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Transcripts For COM The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 20140307

blae busy these days, in fact we're going to get right to the growing crisis oversea, crimean war 2 ukrainian boogaloo. listen. after a week of letting his troop movements do the talking, russian strongman vladimir putin sat down tuesday with his country's of the sensor's media to explain himself. >> this is what i would like to suggest. let's have a conversation rather than an interview. >> jon: you know what i did not see that coming. our conversation, a rap session. i never saw putin as the cool dad. somebody who would pull up a chair, flip around, put on a baseball hat. let's talk about pops. but it's a pleasant surprise, let's get to the conversation. >> i would ask you to begin by stating all your questions. i will jot them down and try to answer them. fine. let us stop here for now. i will begin, don't interrupt me. (laughter) >> jon: i forgot an interesting fact. in russia the word for conversation is the same word as the word for shut the [bleep] up. let me talk. lev laugh first thing's first, you like that, big vladi? first thing's first. all right, vladimir, are there russian troops in the ukraine? >> those are local self-defense units. about the use of military, there is no need for this so far. this is very interesting. have you mentioned to these local self-defense units that they are not from russia, because -- >> i am a russian soldier. i should have let him finish. mi russian soldier. in dream you are having. (laughter) when you wake up, there will be no memory of this. come on, vladimir. >> vladimir, vladimir putin. the soldiers are saying they are from russia. they are speaking russian, they're wearing russian army uniforms, kind of. >> well, look at the former soviet republic. because there are a lot of uniforms that look like them. you can go to a store and buy a uniform. (laughter) >> jon: right, but i'm not sure you can go to the store and buy ten thousand of them. or have that store throw in some russian tanks! or are those just part of crimea's new city tank program. people want to get around, they go in, they do a thing. (applause) this has been quite an enlightening conversation with vladimir putin. and while president putin seems to be channeling jon lovitz's character from snl, yeah, yeah, cry mea, yeah, we're not in crimea, that's the ticket, yeah, perhaps there's something else going on here. >> germany angela merkel told president obama sunday night that after speaking to putin she didn't think he was in touch with reality saying putin was in another world. >> jon: and that brings us to the second portion of our headline. much of the world now sees putin for what he is, semi delusional auto crat who views the dissolution of the soviet union as one of the greatest tragedies of the late -- centro and has confused his owns geo political propaganda for reality. who would be fooled by this guy's [bleep]. >> russia has a real leader. an our president just is-- is incapable and unwilling to lead. >> in a way, you got to hand it to putin. he knows the west is weak. >> putin decide was he wants to do. and he does it in half a day. he makes a decision and he executes it. quickly, then everybody reacts that is what you call a leader. >> jon: that is not what you call a leader. make the quick decision and everybody reacts? that's what you call a toddler. (laughter) honestly. i got to tell you. the weirdest thing about this isn't putin invading ukraine. you expect a crazy guy to act crazy. the weirdest thing is seeing conservatives in our country point at the crazy guy and go i want what they're having. putin likes to hang out with his shirt off. obama wears mom jean, putin tells the west if you mess with me i will kill you all. >> people are looking at putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. they look at our president as one who wears mom jeans and equivocates. >> this is a guy that wrestles tigers while the president wears mom pants. >> jon: what a great talking point that mom jeans turned out to be. here's the thing you got to remember. putin doesn't actually wrestle bears an tigers. that's propaganda. he did once shoot a tiger. but only after that tiger had been pretranquilized and trapped in a snare for him. for god's sakes, how much in an 24 news take el do you upgrade putin from wrestling bears to tiger, but tomorrow it will be he snatched a tot out of the great white shark and made him blow him while obama sat there wristfully wearing capri pants and a baby bonnett. you have to admit there is something ridiculous about a middle-aged world leader riding around shirtless on a horse like conan the bore barrian after a dozen donuts. who thinks this looks good? >> it's like they want obama to seem weak to the russian people. they don't respect weakness. >> putin, bigging strong, muscular on a horse. >> jon: big, strong, muscular on a horse that is an image that looks like it should be air brushed on to the side of a van in a new jersey rest area. (laughter) i have been to that rest area. nice. but fine, you want obama to be more like putin. how would you feel if obama did act a bit more authoritarian. >> did president o bam mais the class about the three equal baferjs branches of government. >> doesn't he act more like king than president. >> he's not the king. >> emperor obama does what he wants to do. >> an imperial president shredding the constitution. >> he gutted the constitution with obama care. >> shoved down the throats of the american people. >> that's a form of tyranny. >> those are the actions of a dictator. >> a obama needs to be reminded he is not a dictator. >> jon: fascinating. let me see if i have this straight. (obama is a week, mom jeans wearing dictator king! weak, weak mom jeans, tyrant, of the worst tyrants of all. what the hell is wrong with these people. what happened to these people as children. that has enabled this love-hate relationship with authoritarian figures and the inherent cognitive disdissonance that goes along with such a chism. you know what i am talking about fox contributor. >> it is funny, putin actually reminded me in a peculiar way of my mother. (laughter) >> jon: go on. >> my mother has a brilliant, uncanny ability to meet someone and within five minutes she can identify their weakness. she knows their weak points. (laughter) (cheers and applause) >> jon: who's weak now? ♪ ♪ break the ice, with breath freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers. there's no substitute for advil. it's built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. advil. make today yours. to help you move past pain. brewed for more this ispirited nights.tune. it's undistilled, yet it has a smooth clean finish. you might choose a regular beer, but then you might get a regular night. miller fortune. your fortune awaits. a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. >> welcome back. we've all heard america has the best health-care system in the world am but for how long. >> the u.s. healthcare system for as long as we can remember has had one resounding truth. >> america has the best health-care system in the world. >> the greatest health care system in the world. >> the finest health-care system in the world. >> but that's all about to change. >> obamacare will bankrupt our country and ruin the best health care delivery system in the world. >> fox business commentator todd wileman. >> the u.s. healthcare system is the best in the world but now with obamacare, you know, our choices have been limited. you know, people are going to be saying this costs more, i'm getting less, i'm to the going to be happy. worst-case scenario where are we heading. >> we have longer lines. you might have to bring your own sheet. in russia they reuse sir ings. the scenario where we could slip into third world status will be slow, probably. >> oh my god, third world status, that is like the worst world status there isment to see how bad that could be i traveled to a region ripe with poverty. my guide was stan, founder of remote area medical. >> for 30 years brock and his charity have parachuted into remote regions of africa an south america with teams of doctors working to heal the poor. and now he would show me what america will look like in just a few years. stan, how high are we going to go up? >> you don't need to scream at me. the roof is not gone yet, we're still on the ground. >> oh. oh, okay, yeah, yeah, this is my first time. >> anxious for the long journey ahead we buzzed over an unfamiliar and rugged landscape. >> when i arrived i was overwhelmed by the need. >> dow find that there are diseases and things, conditions herur's not even familiar with. gange fever, tie for identification, malaria things like that. >> those aren't problems that we really see in knoxville. >> you said knoxville. >> we're in tennessee. >> tennessee. >> tennessee, knoxville, tennessee. >> yes. >> knoxville. and that's what the locals call this place. >> yes. >> and what is the english word for it. >> knoxville. >> this is knoxville, tennessee this is america. >> oh, that explains it. oh my god, i think i saw a wafflehouse. >> but if we were in america, what the hell was stan brock doing here. >> it has been designed to take airborne relief, parachute drops et cetera to the third world and have more than 90% of everything we do is here in the united states. >> and is that because 90% of the world's population is american. >> no, no, when i came to this which i saw that there was a desperate need, people that couldn't afford or didn't have access to care. >> the u.s. healthcare system is the best in the world, fact. >> if you can afford it. >> name five other countries that have a better health-care system than the u.s. >> malta, cyprus, france, switzerland, japan, australia, great britain. >> all right, you named like seven. >> yeah. >> and i said name five, so you lose. okay, so maybe we're not the first best or second-best, but at least we're in the top-- 37th. whatever. in your face, slovenia. i just came back from a place with shockingly poor health kir conditions. they're still reeling from the loss of the civil war. a quarter of the young people are living in poverty. they have high rates of cancer. heart disease. >> this is how bad it could get, sure, yeah, if we keep going down the path of more government control, less invasion. i don't know if we could be that place unless great catastrophe happens to this country. >> i should probably mention that the place i'm talking about knoxville, tennessee, in america. >> which has the greatest health care in the world. >> what i-- obviously not-- you know, you're-- you know, people do fall through the cracks. >> and from what i saw those are some pretty big [bleep] cracks. so the worse case scenario for obamacare is that it gets us to a place where we already are? so what happens now when you're sick. >> you're still going to get the care. it's going to be not-- not good. not some of not good, it's going to be not what everyone else is getting. >> everybody else gets it, it's going to be -- >> [bleep]. >> it's-- they all get the same level of health care but they're going to have to wait for it. >> it's the same treatment, you just might get that treatment after you have already died. >> no. some people get great health care and some people just get good health care. >> but what if everybody got really great health care. >> i'm just kidding, we have to keep things competitive, right? >> yes! >> see, everyone gets care. it's just some have to wait for it. to be choppered in with a triage unit. but that's their choice. >> not all of them cannot afford health care. they made that choice to go bare. >> because they can't afford it. >> because they don't want to pay for it. >> well, because they can't afford it. >> people like a free lunch. and i will be honest, if you are poor, stop being poor, you know, get a ged, have a job for over a year. >> right, right. >> so if you are's poor, just stop being poor. >> that's a good idea. >> it's a great idea. just no one tell slovenia. >> jon: we'll be right back. 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[ male announcer ] turn up your night, and make it platinum. >> welcome back, my guest tonight, she is a political science professor at barnard college columbia university, she has been wroiing about the crisis in ukraine from foreign affairs magazine, please welcome kimberlie martin. hello. >> thank you. thank you for being here, for someone who studies this region, this must be horrifying and exciting at the same time. >> when things get bad there they get good for people who study it. >> jon: good for people who study it. >> yeah. >> jon: here's what i though about the situation. putin has won. he has through shrewd leadership and a certain amount of sensitivity of nipple, he has brought the west to its knees and reconstituted the soviet union. how correct am any. >> no, in fact, that's absolutely wrong. he lost and nobody can figure out why he took such big risk for such little gain. >> now that he's an interesting take, that you have, when you say it's a big risk, what has he risked? >> well, immediately he's risk that a gunshot goes off, not just one that gets into the sky but one that is, for example, fired by a drunk soldier, that causes the whole thing to blow and you crane to be in a civil war with russian troops there. but more than that, he has now given up the one piece of power that russia really had after the cold war that had any significance which was the veto in the u.n. security council. because he didn't bother to go to the u.n. before he decided to make this military move and then nobody is going to believe russia ever again when they say but you have to go to the u.n. security council first. >> aw. but let me tell you this, they are not there militarily. >> i understand that. i understand that, yeah. >> jon: you can go out and buy russian military uniforms. >> yes, yes, so i heard. >> jon: an you can learn russian very quickly if you want to. >> right, right. >> jon: this is complicated for not just russia because you talk about putin has given up the moral group if he indeed had any. how tough is it for us to say let's say putin wants to turn it around. i only went in to crimea because this is a region that wants to be part of the russian federation. wants to be independent, like you went into iraq, we are merely spreading democracy in this region. >> well, there is a procedure that should be followed through international law and, in fact, ukraine had already planned that it was going to have a discussion of changing the autonomous status of crimea after the may elections that were coming up. the ukrainian government is actually relatively a democracy. they didn't quite follow the procedures constitutionally when they got rid of yanukovych, the old leader but the way they put in place the new leadership was by a majority vote of a parliament that was elected in an election. and so ukraine is already a democracy. >> does that complicate ukraine's options here if crimea says we have through a popular uprising overthrown the ukrainian leadership and chosen to be part of the russian federation, does ukraine have a leg to stand on when they say but that's not constitutional because they just did a similar maneuver. >> but there is a difference. because what crimea did at the point that the russians had started going in was to replace their leadership with a new leader so that part was parallel to what had happened in kiev and the major part of ukraine. but the idea of just breaking away as a province going off on its own, that-- that is not in any kind of international legal framework that has to come with the permission, the discussion of the entire population of ukraine, not just the province by itself. >> how complicate wood it be if you held that discussion with the entoire province. because i know listen, i'm sure the kurds are watching this and thinking i didn't know you could do that. i was-- i-- in iraq, part of turkey there are many regions where there is a majority population, perhaps not in control politically that would like to establish their autonomy ethnically. >> but you know, only 58% of the people in crimea are ethnically russian or so we think from 29001 census. there is a big minority of crimean-- who were really just faced terrible persecution throughout the soviet period, now have-- . >> jon: so not -- they are not neutral towards russia, they are-- they are actively hostile. >> frightened of russia. and they have explicitly said they have their own form of a little inform democratic group that gets together and meets. and they said this group supports ukraine and they want ukraine and the entire population of ukraine to be involved in this decision. >> jon: i understand, you know, look, russia did this in georgia. but georgia is nowhere near the military of the ukraine. i mean ukraine is in an enormous country in and of itself with a very well established military. >> yes. the military in ukraine is not as strong as we might like it to be. but they've certainly cooperated with the u.s. and nato all around the world. and it seems like they're holding. and that's the one really positive things that gives stability in this situation. but the ground forces are still holding that little piece of land that connects crimea to the rest of ukraine. when that naval commander said he was defecting to the crimean side none of the officers want with him. when russian helicopters try to go to the crimean part of the country into the rest of ukraine, they were stopped by the ukrainian air force, so far that means it is a contained problem. >> jon: so basically putin has won and the west is weak. thank you for being here. will you stick and for a little bit. we'll talk briefly more, a couple of things i wanted to ask you. kimberly martin. what could possibly hold together all the natural energy found in peanuts? 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unfortunately, the answer to that question has been trademarked.


Transcripts For COM The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 20140422

missed some high drama. >> apparently cliven bundy, more sophisticated mother, al, more athletic brother, king kong. >> cliven bundy has been grazing his cattle illegally in nevada about 20 years now, about $1 million in grazing fees, penalties and fees, fortunately he is ignored court orders of cease and desist. >> the federal bureau of land management came to take his cattle, it is your standard cow has, boy has cow for 20 years, boy loses cow stories, or so we thought. hundreds of armed militia men rally to support the bend difficults. >> heading them off at gunpoint. >> he joined the protesters, he and other militia men are not afraid to shoot if necessary. >> we were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front, if they are going to start shooting it is going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot but these rogue federal officers. >> jon: anyway, happy valentine's day, sweety. >> he seems kind of -- apparently we have ourselves a standoff at wounded loin, yes. the armed standoff over this man illegally grazing his cattle is the subject of tonight's new segment, i don't get it. >> brought to you by -- huh? >> huh? it is a sound you make when you don't get it. >> look, i understand this is the west, everyone wants to romanticize it, last frontier of liberty, riding the rails on the open range, eating a tremendous amount of beans around the campfire, not caring about the normal social consequences of eating those beans because who is going to complain? the coyotes? not if they know what is good for them. >> babing! >> babing. >> that's the noise you make to scare them away. >> how is this guy bundy a hero how is this guy bundy a hero for ignoring federal law and what is the justification? >> i abide by all of nevada state laws, but i don't recognize the united states government as even existing. [laughter.] >> jon: i am as against government overreach as the next guy, but i don't think the federal government is overreaching by saying it exists. >> this guy -- heck, i am just a simple fellow, some folks call a car tiegs, rene descartes. >> and without immediate sensory proof, i won't take the united states government existence as prima facie existence. just all (bleep) in the jars. i have to pay you for grazing my imaginary brain jar cattle? who do you take me for? jon rock? patoo! patoo! >> right now, somewhere a junior philosophy major just (bleep)ed in his pants. >> all right. things, to prove the government exists did you look at the end of that. you see that thing you are holding there, fellow? if you ou reject the federal american government at least have the decency to create your own damned flag. >> i don't give the confederacy credit for much but at least they had a graphic design team worth a (bleep). >> so, so the court isn't on bundy's side or the government, even the nevada government isn't on his side, who is on his side? >> have you thought about why you think your case has resonate sod much with the american people? >> hannity! >> i still don't get it. >> it is not like they want to build a school, a road or a hospital. that land is going to stay vacant whether or not your cattle are on it or not, right? when your cattle graze there, that keeps the price of meat down for every american consumer. >> yes, it is cheaper when you steal the raw materials necessary for meat. >> in fact have you seen the prices at fell off the truck mart? so apparently sean hannity thinks laws are cart blank style. >> the ones you don't like won't, you don't have to abide. >> but the immigration healthcare law pundit, a mr. sean hannity. >> you believe we should obey the laws you want to obey. obey the laws you like? >> no, no. >> that's all? why don't you join with me, juan and say everybody should who bay the law, tell me how the president can unilaterally pick and choose which part of the law he will uphold at whatever time he chooses. >> jon: the guy is not even wearing a cowboy hat. >> apparently he selects cowboy hats which laws you will obey like a legal swording hat. >> by the way, that is the worst harry potter ever. >> or maybe sean just respects people who fight for their principles, even after they lose their case in court. >> a group of atheists lost their battle with the state of utah over 14 steel cross highway memorials, and the judge's ruling, you guys lost. >> that will be overturned. >> it is law. >> jon: ah. i guess unless your friends are armed and ready to have your womenfolk shot. [laughter.] >> jon: now, i know you don't like people scamming off the taxpayers, sean. >> my next guest is a california surfer, he lives on food stamps, i want you to realize you are taking other people's money and you are living a selfish life. >> jon: first of all -- [laughter.] >> jon: -- there is no way that (bleep) that guy's hair. did you see that? that is young hair but underneath those glasses is an old face. and otherwise hannity would be fine for hannity paying for his meals if he had other hair. >> also it would be cool to see a surfing cow. it seems like something about this bundy feller is blinding hannity to all the things that would normally drive hannity mad with rage this is it the hat because we can give him a different hat. and you know what? maybe a different hairstyle. and a new shirt. and a pair of devil sticks. >> oh, no, he is an occupy wall street protester. >> trespassing on land that doesn't belong to him, get 'em, sean! >> you are protester of the day and you go home at night and take a shower. >> take over a park and sleep on the street. >> jon: now that is the way you talk to a trespasser who votes differently than you. how out there is hannity on this issue? >> i have cattle. and i have people that graze on my land, grazing fees are normal, and you stopped paying them. there are some people that would say that you are, let me quote a welfare rancher. >> jon: sean hannity has now made glenn beck the voice of reason. [laughter.] [ applause ] >> jon: if you want, if you want to challenge the amount of federal land the government owns in the state of nevada, fine, make your case to the voters, if you want to challenge the concept of grazing fees, fine but hannity's puffery and armed friends don't make you a patriot. >> maybe i am a little bit like the founding fathers. >> jon: your welfare rancher is trying to pull off the largest cattle dine and --. largest cattle dine and --. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. because what we all really want... more. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet. and not a "have just a little buffet". that's the idea behind the more everything plan. it's more of everything you want, for less. because, c'mon. no one ever takes the second biggest cookie. get more with our best plans on the best network. for best results, use verizon. ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ i'm ten feet tall that witnessed that thing he shouldn't have and got put in that program you're not supposed to know about? he gets to go away for a while to a place we can't talk about and eat velveeta shells & cheese. liquid gold. eat like that guy you know. liquid gold. because i went to kfc and got this delicious 10 piece meal. [sigh] love it. kfc chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, coleslaw, biscuits, and the kicker - free lemon cake. came with the meal. right there. seriously. [sigh] i have nothing to do except be me. tonight i am not mom. i am paula. so dad, what does that make you? dad. ♪ drivers, tgo!our marks. it's chaos out there. but the m-class sees in your blind spot... pulls you back into your lane... even brakes all by itself. it's almost like it couldn't crash... even if it tried. the 2014 m-class. see your authorized dealer for exceptional offers through mercedes-benz financial services. [ applause ] >> jon: thank you very much. you may recall last month when pro-russian maish i can'ts took over the crimean peninsula and handed it to russia, many thought the militias were not only pro-russian but russian. russian president vladimir putin knew different. >> those are local self defense units. >> jon: you have to take the man at his word. come on. look at that face. with that, would that face lie to you? don't answer that because that face would kill you with poison. actually, that face did lie to you. vladimir putin in the meantime spoke on russian tv for the first time he admitted the troops in unmarked uniforms who took crimea before its annexation by moscow were, in fact, russian soldiers. >> jon: april fools'. in february. ordinarily, i would let by gonzales be by gonzales but large parts of eastern ukraine are now filled with the mysterious militias, taking over government buildings and not only taking ukrainian tanks, they are doing things with them i didn't think you could do. i have to tell you, man, with all due respect to ukraine that is -- but at least now putin is more accustomed to telling the truth i am sure he will level as to russian involvement. >> this is nonsense. there are no russian units in the east of the ukraine. >> jon: well, his lips may know but the other guy that was talking says, look. he lies all the time, so you know what else? if we had some kind of photographic proof that the myish whereas in the ukraine are actually russian soldiers -- >> new photos provided to a european monitoring body and published by "the new york times" just today give some insight as to who has been seizing government zoo sites in eastern ukraine, these link the gunmen known as green men to russia. >> jon: really? that is your evidence? chunky guy with a beard? it looks like every other guy in eastern europe. that is every other guy on the planet. like two-thirds of zz top. come on. i think that is like the guy that produced the beastie boys first album. look i am starting to think russia hasn't invaded crimea but a documentary prank by joaquin phoenix. >> i am going to need more evidence these militia then are not just locals. >> the talked to locals in the town people at the barricades speak with russian accents and don't know their way around. >> jon: i guess they weren't doing doughnuts in the tanks, they were just so lost they were driving in circles. >> they said it was lawful. i don't know. i don't know where i am going. i am just -- i am just hungry. >> jon: now that we know these are russian it is question is, how should america deal with it and please frame your answer with the stupidest option we can take. >> we need to do some things tactically. we need to give them lethal weapons, give them 100 t-72 tanks from nato stocks. >> jon: we did that already and the russians took them and started doing doughnuts! in the parking lot of the russian 7-11 is there anyone in russia who can pin putin now. >> u.s. former u.s. spy contractor having his first known public conversation with vladimir putin. >> jon: oh (bleep). it is the snow man! oh, yeah! falcon and the snow man! if anybody can hold putin's feet to the fire it is this cat. >> does russia intercept store or analyze in any way the communications of millions of individuals? >> jon: oh! how is ott vladdy going to get out of, he is vladdy going to get out of this one. >> we don't have a system of interception. according to our law, it cannot exist. >> jon: touche. who would ever have thought putin could outwit a prerecorded question from a man whose life is in his guy: hey captain obvious, watch this! captain: when i'm looking for a hotel with a wet pool, i go to you can get up to 50% off with their private sales. that man's privates are no longer private. we'll pay your early termination fees. so you can get the new galaxy s5 for $0 down. sweetheart i'd love to daddy can you play princesbut the guys...with me? they're outside waiting for me. i've got doritos!! steve... what is the hold up? [ crunch ] it's like jacob here. strong. sturdy. [ shouts ] but not too sweet. [ male announcer ] built from apples. come on, jacob! built to refresh. throw it to me! smith & forge hard cider. made strong. ohhh! >> jon: my guest tonight the administrator of the environmental protection agency, please welcome gina mccarthy! [ applause ] >> jon:. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> jon: welcome to the program. first of all as a bostonian, i say to you congratulations on a beautiful marathon today. beautifully done. very joyous, really lovely. >> thank you. boston proud. >> jon: yes. really well done. [ applause ] >> boston strong. >> jon: it was -- i was going to run in it, but then i remembered i am decrepit. >> i knew that before -- >> jon: you are very kind. how long have you been in the new position? >> oh, just about six, seven months. >> jon: and are we clean yet? the hair, the water? >> huge, huge movement forward since i started, yes. >> jon: tremendous? >> yes. >> jon: what is for you stepping in what is your priority? >> well, i share the president's priority of dealing with the issue of climate change, first and foremost. >> jon: now, see, that is the first part of that issue getting over half the congress to admit that it is happening? >> actually, we tried that first. >> jon: how did that go? >> not well, not well. not well. actually, the president, what is great even before i started the job he put out a climate action plan and what he said was the administration is going to take action, we are not waiting for climate. he started it as part of the leadership the president has to bring to the country and also is looking at i think what is a father of two beautiful children and he stood up and said it is a moral obligation. i agree with him. we have got to fight for the next generation. >> jon: but what would -- what would do it? you know, we have to fight for it. if you talked to the fossil fuel companies they would say, any type of restriction on what they do would lead us to an economic apocalypse if you talked to the scientists they say by not doing it we will have a climate apocalypse. i guess my question is, which apocalypse should i pray for? because i am choosing between two apocalypses. >> they have to look at the history. epa a has been around for 40 years and we learned a way to avoid apocalypses we clean up the air, 70 percent in our air pollution while we doubled the gdp, it can be done and with climate we have to move forward in a common sense way. take a look at what the president did in his light vehicle rule -- >> jon: oh, sitting looking and what the president -- it is whatever that thing is. >> fuel efficient cars. >> jon: that's what i am doing. i have what you call a nesting hummer. a hummer inside a hummer inside a hummer. >> sounds russian. >> jon: it is! it is! >> it might not be russian, though. >> jon: it's true. >> he doubled the fuel economy by 20-20 five, that lowered significantly greenhouse gas emissions from sources and at the same time you will get more fuel efficient cars and the car companies didn't die. >> jon: i don't think there is any question we are doing fine in the economy and all of these regulations put the mom and pop oil companies out of business. that didn't come out right. you know what i am talking about. you know, if you had your druthers, let's say you guys, you didn't have to convince half the congress this is real, what would you do? >> i don't think we would do have to convince them it is real. the scientists tell us it is real. what we are actually trying to do is take common sense steps in moving forward. one of the things we are doing in june is we are doing a carbon pollution standard for power plants. >> jon: right. >> the power plants are the biggest source of greenhouse gases. >> jon: are there no carbon pollution standards for them presently. >> no. there is not a standard on carbon with these power plants. and we think it is just as noxious as sulfur and we are going to go for it. >> jon: what is the differential? not because i am speaking for a friend, it is not like i burn things in my backyard. i am just curious, how much is there now and how much are we looking at? >> we are going to regulate it under the clean air act and it tells us we have to take steps forward to reduce it. we are going to take a look at what we need to do and we are going to make it flexible, you are going to get some significant greenhouse gas reduction out of it. really you can do that, it is safe, and communities have been reducing their greenhouse gas emissions for a long time. we are not talking about taking any fuel out of the system. >> jon: right. >> we are talking about making things more efficient. we are talking about investments in efficiency. we are talking about renewable energy and talking about a future that is actually looks pretty good. >> jon: but can't you make a more winning argument this is about efficiency and about creating energy in a better way because i think if you say to these companies we don't want to pollute with carbon they will say what about, what about china's economy? what about india's economy? what about these growing, you know, we got ours in the industrial revolution, what about these countries that are now building their middle classes and what about states like texas that don't listen? >> actually -- [laughter.] >> we are actually not talking about going backwards. we are talking about positioning the u.s. for the future, as well as those companies. they know they can invest in renewable energy and know they can make it work in an energy mix and so our job really is to try to drive those reductions nationally but to make sure every state is differently positioned. some have already done really aggressive energy efficient city work and we can do a whole lot more. >> jon: but how much is the might be, even with the boiler rules they had, they made a big deal about it would save 6,000 lives -- >> and by -- >> jon: i knew but i thought it was funny. and it is a thing i do, oh, look at me. save 6,600 lives they come up with a standard, what is it in february 2011 but they don't implement it until after the election, and posted an article this is political pressure, they say, i mean, how much of that is real? >> the timeline in the rule is set in statute. >> jon: i mean when it gets implemented. i know it is in the statute. >> that is what is in the statute is when it needs to be implement sod none of this is following politics. >> jon: i see. >> it is following, i hope and i think, what is best for america. and if we don't start dealing with climate change which is the biggest public health challenge that we face, as well as the biggest economic challenge we face, and think of it both from an environmental and an economic standpoint, then i think we will lose it for the next generation and our own, frankly. [ applause ] >> jon: i appreciate you being here and next year, you will run the marathon, yes? >> we will talk about that. >> jon: all right. well, thank you very much for being here, i appreciate it. gina mccarthy. we will be right back. [ male announcer ] for paul ridley, there's no substitute for advil. it's built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. advil. make today yours. ♪'s about capturing the moment. ♪ it's holding your breath... [ elephants grunting ] ...until something takes it out of you. ♪ it's performance without hesitation. which is exactly what you get... [ camera shutter clicks ] ...with a tablet powered by intel. ♪ ...with a tablet powered by intel. i would share a shawarma with me.e. i'd snuggle up with me. have a wine with me. whew. i'd [buzz] me. shave. style. groom. innovation and you. philips norelco. [ applause ] >> jon: that's our show. here it is, your moment of look out! >> we have about 5,000 customers taking the trains each and every day, safety as you know is paramount. captioning sponsored by comedy central captioned by med >> tonight troubling rumors about hillary clinton. i heard she slept way former president. then how request churches attract new members. get ready for log flume baptism. and my guest acclaimed document arian ken burns has a new film about the getties getties-- gettysburg address, i gave it four score out of five. oscar mayer is regarding 96,000 pounds of hot dogs for containing cheese. oh, a hot dog made with an identifiable food? gross. this is "the colbert report."


