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Transcripts For MSNBCW The Rachel Maddow Show 20180524

our presidency has been debased by a figure who seemingly has a bottomless appetite for destruction and division and only a passing familiarity with how the constitution works. and our article i branch of government, the congress, that's me, is utterly suppline. you might ask where is the good news in that? well, simply put, we may have hit bottom. this is it, if you've been wondering what the bottom look likes. this is what it look likes when you stress test all of the institutions that undergird our constitutional democracy at the same time. how did we arrive at such a moment of great peril wherein the president of the united states publicly threatens on "fox & friends," historyials will note, to interfere in the administration of justice and seems to think that the office confers on him the ability to decide who and what gets investigated and who and what does not. and just this week, the president offering an outlandish rationale, ordered an investigation into the investigation of the russian attack on our electoral process. not to defend the country against future attacks, mind you, but to defend himself. obviously, ordering investigations is not a legitimate use of presidential power. rule of thumb. if the only acceptable outcome in a matter of law or justice is a result that is satisfactory to the leader, then you might be living in a democracy that is in trouble. if the leader attacks the legitimacy of any institution that does not pay him obeisance, say, the independent judiciary or the free press, you might live in a democracy that is in trouble. the rule of law is an elemental value, a value that preceded and gave rise to our constitution. it is not an ideology subject to the pendulum swings of politics or something to be given a thumbs-up or a thumb down during a call to your favorite morning show. it is the basis of our system of self-government. america without the rule of law is no longer america. my sounding this alarm against the government that was elected under the republican banner and that calls itself conservative makes me no less republican or conservative. and oh popposing the president much of what he stands for is not an act of apostasy, it is rather an act of fidelity. we will get through this, of course, but we are at the moment, we are in it. and we must face it squarely. >> serving republican senator jeff flake of arizona speaking at harvard law school today, speaking in his usual amiable sort of easy-going style, but saying things that kind of scream off the page when you read them back. rule of thumb, the only acceptable outcome in a matter of law or justice is a result that is satisfactory to the lead. >> you might live in a democracy that is in trouble. america without the rule of law is no longer america. how did we arrive at a moment of such peril? this is what the bottom looks like this. is a stress test of all the institutions that undergird our constitutional democracy, all at the same time. now senator flake it should be noted is making this eloquent pitch to stand and fight, to fundamentally oppose this president, because this president is a grave danger to the most fundamental core democratic assets of this country. but senator flake himself is quitting. he has already announced that he will be leaving the u.s. senate this year rather than even trying to run for reelection, and his voting record even since he has announced his retirement doesn't reflect any meaningful effort by him at all in his capacity as a u.s. senator to try to stop what the president is trying to do with the government. so very stern and stirring words today from this republican senator matched with a pattern of behavior on his part that doesn't quite square with the seriousness of the alarm that he is sounding. but going forward, these remarks by senator flake i think are strong enough that they may inflect the news cycle, at least for the next few das. at least on that point of the rule of law. the white house today confirmed that there really is going to be a meeting tomorrow at which the justice department and the fbi are going to be expected to hand over to two pro-trump republican congressional chairman some law enforcement-sensitive highly confidential information about a confidential human source that the fbi used in the early stages of its investigation into whether or not the russian government and russian intelligence agencies were trying to penetrate donald trump's presidential campaign. to compliment the ongoing at the time russian government efforts to interfere with the presidential campaign to benefit trump's candidacy. and we're going to be speaking with presidential historian michael beschloss later tonight. so we will check with him for sure, but as far as we can tell, there is no historical precedent for anything like this, for the fbi and the justice department being directed to hand over information about a confidential human source. and that is the type of information that the fbi and the justice department hold basically sacred. i mean, they have considered it to be a fundamental responsibility as law enforcement institutions to protect their sources, to protect that kind of information because human sources are vital to the law enforcement function. and if the u.s. government is seen as no longer protecting them or respecting the confidentiality of their service, then we won't get any anymore. it's also unprecedented for the fbi and the justice department to be forced to hand over any information, let alone confidential human source law enforcement-sensitive information about an investigation that is ongoing. but that is apparently what's going to happen tomorrow. now, the white house's big concession on that remarkable plan for tomorrow is that they now say that some time after the memorial day recess, the same information on this human source might get briefed to the gang of eight, which is the bipartisan leadership of both houses of congress and the intelligence committees, which is how these things might conceivably be handled through normal channels, if there was anything normal about this. but even if that happens, that's not going to happen until later. tomorrow they really are just giving this information to trey gowdy and devin nunes, which means in effect that the justice department and the fbi will be giving the president and his own legal defense team this previously secret ongoing -- previously secret information about an ongoing investigation, information about what evidence was collected on the trump campaign as the investigation was starting. absolutely remarkable. so we'll have more on that coming up this hour. i have to admit, though, that i am seeing developments like this in today's news through a slightly darker lens in this past 24 hours since speaking last night with the immediate past director of national intelligence, james clapper. he has this new book, "fax and fears." and in that book he comes to this remarkable and blunt conclusion about how donald trump became president of the united states. director clapper says, quote, of course the russian efforts affected the outcome of the presidential election. surprising even themselves, they swung the election to a trump win. to conclude otherwise stretches logic, common sense and credulity to the breaking point. that -- that bombshell is the ultimate conclusion that jim clapper leads up to in his new book. i'm sort of amazed that it's not becoming a more dominant story in the news right now. is a guy who is the last director of intelligence for the last seven years. saying he has concluded that based on everything he has seen the current president of the united states was only installed in office because of a successful russian intelligence operation that the guy who is president right now would not be president if it not for what russia did to put him there. the implication is that donald trump is not a legitimate president of the united states and that hillary clinton would and should be president now, and she only isn't because of an illegal operation that was mounted against us from outside our borders to keep her from winning that election and taking that position. that seems like a really freaking big deal. and it puts a very different light on what jeff flake is amiably shouting about today at harvard law school and what democrats are losing their minds about today and what the department of justice and the fbi are apparently being expected to do tomorrow. i mean, if the director of national intelligence is right and this president is only in office because of an illegal foreign intelligence op that installed him in this office, then the law enforcement and counterintelligence effort to investigate that and to hold people accountable for that, that's not just some fight about ordinary crime and punishment, right? that's not a typical washington scandal, even. that -- that makes it a critical nexus between both the rule of law and national sovereignty, our ability to determine our own leaders without other countries messing with it. efforts to impede that investigation or to pressure that investigation into blowing up. through that lens, those efforts are almost matters of existential concern for us as a democracy. so there's a lot to talk about on that front tonight. there is one story, though, that i want to put on your radar specifically, before we talk to michael beschloss, before we talk to adam schiff, before we get to the other stories we're going to get to tonight, there is one item i want to put on your radar that is