buffalo wild wings citrus bowl here on abc 7 at 10:00 a.m. or on the watch abc app. then the college football playoff semifinals, the rose bowl is at 2:00 p.m. and the sugar bowl at 5:30. you can see both of those games on espn and the watch espn app. it all leads up to the first ever national championship game monday, january 12th at 5:30 again on espn and the watch espn app. many people ended the year on a high note by donating to a charity that provides jobs for people looking for a second chance in life. good will in san francisco held a donate-a-thon. abc 7 news reporter amy hollyfield has the story. >> reporter: you put cheerleaders in front of san francisco's goodwill headquarters and you get results. >> we brought toys and business clothes for a lady my size and books. >> reporter: the goodwill accepts donations every day but the third annual donate-a-thon event complete with entertainment and free movie tickets really seems to motivate people to load up the car and give on this last day of the year. >> about a week ago i saw it's like a party and there will be people there and it will be really well organized so i thought i will just wait because i have today off. it was our best day of the year. people are so generous and they really are looking to start their new year off with their generosity as their driver and they give their things, their treasures that they want to part with to make room for more things. >> reporter: people are giving nice things. we spotted a pair of ferragamo shoes and a nice red leather purse. >> we had one particular donator come back in his convertible and drop off a lot of winter clothes. suits as well for professional wear. >> reporter: and then there's the willie brown rack. the former mayor donated some of his designer blazers and jackets to the cause. they will be auctioned off online. in the past his collection has brought in $10,000. >> as a rule anything he doesn't wear for a year he donates to us. he's encouraging his friends to do the same. >> reporter: last year, the goodwill was able to create 640 jobs because of all the generous donations donations. this year they think they will be able to provide 700. amy hollyfield, abc 7 news. thank you so much for joining us for abc 7 news at 4:00. i'm katie marzullo. abc 7 news at 5:00 begins right now with dan ashley and cheryl jennings. we take these threats very very seriously. >> a chilling threat to kill cops on new year's eve hassan jose police doing something they have never done before. san francisco, people are celebrating new year's eve joined by anti-police protesters. and fallen trees. families forced from their homes. the headaches and heartaches and surprisingly, even the happiness some are finding amid all the destruction. i'm abc 7 meteorologist drew tuma. it's going to be a cold end to 2014. the details with the accuweather forecast. the end of the year brings the beginning of new threats to police. tonight, as the bay area prepares to welcome 2015 bay area officers are getting ready to confront a new menace. good evening. thanks for joining us. i'm cheryl jennings. >> i'm dan ashley. san jose police officers are on high alert tonight reacting to death threats that appeared on social media. police are patrolling in pairs for 24 hours to keep themselves safe while serving the public. abc 7 news reporter david louie is live at san jose police headquarters. this is certainly unnerving. >> reporter: it certainly is. two officer patrols are unprecedented in the history of san jose police, which gives you an indication how seriously they are taking these threats. fresh on their minds are the murders of two new york city police officers. as you can see here at police headquarters, the flags here are still at half-staff in their memory. officers began patrolling in pairs on the day shift this morning. the doubling up continues until tomorrow morning. it's the reaction to pointed threats and hash passiontags posted on social media including kill a pig night and new year's eve massacre. there were replies on social media just as sharp denouncing the call for violence. >> we did receive information that some of these threats did involve new year's eve 2014 specifically. >> reporter: san jose police spokesman albert morales says it's difficult to validate the threats but there is a risk in not taking them seriously. three nights ago, two los angeles police officers encountered gunfire in what may have been an ambush in an area of known gang activity. >> we take these threats very very seriously. we want to again ensure that the safety of our officers is of utmost importance and in light of these recent threats, we want our officers to be safe. >> reporter: sam lacardo becomes san jose mayor tomorrow. he agrees with the plan. he's even doing a police ride-along tonight. >> i have confidence that i will be riding along with some of the best officers in the country. i have been involved in many many ride-alongs since the time i was a criminal prosecutor so i'm certainly comfortable but i know these officers are folks who go out there every day and risk their lives for us and i'm very grateful for that. >> reporter: having officers paired up will mean fewer patrol cars working on one of the busiest nights of the year. however, having two officers responding to high risk calls will mean they won't have to wait for backup as they would when patrolling alone. >> law enforcement is a difficult job and it's only getting more


Transcripts For KTVU Ten OClock News 20141231

>> reporter: frank i just got a call from pg & e and they say this area has seen some of the most extreme winds. you can see one power pole down on the street. just beyond it is the tree that started this all. as you come down here a little bit, there's another power pole. and if you pan down we can show you exactly where it snapped. pg & e arrived a couple of hours and expects to be here through tonight and into tomorrow. >> this is our dining area. >> reporter: patricia martinez is spending this tuesday night in the dark with only the glow of candles. >> i have a first, front row seat. >> reporter: and emergency vehicles outside the san jose home. >> it doesn't look like it's going to happen any time soon. >> reporter: all because this tree fell on a power pole tuesday afternoon. and take a look at the damage. one power pole after the other simply snapped. some left laying across the road with broken twisted power equipment left behind. thankfully silver creek high school is on break and no one was hurt. at meridian tuesday evening a down tree took down a wire in front of a senior living facility. jeff aragon came to check on his father. >> he was fine. he couldn't do anything else. we brought a little electric lantern instead of getting and stumbling. >> reporter: in san jose, no street lights and no service at this gas station. and all over the bay area, a longer drive home for many because of street lights without power. even a portion of westville valley fare mall left electricity today. >> the power is out. it looks really weird. they're just in darkness. >> reporter: brandon wong experienced firsthand something rare, stores turning customers away. >> there's a law stating they can't open up their doors with a power outage. so they had to turn us away. >> reporter: the outage left 35 stores in the dark forcing some to close. >> on a wild windy night here in northern california. >> reporter: and at the foster farms bowl in california, bears had a tough go battling the wind as stanford took on maryland. >> well obviously we're having a little trouble there with maureen's audio. but more details now, pg & e says it's largest outage happens to be in the south bay. that's where maureen is. at the moment 13,000 customers there are in the dark. in the east bay, 8,000 customers have no power. in the north bay, it's 5,000. on the peninsula, there are 3,000 customers without power. and in san francisco, 2,000 customers are without power. in all, more than 150,000 pg & e customers in the bay area lost their power at some point today. >> reporter: the winds proved to be deadly in paradise today killing two people in separate incidents. in the first incident, a tree fell on a car and killed a woman. witnesses near by saw it happened in seconds. the other happened when a tree fell in the back of the home and killed a 49-year-old man while she was sleeping. and in vallejo, fallen trees closed down the roads in both directions. best bound lanes opened around 4:00. but eastbound lanes were closed until 7:00 p.m. and boats were set adrift in the bay. at least four boats were broken broken free. there were a number of service disruptions on b.a.r.t. because of fallen trees and debris on the tracks. ktvu's ken pritchett is in san francisco and continues our coverage now with more on the damage caused by the winds, ken. >> reporter: frank, you can see the winds still going strong up in the palm trees here at the foot of mark. if you look on top of the ferry building you can see how strong the wind is right now. i think it's fair to say this wind has been fairly strong most of the day. today and around the bay it is has caused problems. >> reporter: that's the sound of unexpected work for the recreation crew. >> the strong winds just picked up toward the end of the day and we just went on into overtime. got a couple of emergency calls late in the day. >> reporter: strong gusts moved over a pair of -- and toppled down trees. >> hopefully no more go down. >> reporter: the strong wind brought work for some and fun for others. for a family decided today was a good day for kite flying. >> i lucked out, i looked at the calendar and said winds 35 to 40 miles per hour. >> reporter: the same winds that almost lifted them off their feet, also led to b.a.r.t.'s multiple delays. >> we're supposed to be having a good time and we're stuck at the b.a.r.t. station. >> reporter: debris also caused destruction between the pleasanthill and con court b. -- and concord b.a.r.t. stations. buses had to transport some passengers. the bay itself was very choppy. there were very few boats out on the water. ferry service from south san francisco was cancelled and eastbound. and at the ferry building tonight, you can see how the water was churning during the commute. passenger kangas-kent said it was a rougher ride than usual. the crowds here at the foot and market and fifth have been out here since 5:00, or 6:00 but at that time they saw a lot of people running and huddling inside the ferry building to get away from not only the wind but the cold. >> quite a ride there on the waters for those who did take the ferry. ken pritchett, along the embarcadero, thanks ken. jim harbaugh burst into cheers after the introduction as the university of michigan new football coach. >> he also got a little emotional there today. joe fonzi is live with the latest. >> reporter: it was quite a whirlwind for jim harbaugh. there's a line in the fight song, hail to the conquering heros. that's how jim harbaugh was received today. >> reporter: jim harbaugh's speech wasn't as smooth as he would have liked. >> did anybody see that? >> a lesser athlete would have gone down. >> reporter: we've learned in four years at stanford and four more with the 49ers there are many faces to jim harbaugh. there's a charming side that was on display today before an adoring gathering in anne arbor. >> i'm wondering how comfortable or uncomfortable you are being seen as a savior. >> i'm not comfortable with that at all. >> reporter: this will be the third anne arbor chapter for harbaugh's life. before his playing games his father was an assistant coach on the ben chekler's staff. harbaugh's feelings for michigan seem to be true. >> i believe in michigan football. that will not be a hard job. >> reporter: the honey moon between harbaugh and the folk in ann arbor are officially on. no reason to think he won't succeed here,. >> we'll see you then, thanks. an off duty san jose police officer slams a woman into a car. the story behind the fight and this controversial video. >> i told you about tonight's wind advisory and coming up, i'm looking at models to lay out the wintery conditions to expect for tomorrow's new year's eve festivities. >> after the break. >> from parties to police. we'll show you the big demonstration for tomorrow's celebration. >> with the flip of a switch today, organizers tested the iconic crystal ball at new york's time square. organizers expect 194 million people across the country to watch that ball fall. and san francisco is also getting ready for the big fireworks show. amber lee is live after checking with a couple of people who put on that show and a couple of large scale parties. >> reporter: we're at the embarcadero and it's been very windy tonight. but the man who puts on that fireworks show tells me he expects the show to go on. >> the wind the strong, the water choppy. the barges unsteady. >> it's