basement the ultimate sign of failure. bald men with no jobs and no money who live with their parents don t approach strange women. jesse: unless you are the child of washington royalty where mooching off mom and dad is a wave life. you get to fly to the most exotic country in the world play diplomat and count the money. we told you about hunter s escapades being bribed with chinese diamonds to funding a sex trafficking ring. we just found out hunter has some competition his name paul pelosi jr. as far as we can tell, he has never had a real job. the kind where you have to punch a clock. so what is paulie jr. do all day? well, last week, nancy snuck little paulie on her plane to asia. his name wasn t listed as part of the official delegation. they didn t want you to know paul went to asia with his mom. but if you look closely at the photos, there he is. paulie p. jr. about as unqualified as hunter with all the big dogs there in asia. he was also caught by foreign recover