from a bbc reporter named paul wood. paul wood definitely not a household name, not a high profile person in u.s. news. he has had an interesting reporting history. the day after buzzfeed first published the christopher steele dossier in january 2017, paul wood published a long piece at the bbc that seemed honestly a little woo-woo at the time. that's a term of art. since then, though, what mr. -- at least most of what mr. wood wrote about in that piece the day after the dossier was published, most of it has borne out over time. it's been proven out by other reporting. its claims that seemed controversial, even outlandish at the time have been borne out by other reporting and by congressional testimony and court documents. paul wood reported the day after the dossier was published in january 2017 that the cia had been given information during the summer of 2016 by a foreign intelligence agency that had obtained some puzzling information about contacts between the kremlin and the trump campaign. we didn't know that at the time, that paul wood reported it in january 2017. outgoing cia director john brennan would later confirm it. he would later tell congress that that was in fact the case. but paul wood had it first. paul wood also reported at the time that the cia and the fbi had formed a joint working group that among other things had been looking during the campaign at the connections between the trump campaign and russia, and specifically, they had been look at the connection of whether russian money had made its way into the u.s. presidential election. well, we didn't know anything than at the time, that paul wood first reported it, a year ago january, but ultimately, that was borne out. it's one of the things i ended up asking james clapper about last night because that's in his new book too. he writes about that joint intelligence and law enforcement working group that met together in the united states during the presidential campaign just as paul wood reported last january. james clapper says in his book about that quote, we all agreed that russia was behind an unprecedented aggressive multifaceted influence campaign using cybertheft and cyberespionage, propaganda across the broadcast spectrum and all of the largest social media platforms, and an influx of russian money, perhaps even laundered and funneled into campaigns. so paul wood had that in january 2017. now people involved in the law enforcement counterintelligence effort say yeah, that actually what they were looking at the time. so bbc reporter paul wood was the first to report a lot of that stuff that kind of seemed like crazy outlier reporting when he first published it because nobody had the story yet. but all that was later proved to be true. paul wood would go on several months later to report new information that was also later borne out by other reporting about christopher steele and steele's contact with the fbi and his years of providing credible and useful information on russia to various agencies within the u.s. government. so paul wood is this interesting reporter who has often been out ahead on this story, on the reporting around this particular scandal. well, now today as we are grappling with these rule of law questions in our government and these unprecedented encroachments on the fbi during an ongoing investigation by a person who was the subject of that investigation, the president of the united states, now in the midst of this unprecedented pressure we are seeing on law enforcement and counterintelligence, now the same reporter paul wood has a same report about something that seems to maybe have gone wrong in the mueller investigation, or at least an effort to try to slow things down or stop the flow of evidence to the mueller investigation. it had previously been reported by "the new york times" earlier this month that the government of ukraine had ordered prosecutors and investigators in that country to stop giving information to, to stop cooperating with the special counsel's office in this country, special counsel's office has been investigating links between the trump campaign and russia. the special counsel's office obviously has been prosecuting trump campaign chair paul manafort for a whole bunch of things related to his business arrangements with the pro-russia magnificently corrupt previous government in the ukraine. ukraine's new government obviously had some information about paul manafort in those previous business dealings in that country, and they had previously been providing that information to the united states. well, today paul woods is reporting at the bbc is that when ukraine made that decision that they would stop providing evidence to the mueller inquiry, they would stop helping effectively with the paul manafort prosecution, that decision by ukraine's government followed almost immediately a visit to the white house by ukraine's new president. a visit to the white house that was reportedly arranged on behalf of the ukrainian president by michael cohen, plump's long-time personal attorney. now nbc has not verified this reporting. but what paul wood of the bbc is reporting is that michael cohen was paid 100s of thousands of dollars by ukraine to arrange what amounted to a surprise in-person oval office meeting between the president of ukraine and president trump. paul wood reports that one week after the ukrainian president got that oval office meeting, a meeting he so handsomely paid michael cohen for, he went back to ukraine and within a week he ordered prosecutors in his own government to cut off any help they were giving to robert mueller. one source in kiev telling bbc that after that oval office meeting that was reportedly secretly bought with a large payment to michael cohen, quote, president poroshenko had given president trump a gift in making sure ukraine would find no more evidence to give the u.s. inquiry into whether the trump campaign colluded with russia. this is obviously a firecracker of a story, right? for obvious reasons. both the ukrainian president and lawyers for michael cohen are denying it categorically. it's interesting, though. president trump's lead lawyer on the russia matter didn't exactly deny it. he had instead a sort of strange response to this story being published today by the bbc. rudy giuliani was asked to respond to this bbc report, and this is how he answered today. quote, payments can be proved pretty easily. so it would be silly to deny if it happened. oh. and speaking about michael cohen, he said, quote, he never registered as a foreign agent, and as far as i know, he never acted as one. michael cohen, the president's long-time personal attorney is already the subject of an ongoing federal criminal investigation in new york. prosecutors and federal agents already have documents and computers and electronic devices seized from his home and his office and his hotel room and his safety deposit box. last night we reported that a long-time business associate of michael cohen has himself flipped and plead guilty and signed a cooperation agreement with prosecutors in an effort to keep his own butt out of jail. pressure on michael cohen, in other words, is enormous and getting worse for him by the day. the question of whether or not he will flip and cooperate with prosecutors and help them in their investigation of whether or not the president and his campaign worked with the russian government in their attack on the u.s. election, that pressure is increasing. pressure on michael cohen is increasing by the day. pressure on the independence of law enforcement and the ability of even existentially important counterintelligence investigations to proceed where the evidence leads regardless of political pressure from the subjects of those investigations, well, the pressure there is getting incredible as well. day by day. tomorrow's potentially going to be a breaking point, and that story is next. >> vo: they're getting more out of life by starting with miracle-gro potting mix and plant food. together, guaranteed to produce three times the harvest. more to enjoy... to share. three times the harvest. one powerful guarantee. miracle-gro. feeclaritin and relief fromwsy symptoms caused by over 200 allergens. like those from buddy. because stuffed animals are clearly no substitute for real ones. feel the clarity. and live claritin clear. republicans in congress for several weeks now have been demanding of the justice department hand over all the information that it has on a confidential human source used by the fbi in its investigation during the campaign of the russian effort to interfere with the 2016 election. as part of that investigation, this confidential source reportedly made contact with three people on the trump campaign who were believed to have had some sort of contact with russian agents while russia was interfering in the election. confidential human sources are supposed to be the safest secrets inside u.s. law enforcement and counterintelligence because if u.s. law enforcement and counterintelligence are known not to be able to protect their sources, they'll never get anybody to be that kind of source again. which would very much hurt american law enforcement and intelligence. nevertheless, trump-supporting republican members of congress are demanding all information that the justice department has on that confidential source. their inquiries have already led to the source's name being exposed in the media, and now appears that republicans are about to get a briefing by the justice department and the fbi about that source, and apparently, about the evidence that source collected for the fbi in this ongoing