Weekend as one can have with a baby and a preschooler in the house. Ive entered a new phase with my daughter, jane. Were in the phase where she thinks she controls the television and i think i do. [ laughter ] so yesterday i watched the patriots beat the jaguars. [ cheers ] and then sorry. I watch tv. [ laughter ] i get it now. When the game was over, jane whos 3 years old figured it was her turn to watch television. She wanted to watch paw patrol. But it wasnt her turn. The whole day sunday is my turn. Okay . [ laughter ] there was another game on. So i decided i knew that just saying no, daddys watching the game would result in a tantrum. So my strategy was to try to trick her, to dupe her into wanting to watch the vikingseagles game with me. So i said, look, jane, this team has purple helmets and the other team has green helmets. Which one do you want to win . The purple or the green . And she took a beat and she looked at me, she looked right in my eyes, and she said, i dont know a
Im jamie colby, and today, im visiting townshend, vermont. Classic Norman Rockwell america. Its the kind of place where neighbors can still leave their doors unlocked and where a country lawyer can let clients pay him with food from their farm or dinners at a restaurant or gifts of some kind. In fact, thats how this strange inheritance story begins. My name is paul weber. My father was a lawyer in smalltown vermont, who was always willing to help a client out. And thats how i ended up inheriting a really cool and really old chinese relic and a pretty strange story to tell. Im jamie. I meet paul, a local math teacher, and his wife, sarah, at their home. Come on in. Thank you so much. The residence doubles as a bedandbreakfast the couple have run for almost 30 years. I couldnt help but noticing, as i came in, you have a lot of exotic art. My father was always interested in asian art and he dabbled in painting a little bit. And so thats why we have lots of things around the house. When pa
Well, you know, it could be about 50,000 times 4. Its a lot of money to put a kid through college these days. Like millions of other american parents, paul and sarah start scrambling. Theyll need, somehow, to raise more cash. Mortgage the b b . Maybe. But what about those puzzling chinese pieces . I thought, well, you know, if they are worth 10,000, that would be a chunk of change for college. In 2014, they track down lark mason, the man who appraised the items all those years ago. Hes no longer at sothebys but running his own auction house. I sent him pictures in an email, and he was very excited. Excited because, lark says, a lots changed since the 90s, when he appraised the screen for thats appropriate to the time frame . For that time frame, yes, absolutely. Chinas economy has grown dramatically from the 90s up to the present days. Theres a lot more people with money, with ability to buy things. Seems the swelling ranks of 21st century chinese millionaires have shifted the market f
And how it turned her into a sort of time traveler, right back to her fathers harrowing past. My name is Miriam Friedman morris. My father, David Friedman, a painter and holocaust survivor, left me a diary, tagebuch fuer Miriam Friedman. As i read it, the diary led me on a remarkable journey that continues to this day. Miriam, im jamie. Hi. Welcome. Miriam wrote us an email that said. It was so impassioned, i had to meet her. My goodness. Look at all of this. I feel like im in fineart gallery or a museum. Tell me about your parents. My parents were both holocaust survivors, and in 1954, we moved from israel to new york. In her minds eye, little miriam sees only gauzy pictures of her fathers past. He doesnt tell her all that much. She knows he was a painter, who, in world war i, drew combat scenes on the russian front and was decorated for bravery. But shes in the dark about the full scope of his artistic career, including hundreds of drawings of top personalities for german newspapers
Accommodation worked up to the political process. I worry that litigating all the stuff with First Amendment prudence, we lose the flexibility to negotiate. There is no reason to have one national rule, we should be striking different balances. And gay people or abortionrights activists and people today should be sitting down at the table forced to negotiate over statute that will strike balances. That is the right way to handle this. Wonderful. Greg, you have spent the last 13 years defending free speech on campus. How do the battles today look different than they did when you started . And what are the most important battles today . You recently noted that you have a growing list of 120 speaker controversies in recent years to my including highprofile dissident cetaceans deuce invitations disinvitations. What is the state of freespeech battles on campuses today . Im the one weird Law School Student that went to law school to do First Amendment law. My passion was freespeech. I dont k