Transcripts For COM The Colbert Report 20140422

captioning sponsored by comedy central welcome to the report, everybody, good to you have with us. >> stephen, stephen, stephen! stephen, stephen, stephen. >> thank you, ladies and yes. >> thank you so much, nation. (cheers and applause) nation, i hope that-- anybody watching out there that if you know me at all you know that i am a huge supporter of the war on terror. it is a much better battle against an abstract concept than our war on appate. (laughter) frankly, i just couldn't see the point of that one. well, last week, folks, we got the bombshell news on the people we're shelling with bombs. jim? >> u.s. intelligence analysts are examining a video that appears to show the largest al qaeda gathering in years. the recording recently appeared on jihadist web sites, the men are meeting in a rugged mountainous area. >> this video is part al qaeda pep rally and part propaganda. >> stephen: and this pep rally propaganda or prepa-ganda has been a huge viral success, especially with those jihaddists who have been waiting years for the sequel to their first hit, monkey bars! but this weekend the video got one resounding down vote. >> the large attack under way against an al qaeda affiliate in yemen just days after cnn first aired this video showing the group and its leadership meeting up in the open for everyone to see. >> yemeni officials are calling the operation unprecedented killing at least 65 militants. >> stephen: folks, let this be a lesson to everybody out there. terrorists, but also teen, be careful what you post on social media, okay? remember, it seems innocent enough but it will be out there for the rest of your life, which for these guys was about five days. (laughter) if you really must upload your embarrassing party than will you make sure geo tagging is off. then post-it where you are sure no one will see it. like google plus. (laughter) now nation i don't mean-- sound advice. that is stephen's sound advice. nation, i don't mean to alarm you but hillary clinton continue its to exist. (laughter) she is the biggest threat to republicans in 2016 other than republicans in 2014. (laughter) and she has just become more threatening. >> we have been anticipating an announcement about hillary clinton's future. and today we got one. she's going to be a grandmother. >> stephen: now obviously news of a grandchild is a joyous occasion. sow i just want to take a moment right now to put toll particular-- politic as side and offer the clinton family a heartfelt congratulations for such a shrewd political move. (laughter) right? right, fox news? >> i think a lot of this maybe this was planned. >> stephen: yes. maybe this was planned. and we all know only the most devious people would ever plan a pregnancy. (laughter) clear, clearly, folks, hillary clinton has engineered the birth of her first grandchild in a craven political ploy to seem endearing. i mean not even barack obama ever stooped to becoming a grandmother. (laughter) it's o obvious that she clearly sat down with her daughter and time up chelsea oflation cycle with the political calendar. there is no other motivation for a couple in their 60s to want their daughter to give them a grandchild. (laughter) but some na-na naysayers say nay ney ney. >> don't you think that they are entitled to try to very a baby whenever they want. and by the way, if it was going to be planned t would be planned for next year when the campaign might actually be under way. >> stephen: good point, howie. if it was planned, the child would be born around the iowa caucuses. i mean what a waste of a perfectly good pregnancy. so that's not the only big news to come out of hillary's still mulling over whether this is the campaign. last week she was viciously attacked. >> between secretary of state and the possible run for president, hillary clinton found herself under fire as the keynote speaker at the las vegas convention of the scrap recycling industry. >> it's already recycling. >> a woman in the audience threw a shoe as clinton was speaking-- speaking yesterday. fortunately her aim wasn't very good. >> what was that, a bat. was that a bat? is that somebody throwing something at me? is that part of cirque du soleil? (laughter) >> stephen: no, no secretary clinton f it was part of cirque du soleil the shoe would have performed a two-hour dream opera. and then charged you $200 a ticket. (laughter) now folks, i do not trust hillary clinton. and there's a ton of persons who agree with me. >> we had a call yesterday and basically this woman's theory is that mrs. clinton staged the whole incident where somebody threw a shoe at her. the clinton will well-known for staging things. do the clinton stage things? heck yes, they stage things. therefore s it outrageous that somebody would call here and think maybe hillary staged the shoe throwing-- no, it isn't outrageous. >> stephen: of course it could have been staged. i mean think about it, she was standing on a stage. (laughter) folks, there's a conspiracy of foot afoot. which can only be fully addressed in my long running segment, stephen colbert's [bleep] serious. >> hear me out. >> stephen: where i explore conspiracy theories and pose the hard questions like in nine years why have i only done this segment once before? (laughter) what do they not want you to know? and if i'm in charge of my show, are they me? (laughter) now we may know the footwear but we're still trying to figure out the foot-why. rush? >> i don't know why anybody would be throwing a shoe at hillary unless, and maybe it's an attempt to make the benghazi people look like nuts and lunatics and wackos even if it had anything to do with that which i don't know. >> stephen: yes, yes. yes. (applause) (cheers and applause) >> stephen: yes, it's all part of hillary's plan to make the benghazi people look like wackos even if it even had anything to do with that which rush and i don't know because if it didn't then we look like wackos for bringing up benghazi now for no reason. oh, you're good! and folks, there are other-- (applause) there are other-- (laughter) she clearly planned it. no, no, we've got to go. folks there are other brave shoe truthers or shouther like hermann caine who tweeted for the clin enand to the web site where a blogger put she doesn't put her hands up to protect herself and doesn't duck out of the way until the shoe already passed her and if there is one thing he knows is what to do when someone throws a shoe at you. >> oh shucky ducky. >> stephen: yes, but hillary, hillary, hillary did not shucky duck fast enough. and anyone, anyone who has thrown a shoe at a 66-year-old woman knows they react with cobra speed. (laughter) (applause) hillary, hillary's motivation-- i think you might be seeing more of this photo in the future. yes, i'm a psychic. hillary's motivation for staging this shoe-spiracy are obvious as a post on fox news's bernie goldberg's blog suggests, remembering the bush incident, she may have calculated this would make her seem presidential. yes! yes, she has stolen president bush's most presidential moment, the only way, only way hillary clinton could seem more like a leader is if she choked on a pretzel while falling off a segue. i mean think about it. (cheers and applause) think about it! either this incident was one tiny machination in the vast master plan meticulously orchestrated by the clinton core, or some crazy lady threw a shoe at her. ask yourself this. which one of those two possibilities lets me talk about it for six minutes? (laughter) now continue to think about it, hillary is so devious it is possible even losing the 2000 primary was part of her scheme. that way she doesn't become president in 2008, she can't get re-elected in 2012, steering a path for a shoe to be thrown at her the very same week we learn chelsea is pregnant. (cheers and applause) i mean it's like we're playing checkers and she's not so we're playing her side too and she's still beating us. (laughter) well, that's it for this edition of stephen colbert's [bleep] they arists unless are you listening to this from your fillings, in which case, i'll be with all night long. we'll be right back this is smith & forge hard cider. it's like jasper here. strong. sturdy. but not too sweet. [ male announcer ] built from apples. built to refresh. smith & forge hard cider. made strong. smith & forge hard cider. [boy] mom!ughs] [mom] yes? [boy] whoa,whoa,whoa... [mom and dad] [laughing] [boy] whoa,whoa,whoa... [mom] you've got two left feet,boo. >> welcome back, folks. folks, thank you so much. folks, i hope-- you checked your calendar you will know that yesterday was easter. so i just want to wish everybody a happy easter. but not for yesterday, for next season, okay. let me get things out early. while i'm at it happy labor day, now get back to work, peoplement but sadly recent pew research from the pew research center found that the percentage of americans who say the seldom or never attend religious services has risen. people aren't going to church. evidently, somebody blabbed about the god is everywhere loophole. thankfully, this year some churches began spending money on giveaways and prizes in hopes of boosting atendance on easter sunday. alas, prizes. i mean what else were they going to lure people in w the promise of unconditional love and eternal salvation. they gave that out last year. now folks, falling attendance is worse among men, christianity has become unmanly. a lot of priests don't even have girlfriends. which is why i was happy to hear that some churches have found a way to put the dude back in deuteronomy, according to the "new york times", a small but growing number of evangelical churches have embraced mixed martial arts to convert young men. that makes sense. it's like jesus said f anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other check then keep turning until you deliver a round house kicking his jaw. yah! (cheers and applause) yah! all this hard-core mma church action is in a new documentary called fight church. >> as christians, there are times where you take shots. that's where the bible gives you your training. >> i don't look like the typical pastor and that's okay within a couple of god fearing men punching each other in the face. >> ladies and gentlemen, this is pastor versus pastor. >> you got to learn to put your foot on his neck. somebody shout jesus. >> stephen: yes, somebody shout jesus! but probably not the guy with the foot on his neck. (laughter) all this time all this time we've been turning to jesus for answers to our deepest questions. but we missed the most central question of all. >> can you love your neighbor as yourself and then at the same time knee him in the face? (laughter) >> stephen: yes, you can. especially if he keeps raking his leaves into your yard. this is the last warning, allen! and rest assured, folks, all this face kneeing is based on scripture. >> there is a verse in the bibele that says be wary when all men speak well of you. if everybody loves you, you are doing something wrong. >> stephen: and nothing makes you not be loved by someone quite like shattering his clavicle. which means you got to be doing something right. but at the end of the day fight church is about spreading the word. >> this is a battlefield. we need to charge him, not wait for them to come to us. >> at the end of the day it's about reaching people with the gospel regardless of what you do to introduce them to relationship with jesus christ. >> stephen: yes, it's a relationship with jesus christ. it's like a blind date during which you may be blinded. (laughter) but i say we can take hand to hand holy war even further. i mean if watching two christians attack each other is fun wa, about a christian and a lion? (laughter) with action like that i bet you could fill up a stadium. we'll be right back. (cheers and applause) tonight i am off the grid. i'm on vacation. because i went to kfc and got this delicious 10 piece meal. [sigh] love it. kfc chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, coleslaw, biscuits, and the kicker - free lemon cake. came with the meal. right there. seriously. [sigh] i have nothing to do except be me. tonight i am not mom. i am paula. so dad, what does that make you? dad. ♪ what are you guys having? uhhhh.... i'll have a redd's apple ale. make it two. redd's apple ale. crisp like an apple. brewed like an ale. ♪ i got no beef with repetition ♪ ♪ i'm gonna see it through and through ♪ ♪ i got no beef with repetition ♪ ♪ i feel the same way as you do ♪ ♪ i feel the same way as you do ♪ ♪ i feel the same way as you do ♪ a short word that's a tall order. up your game. up the ante. and if you stumble, you get back up. up isn't easy, and we ought to know. we're in the business of up. everyday delta flies a quarter of million people while investing billions improving everything from booking to baggage claim. we're raising the bar on flying and tomorrow we will up it yet again. >> welcome back, everybody. my guest tonight is a documentary filmmaker. i don't know, it didn't end well for the first guy who memorized it. please welcome ken burns. (cheers and applause) hey, how are you. welcome back. >> thank you. >> okay, everybody knows ken burns, civil war, baseball, you got how many, you got two gram eyes, three peabody's, most impressively this is your sixth trip back to my show. >> exactly. >> stephen: what keeps the ken burns motor running? >> i'm working seven projects at once skz you're kidding. >> no, seven. >> stephen: you have a problem. >> i do. >> stephen: you're addict food history. >> i am addicted to history and i would be pregnant if i were a woman because i can't say no to a project. >> stephen: wow! that's bold. okay. your new project is called the address, film by ken burns. it just premiered april 15th. it is also available on dvd from the good people at pbs. now the address, the gettysburg address. >> exactly. >> stephen: what's the big deal about the gettysburg address, you know t gets a lot of press, a lot of press because it is short, you know t is easy to get through. >> it's lincoln-- . >> stephen: but is it really that good? or how much of it is hype? >> no hype, it's really that good. >> stephen: it's only 272 words. if it was good, i'm going to keep talking f it was good, wouldn't there be more of it? >> no, that's the beauty. pure presidential poetry, he's doubling down on the declaration of independence. because thomas jefferson said all men are created equal but he owned other human beings. lincoln freed those human beings and set in motion a kind of 2.0 version which the gettysburg address is we haven't replaced it. and in 272 words, in 10 sentence, the first one four score and seven years is where we've been, now we are engaged in a great civil war is where we are, and the rest are about pulling us into a future that we have become. he asked us to be a different kind of people to have a new verse of freedom. and this film is about a small school in vermont where the kids suffer from dix lexia, adhd, a whole host of learning differences that makes their passage through school very challenging. but each year the school for the 35 years it has been in existence has challenged the kids to first mem orize it and then publicly recite the gettysburg address. >> stephen: and they compete against each other to be the one without gets to do this. >> no, no, they all do it they all mem orize it, and they have all-- . >> stephen: but does somebody win, isn't there a winner, is there a winner? because it sounds like you're having child fights against each other. just 50 children. >> exactly, no, no, there is a middle school and a high school, first, second and third. but they're all winners because they overcome this, look, we don't do any mem orization in school any more. we used to mem orize a lot of stuff. >> i didn't do it before. >> we actually have a clip of the film. let's take a look. >> we have divided the gettysburg into five paragraphs for learning. >> four score and seven years ago our fathers-- brought forth on this continent a new nation with liberty and dedicated to the -- that all men are created equal. >> did you that very well. you can tell them what was going on in paragraph 1, about four score. >> how america-- about what is happening. >> our father. >> on this -- >> to the proposition. >> that all-- are equal. >> stephen: if lincoln had lost the war would we be mem orizing this? >> that's so interesting. >> stephen: of course, i asked it? (laughter) >> selby foot in the civil war said as a mississippian that even though he, his people had lost the civil war, he was asked to mem orize it because it was such an extraordinary piece of diction such an extraordinary piece of rhetoric that it sort of would be remembered regardless. so i had never thought about it the other way. >> stephen: you started another project, what is it called, learn the address. >> yes. >> stephen: you were trying to get everybody in america to learn this address. >> yes, we were challenging everybody. if you go to learn the you have all the living presidents, notable people, stephen colbert, lots of-- . >> stephen: how did you get him? (laughter) >> it was really tough. it was tough but de it. >> stephen: but why this address? i mean there are some great presidential speeches out there. why not william henry harrison's 400 words presidential inaugural address that was so powerful that it killed him. >> that he died! >> stephen: one month later. i mean that is a speech to mem orize. (applause) maybe the next film. >> maybe, the presidency of william henry harrison. >> stephen: that would be a very short documentary. it's a station break on pbs. >> then i can't do it. >> stephen: ken burns, the-- res, we'll be right back. for paul ridley there's no substitute for advil. it's built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. and made for people like paul, who believe nothing should stop you from achieving your goals. not doubt. not fear. and definitely not back and shoulder pain. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain and make today yours. advil. make today yours. >> stephen: that's it for the reports captioning sponsored by comedy central captioned by media access group at wgbh it is 11:59 and 59 seconds, this happened on youtube today. this is -- that is what it looks like. music video that unicef india posted, are you ready, encouraging people to not poop in the street! we have youtube for walking, walking and not a pooping, because and i am glad they put this video on youtube because the same


Transcripts For COM The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 20140422