a little rocky and it's kind of hard to stand up sometimes. >> reporter: despite the weather, these fireworks show organizers work. the fireworks will be set off by remote control tomorrow at midnight. >> we have about 4,000 to 5,000 effects. they will range from altitude from 2,000 feet over the barge to 6,000 feet so we'll have a nice layering effect. >> reporter: and city hall will be transformed into a new year's eve venue tomorrow. the walls will be flooded with lights, event promoters hope the beauty of the venue will draw hundreds to ring in the new year. the mezzanine will be open for revelers to mingle. tickets will start at $100. >> reporter: -- >> i can't think of a better venue to have a party and be with your friends. >> reporter: at the auditorium, the celebration of new year's eve started tonight with electronic music. it's a two day party. tickets are still available. >> we're the 400-pound gorilla of san francisco's new year's eve celebrations. >> reporter: six stages and three rooms, live music, djs and more. >> reporter: a lot of burlesque performers, tons of costumes. a lot of people in the audience as well. >> reporter: because of all the extra people expected to come to the city tomorrow, there will be extra officers on patrol. they say they want everyone to have a good time but there will be no tolerance for public drunkenness. >> thank you tonight. more details for you, aaa northern california again offering it's tipsy tow service from 6:00 p.m. tomorrow to 6:00 a.m. new year's day. drivers can call for a free tow even if they aren't aaa members. service include a one way drive up to 10 miles. the number to call for tipsy tow is 800-aaa-help. san jose mayor chuck reed spent some time reflecting on his time in officer. he has just a few hours left before licardo replaces him. the one thing he says most people probably don't know about him. >> reporter: outgoing san jose major says that when he was first elected he was nicknamed tight wad something he does not see as a negative. reed calls his biggest establishment along with open government reform for trust and transparency in san jose. his biggest regret not implementing a program to analyze data on where and how to deliver city services. he says he was too busy trying to keep the city afloat. >> we were spending most of our time as i was mayor cutting services to balance the budget. we were in survival mode. >> reporter: among the survival tactics, employee cut backs. it's no secret it's like a bitter battle and a dwindling police force. >> i don't know that i would have done anything differently. i would have liked to have been able to negotiate agreements. >> reporter: those reforms saved the city $30 million this year. a fiscally sound city he says is what he leaves behind for mayor sam licardo. not to mention the task of rebuilding the police department an ongoing litigation with measure b. >> i'm happy to be able to turn the reigns over to mayor licardo in good condition. not in perfect condition. >> reporter: he doesn't plan to run for political office again but he does plan to stay politically involved he also plans to practice law in downtown san jose. azenith smith, ktvu news. san jose also has a new interim city manager now. the city council voted unanimously to elect norberto duenas to the post. he takes over for -- who resigned two weeks ago. he's also been the deputy city manager for the past six years. the first snow survey of the winter took place today and it shows the snow pack is far lower than it should be. researchers measured 24-inches of snow. it's only 23% of where it should be this time of year but there is some good news. >> we're doing slightly better than last year. last year this location we had 2.3-inches of water content. >> the water content is a bit better statewide. electronic readings show water content is 50%, 48% in the southern sierra. across the entire sierra the snow pack is 50% where it should be this time of year. yesterday's system brought a few inches of snow in the sierra. for us it's been all about the wind and you know this. we will check in on a couple of the conditions. oakland, sfo and hayward gusting quite strong. stuck at 48 for most of the afternoon. so just slightly below that. oak land 35 and hayward now reporting 30. you can see from our camera here pointing toward the bay bridge. just violent shaking going on out there. that continues to be the case, a really tough ride over our bridges. those northernly winds really just hit up against your car, you're crossing the bay bridge, the richmond san rafael. if you did that today you know exactly what we're talking about. the overnight is going to the last through midnight. it's going to be a blustery one. we'll take you through the next 24 hours or so as we get going into the overnight hours. notice the winds they fluctuate. we're still seeing 41 in napa, 14 in redwood city. as we get into noontime, 1:00 hour, getting better. still breezy but not as bad as we saw earlier today. napa still reporting 35 miles per hour. so it still could take quite a while. the winds will continue to subside. as we get going tomorrow morning, low 30s to low 40s but it's going to feel a lot colder than this with the wind and for the afternoon widespread 60s in the forecast. behind the wind once it dies down that colder air is going to come in in time for new year's eve night. i have a freeze watch to tell you about. i'll take a look at those numbers coming up. bay area police officers paying their respects to a new york officer even though they never actually met. >> they're part of a brotherhood that spans the country. >> two officers reflect on their trip to new york and why they say they needed to be there. >> but first, new developments in the cash of that asian jet. tonight there are answers to some of the questions. the disappearance of an air asian passenger plane is no longer a mystery tonight. there is late word that sonar has located the plane on the floor of the java sea and it appears the plane is upside down. ktvu's jana katsuyama here now with the latest developments and also the heartbreaking reactions from the families of the passengers on board. >> reporter: certainly is. right now it's 1:20 on wednesday afternoon. so far crews have recovered six bodies. let me show you where they found the plane. they first lost contact with it right here in the middle of the java sea on its way from indonesia to singapore. rescue crews were searching an entire area within the java sea in this area which is in red. crews found the debris and bodies just 10 miles away from where it was last detected. three men, three women found. one wearing a flight attendant's uniform but so far no survivors. >> reporter: it was a shock for families at the airport who watched the live tv coverage of search efforts and saw a nearly naked body floating in the java sea. a rescuer dangling from a rope trying to recover the body. >> everyone became hysterical. especially the mothers. one mother even blacked out. >> reporter: this woman's daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren were on board. an emergency exit door and body, all painful signs for families who had been hoping someone may have miraculously survived. the air bus 320 lost contact in a storm. it was in rout from singapore to indonesia. and among those waiting this wife to be. >> this was to be his last vacation with his family. >> reporter: search crews briefly spotted a shadow of what appears to be a submerged plane. but rain and clouds made recovery efforts difficult. the water is shallow, about 160 feet. a u.s. navy destroyer, the sampson arrived with sonar and recovery gear. >> every investigation is different. this one i believe will underscore the need for floatable black boxes and emergency locating transmitters. >> reporter: ambulances lined up waiting to take away bodies. and families both muslim and christian prayed side by side as the ceo of air asian promised his support. >> we will not run away from any of our obligations or hide behind any conventions. we will be there for the families even after all of this is over. >> reporter: and at that hour, investigators still don't know what brought the plane down. authorities are hoping to use a pinger locater to help recover the black box data recorder. that could be the biggest clue coming out of this wreckage. >> the pictures of those family members, i can't even imagine what they're going through. >> really heartbreaking. >> yeah, thanks jana. here in contra costa county, chevron is taking the steps of allowing -- you will remember this is what it looked like the night of december 18. chevron says a processing unit lost its cooling capacity and needed to be depressurized and shut down. the flairing system worked as its designed to do. they will oversee the internal investigation. it's an effort to provide transparency to the richmond community. the investigation is expected to take a month. wall street stocks pulled back on one of the slowest trading days of the year. nasdaq lost 29. analysts pointed to political uncertainty in greece and worried about the stability of the euro. a scuffle caught on camera. the man here is an off duty police officer. the women are strangers. see what led up to this confrontation in the south bay. but first, more evidence here of just how strong today's winds have been. meteorologist rosemary orozco will show us the most powerful gusts so far. continuing coverage now on the winds blasting the area. a tree came down on 11th street blocking traffic and damaging some cars. this is a live look at our cameras. look at the flag on top of the fairmont, it's blowing pretty good out there. and rosemary orozco you've been tracking these winds. >> reporter: i'll show you where areas reached 50 even 60 miles per hour. mount diablo takes the prize a 65 miles per hour gust. 62 in the oakland hills. napa 62. san francisco reported 44. sfo reported 51. livermore 53, oakland 45. gilroy 50 miles per hour and san jose again at the university reported a gust of 52. i didn't have room to put benetia bridge but also gusted to 52. we will continue to track these winds and behind it the very cold conditions coming up. rosemary is talking about some of those strong winds we have some pictures now to show the impact that some of those strong winds had. this picture comes to us here from north napa. the wind was so strong it blew over that big redwood tree and unfortunately it landed right on top of a house that essentially split the house in two. this picture comes to us from downtown martinez. if you look there on the background you can see that car is on fire. here's what happened. the wind blew a power line down. it arched, the car caught on fire and you see the result. even had to evacuate some folks in downtown martinez as a result of this. and finally, boy was it choppy out on the bay today. we saw a little bit of that with ken pritchett's piece on the top of the newscast. here's a picture you can see just how choppy the surf was. i would not have wanted to be out on a boat in the bay. can you imagine what that would be like. they did have to cancel some ferry service because it was so choppy. just a couple of examples here of the strong wind and what it did around the bay area today. >> and frank with it so cold outside. an oakland nonprofit is asking help to help keep its doors open. aerial mission is asking for help. as this year comes to an end there's a shortfall. >> we need about $15,000 to continue to keep our doors open. between our two facilities, it cost almost $10,000 a month just bare minimum to keep the doors open. >> reporter: aerial mission says it provides for 6,400 people a year through it various programs. she is confident help will come. their books and annual reports are open for anyone who wants to check them out. the dmv is getting ready to start issuing driver's license to people who may not be in the united states legally. under the provisions of assembly bill 60. if someone can prove they're a california resident and can prove their identity with documents such as passports, they can apply for special driver's license. applicants have to pass the usual written and driving test. the dmv is ready to start processing the licenses this friday january 2nd and expects to issue about 1.5 million licenses during the next three years. two bay area police officers are reflecting on one of the toughest parts of their job. attending the funeral of a fellow police officer. in this case it was the funeral of one of two police officers who was sitting in their squad car. the event brought both sorrow and unity. >> reporter: a sea of uniformed officers. >> 35,000 people. officers just standing there together for the purpose of support. >> reporter: somber still paying their respects for someone who many never met but many consider a brother. >> everyone was there for the right reasons. >> they're