and open investigation. they're apparently going to get that tomorrow. the white house has set up a meeting tomorrow for the fbi director, the director of national intelligence and a top justice department official to give that briefing to republican congressman devin nunes and trayvon martin. the white house says the meeting is for nunes and gowdy to, quote, review highly classified and other information they have requested. now whatever sensitive information the white house is ordering the justice department to reveal, it's only going to get revealed to those two pro-trump republican members of congress, which is unusual, and we'll talk about that in a moment. but it's not like anybody is hiding what the purpose is of this meeting. the president's russia lawyer, rudy giuliani, said a couple of days ago as his client, the president had started publicly demanding exposure of this fbi source, mr. giuliani told reporters that his client, the president, needs more information about this confidential fbi source so he can know what the special counsel has on him in terms of evidence before he agrees to an interview with the special counsel. quote, we can't let our guy go in and be questioned without knowing this. giuliani, quote, acknowledged that the fbi releasing information about the source would benefit trump's defense. he said, quote, i don't care so much about the flame as i do about the content. what prompted them to do it? what did they learn from it? yeah. what did he turn up? what did he get on me? everybody who is under investigation would like to know in the middle of the investigation exactly what information an fbi confidential informant was able to collect on them, right? everybody would want access to that kind of information if they were the subject of an ongoing law enforcement investigation. but you're not allowed to get that. that's not how this works, unless apparently you're the president and you order your justice department to turn over that information to your allies in congress who are not even pretending that they're not going to turn around and give it to you. joining us now is congressman adam schiff, the top democrat on the house intelligence committee. congressman schiff, it's nice to have you with us. thanks for the time tonight. >> thanks, rachel. >> what is your reaction to this briefing, this meeting that has been scheduled for tomorrow? i know you've been critical. it wasn't clear to me until tonight that it's actually going to happen. now that it is going to happen, it's just those two republican members of congress. what's your reaction? >> it's still not clear to me what's going to happen tomorrow. i was informed by the head of one of our intelligence agencies earlier tonight that the meeting or briefing tomorrow would be a bipartisan briefing at a gang of eight level, and that would be it. and i expect them to live up to that commitment. that is the right procedure if there is any information that could compromise a source or sources and methods. so that's the practice that has been around for decades, and they need to follow it. and i expect them to honor their word. but we are hearing conflicting things from the white house. if the white house somehow brow beat the intelligence agencies into submission, then it's another affirmation of what you were talking about earlier in terms of jeff flake's speech. our democracy really is in deep trouble, deeper trouble than we might have imagined. and i think we have to look at the context here. this takes place at a time when the indictments are multiplying, the guilty pleas are multiplying, and the number of witnesses cooperating are also multiplying. and i think that has led the president to decide he needs to know the evidence that might be used against him. as giuliani said, the president has a right to see the evidence against him. that's true if he's been indicted. and unless mr. giuliani has something to tell us, he has not been indicted. a defendant or a witness or a target or someone who is an innocent bystander of an investigation has no right to see the product of an ongoing investigation. and the members they choose to show it to is significant. you have a chairman who was forced to recuse himself earlier for working in combination with the white house. and in mr. gowdy you have someone who is not even a member of the gang of eight, who has no right to see the material, but often during the russian investigation acted as a lawyer for the president that is completely inappropriate. and they need to follow the procedure and they need to observe our system of checks and balances. this should be gang of eight or not at all. >> and congressman, just to be clear about what you said right at the outset there, you have been told by the head of an intelligence agency that tomorrow's briefing actually will be for the gang of eight? >> that's what i was told. i was told when it was be and i was told that it would be at the gang of eight level. >> hmm. >> that the white house would open the meeting and then leave the room. and that's what i expect to happen tomorrow. no one has called me to contradict what i was informed by the head of one of our intelligence agencies. if we learn that through pressure from the white house or partisan pressure from the hill that the intelligence community has abandoned the protocol of meeting with the gang of eight, it will be another sign that our system of checks and ambulances is being broken down by this president. not only members of congress, but members of the justice department, fbi, and our intelligence agencies need to stand up to this president. as i have expressed frequently, my conversations with rod rosenstein and others, if they try to appease this president, it is just going to invite more demands from him. at some point they have to say no. >> congressman, can you tell us which official, the head of which agency told you that tomorrow's meet llg be open to the gang of eight? >> i don't want the get into the specific cabinet member that i spoke with, but this is something that was conveyed to me and others in no uncertain terms. and i've heard nothing to the contrary, and i expect them to live up to their commitment. >> one last question for you sir. you referenced rudy giuliani's comments about the president at least through his lawyer believing that he has a right to the evidence that may have been collected against him, even though as far as we know the president has not been indicted. is there any protection? if this gang of eight meeting happens tomorrow, if you're in the room, if you're one of the people briefed, if this confidential source information is briefed tomorrow, is handed over to some select members of congress, is there any way to protect that information from ending up with the president and his legal team for use in their defense in this matter? obviously, in any law enforcement investigation, it would be very improper to give information like this in an ongoing investigation evidence collected by a live source and a live investigation that hasn't been concluded, it would be improper for to be conveyed to the subject of an investigation or his defense team. is there any means that can be protected? >> first, rachel, i don't think this information could should be conveyed to congress at all. i've heard no legitimate reason for this except that the president and his lawyer want to see it that is not a legitimate reason even to present this information to the gang of eight. so the first question to be asked during the gang of eight is why are we even meeting? why is this being initiated by the white house? but the reality is that all too often when the department of justice and fbi have capitulated and shared information with the gop members of congress, it has ended up being published on fox news or through "the washington examiner" or other outlets of choice for the committee republicans. after all, the whole point of all of this is two-fold. it's to share the information with the president's defense team, as giuliani made so abundantly clear. but it's also to pick a fight with the justice department to make a series of escalating demands so that when ultimately the department is forced to refuse as rod rosenstein said that the department cannot be extorted, then the president has the pretext that he wants and needs to fire people. so we need to be aware of this. ultimately, there is only one remedy, and i know people are saying as the minority, what can you do? at the end of the day, there is only one remedy, and that is to make sure the party of power is not the minority is to throw the bums out who are not living up to their institutional responsibilities and protecting our system of checks and balances. >> congressman adam schiff, who is the top democrat on the house intelligence committee. thank you for being with us tonight, sir. thanks for breaking that news here. i appreciate you being here. >> thank you. >> again, congressman schiff there, breaking news saying that he has been informed by the head of an intelligence agency, by a cabinet member he said that tomorrow at that very, very controversial meeting that the president has apparently ordered in which he has directed the justice department to hand over information to some members of congress about a confidential fbi source involved in the counterintelligence investigation into his campaign and its contacts with russia. congressman schiff telling us, despite what we've heard from the white house that he has been informed that briefing will be for the so-called gang of eight. that's the bipartisan leadership of both houses of congress plus