administrator, gina mccarthy, i am going to ask about fracking. but first, while we were off we missed some high drama. >> apparently cliven bundy, more sophisticated mother, al, more athletic brother, king kong. >> cliven bundy has been grazing his cattle illegally in nevada about 20 years now, about $1 million in grazing fees, penalties and fees, fortunately he is ignored court orders of cease and desist. >> the federal bureau of land management came to take his cattle, it is your standard cow has, boy has cow for 20 years, boy loses cow stories, or so we thought. hundreds of armed militia men rally to support the bend difficults. >> heading them off at gunpoint. >> he joined the protesters, he and other militia men are not afraid to shoot if necessary. >> we were actually strategizing to put all the women up at the front, if they are going to start shooting it is going to be women that are going to be televised all across the world getting shot but these rogue federal officers. >> jon: anyway, happy valentine's day, sweety. >> he seems kind of -- apparently we have ourselves a standoff at wounded loin, yes. the armed standoff over this man illegally grazing his cattle is the subject of tonight's new segment, i don't get it. >> brought to you by -- huh? >> huh? it is a sound you make when you don't get it. >> look, i understand this is the west, everyone wants to romanticize it, last frontier of liberty, riding the rails on the open range, eating a tremendous amount of beans around the campfire, not caring about the normal social consequences of eating those beans because who is going to complain? the coyotes? not if they know what is good for them. >> babing! >> babing. >> that's the noise you make to scare them away. >> how is this guy bundy a hero how is this guy bundy a hero for ignoring federal law and what is the justification? >> i abide by all of nevada state laws, but i don't recognize the united states government as even existing. [laughter.] >> jon: i am as against government overreach as the next guy, but i don't think the federal government is overreaching by saying it exists. >> this guy -- heck, i am just a simple fellow, some folks call a car tiegs, rene descartes. >> and without immediate sensory proof, i won't take the united states government existence as prima facie existence. just all (bleep) in the jars. i have to pay you for grazing my imaginary brain jar cattle? who do you take me for? jon rock? patoo! patoo! >> right now, somewhere a junior philosophy major just (bleep)ed in his pants. >> all right. things, to prove the government exists did you look at the end of that. you see that thing you are holding there, fellow? if you ou reject the federal american government at least have the decency to create your own damned flag. >> i don't give the confederacy credit for much but at least they had a graphic design team worth a (bleep). >> so, so the court isn't on bundy's side or the government, even the nevada government isn't on his side, who is on his side? >> have you thought about why you think your case has resonate sod much with the american people? >> hannity! >> i still don't get it. >> it is not like they want to build a school, a road or a hospital. that land is going to stay vacant whether or not your cattle are on it or not, right? when your cattle graze there, that keeps the price of meat down for every american consumer. >> yes, it is cheaper when you steal the raw materials necessary for meat. >> in fact have you seen the prices at fell off the truck mart? so apparently sean hannity thinks laws are cart blank style. >> the ones you don't like won't, you don't have to abide. >> but the immigration healthcare law pundit, a mr. sean hannity. >> you believe we should obey the laws you want to obey. obey the laws you like? >> no, no. >> that's all? why don't you join with me, juan and say everybody should who bay the law, tell me how the president can unilaterally pick and choose which part of the law he will uphold at whatever time he chooses. >> jon: the guy is not even wearing a cowboy hat. >> apparently he selects cowboy hats which laws you will obey like a legal swording hat. >> by the way, that is the worst harry potter ever. >> or maybe sean just respects people who fight for their principles, even after they lose their case in court. >> a group of atheists lost their battle with the state of utah over 14 steel cross highway memorials, and the judge's ruling, you guys lost. >> that will be overturned. >> it is law. >> jon: ah. i guess unless your friends are armed and ready to have your womenfolk shot. [laughter.] >> jon: now, i know you don't like people scamming off the taxpayers, sean. >> my next guest is a california surfer, he lives on food stamps, i want you to realize you are taking other people's money and you are living a selfish life. >> jon: first of all -- [laughter.] >> jon: -- there is no way that (bleep) that guy's hair. did you see that? that is young hair but underneath those glasses is an old face. and otherwise hannity would be fine for hannity paying for his meals if he had other hair. >> also it would be cool to see a surfing cow. it seems like something about this bundy feller is blinding hannity to all the things that would normally drive hannity mad with rage this is it the hat because we can give him a different hat. and you know what? maybe a different hairstyle. and a new shirt. and a pair of devil sticks. >> oh, no, he is an occupy wall street protester. >> trespassing on land that doesn't belong to him, get 'em, sean! >> you are protester of the day and you go home at night and take a shower. >> take over a park and sleep on the street. >> jon: now that is the way you talk to a trespasser who votes differently than you. how out there is hannity on this issue? >> i have cattle. and i have people that graze on my land, grazing fees are normal, and you stopped paying them. there are some people that would say that you are, let me quote a welfare rancher. >> jon: sean hannity has now made glenn beck the voice of reason. [laughter.] [ applause ] >> jon: if you want, if you want to challenge the amount of federal land the government owns in the state of nevada, fine, make your case to the voters, if you want to challenge the concept of grazing fees, fine but hannity's puffery and armed friends don't make you a patriot. >> maybe i am a little bit like the founding fathers. >> jon: your welfare rancher is trying to pull off the largest cattle dine and --. largest cattle dine and --. nobody ever stomped their foot and asked for less. because what we all really want... more. there's a reason it's called an "all you can eat" buffet. and not a "have just a little buffet". that's the idea behind the more everything plan. it's more of everything you want, for less. because, c'mon. no one ever takes the second biggest cookie. get more with our best plans on the best network. for best results, use verizon. beautiful day in baltimore where most people probably know that geico could save them money on car insurance, right? you see the thing is geico, well, could help them save on boat insurance too. hey! okay...i'm ready to come in now. hello? i'm trying my best. seriously, i'm...i'm serious. request to come ashore. geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. because i went to kfc and got this delicious 10 piece meal. [sigh] love it. kfc chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, coleslaw, biscuits, and the kicker - free lemon cake. came with the meal. right there. seriously. [sigh] i have nothing to do except be me. tonight i am not mom. i am paula. so dad, what does that make you? dad. ♪ what are you guys having? uhhhh.... i'll have a redd's apple ale. make it two. redd's apple ale. crisp like an apple. brewed like an ale. ♪ i got no beef with repetition ♪ ♪ i'm gonna see it through and through ♪ ♪ i got no beef with repetition ♪ ♪ i feel the same way as you do ♪ ♪ i feel the same way as you do ♪ ♪ i feel the same way as you do ♪ [ applause ] >> jon: thank you very much. you may recall last month when pro-russian maish i can'ts took over the crimean peninsula and handed it to russia, many thought the militias were not only pro-russian but russian. russian president vladimir putin knew different. >> those are local self defense units. >> jon: you have to take the man at his word. come on. look at that face. with that, would that face lie to you? don't answer that because that face would kill you with poison. actually, that face did lie to you. vladimir putin in the meantime spoke on russian tv for the first time he admitted the troops in unmarked uniforms who took crimea before its annexation by moscow were, in fact, russian soldiers. >> jon: april fools'. in february. ordinarily, i would let by gonzales be by gonzales but large parts of eastern ukraine are now filled with the mysterious militias, taking over government buildings and not only taking ukrainian tanks, they are doing things with them i didn't think you could do. i have to tell you, man, with all due respect to ukraine that is -- but at least now putin is more accustomed to telling the truth i am sure he will level as to russian involvement. >> this is nonsense. there are no russian units in the east of the ukraine. >> jon: well, his lips may know but the other guy that was talking says, look. he lies all the time, so you know what else? if we had some kind of photographic proof that the myish whereas in the ukraine are actually russian soldiers -- >> new photos provided to a european monitoring body and published by "the new york times" just today give some insight as to who has been seizing government zoo sites in eastern ukraine, these link the gunmen known as green men to russia. >> jon: really? that is your evidence? chunky guy with a beard? it looks like every other guy in eastern europe. that is every other guy on the planet. like two-thirds of zz top. come on. i think that is like the guy that produced the beastie boys first album. look i am starting to think russia hasn't invaded crimea but a documentary prank by joaquin phoenix. >> i am going to need more evidence these militia then are not just locals. >> the talked to locals in the town people at the barricades speak with russian accents and don't know their way around. >> jon: i guess they weren't doing doughnuts in the tanks, they were just so lost they were driving in circles. >> they said it was lawful. i don't know. i don't know where i am going. i am just -- i am just hungry. >> jon: now that we know these are russian it is question is, how should america deal with it and please frame your answer with the stupidest option we can take. >> we need to do some things tactically. we need to give them lethal weapons, give them 100 t-72 tanks from nato stocks. >> jon: we did that already and the russians took them and started doing doughnuts! in the parking lot of the russian 7-11 is there anyone in russia who can pin putin now. >> u.s. former u.s. spy contractor having his first known public conversation with vladimir putin. >> jon: oh (bleep). it is the snow man! oh, yeah! falcon and the snow man! if anybody can hold putin's feet to the fire it is this cat. >> does russia intercept store or analyze in any way the communications of millions of individuals? >> jon: oh! how is ott vladdy going to get out of, he is vladdy going to get out of this one. >> we don't have a system of interception. according to our law, it cannot exist. >> jon: touche. who would ever have thought putin could outwit a prerecorded question from a man whose life is in his ♪ boring! yeah! ♪ if you want to see old faithful ♪ ♪ don't be such a couch potato ♪ ♪ yeah just go check out the thing for yourself ♪ highlander! ♪ we ain't got no room for boring ♪ ♪ ferdy gerdy ferdy ger boom! [ cluck, cluck ] ♪ no, we ain't got no room ♪ for boring ♪ for boring, we ain't got no room ♪ ahh! [ male announcer ] the all-new highlander. toyota. let's go places. the expedia app helps you save with mobile-exclusive deals [ male announcer ] the all-new highlander. download the expedia app text expedia to 75309 expedia, find yours >> jon: my guest tonight the administrator of the environmental protection agency, please welcome gina mccarthy! [ applause ] >> jon:. >> thank you. [ applause ] >> jon: welcome to the program. first of all as a bostonian, i say to you congratulations on a beautiful marathon today. beautifully done. very joyous, really lovely. >> thank you. boston proud. >> jon: yes. really well done. [ applause ] >> boston strong. >> jon: it was -- i was going to run in it, but then i remembered i am decrepit. >> i knew that before -- >> jon: you are very kind. how long have you been in the new position? >> oh, just about six, seven months. >> jon: and are we clean yet? the hair, the water? >> huge, huge movement forward since i started, yes. >> jon: tremendous? >> yes. >> jon: what is for you stepping in what is your priority? >> well, i share the president's priority of dealing with the issue of climate change, first and foremost. >> jon: now, see, that is the first part of that issue getting over half the congress to admit that it is happening? >> actually, we tried that first. >> jon: how did that go? >> not well, not well. not well. actually, the president, what is great even before i started the job he put out a climate action plan and what he said was the administration is going to take action, we are not waiting for climate. he started it as part of the leadership the president has to bring to the country and also is looking at i think what is a father of two beautiful children and he stood up and said it is a moral obligation. i agree with him. we have got to fight for the next generation. >> jon: but what would -- what would do it? you know, we have to fight for it. if you talked to the fossil fuel companies they would say, any type of restriction on what they do would lead us to an economic apocalypse if you talked to the scientists they say by not doing it we will have a climate apocalypse. i guess my question is, which apocalypse should i pray for? because i am choosing between two apocalypses. >> they have to look at the history. epa a has been around for 40 years and we learned a way to avoid apocalypses we clean up the air, 70 percent in our air pollution while we doubled the gdp, it can be done and with climate we have to move forward in a common sense way. take a look at what the president did in his light vehicle rule -- >> jon: oh, sitting looking and what the president -- it is whatever that thing is. >> fuel efficient cars. >> jon: that's what i am doing. i have what you call a nesting hummer. a hummer inside a hummer inside a hummer. >> sounds russian. >> jon: it is! it is! >> it might not be russian, though. >> jon: it's true. >> he doubled the fuel economy by 20-20 five, that lowered significantly greenhouse gas emissions from sources and at the same time you will get more fuel efficient cars and the car companies didn't die. >> jon: i don't think there is any question we are doing fine in the economy and all of these regulations put the mom and pop oil companies out of business. that didn't come out right. you know what i am talking about. you know, if you had your druthers, let's say you guys, you didn't have to convince half the congress this is real, what would you do? >> i don't think we would do have to convince them it is real. the scientists tell us it is real. what we are actually trying to do is take common sense steps in moving forward. one of the things we are doing in june is we are doing a carbon pollution standard for power plants. >> jon: right. >> the power plants are the biggest source of greenhouse gases. >> jon: are there no carbon pollution standards for them presently. >> no. there is not a standard on carbon with these power plants. and we think it is just as noxious as sulfur and we are going to go for it. >> jon: what is the differential? not because i am speaking for a friend, it is not like i burn things in my backyard. i am just curious, how much is there now and how much are we looking at? >> we are going to regulate it under the clean air act and it tells us we have to take steps forward to reduce it. we are going to take a look at what we need to do and we are going to make it flexible, you are going to get some significant greenhouse gas reduction out of it. really you can do that, it is safe, and communities have been reducing their greenhouse gas emissions for a long time. we are not talking about taking any fuel out of the system. >> jon: right. >> we are talking about making things more efficient. we are talking about investments in efficiency. we are talking about renewable energy and talking about a future that is actually looks pretty good. >> jon: but can't you make a more winning argument this is about efficiency and about creating energy in a better way because i think if you say to these companies we don't want to pollute with carbon they will say what about, what about china's economy? what about india's economy? what about these growing, you know, we got ours in the industrial revolution, what about these countries that are now building their middle classes and what about states like texas that don't listen? >> actually -- [laughter.] >> we are actually not talking about going backwards. we are talking about positioning the u.s. for the future, as well as those companies. they know they can invest in renewable energy and know they can make it work in an energy mix and so our job really is to try to drive those reductions nationally but to make sure every state is differently positioned. some have already done really aggressive energy efficient city work and we can do a whole lot more. >> jon: but how much is the might be, even with the boiler rules they had, they made a big deal about it would save 6,000 lives -- >> and by -- >> jon: i knew but i thought it was funny. and it is a thing i do, oh, look at me. save 6,600 lives they come up with a standard, what is it in february 2011 but they don't implement it until after the election, and posted an article this is political pressure, they say, i mean, how much of that is real? >> the timeline in the rule is set in statute. >> jon: i mean when it gets implemented. i know it is in the statute. >> that is what is in the statute is when it needs to be implement sod none of this is following politics. >> jon: i see. >> it is following, i hope and i think, what is best for america. and if we don't start dealing with climate change which is the biggest public health challenge that we face, as well as the biggest economic challenge we face, and think of it both from an environmental and an economic standpoint, then i think we will lose it for the next generation and our own, frankly. [ applause ] >> jon: i appreciate you being here and next year, you will run the marathon, yes? >> we will talk about that. >> jon: all right. well, thank you very much for being here, i appreciate it. gina mccarthy. we will be right back. ♪ we'll pay your early termination fees. so you can get the new galaxy s5 for $0 down. it's like emmett, here. strong. sturdy. but not too sweet. [ male announcer ] built from apples. built to refresh. smith & forge hard cider. oww! made strong. there's no substitute for advil. it's built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain. advil. make today yours. [ applause ] >> jon: that's our show. here it is, your moment of look out! >> we have about 5,000 customers taking the trains each and every day, safety as you know is paramount. captioning sponsored by comedy central captioned by med >> tonight troubling rumors about hillary clinton. i heard she slept way former president. then how request churches attract new members. get ready for log flume baptism. and my guest acclaimed document arian ken burns has a new film about the getties getties-- gettysburg address, i gave it four score out of five. oscar mayer is regarding 96,000 pounds of hot dogs


Transcripts For COM The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 20140603

100% of the vote counted. he got by with just 91% of it. the most lopsided election since the 11th playing. it was. 98 to 2. get out the vote machine. that's it right ther there. since the military took over from president last july. their revolution or whatever, egypt has been in turmoil. hundreds of thousands have been arrested and killed. maybe this will help el sisi get back on the right track. >> the show was canceled monday. >> canceled because of pressure on the station airing it in a country that no longer accepts satire. >> ya! >> good move. [laughing] >> sisi says i will show my people what a powerful and courageous leader we are making sure this guy doesn't take care of our unemployment and inflated food prices. why get rid of priority when you can get rid of insult. so bassem youssef is done. the most popular show. jack he wilel headed egyptian g. this material killed luxor. i don't know what is going on. under heunder heroing condition. but this isn't all that happened while we were on break. what else happened. head of -- resigned. oh, another mass shooting. it seems that happens every time we're off for a week or working for a week. actually pretty much happens every [beep] week. even doin google straoelt views changed their format to first person shooter. you know, it's a tragic story but america's response to this new tragedy has given me hope. remember after columbine, virginia tech, aurora, how we fell into confusion and despair. >> why this happened will take time to sort out. >> the question is why. >> searching for answers. that's what we're all doing, trying to figure out how to th*+ happened and why it happened. >> what 'causes this shooting. how does it happen. how can it be stopped. >> oh, anderson, were we ever so young and innocent. >> and yet still completely [beep] gray? we desperately looked for explanations. >> some people in congress blaming violent video games. we have systematically removed god from our schools. >> he was so gawky, awkward and out of place. >> being told his parents were divorced. >> divorced! why 50% of marriages end in mass shootings. then eventually during the process someone would get the idea that we should do something about it. >> president obama plans to introduce legislation next week calling for the biggest changes to gun law this is country has seen in two decades. >> now obviously none of that went anywhere. it was nice. like offering to help a friend move when you know your friend will never take you up on it. he has a thought that if the jews had apartments and hitler didn't take the apartments the holocaust wouldn't of happened. something amazing has happened, a break through if you will, the way we deal with the mass shootings we have in this country. our grief has moved from denial to anger to bargaining, to depression, to our resolved most emotional state, acceptance. >> gun lug hraeugs is very unlikely. >> the gun debate is tobgs phid. >> if they can't kill with a gun they will kill with a knife. >> this is a on going conversation. >> debra, ne matter what society does it will always be mass murder. always. >> worst loveless figurine ever. >> you see, people, acceptance. it's like america has a dog [beep] in the house. we solved the problem by getting a brown rug. what about the real victims? the news networks they have to waste valuable time covering these clearly unstoppable, every day, ordinary soul slaughters. so for them we have an answer. >> another mass shooting this afternoon. this is a shocking horrifying story. the cause no one can say for sure. possibly media violence or dub steb odubstep or gluten. something that's not guns. >> of course there is nothing we can do to stop this from happening. even though pretty much every other developed country has some how stopped this from happening. >> since we can't always stop this happening. why ever is try to stop it from happening. so, we're good. okay. let's get back to the news. ♪ happy. >> i know republicans have a plan. >> three months later are we closer to stopping the mystery of the missing plane. >> jus just in westbounder is apologizing this morning. >> when it comes to dating who should pay the girl or the guy? >> that's a cat, joe the cat playing jenga. >> it's a public appearance at a predominantly black church. >> he was napping in his hammock. >> serena williams is a wedding crasher. >> why critters -- >> the most expensive drink ever sold at starbucks. >> the ultimate selfy. >> the fifth annual most incredible surf dog competition. >> isn't that easier. problem solved. we will be right back. [ applause ] ♪ t-mobile introduces 4g lte data for just 40 bucks a month. ♪ unlimited talk and text. and no overages. switch to t-mobile and we'll even pay your early termination fees. ♪ get it now at t-mobile. dinner at the table is approaching i think something like 12 minutes. thanks to 12 extra crispy tenders, 4 dipping sauces, 2 sides, and biscuits... and a free i spy game, right on the bucket. i kind of want to do this every friday. ♪ avo: withbook any flightways get the lowest priceiday. or hotel and if you find it for less, we'll match it and give you 50 dollars off your next trip expedia, find yours >> welcome back to the show. measles, mumps, rubella. they're in baby. a blast from the past. terrible. i don't know why i said that. you know what is terrible. the reason these preventable diseases have returned. as we report. >> conservatives are fighting the good fight against something they think that threatens us all. science. >> science, there isn't a consensus on a lost basis questions. >> scientists lied to us. >> i'm not impressed by numbers or consensus. >> this has tragic consequences. infectious disease specialist explains. >> it's increasing. we have gone over the tipping point where you see vaccine preventable diseases coming back. measles, mumps, whooping could of. when you are a scientific denialist you can do a lot of harm. >> is it fare to blame the other side. every scientific fact has a counter fact that's true for other people. >> vaccines are a evidence based system. >> before vaccines rubella costs thousands their lives and measles broke out in the thousands. these diseases are occurred in the red states of california, new york, and oregon what the -- is going on here. >> these are well educated people who believe by googling the term "vaccine" on the internet they can know as much as anyone giving them advice. >> this is happening in my community. people who juice. >> that's exactly where it's happening. >> oh my god wealthy white liberal enclaves are at risk. it's [beep] information. i had to find out. what about this blogger. >> do you know a good organic hair gel recipe. >> i do have a video recipe on my blog. >> okay. you're as risk. >> did the disease take hold. >> these vaccines are loaded with toxins. >> you're infected. >> progressive may like to [beep] khraoeu plat change denialists. terrifying the anti-vaccining community has the same move. >> it's a consensus. >> a consensus of who? it's a fancy word for overwhelming agreement. maybe 99%. maybe 99.99. like across the globe. >> if you spend millions and millions of dollars to answer the question. you show people the great data they still simply deny the existence. >> that's the data that you believe in. that's great. my data is different. >> this was stage four science denial. >> no heard immunity from vaccinating. >> i'm not putting anyone at risk. >> unsra *pb vaccinated children are more healthy than vaccinated children. i'm not going to change my mind. i believe the decline of epidemics is due to other reasons but vaccinations. getting the filthy horses out of the street. >> you know you don't get measle from horses. >> i hope she didn't spread it. >> my blog has currently about 46,000 subscribers. >> so sorry. i thought this was just a giant breath mint. it wasn't. i had been looking for patient zero and i had to find her. i had to spread this left leaning idiotcy. it starts on twitter and congregates and then jumps hope to celebrity. >> i believe vaccinations trigger's evan. >> hi to stop. this do you remember where you last had tea? >> it was starbucks. >> which one, which one, which starbucks? >> hi to shut down every starbucks in new york city. bad idea a lot of starbucks. it's out there, uncontained. >> oh. >> could nothing stop this. >> i think sadly the only way this gets better is when we start to see more and more out breaks. >> the cure for the anti-vaccination epidemic was observing the real negative effects of the anti-vaccination movement. >> ya, i think that's right. >> there is a cure for science denial. >> once florida is under water and we all have polio it will be belter. >> we will be right back. ♪ oh no they've put up a sign. capital letters mean business. or maybe that's nature's way of weeding out the timid. your fortune awaits. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? an apron is hard work. an apron is pride in what you do. an apron is not quitting until you've made something a little better. what does an apron have to do with car insurance? for us, everything. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] delta touch2o technology for your kitchen and bathroom. precisely in tune with every touch. see what delta can do. precisely in tune with every touch. brewed for more this ispirited nights.tune. it's undistilled, yet it has a smooth clean finish. you might choose a regular beer, but then you might get a regular night. miller fortune. your fortune awaits. in the framily!m >>the more people we have, the more we save. he already owes me money for like 4 pizzas. >>we all get separate bills. besides, if you don't like gordon why did you invite him this weekend? i didn't invite him. he just, like, shows up! >>it's pronounced gor-don. hey let's go, honey ! those tacos ain't going to eat themselves over there. >>tacos! you look great, by the way. start a sprint framily and everyone gets separate bills. the bills are separate? for a limited time, get a switching bonus worth up to $650. happy connecting from sprint. teacher layoffs. and a 60 billion dollar budget deficit. that's what john perez faced when he became speaker of the california assembly. so he partnered with governor brown to pass three balanced budgets, on time. for the first time in thirty years. today, the deficits are gone and we've invested an additional 2 billion dollars in education. now john perez is running for controller, to keep fighting for balanced budgets. democrat john perez for controller. >> tonight academy award winning actor appears in hbos new documentary film about his father "remembering the artist, robert denir deniro senior." >> he was the real thing. i see his work and how dedicated he was. to me he's a great artist. you can never impose that on people. they have to make their own decisions. the thought of what he has done, all of his work, i can't not but make sure it's held up and remembered. so i just want to see him get his due. that's my responsibility. >> please welcome back to the program, robert deniro. [ applause ] >> how are you? >> good, thank you. >> two things out of the way pw *e before we get to this very moving documentary about your father, it's beautiful. number one, i was asked earlier what is your favorite robert deniro movie. i said whatever robert says. >> people ask me. i -- i have a favorite for reasons and favorites for others. >> i will go with "good fellows." >> okay. >> number two, the tribute to don rickles. it was so funny. all us comedians were angry at you two. >> thank you for the compliment. >> one night and you kill. number three, this movie this film. i have seen your father's art work in the hotel in greenwich. it's beautiful. i did not realize the extent he was on the vanguard of artistic movements in america in the 1940s. >> ya, he was a well regarded young artist on the upswing, if you will. he was respectd and so on. he went to europe for about five years. things changed during that time. so, the documentary explains it all. >> right. >> what happened. >> did you inspect his integrity to not chase his tail. his work when you look at it, it's consistent and beautiful. there isn't a moment where what if i paint soup cans. throw in a cartoon superman and do a couple of things. >> no, he felt strongly that was not, that was not what he wanted to do. that's not what he felt. that's not what he felt. period. he didn't even want -- didn't know how to do that. >> it's interesting to see your father. the feel of artistry. things being judged subjectively to see him go through distress on it. you look at that and think oh, rejection. i want to get in on that a little bit. i want to go into the arts. was there ever a moment and thought i look at this subjectist and what it does to my father. i don't know if i can deal with that. >> no, i never equated the two. what i would go through as an actor, young actor, going to auditions. i always looked at it optimistically. i say if you don't go you never know. have to go to auditions. you know you won't get the part. you have to go in there and hang in there. it was not, it was just for me, i didn't think of him. i didn't think of him, i guess i had to in some ways, being rejected. unhappy and when i went to europe and made him come back. i felt it was time for him to do that. so, ya. >> did your success ever complicate things with him. >> he was proud of me, of course. he -- he might of felt from time to time here and there wish he had success, but he was always a very loving father and proud. you know, that's just what it was. >> it's so interesting to watch a proud son talk about his father's work in the way that you do. then to see it, you have the hotel in greenwich, a lot of his work is up. it's beautiful. >> thank you. >> it must -- what is the feeling of being able through your platform to expose his work? >> well, i feel it's like, you know certain things, do you not show art in a gallery? this and that. i said i want to show my father's work. it should be seen. i have these restaurants, hotel, these places to put it in. not all of them but certain places where i feel, i asked him to do the menu for the grill. he did it. i didn't think he would want to. he's very particular. i asked him to put paintings up. he did. he hung them himself in the back, the big ones. >> he did it himself. >> ya. at this thought maybe, i was surprised every week or two he goes with friends and sit in booths with friends, sit in the back and he was proud. i knew how particular he was. so, i was happy to hear that. >> ya. >> especially after his passing away. the menus are the same. everything is the same. i never changed that. it's there for me, eternity. >> it's beautiful. >> you get his voice in your head when you put his stuff up and think he won't like that, he wants it like. this i know. >> certain things he didn't -- he was suspicious of dealers and i guess like an actor suspicious of certain producers or studios. it's the same thing. i don't equate his experience with mine if i ever have that. you know, it's just -- i knew, i was happy before he passed away that he was accepting of this, what i wanted to do. if i, for example, if he was alive i would of had him do the credits to a movie. oddly -- coincidencely, it's terrific, this guy was following him around in the 70s with a super 8 camera he did, as you see in the movie. he writes "fan." he did that for the film. it was nice for the documentary. >> it's beautiful. a wonderful gift he gave to you. it's a wonderful gift you give to him as well. remembering artist robert deniro sewdenirosenior. june 9th on for paul ridley there's no substitute for advil. it's built to be as fast as it is strong and fights pain at the site of inflammation. and made for people like paul, who believe nothing should stop you from achieving your goals. not doubt. not fear. and definitely not back and shoulder pain. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain and make today yours. advil. make today yours. what art thou drinking isaac? giveth me a redd's apple ale! gravity! what's that? i have no idea. redd's apple ale. crisp like an apple. brewed like an ale. [ whirring ] [ wind howling ] a new mint flavor that intensifies as you chew. new 5 ascent gum. stimulate your senses. in all its naked glory; that's too hot for tv, stripped of chocolate, with nothing but salty roasted peanuts on soft sweet caramel. a payday bar will get you through your day. expose yourself to payday. they challenge us. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall." the first multiplayer game for xbox one built and run on microsoft azure. letting gamers around the world interact in ways they never thought possible. this cloud turns data into excitement. this is the microsoft cloud. >> our show. >> when i was first listening to him i was like oh, he's angry with women for rejecting him. then i started to have a different idea. is this someone who is trying to fight against his comedy central captioned by media access group at wgbh captioning sponsored by comedy central >> stephen: thank you so much, ladies and gentlemen. welcome to the report. >> stephen, stephen, stephen! stephen, stephen, stephen! stephen, steve only, stephen! stephen, stephen, stephen! stephen, stephen, stephen! (cheers and applause)