part of the brotherhood that spans the country. it's heart wrenching. >> reporter: teresa gracie were one of thousands of police officers who traveled to new york. they bowed their heads at the funeral of new york police officer rafael ramos. >> it's a guy just like you going to work putting on the uniform just trying to do his job. >> reporter: ramos and fellow officer liu were shot and killed in their patrol car december 20th. >> they were assassinated. they were sitting in their car eating lunch. the way they were killed, it touched everybody. >> reporter: jet blue provided free air fair for gracie and 700 other police officers to get to new york. the day of the funeral, the streets were so packed she had to walk a mile. on the way she expressed an outpouring of gratitude from new york officers. >> the community themselves they stopped, thanked us for what we do. they were offering us water. >> reporter: virgin atlantic donated tickets so four of their officers could get to new york. he says there was no question they had to go. >> as new york came and gave us support when we lost officer capoot and aguilar. >> reporter: the weekend was emotionally overwhelming but while they were giving support to nypd they got something back in support. >> i am extremely proud to put on this uniform and be a police officer. to be amongst 20 plus thousand others that feel the same way, it's very rejuvenating. >> reporter: reminding them what it is they love about their profession and the pride and comradery that comes with it. >> new details tonight about a wine theft at the french laundry restaurant. the staggering value of what was stolen. plus -- >> cold gusty winds moving through the bay area. the windiest spots and the timing on a street watch in the extepidded forecast. and unfinished business on the new bay bridge. it could cause one contractor once the new year arrives. caltrans is threatening to fine the new contractor for work that still needs to be completed. caltrans could charge the company american bridge floor up to $25,000 a day. some of the work includes repairing rust damaged paint and fixing the rainwater damage in the tower foundation. that work was supposed to be finished by december 31st which of course is tomorrow. arson investigators in the south bay are looking into a recent string of fires that may be related. the most recent series of fires started last night in a portable classroom at del robel elementary school. then overnight there were two more vehicle fires on bastrom avenue. investigators are trying to determine if there's a link between these fires and three other vehicle fires in the area earlier this month. new details on the wine theft that hit the world famous napa valley restaurant the french laundry. tonight we learned the thief made off with 50 very expensive bottles. the napa county sheriff estimate it is loss at more than $50,000. but a noted wine expert says it could be much more. >> well when i heard the theft i estimated $400,000 to $700,000. some where in that ballpark. it's hard to tell on a restaurant level. >> reporter: chef thomas keller posted this photo of a broken door jam on instagram and called the thief a grinch. long believes the wine could be sold in the black market. an incredibly tragic shooting took the life of a 29- year-old woman today. she was killed by her 2-year- old son after he pulled a gun out of her purse. it happened in hayden idaho. deputies say surveillance video shows the boy reaching into his mom's purse from his seat in the shopping cart and then shooting his mother. they say that the mother did have a concealed weapon's permit but unfortunately didn't do a good job of securing her weapon. dozens are braving the cold and winds tonight. we'll tell you the precautions being taken tonight three years after the death of a man. and the search of two women involved in a confrontation with an off duty police officer. a scuffle caught on camera. a man in black trying to restrain a woman in shorts. what happened before this video was taken has some defending the man's actions. see he is an off duty san jose police officer. we're told the two women hit his car then took off. >> reporter: a bystander with a phone recorded the situation, and the two women are now wanted by police. >> reporter: in the clip, the man identifying himself as a san jose police officer first trying to restrain the woman and her sister. san jose police confirm the incident unfolded in september. they say the officer was off duty and the women hit his personal vehicle near highway 85 in the alden expressway then took off. >> the officer realizing that the vehicle was trying to get away, decided to go ahead and follow the vehicle. >> reporter: police have identified the driver as casman gonzalez and her sister as 21- year-old charity gonzalez. the officer followed the women from a private parking lot where the scuffle unfolded at one point one sister apparently bites him trying to escape. >> san jose pd. >> i'm calling right now. >> reporter: she calls out for her sister and is thrown against a call. >> charity, oh my god. >> reporter: her sister begins pulling at the officer. both girls jump in their car and speed away. san jose police aren't identifying the officer involved but do say he reported the incident immediately and does appear to have violated any departmental guidelines. >> he filled out a use of force, which any officer would fill out once you place your hands on anything. >> reporter: the question is how should you proceed in a case like this. they say in a case like this you should drive to a public place. ask the officer for a name and badge number and call police to make sure you're dealing with a real officer and not someone who is trying to impersonate an officer. the state's judicial disciplinary incident acknowledged a superior court judge suspected of driving under the influence. judge joseph scott was arrested over memorial day weekend. he was found to have a blood alcohol level of .12 and was sentenced to three years probation. new at 10:00, thousands of people are outside in the cold tonight in south lake tahoe by choice. they are attending the snow globe music festival. attendance for the three day electronic music event is expected to reach 14,000. that's 4, 4,000 more than last year. tonight the temperatures are in the teens with the windchills below zero. >> i have two shirts underneath this jacket. i have three pairs of socks on and boots and leggings. >> reporter: but you're still cold and police are concerned about the cold. you may remember two years ago, a woman died. tonight they're organizing buses so that concertgoers can get out of the cold. >> in the sierra as well as here at home, we're about to get colder. i want to start out by looking at the system that flipped through the bay area last night. in it wake all this wind developed. you can see it's over southern california. i want to take you actually to las vegas because this very cold storm if you remember coming all the way from canada is bringing the potential for snow to las vegas. so on new year's eve, las vegas is under a winter weather advisory. it started just a few moments ago, lasts all the way until tomorrow night with trace amounts of snow expected all the way into the valley that is a rare occasion. for us it's been all about the wind. take a look at california, we have a lot of colors going on in the sierra. a high wind warning, for us it's the wind advisory again that will last until noontime tomorrow. gusts reaching above 60 this afternoon and they're going to continue as we head into the evening hours. tomorrow we start out the winds not as strong as tonight but still blowing quite gusty. 34 in concord, 49 in san francisco. if it is breezy outside your door. make sure you bundle up because these temperatures are going to feel more like five to 10 degrees cooler than what the temperature reads. if it says 41 it's going to feel more like 31. 52degrees in concord for the afternoon. 54 in san mateo. for the afternoon mostly cloudy skies, the winds begin dying down. the wind advisory has retired and we have a fairly nice day in store for new year's eve. as we get into the evening hours, the cold air is going to start to settle in and this is when we expect the colder numbers. the temperatures begin to drop off. if you do have a bit of a breeze or where you're going to be, you have to consider the windchill factor. 36degrees could feel like 26 degrees if you have a 10 to 15- mile an hour breeze. there is a freeze watch that will start tomorrow night last into thursday morning. the inland community could dip into the 20s around the bay. we have temperatures ranging in the 30s to near 40. the extended forecast here with your bay area weekend always in view. again, tomorrow the temperatures are going to be chilly, blustery. by tomorrow night the temperatures really begin to fall off and we're looking at some of the coldest temperatures so far this season for new year's morning. temperatures will continue to warm slightly. >> one thing about this news, it's just spectacular cleared up the clouds. in san francisco some children in emergency situations will have a little extra comfort thanks to a 10- year-old girl with a very big heart. escada was honored for her donation of 20 bags of stuffed animals. she came up with the idea three years ago of giving teddy bears for children in emergencies. she's now nabbed a $50,000 grant to take her we care bears to other cities. i know the season is still over but boy the warriors look good. >> they put on a clinic tonight. it was the team with the best record and the team with the worse record and it went the way it was supposed to. green takes the ball away. the warriors run the floor. watch the pass by curry. a beauty that faced thompson with two of his 14 on a very balances scoring night. curry finds iguodala for an easy two. they led by 27 at the half. all five warriors will touch the ball on this sequence. iguodala and lee the final two. lee with 13, one of seven warriors in double figures. maurice space led the scoring with 23. he will follow on a miss by green. warriors 25-5 after their tenth straight win at home. you had to brave the elements at levi's stadium tonight if you wanted to take in the foster farms bowl stanford and maryland. just ask members of the maryland band how strong the winds were. and rice scored the cardinals first three touchdowns that one to make it 14-7 in the second quarter. a pair of touchdown passes from kevin hogan. a 45-21 rout. the cardinals finish the year 7- 5 and the pac12 is still unbeaten in four bowl games so far this year. he is a returning hero in two different venues today. we'll show you how jim harbaugh spent the day back in his ann arbor roots. he's only 51 years old but in one sense harbaugh's life came full circle. here's the reception harbaugh received. if there's any bitterness on the way harbaugh's tenure ended it likely came to an end today. >> i love you too. >> earlier in the day harbaugh was introduced at a news conference to talk about his new job. he's being asked to get an historic program back into a nation's elite. a team that was not bowl eligible. harbaugh can reach back in personal experience both as a player and teenager under his dad who was the coach under coach beckler. >> i remember sitting in coach beckler's desk and i had my feet up on his desk. he said how are you doing? and he said what are you doing. i said i'm sitting in my chair. i couldn't think of anything better to say. but yeah, it's just good times in my life were i thought about it, dreamed about it and now it's time to live it. >> the only bay area downer tonight losing to vancouver 3- 1. >> you left out the part about beckler said i have my feet on your desk coach. >> he said that was a different story. that's when harbaugh reported late for practice he said you will never -- >> we know that he did. >> thank you. >> good night we'll see you back here tomorrow morning. >> good night. [ whistle blows ] [ buzzer ] yeah! bravo! bravo! [ whistle blows ] [ buzzer ] [ applause ] bravo! bravo, manny bravo! well, when i heard manny wanted to fence, i was like, "sure. "uncoordinated kid lethal weapon -- how can this go wrong?" [ whistle blows, buzzer ] [ laughs ] yeah! gloria: and what do you think now? i'm proud of our little zorro. i mean i worked with him a little but the kid's got skills. it's in his blood. his father was a master swordsman. he was an artist with his sword. i mean, the way he throw


Transcripts For KICU 10 OClock News 20131029