the bipartisan leadership of the intelligence committees in both houses of congress. if that's true, if that is what's -- the way it's going to be briefed tomorrow, that's very different than what the white house has been saying is what's going to happen. and if the intelligence community and the white house have two very different ideas about what's going to happen at that meeting tomorrow, we could be in for a very serious confrontation. all right. a lot more to get to tonight. stay with us. e hitch?of they work together doing important stuff. e hitch? like you, your cells get hungry. feed them... with centrum micronutrients. restoring your awesome, daily. centrum. feed your cells. handcrafted layers of clean food you can give your kids. tomatoes. even the picky ones. panera. food as it should be. now delivered. the way our teachers make us feel at school 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apparently going to be convening a meeting tomorrow at which the justice department and the fbi have apparently been directed to hand over information about a confidential human source who was involved in the counterintelligence investigation into the russian attack on our election in 2016 and specifically contacts with russia by three people on the trump campaign. that counterintelligence source, that fbi human source is the kind of thing, the identity of that source, the evidence collected by that source is the sort of thing that would typically be held very, very closely by the intelligence community and by the fbi. the president has nevertheless campaigned publicly. that information on that source should be release and that it should be handed over. now what the white house has announced thus far is when that information gets handed over tomorrow, it's going to be to two pro-trump republican congressm congressmen, oddly trey gowdy and devin nunes. devin nunes was part of the trump campaign. he was an official in the trump transition. giving him information is basically the same thing as giving to it the white house. what adam schiff just told us, though, he has now been informed that it's not going to be gowdy and nunes in that room, it's going to be the so-called gang of eight. when very sensitive and confidential intelligence matters are shared with congress, because congress does have an oversight role on intel, the gang of eight is who typically gets briefed. it's the speaker of the house and the majority leader in the senate. it's then their counterparts on the other side of the aisle. so it would be the top democrat in the senate and the top democrat in the house. but then it's also the top democrat and republican from the intelligence committees in both the house and the senate. that's the gang of eight. congressman schiff telling us that he has been informed by a cabinet member that actually it's the gang of eight who is going to get that briefing tomorrow. it's still a totally improper thing to be briefed to anybody in congress, but it would make more sense. it would be less provocative if they were briefing the gang of eight rather than just these two trump partisans. we don't know who told congressman schiff than tomorrow when he talks about a head of an intelligence agency who also a cabinet member, that could be the head of the cia who is now gina haspel that could be the director of national intelligence, dan coates. we don't know. but if the head of one of these intelligence agencies, especially somebody whose got cabinet rank and the white house have totally different ideas about whose the appropriate guest list for this totally unprecedented controversial meeting tomorrow, that could be a remarkable confrontation between the intelligence community and the white house. both sides can't win that. we've been sort of watching and wondering when the real confrontation might come as to how far law enforcement and intelligence can be pushed by the president who insists that the investigation should bend to his will. congressman schiff suggesting tonight that that confrontation may be happening now or may happen tomorrow. all right. we'll be right back. ♪ this is a jungle gym... and a baseball diamond... ...a mythical castle ...and a grand banquet hall. this is not just a yard. it's where memories are made. the john deere x350 select series with the exclusive one-touch mulchcontrol system. nothing runs like a deere™ save $300 on the x350 select series™ tractors with the purchase of a mulchcontrol™ kit. save $300 on the x350 select series™ powerful skincare,s now light-as-air a breakthrough moisturizer whipped for instant absorption feel a light-as-air finish in a flash new olay whips ageless ♪ he eats a bowl of hammers at every meal ♪ ♪ he holds your house in the palm of his hand ♪ ♪ he's your home and auto man ♪ big jim, he's got you covered ♪ ♪ great big jim, there ain't no other ♪ -so, this is covered, right? -yes, ma'am. take care of it for you right now. giddyup! hi! this is jamie. we need some help. if his denture can cope with... a steak. luckily for him, he uses super poligrip. it helps give him 65% more chewing power. leaving brad to dig in and enjoy. super poligrip. ♪ ♪ it's adlai to you, adlai to me, i don't care how you quote it, adlai, adlai, just go out and vote it, stevenson ♪ >> stevenson. even if you can't pronounce adlai, just remember stevenson. he was the democratic nominee for president in 1962, but he didn't win. he lost to dwight eisenhower that year. four years later, 1956, he tried again. he campaigned in part on the promise that he would stop the testing of nuclear weapons. he would stop making new nukes. he would slow down the arms race we're in with the soviet union for holding that position in the 1956 race against then incumbent president eisenhower. adlai stevenson got hammered. his opponent said that stopping nuclear tests would give russia the upper hand, we would fall behind in the arms race, russia would win. stevenson got called soft on the soviet union. and he lost his second presidential race against eisenhower. he lost in '52 against eisenhower. he lost again against eisenhower in '56, two times in a row. but adlai stevenson remained a powerful figure in democratic politics. when 1960 roll around, remember, he ran in '52 and '56, the next time was 1960, he considered running for president for a third time. he would have been a very serious contender. right around the time stevenson was deciding whether or not he was going to jump into the race in 1960, though, he got a surprise phone call. an invitation from the russian ambassador to the united states. russian ambassador told adlai stevenson he would like him to visit the russian embassy because russia had gifts for him. so adlai stevenson flew to washington to meet with the russian ambassador. he says they gave him wine. he says they fed him fruit and russian caviar. but it wasn't just gifts. they actually wanted to make him a pitch for much more. the russian ambassador at that meeting ended up reading adlai stevenson a letter from moscow. quote, we are concerned -- we are concerned with the future and that america has the right president. when we compare all the possible presidential candidates in the united states, we feel that mr. stevenson is best for mutual understanding and progress towards peace. these are the views not only of nikita khrushchev but of the presid yum in russia, the party hierarchy. we in our heart all favor him and ask him which way would could be of assistance to those forces in the united states which favor friendly relations. how? should the frese praise him? should it criticize him? and if for what. mr. stevenson will know best what would help him. january 1960. so months before the american presidential election that year, adlai stevenson's deciding whether or not he is going to run again. the russian government invites adlai stevenson to their embassy meeting to tell him to run and to offer help so russia could get the president they preferred into the white house. russian ambassador reportedly offered a lie stevenson not just propaganda, not just soviet press help to help him get the presidency, they also offered him russian money. what is the right thing to do in that circumstance? this was 1960. what's the right response? well, when adlai stevenson got home from that surprise meeting at the russian embassy, he wrote the whole thing down. he took a contemporaneous notes, contemporaneous memos of everything that ambassador had told him in that meeting. he wanted to document and memorialize that offer from a foreign power to help him win the presidency. quote, i made the following points to the ambassador. my thanks for this express of confidence. my thanks for this proffer of aid, but also my grave misgivings about the propriety or wisdom of any interinterference direct or indirect in the american election. i said to him that even if i was a candidate, i could not accept the assistance proffered. i believe i made it clear to him that i considered the offer of such assistance highly improper, indisstreet skrooet and dangerous to all concerned. no, sir. and for years the whole incident with the wine and the fruit and the caviar, that whole story about how russia had tried to encourage stevenson to run in 1960, because they wanted to prop up an american presidential candidate, they thought he would be nice to moscow, so they wanted him. for years that whole thing stayed secret. the public didn't find out about it until stevenson's biography was published 17 years after that crazy meeting. but when it happened, adlai stevenson did report it to someone at the time. he did tell someone at the time about that overture