Transcripts For COM The Daily Show With Jon Stewart 20140604

he is a comedian of note from the united kingdom. very exciting. first very big story broke concerning our now teenage war in afghanistan. teenage years are tough for everybody especially wars. let's see what happened. >> breaking news a good news story u.s. army sergeant bowe bergdahl who has been in captivity in afghanstan for about five years was released by the taliban. >> across the board this is a magnificent wonderful story. >> jon: yes, this sounds like the perfect time for a brand new segment "a magnificent wonderful story." [cheers and applause] >> jon: you know it's so rare. this is why it's so amazing. it's so rare america gets a story like this, magnificent and wonderful. if it's okay with everyone here i think we should ride this patriot train to [beep] junction. >> everyone is rejoicing he's safe. going home to his parents. it's a complicated case. >> jon: it's a magnificent wonderful story. what complicated. america rules. we got our last p.o.w. back. did you not see the blue bird? >> i got this, phil. >> jon: complicated how? >> the obama administration is standing by it's administration to release five senior members from guantanamo bay for a exchange of bergdahl. >> i don't think they got a good deal. >> jon: was a scarier picture. what, we don't negotiate with terrorists. saying we don't negotiate with terrorists is our opening line. we are not negotiating with you, terrorists. your response is. that's pathetic. this argument is a cliche. you wouldn't catch the administration countering with a cliche. >> the united states does not leave our men and women behind in uniform. >> jon: touche, cliche. alright. let's do. this. >> we don't negotiate with terrorists. >> we leave no one behind. >> you do not negotiate with terrorists. >> you never leave a man behind. >> we don't negotiate with terrorists. >> a good soldier never leaves a man behind. >> jon: you know, the only way -- the only way to really way -- the only way to end a cliche-off is to gree to disagree. alright a magnificent wonderful complicated story. happy? can we get back to it and enjoy the shining moment for our nation. >> all of the early joy and celebration of bergdahl's release has been clouded over several growing controverse >> jon: several. we negotiated with terrorism. >> did the president break the law? >> do you believe the president has endangered the country. >> is this a impeachable defense? >> jon: alright. a magnificent wonderful complicated story. that's it. it's only been a day and a half. are we forgetting the real american hero here. the american hero who persevered in a taliban camp. >> it's the question many want the answer too. exactly who is sergeant bowe bergdahl. >> jon: oh, bergdahl. the purposeful miss pronunciation to make it sound arabic is not purposeful. he is not an ass-hole right. why would he do that. maybe there is something we don't know. >> he wandered off on his own. >> some call him a deserter. >> some call him a coward and even a traitor. >> jon: this was suppose to be our moment. turns out it's our magnificent wonderful story, cloudy, complicated and maybe treasonist. fine it's complicated. don't need to make a big deal. the white house is not bringing out the rose garden with the parents, with an i killed bin laden moment. president: bob, janny to, day families across america share in the joy i know you feel. [beep] >> jon: i am not an expert on press conferences or american reactions to things. my guess is that prisoner's dad will not go unremarked on. >> robert bergdahl, the father has learned to speak pasto and look like a muslim. >> he grew the beard because his son is in captivity. his son is out now. if you don't want to look like a member of the taliban you don't have to look like a member of the taliban. are you out of razors. >> jon: that got ugly pretty fast. you to judge a guy if he thinks it helps to get his son back. i don't want to talk about facial hair but if you gave bob bergdahl a bandanna and a duck would you like him just fine. how did this happen? how did this happen? [ applause ] >> jon: how did a simple clear cut story of american heroism in a war get complicated. oh right. it's a war. that's weird. three days ago this was going to be a great [beep] movie. now i couldn't sell this to lifetime with alyssa malano. it's been three days, remember. >> breaking news. a good news story. >> a magnificent wonderful story. >> we negotiated with terrorists. >> the taliban dream team. >> they're getting back in the fight. >> did president obama break the law? >> yes. >> words like "bowe bergdahl isn't a hero ." >> he said i'm ashamed to be american. >> new evidence he may of been helping the enemy. >> jon: we will be right back. [ applause ] ♪ t-mobile introduces 4g lte data for just 40 bucks a month. ♪ unlimited talk and text. and no overages. switch to t-mobile and we'll even pay your early termination fees. ♪ get it now at t-mobile. it's built to be as fast o as it is strongadvil. and fights pain at the site of inflammation. and made for people like paul, who believe nothing should stop you from achieving your goals. not doubt. not fear. and definitely not back and shoulder pain. advil has the strength and speed to help you move past pain and make today yours. advil. make today yours. [cheers and applause] >> jon: welcome back. the presidential election a mere 888 days away. there is one question many people are asking? >> the people have asked me this same question. that is are you going to run again for president of the united states. [laughing] >> jon: it makes sense people would ask. you know, people, if you do run have a lot of plans to make like moving themselves and their families out of the country. so, what do you say to the people who are asking? >> my answer is honestly this. i do not know what the future holds, but i know who holds the future. that's god almighty. [laughing] >> jon: so you will run? but only if god says to. going for the gentlema gentleme. i hope god tells you too. i would like that very much. >> he's the president of -- >> jon: that's one of the reasons i would like that. >> 9-9-9. >> jon: ya 9-9-9. that's another solid reason. >> these words came from the pokemon movie. >> oh, shucky ducky. >> jon: i love it let me say this. it is imperative that this man run for president. like he said only god can tell him to do that. so, uhhh. calls for desperate measures. god, meet me at camera three, please. are you there, god? hello, it's me. jon stewart. you may have it in your roll dex. i don't know the form you want. that name, new testament, old testament. it's been awhile since you and i talked about the bar mitzvah checks cleared i kind of got out of the business. i hear you're big on forgiveness. here goes nothing. our lord who aren't in heaven -- i have to have this. amen. so, does that do it? do i have to throw in a offering, lamb shank? build an arch out of lamb shanks? have you seen "book of mormon"? i can get you tickets for 2017. it's a popular show. this won't work. i'm a jew on cable. i celebrate passover with a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich every year. god isn't going to work his magic to convince her man cane for president -- herman cain. god has something to say to you. >> come out clean on the other side. >> jon: you don't have to do that last part, but run for president. please. we will be right back. water's everywhere. like in our sinks... our hands... excuse me... sorry! ...on our tables... oh! ...and in here. and since we expect our phones to be with us wherever we go, shouldn't they be water resistant? i am so sorry... it's totally fine, see... 424... uh, 216... yeah, we think so too. introducing the samsung galaxy s5. available at verizon. honestly, the off-season isn't i've got a lot to do. that's why i got my surface. it's great for watching game film and drawing up plays. it's got onenote, so i can stay on top of my to-do list, which has been absolutely absurd since the big game. with skype, it's just really easy to stay in touch with the kids i work with. alright, russell you are good to go! alright, fellas. alright, russ. back to work! you don't try to catch... ...will get away. seize the summer with up to 40% off hotels from travelocity. it takes place in anhaha, cleveland... i love it babe. i'm not your babe. you weren't saying that this morning, when you're like... mmmmm mmmm mmm alright we're done. break up with lingering food. (ding!) mmmmm mmmm for that just brushed clean feeling... ♪ eat, drink, chew orbit [cheers and applause] >> jon: welcome back. my guest tonight, come on this guy is the best. his netflix series "derek" has returned for a second season. take a look. >> i ain't got a phone. >> i did it this morning, actually. you are@ mr.derek -- >> okay. >> whatever you want to say put it out. there. >> derek says. >> that could be your hashtag. >> what is that? >> it looks like that. if you put that before dereksays everyone can follow it. >> #dereksays. >> what do you want to say? >> be nice to animals. >> say it. >> yes. >> send. >> jon: i can respect that. please welcome back to the program, ricky gervais. [cheers and applause] >> jon: welcome to the show. let me say something. let me welcome you properly. welcome, we haven't seen you in awhile. >> thank you. >> jon: let me say this. we have had a relationship for many years. we know each other very well. i'm always honest with you. >> ya. >> jon: you like like [beep]. i say that -- there have been times you come on the program and i say i tk*epbt didn't know we were having tom cruise on tonight. this isn't one of those times i don't know what happened. >> i feel [beep] >. >> jon: ya. >> trying to work out. i worked out. lost weight. i'm basically a fat guy at heart. it's killing me. >> jon: caught up with you. >> keeping fit kills me. i eat pizza and get drunk every night. then i have to go for a run in the morning like rocky. it kills me. i try to beat the system, right. now i'm, i'm working out more and more. so my shoulders and my knees are gone. my inside -- i wake up in the morning and say oh, i didn't die. you know what i mean. i go through it again. i eat. you know i work out. i think i'm working out and thinking beer, pizza. rewards. you know what i mean. >> jon: to you, death at this point would be blessed relief. >> sort of. sort of. i don't want -- >> jon: do you have a plan on that? >> no. >> jon: is there a glorious way that ricky gervais would like to go out? >> no. >> jon: do you want to go out in a blaze of glory. >> i have a list of things i don't want to do. i don't want to die being squashed by a safe or anything. >> jon: a road runner cartoon. >> you know running in a tunnel and coming out on a train or sitting on a spike. nobody at a funeral -- they would laugh at me falling on a spike or something. >> jon: don't you think as a comedian you owe it to your audience to go out in a blaze of hilarious. >> it was a terrible story in england. college students got drunk, they were mooning trucks. one got hit and killed. what do you tell his mother. he died of a bad sense of humor. >> jon: ya. >> humor karma came back. ya, you know -- >> jon: pants down, ass out. that's the way to go to some extent. >> especially if you are music. >> jon: pants down asses out. one, two, three, four. we open in four days, people. >> jon stewart change of direction. >> jon: you're at an age -- >> we're about the same, aren't we? >> jon: ummmm. >> what do you mean? i'm 52. what are you. >> jon: i'm talking about biologically. >> what age is there biological -- what weird cosmic system. i'm only three -- 51 is 51. how many times. how many times did the earth go around the sun since you were born. >> jon: you and your outer core is like 52. you're like a german shepherd inside aging 7 years over every year, on the inside. >> i foal that. mate, we weren't met to live this long. >> jon: what. >> evolutionary speaking. elders lose their teeth, they feed us a bit. we get hit by a wild bore and die in a hut. >> jon: let me tell you something. that's the way to go out. wild bore, hut, pants down. >> science comes around, we can help him live to a 100 years. let me die. that's what i'm saying. that's weird. >> jon: that is weird. why are you in the bucket? >> that's the way i want to go. >> jon: you want to go -- >> i want to be in a bucket. people feed me. nurses -- wouldn't that be great. sitting in the bucket watching telly. neighboringd in a bucket. i eat as much pizza and drink as much beer. then they tip me out. that's -- that's a great [beep] life. that's a great life. >> jon: if you, if you literally die in a bucket. >> yes. >> jon: don't you think that's too literal. what did he do? he kicked the bucket. it's not -- it's too literal. >> you can just fill it up with soil and plant. >> jon: do you have any hope of consciousness. what about this. >> go on. >> jon: what if they could download you just your thoughts, not this. what if they could keep you alive in a kind of -- >> computer. >> jon: -- animated, yes. you are aware like a robot warrior but ricky gervais and your thoughts. would you want that. >> hold on. no. what if they could do that and you thought you were still alive. you were in virtual reality. you thought had you the best life ever. you went on forever. you thought that was yate. you're doing all of those things. you're fighting people. you get, what did you say? >> jon: yes. >> wild bores. the virtual bucket. yes i would be virtually in the bucket. i still -- i'm going for the bucket, always. i would always go for the bucket. >> jon: i believe. >> this is -- >> don: >> we talked about shagging pandas. >> jon: no, this is not weird. i believe we have framed not only your death but autobiography. "ricky gervais, i will always go for the bucket." done. i'm happy to settle it for you. the second season of "derek." the second season is on netflix, right. >> it is. >> jon: it's on netflix. ricky gervais, we will be right back. ♪ brewed for more this ispirited nights.tune. it's undistilled, yet it has a smooth clean finish. you might choose a regular beer, but then you might get a regular night. miller fortune. your fortune awaits. break the ice, with breath freshening cooling crystals. ice breakers. when francois thibault said he with spring water and the n best french wheat. everyone here said... non, non! but little by little, the world got to love what he had made. grey goose, francois? the extraordinary belongs to those who make it. yo,move fast fruit flavor,fe, watermelon, blue razz green apple. your taste buds dancing. it's the jolly rancher, we make it happen. untamed fruit flavor. jolly rancher. >> jon: that's our show. join us tomorrow night at 11:00. here it goes. >> berg dog sprouted a beard. the long lost soldier was retraoefz. why did the guy go missing in the first place? change of heart, was he worki ♪ ♪ (eagle caw) >> stephen: tonight, obama makes a huge overreach on climate change. get ready for government-mandated sun bonnets. (laughter) then a new threat to our senior citizens. time continues to move forward. (laughter) my guest tonight is morgan freeman, host of "through the wormhole" on the science channel. i'm still on season one, so no spoilers on how the universe ends. (laughter) this week marks the 25th anniversary of tiananmen square -- or as they call it in china, tank man happy day.


Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130706

the inmate is now behind bars. but who is this courageous customer? patriotic double-take. from george washington to ben franklin. >> is that your real name? >> what's it like to be a normal american with a larger-than-life name? good morning, everyone. dan harris is taking well-deserved time off this holiday weekend. we're happy to have abc's new "nightline" and abc legal anchor, dan abrams. a busy man, dan. >> it's great to be here. and seems to be the case on most holiday weekend, it's another busy one when it comes to news. i say good morning to everyone, on this january -- sorry. july 6th. not january. breaking news. it's january. it's a holiday weekend. >> yeah. >> january 1. seems like i'm the guy that's here january 1, july 4th. >> the holidays. >> exactly. there's a lot going on. we start this morning with breaking news overnight in egypt, where the violence has escalated after the military ousted that country's first democratically-elected president, mohamed morsi. his backers are in deadly clashes with opponents. alex marquardt has the latest from cairo. hi alex. >> reporter: it's the worst violence we've seen between supporters and opponents of mohamed morsi. many fear it's a sign of much more bloodshed to come in this deeply divided egypt. egyptian fighting egyptian. a bridge in downtown cairo became the front in this deadly battle on friday night. opponents and supporters of egypt's ousted president, firing guns and fireworks, throwing rocks and molotov cocktails. after several hours of violence, the army finally stepped in and dispursed the crowds. violence raged beyond the capital, as well. here, the army opened fire on supporters of deposed president, mohamed morsi, as they prayed. across egypt, at least 30 people were killed and 200 wounded. the target of this fury, egypt's military, which on wednesday, removed the country's first democratically-elected president to place him under arrest. protests supporting morsi drew tens of thousands of islamist supporters into the streets after friday prayers. >> i do vote. and where? where is? >> reporter: these speakers are calling for an uprising, telling these supporters of morsi to take to the streets across egypt, until morsi is back in power. there was a tense standoff at the military compound, where morsi supporters believe he is being held. then, soldiers fired. three were killed. >> has been tossed back into the political scene. the people are able to push it back where it belongs. >> reporter: the military is holding firm in this. sweeps of aircraft buzzing in the skies above. so are the opponents of morsi, who called for mass rallies tomorrow here in tahrir and elsewhere. little signs in that any of the sides are looking for compromise. bianna? >> so many people in the states wondering what this turmoil will have on gas prices or oil prices. alex, thanks to you. and staying overseas, all eyes are on edward snowden right now. the nsa leaker is on the run. and we're just hearing this morning he may now be able to leave moscow and find asylum in venezuela or nicaragua. but the he make it to either country without avoiding u.s. extradition? kirit radia is following the developments for us from moscow. >> reporter: good morning. edward snowden has been stuck here in moscow for nearly two weeks. but now, venezuela and other countries are preparing to throw him a lifeline. the question is, can he get there? on friday night, venezuelan's president offered him political asylum. that after the presidents of nicaragua and bolivia suggested they were ready to do the same thing. the problem for snowden is he doesn't have safe routes to travel. he has to go to the other side of the country and most of the countries are those with extradition treaties to the united states. there's a direct flight to cuba five times a week. the other option is on a private plane, the ones that could make it there without refueling cost over $200,000. so, not out of the question for a rich supporter who wants to help. and then, there's the question of air space. will the united states and other countries allow a plane carrying snowden to travel over their territory? as for when snowden can travel, less than an hour ago, a plane left for cuba and he wasn't onboard. he may be waiting for travel documents to arrive. until then, he and we will be here waiting. >> thanks very much. now, to the george zimmerman murder trial. on friday, the prosecution wrapped up its case. the defense asked for the charges to be dismissed. and the victims and the defendants' mothers presented emotional testimony. matt gutman has the latest from our miami bureau. >> reporter: good morning, dan. that's right. both sides trying to use a lot of emotion here. that's because the central question in this trial on facing the jury is, what were george zimmerman's intentions that might. the prosecution spent nine days trying to prove that zimmerman shot marted because he wanted to. expect the defense to try to prove he shot him because he had to. this morning, george zimmerman's case is finally in his attorneys' hands. and the first witness the defense called friday, his mother, gladys. at questions, the howls in this 911 call. >> do you think he's yelling help? >> yes. >> who was that? >> my son, george. >> reporter: moments later, rare emotion from zimmerman, who claimed self-defense as his uncle also defendanted him. it was another mother's testimony that captivated the court on friday. sabrina fulton, also asked about the 911 calls. >> who do you recognize that to be? >> trayvon benjamin martin. >> reporter: the grieving mother's testimony capping the prosecution's nine days of sometimes jarring testimony. >> these [ bleep ]. they always get away. >> reporter: during which some of its own eyewitnesses seemed to weaken its case, including the eyewitness who saw martin of top of zimmerman that night. >> he was the one who was raining blows down on george zimmerman, right? >> that's what it looked like. >> reporter: perhaps no witness testimony more bizarre than that of the medical examiner. >> i don't understand your question. nobody knows -- >> excuse me. >> reporter: and saying he changed his opinion on earlier statements he made. no sooner did the prosecution rest its case, the defense moved to throw it out. >> what is before the court is an enormous amount of information that my client acted in necessary self-defense. >> reporter: the prosecution ready with this quick rebuttal. >> there are two people involved here. one of them's dead and one of them's a liar. >> reporter: the jury is not expected to hear george zimmerman tell his side of the story. his attorney tells me, very unlikely he will put him on the stand. that means the defense could wrap its case by wednesday. the jury could begin deliberations by friday. >> some want to know if zimmerman will take the stand. thanks, matt to you. we're lucky to have you here, dan. you've been following this case. and you told me this morning you think the prosecution's case is in trouble. >> they presented all of their evidence. and i do not see how a jury, as a legal matter, convicts of either second-degree murder or manslaughter. now, that did not mean that george zimmerman was justified. it doesn't mean that george zimmerman was right. it means that when the prosecution has the burden to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt, meaning they have the responsibility to disprove