deborah villalon is standing by live and shows us winter has arrived, deborah. >> reporter: and julie it's as cold and as beautiful as ever. right now it's 32 degrees here in truckee with snow on the ground. snow piled up from the snowplows and as you can see flurries still falling. but the real action is up higher. making tracks on the mountain in the darkness. and steve adowell won't be happenner. tonight it's game on. this is the sounds of the season for the sierra. >> it'll compact a little bit more. >> reporter: suvall and his crew will add to what nature has brought. >> the more -- the colder it is, the more we can open up the valves. >> reporter: alpine meadows 14- inches in its elevations. squaw valley 12 high. it's good estimations after having two dry months. the resort not scheduled to open for three more weeks but it could come alive earlier if the snowstorm stays open. >> we had a couple of feet every week that would be perfect. >> reporter: wouldn't that be perfect. the guns also going on at boreal who says they may actually open this weekend as long as the snow lasts but most of the resorts expect to be open before thanksgiving bringing people and spending to tahoe. deborah villalon, ktvu news. we checked with cal caltrans and chained are we -- required to the chain exchange. how long will this system continue to deliver snow? bill particular -- bill martin is live with the conditions. >> reporter: you saw snow flurries on deborah, it's snowing at blue canyon as well. just north of the truckee area more snow showers but they're tapering off. for us it just means that cold air is going to back up. i'll let you know how cool it's going to be when you wake up tomorrow morning back here after the break. and cleaning up after the storm. the teen was holding a toy gun that looked like an assault rifle. the victim's father tells ktvu news he wants justice for his son and he wants the deputy to serve time behind bars. also today the sonoma county sheriff's department identified that deputy in that shooting. he is a veteran officer with extensive knowledge of guns. >> reporter: candle by candle, this memorial has grown. all day long a steady stream of people have come to the site where andy lopez was killed on tuesday. some of them know the boy personally. >> he would come over after school and ask us if we could play outside. >> reporter: his linked in program shows he served in the iraq war and according to his profile a writer for s.w.a.t. magazine. he was on a training exercise tuesday night when he saw lopez holding a bb gun that looked like an assault weapon. gilhouse shot lopez seven times. >> shame on sonoma county sheriff. shame on you. you have broken our heart. >> reporter: there are two marchs planned this week. one at 10:00 tomorrow morning. day organizers holded out fliers so that students could be excused from school to attend. there's another march planned for wednesday at 5:00. kerry kerrion is planning that event. she did not know the teen personally but is tired. >> people are feeling suspicious in some way. >> reporter: people have been handing out fliers about the marchs this week. we're told that sheriff steve perez will be meeting with the latino advisory committee and a department representative says the goal is to help for ways to deal with the healing process and make sure this never happens again. allie rasmus, ktvu news. new at 10:00, oakland's search for a permanent police chief. however only a handful of people gathered for the meeting at castlemont high school. they want police to focus on homicide hoes but also other crimes like home invasions and robberies. one person says it's a given that oakland needs more officers but it questions how officers are allocated. >> there's a lot of police officers that show up and stand around. this is standing around and doing nothing. >> reporter: jordan steps down in may of this year. tonight's community meeting is the first of three who are scheduled together input from the community. ktvu news has learned new details about yesterday's officer involved shooting in san francisco's marina district. sources tell us the man who officers shot is navarrez jr. a man with that name is in critical condition at the hospital. he will be formally charged tomorrow. this incident started yesterday afternoon with a report of a man pistol whipping another man on pierce and then firing several shots. police were called. they say they found the suspect hiding in the bushes at a near by residential street. according to police chief greg suhr, the man started to run away, then turned and pointed his gun at officers. that's when offers opened fire. police say they arrested a campbell woman accused of backing her suv into her friend and killing her. this is the booking photo for monica johnson. she was driving under the influence when she struck and killed 26-year-old cassandra buck of los angeles. the accident happened this morning. johnson and buck were inside the vehicle but at some point buck got out. they say that's when johnson backed -p -- backed up and pinned her friend against a garage. >> i heard what sounded like a door slam. it got my attention. it was just loud enough. >> after that i heard a lady's voice and the voice was saying help me. stay with me, stay with me. >> reporter: officers say they found beer cans inside the suv. they have charged johnson with drunk driving and vehicle manslaughter. a judge in san francisco has ordered strict driving restrictions for the city gardener accused of -- the judge said bernoski is only allowed to drive when he's taking his children to school or to look for work. he has been suspended from work. he is accused of driving a city truck that ran over and killed christine savendemire. a jury agreed with more than a dozen firefighters late this afternoon who said they were denied promotions because of age discrimination. as paul chambers tells us, the smoking gun appears to be changing that city officials made to the firefighters test scores. >> there are a lot of smiles from some of the 15 firefighters who were awarded $3.7 million in promotions, back pay and damages stemming from a 2008 lieutenant exam. >> i was a prosecutor before. this feels just as good as it felt to put away really bad guys. >> reporter: the key contained faulty information and scores were changed by city official in secret without consulting the experts who prepareed the key. most agreed with the firefighter bringing closure to the man and attorney who says it's about time the justice was served. >> for the people that it might advantage, it validates something we always thought. this is the group that is saying, hey wait a minute, this isn't right. >> it's time to hear that there's big problems with the examination they're giving with the fire department. >> reporter: the city attorney's office responded by saying they disagree with today's verdict and are very disappointed but they also want to point out there's no age discrimination within san francisco's fire department. in san francisco, i'm paul chambers, ktvu news. accused of driving drunk when she hit and killed a couple out driving a car. >> she still doesn't believe she hit anything. >> the history we uncovered about the woman behind the wheel. >> here it is, the hard fought tentative agreement that's being distributed to b.a.r.t.'s union today. what it feels there's a battle brewing in san francisco over a new proposal to keep all city parks closed at night. new at 10:00, noelle walker is live where a group is protesting that change. >> reporter: there's people at dolores park planning to break city law in order to protest a proposed law to close the parks at night. it's a chilly night for a camp out in san francisco. but a hot button issue has a few protesters ready to spend the night at dolores park. >> this is also about criminalized poverty. >> they're proposing legislation to give parks uniformed closing time. >> the people who are in the parks at night aren't all causing trouble. they're people who are down on their luck and have nowhere to go. >> reporter: some neighborhood associations think it's about time. >> do you use the park between midnight and 5:00 a.m. >> no, as gavin newsom once said, nothing good happens after midnight. >> reporter: san francisco is the only major city in the country without a uniformed closing time for its parks. supervisor scott weiner sponsored the proposal. >> there's nothing more frustrating than to see vandalism in our parks. >> reporter: in may of last year, vandals struck the newly constructed dolorer park one day after it opened. vandals have caused millions of the dollars a year most of it happening in the cover of darkness. >> we want to spend our money on maintaining not cleaning up graffiti and wrecked equipment. >> i know there's been some issue made that this would be used wholesale for a clearing of the park and we actual think -- actually have the resources that that's how it would be used. >> grass is softer than concrete but a bed is softer than grass. let's get some shelters. >> reporter: so there are some exceptions to this like outside lands, the curfew, the closing times don't apply. reporting live, noelle walker, ktvu news. a three alarm fire in san francisco's mission district damaged several buildings today. started at about 12:30 this afternoon in a residential area. gusty winds blew the fire into adjacent buildings and filled the neighborhood with large amounts of smoke. fire crews helped people escape from the building and evacuated several other buildings including a pilates studio. it took firefighters 90 minutes to put out the fire. it will cost $400,000 to fix maverick restaurant and repair water damage to the apartments above it on 17th near mission. investigators say the fire was accidental. the owner told us he thinks a pot of oil left on the stove was to blame. we have new information tonight on a deadly shooting in oakland that claimed the life of a care giver. police today identified the victim as 43-year-old damond jones of oakland. jones was shot and killed about 13:15 yesterday afternoon. police say he was walking near his home on 22nd and holly when he was confronted by a stranger. we are learning more information about a woman accused of driving drunk when her car struck and killed a husband and wife who were out walking their dog. rob roth spoke to the suspect's brother who says she remembers nothing about the crash. >> reporter: losell's first court appearance was cancelled because of a medical condition. she was accused of crashing into a couple out walking their dog. risel's brother offered condolences to the family and says his sister remembers little about the accident. >> i visited her yesterday and she still doesn't believe she killed anybody. she says a car cut her off and the next thing she knows, that's the last thing she remembers. a car cut her off. >> reporter: records we have obtained show that losell's has had dozens of rashes with the law. past convictions also include possessing drug paraphernalia and driving without a license. the district attorney says the night the singh's were killed losell was without question driving with a blood alcohol level of .8. >> my sister had a melt down when my mother passed away and she's been on a downward spiral ever since. >> reporter: the family did come to court this afternoon but didn't stay to talk to the media. if convicted risell faced up to 15 years behind bars. in redwood city, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. a guilty plea -- bashon sent an e-mail threatens violence against yee. he now faces up to 10 years from prison in a statement yee thanks law enforcement for their work on the case and said threats will not prevent him from pushing for gun safety legislation. 12 years in prison, that's the sentence handed down today to an oakland banker who admitted stealing more than $2 million from her customers. 