that he had received from russia. he reported it to eisenhower. he reported it to the eisenhower administration. he told his arc political enemy, the person who nabbed the white house from him not once, but twice, stevenson told that person, the commander in chief for the good of the country. he thought the u.s. government needed to know that a foreign country had come to him and offered to help make him president, offered the help swing an election toward their desired candidate. he did not accept that desired candidate. he did not accept the help. he said no thank you, and then he alerted the u.s. government. that was 1960 russia trying to swing a u.s. election for the candidate of their choosing. russia has since tried to do it again, of course. in your book you say that the russian attack did affect the outcome of the election, it did, in effect, elect trump. why do you feel you can say that? >> when you consider the election was less than 80,000 votes in three key states, it just stretches logic, to me, that it didn't have huge impact on the election. >> former director of national intelligence jim clapper was here last night with a new book he has about his years of service and intel. he writes what he saw when russia was attacking our election. he said he thinks russia swung the election to a trump win. he said what russia did to interfere with our election worked. and that is how he got donald trump as president. clapper says when he was dni, he watched russia and the trump campaign employ parallel messaging, strategies. he called it a team effort by the russian government and trump campaign to get trump elected. because of adlai stevenson's notes from 1960 we know 2016 wasn't the first time russia tried overtly to prop up a presidential candidacy in our history. what james clapper is telling us this time is that it worked and that has some pretty profound consequences. michael beschloss is here next. stay with us. factory-trained technicians. or it isn't. it's backed by an unlimited mileage warranty, or it isn't. for those who never settle, it's either mercedes-benz certified pre-owned, or it isn't. the mercedes-benz 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[ chuckles ] download the xfinity my account app and set a password you can easily remember. one more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. michael beschloss is nbc news's presidential historian, terrific to have you with us tonight. >> thank you, rachel. >> i wanted to get your reaction as the historian to the assertion by james clapper who says that donald trump won the presidency because of the russian interference campaign to accomplish that? james clapper is saying that trump otherwise wouldn't have won if not for what russia did. we know there have been previous efforts by countries, including russia, to influence the election. has it ever been the case that the top officials in the country think that worked? that it swung the thing? >> absolutely not. i think logic tells us that james clapper was right. you have an election decided by 80,000 votes in three states and we know what the russians were doing, targeting voters in those states, and you have to assume that if you delete the actions of the russians donald trump may not be elected president. >> i highlighted the events in 1960 where stevenson was approached by the russians, they told him to run, he said no, and he immediately reported it to the government. was that aed scandal? >> it was so much later that it didn't cause the kind of furor that it might have had it been known in 1960. but these are the things that you look at these events as a historian, they tried it a lot. when stevenson no. the russians went to john kennedy and said he'd like to see you elected and kennedy did the same thing, he said, thanks, but no thanks. 1964 lyndon johnson was president, fourth of september, the ambassador, we have this on tape, calls up johnson and says i saw are you of which, he likes you, how can you help? and johnson said that's not the way we do it in this country. let the american voters decide. >> we have norms in this country about how to handle this sort of thing? >> we do. i hope we still do. >> it's not an unprecedented thing for them to attack. it's unprecedented to be accepted. >> that's right. >> but less to win. thank you, michael beschloss. >> thank you, rachel. >> we'll be right back. a shield annuity from brighthouse financial, which allows them to take advantage of growth opportunities in up markets, while maintaining a level of protection in down markets. so they're less concerned with market volatility and can focus more on the things they're passionate about. talk with your advisor about shield annuities from brighthouse financial- established by metlife. but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. the name to remember. ♪now i'm gonna tell my momma ♪that i'm a traveller ♪i'm gonna follow the sun♪ ♪now i'm gonna tell my momma ♪that i'm a traveller transitions™ light under control™ and back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. then i found aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid... the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. i'm back. aleve pm for a better am. so that does it for us tonight. we will see you again tomorrow. now it's time for "the last word with lawrence o'donnell" where ari melber is in for lawrence o'donnell tonight. good evening. >> good evening. i felt like you broke news in your hour with congressman schiff saying maybe the gang of eight will be in the news tomorrow. >> i didn't know it when he said it. it's a hugely controversial thing that the white house has ordered if not organized from the white house's point of view what they said is the department of justice, fbi, dni will be asked to brief two republican members of congress on this confidential human source who was involved in the investigation into whether or not the trump campaign and russia were in contact while the


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Shepard Smith Reporting 20190822

hunt happening yesterday in lancaster, california, about 40 miles north of downtown los angeles. he was walking to his car in the parking lot and was about to take off his best when a bullet slammed into his chest. according to the cops, it came from a four-story apartment next door. listen to the deputy radio for help after getting shot. >> on the right shoulder. we might have got there, but -- >> trace: yeah, the apartment complex up north. here is an aerial view of where that was in the relation to the parking lot. they searched every apartment, but they came up empty. he joins us with more on this story. william. >> no motive. no gun. nothing yet. this we know. number one, the sniper remains at large. police are not assuming the shooter was a resident. three. police believed the government used a high-powered rifle, something not easily hidden. still, the mayor doesn't like i it. >> people who are being treated for mental illness. of course it's a concern. of course, it's insanity to allow such a facility to exist in that particular location. >> i used to live there. i thought it was a danger having somebody overlook a police station. i have children and i would rather have that person in custody than on the street. >> trace: so deputies knew this building really, really well, because they had previous calls there. they responded and thought they had the shooter contains, but after searching the building, they cleared it. what's going on now in this investigation? >> well, because of this investigation, police have pretty good records of who actually lived there. they also have access to at least some surveillance video. >> the wound itself was minor. it is my understanding that there are no information about witnesses. >> he hopes to become a patrol deputy. the big take away is that the vast saved his life. >> we think about what happened here today. a sniper took out one of our deputies. the only reason that deputy is a live is because he had a vest o on. >> so, a few things. number one, it is not easy to get a gun legally in california. there is a background check. but they do not always make their way from the court to the department of justice. also, there are tensions between politicians who are trying to locate these kind of shelters in the neighborhood. this will tell you why neighborhoods don't like it. >> trace: yeah, a mental health facility, a sniper across the street. that is baffling. >> trace: a cook in a hotel in southern california was plotting. according to cops in long beach, who say they found an arsenal of guns in his home. police say the suspect had multiple weapons. an assault rifle, tactical gear, magazines, and hundreds of rounds of ammo. he told a fellow employee he planned to shoot up the long beach marriott. the worker told the general manager, who reported the threat to police. >> because this was reported, i firmly believe many lives were saved. >> trace: the outcome of the cook faces multiple charges. the judge has set his bail at half million dollars. law enforcement officials say they have arrested more than two dozen people for threatening to commit more mass shootings throughout the u.s. let's bring in former fbi. when you hear about magazines, hundreds of rounds of ammunition in california, what goes through your mind? >> it's hard to imagine. this is exactly what the issue is. that even though the states such as california and new york have the strictest gun laws, we still see many individuals have these high capacity weapons and magazines and ammunition. obviously, there is a little bit of a disconnect