self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. it is hard to imagine that of all the witnesses we've seen, that there is not reasonable doubt as to that up to this point. this is just the prosecution's case. and even amongst those prosecution witnesses, we have seen testimony which it's hard to imagine would not be perceived as reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury. but you can't predict juries. so, who knows? >> that's right. we're going to hear from the defense, as matt said. this could wrap by wednesday or thursday. >> yeah. guess who is back in the house with us, finally. you. >> oh, okay. thank you. thanks very much. >> great to see you. welcome back. >> thank you. thank you, bianna. dan, good morning to you. good morning, everyone. we're following breaking news right now. a train carrying 80 tankers of flammable liquid derailed and burst into flames in eastern canada, near the main border earlier, about 130 miles from that border. fire trucks have been deployed. and there's all hands for assistance. we'll follow this story and bring you more information as we get it. we're learning more about this morning that the company that staged the fourth of july fireworks show in southern california, that injured dozens of people a couple days ago. 30 people were hurt when a shell went off prematurely, knocking over other rounds of the fireworks. the company has had other accidents. we're now learning in 2008, an explosion at a show in new york injured five people. and that same summer, a bay fireworks floating barge caught fire. the company is cooperating with the investigation in southern california. and chrysler is recalling more than 250,000 minivans. the dodge caravan, chrysler town and country, and ram cargo van. chrysler says a software problem is causing side air bags to deploy on the wrong side when there's a crash. the carmaker says the problem can be solved with a quick software fix. and an amazing tale of survival. a dog that got trapped under the hood of a car. and the car driving through three cities in florida. with the pooch wedged between the steering mechanism and the front axle. the dog was found inside. and the rescue crews had to dismantle part of the engine to get him out. the driver felt something a little rough. >> how did he get in there? >> we're going to investigate that. we'll put brian ross on that. brian, all yours. >> the version from dan later, as well. >> he crawled up under. >> we're all happy he survived. >> going to get you an answer, dan. >> thank you, ron. >> great to have you back, ron. we're going to turn to new details on a story we've been following closely this week. the terrifying ordeal of a mother and her 6-year-old daughter held against their will in brazil. the little girl went to see her father. but that trip has turned into one, long nightmare. gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: she is the little 6-year-old girl at the center of the legal battle. ava and her mother shauna haddon, stuck in brazil. the mom who has full custody, said her ex-husband paid for their tickets to visit him in brazil. but she says, it was all a trick. within days of their arrival, he took haddon to court. brazil than authorities confiscating their passports. hadden says ex is trying to keep them in brazil. now, hadden, is turning to facebook for help. her page, trapped in brazil, has thousands of supporters. her family and members of congress are fighting to get her and little ava back to the u.s. >> i have no documents here. my thoughts are desperation and fear on a daily basis. >> reporter: now, a man with a similar story is speaking out in support of hadden. david goldman was taken to brazil by his mother. spent five years to get his son back. in 2009, he did. >> our country, our embassy, our state department should do whatever they can to issue this mom and this daughter passports and get them on the next plane home. >> reporter: today, goldman is critical of how brazil handles these situations. >> they seem to want to do their own things, almost sort of a rogue way of custody. ignoring international laws. ignoring previous set, ordered custody rulings. >> reporter: he believes there's only one way for parents to protect children in cases like this. >> the only advice to give a parent in this situation is don't go. >> reporter: and the state department tells abc news, u.s. officials are monitoring the case. and what about that father? well, we've not been able to reach him or his attorney, dan. >> these international custody cases are really troubling. now, to a dramatic rescue captured on camera. a bride-to-be posing for an engagement photos with her fiance, springs into action when she saw a little boy drowning in a nearby creek. diving into the water to save the child. now, she's telling her amazing story. and abc's rob nelson is here with the details. >> i thought that we were just going to come here, take a couple pictures. and go home. >> reporter: like any excited future bride, becky has already saved the date. but as these dramatic engagement photos show, she also saved a life. how far out into the creek was he? >> this is a little -- it's difficult to judge. about ten feet off of this rock. >> reporter: last saturday, a photographer was snapping engagement photos of the happy couple at this tranquil philadelphia park, when romance suddenly turned to rescue. a friend of the couple's noticed a 5-year-old boy struggling in the murky creek behind them, images the photographer captured. >> a little head bobbing under the water. looked like he was trying to get to the surface. and i took off. >> reporter: becki who happens to be a paramedic and trained lifeguard, sprang into action. jumping into the water fully clothed. her heroics also caught on camera. >> i would be in the water, pulling him toward me. >> reporter: her fiance, matt, an emt worker, said he was not surprised by becki's quick thinking. >> if you knew beck you know i, you wouldn't be surprised. the kind of things in her life. >> reporter: becki says she wasn't a hero, and it wasn't until the photographer posted the pictures on facebook, the story was found. >> i wasn't a hero. that's what i'm trained to do. >> reporter: the mexico wedding is still a year and a half away. and their home is filled with pictures of far less dramatic days. but this snapshot will always stick out. not just for the bad story. but of the bravery of the bride-to-be. >> have you rescheduled the photo? >> no. we called it a day there. >> reporter: that wedding is set for the end of next year in mexico. and believe it or not, it will be a waterfront ceremony. becki says she is fully prepared to come to the rescue again, even in her wedding dress. everybody can stay on dry land for that day. >> the child's mother was there. >> reporter: the boy's mother was there. and becki said the mother was distracted by another of her kids. and that's when the boy got into that water. >> water-proof mascara for that wedding. now, time for the weather. julie derrda from wplg is in for ginger zee. >> look at the pictures we captured. it's a soaking mess across tennessee, the panhandle. all dealing with rain since the fourth of july. some areas have received over 12 inches of rain. and it's going to continue. we have some video of portions of the panhandle, florida, continuing to be soaked. with the showers and thunderstorms, all because of a frontal boundary that's stalling out over portions today of the ohio valley. take a look at the reason why. we have a dome of high pressure placed over the atlantic that's keeping the frontal boundary in place. and the bull's eye will be tennessee in towards ohio. locally heavy rain. flooding concerns will be a big issue with this system across the area. what else is going on from coast-to-coast? here, it's hot, hazy, humid. south florida weather with me up to the northeast. severe storms over portions of the dakotas. nice weather for the pacific northwest. finally seeing a break from that scorching heat they've been dealing with. hot, humid conditions for the southwest. >> bianna and dan, we are dealing with heat, humid and a scorcher here in the northeast. i hope you like summer. here it is. >> we have you to blame. you brought that with you from florida. >> sorry. >> thanks, julie. now, to the excitement surrounding today's wimbledon women's finals, featuring two players who have never won a grand slam title and neither is a household name. but one could soon be after upsetting serena williams. lindsay czarniak joins us with this story. >> great to see you guys. looks like she's having so much fun playing. we're talking about sabine lisicky. she is allergic to grass, the surface she will be playing on today at wimbledon. but that's no problem thanks to medication. her emotional reaction to her success so far in this tournament has been priceless. now, she is just one win away from reaching a childhood dream. >> i'm speechless. i'm so happy. >> reporter: sabine lisicky. emotional, triumphant, gracious. >> a fantastic match. she's such a tough opponent. and you know, it's just amazing feeling to win this match. >> reporter: she's wimbledon's it girl in a tournament that's been marked by big-name players being knocked from their thrones by relative unknowns. >> absolute shocker. >> she's a fresh, new face. and we've seen serena and maria sharapova at the top for so long. and they've been wonderful champions. but it's time to have some new blood. a >> reporter: the new blood is 26 years old. and she went pro six years ago. she is coached by her father, driving across the country for tournaments because the family couldn't afford airfare. but she is living proof that passion and family support count for everything. >> my dad has went from 8:00 in the morning to 9:00 in the evening to make it possible so i can play tennis. the love for the game just gives me the belief to overcome anything. >> reporter: and the dream can come true. >> as a little girl, you never know what's going to happen. and there's always a dream to play in the center court in wimbledon. >> this year, she could very well win wimbledon. she's reached the final. she has a package, personality-wise and game-wise. >> reporter: sabine has shown she will not back down on tennis' biggest stage. rallying back to beat serena williams in the fourth round. and using that confidence to make it into the finals. she says she just truly believes she will win when she walks out on the court. >> great to hear about her parents. nice to see that. great to have you here, lindsay. thank you. and you can catch the wimbledon women's finals on our sister network, starting at 9:00 this morning, where sabine will take on marion bartoli. imagine you share the name with one of our founding fathers. you actually weren't at the contusional convention. but your name sake was. >> you have that in common. we're wondering what it is like to be benjamin franklin or thomas jefferson. here's abc's linzie janis. >> reporter: benjamin franklin is alive and well. living in brooklyn. >> benjamin franklin? >> i have a tall latte for benjamin franklin. >> reporter: imagine getting this reaction every day. >> i was in a rite aid. i handed the lady my credit card. she looked down and looked at me and said, you better quit playing. >> reporter: we met with our benjamin franklin in front of his home on franklin street. >> it worked out that way. >> reporter: how did he inherit the famous name? is he an inventor? a diplomat. maybe a great kite flier. >> i can't tell you how many times i've been asked if i've been flying kites. >> reporter: well, sort of. franklin is an acrobat and co-founder of new york's two-ring circus. why the name? >> i'm a long line of four benjamin franklins. my great grandfather was a bit of an inventor. respected the original benjamin franklin. >> reporter: it may sound like a case of mom and dad having an odd sense of humor. but open any phone book and under franklin, benjamin, you're found to find a few entries. as for nathan hale and that's where we found jefferson, thomas. >> you can say thomas jefferson lives here. >> reporter: what else is good about being name affidavit a founding father. >> it's nice to see $100 bill. and think, that's me. >> reporter: and even if his starbucks order comes with a double-take. >> is that your real name? >> reporter: franklin has come to love his famous forbearer. >> hello thomas jefferson? coming up on "good morning america," caught on the fourth of july. a convenience store customer catches a prison escapee and holds him until police arrive. and brandy joins us live. she's rocking the essence festival. she'll be with us. to benefit cancer research i rode across the atlantic. crossing an ocean with your body as the motor, it hurts. so my answer was advil. 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[announcer] no buts about it... this is one cancer you can prevent! if you're 50 or older, talk to your doctor and get screened for colorectal cancer. screening saves lives! ♪ ♪ got the sweetest touch music this morning on "gma." that's one of the hottest entertainers around. brandy, kicking off the star-studded essence festival in new orleans superdome. she'll be here live to tell us about the big holiday weekend show. so good to talk to her. >> i'm looking forward to that. i'm dan abrams, in for dan harris today. it is saturday, july 6th. and continuing with the musical theme, we're going to take you inside an exclusive bash in a brooklyn warehouse, celebrating jay-z's new album. his beautiful wife, beyonce, among the big names partying. that's coming up. but first, a fourth of july hero, wearing a patriotic shirt, captures a violent escape con on the run. >> it happened in a flash inside a convenience store and was caught on a security camera. aditi roy is here. >> reporter: it is incredible. and the video is just riveting. the convicted felon managed to break out of an ohio prison. he landed at a nearby convenience store and never made it out of there free. he was literally caught on tape, in this dramatic surveillance video captured on thursday. prison escapee and convicted rapist, james david myers, tackled by a man in an american flag shirt comes flying out of nowhere. he pins the fugitive to the ground and keeps him there for several seconds. >> i walked over there, and threw him to the ground. didn't give him a chance to get a gun. >> reporter: mark cooper is the man seen here, pinning myers to the ground. he says he was shopping at the ohio convenience store where the fugitive landed. watch as myers walks up to the cash register and stays there for several seconds, as he appears to pay for his tea and snickers bar. the clerk said the whole time, she knew she was face-to-face with a rapist on the run. >> i tried not to show that this is the guy they're looking for. >> a wanted picture right there at the register. >> reporter: that clerk recognized him and called police. the store owner also called 911. >> an escape convict is at our store right now. >> reporter: cooper sprang into action, keeping myers on the ground, so workers could wrap the inmate in twine until authorities could get there. >> i was confident in my strength that once i grab ahold of somebody like that, he's not going to get back up. >> reporter: authorities want to thank cooper. he tells reporters, he doesn't want the credit. >> the hero label, you're not comfortable with that, i can tell. >> not at all. >> reporter: myers was serving 30 years to life in prison. he was discovered missing the day before his capture. authorities haven't said how he escaped. another clerk told reporters she was shaking the entire time she was in the store. >> i can only imagine what that must be like when she recognized him and be calm. >> reporter: incredible presence of mind. >> and the fact that so many different people recognized him shows you how effective he can be. >> the customer is a hero in my book. adi aditi, great to see you. back to ron claiborne for another check of the top stories. >> we have more on the breaking news out of canada. a plane carrying a flammable liquid is on fire. it's in the small town in the province of quebec. and abc news has learned that the entire town has been evacuated. and people are being kept at least 15 miles away. video from the scene shows all 80 cars on fire. flames leaping in the sky. firefighters from both countries, the u.s. and canada responding. and a call for all-hands gone out for assistance there. 30 people reported dead in violent clashes across egypt. thousands took the street in egypt on friday. islamist supporters of the ousted president are being demanded he be returned to power. not one but two offers of political asylum for former nsa contractor edward snowden. nicaragua and venezuela have offered him political asylum. it's unclear how he would be able to travel to either country. snowden facing espionage charges in the u.s. is believed to be stuck in the transit area of a moscow airport. dwight howard is headed to the houston rockets. i believe they're your favorite team. >> they are. >> speculation he would be leaving the l.a. make lakers after just one season. to join the rockets, reportedly a four-year deal worth about $88 million. that's about $65 million after taxes, i believe. >> still a lot. >> still a lot of money in my neighborhood. time to julie durda from our miami affiliate, wplg. >> it's the holiday weekend. a lot of you probably want to head to the beach to escape from the heat. it's a scorcher on the east coast, all the way to the northeast. want to warn you, there's a high risk of rip currents from florida to the carolinas. we have some video of north carolina. how to deal with the swells and very choppy seas just offshore by sunset beach. that's a big concern and a huge threat for your beachgoers. make sure you're swimming on guarded beaches. want to show you a water temperatures in south florida. temperatures ranging from the low to upper 70s. it a relief from the heat because we're seeing highs in the 90s along the east coast today. severe thunderstorms will continue over portions of the ohio valley. as we head to the west, you see water temperatures much cooler. 53 degrees over the pacific northwest. it will be a great day to head to the beach in south california. we're seeing dry conditions. it's hot there in southern california. warm near the coast with hot conditions for the southwest. >> this weather report has been brought to you by ashley furniture. dan? bianna? >> thank you. and coming up on "good morning america," brandy, live. the grammy winner tells us about her big fourth of july down in the big easy. and we're going to have a first look at justin timberlake playing a '60s folks singer, in an upcoming film by the cohn brothers. 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>> dropping soon. dropping soon. >> dropping. and speaking of music moguls, let's talk about the silver screen. recognize this guy? that's justin timberlake. back on the big screen for a brand-new coen brothers movie. he's playing isaac trying to make it big in the '60s. it also stars kerry morgan. it is slated to hit theaters in early december. and big news about batman, now. a certain dark knight won't be rising again anytime soon. >> what? >> after starring in three batman blockbusters, christian bale is hanging up his cape. bale revealed to "entertainment weekly" 15id he won't be suiting up for "justice league." telling the magazine he's had enough. what? as for who will fill bale's superhero shoes, dan abrams, the star says he has no idea. but that, quote, it's a torch that should be handed from one actor to another. so, i enjoy looking forward to what somebody else will come up with. >> could be you. >> i'm disappointed. >> could be you. >> yeah. >> i'm looking forward to "justice league." that's going to be cool. and if you need an extra hand around the house, maybe you need a guinea pig or two. meet sammie and chelsea of maryland. they're not letting the fact they don't have opposable thumbs stop them from picking up a couple chores. these have to be the most talented guinea pigs on the planet. and they're pretty popular, too. they have more than 18,000 followers on twitter. >> they barbecue? >> look like stuffed animals. >> yeah. very cute. >> i love guinea pigs. i used to feed them for friends when they were off on vacation. >> i love guinea pigs. i used to baby sit them once? >> what hasn't gio benitez done? we'll be right back. if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. wellso ready.o go look? lots of options, huh? i can help you narrow it down. ok thanks. this one's smudge free. smudge-free. really? and this one beeps when you leave the door open. get those brand name bells and whistles, even on a budget, with red white and blue savings. thank you! more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. buy now and save $300 on this stainless steel samsung refrigerator. ♪ in moments of grief, we are there. when the world looks for truth, broadcasters come through -- se fails. today, with more ways than ever to experience the moments that transform our lives, americans still choose broadcast television and radio more than all other media combined. television and radio are still the most trusted sources for news and entertainment, and our web and social sites are among the most visited sites in our daily lives. when important moments happen, both big and small, we're the first informers to history. we are the pioneers, the innovators, the local broadcasters of radio and television. time flies when you're having fun. that's it for us. we want to thank you for watching abc news. we're always online at on yahoo! and make sure to watch "world news" with david muir later this evening. dan and julie will be back tomorrow. >> yes. >> and gio. all right. we have much more coming up. stay tuned to abc news. of course, abc news online, on yahoo! >> welcome back, ron. >> thank you. thank you. it feels like a month because it was a month. >> yeah. >> covering the mandela story. >> is there a guinea pig you want to baby sit? >> i don't know. we need some. >> i baby sat a guinea pig once. that's how much i love guinea pig s. >> good morning and thanks for joining us. i'm matt keller in for katie marzullo. let's start with a quick first look at the weather. here's meteorologist lisa argen. how is it look out there, lisa? >> hi, matt. it's looking pretty good. we are starting out with some low clouds and fog around the bay. temperatures mainly in the 50s and the winds are kind of breezy, as well. that will be a factor throughout the afternoon. we are looking at temperatures cooler than we were yesterday at this time. anywhere from 2 to 5 degrees cooler. you take to oakland, we are looking at mostly sunny skies today. take a look at the numbers. mid-and upper 50s at the shoreline, upper 50s to 70 around oakland. in


Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130706

customer? patriotic double-take. from george washington to ben franklin. >> is that your real name? >> what's it like to be a normal american with a larger-than-life name? good morning, everyone. dan harris is taking some well-deserved time off this holiday weekend. we're happy to have abc's new "nightline" and legal anchor, dan abrams. >> it's good to be with you. i was going to wear my red suit and blue tie. but i figured as the fill-in guy, probably not a great move. it is saturday, july 6th. we hope you're enjoying the holiday weekend. there's a lot going on. let's get to the breaking news overnight in egypt, where the violence has escalated, after the military ousted that country's first democratically-elected president, mohamed morsi. his backers have been in deadly clashes with opponents. abc's alex marquardt has the latest from cairo. alex? >> reporter: good morning, dan. it's the worst violence we've seen yet between supporters and opponents of ousted president mohamed morsi. it happened just a short distance from where we are here in tahrir square. and many fear it's a sign of much more bloodshed to come in this deeply divided egypt. egyptian fighting egyptian. a bridge in downtown cairo became the front in this deadly battle on friday night. opponents and supporters of egypt's ousted president, firing guns and fireworks, throwing rocks and molotov cocktails. after several hours of violence, the army finally stepped in and dispersed the crowds. violence raged beyond the capital, as well. here, the army opened fire on supporters of deposed president mohamed morsi, as they prayed. across egypt, at least 30 people were killed and 200 wounded. the target of this fury, egypt's military, which on wednesday, removed the country's first democratically-elected president to place him under arrest. protests supporting morsi drew tens of thousands of islamist supporters into the streets after friday prayers. >> where's my vote? i do vote in the box. and where? where is? >> reporter: these speakers are calling for an uprising, telling these supporters of morsi to take to the streets and squares across egypt, until morsi is back in power. there was a tense standoff at the military compound, where morsi supporters believe he is being held. then, soldiers fired. three were killed. >> the military has no spot in politics. has been tossed back into the political scene. the people are able to push it back where it belongs. >> reporter: the military is holding firm in the streets. aircraft buzzing in the skies above. so are the opponents of morsi, who called for mass rallies tomorrow here in tahrir and elsewhere. little signs that any of the sides are looking for compromise. bianna? >> so many people in the states wondering what this turmoil will have on gas prices or oil prices. alex, thanks to you. and staying overseas, all eyes are on edward snowden right now. the nsa leaker is on the run. and we're just hearing this morning he may now be able to leave moscow and find asylum in venezuela or nicaragua. but the he make it to either country without avoiding u.s. extradition? abc's kirit radia is following the developments for us from moscow. >> reporter: good morning. edward snowden has been stuck here in moscow's airport for nearly two weeks. but now, venezuela and other countries are preparing to throw him a lifeline. the question is, can he get there? on friday night, venezuela's president offered him political asylum. that after the presidents of nicaragua and bolivia suggested they were willing to do the same thing. the problem for snowden is he doesn't have safe routes to travel. he has to go almost to the other side of the globe. and most of his transit options are in countries that have extradition treaties with the united states. his best option may be to connect via cuba. there's a direct flight from here five times a week. the other option is on a private plane. the ones that could make it there without refueling cost over $200,000. so, not out of the question for a rich supporter who wants to help. and then, there's the question of air space. will the united states and other countries allow a plane carrying snowden to travel over their territory? as for when snowden can travel, less than an hour ago, a plane left for cuba and he wasn't onboard. he may be waiting for travel documents to arrive. until then, he and we will be here waiting. dan and bianna? >> thanks very much. now, to the george zimmerman murder trial. on friday, the prosecution wrapped up its case. the defense asked for the charges to be dismissed. and both the victim's and the defendant's mothers presented emotional testimony. matt gutman has the latest from our miami bureau. good morning, matt. >> reporter: good morning, dan. that's right. both sides trying to use a lot of emotion here. that's because the central question in this trial on facing the jury is, what were george zimmerman's intentions that night? the prosecution spent nine days trying to prove that zimmerman shot martin because he wanted to. expect the defense to try to prove he shot him because he had to. this morning, george zimmerman's case is finally in his attorneys' hands. and the first witness the defense called friday, his mother, gladys. at question, the howls in this 911 call. >> do you think he's yelling help? >> yes. >> who's voice was that? >> my son, george. >> reporter: moments later, rare emotion from zimmerman, who claimed self-defense as his uncle also defendanted him. it was another mother's testimony that captivated the court on friday. sabrina fulton, also asked about the 911 calls. >> who do you recognize that to be? >> trayvon benjamin martin. >> reporter: the grieving mother's testimony capping the prosecution's nine days of sometimes jarring testimony. >> these [ bleep ]. they always get away. >> reporter: during which some of its own eyewitnesses seemed to weaken its case, including the eyewitness who saw martin of top of zimmerman that night. >> he was the one who was raining blows down on the person on the bottom, george zimmerman, right? >> that's what it looked like. >> reporter: perhaps no witness testimony more bizarre than that of the medical examiner. >> i don't understand your question. nobody knows -- >> excuse me. >> reporter: and saying he changed his opinion on earlier statements he made. no sooner did the prosecution rest its case, the defense moved to throw it out. >> what is before the court is an enormous amount of information that my client acted in necessary self-defense. >> reporter: the prosecution ready with this quick rebuttal. >> there are two people involved here. one of them's dead and one of them's a liar. >> reporter: now, the jury is not expected to hear george zimmerman tell his side of the story. his attorney tells me, very unlikely he will put him on the stand. that means the defense could wrap its case by wednesday. the jury could begin deliberations as early as friday. >> so many people want to know if zimmerman will take the stand. thanks, matt to you. we're lucky to have you here, dan. you've been following this case since the beginning. and you told me this morning you think the prosecution's case is in trouble. >> the prosecution's case is now in. they presented all of their evidence. and i do not see how a jury, as a legal matter, convicts of either second-degree murder or manslaughter. now, that did not mean that george zimmerman was justified. it doesn't mean that george zimmerman was right. it means that when the prosecution has the burden to prove this case beyond a reasonable doubt, meaning they have the responsibility to disprove self-defense beyond a reasonable doubt. it is hard to imagine that of all the witnesses we've seen, that there is not reasonable doubt as to that up to this point. this is just the prosecution's case. and even amongst those prosecution witnesses, we have seen testimony which it's hard to imagine would not be perceived as reasonable doubt in the minds of the jury. but you can't predict juries. so, who knows? >> that's right. we're going to hear from the defense, as matt said next week. this could wrap by wednesday or thursday. >> yeah. guess who is back in the house with us, finally. >> who? >> you. >> oh, okay. thank you. thanks very much. >> great to see you. welcome back. >> thank you. thank you, bianna. dan, good morning to you. good morning, everyone. we're following breaking news right now. a train carrying 80 tankers of flammable liquid has derailed and is burning right now in the small town of lac-megantic in the province of quebec, and 130 miles from the border with maine. we just got off the phone with a witness who described this frightening scene. >> explosions. the sky was red, yellow. it was, like -- it was crazy. there was like the end of the world. >> and that entire small town is being evacuated. and there's been an all-hands call for help. we're learning more this morning about the company that staged the fourth of july fireworks show in southern california, that injured dozens of people just a couple days ago. more than 30 people were hurt when a shell went off prematurely, knocking over other rounds of the fireworks. the company bay fireworks of new york has had other accidents. in 2008, an explosion at a show in new york injured five people. and that same summer, a bay fireworks floating barge caught fire. the company says it is cooperating with the investigation in southern california. and chrysler is recalling more than 250,000 minivans. the models are the 2013 the dodge caravan, chrysler town and country, and ram cargo van. chrysler says a software problem is causing side air bags to deploy on the wrong side when there's a crash. the carmaker says the problem can be solved with a quick software fix. and an amazing tale of survival. a dog that got trapped under the hood of a car while the car was driving through three cities in florida. with the pooch wedged between the steering wheel mechanism and the front axle. eventually the dog was discovered wedged inside beneath the hood of that car. and the rescue crews had to dismantle part of the engine to get him out. the dog was taken to the vet and now is reported to be doing fine. bianna, back to you. we're going to turn to new details on a story we've been following closely this week. the terrifying ordeal of a mother and her 6-year-old daughter held against their will in brazil. the little girl went there to see her father. but now, that trip has turned into one, long nightmare. abc's gio benitez has the story. >> reporter: she is the little 6-year-old girl at the center of the international legal battle. ava and her mother, shauna hadden, spending the last month stuck in brazil. the mom who has full custody of ava in massachusetts, said her ex-husband paid for their tickets to visit him in brazil. but she says, it was all a trick. within days of their arrival, he took hadden to court. brazilian authorities confiscating their passports. hadden says ex is trying to keep ava in brazil. when are you supposed to get your passports back? >> i have no timeframe. i have no idea. >> reporter: now, hadden, is turning to facebook for help. her page, trapped in brazil, has thousands of supporters. her family and members of congress are fighting to get her and ava back to the u.s. >> i have no documents here. so, my thoughts are desperation and fear on a daily basis. >> reporter: now, a man with a similar story is speaking out in support of hadden. david goldman, whose son was taken to brazil by his mother. spent five years to get his son back. in 2009, he did. >> our country, our embassy, our state department should do whatever they can to issue this mom and this daughter passports and get them on the next plane home. >> reporter: today, goldman is critical of how brazil handles these situations. >> they seem to want to do their own things, almost sort of a rogue way of custody. ignoring international laws. ignoring previous set, ordered custody rulings. >> reporter: he believes there's only one way for parents to protect children in cases like this. >> the only advice to give a parent in this situation is don't go. >> reporter: and the state department tells abc news, u.s. officials are monitoring the case. and what about that father? well, we've not been able to reach him or his attorney, dan. >> these international custody cases are really troubling. now, to a dramatic rescue captured on camera. a bride-to-be posing for engagement photos with her fiance, springs into action when she spots a little boy drowning in a nearby creek. diving into the water to save the child. now, she's telling her amazing story. and abc's rob nelson is here with the details. >> i thought that we were just going to come here, take a couple pictures. and be able to just go home. >> reporter: like any excited future bride, becki salmon has already saved the date. but as these dramatic engagement photos show, she also saved a life. how far out into the creek was he? >> this is a little -- it's difficult to judge. about ten feet off of this rock. >> reporter: last saturday, a photographer was snapping engagement photos of the happy couple at this tranquil philadelphia park, when romance suddenly turned to rescue. a friend of the couple's noticed a 5-year-old boy struggling in the murky creek behind them, images the photographer captured. >> we turned to look. and i saw a little head bobbing under the water. looked like he was trying to get to the surface. and i took off. >> reporter: becki who happens to be a paramedic and trained lifeguard, sprang into action. jumping into the water fully clothed. her heroics also caught on camera. >> i had never seen the kid. and i'm never going to again. i would be in the water, pulling him toward me. >> reporter: her fiance, matt, an emt worker, said he was not surprised by becki's quick thinking. >> if you knew becki, i don't think you would be surprised. the kind of things in her life. >> reporter: becki says she wasn't a hero, and it wasn't until the photographer posted the pictures on facebook, did the story begin to make headlines. >> i didn't know i was a hero. no. that's what i'm trained to do. >> reporter: the mexico wedding is still a year and a half away. and their home is filled with pictures of far less dramatic days. but this snapshot will always stick out. not just for the bad story. but of the bravery of the bride-to-be. have you rescheduled the photo? >> no. we called it a day there. >> reporter: that wedding is set for the end of next year in mexico. and believe it or not, it will be a waterfront ceremony. becki says she is fully prepared to come to the rescue again, even in her wedding dress. but, guys, let's hope that everybody can stay on dry land for that day. >> the child's mother was there, right? >> reporter: the boy's mother was there. and becki said the mother was distracted by another of her kids. and that's when the boy got into that water. >> water-proof mascara for that wedding. >> reporter: exactly. good move. now, time for the weather. julie durda from wplg is in for ginger zee. hey, julie. >> good morning to you. good morning, america. take a look at these photos we captured. it's a soaking mess across tennessee, the panhandle. all dealing with rain since the fourth of july. some areas have received over 12 inches of rain. and it's going to continue. as you can see, we have some video of portions of the panhandle. florida, continuing to be soaked. with the showers and thunderstorms, all because of a frontal boundary that's stalling out over portions today of the ohio valley. take a look at the reason why. we have a dome of high pressure in place over the atlantic that's keeping the frontal boundary in place. and the bull's eye will be tennessee in towards ohio. the panhandle will see an additional two to three inches of rain. locally heavy rain. flooding concerns will be a big issue with this system across the area. what else is going on from coast-to-coast? here, it's hot, hazy, humid. i brought the south florida weather with me up to the northeast. severe storms over portions of the dakotas. nice weather for the pacific northwest. finally seeing a break from that scorching heat they've been dealing with. hot, humid conditions for the >> bianna and dan, we are dealing with heat, humid and a scorcher here in the northeast. i hope you like summer. here it is. >> we have you to blame. you brought that with you from florida. >> sorry. >> thanks, julie. now, to the excitement surrounding today's wimbledon women's finals, featuring two players who have never won a grand slam title and neither is a household name. but one could soon be after upsetting serena williams and becoming the darling to tennis fans. from our sister network, espn, lindsay czarniak joins us with this story. >> great to see you guys. looks like she's having so much fun playing. we're talking about sabine lisicki. she is allergic to grass, the surface she will be playing on today at wimbledon. but that's no problem thanks to medication. her emotional reaction to her success so far in this tournament has been priceless. now, she is just one win away from reaching a childhood dream. >> i'm speechless. i'm so happy. >> reporter: sabine lisicky. emotional, triumphant, gracious. >> serena played a fantastic match. she's such a tough opponent. and you know, it's just amazing feeling to win this match. >> reporter: she's wimbledon's it girl in a tournament that's been marked by big-name players being knocked from their thrones by relative unknowns. >> absolute shocker. >> she's a fresh, new face. and we've seen serena and venus and maria sharapova at the top for so long. and they've been wonderful champions. but it's time to have some new blood. >> reporter: the new blood is 26 years old. and she went pro six years ago. she was coached by her father, driving across the country for tournaments because the family couldn't afford airfare. sometimes even having to withdraw. but she is living proof that passion and family support count for everything. >> my dad has went from 8:00 in the morning to 9:00 in the evening to make it possible so i can play tennis. the love for the game just gives me the belief to overcome anything. >> reporter: and the dream can come true. >> as a little girl, you never know what's going to happen. and there's always a dream to play in the center court in wimbledon. >> this year, she could very well win wimbledon. she's reached the final. she seems to have the whole package, personality-wise and game-wise. >> reporter: sabine has shown she will not back down on tennis' biggest stage. rallying back to beat overwhelming favorite serena williams in the fourth round. and using that confidence to make it into the finals. she says she just truly believes she will win when she walks out on the court. >> great to hear her thank her parents. nice to see that. great to have you here, lindsay. thank you. and you can catch the wimbledon women's finals on our sister network, espn, starting at 9:00 this morning, where sabine will take on marion bartoli. and on this fourth of july weekend, imagine you share the name with one of our founding fathers. you actually weren't at the contusional convention. but your name sake was. >> you have that in common. we're wondering what it is like to be benjamin franklin or thomas jefferson. here's abc's linzie janis. >> reporter: benjamin franklin is alive and well. living in brooklyn. >> benjamin franklin? >> i have a tall latte for benjamin franklin. >> reporter: imagine getting this reaction every day. >> i was in a rite aid. i handed the lady my credit card. she looked down and looked at me and said, you better quit playing. >> reporter: we met with our benjamin franklin in front of his home on franklin street. >> it just kind of worked out that way. >> reporter: how did he inherit the famous name? is he an inventor? a diplomat? maybe a great kite flier. >> i can't tell you how many times i've been asked if i've been flying kites. >> reporter: well, sort of. franklin is an acrobat and co-founder of new york's two-ring circus. but seriously, why the name? >> i'm a long line of four benjamin franklins. my great grandfather was a bit of an inventor. respected the original benjamin franklin. thought that was a good name for the baby. >> reporter: it may sound like a case of mom and dad having an odd sense of humor. but open any phone book and under franklin, benjamin, you're bound to find a few entries. head to hale, nathan, or adams, sam, and same thing. and that's where we found jefferson, thomas. >> if i check into a hotel. and i tell them, you can tell guests that thomas jefferson slept here. >> reporter: what else is good about being name affidavit a founding father? >> it's nice to see $100 bill. and think, that's me. >> reporter: and even if his starbucks order comes with a double-take. >> is that your real name? >> reporter: franklin has come to love his famous forbearer. >> i'm the other ben franklin. >> working these people on the phone. hello, thomas jefferson? hello, benjamin franklin? coming up on "good morning america," caught on the fourth of july. a convenience store customer catches a prison escapee and holds him until police arrive. wait until you see the dramatic surveillance video. plus, grammy award-winner brandy joins us live. she's rocking the essence festival. she'll be with us. to benefit cancer research i rode across the atlantic. crossing an ocean with your body as the motor, it hurts. so my answer was advil. [ male announcer ] paul ridley chose advil. because nothing is stronger on tough pain. real people. real pain. real relief. advil. relief in action. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. just getting clean with no water. kinda like using t.p. with no moist wipes. ohh. ohh. [ female announcer ] nothing leaves you feeling cleaner and fresher than the cottonelle care routine -- now with a touch of cotton. than the cottonelle care routine -- i like it - i just... you can't change color like we do. valspar has the love your color guarantee. if i don't love it, i get another color free. i'm thinking more this. yowza! valspar signature, look for it only at lowe's. chalky... not chalky. temporary... 24 hour. lots of tablets... one pill. you decide. prevent acid with prevacid 24hr. ♪ ♪ got the sweetest heart music this morning on "gma." that's one of the hottest entertainers around. brandy, kicking off the star-studded essence festival three-night concert series in new orleans superdome. she'll be here live to tell us about the big holiday weekend show. so excited to talk to her. >> i'm looking forward to that. i'm dan abrams, in for dan harris today. it is saturday, july 6th. and continuing with the musical theme, we're going to take you inside an exclusive bash in a brooklyn warehouse, celebrating jay-z's new album. his beautiful wife, beyonce, among the big names partying. that's coming up. but first, a fourth of july hero, wearing a patriotic shirt, captures a violent escape con on the run. >> it happened in a flash inside a convenience store and was caught on a security camera. abc's newest correspondent aditi roy is here. >> reporter: it is incredible. and the video is just riveting. the convicted felon managed to break out of an ohio prison. he landed at a nearby convenience store and never made it out of there free. he was literally caught on tape, in this dramatic surveillance video captured on thursday. prison escapee and convicted rapist, james david myers, tackled by a man in an american flag shirt who comes flying out of nowhere. he pins the fugitive to the ground and keeps him there for several seconds. >> i just walked over there, and threw him to the ground. didn't give him a chance to get a gun. >> reporter: mark cooper is the man seen here, pinning myers to the ground. he says he was shopping at the ohio convenience store where the fugitive landed. watch as myers walks up to the cash register and stays there for several seconds, as he appears to pay for his tea and snickers bar. the clerk at the register said the whole time, she knew she was face-to-face with a rapist on the run. >> i was just trying to stay calm. i tried not to show that this is the guy they're looking for. >> we had a wanted picture right there at the register. >> reporter: that clerk recognized him and called police. the store owner also called 911. >> your escaped convict is at our store right now. >> reporter: cooper sprang into action, keeping myers on the ground, so workers could wrap the inmate in twine until authorities could get there. >> i was confident in my strength that once i grab ahold of somebody like that, he's not going to get back up. >> reporter: myers is back in prison. authorities want to thank cooper. he tells reporters, he doesn't want the credit. >> the hero label, you're not comfortable with that, i can tell. >> not at all. >> reporter: myers was serving 30 years to life in prison. he was discovered missing the day before his capture. authorities haven't said how he escaped. another clerk told reporters she was actually shaking the entire time she was in the store. >> i can only imagine what that must be like when she recognized him and tried to be calm. >> reporter: incredible presence of mind. >> and the fact that so many different people recognized him from that poster shows you how effective these can be. >> the customer is a hero in my book. aditi, great to see you. back to ron claiborne for another check of the top stories. great to see you. >> we have more on the breaking news out of canada. a plane carrying a flammable liquid has derailed and is on fire. it's in the small town in the lac-megantic, in the province of quebec. about 134 miles from the border with maine. and abc news has learned that the entire town has been evacuated. and people are being kept at least 15 miles away. video from the scene shows all 80 cars on fire. flames leaping into the sky. firefighters from both countries, the u.s. and canada responding. and a call for all-hands gone out for assistance there. and at least 30 people reported dead in violent clashes across egypt. thousands took the streets in cairo and other cities in egypt on friday. islamist supporters of the ousted president are being demanded he be returned to power. not one but two offers of political asylum for former nsa contractor edward snowden. nicaragua and venezuela have offered him political asylum. it's unclear how he would be able to travel to either country. snowden facing espionage charges in the u.s. is believed to be stuck in the transit area of a moscow airport. and finally, nba star dwight howard is headed to the houston rockets. i believe they're your favorite team. >> they are. >> speculation he would be leaving the l.a. lakers after just one season. to join the rockets, reportedly a four-year deal worth about $88 million. that's about $65 million after taxes, i believe. >> still a lot. >> still a lot of money in my neighborhood. time, now, for the weather and to our julie durda, from our miami affiliate, wplg. >> good morning, everyone. it's the holiday weekend. a lot of you probably want to head to the beach to escape from the heat. it's a scorcher on the east coast, all the way to the northeast. want to warn you, there's a high risk of rip currents from florida to the carolinas. we have some video of north carolina. had to deal with the swells and very choppy seas just offshore by sunset beach. that's a big concern and a huge threat for you beachgoers. make sure you're swimming on guarded beaches. want to show you a water temperatures in south florida. we're seeing a water temperature of 82 degrees off the coast. temperatures ranging from the low to upper 70s. it a relief from the heat because we're seeing highs in the 90s along the east coast today. severe thunderstorms will continue over portions of the ohio valley. as we head to the west, you can see water temperatures much cooler. 53 degrees over the pacific northwest.b!kzx it will be a great day to head to the beach in south california. we're seeing dry conditions. it's hot there in sout >> this weather report has been brought to you by ashley furniture. dan? bianna? >> thank you. and coming up on "good morning america," brandy, live. the grammy winner tells us about her big fourth of july down in the big easy. and we're going to have a first look at justin timberlake playing a '60s folks singer, in an upcoming film by the coen brothers. 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[ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. ♪ [ male announcer ] celebrate 4th of july. choose 18 months special financing on purchases of $299 or more with your lowe's consumer credit card. ♪ time, now, for a little "pop news." your eyes are not deceiving you. rachel smith is not here. instead -- you haven't been busy enough. gio benitez. >> she's a lot prettier, though. you can hold your applause. >> you can handle your own there. >> let's talk some pop. in case you're wondering, jay-z is still the king of hip-hop. and the queen, beyonce, knows how to help him celebrate his reign. the power couple danced the night away at a star-studded release party for jay-z's new album in a brooklyn warehouse this week. the album doesn't drop until next tuesday. but as part of jay's partnership with samsung, the first 1 million customers to download a special app got a first listen on the fourth of july. the full album was available to them one minute after the clock struck midnight. one of the tracks was co-produced by a 16-year-old girl. >> and it's dropping when? >> dropping soon. dropping soon. >> dropping. and speaking of music moguls, let's talk about another taking over the silver screen. recognize this guy? that's justin timberlake. back on the big screen for a brand-new trailer for the coen brothers movie, "inside llewyn davis." he's playing isaac, a young folk singer trying to make it big in the '60s. it also stars kerry morgan. it is slated to hit theaters in early december. and big news about batman, now. a certain dark knight won't be rising again anytime soon. >> what? >> after starring in three batman blockbusters, christian bale is officially hanging up his cape. bale revealed to "entertainment weekly" said he won't be suiting up for the upcoming movie "justice league." telling the magazine he's had enough. what? as for who will fill bale's superhero shoes, dan abrams, the star says he has no idea. but that, quote, it's a torch that should be handed from one actor to another. so, i enjoy looking forward to what somebody else will come up with. >> could be you. >> i'm disappointed. >> could be you. >> yeah. >> i'm looking forward to "justice league." that's going to be cool. >> yeah. it will be cool. and if you need an extra hand around the house, maybe you need a guinea pig or two. meet sammie and chelsea of maryland. they're not letting the fact they don't have opposable thumbs stop them from picking up a couple chores. these little guys have got to be the most talented guinea pigs on the planet. and they're pretty popular, too. they have more than 18,000 followers on twitter. >> they wash cars? they barbecue? >> look like stuffed animals. >> yeah. very cute. >> i love guinea pigs. i used to feed them for friends when they were off on vacation. >> they're very cute. >> i love guinea pigs. i used to baby sit them once? >> what hasn't gio benitez done? great job. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. if yand you're talking toevere rheuyour rheumatologistike me, about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work. wellso ready.o go look? lots of options, huh? i can help you narrow it down. ok thanks. this one's smudge free. smudge-free. really? and this one beeps when you leave the door open. get those brand name bells and whistles, even on a budget, with red white and blue savings. thank you! more saving. more doing. that's the power of the home depot. buy now and save $300 on this stainless steel samsung refrigerator. time flies when you're having fun. that's it for us. we want to thank you for watching abc news. we're always online at on yahoo! and make sure to watch "world news" with david muir later this evening. dan and julie will be back tomorrow. >> yes. >> and gio. we'll see you doing something. all right. we have much more coming up. stay tuned to abc news. of course, abc news online, on yahoo! >> welcome back, ron. >> thank you. thank you. it feels like a month because it was a month. >> yeah. >> covering the mandela story. >> is there a guinea pig you want to baby sit? >> i don't know. we need some. >> i baby sat a guinea pig once. that's how much i love guinea pigs. gio benitez. good morning, i'm matt keller. a group of activists that planned to cut down trees today are posing nude. the move comes after plans by ucsf to remove the trees behind the medical center over fire concerns. today's demonstrations kickoff at 11:00 this morning. police have security concerns ahead of soccer team in the south bay. they face off in san jose and promoters of the match after a brawl broke out in las vegas. they met with authorities yesterday to review security plans after a match on wednesday was stopped when fans stormed the field. another brawl delayed the las vegas match and several players were ejected. they will hold a cleanup after successful 4th of july celebrations downtown. a neighborhood cleanup will be held from 9:00 to 11:00 this morning. those interested in helping out should gather at the parking lot south of "l" street south the marina. good morning to you. we do have clouds hanging out over the boy from exploratorium camera but we do have sunshine over in oakland and cloudy in santa rosa. livermore, sunny and los gatos coming in at 58. so the plan for today is the temperatures will stay cooler than average. you can see right now we are about four degrees cooler than yesterday at this time in san jose. we'll get into breezy winds and few clouds around itself bay. a couple of 80s making their way toward inland east bay this afternoon. next on "abc 7 news" at 8:00 a water main break floods several homes in san francisco. how one resident reacted to three feet of water suddenly rushing into his home. today will be the first full day bart trains are rolling on the tracks since the strike ended. could the resumption of servic good morning, i'm matt keller in for katie marzullo. let's start with a quick first look at the weather. here is meteorologist lisa argen. good morning. >> good morning to you, matt. here is look from mount tam. we're seeing low clouds and fog and sunny in san jose and 58 degrees on our coast. pretty foggy in half moon bay and winds have been


Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130810

our army of kid forecasters keeping an eye on the weather for you, with their precocious prognosticating. well, we've got kid forecasters coming up. before we get to that, we have some real weather to talk about this morning. take a look at these pictures on a saturday morning. these are from overnight. ginger covering this breaking weather news. killer flash floods in colorado. truly harrowing scenes playing out, after more than an inch of rain fell in 40 minutes, sending torrents of water through one small town. this is one scene out of many. as we said, ginger will have much more coming up. >> as many as 15 states affected this morning. also, a big break in a massive manhunt. a car owned by a suspected san diego kidnapper is found in a remote wilderness area in idaho. why police believe the 16-year-old girl with him is still alive. also this morning, a breast-feeding confrontation caught on camera. the mom told to cover up at a rec center in texas. and the support she's receiving after this video went online and went viral. let's start this morning with the first of the ocean's 16 to step forward. her name is susan nichol. she is part of that pool of maintenance workers that hit the powerball this week. this story, a huge blast of hope for a community that was hit very hard by superstorm sandy. and aditi roy is all over the story. >> reporter: good morning, dan. this lottery winner may be part of ocean 16. but she's on cloud nine. she revealed her identity to the public. and why she's not leaving her job just yet. this morning, we're hearing from one of ocean 16 for the first time, the county workers that won big in wednesday's $448.4 million powerball jackpot, has protected their anonymity until now. >> i'm still up in the clouds. >> reporter: new jersey native, susan nichols, says she wouldn't believe it when she and 15 fellow workers hit all five numbers and the powerball. >> my co-worker shook me. we did win. >> reporter: until friday night, the only thing we knew about the county government workers, is that no multimillion-dollar windfall, wouldn't keep them from clocking in the next morning after the winning numbers were announced. >> they won the lottery and came in. >> reporter: nichol and her co-workers have not officially come forward to claim the prize. but she's feeling blessed. nichol has a new ideas for how to spend her winnings. among them, mixing her house that was damaged by hurricane sandy. and sharing the loot with her large family. surprisingly, she plans to stay at work for another year and a half before retiring to collect her pension. >> i want my husband to retire. i'm not. but i want him to. he's worked a long time. >> reporter: after taxes, it's estimated that nichol will take $3.5 million to the bank. the remaining ticket in new jersey has not been claimed. the third ticket was won by paul white. and she broke the news to her friends and family at her local crab shack. three grandchildren, two kids and her husband of 45 years. that shop owner has the air ability to say that a quarter of his workers happen to be powerball winners. she probably picked up the tab. >> i was about to ask you. i think she did. >> amazing she's going to keep working. >> and let her husband retire. so sweet. >> thanks, aditi. we're going to turn to the death toll rising along with the floodwaters after a week of torrential downpours and daring rescues. emergency workers kept busy overnight. and our meteorologist, ginger zee, is on top of the story. >> good morning, bianna. some of the craziest pictures coming out of manitou springs, colorado. the water muddy and almost black at times. krdo, our affiliate, kept coming in with pictures. no way. this town terrified. ferociously flowing. >> he's better off in the car. >> reporter: this highway outside of colorado springs, transformed into a turbulent crime. and right there, a frightened man, desperate to get to safety. >> are you okay? >> i don't know. >> reporter: barely making it out alive. the almost black water, splashing over that car. cars rushing and bobbing past in the water. rescue crews on another road, hoisting a man to safety. this morning, we know one person is dead. his body found buried in debris. the forceful floods, terrorizing this town just six miles from colorado springs. >> our car just floated away. others are floating away now. >> at that moment, i knew the water was getting higher and was going to come over. i have to get out of here. >> reporter: swallowing streets and chewing away at backyards. it went down after more than an inch of rain fell in 40 minutes. that's too much, too fast for the scarred land, burnt by the waldo canyon fire in 2012. that's why the water is so dark. the charred mountainside, rushing down with the rain. it's the third flood in the area for a month. believing crashed and crumbled scenes behind. slightly drier for the parts of colorado. we have to keep an alert always. the land isn't getting vegetation anytime soon. very dry in general. i want to show you this. this morning, we have flash flood warnings in effect for arkansas and missouri still. an area so hard hit this whole week. you can see two-plus inches of rain, just in a very short amount of time. it's all coming along this stationary front. this has been a mess. and for the next 48 hours, places like jonesboro, memphis, nashville and raleigh have to be an alert. i'll come back with the weather and a whole lot more. >> a wet and dangerous weekend in parts of america. investigators are returning to a quiet neighborhood in connecticut where a disaster played out on friday afternoon. a small plane crashing into two homes. inside one of those houses, two, young children. abc's linzie janis is on the scene in east haven, connecticut. linzie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan. the people of this small community who sit right along a runway, says this is one of their worst fears come true. rescuers searched through the night, recovering four bodies, including two children who were inside one of the homes crushed by a small plane that came crashing out of the sky. >> children in the house. >> reporter: one of its wings, slicing through an upstairs bedroom, where neighbors say a 1-year-old and 13-year-old may have been. >> we seen it hit. one wing went through one house. the left side of the wing, landed in the bedroom where the two children were. >> reporter: within seconds of the crash, their mother could be heard screaming on the front lawn. >> she's upstairs. she went upstairs. and flipped over the bed. and flipped over a crib. and looked in the closet. couldn't find anybody. >> reporter: neighbors say it's a nightmare come true. >> i was always afraid of the planes. planes coming in. >> reporter: overnight, the pilot's been identified as bill henningsguard, visiting college with his 17-year-old son, max. it was not his first crash. in 2009, he and his mother were rescued from a washington state river, after the plane he was piloting had engine trouble. what caused his plane to crash on friday, roughly a mile before the runway remains a mystery. just two minutes before the crash, he told air traffic controllers that despite the weather, he had the runway in sight. >> are you going to be able to main tan visual contact with the airport? >> 622 is in visual contact now. >> reporter: moments later, the cockpit of his twin-engine plane was in flames. now that all of the bodies have been recovered, investigators are returning to the scene behind me this morning to try to figure out how and why this happened. bianna? >> devastation for that mother who lost two of her children. our thanks to you. we're going to learn to a major development this morning in the intense, all-out manhunt for a san diego murder suspect and the teenage girl he's believed to have kidnapped. his car was found in a remote location in idaho. now, the two were spotted by a man on horseback. abc's clayton sandell is in san diego with the latest on the search. if there's any good news, it seems that the girl was alive. a 16-year-old who he believes is this victim. >> reporter: so far, bianna, yes. that's what they believe. and it's a positive development. overnight, a sad development. police positively identified the remains of ethan anderson, who was murdered here in san diego. right now in idaho, search teams are looking for his suspected killer, who they believe kidnapped ethan's sister. this morning, over 100 federal agents and police are swarming this idaho wilderness, hunting for a murder suspect and a teenage girl they believe is in grave danger. >> it's treacherous terrain. it is back country. it is wilderness. and so, we're going to bring in any resources that we can on the ground and from the air to make this search successful. >> reporter: they're here because a man on horseback says he crossed paths with two people wednesday, believed to be 40-year-old james dimaggio and 16-year-old hannah anderson. >> they did appear to have gear with them. they had camping equipment, it seemed to him. i think he described the interaction as odd. but nothing alarming. >> reporter: nothing alarming, until the horseback rider recognized hannah's photo on the news and called police. dimaggio's car was found friday a few miles away, hidden under bushes. the license plates missing. >> they checked the vehicle identification number through the windshield and confirmed it was our suspect's vehicle from san diego. >> reporter: police had warned it might be booby-trapped with explosives. but none were found. police believe dimaggio killed hannah's 8-year-old brother, ethan and their mother, outside san diego, setting the house on fire and kidnapping the girl. investigators say dimaggio was a family friend who had an unusual infatuation with hannah. overnight in their hometown of lakeside, california, hannah and ethan's father spoke at a candlelight vigil. >> it's great they found a sighting today. and we hope that everything is going well to bring her home. >> reporter: now, this search area is massive. more than 300-square miles. investigators from here in san diego county will be joining the search effort. they'll be looking on foot, on horseback and from the air. dan? >> hopefully the nightmare will end soon. clayton, thank you. switching gears to all of the chatter about president obama, showing a different and interesting side of his personality, in a high-profiled moment. in front of the assembled press corps on friday afternoon, the president was cutting loose with candid comments about everybody from vladimir putin, to michelle obama. jeff is here with more. >> reporter: we saw hints of frustration and defiance from the president. after a challenging summer in washington, it was that series of unscripted moments that offered a deeper window into what he's really thinking. >> good afternoon, everybody. please have a seat. >> reporter: in the running commentary, president obama held nothing back. on russian president vladimir putin -- >> he has that slouch, looking like a board kid in the back of the classroom. >> reporter: on the new anti-gay law, through olympic medals. >> one of the things i'm looking forward to is gay and lesbian athletes bringing home the gold or silver or bronze. if russia doesn't have gay or lesbian athletes, it will probably make their team weaker. >> reporter: and using domestic harmony as an analogy for the nsa's spying program. how americans should trust but verify. >> if i tell michelle that i did the dishes, now, granted, in the white house i don't do the dishes that much. but back in the day. and she's a little skeptical. i'd like her to trust me. but maybe i need to bring her back and show her the dishes. >> reporter: president obama came into the east room of the white house to talk about america's surveillance system. but he also came armed with a set of awkward anecdotes and mixed metaphors. it was a presidential play-by-play, off-the-cuff remarks, in real-time. and he didn't take it easy, even on himself. >> there's going to be glitches. no doubt about it. that's true, by the way, of a car company rolling out a new car. it's true of apple rolling out the new ipad. >> reporter: before the hour was up, he even asked a question of his own, to a "wall street journal" reporter, on the birth of her son. >> and, carol, congratulations on hudson. do you have pictures? >> reporter: now, there were serious moments, too. the ongoing terror threat, that frigid relationship with russia. but the president had a care-free look of someone about to leave on vacation. he and his family begin their summer break today on martha's vineyard. when he returns to washington, all of the challenges are waiting for him. >> i picture moments in martha's vineyard when he marches michelle into the kitchen and shows off clean dishes. >> the slouch boy kid comment. >> the translation of that must have been great. >> i'll tell you that next time. now, to ron claiborne with the other top developing stories this morning. >> good morning, everyone. in the news, all but one of the american embassies that were closed last week because of terror concerns are now set to reopen tomorrow. the state department says 18 of the 19 embassies located throughout north africa and the middle east will reopen. the one however in yemen, that one will remain closed. and fire crews slowly getting control of a massive wildfire in southern california. the fire covering some 25-square miles or about 16,000 acres. the fire is 40% contained. two dozen homes have been destroyed and hundreds others evacuated. and the embattled mayor of san diego, bob filner, is leaving san diego earlier than expected. he was supposed to be in rehab for two weeks. but he's leaving therapy after five days and says he will continue as an outpatient. a wild scene in boston on friday. a beer truck crashes and ends up dangling off of a highway overpass. crews had to clean up a diesel spill. they also had to offload the beer. the driver and a passenger in the beer truck, they were not hurt. exactly. cheers and boos in the bronx friday night for alex rodriguez. the yankees slugger was playing his first home game since major league baseball announced its suspension for allegedly using performance-enhancing drugs. a suspension that a-rod is appealing. as he strolled to the plate for his much-anticipated return to yankee stadium, a-rod managed to get quite a few cheers. and quite a few boos from the famously opinionated hometown crowd. >> alex rodriguez. >> reporter: but things turned darker after his first two at-bats. a-rod struck out the second time. pretty loud boos. not that many cheers. as the game went on, with the yankees clinging to a two-run lead, rodriguez couldn't get his bat going. >> 3-2. strike three. >> reporter: the youngest player to reach the 600 home run mark on this night, he failed to get on base. striking out three times, as the boos got louder with each at-bat. until a-rod was removed from the game in the ninth inning. afterward, a-rod left yankee stadium without speaking to the media. but fans outside had plenty to say. >> the whole reason i came here tonight was to boo a-rod, all right? i got to do it. i'm happy. >> i don't like cheaters. it's just a tough call. i do kind of like him. >> so, a-rod went 0 for 4, striking out the three times. but the yankees sans a-rod, without, dan. they won that game. it ended well for yankee fans, like me. >> we know when ron has a late night. uses french. >> that's one of the symptoms. >> standup journalist. forcing yourself to go to the game. >> forced myself to drink a beer. nonalcoholic beer. >> ron o'dool's claiborne. looking at the video from the colorado stuff. it's not often you see fire watches next to flood watches. but today, we will, in oregon and the state of washington. why? because they've got those burned areas, the scarred land. and you get a thunderstorm popping up behind the nation sty front. and it can drop a lot of water like we saw in colorado. something to look for in the pacific northwest. it's nicer in the northeast. let's look at a live shot of new york city. 72 early this morning. low 70s is where we start. we end up much less humid. it was nasty. i don't like to give my opinion on warmth in the summer. it was gross. the kind of thing you can't do your hair in. boston, 80 today. 83 is average for this time of year. albany, you're going to have a nice day, too. a little below in some spots. and less humid. same deal on the east coast of the great lakes there. back here, a stationary front. and dallas, ten days of 100 or above. they may slip below that as we go into saturday. >> we're starting a new segment. it's quiz dan and bianna time. it's all about clouds. >> this is a classic alta stratus. >> dan likes to put together his words. that's a shelf cloud, my friends. >> i was just using the french term that ron used earlier. no? >> we'll try next time. >> that didn't work? we're going to turn to a brewing controversy in texas. breast-feeding mothers in the state are gathering for a nurse-in this morning. they are protesting the treatment a local mother received at a rec center. she was ordered to cover up while nursing her daughter. it's bringing a controversial issue back into the spotlight. tai hernandez is here with the story. >> the mother was waiting for an older child in a dance class. she started to feed her 16-day-old baby in the meantime. what happened next sparked a lot of controversy. and it was all posted on youtube. this morning, a small town in texas is defending the rec employee scene in this video, confronting lindsay eves. eves citing her right to breast-feed in public. >> it is a state law that i can nurse my child with or without a cover. >> reporter: she was approached by the same worker earlier that day. and asked her husband to record this confrontation. >> i'm going to ask you to quit talking to my wife. if you want to do something about it, call the cops. otherwise, leave me alone. >> reporter: the couple posted the video to youtube. it quickly went yirl. >> anything a woman does with her breast, generates a tremendous amount of controversy and emotion and heightened opinion from all sorts of people. >> reporter: august is national breast-feeding month, holding nurse-ins to protest public venues that ask mothers to cover up. recently a woman made her challenge to kate middleton to get her royal orbs out to nurse in public. after the backlash, the rec center defends its actions in this statement. there's nothing in the law that prohibits the city from requiring a mother to cover up. the city did not attempt to prohibit breast-feeding. and we fully support the freedom of mothers to breast-feed, as long as it doesn't infringe on someone else's freedom. eaves defends her right to nurse in public. >> this is normal. >> reporter: she has four children under the age of 5. she considers herself a passionate breast-feeding advocate. and those who support her, coming to her defense. >> this day and age, assume there's going to be a camera rolling somewhere. >> thanks, tai. coming up here on "gma," usher on the stand. fighting his ex-wife for custody of their children, after one of their sons almost drowned in the pool. it got emotional on the stand, as you can see. coming up, what the judge decided and the surprising moment between these two divorced and often fighting parents. and looking for the truth. she was found with her bullet in her head. but a father insists his daughter's death was no suicide. what he insists authorities do now. and coming up in a big "pop news" segment this morning, anchored by bianna golodryga. breaking news. details on the "hunger games" sequel. why everything in this movie may not be by the book. we'll see how fans react to that. keep it here. more "gma," coming up. or training for a run... find your balance. every delicious balance bar® has 40-30-30 balanced nutrition to give you energy that lasts. balance bar®, have you found your balance? ♪ [ male announcer ] love your kitchen even more with new ceramic tile, now 57 cents a square foot at lowe's. ♪ [ telephone rings ] how's the camping trip? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing? having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 12 days! 24 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. for shopping that took half e the time. converse, skechers, nike, and more at famous footwear. victory is yours. you know, from a young age. i definitely want to major in political science. become the mayor or something. make the situation better for other people. my name is justin, and i am your dividend. just reacting as any father would, out of concern. >> there you see r&b superstar, usher, facing the emergency at an emergency custody hearing, after his son's frightening pool incident. his ex-wife attempting to gain custody. did her tears affect the judge? the emotion on full display in court with a surprise ending. usher and his ex-wife having a moment in front of the cameras. good morning, america. i'm bianna golodryga. at the end of the day, those are relieved parents who has a son that's still alive after that accident. >> that's very divided in many ways. we'll tell you what the hug was all about coming up on the broadcast. i'm dan harris. this is saturday, august 10th. alongside bianna golodryga. we're going to start with a story of a father, a different father, on a mission to prove his daughter's death was not a suicide, even though a coroner initially ruled it that way. >> she was found with a gunshot wound to the head at her ex-boyfriend's apartment. gio benitez is here with that story. >> reporter: the 22-year-old father says he's convinced the police botched the investigation. and he wants it reopened right away. the voice you hear on this 911 call is richie minton. >> it's my ex-girlfriend. i woke up and she's covered in blood. >> reporter: it was an emergency dispatcher in carbondale, ill. but minton found himself on the other end of the line. this is richie. my girlfriend just committed suicide. can you send an ambulance here? can you send a car over? >> reporter: he told dispatchers he thought she overdosed. when police arrived, they found the body of 22-year-old molly young, dead with a gunshot wound to the head. minton and his roommate were questioned and released. >> they investigated to see if she committed suicide and she didn't. it's obvious republican for in january, a coroner's jury reviewed the cause of death, changing it to undetermined. now, young's father wants the case reopened. >> in my opinion, the evidence is there. i would hope that they go after that evidence. >> reporter: larry young says he now has police documents, just obtained through a freedom of information request, which he says suggest investigators either missed or ignored key evidence. when asked by abc news, police would not comment on those documents or the investigation. meantime, the state attorney tells abc news, the case is not closed. leaving a grieving father looking for answers. >> it disgusted me. that a young woman could lose her life like that and no one seemed to care. >> reporter: and while the state attorney tells abc news there's not enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime was committed, he says if more evidence becomes available, he will consider it. >> this is a case to watch. gio, thank you. a lot of other news overnight. for that as always, we turn to mr. ron claiborne. >> good morning, everyone. in the news, ntsb investigators will be at the scene of a small plane crash in connecticut later today. as many as six people feared dead, after the plane crashed into two homes in east haven on friday. among the dead, the pilot, reportedly, a retired microsoft executive. and two children. in one of the homes. in california, police are trying to figure out if a body is that of a missing oakland woman. sandra coke. an investigator for the public defender's office, disappeared sunday. late friday night, police found a body in vacaville. he's being called a person of interest in this case. and the fbi may be closing in on a man wanted in a nationwide amber alert. police say james lee dimaggio abducted a 16-year-old girl from san diego, killed her mother and younger brother and then burned their house down. dimaggio's car was found in idaho on friday, with no sign of him or the girl. finally, it's not the big powerball jackpot. but a north carolina man is counting himself lucky this morning. dan royal has won two lottery jackpots in less than two years. he won $5,000 a week for life on friday. and 18 months ago, $250,000 he won. he's going to retire. imagine that. time, now, for the weather. and over to ginger. >> i would also retire. good idea. we've been talking about flooding for over a week. and the pictures keep coming from all over. different places. yesterday, it was new york. and missouri before that. arkansas, kansas. but this is florida. that's sarasota. and the beach, just empty because, well, you couldn't do anything there. the sarasota beach, better today. along that stationary front, you will see more showers and thunderstorms, some of them heavy at times. especially back in northern parts of arkansas and western tennessee, they will move. you can look at the highs. atlanta, 91. 93 in jackson. and 91 in new orleans. and in the southwest, it's dry. but also, heating it up. so, fire danger will likely kick up even more. riv riverside, 95. but 91 by monday. and around it, right back up as we start the workweek. phoenix at 105. but as we start monday and tuesday, up to 107. here's a look across the nation. for now, that's the big picture. >> this weather report has been brought to you by advil. it is time for this morning's kid forecaster. lexie silverman, who is 6 years old from highland park, chicago. >> my name is lexie. and i'm the "good morning america" forecaster. and today, it will be sunny. it will be maybe -- watch out for any poodles. back to you, ginger. >> poodles. and the hair like this. i have to steal some of your stuff. thank you, lexie. become our kid forecaster. >> you need a sidekick like that. cute dog. >> and the girl. >> either one of those, the ratings through the roof, guaranteed. thank you, ginger. coming up here on "gma," usher and his ex-wife squaring off in a bitter child custody battle in court. reunited over their son's terrifying pool incident. and at the end, this surprising hug. what was behind this? and coming up in pop, a sneak peek at the new pixar movie. i'm bringing you pop today, movie. i'm bringing you pop today, whether you like it or not. i rode across the atlantic. benh crossing an ocean with your body as the motor, it hurts. so i brought advil to help me stay strong during the toughest journey of my life. 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[female announcer]g) looks like everybody's at our biggest sale of the year, the anniversary sale at petsmart. save $10 on select bayer® k9 advantix ii and advantage® ii 6-packs and soresto® flea or tick products. at petsmart®. ♪ ♪ it was a courtroom surprise yesterday. pop star usher, taking the stand in an emergency hearing. fighting his ex-wife for custody of their two sons when one of them nearly drowned in usher's pool. >> abc's steve osunsami was in the courtroom. and steve joins us from atlanta live. steve? >> reporter: good morning, bianna. the singer's 5-year-old son is still hospitalized here. when he goes home, he will go home with his father, to the very house where he nearly died. >> i don't know if my son is going to have a brain defect. i don't know if his heart is operating correctly. i don't know that my son is going to be 100% the boy he was. >> reporter: at this emergency hearing, where tameka raymond hoped to win temporary custody of their two children with grammy award winner, usher raymond. >> he doesn't answer the phone. he doesn't answer e-mails. >> reporter: very frustrated. she broke down listening to the 911 calls from monday, when her 5-year-old son nearly drowned at the bottom of her ex-husband's pool. her superstar former husband, who won custody of the kids last year, still wearing the wristband from his son's hospital. >> acting as any father would, out of concern. >> reporter: telling the judge, he and the people at the house did the best they could. >> when they got into the ambulance, he was hysterical. i did my best to calm him down. i saw that he was gasping for breath. so, i know that he probably took in a fair amount of water. >> reporter: usher raymond v had his hand caught in the pool drain when reaching for a toy. he was under eight feet of water. and his father has video of the entire incident. tameka raymond, questioned the ability of the aunt who was watching the children and testified friday. rena oden jumped in the pool but couldn't free the boy. >> she's a good person and a nice family member. a nanny? no. >> reporter: the judge disagreed, siding once again with the singer. >> most of the people in this room have been considered for by a grandmother or an aunt. so, i'm denying, dismissing the motion. >> reporter: before he left court, he and his ex-wife embraced. somehow these two have to work together. >> mr. raymond, in the future, you would be well-advised to keep your former spouse informed about your whereabouts and who is taking care of the kids. >> reporter: in court, usher was asked a very important safety question, whether he ever looked inside and saw the bottom of that pool. he answered that he had people who took care of that. and he never noticed anything wrong. dan and bianna? >> steve, thanks to you. it was nice to see that embrace at the end. >> share two kids. no question about it. coming up on "gma," we're celebrating national forest day. if you have trouble getting the campfire started in your living room, don't worry. kitchen-friendly options are straight ahead. the moment my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasiss. started getting in the way, that was it... it was time for a serious talk with my dermatologist. this time, he prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make the most of every moment. ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible. ♪ [ male announcer ] love your kitchen even more with new ceramic tile, now 57 cents a square foot at lowe's. ♪ but then why is he the one in the doghouse? don't blame him. instead, rely on the number one choice of vets for their pets, frontline plus. the killing force of frontline plus uses two ingredients. one to kill adult fleas and ticks, plus another to kill flea eggs and larvae, destroying the future generations of fleas. and it keeps fighting for a full 30 days. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less. all right. it's time for "pop news." filling in, our ringer, bianna golodryga. we're going deep this morning. >> you ready, guys? >> bring it. >> all right. some big reveal for pixar fans at disney's d-23 expo this weekend. a first peek at a pixar original movie. "the good dinosaur" will be about a world where dinosaurs never went extinct. bill haider, to name a few. have a brand-new look at "toy story" coming out. it's a tv special. will feature a road trip gone wrong for the "toy story" gang we know so well. walt disney is the parent company of abc news. >> dinosaurs and "toy story" come together. really scary. >> really scary. >> aliens and cowboys. anyways -- things are heating up for "catching fire." coldplay will be creating an original song for the film, titled "atlas." we know things won't be entirely by the book. for example, in the book, main character peta doesn't know how to swim. when josh hutchenton reprises the role, he'll have no trouble in the water. liam hemsworth is finally on twitter. but he will only use it for career updates. no shirtless selfies. >> come on, liam. >> i know. >> that's what it's for. >> ron claiborne. >> up to that one. >> that's on instagram. now, take a look at this adorable baby elephant from tampa's lowery park zoo. he was born at the end of july. but he doesn't have a name. the zoo has turned to the public for health. launching an online poll for people to weigh in. when the poll closes, mom and baby elephant will do a special activity to pick between the contenders. all of the contenders are swahili and starts with an "m." he likes to drink. and mina means joyful. >> i think mina is better, than he likes to drink. >> you're sure about the translation, right? >> who knows what she just said. are you hungry, guys? >> yes. >> we're having an extra sweet celebration here at "gma" this morning. august 10th, i didn't know this, marks national s'mores day. you don't need a campfire. they're having the breakfast lineup. >> that's a waffle he's eating. >> s'mores eggo waffles, s'mores pop-tarts and cereal. and our first taste of s'mores-flavored cereal. we have a tasty sample for today. the here from crumb's bake shop, magnolia bakery. sprinkles cupcakes. national s'mores day is on. >> this is an important holiday. second to national talk like a pirate day. we'll be back, on a serious sugar high. we'll be back, on a serious sugar high. keep it here. ay... roll that beautiful bean footage! [ jay ] bush's country style baked beans are slow cooked according to our secret family recipe with specially cured bacon and extra brown sugar for a thicker sauce and richer taste. the secret family recipe starts with beans and... batteries not included. aw, you're no fun. [ jay ] enjoy bush's baked beans... still made from our secret family recipe. (birds chirping) [female announcer] looks like everybody's at our biggest sale of the year, the anniversary sale at petsmart. save $3 on select iams® dry dog food and select iams® dry cat food. at petsmart®. but if your skin feels tight and dry it could be a sign of damage. [ female announcer ] get a healthier clean with neutrogena® ultra gentle cleanser. unlike ordinary cleansers that can over-penetrate and damage skin's healthy barrier our breakthrough formula cleans gently without the damage, yet removes dirt, oil, even eye makeup. so clean really is healthy. [ female announcer ] ultra gentle cleanser. neutrogena®. #1 dermatologist recommended skincare. vamanos dusty! the fans await! roger that. so, el chu... what do i do? i've never done this before! just smile and be yourself! oh! it's dusty crophopper! over here! dusty!!! hey! aaaaaagh! wow! so many fans! dusty my friend, don't let it go to your head. you have to stay humble... like me! aaaaaaaah-ha-ha-hiiiiiiy! fly into target for everything planes. i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston. nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. look at that control room. having breakfast and loving it. the best part of the cupcake is at the bottom here. thank you for watching abc news. we're always online at on yahoo! watch "world news" with david muir. >> ron can't talk. he's eating. >> good saturday morning to you. i'm kira klapper in for katie marzullo. lisa argen is back. welcome back, lisa. >> hi, kira. nice to see you. we are looking from our roof camera where we have plenty of fog, mist and drizzle as you head out. do grab the jacket. it's chilly out. numbers in the mid-and upper 50s and particularly damp along the shoreline. inland we are looking at 57, at fairfield, as well as novato. 56 in santa rosa and napa is reading 57 right now. as you go throughout the afternoon, plenty of sunshine. we will call it mostly sunny with upper 60s to low 70s around the east bay. look for some clouds. in fact, plenty of clouds along the coast with low to