62-year-old linda foss cried during today's sentencing. prosecutors said foss had first befriended many of the customers she ended up stealing from. the wind storm that blew through the area overnight made for a lot of clean up work today for tree trimming companies. >> take a look at this this is a prime example a redwood fell over and landed right on top of a house in danville. that house has now been red tagged. tree service said the redwood was rotten probably from overwatering and growing in the shade. >> redwoods is a soft wood. in this case the whole root ball broke. >> reporter: a spokesperson said 15% of all power outages are caused by trees and tree limbs. those winds have since died down. they died down this morning. temperatures warm. we had mid-50s in the warmest spots. highs tomorrow much like this. tomorrow is going to look very similar to today but minus the wind. no wind tomorrow. what you will notice are very cool lows. then the hills of the north bay are going to be 50 in the coolest spots. if you're 40 in napa you can still see frost in some of those inland valley areas. be ready for that tomorrow morning. especially north bay and east bay out toward the antioch area. so look for some very cool overnight lows. the forecast for san jose tomorrow then just like today. sunny when you wake up but cool, daytime highs about 65. when i come back after the break we're going to get specific with the forecast high for your neighborhood and then we look at that five day forecast for the warming trend. how warm can it get. hackers get into e-mail accounts belonging celebrity chef guy fieri was out of the kitchen and on the witness stand as he testified in an attempted murder trial in marin county. this was fieri as he was leaving court in the trial of max wade. wade is accused of two counts of attempted murder as well as orchestrating an elaborate theft of fieri's yellow lamborgini. that car is valued at $200,000. wade stole it to impress a girl but she declined his advances. >> i got a chance to own one that will probably be the only one. we'll move past it. we'll stick with american made. >> reporter: fieri testified he did not give wade permission to take his car. the case wept to the jury late this afternoon. and at we've posted more video of fieri speaking outside of court today. you will find it under our top story tab. wall street started the weak flat. apple was one of the companies report lower quarterly earnings. the cupertino company was down 30%. the company said it sold more of the new iphones but the average price was down lowering its profit margin. apple stock fell $6 in afterhour trading to $523 a share. syrian hackers say they compromised facebook and twitter accounts linked to president obama. instead links were redistricted by a proassad group. it said since president obama doesn't have ethical issues about spying it would return the favor. president obama is reportedly close to ordering the national security agency to stop spying on the heads of state of american allies. the diplomatic crisis is brewing following recent reports of nsa surveillance programs in europe. among those is lungo. she was outraged. former vice president dick cheney said that he believes snowden is a trader, plain and simple. >> i hope we can catch him at some point in time. he violated the conditions under which he got the information. >> reporter: snowden also has his supporters. the fbi held a ceremony to honor its new director. he said he wished his mother could see him now. >> she snapped over the shades every single mother and said, rise and shine and show the world what you're made of. i found it less inspiring at the time, but it made us who we are. and i will never forget that. >> come was the number two official when the nsa's wiretapping program came up for renewal. then attorney general ashrcroft was hospitalized at the time. he became fbi director last month. a local baseball hero and a special tribute to his hometown petaluma and the soon, californians from to salinas to san diego will have equal access to quality health insurance. those who need financial assistance will get it. and nobody will be denied because of a pre-existing condition. welcome to a new state of health. welcome to covered california. we are your health insurance marketplace. enroll today at new video from hayward. tonight the building on jackson and graham street are boarded up and the 10 people who live there were not allowed to return. a ford mustang crashed through a bedroom wall at around 3:00 this afternoon. the good news is nobody was hurt. officials say it appears excessive speed is to blame. b.a.r.t.'s two largest unions are set to vote this friday on whether or not to ratify the contract agreement that ended the strike last week. jana katsuyama is live in san leandro after speaking with the union's rank in file on whether the agreement will be approved or rejected, jana. >> reporter: today inside a station booth we found copies of the contract that were being handed out to union members, the rank in file for the first time they were seeing it today. and so we asked them, whether they'll vote to approve it. it's been one week since the strike ended and b.a.r.t. trains are running but riders are still unsettled. wondering whether b.a.r.t.'s union and the board will ratify the four year deal. >> i'm hoping they do. i'm a little skeptical that they will. there's just been so much drama. >> reporter: that drama of two strikes and contract talks is the last thing that this agent said he wanted to see. today they added to the tentative deal. we asked rank in file if they will approve it. >> of course everything is not going to be perfect. but as far as initially read over it as far as what i see now it seems pretty good so i'm going to vote yes. >> i think it's a decent contract we can live with. considering the long fight we've been in i think we'll come out victorious. >> reporter: one leader estimates it could pass by a 3- 1 margin when members vote friday. and an icou says that one in three members seem to like the deal. >> we're so excited because we got our safety proposals passed. every single one we were putting forward. >> reporter: president rodoluvich said if they ratify the contract they will approve the deal too. he will considering calling for a special session next week. even though the union still has to vote in early december. they should know the results of their vote by friday night or saturday morning. reporting live from san leandro. jana katsuyama, ktvu news. 124 new bike racks have been added to the north berkeley station. the racks are more secure than standard poles but officers are asking people to stay vigilant. b.a.r.t. says more bike racks will be installed at the lake barrett station in oakland in the next two weeks. disgraced supervisor shiwokawa was arraigned today. carrasco ended up losing that race while a political ally of shiwokawa won the race. there is something about petaluma and baseball that seem to go together. last year petaluma put a team in the little league world series. this time the community celebrates another team. the community is rallying around jonni gomes. >> reporter: his high school jersey even hangs on the wall here. jonny gomes two run home run was celebrated not only but boston fans but also here in petaluma. >> we all root for our hometown heros. it was fun to see one succeed. especially one like the red sox. for them to tie the series and make it a lot more interesting. >> yeah, there is pride. >> reporter: watching tonight's game as beyond the glory, this man's son played baseball with gomes. >> he was a catcher back then. they were a talented team in the 80s. you could tell. >> reporter: we caught up with gomes brother by phone. >> i think i almost did a back flip to tell you the truth. >> reporter: when he's playing, jonny gomes pays tribute to his hometown. >> he puts it on his glove and it's on the inside of the hat. sometimes he wears a 707 shirt under his jersey. a lot of people back home. it's something to stay grounded and stay something down to earth. >> he knows where he's from which gives him props for. because he always comes back to petaluma. >> reporter: joey tells me while he was exchanging text messages with his brother today in between a lot of national interviews, jonny sent him a text message said i'm still jonny from petaluma. >> p town pride is what they call it. mark ibanez will be here to give us a run down on today's pivotal game five of the world series. barry bonds is giving it one more shot to get his obstruction of justice restriction overturned. bonds attorneys are asking for an 11 judge panel to reconsider the case. a majority of the judges must agree to take the case. singer chris brown has dodged a felony assault charge but his legal troubles may not be over. it was a chaotic scene in washington, d.c. as brown was released this afternoon. he spent last night in custody after being arrested for allegedly punching a man in the face. the unidentified man apparently tried to bud into a photograph of brown outside the hotel. charges were downgraded to simple assault. brown is on probation after being convicted of 2009 of attacking former girlfriend rihanna. he returns to court next month. after a federal judge blocked part of the state's restrictive new abortion law. the state stripped the law of provision which acquires doctors to have admitting privileges at a near by hospital. abortion rights groups say that requirement could face 1/3 of the state's abortion clinics to close. texas officials say they will appeal today's ruling. preteens spending hours on social networks. the dangers some see in the new trend. from frigid weather and frost to a double digit increase in temperatures. stories of seniors screaming to get out and even one woman left i love watching tv outside. and why can you move the tv out here? the wireless receiver. i got that when i switched to u-verse. but why? because it's so much better than cable. it's got more hd channels, more dvr space. yeah, but i mean, how did you know? i researched. no, i-i told you. no. yeah! no. the important part is that you're happy now. and i got you this visor. you made a visor! yes! that i'll never wear. ohh. [ male announcer ] get u-verse tv for just $19 a month for two years with qualifying bundles. rethink possible. testla stock suffered another blow after reports of a second fire involving a tesla s. this video was posted on the video of a mexican newspaper. it shows the tesla moments before it crashed into a tree. the owner jumped out of car moments before it crashed into a tree. the model s in washington caught fire after it hit a metal object on the streets. this second news worried stockholders. it had already fallen 16% since the first fire on october 2nd. we got a look at that nursing home where the owner allegedly abandoned several residents. residents moved over the weekend to several facilities. neighbor told us that for years conditions here were appalling. >> elder abuse in the needs of elderly people. >> reporter: he found one woman naked and shivering on the sidewalk. >> i would hear screaming and yelling and things like get me out of here. >> reporter: like we showed you, paramedics took the residents after there were only three workers. >> they were preparing a temporary suspension order without knowing what we had done. >> reporter: attorney glover decline residents were abandoned. saying that three crew members were enough. she has had previous problems with state regulators. the sheriff late today told me there is a criminal investigation but no arrests are imminent. john fowler, ktvu news. the failed wrongful termination lawsuit filed by a fire chief may end up costing him more than half a million dollars. a judge ordered casper -- kapler to pay for court costs. kapler says his contract allowed him to use a county card while using a private vehicle while doing city business. the money raised would go to health and nutrition programs for young people. if the majority of the other supervisors approve the measure could go on the ballot in november of next year. falling temperatures tonight but what about halloween as we look live at the oakland port. chief meteorologist bill martin is back with the american academy of pediatrics says the use of social media by children has exploded in recent years. the group says 72% of children 8 years old and under have used a mobile device for games and videos that's up almost 40% from almost two years ago. ktvu's robert handa is live in san jose with the warning and advise from pediatricians, robert. >> reporter: we're here at the san jose tech museum where there's many games for children to learn from. this study shows how important it is to monitor their use, their media use from smart phones and just about everywhere else. 5-year-old anthony martinez is having fun and learning at this exhibit at the tech museum. his mother patricia martinez wasn't surprised to hear about the study warning about social media use by children but she was surprised to hear him tell me that this game halo is his favorite. >> the graphics are really violent. i'm not sure if halo does but i'll have to look into that. >> reporter: excessive use of tv, and all forms of social media is -- >> this is age like their minds are really observant and it's very important that we lay a very solid foundation at the early ages. >> reporter: patricia martinez is also keeping an eye out. >> just making sure he's not replicating or mimicking what he sees sees on the games and tv or anything like that. >> reporter: there is beneficial media use for youngsters such as academic learning but a good way to watch and figure out what's appropriate watch what they watch. live in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. penn state is agreed to pay $60 million to settle sexual abuse claims against assistant football coach jerry sandusky. the settlement was announced for 24 victims. 