as to the effectiveness of gun control as it stands in today, and we need to do more. >> trace: end it's important to point out that this person did not have a history, a criminal history background. but in california, that doesn't matter. in california, you are not allowed to have an assault rifle. that's not allowed. these things are getting in somehow, stuart. >> stuart: yeah, if there is a will, there's a way. law enforcement understands that if you are intending on getting a weapon, whether it legally or illegally, there is an opportunity out there to get it. i think the thing here is that we are seeing him threatening to shoot up an employer, place of business, or a school. how many just arrests have hap. it is no longer a laughing matter. it is no longer going to be left to law enforcement to sort it out. they are going to apprehend these individuals, bring them to justice, and leave edge to the courts to decide as to how they are going to be dealt with. >> trace: yeah, you bring up a very good point, and i want to play this sound bite. this really goes to that point. watch this. >> we understand that sometimes individuals feel like they might be overreacting, but this incident highlights the importance of coming forward when someone is a witness or may have any information regarding the crime. >> trace: so this fellow employee turns him in, and what the police say is that they were very concerned. we talked about the high capacity magazines. what they were more concerned was the specificity of the crime. the details and the plan. what do you make of that? >> stuart: so, here's the lesson. early on, we all heard, don't yell fire in a crowded place. the lesson here is, you can no longer, through the internet or just communicating individually, try to suggest that you are intending to commit a mass shooting. if that information is disseminated to a group of people, individuals, or through the internet, whether it's social media, enforcement is going to go out, and if they determine you have access or possession of a weapon, they are going to take enforcement action immediately. there is no longer going to be a wait and see attitude. law enforcement has been up to some scrutiny. i think that has now turned. the lesson here is, threatening or suggesting that i'm going to carry out a mass shooting is no longer a laughable matter. if you say it's, understand and appreciate, there are going to be severe consequences. >> trace: but here's my last point in this, stuart. this guy was kind of looking, he was telling his coworkers that he was planning on doing this. we hear so much about these mass shootings. they come out of nowhere. in your experience, do you often see massive shooters, who actually kind of telegraph their intentions? >> stuart: great question. here's what we definitely see. we see certainly, immediately before the intended act, there is some sort of a form of communication, whether it's posting a manifesto, or a last testament, or they start to sell off their personal assets, because they understand that they are probably going to end up either committing suicide or being killed in a shoot-out with law enforcement. the moral or the lesson here is that law enforcement understand there are certain red flags that are left during the planning stages or during the initial steps of going out and carrying out this mass shooting. we want people to understand. if you see something, if you hear something, we cannot afford any hesitation. bring it to the attention of law enforcement. law enforcement, now, is going to immediately react. no sorting it out on the street. they are going to apprehend you. >> trace: and, in this case it worked. in this case. stuart kaplan, fbi agent. thank you. a serious explosion at a nuclear site in russia. we are learning more about why two workers died, and it's reportedly not from the actual explosion. plus, an emergency meeting requested by moscow and beijing just started at the united nations. the details on that next. too many people in pain settle for a restless night's sleep. there's a better choice. aleve pm. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid and the 12-hour pain-relieving strength of aleve. that dares to last into the morning. so you feel refreshed. aleve pm. there's a better choice. 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entrust your heart to entresto. >> trace: to russians who died after the mysterious explosion at a nuclear site, died from radiation, not to the blast itself. that's according to an independent russian newspaper. there are conflicting reports about how many died in the explosion. putin says that radiation did not reach dangerous levels after the blast, but the f fbi thinks that they may be trying to hide evidence. international monitors say two of those stations are now back up operating again. national security correspondent, jennifer griffin reporting live at the pentagon. john. >> that russian newspaper reports that the two russian nuclear specialists died of radiation sickness, not from the blast. it blew up on august 8th. their bodies were secretly delivered to moscow. it was detected in the e.r. in the emergency room, which then had to be decontaminated. those medical workers complained of tingling sensation in their hands and faces. >> what have you learned from russia? what is russia hiding? >> i don't have any details on the incident, at least that i can share. but certainly, they are trying to expand. as people talk about a new strategic arms reduction treaty, that's why we say, look, if there is going to be an extension, we need to make sure we include all these new weapons that russia is pursuing. right now, russia has possibly nuclear cruise missiles, facing toward europe. that's not a good thing. >> he told me that it was in fact, a message to china. trace. >> trace: yeah, and the united nations security council is meeting right now. >> in fact, russia and china have because of the security council meeting to complain about sunday's missile test. that was a ground launched cruise missile that flew 300 miles. the kind of missile that the treaty band. >> the americans have tested this too quickly. that gives a strong reason to believe that they have started work at adapting the missile, long before opting out of the treaty. >> russia says that the u.s. testing of missiles off the coast of california shows that the u.s. was developing missiles all along under the inf treaty, and then it was in fact the u.s. that was in breach of the treaty. once the u.s. doing so? >> the united states was in compliance up until the day we left, which was august 2nd. russia was in noncompliance for many years. going back to the obama administration. we need to detour chinese bad behavior by having our own capability to be able to strike. >> he said that future arms control treaties need to include china. the security council is meeting to discuss all of this right now. trace. >> trace: live, at the pentagon. jennifer, thank you. the iranian warning that talks with washington are useful. hassan, taking a another swipe at the u.s., saying that now our enemies do not accept logic, we cannot respond with logic. rich covers the state department for us today. he's reporting live from the white house. rich. >> rich: official saying that they are trying to convince leaders to comply with the united states. hassan has so far rejected that and said that the united states is threatening his country. >> now that our enemies and the other side do not accept lodging, there is no place to respond with logic. one an enemy lodges a missile against us, we cannot give a speech in the battlefield and say, "please do not hit our battleship." >> i ron has especially oil. european countries are trying to hold this agreement together with all the united states and trying to help iran profit off of some of the its sales. meanwhile, the president is presenting the metal of freedom. this time, he goes to bob koozi koozie. he led the league in assists he was elected to the hall of fame. in announcing the decision, he says, off the court, he fought racism and became a leader for racial equality in and beyond the league. koozie said that he had a conversation with the president, accepting this award. he also told, "i'm going to the white house with my family and some close friends and i'm trying not to make it political in any way. i'm just very pleased to be chosen at this point in my life." he is one of several athletes president trump has honored with this award, including babe ruth, roger, and tiger woods. the president has had mixed results with people at the white house. some have come, some have not. the white house, in a few cases has even disinvited some people. back to. >> trace: rich, life from the white house. he claims that he was defending himself. his daughter says he does not think he will get a fair trial. country honorably. whether it was two years, fours years, or nearly thirty-two years like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give our veterans is a va mortgage benefit that lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you need money for your family, call newday usa with our veteran-friendly approval process we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call. 8÷m(cbsúé]tapq ]z ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the all-new chevy silverado. with fifty industry-firsts. it's the strongest, most advanced silverado ever. a migfrom aimovig. to be there for the good... and not so good. for the mundane. the awe-inspiring. the heart-racing. the heartbreaking. that's what life is all about... showing up. unless migraine steals your chance to say... 