Transcripts For KGO ABC News Good Morning America 20130810

keeping an eye on the weather for you, with their precocious prognostications. >> watch out for any poodles. well, we've got kid forecasters coming up. before we get to that, we have some real weather to talk about this morning. take a look at these pictures on a saturday morning. these are from overnight. ginger covering this breaking weather news. killer flash floods in colorado. truly harrowing scenes playing out, after more than an inch of rain fell in 40 minutes, sending torrents of water through one small town. this is one scene out of many. as we said, ginger will have much more coming up. >> as many as 15 states affected this morning. also, a big break in a massive manhunt. a car owned by a suspected san diego kidnapper is found in a remote wilderness area in idaho. why police now believe the 16-year-old girl thought to be with him is alive. a potentially huge break in this story. >> it's a relief to know she's alive. but they also have to find her. also this morning, a breast-feeding confrontation caught on camera. the mom told to cover up at a rec center in texas. and the support she's receiving after this video went online and went viral. let's start this morning with the first of the so-called ocean 16 to step forward. her name is susan nichel. she is part of that office pool of county maintenance workers that hit the powerball this week. this story, a huge blast of hope for a community that was hit very hard by superstorm sandy. and abc's aditi roy is all over the story. aditi, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan. this lottery winner may be part of ocean 16. but she's on cloud nine. she revealed her identity to the public. and why she's not leaving her job just yet. this morning, we're hearing from 1 of ocean 16 for the first time, the county workers that won big in wednesday's $448.4 million powerball jackpot, has fiercely protected their anonymity until now. >> i'm still up in the clouds. >> reporter: new jersey native, susan nichel, says she wouldn't believe it when she and 15 fellow workers hit all five numbers and the powerball. >> my co-worker shook me. we did win. >> reporter: until friday night, the only thing we knew about the county government workers, is that no multimillion-dollar windfall, would ever keep them from clocking in the morning after the winning numbers were announced. >> they knew they won the lottery and they were here. that tells you a lot about who they are. >> reporter: nichel and her co-workers have not officially come forward to claim the prize. but she says she's feeling blessed. nichel has a few ideas for how to spend her winnings. among them, fixing her house that was damaged by hurricane sandy. and sharing the loot with her large family. surprisingly, she plans to stay at work for another year and a half before retiring to collect her pension. >> i want my husband to retire. i'm not. but i want him to. he's worked a long time. >> reporter: split evenly among the group and after taxes, it's estimated that nichel will take $3.5 million to the bank. the remaining ticket bought in new jersey has not been claimed. the third ticket was sold to paul white of minnesota. introduced at a press conference on thursday. and she broke the news to her friends and family at her local crab shack. 3 grandchildren, 2 kids and her husband of 45 years. by the way, that shop owner has the air ability to say that a quarter of his workers happen to be powerball winners. she probably picked up the tab. >> i was about to ask you. i think she did. >> amazing she's going to keep working. >> and let her husband retire. so sweet. >> thanks, aditi. >> thanks, aditi. we're going to turn to the death toll rising along with the floodwaters after a week of torrential downpours and daring rescues. emergency workers kept frantically busy overnight. and our meteorologist, ginger zee, is on top of the story. good morning, ginger. >> good morning, bianna. some of the craziest pictures coming out of manitou springs, colorado. you can see here, the cars just stuck in the water. very muddy-looking and almost black at times. you can see it here, too. krdo, our affiliate, kept coming in with new pictures, new video. and we kept saying, no way. this town terrified. ferociously flowing. >> he's better off in the car. >> reporter: this highway outside of colorado springs, transformed into a turbulent current. and right there, a frightened man, desperate to get to safety. then -- >> are you okay? >> i don't know. looks like he's okay. >> reporter: barely making it out alive. the almost black water, splashing over that car, forcing it to the side. cars rushing and bobbing past in the water. rescue crews on another road, hoisting a man to safety. this morning, we know one person is dead. his body found buried in debris. these forceful floods, terrorizing this town just six miles from colorado springs. >> our car just floated away. others are floating away now. >> at that moment, i knew that the water was getting higher and was going to come over. i have to get out of here. >> reporter: swallowing streets and chewing away at backyards. it went down after more than an inch of rain fell in less than 40 minutes. that's too much, too fast for the scarred land, burnt by the waldo canyon fire of 2012. that's why the water is so dark. the charred mountainside, rushing down with the heavy rain. it's the third flood in the area for a month. leaving crashed and crumbled scenes behind. slightly drier for the parts of colorado. we have to keep an alert always. the land isn't getting any vegetation anytime soon. still very dry in general. i want to show you this. this morning, we have flash flood warnings in effect for parts of arkansas and missouri still. an area so hard hit this whole week. you can see two-plus inches of rain, just in a very short amount of time. it's all coming along this stationary front. this thing has been a mess. and for the next 48 hours, places like jonesboro, memphis, nashville and raleigh all have to be on alert. i'll come back with the weather and a whole lot more. dan? >> a wet and dangerous weekend in parts of america. ginger, thank you. investigators are returning this morning to a quiet neighborhood in connecticut where a disaster played out on friday afternoon. a small plane crashing into two homes. inside one of those houses, two, young children. abc's linzie janis is on the scene in east haven, connecticut. linzie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, dan. the people of this small community that sits right along a runway, says this is one of their worst fears come true. rescuers searched through the night, recovering four bodies, including two children who were inside one of the homes crushed by a small plane that came crashing out of the sky. >> children in the house. >> reporter: one of its wings, slicing through an upstairs bedroom, where neighbors say a 1-year-old and 13-year-old may have been. >> we seen it hit. one wing went through one house. the wing on the left side of the plane had landed through the bedroom where the two children were. >> reporter: within seconds of the crash, their mother could be heard screaming on the front lawn. >> she said, my two children are in the house. >> she's upstairs. she went upstairs. and flipped over the bed. and flipped over a crib. and looked in the closet. couldn't find anybody. >> reporter: neighbors say it's a nightmare come true. >> i was always afraid of the planes. planes coming in. >> reporter: overnight, the pilot's been identified as bill henningsgard, visiting colleges with his 17-year-old son, max. it was not his first crash. in 2009, he and his mother were rescued from a washington state river, after the plane he was piloting had engine trouble. what caused his plane to crash on friday, roughly a mile before the runway, remains a mystery. just two minutes before the crash, he told air traffic controllers that despite the weather, he had the runway in sight. >> are you going to be able to maintain visual contact with the airport? >> 622 is in visual contact now. >> reporter: moments later, the cockpit of his twin-engine plane was in flames. having pierced two floors of this home and into its basement. now that all of the bodies have been recovered, investigators are returning to the scene behind me this morning to try to figure out how and why this happened. bianna? >> such devastation for that mother who lost two of her children. linzie, our thanks to you. we're going to turn to a major development this morning in the intense, all-out manhunt for a san diego murder suspect and the teenage girl he's believed to have kidnapped. his car was found in a remote location in idaho. now, the two were spotted by a man on horseback. abc's clayton sandell is in san diego with the latest on the search. if there's any good news, this man seems to say that the girl was alive. a 16-year-old who he believes is this victim. >> reporter: so far, bianna, yes. that's what they believe. and it's a positive development. overnight, a sad development. police positively identified the remains of 8-year-old ethan anderson, who was murdered here in san diego. right now in idaho, search teams are looking for his suspected killer, who they believe also kidnapped ethan's sister. this morning, over 100 federal agents and police are swarming this idaho wilderness, hunting for a murder suspect and a teenage girl they believe is in grave danger. >> it's treacherous terrain. it is back country. it is wilderness. and so, we're going to bring in any resources that we can on the ground and from the air to make this search successful. >> reporter: they're here because a man on horseback says he crossed paths with two people wednesday, believed to be 40-year-old james dimaggio and 16-year-old hannah anderson. >> they did appear to have gear with them. they had camping equipment, it seemed to him. i think he described the interaction as odd. but nothing alarming. >> reporter: nothing alarming, until the horseback rider recognized hannah's photo on the news and called police. dimaggio's car was found friday a few miles away, hidden under bushes. the license plates missing. >> they checked the vehicle identification number through the windshield and confirmed that it was our suspect's vehicle from san diego. >> reporter: police had warned it might be booby-trapped with explosives. but none were found. police believe dimaggio killed hannah's 8-year-old brother, ethan and their mother, at his house outside san diego, setting the house on fire and kidnapping the girl. investigators say dimaggio was a family friend who had an unusual infatuation with hannah. overnight in their hometown of lakeside, california, hannah and ethan's father spoke at a candlelight vigil. >> this is great they found a sighting today. and we hope that everything is going well to bring her home. >> reporter: now, this search area is massive. more than 300-square miles. but this morning, investigators from here in san diego county will be joining the search effort. they'll be looking on foot, on horseback and from the air. dan? >> hopefully the nightmare will end soon. clayton, thank you. switching gears, now, to all of the chatter this morning about president obama, showing a different and interesting side of his personality, in a high-profile moment. in front of the assembled white house press corps on friday afternoon, the president occasionally was cutting loose with candid comments about everybody from vladimir putin, to michelle obama. abc's chief senior washington correspondent, jeff zeleny is here. this was the president without the prompter. >> reporter: it really was. good morning. we saw hints of frustration and defiance from the president. after a challenging summer in washington, it was that series of unscripted moments that offered a deeper window into what he's really thinking. >> good afternoon, everybody. please have a seat. >> reporter: in the running commentary, president obama held nothing back. on russian president vladimir putin -- >> he has that kind of slouch, looking like a bored kid in the back of the classroom. >> reporter: on the new anti-gay law, through olympic medals. >> one of the things i'm looking forward to is maybe some gay and lesbian athletes bringing home the gold or silver or bronze. if russia doesn't have gay or lesbian athletes, it will probably make their team weaker. >> reporter: and using domestic harmony as an analogy for the nsa's domestic spying program. >> it's right to ask questions about surveillance. >> reporter: how americans should trust but verify. >> if i tell michelle that i did the dishes, now, granted, in the white house i don't do the dishes that much. but back in the day. and she's a little skeptical. i'd like her to trust me. but maybe i need to bring her back and show her the dishes. >> reporter: president obama came into the east room of the white house to talk about america's surveillance system. but he also came armed with a set of awkward anecdotes and mixed metaphors. it was a presidential play-by-play, a series of off-the-cuff remarks, in real-time. and he didn't take it easy, even on himself. acknowledging serious kinks in the health care law. >> there's going to be some glitches. no doubt about it. that's true, by the way, of a car company rolling out a new car. it's true of apple rolling out the new ipad. >> reporter: before the hour was up, he even asked a question of his own, to a "wall street journal" reporter, on the birth of her son. >> and, carol, congratulations on hudson. do you have pictures? >> reporter: now, there were some serious moments, too. the ongoing terror threat, that frigid relationship with russia. but the president had a care-free look of someone about to leave for vacation. he and his family begin their summer break today on martha's vineyard. when he returns to washington, all of the challenges are waiting for him. >> i try to picture moments in martha's vineyard when he marches michelle into the kitchen and shows off clean dishes. >> i'm curious what putin has to say about the slouch boy kid comment, as well. >> the translation of that must have been great. >> i'll tell you that next time. now, to ron claiborne with the other top developing stories this morning. >> good morning, everyone. in the news, all but one of the american embassies that were closed last week because of terror concerns are now set to reopen tomorrow. the state department says 18 of the 19 embassies located throughout north africa and the middle east will reopen. the one however in yemen, that one will remain closed. and fire crews are slowly getting control of a massive wildfire in southern california. the fire covering some 25-square miles or about 16,000 acres. officials say the fire is about 40% contained. more than two dozen homes have been destroyed and hundreds others evacuated. and the embattled mayor of san diego, bob filner, is leaving rehab earlier than expected. filner was supposed to spend two weeks in therapy after admitting to sexually harassing female employees. but he's leaving therapy after five days and says he will continue as an outpatient. a wild scene in boston on friday. a beer truck crashes and ends up dangling off of a highway overpass. crews had to clean up a diesel spill. they also had to offload the beer. the driver and a passenger in the beer truck, they were not hurt. exactly. cheers and boos in the bronx friday night for alex rodriguez. the yankees slugger was playing his first home game since major league baseball announced its suspension for allegedly using performance-enhancing drugs. a suspension that a-rod is appealing. as he strolled to the plate for his much-anticipated return to yankee stadium, a-rod managed to get quite a few cheers. and quite a few boos from the famously opinionated hometown crowd. >> number 13, alex rodriguez. >> reporter: but things turned quite a bit darker after his first two at-bats. a-rod struck out the second time. pretty loud boos. not that many cheers. as the game went on, with the yankees clinging to a two-run lead, rodriguez just couldn't get his bat going. >> 3-2. strike three. >> reporter: the youngest player to reach the 600 home run mark on this night, he failed to get on base. striking out three times, as the boos got louder with each at-bat. until a-rod was removed from the game in the ninth inning. afterward, a-rod left yankee stadium without speaking to the media. but fans outside had plenty to say. >> the whole reason i came here tonight was to boo a-rod, all right? i got to do it. i'm happy. >> i don't like cheaters. it's just a tough call. i do kind of like him. >> so, a-rod went 0 for 4, striking out the three times. but the yankees sans a-rod, that means without, dan. they won that game. it ended well for yankee fans, like me. >> we know when ron has a late night. starts using french. >> that's one of the symptoms. >> standup journalist. forcing yourself to go to the game. >> forced myself to drink a beer. nonalcoholic beer. >> right. ron o'doul's claiborne. a busy morning for ginger zee. good morning, ginger. >> looking at the video from the colorado stuff. it's not often you see fire watches next to flood watches. but today, we will, in oregon and the state of washington. why? because they've got those burned areas, the scarred land. and you get a thunderstorm popping up behind the stationary front. and it can drop a lot of water and we can see pictures like we saw in colorado. something to look for in the pacific northwest. it's nicer in the northeast. let's look at a live shot of new york city. 72 early this morning. low 70s is where we start. we end up much less humid. it was pretty nasty. i don't like to give my opinion on warmth in the summer. it was pretty gross. the kind of thing you can't do your hair in. boston, tomorrow 80. 83 is average for this time of year. albany, you're going to have a nice day, too. very summer-like. but even below average in some spots. and certainly less humid. same deal on the east coast of the great lakes there. back here, a stationary front sits around. and dallas, 10 days of 100 or above. >> we're starting a new segment. it's quiz dan and bianna time. it's all about clouds. so, what do you think? >> this is a classic alta stratus. >> okay. bianna? >> i'm not even going to attempt. >> dan likes to put together his words. that's a shelf cloud, my friends. >> i was just using the french term that ron used earlier. no? >> we'll try next time. >> that didn't work? we're going to turn to a brewing controversy in texas. breast-feeding mothers in the state are gathering together for a nurse-in this morning. they are protesting the treatment a local mother received at a local rec center. she was ordered to cover up while trying to nurse her infant daughter. it's the showdown that was caught on tape that's bringing a controversial issue back into the spotlight. abc's tai hernandez is here with the story. >> reporter: the mother was waiting for an older child who was in a dance class. she started to feed her 16-day-old baby in the meantime. what happened next sparked a lot of controversy. and it was all posted on youtube. this morning, a small town in texas is defending the rec employee seen in this video, confronting lucy eades for breast-feeding her 16-day-old daughter in the lobby. eades citing her right to breast-feed in public. a low law that her home state of texas shares with every state in the u.s. >> it is a state law that i can nurse my child with or without a cover. >> reporter: she was approached by the same worker earlier that day. and asked her husband to record this confrontation. >> i'm going to ask you to quit talking to my wife. if you want to do something about it, call the cops. tell them to do it. otherwise, leave me alone. >> reporter: the couple posted the video to youtube. it quickly went viral. >> anything a woman does with her breast, generates a tremendous amount of controversy and emotion and heightened opinion from all sorts of people. >> reporter: advocates of breast-feeding in public have dubbed august as national public nurse-ins to protest public venues that ask mothers to cover up. breast-feeding is no stranger to controversy. recently, a journalist made her challenge to kate middleton to get her royal orbs out to nurse in public. after the backlash, the rec center defends its actions in this statement. there's nothing in the law that prohibits the city from requiring a mother to cover up. the city did not attempt to prohibit breast-feeding. and we fully support the freedom of mothers to breast-feed, as long as it doesn't infringe on someone else's freedom. eades defends her right to nurse in public. >> this is normal. this is what breasts are for. >> reporter: she has four children under the age of 5. she considers herself a passionate breast-feeding advocate. and as you saw, those who support her, coming to her defense. >> this day and age, assume there's going to be a camera rolling somewhere. >> thanks, tai. coming up here on "gma," usher on the stand. fighting his ex-wife for custody of their children, after one of their sons almost drowned in the pool. it got very emotional on the stand, as you can see. coming up, what the judge decided and the surprising moment between these two divorced and often fighting parents. and looking for the truth. she was found with a bullet in her head. but her father insists his daughter's death was no suicide. why he says police botched their investigation. what he insists authorities do now. and coming up in a big "pop news" segment this morning, anchored by bianna golodryga. breaking news. details on the "hunger games" sequel. why everything in this movie may not be by the book. we'll see how fans react to that. keep it here. more "gma," coming up. or training for a run... find your balance. every delicious balance bar® has 40-30-30 balanced nutrition to give you energy that lasts. balance bar®, have you found your balance? ♪ [ male announcer ] love your kitchen even more with new ceramic tile, now 57 cents a square foot at lowe's. ♪ [ telephone rings ] how's the camping trip? well, the kids had fun, but i think i slept on a rock. ♪ the best part of wakin' up what are you doing? having coffee. ohh. ♪ is folgers in your cup when your allergies start, doctors recommend taking one non-drowsy claritin every day during your allergy season for continuous relief. 18 days! 12 days! 24 days of continuous relief. live claritin clear. every day. for shopping that took half e the time. converse, skechers, nike, and more at famous footwear. victory is yours. just reacting as any father would, out of concern. >> there you see r&b superstar, usher, facing the music at an emergency custody hearing, after his son's frightening pool accident. his ex-wife attempting to gain custody. did her tears affect the judge? the emotion on full display in court with a surprise ending. usher and his ex-wife having a moment in front of the cameras. good morning, america. i'm bianna golodryga. obviously, at the end of the day, those are relieved parents who has a son that's still alive after that accident. >> that's very divided in many ways. we'll tell you what the hug was all about coming up on the broadcast. i'm dan harris. this is saturday, august 10th. alongside bianna golodryga. we're going to start here with a story of a father, a different father, on a mission to prove his daughter's death was not a suicide, even though a coroner initially ruled it that way. >> she was found with a gunshot wound to the head at her ex-boyfriend's apartment. abc's gio benitez is here with that story. >> reporter: dan and bianna, good morning to you. the 22-year-old's father says he's convinced the police botched the investigation. and he wants it reopened right away. the voice you hear on this 911 call is richie minton. >> it's my ex-girlfriend. >> and is she not breathing at all? >> no, she -- i woke up and she's covered in blood. >> reporter: at the time, he was an emergency dispatcher in carbondale, illinois. but minton found himself on the other end of the line. >> amber? >> yeah. >> this is richie. my girlfriend just committed suicide. can you send an ambulance here? can you send a car over? >> reporter: he told dispatchers he thought she overdosed. when police arrived, at his apartment they found the body of 22-year-old molly young, dead with a gunshot wound to the head. minton and his roommate were questioned and released. the coroner later ruled the death a suicide. >> they investigated to see if she committed suicide and she didn't. it's obvious. >> reporter: in january, a coroner's jury reviewed the cause of death, changing it to undetermined. now, young's father wants the case reopened. >> in my opinion, the evidence is there. i would hope that they go after that evidence. >> reporter: larry young says he now has police documents, just obtained through a freedom of information request, which he says suggests investigators either missed or ignored key evidence. when asked by abc news, police would not comment on those documents or the investigation. meantime, the state attorney tells abc news, the case is not closed. leaving a grieving father looking for answers. >> it disgusted me. that a young woman could lose her life like that and no one seemed to care. >> reporter: and while the state attorney tells abc news there's not enough evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime was committed, he says if more evidence becomes available, he will consider it. >> this is a case to watch. gio, thank you. a lot of other news overnight. for that as always, we turn to mr. ron claiborne. >> good morning, everyone. in the news, ntsb investigators will be at the scene of a small plane crash in connecticut later today. as many as six people feared dead, after the plane crashed into two homes in east haven on friday. among the dead, the pilot, reportedly, a retired microsoft executive. and two children in one of the homes. in california, police are trying to figure out if a body is that of a missing oakland woman. sandra coke, an investigator for the public defender's office, disappeared last sunday. late friday night, police found a body in the city of vacaville. a parole's sex offender was arrested on tuesday in unrelated charges. he's being called a person of interest in this case. and the fbi may be closing in on a man wanted in a nationwide amber alert. police say james lee dimaggio abducted a 16-year-old girl from san diego, killed her mother and younger brother and then burned their house down. dimaggio's car was found in idaho on friday, with no sign of him or the girl. finally, it's not the big powerball jackpot. not by a long shot. but a north carolina man is counting himself lucky this morning. dan royal has won two lottery jackpots in less than two years. he won $5,000 a week for life on friday. and 18 months ago, $250,000 he won. he's going to retire. imagine that. time, now, for the weather. and over to ginger. >> i would also retire. good idea. we've been talking about flooding for over a week. and the pictures keep coming from all over. different places. yesterday, it was new york. and then, missouri before that. arkansas, kansas. but this is florida. that's sarasota. and the beach, just empty because, well, you couldn't do anything there. the sarasota beach, better today. along that stationary front, you will see more showers and thunderstorms, some of them heavy at times. especially back in parts of northern parts of arkansas and western tennessee, they will move. you can look at the highs. atlanta, 91. 93 in jackson. sticky and 91 in new orleans. and in the southwest, it's dry. but also, heating it up. so, fire danger will likely kick up even more. riverside, 85 today. but 19 by monday. las vegas going to get to 100 today. just below on sunday. and right back up as we start the workweek. phoenix at 105. but as we start monday and tuesday, up to 107. here's a look across the nation. for now, that's the big picture. >> this weather report has been brought to you by advil. it is time for this morning's kid forecaster. lexie silverman, who is 6 years old from highland park, chicago. >> hello. my name is lexie. and i'm the "good morning america" forecaster. and today, it will be sunny. in the afternoon, it will be raining dogs and cats. so, watch out not to step in any poodles. back to you, ginger. >> poodles. and the hair like this. i have to steal some of your stuff. thank you, lexie for sending that in. become our kid forecaster. >> you need a sidekick like that. cute dog. >> and the girl. >> either one of those, the ratings through the roof, guaranteed. thank you, ginger. coming up here on "gma," usher and his ex-wife squaring off in a bitter child custody battle in court. re-ignited over their son's terrifying pool accident. and at the end, this surprising hug. what was behind this? and coming up in pop, a sneak peek at the new pixar movie. i'm bringing you pop today, whether you like it or not. so i brought advil to help me stay strong during the toughest journey of my life. [ male announcer ] paul ridley had a choice of pain relievers, but he chose advil. because nothing is stronger on tough pain. nothing. not tylenol. not aleve. [ paul ] when people are counting on me to come through, my answer is advil. [ male announcer ] real people. real pain. real relief. advil. relief in action. ♪ ♪ ♪ it's usually defined by the sum of its parts. but a good morning -- that's usually defined by you. bailey's coffee creamers. so deliciously creamy, so good, they can only be bailey's. introducing three new flavors from bailey's coffee creamers. mudslide, white chocolate raspberry swirl, and vanilla brown sugar. [female announcer]g) looks like everybody's at our biggest sale of the year, the anniversary sale at petsmart. save $10 on select bayer® k9 advantix ii and advantage® ii 6-packs and soresto® flea or tick products. at petsmart®. ♪ ♪ it was a courtroom surprise yesterday. pop star usher, taking the stand in an emergency hearing. fighting his ex-wife for custody of their two sons after one of them nearly drowned in usher's pool. >> it got very personal and emotional. abc's steve osunsami was in the courtroom. and steve joins us from atlanta live. steve? >> reporter: good morning, bianna. the singer's 5-year-old son is still hospitalized here. at least for another day. and the judge has ruled, when he goes home, he will go home with his father, to the very house where he nearly died. >> i don't know if my son is going to have a brain defect. i don't know if his heart is operating correctly. i don't know that my son is going to be 100% the boy he was. >> reporter: at this emergency hearing, where tameka raymond hoped to win temporary custody of her two children with grammy award winner, usher raymond. >> he doesn't answer the phone. he doesn't answer e-mails. >> reporter: very frustrated. she broke down listening to the 911 calls from monday, when her 5-year-old son nearly drowned at the bottom of her ex-husband's pool. her superstar former husband, who won custody of the kids last year, still wearing the wristband from his son's hospital. >> reacting as any father would, out of concern. >> reporter: telling the judge, he and the people at the house did the best they could. >> when they got into the ambulance, he was hysterical. i did my best to calm him down. i saw that he was gasping for breath. so, i know that he probably took in a fair amount of water. >> reporter: usher raymond v had his hand caught in the pool drain after reaching for a toy. we learned in court that he was under eight feet of water. and his father has video of the entire incident. tameka raymond, questioned the ability of the aunt who was watching the children and who testified friday. rena oden jumped in the pool but couldn't free the boy. >> she's a good person and a nice family member. a nanny? no. >> reporter: the judge disagreed, siding once again with the singer. >> most of the people in this room have been cared for by a grandmother or an aunt. so, i'm denying, dismissing the motion. >> reporter: before he left court, he and his ex-wife embraced. somehow these two have to work together. >> mr. raymond, in the future, you would be well-advised to keep your former spouse informed about your whereabouts and who is taking care of the kids. >> reporter: in court, usher was asked a very important safety question, whether he ever looked inside and saw the bottom of that pool. he answered that he had people who took care of that. and he never noticed anything wrong. dan and bianna? >> steve, thanks to you. it was nice to see that embrace at the end. >> share two kids. no question about it. coming up on "gma," we're celebrating national s'mores day. if you have trouble getting the campfire started in your living room, don't worry. kitchen-friendly options are straight ahead. the moment my moderate to severe chronic plaque psoriasiss. started getting in the way, that was it... it was time for a serious talk with my dermatologist. this time, he prescribed humira-adalimumab. humira helps to clear the surface of my skin by actually working inside my body. in clinical trials, most adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis saw 75% skin clearance. and the majority of people were clear or almost clear in just 4 months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. make the most of every moment. ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible. ♪ [ male announcer ] love your kitchen even more with new ceramic tile, now 57 cents a square foot at lowe's. ♪ don't blame him. instead, rely on the number one choice of vets for their pets, frontline plus. the killing force of frontline plus uses two ingredients. one to kill adult fleas and ticks, plus another to kill flea eggs and larvae, destroying the future generations of fleas. and it keeps fighting for a full 30 days. ask your vet about frontline plus. accept nothing less. all right. it's time for "pop news." filling in, our ringer, bianna golodryga. we're going deep this morning. >> you ready, guys? >> bring it. >> all right. some big reveal for pixar fans at disney's d-23 expo this weekend. a first peek at a pixar original movie. "the good dinosaur" will be all about a world where dinosaurs never went extinct. a star-studded cast. ron, why are you looking at me? lucas neff and bill haider, to name a few. also have a brand-new look at "toy story" coming out. it's a tv special. will feature a road trip gone wrong for the "toy story" gang we know so well. walt disney is the parent company of abc news. >> dinosaurs and "toy story" come together. really scary. >> really scary. >> a stephen king kind of thing. >> aliens and cowboys. anyways -- things are heating up for "catching fire," the sequel to "the hunger games" movie. coldplay will be creating an original song for the film, titled "atlas." we now know things won't be entirely by the book. for example, in the book, main character peta doesn't know how to swim. when josh hutchinson reprises the role, he'll have no trouble in the water. also buzzing, the ever-hunky liam hemsworth is finally on twitter. but he will only use it for career updates. as he put it, no shirtless selfies. >> come on, liam. that's what it's for. >> i know. that's what it's for. >> that's why we got ron on twitter. shirtless selfies. >> up to that one. >> that's on instagram. now, take a look at this adorable baby elephant from tampa's lowry park zoo. he was born at the end of july. but he doesn't have a name. the zoo has turned to the public for help. launching an online poll for people to weigh in. when the poll closes, mom and baby elephant will do a special activity to pick between the two top contenders. all of the contenders are swahili and starts with an "m." i did some research myself. here are two potential names. machuba means he likes to drink. and mina means joyful. >> i think mina is better, than he likes to drink. >> you're sure about the translation, right? >> who knows what she just said. are you hungry, guys? >> yes. >> yes. >> we're having an extra sweet celebration here at "gma" this morning. today, august 10th, i didn't know this, marks national s'mores day. you don't need a campfire to get in on it. they're digging in with kellogg's s'mores breakfast lineup. >> that's a waffle he's eating. >> s'mores eggo waffles, s'mores pop-tarts and cereal. >> they're so happy. >> it doesn't take much for our control room to be happy. and our first taste of s'mores-flavored cereal. not hitting the shelves until november. but we have a tasting sample for us here today. the here from crumb's bake shop, magnolia bakery. and sprinkles cupcakes. national s'mores day is on. >> this is an important holiday. second to national talk like a pirate day. we'll be back, on a serious sugar high. keep it here. footage! [ jay ] bush's country style baked beans are slow cooked according to our secret family recipe with specially cured bacon and extra brown sugar for a thicker sauce and richer taste. the secret family recipe starts with beans and... batteries not included. aw, you're no fun. [ jay ] enjoy bush's baked beans... still made from our secret family recipe. (birds chirping) [female announcer] looks like everybody's at our biggest sale of the year, the anniversary sale at petsmart. save $3 on select iams® dry dog food and select iams® dry cat food. at petsmart®. but if your skin feels tight and dry it could be a sign of damage. [ female announcer ] get a healthier clean with neutrogena® ultra gentle cleanser. unlike ordinary cleansers that can over-penetrate and damage skin's healthy barrier our breakthrough formula cleans gently without the damage, yet removes dirt, oil, even eye makeup. so clean really is healthy. [ female announcer ] ultra gentle cleanser. neutrogena®. #1 dermatologist recommended skincare. vamanos dusty! the fans await! roger that. so, el chu... what do i do? i've never done this before! just smile and be yourself! oh! it's dusty crophopper! over here! dusty!!! hey! aaaaaagh! wow! so many fans! dusty my friend, don't let it go to your head. you have to stay humble... like me! aaaaaaaah-ha-ha-hiiiiiiy! fly into target for everything planes. i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston. nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. look at that control room. having breakfast and loving it. the best part of the cupcake is at the bottom here. thank you for watching abc news. we're always online at on yahoo! watch "world news" with david muir. >> ron can't talk. he's eating. today the 49ers are holding their third annual fan fest. 49er fans can enjoy all sorts of things, interactive booths and kid zone with inflatable games. 2:00 to 4:00, fans can watch them practice. they will get an limited opportunity to get players' autographs. if you don't have a ticketed you are out of luck. the event is sold out. >> thousands of people are expected to attend this weekend's burlingame arts fest. festival will feature more than 150 artists showing art, photography and sculpture. award winning musicians will perform on the main stage. it's on howard avenue. because of work being done on burlingame avenue. it runs today and tomorrow. if you are headed out. meteorologist lisa argen has the accu-weather forecast. >> good morning to you. here is a look from the emeryville camera looking back at the golden gate bridge. clouds, mist and drizzle. it is 59 degrees in san jose and oakland 57, one hour and 40 minute delays at sfo. brighter skies and temperatures maybe a couple degrees warmer today. here is a look at the for the rest of the day burnoff will occur around 10:00. partial clearing at the coast and numbers will mid-60s in san francisco and mid-80s inland. we've got a warmup coming up in the next hour. coming up, bart unions return to the negotiations this morning. what they are saying about governor jerry brown's move to prevent another strike. the latest in search for a missing oakland woman. grisly discovery authorities made yesterday. "abc 7 good morning on this saturday. let's start with a first quick look at the weather with lisa argen. >> good morning to you. here is a look at san jose with plenty of gray this morning. temperatures just edging up towards 60 degrees. we are looking at is that burnoff on the way in the next couple of hours. we will feature more sunshine. fairfield has a breezy wind right now. that is what determines our temperatures in the inland east bay. it's not going to be too hot with low to mid-80s. partial clearing, low to mid-60s. around the bay, upper 6


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