23 of the deals are signed, three others are pending. the prosecutor said quote, we hope this is another step in the healing process. the site is running today but it was down again last night because of an issue with the verizon networking service and today the government granted a six week extension for sign ups. instead of mid-february deadline, it is now march 31st for those who want to get enrolled and avoid tax penalties. britain and northern europe are recovering after overcoming a storm. wind gusts reached as high as 119 miles per hour. damage was widespread. hundreds of thousands of people lost power. and just trying to cross the street was a challenge for pedestrians. watch out. we had a bit of wind this morning. the highs today they warmed into the mid-60s. numbers tomorrow are going to be very similar to these. not big changes. we're going to see lots of mid- and low 60s. that will probably match again tomorrow. 64, 65 degrees right in that range. so a very similar day tomorrow. we checked the radar real quick, you can see a few showers showing up. everything is moving up this way. all the activity in the foothills as that low tracks off is moving off to the east. the cool air is going to be in the area it already is. that's why the frost advisory is in effect or will go into effect tonight at 1:00 a.m. and for the north bay hills and that doesn't just mean frost in the hills. most likely you're going to see frost in the low laying valleys. i would not be surprised if we have that tomorrow. the winds are blowing a little bit. we have 9-mile an hour wind in concord. it's not completely still out there right now. the forecast then for tonight we're looking for a very cool night. tomorrow a lot like today. and in the extended forecast dry and mild with a slight warming trend as we head into the bay area weekend. the temperatures right now are pretty mild. in oakland it is 56 degrees. the forecast for oakland tomorrow as we get into the 10:00 hour about 54 degrees. by 4:00 it's 61 degrees. san francisco downtown tomorrow, you're in the 50s pretty much all day. 59degrees just like today for a daytime high in san francisco. the forecast 61 in clear lake. 65 in vacaville. 64 in pittsburg. a lot like today. temperatures will be noticeably warmer as we head into wednesday, thursday and friday. along the coast it's pretty cool. the five day forecast with your bay area weekend in view a cold start the next couple of mornings with daytime highs increasing into the bay area thursday and friday. thursday is halloween, how does the weather look for that? it looks really good. clear skies as we head into the halloween forecast with plenty of sunshine during the daytime hours. it's nice to have a dry halloween. we've had some wet ones recently. this one looks real good, thursday. >> everybody is happy. we want to go to park. world series heading back to boston. 3-2. >> i still have this feeling it's going to be a seven day seres. yes -- going to be a seven day series. red sox looked dead in the water. two days later the script has been flipped. first-inning sox come out swinging. back to back doubles. dustin pedroia and ortiz here down the right field line. rbi double. he's 3-4 tonight he's hitting .733 in this series. john lester gives it up. 1-1 stayed that way into the seventh. david ross usually a weak hitting catcher for the sox down the left field line with a rope. it's a ground rule double. grounders at second and third for elsbury. a little fister to center, it will fall. one run in no problem. but ross slow a foot out at the plate. molina with the tag no problem. but that was it. a 3-1 final as coji iuhara comes in for his third of the season. and what a brutal day for the series. across the way [ male announcer ] the founder of mercedes-benz once wrote something on a sheet of paper ♪ the challenge always accepted. and the calling forever answered. ♪ introducing the all-new 2014 s-class. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. man the niners back from the uk and nearly handed a huge welcome home gift from the st. louis rams. would have been big had they pulled it off against the seahawks on monday night football nearly did. richard sherman does it seem this guy is in on every defensive play. clemens sets up a touchdown 7-3 seattle into the lead for the first time of the game. now picked it up in the third quarter. 7-6. russell wilson for golden tate. who find an opening in the ram defense a rare one on the night. watch him. he thinks he scored a touchdown, come on, come on and he gets called for taunting. the touchdown calls but pete carroll has a thing or two for him when he hits the sidelines. four seconds left that's it. seahawks win it by the skin of their teeth. they're now 7-1 one up on san francisco. first time in ages, raiders have themselves a quarterback who oozes confidence. charisma and he can make you take notice. but just don't compare him with any of the up and comers in the nfl. >> he's terrell pryor, he's unique. he's not somebody else that somebody might want to compare him too. we know what his strengths are and we know where his weaknesses are. i think each and every player is unique in and of himself. we have to do a great job to put him in position to make plays. >> raiders fun to watch. 3-4. looking all right. that's the sporting life. >> thank you for choosing ktvu channel 2 news. the ktvu morning news starts at 4:30 a.m. as we leave you a special goodbye to rocky ruiz is retiring f >> today on "tmz," chris brown is in huge trouble. he is arrested in jail and could go to prison because he may have violated probation by allegedly breaking a guy's nose. >> on the plus side, at least he didn't hit any women. we know that for sure. >> cee lo, he's happy. he's cleared of his sexual assault charges. >> do you get nervous talking to chicks? because of all these allegations?


Transcripts For KTVU Ten OClock News 20131029

cold and as beautiful as ever. right now it's 32 degrees here in truckee with snow on the ground. snow piled up from the snowplows and as you can see flurries still falling. but the real action is up higher. making tracks on the mountain in the darkness. and steve adowell won't be happenner. tonight it's game on. this is the sounds of the season for the sierra. >> it'll compact a little bit more. >> reporter: suvall and his crew will add to what nature has brought. >> the more -- the colder it is, the more we can open up the valves. >> reporter: alpine meadows 14- inches in its elevations. squaw valley 12 high. it's good estimations after having two dry months. the resort not scheduled to open for three more weeks but it could come alive earlier if the snowstorm stays open. >> we had a couple of feet every week that would be perfect. >> reporter: wouldn't that be perfect. the guns also going on at boreal who says they may actually open this weekend as long as the snow lasts but most of the resorts expect to be open before thanksgiving bringing people and spending to tahoe. deborah villalon, ktvu news. we checked with cal caltrans and chained are we -- required to the chain exchange. how long will this system continue to deliver snow? bill particular -- bill martin is live with the conditions. >> reporter: you saw snow flurries on deborah, it's snowing at blue canyon as well. just north of the truckee area more snow showers but they're tapering off. for us it just means that cold air is going to back up. i'll let you know how cool it's going to be when you wake up tomorrow morning back here after the break. and cleaning up after the storm. the teen was holding a toy gun that looked like an assault rifle. the victim's father tells ktvu news he wants justice for his son and he wants the deputy to serve time behind bars. also today the sonoma county sheriff's department identified that deputy in that shooting. he is a veteran officer with extensive knowledge of guns. >> reporter: candle by candle, this memorial has grown. all day long a steady stream of people have come to the site where andy lopez was killed on tuesday. some of them know the boy personally. >> he would come over after school and ask us if we could play outside. >> reporter: his linked in program shows he served in the iraq war and according to his profile a writer for s.w.a.t. magazine. he was on a training exercise tuesday night when he saw lopez holding a bb gun that looked like an assault weapon. gilhouse shot lopez seven times. >> shame on sonoma county sheriff. shame on you. you have broken our heart. >> reporter: there are two marchs planned this week. one at 10:00 tomorrow morning. day organizers holded out fliers so that students could be excused from school to attend. there's another march planned for wednesday at 5:00. kerry kerrion is planning that event. she did not know the teen personally but is tired. >> people are feeling suspicious in some way. >> reporter: people have been handing out fliers about the marchs this week. we're told that sheriff steve perez will be meeting with the latino advisory committee and a department representative says the goal is to help for ways to deal with the healing process and make sure this never happens again. allie rasmus, ktvu news. new at 10:00, oakland's search for a permanent police chief. however only a handful of people gathered for the meeting at castlemont high school. they want police to focus on homicide hoes but also other crimes like home invasions and robberies. one person says it's a given that oakland needs more officers but it questions how officers are allocated. >> there's a lot of police officers that show up and stand around. this is standing around and doing nothing. >> reporter: jordan steps down in may of this year. tonight's community meeting is the first of three who are scheduled together input from the community. ktvu news has learned new details about yesterday's officer involved shooting in san francisco's marina district. sources tell us the man who officers shot is navarrez jr. a man with that name is in critical condition at the hospital. he will be formally charged tomorrow. this incident started yesterday afternoon with a report of a man pistol whipping another man on pierce and then firing several shots. police were called. they say they found the suspect hiding in the bushes at a near by residential street. according to police chief greg suhr, the man started to run away, then turned and pointed his gun at officers. that's when offers opened fire. police say they arrested a campbell woman accused of backing her suv into her friend and killing her. this is the booking photo for monica johnson. she was driving under the influence when she struck and killed 26-year-old cassandra buck of los angeles. the accident happened this morning. johnson and buck were inside the vehicle but at some point buck got out. they say that's when johnson backed -p -- backed up and pinned her friend against a garage. >> i heard what sounded like a door slam. it got my attention. it was just loud enough. >> after that i heard a lady's voice and the voice was saying help me. stay with me, stay with me. >> reporter: officers say they found beer cans inside the suv. they have charged johnson with drunk driving and vehicle manslaughter. a judge in san francisco has ordered strict driving restrictions for the city gardener accused of -- the judge said bernoski is only allowed to drive when he's taking his children to school or to look for work. he has been suspended from work. he is accused of driving a city truck that ran over and killed christine savendemire. a jury agreed with more than a dozen firefighters late this afternoon who said they were denied promotions because of age discrimination. as paul chambers tells us, the smoking gun appears to be changing that city officials made to the firefighters test scores. >> there are a lot of smiles from some of the 15 firefighters who were awarded $3.7 million in promotions, back pay and damages stemming from a 2008 lieutenant exam. >> i was a prosecutor before. this feels just as good as it felt to put away really bad guys. >> reporter: the key contained faulty information and scores were changed by city official in secret without consulting the experts who prepareed the key. most agreed with the firefighter bringing closure to the man and attorney who says it's about time the justice was served. >> for the people that it might advantage, it validates something we always thought. this is the group that is saying, hey wait a minute, this isn't right. >> it's time to hear that there's big problems with the examination they're giving with the fire department. >> reporter: the city attorney's office responded by saying they disagree with today's verdict and are very disappointed but they also want to point out there's no age discrimination within san francisco's fire department. in san francisco, i'm paul chambers, ktvu news. accused of driving drunk when she hit and killed a couple out driving a car. >> she still doesn't believe she hit anything. >> the history we uncovered about the woman behind the wheel. >> here it is, the hard fought tentative agreement that's being distributed to b.a.r.t.'s union today. what it feels about chances of passing. >> the feature that set