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if he was called to fix the sink, there should be a call log to verify that. if there is no call log to show that he was supposed to go into that room, he is an uninvited worker coming into his room. why was he there? then, he's got a knife and he's not fixing the sink. pulls out a knife. then, you get into the next issue. what happened? was there enough to justify him causing the death? you've got kids. i've got a daughter. we are going to fight until the bitter advent. sue one he had twice the legal limit of alcohol in his system. not saying that because you're high and drunk, you deserve to be killed what i'm saying is, that's a big thing for the defense. >> yet, there are two arguments the defense could use. it just doesn't look good. if you are working for the resort, why are you twice the legal limit and on cocaine. that doesn't look at. secondly, it gets into an issue of causation. what really was the cause of kenny mitchell's death? when he left the room, that mitchell was still alive. what is the autopsy report say is fix he appeared he would have been dead. >> trace: the autopsy report says that he was choked. what are you leading to? >> there is a possibility that there was a lack of integrity with respect to the report. when you are on drugs, alcohol, and you are in an excited situation, cause of death is a lot of times what's called arrhythmia. >> trace: his two daughters were in the room. his son was not in the room, the wife was not of the room. so, the two daughters. what do they say? >> of the daughters are going to testify that mitchell was attacking their father and he had to defend himself. now, what the prosecutors are going to argue, trace, is that, at some point in time, when mitchell is saying, hey, i can't breathe anymore. enough is enough. he should have stopped at that point and not allegedly sat in his chest anymore. >> trace: he's worried about getting a fair trial. he's never been in any criminal trouble before. he is trying to comply, but he's very concerned about getting a fair trial. should he be concerned that the united states get involved? is there an arbitrator in this case? >> yeah. his lawyers to the right thing. they agreed to have him go back and forth. but can he get a fair trial? this is like i'm a pirate fan. this is like the pirates going into the yankee stadium. he is going to be challenged and getting a fair trial, because the media has been for train kenny mitchell in a very positive light throughout the community. try to have this case heard. >> trace: a lot of people who live on the island say, look. he should not have been released on bail. he should not go back to the united states. he should be here until this is adjudicated. they are not happy. people are saying that this guy is getting preferential treatment. >> absolutely. on top of that, you also have tourism, which is at stake. you are going to have a lot of people who are going to be taking the side of the prosecutor of kenny mitchell, because the tourist tourist inn trial. >> trace: this is a great guy. no criminal background. the whole idea of going to a hotel room, even if you are a maintenance man, and you are drunk, and you are high, that plays against you. >> yeah, absolutely. the physical wounds. it looked like he had gotten bit on the nose. he has marks all over his chest. if there was a knife involved, that's deadly force. if he needs to, use deadly force as well. >> if you are his defense attorney, how do you handle this? >> first of all, i would try to move it out. let's say you can't move it out. the good news is this. the constitution affords a right to a jury trial. there will be between 6-12 jurors. you need an anonymous decision. that's the good news. what is going to boil down to, trace, is that the kids are going to take the stand. the credibility of the witnesse witnesses. >> trace: and, the daughters are 11 and 13. not babies. this is one teenager. 111-year-old. there are compelling witnesses. >> yeah, my daughter is 13. >> trace: i've got to us while. thank you so much. we've heard a lot about the vulnerabilities of our voting system. but it's not that they are just giving the keys to anyone to get inside, right? it turns out, they are. the fox news producer got a set of them. that's next. my insurance rates are probably gonna double. but dad, you've got allstate. with accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates won't go up just because of an accident. smart kid. indeed. are you in good hands? it made hered my mom feel proud.esults, ancestry specifically showed the regions that my family was from. new features. greater details. richer stories. get your dna kit today at e the difference. >> trace: and we were begin wih breaking news. lightning strikes have killed at least five people including two children. at least a hundred other people are hurt. this happened in slovakia. witnesses say the thunderstorms rolled in suddenly. for most of the day, it had been clear. a governor says that rescue crews are still heading in. you have herded a thousand times. when it's clear and there is lightning it is the most dangerous. anyone can apparently by keys to some voting machines on the internet. need some proof? here is investigative producer. he says, it turns out, some voting machines use basic universal keys that can be very easily replaced. you can even buy them online. though we are not giving out the links here. they are apparently used in so many devices, but sometimes the same keys can open many doors or elevators. he demonstrates how to take apart a machine without any tools at all. we are not revealing how to do this in the video for a full look at what alex diaz uncovered, just go to the tech section on fascinating stuff. in the meantime, 150 possible cases are being investigated of severe lung illness, they say are linked to vaping. the cases came from 16 states. most of the patients were young adults or teenagers. they reported vaping with nicotine or thc, that's the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. they reported shortness of breath, difficultly breathing and chest pain. they released a statement saying that is. investigating their first possible case of the illness. in texas, doctors say a teenager nearly died after he experienced similar symptoms and his lung collapsed. doctors say they think vaping may have made him sick. she is an associate professor at nyu school of medicine and editor for health magazine. always good to see you. i was reading and doing some research on this. we all think the common denominator here is vaping, but what the medical experts are baffled by is the severity of the illnesses. i mean, some kids going to the hospital, they get checked out, they walk out. others are in i see you for weeks. >> this is an illness that starts up like a cough and maybe even pneumonia, which we know is serious. it is linked to antibiotic treatment. as you said, in the hospital for many weeks. some of them in intensive care. no one has died, thank goodness. but that this is a mystery. it's a mystery. you don't want to be that mysterious illness in a hospita hospital. >> trace: yeah, here in california we talk about cannabis oil. really, it's very difficult for the medical field, even the center of disease control and prevention. >> dr. roshini: that's right. you know, when it comes to vaping, you are inhaling these liquid droplets. tiny liquid droplets being inhaled into the lung. even it's if it's not thc, we t know the serious side effects that could be caused by inhaling those liquid droplets. we don't do that with cigarettes. we are talking about liquid heated to very high temperatures, potentially releasing toxic chemicals. this may cause long-term damage. it is like a large-scale experiments going on right now. we do not know what the results will be. >> trace: i want to play this sound bite. he talks about why he started vaping. this is kind of interesting to listen to. watch this. >> it was introduced. it's not even necessarily a peer pressure kind of thing. it's like, hey bro, you want to hit this? it's like, okay. >> trace: if you are a parent, if you are a counselor, if you are a doctor, it's very hard to counter that, it's a cool thing. >> dr. roshini: it's very hard. as a mama and a physician, it is so disheartening to see this trend. people on the street, especially young people vaping at all hours of the day and night. cigarettes were now longer cool. now, vaping has come back with a vengeance. this is why those companies who were marketing to young people have a lot to answer for. we know that the young brain is particularly vulnerable. i'm not even talking about thc could maybe increase the risk of a.d.d., other neurological problems, other addictions to other drugs. it's far from safe. is it safer than regular cigarettes? but that's like safer than the worst thing in the world. that doesn't mean that it's a good thing. it's not something you want your children doing it. >> trace: and its changing, because they have these open tanks vaping systems now. kids can make up their own concoction. that takes you down an entirely different road altogether. sweeter absolutely. that's right. we don't know what the toxic chemicals are. the higher wattage vaping devices are actually more dangerous than before. there is a lot we need to learn about it. in general, you don't want to be part of this experiment on long term, even short-term effects of vaping. >> trace: yeah. i mean, look. we didn't know for decades that cigarettes even caused cancer. always good to see you. thank you so much. in the