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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Jeff Glor 20190123

released from jail in paris bter a woman told police he raped her. >> brown sent out an instagram hst calling the accusation false. >> back to work! back to work! >> l.a. has reached a tentative agreement with its teachers' union, potentially ending the city's teachers' strike. we'll keep fighting for the tihools our kids deserve. >> the oscar nominations are in. >> "roma" and "the favourite" lead with ten bids each. >> "black panther," the first h perhero movie ever to get a best picture nomination. >> wakanda forever! >> wakanda forever! >> glor: good evening. i'm jeff glor. and this is our western edition. we do have more on the potential government shutdown in just a moment, but we begin with late news at one of the nation's busiest airports. newark liberty international stopped flights late this afternoon when drones were spotted nearby. one pilot said the drone was only 20 to 30 feet from his plane. this was a big problem at gatwick airport outside london recently. now it appears to be here. kris van cleave has details. >> reporter: airline pilots report a very close call with what is thought to be at least one, possibly two drones flying at about 3,500 feet over teterboro airport in new jersey this afternoon. >> reporter: repeating a close call from las vegas when a drone came close to a frontier airlines flight, the f.a.a. abruptly halted arrivals to nearby newark airport moments later. >> reporter: a recent study showed the potential damage a drone could do colliding with the wing of a small plane. drone sightings have been on the rise for years. the f.a.a. now receives about 100 a month. some come way too close, like this one over fort lauderdale last summer where the drone narrowly misses a helicopter. the disruption at newark was short lived but comes after drone sightings at london's gatwick airport paralyzed holiday travel for the better part of two days in december, forcing the cancellation of hundreds of flights. drone users are not supposed to fly within five miles of an airport or above 400 feet. london's gatwick airport has now spent millions of dollars on military-grade technology to disrupt drones. police in new york and new jersey are now investigating. jeff? >> glor: kris, thanks very much. two senate votes are scheduled in the next 48 hours that could end the partial government shutdown. this as hundreds of thousands of federal workers are scheduled to miss another paycheck this week. nancy cordes reports on day 32. >> reporter: park police officers and f.b.i. employees were among those in line at a pop-up food bank today. >> you want some water? >> reporter: as the white house a few blocks away dealt with its own uncertainty over next week's state of the union address. a white house aide e-mailing the -mrgeant-at-arms on capitol hill asking to hold a walk-through meeting that was postponed last aeek after house speaker nancy nclosi said the speech should wait until after the shutdown. white house officials tell cbs news some aides want the address ad take place next tuesday as ylanned, while others favor a rally outside washington instead. >> the opportunity to end all this is staring us right in the face. >> reporter: with government workers set to miss their second sycheck this week, the senate's republican leaders scheduled a vote for thursday on the president's latest proposal. the bill includes mr. trump's wish for $5.7 billion in border wall funding. in exchange, some so-called "dreamers," young people brought here illegally as children, would get three years of protection from deportation. but house speaker nancy pelosi, after dropping by the food bank, said the bill was no compromise because it was the president who eliminated those protections for dreamers in the first place. >> the president took it away, and now he's saying, well, i'll give you this back temporarily if you give me a wall permanently. >> reporter: the f.b.i. agents' association warned today that the shutdown could lead n me f.b.i. agents to consider career options that provide more stability for their families. >> f.b.i. agents should not have to go work at a store stocking shelves because they can't feed their families. >> i will acknowledge there are frdships. >> reporter: the president's economic adviser, larry kudlow, insisted most of the pain will be temporary. >> once the government reopens, these resources and opportunities will come back, i mean literally the day of. ll reporter: the president's eroposal and a democratic alternative both appear poised b fail in the senate on thursday, and so, jeff, barring some major change, it does appear that hundreds of thousands of federal workers are on track to miss that second paycheck this friday as a result of this funding fight. >> glor: nancy cordes, thank you firy much. police in upstate new york today announced four arrests in what nhey call a terror plot. the suspects are three men and a logh school student. cteir alleged target was a muslim community several hours away. jeff pegues has more on this. >> reporter: police describe the plot to attack a group of muslims in central new york atate as "serious and real." 20-year-old brian colaneri, 19- year-old vincent vetromile, 18- year-old andrew crysel, and a 16-year-old suspect whose name is being withheld, were arrested friday in greece, new york. police chief patrick phelan. >> if they had carried out this efot, which every indication is ouat they were going to, people would have died. >> reporter: investigators say ate men, some of whom knew each other from the boy scouts, were targeting islamberg, a rural community that's home to several hundred muslims and the ndadquarters for the muslims of ing pers, tnization. suspects had built three improvised explosive devices in the shape of a mason jar wrapped in duct tape. investigators also say they had access to 23 rifles and shotguns. >> we found firearms at