san francisco parks apart from every city in the country. why some say it needs to change. there's a battle brewing in san francisco over a new proposal to keep all city parks closed at night. new at 10:00, noelle walker is live where a group is protesting that change. >> reporter: there's people at dolores park planning to break city law in order to protest a proposed law to close the parks at night. it's a chilly night for a camp out in san francisco. but a hot button issue has a few protesters ready to spend the night at dolores park. >> this is also about criminalized poverty. >> they're proposing legislation to give parks uniformed closing time. >> the people who are in the parks at night aren't all causing trouble. they're people who are down on their luck and have nowhere to go. >> reporter: some neighborhood associations think it's about time. >> do you use the park between midnight and 5:00 a.m. >> no, as gavin newsom once said, nothing good happens after midnight. >> reporter: san francisco is the only major city in the country without a uniformed closing time for its parks. supervisor scott weiner sponsored the proposal. >> there's nothing more frustrating than to see vandalism in our parks. >> reporter: in may of last year, vandals struck the newly constructed dolorer park one day after it opened. vandals have caused millions of the dollars a year most of it happening in the cover of darkness. >> we want to spend our money on maintaining not cleaning up graffiti and wrecked equipment. >> i know there's been some issue made that this would be used wholesale for a clearing of the park and we actual think -- actually have the resources that that's how it would be used. >> grass is softer than concrete but a bed is softer than grass. let's get some shelters. >> reporter: so there are some exceptions to this like outside lands, the curfew, the closing times don't apply. reporting live, noelle walker, ktvu news. a three alarm fire in san francisco's mission district damaged several buildings today. started at about 12:30 this afternoon in a residential area. gusty winds blew the fire into adjacent buildings and filled the neighborhood with large amounts of smoke. fire crews helped people escape from the building and evacuated several other buildings including a pilates studio. it took firefighters 90 minutes to put out the fire. it will cost $400,000 to fix maverick restaurant and repair water damage to the apartments above it on 17th near mission. investigators say the fire was accidental. the owner told us he thinks a pot of oil left on the stove was to blame. we have new information tonight on a deadly shooting in oakland that claimed the life of a care giver. police today identified the victim as 43-year-old damond jones of oakland. jones was shot and killed about 13:15 yesterday afternoon. police say he was walking near his home on 22nd and holly when he was confronted by a stranger. we are learning more information about a woman accused of driving drunk when her car struck and killed a husband and wife who were out walking their dog. rob roth spoke to the suspect's brother who says she remembers nothing about the crash. >> reporter: losell's first court appearance was cancelled because of a medical condition. she was accused of crashing into a couple out walking their dog. risel's brother offered condolences to the family and says his sister remembers little about the accident. >> i visited her yesterday and she still doesn't believe she killed anybody. she says a car cut her off and the next thing she knows, that's the last thing she remembers. a car cut her off. >> reporter: records we have obtained show that losell's has had dozens of rashes with the law. past convictions also include possessing drug paraphernalia and driving without a license. the district attorney says the night the singh's were killed losell was without question driving with a blood alcohol level of .8. >> my sister had a melt down when my mother passed away and she's been on a downward spiral ever since. >> reporter: the family did come to court this afternoon but didn't stay to talk to the media. if convicted risell faced up to 15 years behind bars. in redwood city, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. a guilty plea -- bashon sent an e-mail threatens violence against yee. he now faces up to 10 years from prison in a statement yee thanks law enforcement for their work on the case and said threats will not prevent him from pushing for gun safety legislation. 12 years in prison, that's the sentence handed down today to an oakland banker who admitted stealing more than $2 million from her customers. 62-year-old linda foss cried during today's sentencing. prosecutors said foss had first befriended many of the customers she ended up stealing from. the wind storm that blew through the area overnight made for a lot of clean up work today for tree trimming companies. >> take a look at this this is a prime example a redwood fell over and landed right on top of a house in danville. that house has now been red tagged. tree service said the redwood was rotten probably from overwatering and growing in the shade. >> redwoods is a soft wood. in this case the whole root ball broke. >> reporter: a spokesperson said 15% of all power outages are caused by trees and tree limbs. those winds have since died down. they died down this morning. temperatures warm. we had mid-50s in the warmest spots. highs tomorrow much like this. tomorrow is going to look very similar to today but minus the wind. no wind tomorrow. what you will notice are very cool lows. then the hills of the north bay are going to be 50 in the coolest spots. if you're 40 in napa you can still see frost in some of those inland valley areas. be ready for that tomorrow morning. especially north bay and east bay out toward the antioch area. so look for some very cool overnight lows. the forecast for san jose tomorrow then just like today. sunny when you wake up but cool, daytime highs about 65. when i come back after the break we're going to get specific with the forecast high for your neighborhood and then we look at that five day forecast for the warming trend. how warm can it get. hackers get into e-mail accounts belonging to president obama. up first celebrity chef guy fieri appears in court. what he told us about his testimony today in an attempted murder trial. map celebrity chef guy fieri was out of the kitchen and on the witness stand as he testified in an attempted murder trial in marin county. this was fieri as he was leaving court in the trial of max wade. wade is accused of two counts of attempted murder as well as orchestrating an elaborate theft of fieri's yellow lamborgini. that car is valued at $200,000. wade stole it to impress a girl but she declined his advances. >> i got a chance to own one that will probably be the only one. we'll move past it. we'll stick with american made. >> reporter: fieri testified he did not give wade permission to take his car. the case wept to the jury late this afternoon. and at we've posted more video of fieri speaking outside of court today. you will find it under our top story tab. wall street started the weak flat. apple was one of the companies report lower quarterly earnings. the cupertino company was down 30%. the company said it sold more of the new iphones but the average price was down lowering its profit margin. apple stock fell $6 in afterhour trading to $523 a share. syrian hackers say they compromised facebook and twitter accounts linked to president obama. instead links were redistricted by a proassad group. it said since president obama doesn't have ethical issues about spying it would return the favor. president obama is reportedly close to ordering the national security agency to stop spying on the heads of state of american allies. the diplomatic crisis is brewing following recent reports of nsa surveillance programs in europe. among those is lungo. she was outraged. former vice president dick cheney said that he believes snowden is a trader, plain and simple. >> i hope we can catch him at some point in time. he violated the conditions under which he got the information. >> reporter: snowden also has his supporters. the fbi held a ceremony to honor its new director. he said he wished his mother could see him now. >> she snapped over the shades every single mother and said, rise and shine and show the world what you're made of. i found it less inspiring at the time, but it made us who we are. and i will never forget that. >> come was the number two official when the nsa's wiretapping program came up for renewal. then attorney general ashrcroft was hospitalized at the time. he became fbi director last month. a local baseball hero and a special tribute to his hometown petaluma and the 707 area code in sonoma county. in two minutes the next hurdle to keep b.a.r.t. trains moving. we'll ask b.a.r.t. workers if they'll approve the deal. new video from hayward. tonight the building on jackson and graham street are boarded up and the 10 people who live there were not allowed to return. a ford mustang crashed through a bedroom wall at around 3:00 this afternoon. the good news is nobody was hurt. officials say it appears excessive speed is to blame. b.a.r.t.'s two largest unions are set to vote this friday on whether or not to ratify the contract agreement that ended the strike last week. jana katsuyama is live in san leandro after speaking with the union's rank in file on whether the agreement will be approved or rejected, jana. >> reporter: today inside a station booth we found copies of the contract that were being handed out to union members, the rank in file for the first time they were seeing it today. and so we asked them, whether they'll vote to approve it. it's been one week since the strike ended and b.a.r.t. trains are running but riders are still unsettled. wondering whether b.a.r.t.'s union and the board will ratify the four year deal. >> i'm hoping they do. i'm a little skeptical that they will. there's just been so much drama. >> reporter: that drama of two strikes and contract talks is the last thing that this agent said he wanted to see. today they added to the tentative deal. we asked rank in file if they will approve it. >> of course everything is not going to be perfect. but as far as initially read over it as far as what i see now it seems pretty good so i'm going to vote yes. >> i think it's a decent contract we can live with. considering the long fight we've been in i think we'll come out victorious. >> reporter: one leader estimates it could pass by a 3- 1 margin when members vote friday. and an icou says that one in three members seem to like the deal. >> we're so excited because we got our safety proposals passed. every single one we were putting forward. >> reporter: president rodoluvich said if they ratify the contract they will approve the deal too. he will considering calling for a special session next week. even though the union still has to vote in early december. they should know the results of their vote by friday night or saturday morning. reporting live from san leandro. jana katsuyama, ktvu news. 124 new bike racks have been added to the north berkeley station. the racks are more secure than standard poles but officers are asking people to stay vigilant. b.a.r.t. says more bike racks will be installed at the lake barrett station in oakland in the next two weeks. disgraced supervisor shiwokawa was arraigned today. carrasco ended up losing that race while a political ally of shiwokawa won the race. there is something about petaluma and baseball that seem to go together. last year petaluma put a team in the little league world series. this time the community celebrates another team. the community is rallying around jonni gomes. >> reporter: his high school jersey even hangs on the wall here. jonny gomes two run home run was celebrated not only but boston fans but also here in petaluma. >> we all root for our hometown heros. it was fun to see one succeed. especially one like the red sox. for them to tie the series and make it a lot more interesting. >> yeah, there is pride. >> reporter: watching tonight's game as beyond the glory, this man's son played baseball with gomes. >> he was a catcher back then. they were a talented team in the 80s. you could tell. >> reporter: we caught up with gomes brother by phone. >> i think i almost did a back flip to tell you the truth. >> reporter: when he's playing, jonny gomes pays tribute to his hometown. >> he puts it on his glove and it's on the inside of the hat. sometimes he wears a 707 shirt under his jersey. a lot of people back home. it's something to stay grounded and stay something down to earth. >> he knows where he's from which gives him props for. because he always comes back to petaluma. >> reporter: joey tells me while he was exchanging text messages with his brother today in between a lot of national interviews, jonny