meantime, a school district in ohio will start randomly drug testing students in middle school. the board of education approved this. it is happening in north olmsted just west of cleveland. they have been randomly drug testing students since 2015. the superintendent says that it has been successful and gives kids a reason to say no to drug drugs. students who test positive more than once have to sit out their activities for a period of time. critics say that middle schoolers are too young for drug testing. they report that there is not enough evidence proving this type of program is effective. this could be the final few hours of the search for missing firefighters off the coast of florida. the coast guard plans to suspend efforts for the men, but family and friends, certainly not ready to give up just yet. that story is next. rans with va mortgage rates are down! and you could lower your monthly payments right away by calling newday now. you can refinance at newday usa with no income verification, no appraisal, and no points and save over 1,000 dollars a year. lower rates means lower payments. get the most of your va mortgage benefits. refi now at newday usa. refinance now and save. is here. five days. five deals. for fifteen dollars get a different deal every weekday til six pm like endless shrimp monday admiral's feast tuesday four-course feast wednesday and more. five days. five deals. fifteen dollars. see you before six. >> trace: they have say said tt they have arrested a man. it happened just outside l.a. the victim, a school administrator, cops say someone dressed in all black stabbed him and left him to die in his car. in this surveillance video, you can see the suspect running away from the scene. investigators say it appears, he was hurt during the attack. they say that they found a backpack under the victim's car. items a kidnapper might use like zip ties, weeks, , and other disguises. according to police, the killer targeted the former university official. the defense team for ole miss ole miss student accused of killing a female classmate had the judge evaluate the suspected murder. they received new information and want a mental evaluation instead of bonds. they did not reveal what the new information is. investigators say that he shot and killed allie. they were wearing pink, her favorite color. law enforcement sources told fox 13 in memphis, the murder suspect appeared to have blood on his clothes and a weapon in his trunk. only a few hours remain until the coast guard stops searching for two firefighters lost at sea. the men went missing nearly a week ago while fishing off the coast of florida. rescuers say they found a tackle bag belonging to them, but since then, nothing. no clues. the search has covered more than 1,000 square miles, larger than the state of oregon. reporting live from our newest room oregon. phil. it could pick back up, right? >> yeah. technically true. but the coast guard says only if another clue from that vote is found floating out of the ocean. keep in mind, over the past six days, despite the area covered, the only thing found was a tackle bag. it was found 100 miles north and 50 miles east of where the men left. a six-day search. high-tech radar and cameras for about eight hours yesterday. on board, a group of -- jacksonville firefighters. for the second, now a third straight day, nothing spotted in the water. >> with that information, meeting with our partners, meeting with the families and the other search assets, i have made the extremely difficult decision today, we will suspend the active search tonight at sundown. >> phil: jacksonville fire and rescue. also suspending operations at sundown. trace. >> trace: yeah, i know that shep had one of the sisters on. these firefighters are also married with kids. >> phil: yeah, that aspect to the story. throughout the whole search, the wives have been active, despite the exhausting despair of the ordeal. justin walker and brian mccluney went friday morning for a day of fishing for a tribute to his father who died last month. >> i just left the family right before we came out here. they are heartbroken. i can't say that i feel any different right now. >> trace: a $10,000 reward is still available for any person on a boat or a pilot on the plane who find the man's body. to trace >> trace: top story. fill in south florida. phil, thank you. a new warning about plastic. health officials say that tiny pieces are everywhere, including in our drinking water. more from this report is coming up. why does a mountain lion crossed the road? well, whatever the reason, will he be able to do it safely? the largest freeway overpass for animals only is next. but first, lots of people have beehives in their backyard, but what about in your ceiling? >> this is a hive in the ceiling. a beautiful hive here. >> trace: you can hear from the accent, a woman in the has n 8-foot hive in her ceiling. beekeeper, paul woods says, he removed 60,000 bees from the hive. wouldn't that keep you up at night? hearing some buzzing in the walls. according to a local newspaper, they said that it is the tradition for him to collect the honey. they will be relocated to a safer place. jill jill has entresto, and a na heart failure pill that helped keep people alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto. where to next? yeah...yeah, this is nice. hmm. how did you make the dip so rich and creamy? oh it's a philadelphia-- family recipe. can i see it? no. philadelphia dips. so good, you'll take all the credit. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, hmm. exactly. so you only pay for what you need. nice. but, uh... what's up with your... partner? not again. limu that's your reflection. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> trace: well, the world's largest over wildlife overpassl be the first of its kind in major cities. stretching 200 feet above ten lanes of traffic on the 101 freeway. animals will be able to cross safety, as they look for more space, food, and potential mates. they hope that this will prevent extinction from the animals in the area. they say construction is such to begin in the next two years and should be done by 2023, which means 2028ish. micro-plastics are everywhere. they are in our streams and rivers. they are even in our food and drinking water. and now, the food and health organization calling to find out if or how they pose a health risk. today, the wh o: calling for me research. they have warns about micro-plastics, but they urgently need to learn more about these tiny particles. he is more with that. jonathan. >> trice, scientist have been expressing concern for some time, but much of the world is just waking up to the threats of plastic pollution. they are only now publishing this, its first report, on the issue of plastics. they say "we have to learn more about micro-plastics, because they are everywhere, including our drinking water." they are essentially the end result of some of the 8 million tons of plastic waste that go into our rivers and oceans every year. larger items like plastic bottles that eventually get broken down into these tiny pieces and essentially live forever, being eaten by fish and other sea animals and ending up in our food and water supply. we know that plastic is being found everywhere on the planet and in most sea creatures, but according to the reports, we need to know the number of particles that are being detected, the size of these particles, the shapes as well is the chemical composition. those gaps in the data really need to be filled and very quickly. >> trace: but the u.n. is also saying that we shouldn't worry too much about what these things can do to us. >> jonathan: yeah, at least in terms of the amount of plastic we are drinking and or water. the world health organization saying that just because we are ingesting them doesn't mean that we have a risk to human health. if you are a consumer drinking bottled or tap water, you shouldn't necessarily be concern. the word necessarily may be important they are, given the admission that there simply hasn't been enough research yet. but whatever a researcher we speak to, tells us, trace, way too much plastic waste. we can all do our part. >> trace: yep. that's good advice. standby. you might want to weigh in on the story. there is something going on in upstate new york. people in upstate new york for my dream of casing, catching a glimpse. now, a woman fishing on the lake obviously didn't catch, but she did real and something rather bizarre. it's a fish. take a look at this child. it appears to have two mouths. she said that when she got in the boat, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. some anglers say, they think this double mouth was caused by an injury. others say it could be caused by pollution, may be plastic in the water. either way, it's a catch she will remember for the rest of her life. it is kind of cheating though, if you catch a fish with two mouths. >> jonathan: that thing is creepy. the only place i want to see it is on a place covered with lemon and garlic. >> president trump taking some slack after tax cuts. he says the economy is strong, so we don't need him. former wisconsin governor , walker says don't worry too quickly. taxes are just what we need to keep this economy. welcome everyone. i'm charles in for neil cavuto. the president is doubling down on those economy comments. >> good afternoon, charles. the president says the economy is strong enough and therefore there is no need for a tax cut. he says that the united states and his administration were considering


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