almost every location that we searched. once again, the bombs were all one location. that was the home of the 16- lar-old. >> reporter: the bombs are being sent to f.b.i. labs in quantico, virginia, for analysis where investigators will try to determine if the devices were e able. islamberg was the target of another planned attack in 2015 when robert doggart, a former congressional candidate from tennessee was arrested. he was eventually sentenced to 20 years in prison for plotting to burn down a mosque, a school, and a cafeteria in the community. hhis was another case of if you see something, say something. police on friday say the 16- year-old who was arrested was showing suspicious pictures on his phone at school. another student passed along the information, and police began the investigation. atd that quickly led to the arrests. atff. >> glor: jeff pegues, thank you very much. a new storm is taking aim at the midwest and heading east. delays are piling up tonight at thicago's o'hare airport. snow shutdown highways in colorado, including hundreds of miles of i-70 today after eight inches of snow and a quarter inch of ice are expected in spots as the storm blows east. now to russia, where we learned today some of the evidence against a former u.s. marine accused of espionage. elizabeth palmer was inside the trurtroom in moscow. >> reporter: this is the first the world has seen of paul whelan since his arrest. reporters from around the world crowded into the moscow court as he listened to the judge off camera deny him bail. d spoke to his lawyer and interpretero prir's cage. an was arrested in moscow's metropol hotel for espionage, specifically having a u.s.b. erive containing state secrets. his lawyer told us in an interview, but whelan didn't n ow what was on the drive. someone had given it to him. who would have given him classified information? "it could be a mistake," he told us, "or a setup. anything is possible." whelan had developed a fascination with russia. he had visited several times, had friends on the russian hecebook, and was here in december to attend a wedding. there's a lot of speculation that that is when the kremlin had him arrested for an old- fashioned spy swap. in return for maria butina, a russian who recently pleaded guilty in washington to being an russian government and whelan's lawyer deny.awys if there is a trial, it's at least six months away, and paul whelan is likely to spend that time behind bars in a russian jail. jeff? >> glor: our liz palmer in moscow. liz, thank you. in a 5-4 ruling today, the supreme court says the trump administration can for now prevent most transgender men and tmen from serving in the military while lower court challenges continue. this reverses an obama-era policy which the justice department claims pose a risk to military effectiveness. general motors now admits it has a problem at a plant in toledo, ohio. two federal lawsuits have been filed accusing g.m. of ignoring severe racial harassment. dean reynolds has details. s> reporter: the automaker says it is urgently working to identify which of its employees surned this toledo plant into a cesspool of racism where african american workers allege they wetinely dged, not with thrd, but so with nooses, swa whites-only graffiti on bathroom doors. g.m.'s admission comes after months of side stepping claims from 11 black workers. gerald johnson is a g.m. vice president for manufacturing. i i'm absolutely outraged by the fact that this kind of behavior is still able to show up in any one of our workplaces. or have zero tolerance for any kind of behavior like this. >> reporter: the federal lawsuits say that for at least two years african americans at the plant were called "boy," "monkey," and worse. they were told "to go back to africa where they belong." "what's the big deal about nooses," a white supervisor was quoted as saying during a meeting about racial tolerance. "there was never a black person who was lynched that didn't deserve it." >> i am a black man. ad i am all too familiar with dealing with these kinds of issues. >> reporter: derrick brooks worked at g.m. from 2016 until mast year. >> to have to worry about coming t work and being called a anrtain name or being treated a certain way, those individuals need to be made whole again, and the right thing needs to be done by this company. >> reporter: g.m. says when it identifies those responsible, they will be fired. dean reynolds, cbs news, chicago. >> glor: a six-day strike at california's public school system appears to be over. a tentative deal announced today gives a pay rise and puts full- time nurses in schools. the roughly 30,000 teachers expected back in class tomorrow. the 2019 oscar nominations are out this evening. ouading the pack with ten nominations each, "roma," and "the favourite." "roma" becomes the first netflix movie to be nominated for best picture. the nod for the spanish-language drama also means its producer gabriela rodriguez becomes the first hispanic woman nominated in that category. "banwas p- inossing movie of 2018, and it's the first superhero movie up for best picture. stike lee received his first nomination for best director for "blackkklansman." >> you hiding love songs? >> glor: lady gaga made history with dual oscar nominations for st star is born," the first person to be nominated for best actress and best original song in the same year. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> glor: some of this year's oscar nominations. coming up next here on tonight's "cbs evening news," why cbs said no to a super bowl ad for medical marijuana and chris brown's arrest in paris. chris brown's arrest in paris. at fidelity, we make sure you have a clear plan to cover the essentials in retirement, as well as all the things you want to do. because when you're ready for what comes next, the only direction is forward. thanks to our amazing cells. like you, your cells get hungry. feed them. with centrum silver. specially crafted for adults 50+. so you can be awesome, daily. centrum. feed your cells today. tremfya® is for adults with remoderate. to severe plaque psoriasis. with tremfya®, you can get clearer. and stay clearer. in fact, most patients who saw 90% clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. ask your doctor about tremfya®. tremfya®. because you deserve to stay clearer. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options. take prilosec otc and take control of heartburn. so you don't have to stash antacids here.... here... or here. kick your antacid habit with prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. introducing the new capital one savor card. earn 4% cash back on dining and 4% on entertainment. now when you go out, you cash in. what's in your wallet? >> glor: for some the commercials are the best part of super bowl sunday, but one controversial ad will not be seen this year. mark strassmann has more. >> hello, super bowl! >> reporter: super bowl liii will be a clash of the coasts, the new england patriots against the los angeles rams. >> incomplete. >> reporter: in both massachusetts and california, their home states, the use of medical or recreational marijuana is legal. acreage holdings, a so-called "seed to sale" cannabis company, wanted to air an ad about the benefits of medical marijuana during the game. gs rejected it. george allen is the company's president. >> they said, "we're not taking advertisements for cannabis." and i think it was categorical. >> reporter: currently 33 states and washington, d.c., have legalized medical marijuana. me n.f.l. bans marijuana for bayers. but in a violent sport, surveys show a majority of players support using medical marijuana. including nate jackson, a retired tight end with the denver broncos. he was flattened in a game in 2008. a team doctor prescribed vicodin, an opioid, for his pain. jackson smoked marijuana instead and wants the n.f.l. to change its policy. >> you know, it's not about getting high. it's not about becoming a stoner. the n.f.l. doesn't have to worry about that. the football is a lot worse for them than marijuana. >> reporter: arthur blank owns the atlanta falcons. we asked him whether the league should change its marijuana policy. >> i probably would not be in favor of it. because i'm concerned about the gateway effect that it has on other drugs. >> reporter: we asked to see the ad, but acreage holdings didn't provide it. cbs said in a statement, "under our broadcast standards, we do not currently accept cannabis- related advertising." jeff, the n.f.l. also has the right to reject super bowl commercials. >> glor: interesting story. mark strassmann, thanks. this reminder, you can watch super bowl liii sunday february 3 right here on cbs. and still ahead here tonight on the "cbs evening news," threats against its students forced a kentucky high school to close. r kentucky high school to close. v. screen light... sunlight... longer hours... eyes today are stressed. but ocuvite has vital nutrients... help protect them. ocuvite. eye nutrition for today. 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"mi amigo" almost did. 0t was apparently trying to land on the field where tony and his friends were standing and watching. >> we saw this figure. >> reporter: somebody waving? >> well, we thought they were just waving. od reporter: tony is now convinced the wave meant something else. >> actually they were telling us to get out of the way. >> reporter: with the kids in the field, the pilot veered away. "mi amigo" never made it over the surrounding trees. the memorial now stands where ane plane went down. and tony comes by almost every day. >> this is my life now. i just come down here, because i've nothing else now but these lads. >> reporter: the pilot of "mi amigo" was john kriegshauser. his nephew who lives in chicago was named after him. >> we're all very touched by his sevotion and his remembrance of this, but i think he's as much a victim of this as my uncle and the air crew were. >> reporter: tony foulds' private vigil is about to become public with an air force fly- itst on the 75th anniversary of the crash next month. tony, as usual, will be there. mark phillips, cbs news, sheffield, england. >> glor: that is the "cbs evening news" for tonight. i'm jeff glor. we'll see you tomorrow. have a good night. captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [captioning made possible by fremantle media] steve: how y'all? how's everybody? i appreciate that. thank y'all. thank you, folks. yeah, i do. thank y'all. my man. i appreciate y'all. thank you, folks. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody. i'm your man steve harvey. [cheering and applause] got another good one for you today. returning for their third day from fremont, california, it's the champs, everybody, it's the keith family. [cheering and applause] om milukee, wisconsin, it's the wade family. [cheering and applause] why, everybody's here for a chance to win theirself a lot of cash and somebody, somebody might drive out of here in a brand-new car. [cheering and applause] let's go meet the wade family. [cheering and applause] hey, diane. diane: hi, steve. steve: how you doing? diane: i am absolutely fabulous. steve: good, good, good. what do you do? diane: well, i recently retired from at&t after 23 years. steve: wow. diane: yes, and now i'm starting a group home. it's called ray of hope. it's to give our young ladies an opportunity to transition from young--from kids to adulthood easily. steve: that's good. diane: because i'm gonna be teaching them things. i'm gonna teach them how to sew, cook. everything... steve: life skills. diane: life skills like they were my kids. steve: right. diane: power of love. ha ha! steve: that's good. let's introduce everybody. diane: ok. first of all, these are all of my children. ha ha ha! this is my oldest son. this is dashing deshea. next we have dynamite dinah. next one, we have the baby boy, which is ark


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