sent him a text message said i'm still jonny from petaluma. >> p town pride is what they call it. mark ibanez will be here to give us a run down on today's pivotal game five of the world series. barry bonds is giving it one more shot to get his obstruction of justice restriction overturned. bonds attorneys are asking for an 11 judge panel to reconsider the case. a majority of the judges must agree to take the case. singer chris brown has dodged a felony assault charge but his legal troubles may not be over. it was a chaotic scene in washington, d.c. as brown was released this afternoon. he spent last night in custody after being arrested for allegedly punching a man in the face. the unidentified man apparently tried to bud into a photograph of brown outside the hotel. charges were downgraded to simple assault. brown is on probation after being convicted of 2009 of attacking former girlfriend rihanna. he returns to court next month. after a federal judge blocked part of the state's restrictive new abortion law. the state stripped the law of provision which acquires doctors to have admitting privileges at a near by hospital. abortion rights groups say that requirement could face 1/3 of the state's abortion clinics to close. texas officials say they will appeal today's ruling. preteens spending hours on social networks. the dangers some see in the new trend. from frigid weather and frost to a double digit increase in temperatures. stories of seniors screaming to get out and even one woman left naked in the sidewalk. >> elder abuse and neglect of people. we'll take you inside bay area senior home facing allegations. these days i'm living with a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat, not caused by a heart valve problem. at first, i took warfarin, but i wondered, "could i up my game?" my doctor told me about eliquis. and three important reasons to take eliquis instead. one, in a clinical trial, eliquis was proven to reduce the risk of stroke better than warfarin. two, eliquis had less major bleeding than warfarin. and three... unlike warfarin, there's no routine blood testing. [ male announcer ] don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. i've got three important reasons to up my game with eliquis. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor today if eliquis is right for you. testla stock suffered another blow after reports of a second fire involving a tesla s. this video was posted on the video of a mexican newspaper. it shows the tesla moments before it crashed into a tree. the owner jumped out of car moments before it crashed into a tree. the model s in washington caught fire after it hit a metal object on the streets. this second news worried stockholders. it had already fallen 16% since the first fire on october 2nd. we got a look at that nursing home where the owner allegedly abandoned several residents. residents moved over the weekend to several facilities. neighbor told us that for years conditions here were appalling. >> elder abuse in the needs of elderly people. >> reporter: he found one woman naked and shivering on the sidewalk. >> i would hear screaming and yelling and things like get me out of here. >> reporter: like we showed you, paramedics took the residents after there were only three workers. >> they were preparing a temporary suspension order without knowing what we had done. >> reporter: attorney glover decline residents were abandoned. saying that three crew members were enough. she has had previous problems with state regulators. the sheriff late today told me there is a criminal investigation but no arrests are imminent. john fowler, ktvu news. the failed wrongful termination lawsuit filed by a fire chief may end up costing him more than half a million dollars. a judge ordered casper -- kapler to pay for court costs. kapler says his contract allowed him to use a county card while using a private vehicle while doing city business. the money raised would go to health and nutrition programs for young people. if the majority of the other supervisors approve the measure could go on the ballot in november of next year. falling temperatures tonight but what about halloween as we look live at the oakland port. chief meteorologist bill martin is back with his complete bay area forecast. screens and children, the explosion of social media. we'll show you the dangers some see in the new trend. at kaiser permanente we've reduced serious heart attacks by 62%, which makes days with grandpa jack 100% more possible. join us at and thrive. the american academy of pediatrics says the use of social media by children has exploded in recent years. the group says 72% of children 8 years old and under have used a mobile device for games and videos that's up almost 40% from almost two years ago. ktvu's robert handa is live in san jose with the warning and advise from pediatricians, robert. >> reporter: we're here at the san jose tech museum where there's many games for children to learn from. this study shows how important it is to monitor their use, their media use from smart phones and just about everywhere else. 5-year-old anthony martinez is having fun and learning at this exhibit at the tech museum. his mother patricia martinez wasn't surprised to hear about the study warning about social media use by children but she was surprised to hear him tell me that this game halo is his favorite. >> the graphics are really violent. i'm not sure if halo does but i'll have to look into that. >> reporter: excessive use of tv, and all forms of social media is -- >> this is age like their minds are really observant and it's very important that we lay a very solid foundation at the early ages. >> reporter: patricia martinez is also keeping an eye out. >> just making sure he's not replicating or mimicking what he sees sees on the games and tv or anything like that. >> reporter: there is beneficial media use for youngsters such as academic learning but a good way to watch and figure out what's appropriate watch what they watch. live in san jose, robert handa, ktvu channel 2 news. penn state is agreed to pay $60 million to settle sexual abuse claims against assistant football coach jerry sandusky. the settlement was announced for 24 victims. 23 of the deals are signed, three others are pending.  the prosecutor said quote, we hope this is another step in the healing process. the site is running today but it was down again last night because of an issue with the verizon networking service and today the government granted a six week extension for sign ups. instead of mid-february deadline, it is now march 31st for those who want to get enrolled and avoid tax penalties. britain and northern europe are recovering after overcoming a storm. wind gusts reached as high as 119 miles per hour. damage was widespread. hundreds of thousands of people lost power. and just trying to cross the street was a challenge for pedestrians. watch out. we had a bit of wind this morning. the highs today they warmed into the mid-60s. numbers tomorrow are going to be very similar to these. not big changes. we're going to see lots of mid- and low 60s. that will probably match again tomorrow. 64, 65 degrees right in that range. so a very similar day tomorrow. we checked the radar real quick, you can see a few showers showing up. everything is moving up this way. all the activity in the foothills as that low tracks off is moving off to the east. the cool air is going to be in the area it already is. that's why the frost advisory is in effect or will go into effect tonight at 1:00 a.m. and for the north bay hills and that doesn't just mean frost in the hills. most likely you're going to see frost in the low laying valleys. i would not be surprised if we have that tomorrow. the winds are blowing a little bit. we have 9-mile an hour wind in concord. it's not completely still out there right now. the forecast then for tonight we're looking for a very cool night. tomorrow a lot like today. and in the extended forecast dry and mild with a slight warming trend as we head into the bay area weekend. the temperatures right now are pretty mild. in oakland it is 56 degrees. the forecast for oakland tomorrow as we get into the 10:00 hour about 54 degrees. by 4:00 it's 61 degrees. san francisco downtown tomorrow, you're in the 50s pretty much all day. 59degrees just like today for a daytime high in san francisco. the forecast 61 in clear lake. 65 in vacaville. 64 in pittsburg. a lot like today. temperatures will be noticeably warmer as we head into wednesday, thursday and friday. along the coast it's pretty cool. the five day forecast with your bay area weekend in view a cold start the next couple of mornings with daytime highs increasing into the bay area thursday and friday. thursday is halloween, how does the weather look for that? it looks really good. clear skies as we head into the halloween forecast with plenty of sunshine during the daytime hours. it's nice to have a dry halloween. we've had some wet ones recently. this one looks real good, thursday. >> everybody is happy. we want to go to park. world series heading back to boston. 3-2. >> i still have this feeling it's going to be a seven day seres. yes -- going to be a seven day series. red sox looked dead in the water. two days later the script has been flipped. first-inning sox come out swinging. back to back doubles. dustin pedroia and ortiz here down the right field line. rbi double. he's 3-4 tonight he's hitting .733 in this series. john lester gives it up. 1-1 stayed that way into the seventh. david ross usually a weak hitting catcher for the sox down the left field line with a rope. it's a ground rule double. grounders at second and third for elsbury. a little fister to center, it will fall. one run in no problem. but ross slow a foot out at the plate. molina with the tag no problem. but that was it. a 3-1 final as coji iuhara comes in for his third of the season. and what a brutal day for the series. across the way the rams blow a chance to pull off the nfl plow -- blow out of the year. sports part two is next. man the niners back from the uk and nearly handed a huge welcome home gift from the st. louis rams. would have been big had they pulled it off against the seahawks on monday night football nearly did. richard sherman does it seem this guy is in on every defensive play. clemens sets up a touchdown 7-3 seattle into the lead for the first time of the game. now picked it up in the third quarter. 7-6. russell wilson for golden tate. who find an opening in the ram defense a rare one on the night. watch him. he thinks he scored a touchdown, come on, come on and he gets called for taunting. the touchdown calls but pete carroll has a thing or two for him when he hits the sidelines. four seconds left that's it. seahawks win it by the skin of their teeth. they're now 7-1 one up on san francisco. first time in ages, raiders have themselves a quarterback who oozes confidence. charisma and he can make you take notice. but just don't compare him with any of the up and comers in the nfl. >> he's terrell pryor, he's unique. he's not somebody else that somebody might want to compare him too. we know what his strengths are and we know where his weaknesses are. i think each and every player is unique in and of himself. we have to do a great job to put him in position to make plays. >> raiders fun to watch. 3-4. looking all right. that's the sporting life. >> thank you for choosing ktvu channel 2 news. the ktvu morning news starts at 4:30 a.m. as we leave you a special goodbye to rocky ruiz is retiring from ktvu after 37 years he's been with us on the studio. rolling prompter, sports directing. we're going to miss you rock. good night. avo: at volkswagen we believe everyone deserves a better car. and now, during the "sign then drive" sales event, you're closer to yours than ever. like the turbocharged tiguan the midsize passat or the 34 highway mpg jetta. and every new 2014 volkswagen comes with no-charge scheduled maintenance... ...all for practically just your signature. the "sign then drive" sales event is back. ...and it's never been easier to get a new volkswagen. get zero due at signing, zero down, zero deposit, and zero first month's payment on any new 2014 volkswagen. hurry, this offer ends october 31st. yello? house of the future. phil, you have two whole days to yourself. please tell me you're not gonna spend them trying to wire the house to your ipad. nope, 'cause i've already done it. (man) showers and thunder-- great. now go out and see some friends. i'm headed out now. i have a third showing at that colonial. cam gave me a free pass to his gym. i am-- not too bright. - hmm. - i am-- - dim! - (manny laughs) honey, if you could hear yourself. promise me you'll go outside and play. miss you, too. (beep) (whooshes) phil dunphy, this is the year 2025. welcome. you're the first one here. ♪


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